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MasterLife CI 220 V2

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MasterLife® CI 220
Dual Mechanism Corrosion Inhibiting Admixture (Bi-Polar)


MasterLife CI 220 is a state-of-the-art, dual
mechanism (bi-polar) corrosion-inhibiting Aspect Clear to slightly cloudy
admixture formulated to inhibit the corrosion of liquid
steel in reinforced concrete. MasterLife CI 220 Relative Density 1.00  0.02 at 25°C
provides dual corrosion protection, for
c o n c r e t e a n d s t e e l , making it the most
effective corrosion-inhibiting admixture available. Plastic Properties
Mechanism of Action The plastic properties of concrete are not
significantly affected by the use of MasterLife CI 220
MasterLife CI 220 functions by inhibiting
corrosion at its most critical points by lining the Slump and Temperature Development
pores of the concrete matrix thus slowing the rate MasterLife CI 220 has no effect on slump or
at which chlorides and moisture enter the the temperature development profile of concrete.
concrete and denying the corrosion process of its
Hardened Properties
two most important components.
The hardened properties of concrete are not
MasterLife CI 220 provides additional protection
significantly affected by the use of MasterLife CI
by adsorbing onto the reinforcing steel to form a
corrosion resistant protective film. This protective
film dramatically slows the corrosion process by Corrosion-Inhibiting Systems
preventing chlorides from reacting with the In order to control corrosion in steel reinforced
reinforcing steel, and by depriving the corrosion concrete, the ACI Building Code (ACI 318)
process of moisture, thus slowing the rate of requires certain design considerations, such as
corrosion. limiting the water-cementitious ratio; providing
FIELDS OF APPLICATION adequate concrete cover over reinforcing steel;
and limiting the initial chloride ion content of the
MasterLife CI 220 is recommended for steel
concrete. Additionally, construction practices
reinforced concrete where longer service lives are
should be such that dense, void-free concrete is
desired and in situation where the concrete will be
exposed to environmental chlorides from de-icing
salts or marine conditions. In addition to the elements of good concrete
practice required by the ACI Building Code, BASF
Construction Chemicals recommends a corrosion-
inhibiting system that inhibits corrosion at multiple
 Inhibits corrosion at its most critical points levels for maximum protection.
 Reduces the rate at which chlorides and
Additional protection can be attained through the
moisture enter the concrete use of a high-range water-reducing admixture to
 Adsorbs onto the reinforcing steel to form a provide adequate place-ability and consolidation
corrosion-resistant protective film at low water-cement ratios and/or the use of
 Extended service life of reinforced concrete MasterLife SF – (silica fume) to reduce concrete
structures permeability.
 Premium corrosion protection by slowing the
ingress of chlorides and moisture into the
concrete and forming a strong, durable APPLICATION
protective film on the reinforcing steel MasterLife CI 220 may be added with concrete
 Effective in cracked concrete where the batch water. It should not be mixed with any other
elements that cause corrosion have direct admixtures prior to being introduced into the
access to the reinforcing steel concrete mixer. The use of this admixture does
 Increased sulfate resistance not require changes in normal batching
 Normal set product that can be easily used in
elevated temperatures.

MasterLife® CI 220
MasterLife CI 220 is recommended for use at MasterLife CI 220 can be stored for 9 months
if stored at temperatures above 5 ºC and below
dosage rate of 3 to 8 L/m3 of concrete depending
45 C, in tightly sealed original drums. If found
upon the severity of the corrosion environment to be frozen, thaw it and reconstitute the product
and the anticipated chloride loading of the by stirring.
The water content of MasterLife CI 220 .PRECAUTIONS
admixture also contributes to the consistency of Health: MasterLife CI  220 does not contain
the concrete mixture and the hydration of the any hazardous substances requiring labelling.
cementitious materials. When designing the mix,
It is safe for use with standard precautions
the amount of water equivalent to the dosage of followed in the construction industry, such as use
MasterLife CI 220 should be reduced in the of hand gloves, safety goggles, etc.
calculation of the water to cementitious ratio of
the concrete. For detailed Health, Safety and Environmental
Recommendations, please consult and follow all
COMPATIBILITY instructions on the product Material Safety Data
MasterLife CI  220 admixture may be used with Sheet.
Portland cements and mineral admixtures TDS Ref.No:MasterLifeCI220/02/0916
approved under ASTM, AASHTO, or CRD  
specifications. It is compatible with other chemical
admixtures, including water reducers,
superplasticizers, retarders and air entertainers’.
Chemical admixtures should be added separately
to the concrete to ensure desired results.

MasterLife CI 220 is available in 235 Kg

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are based on the present
STATEMENT OF state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as
RESPONSIBILITY to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either
(Disclaimer) expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for
their intended use.
® = registered trademark of BASF group in many countries

NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF Construction Chemicals
either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF
Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF India Limited

Construction Chemicals Division
Plot.No.12,TTC Area 
Thane Belapur Road,Turbhe 
Navi Mumbai - 400705,India 
Tel: +91 22 67127600, Fax: +91 22 67917358 
E-mail: construction-india@basf.com , www.master-builders-solutions.basf.in

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