QLToday V01-I4 en
QLToday V01-I4 en
QLToday V01-I4 en
@fuffi Mac
8L loday Contents
German office & Publisher:
Jochen Merz Software Tel. +49 203 502011
3 Editorial
Im stillen Winkel 12 Fax +49 203 502012 4 News
47169 Duisburg Boxl +49 203 502013 7 QL Today Survey - Dilwyn Jones
Germany Box2 +49 203 502014 9 Talk to Me! - RoyWood
English ofüce: 10 PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) - Tim Swenson
Miracle Systems Ltd. Tel. +44 1454 883602 13 Di-ren's Internet - Robin Barker
20 Mow Barton Fax +44 1454 883602 16 QL Service List - Part 3 - Robert Klein
Yate, Bristol
United Kingdom BS17 5NF
18 QMenu - Part 2 - Dilwyn Jones
22 QL Serial Ports - H.-Peter Recktenwald
Editor: 28 Q-emulator, QL on the Mac - Al Boehm
Dilwyn Jones Tel. +44 1248354023
32 Bugs'n Fixes
4l Bro Emrys Fax +44 1248354023
Tal-Y-Bont, Bangor 35 Master Spy & Spy Review - Roy Wood
Gwynedd 35 QFormat - Dilwyn Jones
United Kingdom LL57 3YT 38 Noughts & Crosses - Ron Humphries
QL folq is published bi-monthly, out vdume begins on 39 Amiga "QDOS'- Simon N. Goodwin
l5th of May. Subscriptions begin with the current iszue at the 42 Comment Future imperfect? - Jonathan
time of sign up. Subscription rates are as fdlovs: Hudson
Germany DM 70,- 46 Letter-Box
England DM 50,- or J25 47 Snippet's Corner I - Mark Knight
Rest of the World DM 70,- or f30 50 Easy Export from 288 Pipedream into
Payment in DM (drawn on a German bank) can be made by Quitl - Beryl& John Crawley
either Cheque or EuroCheque, Payment in f, (drawn on an 50 "Just Words" reply - GeoffWicks
English banl) can be made by Cheque. Cheques should be 52 Black Knight Review - Mark Knight
made payable to Jochen Merz Soltware (German offrce)
Miracle Systems Ltd. (English office).
54 ATARI Ql-Emulator - Jochen Merz
55 QPC - James Hunkins
Credit Card holders may subscribe by either calling or sending 6l Last Minute News
their Credit Card number and Expiry date. Credit cards will be 62 UQLX - Richard Zidhcky
charged in DM (German office) or in f (English office).
62 Editor's last Word
We welcome your comments, zuggstions and articles. YOU
make QL lodey possible. We are constantly changing and
adjusting to meet your needs and requirements. Articles for
publication should be on a 3.5" disk (DD or HD) in ASCIL
Quill tn text87 formal Pictures may be in _SCR format, we
can also handle GIF or TIF. To enhance your article you may in alphabetical order
wish to include Saved Screen dumps. PLEASE send a
hardcopy ofall screens to be included Don't forget to speciS
where in the text you would like the screen placed.
Di.Ren ...63
JochenMerzSoftware . . . . .19
Article and Advertising DEADLINES are as follcrvs: MiracleSystemsltd. ....53
Issue l: 15 April Issue 2: 15 June
PROGS - Van der Auwera 9
Issue 3: 15 August Issue 4: 15 October
Issue 5: 15 December Issue 6: 15 February QBranch . .23
QBOXUSA . ....43
QL fodty reserves the right to publish or not publish any
material submitted. Under no circumstances will CIL lcdey
Quanta . . .45
be held liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damage QuoVadisDesign ......31
or loss arising out ofthe use and/or inability to use any ofthe Qubbesoft ......41
material published in QL folty. The opinions expressed W.N. Richardson (EEC) . . .27
herein are those ofthe authors and are not necesserily those
of the publisher.
TFServices . . . . .15
SJ.P.D. Software . .37
This magazine is copyrighted and all material published GeoffWicks ....55
remains the property of Q.LIcltg unless otherwise specified.
Written permission from QL lohg is required before the
reproduction and distributim of anylall material published
herein. All copyrights and trademarks are hereby acknowledged.
2 QL lodoy
we need the old QL? Is it outdated? The answer to
Editorial both questions is 'yes'.
Dilwyn Jones The big hardware launch of this year looks like
being the Aurora card, bringing both a new QL
Well, despite my PC's attempts at disrupting this hardware motherboard and enhanced graphics.
issue (it broke down weeks ago and I'm having We have waited so long for enhanced graphics on
trouble getting it repaired), we made it in the end. the standard QL that Qubbesoft P/D need to be
See the cartoon Jochen has placed on this page for sure of getting right first time. Unfortunately, it
how I felt. Let's just say that between our com- looks as though it wü be launched without drivers
bined experience of PCs Jochen and will be I for the enhanced colour modes, but at least it will
sticking to QDOS/SMSQ where we can possibly be possible to add these via software later.
avoid using anything else for the foreseeable future! 1996 looks like being a good year for the QL
So I bought an external modem. Now, I am not after all.
one of those people who take to modems like The results of the survey we organised in issue 2
ducks to water, so this may be a traumatic are printed in this issue. We had a very good
experience for me. Comms is one of those issues response, with some interesting views and not a
where I have little faith in my own ability to master few surprises!
the subject! I'i1 let you know in a future issue how I One of the things which became obvious was
got on, once I've ploughed through the QTPI that we need reviewers for the huge collection of
software's extensive manuals! public domain and freeware applications out there
The big software launch of the last couple of for the QL - I suppose there is so much out there
months was QPC, allowing us to run SMSQ/E in from the BBS's, SJPD, Qubbesoft and even
software on the PC without the need for expensive Quanta that people want to know what's good and
hardware add-ons. We now have a good choice of what's bad. We've made a start but an appeal to
platforms on which to run our software. PCs, Ami- you the readers: you must have used some good (or
gas, Macs and Ataris can now be enhanced with bad!), free or low cost programs for the QL. Why
the addition of QDOS or SMSQ operating not write a short review of a program you have
systems. used, so that our readers know what it's like? Send
In this issue we have articles about QPC, Amiga us a text file on disk about the program, along with
emulator, and Q-emulator for the Appple Mac, a screen copy from the program ifpossible. Ifyou
and the Atari emulators. With all this choice, do fancy seeing yoru name in print, do get in touch.
QL lodoy 3
http:/lwww.di-ren.co.uk file requests are handled
News & Updates in the same manner, i.e.; to retrieve a file via
Email, send:
Email address: di-ren@di-ren.co.uk
QL Club International Subject: ** Anything will do here!**
(Update to the QL Service List)
Body: AUTO SENDFILE file-name (for
Mike Keneally asked us to publish the following instance, AUTO SENDFILE qllhomepage.htm)
information to update the information in the QL Unfortunately, Di-Ren is currently unable to
Service List: source the "keyclick" variety at sensible prices -
Tel. (+44; 1625 878207 pity, because they were good value for money.. The
Fax (+44) 1625 260072 other 102 key Enhanced type Di-Rensupply have
Email : 106114.7 l0@compuserye.com gone up in price from f 18.00 to f24.00 (these are
Club QL International's 9lst issue of their also good quality keyboards).
disk-based magazine should be available by the
time you read this. Issue 90, in addition to the
usual members'letters, contains such delights as a "Just Words" Update
list of National Lottery numbers for use with NEW TRANSATLANTIC THESAURUS
Abacus, and Exorcist, a utility for use with A data base with USA English spellings is now
Ghosscript. Membership is free. Just send a floppy available for QL-THESAURUS.
disk for your copies of the monthly newsletter with This is in response to Gary Norton's wishes in
return envelope, address label and postage, to his QL TODAY review of the program.
arrive by the 28th of the month. The editor, Mike Apologies to UK customers who may have
Kenneally, suggests that you show your support for ordered software from me and have not yet
the group by including a letter or article on the received the goods. The postal situation has
disk for inclusion in the disk magazine. Mike deteriorated rapidly in the last month. Two airmail
Kenneally, Club QL International, 6 Barnaby letters have taken a fortnight to arrive and surface
Road, Poynton, Cheshire, SKlz lL& England. mail seems to have dried up completely. I fear that
I will not receive some orders until the postal
dispute is over.
The Birmingham and West Midlands QL &
QBranch and Quo Vadis Design stock the full
68000 club is moving back into the City centre range of my software, including Ql-Thesaurus
after a few months in Hockley, at a pub which was upgrades.
rather more difficult to reach than the Holloway -
our home for more than ten ye:rs, now alas furned
into a 'fun pub'. The new yenue from October 1996 Quo Vadis Design News
onwards is the Queen's Head near Steelhouse Quo Vadis Design have announced that they
Lane, in the City Centre. We meet two evenings a have appointed a new trainee to their staff. Bruce
month, on the first and third Mondays of the Nicholls' second daughter, Roseline Nicholls, was
month, except when that's a bank holiday. born on Monday 23rd September 1996, weighing
For more information contact Mike Bedford n at7 pounds 8 ounces (3.akg). Both mother and
White on 0121 708 2560 or by post at 16 Westfield baby are said to be fine.
Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham B.27 7TL. Quo Vadis Design now have a version of
Flashback Special Edition (or more specifically, its
Report Generator), compatible with SMSQIE,
Di-Ren eMail Address & News thanks to some hard work by Rich Mellor. The
Due to Email difficulties with our upgtade costs just f,2.50 from Quo Vadis Design,
T@di-ren-demon.co.uk Email seryice, it is possible and you should send the original Flashback SE
not all Emails have been received by us. If you master disk as proof of purchase. Quo Vadis
have not had a reply to a recently submitted letter, Design will add the revised files and return the
please re-send.
disk to you.
In any event please note our new Email address
and update yow records accordingly:
di-ren@di-ren.co.uk News From TF SERYICES
With any luck this should be the last ever change At the end of Octobeq TF Services will be pro-
as it refers to our own domain (di-ren.co.uk), not ducing two new hardware add-ons for users who
the current service provider we happen to be using. make use of the I2C interface on the Minerva Mk2
Di-Ren will be closed for all business between serial bus.
the following dates: 25th November to l6th The first is a Power Driver Interface, which has
December, 24th December to 2nd January the same 16 TTL input/output (I/O) lines as the
4 QL lodoy
current paraliel interface, but also adds 8 high
po\ryer switches for rnotors, relays, etc. There will
QL Show in Brighton
Roy Wood of QBranch has informed us that he
be two types, allowing 1.5 and 3 amps total cur-
is planning to organise another QL meeting in the
rent respectively. Each output can source or sink
area around Brighton. The first weekend in Febru-
current, allowing, for instance, a pair of outputs to
ary would be a good date, but it is not confirmed
reverse rotation for one motor, or drive two
yet. However, if you plan to visit the show (and
motors in a single direction.
there is no reason why not!) then mark this week-
The second device is called Relays. This product
will plW directly into the power driver, and end in your agenda. The January issue of QL
provide eight 2amp mains relays. Today will contain more detailed information
At the time of writing, prices had yet to be
about the show, but as it is shipped in the middle
announced. Contact TF Services for ftrrther of January it is possible that you will receive it just
details. a few days before the show.
QL lodoy 5-
share your data, but has not seen the light and This package maybe discontinued soon, due to the
acquired a QL, for Chris supplies a program to expiry of the licence required to sell them.
allow data to be exchanged between the PC and DATA DESIGN: Bernd Reinhart has re-worked
QL versions. The idea of producing cross-platform Data Design, removing some bugs and improving
applications is not entirely new - you may remem- the user interface, including the addition of icons
ber that a few years ago, Di-Ren produced a PC to the display. The new v4 of Data Design costs
version of their Fleet Tactical Command software. BEF1200 (around f.28.00).
Users of the QL version of Genealogist can Updates for Data Design and PFList are free
purchase the PC version for f,40.00, while it costs when master disks are returned with an order for
f55.00 if you are not already a user of the QL another program, otherwise PROGS say they will
version. only charge for postage for upgrades.
Chris BoutaL 2l Proctors Road, Wokingham,
Berkshire, RGll lRP, England. Telephone (+44) News From QUBBESOFT P/D
QUBIDE: The Qubide ROM is now at V1.51.
V1.50 added the facility to read alien media via the
News From PROGS introduction of a direct sector access facility.
PROGS have finally released their new PRO- Among other things, this is hoped to enable PC
WESS package. PROWESS is a new application formatted hard disks to be read (e.g. removable
support package, which consists of libraries and media) which will be helpf,rl for software such as
applications. PROWESS can be regarded as an Discover. There are also changes to the map area.
extension to the old Window Manager software, V1.51 contains an important change for Super-
but is in reality more than that, as it includes all the Hermes users, moving the store in battery backed
system extensions from PROGS, such as PRO- RAM to another location for improved perfor-
FORMA and the DataDesign engine. mance.
PROWESS contains some utility software, such EZ-LITERATURE: This mammoth work of
as the PROWESS READE& a progra.m to display over l00MB of text files, including various classi-
and print hypertext files. This means that the text cal literature and a huge collection of information
can have formatting information included, along about popular TV shows and lilms such as the
with the facitity to display pictures and references X-Files, Star Trek and Quantum Leap was finally
to other text, either in the same file or another file. launched at the end of September. The final pro-
The industry standard TITML (Hypertext Markup duct includes useful utilities such as a file finder
Language) format, as used in World Wide Web program and a complete drive copier (inclusive of
pages, for example, is used. subdirectories). Available on a single EZ-135
PROGS will be using this reader to reduce the cartridge, price €25.00
cost of their software, because they will no longer AURORA: The much anticipated graphics card
have to supply printed manuals (although they can is now getting ever closer to launch. As we went to
be purchased separately if you wish) since the press, final testing of units with the required
manuals will now be supplied in a format suitable VRAM chips was taking place, with the produc-
for use with the reader, allowing you to read and tion circuit boards to be ordered if trials were
print the manuals as you wish. successful. Unfortunately, it looks as if the Auroras
PROWESS also includes PROFORMA, a yector (or should that be Aurorae?) sent out will be
graphics system, as previously supplied with somevfrrat lacking in software support for the
programs like Line Design. enhanced colour modes, with the drivers being
PROWESS costs 2400 Belgian Francs (about supplied on disk at a later date.
f55.00) plus postage.
Printed manuals are available from PROGS at a News from S.J.P.D. Software
rate of BEF2 per page - contact PROGS for more SIPD have just received 20+ EID disks of
details. LineDesign Clipart. They are all in _LDP format
PFLIST: A new version of PFList has been (Native LineDesign format) and so can be loaded
produced, to show off the porwer of PROWESS.
directly into Linedesign. The size of some of the
This is a program to create listings on any printer, files is very large, the largest being 1,241,293 bytes!
especially inkjets or lasers, using the facilities Since zuch files are too large for DSDD disks, Steve
provided by the PROGS extensions. The price is
has decided to make this clipart available ONLY on
now reduced to BEF 600 (about f 14.00)
ED disks! This selection adds to the akeady
FONTPACK: The Proforma Bitstream Font-
cornprehensive cllection of .AI format clipart for
pack, cclntaining 100 high quality fonts, is now
Line Design offered by SJPD.
reduced in price to BEF3000 (around f70.00).
6 QL lodoy
Other disk releases from SJPD include a collec- ence, I conclude that trying out many PC based
tion of Data Design utilities by Roy Wood and an software emulators will in the end only serve to
address book for use with Archive on disk SJPD 64. point out how good a product like QPC really is
Archivers Control Panel on disk SJPD is now (see the review elsewhere in this issue).
INFO-ZIP compatible, while Zipback is a backup QPC Palettes: SJPD's catalogue contains on disk
utility for owners of more than one hard disk drive, SIPD68 details of a utility for QPC users allowing
with backups being possible over a network. Also you to set/read/reset the colour palette on a
on SJPD65, 'STORE' allows users with Qubide and per-job basis. The software contains three exten-
SuperHermes to store startup information in bat- sions, implemented as an extensions "thing".
tery backed ram to bypass the startup delay with I
the Qubide system. Vl.4l of the Qubide eprom
code is also included, so you can blow your own
rom update if you have an EPROM prograrnmer.
Disk SJPD 66 includes issue 25 of the E-zine QL
Hacker's Journal by Tim Swenson, a lottery syndi-
cate number checker, a screen dump program for
the Canon BJC range of bubblejet printers, and
some zodiac sign clipart for Line Design.
Dülwyn Jones
Jonathan Hudson provides the content of SJSl74,
the PSUtils package, for reorganising Postscript The number of survey forms returned was about
files prior to printing with the Ghostscript package. 8% of the subscription base at the time. While this
SJSI76, a three disk package, contains the entire does not seem high, it is broadly in line with results
DIY Toolkit collection from QL World, as written for surveys of this type. Forms were returned from
by Simon N. Goodwin. SJSI75, meanwhile, con- across Europe, Scanrtinavia, USA, New Zealand
tains John Miller's SBASIC PE Kit, as described in and even one from Iran.
the last issue of QL Today. SJSI77 contains a The most requested software prizes were FiFi
Qubide v1.51 ROM image,2 pointer driven games and QMenu. What was won, and by who, depen-
from Germany, a front end program for the Ghost- ded on Jochen's random number generator. In the
script utility, another utility to allow the quick end the main prize was won by Lennart Forssen
linking and unlinking of hard drive partitions, of Sweden, who chose QMenu.
QFORMAT (a fast reformatting utility for floppy Here are the average ratings for the subjects
disks), and MEMV which displays a memory included in the survey. I had a little difficulty with
useage bar on the left hand side ofthe screen.
some of the forms, as a few people did not use the
Meanwhile, for literature lovers, Steve Johnson suggested 0-6 rating system. If there was any
has expanded his already wide range of classical I
doubt, played safe and did not include those
book texts with further stories of Tarzan, classical forms. The numbers given are the ayerage for each
science fiction from H. G. Wells and Jules Verne,
and novels by Jack London. Disk CB65 contains
Reports about QL shows 3.4
the tales of Beatrix Potter for the younger QL users
History etc of QL software houses 3.0
among us, while Doctor Who fans may be pleased
News in general 5.1
to hear that a variety of information about the TV
software news 5.2
programmes is available on disk CBl48. Finally, if
hardware news 5.3
your tastes include religion, CBl56 (a 2 disk
Software reviews 4.9
package) is "The Varieties of Religious Experience"
Hardware reviews 5.3
by William James.
General hints on how to use software 4.7
Finally, if you are a PC user, and want to go even
General hints on how to fix problems 4.8
further in improving it than just adding a QXL or
Tutorials on general programming 3.9
QPC, Steve Johnson reminds me that he has a large
range of software-based emulators for the PC,
including almost all of Sir Clive's computers (ZX9l, Assembler 3.5
Spectrum and 288). Steve c:rn also supply C 2.5
(there were also suggestions that we should have
emulators for (ah, nostalgia! - am I really this old?)
the Oric, BBC Micro, Psion 3a, TRS80, Apple II, included Forth, Pascal and APL in this category)
Apple Mac, CPC464, Sega" Atari 400/800 and Doit-yourself toolkits to be typed in J.J
Dragon computers. It seemed reasonable to include BASIC program listings to be typed in 3.3
this information since we've given so much Hardware related to the QL (e.g.printers) 4.3
attention to emulators this month. Frorn experi-
QL lodoy 7-
Font size: almost l00o/o approval for this, with similar numbers of people, for obvious reasons.
only one suggesting we should use a smaller font. Several readers commented that they couldn't
One or two suggestions were received that we believe that there were still QL users at this level,
should also consider A5 format for QLToday. but there was plenty of advice to prove that there
|Maganne format: Stapled 390lo, Punched 33o/o, are. Harry Latham said that he often stopped
Punched & Stapled 28o/o, Loose 00/o (expected) reading a magazine wtren he saw words he didn't
Binders interest: No:707o, Yes:30V0. understand. Darren Branagh from Ireland said he
Since QL Today is published in European ,A'4 appreciated the "excellent" begimers' articles. And
sizn, and such binders are freely available at low John Dixon of London wanted "more on Word
cost in Europe, this is not surprising. It would be Processing - [ don't understand computers".
very expensive to ship binders out of Europe The QL Rodents article (about QL mouse
anyway, so I don't think Jochen will be buying any systems) was liked by many, and disliked by almost
after this! as many too. The Genealogy Bug, Buttons, QL
It is obvious that news about the QL in general is Not For Profit, How We Produce QL Today and
the single most liked part of QL Today. So we wili the software reviews were also well liked. The
do our best to bring you as much news as we can. articles about the show in Bedford, USA, were
Authors, traders, etc - please let us have all your seen as amusing by some, but disliked by many.
news, our readers want to know about your However, we just couldn't displease John Miller of
products! Hinton, England, who described QL Today as:
lt was very encouraging that so many forms "The Best QL Magazine Yet-Great!" Nice to know
returned did not list any disliked articles! Good our effirrts are appreciated - a warm thank you to
but on the other hand" the most disliked articles all of the contributors who have helped make QL
were... (oh dear) my program listings in issue 2, Today into a success story.
Q-Draughts and PC versus QL, and Jochen's There were plenty of suggestions for articles to
Epson Stylus Codes article. Closely following include in future issues too. P. H. Tannerwanted to
these in the unpopularity ratings were the DISA see articles about Forth and Pascal programming.
