CNG Dispenser Service Manual v.1.1.5
CNG Dispenser Service Manual v.1.1.5
CNG Dispenser Service Manual v.1.1.5
▪ Read this manual completely before working on, ▪ Variations in installation and operating conditions
or making adjustments to, the Compac may affect the Compac C4000 processor's
equipment performance. Compac Industries Limited has no
▪ Compac Industries Limited accepts no liability for control over each installation's unique operating
personal injury or property damage resulting environment. Hence, Compac Industries Limited
from working on or adjusting the equipment makes no representations or warranties concerning
incorrectly or without authorization. the performance of the Compac C4000 processor
▪ Along with any warnings, instructions, and under the actual operating conditions prevailing at
procedures in this manual, you should also the installation. A technical expert of your choosing
observe any other common sense procedures should validate all operating parameters for each
that are generally applicable to equipment of this application.
type. ▪ Compac Industries Limited has made every effort to
▪ Failure to comply with any warnings, explain all servicing procedures, warnings, and
instructions, procedures, or any other common safety precautions as clearly and completely as
sense procedures may result in injury, equipment possible. However, due to the range of operating
damage, property damage, or poor performance environments, it is not possible to anticipate every
of the Compac equipment issue that may arise. This manual is intended to
▪ The major hazard involved with operating the provide general guidance. For specific guidance and
Compac C4000 processor is electrical shock. technical support, contact your authorised Compac
This hazard can be avoided if you adhere to the supplier, using the contact details in the Product
procedures in this manual and exercise all due Identification section.
care. ▪ Only parts supplied by or approved by Compac may
▪ Compac Industries Limited accepts no liability for be used and no unauthorised modifications to the
direct, indirect, incidental, special, or hardware of software may be made. The use of non-
consequential damages resulting from failure to approved parts or modifications will void all
follow any warnings, instructions, and warranties and approvals. The use of non-approved
procedures in this manual, or any other common parts or modifications may also constitute a safety
sense procedures generally applicable to hazard.
equipment of this type. The foregoing limitation ▪ Information in this manual shall not be deemed a
extends to damages to person or property warranty, representation, or guarantee. For warranty
caused by the Compac C4000 processor, or provisions applicable to the Compac C4000
damages resulting from the inability to use the processor, please refer to the warranty provided by
Compac C4000 processor, including loss of the supplier.
profits, loss of products, loss of power supply, ▪ Unless otherwise noted, references to brand names,
the cost of arranging an alternative power product names, or trademarks constitute the
supply, and loss of time, whether incurred by the intellectual property of the owner thereof. Subject to
user or their employees, the installer, the your right to use the Compac C4000 processor,
commissioner, a service technician, or any third Compac does not convey any right, title, or interest
party. in its intellectual property, including and without
▪ Compac Industries Limited reserves the right to limitation, its patents, copyrights, and know-how.
change the specifications of its products or the ▪ Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy
information in this manual without necessarily of this document. However, it may contain technical
notifying its users. inaccuracies or typographical errors. Compac
Industries Limited assumes no responsibility for and
disclaims all liability of such inaccuracies, errors, or
omissions in this publication.
Product Identification
Product Identification
Compac Industries Limited reserves the right to revise or change product specifications at any
time. This publication describes the state of the product at the time of publication and may not
reflect the product at all times in the past or in the future.
L-CNG50-15 L-CNG80-15
Manufactured By:
The Compac CNG dispenser is designed and manufactured by Compac Industries Limited
52 Walls Road, Penrose, Auckland 1061, New Zealand
P.O. Box 12-417, Penrose, Auckland 1641, New Zealand
Phone: + 64 9 579 2094
Fax: + 64 9 579 0635
Copyright ©2015 Compac Industries Limited, All Rights Reserved
Document Control
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Document Information
G:\Masters\Manuals\Authorised Manuals\CNG
File Name and Location
Release Date:
Authorised By W Zheng
Revision History
Document Control
1.1.4 22/01/2018 J Jang Updated manual
Contents ............................................................................................................... 1
Safety ................................................................................................................... 3
Mechanical Safety..................................................................................... 3
Electrical Safety ........................................................................................ 4
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 5
Refuelling Modes ................................................................................................. 6
Software Versions................................................................................................ 7
Installation ........................................................................................................... 8
Commissioning .................................................................................................... 8
Electrical.................................................................................................... 8
Mechanical ................................................................................................ 9
Dispenser Set-Up ............................................................................................... 11
Parameter Switch ................................................................................... 11
K-Factor Switch ...................................................................................... 17
b-Configuration Code .............................................................................. 25
C Configuration Code .............................................................................. 26
Dispenser Operation .......................................................................................... 28
Turning the Dispenser on ....................................................................... 28
Refuelling a Vehicle ................................................................................ 28
Fast Fill Refuelling Process .................................................................... 29
Temperature Compensated Refuelling Process..................................... 30
Reading the Dispenser Totals ................................................................. 31
Servicing ............................................................................................................ 32
Degassing the Dispenser ........................................................................ 32
Schedules Servicing................................................................................ 33
Checking Dispenser Operation ............................................................... 34
Checking the Sealing of the Solenoid .................................................... 34
Checking the Setting and Sealing of the Regulator ............................... 34
Checking the Over-Pressure Switch Operation (Fast Fill & Temperature
Compensated Units Only)........................................................................ 35
Checking the Dispenser for Leaks ......................................................... 36
Checking the Refuelling Hoe for Leaks .................................................. 37
Checking the Isolation Ball Valve Sealing and Operation ..................... 37
Checking the Three-Way Refuelling Valve Sealing and Operation ....... 38
Draining the Coalescing Filter ................................................................ 38
Filter Element Replacement.................................................................... 39
Solenoid Valve Seal Replacement .......................................................... 41
Solenoid Coil Replacement ..................................................................... 44
Complete Solenoid Valve Replacement.................................................. 45
Regulator Valve Seal Replacement ........................................................ 46
Isolation Valve Seal Replacement .......................................................... 48
Gas Operated Valve (option) Seal Replacement .................................... 50
Bleed Valve Replacement ....................................................................... 54
Pressure Relief Valve Replacement ....................................................... 54
KG80 Meter Replacement ....................................................................... 54
Compac Breakaway Seal Replacement ................................................. 55
Three-Way Refuelling Valve Seal Replacement ..................................... 57
Compac Refuelling Valve Exploded View ............................................... 59
Refuelling Hose Replacement ................................................................. 60
Power Supply Fuse Replacement ........................................................... 60
Power Supply Replacement .................................................................... 62
Processor Board Replacement ............................................................... 63
Temperature Pressure Board Replacement (Fast Fill & Temperature compensation
Units Only) ............................................................................................... 64
Dispenser Software Upgrade/Replacement ........................................... 65
Meter Replacement ................................................................................. 67
Unserviceable Parts List ......................................................................... 67
Dispenser Calibration ........................................................................................ 68
Meter Calibration .................................................................................... 68
Pressure Transducer Calibration (Fast Fill & Temperature Compensated Units Only)
................................................................................................................. 70
Ambient Temperature Sensor Calibration.............................................. 71
Indicator LEDs .................................................................................................... 72
Appendix ............................................................................................................ 76
Specifications .................................................................................................... 77
Model Specifications .............................................................................. 77
Technical Specifications......................................................................... 78
Component Specifications ...................................................................... 80
Hydraulic Layout ................................................................................................ 83
Dispenser Fittings .............................................................................................. 84
Connecting SAE Fittings ......................................................................... 84
Electrical Drawings ............................................................................................ 86
CNG Dispenser Electrical Schematic ...................................................... 86
C4000 Power Supply Board .................................................................... 87
C4000 Microprocessor Board ................................................................. 90
C4000 Temperature Pressure Interface Board CI214D ........................ 107
Dispenser Spare Part ....................................................................................... 113
Main Dispenser Spare Parts ................................................................. 113
Main Dispenser Parts Location............................................................. 115
Hydraulic Module Parts......................................................................... 117
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 119
End of Sale Indicators...................................................................................... 121
To View the End of Sale indicators:...................................................... 121
Error Codes....................................................................................................... 123
You must adhere to the following safety precautions at all times when working on the
Compac equipment. Failure to observe these safety precautions could result in
damage to the dispenser, injury, or death.
