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Ecological Modelling - DHI Solution - V1.3

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Applying MIKE ECO Lab for solving ecosystem challenges

Dynamic ecological modelling has been part of our core solutions for decades. SUMMARY
Today, we offer state-of-the-art ecological modelling and software to solve CLIENT
challenges in aquatic ecosystems in combination with classical hydrodynamic  National and regional authorities
modelling.  Offshore industry

 Port and terminal constructors

A DYNAMIC MODELLING TOOL  Consultants and constructors

 Aquaculture companies
MIKE ECO Lab – our dynamic ecological modelling tool – is the basis for an
ecosystem approach to environmental management. It allows quantitative, dynamic
descriptions of water quality in the short- or long-term and includes nutrient
 Need for ecosystem scale management
dynamics, plankton, eelgrass, macroalgae and benthic fauna.
 Need to define and describe specific

The different standard MIKE ECO Lab models are developed and optimised to ecosystems
 Need to determine potential environmental
address specific environmental challenges. These include including varying climatic
conditions and varying complexities – from simple interactions to complex
 Need for reliable predictions of ecological
ecosystem models. impacts to assess measures and prioritise
MIKE ECO Lab is the preferred solution for assessing factors such as:
 effects of nutrient loadings on the status of the aquatic environment SOLUTION
 strategies for wastewater treatment (nutrients and bacteria)  Advanced Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIAs) based on ecosystem
 causes and impacts of oxygen depletion events modelling
 effects of cooling water discharges  Integrating our understanding of ecological
processes with our advanced hydrodynamic
 environmental impacts of constructing large infrastructures like harbours, bridges modelling
or tunnels  Development of ecological models that can

 impact of dredging on primary production and growth of benthic vegetation & answer complex environmental questions.
 Science-based model development
 environmental consequences of developing new urban and industrial areas VALUE
 efficiency of action plans related to nutrient reductions and long-term effects of  Enabling ecosystem-based management

reduction scenarios  Efficient management of the environmental

 risks in connection with algal blooms  Swifter and smoother project approval,
 site selection, optimisation of production and Environmental Impact Assessments commencement, progress and operation
(EIAs) in connection with aquaculture production  Assessment of environmental footprint

Every ecosystem is unique. MIKE ECO Lab is a generic and open tool for easy

Singapore Land reclamation

customisation to unique aquatic ecosystems based on existing Over the past decades, eutrophication has affected coastal
models or by the development of new problem-specific areas worldwide. Nutrient enrichment has caused impacts on
models. Hence, if governing ecosystem processes are not water quality & benthic communities and it has changed the
included in already developed MIKE ECO Lab models, physico-chemical habitats for key organisms. The involved
adjustments can be applied or even re-engineered. This processes are spatially and temporally complex and dynamic.
makes it possible to focus the model on the specific issues of Using dynamic ecological modelling is the only adequate way
local ecosystems. to evaluate the effects of suggested environmental measures
and plans as well as political decisions.
Today, EIAs of large infrastructure projects require
quantitative estimations of the predicted environmental effects Spill events like overflows from sewer systems can impact
of construction and operation. Combining our hydrodynamic human health or the environment by increased concentrations
and ecological models allows for quantitative assessments of of bacteria, nutrients, toxic substance and so on. The fate of
environmental impacts. MIKE ECO Lab has been applied to a spilled water can have serious effects on the individual as well
number of EIAs throughout the world. Examples include the as economic consequences on various sectors like tourist
assessments of aquaculture production in Australia, land industry and aquaculture. Ecological modelling of bacterial
reclamations in Singapore and fixed links in Denmark. MIKE fate, for instance, has been used in a number of cases for
ECO Lab has been successfully applied and adapted to local defining bathing water quality and impacts of measures.
conditions for overall evaluation of the accumulative impacts
of construction and operation.


© DHI / Photo: Shutterstock © Jonpaul Hosking

In coastal areas eelgrass can be an important organism to include in

the modeling
Potential health risks in connection to treated or untreated
waste water can be assessed by MIKE ECO Lab

Contact: info@dhigroup.com
For more information visit: www.dhigroup.com

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