History, The Black Hole and EMC In England Michael Gruber in Berlin wanted to see more PD
articles. The Black Hole and EMC articles di4 software reviews (good point, the QL is blessed
however, get a respectable number of votes in the with lots of PD software). Mats Averkvist in
"liked articles" category too! Several people objec- Sweden wanted "more build-it yourself hardware".
ted to the length of the BASIC program listings John Hall in Aberdare, Wales wanted to see
rather than the programs themselves, e.g. Dave articles about the design of system software and
Westbury said BASIC listings )20 lines may "put using system resources. RJ.Shepherd in Exeter,
me off subscribing in future." Steve Papierowski of England would like to see articles about Data
Manchester, England, suggested such listings Design, while Eleanor Patrick in Leeds, England,
should be split across issues. Since the pagazine is said she would like to see articles about getting
only published every 2 months, I would not be too difficult software to work on the QXL, as she has a
happy about that myself, and feel that Jochen's few programs which she cannot get to run on her
solution of making the listings available on BBS Q (L system. Pedro Reina in Madrid, Spain
and via his PD disk service is the best compromise wanted to know when QL Today will get an ISSN
answer. There was even one suggestion that we (International Subscription) number - how about it
include a cover disk with the listings on it, but Jochen? [Alrcud requested one, hope to have il
Jochen has ruled this out on a cost basis, although for issue 5/ Several people wanted to see articles
he is looking at the possibility of a cover disk at the about Easyptr. J. C. Marcus and Miguel Estarellas
end of each volume containing the listings and an (both from Spain) wanted to see more DIY
index to the volume, but possibly with a slightly hardware hints. J.C. Marcus also wanted
reduced number of magaztne pages to reduce the Ql-related humorous articles. And finally, GH
postage costs. Alagheband in Teheran, Iran wished to see articles
By far and away the most popular article was about fax modems on the QL.
Jochen's My Boot article, so much so that I hope So, do we have any volunteers to write about any
to run a short series of similar articles if I can find of the above subjects? Contact me at the
enough contributors. The next most popular address/telephone/email details on page 2.
articles were, surprisingly, the ones about the QPC Thank you to everyone who responded, and
emulator. I think Jochen wili get even richer from especially to the people who sent letters in
this software! addition to the survey forms. I simply haven't got
The beginners'articles were liked and disliked by room for it all here!
8 QL lodoy
the wrong place, the two computers do communi-
Talk to Me! cate - sort of. When the Psion is pltrgged into the
Roy Wood QL and the two are connected via the Comms
software provided with the PSIWIN package (what
I was recently in the cinema with my fourteen an annoying thing - I had to buyWindows software
year old son watching 'Independence Day'. Total that I will probably not use - Grrrr) and Jonathan
rubbish ofcourse, but quite enjoyable ifyou can do Hudson's wonderful QTPI you can actually type
a 'RES_128' on your mind and just sit back and on the Psion and have it appear on the QL and
enjoy the spectacle. This, however, is not a Barry vice versa. This leads you to the totally erroneous
Norman style film review. My interest was sparked conclusion that the connection is fine. And then
by a scene at the end of the movie when JeffGold- you try to transfer a file. In actual fact you can
blaum saved the world by uploading a computer transfer text files with the cable in the wrong place
virus into the Alien's computer. There I was quietly using the ASCII protocol - yes you guessed it, it
relaxing in the cinema, sucking on my choc-ice, was the handshaking that was wrong.
and my escapist peace was shattered. I therefore spent two and a half days setting and
Within a matter of a few few hours Jeff Gold- resetting the various protocol, baud rates, hand-
blaum had written a vkus, got into an alien space- shaking etc. I purchased a 9 - 25 pin D connector
craft, flown up to the mothership and, using a adaptor and plugged that into a standard Sinclair
notebook PC and some sort of radio link, logged serial cable and thence into serial 1 - ah yes, that
on to a totally unknown system. 'Negotiating With does not work at all now! I plW it into serial 3
the Host'- 'Connecting' - from the
'Uploading'! I had spent equally wonder-
the last three days trying Enrutotion FHSI4 UT KegPod Yes ful superHer-
to get my Psion Series 3a Port Eerl Job Suqp ^C mes, no go
to talk to my QL and I tg
For^ i Hone Hon/Hoff Ho
either. retreat
Ftou Hundshuke [ontro ls Interpret
to the comfort
was using a cable! Should
TrqnElqte Rqu Bctq Exit Bqud 96üE
I give Jeff Goldblaum a Boud l92BB llccerr 0n Line
of another glass
quick ring - the man was RH EnL {üR/LF} 5+o t [ of red wine.
([R/1il 0iqt Tru
obviously a genius? I did, TX EOL 4 Later that night
in fact, put up a couple of [e[ Chor DEL {127) [iqt Llsit 6E Jochen told me
messages to Jonathan UT l,Jr'up Dn [nd 0elag B that not all of
}(PR Frsiorol Yl100El1 $er Buffer
Hudson the QLs comms 16384 these adaptors
Eeep ün Stqrt HPR Fu[[ Screen
are wired in the
hero but this mainly rein- ll$l Interpnet 0n Uuke Redruu
right way so
forced my oft repeated Hrnou HeUs Bs KeUE CR tn tog Yes
maxim "The best way to Tbit kegs No that was the
find out what kind of a tlonrrr Deu final straw that
total idiot you are is to got me taking
report a fault or a bug to an expert." As usual, the cables out of the box and firing up the
nosooner had I pressed 'Y'on the bulletin board in multimeter.
response to the 'Save Message' query, the manual As I said above the answer was in Sven's letter to
fell open on the page that told me what I was doing Quanta and once the wire was in the right place
wrong. This is a normal phenomenon. It ranks transfers between the Psion on the QL were
along with the 'No matter how hard you look for smooth. QTPI is very good for this purpose (and
something, as soon as you ask someone vftrere it is it's free!!!!) and you can save many different sets of
you willfind it in your pocket.'homily. settings for different purposes. I have two '_dist'
There has been a long running debate in Quanta files. QTPI_dist is the standard start up {ile that I
about how to connect the two computers and it use for the modem and is connected to the SER 3
was, in fact, one of the last issues that came to my port of SuperHermes. Psion_dist contains the set-
salvation. Thank you, Sven Weber, for yow little tings for my Series 3a (see figure l) and is connec-
table of connections which showed me where the ted to the SER 1 port. this arrangement saves all
problem lay. One linle wire was all it was and ten the scrabbling around at the rear of the QL tower
minutes with a soldering iron put the wire in the case with cables.
right place. I am reproducing his table at the end I have used QTPI to transfer text, databases and
of this piece (I hope he does not mind). spreadsheets although all of these need some
The thing that gets you banging your head firmly fiddling before they will be usable on the QL. I
against the table top is that, even with this wire in have also successfully transferred some of the P.D.
QL lodoy 9
programs from S.J.P.D's collection of Psion gained notariety and popularity over the last few
software from a QL disk onto the Psion. Right now years. Because of U.S. Export laws that treat
we are trying to get information on the Psion com- encryption schemes as munitions, PGP has caused
munications software to see if it is possible to get quite a stir in the computer and legal worlds. Phil
someone (we do have a volunteer) to write the Zimmerman had been under a Federal investiga-
kind of program that Psion uses on the PC. This tion to see if he broke export laws when PGP was
software allows the user to interrogate the direc- distributed via the Internet. Some countries are
tory structure of the Psion from the other com- not happy v/ith the ordinary cituen having the
puter and move files without touching the Series 3 capability of very secure encq,ption. Countries like
except to turn it on. Does anyone know anything encryption that they can break. This was demon-
about this? I would also be interested in anyone strated in the US with the introduction of the
who would like to write some filters to make the Clipper chip, where a federal agency keep the
Psion Database and Spreadsheet files importable "backdoor keys" to everybodys secret keys.
into the QL programs (preferably QSpread and
DATAdesign). Public Key Encryption Basics
Well, my head has healed up now and there is Most people are familiar with what is known as
only a dent in the kitchen table to show the results private key encryption, that is, you use a password
of my frustrations. I hope that this little piece will to encrypt data and use it again to decrypt the
help you to avoid a similar headache. data. This all works fine except when you want
someone to decrypt it. You must somehow send
Sven F. Weber's Cable guide for the Series 3a / that person your private key, and still keep it
QL Link: private.
Public key encryption (PKE) is based on having
3-Link 9-Pin D Ser 1 Ser 2 two keys, one public and one private. If you
l. DCD In 5. 1. Gnd L Black encrSpt with one key, say your private, you can
2. RD In 3. 3. RxD 2. White only decrypt with the other key, your public. This
3.TD Out 2. 2. TxD 3. Green allows you to publish one key and keep the other
4. DTROut 6. as a close guarded secret.
5. SG Common 5. 1. l. If you want to send a private message to a person
6. DSR In 4. and make sure that only that person to read it, you
7. RTSOut 8. 4. DTR 5. Red wouid encrypt the message in their public key. The
8. CTS In 7. 5. CTS 4. Blue only way to decrypt the message is to use the
9. Ring 5. 1. 1.
recievers private key, which means that only they
could decrypt the message. This will also work to
As he says do not connect cable 6 on either of keep files private on your computer. Encrypt with
the QL SER plugs as these carry +12v. He also your public key and only you can decrypt it.
advises the Translates Menu to be set to 'Local If you want to put a digital signature on a mes-
Echo On', and I had the 'Protocol' set to sage, you would encrlpt it with your private key.
YMODEM', the baud rate set at 19,200, 'Data Bits Anyone decrypting it using your public key would
8', 'Stop bits 1', 'Parity: None', and 'Ignore Parity: know that only you could have encrypted it. There
Yes'. The Quanta Article suffers from a misprint I are also digital signatures that keep the text of the
believe because it gives the character '#' instead of message in the clear, but guarantees the text will go
'$' The setting for the Enter Key should be unchanged.
'<$0A><$0D)' and the Backspace key'<$7F>'.
A mouse cable will not work.
T UnZipping PGP
PGP version 2.3 (589K zipped) and 2.6 (688K
zipped) have both been ported to the QL. This
article is based on2.6. To unzip PGP26_ZIP you
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) will need a ED disk. I tried to unzip to HD but I
Tim Swenson ran out of disk space. If you don't have an ED disk
drive, you should be able to specify which files you
PGP is a Public Key Encryption program written want unzipped with UNZIP. The program unzips
by Phil Zimmerman, ported to the QL by Jona- with two hard subdirectories (a la Gold Card). I
than Hudson, and has become the standard don't know how it will unzip if your QL does not
encryption program for private citizens. PGP has support hard subdirectories.
10 QL loday
I- Anelia lowan OId Style BREMEN BOLD Kuenstler 480 mAfag Goudy Hand
(U #:H'PffiTonlr;TonTiäclCL:i,it
P RO f o rm a f o ntp ackT.:J,1H
\ilä' #
to A collectioil of
V.,'.ii.n high qullity Bitst/tattP fonts
100 lq"JlB.gF
udrll5rdPrrr Allfoaßhnehighqualityoutlines,afullcharcet,hbttingandkeming,
Ail fotß hnehigh lel
Carminaoili'iiittiitruyen,r utev!{lnä! vrr Lyurdrr urnorrA Jreu.urru 581 ÄllagfL
Old Dreadf<,l tlo.T Coudy Old Style F'reeform -(21 Dcn Crrrnl Amerigo Carmina Itali
tn Fa
ProWesS is a new user environment for the Never before has it been so easy to creat, fill
QL. ProWesS is short for "PROGS Window
= \ in and maintain your personal databases. To
o t=f
include formatting commands (including DATAdesign allows you to have some
pictures) and possibly links to other files can
hidden comments for €ach record, have a
be displayed and read in this program. This general look at the file (in tabulated form) or
is used in ProWesS to read (and possibly to transfer a record into the scrap of hotkey
print) the manuals, and display the help files. buffer, so you can easily import a record in
The hypertext documents which are used by your lavorite text processor or editor !
lr \ the ProWesS reader are in HTML lormat, the Security is a strong point for DATAdesign.
format which is popular on lnternet to Usually liles will be memory based, for
(- display World Wide Web pages. maximum speed. Files can also be disk
.l- Another important aspect ol ProWesS is the
possibility to allow programs to automatically
based, making sure all changes
immediatly stored on disk, so even in the
install themselves on your system, and to be event of power failure, you cern at most loose
able torun them without resetting the /\
Fr{ the changes to one record I
system. This means that, when you get a Naturally, DATAdesign is good at
(U new program, all you have to do is insert the and searching. And if you were
disk and indicate'start the program in llpl_", another database, you can convert
a menu option in the 'utilities" button. To or Flashback files to DATAdesign.
install aprogram, you indicate "inslall The new v4 of DATAdesign makes the
software", and the software can be added to program even easier to use than before. You
your system. This way, you dont need to can now also have QD-style icons on
(, know how to write a boot file to use the screen to make the program even easier to
multi-tasking capabilities of your computer. operate.
ProWesS includes many programming
libraries. These include syslib, an interface to .il Easy to use program to create listings on
any printer (especially inkjet and laser). This
the operating system, PROforma, a vector u)
oö graphics system, allowing rendering both on
screen and on paper (via a printer driver),
The DATAdesign engine is also part of
ProWesS application allows you to indicate
the liles which have to be printed, Each
ProWesS. lt is a relational dalabase system
with a bonus, as you dont even need a key
IL column contains a tooter which can i
the lilename and filedate. The listings
allow perforation. PFlist can create
field. You get a powerlul record at a time n.{ listings in two columns and in landscape (
(U data manipulation extension to the language both).
you already use. Of course it also includes
ProWesS itself, the new resolution
independent window manager.
o Al our software has electronic manuals, which can be read and printed in the ProWesS reader. Horever, rve can also supply printcd copics ol
th€ documentation (or even your own HTML files). The costs are BEF 2 p€r pag6, plus postage ccF. Contact us for mora details.
ProWesS does not include the programming documentation. This is available via bulletin board and public domain sottware suppliers. The
programming documentation is reailable in lhe ProW€sS reader, and partly h DATAdesign (the demo version is be included). We can $pply
II the programming docs for BEF 100 (HD disks onlyl) lf ordered with som€thing else, you dont have to pay extra postage.
ProWesS - BEF 2400 DATAdesign - BEF 120O fontpack - BEF 3000 PFlist - BEF 600
o Pdyment terms :
u^ r Aoesrgn urs wanr.
All our wftwarc is normally supplicd on hrgh density ftlD) disks. However
they can be ohtainql on .Joublc deuiry (DD) disks at an extrr cots of BEF
otdinary rwil l
100. To usc PruWcrS and any t'f our othcr packagEs, you ned a systcm with at
lcast ZMB ttf msm,'ry. You should have a sec<'nd disk drive, or a harddisk -*'-i Belgium Europe \(/orld
tl' t35
(teomended). The use .tf SMSQ/E is strongly recrtmended for optimal usc 100 200 230 r00
of ProWesS, two 110 340 4ZA 110 180 2t5
If you are VAT regisrered (specrfo registratnrn number) or live outsirle the
EEC, the amunt to be priJ is the rotal lincluding potage) divided by l.2l (no lor4J tz1 560 770 t20 300 370
need to pay tm much). st"ell 160 870 1750 160 I 550 o/)
Payment can bc ,J.'nc by Eurdhrquc in BEF, or by VISA, EurrCarrJ or
MasteCard. Credit card orders can be hanlled by phone. For crcdit card,
more 700 I 130 1610 LW 800 1005
pleae specifr ume of ord omer, orrl number and cxpiry date,
Al[ prices are in BEF, including 210Ä VAT
QL loday 11
The key files are PGP and PUBRING-PGP. mark pop up it just means that you hit the keys too
The rest of the files are supporting documentation fast.
and source code. Once you create your o\flr public Now the program will generate your public and
and private keys, other fües wül be created. private keys. On a Gold Card this took about 4-5
minutes. On a regular QL, this may take a while.
Using PGP Once the program is done, your two keys are
PGP has been directly ported from the MS-DOS written to disk.
or Unix version, and they are very command line
driven. There is not nice front end to PGP for the Managing PGP Keys
QL. You will need to have TKII to use command Before I go into how to encrypt with PGP I want
line arguments. When running PGP you will run it to talk about how to manage PGP keys. When you
like this: created your own set ofkeys, PGP saved the keys
exec pgpi rr-xxrr to two files; SECRING_PGP and
where -xx is one of the many command line PUBRING_PGP. PGP keeps all keys in rings (key
options. rings, get it?). Each ring is just a binary file that
The advantages of directly porting to the QL are: stores all of the keys. Typically the file
SECRING_PGP will only contain your secret key
1. Once you learn PGP on the QL, you already (because you really should not know somebody
know it for MS-DOS and UNIX Of course this else's) and PUBRING_PGP will contain your
also works the other way. If you have learned PGP public key pius any public keys you wish to add.
using MS-DOS or UND( you know how to use it PGP uses a number of command line options
on the QL. (all beginning with -k) that let you manage keys. To
2. All prompts and program information is get a summary of these options execute PGP with
exactly the same as the MS-DOS and UND( ver- just a -k option and it will list all of thern. A few of
sions. Any books or articles showing PGP screens the important ones are:
will work for the QL. -kv View public keys in PUBRING_PGP
In fact, there is a book for PGP. It is "PGP: Pretty -kg Generate your own keys (we just did that).
Good Privacy" written by Simson Garfinkel and -ka Add a key to either ring.
published by O'Reilly and Associates. It is THE -kr Remove a key from either ring.
book for PGP, it's use and history. Since my office -ke Edit your User ID or Pass Phrase
had a copy ofthe book, I used it to learn how to (password).
use PGP on the QL. -tx Extract a copy of your public key from the
public key ring.
Creating Your Own Keys To show how some of this works, lets extract
your public key from your public key ring so that
Once you unzip PGP you will first want to create
your own public and private key set. This is done you can give it to somebody. You do this by using
using the -kg option. the -kx option:
exec pgp; rr-kgt' exec pgp;rr-kx swenson tswensonrr
Once a window pops up with some initial infor-
This will extract the public key with the ID of
mation, you will get to choose what type of PGP "swenson" and put it in the file "tswenson_pgp".
key you want. You can have a 512-bits (less secure
Now I can give this file to anföody. Remember
but fast), 768-bit (medium speed, good security), that this file is still a binary file. If you want to
and 1024-bits (highest security but slow). I choose extract an ASCII version use the -lxa option. This
512 bits, primarily because I had nothing much to
makes it easy to send via e-maü.
hide and I wanted something fast. Now lets say were are somebody else and we
You then get to type in a user id for your public want to add "my" public key to our key ring. We
can do this using the -ka option. We can add either
key. When you give your public key, this is how you
want your name to go with it. The documentation binary or ASCII public keys with this option.
suggests your name plus an e-mail address. So, I
exec pgp; r'-ka tswensorr_pgprt
went with "Timothy C. Swenson This adds the public key in the file
(swen sont@mail. serve.com). " "tswensonjgp" to the current public key ring
(PUBRING_PGP). If we have a specific name for
Next you are prompted to hit keys so that PGP
can generate 624 random numbers. Just hit some our public key ring (say one for each department
keys until you see the number count down to 0. If of a company) we would add the name of that file
you hit too many, don't worry. If you see a question right after the name of the incoming file.
l2 QL loday
Encrypting with PGP exec pgp;Itfile.ascrr
Now comes the core of the program, encrypting PGP will work through the file and see the
files. You can encrypt files ficr keeping or for sen- digital signature section and verify the digital
ding secure messages. The difference is who the signature. If any change is made to the file after it
recipient is, since you will be encrypting the file/ was signed, the verify will come back as invalid. A
message with the recipient's public key. If you are
form of checksum is done on the file to make sure
encrypting for yourself, you are the recipient. If that any changes to the file will be noticed.
you are sending the file via e-mail or disk, then the
other person is the recipient. Either way the com- Conclusion
mand line is the same: PGP give the QL user military-level encyption.
exec pgp;rt-e file.txt recpienttr Anything you encrypt is going to be safe. I have
where file.txt is the file you want to encrypt and not yet found a need for encrypting any of my
recpient is who is going to get the file.If it was data, but if I ever do, it is nice to know that PGP is
encrypting a message for myself the command line there. But I can see a use for my using digital
would be: signafures. Since computer text is so easy to fake.
exec pgpi"-e file.txt swenson" Posting a document to the Internet means that
Since the resulting file will can be a binary file, anybody can alter it and pass it along as yours.
using the -eat option will make sure that the end Adding a few key "not"'s can really alter the
encrypted file is in pure ASCII so that it can be meaning of a statement. Having a digital signature
sent via e-mail. on the document will foil any attempt to forge or
spoof something I've written. This may not be
Decrypting with PGP important now' but if I am going to post something
Now that you've encrypted a file, let's figure out as my "official" word on sornething, having the
how to decrypt it. PGP does not require any digital signature give a greater level of confidence
command line options for decrypting files. And in not having the message altered.
since it is assumed that you will be decrypting files
This article has only scratched the surface of
encrypted with our public key, PGP knows to what PGP can do. Read the PGP documentation
decrypt with your secret key. or pick up a copy of the PGP book to learn more
exec pgp;rrfile.txtrl about the full capabilities of PGP.
This tells PGP to decrypt the file file.ba. PGP I
looks up your secret key in your secret key ring.
PGP can trust that file, but it does not trust who
executed it. You will need to enter your pass phrase
(password) to let PGP know that you are who you
Di-ren's Internet
say you are. This keeps other people from trying to
Robin Barker, Di-ren
decrypt your files on your computer.
Many readers may consider articles regarding
the Internet as "so much waste of space" because
Digitat Signatures as yet, the QL has no real net capability. Whilst it is
Digitally signing your files is nothing more than true a substantial number of QL users do not have
encrypting a file with your secret key. Then when a access to the net, a surprising number do! Via
person decrypts the file sucessfully with your
different machines maybe, but they are still QL
public key, they know that you encrypted it. In
PGP, this is altered slightly. When you sign a file, a lt may interest you to know the DiRen Web site
small PGP signature section is added to a file and records at least 150 hits (accesses) to its QL sec-
it acts as your signature. The rest of the file in left tion every week. This number can vary dramatical-
un-encrypted. When signing a file, you do have the ly. Last week for instance there were 352 hits. The
option of encrypting it. highest ever total back in April 1996 was 473. I
To sign a text message, you exec PGP like this, cannot determine uwhou has accessed the site,
exec pgp; "-sta file.txtrr simply that somebody has. It is quite possible not
You will need to supply your pass phrase to sign all visitors are QL users - so much the better!
the file. The resulting file will be called file.asc. In my opinion the Internet has two very useful
The -S option is for signing, the T tells PGP that features. Firstly it provides a somewhat disjointed,
the input is a text file, and the A tells PGP to make but massive information database; and secondly, a
the output file ASCII.
