This document contains records from the Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame for various track and field events including sprints from 100m to 400m, middle distance events like 800m and 1600m, long distance races of 3200m, hurdling events 110m and 300m hurdles, and the long jump. It provides the ranking, athlete name, mark or time, and year for each event record.
This document contains records from the Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame for various track and field events including sprints from 100m to 400m, middle distance events like 800m and 1600m, long distance races of 3200m, hurdling events 110m and 300m hurdles, and the long jump. It provides the ranking, athlete name, mark or time, and year for each event record.
This document contains records from the Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame for various track and field events including sprints from 100m to 400m, middle distance events like 800m and 1600m, long distance races of 3200m, hurdling events 110m and 300m hurdles, and the long jump. It provides the ranking, athlete name, mark or time, and year for each event record.
This document contains records from the Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame for various track and field events including sprints from 100m to 400m, middle distance events like 800m and 1600m, long distance races of 3200m, hurdling events 110m and 300m hurdles, and the long jump. It provides the ranking, athlete name, mark or time, and year for each event record.
1. Corey Hackett 10.79 2012 2. Colin Dempster 10.7 2009 3. Marc Fields 10.8 1994 Kevin Garland 10.8 2005 Chick Lee 10.8 1960 Tom Schultz 10.8 2000 Ken Sieger 10.8 1988 8. Bobby Gablein 10.89 2016 9. A. J. Kotzen 10.94 1997 10. Ronnie Mills 10.95 1997 11. K. G. Johnson 10.97 2000 12. Al Williams 11.01 1998 13. Terrence Washington 11.03 1997 14. Andrew McIntyre 11.07 2012 15. Paul Isabella 11.12 2016 16. Ryan Ford 10.9 2008 Randy Mills 10.9 1998 James Smith 10.9 1998 Geoff Hluchen 10.9 1988 Keiko Martin 10.9 2013 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: 200 Meters
Rank Name Time Year
1. Corey Hackett 21.9 2012 2. Tom Schultz 22.17 2000 3. Colin Dempster 22.23 2009 4. Randy Mills 22.0 1998 5. James Smith 22.1 1998 6. Bobby Gablein 22.45 2016 7. Marc Fields 22.3 1994 8. Ryan Ford 22.4 2008 Ken Sieger 22.4 1988 10. Caleb Ryu 22.73 2018 11. Kevin Garland 22.5 2003 Bruce Ridgeway 22.5 1973 13. Terrence Washington 22.58 1997 14. Andrew McIntyre 22.80 2012 15. Chick Lee 22.6 1960 16. Colin Herbine 22.7 2009 Rennie Mills 22.7 2001 Mark Ciarlante 22.7 1977 John Delia 22.7 1975 20. Geoff Hluchen 22.8 1988 21. Brian Flowers 22.9 1993 Mo Major 22.9 1987 Matt Teitelbaum 22.9 1999 Al Williams 22.9 1998 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: 400 Meters
Rank Name Time Year