Make sure that you read and understand all safety precautions before operating the
Compac equipment
Failure to take adequate safety precautions could result in explosion, injury and loss of
System Design
Ensure the system design does not allow the dispenser inlet pressure to
exceed its rating. The dispenser does not include any safeties to protect
against excessive inlet pressure. If necessary, suitable protective devices
should be fitted prior to the dispenser inlet.
Mechanical Safety
Observe the following electrical precautions:
Electrical Safety
Observe the following electrical precautions:
▪ Always turn off the power to the CNG Dispenser before removing the box lid.
Never touch wiring or components inside the CNG Dispenser with the power
▪ Never power up the CNG dispenser with the flameproof box lid removed.
▪ Always turn off the power to the dispenser before removing or replacing
software or memory IC’s
The Compac CNC dispenser is designed to provide safe and reliable dispensing of CNG
fuels. They are available in either single or dual hose configurations and with different
flow rates.
Compac CNG dispensers are controlled by a C4000 board which has many
programmable features to suit your individual operation.
This manual contains the information required to operate and maintain your dispenser.
Due to ongoing improvements and customised designs, there may be software
features that are not available on your particular unit.
For clarity, this manual will refer to the "Dollars" display. If you do not use dollars
please substitute this for your local currency.
Refuelling Modes
Fixed Pressure Refuelling
Refuelling Modes
The fuel is dispensed through a fixed pressure regulator. When fuel flow reaches a
minimum rate. The fuel flow is shut off. Refer to Fixed Pressure Refuelling.
To enable fast refuelling, the pressure in the tank is measured then a small amount of
precisely measured fuel is dispensed into the tank and the pressure rise is measured.
From these figures, the volume of the tank is calculated, and the tank filled rapidly to
this level. When the tank is full the flow is shut off by a solenoid valve. Refer to Fast Fill
Refuelling Process.
In cold environments, a tank filled to maximum pressure may exceed its maximum
pressure if the temperature rises. To prevent overfilling, a thermometer measures
ambient temperature and reduces the maximum fill pressure to eliminate this
possibility. Refer to Temperature Compensated Refuelling Process.
Software Versions
Software Versions
▪ Displays error 9 messages in new format: PAUSE flashes in the kg display and
the error 9 type is shown in the unit price display.
▪ Self checking for Error 9 faults while dispenser is idle. Displays message if fault
occurs and clears message 10 seconds after fault clears.
▪ During fill if error 9 fault occurs the fill will stop and the error 9 message
displayed for at least 120 seconds. If fault is cleared the display will continue for
another 10 seconds.
▪ If the dispenser is re-powered after an error 9 fault, the message will show for
10 seconds after the start up PAUSE message.
▪ When using the parameter switch, the hose number (PN) display has been
modified to also display a count of the total error 9 faults in the unit shown in
the price display. Refer Parameter Switch
▪ In the same mode, the display will also flash in the price/kg screen, the last
recorded reason for the end of sale and the last recorded error 9.
For Installation instructions, please refer to the Installation manual.
This procedure outlines how to perform an electrical operational test before carrying out
full mechanical commissioning, making sure that the dispenser is functioning correctly.
Check for any damage that may have occurred in transit. Check all terminals, plugs, and
chips to make sure that they are securely in place.
NOTE: Damage to electronics occurs most commonly from vibration and jarring.
Before beginning this test, check that no gas pressure has been applied to the dispenser
inlets. The factory set-up information should be programmed into the dispenser, but all
K-factor and Parameter switch settings should be checked and confirmed before
commissioning tests are carried out.
1. Make sure that the inlet shut-off valves are closed (these are the valves in the
inlet lines at the base of the dispenser, but they are not part of the dispenser).
3. With the dispenser in a ready state, check that the C4000 Microprocessor
Power LED (D1) is turned on
NOTE: If the dispenser is receiving information, Comms RXD LED (D6) will poll.
If the dispenser responds to polls for its respective pump number/s, Comms
TXD LED (D7) will also poll.
The diagnostic LED (D18) flashes quickly when the start button is pushed or the
nozzle removed from the holster to initiate a fill. When the button is released or
nozzle returned to the holster it will return to the normal state and flash slowly.
some other metallic tool to check for a magnetic field present on the solenoid
The solenoids will switch off after one minute. This is a default time-out setting
in the software for situations when there is no gas flow registered.
6. Press the Stop button. The solenoids switch off and the fill ends.
When you release the Stop button, the dispenser resets and returns to a
ready state.
At the mechanical commissioning stage, the dispenser should not be pressurised.
NOTE: If you find any leaks during commissioning, immediately close all of the valves
and de-gas the dispenser.
- Make sure that the inlet shut-off valves are closed. (These are the valves in the
inlet lines at the base of the dispenser, but they are not part of the dispenser.)
- Check all dispenser fittings, especially the inlet connections, to make sure that
they are tight.
DANGER: Always de-gas the lines before tightening any fittings. Never tighten fittings
while they are under pressure.
- Check that the outlet supply valve to hose 1 on the side of the dispenser (or
hose 2 if you are working on side 2) is closed and the nozzle valve is closed.
- Turn on the dispenser and wait for it to power up.
NOTE: If you are commissioning a dual hose dispenser, press the Start button on either
side. This opens the dispenser's solenoids. The dispenser automatically shuts off after
approximately one minute if no flow is detected.
- Slowly open the inlet shut-off valves and listen for leaks. If you hear leakage,
shut off the inlets immediately. If the dispenser shuts off during this process,
shut off the inlet valves, restart the dispenser, and continue.
- Once the inlet valves are fully open, allow the dispenser to time out on the 1-
minute no-flow timer and shut the solenoid valves, or manually shut it down and
close the solenoid valves by pressing the Stop button.
- Press the Start button on the dispenser.
NOTE: If you are commissioning a dual hose dispenser, only press the Start button for
one of the hoses.
- Slowly open the outlet isolation valve on the side of the dispenser and listen for
leaks. If you hear leakage, shut the valve immediately.
If the dispenser shuts off during this process then shut the outlet supply valve, restart
the dispenser, and continue.
- Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the second hose on a dual hose dispenser.
- Once the outlet isolation valves are fully open, allow the dispenser to time out on
the 1-minute no-flow timer and shut the solenoid valves, or manually shut it
down and close the solenoid valves by pressing the Stop button.
- Use soapy water to check all fittings (including the hose fittings) for leaks.
DANGER: Always de-gas the lines before tightening any fittings. Never tighten fittings
while they are under pressure.
- Complete a few fills on a test cylinder, checking for leaks or unusual operation.
Dispenser Set-Up
Parameter Switch
Dispenser Set-Up
The Parameter switch is located on the C4000 processor board and allows you to
adjust the unit price, hose number, sequencing rate, and password.
The Parameter switch also enables you to view the Dispenser Software Version and
End of Sale Indicators.
Menu Options
Listed below is the order in which the Parameter switch menu options are presented.
There are different menu options depending on the current setting of the C configuration
The * indicates that you can achieve the displayed menu option, regardless of what the
indicated part is set to. You may need to change the C configuration in order to access
the parameter code you require.
C Confinguration Set-Up Code Code Description
Dispenser Set-Up
Pr Unit Price
The dispenser software version (P) is the version number of the software currently
loaded in the dispensers C4000.
See Dispenser Software Upgrade/Replacement for instructions on Upgrading dispenser
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the Parameter switch once or until P is displayed. The
system enters a diagnostic mode whereby it displays the software program
version and performs a display segment test. It cycles through this program for
approximately 10 seconds before reverting to the normal display.
When displaying program version data, the display panel shows P in the Dollars screen
and *****, in the Kilograms screen where ***** is the abbreviated program version
number. For example: Software version HIA29.26.0CNG will read 29260
Unit Price
The unit price (Pr, PrA and Prb) is used to calculate the total value of the
quantity dispensed. The unit price can be different on each side of a dual hose
Dispenser Set-Up
PR or PrA is the unit price for side A of the dispenser.
Prb is the unit price for side B of the dispenser
The unit price can be set at the dispenser or set remotely with the Compac Dispenser
NOTE: If the unit price is not set Error 3 will be displayed and the dispenser will
not operate.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the Parameter switch until the required unit price is
displayed. (Pr, PrA or Prb)
- Enter in the unit price.
NOTE: Each press of the Parameter switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Sequencing Rate
Dispenser Set-Up
The sequencing rate (SE9) enables you to set the percentage level of maximum flow that
sequencing occurs to the next pressure bank.