To verify a digital signature, exec PGP like this,
means of transmitting messages world-wide.
Email, frankly, is wonderfuM can send and receive
QL lodoy 13
half a dozen messages world-wide in less than 60 Packard have a site from which can be download
seconds, at the cost of a local telephone call. This all sorts of information, including printer instruc-
has dramatically cut my telephone bill. On the tion sets.
down side holvever, it is all too easy to bump up It is sometimes the case that users only have
the bill again just browsing the Internet! partial access to the net. A comrnon situation is
There is a wealth of information available on the Email facilities only. Whilst it is possible to obtain
net, and a lot of rubbish. Most new users go Internet documents via Email with the aid of
through a steep learning curve. It doesn't take long specialised servers, this can sometimes be difficult
to realise you must access or search for specific and slow To make life easier for Ql-ers in this
information! Just "surfing" the net can be time situation, DiRen have programmed an Automatic
consuming, horribly expensive in telephone char- Email file retrieval utility. Operation is quite
ges, and reveal nothing ofany interest at all. simple.
Some Internet critics point to bulletin boards as Simply send an Email addressed to
a better option. Like all things in life there are for's forms@di-ren.demon.co.uk. The body of the docu-
and against's. Although users accessing bulletin ment should contain the command "AUTO
boards do not have to pay an Internet Service pro SENDFILE" and the file name required. For
viders monthly ße (from 96.00 upwards), acces- example "AUTO SENDFILE ql/homepage.htm"
sing a German BBS by telephone, from say, Ame- would command the handler to return the file
rica is not cheap either. Additionally you do not "homepage.htm" found in the"ql" subdirectory on
have the benefits of Email. From the BBS provi- the Di-Ren Sire. 'AUTO SENDFILE help.brr"
der's point of view things are slightly different. To refurns the "help" file, the contents of which
make available information on the Web, you have explain how to retrieve documents (pointless really
to rent space on a Web file server. Although not as you will have already done it to get the help
particulariy expensive nowadays, it nay still be document!)
cheaper to install a BBS dedicated telephone line if Judging by the number of "orders" for files since
you have more than a few megabytes of files to being introduce{ this is obviously a popular
make available. One thing BBS's cannot enjoy service.
however, is the potential audience of millions The handler actually runs on a QL. In fact, all
linked up to the lnternet. automated processes run on a QL linked to the PC
The QL has surprisingly good coverage on the responsible for Internet operations. The reason as
net. Meetings information, product updates, elec- usual is the QLs programming simplicity and
tronic catalogues etc, etc. You can even download versatility.
a JS ROM disassembly. Most Web sites have poin- Internet "Newsgroups" are an interesting pheno-
ters to other sites with similar interests. Take Bruce menon. Something like BBS's, people post ideas
Nicholls' Quo Vadis Design. This has pointers to and discuss problems etc. As is always the case in
other QL resources, including the Di-Ren site. this type of arena, there are those who operate
Conversely, the Di-Ren site has pointers to the their mouths (or fingers perhaps!) before putting
QUO Vadis site, and so on. the brain into gear! I fell foul of some adolescent
lnformation as mentioned before is much and diatribe a short time ago after making a posting
varied. This is what you would find on the Di-ren mistake. It was amazing to see how many self
QL section: appointed gods and half wits came out of the
Meetings information, Traders details, Other QL woodwork. Tony Firshman (bless his little cotton
Internet resource lists, the IQLR document socks) came to my defence, as did others - thanks
QUBBESoft's Web page including the Aurora team!
graphics card detail sheet, Details of QL maga- I have made a point of not cluttering up this
zines including QL Today, QUANTA and Update article with Internet addresses and pointers. If you
magazines, SJPD's Web page and electronic cata- load "http://www.di-ren.co.uk/ql/homepage.htm"
logue, Di-Ren Products (of course), A QL users on Web browser software, pointers to other QL
Email address database, QL sales and wants, etc, resourc€s are there!
etc. It is even possible to download Amadeus Meanwhile, if it is still surnmer when you read
System files and demonstration versions of Fleet this - make the most of it - "cos it ain't gonna last"!
Tactical Command II! Robin Barker Di-Ren
Remember this is just one Web site. The support@ di-ren. demon.co.uk
combined information and resources of all the QL STOP PRESS.' Since this article was written,
related sites is quite staggering. Other useful infor- Di-Ren's eMail address has changed, see the news
mation is also available. For example, Hewlett on page 4!
t4 QL lodoy
The ORIGINAL system upgrade A major hardware upgrade for the QL
MINERVA RTC (MKII) + battery for 256 bytes ram, now ready and shipping
CRASHPROOF clock & I-C bus for interfacing. Can
autoboot from battery backed ram. Quick start-up. - All Hermes features (see below for list) PLUS tull 19200
throughput not affected by sound
OTHER FEATURES COMMON TO ALL VERSIONS - IBM AT keyboard interface (for UK/US/Germany)
DEBUGGED operating system / autoboot on teset or - HIGH SPEED RS232 twoway serial port, ie 5000cps
power failure / Multiple Basic / faster scheduler- throughput (supergoldcard/qtpi zrrodem) at 57600bps
graphics (with l0% of Lightning)-string handling / - THREE low speed RS232 inputs (1200 to 30bps). Driver
for SERIAL MOUSE supplied. Other uses -
WHEN ERROR / 2nd screen / TRACE / non-English RTTY/graphics lablet etc.
keyboard drivers / "warm" fast reset. V1.97 with split - THREE spare i/o lines (TTL) with GND/+5v
OUTPUT baud rates (+ Hermes) & built in Multibasic. - Capslock /scrollock LED connector
- Turbo/keylock connectors
lst upgrade free. Otherwise send f,3 (+95 for manual if - l.5k user data storeable in EEPROM
required). Send SAE, Minerva + disk/3 mdvs. All this on a professional board about twice the
MKr..f4r ([.40) tf.43l RTC(MKII)..f.66 (t63) [t761 size of the 8049 coprocessor it replaces
Cost (incuding manual/software) .....f92 (f 87) [f90]
GOLD CARD (incl. SUPER) compatible
IBM AT Keyboard (acer) ..................f24 (f23) It2ll
Scriol mnrrsc Cl? (Cl'r\ tFlfl
.r.lEllalillE Capslock/scrollock led (+wire&plW) ....f 1.50 (f l) [f 1.501
Kevboard or mouse lead .........................f3.50 ([3) tf3.50l
Kevhnenl memhmne f l? 5n ff l?\ tf 11501 High speed serial (ser3) lead ..................f4.50 (€4) tf4.50l
Circuit diagrams .... f3.50 (f 3) tf4l 68008 cpu ......... f 8.50 (f8) tfll l Specify PANBL MOUNTING or IN-LINE
8049IPC ...........f8.50(fi.sO) tf9l Seriallead .....f ll.s0(f ll) tf l2l
377 PN f3.50 (f3) tf4l
8301, 8302 orJM rom set ... .....f r0.50 (f r0) tflrl Connects to Minerva MKII or any Philips I'C bus
Other components (sockets etc.) please phone Parallel Interface gives 16 input/output lines. Can be used
for logic level output eg model train controllers. Input
.frttlüYAll({S iiraatrn mnrnr Ä;ir,^r. (* I tO? /I tOQ\ AtA lArA\ 14t11
Analogue Interface Each gives 8 analogue to digital inputs,
Fixed price for unmodified QLs, excl. microdrives. and 2 digital/analogue outputs. [.-or temp measurement,
QLs tested with Thorn-EMI rtC and ROM software. snrrnr{ semnlino etc f ?t {n tf ?At lf ltl
[27 ncluding 6 month guarantee (UK) Data sheets (analosue/parallel) ............. f2.50 (f2) If3l
lann+ral .^f+--r-l----61 /C"-^rh.".i- d-"\ at <n /ttl ttal
TANDATA callers add SD( zeros (000000) or wait High Spec AC mains filters and spike removers
for 3 seconds of modem tone if dialling manually.
V32bis) All in standard 3-pin devices and are plug-in
01344-890987 (up to
--tJ-s.r"i".ffi ffi rot.ffi
_---] ] NO WIRING REQUIRED. In their 10th year of
production - as old as the Sinclair QL.
E-mail: tony@firshman.demon.co. uk 2-way adaptor ... f.l4 3-way adaptor ... f18
http://www.firshman.demon.co.uk 4-way trailing socket ..... SZ4 (all UK pdces)
Prices inci. AIRMAIL postage & packing. hices are EC otcept uK @urope outside EQ [outside Europel rurless stated otherwise. Ring for
IJK prices or see Quanta. Paynent by MastercardfVisa/Acces/Eurocard/cheque/postal order or CASH. MAIL ORDBR ONLY - no callen
without ringing lnst. Send IRC for fl:ll list and details.
ffii*H*+*#ffi ffiI
QL todoy 15
The Netherlands:
QL Service List - Part 3
Robeft Klein Sin_QL_Air
c/o Marco Holmer
Again, here comes the next part of the QL J P Coenstraat
Service List.Ifwe have missed somebodyin one of NL-3531 EN Utrecht
the first parts and he/she feels that he/she should magaitnu. Quasar
have been in one frst parts, then please let us
know and we will publish up-todate information in Italv:
the next issue.
Qltaly Ctub
Clubs c/o Roberto Orlandi
Via Brescia 26
The following Club list is alphabetically ordered. l-25039 Traveglianto (BS)
I magazine: Qltaly magazine
only added the contact adress.
Editor: Dr. Eros Forenzi
Via Valeriana 44
I-23010 Berbenno (SO)
Tel. +39 - 342 I 590 450
DER Computer Club
Fzur +39 - 342 | 590 451
c/o Peter Postl
Stiegerg 5
A-5110 Wien
16 QL lodoy
Jamten-TCL (International QL echomail Essex sub-group
conferences) c/o Dave Walker
BBS +46 - 63 - 133 330 22 Kempton's Mead
Michael Cronsten Potters Bar
Radhusgatan 61E Herts EM6 3tZ
S-83137 Ostersund Great Britain
London sub-group
Turkev: c/o Basil Lee
3l Fairdale Gardens
QL Club London SWl5 5JW
cio Bul9ent Arfrrz phone:0181 789 1976
Prof. Sitesi Bll Dl5
Etiler 80600 or email Martin Wheatley at
Istanbul martinw@mail.bogo.co.uk
c/o Jeremy Davis
6 Elmcroft Crescent
United Kinsdom: Harrow
Middx HA2 6HN
Quanta (UK) Membership Secretary Great Britain
c/o Bill Newell
213 Manor Road North-East
Benfleet c/o Derek Stewart
Essex SS7 4JD 20 Emily Street
Great Britain Gateshead
phone: (01268) 754 407 Great Britain
QL lodoy t7
Solent sub-group list or program menu. The list is held in a string
c/o Graham Evans array and the item or items chosen from the menu
32 Reeves Way are actually choices of strings from the array. It is
Lowford often used as the 'main menu' of a program. It is
Bursledon much more versatile than ITEM-SELECT, not
Southampton just in the number of items which can be selected,
Great Britain but also in the options and features which may be
Tel.: 01701 / 403 350 specified. There is some control over layout and
appearance, plus an option to allow multiple items
to be selected, or an immediate return once any
USA: item has been HIT or DOne. The list of items
should be placed in a string array before calling the
New England Sinclair QL User Group LIST_SELECT menu. You should also prepare a
(NESQLUG) numeric array containing the status bytes unless
c/o Sherm Waterman you want the return immediately after any item has
P.O. Box 8763 been selected. First, we'll look at an example of
Boston MA 02114 this simpler option.
USA The following progam displays a menu from
magazine: NESQLUG which you can choose one of a number of options.
Editor: Peter Hale It might be suitable as a menu for a quiz program,
195 Central Ave where you are invited to choose a subject. Note
Chelsea how the list is built into a string array (str$) and
MA 02150 how only the name of this array is required in the
USA LIST_SELECT command - no need to specify the
t array subscripts or brackets.
18 QL loday
lm stillen Winkel 12 47169 Duisburg Germo .
I 0203-50201 1 (Fox 0203-502012 Moilbox 0203-502013 & 502014)
is here!
the brandnew Ql-Emulator
running 3M3O/E is ready now!
You can now run 3M3O/E on
PC's and even
without extra emulator
hardware - it is emulated in
software! Minimum requirement:
486 or Pentium. The price is DM 199,-
for customers who already own SM3Q/E for
other systems, otherwise it will be Dlll 249r'. You can order NOW!!!
QL Games QL Applications QL Apolications
. DM 119,90
BlackKnighl chess QD Eaitor .......tV8.151 .. DM125,- LDUMP,,,.....tV1.041 ...DM65,-
Pipes.. ...0M29,90 FiFi ll rite rinder tHffi .tY{.0U . Dt 49,90 DISA tntettigent Disassembler Ml [EUru , DM 95,-
BrainSmasher .....DM 39.90 QMAKE .tV4.131 ..DM 44,90 DISA Y3 - Upgrade lrom Yt or Y2 Dil 35,-
Arcanoid . .0M 39,90 Qliberator SuperBAslccompiler ...,. DM 139,- EasyPTRPartl. ..DM89,-
Firebirds ..DM39,90 Qload-Ref ... ..DM 49,90 EasyPTR Part 2 . .0M 49,-
QShang ...DM39,90 QLO.. .tV1.131 .,DM69,90 EasyPTRPart3 ..DM49,-
Diamonds DM 39,90 . QMAC uacro Assembler,,..tv1.01l ... DM 69,- DataDesign Database . ..... DMl49,-
The Oracle DM 39,90 QMENU .tV6.291 . .DM 39,90 DataDesignAPl ... DM59,-
MineField ..DM39,90 QPAC I . ..,....tV1.051 ...DM61,50 LineDesign Vektor/DesktopPublishing ... . DM 239,-
Double Block . . . . ..DM 39,90 oPAC 2 .tV1.371 ., ,DM 119,- Fonipack for LineDesign .. DM 195,-
The Lonely Joker 2 . DM 59,- QTYP 2 Spell-Checker,....tv2.17l ..DM 82,50 Pfdata ...DM59,-
SuperGamesPack ... DM 90,- ..
QPTR pointer Toolkit . . .. M.281 ..DM 89,90 Stylus-Driver for text87 and texl91 . .0M 69,-
QSpread spreadsheel .....1V1.311 .. DM 169,- ProWesS ü/indorManager. HTML Reader .DM 119,-
QL foday 1.9
that facility is required (like SHIFT F5 in Quitl). Many parameters in these menu commands can
The value 17 (shown as l+16 in the listing to show be omitted or default values used. The QMenu
how it is made up) means: I causes the menu to manual shows these in square brackets, so it is
underscore the first character of each item, and to quite easy to know what can be omitted.
use that letter as the selection key for the menu In that frst menu, we omitted the status
item (luckily, all the items have names starting parameter (the third one) so as to only allow one
with different letters!), while 16 causes each menu item to be selected. By adding a one dimensional
item to be centred horizontally within the menus. numeric array as this parameter, we can give each
An additional possibility, which would be usefirl if item a separate status. Apart from allowing the
two or more items started with the same character, user to select any number of parameters from the
is to add a 4 to this value to force the menu to add list, this allows us to specify, for example, which
an underlined character before each item, usually items in the list are available (e.g. a list of all files
allocated in alphabetical order, e.g. A-History on a disk, but only Superbasic programs can be
B-Geography and so on. This can be centred too, selected). The available and unavailable items are
so you would calculate the value for this parameter shown in different colours. Also, items you HIT
as 4 (put keystroke before items) + 16 (centre will be shown in a different colour. There are four
items), total 20. states you can impose on each item in the list -
The next two parameters, 4 and 10, specify the available, unavailable, selected and editable (the
maximum number of lines and columns respec- latter in more recent versions of QMenu only). To
tively. There are 4 items in the menu, so 4 lines is a work out the status value of each item, you use
good choice. You can have some frrn here chan- these values: 0 : :
available 128 seiected 16 :
ging the 4 to a smaller or higher value and :
unavailable 16384 can be edited. Some of the
watching what happens. The menu will either values can be added together, e.g. if the item
change shape to fit in the items as best as it can, or concerned is available and can be edited, add 0
it will now introduce scroll bars. What this means and 16384. Some of the conditions cannot be used
is that a few of the items are shown, but you can together - e.g. an item cannot be unavailable and
scroll up or down to see the rest of them with a yet can be edited! This facility is one of the more
HIT or DO on the arrows which appear. In complex features of this menu, and a fair deal of
practice, this is unlikely to happen with a small practise and familiarisation is required to acquaint
menu like this, but for larger lists (such as lists of yourself with wtrat is possible.
frles on a disk), there may well be too many to fit When you DO on an item, or you HIT or DO on
on the display, so the menu will be forced to use either the ESC or OK items, the menu returns.
scroll bars. This is when it gets interesting. You can now
The next two parameters were omitted (note: I examine the stafus array to see what the user
included the commas, but put nothing between selected, whether anything was edited and so on.
them). These are for the menu position, so the This facility is really usefü, butonly if you are
menu is drawn at the current pointer position, or suflicient$ familiar with the use of
as close as possible when the pointer is at the edge LIST_SELECT. I will give here a listing which
of the screen. shows how to make use of it, but it may not make
The final two values in the parameter list are the sense until you actually use it, so if you haven't
colourways. This menu can have two separate already bought it, buy it now (somehow, cant you
colourways, one for the body of the menu itself, sense that I like the software?). What the program
and the second for the items in the list. Here, I does is to read all the filenames off the disk in
used the 0 to specify that the menu itself is to be FLPI_, puts them in an array and invites you to
drawn in white and green, while the list colour select a few filenames. After playing with it for a
scheme is I (black and red). bit, HIT or DO on OK and the program lists what
you did.
100 REMark LIST-SELECT exampLe 2, needs ramdisk
110 CLS
130 OPEN-IN #3,RAM1-TEMP-FILE : INPUT #3,t$ : INPUT #3,t$
1/n0 nfiles% = 0 : REMark count of number of files first time round
150 REPeat loop
160 IF E0F(#3) THEN EXIT loop
L70 INPUT #3,t$ : REMark a filenane
180 nfiles% = nfiles% + 1
20 QL lodoy
190 END REPeat loop
200 CLOSE #3 : OPEN-IN #3rRAM1-TEMP-FILE : REMark now read into array
210 DIM str$(nfil es/"-a,36), status%(nfiles%-1)
220 INPUT #3,t$ : INPUT #3,t$ : REMark skip past medium name etc
230 FOR a = 0 T0 nfiles%-t : INPUT #3,str$(a) : REMark filenames
2/+0 CLOSE #3 : DEIJTE RAMI-TEMP-FILE : REMark tidy up after use
250 REMark set status for all filenanes to ravailabler and reditabler
260 FOR a = 0 TO nfiles% - t : status%(") = 7638/++0
270 LET item = LIST_SELECT( TSUBJECT r r str$r statusfi, 4,IO r10, 0r0r0, 1)
280 SELect ON item
290 =-1 : PRINTiOh, you indicated rrEsCrrr I
300 =REI{.AINDER : REMark anything else, list the files
37O PRINTTYou selected the followlng files.l
320 l^ET sels% = 0 : REMark mrmber of files selected
330 LET edits/" = 0 : REMark mlnber of filenanes edited
310 FORa=0T0nfiles%-1
350 rF status%(a) uu 128 THEN
36A PRINT str$(a); : seLs% = selsl + 1
37A REMark was the entry edited?
380 tl'status%(a) && 216 THEN
390 PRINTT (was edited).' : edits% = edits% + 1
/+20 END IF
430 END IF
/+/+0 END FOR a
450 PRINTtTotal nunber of filenames selected was t;sels%
460 PRINT'including r;edits%; I edited.t
470 END SELeet
The various permutations available in this menu rectangles and shadows) with the line and shading
will probably give you a headache at first; but characters in those fonts. You can specify which
persist - it is an extremely flexible menu with a lot characters from the font are to be available by
of uses. Dont worry too much if you can't get the supplying an availability byte with various bits
'editable' values to masked as shown below:
work, they are not 0:whole character set shown
F\r : C'rrü |EFT: rrk
used much. I :non-printable characters
The Character 2:number characters 0-9
Select menu is 4:lower case characters
fairly recent addi- FIGI-Ecr 8=upper case characters
7- reperror-bfis l6=emaining printable characters
tion to QMenu and .J
allows the user to f I leenro_bqs 64:cursor control characters
select a single cha- 4 FIG2-scr These values can be combined, so if
racter out of a list of you want just letters and numbers,
T Qllenu-buk
characters. A clas- + +r++++ the value becomes 8+4+2:14. The
sic application for syntax of the command is shown in
this would be in a the next listing, which creates a
font editor program. -
Figune 6 LIST-SELECT menu. menu allowing you to select a letter
You could even get or a number only. Figure 7 shows
the menu to display the edited characters by sup- what the menu looks like. There is one little
plyrng the menu with the address of a font table anomaly to mention here. You will notice that a
(standard QDOS font format), but the default is parameter is missing between the 2+4+8 and the
the standard built in font. Using a font table allows '0' used to specify the character set. The com-
correct display of edited characters. I have used mand does not work without this extra parameter
this menu with an IBM PC standard character and there is no information in the manual as to
font, which allows me to do simple graphics (e.g. what it does - perhaps it is meant to allow for a
future facility to be added to the menu.