1. Colin Dempster 48.06 2011 2. Corey Hackett 48.59 2012 3. Ryan Ford 49.2 2008 4. Caleb Ryu 50.11 2018 5. Matt Lenehan 50.15 2018 6. Bruce Ridgeway 50.0 1974 7. Eric Smith 50.1 1984 8. Don Cornagie 50.3 1982 9. Gary Gottschalk 50.4 1978 10. James Smith 50.5 1998 11. Mark Ciarlante 50.6 1977 Chick Lee 50.6 1960 Leslie Mills 50.6 2003 13. Terrence Washington 50.62 1998 14. Wes Ricci 50.89 2000 15. Kevin Kuliga 50.9 1971 16. Steve Topper 51.0 2008 Dan Ward 51.0 1981 18. Shaun Permar 51.07 1999 19. Drew Newsome 51.13 2007 20. Kirk Kalogris 51.1 1969 21. John Delia 51.2 1975 Andy Phelan 51.2 2010 Sam Storino 51.2 2006 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: 800 Meters
Rank Name Time Year
1. Bob Willi 1:52.9 1983 2. Kevin DiFlorio 1:54.15 2010 3. Matt Gould 1:54.72 2004 4. Dan McKay 1:54.6 1997 5. Wes Ricci 1:56.0 2000 6. Kodi Burns 1:56.08 2011 7. Sean Townsend 1:56.28 1997 8. Casey Comber 1:56.97 2015 9. Sam Hibbs 1:57.0 2012 10. Adam Wible 1:57.1 2001 11. Adam Penney 1:57.20 2008 12. Sam Storino 1:57.35 2006 13. Mike Cavalieri 1:58.3 1969 Wayne Mehlman 1:58.3 1985 Seth Hibbs 1:58.3 2009 16. Russ Coleman 1:58.8 1995 17. Josh Levy 1:58.9 2003 18. Dave Slovitsky 1:59.0 1975 Dennis Vinson 1:59.0 1987 20. Kevin Davis 1:59.55 2007 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: 1600 Meters
Rank Name Time Year
1. Dan McKay 4:08.58 1997 2. Casey Comber 4:14.20 2015 3. Russ Coleman 4:15.6 1995 Kevin DiFlorio 4:15.6 2010 5. Seth Hibbs 4:15.93 2009 6. Sam Hibbs 4:15.96 2012 7. Dennis Vinson 4:15.8 1987 8. Conner Quinn 4:21.50 2012 9. Bob Willi 4:22.5 1983 10. Josh Hibbs 4:23.74 2005 11. Jacob Fisher 4:25.55 2014 12. Mike Bates 4:25.4 1970 13. Mike Hilghman 4:25.9 1985 14. Kirk Herbst 4:26.0 1982 15. Greg Wesh 4:26.47 2009 16. Justin Forget 4:27.4 2010 17. Stefano Isabella 4:27.94 2018 18. Nathan Kingsbury 4:28.0 1990 19. Brian Thompson 4:28.7 1990 20. Dan Forgeng 4:29.02 2004 21. Mike Kenny 4:29.21 2004 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: 3200 Meters
Rank Name Time Year
1. Casey Comber 9:00.95 2015 2. Sam Hibbs 9:08.62 2012 3. Russ Coleman 9:08.4 1995 4. Dan McKay 9:11.69 1997 5. Conner Quinn 9:17.83 2013 6. Mike Kenny 9:27.25 2004 7. Josh Hibbs 9:31.74 2005 8. Dennis Vinson 9:32.7 1986 9. Rick McGarry 9:33.2 1982 10. Dan Hibbs 9:33.57 2007 11. Mike Haldeman 9:36.0 1986 12. Mike Puceta 9:37.1 1983 13. Seth Hibbs 9:37.49 2009 14. Dan Forgeng 9:38.4 2004 15. Connor Irwin 9:39.77 2016 16. Mike Hilghman 9:40.4 1984 17. Keith Onimus 9:43.4 2004 18. Ben Cutilli 9:49.10 2008 19. Conor Renn 9:50.89 2010 20. James Golden 9:51.7 2001 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: 110 High Hurdles
Rank Name Time Year
