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Performance Evaluation Report

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Performance Evaluation Report

Reference Number: PPE:INO 2009-58

Project Number: 29446
Loan Number: 1511-INO
December 2009

Indonesia: Metropolitan Bogor, Tangerang, and

Bekasi Urban Development (Sector) Project

Independent Evaluation Department


Currency Unit – rupiah (Rp)

At Appraisal At Project Completion At Independent Evaluation

(31 October 1996) (30 September 2003) (11 March 2009)
Rp1.00 = $0.00043 $0.00011 $0.000083
$1.00 = Rp2,327 Rp9,000 Rp11,912


ADB – Asian Development Bank

AFC – Asian financial crisis

BAPEDAL – Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan

(local government environmental agency)
BAPPENAS – Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
(national development planning agency)
BME – benefit monitoring and evaluation
BOT – build-operate-transfer
BOTABEK – Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi
BTOR – back-to-office report
CDM – clean development mechanism
DED – detailed engineering design
DGHS – Directorate General of Human Settlements
DGURD – Directorate General of Urban and Rural Development
EA – executing agency
EIRR – economic internal rate of return
FDS – final disposal site
FIRR – financial internal rate of return
IED – Independent Evaluation Department
IEM – Independent Evaluation Mission
IPLT – sludge processing plant
IUIDP – integrated urban infrastructure development project
KIP – kampung improvement program
LG – local government
LIDAP – local institutional development action plan
MDG – Millennium Development Goal
MIIP – market infrastructure improvement program
MOHA – Ministry of Home Affairs
MOHARA – Ministry of Home and Regional Affairs
MPW – Ministry of Public Works
MSRD – Ministry of Settlements and Regional Development
NRW – nonrevenue water
OED – Operations Evaluation Department
O&M – operation and maintenance
ODA – official development assistance
PCR – project completion report
PDAM – Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum
(local government water supply enterprise)
PPER – project performance evaluation report
PPTA – project preparatory technical assistance
PSP – private sector participation
RIAP – revenue improvement action plan
SLA – subsidiary loan agreement
SPAR – subproject appraisal report
STP – sewerage treatment plants
SWM – solid waste management
TPA – Tempat Pembuangan Akhir
(final solid waste disposal site)


km – kilometer
l – liter
lpcd – liters per capita per day
P P – cubic meters per day
m – meter


In this report, “$” refers to US dollars.


indonesian urban development evaluation, indonesia water supply project evaluation, indonesia
local authority water supply and sanitation, indonesian public health, kampung improvement
program, adb, evaluation, asian development bank, public hygiene

Director General H.S. Rao, Independent Evaluation Department (IED)

Director H. Hettige, Independent Evaluation Division 2, IED

Team leader T. Ueda, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Division 2,

Team members R. Lumain, Senior Evaluation Officer, Independent Evaluation Division 2,
R. Isidro, Operations Evaluation Assistant, Independent Evaluation
Division 2, IED

Independent Evaluation Department, PE-730

In preparing any evaluation report, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular

territory or geographic area in this document, the Independent Evaluation Department does not
intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.




A. Evaluation Purpose and Process 1
B. Expected Results 1
A. Formulation 1
B. Rationale 2
C. Cost, Financing, and Executing Arrangements 3
D. Procurement, Construction, and Scheduling 4
E. Design Changes 5
F. Outputs 5
G. Consultants 11
H. Loan Covenants 11
I. Policy Framework 12
A. Overall Assessment 13
B. Relevance 14
C. Effectiveness 15
D. Efficiency 15
E. Sustainability 16
A. Impacts 16
B. Asian Development Bank Performance 18
C. Borrower Performance 19
A. Issues 20
B. Lessons 21
C. Follow-Up Actions 22

The guidelines formally adopted by the Independent Evaluation Department (IED) on avoiding
conflict of interest in its independent evaluations were observed in the preparation of this report.
Robert Merrill and Iwan Widodo were the consultants. To the knowledge of the management of
IED, there were no conflicts of interest of the persons preparing, reviewing, or approving this report.

1. Project Design and Monitoring Framework and Assessment Results at Project 23

Completion and Performance Evaluation
2. Project Costs, Financing, and Achievements 27
3. Project Facilities during Independent Evaluation Mission Visits 32
4. Summary of Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation Results 35
5. Status of Compliance with Loan Covenants 39
6. Overall Performance Assessment 49
7. Economic Reevaluation 50
8. Financial Reevaluation 57
9. Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Related to Water Supply
and Sanitation Sector 63
10. Highlights of the Socioeconomic Survey 70
Loan 1511-INO: Metropolitan Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi
Urban Development (Sector) Project

Project Preparation and Institution Building

TA No. TA Name
— None
As per ADB
Key Project Data ($ million) Loan Documents Actual
Total Project Cost 228.00 74.57
Foreign Exchange Cost 65.00 22.98
Local Currency Cost 163.00 51.59
ADB Loan Amount/Utilization 80.00 39.69
ADB Loan Amount/Cancellation 0.00 40.31

Key Dates Expected Actual

Fact-Finding 7–31 May 1996
Appraisal 19 Aug–20 Sep 1996
Loan Negotiations 18–20 Nov 1996
Board Approval 19 Dec 1996
Loan Agreement 10 Jan 1997
Loan Effectiveness 10 Apr 1997 13 Mar 1997
First Disbursement 13 May 1997
Project Completion 30 Sep 2002 30 Sep 2003
Loan Closing 30 Sep 2002 4 Mar 2004
Months (effectiveness to completion) 66 79

Internal Rates of Return (%) At Appraisal PCR PPER

Financial Internal Rate of Return
Water Supply 3.1−7.4 7.9−16.8 11.4−23.1
Sanitation nc 1.3−17.2 nc
Solid Waste nc -0.6−7.8 nc
Economic Internal Rate of Return
Water Supply nc 16.5−37.3 20.7−44.5
Road Betterment 45.7 2.2−56.2 4.6−30.6
Road Widening 18.0−32.9 24.6−52.7 17.4−32.8
New Roads 31.2−38.3 nc nc
Drains 30.4−44.3 1.7−2.6 nc
Kampung Improvement 25.9 nc nc

Borrower Republic of Indonesia

Executing Agency Directorate General of Urban and Rural Development in the Ministry of
Settlements and Regional Development
Mission Data
Type of Mission No. of Missions No. of Person-Days
Fact-Finding 1 250
Appraisal 1 256
Project Administration 7 99
Inception 1 12
Review 4 44
Midterm Review 1 29
Special Loan Administration 1 14
Project Completion 1 21
Independent Evaluation 1 55
nc = not calculated, PCR = project completion report, PPER = project performance evaluation report.

The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) included evaluation of the Metropolitan

Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi (BOTABEK) Sector Project in its annual work program for 2009 in
order to gather information for its review of the urban sector in Indonesia. This evaluation is based
on a review of project documents and other studies, and on the findings of the Independent
Evaluation Mission (IEM), which visited Indonesia from 4 to 21 March 2009. The IEM consulted
relevant national agencies including the National Statistics Office and four local authorities and their

Jakarta’s Metropolitan region, known as JABOTABEK, comprises Jakarta itself plus

BOTABEK. The population of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia and the largest metropolis (660
square kilometers) in Southeast Asia, has grown rapidly during the last 20 years. In 1994, Jakarta
city had a population of 11.5 million. The annual population growth rate was 4.3% between 1990
and 1995. The pressure of this growing population and the accompanying environmental
deterioration in the city led to suburbanization or the movement from the central city to the
peripheral areas including BOTABEK.

The project had two major parts: institutional development and physical investments in
subprojects. It had these objectives:
(i) Enhance the capacity of sector institutions. This refers particularly to the
perusahaan daerah air minum (PDAMs) or local government water supply
enterprises to enable them to (a) provide, operate, maintain, and finance urban
infrastructure services; (b) join the private sector in providing such services; and
(c) manage the urban environment.
(ii) Accelerate the provision of essential urban infrastructure in the project
area. The project scope included rehabilitating and expanding infrastructure
services such as water supply; roads and bridges; drainage, solid waste, and
sanitation; kampung (informal settlement in the urban peripheries) and market
infrastructure improvement; and bus terminals. The expected impacts were (a)
improved living and health conditions; (b) improved institutional, provincial and
municipal capacities; and (c) assistance to the government's urban policies
through an integrated urban infrastructure development project (IUIDP).

On 19 December 1996, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a second phase to
an existing project as many new development areas had emerged since the formulation of the
earlier first-phase BOTABEK Urban Development Project. The previous BOTABEK project was
appraised in June 1990, approved in January 1991, and completed in December 1996. Thus, just
when the previous BOTABEK project was about to close, the follow-on Metro BOTABEK project
was approved. Both projects were classified as multisector.

In the project performance audit report (PPAR) prepared by the then Operations Evaluation
Department (OED) in 2000 for the first BOTABEK project assessed it successful. However, its
lessons and follow-on suggestions were not incorporated during the implementation of the second
phase project (the Metro BOTABEK). For example, the nonrevenue water (NRW) levels were not
reduced in all project cities. Transferring the responsibility from the project monitoring unit to the
local government for ownership of operation and maintenance was not carried out adequately. The
project completion report (PCR) of the first BOTABEK project had identified the need for
strengthening local governments in overall planning and management, and had reported that the
issue was being addressed in the follow-on project. The first BOTABEK PCR listed the following
items as future issues that needed action: (i) better design of urban development projects, (ii) need
for local institution building, (iii) encouragement of private sector participation, (iv) active community

involvement, and (v) tariff increase for cost recovery. The first BOTABEK PCR also added that the
fundamental problem of polluted shallow groundwater should be solved in an integrated manner,
but this issue was not fully reflected in the Metro BOTABEK.

As a follow-on project, the Metro BOTABEK Urban Development (Sector) Project was
designed following the IUIDP approach. Learning from the first BOTABEK project, it stressed
regional development in the BOTABEK area, and expansion of private sector participation (PSP)
as a key element. The second project was prepared using loan savings from the first BOTABEK
project and so it had no specific project preparatory technical assistance. The Metro BOTABEK
Project was formulated as a sector loan, because the proposed investments were numerous,
scattered throughout the project area, and small in value (ranging from $50,000 to $5 million
equivalent). It was the eighth IUIDP project in Indonesia since 1989.

The project scope and emphasis areas changed substantially during implementation. At
appraisal, the project was estimated to cost $228 million (or double the actual cost of the first
BOTABEK project). The actual cost at completion was only $74.6 million (32.7% of appraisal
estimates). ADB financed $39.7 million (53.2% of the total cost). The ADB loan was reduced by a
cumulative amount of $40.3 million on several occasions (1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, and 2004) as
part of portfolio restructuring due to the Asian financial crisis and the reduced absorption capacity
of the government. The Borrower’s counterpart contribution totaled $34.9 million (46.8% of the total
cost) or 23.6% of the appraisal estimate of $148 million. Amid the downsizing process, ADB
supported the project by allowing its share of the cost to increase (53% compared to 35% at
appraisal) to make up for government budget difficulties.

The relative shares for subproject investments and institutional development changed from
87.4% and 6.3% at appraisal to 70.8% and 9.8% respectively at completion showing a shift in the
project focus towards institutional development (there was 11.3% increase in equipment category
also). The relative shares of water supply and sanitation, urban roads and bus terminal also
changed from 48.7%, 38.9% and 2.2%, respectively to 31.0%, 49.8%, and 7.2% at completion.
These changes in costs and scope of the project towards a higher emphasis on urban roads
weakened its outreach, especially in the public hygiene, thus limiting its ability to solve the various
urban infrastructure development problems faced by the BOTABEK area.

The project is rated partly relevant because of the substantial reduction in project scope.
The project had less relevance for the population of BOTABEK at the time of evaluation than at
project conception. This is especially because, according to the report and recommendation of the
President (RRP) and PCR, the estimated beneficiary population decreased from 6.1 million to 4.4
million in 2005, mainly as a result of reduction in scope in the water supply, sanitation and solid
waste subcomponents. The project contributed to the overall efforts of the government aimed at
getting BOTABEK local authorities to expand service coverage to more of their large population
albeit below expectations. The relevance was very much confined to the actual neighborhoods that
received the direct benefits, and not to the entire area of the target cities. In short, ADB's
investment in the target Metro BOTABEK area did not achieve a level of critical mass. The
reduction in scope was aggravated by the fact that, local parliaments did not want to approve
subsidiary loan agreements, due to apprehension about the debt burden at the time. The project
design elements to implement the PSP component was inadequate. These issues were not
addressed clearly in the PCR, but it is evident that the original intent became untenable even
before the midterm review stage.

The project is rated less effective, not only because the scope was reduced but because
institutional strengthening objectives, which remained as part of the smaller scope, were not
attained. The process by which the governor and the local parliament approve local projects and

tariff was a critical obstacle to the much-sought PSP. As a percentage of project financing, PSP
declined from the intended 25% to only 2% in the final costing. Poor analysis of the market and of
effective demand was also a major cause. The kampung improvement program (KIP) component
was not significant in terms of component size apportioned at the start. Its real poverty reduction
impact on the whole city was not significant.

The project is rated efficient. The PDAM economic internal rates of return (EIRR) for water
supply components, which are based largely on overall production increases and water treatment
plant tariffs from the socioeconomic survey, are all substantially higher than 12% (being 20.5% to
44.5%). Recalculated EIRR for the urban road (largest component) also showed an acceptable
range from 4.6% to 32.8%. Water supply and urban roads were two largest subcomponents: the
two combined accounted 69.5% of the total civil works investment. In terms of the implementation
delay, the project completion was extended by 12 months, which was acceptable, especially due to
the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

The project is rated less likely to be sustainable. The PCR viewed the sustainability of the
project components by considering whether the institutional budget or the community provided for
operation and maintenance. The local government and PDAM budgets did not provide such
provisions. Except in the Bekasi district PDAM, all FIRRs are substantially higher than the WACCs
of 7.0% for the PCR and 4.5% for the PPER. This result is largely due to the stronger revenues
and resulting net profits than was the case in the respective PDAMs shortly after the project ended
5 years ago. The financial internal rate of return analysis showed that subsidies and grants to local
governments had been growing (in the range of 9–19%) per year until 2006. They made up around
33% in Tangerang District, 31% in Bekasi District, and 57% in Bogor District of local government
income. This is despite Government Decrees No. 22 and No. 25 of 1999, which provide for the
devolution of government responsibility to the districts along with the necessary financial means.
On the other hand, local government's ability to raise finances varied. Financing in Tangerang
District grew substantially from 2003 to 2006, while growth in other local government territories was
either weak or negative. Except for replicating the KIP, there was little organized community
participation in the project components. Without profit incentives, private sector investment did not
materialize to the level that was envisaged.

The project is rated overall partly successful, based on the ratings from the four criteria

The project’s experience reveals a number of lessons for implementing urban development
and water supply projects:
(i) Difficulties due to many layers of government approvals under
decentralization. The project dealt with the new decentralized form of government,
which allows financing of urban infrastructure projects with official development
assistance. However, to avail of the ADB loan, almost all details in subproject
selection, approval, and funding flow needed many layers of processing in the local
government, then the province, and also many ministries of the central government.
There could have been a more streamlined approval process with specific criteria,
indicators, and checkpoints.
(ii) Impact tracking and benefit monitoring. There is a need to maintain various
project impact data, including health and socioeconomic data, to continuously
monitor improvements in the public health and livelihood that social infrastructure
projects will yield. Even with the physical infrastructure like urban road investment,
the government and ADB need to agree on how to measure benefits and economic

(iii) Lack of PDAM drive to reduce nonrevenue water (NRW). The IEM observed that
initiatives to reduce NRW did not result in the target figure of 20% in Tangerang,
which had the largest coverage among the eight targeted local areas. Reducing
NRW will need continuous efforts by both the management and technical division to
achieve better results with both short- and long-term targets. There should be a
reduction not only in technical losses from leakage, but also in financial losses from
inaccurate meters and inappropriate billings.
(iv) Lack of demand analysis. In cases of loans for water supply, neighborhood
upgrading (KIP), drainage and flood alleviation, sanitation (showers, laundries,
toilets), and/or home improvement, in-depth analysis of demand and affordability is
necessary. The findings should be part of an initial baseline survey in the project
preparatory technical assistance.
(v) Private sector participation. PSP should be treated carefully, not as a major
component, particularly in smaller urban development projects. PSP should be
based on the profit incentive and needs to include assurances of a reasonable rate
of return within a reasonable time period. This entails full knowledge of issues.
Legal and transaction advisories are also very much needed.
(vi) Assure regulatory capacity of sector institutions. Improved regulatory
capacity of the sector institutions (including the need to separate regulation from
the political process) should provide a level playing field for the private sector to
provide services in urban areas. Future projects must ensure access to quality
water supply to the poor households including reduced cost of water and saved
collection time.

Follow-Up Actions
(i) Sustainability. The Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Works, and Ministry of
Home Affairs need to jointly encourage the project's targeted PDAMs to consolidate
and prepare business plans, that would promote self-reliant financial management
to ensure sustainability. Business plans should clearly prioritize future plans for
expansion and/or development in their local areas, together with projected
necessary tariff levels. The plans should help the PDAMs deal with the central
government and potential private investors for further assistance, collaboration, and
investment. Similar to well-performing PDAMS that received incentive package
grants from the central government to come up with business plans, other
struggling PDAMs should also receive such grants.
(ii) Post-project monitoring. As Jakarta region and the main metropolitan areas in
Indonesia are continually facing urban boundary expansion and rapid influx of
migrants from rural areas, the government agencies need to maintain and keep
track of various urban infrastructure and service impact data, including health and
socio-economic indicators. Particularly, post-project completion monitoring on key
performance indicators of the PDAMs (e.g. NRW, tariff and debt-service ratio)
should be continued.
(iii) Reduce NRW. To reduce NRW, in addition to reducing leakages, there should be
follow-ups on nonpaying connections. The government must identify local
champions in this effort, and disseminate and promote the best practices and
possible steps in the Indonesian context. Incentives to meter readers and technical
personnel for correcting leakage are also needed.

H. Satish Rao
Director General
Independent Evaluation Department

A. Evaluation Purpose and Process

1. The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
included the Metropolitan Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi Urban Development (Sector) Project of
Indonesia 1 in its annual work program for 2009. The main reason for selecting the project for

evaluation was to provide information for a much broader sector assessment. 2 The evaluation is TPF FPT

based on project documents, a range of country studies, and the findings from information
gathered from the Independent Evaluation Mission (IEM), which visited Indonesia from 4 to 21
March 2009. The IEM consulted the national and local authorities, including four perusahaan
daerah air minums (PDAM) or local government water supply enterprises, and the National
Statistics Office.

B. Expected Results

2. The project was composed of two major parts: institutional development and physical
investments in subprojects (the design and monitoring framework is included in Appendix 1). The
objectives were to (i) enhance the capacity of sector institutions, particularly the PDAMs, to (a)
provide, operate, maintain, and finance urban infrastructure services; (b) work with the private
sector in providing such services; (c) manage the urban environment; and (ii) accelerate the
provision of essential urban infrastructure in the project area. The project was to include
institutional development of central, provincial, and local governments and their enterprises, and
rehabilitation and expansion of infrastructure services such as water supply; roads; drainage, solid
waste, and sanitation systems; kampung (village) and market infrastructure improvement; and bus
terminals. The expected impacts were (i) improved living and health conditions, (ii) improved
institutional capacity and provincial and municipal capacity, and (iii) assistance to the government's
urban policies through an integrated urban infrastructure development project.


A. Formulation

3. On 19 December 1996, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a second project
aimed at supporting the rapid development taking place in Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi
(BOTABEK) and many new development areas that emerged since the formulation of an earlier
first-phase BOTABEK Urban Development Project (para. 4). 3 The previous BOTABEK project was

appraised in June 1990, approved in January 1991, and completed in December 1996. Thus, just
when the previous BOTABEK project was about to close, the follow-on Metro BOTABEK Project
was approved. Both projects were classified as "multisector" category under the ADB sector

TP PT ADB. 1996. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a Proposed Loan to
Indonesia for the Metropolitan Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi Urban Development (Sector) Project. Manila (Loan

1511-INO for $80 million, approved on 19 December).


TP PT ADB. 2009. Draft Special Evaluation Study: Has the Multisector Approach been Effective for Urban Sector
Assistance in Indonesia? Manila.
TP PT ADB. 1990. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a Proposed Loan and
Technical Assistance Grant to Indonesia for the BOTABEK Urban Development Project. Manila (Loan 1077-INO
for $80 million, approved on 31 January 1991).

4. In the project performance audit report (PPAR) 4 prepared by the then Operations

Evaluation Department (OED) in 2000, the first BOTABEK project attained an overall rating of
successful. However, some weaknesses remained. The nonrevenue water (NRW) levels were not
reduced in all project cities. Transferring of responsibility from the project monitoring unit to the
local government for ownership of operation and maintenance (O&M) was not enough. Prior to
OED's PPAR, the project completion report (PCR) of the first BOTABEK project had identified the
need for strengthening local governments in overall planning and management, and had reported
that the issue was being addressed in the follow-on project. The first BOTABEK PCR listed the
following items as future issues that needed action: (i) better design of urban development projects,
(ii) need for local institution building, (iii) encouragement of private sector participation (PSP), (iv)
active community involvement, and (v) tariff increase for cost recovery. The PPAR added that even
though the first BOTABEK project including water treatment to solve the fundamental problem of
polluted shallow groundwater in an integrated manner, it did not fully resolve the situation. 5 In TPF FPT

addition, local governments considered the first BOTABEK project as only an "investment" for
improving infrastructure instead of being a vehicle for supporting the long-term delivery of services.
Lastly, the PPAR mission had noticed that in some targeted cities, sufficient counterpart funds
could not be provided on time, which delayed project implementation. 6 TPF FPT

5. The Metro BOTABEK Project was also designed following the approach of the integrated
urban infrastructure development program (IUIDP). Bearing in mind the experience of the first
BOTABEK project, it increased emphasis on development in the BOTABEK region and expansion
of private sector participation (PSP). 7 Project preparation was carried out using the loan savings

from the then ongoing first BOTABEK project. Thus, there was no specific project preparatory
technical assistance for the new project at the time. The follow-up project was formulated as a
sector loan because the proposed investments were numerous, scattered throughout the project
area, and small in value (ranging from $50,000 to $5 million equivalent). It was the eighth IUIDP
project in Indonesia since 1989.

B. Rationale

6. The population of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia and the largest metropolis in Southeast
Asia, grew rapidly during the last 20 years. The pressure of this growing population and the
accompanying environmental deterioration in Jakarta city led to suburbanization or the movement
from the central city to the peripheral areas including Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi, commonly
known as BOTABEK. The project's report and recommendation of the President (RRP), mentioned
that, "the project is based on medium-term urban infrastructure investment programs and feasibility
studies prepared by local governments and PDAMs, updated and refined by consultants financed
under the previous BOTABEK project." In addition, to justify the devolution of some planning of
urban infrastructure to the local level, the RRP explained (RRP, pp. 5-6), "until the mid-1980s, most
urban infrastructure improvements, including even relatively small works, were constructed by
national government agencies and handed over to local governments for O&M. This top-down

TP PT ADB. 2000. Project Performance Audit Report on the Three Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development Projects.
TP PT The PPAR for the first BOTABEK Project did not rate the quality of the PCR itself.
TP PT See Appendix 2: Basic Data for the project.
TP PT IUIDPs typically comprise many sectors such as water supply, sanitation, roads and housing, while standalone
projects upgrade municipal services in one or two sectors. The post-evaluation of the first three IUIDPs show three
advantages of IUIDPs vis-a-vis standalone projects. These are (i) flexibility in responding to changing needs,
(ii) ability to incorporate social and environmental concerns, and (iii) opportunities for improving urban
management. The study also established that IUIDPs are appropriate for project cities in the population range of
100,000−500,000. The efficiency of service delivery could be further improved by demand-side management,
especially for environment-related components.

approach, necessitated by the limited capacity of local governments to plan, and implement urban
infrastructure projects, resulted in insufficient responsiveness to local needs and inadequate cost
recovery to achieve sector sustainability. In 1985, the government, recognizing the need to improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of the urban infrastructure delivery system, adopted the IUIDP
approach to the improvement and expansion of urban infrastructure, including water supplies,
roads, drainage, solid waste management, and environmental sanitation, as well as kampung and
market infrastructure improvement. Three characteristics of the IUIDP are (i) medium-term
investment plans and feasibility studies, (ii) local institutional development action plan (LIDAP) and
revenue improvement action plans (RIAP), and (iii) mechanisms for coordinating infrastructure
development programs."

7. Suburbanization saw a decline in the population growth of Jakarta concomitant with a

drastic increase in population for BOTABEK. For the period 1990–2000 the population of Jakarta
increased by only 0.15% following a decline in 1995–2000. In contrast the population of Bogor city
expanded by 10.6%, while the population of Tangerang and Bekasi grew by about 4% (Table 1).
Many people who moved from Jakarta to the BOTABEK area still need to commute to Jakarta
every day for work. The daytime population of Jakarta is about double its nighttime population.

Table 1: Population of JABOTABEK

Population Average Annual
Location 1990 2000 Growth Rate (%)
Jakarta 8,259,266 8,384,853 0.15
Bogor City 271,711 743,478 10.59
Bogor District 3,936,897 4,635,801 1.65
Tangerang 2,765,189 4,087,181 3.98
Bekasi 2,104,459 3,282,238 4.54
JABOTABEK = Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi.
Source: Available: http://www.mukimits.com/megurb.htm.

C. Cost, Financing, and Executing Arrangements

8. At appraisal, the project was estimated to cost $228 million comprising $65 million in
foreign exchange and $163 million in local currency equivalent (Appendix 2, Table A2.1). ADB
share was a loan of $80 million from its ordinary capital resources to cover about 35% of total
costs, including foreign exchange costs of $47 million and local currency costs of $33 million
equivalent. Exchange rate fluctuations during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) and lack of
local government funds resulted in the cancellation of parts of the project.