QL lodoy 2l
1-OtET t$ = CT{AR-SELECT$( 'ALPHA.NI]I'{ERIC should be carried out very cautiously! You do all
,2+1+8, ,0 r50 r50,0 rA) this Nt your own risk! Any mistake could
tlispense with the life of the components at once,
and yours too!
Se lect ion:
QL Serial Ports to be the reason for the QLs bad serial ports data
exchange. It seems to promote the concept that
H.-Peter RecfuenwaU those parts fail completely, or never. Both of which
are not true.
I've done a lot of testing with the serial ports In fact, those components are driven so near
since ['m working on a terminal program and overload that this kind of damage could happen
found out that those ports are by far not as bad as quite often. Not easy to detect because rarely, vir-
is usually believed. The most frequent and undetec-
tually never, a component fails completely and at
ted error source seems not to be the bad hardware once, the programs then just report a high error
construction, but the bad quality of its compo rate.
nents, where a major overhaul might cure many The tests reßrred to were carried out with SEI{2
connected to the COM2 port of a PC by a "nul
Thus let me report on some details I'd disco modem" cord. The results can be applied to SERI
vered (or re-discovered) during error checking and by exchanging what refers to TXD with RXD and
monitoring the hardware proceedings of the QL RTS with CTS. I'd note "DTR" in double quotes
serial data link - which is rather a technical matter for the QL name of the slgnal which appears to
and not another view on protocols and software work like the fairly standard RTS.
control. As a safe point to start from these are the
relevant V.24 (RS232) signals as defined by the
A warning in advance: The QL is powered up different documents (CCITT V.24, DIN 66020,
for all measurements mentioned and the ErA RS232):
components involved are very sensitive and might
react immediately to a short-out or any other
accidental false connection, so the proceedings
22 QL lodoy
P.O. tut
0{ Brarrch
l-ctlhgaüon e linb ?
Tel. 01273-386030
Rtdch ot lft I Anch
t-ar 01273-381577 sryplim of SaaW SIrtOS lSIttSSürr
--_ lectory
For thr followrng q6tuus:
frFr the tiLr tioder t 24.00 QD E text edtro{' [ 58.00
i Super 6old (ard € 90.00 ProWes5 . wtxlowing systetn
(ltrlnres f 20 00 QPÄS|C basic parser c
QPÄf I -
utitrtv €4000 f
f e0.00 E s0 00
QPAC2 TLTePI QL|BERATORcomprler Atän PFhst{n{wvcrsron) € l4C0
€ 16 6 75.00
{ rvrrhout Qlurnp C.D,or PF fonrpack (new pflce) 65 00[
g 12000
QTYP 2 - Speltcher*er f l0 00 QD + QBASIC + QLIB
{ueshell 2 Frlethilrtrts €4000 9PYtertedrtor t 1s.00 Eleveldrruers) € 90.m LlNEdtogn - thc drarvrng Progratn
Disk Metc 5 - Frle tltrltres f 17.00 M^STER SPYtxt ednor E 30.00 hrcl dnvels € 112.00 thrt ma<le this advefi g 100 00
f 77 00 QPTR porotel toolkit Monochronre wrson E 134.00
Q5irea<l - sp'cadsheet E 42.00
a((orntr [ 25 00 tASY?Tl part I Brse g 40.00 Allthrer slrtenrs € File Search
Ql<rk -Alch:re
Pr:ored nranorl lbr ebovei 20 00 EASY?TR pärt 2 Sbrsic t 20.00 (new ProWesS product)
DBEasy Archivs Ptq!(5 [ l8 00 EASY?TR patt 3 C g 20.00 OPC f 14.00
DBPro3s Archivr p'qs t l.{ 0ü QMeke-Assenüler 21 00
-datrbrse f 3200 now.a-vailable :
DATAdralD QMenu -poiilermenus 20.00
PF(lata - bdttr pnntini QMm r'JMon 44.00 SMSQTE ororers e 95 00
ft'onr DATA<lt:ilr f 14 00 D|SA ? 'dtsasrttrblrt' 40 00 non - SMSQ€ ow::ers e 120 00
QL lodoy 23-
0 = Signal-Output, i = Signal-Input
Comnuter (x of OL) Null-Modem Partner
1 xr1 protective Ground 1
2 O TXD x Transmit Data 3
3 i RXD x Receive Data 2
1 O RTS (x) Request to Send (sender has data to send) ,
5 i CTS x Clear to Send (partner ready to receive) 1
6 i DSR Dataset ready (electrically enabled) 20
7 GND xr1 Signal Ground 7
8 i DCD Data Carrier Detected (priheral receives camier) - open -
20 O DTR (r) Data Terminal ready (sender enabled) 6
22 i RNG Receiving a Line Call - open -
(x) the QL-"DTR" works as the RTS-Signal, therefore
the V.21-DTR shuld be connected to the QL's +12V (pin 6).
1 pin 1 since t976 is no longer a defined CCITT signal.
As you see on the above tables it would make no to the partner by the constantly high level carrying
sense at all connecting pins 6 to 20 on the same (true) DTR line.
connector. That way the equipment would just tell Signal levels:
itself its own state of being enabled or not. Which Logic 0 is represented by high level and logic I is
usually should not lead to any problems, except represented by low level in the ranges of 3Vto 15Y
that most (low cost) equipment does not behave in the gap of +l- 3V being reserved for service
a way defined by the standard(s). The worst case purposes only. The QI-s signal levels are +l2Y and
could be the unit enabling itself to send but -12V, respectively.
disabling any reception afterwards, or
opposite. The "QL Service Manual" gives a very short and
incomplete description which I wi1l, therefore,
The SER2 connection may be interpreted: dispense with. It says that the interface was
RXD Receiving input. designed for "full duplex" mode (re above) and the
D(D Transmittingoutput. data is transmitted in an eleven bit frame, one start
DTR" Functionally the RTS signal, enabling bit, eight data bits and two stop bits while the
the peripheral to send. receiver demands at least one stop bit to be sent
CTS Receiving the enabling signal to transmit with the exception that at 9200 baud one and a
own data. half stop bits are required. [t also says what was
+lZV Used to simulate the true DTR" signal- just discovered on behalf of the standard
äng the pripheral that it is connected to an electri- description and the monitored signais, that the
cally activated device. handshaking is maintained not by a pair of
Thus the "handshake" protocol on the QL works "handshake" lines, but working with two equally
out to alternately enabling the connected units to evaluated signals of opposite directions, instead.
sending their data. The fact of being connected
and active, implied (at the QL side) and signalled
24 QL loday
The signal traees of SER1 and SER2, each:
TXD sERl #2 -)
]489 #L0 - r1B9 #8 - via o.C. NAND to 8749 #6/2r
UTA2 #t4 -> !/-88 #4/#5 - ltr98 #6 - SER2 #2
RXD IJT.A2 #13 -> 1488 #2 - t/+88 #3 - SER1 #3
SER2 #3 -) 7/+89 #I3 - l189 #!7 - via o.C. NAND to 8719 #6/#2t
CTS 8749 #35 -> t48B #9/#to - 1/+88 #8 - SER1 #5
SER2 #5 -) 1489 #4 - 7489 #6 - UT,A2 #7
DTR'I SER1 #/* -) I4B9 #7 -1489#3 -uL2#6
8749 #36 -, ]ig9 #L2/#73 - 1i+88 #7L - SER2 #4
The ilDTR't-levels, channel(s) open, no data transfer taking place:
SER1 #' (CTS)
H ca 616 ns equal to about I/32 ot 4900 gaua
QL loday 25-
The -12V regulator will be found near the NET possibly final load, then overloading that due to its
connectors and one of the fixing screws at the rear oum breakdown.
right hand side of the printed circuit board, and Another common source of malfunction is the
should be replaced with the next "stronger" model, IC not properly inserted into its carrier. For a
a type 7912.T\e original low power ones are easily quick fix just pull them out and push them back to
driven to such a high load that they start oscilla- be safe, and ensure that no pin was bent aside, or
ting, which easily leads to self destruction, mostly under the ic body, which easily remains undetec-
resulting in an internal short-circuit of input and ted. Sometimes the IC seems to working even with
output. The output then wouid reach a level of a bent pin, as it could possibly get sufficient supply
about -18Y over-driving the connected compo curent to the inner circuit via an input.
nents and at some stage destroying them, and
further, possibly even damaging the next following Line disturbance:
components connected to any(!) pin of those ones, On the mains supply lines very short (about
and so forth. 10ns) hieh tense glitches up to about lOkV have
To protect against line noise and oscillations of been monitored, produced by (old) electromotive
the regulator, the input should be buffered with a equipment, or eyen neon lamps. Those pulses
330nF capacitor, connected to ground level imme- damage any silicon electric components due to
diately near the leads of the integrated circuit, and their high input impedance. There is only one way
the output with l00nF to ground. to protect: That is shortcutting those pulses, as
If the supplies are within tolerances open a chan- they proceed not really "through" electric connec-
nel to SER2 and proceed. tions, but will be guided by them. The capacity of
UDTR" signals should shorvthe 2pF between two ic pins appears to be no isolation
From norv on the
pulse sequence mentioned. This signal is most to those signals.
easily misinterpreted, the QL very often appearing The diagrams below reflect some factory recom-
to work properly, in a non-handshake manner, mendations as to suppressing those glitches from
regardless of the channel's mode, if internal mal- outside:
functions take place, while the other i/o faults are
easy to detect.
Therefore that signal needs special attention and
will be discussed here. SER-Inputs
If these pulses are completely missing, and the Line
measured voltage found to be at a level above -lOY (r4g9R, p:.ns 180 Ohn
one of the SER output integrated circuits (of type r, 4, 10, L3)
1488) channel is completeiy non functional.
With open (interrupted) outputs a resistor of lk
connected to a supply line would lead the zero
output voltage to be drawn considerably near the
supply level. Thus if a formerly 0V output can be
pulled in this way to about +i- 10V this component A resistor in line with the input will rarely
certainly is broken down and needs to be replaced. minimize the receiving capabilities, but could
sometimes prove quite protective. And with the
If the "DTR" output remains near low (negative!) diodes fitted some extra resistance is mandatory
level while the 1488 proved functional, that can be anyway to enable that protection. Just try it.
a slgn of the 8302-ULA beeing damaged. The
output concerned of that IC would then carry a
constant level of above +3V due to some internal
connections disrupted.
(1/'88, pins 3,
Also the co-processor itself might be damadged, 6, g, 11)
the outputs of which are nearly as sensible as those
of the [tLAs, and behave the same, i.e. mostly 330 Ohn
carrying a constant level near +5V if an output is
Other constant UDTR" levels can be due to a
defective 1488 transmitter IC which react sensibly
on line peaks, and sometimes eYen pass those
peaks through to the 8302, imposing a further and
26 QL lodoy
QL loday 27-
The diodes shortcut most enerry from over The Q-emulator is a software only emulator that
voltage glitches (transient suppressors would be more or less does everything a Super Gold Card
even better - and more expensive), the R/C does, but on a Mac computer. It was written by
combination integrating the remainder, and also Daniele Terdina, a student in Trieste, Italy. It
smoothing too high slewing rates (that is a I
comes in two versions. Version for 68k Macs
measure of the speed of the voltage changing (the 68k means a Mac that uses a Motorola 68000
levels), which can cause stgnal reflections, series CPU just like the QL, (S)Gold Card, and the
resulting in non-readable data. Q)0.) Version 2 is for PowerMacs wich use a
L/,89L My Mac PowerBook 5300cs uses a 100MHz
RISC CPU, so ufren I lrst tried Q-emulator ver-
eontrol +51
lplns l, sion 1 back in March everything ran slow slow,
(uray have to
5, 9, 12) 390 Ohrn
slooow. But in April, version 2 cama Things ran
be adjusted)
much faster; in some cases (see below) rivaling the
speed of the Q)(L!
28 @L loday
19200), skip the picture of the QL when starting, differences. So far I have only come across one
and other defauits. disk that my QL could read but the Q-emulator
The Frequency menu sets the screen refresh rate, could not. Further, I had another disk that the
the Speed menu can slow down Q-emulator for Q-emulator could read but the Q)(L could not!
games, and the Window menu selects the QL or
Microdrive windows. ii rire Qr fttl$ Frequ Speed ürindou,
QDOS or Minerva
Because of copyright limitations,
QDOS does not come with Q-emu-
Lator. Clear instructions are given
on how to copy QDOS from your
QL rom and install it on Q-emu-
Lator. Minerya could be used but
not SMSQ/E (Jochen, hint!). Other
add-on roms such as TK2 can also
be installed on the Q-emulator.
Once QDOS is installe{ the
Q-emulator runs programs much
like any other QL. I have tried quite
a few games, other QL progtams,
and a lot of SuperBasic; all have
run without a glitch. Daniele found
only three programs (they were
games) incompatible out of a total of 129 tested. Q-Emulator comes with BBEdit Lite, a Mac
freeware editor, which handles the line returns of
Mac Interaction QL, PC, or Mac files correctly and also allows
reading of the HELP files prior to installing
The Q-emulator is multitasking on the MAC
QDOS. Thus I haven't needed on the Q-emulator
which allows for some very interesting interaction.
some QL programs such as QD (editor) and FiFi
Mac hard disk files can be directly accessed and
(file finder) which are invaluable
on the QXL.
Since the Q-emulator is multi-tas-
king its speed depends a lot on
what the Mac is doing. This is not a
simple case of not running any Mac
program to get max speed. The
Mac is designed with a lot of gra-
phics in the interface. There are a
host of Mac extensions that do neat
things but take a slice of time. The
Q-emulator Manual points out
some things that can be done to
optimizn speed. For example, the
Q-emulator mns noticeably faster
if the mouse pointer is not kept on
the QL window. Thus the times that
follow have to be taken as low
the Mac can work directly with the Q-emulator values since there is a lot about the Mac that I just
files. With PC Exchange installed on the Mac, don't know yet. Also speed would be much slower
Q-emuLator can read QL, PC, and Mac floppies.
on the older lowend Macs and much much faster
However, the manual warns that some disks on the expensive high end Macs.
formated with some of the older disk drives may Disk access is very fast. For a l02Kbyte text file,
not work with the Mac disk driver due to hardware Q-emulator took 3.2 seconds while my QXL took
QL lodoy 29-
4.3 seconds to load. To scroll the file from top to At the Boston QL show, Q-emulator was
bottom took Q-emulator I mn.25 sec. while the demonstrated using a computor interface for an
QXL took min. 20 sec. There is a QL demo overhead projector. However, it was sluggish. Later
program (you have probably seen it.) that shows the problem was found. When a second monitor
the letters QL circling around a colored spire. The (or in this case a projector) is attached to the Mac,
letters can't be seen when behind the spire. On the Q-emulator can not use the write directly to
Q-emulator, the letters circled l0 times in 28.3 screen option. It must use the Mac screen driver
seconds while on the QXL they took 27.8 seconds. which is much slower.
I Q-Liberated a small program that simply multi-
plied a number I million times. The Q-emulator BEST POINTS
took 5 m:rl'. 32 sec. vftrile the Q)(L took only 30 Once Q-emulator is installed, it really does run
seconds. No contest! I would guess the Q-emulator just like a QL. Differences like using the key
would do better with Minerva then with my JSU labelled OPTION for the ALT key (It's where the
rom, but let's give credit to some very fast arith- ALT key ought to be anyway) are very few. I was
metic algorithms in SMSQ/E. able to produce usefirl work right away.
Daniele has been very prompt answering ques-
EXTRAS tions or taking suggestions for improvernents. His
In addition to BBEdit Lite, Q-emulator comes Email address is: sistest@ictp.trieste.it There are
with some very useful QL information and free Mac 68k and PowerMac demo versions of
freeware. There is a QL FAQ Frequently Asked Q-emulator that he can send via Email.
Questions) and Ser- A strong
vice (QL repairs) point of
file. A Mandelbrot Q-emulator
program, Mcopy (a is its 16 page
fast microdrive A4 manual.
copier) and Qsreen This covers
(picture editor) by everything in
Daniele are inclu- a consise,
ded as well as some easy to
games by M. Mano. understand
Want to tinker or manner. I am
optimize the Q-emu- very im-
Lator or write a QL pressed.
emulator for some Generally,
other machine? programmers
Most of the C at the hacker
source code for level tend to
Q-emulator is also be poor wri
included! ters; they
tend to
LIMITATIONS assume the reader knows all the arcane terms. I
One limitation of Q-emulator version 2 is that predicta notable career for Daniele who can
the mouse is not connected. However, the new program an emulator AND write so smoothly.
version 2.1 is planned to hook up the Mac mouse Q-emulator version l.l (68000 version) is
to Q-emulator. There is no place to hook in a QL priced at 65,000 Lire (about $40.00 or f25.00)
net on a Mac. Flashing in Mode 8 is not supported Q-emulator version 2.1 (Power PC version) is
nor is the TRA function. priced at 90,000 Lire (about $60.00 or f38.00)
The Mac prints through its serial port so that Prices include postage and packing. Payment
opening serl for printing works on Q-emulator should be in Lire for orders from the USA and
just like on the QL providing that you have a Mac UK. Both versions can be obtained from:
compatible printer. However, I bought a special Daniele Terdina
adaptor, POWERPRINT, that converts the Mac Via dei Navali 1611
30 QL lodey
@uo Fsbtg
Computer ConsultancyTSe rvices
Proprienr: Bryce Nicl:,llls
57 Shaftesbury Road, Romford,
Esser, RMI zQJ, UK.
Tel,/Fax: (01?08) 7 557 59
llWV cttp:/ /',urtqld,.cnmpwert t cnn/ hnntpaget/ qudJ Bnail:
QL loday 31-
Wolfgang Strate, Germany, asked:
BUGS'N FIXES In SMSQ/E, changing the TRA setting does not
have any effect. What is wrong?
John Gregory, England, asks:
When I click on the help topic "net" in Hyper- Jochen's reply:
Help [or QD's Help] the QL freezes. All other Nothing is wrong. Any SER or PAR channel
topics I tried worked. which is opened uses the current TRA setting as
long as it is open, even if you change TRA. In
Jochen's reply: QDOS, for example, you had to set TRA 0 before
If you look at the help_index file, you find that doing any graphics dump to a printer. Changing it
help on the topic "nst" will be found in a file called back to TRA 1 to get the German Umlauts while
"net". H5/perHelp tries to open the file first, and if the dump was still printing caused chaos, because
this fails, puts the help directory in front of the buffered data was immediately translated - defi-
name and tries again. You probably guessed what nitely an unwante{ if not disasterous effect. Now,
happens. Opening a file called "net" will, of course, in SMSQ/E, if you set TRA 0 (or open a channel
try to open a network channel. With long timeouts using the "D" direct parameter) this channel will
on the network, it looks as if the QL has crashed. never use translation tables, whatever the setting
Similar effects would happen if you open hles might be at any time. This is the only way to
called "ser", or "history" on SMSQ/E. The solution handle buffered data properly. Being QDOS-com-
is easy, and I already did it here: rename the file patible here would mean: you must not change
"basic_help_net" to "basic_help_net_t)<t", change TRA while anything is buffered, i.e. don't start
the entry in the help_index from "net net" to "net printing anything else. There can be situations
net_t)ft" and you will see that your problems where you need to translate text, but also want to
disappear. send untranslated printer control characters to the
same channel. Of course, you do not want to open
Some customers asked: and close a channel so often, therefore we imple-
Some games do not work anyrnore when I want mented the new procedure UUP(JT'. You can open
to start them under SMSQ/E. a channel with ranslates, so that any Umlauts will
be translated if you PRINT or PUT them into the
Jochen's reply: SER or PAR channel. UPUTting characters to the
In the early days, when there was only the (slow) same channel will send them untranslated.
QL without GoldCard and SuperGoldCard etc.,
speed was all that counted. Most games program- Alf Kendall, UK asked:
mers simply had to cheat and program round the If you use functions and procedures like the ones
operating system calls to gain the speed which was in QMENU which accept null parameters, and
required to run the game. The main problem is omit the last parameter, like PRINT
that they had to access the screen directly (i.e. FILE_SELEC'I$ (,,flp1_,,,,,,) then it works fine in
POKE onto the area between 131072 and SupeTBASIC but Qliberator doesn't like it.
131072+32767. Using the screen driver would have
been the correct way, but, the screen driver did not Jochen's reply:
handle sprites etc. so it was impossible. When you In theory, Qliberator should accept it. However,
start SMSQ/E on an ATARI with QVME, Exten- there seems to be a bug in Qliberator which
ded4-Emulator or QXL and you switch to a higher requires the last parameter to be given, e.g.
resolution, SMSQ/E moves the base of the screen PRINT FIT.E SELECT$(,,flpl_1,,,,,,0)
area to another place, as higher resolutions require However, both examples above are equivalent to
more memory than the standard 512x256 pixels, PRINT FIT.F SELECT$(, , f1P1_)
which requires 32kBytes. Even when you switch so why would you give lots of null parameters
the resolution back to 512x256, the display does without adding something at the end?? All it does
not move back to its original position. The solu- is: it wastes memory and time! For EasyPTR"
tion is to put a request and an IF clause into your where you may need dummy parameters, you can
BOOT progrirm, and configure SMSQ/E to start fix this by adding a dummy last parameter \0 (for
in 5I2x256. [f you don't want to remain in SupeTBASIC).
512x256, use the DISP_SIZE command to change
the display size in the BOOT.
32 QL lodoy
G6röme Grimbert, France, wrote: - many unregistered local ID name (with possi-
QJUMP OR Jochen Merz Config Block ble conflicts), TOP byte must be 0.
If like me your environment is mainly Pointer, And this could be acceptable, if there was no
then you probably know about the Config Block, other way to do that.
or at least the Config progr:rm (whatever its name But how can I get a Unique Registered ID name?
on your system). Ask God! Or for the time being, you have to nicely
For non-technical people, this is a very nice way ask Jochen Merz, who will give you a 3 letter
to change the parameter of a program: Should the prefix, so you can use the last byte for all your
text be displayed black on wtrite or white on black software.