1. Randy Mills 14.16 1998 2. Rennie Mills 14.2 2001 3. Steve Topper 14.63 2008 4. Anthony Miller 14.5 2002 5. Bill Coleman 14.8 1977 Ken Corbo 14.8 1975 7. Peter Bossert 14.9 1976 Walt Young 14.9 1955 9. Matt McCloskey 14.98 1999 10. Evan Mackrides 15.16 2008 11. Steve Dickey 15.0 1968 Leslie Mills 15.0 2003 13. Glenn Coleman 15.1 1982 Scott Frey 15.1 1991 15. Peter Abele 15.3 1974 Eric Dean 15.3 1983 Justin Hill 15.3 2002 Bill Kleinhoff 15.3 1963 Jim McCoy 15.3 1999 Greg Pavlik 15.3 1978 Bryan Pearsall 15.3 1989 Chris Straup 15.3 1992 Nick Torsitano 15.3 2013 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: 300 Inter Hurdles
Rank Name Time Year
1. Steve Topper 38.19 2008 2. Matt Lenahan 39.04 2017 3. Derek Newsome 39.18 2011 4. Evan Mackrides 39.50 2008 5. Matt McCloskey 39.3 1999 6. Joe Lyons 39.6 1976 Randy Mills 39.6 1998 8. Anthony Miller 39.7 2002 Jeff Pavlik 39.7 1980 10. Leslie Mills 39.95 2003 11. Glenn Coleman 40.01 1982 12. Nick Torsitano 40.04 2012 13. Rennie Mills 40.3 2001 14. Varun Doddapaneni 40.43 2000 15. Gary Gottschalk 40.6 1978 16. Bryan Pearsall 40.67 1990 17. Clarence Bletner 40.93 2016 18. Peter Bossert 40.7 1975 19. Mike Becker 40.9 1978 20. Scott Frey 41.1 1991 Greg Mullen 41.1 1987 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: Long Jump
Rank Name Distance Year
1. Matt Kane 22’ 3.5” 2011 2. Randy Mills 21’ 11.5 “ 1998 3. Dick Hooper 21’ 7.5” 1947 4. Chris Horstman 21’ 5” 1989 5. Tom O’Neill 21’ 4.5” 1979 6. Kasey Savage 21’4.25” 2018 7. Terrence Washington 21’ 4” 1998 8. Brian Goodwin 21’ 3.75” 2003 9. Scott Frey 21’ 2.5” 1991 10. Greg Mullen 21’ 1.5” 1988 11. Glenn Coleman 21’ 0” 1981 Ken Corbo 21’ 0” 1975 13. Joe Kowalski 20’ 11.75” 2005 Darrin Oliver 20’ 11.75 2010 15. Kevin Garland 20’ 10” 2005 16. Matt Langely 20’ 9.75” 1996 17. Rennie Mills 20’ 8” 2001 18. Tom Burkholder 20’ 7.75” 1973 19. Joe Berry 20’ 7.25” 2007 20. Rob Sparks 20’ 7” 1992 21. Al Brough 20’ 6.5” 1969 Colin Dempster 20’ 6.5” 2008 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: Triple Jump
Rank Name Distance Year
1. Dryw Stafford 46’ 3.25” 2010 2. Matt Kane 45’ 3.75” 2010 3. Chris Horstman 44’ 11.5” 1998 4. Tom O’Neill 44’ 7.75” 1979 5. Joe Kowalski 43’ 5.5” 2005 Walt Krywicki 43’ 5.5” 1967 Jeff Pavlik 43’ 5.5” 1980 8. Brian Goodwin 43’ 3.25” 2003 9. Matt Langely 43’ 0” 1997 10. Anthony Miller 42’ 9.5” 2002 11. Chuck Parys 42’ 6.25” 1974 12. Bob Lyerly 42’ 5.25” 1965 Darrin Oliver 42’ 5.25” 2010 14. Tyre Washington 42’ 4.5” 1981 15. Steve Koebert 42’ 2.5” 2003 16. Harry Ganges 42’ 1.5” 1998 17. Bill Slish 42’ 0.5” 1969 18. Greg Mullen 41’ 9.5” 1988 19. Rob Sparks 41’ 9” 1992 20. Tom Burkholder 41’ 7” 1973 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: High Jump
Rank Name Height Year
1. Greg Mullen 6’ 9” 1988 2. Darrin Oliver 6’ 6” 2010 3. Tom O’Neill 6’ 5.5” 1979 4. Eric Jessup 6’ 4” 1988 5. Brian Dillon 6’ 2” 1994 Pete Falcone 6’ 2” 2007 Matt Kane 6’ 2” 2011 Rob Konzelman 6’ 2” 1998 9. Keith Carnahan 6’ 1” 1976 10. Joe Berry 6’ 0” 2006 Justin Ehring 6’ 0” 2011 Steve Felker 6’ 0” 1988 Brian Flowers 6’ 0” 1993 Justin Gohn 6’ 0” 1994 Gary Gottschalk 6’ 0” 1978 Todd Hoover 6’ 0” 1992 Mike Maser 6’ 0” 2004 Don McGeary 6’ 0” 1999 Randy Mills 6’ 0” 1997 Tom Schultz 6’ 0” 2000 Dryw Stafford 6’ 0” 2010 Kasey Savage 6’0” 2018 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: Pole Vault