9. At project completion, the actual project cost was only $74.6 million (32.7% of appraisal
estimates), with a foreign exchange cost of $23.0 million and a local currency cost of $51.6 million
equivalent. ADB financed $39.7 million (53.2% of the total cost), of which about $23 million was for
foreign exchange costs and $16.7 million equivalent for local currency costs. The ADB loan was
reduced by a cumulative amount of $40.3 million on several occasions (1995–1999, 2000, 2003–
2004) as part of portfolio restructuring in 1998 and thereafter. 8 The Borrower’s counterpart

contribution totaled $34.9 million (46.8% of the total cost) or 23.6% of the appraisal estimate of

TP PT While this significant deviation from the original estimates was primarily due to external factors (e.g., Asian financial
crisis and decentralization), the PCR report (pages 2-10) prepared by the consultant still noted that some of the
original project targets may have been optimistic. For example, drainage infrastructure was reduced during
subproject appraisal review due to optimistic economic feasibility assessments earlier. The IEM found project
assumptions for the private sector participation (PSP) component to be optimistic (para. 18).

$148 million. Amid the downsizing process, ADB supported the project by allowing its cost share to
increase and make up for the government budget difficulties. 9 TPF FPT

10. Project investments in institutional development totaled $7.3 million or 51% of the appraisal
target. Subproject investments amounted to $52.8 million or 28.6% of appraisal estimates. 10 At TPF FPT

appraisal, the water supply and sanitation and urban roads and bus terminal components were to
equally account for 41.1% of subproject–related costs. At project completion, the urban roads and
bus terminal components accounted for 57% of the actual subproject costs compared with 22.2%
for water supply and sanitation. The drainage and solid waste management components
accounted for 18.9% of actual project costs compared with the appraisal estimates of 14.7%.

11. The project had one executing agency (EA) in the central government, then Directorate
General of Human Settlements (DGHS) of the Ministry of Public Works (MPW). 11 BOTABEK local TPF FPT

authorities and PDAMs were the implementing agencies (IAs). DGHS oversaw project
management and coordinated the input of other central government agencies. The Director
General for Roads, MPW, 12 was responsible for urban roads and bridges. The Director General for

Water Resources Development, MPW, was in charge of urban flood control and bulk water supply.
The Director General of Public Administration and Regional Autonomy of then Ministry of Home
Affairs (MOHA) was responsible for assisting districts with institutional development, which covered
urban management, local revenue improvement, and urban finance. These agencies were
represented in the urban development coordination team chaired by the national development
planning agency (BAPPENAS), which is responsible for general urban and regional policies and
strategies. The PCR concluded that reorganizing DGHS during implementation did not have a
negative effect on project implementation.

D. Procurement, Construction, and Scheduling

12. Procurement under the project was in accordance with ADB's Guidelines on the Use
Consultants and Guidelines for Procurement Under ADB Loans (1991). On some occasions, ADB
objection to inadequacy of technical details, or the complex work requirements and lack of clear
internal government procedures resulted in implementation delays.

13. Despite a major reduction in scope, project implementation was still delayed by 12 months.
The project scheduled to close in September 2002, but it was extended to complete construction.
The project was considered substantially complete in September 2003. Some construction work,
which were delayed by late approval notices from ADB [main reasons were issues such as,
environmental safeguards, overpayment and audit issue, minor scope, and additions in the civil
works different from the original subproject appraisal reports (SPARs)] and due to contractors'
weak performance, had to be funded through other sources, particularly in the closing stage.

TP In January 1999, the ADB–financed share of project costs increased to 63.3% compared with 35.1% at appraisal.

This cost share was reduced to 56.2% under a revised financing plan in July 2002. At completion, the final cost
share settled at 53:47 for ADB. For the subproject investments, the realized cost sharing was 66:34 for
Government in line with the appraisal target of 68:32. ADB fully funded the institutional development component of
the project as against an initial targeted share of 40.6%.
TP The actual cost of the bus terminal component was 96% of the appraisal estimate. Actual investments in solid

waste management (39.8%), urban roads (36.6%), drainage (34.4%), and sanitation (31.5%) were about one third
of the appraisal targets. Project expenditures on the water supply (14.5%) and kampung/market infrastructure
improvement (17.5%) were less than 20% of the appraisal estimates.
TP Implementing arrangements for the sector loan generally followed those for the earlier BOTABEK Urban

Development Project executing and implementing agencies.

TP MPW is one of the largest ministries in Indonesia, and it has many Director Generals' offices, which is similar to

"departments". All the Directorate General offices listed in this paragraph belong to MPW, responsible for their
corresponding subsectors [e.g., housing and slums improvement, urban infrastructure (water, sanitation, etc.)].

E. Design Changes

14. Design changes were due to the major reduction in the scope of components during project
implementation. The AFC 13 and, to a certain extent, institutional reorganization in the country led to

changes in the location, volume, and type of investments required. At appraisal, the project design
carefully balanced the needs of both urban roads and social sectors (water supply, etc.) of urban
development in the BOTABEK area. Following the changes in scope and loan cancellation, the
project at completion had largely supported urban transport, which accounted for nearly 60% of
subproject expenditures. Except for the kampung improvement program (KIP) and market
infrastructure improvement program (MIIP) components, all other subcomponents' revised SPARs
were lower than the original appraised figure. The SPAR for the bus terminal component did not
decrease substantially (at 96% of the original), but the water supply sector had the largest cut of
14.5% (Appendix 2, Table A2.1). Urban roads (36.6%), drainage (34.3%), solid waste
management (39.8%) and sanitation (31.5%), all had substantial reductions from the appraised

F. Outputs

15. Since project approval in 1996, the urban sector has seen major changes in its overall
organization and implementation of projects. Not only have there been two basic laws (nos. 22 and
25/1999) on decentralization, which have reduced the influence of the central government and
increased the responsibility of local governments in providing urban infrastructure; there has also
been a reorganization within the EA (MPW) itself. The directorate responsible for implementation,
DGHS was changed to the Directorate General of Urban and Rural Development (DGURD), which
also has been reorganized. While design and formulation might have been relevant at the time of
approval, after the AFC in 1997 and the subsequent revisions and loan cancellation along with
increased regional autonomy, the project seems to have been a disparate scattering of small
subprojects in nine subsectors, and became supply-driven compared to the original demand-driven
approach. The IEM did not find evidence of significant involvement of the recipient community
during the formation, design, and implementation stages, an issue that was pointed out at the
closure of the first BOTABEK project (para. 4). Given that there was so much coordination to be
done within the municipality across all relevant departments and agencies, there was not much
room and time to involve local beneficiaries during the project design and early stages of
implementation. Even during the field visits, the IEM hardly saw records of active community
leadership or sustained community efforts for O&M purposes.

16. Despite the dramatic changes (para. 14), the project has shown surprising flexibility in
carrying out most of the physical subprojects, particularly in terms of length of urban roads
(Appendix 2). Although the total subproject completion was only about 29% of the appraisal target
of $184.3 million, it was 71% of the revised targets. The overall project was reduced by 67%.
Compared with the rapid growth of the Metro BOTABEK area and investment by local
governments and other aid agencies, ADB’s project output was rather small in the face of rapid
sector development. In some cases, it was difficult to trace the actual project output. The bus
terminal and solid waste management (SWM) were exceptions.

TP PT During the peak of the crisis, urban households reduced spending on food by 28%, and national poverty incidence
increased from February 1996 to February 1999, with urban areas posing much higher figures. The government’s
absorptive capacity for loans was reduced, compounded by local governments’ refusal to assume on-lending

1. Part A: Institutional Development

17. At completion, institutional development in the project involved specialist services (i) to
advise DGURD on implementation, (ii) to advise DGURD on privatization, (iii) for KIP, (iv) for
reducing nonrevenue water (NRW), (v) to assist PDAMs with financial management assistance to
PDAM, and (vi) to prepare the benefit monitoring evaluation and project completion reports. TA-
financed training activities for institutional development included training for government staff in
O&M for sanitation and SWM, etc. 14 To the extent possible, the IEM conducted focus-group

discussion and interviews with former staff, and consultants involved during the SPARs
preparation. The IEM saw that most of the technical specification and financial analysis for the
SPAR were conducted and coordinated by the project implementation support (PIS) and SPAR
preparation consultants. The IEM confirmed that some staff operating the water treatment plants,
and maintaining some of the drainage, urban roads (including traffic management), and SWM
facilities (this depended on the municipality though) had adequate knowledge of the technical

18. For the five other elements in this component, i.e. (i) PSP or public-private partnership
(PPP) development support, (ii) community participation, (iii) O&M budget and planning,
(iv) reduction of NRW, and (v) financial management (replacing the originally envisaged LIDAPS
and RIAPs), the IEM confirmed that the project did not yield strong outputs and impacts. Especially
on the PSP/PPP, the project had rather small-scale private sector outsourcing, with a substantially
low number of cases than what was originally envisaged. Even without the AFC, the results would
not have been much different, as the project assumptions were overly optimistic, and the support
did not provide the needed expertise in the legal and financial dimensions.

2. Part B: Subprojects

a. Water Supply

19. Table 2 compares works envisaged under the latest SPAR with what was actually achieved
in the project (details by project town and district are in Appendix 2).

20. Although the major works, i.e., water treatment plants (WTPs), reservoirs, and transmission
and distribution lines, either met or surpassed the data in the revised and supplemental SPARs,
only 14.5% of the total works in the water supply sector were actually financed compared with
those envisaged at project appraisal.

21. Planned targets were not reached mainly on the demand side, especially the house
connections in Bogor district and Depok, as well as nondomestic connections (Table 2). The PCR TP PT

highlights lack of in-depth demand analysis, low affordability because of the economic crisis, and
the different water resource conditions of the districts involved as probable causes for the
shortfalls. Since Bogor district and Depok city have substantial groundwater resources, many
potential consumers rely on shallow wells, or boreholes, rather than pay PDAM connection fees
and monthly tariffs. Another major reason is that the planned PSP in water distribution and
reticulation schemes, especially in Bogor and Depok city, was not realized.

TP PT It was not easy to trace the real impact of the project for this component because almost 5 years have passed
since the project closed, many staff who were involved in the project had been transferred to other departments in
the same municipality, or some have moved to other government agencies. However, to the extent possible, the
IEM conducted focus group discussion and interviews with former staff and consultants involved in preparing

Table 2: Planned vs Achieved Water Investment

Works Unit SPAR SPAR Actual Achieved

Revised Supplement vs SPAR (%)
WTP l/s 630.0 50.0 680.0 100.0
Reservoir m3 P P 8,700.0 750.0 9,450.0 100.0
Transmission Pipe km 21.3 0.0 21.4 100.5
Distribution Pipe km 237.9 0.0 247.9 104.2
Reticulation km 1,074.8 0.0 484.8 45.1
House Connections Unit 64,521.0 5,500.0 41,786.0 59.7
Nondomestic Connections Unit 1.585.0 0.0 368.0 23.2
l/s = liter per second, SPAR = subproject appraisal report, WTP = water treatment plant.
Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

22. On the other hand, the proportion of water infrastructure financed by the project is only a
small percentage of the total production capacity of the respective PDAMs, both at the time of
project processing and during the IEM. PDAMs are now producing tens of million of cubic meters of
water per year, far more than the capacity supplied by the project. 15 In 2008 production capacity in

Bekasi city was 2,080 liters per second (l/s) of which only 100 l/s was provided by the project.
Thus, the project impact at the district level is not significant, and any district-level data will not
show the direct project contribution because all target municipalities have large populations.

b. Solid Waste Management

23. The solid waste component comprised some 12.4% of the total cost, the third highest after
roads (40.2%) and water (32.1%). 16 Provision of final dump sites in the solid waste component had

one of the highest achievement percentages in the project at 90%, versus data in the latest SPAR
and around 40% of financing against the original appraised estimate. The IEM visited six of the
seven final disposal sites (FDSs) financed by the project. All varied substantially in their
organization and performance. Most outstanding was the FDS for Bekasi city at Sumur Batu, which
comprised 10 hectares (ha) next to a 100 ha site for the city of Jakarta. Large front-loaders, dozers,
other equipment and organized groups of scavengers were used to organize this site well. Most
impressive was the existence of a clean development mechanism (CDM), which was siphoning off
the methane gas for power generation with 10% of the profit going to the city and 7% to the local
community. However, this CDM component is entirely external to the project. The CDM scheme
started after the project, and was brokered by the World Bank and financed by Dutch funding with
Australian firm investment. At the other end of the spectrum was the FDS for Bekasi district at
Burangkeng, which comprised some 7.6 ha and relied mainly on open dumping. There was no
evidence that the equipment was financed by the project and the leachate was flowing into the
road drains. Scavengers were unorganized and lived in shacks nearby. The two other FDSs totally
financed by the project were in Tangerang city (Jatiwaringin) and Tangerang district (Pasir
Muncang). The former is not being used since the main FDS at Rawa Kucing is not yet full. Thus,
the three 40 m x 30 m x 3 m pits are filled with water. 17 Open dumping (with negative environment

TP For example, in Bekasi, the project financed a total production capacity of 50 l/s, less than 10% of the existing 1997

capacity of 514 l/s against the present production capacity of 680 l/s.
TP See PCR for Loan INO-1511, Appendix 4, Table A4.

TP On the other hand, the FDS for Tangerang district (Pasir Muncang) is a full dump site and covered by soil. During

its operation, there were some protests from residents in the area due to its odor. The project also financed the
enlargement of three other FDSs for (i) Tangerang city (Rawa Kucing) – access road; (ii) Depok (Cipayung) –
equipment, drainage, and leachate ponds; and (iii) Bogor (Pondok Rajeg) – only 1 of 3 ha plus equipment. Of the
three, Rawa Kucing was the best organized with an entrance (one-way) weigh station, periodic covering, and one-
way exits. Cipayung also evidenced good organization of truck traffic and substantial equipment, although the
leachate was flowing into the drainage and not reaching the ponds financed by the project.

impacts) was occurring at Burangkeng. In all cases, many of the containers financed by the project
had rusted and were no longer in use. The total number of people served was some 70% of the
appraisal estimate and open dumping (Burangkeng) has a highly negative environmental impact.

c. Sanitation

24. Sanitation was a very small percentage (2%) of the total project cost. The project financed
only two sewage treatment plants (STPs) at Karawaci for Tangerang city and Sumur Batu for
Bekasi city. The IEM visited the STP at Sumur Batu, which is at the same site as the FDS. The
treatment works were either mechanical or oxidation ponds, well-maintained and working well. 18 TPF FPT

The project also financed the improvement of two STPs at Sepatan in Tangerang district and
Kalimunya in Depok. Although it was built in 1994, the STP at Sepatan is working well. ADB
funding in 2002 repaired the old base of the sludge ponds that were leaking and upgraded the
water channel from the last sludge pond to the maturation pond. ADB also provided three of a
planned seven vacuum trucks. The Kalimunya site is also based on three oxidation ponds, which
emptied into a maturation or filtration pond. In Kalimunya, the project investment was used to repair
the Imhoff tank, a square concrete reservoir, which had settled and cracked, causing leakage.

d. Drainage

25. At 7.6% of total cost, drainage was not only one of the smallest project investment sectors,
but also the least concentrated (footnote 16). At 117.5 km, the degree of achievement vs the latest
SPAR was over 100%. The drainage channels were in (i) Tangerang city – 40.3 km;
(ii) Tangerang district – 5.3 km; (iii) Bekasi city – 23.1 km; (iv) Bekasi district – 23.5 km; (v) Bogor
district – 19.5 km; and (vi) Depok – 5.7 km. The PCR stated that the root cause of flooding in the
low-lying BOTABEK area would have been alleviated with a much larger investment. The IEM
visited several drainage sites in Bekasi city and found a great deal of variation in their works. Rawa
Tembuga was a major connection between the main river and the Kali Bekasi and was extremely
well-built with concrete banks and 20-foot-high sluice gates. However, inspection of a smaller drain,
Kali Cakung (2.5 km), revealed poor dredging and lack of maintenance for the retaining walls. In
addition, community participation was completely absent in O&M of the drains, which tended to be
clogged with discarded waste. After a drastic reduction from a target population of some 146,000 at
appraisal to 7,800 in the latest SPAR, the component has had an insignificant impact on flood
prevention in the area.

e. Urban Roads

26. The project completed 265.2 km of urban roads against the target 349 km at the time of
loan approval (i.e., 24 km of new roads, 215 km of widened roads, and 110 km of improved roads).
Project achievements largely met the revised cumulative target of 265.5 km as agreed to in the
SPAR revision and supplementary plan. 19 Together with 196.8 km of road works completed in the

first BOTABEK project, the project brought the total ADB-assisted roads to about 462 km
(Appendix 2, Table A2.3).

27. The project enhanced road capacity, reduced traffic congestion, increased vehicle speed,
led to savings on travel time. The urban roads contributed to increase people’s mobility and

TP However, the IEM noticed that oxidation was not activated when the mission visited. Upon request, the site staff

turned on the oxidation wheels.

TP These consisted of new road construction, road improvement or enhancement of alignment, and road widening

including additional strips. During project implementation, allocation of program funding was revised due to the
economic and financial crisis in 1998, changes in city condition and needs, functional changes, and the move
toward regional autonomy.

improved land prices in areas surrounding the developed roads. The IEM visited several project
roads and found them to be well-used. With the exploding traffic in Metro BOTABEK, with the large
increase in motorcycles in recent decades, all the roads in the area are heavily used. Roads
improved by the project performed well, but some needed maintenance to ensure sustainability. 20 TPF FPT

In Depok city, one road section showed some signs of degradation of surface conditions. Jalan
Margonda Raya, which passes through the city center, is in good condition but will need widening
to accommodate increased vehicle traffic, as it is constantly heavily congested with very slow-
moving traffic during the daytime. 21 Bogor officials emphasized the need for further assistance from

external partners including ADB. 22 They say the assistance/subsidy from the central Government is

insufficient to cope with the booming traffic, as the city is short of budget funds for acquiring land
and expanding. Compared with established or well-off cities (kotas) or districts (kabupatens),
conditions in the subproject reflect the difficulty faced by Depok city authorities in balancing road
development and maintenance with a constrained budget.

f. Kampung Improvement Program

28. At only 1.3% of total project cost, the KIP has probably had the most efficient use of funds
by funding the improvement of 40 kampungs covering 453 ha vs 263 ha in the latest SPAR
(footnote 16). However, since the government required KIP to be funded largely out of local
government resources, ADB’s contribution was $300,000 (for combined KIP and MIIP) against the
$200,000 envisaged at appraisal (Appendix 2, Table A2.1). In contrast, Government funding was
greatly reduced, from $5.3 million at appraisal, to $0.7 million. Only 13% of the appraised amount
was disbursed from the government, which shows the government's reduced commitment to the
poverty element during the crisis period in the BOTABEK region. In contrast to the PCR (which
found many KIP subprojects substandard and not maintained), the IEM observed Sawa Kampung
KIP (Depok) was well-maintained with clean footpaths, drains, as well as public toilets. Thus, while
subproject standards would seem to vary substantially, they had a significant impact per person.
This is especially so if the households obtain basic tenure to their plots. Once this occurs,
international experience shows that substantial household investment in housing and
neighborhood improvement will occur. Naturally, a KIP-like project would need a community-driven
approach with labor-intensive investment and time-consuming steps. Given the extensive need for
such consultation, it is debatable whether agencies like ADB should be directly implementing such
projects. Generally, in all visited target municipalities, the IEM continued to experience challenges
in visiting the KIP sites. The local government officials who were working on other project
components were not familiar about KIP project locations and were seemingly indifferent to the KIP
g. Market Infrastructure Improvement

29. With 0.7% of the total cost, the MIIP obtained the least investment among the project
components (footnote 16). It comprised 10 markets covering 49.3 ha, which at project inception
provided basic footpaths, and facilities for drainage, water supply, sanitation, and solid waste so as
to upgrade traditional markets. While the component improved the cleanliness and services of the
traditional markets and improved the income of local shopkeepers at the time, it has been
overtaken by modern market development in surrounding areas. One MIIP area, which the IEM
visited (Depok), was already three stories high with several hundred shops. In addition, the advent
of modern malls in the Jakarta and JABOTABEK areas will probably outdate the utility of the
component. Relatively successful locations received much investment after the project, whereas

TP Road works under the Metro BOTABEK Project were implemented between 1998 and 2003.

TP The population in Depok city has increased by about 6.1% per annum from less than 1 million in 1999 to about 1.8

million in 2009.
TP Jalan Juwanda can provide an alternative east-west corridor between Tangerang and Bekasi through Depok.

unsuccessful marketplaces are already dilapidated and underused, especially with the advent of
much more modern commercial facilities run by the private sector. The IEM cautions the
appropriateness of such investments in rapidly growing areas like the Jakarta metropolis.

h. Bus Terminal

30. Of all the project subcomponents, the Tangerang city bus terminal is the most financially
successful. The terminal is mainly used for long-distance bus services from North Java or even as
far as Sumatra Island. Many passengers change buses here to continue to the central Jakarta
area, or further eastward on Java island. Built over 2 years from 2001 to 2002, the terminal started
operation in November 2003 after the project was finished. Thereafter, revenues grew rapidly from
Rp98.5 million in 2004 to Rp815.2 million in 2008. Entrance tariffs have been increased only once
in 2007. All revenues go to the city without taxes, and various departments of the city pay
expenses largely for O&M and salaries. Total budget expenses amounted to some Rp1.0 billion for
all five bus terminals in Tangerang city. But the issue of location hinders further growth financially.
The financed bus terminal is the only one that provides interstate services including passengers
from Sumatra Island. Because it needed a large piece of land (5.2 ha), the terminal is 10 km
outside the city. Thus, passengers have to take city or mini buses and transfer to interprovincial
buses. The project also financed 3 km of the dual-carriageway access road. Due to the difficulty of
land acquisition for separate entrance and exit roads, the single access road entails a tight u-turn to
gain access to the terminal, a maneuver that is difficult for the large interprovincial buses. Perhaps
due to its location and the fact that only 12% of the trips are interprovincial, the terminal seemed to
be oversized for the number of passengers being served, compared with the smaller, local
terminals in the city. In addition, long-distance travel in Indonesia has a high seasonal fluctuation. 23 TPF FPT

While the terminal comprised only 3.8% of the project costs, actual ADB and the government
financing formed the highest proportion of any component (59% and 141%) compared with the
appraisal estimate. The need for a long-distance bus terminal was strong, but whether the facility
will attract the expected volume of passengers is uncertain; an issue which must wait at least five
years from now.

i. Monitoring and Evaluation

31. The IEM was unable to get a copy of any formal report related to benefit monitoring and
evaluation (BME), but found only a portion of the consultants' report prepared as background to the
PCR. Neither the EA nor ADB operations kept the report in their archive. 24 The consultant used a

home grown "Analytic Hierarchy Process" method―which was used by the EA, MPW at the
time―built on a software package that quantitatively monitors the project benefit on the basis of
(i) level of service, (ii) use of service, and (iii) impact of service. The first two indicators look mainly
at project outputs, as they monitor the level of service that construction of the project facility
achieved against the target, and the degree of facility use achieved against the planned. The third
indicator is the preliminary evaluation of impacts of improvements (details of this approach are in
Appendix 4). Impact, the third indicator for the water component, had the following sub-indicators:
(a) average increase in income of the PDAM, (b) operational cost ratio per year, and (c) PDAM
performance improvement, but it is not clear how the consultants actually calculated the

TP As it is mainly a practice of the people from Jakarta to return to their home provinces during festivities and long

holidays. At the time the IEM visited, there were hardly active inflows and outflows of large buses during the day.
TP John L. Taylor, PT Infratama, and Arkonin. September 2003. Final Report – Volume IV. Lessons Learnt from M-

BOTABEK Project and Recommendations for Future Urban Development in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang,
and Bekasi (JABOTABEK). Jakarta. In the project file, the IEM found some fax correspondence of the hiring of
BME consultants, but the actual report was missing. According to the report, a team of consultants carried out the
BME assessment from March 2001, which means that during the early part of the implementation or during the
appraisal, baseline data was not collected.

performance on the third indicator. Without the detailed baseline data and the monitored data
(which is missing in the report), the IEM was not able to assess the validity and accuracy of the
assessments. 25 BME should be taken more seriously by the government and municipalities before

implementation. 26 When tracing the past project files, the BME system was more or less left for the

consultant team to produce, and there was no evidence that ADB officers on review missions
closely reviewed the development, or that IED was consulted on the process. In addition, contrary
to what was recommended during the Staff Review Committee Meeting, the BME was not "owned"
by the central planning agency, but merely left with the consultant.

G. Consultants

32. A desk review of all archived project documents and discussion with government officials
showed that the effort of the consultant of the project implementation unit (PIU) was vital in keeping
the project together. The project had eight subprojects, along with multiple agencies and approvals,
scattered locations in four administrative units. The central government or the ADB project officer
could not attend to all the details of technical decision making, involving subproject prioritization,
preparation of a tendering package, and supervision. The PIU consultant team, which was centrally
based in Bandung, but had branch offices in different local authorities, coordinated and maintained
the project implementation momentum. Without these behind-the-scene coordination and
consistency check by the consultants, the project could have faced much further delays. The
performance of the consultants is rated highly satisfactory. Their responsibilities consisted of (i)
preparing the SPAR; (ii) coordinating elements among the central government agencies, central
project monitoring unit in Bandung, and basically six target municipalities, not only for both
technical feasibility and financial analysis, but also for dealing with unforeseen complaints from
local residents regarding plans for final disposal sites or sanitation ponds; and (iii) overall unstable
and unpredictable challenges the country faced after the AFC. Some small substandard work by
contractors for the two sewerage treatment plants was noted in the PCR, but both have been
repaired (para. 24).