(or green on black, or red on white, ...)? Everyone It's not perfect, for two reasons: First, I do not
has a personal choice CIHE best, ofcourse), and a like to have to ask (by mail, it will take a week for
good reason for it. The way the config block works me, but for an Australian? Maybe a month! And
allows programmers to make their choice, son- you have to send a I.RC. with your query).
sidering only what they like, and to leave the door Second, It has the Internet Addressing Symptom!
open for other users (like me) if they do not like A long word has a lot of value. But the internet (in
the way it is. Another example: ufrere are the files its beginning) divided the mathematical space of
for the program? The programmor may have a the long in classes (big, medium and small). What
hard disk partition (as win5_), but the poor users happens is now: If you have a need for ten com-
may still only have a floppy. So do we have to puters, you needed a small class (wasting 245
patch the binaries, like in the good old days addresses). Ifyou have a need for three thousand,
(remember converting MDV_ only programs to you needed a medium class (wasting a lot more...).
use FLP_...)? No, the Config Block is here for that And nowaday, available Internet Address is
purpose too. something difficult to find (read the press about
The only limit to Config Block is the program- this and IPv6!). Jochen's ID \ryill have the same
mer's effort to use it. And the users'understanding trouble. It looks fine, nice, but it won't resist to the
of what the parameter means. time.
[... here ß a definition of the CONFIG block, So what do you want to do? Stick to Level 1?
which was already lßted in the previous ßsue, Well, maybe... It has the advantage of having a PD
EditorJ config program, wttich doesn't need a license for
... Every pointer is a WORD, so it must be within software sellers. And the solution for avoiding
the 32K area of the config block. having to redo the configuration exists in Level l,
This goes back to day one, and it was a good without the need for the Long ID.
thing (except, maybe, for the length of the Let me explain. What's the use of the Item
pointer...). Selection Keystroke?
And then came the time ficr upgrading your In the QruMP config software, nothing.
software (Bug? who says there was a bug? It's a In Jochen's MenuConfig (Level l), nothing (it
feature!). And the poor users has to reconfigure generates its orvn).
again his new software. In Jochen's New MenuConfig (Level 2), nothing
So Jochen Merz, a nice boy, thought: It would be (same as before).
wonderful if the newversion could be learned from Ok, it's only a byte, but you have the best ID
the old one. possible for a software: the Software Name field!
It was day two, and it may have been a good Note: I do not say to make a Config Block for
thing. EACH parameter, but a config block will not
On day three, Jochen Merz did the Config Level usually have more than 256 parameters (thirty
2 specifications. And either he or I missed the should be a maximum..., but you're at the
point. keyboard...) So, my proposal is to use the Software
Jochen introduced a violent change in the config Name as a first level ID, as when you upgtade a
block: Before the Type of ltem, he put a Long program, its name does not change (remember,
Word the Item ID. And of course he changed the the version is not in the name), and then use the
Configuration Level now "02". Item Selection Keystroke to find identical items.
There are, according to his documentation, three In spite of modifying the structure, we can keep
kinds of ID: the Level l, so it greatly simplifies the Config
- Global ID name, which could be used by many Program (You can still use the FREE QruMP
programs (like the colourway setting), must start Config one). What you need to get the same level
with an underscore (underlined white space "_"). of service as with Level2 is a small utility able to
- Unique REGISTERED ID name (which are scan your old software and store the configuration
preferred). in the database (as does the Level 2), or directly
QL lodoy 33
modifying the new version (a check on the Type of quite a lot of ID's. Do you think 256 config items
Item may be very useful). are not enough? Fine, have 65536 per program.
If you did not notice yet, am against the This would still leave space for between 65535 and
specifications for Level 2. The only point in 16 million other applications with 256 to 65536
having them are the GLOBAL ID, especially for ID's. Please don't tellme this is unreasonable - I
the colourways. But they limit them to the very don't think we will have as many applications in
restricted 4 Ctl lg,Blr,Wr,B/g) combinations. So the lifetime of our operating system. An4 in the
that's not a good thing either (more and more very unlikely case, there's always room for expan-
software use Shaded/Striped texture!). sion. There are no negative ID's assigned - so
The only thing I still hesitate on Level 2, is the whenever we run out of space (maybe in the year
introduction of a new type "nothing". It's declared 2300 or so) we use negative double-long ID's,
purpose is only to call the Pre/Post processing giving 9223372036854775808 different ID's - that's
Routine. As I do not use them, I do not see the hopefully enough!
point, but why not ? And now, I'm gonna translate Your suggestion of using the keystroke as an ID
all this! was something we thought of before introducing
Config Level2 the way it is now - we had a look at
Jochen's reply: various CONFIG blocks and found that it would
Dear J6röme, the reason why MenuConfig ever cause chaos on existing software. This meant a
saw the light of the day was: there had to be an new CONFIG level had to be done anyway, and
easy way to update new versions of a program there was no way to define global ID's properly by
without having to change every setting manually. using the keystrokes. It is quite possible that we
We had two options: do something which is need more global ID's soon.
downward compatible with Config Level 1, or Before level2 was introduced, the definition has
forget about the concept and have some "external" been put into the mailbox and it has been sent to
configuration files (like QTPI, QFAX etc. has with the major software houses, so that it can be
their _dat files). However, as programs don't know discussed and everybody seemed to be happy with
the "path" at least one configurable item has to be it. Some ideas were brought in, which led to the
provided: the name of the _dat file. In general, I new undefined item. You can do with it whatever
like the idea that a program carries its information, you like, for example create complex menus (the
therefore I thoWht just extending the current con- QPAC2 sort-menu could not be handled with any
fig block would be the best approach. of the existing items, for example).
Also, I did not want to rewrite all the structures My main question is: what is so bad about
and macros (have you ever looked at the config Config Level2? It works, it makes life easy, people
macros?) so just adding a longword ID was the like it - and we already did the whole work. Every
easiest choice. developer can benefit from it for free - we give the
I can't really see your point of criticism at all, as macros away for free. You don't have to use it, it is
MenuConfig works quite well, is easy to use and optional, as it can still handle Config Level 1. You
provides next to no compromise or overhead. are welcome to define your own config scheme if
Let's go through the points you dont like: you you want to, but - in which way would the user
don't like asking ficr an ID. ID's have to be unique, benefit now??
that's their nature! What other solution do you Afterthought from Dilwyn Jones - What hasn't
have to make sure that there is no clash (i.e. two been mentianed ß how users without knowledge of
or more people choosing the same ID) than assembler can use Config Level 2. With Level l,
having a big list, containing all assigned ID's? Of there ß a PD utility called BasConfig which helps
course, somebody has to maintain this list - couid you to create a config block by asking you simple
be me, Stuart, PROGS or whoever - but you have questions and building it for you. Perhaps Jochen
to ask. How else would you know that the ID you would consider doing an equivalent proglamming
would like to use is not assigned yet? tool so that QLiberatot users can make Level 2
Asking for an ID never posed a problem for Config blocks as easily as the old Level I block -
anybody, and if it is urgent you can use a device how about it, Jochen?
called telephone [now, now children!- DilwynJ- no
IRC is required and it is fast, and, done in less Jochen's reply:
than a minute, affordable to people even living in This is some work I was hoping that it would be
other continents. done by the three users who wrote the various
I also can't see a problem in the fact a longword BASIC Config extensions. QL Todav uses much
has been chosen. I do not want to go into detail, more time than I thought, so I hope somebody else
but everybody is welcomed to have one, more or will be doing it.
QL lodoy
Dilwyn Jones asks: like to instigate a version that could use the frrll
I have come across a somewhat annoying little scresn on a QXL, Atari or new Aurora. If there
problem when trying to unzip a ZIPped file were enough people interested who are already
containing a BOOT progr:rm on a machine fitted users and would be willing to pay an upgrade fee I
with a Falkenberg hard disk interface. This system may be able to get something going. Do drop me a
consists of a device called BOOT used for startup line if you are.
of the hard disk. Unfortunately, this causes a name I
clash with a BOOT file being extracted from such
a ZIP file. Does anyone know how to get around
this problem?
Some versions of the Psion printer driver install PD Software Review
utility seem to have a problem with installing a Dilwyn Jones
driver to work with a printer on a parallel port, e.g.
on a Super Gold Card. V2.00 of Quill seems to Norman Dunbar is an author of several well
have this problem. The solution (and I don't know known and respected QL software such as Win-
why) is to install the port name as '2PAR'rather back (hard disk backup utility) and the DJToolkit
than'PAR'. software. Perhaps less well known, but equally
t good quality, are his public domain software con-
tributions to the QL scene. Here, I will look at a
very usefirl and well written program for the rapid
MASTER SPY aNd SPY reformatting of used QL floppy disks.
QFORMAT is written in C68. The program is
REVIEW compact at only about 25kB long and does its job
in a straightforward, no fuss way. It does the equi-
Roy Wood
valent of reformatting a disk, but takes only a few
seconds to do so. Il like me, you tend to accumu-
Just a
couple of quick comments about the
late several disks with various unwanted files on
reviews of SPY and Master SPY that appeared in
them, or you buy a batch of used QL disks at a
the last issue of QL Today.
show, for example, rather than go through the
The problems that Norman Dunbar experienced
disks individually deleting all files on them, this
with the screen not refreshing on his QXL are
program will save you a lot of time. Disks can also
confined to the QXL itself. These problems were
be renarned as they are formatted - the program
noted and a patch was put together by Dave
allows you to write a new medium name as it
Woodman (I believe). Richard Howe, the pro-
re-writes the map area.
gram's main author, was given this patch but
The program is simply executed with a standard
managed to lose it in the period after ceasing to
EXEC command. there are no BASIC extensions
trade in QL programs. We are trlng to locate the
patch and get it built in to the re-released version.
to be loaded first. If your disk system does not
support direct sector access, and that only applies
The second thing that he mentioned was that
you could not pass a file to the program to be to very old interfaces, you may not be able to use
edited on start up. That is, in fact, possible in the
the program. The instruction manual for your
interface will document the direct sector access if
normal Toolkit II way and, for all of you
implemented. This includes all disk systems from
menu_rext owners the following lines of
Miracle Systems Ltd, for example. Usually you can
SuperBasic can be built into a proglam to give you
spot direct sector access facilities from references
a pointer driven file selection to start Master Spy
to'n d2d' files or similar.
with a chosen file.
First, QFORMAT asks which floppy drive num-
ber is to be used. This can be a number from 1 to
8, though I have never heard of more than 4 disk
DEFine PROCedure Getfile/r
drives being attached to a QL (the specification
allows in theory for up to 8 drives). A minor disad-
,rLIfNl__r rr13rL)
vantage is that the program assumes that the drive
name will always be 'FLP', but this will almost
always be the case unless you have an old 'FDK
By the way it may be possible to get Richard interface, or are in the habit of renaming your
Howe to do some other changes to MASTER SPY
drives via FLP_USE or DEVcommands. Actually,
although a major re-write is pretty unlikely. I would
QL lodoy 35-
if this was a serious problem, experienced users disk, damage it then come up with a bad or
could load the program into a binary file editor changed medium error when it was too late,
and patch references to FLP to become FDK or perhaps! Full marks to the author for thinking of
whatever your system uses. Highly unlikely that this and making the program write a random
anything this drastic would be necessary! number during formatting rather than just simply
It can cope with DD, HD and ED floppy disks, producing'clone' disks.
but does not automatica[y distinguish the type, so After the disk has been reformatted you have
you have to tell it whether to treat the disk as DD, the choice of reformatting the same type of disk,
HD or ED - it's quite simple, you knowwhich type or going back to change the disk type. This is very
of disk you are putting at the drive by looking at useful, so beficre starting to reformat the disks,
the disk and simply rnake sure that you have
entering the leüers separated all the DD disks into
D,H or E as appropri- E prosrdm urLL 0UICKLY.e-forNot a number of ftopps digcs.
pver, ecch dLer ffUST houe been p.operlg formdtted before
RNo one pile, HD disks into
ate. ^e üu3t be no bod btosks on the disc. This ULLL be checked.
another, and ED disks into
another if you have mixed
must specif! the cor.ect disc tgpe :_
Next, you can either = 1440 sectorE' H0 = 2aa€ sectors or E0 = 64SS 3ectorE
ich deive is to be used (1 - 8) ? rg
just press ENTER to types. Then you can do all of
give the disk a 'nu11' one tlpe first, then moYe on to
name, or type in a the second type and so on, until
medium name of up to all have been done.
10 characters, as you would use in a FORMAT The instructions are brief and to the point, just a
command in SuperBASIC. You cannot add an short text file (a Quill _doc file), adequately explai
extended specifier to this - for example, you cannot ning how to use the program. In truth, I don't
force the format to produce a single sided disk by think you'lI need instructions, the program is so
using the '*' llth character as you can in a simple to use.
FORMAT command. If you try, the program The program is meant to do a single specific
ignores the llth character and formats the disk to task, and does it competently. Perhaps its only
double sided as before. slight shortcomings are that it doesn't detect the
The formatting now takes place. disk type automati-
On my Super Gold Card system it cally (which may
takes a little over a second for a >tdce o DSl00 724 Kb disc in ftpl_ then press ENTER or dtterndtiveLg, take longer while
DS/DD disk. Before rewriting the tgpe ih q mediufi ^ome (10 chsrs mqx) oLTodqu-l! QDOS tries to
map area of the disk, it checks for determine the type
any bad sectors flagged during with sector access
previous formats. The program can- calls than by
not cope with bad sectors, so you asking the user to
are politely informed that the old speciff type with a
disk has bad sectors on it, and you should do a single letter entry), and it isn't pointer driven,
proper reformat using the FORMAT command though for such a short and simple program it
for example. It also checks that the disk really is doesn't bother me too much that it is keyboard-
formatted for the QL. If the disk is a PC disk only. If the program is updated in the future, I
(usually indicates that the user is a Q)(I- user!), would like to see a facility to cross-format DOS
QFORMAT cannot cross-format it to become a disks (which you can buy pre-formatted) into
QDOS disk in the same way as the QXLFormat QDOS disks, thus saving on the monotony of
program by Dave Walker would do, for example. formatting brand new disks!
During reformatting, the program writes the I have used this program for a long time and find
'random number' information into the disk map that it's one of those programs which make me
(1ike the FORMÄT command does). This of think how I ever managed without it!
course helps to prevent disk-swapping problems I
and helps the QL to detect when you have changed
disks. Ifthe program was used to generate 50 refor-
matted disks, and the QL could not differentiate
between them, it would be about as inconvenient
as the problems the computer has trying to detect
changed DOS disks under SMSQ. If this were to
happen, the computer may try to write some new
information onto what it believed was the same
36 QL loday
36, Eldwick Street,
llWW P ag e http://www.di-ren.co. u ldsj pd/homepage
Compuserve 1P = 1Q1l]'$)750 Tel / Fax +44 (0)1282 701767.
Internet Emuil stephenjohnson@almac'co.uk
QL fodoy 37-
1130 INK /': PRINT rr Have fun - press any key
Noughts & Crosses to start.
1140 rNK 6
].220 check--nove
conveniently going to be vacated. 1230 IF NOT wrong: EXIT nake-x-move
This listing is my first attempt (only came across \240 END REPeat nake v rnove
this game a couple of weeks ago) and so the pre- 7250 update rrXn
sentation is a touch simplistic (no fancy pointers)
L270 REPeat make-o--Dove
with the minimum of error trapping; e.g. you cant L280 find--.nove rr0rl
play to an occupied square and you have to enter L290 check nove
properly the number of the square in which you 13oo IF NOT wrong: EXIT nake-o--rnove
L3t0 END REPeat nake-o--move
want to play.
t320 update rr0rl
At present the game is for two players or you y. L330
you. I've not yet worked out a strategy for myself ß/+0 END REPeat play
let alone the computer. t350
1370 DEFi.ne PR0Cedure update(n$)
So see if you can. It might, with analysis, turn out
1380 boardf (place, 1) =t
to be as trivial as its ancestor, i.e. always a draw or 1390 IF n$=tr1tt
a forced win for one player or another - I'd very 1400 offset=O: INK 2
much like to knorv. L1L0 EI.SE : effsst=J: INK 4
A few programming points (which you don't 7420 END IF
14J0 print-it
need to read). There are eight winning lines and as 1440 IF ox%(1-roffset)
the order in which the moves are made is signifi L/'50 spot=oxf(l+offset) : boardS(spot,1)=0
cant in this version, there could clearly be 48 diffe- t/,60 wipe-it
rent combinations. 1480 ox%(L+of fset) =e1S ( Z+of rset) :
So to establish a win I do a simple numerical sort ox%(2+offset) =ox%(3+otfset ) :
of a player's last three moves and then, using oxß(3+offset) =place
SupeTBASIC coercion, see if the result is "INSTR" 1/+90 IF ox%(l+offset)
uwin$u, 1500 check-win
with eight winning ones. These are held in LSLO E}'ID IF
separated by zeroes. 1520 END DEFine update
The moves are stored in a six-element array so L510 :
that with different offsets, only one set of proce- 1550 DEFine PRO0edure find-rove(n$)
1560 RDPeat getJove
dures is required. L570 ClS #0: PRINT #0, "l,Ihich square for
That's it really. Fast enough not to need comp! rt;n$; rr ?rr
ling (we11, on an SGC QL) so simply "lrun 1580 ox-go$=JNIGY$(#0,-1)
flpl_ox3". Have fun. LrgO IF o:<-go$ INSTR "1234r6789n
1600 EXfT gettiove
1000 REMark Start of 3-on1y noughts and
1610 ELSE : clot--nessage
crosses test 1630 END REPeat get-Lnove
1010 REMark 0l/08/96 1640 place=ox-gog
102 0 w in$ = " 32t06, 4O9 B7 07 1 LO852O963 09 5 LO7, 3 " 1650 END DEFine fincl--rnove
1030 fOR i=I,22 LrINDglt #i'112'202'0,0: PAPER L670 :
#j,0: INK #j,6: CIß #j 1680 DEFine PR00edure draw-board
7040 csrzB #0,0,0: rNK #0,6: cls #0 1690 CI,S
1050 INK 4: PRINT: PRINT: PRINT 1700 REMark drawing vertical board lines
1060 CSIZE 1,0: PRINT " Unlike sinple 1710 FoR v=5O,58,66,7/+: LINEv,10 To v,64
noughts & crosses, wbich with proper play'l 1720 REMark drawing horizontal board lines
1070 PRINT rr always results in a draw, the 1730 FOR h=40,18,56,61: LINE ,0,h T0 71,b
outcorne in tbis version isrl 1740 END DEFine clraw-boarcl
1080 PRINT rr not so obvious.rt\\ t760
1090 PRINT rr The reason being tbat t?;
1770 DEFine PRO0edure clear-board
1100 INK 6: PRINT "ONLY THREE Xrs or 0's ARE 1780 CSIZE 3,0
ALLOI,IED ONn\n THE BOARD. il; 1790 FoR i=1 T0 9: CURS0R
1110 INK 4: PRINT rr As you play your toardß(j,2),board$(j,3) :
fourth, your first rr; PRINT " "
1800 csrzE 0,0
1120 INK 6: PRINT "disappears!"\\ 1810 FoR j=1 T0 9: CURSoR
38 QL lodoy
noard%(j, 2)+100,board%(i,3) : PRINT j And here's another challznge from the Editon
1820 END DEFine clear-board of QL Tbdny:
Based on the listing and niles of Ron's special
1850 DEFine PROCedure clot-nessage
1860 CLS #0: PRINT #0, nDon't mess aboutlr' Noughts & Crosses we wouW Akc tu ask lou to
1870 PRINT #0, t'Pick an enpty square nunbered progrant the compaler's turns. Depending on
1 to 9 only.I' the number of progmms retun ed, we wouW
1BB0 PRINT #0, I'Press any key to continue..rr:
like to oryonise a public compuler tournannent
1890 END DEFine clot-Jnessage at one of the next QL shows to see who
1910 : prograrnmed the best algorithm. The pmgrarn
1920 DEFine pRoCedure cbeck nove shouW not ase &ny special extensions, it has to
1930 wrong=boardf (Place, 1)
1910 IF wrong: clotiressage be able to run under ploin SuperBASIC. The
1950 END DEFine check-move progr.nn shou.ld be ready end of Decemben
1970 | I
1980 DEFine PROCedure pri-nt-it
L990 CS17.E 3,0
2000 CURSOR boardl(place,2),board%(p1ace,J) :
2010 csrzE 0,0
Amiga "QDOS"
2020 END DEFine print-it Simon N Goodwin
2040 :
2050 DEFine PROCedure wipe-it
2060 csrzB 3,0 CROSS EMULATION
2A7O CURSOR boardl(spot,2),board%(spot,J) : I've been testing lots of software on the 68060
PRINT n r recently, using a beta version of Amiga Qdos 3.24,
2080 cslzE 0,0
2090 END DEFine wipe-it and had good results with Carlo Delhez's emula-
2L10 : tors. My test machine was an Amiga A4000 with
2120 DEFine PROCedure check-win 30 Mb RAM and CPU accelerators from GVP
2130 FOR j=1 T0 3t, winf"(i)=eaf(j+offset) and Phase Five.
2140 FOR k=1 T0 2
2L50 FOR j=1 T0 2 Spectator 1.52 ran at around 250 per cent of real
2L60 rr win%(j+1),win%(j) Spectrum speed on the NewBench and ZXSpeed
2l7O swap=winf(j) : winf(j)=v111(j+1) : tests. It still reports 97 per cent - I guess it's doing
win%(j+1) =swap
something to make reports come out at 100 per
2190 END FoR j cent or thereabouts, whatever the real speed.
22OO END FOR K I pushed the CPU MODE 8 update rate to 50
2210 lineg=win% ( 1) uvin%(2) cwin%(3) Hertz with ACE_PRIORITY 16,1 and got almost
2220 IF line$ INSTR win$: win
exactly true Spectrum 48K speed.