Rank Name Height Year
1. Joe Berry 16’ 10” 2007 2. Nicholas Marino 15’ 9” 2016 3. Kevin Clark 15’ 0” 2004 4. Peter Bossert 14’ 6” 1975 Adam Mowry 14’ 6” 2008 6. Jim Timms 14’ 3” 1983 7. Matt McCloskey 14’ 0” 1999 8. Pete Hischman 13’ 8.5” 1973 9. Craig Gower 13’ 8” 1997 10. Barry Angely 13’ 7” 1973 11. Josh Coleman 13’ 6.5” 2004 12. Scott Boegner 13’ 6” 1992 Lorenzo Gower 13’ 6” 2008 Jim Kulp 13’ 6” 1987 Mike Povilaitis 13’ 6” 2001 16. Kevin McDonald 13’ 3” 1983 17. Steve Felker 13’ 0” 1988 Brian McDonald 13’ 0” 1983 Jim Montague 13’ 0” 2009 20. Gary MacAlarney 12’ 9” 1971 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: Shot Put
Rank Name Distance Year
1. Brian Haupt 57’ 11” 2000 2. Chris Kulick 56’ 9.75” 1977 3. Eric Jessup 56’ 9.5” 1988 4. Jim Pakenas 56’ 1.5” 1966 5. Ed Dearden 55’ 11.5” 1983 6. Tevin Kirby 54’ 1.25” 2012 7. Josh Artau 54’ 0.5” 1997 8. Joe Banks 52’ 6.5” 1994 9. Mark Dearden 52’ 6” 1978 10. John Molnar 52’ 2.75” 2013 11. Chris Black 51’ 6” 2010 12. John Grossman 51’ 4.75” 1987 13. Steve Schweizerhoff 50’ 6.75” 1973 14. Cameron Willison 49’ 7.25” 2016 15. Steve Foster 49’ 6.5” 1986 Ed Meyer 49’ 6.5” 1965 17. Tom Lee 49’ 4.5” 1967 18. Ted Morrison 49’ 1.25” 1967 19. Jim Reichwein 48’ 9.5” 1982 20. Sean Foley 48’ 8” 1999 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: Discus
Rank Name Distance Year
1. Brian Haupt 183’ 10” 2000 2. Matt Artau 164’ 7” 1998 3. Brian Collette 160’ 11” 2002 4. Andrew Matthews 160’ 7” 2008 5. Bill McCabe 157’ 0.5” 1973 6. Jim Pakenas 148’ 10” 1966 7. Ed Dearden 148’ 1” 1983 8. Jeff Kennoy 147’ 6” 1977 Steve Sadowski 147’ 6” 1985 10. Brian Meager 146’ 10” 1997 11. Scott Shoaff 146’ 8” 1991 12. Ken Begor 146’ 7” 2005 13. Tevin Kirby 146’ 2” 2012 14. Dennis Williams 145’ 2” 1993 15. Brent Spineo 145’ 1” 1990 16. Eric Jessup 144’ 6” 1988 Ken Wonderland 144’ 6” 1973 18. Chris Black 143’ 5” 2010 19. Josh Artau 141’ 8” 1996 20. Peter Van Dolson 141’ 6” 1973 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: Javelin
Rank Name Distance Year
1. Eric Boyer 194’ 5” 1985 2. Tom Brennan 194’ 4” 1998 3. Dave Bolger 191’ 8.5” 1982 4. Ken Corbo 189’ 5” 1975 5. Dan Wilson 187’ 3” 2003 6. Joe Pregler 186’ 5” 1981 7. Ken Kube 182’ 7” 1987 8. Mike Ambolino 181’ 4.5” 1987 9. Josh Artau 181’ 2” 1997 10. JD LaSalle 178’ 10” 2012 11. Bill Coleman 178’ 9” 1977 12. Paul Conboy 176’ 11” 2008 13. Sean Foley 175’ 1” 2000 14. Chris McTague 174’ 9” 1991 15. Tom Raub 174’ 1” 1974 16. Doug Morocco 173’ 11.5” 1986 17. Tom Burkholder 173’ 3” 1973 18. Steve Foster 172’ 4” 1986 19. Russ Fairlie 172’ 3” 1963 20. Joe Larosa 172’ 0” 2002 New Javelin (2000-current) 1. Dan Wilson 187’ 3” 2003 2. Tommy Haas 184’ 6” 2016 3. JD LaSalle 178’ 10” 2012 4. Paul Conboy 176’ 11” 2008 5. Joe Larosa 172’ 0” 2002 6. Sean Locke 170’ 1” 2013 7. Drew Magnant 169’ 5” 2014 8. Jon LaSalle 166’ 1” 2017 Hatboro-Horsham Hall of Fame: Relays