H. Loan Covenants

33. The updated status of compliance with the loan covenants is in Appendix 5. Of the project's
54 covenants, 45 (83.3%) were complied with or being complied with, 8 (14.8%) partly complied
with, and 1 (1.9%) not complied with. The covenants that were partially complied with relate to (i)
preparation of subsidiary loan agreements (SLAs), (ii) adequacy of counterpart funds, (iii) cost
recovery and O&M, (iv) operational issues with completed project facilities, and (v) social and
environmental aspects. Regarding operational issues, the transmission and distribution network for
Ciledug reservoir (Tangerang city) has not been developed due to right-of way issues, while the
Balaraja reservoir (Tangerang district) is reportedly still not equipped with a generator set.
Regarding the safeguards aspects, the IEM noted that local people’s objection to a sanitation
program (IPLT Bantar Gebang, Bekasi city) at project completion faded after the start of
operations. The lone covenant that was not complied with relates to nonimplementation of the

TP PT For example, for impact in the water supply component, the report concluded that "for all Kota/Kabupaten, water
supply sector scored 67.3% out of possible total score or 100% regarding impact of service." While the first
indicator would somehow show the level of output achievement, the IEM cannot show confidence in the impact
TP PT For example, when the IEM tried to reconstruct the EIRR analysis for urban roads, there were some cases where
vehicle operating costs and traffic forecast were assumed without adequate traffic surveys, and rather casually adjusted
to attain an intended level of numbers without actual supporting data. Without detailed records, it would be very difficult
for aid agencies to evaluate projects after they are completed

RIAP and LIDAP technical assistance. 27 These were changed to financial management assistance

and NRW program under the Planning Department of West Java province.

I. Policy Framework

34. Policy Changes in Private Sector Participation. As early as August 1998 during the
Special Project Administration Mission, a negative incentive for PSP was noted after the 1997
AFC. The back-to-the-office report (August 1998) mentioned the government’s very difficult
financial situation: a 60% drop in the central government budget, 65% drop in the provincial
government budget, and 50% drop in the local budget. PDAMs also faced a 30% drop compared
with that in 1996. On the policy front, the presidential decree No. 7, "Cooperation between the
Government and Private Enterprises for Development and/or Management of Infrastructure" was
issued in January 1998. It aimed to introduce a more stringent evaluation and approval mechanism
to ensure transparency. According to the project files, the decree had some deterrent impact on
private investment. Under the new procedures, all new contracts would have to be tendered
publicly. Some firms, which were interested in the project, were caught by the change in procedure
and needed more time for reevaluation. This erosion of momentum was compounded by the
financial crisis itself.

35. Results of Private Sector Participation. The PCR had only one paragraph on PSP. It
stated that "the participation of the private sector was not emphasized enough in the project design
or during training, so the project's PSP did not perform well. The project did not support local
governments adequately through feasibility studies, commercial and risk evaluation procedures,
and standard contracts. The PDAMs have done little to exploit PS opportunities, and there seems
to have been uncertainty about the authority of tariff-setting under PSP―a debate that is
aggravated in an environment where increased service tariffs can become political issues. Reform
of the national water sector regulatory system as a precondition for successful PSP was beyond
the scope of the project." Originally, the water supply component was appraised at $72 million, of
which the ADB portion was $14.6 million. The original amount was eventually reduced to $10.4
million, of which ADB financing was $2.5 million. The decrease was attributed to the unsuccessful
outcome of planned PSP investments in the sector. At appraisal, PSP was planned for 11
subprojects, mainly on water supply. At the closing stage, there were only two small cases in water
supply; however, both had small PSP: outsourcing and contracting-out schemes. One in sanitation
was planned and negotiated, but was not implemented in the end. In Depok city, the project's PSP
consultant identified 14,000 households as target, and tendered a project scheme with a proposal
to build-operate-and-transfer (BOT) in September 2002. In the end, the contract was awarded to a
private contractor, but the target households were reduced to only 1,500. The IEM sees this as
only a short-term PSP intervention, which runs for 3 years, i.e., a private construction company
invests its own money and constructs the network and connects households within roughly 1 year,
while the municipality repays the whole debt with agreed-upon interest during 3 years. Considering

TP PT At the time of the midterm review (December 2000), the government had already decided that both LIDAP and
RIAP would not be implemented. The midterm review’s back-to-the-office report stated: "Instead of LIDAP,
institutional support will be limited in scope to focus on critical aspects of operation, management and maintenance
of district's infrastructure." Instead of a holistic revenue improvement mechanism, the project shifted to a program
to reduce nonrevenue water. Instead of a holistic revenue improvement mechanism, the Project changed to NRW
reduction program. It was change of policy for the central government; and the scope was reduced. IED views that
the changed component do not qualify for full-compliance.

the nature of the outsourcing and financial capacity of local firms in the industry, a PSP scheme
cannot work beyond probably 1,000–1,500 households in 3 years.28 TPF FPT

36. Experience from PSP Cases. A large-scale PSP was expected to be implemented in
Tangerang district (Ciputat, Pamiulang, Pondok Aren area). It would cover 900,000 households in a
25-year BOT concession scheme, which interested major European water companies. During the
project preparatory TA (PPTA) stage, ADB missions met and discussed with the European water
supply firms, which convinced ADB there was a good basis for the PSP transactions to happen. The
BOT scheme was tendered in March 2001, and a single winner was identified. But in October 2002,
the winning company withdrew, largely due to disagreement on the tariff because the government
would only agree to a maximum Rp700 per cubic meter (m3). The private sector claimed that

Rp1,000 per m3 was needed for feasible business operations. The after effects of the AFC and

unclear guidelines on risk-sharing made the project untenable.29 The lessons from the hugeTPF FPT

challenges faced by the project are: (i) there needs to be a much more robust survey of demand
during project conceptualization and processing; (ii) certain economies of scale are needed for PSP,
but due to decentralization taking place at the time, many PDAMs had been broken up into small
territories where large investors could not expect to have a large revenue base; (iii) tariff increase is
politically sensitive, and the government was not ready to initiate a serious long-term strategy and
implementation on this front; (iv) there was lack of capacity and knowledge of the legal provisions
and risk-sharing to be stipulated and agreed to by parties at the local level; and (v) the project had
limited resources for building capacity when the scope of PSP was much larger and overoptimistic.


A. Overall Assessment
37. The project is rated partly successful (Table 3), based on the standard evaluation criteria
shown in Appendix 6. 30 Compared with the PCR rating, the PPER rating had one-level lower rating

for relevance and effectiveness for reasons explained in the following paragraphs.

TP In Bogor, originally, a major-scale "full 25-year BOT concession" was proposed in September 2001 to provide

water supply services in two residential areas (Cibinong and Gunung Putri). With the project, the PDAM planned to
construct a river intake, WTP, and transmission network. Private parties would then develop a distribution
(reticulation) system to 16,000 households. The tender was done, and the winning firm was expected to operate
and maintain the entire package. However, there were no responsive bidders. The proposal was retendered in May
2002 under a modified 10-year build-and-transfer, but only one bidder submitted a "non-competitive" proposal,
which led to a third tender as a 3-year "material and installation" outsourcing. The latter was awarded, but
connected only 1,000 households at most.
TP In the original project document, it was envisaged that on the basis of an earlier TA, some PPP opportunities in

Bandung, Semarang, and Medan were identified, this Project would help prepare the feasibility studies and bidding
procedure documents. It said, "the project area had sufficient revenue potential to interest private sector investors
and concessionaires."
TP Self-evaluation in the PCR (by the Southeast Asia Department) was as follows: relevant, efficacious (equivalent to

effective), efficient, and less likely to be sustainable. The overall rating was successful.

Table 3: Assessment of Metro BOTABEK Overall Performance

Criterion Weight (%) Assessment Rating Value Weighted Rating

Relevance 20 Partly Relevant 1 0.2
Effectiveness 30 Less Effective 1 0.3
Efficiency 30 Efficient 2 0.6
Sustainability 20 Less Likely 1 0.2
Overall Rating Partly Successful 1.3
Note: Aggregate project performance is assessed as highly successful if the overall score is greater than or equal to 2.7;
successful if it is greater than or equal to 1.6, partly successful if it is greater than or equal to 0.8; and unsuccessful if it is less
than 0.8.
Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

B. Relevance

38. The project is rated partly relevant.

(i) The project was designed to support the government’s main approach to the sector
in an "integrated manner." 31 After the project scope reduction in 2001 due to the

AFC, water supply investment comprised only 14.5% of the appraisal target
compared with 36.6% for roads, 34.3% for, drainage, and 39.8% for SWM
(Appendix 2, Table 2.1). Despite the new regional autonomy brought about by
decentralization, local governments found it difficult to adhere to LIDAPs and
RIAPs, which were more comprehensive programs for institutional and financial
management strengthening.
(ii) On the PSP component, even without the AFC, the results would not have been
much different, as the original project assumptions were overly optimistic, and there
were not adequate assistance in the transaction advisory in the legal and financial
(iii) After being cut from $228 million to $74.6 million, or some 33% from the planned
project, the project had less relevance for the population of the BOTABEK region.
This is especially so because, according to the PCR, the estimated beneficiary
population decreased from 6.1 million at appraisal to some 4.4 million in 2005. The
project contributed to the overall efforts of government-BOTABEK local authorities
to expand service coverage to some extent, but the expected benefits would be
confined to the actual neighborhood that received the direct benefit, not to the entire
area of the target cities. ADB's investment in the target Metro BOTABEK area did
not achieve a level of critical mass.
(iv) The project was seen as relevant at the time of conception, but was assessed as
partly relevant at completion, due to the series of large reductions in scope. In the
project documents, the loan size reductions once attributed to the AFC were
generally explained as part of restructuring in the country programming. The
government's absorptive capacity was reduced, compounded by local parliaments
not approving any SLAs. The PCR did not clearly address those issues, but it
showed that the original intent was no longer tenable even before the midterm
(v) The design for the institutional strengthening components was also not adhering to
the envisaged objectives, and was substantially reduced to trainings on NRW
reduction and financial management.

TP PT At appraisal, water supply and urban roads were identical at 31.5% of total cost; and drainage balanced solid waste
at 6.0% and 5.8%, respectively.

C. Effectiveness

39. The project is rated less effective.

(i) While the physical size of the project was reduced by some 67%, 32 the institutional

strengthening objectives were not attained mainly because the project did little to
enhance the capacity of sector institutions, particularly for the concerned local
governments, to plan and secure financial stability. Some TA-financed training and
courses were conducted, and PDAMs were also assisted through a Dutch
government TA in reducing NRW and undertaking more effective financial
management. Not much effort was seen in the targeted municipalities to balance
the budget by increasing property taxes, fees, tariffs, etc., or to undertake
(ii) During and after the AFC, local governments continued to increasingly rely on
central government subsidy to balance their budgets. Although PDAMs increased
tariffs mainly for industries, some became profitable only in the last few years. 33 TPF FPT

Reduction of NRW, a major target of the project, was not attained, except in the
Tangerang city PDAM.
(iii) Lack of PSP in the project was disappointing. The process of approving local
projects and tariffs by local governors and local parliaments, and the political
aspects of increasing water tariffs for PDAMs were critical obstacles to PSP. As a
percentage of project financing, PSP declined from 25% in the RRP to just 2% in
the final cost sharing. Poor market and lack of effective demand analysis were also
major causes.
(iv) The major over-performing component was the KIP with more than three times
higher achievement than the revised SPAR estimates (Appendix 2, Table A2.2).
The KIP had a direct impact on the economic well-being of lower income
households (e.g., increased property values), it was the second smallest (after
MIIP) component, and its contribution to overall project impact was negligible.

D. Efficiency

40. The project is rated efficient.

(i) PDAM economic internal rates of returns (EIRR) for water supply components
(Appendix 7)―based largely on overall production increases and tariffs at
consumers, which they were willing to pay according to the socioeconomic
survey―are uniformly positive (EIRRs for water supply component per town ranged
from 20.7% to 44.5%, with the highest in Bekasi). It is not easy to clearly determine
to what extent the project contributed to the whole target city operation, as the
project output was only part of the whole water supply operations in the cities. Thus,
based on PDAM financial internal rate of returns (FIRR) and EIRR results, project
performance can be considered efficient. Despite some data limitation, the IEM also
reconstructed and recalculated the EIRR for the urban road (largest component).
The result showed an acceptable range (4.6% to 32.8%, with the highest in Bekasi
district). Water supply and urban roads were two largest subcomponents; the two
combined accounted 69.5% of the total civil works investment.
(ii) With seven water treatment plants and nine reservoirs, the project has helped
PDAMs increase water production and sales. However, total project-financed

TP PT Physical size reduction and financial reduction figures are coincidentally the same at 67%.
TP PT There are about 10 financially self-sustaining PDAMS in the country, and the government in 2009 gave 29 better
performing PDAMs some stimulus grants for drafting business plans.

production is a fraction of existing capacity. Thus, while the FIRRs are positive and
higher than those in the PCR, PDAM institutional development aspect, especially
lack of improvement in NRW, is a continuing issue. High NRW figures also indicate
that the physical side of the operations is not efficient.
(iii) The project completion was extended by 12 months. Given the impact by the AFC,
compared to other ADB urban projects implemented in Indonesia at the time, this
was acceptable.

E. Sustainability

41. The project is rated less likely to be sustainable.

(i) The PCR viewed the sustainability of the project components by considering
whether the institutional budget or the community provided for operation and
maintenance was sufficient. Although this issue was already raised in the previous
project, such provision in the local government and PDAM budgets was not
considered by the same municipalities in this project (Metro BOTABEK). There was
little organized community participation in the project components.
(ii) Except in the Bekasi district PDAM, all FIRRs are substantially higher than the
WACCs of 7.0% for the PCR and 4.5% for the PPER. This result is largely due to
the stronger revenues and resulting net profits than was the case in the respective
PDAMs shortly after the project ended 5 years ago.
(iii) Analysis of the FIRR (Appendix 8) shows that subsidies and grants to local
governments had been growing at some 18% per year until 2006: they made up
31% in Bekasi District, 33% in Tangerang District, and 57% in Bogor District of local
government income. This is in spite of Government Decree No. 22 and 25 of 1999,
which provides for devolution of government responsibility to the districts, along with
the necessary financial means. On the other hand, local government financing is
mixed, with Tangerang district growing substantially from 2003 to 2006, while
financing for other local governments was either weak or negative (Depok city).
Obviously, the AFC from 1997 to 1999 had an impact on the finances of the subject
local governments, and ADB project assistance through the project did not really
strengthen the targeted municipalities' financial sustainability.
(iv) In terms of sustained stakeholder participation, the government officials and the
Indonesia Resident Mission staff referred to the "new approach" of community-
driven development projects in the Indonesian urban development sector in more
recent projects. However, for this project (INO-1511), there was no strong evidence
of community participation not only in project planning and development, but also in
O&M, especially in the drainage and SWM components.


A. Impacts

1. Impacts on the Socioeconomic Development Goals/MDG

42. MDG Achievement. The IEM examined the project's impact on the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs); however, city-level MDG data were nonexistent or unavailable, and
there were no efforts to trace public service investments with public health standing in an organized
or systematic manner. In addition, even if there had been city-level data, it would have been difficult
to directly attribute the impact of the project investment, as no initial baseline was collected during

the project. 34 For child mortality rate, West Java showed slight improvements (Appendix 9). The

rate in the province had been higher and continues to be above (worse than) the national average.
West Java counted 50 deaths in 2003 and 47 in 2005, whereas the national figure was 33.9 per
100,000 in 2003. For the population with safe drinking water, the percentage of households using
protected drinking water was 68.6% in 1992 but dropped to 51.0% in 2006. These figures are not
better than the national average, which was 38.2% in 1994, but rose to 43% in 2000 and to 57.2%
in 2006. The percentage of households having adequate sanitation in West Java was 61.1% in
2005-2006, where the national average was 69.3%. Again, the West Java figure is lower than the
national average. This does not present the ADB project's position very favorably.

43. Findings from Socioeconomic Survey. Overall, the project impact on sanitation or
livelihood enhancement was very much confined to some selected cities, where there was serious
effort by the officials to improve adverse conditions. As the project's BME report did not capture the
magnitude of project impact, (Appendix 4), the IEM conducted small-scale socioeconomic surveys
in some sub-areas within the target cities, with the addition of one control area ("without the
project") for comparison (Appendix 10). In the survey area, households can avail of piped water
supply 20 hours a day throughout the year. The vast majority (88%) of the households had tap
water inside the house. At 66% of the sample, Bogor city has slightly less than the three project
cities, probably because more households have wells or boreholes in the area. High rates of
satisfaction with water quantity and quality were recorded, with an average of 94% (100% in Bogor)
boiling water before drinking and fully 97% saying they had not had any illness caused by the water
supply. Since most of the sample areas have been served from the end of the project, it has had a
definite impact on them. While the EA’s BME attempted to track health data through the frequency
of infectious diseases, in the survey data, waterborne disease cases were not evident. In any
event, any causal relationship would be difficult, if not impossible, to determine without a long-term
panel study of the same households before and after connecting to the water system. Bogor
differed from other project cities in that it did not buy water from vendors. Information from the field
showed that while shallow wells, or boreholes, are common in the Bogor area, they are not in
either Bekasi or Tangerang where the groundwater is often polluted. A key indicator provided by
the survey was the willingness to pay (WTP) for improved supply of clean, potable water with good
pressure 24 hours a day. The responses revealed a high (65%) WTP for improved water supply in
the Metro BOTABEK area. Of the 4 cities covered, Bogor City had the lowest rate of 44%. Except
in Bogor city, tariffs that respondents were willing to pay were more than twice as high, on average,
than the present tariff payments, i.e., Rp3,741 vs Rp1,664. The lower rate of WTP in Bogor could
be due to the large percentage of households who obtain water from shallow wells at a cost lower
than tariffs for piped water.

2. Social Impact

44. The project had some negative resettlement impact. As was reported in the PCR, no
resettlement plan was prepared or submitted in the project. Neither did the IEM see any in the
project files. This was despite reminders from the ADB review mission in 1997. Some officials of
target cities have emphasized great challenges in land acquisition (especially for roads and FDS),
escalating land prices, lack of funds for acquiring land, and project delays caused by land disputes.
The project consultant also highlighted the general weakness of land use or spatial planning, or the
legal basis of voluntary land donation for public infrastructure. The FDS that the PCR identified as
non-operational―FDS Jatiwaringen (Tangerang city)―was still not operational in March 2009.

TP PT As there is no PPMS or project data to trace the health impact, IEM used other publications, including: United
Nations and the National Development Planning Agency. Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development
Goals Indonesia 2007. Jakarta.

While the existing nearby Rawa Kucing FDS is still not full, there appears to be difficulties coming
to an agreement over the government’s offered compensation rate for land acquisition. As for FDS
Pasir Muncang (Tangerang district), it was already closed in 2006. While officials mentioned that
the larger portion of the site was already full of garbage and covered, but the IEM confirmed that
the community close to the site had protested against the strong odor from poor operations, and
the FDS was shut down by the district.

3. Poverty Impact

45. From the project documents and field visits, IEM did not note any special support to the
poor for initial water supply connection fees or septic tanks. Generally, the initial connection fee
could be paid in installments, but there were no specific measures to target the poor. The KIP was
obviously the major component with a strong poverty reduction element, but this component was
very small compared with even the reduced scale of other major components like urban roads and
water supply. During the AFC, the government's commitment to disburse funding to poverty focus
causes, at least in the BOTABEK region, was given very low priority. The socio-economic survey
also confirmed that, where more groundwater was available, many people including the poor, did
not opt to connect to the available water network, as they found the connection charge and fees
too high.

4. Environmental Impact

46. The IEM confirms the PCR findings on the environmental impact. Generally, the water
supply component had no negative environmental impact, but for the sanitation and solid waste
components, there are still areas for improvement, specifically in managing the environmental
impact. The IEM observed some leachate overflowing and spilling in the drains of Cipayung FDS
site in Burabkeng in Bekasi district. Leachate was directly released into open drains (see
photographs in Appendix 3). The IEM observed a highly advanced CDM mechanism being tried in
Sumur Batu in Bekasi city, and the well-maintained facilities (weigh station, excellent controlled
entrance and exit, good landfill) in Rawa Kuching in Tangerang city, but these two were not part of
the project. Other FDS sites under the project were rather basic or had lower than acceptable
operation. ADB's added value in the environmental impact was rather limited, and not innovative.
There are visible differences in maintenance quality depending on the municipality. Stronger
implementation guidelines, advice, and enforcement are needed from the central government and
the provinces (see also para. 33).

B. Asian Development Bank Performance

47. According to the PCR, 35 ADB conducted nine missions during project implementation

reviews, involving 30 persons and 605 person-days or about 20 person-months. Due to the
extensive scope of the project, and the number of subprojects and institutions involved, the ADB
reviews could not cover the entire project in each mission. Although the PCR mentions that the EA
and participating municipalities considered ADB’s role in achieving the project objectives as
substantial, the EA noted some shortcomings in ADB performance, such as (i) the limited duration
of supervision missions, (ii) frequent changes of project officers, and (iii) at times slow response to
approval notifications (non-objection letters), which contributed to some delays in subproject
implementation. 36 Although missions are crucial at the beginning of the project, after inception in

June 1997, review missions began only in November 1999, or about 2.5 years later, which was

TP PT PCR Basic Data, section D. Data on ADB Missions.
TP PT PCR, paras. 30 and 31.

also at the height of the AFC. Shortly after the first review mission, the first loan cancellation of $23
million occurred in December 1999. The next mission, midterm loan review, came a year later in
November 2000, after which the second (partial) cancellation of $4.9 million occurred.

48. The PPER notes that a part of the cost variance could be due to poor demand analysis and
improper packaging of the project. Likewise, cost variance from the supply side components imply
poor costing at the time of appraisal—PCR data gives an impression that such possibility exists.
(footnote 16) To improve the chances of success as well as to work with the EA and the
government in consolidating the project into a smaller, less complicated one, with fewer
components and local governments/PDAMs, ADB could also have had greater presence during
early project implementation. Delegating project implementation to the resident mission might also
have helped as the resident mission staff could be in daily contact with government officials.
Although loan processing in the sector continues to be done by Manila headquarters, and
implementation supervision has been delegated to the resident mission since 2001. This project
has been an exception to this policy, and no clear reason was given in the project file or in the
review mission reports.

49. In two areas, the loan review missions particularly felt the need for improvement,
environmental impact assessment (EIA) reviews, and resettlement. The missions stressed the
need for the EA to screen all investments for environmental impacts and prepare an initial
environmental examination (IEE) or EIA for those with possible adverse environmental impacts.
Several SPARs had been approved, tendered, and contracted out without the necessary
environmental clearance certificates. 37 In addition, along with reminders concerning the necessary

EIAs, repeated requests for clarification on resettlement issues remained unanswered at the time
of the PCR. 38 The mission leader was changed five times during the project life. This situation is

common in many ADB projects. Given the very slow start, several scope reductions and
cancellations, unsuccessful PSP initiatives, and municipalities' unwillingness to enter into any
subsidiary loan agreements, there could have been more lengthy dialogues and reviews. The
project area is in the suburbs of Jakarta, where even the headquarters staff would not have had
much difficulty traveling and strengthening the engagement to encourage faster disbursement, but
there was no strong record to that effect. Given the above reasons, ADB’s overall performance is
rated partly satisfactory.

C. Borrower Performance

50. A project management unit (PMU) was placed in West Java province (in Bandung), and a
project implementation unit (PIU) was installed in each target municipality. Local PIUs were "non-
structural" (which means that no specialized unit or division was created in each municipality), and
were placed in different agencies: the local planning department in most cases, and urban planning
and services division in Bekasi district. The central PMU in Bandung was also "non-structural." The
nonstructural (the project management does not have a special body during implementation) unit
was envisaged to be good, as the project management expertise and experience will be
institutionalized in the existing department within the local administration. In reality, the PIUs
became heavily burdened with coordinating responsibilities among various infrastructure divisions
within the municipality. This made technical details, engineering adjustment, financial evaluation,
and safeguards follow-up works dependent on the consultants. Thus, the transfer of technical skills
and expertise from the project to the actual municipality staff was very limited. In addition, there
was no full-time project manager, especially in the cities. Thus, all the key decisions and

TP PT PCR, footnote 11.
TP PT PCR, para. 27.

prioritization formally and informally depended on the mayor or the governor at the time, but
institutional memories and detailed records are lost with the change of the head of localities. 39 ADB TPF FPT

should look at the pros and cons of "structural" arrangement (having a full-time project manager)
and "nonstructural" setup in the Indonesian decentralized environment. During the transitional
stage, a mixture of both styles may be better while capacity is strengthened and the role of each
hierarchy is streamlined. The IEM also observed ambiguity in the functions of the EA and the
Bandung PMU, and the many layers for various approvals (SPAR, SLA) that also contributed to
slow delivery. 40 Local authorities’ commitment to the project was also not strong; given so many

planned SLAs eventually rejected by the local parliaments. The Borrower’s performance is partly
satisfactory. 41 TPF FPT


A. Issues

51. The following are the main issues:

(i) Tariff increase and full cost recovery. Indonesia is not an exception among
developing nations in that there is strong resistance and reluctance to charging the
necessary tariff level to cover water supply, maintenance, and service (including
future expansion and improvements). The socioeconomic survey indicated that
consumers are willing to pay, if they can get decent water. Currently, however, the
final tariff approving authority lies with the local parliaments, and many PDAMs are
not making profit and are deep in debt. The government needs to have a strategy
for convincing the public and local politicians to allow tariff levels to be at least on
cost recovery basis. 42 TPF FPT

(ii) Quality of drinking water. In all Metro BOTABEK areas, piped water is not
drinkable. Almost all households depend on vendors of water in containers, while
others boil water for drinking. Many PDAM staff and officials say water that has
been provided since the services started is not potable. That may be the reason
why the water supply project is not directly associated with impact on public health
(reduction in water-borne diseases).
(iii) Retention of capable staff at central government. The IEM observed that 5
years after loan closing, there was no staff at MPW involved in project processing or
implementation. But in the target municipalities, some staff still working in the same
division or department recall training they received during the project, and
challenges and difficulties they faced. The central government agencies underwent
various restructuring from the late 1990s, with amalgamation, merger, dissolution,

TP Since 2003, all mayors are now elected.