NOTE: From software version HIA29.25.3CNG onwards the sequencing rates are as
NOTE: The dispenser leaves the factory with the FAS setting.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the Parameter switch (17 or more times) until SE9 xxx is
- Enter the sequencing rate. Each press of the Parameter switch passes you over
a digit in the setting, making the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more
than a second changes whichever digit is currently displayed. If you want to
pass over a setting without changing any digits, keep pressing and releasing the
- The displayed sequencing rate is now selected, and operation of the dispenser
will be affected immediately. The displays will reset after a ten (10) second
Hose Number
The Hose Number (Pn, PnA and Pnb) identifies the dispensers hose(s) when the
dispenser is communicating to a forecourt controller such as the Compac Dispenser
Dispenser Set-Up
Pn or PnA is the hose number of side A of the dispenser.
Pnb is the hose number side B of the dispenser
When using forecourt controller all dispenser hoses must have unique numbers.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the Parameter switch until the required hose number is
displayed. (Pn, PnA or Pnb )
- Enter the hose number.
NOTE: Each press of the Parameter switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
- Let the parameter menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are
From this version of software onwards the hose number (PN) display has been modified
to also display the following information:
- A count of the total error 9 faults in the unit shown in the price display.
- The display will also flash in the price/kg screen, the last recorded reason for the
end of sale and the last recorded error 9.
This information can be used to as a diagnostic aid to check whether error 9 faults are
occurring on a regular basis.
Dispenser Passcode
The dispenser passcode (Code and PASS) enables you to limit the access to
sensitive settings found under the parameter and K-factor switches.
Dispenser Set-Up
If set, only the dispenser software version can be viewed.
NOTE: If the dispenser is connected to the forecourt PC, you can access the dispenser
information via the Compac Dispenser Monitor program, even if the dispenser is
passcode is enabled.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the Parameter switch until Code is displayed.
- Enter the new passcode.
NOTE: Each press of the Parameter switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
The dispenser is now passcode protected. Store the passcode in a secure place.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the Parameter switch until PASS is displayed.
- Enter the current password.
NOTE: Each press of the Parameter switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
NOTE: Each press of the Parameter switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
K-Factor Switch
The K-Factor switch is located on the C4000 indicator board. It is used to access and
set up options on the C4000 dispenser. (The order in which they appear here is not the
Dispenser Set-Up
Menu Options
The K-factor switch will offer different menu options depending on the current C
Configuration Code.
The * indicates that you can achieve the displayed menu option, regardless of what the
indicated part is set to.
C Configuration Menu Options Available
Dispenser Set-Up
C0**62 dSf, fA, Fb, LFA, HFA, Lfb, Hfb, SP, b, C
C1**61 dSf, f, fpA, PLA, rA, E, U, gAin, LFA, HfA, gC, Sp, b., C
C1**62 dSf, fA, fb, LfA, HfA, E, uA, ub, gAinA, gAinb, FpA, pLA, rA, fpb,
pLb, rb, Lfb, Hfb, 9C, Sp, b, C
C2**61 dsf, f, LfA, HfA, E, u, u2, gAin, gAin2, fpA, pLA, rA, 9C, sp, b, C
C2**62 dSf, fA, fb, LfA, HfA, Lfb, Hfb, E, uA, ub, uA2, ub2, gAinA, gAinb,
gAinA2, gAinb2, fpA, PLA, rA, fpb, pLb, rb, gC, Sp, b, C
C3**61 dsf, f, LfA, HfA, u, gAin, FpA, 9C, sp, b, C
C3**62 dsf, fA, fb, LfA, HfA, uA, ub, gAinA, gAinb, fpA, fpb, Lfb, Hfb, 9C,
sp, b, C
C4**61 dsf, f, LfA, HfA, u, u2, gAin, gAin2, fpA, gC, sp, b, C
Density Factor
The density factor (dSF) is used to set the format of the quantity that is displayed.
For KG, a density factor of 1.000 is used. For other units of measure, different density
Dispenser Set-Up
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Open the access panel and remove the cover of the C4000 processor box,
which is illustrated in the Dispenser Component Locater section.
- Press the K-Factor switch once and release.
The display shows dSF *.****, which is the current density factor setting for the
dispenser that you are commissioning.
- Enter the required Density Factor.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
Meter K-Factor
The meter K-Factor (FA and Fb) is a meter correction factor used to ensure the
displayed quantity is correct.
F or FA is the meter K-factor on side A of the dispenser.
Fb is the meter K-factor on side B of the dispenser.
The K-Factor is set during the calibration phase Meter Calibration and does not require
adjusting during service.
Dispenser Set-Up
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required meter K-factor is shown (F or
FA or Fb)
- Enter the required K-Factor.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
The minimum flow rate (LFA and LFb) is the low flow cut-off at the end of the fill.
LFA is the minimum flow rate of side A of the dispenser.
LFb is the minimum flow rate of side B of the dispenser.
These values are adjustable and can be set between 0.5 − 9.9 𝑚𝑖𝑛.
CAUTION: Do not set the minimum flow rate so that it is equal to or above the maximum
flow rate.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required minimum flow rate is
displayed. (LFA or LFb)
- Enter the new minimum flow rate.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
NOTE:The Compac factory default setting is 1.0 .
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Maximum Flow Rate
The maximum flow rate (HFA and HFb) is the high flow cut-off for when the flow
through the dispenser is too high.
Dispenser Set-Up
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required maximum flow rate is
displayed. (HFA or HFb)
- Enter the new maximum flow rate.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔
NOTE: The Compac factory default setting is 40 𝑚𝑖𝑛 for Car Dispensers and 60 𝑚𝑖𝑛 for
High flow or Bus dispensers.
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
The ambient temperature (E) is the temperature inside the dispenser measured by the
temperature probe.
The ambient temperature is set at the factory during the calibration phase and does not
usually require adjusting during service.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until E displayed.
- Enter in the new ambient temperature as measured.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
Dispenser Set-Up
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Electronic Pressure Reading (Fast Fill & Temperature Compensated Units Only)
The Electronic pressure reading (u, uA, ub, uA2 and ub2) is taken from the
pressure transducer in the dispenser’s utility manifold.
u, uA and uA2 relate to the readings of pressure transducers one and two (where
fitted) on side A of the dispenser.
ub and ub2 relate to the readings of pressure transducers one and two (where
fitted) on side B of the dispenser.
The electronic pressure reading can be adjusted during pressure transducer calibration
to bring it in line with the actual value.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required pressure reading is
shown (u, uA, ub, uA2 or ub2)
- Enter in the new pressure.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Pressure Transducer Gain (Fast Fill & Temperature Compensated Units Only)
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster.
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required gain is shown
(GAinA, GAinb, GAinA2 or GAinb2)
- Enter in the new gain.
Dispenser Set-Up
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Target Fill Pressure (Fast Fill & Temperature Compensated Units Only)
The target fill pressure (FPA and FPb) is the final desired vehicle fill pressure
after filling and temperature compensation. The units of measure are in bar.
FPA is the target fill pressure of side A of the dispenser.
FPb is the target fill pressure of side B of the dispenser.
CAUTION: Do not set the target fill pressure so that it is above the maximum fill
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required target fill pressure is
displayed flow rate is displayed. (FPA or FPb)
- Enter the new target fill pressure.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
The maximum fill pressure (PLA and PLb) is the upper limit for temperature
compensated filling. The units of measure are in bar.
PLA is the maximum fill pressure of side A of the dispenser.
PLb is the maximum fill pressure of side B of the dispenser
This is only used in temperature compensated dispensers.
CAUTION: Do not set the maximum fill pressure so that it is below the target fill
To adjust the Maximum Fill Pressure
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster
Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required target fill pressure is
Dispenser Set-Up
displayed flow rate is displayed. (PLA or PLb)
- Enter the new maximum fill pressure.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Vehicle Tank Temperature Rise (rA and rb) is used to compensate for temperature
rise in the gas during a fill. As the tank fills, the temperature of the gas rises. The lighter
the tank, the greater the temperature rise will be.
rA is the vehicle tank temperature rise of side A of the dispenser.
rb is the vehicle tank temperature rise of side B of the dispenser
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until the required vehicle tank
temperature rise is displayed. (rA or rb)
- Enter the new vehicle tank temperature rise.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Display Resolution
The display resolution (SP) refers to the location of the decimal point. The value,
quantity and price per unit display may have none, one, two or three digits displayed
Dispenser Set-Up
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until the unit display shows SP.