Rank Names Time Year
4 x100 m Relay 1. Randy Mills, Terrence Washington, Al 42.27 1997 Williams, James Smith 2. Matt Teitelbaum, Kevin Heil, Tom 43.49 1999 Schultz, Al Williams 3. Mike DiPietro, Colin Dempster, Colin 43.76 2008 Herbine, Ryan Ford 4. Corey Hackett, Andrew McIntyre, Karl 43.6 2012 Leisch, Keiko Martin 5. Joe Feliciani, Kevin Garland, Brian 43.7 2003 Casey, Leslie Mills 4 x 200 m Relay 1. Smith, Teitel baum, Williams, Mills 1:31.3 1998 2. Delia, Ciarlante, Lambert, Lyons 1:31.9 1976 3. Mills, Washington, Kotzen, Smith 1:32.0 1997 4. Delia, Christiansen, Ridgeway, Lyons 1:32.9 1976 5. Delia, Ridgeway, Smith, Delia 1:33.0 1975 4 x 400 m Relay 1. Glenn Coleman, Kirk Herbst, Don 3:19.5 1982 Cornagie, Joe Boileau 2. Terrence Washington, Randy Mills, 3:20.01 1998 Ryan Kraske, James Smith 3. Steve Topper, Adam Penney, Evan 3:23.00 2008 Mackrides, Ryan Ford 4. Colin Dempster, Derek Newsome, Kodi 3:23.90 2011 Burns, Pat Clark 5. Colin Dempster, Seth Hibbs, Pete 3:24.07 2009 Holman, Colin Herbine Rank Names Time Year 4 x 800 m Relay 1. Kodi Burns, Colin Dempster, Pat Clark, Sam 7:50.69 2011 Hibbs 2. Dan Ward, Mike Rominiecki, John Lepley, 7:53.16 1985 Wayne Mehlman 3. Kevin DiFlorio, Greg Wesh, Pete Holman, 7:54.92 2009 Seth Hibbs 4. Justin Forget, Sam Hibbs, Kodi Burns, Kevin 7:55.56 2010 DiFlorio 5. McDonald, Gowen, Herbst, Willi 7:55.68 1982 4 x 1600m Relay 1. Mike Kenny, Matt Gould, Keith Onimus, Dan 18:08.6 2004 Forgeng 2. Greg Wesh, Kevin DiFlorio, Pete Holman, 18:14.0 2009 Seth Hibbs 3. A. Doorley, D. McKay, D. Marks, R. 18:19.0 1995 Coleman 4. Rominiecki, Lepley, Mehlman, Hilghman 18:20.2 1984 5. Hilghman, Willi, Puceta, Rominiecki 18:21.2 1983 Sprint Medley Relay (200, 200, 400, 800) 1. James Smith, AJ Kotzen, Terrence 3:32.7 1997 Washington, Dan McKay 2. Smith, Timms, Steele, Willi 3:36.8 1983 3. Ciarlante, Green, Coleman, Gottschalk 3:37.2 1977 4. Herbine, Phelan, Nungesser, DiFlorio 3:37.96 2010 5. Johnson, Schutlz, Roys, Ricci 3:39.0 2000 Distance Medley Relay (1200, 400, 800, 1600) 1. Greg Wesh, Colin Dempster, Kevin DiFlorio, 10:31.02 2009 Seth Hibbs 2. Kevin DiFlorio, Colin Dempster, Pete 10:36.88 2009 Holman, Seth Hibbs 3. Dan McKay, Jeff Lake, Dan Marks, Derek 10:37.8 1995 Roden 4. Roden, Pavone, Marks, McKay 10:38.5 1996 5. Kevin Davis, Adam Penney, Sam Storino, 10:38.94 2007 Dan Hibbs Shuttle Hurdle Relay 1. Ken Corbo, Bill Coleman, Peter Abele, Peter 1:02.4 1975 Bossert 2. McCloskey, Ganges, McCoy, Mills 1:03.1 1998 3. Ganges, Floyd, Payton, Mills 1:04.1 1997 4. Mills, McCoy, McGeary, McCloskey 1:04.2 1999 5. Hill, Wilson, Mills, Miller 1:04.3 2002