TP To avail of the ADB loan, PDAMs or the infrastructure division had to first seek approval from the city planning

department for the concept and cost, and then it prepares the SPAR. It then goes to PMU officers in Bandung in
West Java province to get the approval of the provincial planning department. Once the province endorsed the
request, the PDAM goes to MPW in Jakarta for approval of the government counterpart funding either as grant or
loan. In the case of a loan, the SLAs had to be discussed and approved by the project steering committee, mainly
MPW, the national planning agency (BAPPENAS), and Ministry of Finance. All levels, MPW, Bandung PMU, and
PIU, had to agree on all actions for the subprojects. There could have been a more systematic streamlined
approval process with specific criteria, indicators, and checkpoints.
TP ADB and Borrower performance rating are based on indicators listed in paras. 77 and 78 of IED. ADB. January

2006. Guidelines for Preparing Performance Evaluation Reports for Public Sector Operations
TP At the same time, the whole PDAM organization must consolidate its strategy on how to tackle that issue by examining

not only technical loss from leakage, but also financial loss from inaccurate meters and inappropriate billings.

and reconfiguration. It was disappointing that the capacity-building measures

provided during the project were hard to see.
(iv) Municipality's strong resistance to borrowing. The IEM confirmed that only
three SLAs were signed in the project: (i) with Bogor PDAM, (ii) with Tangerang city
for the bus terminal, and (iii) with Tangerang city PDAM. This means that only three
cases of onlending from the central government to the municipalities took place.
Originally, all the water supply projects and revenue-generating subcomponents
(including SWM) had to be on onlent basis with the signing of a SLA. Bekasi city
PDAM was able to avoid SLA (onlending) because in the first BOTABEK project,
the city had already assumed many SLAs, and was unable to take on any more
(v) Integrated approach with many subcomponents versus more focus on few
subsectors. An overriding issue is whether ADB continues to process and invest in
IUIDP-type projects in Indonesia. Even under normal circumstances, the project,
with five sub-elements for the institutional development component, eight
subprojects, along with multiple agencies and approvals, and scattered locations in
four administrative units, would require a large amount of resources and capacity to
implement and manage, which neither the targeted local governments nor water
supply companies had. Given their complexity and difficulty to implement, Indonesia
has moved away from such projects, as perhaps have other countries (Viet Nam),
in favor of more concentrated urban development in one or medium-sized cities
and/or ”bottom-up” type projects such as those using the community-driven design

B. Lessons

52. Experience with the project points to a number of lessons in implementing urban
development and water supply projects.
(i) Difficulties of securing approval from many levels of government under
decentralization. The project dealt with the new decentralized form of government,
which allows financing of urban infrastructure projects with official development
assistance. However, to avail of the ADB loan, almost all details in subproject
selection, approval, and funding flow needed many layers of processing in the local
government, then the province, and also many ministries of the central government.
There could have been a more streamlined approval process with specific criteria,
indicators, and checkpoints.
(ii) Impact tracking and benefit monitoring. There is a need to maintain various
project impact data, including health and socioeconomic data, to continuously
monitor improvements in the public health and livelihood that social infrastructure
projects will yield. Even with the physical infrastructure like urban road
investment, the government and ADB need to agree on how to measure benefits
and economic value.
(iii) Lack of PDAM drive to reduce NRW. The IEM observed that initiatives to
reduce NRW did not result in the target figure of 20% in Tangerang, which had
the largest coverage among the eight targeted local areas. Reducing NRW will
need continuous efforts by both the management and technical division to
achieve better results with both short- and long-term targets. There should be a
reduction not only in technical losses from leakage, but also in financial losses
from inaccurate meters and inappropriate billings.
(iv) Lack of demand analysis. Project experience highlights the adverse impact of
lack of demand analysis on the project design and to the allocation of scarce

concessional resource to high priority projects. This, being an important issue

with potential risk to economic viability, could be done at the very outset. In
cases of loans for improving water supply, neighborhood upgrading (KIP),
drainage and flood alleviation, sanitation (showers, laundries, toilets), and/or
home improvement, in-depth analysis of demand and affordability is necessary.
The findings should be part of an initial baseline survey in the project preparatory
technical assistance.
(v) Private sector participation. PSP should be treated carefully, not as a major
component, particularly in smaller urban development projects. PSP should be
based on the profit incentive and needs to include assurances of a reasonable rate
of return within a reasonable time period. This entails full knowledge of issues.
Projects should maintain the momentum with the private sector. Legal and
transaction advisories are also very much needed.
(vi) Assure regulatory capacity of sector institutions. Improved regulatory
capacity of the sector institutions (including the need to separate regulation from
the political process) should provide a level playing field for the private sector to
provide services in urban areas.

C. Follow-Up Actions

(i) Sustainability. The Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Works, and Ministry of
Home Affairs need to jointly encourage the project's targeted PDAMs to consolidate
and prepare business plans, that would promote self-reliant financial management
to ensure sustainability. Business plans should clearly prioritize future plans for
expansion and/or development in their local areas, together with projected
necessary tariff levels. The plans should help the PDAMs deal with the central
government and potential private investors for further assistance, collaboration, and
investment. Similar to well-performing PDAMS that received incentive package
grants from the central government to come up with business plans, other
struggling PDAMs should also receive such grants.
(ii) Post-project monitoring. As Jakarta region and the main metropolitan areas in
Indonesia are continually facing urban boundary expansion and rapid influx of
migrants from rural areas, the government agencies need to maintain and keep
track of various urban infrastructure and service impact data, including health and
socio-economic indicators. Particularly, post-project completion monitoring on key
performance indicators of the PDAMs (e.g. NRW, tariff and debt-service ratio)
should be continued.
(iii) Reduce NRW. To reduce NRW, in addition to reducing leakages, there should be
follow-ups on nonpaying connections. The government must identify local
champions in this effort, and disseminate and promote the best practices and
possible steps in the Indonesian context. Incentives to meter readers and technical
personnel for correcting leakage are also needed.

PCR Assessment PPER Assessment

Design Summary Expected Results Results Results and Comments


1. Improve living conditions, public 1. The project is estimated to directly • PCR estimates of total project • The IEM could not find any
health standards, urban environment, benefit the following number of people: beneficiaries are as follows: source for the Expected
and economic opportunities for (i) roads and bus terminals (BT)—4 (i) roads & BT – not known Results nor the PCR
BOTABEK urban residents. million, (ii) water supply – 228,825 achievement figures, which in
(ii) water supply—1.4 million (0.8 million (iii) sanitation – 1.7 million some cases (sanitation and
existing and 0.6 million new), (iv) solid waste – 2.4 million solid waste) are quite large vs
2. Improve the capacity and capability (iii) sanitation—0.4 million, (v) drainage – 7,803 extremely small for drainage.
of provincial and local governments to (iv) solid waste - 0.8 million, (vi) KIP – 52,232
provide services in a market- (v) drainage - 0.7 million, and (vii) MIIP – 12,156
responsive, and financially and (vi) (KIP) and (MIIP)—0.2 million. The
environmentally sustainable manner. urban poor will receive direct benefits
from KIP.
3. Help the government achieve its • No estimates in the PCR as to • Some residents might have
urban policies for REPELITA VI, how many residents benefited benefited from several
aimed at improving urban 2. Some residents will benefit from from more than one components such as water
environments to national standards several components, while others may component. supply, improved sanitation
through the Integrated Urban benefit from only one. The urban poor will and solid waste collection, but
Infrastructure Improvement benefit through improved environmental the total number is not known.
Development Program (IUIDP). drainage and road conditions, and less This is probably due to a lack
competition for scarce water resources— of a comprehensive
benefits shared by all urban residents. monitoring approach for each

1. Increase the capacity and 1. Strengthen the existing PMU and • PMU and PIUs were • CPMU was established in

Appendix 1
capability of provincial and local PIUs, as scheduled. established as scheduled. Bandung under the West Java
government agencies to implement PIUs were parts of local provincial government. The
the project and to operate and government (LG) Bappedas. IEM could not clarify the role
manage the new project facilities. of the CPMU in coordinating
or managing the project.

2. Improve the level of service of 2. Recruit consultants for subproject • National and international • Some 5.5 years after project
IUIDP facilities in the project area, preparation, management, and consultants were recruited for completion, the IEM did not
PCR Assessment PPER Assessment
Design Summary Expected Results Results Results and Comments
comprising 13 cities and towns with a institutional development support. detailed engineering design find significant traces of
projected population of 6.7 million in and institutional development institutional strengthening,

Appendix 1
2002. (ID). DED and supervision for especially in the areas of LG
revised SPARs were and PDAM financial
acceptable. The PCR states management, O&M
that ID, "through establishment budgeting, cost recovery tariff
of PMU and PIUs contributed implementation,
to efficient project encouragement of PSP,
implementation.” environmental assessments,
and resettlement sensitivity.

3. Procure and install the required • Project reduced by about 50% • The IEM found that the
equipment and materials, and construct due to AFC; remaining majority of the revised SPARs
civil works (scheduled for completion by equipment and works procured (after AFC) were implemented
2002). and installed according to accordingly.
revised SPARs.


1. Project development, 1. Directly involve or make staff in the • Only a few staff of DGHS • Direct involvement or making
implementation, management, and following agencies responsible for the (Cipta Karya) were involved. staff of all agencies
support for institutional development project: Directorate General of Human PIUs were composed mainly of responsible would have made
through several consultancies, and Settlements (DGHS), Ministry of Home Bappeda staff. MOF and an already complex project
central, provincial, municipal, and Affairs, Urban Roads Directorate of the BAPPENAS major roles were impossible to implement. IEM
district government agencies. Directorate General for Roads, Ministry of reviewing and approving found too many agencies and
Finance, National Development Planning cutbacks in the project. The “layers” involved such that
Agency (BAPPENAS) and its provincial PCR states that “institutional responsibility for project
counterparts (Bappedas), PMU, PIUs, reform proposals were shortcomings was very difficult
municipalities, districts, and cities. perceived to be consultant to sort out.
driven and failed to promote
ownership of the ID agenda.”

2. Reduce NRW by at least 20%. • The PCR maintains that NRW • According to IEM calculations,
percentages were not between 2002 and 2008,
substantially reduced. Tangerang district PDAM
reduced NRW by 33.5%.
Reduction in the other PDAMs
was13.9% in Bogor, 9.4% in
Tangerang city, and 7.0% in
PCR Assessment PPER Assessment
Design Summary Expected Results Results Results and Comments

3. Increase water supply operational • No data given in the PCR for • Connections per staff varied
efficiency to 100 connections/staff. this indicator from 500 in Tangerang district
to 111 in Tangerang city.

4. Increase tariffs, user fees, and taxes • The PCR states that PDAMs • PDAM average tariffs have
for urban services as projected and ”remain hesitant to implement been increasing since 2003,
agreed upon. a consistent policy of gradual but mainly for industry,
tariff increases, in accordance commercial and high-income
with advice from ADB.” A homes; tariffs on medium-
similar situation exists with LGs sized and smaller homes are
regarding taxes and fees for subsidized.
urban services.

5. Have community organizations carry • The PCR felt that there was • Community was actively
out construction and operation of KIP and "very limited” community involved in maintaining KIP
MIIP. involvement or participation project visited by the IEM. It is
during implementation, except not clear to what extent they
in KIP. were involved in construction.
Market improvement for MIIP
seemed to have been done by

• PSP participation declined

6. Ensure PSP in the provision of water • The PCR firmly states that from 25% envisaged at
supply, solid waste management, and “PSP under the project was appraisal to 2% at the end of
environmental sanitation services unsatisfactory.” Also that “the the project. The IEM agreed
particularly in the larger cities. participation of the private with the PCR that this was
sector was not emphasized mainly due to the economic
enough in the project design or slowdown during the AFC, a

Appendix 1
during training, so the project’s lack of incentives from PDAMs
PSP component did not and LGs, and absence of
perform well.” PDAMs also clear guidelines, regulatory
have done "little to exploit PSP framework, and standards.

2. Accelerate the provision of 1. Upon project completion in 2002, the • (a) Water supply- estimated • The IEM agrees that the RRP
essential urban infrastructure in the following levels of service will have been 229,000 beneficiaries is a expected results are too
PCR Assessment PPER Assessment
Design Summary Expected Results Results Results and Comments
project area. achieved: fraction of 20-25% BOTABEK optimistic and not based on
(a) 20–25% coverage of the urban areas population. realistic projections.

Appendix 1
population; • (b)Travel time shortened, but
(b) improved traffic flow, shortened travel no mention of elimination of
time, and reduced vehicle damage; localized flooding.
elimination of localized recurrent flooding; • (c) Projected drainage for
(c) 50–60% of the urban areas 7,800 beneficiaries is far too
population; optimistic.
(d) 60–70% of the urban areas • (d) & (e) Projections for solid
population; waste and sanitation also too
(e) provision of improved public water, optimistic.
laundry and sanitation facilities, solid • The PCR found that KIP was
waste and wastewater disposal facilities, the only component that has
drainage and access for low-income overachieved (152% vs
kampungs (neighborhoods). revised SPAR)

2. Improved water quality and increased • All four PDAMs had positive • PDAM water production and
duration of water supplies. FIRRs above the WACC of duration have increased
7%. several fold since the end of
the project, resulting in strong

3. Enhanced levels of operational • The project did enhance • The IEM found uncontrolled
capacity of facilities for solid waste, operational capacity in the dumping at one solid waste
sanitation, drainage, roads, and KIP and relevant sectors. However, FDS to be an environmental
MIIP, resulting in more hygienic hygienic conditions could not and health hazard.
conditions. be measured.
AFC = Asian financial crisis, BOTABEK = Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi, BT = bus terminal, CPMU = central project management unit, FDS = final disposal site, FIRR =
financial internal rate of return, ID = institutional development, IEM = Independent Evaluation Mission, IUIDP = integrated urban infrastructure development project, KIP =
Kampung Improvement Program, MIIP = market infrastructure improvement program, NRW = nonrevenue water, PCR = project completion report, PDAM = Perusahaan
Daerah Air Minum (local government water supply enterprise), PIU = project implementation unit, PMU = project management unit, PPER = project performance
evaluation report, PSP = private sector participation, REPELITA = Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun (5-year development plan), RRP = report and recommendation
of the President, SPAR = subproject appraisal report, WACC = weighted average cost of capital.
Source: ADB project completion report and Independent Evaluation Mission findings.
Appendix 2 27


Table A2.1: Project Costs and Financing
Appraisal Actual Appraisal Change
($ million) ($ million) (%) (+/-)
A. Project Cost
Foreign Currency Cost 65.0 23.0 35.4 -
Local Currency Cost 163.0 51.6 31.7 -
Total 228.0 74.6 32.7 -
B. Financing Plan
ADB-Financed 80.0 39.7 49.6 -
Central Government 13.0 6.2 47.3 -
Provincial & Local Governments 70.0 21.9 31.3 -
PDAMs 8.0 5.5 68.1 -
Private Sector & Communities 57.0 1.4 2.4 -
Total 148.0 34.9 23.6 -
C. Project Cost by Component
Institutional Development 14.3 7.3 51.0 -
ADB-Financed 5.8 7.3 125.7 +
Borrower-Financed 8.5 0.0 0.0 -
Water Supply 71.9 10.4 14.5 -
ADB-Financed 14.6 2.5 16.8 -
Borrower-Financed 57.3 8.0 13.9 -
Urban Roads 71.8 26.3 36.6 -
ADB-Financed 29.7 10.7 36.0 -
Borrower-Financed 42.1 15.6 37.1 -
Drainage 13.8 4.7 34.3 -
ADB-Financed 7.2 1.9 26.8 -
Borrower-Financed 6.6 2.8 42.6 -
Solid Waste Management 13.2 5.3 39.8 -
ADB-Financed 5.0 1.0 20.2 -
Borrower-Financed 8.2 4.3 51.8 -
Sanitation 4.1 1.3 31.5 -
ADB-Financed 0.9 0.3 30.0 -
Borrower-Financed 3.2 1.0 31.9 -
KIP/MIIP 5.5 1.0 17.5 -
ADB-Financed 0.2 0.3 135.0 +
Borrower-Financed 5.3 0.7 13.0 -
Bus Terminals 4.0 3.8 95.8 -
ADB-Financed 2.2 1.3 58.6 -
Borrower-Financed 1.8 2.5 141.1 +
Subtotal 184.3 52.8 28.6 -
ADB-Financed 59.8 17.9 30.0 -
Borrower-Financed 124.5 34.9 28.0 -
Equipment 0.0 8.4 -
ADB-Financed 0.0 8.4 -
Borrower-Financed 0.0 0.0 -
Incremental O&M 15.0 0.0 -
ADB-Financed 0.0 0.0 -
Borrower-Financed 15.0 0.0 -
Interest during Construction 14.4 6.1 42.4 -
ADB-Financed 14.4 6.1 0.0 -
BorrowerFinanced 0.0 0.0 -
Total 228.0 74.6 32.7 -
ADB = Asian Development Bank, KIP = kampung improvement program, MIIP = market infrastructure improvement
program, O&M = operation and maintenance, PDAM = local government water enterprise.
Source: Asian Development Bank Project Completion Report (Basic Data).
Table A2.2: Project Achievements

Kabupaten Bogor Kota Depok Total
Bogor Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%) Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%) Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%)

Appendix 2
Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR

Urban Road and Bus Terminal (BT)

Civil Works (CW) km 37 9.8 0.0 9.8 26.4 100.0 - 42.7 0.5 43.2 - 100.0 - 52.4 0.5 52.9 - 100.0
BT (location) unit 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0
BT (area) ha. - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0

Water Supply and Sanitation

WTP l/sec 545 200.0 0.0 200.0 36.7 100.0 - 200.0 0.0 200.0 - 100.0 - 400.0 0.0 400.0 - 100.0
Reservoir m3 840 2,000.0 0.0 2,000.0 238.1 100.0 - 2,200.0 0.0 2,200.0 - 100.0 - 4,200.0 0.0 4,200.0 - 100.0
Transmission Pipe km 21 5.6 0.0 5.6 26.5 100.0 - 0.8 0.0 0.8 - 100.0 - 6.3 0.0 6.3 - 100.0
Distribution Pipe km 62 } 32.5 0.0 32.5 - 100.0 - 34.3 0.0 9.7 - 28.2 - 66.8 0.0 42.2 - 63.1
Reticulation km - } 332.5 0.0 44.0 - 13.2 - 342.7 0.0 113.0 - 33.0 - 675.1 0.0 157.0 - 23.3
House Connection unit 39,000 18,332 0 4,693 12.0 25.6 - 13,300 0 1,454 - 10.9 - 31,632 0 6,147 - 19.4
ND Connection unit - 639 0 30 - 4.7 - 766 0 190 - 24.8 - 1,405 0 220 - 15.7
STP unit 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0
Vacuum Truck unit 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Submersible Pump unit 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0

Solid Waste Management and Drainage

SWFDS ha. 3 1.0 0.0 1.0 33.3 100.0 - 4.8 0.0 4.8 - 100.0 - 5.8 0.0 5.8 - 100.0
Transfer Depot unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Dump Truck unit 2 5 0 5 250.0 100.0 - 2 0 5 - 250.0 - 7 0 10 - 142.9
Arm Roll Truck unit 12 2 0 2 16.7 100.0 - 3 0 2 - 66.7 - 5 0 4 - 80.0
Container unit 86 10 0 10 11.6 100.0 - 18 0 10 - 55.6 - 28 0 20 - 71.4
Bulldozer unit 1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0
Loader unit 2 1 0 1 50.0 100.0 - 1 1 1 - 50.0 - 2 1 2 - 66.7
Composter unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Excavator unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 1 0 - 0.0 - 0 1 0 - 0.0
Light Truck unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Mini Truck unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Hand Carts unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Backhoe unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Drainage CW km 21 19.5 0.0 19.5 93.0 100.0 - 5.7 0.0 5.7 - 100.0 - 25.3 0.0 25.3 - 100.0

Kampung Improvement Program (KIP)/Market Infrastructure Improvement Project (MIIP)

KIP (location) unit - 2 0 2 - 100.0 - 4 0 4 - 100.0 - 6 0 6 - 100.0
KIP (area) ha. 70 36.3 0.0 36.3 51.8 100.0 - 49.1 0.0 49.0 - 99.7 - 85.4 0 85.2 - 99.8
MIIP (location) unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0
MIIP (area) ha. 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 1.3 0.0 1.3 - 100.0 - 1.3 0.0 1.3 - 100.0

=not available/calculated, appr=appraisal, ha=hectare, km=kilometer, l/s=liters per second, ND=nondomestic, Prog=program, SPAR = subproject appraisal report, STP= sludge treatment plant, Supp=supplement
SWFDS=solid waste final disposal site, WTP=water treatment plant
Sources: ADB RRP and PCR on Loan 1511-INO.
Kota Tangerang Kabupaten Tangerang Total
Tangerang Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%) Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%) Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%)
Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR

Urban Road and Bus Terminal (BT)

Civil Works km 66 66.6 0.0 66.6 101.0 100.0 81 48.2 6.6 48.2 59.5 87.9 147 114.8 6.6 114.8 78.1 94.6
BT (location) unit 1 1 0 1 100.0 100.0 0 1 0 1 0.0 100.0 1 2.0 0.0 2.0 200.0 100.0
BT (area) ha. - 0 0 0 - 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0

Water Supply and Sanitation

WTP l/sec 70 80.0 50.0 130.0 185.7 100.0 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 170 80.0 50.0 130.0 76.5 100.0
Reservoir m3 2,750 1,000.0 750.0 1,750.0 63.6 100.0 2,000 1,000.0 0.0 1,000.0 50.0 100.0 4,750 2,000.0 750.0 2,750.0 57.9 100.0
Transmission Pipe km 20 6.9 0.0 6.9 34.5 100.0 8 3.1 0.0 3.2 40.3 103.2 28 10.0 0.0 10.1 36.1 101.0
Distribution Pipe km 62 } 27.5 0.0 64.2 - 233.8 51 } 45.6 0.0 44.9 - 98.6 113 } 73.0 0.0 109.1 - 149.4
Reticulation km - } 132.2 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 } 38.4 0.0 39.0 - 101.5 - } 170.7 0.0 39.0 - 22.9
House Connection unit 12,000 2,500 5,500 2,964 24.7 37.1 11,000 5,039 0 5,239 47.6 104.0 23,000 7,539 5,500 8,203 35.7 62.9
ND Connection unit - 60 0 0 - 0.0 - 60 0 0 - 0.0 - 120 0 0 - 0.0
STP unit 1 1 0 1 - 100.0 2 1 0 1 50.0 100.0 3 2 0 2 66.7 100.0
Vacuum Truck unit 2 7 0 4 - 57.1 13 7 0 3 23.1 42.9 15 14 0 7 46.7 50.0
Submersible Pumps unit - 4 0 4 - 100.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 4 0 4 - 100.0

Solid Waste Management and Drainage

SWFDS ha. 0 10 0 10 - 100.0 10 4.0 0.0 4.8 48.0 120.0 10 14.0 0.0 14.8 148.0 105.7
Transfer Depot unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Dump Truck unit - 4 0 4 - 100.0 15 7 0 5 33.3 71.4 - 11 0 9 - 81.8
Arm Roll Truck unit 44 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 5 4 0 2 40.0 50.0 49 4 0 2 4.1 50.0
Container unit 274 9 0 9 3.3 100.0 10 19 0 10 100.0 52.6 284 28 0 19 6.7 67.9
Bulldozer unit 4 1 0 1 25.0 100.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0 - 2 0 2 - 100.0
Loader unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 2 1 1 0 0.0 0.0 - 1 1 0 - 0.0
Composter unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Excavator unit - 1 0 1 - 100.0 - 0 1 0 - 0.0 - 1 1 1 - 50.0
Light Truck unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Mini Truck unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 2 2 0 - 0.0 - 2 2 0 - 0.0
Hand Carts unit 87 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 444 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 531 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Backhoe unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Drainage CW km 45 40.3 0.0 40.3 89.5 100.0 61 5.3 0.0 5.3 8.7 100.0 106 45.6 0.0 45.6 43.0 100.0

Kampung Improvement Program/Market Infrastructure Improvement Project

KIP (location) unit - 25 0 15 - 60.0 - 2 0 2 - 100.0 - 27 0 17 - 63.0
KIP (area) ha. 90.0 39.0 0.0 229.0 254.4 587.2 70 20.0 0.0 20.0 28.6 100.0 160 59.0 0.0 249.0 155.6 422.0
MIIP (location) unit - 8 0 8 - 100.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 8 0 8 - 100.0
MIIP (area) ha. 58.0 45.0 0.0 45.0 77.6 100.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 45.0 0.0 45.0 - 100.0

Appendix 2
- = not available/calculated, appr = appraisal, ha = hectare, km = kilometer, l/s = liters per second, ND = nondomestic, Prog = program, SPAR = subproject appraisal report, STP =
sludge treatment plant, Supp = supplement, SWFDS = solid waste final disposal site, WTP = water treatment plant.
Sources: Asian Development Bank RRP and PCR on Loan 1511-INO.