- Enter the new resolution. Do this by pressing the K-Factor switch five times.
On the fifth time hold the switch down until the decimal point is in the correct
There are four positions that the decimal point can be located, allowing the price/kg to
be set to the formats 8.888, 88.88, 888.8 or 8888
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
NOTE: If the K-Factor switch is not pressed for 10 seconds the menu item will time out.
NOTE: If either the value or the quantity displays ever reach 999. 99 or 9999 . 9
or 99999 units, the dispenser will stop dispensing.
b-Configuration Code
The b configuration code (b) is a secondary configuration code that changes display
options and the forecourt communication operation.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until b is displayed.
- Enter the new b configuration.
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
Dispenser Set-Up
NOTE: In stand-alone operation/monitor mode [b 0***], the dispenser operates even
when not connected to a site Controller. If it is connected to a controller, it will only
dispense gas when authorised by the controller. If the controller is turned off and the
dispenser power is cycled off and on, the dispenser will operate in standalone mode.
NOTE: Flow mode [b **2*] is used to view the current flow rate of the gas. When this
mode is set FLO will appear in the value display and the current flow rate value will
appear in the unit price display. This is used for testing only and not during normal
dispenser operation.
C Configuration Code
The C configuration code (C) changes the operation of the dispenser. It is the last
setting accessed through the K-Factor switch, but it must be set first so that other
settings can be selected correctly.
The configuration code has been factory set and should not be changed. If the memory
gets wiped and you need to re-enter it, the configuration is written on the yellow label
on the C4000 processor board cover.
- Make sure that the dispenser is idle, with the nozzle in its holster
- Press and release the K-Factor switch until C is displayed.
- Enter the new C configuration see diagram below.
Dispenser Set-Up
NOTE: Each press of the K-Factor switch passes you over a digit in a setting, making
the digit blink. Holding the switch down for more than a second changes whichever digit
is currently displayed. If you want to pass over a setting without changing any digits,
keep pressing and releasing the switch.
- Let the menu time out so that the value and quantity amounts are displayed.
NOTE: The PED pressure monitor mode checks the pressure probe against the
pressure limit (PLA), plus 10% during the fill.
NOTE: Temperature compensation mode modifies the target pressure, based on the
ambient temperature. This can be implemented with one or two pressure probes per
hose. Two pressure probes are used for redundancy to check that the pressure of the
first probe is within 10bar of the second.
NOTE: Fast fill mode measures the pressure, but not the temperature. The dispenser fills
to the configurable target fill pressure (FPA or FPb).
Dispenser Operation
Dispenser Operation
Turning the Dispenser on
When the power is applied to the dispenser, the display will show PA:Use and
count down from 60seconds. This start-up procedure ensures the dispenser is
functioning properly before gas is dispensed.
NOTE: Before starting a fill, the software checks the status of the Stop switch. If the
switch is latched on, the display will flash STOP and will not allow the fill to proceed
until the switch is reset. The switch can be reset by rotating the Stop switch in a
clockwise direction.
Refuelling a Vehicle
There can be up to three storage banks for CNG refuelling. During filling the dispenser
sequences through these banks from low to high as the pressure in the vehicle
cylinder increases and the flow rate drops.
To refuel a vehicle
▪ Press the start button or remove the nozzle from the holster to initiate a fill.
▪ The display will show 888888 and clear, at this point both the gas and
value totals will display 0.00
▪ Connect the refuelling nozzle to the vehicle.
▪ Open the nozzle refuelling valve to commence filling.
▪ The dispenser will emit a long beep signalling the end of the fill, at this point
the gas total display flashes Fin.
▪ Close the refuelling valve.
NOTE: Closing the valve shuts off the gas from the dispenser. It also vents the gas
between the refuelling valve and coupling to the dispenser vent point.
Fast Fill Refuelling Process
The fast fill refuelling process uses pressure sensors to calculate the quantity of gas
Dispenser Operation
▪ Press the start button or remove the nozzle from the holster to initiate a fill.
o The display will indicate 888888 then clear, at this point both the
gas and value totals will display 0.00.
▪ Connect the refuelling nozzle to the vehicle.
▪ The refuelling valve is opened and when flow is detected the solenoids shut
immediately. Pressure reading(𝑃1 ) and amount dispensed(𝐾𝐺1 ) is recorded.
▪ The solenoids are opened and filling continues as follows:
o If 𝑃1 was less than 50bar(𝑃1 < 50), the fill will continue for 20
o If 𝑃1 was greater than 50bar but less than 100bar(50 < 𝑃1 < 100),
the fill will continue for 14 seconds.
o If 𝑃1 was greater than 100bar but less than 150bar
(100 < 𝑃1 < 150), the fill will continue for 10 seconds.
o If 𝑃1 was greater than 150bar but less than 180bar
(150 < 𝑃1 < 180)r, the fill will continue for 6 seconds.
▪ The solenoids shut and pressure reading(𝑃2 ) and amount dispensed (𝐾𝐺2 )
are recorded.
▪ The amount of gas 𝑃1 to completely fill the vehicle to FPA is calculated as
▪ The dispenser fills to 𝐾𝐺𝑓1 and stops. This is the end of the fill.
Temperature Compensated Refuelling Process
Dispenser Operation
The technical operation of a temperature compensated dispenser is as follows:
▪ Press the start button or remove the nozzle from the holster to initiate a fill.
The display will indicate 888888 and then clear, at this point both the gas
and value totals will display 0.00.
▪ Connect the refuelling nozzle to the vehicle.
▪ The refuelling valve is opened and when flow is detected the solenoids shut
immediately. Pressure reading (𝑃1 ) and amount dispensed (𝐾𝐺1 ) are
▪ The compensated fill pressure Ptc is calculated. If the vehicle is within 20 bar
of this pressure, no filling takes place.
▪ The solenoids are opened, and filling continues as follows:
o If 𝑃1 was less than 50bar(𝑃1 < 50), the fill will continue for 20
o If 𝑃1 was greater than 50bar but less than 100bar
(50 < 𝑃1 < 100), the fill will continue for 14 seconds.
o If 𝑃1 was greater than 100bar but less than 150bar
(100 < 𝑃1 < 150), the fill will continue for 10 seconds.
o If 𝑃1 was greater than 150bar but less than 180bar
(150 < 𝑃1 < 180)r, the fill will continue for 6 seconds.
▪ The solenoids shut and pressure reading (𝑃2 ) and amount dispensed (𝐾𝐺2 )
are recorded.
▪ The amount of gas (𝐾𝐺2 ) to completely fill the vehicle to 𝑃𝑓 is calculated as
(𝐾𝐺2 − 𝐾𝐺1 ) ∗ (𝑃𝑓 − 𝑃1 )
𝐾𝐺𝑓1 =
(𝑃2 − 𝑃1 )
▪ The dispenser fills to 𝐾𝐺𝑓1 and stops. This is the end of the fill.
Reading the Dispenser Totals
To read the dispenser totals:
Dispenser Operation
▪ Quickly press the Start button or nozzle switch five times on the side of
the dispenser you wish to view the totals for. The total is 10 digits long. The
four most significant digits are displayed on the top line and the number wraps
to the second line showing the six least significant digits.
NOTE: From software version HIA29.25.3CNG onwards the decimal place has been
removed from the tote. There will be two digits on the top ($) display and six digits on
the lower (kg) display. For dual dispensers, the A or B side will be indicated in the unit
price display.
Degassing the Dispenser
When replacing or servicing dispenser hydraulics the dispensers must be de-gassed.
Degass the Dispenser
- Isolate the dispenser by closing the inlet gas supply valves at the base of the
unit or at the priority panel.
- Fill one or more CNG bottles until the dispenser pipework is completely
depressurized. Ensure that the isolation valve remains open during this
Open the bleed valve on the utility manifold (where fitted) to remove any remaining gas
inside the dispenser.
Schedules Servicing
Weekly Checks
In addition to all the checks listed in the 6-month service, carry out the following:
Dismantle and clean the solenoid valves. Replace the seals and O-rings.
Dismantle and clean the regulator valves. Replace the seals and O-rings.
Check the dispenser calibration. Meter Calibration.