2230 END DEFine check-win
))4n . Paging in 128 mode still imposes a heavy bur-
2260 DEFine PRooedure win den. With ACE (the Amiga CPU screen redraw
2270 CLS #0: CSIZE #0,3,O: PRINT #0, nA LIIN routine, similar to the one on the Q)(L) running at
FOR ";n$
22BO CSIZE #0,0,0: PRIN| #0, I'Do you want
25 Hertz I got just 7O per cent of real Spectrum
another game? (y/n)" 128 speed on ZX BASIC tests, rising to 94 per
2290 REPeat reply cent when I switched to four colours and blitter
2300 reply$=TNKEY$(#0, -1) screen decoding. Still not bad but this is a 50 Mhz
23L0 IF reply$ INSTR rrynil: EXIT reply
2320 8ND REPeat reply 68060 with very fast RAM....
2330 CLS #0 Results for Xtricator, with CLCKFREQ, were
2340 IF rep$$==ttyt': init: ELSE : CLS: EXIT more impressive. At the default ssffings I got a
play 16.2 MJvdHz Z 80 engine and 2025o/o performance.
2350 END DEFine win
2370 : Switching to the blitter I pushed that up to 20.7
2JB0 DEFine PRO0edure init }dHz 2588 per cent (72 frames) with XTR_IO
2390 DIt4 board%(9,3), ox%(6),win%(3) reduced to a priority of 1.
24OO RESTORE In fact the RAM speed is not a rnajor factor as
2/'10 FOR j=1 T0 9
2420 noard%(j,r)=O: READ boardf(j,2): READ
most of the time Xtricator seems to run from the
aoafifl(j,3) (8+8K) 68060 cache. I'd be interested to know the
2430 END FoR j timings for a QXL. I guess these also depend on
2440 clear-board the screen mode and update rate.
2450 EIID DEFine init
2470 :
I also got the 'lite' Mac Qdos emulator running
2480 DATA L10,76,L62,76,781,76 happily - albeit slowly - on the Amiga, under the
2490 DATA t4O,93,t62,93,L84,93 Shapeshifter Mac emulator! It was slow, but usable
2100 DATA L40,t09,L62,t09,L&,1,09
QL fodoy 39
- I think the speed overhead came from the 68K processors on Mac, Amiga and PC. The new
emulator written in C, as Shapeshifter is normally version works with PC Quill files as well as Qdos
pretty speedy as it runs most Mac stuff at fuIl ones, and translates important Msdos and Qdos
speed. It's no competition for Arniga Qdos, but diacriticals into ANSI codes. It has point-and-click
nice that it works at all. file requesters with sensible defaults, so there's no
need for typing.The original SupeTBASIC version
is among the Amiga Qdos support files, on the
QXt SPEED disk in source and Turbo-compiled form. The new
Looking through the clock change information
and timings in the second issue of QL Today, it version is written in Hisoft BASIC 2; source is
seems that the QXL spends about a third of its included as well as the stand-alone task.
time updating the display, converting it from Qdos The Compact Disk is in 150-9660 format with
format to suit the PC display card. Extrapolating long file names. I know Linux can read this (so can
from Terry Harman's figures, it appears that a 7 NetBSD, and all Amigas of course) but this may
MHz Q)(L would have no time at all for anything clobber PCs expecting '8.3' file names. I con-
else! This should re-assure some of the doubters sidered asking AF to use the clumsy translation
who wonder how a 25 M.}{z QXL can be so much table format to please QXL omers, but decided
faster than the current 20 IildHz model... that compiling the CD would be tricky enough,
without that extra burden. I know very little about
how far PCs have got to go before they support
QDOS PD CD long file names. I don't know if ST users with
There's loads of good material in the Qdos CD-ROM drives can read long names.
Public Domain, yet it's a slow and tedious process ['m told that the long names will not be a
collecting it, on floppy disks or by modem. problem for people with Windows 95 or NT,
Wouldn't it be great if someone put together a although I'm not likely to try it myself. Others
compilation of Qdos PD on CD-ROM? Even could use a PD PC program called CDREXE to
though few QL systems have CD ROM drives, read the files. This is in various (Amiga) PD
users could access the files on other micros and Iibraries including the Fred Fish coliection, and
transfer them to their QL as required, either using also on one of the the current (October 1996)
Msdos floppies (readable on QLs) or, more neatly, Amiga User International cover floppies. It works
the'handlers'available for Amig4 Unix, PC etc, to as a replacement shell that supports long file
write the files directly to Qdos floppies. names and wild-cards. It needs MSDOS 3.2 and
I have arranged to have tens of megabytes of MSCDEX v2 as well as a PC with a CD ROM
Public Domain Qdos material, including emula- driver, and includes C source.
tors, compilers, tools and games, compiled onto I've tested the files on QL, Gold Card, Thor XVI
the next Amiga Format cover CD, to tie in with an
and Amigas with 68000, 68030, 68040 and 68060
article I've written about Qdos. processors, and applied some patches for compati
Providing AF get the CD mastering right (!),
bility with caches and 32 bit memory addressing.
there should be literally thousands of Qdos files on Bear in mind that these are all freely distributable
the CD. I've sent a complete C68 update, inclu- files collected from authors, the Net and PD
ding full documentation and sources, from Dave libraries, and they will not have been tested on all
Walker, the latest InfoZip and various other
Qdos configurations, so 'your mileage may vary' -
packers, George Gwilt's new 020/03010401060
but I've tried to go for stuff that is relatively
assembler and disassembler, the entire DIY compatible.
Toolkit (with 32 bit and Minerva two-screen The CD will arrive on the UK news-stands at the
patches on all the tasks) and far more utilities and
end of September. Amiga Format comes from
games than I have time to list.
Future Publishing of Bath, UK in floppy disk and
QL program source and text files are readily CD-mounted versions. The CD one costs a pound
readable from the Amiga desktop or shell, but extra, but that seems a small price to pay for all
you'll need to transfer tasks to Qdos disks to run
those QL hles!
them (emulating or otherwise). The CD includes With any luck this will also drum up some
Frank Swift's QlFileSystem, which can read and interest in Qdos from technically minded or
write Qdos DD and HD floppies on an Amiga" curious Amiga o\ürers.
and a similar program for PCs, QR27DOS.
I've produced an Amiga version of Mark Swift's
DOC2RTF utility, which converts Quill DOCs
into Rich Text Format, readable by modern word-
40 QL lodoy
QL lodoy 4l-
I SnareA Library implementations. The Amiga
Comment: Future imperfect? I (AmiTCP) and Windows (Winsock) "retrofit"
TCP/P capability by implementing them
as shared libraries rather than in the
operating system. The Amiga code is
freely available, again using this utilising
this code base would require in depth
knowledge of the Amiga operating system.
42 QL lodey
layer". Obviously, the messages coming back from would require at least 200 kB, before any appli-
these hosts / programs in the "Internst" are com- cations are run. A practical, graphic Web browser
pletely asynchronous, the "sockets layer" must be would probably require resources of the order of
able to handle all these data packets and direct 68030/25Mhz, 8Mb RAM and hard disk, even
them to the correct application (via their'sockets') then it would be rather slow.
on the SMS/QDOS system. Perhaps this is not so There are some technical difficulties (hardware
easy after all. and software) to undertaking some of the projects
For what it's worth, my opinion is that the Linux alluded to here.
NET3 code would be the best basis for a SMS/ o CPU. All CPUs available for SMS/QDOS plat-
QDOS application, using a shared library forms are somewhat under-powered by modern
approach via the proposed c68 RLL system. standards. Progtams like Java and Web browsers
In all the above examples, there is no need to have expanded to fill the raw power offered by
produce device drivers per se, transports such as the latest Intel and PowerPC offerings. There is
(C)SLP and PPP are layers within the library built nothing proposed for QDOS vaguely near
on top ofthe standard low level serial devices. If production that offers the necessary horsepower
this device layer is defined correctly, then it would (the new Q)(I-2 may come close, but the I/O
not preclude using a bidirectional parallel port or may be less than optimum). Viewing a complex
Ethernet device for higher speeds via additional IITML file on a 25lvlhzl68}3o system is
dynamically loaded modules. tedious; on a Pentium 100 it's instantaneous.
I must admit to having spent sorne time this o Memory. Again, many modern technologies
summer browsing through the NET3 sources to (e.g. WWWlJava) are based on the premise that
evaluate how much work would be involved - it is the system will have somewhere between 8 and
rather a lot, perhaps six man-months work to 16Mb RAM.
produce the base sockets layer and some simple o Disk availability. The low prevalence of hard
text based applications such as ftp and telnet. disk units in the QDOS community does not
The resource requirements would be quite high encourage the production of systems that
too, based on the sizing of the AmiTCP imple- require large amounts of storage.
mentation, anticipate that the shared library o Development Tools. Dave and Keith Walker
tr Now in our 3rd year on-line round the clock since October, 1993
tr Full message area and File Download areas
tr We carry all popular SINCLAIR message areas from Europe
D Calls from 14.4k--300 baud are welcome
tr QBOX - USA runs on a SINCLAIR QL with Super Gold Card,
Hermes, QUBIDE, 200M8 drive, USR sportster 14.4 modem
QL lodoy 43
have worked unceasingly to give us the excellent - Collaborating on an TCP/P project.
c68; but this is two talented enthusiasts in their - Using the results of such a project.
spare time. We do not have a symbolic debqger. The results (essentially zpro and four) do not
There is still no RLL system. This is not a encourage the considerable effort required.
criticism, it's just an observation of how short of This view is reinforced by the comments of a
human resources we are; I'm extremely grateful trader that most users "only want a better printer
for what we have. driver for QUILL" than just about any other
I expect any JAVA system that could be ported to software.
the QL would be a C++ implementation and Visit a OUANTA sub-group meeting; do you
thus a non-starter. see a majority of users using the Pointer
o Hardware Robustness. When a QDOS applica- Environment and hard disks ? I don't.
tion crashes, it may take out other programs, or Many users prefer this simplicity and the easy
the whole machine or just insidiously corrupt programming environment that SMS/QDOS
some system memory structure that causes "BASIC provides; I'm not sure that this simpli-
random problems at some later time. Linux, city, compactness and the abiliff to run on low
Windows 95fNT, Amiga, OSl2 et al a17 offer end systems is compatible with the demands of
various degrees of virtual machine protection modern, graphical, Internet-worked applica-
against this. tions.
As our'C'applications become more complex, A trader promoting ProWess (the new PROGS
then this becomes significant. As an example, graphical environment) recently commented
an obscure bug in a beta c68 that passed all "parts of hoWess package are so honibly
Dave's regression tests under QDOS showed up complk:ated to install or configure that they have
instantly when run as a cross-compiler on a gone away from the basic simplicity of the QL
Linux system. The Linux debugger also pinpoin- system". This is symptomatic of the whole pro-
ted the source of the problem instantly. blem: ProWess makes it easier to write graphi-
o Operating System. The QDOS operating system caily complex programs, the price is that it can
offers very little support to programmers (com- be diflicult for the user to install or configure
pared to Unix, Windows 954.{T, Amiga OS/2 (but perhaps easier to use?). The resource requi
etc) in writing complex progr:rms. Things that rements also shoot up. The parallels with com-
are easy on the above platforms may require plex graphic environments on other platforms
unpleasant amounts of assembler programming are all to obvious.
involving often poorly (or non-) documented The views expressed in this article were promp-
system structures. This is again an issue of the ted by some discussions with (inter-alia) Roy
trade-off of simple to use, low hardware require- Wood (Q-Branch) and Dilwyn Jones. The original
ments v. complexity and robustness. question was '\Mill Aurora facilitate access to the
Wouldn't it be useful if the QFrIR and SMS/ Internet (and a Web browser or Java interpreter)?"
QDOS manuals were available on the Internet The answer, of course, is no; only a huge software
and BBS? It would save a few trees; such low -
effort can do that Aurora will just make the
volume paper publishing can hardly be profi- display somewhat prettier. It cannot be a magic
table. Then there would be much less excuse for panacea for the massive effort involved in porting
programs that don't work under the latest ope- a complex software system. Of course, if Aurora
rating system versions. I despair when I read 256 colour drivers are produce4 then this may act
reviews of 'commercial' programs that don't as an incentive to developers.
even take advantage of the Pointer Environ- The opinions herein are solely those of the
ment. I
author; don't expect they are shared by the
. Open standards. With such a small developer majority of readers. If you disagree, why not write
base we cannot afford proprietary standards. A to the editor to tell eyeryone why I'm wrong, or
WWW browser that only supported 'Line- post for the defence in the INTL.QL BBS echo ? I
Design' format graphics is not very useful when look forward to
reading your comments
the graphics in millions of Web pages are in well particularly if
you're currently writing a freely
documented industry standards such as GIF, distributable sockets library for SMS/QDOS
TIFF and JPEG. computers. I
o User interest. I wonder just how commiued the Mitor's note: This Article is the propefly of
SMS/QDOS user base is to having complex, mo Joruthan Hudson, but at his express wish it
dern programs running on their computers. Two may be fieely quoted or copied. Usual QL
messages were posted on the BBS network in- Today copyright rcstrictions do not apply to this
quiring how may people would be interested in: articlc.
44 QL lodoy
f75 Allowed on your Gold Card
while stocks last.
QL lodoy 45-
persons name, address and telephone number in
Letter-Box order to help me with my problem. He never once
suggested payment for his time and effort spent.
March R. Renick, Jn - USA - wrote: The time will come wtren we'll reaßzn just how
much everyone of us owe him for all of his love,
1. rQLR AND QL WORLD time and effort put into the IQLR cause.
I am sure I am not the only one that considers For my part, I would never ask for a refund of
the demise of IQLR a great loss. I wish to express any kind. One has to personally experience having
my approval of your conciliatory comments con- had one or more heart attacks and been forfirnate
cerning Bob Dyl, and at the same time make a few enough to live to tell about it. I've had my share of
observations and/or comments concerning Bob injuries over the years, even including quadruple
and IQLR by-pass surgery. I am verythankful for having lived
It has been my experience over my life span of 7l after going through these experiences.
years that people are prone to jurnp up and down I guess what I'rn really saying is: Leave the man
and scream to the world that they have been alone, he has suffered enough for anyone's life-
wronged and at the same time blame everyone else time. He wasn't expecting to receive a fortune in
for their loss except themselves. publishing IQLR We owe him a debt of gratitude,
Before, I get further along in this letter let me for sure.
make a major observation with refrence to IQLR The task that you three gentlemen have taken on
vs QL World. Those individuals that published QL is exemplified by your producing, so far, two good
world were in the business of making money over issues of QL TODAY. Of course, there will be
any other cause. They never suffered any loss articles, understood and helpful to many indivi-
except revenue when they stopped publishing. To duals and some that are too complex to compre-
my knowledge, they never intended to refund any hend but you do have a good selection, especially
sum of money for the uncompleted subscriptions in the time frame you'ye had to put it all together.
owed to their subscribers. If the subscribers pur-
sued or attempted to receive a refund, it ultimately 2. A Qt USER'S E)(PERTENCE
cost more in time and temper plus unanswered My field of endeavor for 42 years was in electro-
letters than it was worth. In rny opinion they made nics. I became interested in Sinclair computers
out like sin, as the saying goes. when I attended a computer show in Washington,
We (allof us that subscribed to IQLR) have only D.C. back in the early 1980's. Investing in compu-
to look on our shelf at the five volumes represen- ters at that time was too expensive for me, however
ting 5 years of sweat, labor and love for getting I was intrigued by the ZX-80 series that Clive Sin-
IQLR out on time and besides that, the contri- clair started out with. I guess you might say that I
buters that Bob Dyl kept after to write articles, etc. was hooked, for sure. Of course in time I moved on
can be justly proud of their contribution in what to the 7X-81, then the American Spectrum, the
ever way they could. Timex TS - 2068 and then finally the QL. I have
Those individuals, such as yourse[ who have yet to become knowledgeable as a programmer. It
devoted your life to producing hardware, software seems that I am a user more so than one who can
and articles concerning computers and especially write programs.
our QLs should be even more aware and also I retired from the federal government in January
proud of your contribution to making information, 1988 and my wife and I moved to the state of Flo-
etc. about QLs easier for those not so well versed. rida after living and working in the Washington,
I can understand individuals feeling like they D.C. area for 42 years. My only regret is that there
have been put upon, but surely they can find a are to my knowledge no one interested in the Sin-
place in their heart to see the great loss we all have clair QL here in central Florida. I spend a lot of
suffered in almost losing Bob to life itself. He was a time writing and talking to those that are still
taskmaster of unequaled determination. He was a active in the Capitol Area Timex/Sinclair User
dynamic individual that had the pleasure of Group of which I am stilla subscriber even though
meeting in person at the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, I cannot attend the meetings anymore. Of course
USA get-together last year in June. the group only has a token number of faithful
I had talked with him by telephone many times attending members and they are still devoted and
over the past 5 years, and there was never a time interested in the QL. Back in the mid 80's the
that he was to busy to help me understand a groups membership was in the 50's or more, but
problem and how to solve it, if he knewthe answer. time has a way of weeding out member after
If he didn't know the answer, he would say so and member until it's lucky to survive for another year,
either contact someone else for me or give me that but it does.
46 QL lodoy
I remember the prediction over ten years ago primarily for speed as I aim to make routines read-
that the QL would be dead and buried in less than able above all else. Speed is considered and is
a year, but it's being used with new programs and especially important in certain of the routines but
new hardware keep coming on line. readability is always given flrst place.
I have three QLs that are operational and for The articles are aimed not at beginners nor at
sure I use two systems on a daily basis. I was wor- the experienced and knowledgeable but at middle
ried when I contemplated retirement that I level programmers who might want to improve
wouldn't have enough things to keep my interest and add to theA SUpeTBASIC libraries. Still I hope
and enthusiasm going, but I find that I really do even the experts wi[ find some of it useful and to
not have enough time to learn and work with set you thinking I will throw in the odd question or
numerous progfilms that are available and not too problem for the more ambitious. You don't need to
complex that would prevent me from using them. I solve such problems to use the code.
subscribe to several magazines that are still publi- Most of the routines already written are to help
shing or starting up such as: QUANTA, QL with presentation of data on the screen or with
TODAY, CATS, NESQLUG and UPDATE. I have conversion from one form to another. This is no
as near complete as possible the QUANTA library accident; I have often seen programs where the
disks, which contain a wealth of information and functional engine is superb but the presentation
programs, etc. There are also many pieces of soft- and user interface is a disaster. Converting data to
ware that I have purchased. At my age, I know that readable forms is often the first step in making a
I'll never fathom the depths of all of them, but I'm program easy to use. Some of the routines have
still learning and enjoying the programs that are little in common other than this theme of conver-
both usefirl and interesting to me and they help ting data or presenting it.
keep my mind active as well. If there are other areas of programming you
My #l system consists ofthe QL with JSU Rom, want coyered write to the editor of QL Today and
Super Gold Card, dual DD, HD, ED 3.5" drives ask. I can't guarantee to please everybody but if
plus dual DD 5.25" drives, My monitor is the there is a flood of requests for one particular sort
original Sinclair Vision Monitor. I have added the of routine I will consider writing some custom
DiRen keyboard interface, with 101 key keyboard, code. Remember my programming time is limited
the Qimi internal interface for a mouse, also I have so anything that requires masses of time to write
replaced the 8049 with Hermes. and debug will not be considered. If you don't have
My #2 system is basically the same as above with a clue whether something is trivial or immensely
the following exceptions: I have a Gold Car4 difficult then unite and ask for it and we'll let you
single DD,HD,ED drive, along with a single DD know.
drive and dual DD 5.25" drives. No mouse
interface. General programming tips
Both systems have STAR printers, models NX - Before getting stuck into this issue's code I will
1001 and NP - 10 they are 9 - pin , no color. suggest some general guidelines for SupeTBASIC
My #3 system is not as extensive, but usable with programming that might help you to write more
the orginal QL membrane keyboard, dual DD readable code. Writing readable code is essential if
drives, 3.5" and dual DD drives, 5.25", Trump you want to make debugging as easy as possible,
Card with disk drive interface, along with four since you may not see a listing for months or even
drive interface. The monitor is a Maganavox RGB years if it is working well. If after all this time a user
40, no printer. finds a bug or suggests a new enhancement then a
I clear, well ordered listing will jog your memory
better than some of the messy programs I have
seen. With this in mind a 1s,*/ 5rrggested rules are in
Snippet's Corner order.
M. Ihight. Some people will tell you that rules are made to
be broken but this is rubbish; some rules are made
to be broken, but this one never: always use proper
Introduction indenting when writing SuperBASIC. In addition,
This series of articles has two aims: one is to pro-
always use variable, PROCedure and FuNction
vide a library of routines for SupeTBASIC pro-
names that are meaningful and relate as closeiy to
grammers to incorporate into their own programs:
their function as possible. It is a matter of opinion,
the other is to show how well laid out code looks
but I also think using all upper case variable and
and to encourage good programming habits. In
routine names in SupeTBASIC is bad practice too.
general the code I provide will not be optimised
QL lodoy 47
This is because it can make it harder to pick out run it. It demonstrates the word-wrap routine that
calls to routines written in SupeTBASIC among has been in use for years in dozens of programs
built in keywords. and is one of the most useful I have ever written.