Kota Bekasi Kabupaten Bekasi Total
Bekasi Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%) Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%) Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%)

Appendix 2
Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR

Urban Road and Bus Terminal (BT)

Civil Works km - 34.2 1.4 42.1 - 118.1 173 49.3 6.2 55.4 32.0 99.8 - 83.5 7.6 97.5 - 0.0
BT (location) unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0
BT (area) ha. - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0

Water Supply and Sanitation

WTP l/sec - 100.0 0.0 100.0 - 100.0 240.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 20.8 100.0 - 150.0 0.0 150.0 - 100.0
Reservoir m3 - 500.0 0.0 500.0 - 100.0 1,400.0 2,000.0 0.0 2,000.0 142.9 100.0 - 2,500.0 0.0 2,500.0 - 100.0
Transmission Pipe km - 4.8 0.0 4.8 - 100.0 26.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 100.0 - 4.9 0.0 4.9 - 100.0
Distribution Pipe km - 30.2 0.0 30.2 - 100.0 40.0 } 67.9 0.0 66.3 - 97.7 - 98.1 0.0 96.5 - 98.4
Reticulation km - 126.0 0.0 171.4 - 136.0 } 103.0 0.0 117.4 - 114.0 - 229.0 0.0 288.8 - 126.1
House Connection unit - 16,000 0 15,931 - 99.6 34,000 9,350 0 11,505 33.8 123.0 - 25,350 0 27,436 - 108.2
ND Connection unit - 60 0 148 - 246.7 - 0 0 0.0 - 0.0 - 60 0 148 - 246.7
STP unit - 1 0 1 - 100.0 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0
Vacuum Truck unit - 1 0 1 - 100.0 10 1 0 1.0 10.0 100.0 - 2 0 2 - 100.0
Submersible Pump unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0

Solid Waste Management and Drainage

SWFDS ha. - 4.0 1.9 4.0 - 67.8 - 10.0 0.0 7.6 - 76.0 - 14.0 1.9 11.6 - 73.0
Transfer Depot unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Dump Truck unit - 8 0 8 - 100.0 33 3.0 0.0 3.0 9.1 100.0 - 11 0 11 - 100.0
Arm Roll Truck unit - 3 0 3 - 100.0 9 7.0 0.0 7.0 77.8 100.0 - 10 0 10 - 100.0
Container unit - 19 0 19 - 100.0 34 23.0 0.0 23.0 67.6 100.0 - 42 0 42 - 100.0
Bulldozer unit - 0 1 0 - 0.0 - 0.0 1.0 1.0 - 100.0 - 0 2 1 - 50.0
Loader unit - 1 0 1 - 100.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0
Composter unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Excavator unit - 1 0 1 - 100.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 - 100.0 - 2 0 2 - 100.0
Light Truck unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Mini Truck unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Hand Carts unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 150 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Backhoe unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Drainage CW km - 21.6 1.5 23.1 - 100.0 68 23.5 0.0 23.5 34.5 100.0 - 45.1 1.5 46.6 - 100.0

Kampung Improvement Program/Market Infrastructure Improvement Project

KIP (location) unit - 6 0 6 - 100.0 - 11.0 0.0 11.0 - 100.0 - 17 0 17 - 100.0
KIP (area) ha. - 27.4 0.0 27.4 - 100.0 70.0 91.0 0.0 91.0 130.0 100.0 - 118.4 0.0 118.4 - 100.0
MIIP (location) unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 - 100.0 - 1 0 1 - 100.0
MIIP (area) ha. - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 15.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 20.0 100.0 - 3.0 0.0 3.0 - 100.0

=not available/calculated, appr=appraisal, ha=hectare, km=kilometer, l/s=liters per second, ND=nondomestic, Prog=program, STP= sludge treatment plant, Supp=supplement
SWFDS=solid waste final disposal site, WTP=water treatment plant
Sources: ADB RRP and PCR on Loan 1511-INO.
Appendix 2 31

Metro Botabek Prog SPAR Actual Achieved (%)

Appr Revised Supp. vs Prog vs SPAR

Urban Road and Bus Terminal (BT)

Civil Works km - 250.8 14.7 265.2 - 99.9
BT (location) unit - 2 0 2 - 100.0
BT (area) ha. - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0

Water Supply and Sanitation

WTP l/sec - 630.0 50.0 680.0 - 100.0
Reservoir m3 - 8,700.0 750.0 9,450.0 - 100.0
Transmission Pipe km - 21.3 0.0 21.4 - 100.5
Distribution Pipe km - 237.9 0.0 247.9 - 104.2
Reticulation km - 1,074.8 0.0 484.8 - 45.1
House Connection unit - 64,521 5,500 41,786 - 59.7
ND Connection unit - 1,585 0 368 - 23.2
STP unit - 4 0 4 - 100.0
Vacuum Truck unit - 16 0 9 - 56.3
Submersible Pump unit - 4 0 4 - 100.0

Solid Waste Management and Drainage

SWFDS ha. - 33.8 1.9 32.2 - 90.2
Transfer Depot unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Dump Truck unit - 29 0 30 - 103.4
Arm Roll Truck unit - 19 0 16 - 84.2
Container unit - 98 0 81 - 82.7
Bulldozer unit - 3 2 4 - 80.0
Loader unit - 4 2 3 - 50.0
Composter unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Excavator unit - 3 2 3 - 60.0
Light Truck unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Mini Truck unit - 2 2 0 - 0.0
Hand Carts unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Backhoe unit - 0 0 0 - 0.0
Drainage CW km - 116.0 1.5 117.5 - 100.0

Kampung Improvement Program/Market Infrastructure Improvement Project

KIP (location) unit - 50.0 0.0 40.0 - 80.0
KIP (area) ha. - 262.8 0.0 452.6 - 172.3
MIIP (location) unit - 10.0 0.0 10.0 - 100.0
MIIP (area) ha. - 49.3 0.0 49.3 - 100.0

=not available/calculated, appr=appraisal, ha=hectare, km=kilometer, l/s=liters per

second, ND=nondomestic, Prog=program, SPAR=subproject appraisal, STP=
sludge treatment plant, supp=supplement, SWFDS=solid waste final disposal site,
WTP=water treatment plant
Sources: ADB RRP and PCR on Loan 1511-INO.

Table A2.3: Urban Road Component: Project Achievements

Loan 1077-INO: Loan 1511-INO: Metro Total

Botabek UDP Botabek UDP
Bekasi (km) 66.7 97.5 164.2
Bogor (km) 45.2 52.9 98.1
Tangerang (km) 84.9 114.8 199.7
Total project (km) 196.8 265.2 462.0
Capital Cost for Urban Road 19.5a P P 26.3 45.8
Component ($ million)
Cost per kilometer ($) $9,900 $9,900 $9,900
Km = kilometer, UDP = urban development project.
P Cost at appraisal.

Source: Project documents for Loans 1077-INO and 1511-INO.

32 Appendix 3


(1) Tangerang City

Bajuceper Water Treatment Plant Long-distance bus terminal

(2) Tangerang Kabupaten

Pasir Muncang Final Disposal Site Sepatan Sewage Treatment Plant

(Closed due to bad odor and complaints from residents)
Appendix 3 33

(3) Bekasi City

Local Government Water Supply New Clean Development Mechanism

Component in Sumur Batu
Final dump site

(4) Bekasi Kabupaten

Urban roads expansion funded under the project

34 Appendix 3

(5) Depok City

Kampung Improvement Project (KIP) Clogged drain in the KIP area

neighborhood area

Local market under the market infrastructure

improvement program (Pasar Agung) Cipayung Final Disposal Site Leachate
Appendix 4 35


A. Overview of BME Approach and Outputs

1. A team of consultants carried out benefit monitoring evaluation (BME) starting in March
2001. 1 Working with local government (LG) officials, the consultants collected baseline data,

developed the system, and implemented it with continuous monthly survey updates. The
methodology applied was the Analytic Hierarchy Process often used by Bintek/ Directorate-
General of Urban and Rural Development to monitor and evaluate projects. This rigorous
methodology is in a software package that quantitatively monitors project benefits on the basis of:
(i) level of service: measures the degree to which construction of the project facility
achieved the targeted;

(ii) use of service: measures the degree to which use of the facility achieved what was
planned; and

(iii) impact of service: gives a preliminary evaluation of impacts of the improvements.

2. For each of the three elements, basic indicators were established, and parameters within
each indicator helped determine quantitative measures. Weights were then fixed so that cumulative
scores could be calculated for each sector and kota/kabupaten (city/district).

3. On the basis of the methodology, benefits from level of service, use of service, and impact
of service can be quantified to yield a composite or overall benefit score for each discrete project
and thus for each sector and kota/kabupaten. The scores provide a useful comparison of the
benefits by sector and by kota/kabupaten over time in the project.

4. Evaluation of the three elements will yield a value of the benefit achieved on the developed
infrastructure, as described by the following categories:

0 % - ≤ 25 % = Not Beneficial
> 25 % - ≤ 50 % = Low Benefit
> 50 % - ≤ 75 % = Medium Benefit
> 75 % - ≤ 100 % = High Benefit
> 100 % = More Benefit

5. The presentation in the following sections provide analytical summaries of BME results, by

TP PT This appendix is an excerpt from the BME report commissioned by the government using ADB loan proceeds.
Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure (DGURD). September 2003. Final Report. Volume VI. Lessons
Learnt from M-Botabek Project and Recommendations for Future Urban Development in Jabodetek (Main Report).
36 Appendix 4

B. Concluding Comments Regarding BME Approval and Results

1. Positive Contributions from the BME Approach and Results

6. The BME approach/methodology (Analytical Hierarchy Process) allows for rigorous tracking
of project benefits with the use of a series of indicators and parameters set for each sector. The
benefits are monitored and updated monthly so that progress by implementation agencies can be

7. The results can be used to compare either the same benefits in one sector among LGs, or
the extent of benefits among sectors in one LG. The comparisons will enable managers at all levels
to pinpoint where implementation problems arise, and provide the opportunity to inform PIU staff
and make corrections in the field.

8. Table A4 summarizes the composite BME scores (results) by sector and LG. At a
composite level, the results are as follows:

(i) By Kota/Kabupaten (City/District)

Despite the relatively slow implementation progress of sanitation (IPLT) and
drainage, Kota Bekasi ranked first in composite score because of success on roads
and small water supply program. Kabupaten Bekasi ranked second. Kota Depok
was lowest, primarily due to disappointing results in the water supply and sanitation
sectors. Kabupaten Tangerang was the next lowest because of poor
implementation progress and quality of the sanitation ponds (Tempat Pembuangan
Akhir) as well as late completion of drainage works. Kabupaten Bogor and Kota
Tangerang ranked third and fourth, respectively.

(ii) By Sector
KIP's composite BME score ranked highest even exceeding 100% because level of
service ranked second. Its scores were very high except in Kabupaten Tangerang.

Water supply ranked lowest among all sectors, especially due to the late and
disappointing results from private sector participation (PSP) in Kota Depok and
others. Sanitation and water management was second lowest because of problems
with completion of TPAs in Depok and Kota and Kabupaten Tangerang.
Appendix 4 37

Table A4: Summary of BME Scores by Sector and Local Government

Kab. Kota Kab. Kota Kab. Kota Com- Rank

Bogor Depok Tangerang Tangerang Bekasi Bekasi posite
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Water supply
• Level of service 40.1 23.0 92.4 66.0 135.4 90.7 74.9
• Use of service 100.0 33.3 92.2 66.5 -27.1 74.6 57.0
• Impact of service 79.3 80.0 23.7 79.0 82.4 82.4 67.3
Overall benefit 72.3 44.3 75.2 69.1 61.2 82.6 65.6 7
• Level of service 45.6 53.7 31.1 52.3 41.9 68.8 48.9
• Use of service 66.6 72.4 71.6 91.3 86.8 66.8 75.9
• Impact of service 93.7 83.5 111.6 35.3 110.2 84.6 86.5
Overall benefit 65.6 68.2 66.4 62.7 75.8 72.0 69.2 6
• Level of service – 42.2 72.5 74.0 91.2 92.5 74.5
• Use of service – 7.9 77.2 69.1 85.7 28.9 53.8
• Impact of service – 87.6 72.6 100.0 100.0 79.7 88.0
Overall benefit – 40.7 74.3 78.7 91.3 65.4 71.3 4
Urban Roads
• Level of service 93.0 83.0 81.3 80.5 89.0 84.0 85.1
• Use of service 55.0 80.0 63.5 64.5 83.5 76.0 70.4
• Impact of service 100.0 100.6 82.9 81.6 85.4 111.7 93.7
Overall benefit 80.5 86.3 75.0 74.8 86.0 87.9 81.5 3
• Level of service 119.4 100.0 64.9 92.6 95.6 51.8 87.4
• Use of service 100.0 100.0 65.7 92.7 93.8 88.6 90.1
• Impact of service 97.6 97.9 101.6 102.2 99.0 95.7 99.0
Overall benefit 106.7 99.5 74.4 95.0 95.8 76.6 86.2 2
• Level of service 143.8 84.9 110.3 274.7 104.9 77.6 132.7
• Use of service 98.0 100.0 65.9 75.6 85.5 100.0 87.5
• Impact of service 96.9 86.5 101.4 106.5 106.2 100.0 99.6
Overall benefit 114.9 91.0 91.4 158.0 97.9 91.6 109.7 1
• Level of service – 60.4 – 54.3 104.8 – 73.2
• Use of service – 62.0 – 80.0 44.0 – 62.0
• Impact of service – 78.6 – 81.3 75.0 – 78.3
Overall benefit – 65.5 – 70.7 74.6 – 70.1 5
Bus Terminals
• Level of service
• Use of service (BME analysis was not applied)
• Impact of service
Overall benefit

Composite 76.8 71.1 74.1 76.7 79.2 79.7 76.3

Rank 3 6 5 4 2 1

BME = benefit monitoring and evaluation, Kab = kabupaten (district), KIP = Kampung Improvement Program, Kota = city,
MIIP = Market Infrastructure Improvement Program, SWM = solid waste management.
Source: Independent Evaluation Mission findings.
38 Appendix 4

2. General Limitations of BME Approach and Results

9. Perhaps the chief limitation of the BME approach is that, in terms of level and use of
service, the quantitative monitoring indicators measure achievements or benefits against planned
targets set for the project. However, if these targets are in some way inadequate (or wrong), and
thus do not fully consider present and future problems and "needs," the approach does not account
for that shortcoming.

10. For example, the Metro BOTABEK project KIP, which has been criticized for its
conventional approach, ranked first among sectors in BME scores. Also, the project's drainage
sector program, which showed clear shortcomings during the 2002 flood, received the second
highest BME scores.

11. The second limitation of the BME system relates to indicators used to measure the impact
of service. Impact evaluation is in fact a complex science, and evaluation is generally begun only
after a program has been implemented and output indicators from the program are monitored.

12. Outcomes or effects of a specific program then become impacts, which can be either short-
term or long-term. However, we should be cautious in measuring impacts while a project is still
running. Another difficulty is "spuriousness," that is, the problem of determining to what extent
specific impacts are derived from a particular program as opposed to other factors. For example,
how can we determine the environmental impacts of the Metro BOTABEK project in view of many
other activities taking place?

13. The third and final limitation of the BME system applied to the project relates to its meaning
or use for key LG decision makers and planners responsible for programming future infrastructure
investments. Specifically, the issue can be posed as follows: how can this complicated BME
assessment system help decision makers and planners determine priorities for new projects, either
within a single sector or among sectors? Somehow there is a need to cut through all the numbers
to determine directions for future urban development policies and programs.
Appendix 5 39


Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

No withdrawal may be made from the Loan Account Partly complied with. Partly complied
for items of expenditure under a subproject (i) if such IEE/EIA for 18 programs have with.
subproject does not meet the criteria agreed between been approved by local/ provincial
the Borrower and ADB; (ii) if the environmental environmental agency. IEE/EIA
assessment procedures required in para. 20 of being prepared for approval for the
Schedule 5 to this Loan Agreement have not been only program with adverse
complied with, or (iii) for items of expenditure to be environmental impact.
financed under a subsidiary loan agreement, until Four out of eight SLAs have
such subsidiary loan agreement, satisfactory to ADB, been approved; four others were
shall have been concluded and furnished to ADB. replaced by DAU or PAD. Two
new SLA have been approved.

The Borrower shall make available and shall cause Partly complied with. Partly complied
DGRD and the project implementing agencies Shortage of local government with.
concerned, to make available, the funds, facilities, funds contributed to delays and
services, land and other resources required, in cancellation of parts of the project.
addition to the proceeds of the Loan, for the carrying
out of the project and for the O&M of the project.

Competent and qualified consultants and contractors Complied with. Complied with.
shall be employed in carrying out the project.

The project shall be carried out in accordance with Complied with. Complied with.
plans, design standards, specifications, work
schedules and construction methods acceptable to
the Borrower and ADB. The Borrower shall furnish
ADB such plans, design standards specifications and
work schedules.

The Borrower shall ensure that the activities of its Partly complied with. Partly complied
departments and agencies are conducted and Some construction started before with.
coordinated in accordance with sound administrative ADB approval was received.
policies and procedures.

The Borrower shall make arrangements for insurance Complied with. Complied with.
of the project's facilities.

The Borrower shall maintain records and accounts to Complied with. Complied with.
identify the goods and services and other items of
expenditure financed out of the proceeds of the Loan,
to disclose the use in the project, to record the
progress of the project and to reflect the operation of
project facilities.

The Borrower shall furnish ADB all reports and Complied with. Complied with.
information concerning (i) the Loan, and the
expenditure of the proceeds and maintenance of the
services; (ii) the goods and services and other items
or expenditure financed out of the proceeds of the
Loan; (iii) the project; (iv) any Subproject; (v) the
agencies of the Borrower responsible for carrying out
40 Appendix 5

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

the project and operation of the project facilities; (vi)
financial and economic condition in the territory of the
Borrower and the international balance-of-payments
position of the Borrower; and (vii) any other matters
relating to the purposes of the Loan.

DGURD shall furnish to ADB consolidated quarterly Complied with. Complied with.
reports on the carrying out of the project and on the
operation and management of the project facilities.
Such consolidated reports shall indicate, among other
things, progress made and problems encountered
during the quarter under review, steps taken or
proposed to be taken to remedy these problems, and
proposed program of activities and expected progress
during the following quarter.

Promptly after physical completion of the project, and Complied with. Complied with.
not later than 3 months thereafter, DGURD shall
prepare and furnish to ADB a report on the execution
and initial operation of the project, including its cost,
performance by the Borrower of its obligations under
the Loan Agreement and the accomplishment of the
purposes of the Loan.

The Borrower shall ensure that the project facilities Partially complied with. Partly complied
are operated, maintained and repaired in accordance Some facilities have not been with.
with sound administrative, financial, engineering, completed yet: (i) Balaraja Transmission and
environmental, urban development, public utilities and reservoir (Kab. Tangerang) is not distribution network
maintenance and operational practices. equipped with generator set; (ii) for Ciledug reservoir
Pasir Muncang TPA (Kab. (Kota Tangerang)
Tangerang) is not equipped with has not been
leachate circulation pump; and (iii) developed due to
transmission and distribution right-of way issues,
network for Ciledug reservoir (Kota while the Balaraja
Tangerang) has not been reservoir (Kab.
developed. Tangerang) is
reportedly still not
equipped with a
generator set.

BAPPENAS shall provide policy coordination among Complied with. Complied with.
MSRI, MOHARA, MOF, and other relevant
government agencies.

DGURD shall be the project Executing Agency, Complied with. Complied with.
responsible for overall technical supervision,
management, and monitoring of the project and shall
ensure that the project Implementing Agencies
perform their respective roles in an adequate manner.

DGURD shall be (i) responsible for monitoring project Complied with. Complied with.
implementation, including services, in coordination
with BAPPENAS; (ii) responsible for the coordination
Appendix 5 41

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

and approval, jointly with the relevant national
government agencies and BAPPEDA I, of the SPARs;
and (iii) oversee and prepare all Project related
accounting and auditing activities and monitor
disbursements of proceeds of the Loan.

The DGPARA and DGRD within MOHARA shall Complied with. Complied with.
assist with the overall administrative and institutional Special services for RIAP and
development direction for the provincial government LIDAP consultancies were
of West Java and the local governments. DGPARA adjusted to accommodate new
shall oversee the institutional development of PDAMs needs like financial management
and other local enterprises. assistance to PDAM and reduction
of UFW for PDAM.

PUCF shall be established in the province of West Complied with. Complied with.
Java within 1 month of the Effective Date to provide
guidance on policy and institutional development and
overall coordination for appraisal of Subprojects. The
PUCF shall be chaired by the head of BAPPEDA 1 of
the province of West Java.
The BAPPEDA 1 of the province of West Java shall Complied with. Complied with.
provide guidance, assistance, and coordination to the
local governments with respect to Subproject
planning, programming, and budgeting.

The SETWILDA of the province of West Java shall be Complied with. Complied with.
responsible for monitoring the LIDAPs and RIAPs Special services for RIAP and
under the project. LIDAP consultancies were
adjusted to accommodate new
needs such as financial
management assistance to PDAM,
and reduction of UFW for PDAM
following national standard for local
government autonomy.

A PMU shall be established in the province of West Complied with. Complied with.
Java within 1 month of the Effective Date. Under the
guidance of DGRD, the PMU shall (i) prepare overall
project implementation plan and consolidated annual
work plan, (ii) assist local governments and PDAMs to
prepare SPARs as required, (iii) advise on terms of
reference for consultants to the local governments
and PDAMs, (iv) oversee institutional financial
development of the local governments and PDAMs,
(iv) facilitate project coordination, vertically and
horizontally, (vi) assist local governments and PDAMs
with procurement, (vii) organize BME activities, and
(viii) undertake preparation of the project completion
A LUCF shall be established within 1 month of the Complied with. Complied with.
Effective Date or such later date as shall be agreed by
the Borrower and ADB, in each local government, and
shall be chaired by the head of the relevant
42 Appendix 5

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

BAPPEDA II (local planning board). LUCFs shall be
responsible for overall coordination of the preparation
and implementation of the Subproject in their
respective areas.

Each local government shall establish and maintain a Complied with. Complied with.
PIU within DPUK with an adequate number of suitably Not all PIUs are under DPUK, such
qualified staff. PIUs shall prepare SPARs and the as PIU Kota Depok, Kab.
various plans required under the project, and assist in Tangerang, Kab. Bogor, and Kota
the preparation of feasibility studies and project Bekasi, which are under
designs. BAPPEDA II and PIU Kota

Each local government shall appoint qualified project Complied with. Complied with.
managers within the relevant local government
agencies and PDAMs to implement respective project
investments, including procurement activities and
construction supervision.

The BAPPEDA II of each local government shall be Complied with. Complied with.
responsible for Subproject planning, programming,
and budgeting.

The SETWILDAS of each local government shall be Not complied with. Not complied with.
responsible for the implementation of the respective RIAP and LIDAP technical
RIAPs/LIDAPs under the project. assistance will not be
implemented. These were
changed to FMA and UFW to
PDAMs, under Dinas Tarkim West
Java province.
Subprojects shall be identified and selected in Complied with. Complied with.
accordance with the agreed criteria to include the ADB criteria used in the
following: (i) technical design standards, requiring preparation of revised/new
each investment to be technically viable and employ SPAR.
appropriate technology; (ii) economic standards,
requiring non-revenue-generating investments to be
economically viable; and (iii) financial standards
requiring revenue-generating to be financially viable.
Subprojects shall be designed to be within the
financial capability of the local governments and
PDAMs. The debt service for each local government
and PDAMs shall not be less than 1.5 and 1.3,

A FIRR shall be calculated in constant prices for Complied with. Complied with.
investments in the water supply and bus terminal ADB criteria used in the
components. If the FIRR is less than 7% for any preparation of revised/new
investment, an EIRR or a socioeconomic justification SPAR.
shall be prepared for such an investment. EIRRs shall
also be calculated for all investments in the roads and
bridges, drainage, kampung improvement, and
market infrastructure improvement components
estimated to cost more than $400,000 equivalent
Appendix 5 43

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

each; for such investments, the EIRR shall not be less
than the economic cost of capital of the Borrower.
Estimated costs and revenues per unit of service of
potential investments in the solid waste and sanitation
components shall be compared to facilitate
privatization and selection.

Each local government shall prepare a five-year Complied with. Complied with.
indicative program of investments, supported by RIAPs and LIDAPs changed to
RIAPs/LIDAPs/CPs. Based on the indicative FMA and UFW reduction
program, each local government and PDAM shall assistance to PDAMs.
prepare an annual work plan comprising (i) all
investments determined to be feasible for
implementation during the forthcoming year, and (ii)
all investments determined to require further
consideration during the forthcoming year. The annual
work plan shall be provided by each local government
and PDAM to the PMU and then to DGURD, for
review and approval, and forwarded to ADB for

Each local government and PDAM shall update its Complied with. Complied with.
respective annual work plan and provide this to PMU Annual report plans were
and then to DGURD. accommodated in revised SPAR
(October 2002).
LIDAPs, RIAPs, and CPs shall be updated from time Complied with. Complied with.
to time as required to confirm their institutional LIDAP and RIAP were changed to
feasibility. Subprojects requiring particular institutional FMA and UFW reduction for
provisions, such as for improved operations (solid PDAM.
waste), water loss reduction (water supply) or tariff
increases, the updated LIDAPs, RIAPs and CPs shall
be reviewed and approved by the LUCF and PUCF.

On the basis of the annual work plan, the relevant Complied with. Complied with.
BAPPEDA II shall prepare the Subproject for the
review of the relevant Bupati (Mayor) through the
LUCF. If a feasibility study is required, it shall be
conducted by consultants for the local government or
PDAM under the guidance of DPUK. The terms of
reference of the feasibility study shall be provided to
DPUK for review, and progress reports shall be
provided for information. The report of the feasibility
study shall be provided to DPUK for its review.