Check the C4000 Processor Board is clean, dry and dust free.
Check the UPS and voltage stabiliser supplying power to the dispenser is working
according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Check the C4000 flameproof box lid is bolted down tight and all glands are tight.
Check the zero point and calibration of the dispenser pressure transducers (fast fill &
temperature compensation only).
Checking Dispenser Operation
To check that the dispenser is operating correctly:
- The dispenser fills to the preset value.
- The displays and gauges are working
NOTE: When you are undertaking this check, the dispenser must be turned on and
- Hang up the nozzle and check that the three-way valve is closed.
- Press the start button to initiate a fill and open the solenoids
- Check that the pressure gauge is at the setpoint reading (typically 200 bar).
- Check that the pressure gauge reads at a steady state, rather than creeping after
a fill.
If the pressure on the gauge does not remain stable, the regulator valve seal is
leaking and will have to be replaced.
Valve Adjuster (use 8 mm Hex Key)
Checking the Dispenser for Leaks
Before you start, make sure you have:
- Soapy water
CAUTION: Be careful not to spray or drip water into any of the dispenser electronics
when checking for leaks.
- Apply soapy water to all joins in the assemblies and fittings on the inside and
outside of the dispenser, including the hose.
If bubbles form, there is a leak with that assembly or fitting. The fitting may require
tightening, or the seals might need to be replaced.
DANGER: You must isolate the gas supply and depressurise the dispenser before
disassembling any component or adjusting any fitting. Serious injury may result if
components are removed while the dispenser is under pressure.
Checking the Refuelling Hoe for Leaks
Before you start, make sure you have:
- Soapy water
- Visually check the refuelling hose for damage, such as fraying and cuts.
- Apply soapy water to all valves and connections.
If bubbles form, there is a leak in that assembly or fitting. The fitting may require
tightening or the seals might need to be replaced.
DANGER: You must isolate the gas supply and depressurise the dispenser before
disassembling any component or adjusting any fitting. Serious injury may result if
components are removed while the dispenser is under pressure.
If the pressure gauge starts to move, the isolation ball valve is leaking or passing
If bubbles form, there is a leak in the assembly or fitting. The fitting may require
tightening or the seals might need to be replaced.
Checking the Three-Way Refuelling Valve Sealing and Operation
Before you start, make sure you have:
- Soapy water
To check the sealing of the three-way refuelling valve, apply soapy water to the
If bubbles form, there is a leak, in which case you should replace the three-way
refuelling valve seals.
To check the operation of the three-way refuelling valve, do a test fill to check that
the valve is filling the vehicle, and venting properly when you disconnect it from the
If bubbles form, there is a leak, in which case you should replace the three-way
refuelling valve seals.
Filter Element Replacement
The coalescing filters are designed to trap dirt, moisture, oil, and other debris that
may damage the valve seals.
▪ 1 x filter
▪ 1 x filter bowl O-ring seal
- O-ring lubricant
- Insert the new filter element and lubricated filter bowl O-ring seal.
Filter Element
Filter Bowl
Drain Plug
CAUTION: O-rings that are subjected to natural gas at high pressure swell when
exposed to air. Once swollen, they cannot be reused and must be replaced.
- Check the dispenser for leaks.
Solenoid Valve Seal Replacement
These instructions refer to the current Compac S2-350 solenoid valve. The
solenoids are available in several types: Standard, high oil and low temperature.
Always quote the dispenser serial number when ordering parts and check the
model number on the valve body before installation.
NOTE: For applications where the gas has a high oil content, a special piston with
an O ring seal is available. If you are having problems, discuss this option with your
service agent. If the special piston is used for low oil content gas, no harm will
occur, but the service life of the seal may be shortened.
Remove the Old Solenoid Valve Seals
DANGER: Never remove any electrical components without first switching off the
power to the dispenser. Failure to turn off the power could result in an electric
- Unscrew the solenoid coil retaining nut and move the coil out of the way.
- Remove the six cap screws from the solenoid top.
NOTE: Do not remove the angled grub screw from the solenoid top. This is epoxied
in place during manufacture and should never be removed.
- Remove the solenoid top and remove the old top O-ring seal and gas return O-
- Remove the solenoid spring.
- Screw an M6 cap screw into the solenoid piston to withdraw it from the
solenoid body.
- Taking care not to damage the piston, hold the flat part of the piston with a
spanner to prevent rotation, then unscrew the M6 x 12 mm cap screw from
the bottom of the piston. This releases the solenoid seal retainer and valve
- Discard the old valve seal.
- Clean all oil and dirt off the components with a clean cloth and check that
the bleed hole is not blocked.
- While the solenoid is apart, inspect the solenoid piston centre seal and piston
for wear, scratching or damage. Replace piston if required.
- Place the new valve seal and seal retainer on the cap screw.
- Taking care not to damage the piston, hold the flat part of the piston to prevent
rotation, and then screw the M6 cap screw into the bottom of the piston.
- Insert a new gas return O-ring.
- Insert the piston back into the solenoid body.
- Insert the solenoid spring.
- Replace the solenoid top O-ring seal.
- Place the solenoid top back on the solenoid body, making sure that the locating
dowel is engaged.
- Screw in and tighten the six cap screws.
- Replace the solenoid coil.
- Re-power and re-gas the dispenser then check for leaks and correct operation of
the valve.
Solenoid Coil Replacement
Before you start, make sure you have:
- Replacement solenoid coil FC-COIL-0005 (Compac S2-350).
NOTE: Solenoid coils are not interchangable between models. Make sure you order
the correct one by quoting the dispenser serial number. To replace obsolete coils,
the entire solenoid will need replacing.
DANGER: Never remove any electrical components without first switching off the
power to the dispenser. Failure to turn off the power could result in an electric
- Remove the flameproof box lid to gain access to the C4000 power supply
- Disconnect the appropriate solenoid coil wiring from the C4000 power supply
- Loosen the gland on the flameproof box that is clamping the solenoid coil lead
and pull the lead out of the gland.
Undo the nut on the top of the solenoid valve that is securing the coil and remove
the coil from the top of the valve
NOTE: Before replacing the lid on the flameproof box, make sure that the O-ring is
not damaged and is seated properly in its groove. If the O-ring is damaged and
needs replacing, replace it with an O-ring of the same size and specification (176
Complete Solenoid Valve Replacement
These instructions refer to the current Compac S2-350 solenoid valve. This
replaces all previous solenoids.
- Solenoid valve 350 bar O ring seal option for high oil content gasses (FC-
VALVE-0036) or
- Solenoid valve 350 bar low temperature option (FC-VALVE-0037)
NOTE: Solenoid valves are supplied without coils. If you need the coil it must be
ordered as well.
DANGER: Never remove any electrical components without first switching off the
power to the dispenser. Failure to turn off the power could result in an electric
- Ensuring all surfaces are clean and any sealing plugs are removed from
the valve, reconnect the pipework and tighten the gland nuts.
- Replace the solenoid coil.
- Repower and re-gas the unit, check for leaks and test for correct
Regulator Valve Seal Replacement
Before you start, make sure you have:
- A regulator seal kit - Part Number FC-SK-0002
▪ 2 x regulator O-ring seals
▪ 2 x Teflon back-up ring
▪ 1 x Teflon valve seal
- O-ring lubricant
NOTE: Do not unscrew the valve adjustment nut. The spring remains at the set
NOTE: The M6 cap screw has a special hole through it. Never substitute it for a
normal cap screw.
Install New Regulator Valve Seals
- Install the new valve seal. Make sure that the larger flat side of the
seal faces upwards.
Regulator O-Ring
Teflon Back-Up Ring
NOTE: O-rings that are subjected to natural gas at high pressure swell when
exposed to air. Once swollen, they cannot be reused and must be replaced.
CAUTION: The Nitrile O-rings have a life span of over 10 years from cure
date but improper handling of these O-rings before use can shorten their
useful life. O-rings will deteriorate if exposed to ozone or ultraviolet light so
keep in original packaging and away from UV light. If in unsure about their
condition, do not use old O-rings and order new ones.
- Lever off the two regulator O-rings and two Teflon back-up rings.
- Install two new regulator O-rings and two new Teflon back-up seals.
NOTE: Always use O-ring lubricant on the O-rings to increase the service life.
NOTE: Keep the piston straight, rotate it clockwise to prevent the new O-ring
from catching or ripping.