The most important rule is neyer, ever, ever use Over 90o/o of my programs contain this
GO TO or GO SUB in any program except as a PROCedure! It will word-wrap anytext that will fit
temporary patch while debugeing. GO TO and in any window in any CSIZE. Adventure writers
GO SUB are redundant in SupeTBASIC and make are especially happy to see it working. Some of the
programs much harder to read and debug. If you code may look odd at first glance but this routine
are one of those who moans ubut I cant get by works with all QL ROM versions and even works
without them!" then keep reading QL Today and around some bugs in them.
hopefirlly I and others will show you how. Don't Try to work out why line 30050 exists.
worry, it is still possible to write bad programs The other main routine is a FuNction that
without using GO TO or GO SUB if you want to. RETurns a string representing hours, rninutes and
seconds between the two numbers given, as long as
Common features the later one is higher. The numbers should repre-
sent times in seconds taken from the QL clock or
The following is a list of the common features in
the routines. calculated by some SuperBASIC. Both parameters
1. All variable names begin with "Tk-" to sepa-
should be positive and within the LONG INTE-
rate the Snippet's corner toolkit names from your GER range, so it works with up to over two bülion
own. Leave this part out if you wish but if you do seconds (2,147,483,647 seconds to be precise).
make sure you are consistent about it. Numbers outside this range may appear to work
2. Keywords zue generally UPPER CASE, so but the results are unreliable and in any case this
gives 596,523 hours, 14 minutes 7 seconds which
variable names are Mixed Case and routine names
are first part Mixed Case, last part UPPER CASE. ought to be enough! To display the number of
This means in a listing keywords, variables, hours minutes and seconds in 4000 seconds type:
print elapsed-tirne$ (0,4000)
PROCedures and FuNctions may be clearly distin-
guished. ...and for fun try:
3. Routines will generally work on any QL with
print elapsed-tirne$ ( 0, 2L17183617)
The following appears to work but the result is
any ROM (AH, JM, JS MG, Minerva), with Turbo
or Q-Liberator and in SBASIC. Some of my
routines work better with Digital Precision's Turbo
print elapsed-tiue$ ( -2, 2117 183617)
...can you work out or find out whf (Hint think
than with anything else because they were deve-
about the way QL numbers are stored).
loped for such use. If there are restrictions it will
The third routine, Leading_ZERO$, is called by
be for a good reason and I will give the reason.
4. Routines use a common set of line numbers Elapsed_TIME$ and several other routines in the
series as well as having uses of its own. It simply
starting at 30000 to ailow you to MERGE them
ensures a minimum length for a string with the
together easily and to fit them into your own
programs. Each article will also contain demon- leading end padded with the character of your
choice, e.g. try:
stration code which can be discarded once you
have run it and understood it. The demo lines will
for n=1 to 10:print leacli.ng-zero$(rnd(1 to
100) ,3, "0" )
start at 100.
5. Explanation is limited to how to call the for n=1 to 10:pri.nt leading-zero$(rnd(1 to
routines and a few lines about any limitations, with
100),3, " ")
examples. Experiment!
It is handy for right justifying screen text or
tables of integers and is used by Elapsed-TIME$
The Wrapper's delight to pad out each number in the string to the correct
The first thing to do is type in listing 1 and then minimum length of two characters.
Listing 1.
100 MoDE 4
110 UrNDoW rO4,L02,1,23
120 I,,INDOW#2 ;304, L00, 1,t25
130 lrlNDolir#0 ; 501, 32, 1, 221
1/+0 FOR Chan=0 T0 2
t50 PAPER#Chan;0
160 INK#Chan;7
48 QL lodoy
L7O BORDER#Chan;1,2
180 CLS#Ctran
190 EllD FOR Chan
200 :
210 TestText$=tt1hu word-wrap works in any size or shape of window as long as the text will fit.
It is very fast and adaptable and works with AH, JM, JS and MG ROMs, Minerva or SBASIC and SMSQ
or SMSQ/E. It also compiles well with Q-Liberator or Turbo.rl
220 FOR Chan=l T0 2
230 lIord-l'IRAP ChanrTestText$
2/'0 END FOR Chan
250 CSIZE#2;2,0
260 Word-WRAP 2,(It works in any CSIZE toolr'
270 CSIZE#2;O,0
280 |
290 TimerTime=DATE
J00 REPeat Ti-nerloop
3L0 AT 6,0
320 PRINT "Press the ESCape key to stop timing.rr;
330 AT 4,0
340 CuryentTime=DATE
3r0 PRINT Elapsed-TIME$(TinerTime,CurrentTirne) ;
360 rF rNKEY$(#0)=CHR$(27) THEN SXIT Timerroop
370 END REPeat Timerloop
380 :
30000 DEF ine PRO0edure tlord-IIRAP ( Tk-Channel%, Tk-iny$)
3000, LOCa1 TLFirstChrl,Tk-SpaceFoundtr,TLWraploop
30010 Ir I^EN(Tk-Any$)=0 THEN RETurn
30015 Tk-FirstChr%=1
30020 REPeat Tk-Wraploop
30025 IF Tk-Firstohru,LEN(Tk_Any$) THEN RETurn
30VA Tk-SpaceFoundf,-n n INSTR (Tk-Any$(Tk-Firstchr$ T0 ))
3003, IF Tk-SpaeeFouncl%r0 THEN
30010 IF Tk-SpaceFound#=1 TiIEN
30045 Tk*FirstChr%=Tk-First0hrf+Tk-SpaeeFoundf
30050 PRINT#Tk-ChannelS; ! r'rr;
30055 ELSE
30060 PRINT#Tk-CharneL%; ! Tk-iny$ (Tk-First0hrf T0 Tk-First0hrf,+TkJpsceFoundl-2) ;
3006, Tk-FirstChrf=Tk-FirstChrl+Tk-SpaceFoundf
30075 EISE
30080 PRINT#Tk-CharneL%;!Tk-Any$(Tk-FirstChrfl T0 );
30A8, RETurn
30095 END REPeat Tk-Wraploop
,0100 END DEFine lJord-WRAP
30L05 :
J 0110 DE F ine FuNct ion Elap s ed-T lME$ ( Tt-q1 s11Time, Tk-CurrentT ine )
30t15 L0Ca1 Tk-Ilours,Tk-.Ivlinutes,Tk-Seconcls
30L20 IF Tk-CurrentTime<Tk-StartTime THEN RETurn rrHr:l{n:Scrl
3072, Tk-Seconds=Tk-CurrentTine-Tk-,startTine
30L30 Tk-J{ours=INT(Tk-seconds/3600)
30]-3 5 Tk-Seconds=Tk-Seconds- ( Tk-Jloursx3600 )
30140 Tk-J'tinutes=INT (Tk-Seconds/60)
30L15 Tk-Seconcls=Tk-Seconds- ( tt-J'tinutesx6O )
30a50 RETurn Leading zERo$(Tk-J{ours,2r,,O',) &rr: t'&Leading ZERo$(Tk-J'linutesr2rnott)&n:
" &LeadingJERO$ ( Tf,-Seconds, 2,
J0155 END DEFine Elapsed-TIME$
30L60 :
30165 DEFine FuNction Leading ZERO$(Tk--AnyNum$, Tk-Figurssfl,fk r.eadg)
30L70 TF tEN(Tk--A,nytlum$).Tk-Figures% THEN
30t75 RETurn FILL$(Tk-I.ead$,Tk-Figuresf-LEl(Tt-AnyNun$))&Tk-AnyNum$
30185 RETurn Tk-ÄnyNum$
1019, END DBFine Leadine-rERO$
QL lodey 49-
The second problem was in using the '(British
Easy Export from Z,88 Pound), which terminated a transfer if the 288
printer driver was not modified to get rid of con-
Pipedream into Qt Quill trol characters (as recommended in the README
Beryl and lohn Crawley, Welwyn Garden City, file). Once the control characters have been
England removed, the f, sign on the 288 (163) can be
translated to 96 - the f sign on the QL.
After several years'recording data for historical With these two changes, the right hand side of
research on a Psion Organiser II, we tired of the the 288 printer editor would read:
small keyboard, and took advantage of Bill Translations A B C
50 @L lodoy
You can leave these programs at any point where STYLE-CHECK DATA BASE: The STYLE-
a cursor is displayed. When you return to the CHECK data base can be edited by the user. One
program, if F4 fails to refresh the screen, try user wrote that he would like a facility to retain
pressing ENTER or "n". These will usually return some commands in the data base, but to make
you to the main menu screen. them "non-active". This is possible. When
HARD DISIC Some users have reported diffi- STYLE-CHECK searches its data base it looks for
culties in running the programs from hard disk or Chr$(10);word;":". If you change the colon for
subdirectories. This problem is almost certainly another character, say #, you will make the com-
caused by an active DATA_USE command direc- ment non-active.
ting the program to look at the wrong drive or FOREIGN LANGUAGES: I am often asked if
directory. Reset DATA_USE to the correct drive my programs can be used for languages other than
and directory. It is only needed when loading, and English.
can be restored to the old value after loading is SOLVIT-PLUS 2 is designed as a universal pro-
completed. $am and is supplied with English, Danish,
All the programs carry out a number of checks French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish,
to determine the default drive and directory. These Swedish and Welsh word lists. ASCII word lists in
can be passed by DATA_USE, other languages can be loaded into the program,
OPIION_COMMAND$ or parameters by EX although these lists may require slight modifi-
commands. The first check is DATA_USE. If a cations.
DATA_USE command is found the other checks QL-THESAURUS has a data base that is sepa-
are not carried out. If enough users complain that rate from the main program, and this can be edited
this is a problem, I will mod$ the code. by the user. In theory it would be possible to write
ATARI TT: All the programs, with the exception a data base for a foreign language, but this would
of QL-THESAURUS v. 3.00, will not run on be a major task. It took me 2 months to write the
ATARI TT systems as the programs are Turbo data base and I month to revise it. Should a for-
compiled. On the STYLE-CHECK disk is a QLib eign language user write a data base for his lan-
version of the program, which will run on an guage of commercial standard, I would be happy
ATARI TT. A QLib version of SOLVTT-PLUS 2 is to help him in converting the entire program to his
available on request. language.
Qliberator is more compatible than Turbo with Gary Norton will be pleased to hear there is now
the new operating systems, and it is good to hear a USA English data base.
that this compiler may shortly be updated. If there STYLE-CHECK may or may not be adaptable
is a significant speed increase, I will give serious for a foreign language. Until some one tries it, I
consideration to compiling my complete program cannot be certain. Many of the statistical routines
range with Qliberator. wüi be usuable in other languages, but the program
WRONG MODE: If you accidentally enter the must be calibrated to make the statistics meaning-
wrons mode in SOLVIT-PLUS 2 or QL-THESAU ful. This is done by running alarge number of text
RUS v. 3.00, just press ENTER This will return files, from children's stories to graduate theses, as
you to the main menu. test material through the program. It should also
SMSQ: There is a small bug in STYLE-CHECK be possible to write a data base for a foreign
when run under SMSQ. If the delay is set to -1, this language. I would, of course, give my help by any
appears on the configuration screen as "-". At serious attempt to do this.
runtime this is no problem, but if you try to save it INTEGRATED WORD PROCESSOR: Many
as a default it is also saved as "-". On reloading the users say they would like the thesaurus and
program crashes. The bad news is that there is no style-checker integrated into their word processor.
solution to this bug, which appears to be an incom- This observation should be made to the authors of
patibility problem between a Turbo compiled pro- the word processors. Should anyone be writing the
gram and SMSQ. new super all purpose word processor for the QL,
The good news is that if the value of -l is saved they can expect my cooperation.
correctly the bug is harmless. You can do this in 3 T
different ways:
l: Return to QDOS for the one time you wish to
save a default of -1. 2: Correct the Style_def file
with a text editor. 3: Use the QLib version to save
the default.
QL lodoy 51
chess any more as I used to consistently beat Psion
Black Knight Review chess on level six and it plays better than Black
Mark Knight Knight. Using a loaned QL I played Psion Chess
against Black Knight four times (both running on
Introduction l6lvlhz Gold Card systems) and Psion chess won
every game. The programs were given roughly
Black Knight is a brave effort as it is the first
equivalent time to think rather than playing on
chess program since the original and innovative
levels with the same number, so this was a fair
Psion Chess from the early days of the QL. At the
time Psion Chess was original both because of the
possibility of a 3D display and because it played You may feel this limits the usefirllness of Black
Knieht as an opponent but I think it makes little
much better than most other microcomputer chess
programs. To try to replace it with an up to date difference unless you can beat the upper levels
consistently. The ideal chess opponent is said to be
program is a bold move and Black Knight does
just that. one that wins twice as often as you do, and Black
Knight on level three was able to do that for me.
The first advantage of Black Knight is that it
works on modern QL or SMSQ systems with
With a few weeks determined practise I would
expect to regain some of my old skill and beat level
floppy disks, hard disks and expanded memory.
seven or eight fairly often but there are ten levels
Psion Chess will fail on most QL emulators and
so I would still have a worthwhile opponent. You
doesn't easily run under SMSQ or SMSQ/E. Users
of Psion Chess had to find ways to patch that pro
will need to judge for yourself whether or not this
gram or lose the use of it when they upgraded their is likely to be the case for you.
I had some highly entertaining games with Black
systems, while Black Knight runs on anything even
vaguely QL compatible with 640k RAM or more
Knight and found that the best option was pretty
much the same as with any chess program: play
and at least a floppy disk drive.
openings that lead to tight and complex positions.
One bad mistake though and the program leaps on
First impressions yoq crushing your pieces and checkmating you in
Black Knight has a simple but non-standard very short order. [n common with most chess
interface and I found it very easy to start playing programs Black Knight tends to shuffle its rooks
within minutes of backing up the disk. The pro around aimlessly in tight locked up positions,
gram beat me yery quickly in the first game but allowing you to gather your pieces for an attack.
then I am not very good at chess
and most chess programs beat me.
I played a number of games over
the first few days and quickly got
used to Black Knight, finding it
easy and hardly requiring the
manual. Some of the icons used
were initially confusing but once
looked up in the manual nothing
was hard to master. Moving pieces
is very sirnple, just click on them
with the mouse and the pointer
becomes the piece, then move it to
the destination and click again to
put it down. Even without a mouse
it is fine as the pointer system
works well using the cursor keys. I Once again, make a wrong move during your
don't have a mouse on my system but had no attack and Black Knight pounces with great eager-
trouble though did appreciate the increase in ness.
usability on a borrowed QL. Again in common with other chess programs,
once you have the program in a position where you
Playing games can shortly checkmate it throws pieces away in
Within a few days I was back in practise and I order to delay the mate by a move or two. This
could consistently beat level two and often beat adds to the fun. I found a bug after checkmating
level three. This just shows I am not much good at Black Knight as I took back a few moves with the
52 QL lodoy
Miracle Systems
QL lodoy s3
"Oops" option and tried tocheckmate in a I believe Config is a royalty free program so it
different way. Black Knight had become terminally could be put on the disk without another thought.
confused and would not ailow me to move my
queen, flagging every move as an illegal move. It Conclusion
also made illegal moves and I had to save the Black Knight is a flawed but excellent program.
position, quit the program and reload in order to For most users it plays chess well enough to keep
recover. them entertained for years and is easy to use. Ifthe
This bug was easily reproduced but it seems to non-standard interface is brought into line with
matter little as it only occurs once you have won a other PE programs it will be even easier and could
game anyway. The author will be tacHing it and not then be faulted on ease of use. It is expensive
future versions should be free of this problem. The by QL game standards but offset against this is the
confusion also occurs sometimes before a mate massive amount of effort involved in writing and
has been found if "Oops" is used but I could not debugging a chess program. If you are a chess
find out the precise circumstances in which this lover it is certainly worth serious consideration.
was true. I never ran into problems unless moyes I
had been taken back during the course of a game
and most of the time didn't use this facility
anyway. Recovery was always easy, just save the
position, quit Black Knight and reload. ATARI Ql-Emulator
Jochen Men
The manual
The manual is tiny, just six sides of clearly I don't want to go to deep into history, here just a
printed A5 and it is not badly written. It is too short overview: the frst Ql-Emulator was a board
sparse for my liking as I feel every Pointer from Norway, made for Mega ST and 52OllO40
Environment (PE) program manual should be machines. Based on a ZX830I it provided
written with the first time user in mind; after all ordinary QL resolutions. Two years later, the
the purchaser may be buying Black Knight as their Extended4-Emulators was born in Germany. It
first pointer driven program. A little more infor- could handle Mode 4 oniy, but in standard and
mation on installing into subdirectories would be "extended" 768x280 pixel resolution (this is the
helpful too, with a single stage by stage example to maximum you can get non-interlaced from 50Hz
help those new to subdirectories. As the program Monitors and TVs). Both emulators were based on
is so simple to use little extra would be needed and QDOS with some add-on drivers.
it would help some users a great deal. Then QVME appeared - a "proper" VME-Bus
card which can be plugged into Mega STEs and
TTs. Resolution, frequencies etc. can be adjusted
Irritations in software, therefore it was the most flexible QL
One of the things that irritated me about Black
display adaptor. Then SMSQ/E for the ATARI
Knight was the non-standard user interface. PE
appeared which would also allow you to run on
programs usually conform to a common layout
ATARIs with all three emulators as well as on the
and use much the same keyboard shortcuts such as
64Ox400 71Hz ATARI monitors - without any
F2 for the files menu etc. Black Knight ignores all
that and uses its own set of icons laid out in a
SMSQ/E for the ATARI is still the QL emulation
non-standard fashion. If this provided faster access
which uses most facilities of the machines (which
or some other advantage over the usual way of are, unfortunately, not built anymore): ATARIs
doing things it would be worth it, but it doesn't. I
high-end machine was (some years ago) the TT -
think the author should take a look at LineDesign
two of them still do a very good job here and for
and QD and a few other Pointer Programs and
many customers. Based on a 32MHz 68030 it will
rewrite the appropriate parts of Black Knight so it
handle any size of RAM up to 266M8 without loss
of speed (FastRAM concept). It also supports all
The standard Config program is not provided
the available ports properly - 4 serial ports (some
though Black Knight must be configured using this
with high baud-rates and high throughput) - I have
program if it is to be installed on a hard disk or any
two modems connected to one machine which can
device other than flpl_ [sorry, did not notice this
be active at the same time, print via PAR and
- it NOW is included - JochenJ.I have the Config
update software via SERNET and the machine
program as I have several pointer driven programs
does not get noticeable slower. All kinds of
but once again the purchaser buyrng Black Knight
harddisks and removable media (up to 8 drives)
as their first such program might have a hard time.
54 QL lodoy
are well supported, and it is even possible to access QPC pulls it off. By some clever coding by Marcel
DOS or TOS (ATARI) partitions from SMSQ/E - Kilgus (QPC) plus the efficient SMSQ/E (by Tony
very usefi.rl! Tebby), QPC will turn any PC with a 486 processor
The TT is the only machine which supports or better into a QL running SMSQ/E. This means
memory protection via Memory Management that you can no\ry have a portable QL or that you
Unit. Most useful, acc€sses to invalid addresses can turn your PC at the office or home into another
which "wrap" in all the other systems can be QL, even if you can not afford the Q)0- (a compari-
son with the Q)ü hardware emulator card comes
trapped. Lots of bugs in various software remained
undiscovered until SMSQ/E ran on the TT -
This article discusses QPC in some depth. It
thanks to the TT a lot of buggr software has been
includes performance issues, features (new and
restrictions), and system comparisons. A few notes
As said before, ATARIs are not built anymore,
on what I ran into when using QPC are also inclu-
but they are still available second-hand very ded.
reliable and also still the best-supported SMSQ/E
machines. I wouldn't want to swap my TTs against As Shipped from the Factory - QPC and
PCs. SMSQ/E v2.76
I QPC is shipped on a single floppy disk with 13
pages of instructions/information. Instead of run-
ning QDOS, it comes with the faster, compatible
SMSQ/E v2.76. SMSQ/E is a replacement for
QPC QDOS and is under constant development by Tony
SMSQ/E takes over the PC Tebby, the original author of QDOS. If you are not
James Hunkins, USA familiar with SMSQ/E, you should refer to the
many articles on this operating system found in
It is such wonderful day for writing a review. The
a previous issues of Quanta, IQL& and QL Today.
sun is out, the air is fresh, and I am sitting on my The documentation is adequate for QPC installa-
porch enjoying it all while I write this on my trusty tion and usage.
laptop computer. To run QPC you need a PC compatible machine
Wait a minute, you say. A laptop. This means that with a 486 or faster processor. You can not use a
this article was written on a PC or Macintosh? 386 or lower machine as QPC uses some of the
Could Jim actually be using the 'other'computer? extra 486 instructions.
The answer is yes and no. This is being written on The video card should support VGA and/or
a PC cornpatible laptop. But it is being written with Super VGA ISVGA] (800x600 resolution, 16
the Text8TPlus4 word processor under SMSQ/E. color). If your video card's Super VGA mode does
This is made possible with the amazing new pro- not support 16 colors (some ofthe newer ones only
gram calied QPC. support 256 or more colors), you will not be able to
QPC is a QL emulator. An emulator runs code use the 80Ox600 graphics mode.
from one computer on a totally different computer. Since SMSQ/E includes the pointer environ-
This is accomplished by translating the code as it ment, a mouse or similar pointing device is recom-
runs to the native (the new computer's) processor's mended (but not required). This device can be
equivalent code. In addition, the emulator has to either serial port or PS/2 based.
map the original system's hardware calls to match QPC also provides support for floppy (QDOS
the native system's hardware. and PC formats) and hard drives and Audio CD
We have seen QL emulators previously for com- drives.
puters such as the Macintosh and the Atari. Both QPC runs under DOS (up to version 7.0). It will
these computers use 68000 family processors, just not run under Windows (3.1, 95, NT), OS/2, Unix
as the original QL and its expansion cards do. This or any operating system or memory device driver
greatly simplifies the emulator (but by no means that uses protected memory (see installation
trivializes it). notes). Instructions are included that may make it
However, PC computers use the Intel family of possible to run it on machines with Windows '95,
x86 processors which have a totally different archi- but it seems that this doesn't always work. Perhaps
tecture consisting of different instructions, internal you will be lucky. But the rebooting back to DOS
registers, etc. In other words, most 68000 (QL method will always work.
type) instructions will not exactly match x86
instructions. This makes it much more complicated Usage Notes
to do an emulator and requires much more Installation: Installation is very simple. You place
processing horsepower. the floppy disk into the drive and type 'INSTALL.