If a Subproject is considered suitable for further Complied with. Complied with.

processing, the PUCF team shall help (i) make any
adjustment required, (ii) finalize cost estimates,
financial plan and implementation arrangements and
justification, and (iii) prepare the SPAR (full SPAR for
Subprojects estimated to cost more than $10 million
equivalent and a summary SPAR for other
Subprojects). The SPAR shall be submitted in parallel
to the LUCF and the PUCF. After approval from the
LUCF and the PUCF, the SPAR shall be forwarded to
44 Appendix 5

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

DGURD for review and approval. After approval by
DGURD, full SPARs shall be sent to be Bank for
review and approval and summary SPARs shall be
sent to ADB for review.

Each of the Subprojects shall be implemented using Complied with. Complied with.
appropriate technology that promotes economic and O&M have been realized. Increase
efficient delivery of services in accordance with the of distribution through the
needs of the beneficiaries and their capacity to carry implementation of local
out the necessary O&M. The local governments shall government regulation (perda) on
implement a program to monitor discharges and to tariff has been performed by local
enforce applicable regulations against polluters in the governments under the approval of
sanitation and solid waste components. A community- the local legislative.
based approach shall be used for the kampung
improvement and market infrastructure improvement

The Borrower shall ensure that (i) the special account Complied with. Complied with.
and the expenditures liquidated under the SOE
procedures are audited, and (ii) the opinion of the
auditors relating thereto is included in the auditor’s
reports required pursuant to Section 4.06 (b) of the
Loan Agreement.

The Borrower shall ensure that all necessary budget Partly complied with. Partly complied
requests are submitted and all necessary budget Shortage of local government with.
approvals are issued in sufficient time to avoid delays funds has contributed to delays
in Subproject implementation. The Borrower shall and cancellation of parts of the
cause the provincial government of West Java and project.
the local governments to provide their respective
counterpart financing in a timely manner. The
borrower shall review the provisions for the project in
the annual budgets of the participating entities and
ensure that suitable adjustments are promptly made.

SLAs shall carry standard terms and conditions Complied with. Complied with.
acceptable to ADB, including the prevailing terms of But only 4 of 18 SLAs have been
MOF loans for urban sector projects. The Borrower approved. The four others were
shall bear the foreign exchange risk. replaced by DAU or PAD.

The financing plan of a Subproject for the local Complied with. Complied with.
governments and PDAMs shall depend upon (i) the PDAMs were provided grants
specific investments and components that are except for the costs of reticulation
proposed, and (ii) the financial resources of the and house connections, which
implementing entity. All the proceeds of the Loan were funded by PDAM and the
made available to PDAMs shall be in the form of private sector.

Grants shall be provided for (i) social and Complied with. Complied with – no
nonrevenue- earning investments, including solid All project packages were directed SLA on lending for
waste and sanitation disposal sites, and (ii) based on these financing criteria. SWM components.
institutional development and preparation of master
plans and feasibility studies. Loans shall be provided
Appendix 5 45

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

for revenue-earning investments, including water
supply, solid waste, sanitation collection facilities, and
bus terminal. The roads and bridges and drainage
components shall be financed partly by loans and
partly by grants.

The equity contribution of each local government and Complied with. Complied with.
PDAM in any Subproject shall range between 25– After revised SPAR for completion
40% of the estimated cost of such subproject. of work, financing contribution from
local governments and PDAM is
39.1% in accordance with the Loan

If involuntary resettlement is required in connection Complied with. Complied with.

with the project, the Borrower shall ensure that the
responsible agency prepares a resettlement plan, in
consultation with the affected community, providing
inter alia for suitable compensation and assistance in
resettlement. Such resettlement plan shall be
submitted to ADB for its review and approval as part
of the related SPAR.

The Borrower shall ensure that the identification, Partly complied with. Partly complied
preparation, and implementation of Subprojects reflect IEE/EIA for 18 programs have with.
environmental and social concerns, and shall take been approved by
steps to alleviate negative environmental or social local/provincial environmental
effects. IEEs shall be prepared for all Subprojects and agency.
EIAs shall be prepared for each Subproject with a
substantial adverse environmental impact. Any
recommendation made in an EIA requiring mitigating
measures, design changes, or monitoring systems
shall be incorporated in the subproject design. The
Environmental Impact Management Commission of
the provincial government of West Java or of MPW
shall approve the EIAs before disbursement may be
permitted. Each IEE and EIA prepared shall be
promptly submitted to ADB for its review.

The LUCF of each local government shall meet at Complied with. Complied with.
least twice a year. In the preparation of Subprojects, Training of trainers in the local
the relevant local government shall consult with community is performed although
concerned community leaders and ensure that implementation is not followed by
community-based organizations and informal groups intensive monitoring from central
are encouraged to participate in the planning, government.
construction, O&M of the project facilities.
Each PIU shall develop and implement a coordinated Complied with. Complied with.
public information campaign to enhance the beneficial
impact of the project.

The Borrower shall ensure that social dimensions are Partly complied with. Partly complied
incorporated in the preparation of each Subproject. Public acceptance problem with.
experienced with sanitation Objection by local
program (IPLT Bantar Gebang, people to the project
46 Appendix 5

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

Kota Bekasi). facilities faded after
the start of

The Borrower shall ensure that the kampung Complied with. Complied with.
improvement component shall be implemented KIP-CBD approach has
through a community-based approach so that each enhanced community involvement.
participating community will plan and carry out its own

The Borrower shall review the opportunities and Complied with. Complied with.
proposed arrangements for private sector participation PSP in water supply, solid waste,
in the provision of urban services in the project Area and sanitation are now in various
and facilitate partnerships between the public and stages of development.
private sectors in providing such services. The
Borrower shall keep ADB informed of progress in
accomplishing such partnership.

The respective PDAMs shall prepare budgets and Complied with. Complied with.
undertake responsibility for O&M of water supply PSP fund also used for O&M.
systems, piped sewage collection, and treatment
provided or improved under the project, and levying
and collecting water charges.

The local governments shall prepare budgets and Partly complied with. Partly complied
undertake responsibility for O&M of the project Some previously constructed drain with.
facilities for drainage, solid waste, sanitation, sections not maintained.
kampong improvement, market infrastructure
improvement and urban roads, and levying and
collecting charges, fees and tariffs.

The local governments shall encourage the relevant Complied with. Complied with.
communities to assist with O&M of the kampung Training of trainers for local
improvement and market infrastructure improvement government in public campaign
investments provided under the project. conducted for KIP and MIIP O&M.

The LIDAPs and RIAPs shall include the following Complied with. Complied with.
measures: (i) steps will be taken to improve municipal LIDAP and RIAP technical
accounting systems by (a) improving financial assistance changed to FMA and
management of municipal services, including UFW reduction for PDAM.
segregation of revenues and expenditures of each
municipal service provided, and (b) strengthening the
municipal management information system; (ii) tariffs
and fees for sanitation services and solid waste will be
set at levels high enough to cover the aggregate of
estimated operating cost and debt service; (iii) steps
will be taken to increase revenue from tariffs, property
taxes and local taxes trough regular property
revaluation and tariff reviews and improved collection;
and (iv) encourage community and private sector

The CPs shall include the following features: (i) Complied with. Complied with.
Appendix 5 47

Covenant At Project Completion At Independent

statement of the corporate goal operational strategy, Terms of reference revised to
administrative support, financial plan management, focus on financial management
policy on private sector participation and resource assistance to PDAMs,
mobilization; (ii) regular reviews and adjustments of implemented by FMA and UFW
tariffs to levels high enough to cover (a) the aggregate consultants.
of operation costs and either depreciation or debt
service, whichever is higher and (b) at least 25% of
incremental development expenditures (tariffs should
be affordable to low-income consumers); (iii)
improvement of bill collection efficiency, including
write-offs of bad debts, and reduction of accounts
receivable to not more than 3 months billings by 31
December 1998; (iv) implementation of an annual
program to change UFW at a minimum of either a
20% reduction over a 5 year period from Subproject
appraisal or the accomplishment of the 30% target of
REPELITA VI; and (v) establishment or improvement
of a properly staffed and financed leakage control
division within each PDAM to implement a program of
leakage reduction, meter recalibration, repairs,
detection and reduction of illegal connections.

The Borrower shall cause all participating PDAMs to Complied with. Being complied
(i) introduce and maintain tariff systems that ensure with.
full cost recovery at or above the marginal cost of
water from households using large volumes of water,
industrial and commercial users; and (ii) encourage
low-income households to seek water connections by
taking account of the capacity to pay when setting
connection fees and establishing an installment
system for payment of such fees.

The Borrower shall ensure that a comprehensive Complied with. Complied with.
program acceptable to ADB is implemented to The consultant’s monitoring and
monitor and evaluate the technical performance and evaluation work finalized in
social and economic benefits of the project. September 2003.

Annual reports shall be furnished to ADB through Complied with. Complied with.
DGURD throughout the project implementation

The Borrower and ADB shall actively consult each Complied with. Complied with.
other on a regular basis regarding the progress in
implementation of REPELITA VI and REPELITA VII
as they apply to the urban sector. The Borrower shall
keep ADB informed about finalization and
implementation of the proposed Urban Policy Action

ADB = Asian Development Bank, BAPPEDA = provincial/local planning board, BAPPENAS = national development planning
agency, BME = benefit monitoring and evaluation, CBD = community-based development, CP = corporate plans, DAU =
Dana Alokasi Umum (general budgetary allocation), DGPARA = Directorate General of Public Administration and Regional
Autonomy, DGRD = Directorate General for Regional Development, DGURD = Directorate General of Urban and Rural
Development, DPUK = Office of Public Works, EIA = environmental impact assessment, EIRR = economic internal rate of
48 Appendix 5

return, FDS = final disposal site, FIRR = financial internal rate of return, FMA = financial management assistance, IEE =
initial environmental examination, IPLT = sludge processing plant, LIDAP = local institutional development action plan, LUCF
= local urban development coordination forum, MOF = Ministry of Finance, MOHARA = Ministry of Home and Regional
Affairs, MPW = Ministry of Public Works, MSRI = Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure, O&M = operation and
maintenance, PAD = Pendapatan Asli Daerah (local revenue), PDAM = local government water supply enterprise, PIU =
project implementation unit, PMU = project management unit, PSP = private sector participation, PUCF = provincial urban
development coordination forum, REPELITA = Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun (5-year development plan), RIAP =
revenue improvement action plan, SETWILDA = Sekretariat Wilayah Daerah (regional secretary), SLA = subsidiary loan
agreement, SOE = statement of expenditure, SPAR = subproject appraisal report, TPA = final solid waste disposal site, UFW
= unaccounted-for water.
Source: Asian Development Bank.
Appendix 6 49


Table A6.1: Rating Matrix of Core Evaluation Criteria

Weight Rating Rating

Criterion (%) Definition Description Value
1. Relevance 20 Relevance is the consistency of a Highly relevant 3
project’s impact and outcome with the Relevant 2
government’s development strategy, the Partly relevant 1
Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Irrelevant 0
lending strategy for the country, and
ADB’s strategic objectives at the time of
approval and evaluation and the
adequacy of the design.
2. Effectiveness 30 Effectiveness describes the extent to Highly effective 3
which the outcome, as specified in the Effective 2
design and monitoring framework, either Less effective 1
as agreed upon at approval or as Ineffective 0
subsequently modified, has been
3. Efficiency 30 Efficiency describes, ex post, how Highly efficient 3
economically resources have been Efficient 2
converted to results, using the economic Less efficient 1
internal rate of return, or cost- Inefficient 0
effectiveness, of the investment or other
indicators as a measure and the
resilience to risk of the net benefit flows
over time.
4. Sustainability 20 Sustainability considers the likelihood Most likely 3
that human, institutional, financial, and Likely 2
other resources are sufficient to maintain Less likely 1
the outcome over its economic life. Unlikely 0
Overall Highly Successful: Overall weighted average is greater than or equal to 2.7.
Assessment Successful: Overall weighted average is greater than or equal to 1.6 and less
(weighted average than 2.7.
of above criteria) Partly Successful: Overall weighted average is greater than or equal to 0.8 and
less than 1.6.
Unsuccessful: Overall weighted average is less than 0.8.
Source: ADB. 2006. Guidelines for Preparing Performance Evaluation Reports for Public Sector Operations. Manila.

Table A6:2 Assessment of Metro BOTABEK Overall Performance

Weight Rating Weighted

Criterion (%) Assessment Value Rating
Relevance 20 Partly Relevant 1 0.2
Effectiveness 30 Less Effective 1 0.3
Efficiency 30 Efficient 2 0.6
Sustainability 20 Less Likely 1 0.2
Overall Rating Partly Successful 1.3
50 Appendix 7


A. Background and Methodology

1. The economic analysis of the project was prepared in accordance with the Asian
Development Bank’s (ADB) Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Water Supply Projects and
the Handbook for the Economic Analysis of Water Supply Projects. Financial prices were valued at
their economic prices by applying the world price numeraire. The shadow price adjustment factors
used are

(i) Shadow exchange rate factor (SERF) = 1.111

(ii) Standard conversion factor = 0.900
(iii) Unskilled labor = 0.80
(iv) Skilled labor = 1.00

2. The main economic benefit is the incremental benefits due to more water being produced
and distributed by the Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) or local government water supply
enterprises, and therefore available to domestic consumers. As in the project completion report
(PCR), it is estimated that "incremental” or increased consumption generated by the additional
supply of water is some 15% of the total water sold. But because the water supplied by the PDAMs
is not potable, the majority of the consumers (93% on average) either boil their drinking water or
buy it from vendors in 5-gallon (19 liters) containers. Since the socioeconomic survey carried out as
part of the Independent Evaluation Mission (IEM) (see Appendix 10 for details) was implemented in
the areas already served by networks financed by the project, the amount of drinking water
consumed (from 5% to 12% of total consumption) and the price paid per container were
considered part of total incremental water.

B. Water Supply Components

3. Table A7.1 gives a summary of the works implemented in the water supply sector under the
project. Figures in the latest subproject appraisal report (SPAR) are compared with the amounts
actually achieved. According to IEM analysis, only some 14.5% of the total works in the water
supply sector envisaged at appraisal were actually financed, the lowest among the project

Table A7.1: Summary of Achievements of Water Supply Components

Works Unit SPAR SPAR Actual Achieved (%)

Revised Supplement vs SPAR
WTP l/s 630.0 50.0 680.0 100.0
Reservoir m3P P 8,700.0 750.0 9,450.0 100.0
Transmission Pipe km 21.3 0.0 21.4 100.5
Distribution Pipe km 237.9 0.0 247.9 104.2
Reticulation km 1,074.8 0.0 484.8 45.1
House Connections unit 64,521.0 5,500.0 41,786.0 59.7
Nondomestic Connections unit 1,585.0 0.0 368.0 23.2
l/sec = liters per second, m3 = cubic meter, SPAR = subproject appraisal report, WTP = water treatment plants.

Source: ADB operations project file documents and IEM mission findings.

4. Although this low percentage is largely due to the necessary cutbacks by ADB and the
government of Indonesia due to the Asian financial crisis, the proportion of water infrastructure
financed by the project is sometimes only a small percentage of the total production capacity of the
respective PDAMs, either at the time of project processing or at the time of the IEM. Due largely to
the extraordinary growth of the Metro BOTABEK area and investment by local governments and
Appendix 7 51

other aid agencies, all PDAMs are now producing water in tens of millions of cm3 per year, far more

than the capacity supplied by the project. For example, in Bekasi province, the project financed a
total production capacity of 50 liters/second (l/s) versus an existing capacity in 1997 of 514 l/s for
Bekasi district. At present, the total production capacity for Bekasi district is 680 l/s, a 32%
increase. In addition, production capacity in Bekasi city was 2,080 l/s in 2008, of which only 100 l/s
was provided by the project. The following economic analysis must therefore be viewed in this
context. Since it was impossible for the financial staff of each PDAM to supply financial data for
only the project components, the data utilized to calculate the economic internal rate of return
(EIRR) was perforce for the total PDAM. 1 TPF FPT

C. Economic Benefits

5. The major economic benefits of the project include (i) the total increase in the amount of
water supplied to local consumers, as evidenced by the total number of water treatment plants,
reservoirs, and domestic connections provided; and (ii) the reduction in nonrevenue water (NRW),
especially in PDAMs of Tangerang city and Tangerang district. Reduction in NRW was used to
define the price of water per m3 with the project. In addition, another benefit identified, but not

quantified, is the savings in medical costs and time due to the reduced morbidity rate from
waterborne diseases. The latter is evident in responses to the IEM socioeconomic survey where an
average of 96.5% of the subjects, including those in the control city of Bogor (98%), responded
that, in the previous year, they did not have any illness related to the water supply. In previous ADB
and World Bank projects, land and house prices, especially in kampungs, have been known to
increase with the installation of water networks. However, the networks have usually been in
combination with improved footpaths, drainage, public toilets/baths, and the local government’s
awarding of land tenure to the inhabitants.

6. Incremental benefits of increased water consumption were valued according to the results
of the project’s socioeconomic survey in the three project cities of Bekasi, Tangerang, and Depok
as well as areas adjacent to the districts of Bekasi and Tangerang. Bogor city, where there was no
project activity, was selected as the control city for the survey. The survey used willingness-to-pay
(WTP) techniques in estimating incremental benefits. WTP, however, depends to a great extent on
the difference in the water resources in each of the four cities. That in turn affects the demand for
piped water connections and therefore the operations of their respective PDAMs. While Bogor and
Depok have considerable 2 groundwater resources, the low-lying coastal cities of Bekasi and

Tangerang have little if any such resources. Thus, many consumers in Bogor and Depok rely on
boreholes or wells, while in Bekasi and Tangerang, there is a greater demand for the PDAMs’
services. In addition, field investigations found that Depok city does not produce its own water but
buys it in bulk from the Bogor PDAM at Cibinong and treats it at two separate plants at Citayam
and Legong. Hence, economic investigations were carried out for the four PDAMS that participated
in the project, i.e., Tangerang city, Bekasi district (including a portion of Bekasi City), Tangerang
district (branch PDAM at Tigarska), and Bogor District (which supplies Depok). The differences
among the PDAMs at the end of 2008 as well as the respective WTPs are shown in Table A7.2.

TPThis is with the exception of the branch PDAM at Tigarksa in Tangerang district, which provides for only some 4% of

the total district population.

TPAccording to officials at the Bogor/Cibinong PDAM, the groundwater contains some iron and sulphur manganese,

and the well water is not too ”good” in Depok.

52 Appendix 7

Table A7.2: PDAM Characteristics

Amount of NRW (%) WTP (Rp/ m3)

No. of

City/District Water Sold

Connections 3
(m )P P
2002 2008 (% Tariff WTP
Tangerang City 16,774 8,218,517 21.33 19.33 (9.4) 2,400 2,510

Bekasi District 134,275 32,207,574 39.39 36.62 (7.0) 2,913 6,355

Tangerang District 5,500 2,309,295 32.50 21.60 (33.5) 2,400 2,510

Bogor District (2007) 110,448 32,907,000 40.12 34.54 (13.9) 2,340 1,693
m3 = cubic meter, PDAM = Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (local government water supply enterprise), Rp = ruiah,

WTP = willingness to pay.

Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

7. Substantial differences in PDAM activities can be seen in Table A7.2 with the Bekasi and
Bogor PDAMs carrying out major operations for large numbers of consumers (connections should
be multiplied by 5 to 6 for the total number of people served). However, the Tangerang district
PDAM has by far the largest decrease in NRW, followed by Bogor. In both cases, the decrease is
largely due to (i) ”zoning isolation” or creation of district metering areas, (ii) upgrading of the
standard of house connections, (iii) meter replacements, (iv) firing of employees for illegal
connections, (v) competition among branches, and (vi) in the case of Bogor, holding of training
sessions for smaller PDAMs.

8. According to the survey, WTP for additional drinking water was strong in Bekasi, Rp6,355
per m3 vs a present tariff of Rp2,913 per m3. The lower WTP than the existing tariff in Bogor may

be explained by the fact that, due to plentiful sources of groundwater, most families have their own
boreholes or wells and do not wish to pay a tariff for piped water that is higher than what they
presently pay. The resulting EIRRs are compared with those in the PCR in Table A7.3 and Tables

Table A7.3: Economic Internal Rate of Return

City/District EIRR Comments

Tangerang City 33.4% 20.7% No tariff increase for some time.
Bekasi District 28.5% 44.5% High WTP; substantial increase in
production capacity
Tangerang District 19.9% 24.5% Reduction in NRW and increase in net
Bogor District 20.5% 27.4% 56.4% in average tariff in 2006 plus large
production capacity
EIRR = economic internal rate of return, PCR = project completion report, PPER = project performance
evaluation report, UFW = unaccounted-for water, WTP = willingness to pay.
Source: Project PCR and independent evaluation mission findings.

9. With the exception of the Tangerang city PDAM, which has not had a tariff increase for
some time, the EIRRs in the project performance evaluation report (PPER) are more robust than
those at the time of the PCR. All EIRRs exceed the assumed economic opportunity cost of capital
(EOCC) of 12%. At the time of the PCR, the project, while finished, was not entirely complete.
Several reticulation networks had to be completed along with the accompanying house
connections. However, perhaps the major factor is the maturation of the PDAMs over the past 4
years, not only in the population served but also in increased total production capacity, which is
Appendix 7 53

some 17% in Tangerang city and over 0% in Bekasi district. Also, as mentioned above, except for
the PDAM branch in Tangerang district, the project components were not a major part of the
overall operations of the respective PDAMs. However, the project investment did serve to catalyze
PDAM operations, expanding their connections by some 42,000, or over 250,000 people, and
encouraging them to streamline their operations by focusing on reducing unaccounted-for water

D. Urban Roads Component

10. The economic reevaluation of the urban roads component reviewed 3 the sample of roads TPF FPT

covered at project completion review. 4 There were two types of work, namely, road improvement

(or enhancement of alignment) and road widening including additional lanes. The analyses
followed the approach and methodology used at the time of subproject appraisal and project
completion. This economic analysis draws from an economic model developed at subproject
appraisal. The IEM noted that vehicle operating cost (VOC) benefits were re-estimated during the
revision of the subproject appraisal reports (SPARs) before the final approval. Road works were
completed within the year when construction started. Benefits comprised mainly savings in VOCs.
Using the same initial traffic volume as in the original subproject appraisal, traffic growth is
estimated to range from 12% to 15% per year after the first year of operation. Estimated traffic TP PT

growth is 12% per year in Depok city, and the districts of Tangerang, Bekasi, and Bogor. Traffic is
estimated to have grown by 15% per year in the cities of Tangerang and Bekasi. An economic life
of 5 years is assumed for road betterment and 10 years for road widening. Routine maintenance is
assumed at 1.5% of total investment cost while periodic maintenance costs are 30% of total
investment cost every 4 years.

Table A7.4: Summary of Economic Analysis, Depok City and Bogor District

Road Works SPAR PPER Remarks

1. Jalan B Length km 4.00 1.63 Recalculated EIRR is below the SPAR
Nangewer- target and EOCC. The subproject EIRR
Capital Rp 771.00 186.64
Cimandala, is considered inefficient. Realized
Cost million
Bogor benefits were relatively small compared
District Cost per Rp 192.75 114.50 to the actual capital cost. For example,
km actual road length from which benefits
EIRR % 19.80 4.55 are drawn was reduced from 4 km to
1.63 km.
2. Jalan B Length km 6.00 5.05 Recalculated EIRR met the SPAR target.
Karang- Capital Rp 3,960.00 2,279.00 Actual cost of works per kilometer was
Tengah- Cost million 68% of SAP target. Overall, the
Limoh, Cost per Rp 660.00 451.29 subproject is considered highly efficient.
Depok City km
EIRR % 17.10 30.61
3. Jalan W Length km 5.00 2.50 Recalculated EIRR met the SPAR target.
Margonda Capital Rp 4,500.00 4,326.00 Situated in the city center, this main road
Raya, Depok Cost million has been continually widened to avoid
City Cost per Rp 900.00 1,730.00 congestion. Based on a 17 second
km observation (peak hour) of vehicle flow,
EIRR % 20.80 23.57 the IEM estimated one–way traffic at
around 138 vehicles per minute, mainly
motorcycles and light vehicles. Benefits

TP PT The PPER findings are based mainly on secondary data (i.e., traffic, etc.) and augmented by rapid field
observations during the Independent Evaluation Mission’s short visit in the BOTABEK area. The results should be
interpreted with caution and cannot be generalized, bearing in mind the need for updated traffic surveys and
vehicle cost data for the sample roads.
TP PT These consisted of two types of works namely road improvement or enhancement of alignment and road widening
including additional strips.
54 Appendix 7

Road Works SPAR PPER Remarks

from this significant traffic base offset a
net increase of 92% in actual cost of
works per kilometer. The subproject is
rated highly efficient.
B=betterment, EIRR=economic internal rate of return, EOCC=economic opportunity cost of capital, IEM=Independent
Evaluation Mission, km=kilometer, PPER=project performance evaluation report, SPAR= subproject appraisal report,
Sources: ADB project files and Independent evaluation mission estimates.

11. The urban road component is considered efficient on the high side. 5 This is largely TPF FPT

explained by the recalculated EIRRs of 11 road sections (from 14 reviewed) ranging from 13.8% to
32.8%. Subproject EIRRs in nine sections fall in the highly efficient category. 6 Traffic on the project

roads appears to generally meet or exceed appraisal targets. The recalculations reveal that net
benefits generally met the associated capital costs. Two factors detract from a higher overall
performance for the urban roads. First, the EIRRs of three of the study roads are below the Asian
Development Bank's 12% EOCC (i.e., between 4.5% and 11.5%). Second, the recalculated EIRRs
were generally found to be less than the subproject appraisal (SAP) estimates (i.e., only five
generally met or were close to their SAP targets). Key developments since SAP, which influenced
these observations, relate to (i) higher than expected investment costs required; 7 (ii) changes in the TPF FPT

length of road works, mostly reductions; 8 and (iii) "without project" original SAP conditions being

more optimistic than those in the "without project" revised SAP and project completion report
(PCR) conditions due to delays.