Check the setting and sealing of the regulator for correct pressure.
Isolation Valve Seal Replacement
NOTE: Please make sure you identify the valve before disassembling it to make
sure you have the correct seal kit available.
Complete valve is part number FC-Valve-0001
Before you start
Obtain the following replacement parts and equipment:
- FC-SK-0010 Parker Isolation Valve Seal Kit
- Refer to Spare Parts list for other items that you may need.
CAUTION: Take care when disassembling the valve, as a lot of parts look
CAUTION: O-rings that are subjected to Natural Gas at high pressure. Swell
when exposed to air. Once swollen they must be replaced.
- Blow compressed air (100 psi) through all ports to remove any impurities
that may damage the seals in operation.
CAUTION: Wear appropriate safety eye wear when using compressed air.
- Apply a light coating of approved grease to the ball then replace the ball
and ball seat sub-assemblies, making sure the slot in the ball is at the
- Making sure the retainer seal and end connector O ring are in place,
screw in the end connectors. Do not tighten yet.
- Locate the stem in the ball slot then replace the stem washers, stem
packing and packing nut.
- Open and close the valve a few times to seat the ball valve before
tightening the end connectors and packing nut.
- Reattach the valve to the cabinet and reconnect the pipework.
- Reapply gas to the valve and check for leaks.
Gas Operated Valve (option) Seal Replacement
CAUTION: Follow all safety precautions listed at the front of this manual.
Before doing any work on the valve, ensure that the power is off and the
system pressure is reduced to atmospheric levels. Ensure that the pressure is
removed from both the inlet and outlet ports of the valve and from the air
supply line.
CAUTION: Take care when disassembling the valve, as a lot of parts look
- Use a pick to pull out the stem seal and discard.
- Undo the end cap, remove the valve seat and discard it.
- Turn the valve stem to the “Closed” position then tap on the end of the ball
valve with a wooden or soft plastic dowel (BV ASST) to remove it. Discard
the ball.
- Push the valve stem down into the valve and remove it from the valve
body. Discard the valve stem.
1. With a pick, carefully remove the second valve seat taking care not to
scratch the internal surfaces of the valve. Discard the valve seat.
2. Remove and discard the O-ring from the end cap.
Service kit
Suggested service tools
- Thoroughly clean and dry the valve body and end cap.
- Place the new O-ring on the end cap and lubricate with the supplied
grease. Put an anti-seize compound on the threads.
- Fit the new valve seat making sure it is seated properly. Insert the valve
stem into the valve body and pull it upwards until it clicks into place.
- With the valve stem in the “Closed” position, insert the ball so the slot
engages with the stem.
Bleed Valve Replacement
The bleed valve seldom gives problems and is not serviceable
For a replacement valve and instructions if required, contact your Compac
service agent with your Model and Serial numbers
Pressure Relief Valve Replacement
The pressure relief valve seldom gives problems and is not serviceable
For a replacement valve and instructions if required, contact your Compac
service agent with your Model and Serial numbers
- Secure the new meter to the dispenser frame using the four bolts.
- Plug the communications cable into the C4000 processor board.
- Screw the SAE fittings into the meter inlet and outlet.
- Install the inlet and outlet pipes.
- Cable tie the communications cable to avoid pulling or damage to it.
- Pressurise the meter and check for leaks.
- Calibrate the meter in accordance with the instructions in the
dispenser service manual.
In the event of a breakaway, check the O-rings in the male end of the
breakaway for damage.
If they are damaged, replace the breakaway QBCI seals by following the
steps below.
Replace the Breakaway Seals
To replace the breakaway seals:
NOTE:If you are dismantling the quick breakaway valve, make sure that you
have a spare seal kit available. O-rings that are subjected to natural gas at
high pressure swell when exposed to air and must be replaced.
NOTE: Always use O-ring lubricant to prevent the O-rings from being
If the breakaway parts under gas pressure for no apparent reason check that
the pressure relief hole is clear. If the pressure relief hole is blocked, gas
pressure will force the male and female ends apart.
- Make sure that both male and female receptacle breakaway parts are
clean before reassembly.
- Check that the pressure relief hole is clear.
NOTE: If the pressure relief hole is not clear, gas pressure will force the male
and female ends to part.
Three-Way Refuelling Valve Seal Replacement
NOTE: Make sure you identify the valve before disassembling it to make sure
you have the correct seal kit available. For more information see Compac
Technical bulletin CTB10015.
CAUTION: Take care when disassembling the valve, as a lot of parts look
CAUTION: O-rings that are subjected to Natural Gas at high pressure. Swell
when exposed to air. Once swollen they must be replaced.
- Blow compressed air (100 psi) through all ports to remove any impurities
that may damage the seals in operation.
CAUTION: Wear appropriate safety eye wear when using compressed air.
- Cut the handle shaft back-up ring on an angle so it can be fitted onto the
NOTE: Check that the back-up rings are free of burrs and sharp edge.
CAUTION: O-rings that are subjected to Natural Gas at high pressure swell
when exposed to air. Once swollen they must be replaced.
- Insert the handle shaft into the valve body from the bottom.
- Insert the ball shaft into the valve body from the bottom.
NOTE: Ensure that the slotted handle shaft and ball shaft engage.
- Insert the ball shaft seals in both sides of valve body.
- Insert the ball shaft retainers in either side of the valve body until the
retainer face meets with body of the valve.
- Place the handle on the handle shaft and screw in the grub screw to lock
it in place.
Compac Refuelling Valve Exploded View
15 16
5 3
11 12
8 8
15 12
12 10
11 9
9 13
4 Retainer Nut “A” assembly
13 5
8 3
Retainer Nut “B” assembly
Shaft/Spindle assembly
Refuelling Hose Replacement
Remove refuelling hose
Install new refuelling hose
Remove C4000 power supply fuse(s):
DANGER: Never remove any electrical components without first switching off
the power to the dispenser. Failure to turn off the power could result in an
electric shock.
- Replace the blown fuse element with a new one of equal type and rating.
CAUTION: You must use the correct rating when replacing a fuse. The
correct ratings are printed next to each fuse on the printed circuit board.
Using the incorrect fuse rating may compromise the intrinsic safety of the
- Replace the flameproof box lid, ensuring that the O-ring in the lid
engages in its associated groove.
- Turn on the power to the dispenser.
DANGER: Do not power up the dispenser with the flameproof box lid
NOTE: Before replacing the lid on the flameproof box, make sure that the O-
ring is not damaged and is seated properly in its groove. If the O-ring is
damaged and needs replacing, replace it with an O-ring of the same size and
specification (176 N70).
Power Supply Replacement
Before you start
Obtain the following replacement parts
- Replacement Power Supply part number F-CP-C4PWR-ASSEM
Remove the C4000 Power Supply
DANGER: Never remove any electrical components without first switching off
the power to the dispenser. Failure to turn off the power could result in an
electric shock.
- Remove the flameproof box lid to gain access to the C4000 power supply
- Disconnect the incoming power wiring from the phase and neutral
terminals, and from the earth bar.
- Remove all of the solenoid and communications plugs on the top of the
C4000 power supply board, with the wiring still intact.
- Remove the screws that are securing the earth bar, taking care not to
lose any of the spacers or other mounting hardware.
- Remove the two screws on the other end of the C4000 power supply
- Carefully slide out the C4000 power supply board to gain access to the
plugs on the IS Cable that connect into the bottom PCB, and unplug
Install the New C4000 Power Supply
- To install the new C4000 power supply, reverse the procedure above
CAUTION: Make sure that the triac snub switches SW1, SW2, & SW4 are left
in the factory set position 2 (Low Current Output) after you have completed
all procedures. Switches are easily knocked out of position during service.
The C4000 Power Supply Board section shows the appropriate switch
settings used on the dispenser.
DANGER: Before replacing the lid on the flameproof box, make sure that the
O-ring is not damaged, and is seated properly in its groove. If the O-ring is
damaged and needs replacing, replace it with an O-ring of the same size and
specification (176 N70).
- Unplug all wiring from the C4000 microprocessor board and remove the
board from its position.
CAUTION: Take basic anti-static precautions by wearing a wristband with an
earth strap.
Install New C4000 Processor
- Put the new board in place of the old one, and plug all the wiring back in
the same order as before.