12. The results of the economic analyses are summarized in Tables A7.5−A7.7. Table A7.8
gives the sensitivity analysis. Base case results show that the recalculated EIRRs are between 5%
and 31% for road betterment works and between 17% and 33% for road widening. Given the
higher than expected investments required per kilometer, the level of realized benefits is critical. If
benefits were 10% lower than the base case assumptions, the EIRRs for road betterment will
range from −0.2% to 25% and those for widening from 15% to 29%.

Table A7.5: Summary of Economic Analysis, Tangerang District

Road Works SPAR PPER Remarks
1. Jalan B Length km 5.20 3.00 Recalculated EIRR is below the SPAR
Serua−Dukuh Capital Rp 614.00 634.00 target and EOCC. The subproject EIRR is
Ciater, Cost million considered less efficient: with realized
Tangerang Cost per Rp 118.08 211.33 benefits comparatively less than actual
District km capital costs. Actual road works were
shortened by 2.2 km to 3.0 km even as
EIRR % 24.70 11.50
actual capital costs remained slightly above
2. Jalan Kp Utan B Length km 6.50 3.75 Recalculated EIRR is below the SPAR
–Pd Betung Capital Rp 872.00 1,717.00 target and EOCC. The subproject is
Tangerang Cost million considered inefficient with realized benefits
District Cost per Rp 134.15 457.87 comparatively less than the amount of

TPDue to constraints in time and resources, the analysis is based on observations of four locations. PCR-related data

and updated traffic counts were not available.

TPSubproject EIRR results were as follows: 9 highly efficient (64.3%), 2 efficient (14.3%), 1 less efficient (7.1%), and 2

inefficient (14.3%).
TPThe investment costs per kilometer increased in 10 of the roads reviewed. Physical implementation of the project

was delayed. Most of the roads have deteriorated badly since minimal budget, if any, was allocated by local
governments (thinking that the project would soon rehabilitate the road).
TPThe actual length of road works was reduced in eight roads. Five of the eight had higher than expected capital

Appendix 7 55

Road Works SPAR PPER Remarks

km investments. Actual capital costs increased
EIRR % 26.50 5.15 by 97% although actual road works
completed were shorter by 42% at 3.75
3. Jalan B Length km 5.90 5.00 Recalculated EIRR is generally in line with
Balkaraja-Ceplak Capital Rp 1,956.00 1,225.00 the SAP target. The subproject is
Tangerang Cost million considered highly efficient. Although actual
District Cost per Rp 331.53 245.00 road works completed were 0.9 km short,
km the capital cost per km was only about
EIRR % 25.10 22.71 three fourths of SPAR estimates.
B = betterment, EIRR = economic internal rate of return, EOCC = economic opportunity cost of capital, km = kilometer, PPER =
project performance evaluation report, SPAR = subproject appraisal report.
Sources: ADB project files and Independent evaluation mission estimates.

Table A7.6: Summary of Economic Analysis, Tangerang City

Road Works SPAR PPER Remarks
1. Jl. KHA. B Length km 3.00 3.55 Recalculated EIRR is below the SAP target.
Dahlan, TC Capital Rp million 490.00 459.50 Realized economic benefits were
Cost comparatively lower than the amount of
Cost Rp 163.33 129.44 actual investments. The subproject EIRR is
per km still considered highly efficient.
EIRR % 48.60 19.61
2. Jl. KH W Length km 6.00 3.95 Recalculated EIRR is generally in line with
Ashary Capital Rp million 5,432.0 4,917.50 the SAP target. The subproject is considered
Cost 0 highly efficient. Located in an established
Cost Rp 905.33 1,244.94 commercial/residential area, the road was
per km observed to have a heavy traffic of
EIRR % 30.08 27.12 motorcycles and light vehicles. Based on a
66 vehicle count from a 30-second
observation of midday vehicle flow, traffic
observed is in line with estimated ADT
capacity for the road at appraisal.
3. Jl. Teuku W Length km 2.00 1.80 Recalculated EIRR met the SAP target. The
Umar, TC Capital Rp million 1,540.0 1,691.60 subproject is considered highly efficient.
Cost 0 Despite a shorter road, realized benefits
Cost Rp 770.00 939.78 offset a 22% increase in actual investment
per km cost per kilometer.
EIRR % 22.90 29.60
ADT= average daily traffic, B = betterment, EIRR = economic internal rate of return, km = kilometer, PPER = project
performance evaluation report, SPAR = subproject appraisal report, TC = Tangerang City, W=widening.
Sources: ADB project files and independent evaluation mission estimates.

Table A7.7: Summary of Economic Analysis, Bekasi District and Bekasi City
Road Works SPAR PPER Remarks
1. Jalan Pilar- B Length km 5.00 11.05 Recalculated EIRR is below the
Sukatani (HOS SAP target. Realized benefits are
Capital Rp million 869.00 6,880.00
Cokraminoto), less than incremental invest-
Bekasi District ments. Actual road length
Cost per Rp 173.80 622.62 increased by 121% to 11.05 km.
km On the other hand, actual cost per
EIRR % 39.50 13.82 km increased by 258%. Overall,
the subproject is considered
2. Jl. Raya Serang- W Length km 5.00 19.66 Recalculated EIRR is below the
56 Appendix 7

Road Works SPAR PPER Remarks

Tegal Danas, Capital Rp million 5,683.00 12,303.00 SPAR target. Actual completed
Bekasi District Cost road works increased by 293% to
Cost per Rp 1,136.60 625.79 19.7 km. At the same time, capital
km cost per km is only 55% of SPAR
EIRR % 42.90 32.82 estimate. The subproject is
considered highly efficient.
3. Jl. Kartini, Bekasi W Length km 2.10 2.47 Recalculated EIRR is below the
City Capital Rp million 1,644.00 5,103.61 SPAR target. Capital cost per
Cost kilometer increased by 264% due
Cost per Rp 782.86 2,066.24 to a 310% increase in the amount
km of actual capital cost. The
EIRR % 41.40 17.38 subproject is rated efficient.
4. Jalan Pd. Kopi- W Length km 3.50 3.50 Recalculated EIRR is below the
Pasar Kranji, Bekasi Capital Rp million 1,121.00 1,548.18 SPAR target. Realized benefits
City Cost were less than actual invest-
Cost per Rp 320.29 442.34 ments made. Actual capital cost
km was about 38% higher than SPAR
EIRR % 44.20 22.93 estimates. The subproject is
considered highly efficient.
5. Jalan Kalimalang, W Length km 6.00 10.50 Recalculated EIRR is below the
Bekasi City Capital Rp million 1,569.00 6,930.40 SPAR target. Realized benefits
Cost are less than incremental invest-
Cost per Rp 261.50 660.04 ments made. Actual road works
km completed increased by 75% to
EIRR % 45.30 24.51 10.5 km. The actual capital cost
per km increased by 252%.
Overall, the subproject is
considered highly efficient.
B = betterment, EIRR = economic internal rate of return, km = kilometer, PPER = project performance evaluation report,
SPAR = subproject appraisal report, W = widening.
Sources: ADB project files and independent evaluation mission estimates.

Table A7.8: Sensitivity Analysis of Economic Internal Rate of Return (%)

Road Section Works PCR Base Benefits O&M Combined
Done Case 10% 10 %
Lower Higher
1. Jalan (Jl.) Nangewer-Cimandala, Bogor District B 2.2 4.6 -0.2 4.3 -0.5
2. Jl. Karang-Tengah-Limoh, Depok City B 56.2 30.6 24.6 30.4 24.4
3. Jalan Serua−Dukuh Ciater, Tangerang District B 19.8 11.5 6.7 11.4 6.5
4. Jalan Kp Utan–Pd Betung Tangerang District B 17.3 5.2 0.7 4.9 0.4
5. Jalan Balkaraja-Ceplak Tangerang District B 19.6 22.7 16.8 22.5 16.5
6. Jl. KHA. Dahlan, TC B 13.7 19.6 14.0 19.4 13.7
7. Jalan Pilar-Sukatani (HOS Cokraminoto), Bekasi District B 26.7 13.8 8.5 13.6 8.2

1. Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok City W 33.1 23.6 21.2 23.4 21.1
2. Jl. KH Ashary W 47.6 27.1 24.3 27.0 24.2
3. Jl. Teuku Umar, TC W 25.2 29.6 27.1 29.5 27.0
4. Jl. Raya Serang-Tegal Danas, Bekasi District W 38.4 32.8 29.4 33.2 29.8
5. Jl. Kartini, Bekasi City W 26.4 17.4 14.7 16.9 14.2
6. Jalan Pd. Kopi-Pasar Kranji, Bekasi City W 24.6 22.9 20.4 23.1 20.5
7. Jalan Kalimalang, Bekasi City W 52.7 24.5 21.9 24.1 21.4
Appendix 8 57


A. Background and Methodology

1. The financial assessment for the project evaluation used the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) guidelines 1 in preparing the financial assessment for the project appraisal and project

completion report (PCR) phases. Because most of the project’s physical works were completed by
September 2003, full operation had gone on for about 5.5 years before the Independent Evaluation
Mission (IEM) for the project performance evaluation report (PPER). The physical component of
the project comprises the construction of some 8 water treatment plants, 7 reservoirs; laying out of
21.4 kilometers (km) of transmission pipe, 248 km of distribution pipe, 485 km of reticulation pipe;
and connection of 41,786 houses and 386 nondomestic establishments. The financial analysis was
conducted at the level of the water supply entity, or PDAM. The sanitary component, which had
very limited revenue-generating capacity, was not included in the financial analysis. In addition, it
came under a different service department in the local government.

2. Financial revenues for each PDAM included net water sales revenue, nonwater revenue,
and allowances for bad debt, while costs included capital costs, production and distribution
(operation and maintenance [O&M]) costs, and general and administration (G&A) costs. Except for
the Tangerang district PDAM, where costs and revenues began in 2004, all costs and revenues
are in current rupiah (Rp) beginning in 1998/99 when capital construction began. Since the ADB-
financed works were only a small portion of existing PDAM operations, it was assumed that
project-financed water supply components would not deteriorate by a certain date. It was found
that the ADB-financed components were integral parts of the expanded works of each PDAM and
in general were well-maintained. As stated in the economic analysis (Appendix 7) and in the main
paper, total capital costs for the project-financed water supply were $10.4 million, or some 14.5% of
the appraisal target. Although water supply had the smallest achievement percentage among the
components, it accounted for the second largest share (32.1%) of the final project cost after urban
roads (40.2%).

B. Financial Analysis of the Subprojects

3. Tariffs. Due to the size and variation of the clients served, PDAM tariffs are listed by type of
client, i.e., residential, commercial, industrial, social, and, in the case of Tangerang city, the
international airport. Residential tariffs are set out based on house size in square meters (m2) and P P

three to four categories of consumption in cubic meters (m3) per month, i.e., 0–10 m3, 11–20 m3,

21−30 m3, and over 30 m3. The residences involved in the socioeconomic survey were categorized

as "simple” housing (24 m2−45 m2) and middle-income housing (45 m2−70m2). However, PDAM

revenues are largely based on average tariffs due to the large volumes supplied to industry and the
airport (Tangerang). Table A8.1 compares the household tariffs (21 m3−30 m3/month, 45 m2−70

m2) and the PDAM average (or industrial) tariffs in December 2008.

TP PT ADB. 2005. Financial Management and Analysis of Projects. Manila.
58 Appendix 8

Table A8.1: Existing PDAM Water Tariff Rates (Household and Average)

City/District PDAM Household Tariff (Rp/m3) P P Average Tariff (Rp/m3) P P

Tangerang City 4,591 6,502 (industry)

5,500 (international airport)
Bekasi District 3,565 2,800 (average)
6,555 (industry)
Tangerang District 4,210/5,100 (new tariff) 3,701 (average)
7,000/8,050 (business)
Bogor District (2007) 3,840 2,867 (average)6,260 (industry)
Depok Sales Office 2,700 4,550 (industry)
m3 = cubic meter, PDAM = Perusahaan daerah air minum (local government water supply enterprise),

RP = rupiah
Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

4. Except in Depok, household tariffs are fairly consistent. The major revenue earners are
water supplied to large houses, industry, and the Tangerang airport, while water supplied to
smaller houses (categories 1 and 2) and social institutions (schools, hospitals, etc.) incur losses.
For example, 60% of the Tangerang district PDAM’s bulk water delivered to Jakarta had about
12% unaccounted-for water (UFW) vs about 32% UFW when delivered to households. Having had
no tariff increase for 5 years (since 2003), the Tangerang district PDAM received an average 22%
tariff increase for all clients as of April 2009. Due to professional management and technical
assistance from Holland to reduce UFW, the Tangerang district PDAM has gone from a Rp9.7
billion loss in 2005 to a Rp18.0 billion profit in 2008. However, at Rp1,200,000 per household
(payable in 5 to 6 installments), connection charges remain high, discouraging new connections,
especially among lower income families and those in Bogor district where groundwater is plentiful.

5. Affordability of Tariffs. The socioeconomic survey conducted for the PPER shows that
the ratio of monthly water bills ranges from 1.6% (Depok) to 6.1% (Tangerang city) as a
percentage of household income. Except in Tangerang city, all ratios were well below the
international norm of 4% of income. However, when monthly expenditures on water are taken as a
percentage of household expenses, the range varies from 4.3% in Bogor district to 6.7% in
Tangerang city, all of which are above the international norm. The lowest tariffs per m3 of water are

in Depok (Table 8.1), which does not produce its own water.

6. Weighted Average Cost of Capital. Although some 53% of the final project cost of $74.6
million was financed by ADB, there were only two subloans; one to the Tangerang city PDAM and
one to the Bogor district PDAM. Both were signed in September 2002 with payments of principal
from 2004 to 2018. At the time, the central Government (Ministry of Finance and BAPPENAS) felt
that the two other PDAMs, i.e., Bekasi district and Tangerang district, already had heavy loan

7. Based on a funding ratio for revenue-generating projects, a weighting of ADB-to- Borrower

financing of 24% to 76% was calculated. Table A8.2 shows that the reestimated weighted average
cost of capital (WACC) is 4.47%.
Appendix 8 59

Table A8.2; Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Item ADB Borrower Total

Amount ($000) 5.30 16.45 21.75
Weighting 24.4% 75.60% 100.00
Nominal Cost 6.0 6.00
Tax Rate 30.00%
Tax-Adjusted Nominal Cost 6.0 4.20
Inflation Rate 1.0% 6.00%
Real Cost 5.9 3.90
Minimum Rate Test (H=4%) 5.9 4.00
Weighted Component of WACC 1.45 3.03
WACC (Real) 4.47 4.47

8. Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR). The resulting FIRRs for the PPER and those
calculated for the PCR are compared in Table A8.3. Except in the Bekasi district PDAM, all FIRRs
are substantially higher than the WACCs of 7.0% for the PCR and 4.5% for the PPER. This result
is largely due to the stronger revenues and resulting net profits than was the case in the respective
PDAMs shortly after the project ended 5 years ago.

Table A8.3: Financial Internal Rate of Return (%)

Location FIRR Remark

Tangerang City 16.8 23.1
Bekasi District 14.2 11.4 Continuing high UFW at nearly
40% since the project
Tangerang District 9.4 14.5
Bogor District 7.9 19.1
FIRR = financial internal rate of return, PCR = project completion report, PPER = project performance
evaluation report, UFW = unaccounted-for water.
Source: Project completion report and independent evaluation mission findings.

C. Financial Assessment of Water Supply Companies

1. Tangerang City PDAM

9. Since 2003, i.e., the end of the project, the Tangerang city PDAM has been doing well with
a rapid, annual 33.4% growth in net income based on a 26.1% annual growth in gross revenues,
96% of which was from water sales (Tables A8.4 and A8.5)). Hence, in 2008, net income was a
healthy 22% of revenues. The Tangerang city PDAM is also one of the two subject PDAMs that
borrowed a subloan project investment. However, at 0.021 the debt coverage service ratio (DCSR)
is minimal. At the end of 2008, the PDAM had some 16,774 connections, a 75% increase (9.8%
per year) since the end of the project. However, with a service population of only 104,596 out of
1.616 million in the city, service coverage remained small at 6.5%. Two of the reasons usually
given for such a low figure are the high connection costs of Rp1.2 million as well as the fact that the
PDAM has a guaranteed bulk-market with the international airport and the adjacent industries. In
the past 10 years, however, PDAM staff per 1,000 connections has declined from 39 to 9 in 2008
(or 111 per staff member). 2 TPF FPT

TP PT A ratio of more than 100 connections per staff member is considered efficient.
60 Appendix 8

2. Bekasi District PDAM

10. Second only to the Bogor district PDAM, the Bekasi district PDAM realized Rp112 million in
revenue in 2008 (more than twice as much as the Tangerang city PDAM), 93% of which is from
water sales. It is also the healthiest financially among the subject PDAMs. Since 2000, it incurred a
net loss only in 2002 and has seen a growth in net income since that year. In 2008 net income was
a high of 8.8% of revenues. At the end of 2008, the PDAM had some 134,275 connections, a 44%
increase since 2003. With a service population of 805,650 out of 920,235 in the area, it has the
highest coverage of 87.5%. However, of the total 3.4 million population in Bekasi district, service
coverage is only some 23.6%. At 3.08 (vs 6.1 before the project) per 1,000 connections (or 325 per
staff member), the PDAM has the lowest number of staff per 1,000 connections.

3. Tangerang District PDAM

11. Although the project invested in only one PDAM branch at Tigaraksa, the Tangerang
district PDAM is probably one of the most interesting financially in that it has contracted a
professional financial manager to turn the overall PDAM into a profitable organization. It seems he
has succeeded in doing so, since net income has grown from a loss of Rp9.8 billion in 2005 to
Rp7.0 billion (2006), Rp16.7 billion (2007), and Rp18.0 billion (2008). The high net income is
largely due to reduction of UFW especially for bulk water sales, meter replacement, establishment
of district metering areas, and punishment of illegal connections. As a result, net income as a
percentage of revenue jumped from 2.9% in 2005 to 6.6% in 2008. In the Tigaraksa branch,
however, the number of connections increased from only 5,500 after the project to 8,128 in 2008
for a service coverage of only 4.8%.

4. Bogor District PDAM

12. In 2008, the Bogor district PDAM had a total revenue of Rp125.7 million (93% of it from
water sales), making it the largest financially of the four subject PDAMs (Table 8.4). However, with
total operating expenses of Rp113.8 million, the net income-to-revenue ratio is only 7.1%.
Nonetheless, the Bogor district PDAM is a leader in tracking UFW with a total decline of nearly
14% since the end of the project. Due partially to its large consumer base of 3.9 million, its service
coverage ratio has remained somewhat constant at about 20%. Payments also seem up-to-date in
that the number of disconnected customers is only some 5% of those metered. It was reported that
after disconnection, payments for arrears are usually made within 1 month.

Table A8.4: PDAM Financial Characteristics

(Rupiah million)
City/District Gross Operating Net % No. of % Service Employees per
Revenue Expenses Income (3)/(1) Connections Coverage 1,000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Connections
Tangerang 51,753 36,629 11,387 22.0 16,774 6.47 18
Bekasi 112,027 103,749 9,809 8.8 134,275 23.6 3
Tangerang 272,391 259,953 18,000 6.6 8,128 4.8 2
Districta P P

Bogor 125,691 113,786 8,984 7.1 116,269 20.7 6

PFor Tangerang district PDAM, columns 1-4 are for the total district,
P while columns 5-7 are for the Tigaraksa
Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.
Appendix 8 61

D. Financial Performance of Local Governments

13. Table A8.5 summarizes the financial performance of the project’s participating local
governments from 2003 to 2006. It is evident that "subsidies and grants” (income line no. 3) to local
governments have been growing in the range of 9–19% per year. In 2006 they made up from 31%
in Bekasi District, 33% in Tangerang District, and 57% in Bogor District of local government
income. This is in spite of Government Decrees No. 22 and 25 of 1999, which provides for the
devolution of government responsibility to the districts along with the necessary financial means.
On the other hand, local government financing (income line no. 5) is mixed, with Tangerang district
growing substantially from 2003 to 2006, while financing of other local governments is either weak
or negative (Depok city). Obviously, the Asian financial crisis from 1997 to 1999 had an impact on
the finances of the subject local governments. None of the BOTABEK local governments borrowed
for project investment.
Table A8.5: Financial Performance of Local Governments
Summary of Consolidated Income Statements - FY2006, % Growth Rate FY2003−FY2006 a


(Rupiah million and percent)

Appendix 8
Category Bogor District Depok City Tangerang District Tangerang City Bekasi District Bekasi City

2006 % 2006 % 2006 % 2006 % 2006 % 2006 %

(Rp m) Growth (Rp m) Growth (Rp m) Growth (Rp m) Growth (Rp m) Growth (Rp m) Growth
2003-06 2003-06 2003-06 2003-06 2003-06 2003-06
A. Income

1. Local Gov’t 202,199 10.7 65,149 31.2 184,213 13.9 117,140 15.6 161,659 15.6 138,872 17.4

2. Taxes/Non-Taxes 145,947 5.7 83,511 5.5 244,469 3.4 182,096 6.5 209,045 2.0 257,511 15.9

3. Subsidies and Grants 829,610 17.4 320,565 15.2 520,896 12.3 301,737 17.5 303,234 9.3 427,840 18.6

4. Other Income 93,885 (0.6) 92,241 90.2 173,800 20.8 — — 14,050 (45.6) 19,390 (17.1)

5. Local Gov’t Financing 185,200 15.1 34,102 (11.9) 464,108 58.4 — — 294,378 23.8 66,580 14.3

TOTAL INCOME 1,456,841 13.3 595,569 16.9 1,587,485 19.6 600,973 7.1 982,366 8.1 910,193 15.8

B. Expenditures

1. Civil Servants 769,126 16.4 177,746 16.1 175,872 (12.5) 206,698 11.5 394,406 34.2 317,209 16.4

2. Public Services 605,618 24.4 403,599 16.3 710,664 6.5 632,242 20.3 665,774 13.8 564,653 18.0

3. Local Government 82,097 (25.6) 14,224 71.2 304,982 57.5 19,255 80.6 10,000 (60.4) 28,330 (12.1)

1,456,841 13.3 595,569 16.9 1,191,518 8.7 858,196 18.5 1,070,180 11.3 910,193 15.8
% Subsidies of Total
51.1 - 56.9 56.2 - 53.8 39.6 - 32.8 38.0 - 50.2 29.9 - 30.9 43.8 - 47.0
Income (2003-06)
P P= not available
P P Performance budgeting took effect from FY2003.
Appendix 9 63



Table A9.1: Status of MDGs as Shown in Government Statistics

Indicator 1990 Present Target Remarks Status


Target 5: Reducing the mortality rate of children under five by two thirds between the period 1990−2015

Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live 81 40 32 Decreasing Likely to achieve

Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 57 32 19 Decreasing Likely to achieve
Proportion of one-year-old children 44.5% 72% (Indicator) Increasing slowly
immunized against measles
Proportion of children aged 12-23 months 57.5% 82% (Indicator) Increasing slowly
who have been immunized against measles

Target 10: Reducing by half, the proportion of the population having no access to safe and sustainable drinking water
sources and basic sanitation facilities by 2015

Proportion of population with sustainable 38.2% 52.1% 67.0% Increasing Likely to achieve
access to an improved water source, urban
and rural
Coverage of pipeline water – urban 30.8% 67.7% Decreasing Needs
Coverage of pipeline water – rural 9.0% 52.8% Progressing Needs
slowly improvement
Protected water source – urban 87.6% 76.1% Already achieved
Protected water source – rural 52.1% 65.5% Progressing Likely to achieve
Proportion of population with sustainable 30.9% 68.0% 78.8% Likely to achieve
access to basic sanitation, urban, and rural
Urban 81.8% 59.6% Lack of quality Already achieved
Rural 60.0% Lack of quality Already achieved
MDG = millennium development goal.
Source: Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Indonesia 2007, published by the United Nations and the
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia.
64 Appendix 9

Table A9.2: Status of MDGs by Province, 1993–2006

(Goal 1: Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Hunger)

Code Province People Living in Poverty Malnutrition Children < 5 Years

(%) (%)
1993 2000 2006 1992 2000 2006
11 Aceh 13.46 29.83 28.70 39.34 38.63
12 North Sumatra 12.31 13.00 14.31 35.39 26.48 28.65
13 West Sumatra 13.47 11.41 11.61 30.86 21.77 30.44
14 Riau 11.20 10.26 10.48 38.14 16.87 25.81
15 Jambi 13.38 21.03 10.00 24.65 26.66 24.27
16 South Sumatra 14.89 17.58 18.17 36.79 24.35 26.06
17 Bengkulu 13.11 17.72 20.90 26.36 15.13 26.55
18 Lampung 11.70 30.32 22.64 31.58 22.24 23.97
19 Riau Islands 21.55 10.16 25.74
20 Riau islands 7.21 27.47
31 Jakarta 5.65 4.96 4.52 27.45 19.87 22.34
32 West Java 12.20 15.45 12.05 34.04 21.43 22.00
33 Central Java 15.78 21.11 20.17 34.40 21.27 23.97
34 Yogyakarta 11.77 33.32 20.32 19.76 17.57 15.05
35 East Java 13.25 22.72 20.23 33.60 23.01 23.76
36 Banten 14.57 10.67 26.17
51 Bali 9.46 5.66 6.10 28.37 14.23 20.52
52 West Nusa Tenggara 19.52 28.01 23.04 42.41 27.25 33.39
53 East Nusa Tenggara 21.84 32.69 27.99 46.41 33.60 41.07
61 West Kalimantan 25.05 29.28 15.50 47.42 29.17 32.71
62 Central Kalimantan 20.85 11.86 9.17 38.54 30.20 27.38
63 South Kalimantan 18.61 12.97 7.66 38.75 29.24 35.78
64 East Kalimantan 13.75 16.15 12.55 29.63 22.88 25.92
71 North Sulawesi 11.79 8.28 14.51 24.84 22.44 23.11
72 Central Sulawesi 10.48 24.36 23.67 25.37 25.68 31.32
73 South Sulawesi 8.97 15.38 13.99 35.63 27.89 30.16
74 South-East Sulawesi 10.84 23.65 22.89 35.51 26.87 29.38
75 Gorontalo 24.04 31.54 41.48
76 West Sulawesi 18.64
81 Maluku 23.93 34.80 30.12 38.57 26.04 33.66
82 North Maluku 14.03 10.11 27.30
94 Papua 24.16 45.96 39.26 29.50 30.14 31.21
95 West Irian Jaya 33.01
Indonesia 13.67 18.95 16.58 35.57 24.66 28.05
MDG = millennium development goal.
Source: Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Indonesia 2007, published by the United Nation and the
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia.
Appendix 9 65

Table A9.3: Status of MDGs by Province, 1993–2006

(Goal 2: Achieving Universal Primary Education)

Code Province NER PS/MT (7–12 Years) NER JHS/MT (13–15 Years)
(%) (%)
1993 2000 2006 1992 2000 2006
11 Aceh 89.0 95.5 43.8 78.4
12 North Sumatra 89.0 94.2 94.0 56.4 67.2 73.1
13 West Sumatra 90.2 92.7 94.2 53.2 63.0 67.8
14 Riau 91.5 93.9 94.7 36.6 62.7 72.9
15 Jambi 85.9 92.8 94.4 34.6 56.5 65.3
16 South Sumatra 87.0 92.3 93.0 40.2 59.6 68.0
17 Bengkulu 88.1 91.5 93.9 43.8 57.3 66.7
18 Lampung 84.9 93.2 93.9 34.0 59.3 66.7
19 Bangka Belitung 91.5 55.3
20 Riau islands 93.7 72.0
31 Jakarta 94.2 91.4 90.8 69.2 77.0 71.4
32 West Java 87.9 92.7 94.2 35.3 57.7 62.1
33 Central Java 92.8 93.9 94.1 38.2 62.6 67.7
34 Yogyakarta 95.2 94.3 94.4 62.9 75.4 72.3
35 East Java 91.7 92.3 94.2 44.7 63.3 70.3
36 Banten 94.8 66.6
51 Bali 91.1 93.4 93.3 59.5 70.6 70.2
52 West Nusa Tenggara 80.0 89.9 94.5 38.9 58.2 69.6
53 East Nusa Tenggara 82.3 88.9 91.6 20.9 34.2 47.2
61 West Kalimantan 71.6 89.5 93.8 22.1 47.0 60.9
62 Central Kalimantan 93.3 94.3 96.0 39.7 60.7 67.7
63 South Kalimantan 90.4 92.4 93.3 33.3 51.8 62.1
64 East Kalimantan 90.2 91.4 92.9 51.6 60.4 64.0
71 North Sulawesi 89.0 90.4 90.4 46.8 63.1 66.0
72 Central Sulawesi 89.8 91.1 92.9 47.2 48.5 63.0
73 South Sulawesi 80.8 88.6 91.1 39.8 52.4 60.3
74 South-East Sulawesi 84.2 89.5 92.3 40.5 60.6 72.4
75 Gorontalo 90.5 52.3
76 West Sulawesi 91.7 55.2
81 Maluku 85.7 92.2 41.4 76.9
82 North Maluku 93.1 65.3
94 Papua 71.6 81.8 78.1 42.7 35.1 47.4
95 West Irian Jaya 88.2 53.9
Indonesia 88.7 92.3 94.7 41.9 60.3 66.5
JHS = junior high school, MDG = millennium development goal, MT = Madrasah Tsanawiyah, NER = net enrollment ratio, PS =
primary school.
Source: Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Indonesia 2007, published by the United Nations and the
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia.
66 Appendix 9

Table A9.4: Status of MDGs by Province, 1993–2006

(Goal 3: Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women)

Code Province PS NER Ratio F/M JHS NER Ratio F/M Mean Ratio F/M
Salary/Mo. (Rp)
1992 2000 2006 1992 2000 2006 Feb 2007
11 Aceh 99.9 96.4 111.4 99.3 84.8
12 North Sumatra 99.5 99.5 98.5 99.4 102.3 101.3 76.4
13 West Sumatra 102.4 99.6 99.2 125.0 112.0 108.7 96.4
14 Riau 101.1 99.6 100.4 82.5 105.8 99.3 73.4
15 Jambi 101.5 100.6 98.8 81.0 101.6 102.7 75.8
16 South Sumatra 98.2 99.6 99.5 110.6 104.3 109.0 70.7
17 Bengkulu 101.5 99.3 99.7 89.0 105.3 97.3 92.6
18 Lampung 101.8 99.2 98.9 106.4 108.5 106.2 78.5
19 Bangka Belitung 99.0 97.6 69.8
20 Riau islands 99.8 101.4 80.4
31 Jakarta 99.0 100.4 96.5 100.2 94.4 90.7 80.0
32 West Java 101.9 100.7 100.8 94.9 103.6 93.8 78.9
33 Central Java 100.9 99.8 98.2 101.7 106.6 103.1 66.0
34 Yogyakarta 101.3 101.9 97.9 104.0 108.9 103.6 76.5
35 East Java 101.1 100.2 99.0 97.1 104.2 101.4 74.1
36 Banten 99.5 94.7 72.4
51 Bali 97.7 99.3 99.0 87.9 87.5 89.1 69.6
52 West Nusa Tenggara 97.4 103.9 101.3 98.8 98.5 96.4 68.1
53 East Nusa Tenggara 97.4 102.3 99.6 98.7 114.3 110.7 102.9
61 West Kalimantan 95.9 98.9 100.6 92.0 91.6 99.1 80.5
62 Central Kalimantan 98.5 101.1 99.9 95.9 104.2 102.4 78.8
63 South Kalimantan 96.3 100.7 100.2 91.3 107.4 97.6 74.9
64 East Kalimantan 95.5 101.5 98.4 107.2 94.3 100.2 56.4
71 North Sulawesi 105.6 100.8 99.5 123.8 104.9 109.5 110.2
72 Central Sulawesi 100.0 101.1 100.5 103.9 99.4 104.7 90.1
73 South Sulawesi 100.5 101.1 100.4 116.4 107.2 97.9 75.9
74 South-East Sulawesi 100.3 102.1 99.0 101.2 113.6 102.1 76.0
75 Gorontalo 101.4 148.3 115.6
76 West Sulawesi 100.6 111.0 78.6
81 Maluku 98.7 100.3 110.1 95.2 95.5
82 North Maluku 97.5 88.3 77.8
94 Papua 99.5 102.2 98.4 75.4 126.5 87.9 81.0
95 West Irian Jaya 99.3 102.1 72.4
Indonesia 100.6 100.3 99.4 101.3 104.2 100.0 74.8
F = female, JHS = junior high school, M = male, MDG = millennium development goal, Mo = month, NER = net enrollment ratio,
PS = primary school; Rp = rupiah.
Source: Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Indonesia 2007, published by the United Nations and the
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia.
Appendix 9 67

Table A9.5: Status of MDGs by Province, 1993–2006

(Goals 4 and 6: Reducing Child Mortality and Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases)

AIDS Malaria
IMR (Per 1,000 CMR (Per 1,000 Total Total Total Forest
Code Province
LB) LB) Cases Cases Area (ha)
(People) (People)
1994– 1994–
2005 2005 SEP 2007 2005 2005
2003 2003
11 Aceh 39 46 15 3,312 3,335,713
12 North Sumatra 42 26 57 32 416 11 3,742,120
13 West Sumatra 48 32 59 40 131 145 2,600,286
14 Riau 43 22 60 27 163 1,707 3,906,333
15 Jambi 41 32 51 40 96 4,305 2,179,440
16 South Sumatra 30 30 49 38 143 2,246 920,964
17 Bengkulu 53 36 68 45 23 4,399,837
18 Lampung 55 28 64 35 123 3,025 993,903
19 Bangka Belitung 43 24 47 28 65 5,378 657,510
20 Riau islands 19 22 238 6,140
31 Jakarta 35 18 41 21 2,849 430
32 West Java 44 37 50 47 1,445 1,124 816,603
33 Central Java 36 24 44 28 369 1,966 647,133
34 Yogyakarta 20 19 23 22 102 175 16,820
35 East Java 43 32 52 40 1,043 1,822 1,357,206
36 Banten 38 35 56 45 43 21 201,787
51 Bali 14 25 19 31 628 76 127,271
52 West Nusa 74 66 103 93 74 10,535 1,010,012
53 East Nusa 59 46 73 60 88 70,390 1,555,068
61 West Kalimantan 47 30 63 37 553 8,990,875
62 Central Kalimantan 40 21 47 25 3 4,559 10,735,935
63 South Kalimantan 45 41 57 53 15 2,304 1,839,475
64 East Kalimantan 42 26 50 32 12 62 14,651,553
71 North Sulawesi 25 19 71 22 124 2,613 1,526,005
72 Central Sulawesi 52 42 72 55 2 5,919 4,394,932
73 South Sulawesi 47 36 92 46 124 601 3,299,006
74 South-East 67 38 97 49 7 346 2,518,337
75 Gorontalo 77 50 67 3 817
76 West Sulawesi
81 Maluku 34 43 154 10,824 7,146,109
82 North Maluku 40 53 7 4,140
94 Papua 29 36 1,268 38,449 40,546,360
95 West Irian Jaya 58
Indonesia 35 32 46 40 10,384 183,102 123,459,514
CMR = child mortality rate, ha = hectare, HIV/AIDS = human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome, IMR
= infant mortality rate, LB = live birth, MDG = millennium development goal.
Source: Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Indonesia 2007, published by the United Nations and the
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia.
68 Appendix 9

Table A9.6: Status of MDGs by Province, 1993–2006

(Goal 7: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability)

Code Province Piped Protected Drinking Water (%) Adequate Sanitation

1994 2002 2006 1992 2000 2006
11 Aceh 24.1 41.4 25.1 62.7
12 North Sumatra 39.6 50.2 55.2 41.1 72.7 76.7
13 West Sumatra 33.2 47.0 53.6 19.8 41.3 49.8
14 Riau 44.5 50.6 46.6 32.0 76.3 83.2
15 Jambi 39.6 50.3 46.9 25.0 55.1 60.9
16 South Sumatra 32.1 41.3 50.6 29.3 62.1 69.1
17 Bengkulu 24.4 36.3 36.5 32.3 60.5 68.0
18 Lampung 18.9 39.6 43.9 34.4 84.9 83.7
19 Bangka Belitung 41.9 33.9 67.4
20 Riau islands 60.1 75.9
31 Jakarta 54.8 70.4 63.0 82.5 92.7 93.8
32 West Java 28.9 41.2 51.0 26.4 54.0 61.1
33 Central Java 39.3 53.2 65.2 26.2 59.9 69.8
34 Yogyakarta 45.4 61.3 61.7 40.9 81.4 90.6
35 East Java 46.9 57.8 64.8 27.6 64.0 72.5
36 Banten 40.3 48.5 69.0
51 Bali 59.9 73.2 66.9 39.9 77.0 80.3
52 West Nusa Tenggara 28.4 43.5 62.4 17.0 44.2 46.2
53 East Nusa Tenggara 37.5 42.5 57.7 21.9 63.2 68.9
61 West Kalimantan 48.3 51.8 55.1 21.3 59.1 61.5
62 Central Kalimantan 30.2 34.1 41.6 16.7 40.8 52.0
63 South Kalimantan 41.5 47.7 55.7 28.0 53.8 66.4
64 East Kalimantan 53.2 64.6 66.9 43.3 68.4 80.2
71 North Sulawesi 46.5 57.8 63.8 33.5 73.2 84.1
72 Central Sulawesi 27.3 38.0 56.6 21.1 49.6 56.5
73 South Sulawesi 35.8 45.8 62.0 36.8 63.6 70.5
74 South-East Sulawesi 41.2 51.3 62.6 37.1 64.2 68.2
75 Gorontalo 30.5 52.1 52.0
76 West Sulawesi 45.5 47.5
81 Maluku 44.8 68.3 24.0 52.0
82 North Maluku 52.6 58.3
94 Papua 30.1 38.7 27.6 48.7 54.7
95 West Irian Jaya 46.5 51.0
Indonesia 16.2 50.0 57.2 30.9 62.7 69.3
MDGs = millennium development goal.
Source: Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Indonesia 2007, published by the United Nations and the
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia.
Appendix 9 69

Table A9.7: Status of MDGs by Province, 1993–2006

(Goal 8: Partnership for Development)

Youth (15–24
Households Households Households Households
with Fixed with Cellular with Personal with Access to
Code Province Unemployment
Line Phone Computer Internet
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Feb 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006
11 Aceh 22.92 5.43 20.75 2.01 1.26
12 North Sumatra 25.75 9.00 24.96 2.78 1.20
13 West Sumatra 29.44 10.14 27.16 3.82 1.72
14 Riau 24.88 7.29 33.95 4.70 1.68
15 Jambi 17.76 5.96 22.49 2.38 0.91
16 South Sumatra 21.36 7.75 18.30 2.81 0.65
17 Bengkulu 13.77 7.04 19.14 3.45 1.31
18 Lampung 17.50 5.68 16.79 1.80 0.86
19 Bangka Belitung 14.85 6.14 31.46 2.38 0.84
20 Riau islands 13.96 17.89 52.79 7.05 4.43
31 Jakarta 26.18 38.34 59.90 16.99 8.53
32 West Java 37.84 12.69 22.88 5.15 2.22
33 Central Java 24.01 6.07 21.64 2.77 1.36
34 Yogyakarta 21.32 14.63 46.57 15.74 10.57
35 East Java 22.48 12.70 21.48 3.48 1.66
36 Banten 39.83 16.80 27.68 6.57 3.25
51 Bali 12.32 15.27 42.03 5.76 2.92
52 West Nusa 17.59 4.09 16.84 2.02 0.57
53 East Nusa 7.54 3.59 8.83 1.44 0.41
61 West Kalimantan 16.90 6.61 21.28 3.12 1.22
62 Central Kalimantan 11.34 6.68 19.02 2.27 0.41
63 South Kalimantan 18.90 8.93 30.38 4.32 1.18
64 East Kalimantan 28.84 18.97 47.06 8.38 3.33
71 North Sulawesi 42.50 12.09 20.80 2.28 1.48
72 Central Sulawesi 17.16 5.39 13.05 2.17 0.68
73 South Sulawesi 27.79 12.25 23.64 3.21 1.30
74 South-East 18.00 5.35 14.82 2.11 0.97
75 Gorontalo 19.75 5.29 12.06 1.63 0.95
76 West Sulawesi 13.12 3.04 10.71 .75 0.43
81 Maluku 38.57 7.82 14.72 2.30 0.58
82 North Maluku 22.91 4.56 13.06 1.92 0.83
94 Papua 22.85 6.14 15.74 2.07 0.68
95 West Irian Jaya 12.76 5.91 16.23 2.57 0.76
Indonesia 25.43 11.20 24.60 4.36 1.95
MDG = millennium development goal.
Source: Report on the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals Indonesia 2007, published by the United Nations and the
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia.
70 Appendix 10


A. Background

1. In the absence of any mention in the (project completion report (PCR) that benefit monitoring
and evaluation (BME) had been carried out during and after project implementation, the Independent
Evaluation Mission (IEM) for the project performance evaluation report (PPER) decided to carry out a
basic socioeconomic survey in Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi cities with some overlap in the
districts of Tangerang, Bekasi, and Bogor. Since it did not experience any project investments, Bogor
city was selected as control to find out any project impact on areas without project investments.
During the IEM, however, it was found that national consultants had carried out basic BME for the
executing agency (EA). That BME measured the performance of the project using three indicators:
(i) level of service, as measured by physical achievement of project components; (ii) use of service,
as measured by percentage of water consumption by domestic and nondomestic users against what
was planned; and (iii) impact of service, as measured by three PDAM financial ratios and the
“frequency of infectious disease.” 1 . Since the results were essentially percentage achievements

against targets set out in the report and recommendation of the President (RRP) or the respective
subproject appraisal reports (SPARs) and did not gauge the satisfaction of individual households with
project outputs, the IEM felt that the results of the survey would be essential in estimating the impact
of the project. This was especially so for the economic analysis since the survey included questions
on willingness to pay (WTP) for improved water supply.

B. Methodology

2. The sample comprised 100 middle and lower income households, including those in
kampung (informal settlement) areas, from each of the cities, including Bogor. To estimate
satisfaction with water supplied by the project, the sample came from areas that had been connected
to the PDAM water reticulation network financed by the project. The questionnaire was developed by
the IEM, translated by the survey team leader, and pretested in both Depok and Tangerang cities.
The questionnaire also had sections on the sanitation and solid waste subprojects. The survey was
conducted by a local team based in each of the sample towns and well acquainted with the survey
areas. In Bekasi city, the water supply subproject was part of the kampung improvement project
(KIP), while in Tangerang City, kampung Gunung had a long waiting list for PDAM water supply.
Data were entered and initially processed in Jakarta, and the IEM conducted site visits to obtain
additional information on the conditions and context of the survey.

C. Household Characteristics

3. Table A10.1 gives the socioeconomic profile of the sample households. Across the cities, the
households were relatively large, averaging seven members. Employment rates were high for male
members of the household (86%) and about 40% for female members. Most households derived
income from several members, including children (40% employed). This is typical of large
households in Indonesia and in other countries of Southeast Asia. At about Rp120 million (about
$10,000), sample house and land values were also fairly uniform in both the project cities and in
Bogor, the non-project city. Household income was slightly higher than expenses in several
households, mainly in Depok, which have over Rp16 million ($1,400) in loans. Ownership of TV sets
and motorbikes was common, but cars were rare at less than 20%.
TP PT It is not known how this component was measured or on what data it was based.
Appendix 10 71

Table A10.1: Socioeconomic Profile of Sample Householdsa P P

Household Characteristics Depok Tangerang Bekasi Bogor BOTABEK

City City City City Average
Average family size 6.7 6.8 7.7 7.3 7.13
% Household - Male 87 79 90 89 86
Employment - Female 31 24 58 46 40
% part-time employed - 9 10 43 30 23
% unemployed - 34 11 48 17 28
% with working 33 — 52 36 40
Estimated value of 120.5 (66%) 133.8 121.9 95.3 117.9
house & land (Rp million) (98%) (81%) (100%)
Monthly income (Rp million) 4.2 (96%) 1.5 3.1 2.0 (100% 2.7
(98%) (89%)
Monthly expenditure (Rp 1.4 (100%) 1.4 1.5 1.2 (100%) 1.4
million) (92%) (98%)
% Households with:
Car 19 10 26 12 17
Motorbike 85 83 85 62 79
Television set 98 99 100 98 99
— = not available, Rp = rupiah.
P Number of households in parentheses.

Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

D. Water Supply, Consumption, and Expenses

4. The vast majority (88%) of the households had tap water inside the house, while somewhat
more than half obtained water through an outside tap or had both inside and outside taps (Table
A10.2). At 66% of the sample, Bogor city has slightly less than the three project cities, probably
because more households have wells or boreholes in the area. The high connection percentage is
largely due to the fact that selection of the sample areas was based on whether they had benefited
from the project water supply. As expected, more than one household share the water source, which
is available some 20 hours a day throughout the year. Except for Depok, which buys water from the
Bogor treatment plant at Cibinong, tariffs are fairly uniform across the cities, including Bogor, at
Rp2,500/cubic meter. High rates of satisfaction with water quantity and quality were recorded, with
an average of 94% (100% in Bogor) boiling water before drinking and fully 97% saying they had not
had any illness caused by the water supply. Since most of the sample areas have been served since
the end of the project, the project has had a definite impact on them. While the EA’s BME attempted
to track health data through the frequency of infectious diseases, in the data, waterborne disease
cases were not evident. In any event, any causal relationship would be difficult, if not impossible, to
determine without a long-term panel study of the same households before and after connecting to
the water system.
72 Appendix 10

Table A10.2: Type and Use of Water Supply (%)

Household Water Supply Depok Tangerang Bekasi Bogor BOTABEK

Characteristics City City City City Average
Water source:
% house tap inside – 94 94 98 66 88
% house tap outside – 84 82 2 57 56
No. of households
sharing the source 3.1 3.7 4.9 4.4 4.0
Hours per day available 18 24 24 14 20
Tariff per m3 (Rupiah)
P P 1,342 2,400 2,913 2,340 1,664
% satisfied with water quantity 76 90 84 82 83
% satisfied with water quality 79 93 71 82 81
% boiling water before drinking 81 96 98 100 94
% never sick from water 97 91 100 98 97
m3 = cubic meter.

Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

E. Alternative Water Sources

5. The survey found that the major alternative sources to piped water supply were vendors and
shallow wells (Table A10.3). In contrast to the PCR, water vendors were not those selling water from
shallow wells or boreholes. Rather, they were vendors of drinking water in containers, which made
boiling water from the tap unnecessary. Hence, the cost of water per liter in a 20-liter container was
high. Significantly, Bogor differed diametrically from the project cities in that it did not buy water from
vendors. Information from the field showed that while shallow wells, or boreholes, are common in the
Bogor area, they are not in either Bekasi or Tangerang where the groundwater is often polluted. The
high figure for a shallow well source in Bekasi might therefore be due to the fact that a large portion
of the survey was carried out as part of the KIP, which did not include a piped water supply to each
household. Results also show that stored rainwater was not an alternative water source.

Table A10.3: Alternative Water Sources

Alternative Water Depok Tangerang Bekasi Bogor BOTABEK

Sources City City City City Average
% Yes 85 70 90 1 62
% No 9 30 10 93 36
Price from vendors 17.4 19.2 n/a n/a 18.3
Number of liters per 18 20 n/a n/a 19.0
Shallow well
% Yes 60 25 86 39 53
% No 40 73 13 61 47
Stored rainwater
% Yes 0 1 - 0 0
% No 98 97 - 100 98
n/a = not available, Rp = rupiah.
Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.
Appendix 10 73

F. Sanitation and Solid Waste

6. Although the project did not provide individual sewerage connections and solid waste
services, it did provide improved sewage treatment plants, sanitary landfills, and some 30 dump
trucks, 16 arm roll trucks, 81 solid waste containers, and other equipment for moving solid waste.
The survey therefore took the opportunity to cover the present means of sewage and solid waste
disposal as well as the satisfaction with them. Practically every household (including those in Bogor)
has an indoor, pour-flush toilet with sullage going to a septic tank (Table A10.4). Except in Bekasi
city, the septic tanks are emptied within the year, and there are no health problems from that aspect
of sanitation.

Table A10.4: Sanitation Conditions

Depok Tangerang Bekasi Bogor BOTABEK
Sewage Disposal City City City City Average

% with toilet in house 98 98 98 100 99

% with pour flush toilet 94 99 92 79 91

% with sullage going to septic
tank 95 97 93 90 94
How long ago septic tank
emptied (months)? 7 10 15 10 10
% with no health problems
from sanitation 94 98 83 98 93
Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

7. Only in Depok (85%) is there a high percentage with garbage collection service, while a
substantial number of households in Tangerang and Bogor cities burn or bury their garbage (Table
A10.5). This might be expected since payment for garbage services is only about $1.00 per month
and there are many informal service providers that supplement local government providers. Despite
the shortfall in service provision, nearly 90% of the respondents reported no health problems from
the solid waste disposal system.

Table A10.5: Solid Waste Management

Depok Tangerang Bekasi Bogor BOTABEK

Solid Waste Disposal City City City City Average
% with garbage collection 85 33 61 38 54
% burned or buried garbage 0 64 8 33 26
Number of times garbage
collected per week 2 2 2 2 2
Payment per month (Rupiah) 13,680 12,793 12,068 6,375 11,229
% with no health problems
from solid waste 90 86 81 100 89
Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

G. Willingness to Pay (WTP)

8. A key indicator provided by the survey was the willingness to pay (WTP) for improved supply
of clean, potable water with good pressure 24 hours a day (Table A10.6). This question was asked
near the end of the interview and the responses were a component in calculating the economic
74 Appendix 10

internal rate of return. The responses revealed a high (65%) WTP for improved water supply in the
Metro BOTABEK area. Of the 4 cities covered, Bogor City had the lowest rate of 44%. Except in
Bogor city, tariffs that respondents were willing to pay were more than twice as high, on average,
than the present tariff payments, i.e., Rp3,741 vs Rp1,664. The lower rate of WTP in Bogor could be
due to the large percentage of households who obtain water from shallow wells at a cost lower than
tariffs for piped water. Combined with increased PDAM water production figures, the strong WTP
figures for project cities resulted in high EIRRs. From the survey, a high percentage of respondents
already had connections. While the percentage for the control city was lower, slightly more on
average wanted their respective PDAMs to improve the quality of water supply and the quantity.

Table A10.6: Willingness to Pay (WTP)

Depok Tangerang Bekasi Bogor BOTABEK

Willingness to Pay City City City City Average
% WTP for clean, potable water
with good pressure 95 53 68 44 65
How much WTP/m3 (Rp) P P 4,405 2,510 6.355 1,693 3,741
% already with house 78 88 — 66 58
PDAM should concentrate on:
-improving quality of water 64 72 61 18 54
-improving quantity of water 29 66 50 24 42
— = not available, m3 = cubic meter.

Source: Independent evaluation mission findings.

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