Refit the EPROM and memory chips, as per Dispenser Software
- Check dispenser operation Checking Dispenser Operation
DANGER: Never remove any electrical components without first switching off
the power to the dispenser. Failure to turn off the power could result in an
electric shock.
Unplug all wiring from the temperature pressure board and remove the board
from its position.
- Put the new board in place of the old one, and plug all the wiring back in
the same order as before.
- Turn the power to the dispenser back on.
- Check Dispenser operation. Checking Dispenser Operation.
NOTE: It should not be necessary to re-calibrate the dispenser unless a
pressure transducer or temperature probe needs to be replaced.
Follow this software upgrade procedure for all CNG Dispensers that use the
C4000 Microprocessor.
Remove the software EPROM
- Turn off the dispenser.
- Remove the software EPROM chip, using an EPROM extractor
correctly located in the socket. The chip should be located as far to
the bottom of the socket as possible. This leaves a gap of two pins
from the top of the chip to the top of the socket. Pin 1 of the
EPROM is then located in the top left corner (pin 3 of the socket).
- Turn on the dispenser.
- Check that the initial set-up data and tote information is the same.
- If the initial set-up data is different, re-enter this information, as per
Parameter Switch Settings and K-Factor Switch Settings.
- Check the dispenser operation Checking Dispenser Operation.
Meter Replacement
Before you start, make sure you have:
- A new Compac meter F-D-METER-KG80T
Part Comment
Solenoid stem Replacing the solenoid stem seal requires special tooling.
Dispenser Calibration
Dispenser Calibration
Meter Calibration
Calibrating the meter involves:
▪ Comparing the dispensers stated amount dispensed to actual
amount dispensed.
NOTE: The K-Factor for each new dispenser is factory set and usually does
not need to be changed.
Input dispenser settings
Dispenser Calibration
If the results are not within 0.5% of each other, you will need to change the
calibration, as per the Calculate and Set the New K-Factor section.
- Plug the dispenser refuelling probe into the master meter, and then
plug the master meter refuelling probe into a vehicle to fill.
- Turn on the master meter valve, if applicable, and reset to zero.
- Fill the vehicle from the dispenser.
- Turn off the dispenser refuelling valve and master meter valve, if
Dispenser Calibration
- Compare the master meter read-out (True Quantity) with the dispenser
display (Display Amount).
If the results are not within 0.5% of each other, you will need to change the
calibration, as per the Calculate and Set the New K-Factor section
NOTE: The pressure transducers are calibrated at the factory and usually do
not require recalibration.
𝑇𝐺2 − 𝑇𝐺1
𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝑇𝐺 ∗
𝐷2 − 𝐷1
Dispenser Calibration
Indicator LEDs
LED indicators are used to provide power, output status, and diagnostic information.
Indicator LEDs
Indicator LEDs
Indicator LEDs
LED Reference Description
Indicates power is being supplied
Indicator LEDs
The C4000 electronic head is ATEX approved for use in a Class 1, Zone 1 hazardous
area. Dispensers are wired to Class 1, Zone 1 Australian and European standards.
Approval numbers appear on labels attached to the C4000 lid and the flameproof
junction box lid.
ATEX Approval Marking Equipment or Protective EC - Type Examination
on the Equipment System Certificate Number
2 G EEx d A T3 (Tamb
A Type C4000 Control Unit Baseefa03ATEX0612
= -25°C to + 55°C)
The Compac CNG equipment is also PED approved for use up to 275 bar.
Model Specifications
Standard High Flow Ultra-High Flow
Laser Single
L-CNG50-15 L-CNG80-15
Legend Single LGDCNG15
(Pakistan only)
Technical Specifications
Operating Conditions:
Compac CNG Dispensers (excluding hose assembly) are designed to operate within the
atmospheric environment. Gas parameters are outlined below.
CNG Dispensers require the following operating conditions:
Power Requirements 230V +/-10%, 50Hz, 2A
Specific Ultra-High-Flow
Standard Model High-Flow Model
Specifications Model
(The maximum flow
rate is not only
determined by the
type of dispenser but
also depends on the 1 – 15 kg /min 1-50 kg /min 1 – 80 kg /min
size of the refuelling
hose, the model of
the breakaway, the
type of refuelling
nozzle, and the
vehicle coupling.)
Pressure rating
(350 bar options
utilise air actuated 275 bar 275 bar 350 bar
valves and require a (350 bar option) (350 bar option)
compressed air
Component Specifications
See below for information on serviced equipment.
Compac Code Specifications Description
The coalescing filters are
designed to trap dirt, moisture,
oil, and other debris that may
Coalescing Grade 10 damage the valve seals. A Grade
filters Coalescing Filter 10 coalescing filter will remove
95% of liquid aerosols in the 0.3
to 0.6 micron range.
Compac Code Specifications Description
The three-way valve is designed
specifically for refuelling CNG
Compac Code Specifications Description
The display has six 1" digits for
GD1, GD2 or price, six 1" digits for quantity
Display GD3
and four 3/4" digits for unit price.
(Available with one, two or three
unit price displays.)
Pressure Dual scale pressure gauges are
Gauge available with psi and either bar,
MPa, or kPa. CE Approved
The hose is specifically designed
Parker single to dissipate static electrical build-
and twin line up and wear resistance. Each
Hose hose. hose assembly must be properly
3/8", 1/2" or grounded.
3/4". The temperature range for the
hose is -40 to +66°C.
Hydraulic Layout
SIDE A SIDE B (Dual Hose Models Only)
Hydraulic Layout
MBA Medium Bank Inlet MBA
(See Below) (Two and Three Line Models)
Low Bank Inlet
Manifold Block Assembly
MB Manifold Block
BV GA GA Pressure Gauge
Outlet Inlet
MB TR TR Pressure Transducer
(Temperature compensated models only)
Dispenser Fittings
Aside from some NPT fittings located in the utility manifold, all fittings used in a
Dispenser Fittings
Compac CNG Dispenser are SAE. Some SAE fittings are adjustable to allow for
rotational positioning of components such as solenoids. Nipples, tees, and elbows
are used, but the procedure is the same for each.
DANGER: Never remove any electrical components without first switching off the
power to the dispenser. Failure to turn off the power could result in an electric shock.
3. Make sure that your work area (including the vice, workbench, tool storage
area, and floor) are totally clean of particles or previous work. Cleanliness
and correct assembly practice can avoid most seal problems.
4. Make sure that the gas inlet pipes are properly supported before connection.
5. Refer to one of the following procedures, depending on the fitting that you
are using:
1. Inspect the components ensuring that the threads and sealing faces are
clean and undamaged.
2. Lubricate the O-ring with a light oil
3. Back off the lock nut fully so that the O-ring and washer are on the plain
shank of the fitting.
4. Screw the components together by hand until the O-rings touch the faces of
the ports.
5. Position the components to the desired alignment.
6. Hold the fitting in position and firmly tighten the lock nut.
CAUTION: Never use thread tape on SAE parallel fittings.
Dispenser Fittings
1. Ensure the end of the tube is square, not deformed, clean and free from burrs
inside and out.
2. Remove the nut from the fitting and ensure the two ferrules are present and
correctly orientated.
3. Replace the nut and insert the tube ensuring it is located hard up against the
internal shoulder of the fitting
4. Pre-swage the tube by tightening the nut by hand and then a further 1 1/4"
5. Disassemble the fitting and inspect the pre-swaging. The ferrules should
square and unable to be removed from the tube
6. Reassemble the fitting, tightening it by hand and then a further 1/4" turns with
the appropriate spanner.
NOTE: Correctly made tube should not need to be sprung into position.
Electrical Drawings
CNG Dispenser Electrical Schematic
Electrical Drawings
C4000 Power Supply Board
Electrical Drawings
T2 Spare
T5 Spare
T8 Spare
Electrical Drawings
T10 Auxiliary Output for Compressor Controller
F1 0.5 A
Fuses F1, F2, and F3 should be 5 x
F2 0.25 A 20 mm glass normal blow type, and
should comply with IEC127, 35 Amp
F3 1.0 A minimum rupture current.
Comms Dipswitches
SW3 on the C4000 Power Supply sets the comms for Compac, Gilbarco or RS485
Position 2 Gilbarco
Position 3 RS485
Electrical Drawings
Triac snubber switches are used to switch different snubber circuits across the solid
state relays. On CNG Dispensers, these (SW1, SW2, and SW4) must always be set to low
current output (2).
C4000 Microprocessor Board
The Compac C4000 head is operated by a software program in an EPROM (which is
Electrical Drawings
located on the processor board). This program has several operational configurations,
one of which must be selected using the set-up devices on the C4000 PCB.
These set-up devices (located on the drawing) are:
- The Parameter switch.
- The K-Factor switch.
The board shown below is Issue E. For older dispenser board layout information, contact
Compac by using the contact details in the Product Identification section.
Preset module side B Not used
J6 J15
Displays Not used
Electrical Drawings
J7 J16
Temperature pressure module Backlighting
J8 J17
(for temperature and pressure
compensation only)
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Drawings
RS485 MOD-BUS Wiring for Micro Motion Meter
The following changes are made to standard Compac dispensers to allow the use of
Electrical Drawings
RS485 communication with a Micro Motion meter.
- An RS485 Board is fitted inside the Power supply flame proof box.
- The IS cable pinouts will need to be changed to match the wiring detailed
- An extra red wire will need to be added to link pin 5 on J1 to pin 3 on J5.
- The IS cable will need to have The Red / Black / White cable removed from J2A
and put into pin 6 of J2B.
- A new plug will need to be made for J13 and the Black/Red and
White/Black/Red wires removed from J2A and inserted into pins 5 and 9 as
shown below.
- Special software to support the Micro Motion CNG50 meter will need to be
installed. Please contact the Compac Helpdesk for the latest version.
- Connect the RS485 cable to the terminals on J12 as follows:
TXDP to RS485A
DTRP to RS485B
C400 IS Cable for RS485 MOD-BUS
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Drawings
C400 with RS485 MOD-BUS Wiring
Electrical Drawings
RS485 Forecourt Wiring
The following changes are made to standard Compac C4000 wiring to allow the use of
Electrical Drawings
An RS485 Board is fitted inside the Power supply flame proof box.
Connect the RS485 cable to the terminals on J12 as follows:
TXDP to RS485A
DTRP to RS485B
The IS cable pinouts will need to be changed to match the wiring detailed below.
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Drawings
RS485 Wiring
Electrical Drawings
Wiring typically uses 3 cores of a 4 core SWA two twisted pair cable connected to the
terminals on J12 named TXDP, DTRB and GNC inside the C4000 box. If connecting
multiple dispensers, always wire them in parallel.
At the site controller, the terminals may be named:
𝑅𝑆485𝐴 = 𝑇𝑋𝐷𝑃, 𝑅𝑆485𝐵 = 𝐷𝑇𝑅𝐵, 𝐺𝑁𝐷 = 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑟 𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑡ℎ
DANGER: The C4000 box contains mains voltage power. Always isolate before removing
the lid.
J12 Connections
Electrical Drawings
CAUTION: All wiring entering the C4000 flameproof box must be glanded in accordance
with your local regulations. Take all precautions to ensure water or moisture does not
enter the box and that the box is properly sealed when finished.
C4000 with RS485 Forecourt Wiring
Electrical Drawings
C4000 Temperature Pressure Interface Board CI214D
Electrical Drawings
Connection Function
CON 7 Temperature Probe Side B
Electrical Drawings
CON 5 Connection to J8 on C4000 board
Board plugs into J9 on C4000 board
C4000 IS Cable Connections
The IS cable connects the power supply board to the C4000 Microprocessor.
Electrical Drawings
The diagrams below illustrate the power supply end of the C4000 IS cable, and show
colour codes and housing.
Codes marked with * are moved to another housing for the Gilbarco interface option.
Electrical Drawings
C4000 is Cable Microprocessor End
Electrical Drawings
Electrical Drawings
Dispenser Spare Part
Dispenser Spare Part
The following lists contain the most commonly used spare parts and kits for Servicing
Compac Dispensers. They are not an exhaustive list of all possible parts for current or
historical Dispensers. If a part you want to order is not listed, please contact the Compac
spare parts department for a complete listing.
Item Part Number Description
Main Dispenser Parts Location
Dispenser Spare Part
Other Dispenser Parts Not Shown In Drawing
FC-VALVE-0032 Three way valve with stainless steel body with return pipe
(replaces FC-VALVE-0005)
FC-VALVE-0033 Three way valve with stainless steel body without return pipe
(replaces FC-VALVE-0009)
FC-SK-0048 Seal kit for three way valve with stainless steel body
FC-SVK-0002 Three way valve ball spindle (order with FC-SK-00048 if required)
FC-NOZL- NGV1 Type 1 CNG Nozzle With Integral 3-Way Valve, OPW / Sherex
CT1000S CT1000
FC-NOZL-CC600 NGV1 Type 2 CNG Nozzle, OPW CC600P30NFS 3000PSI
FC-NOZL- NGV2 CNG Refuelling Nozzle OPW CT5000S (Includes 3/8" Tube To
CT5000S 1/8" NPTF Stainless Steel Fitting For Vent Tube)
FC-BWY-0001 QBCI-09 Compac Inline Quick Breakaway 9/16" SAE Ports (Not For
Vent Line Use)
FC-BWY-0003 QBCI-09 Compac Inline Quick Breakaway
FC-SK-0011 QBCI-09 and QBCI-06 Compac Inline Quick Breakaway Seal Kit
Part Number Description
Dispenser Spare Part
Item Part Number Description
NOTE: There are two different solenoid valves available, rated for either 275 or 350 bar
pressure. Always quote the serial number of your dispenser when ordering parts, check
the part you receive matches the model number on the valve label and never replace
valves with a different type.
This troubleshooting section outlines issues that you may encounter when using the
dispenser, and provides recommended actions.
For sites where the temperature falls below –10°C, power should only be removed
from the dispenser for servicing.
For all problems not listed here please contact your service agent
After powering the For push to start dispensers Release the start
dispenser, PA:uSE is the start button is held button.
displayed on the down.
countdown from 60 does The nozzle is not stowed, or Correctly stow the
not start. the nozzle switch is active. nozzle.
Problem Likely Cause(s) Recommended Action
The dispenser is under If cascade pressure is
cascades is lower than target
filling the vehicle above target filling
filling pressure.
pressure, please contact
your service agent.
The preset amount has been
exceeded. If problem continues
The preset display is
NOTE: The preset display will contact your service
flashing after a fill.
stop flashing when the next fill agent.
is started
The C4000 needs to be reset. Re-power dispenser.
Gas flows but does not If problem continues
read up on the display. contact your service
The dispenser stops at The dispenser will stop Hang up the nozzle to
9999.99, dispensing if either the money reset the display and
99999.9, or or the quantity displays ever restart.
999999 units reach these values. This is not a dispenser
according to where the fault.
decimal point is set.
NOTE: When fixing a Compac CNG Dispenser fault, please follow the recommendations
and safety information in this manual. Failure to do this may cause injury or void the
End of Sale Indicators
Recent versions of CNG software will flash the end of sale indicator in the price per
litre window at the end of each fill during normal operation. Older versions of software
will need to use the procedure below to view the end of sale indicator.
Number Meaning Checks
Error Codes
Error codes indicate any problems with the dispenser. These problems are indicated
to you by codes displayed on the screen.
After you have physically corrected a fault, you need to clear the fault message
Error Codes
NOTE: You should read and understand all safety precautions before operating or
maintaining the Compac CNG Dispenser.
NOTE: When fixing Compac CNG Dispenser faults, please follow the recommendations
in this manual. Otherwise you may injure yourself and void the warranty.
Error Code Likely Cause Recommended Action
Error Codes
Err 14 The temperature Contact your service agent
probe has been
disconnected, or is
connected with wire
links still in place.
Err 15 The pressure probe Contact your service agent
has been
PA:uSE The dispenser is in Hang up the nozzle.
start-up mode. The PA:uSE message stays on the display
for 60 seconds, then changes to 0.00.
When the display changes to 0.00, the
dispenser is ready to dispense gas.
STOP The Stop switch Establish why the Stop switch was
is latched on. operated.
If safe, reset the switch by rotating the button
PrSErr There is a pressure Contact your service agent
difference of 10 bar
or more between the
pressure probes.
:0.0 The dispenser's The colon disappears when the nozzle is lifted
power supply has for the next transaction.
been turned off and
back on since the
last transaction.
Ab d The display has an Check for moisture or humid environment
PE d error Contact your service agent
PS d