QL lodoy 55
A very pleasant picture is loaded onto the screen you get an error when rebooting your machine after
with QPC spread across it. When you see this you you do the change, just check it against your DOS
might be tempted to believe that you could produce manual. Here are the errors that were in my copy
this type of image with QPC. Sorry, but it was (they might be gone by the time you get yours):
probably done with PC software, as QPC and CONFIG.SYS fde:
SMSQ/E do not support enough colors yet to BUFFERS:O,I5 -> should be BUFFERS:I5,O
achieve it (but you never know about the future, PATH:... -> this should be in AUTODGC.BAT
since your PC based graphics can support them). Make sure that you set the country to your
The install program then leads you through a country in CONFIG.SYS. The sample is set to 044
short installation in which it copies the needed files (EneJand). USA is 001 and Germanyis 049. Other
to either a floppy or your hard drive (recom- country codes are found in the DOS manual.
mended). It also modifies some flrles during the In the AUTODGC.BAT file example, the KEYB
installation, so it is necessary to NOT write protect (keyboard) is set to Germany. Make sure that you
your QPC disk. If you don't follow the simple set this to your country (USA:US, United King-
instructions in the manual and have instead set your dom:UK). I actuallyleftthis line out of myfile and
QPC diskefte to wite protection, you will discover everything was okay. I however did include a
some of the carefull thought that went into this 'KBD_TABLE USA'line in my QDOS boot file.
program. When I did this (yes, I should have read While the next item is in the manual, I still missed
the manual flrst!), a simple note popped up on the it. The CONFIG.SYS example sets the
screen telling me to remove the write protection /INT15:4096 for the HIMEM driver. This is the
from the disk. After I did this and pressed a key, the amount of memory reserved for QPC. When I used
installation continued without a hitch. Most PC this but tried to configure QPC to use 8K (8192), I
based programs would have aborted or locked up if got an error message and QPC reset to 4K (4096)
this happened without so much as a sorry! and continued to start (this was a nice way to han-
After you have installed the program, you will dle this error). When I changed the value to 8192,
probably want to configure it. This is where you QPC gave methatmuch memory andwas happyto
choose the video resolution, boot up disk options, do so. Just make sure that you dont set a value
and mouse, serial, and parallel port options. While higher than you physically have on your computer.
you could run QPC and configrre the program by Copy Protection: This is the one issue that always
copying it to floppy and running the standard poin- gets my dander up, the need (or perceived need) for
ter environment Config program on it, the easiest copy protection. Copy protection is usually added
method is to run the PC based CONFIG.DG to a program because too many people borrow
program that comes with QPC. Again, this is a copies and never pay for them. It has always been
simple process. Note that if you have a serial port my personal belief and hope (maybe I am living in a
based mouse, you need to set the serial port that it make believe world) that any program that is high
uses to none. For most people the defaults given for quality, useful, and reasonably priced should not
the other ports will do nicely. require copy protection. People should be willing
There is an improvement over the QXL hardware and even happy to pay for it.
emulator when it comes to hard drive usage. The Unfortunately, those powers to be (and this is
QXL only allows one QL hard drive per PC hard their right) decided that QPC needs to have copy
drive letter. On the other hand QPC lets you assign protection. The negative side is that you must
a file name for each QL hard drive that you wish to always work offthe original disk. Making a backup
use. You could, if so inclined, actually have 8 sepa- saßty disk won't work.
rate QL hard drives (winl_ through winS_) However, this should not be a problem for most
actually existing on a single PC hard drive. people. QPC's copy protection has been reasonably
There is one more step required. QPC can not use well thought out. It comes with two installable
any PC memory manager other than HIMEM.SYS. copies. For most people, the second copy will be
Therefore you might have to change your PC's used as a backup just in case your hard disk is
CONFIG.SYS & AUTODGC.BAT files. Instruc- corrupted (fairly rare). In my case I instalied one
tions are included for doing this with sample before copy on my laptop and one will go on my office
and after file listings. Most people should not have computer (t have a Q)(L on my home desktop
any problems with it. The samples use the boot computer already). I am using the two copies but
menu capabilities that come with DOS 6.0 or will only be using one at a time, therefore not
higher. This allows you at boot up to choose your violating any rules. Note that if you plan to have
normal configuration or the modified QPC confi both copies installed on different computers, please
gUration. make sure that only one is in use at a time. You
There are a few minor effors in the new file should own a separate copy for each user of the
listings (at least they were errors on my system). If program. This is only fair to the authors.
56 QL lodey
Ifyou plan to remove a copy and put it on another As I mentioned previously, your PC's video card
computer, this is yery easy. When you nrn install must support SVGA 80Ox600 in 16 colors to run
and it finds that you have already installed a copy, it QPC in SVGA mode. If it only supports SVGA in
gives you an option to install the second copy (if 256 or more colors, you can not run QPC above the
still available) or to de-install the copy. [f you VGA resoiution. There should be no limit as to who
choose de-install, it takes the copy from your can run VGA or lower modes. Just about all486 or
computer and adds it back into the QPC floppy above PC's support VGA and lower resolutions for
disk as available. You can then install it on another the QPC.
computer asusual. NOTE: doNOTjust delete QPC A nice item (this is actually a SMSQ/E feature) is
from your computer. If you do, you loose that copy, that you can change your video mode without
period. restarting QPC. This is convenient is you are wor-
Let's consider two scenarios that might be of king late but normally use SVGA. When my eye
concern. Let's say that your floppy is comrpted. sight starts failing, I tend to switch to VGA for the
For those of you who have done business with larger image. A note: you should never try to
Jochen Merz (the distributor of QPC), you know change your video mode to a higher resolution that
that he is a reasonable person. His policy for you started QPC with. [Jochen's note: why not? -
corrupted or damaged floppies just requires that it does work very well herell
you return the original for fixing or replacement. Operating System: QPC ships with Tony Tebby's
As to upgrades. You will be able to install the superb updated operating system, SMSQ/E v2.76.
upgrade onto your original floppy or better yet, This is the same operating system that you can
upgrades will be installable directly onto the purchase to run on the Gold card, the Super Gold
computer that QPC currently exists without having Card, the QXL, and the Atari. Tony is constantly
to de-install it first. updating SMSQ/E and updates will be made availa-
Video Modes: QPC currently supports four diffe- ble to QPC owners. In fact" one of the delays in
rent video modes. Of course you can use the stan- QPC to market was in making sure that it had the
dard QL mode (512x256).In addition, the other latest version of SMSQ/E included.
three modes are EGA (64Ox350), VGA (64Ox480), If you haven't used SMSQ/E yet, you will find that
and SVGA (80Ox600). The screen capture shown it includes the ToolKit II and the pointer
in this review is in 80Ox600 mode running on my environment built into it. It includes many perfor-
laptop. As you can see, you can cram tons of stuff mance improvements and the now well known
on your screen. Wonderful! SBASIC, an improved Super Basic interpreter. In
Softw*e for Wrltcr3 aild Uord Lovcnr
'.-.-.the QL Wrtbr's Paclcage
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lr-ü rllrrl lrrn lm rlhF, lFm qE
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Geoff Bertrand Russellstraat 22, ,097 HL Netherlands.
Tel: ß1 - 692 1521. 4111
QL lodoy 57
fact, the performance section of this review shows through F. Only the summaries are included here.
how SBASIC actually ran the benchmarks faster Test group l-12 covers basic instructions and
than the QLIBed version of the benchmarks. loops with simple math functions. Test group 13-17
Again, I recommend that you dlg through some of runs compute intensive math functions such as
your recent magaztne issues and find the different LOG1OO and SINO. The results for MathBench
reviews of SMSQ/E for more detaüs. are given as how much faster the tests ran com-
pared to a non-modified QL. A word of caution
Extras should be used with the MathBench numbers,
As we all know, one of the really nice (and endu- especially for the Q)(L. The MathBench loops are
ring) things about QDOS and SMSQ/E is the not very large and do not take too much time to
ability to add new commands and capabilities to it. run. The results are given in I second resolution.
QPC uses this to supply extra capabilities that This can slightly skew the results for the QPC. On
normally aren't found on the normal QL. the Q)(L ran the tests so fast that the 1 second
There are several commands that most versions resolution of the results truncated the results down
of SMSQ/E include relating to hard and floppy to 0 and I second per test. The numbers for the
disk usage, video modes and serial port usage (up QXL are given to indicate its high speed but
to 57600 baud). should be considered inaccurate.
By far the most useful new commands (or maybe MathBench tests B and C are run with SBASIC
just the most enjoyable) are letting me listen to my (SuperBasic on the original QL). Test C uses the
favorite musical CD wtrile I type this. A full series integer variable of SBASIC to speed things up.
of simple basic commands have been added to let Test D is a Qliberated version of the benchmark.
you access music CDs from your computer's CD Tests E and F are Turbo versions of the
player (assuming you have one). If you have loaded benchmark.
your DOS CD and sound card drivers before star-
ting QPC, you can use commands
CD_RESUME, and CD_EIECT. I^aptop Desldop Desldop
Several other commands retum 100 MHz 133 MHz ß3 MHz
information about the tracks, times,
etc. A sample basic program is Dhrystones 2212 3048 6849
included to play your CDs. I expect
someone will come out with a fancy MathBench, Group l-12
CD program now (you perhaps?). B: Basic 32.5 46.3 150
C: Basic, Int Var 34.8 40.0 162
Performance D: QLTB 30.4 43.3 r39
Performance means benchmarks. E: TURBO, Brief 38.5 130 )o(
Benchmarks means misleading F: TURBO, Fast 122 t77 )o(
results. You have been warne4 so
here we go. MathBench, Group 13-17
I ran two sets of benchmarks on B: Basic 12.9 17.4 49.7
QPC and a Q)(I- hardware emulator C: Basic,IntVar 12.9 17.4 49.7
card. QPC was mn on two different D: QLIB t5.l 20.5 49.7
computers. The first was a Gateway E: TURBO, Brief 15.1 20.5 )o(
2000 Solo laptop with a 100MHz F: TURBO, Fast 15.8 23.2 )o(
Pentium, a SVGA resolution screen
and local bus video. The second MathBench, Summary
computer was my miscellaneous part B: Basic 26.4 37.0 ll5
sourced desktop with a 133 MHz C: Basic, Int Var 27.7 38.9 l2l
Pentium, PCI video, VGA resolution D: QLIB 26.3 37.0 109
(in SVGA mode, the 256 min color E: TURBO, Brief 51.0 71.8 )o(
limit on my card bit me). The Q)(L F: TURBO, Fast 60.4 88.3 )o(
used the same desklop computer and
VGA resolution. Looking at the table, the Dhrystone results show
The benchmarks used were Dhrystone and the expected difference between the laptop and
MathBench, both dorvnloaded from QBOX USA. desktop machines. The difference is partially due
The Dhrystone numbers (integer math and stan- to the faster processor. Additionally, all laptops are
dard loop type test) are Dhrystones per second (an power stingy and therefore compromise some per-
industry standard). For MathBench I ran tests B formance for power savings. The Q)(L numbers on
s8 QL lodoy
the same desktop show perfonnance results at to run just about any QL application on most 486
about twice that of QPC on the same machine. or better machines.
MathBench gives a better breakdown of the per-
formance. [t can be observed that the BASIC ver- Programs
sions actually ran faster than the QLIBERATED I threw quite a few programs at QPC and have
version. This is due to the much improved SBASIC found no problems so far. But I need to qualify that
which is part of SMSQ/E that comes with QPC statement.
and which was purchased separately for the QXL. QPC runs SMSQ/E, not QDOS. Therefore many
The MathBench Summary provides a good ove- of the older programs that cheated (this inciudes
rall performance comparison. Disregarding the many TURBO compiled programs and some early
ruRBO section (not all TURBO programs run games) are not compatible. All the programs that I
under QPC or QXL due to 'short cuts'theytook to run today worked without a hitch. Some of the
speed things up), the QPC on the slowest machine eaü QUANIA library programs do not run (at
tested here was 26 times as fast as the original QL! least so far). For those of you wtro have been
For the desktop machine it was 37 times as fast. A updating your hardware over the years, the same
486 DX2 running at 66 MHzcan probably achieve programs that quit working with your new
l/3 the speed of the Pentium 133 MHz used here hardware probably will still not work under QPC.
(conservative estimate). This would result in a per- The follorving list is a sampling of what I ran so
formance of l8 times the speed of the orieinal QL. far under QPC:
As far as emulators go, this is hot stuff! Cueshell, TextSZ QlReader, QPAC I,II, QD,
The original 16 MHz Gold Card expansion QTPI, HlperHelp, XChange, Unzip, C68, Line-
speeds up the QL by a factor ofabout 7. The Super Design, MineField, EasyPtr, Uogtfl Misc Pointer
Gold Card has even better performance, speeding Utils, DISA, Engif
things up to about 14 times the original QI-s
speed. Using these approximations, the QPC on a Comparison to Q)(L
486DX2 66MHz speed should compare favorably Once deciding that an emulator is a must buy, it
with the Super Gold Card enhanced QL! is necessary to determine whether the software
Since numbers definitely do not tell the entire version (QPC) or the hardware version (Q(I-) is
tale, I will give some descriptive meaning to them right for you. For me, it was easy, I bought both.
as per my experience so far. But let's say you are not as liberal with your hard
I ran quite a few programs on my laptop for this earned money as I seem to be.
review. The screen capture shows just a few, inclu- Before looking at the usage part of the decision,
ding ProWesS and Pointer based programs, a two performance items need to be brought up,
game, an editor, and a separate SBASIC window. other than raw speed. The QK depends on a slow
The biggest test of performanc€ is when I ran the bus connection to the PC hardware (the good old
newly released ProWesS [PWSI package. This is a AT bus). Two noticeable performance items occur
very computer intensive vector window manage- due to this that QPC does not suffer from. The
ment and font package. With my laptop plugged in QXL can have moderately jerky screen updates in
(on battery mode, it runs slower, depending on the certain conditions. It also has relatively slow
power saving options selected), this software ran floppy disk access. The QPC has very smooth
acceptably well. It was not as fast as I would like, screen refreshing and its floppy disk access (for
but it was definitelyuseful. The only'painful'delay both QL and PC formats) is noticeable faster than
occurred when ProWesS first generated a font. the QXL's.
However, ProWesS caches fonts. After the lrst Ifyou need portability, QPC is probably the right
font usage, ProWesS ran smoothly. ProWesS on choice. QXL can fit some of the older PC laptops
my desktop version of QPC ran well. but that option amounts to mofe power
ln viewing a more commonly used (so far) front consumption and therefore less time (if any) on a
end package, the pointer environment ran as battery. Also, I don't know of any laptop that is
smoothly as one could wish for. All of the other color which will take the QXL card.
packages I tried ran without a hitch and I can not For a desktop choice, the Q)(L does have advan-
complain about their performance. tages. First and foremost, it is definitely faster
Most software should run fine, even on a 486 (approximately xZ on my desktop system). It can
machine. My gut feel is to caution running also be run from Windows and OS/2 (in full screen
something like the ProWesS package unless you mode only) without having to reboot the system to
had a 486 DX2 or better. The performance of DOS. However, the Q)(L is more expensive. If you
QPC is remarkable. Even though it can't compare are planning to use a lot of high end graphics (such
to the QXL hardware emulator, it runs much faster as Line Design or ProWesS) or are planning to run
than the original QL and has horse power enough large simulations or large C68 compiles, the Q)(L
QL loday 59
might warrant the cost. But if the cost of a Q)(L is updates its clock with the systems real time clock
too high for you at this time, QPC works just fine. every three minutes. The longest the QPC clock
Another consideration, if you insist that your could be wrong after a stand-by mode shut down is
computer play your Audio CD's while you work, just three minutes.
you have to use QPC. Q (L does not support audio I also found that on my laptop, the SVGA mode
CDs at this time. is perfect for viewing. I get excellent resolution and
For the power hungry, the Q)(L is also the SVGA mode completely fills my screen.
choice. But even my power desire can not justiff My laptop includes the touch screen pointer
two Q)(L cards so I use a QXL on my home device which uses the standard mouse drivers. It
desktop and QPC at the office and in my laptop. also adds a 'double tap' capability which is the
same as pressing the left mouse button. This works
Laptop Usage with no problems at all under QPC. I suspect any
Even though QPC uses an unusual memory other mouse 'substitute' that uses the standard
management scheme, it seems to be compatible mouse drivers will also work with QPC.
with my laptop's power saving circuitry. Perhaps I did find one problem with my particular laptop
this is due to the power saving code being part of and the Audio CD routines. When shut my I
the BIOS. If your laptop of choice was made in the laptop while playing a CD, the laptop goes into
last few years and therefore follows the standards, suspend mode. As expected, the CD stopped
it should give you the advantages of the power I
playrng. However, when resumed operations,
saving circuitry while running QPC. If your laptop QPC was locked. This is easily avoidable by typing
is older, you might check to ensure that the polyer CD_STOP before shutting your laptop lid. Simple
saving circuitry is BIOS based. Even if it is not, it enough.
might still work but is up to you to find out.
Another item for laptops is how they manage Final Notes
shutdown/power standby modes. During standby, As you have probably guessed by now, I am
everything is literally shutdown. Normally this definately recommending QPC for anyone with
might cause trouble with software that maintains the need for a portable QL or another QL on a
its own time (such as QPC). However, QPC desttop who must use a PC for work. For the
60 QL fodoy
desklop, it comes down to your choice between the Dave Walker has located the sources ficr the
lower cost QPC option or the QXL's better perfor- Linux uJavau virtual machine project. This is
manc€ (assuming that you are using SMSQ/E on written in C and is easily portable to QDOS. The
the Q)0). virhral machine is however only part of the "Java"
I have had only two problems with QPC (other environment; the potentially more difficult part is
than NOT reading the manual). The first was the sourcing of the runtime "Class Libraries"
related to shutting down my laptop while QPC was which would be QDOS specific.
playrng an audio CD, as discussed previously. The Neither Dave or myself really has time to work
second is that my desltop version of QPC does on such a project; if you're interested in helping in
not find the serial mouse. To be fair, have I bringing "Jayau to QDOS then futher information
dedicated the time for this article to testing is available from Dave Walker
primarily on my laptop and running different (dj.walker@x400.icl.co.uk) or Jonathan Hudson
programs. I probably will find that I didnt follow 0rh@jrhudson.demon.co.uk). Specific skill
instructions for the mouse. If it continues to be a requirements include'C'/Pointer Environment.
problem, I can depend on Jochen Merz to help Internet access to track the progress ofthe Linux
solve it! Overall considering what I have put QPC Java team would also be helpful.
through, it perficrmed is perfiorming well beyond
my expectations! News from QUBBESOFT P/D
QPC is very well done, simple to use, and Ron Dunnett informs us that no more stocks of
provides excellent current compatibility through
the SyQuest EZ-135 drives are available from the
the use of SMSQ/E as its operating system. manufacturer, so Qubbesoft P/D are no longer
able to supply the EZ-135 drives which have
Extra Information: This article was written with proved so popular with the Qubide IDE interface.
Text87P1us4 lby SoftwareSTl on QPC [bv Marcel The bad news is that although SyQuest have
Kilgusl running on a Gateway2000 Solo Laptop brought out a successor to the drive, called the
Computer. The screen capture was done with EZ-F\yer, it is not currently available in an IDE
Engif [by Dr. Carlo Delhez] on the same computer model. Ron states that there is no problem with
with QPC, 60Ox800 resolution. The copy of QPC the supply of the 135M8 cartridges, these will
used is not an evaluation copy but one purchased
continue to be available.
by me, the author. This is obviously the best
endorsement I can give.
QL Users Email Database
Jast Tbsted... the new release of OS/2 Ver 4.00 Tony Firshman has suggested we create a
(Merlin) runs QPC under the Dedicated Dos common list of QL User Email addresses rather
option. This effectively shuts OS/2 down and than the separate lists currently held by various
starts a normal DOS mode (V7.00 modified) traders etc.
which allows QPC to run normally. When you are I
To implement this, have volunteered (?) to
finished with a QPC session, your system will maintain and despatch updated lists to interested
parties using the same automated system currently
restore your OS/2 desktop to where you left it.
This entire process is MUCH faster than using in place.
Dual Boot ficr running QPC and is less stressful on If you do not wish to have your Email details
your hard disk drive. QPC can actually now be made available on this list please let me know.
started from a desltop icon. Robin Barker eMail: di-ren@di-ren.co.uk
One restriction is that you can not use the menu
versions of the config.sys and autoexec.bat as Q-emulator News
suggested in the QPC documentation. The DOS There's now a Q-emulator support site on the
support does not include this. World Wide Web:
I http ://www. geocities. com/SiliconValley/ Heights/
New Q-emulator versions 1.1 (68K Macs) and
2.1 (Power Macs) have been released, with added
Last Minute News mouse emulation under the Pointer Environment.
Registered Q-emulator lx users can download
the 1.1 updater at the above WWW address.
STOP PRESS: (hot from the Byfleet QUANTA Registered Q-emulator 2.x users can request to
meeting from Jonathan Hudson) me to receive the new 2.1 version as an e-mail
Since writing the Future Imperfect article, some attachment (it is quite long).
interesting developments have come to light.
QL lodoy 61
Q-emulator 3.0 will be ready in a few months. with the 5x speed of an original QL on a 166 Mhz
This version is for 68000 Macs only and is about clocked Pentium.
twice as fast as Q-emulator 1.1 thanks to an UQIX is still in its early development phase,
extensive rewrite in machine language of the screen mode 4, JS-ROM and TKII support, floppy
emulation engine. disk and host file system access, up to 4MB RAM
Daniele Terdina and real time clock already work, the rest of QL
e-mait sistest@ictp.trieste.it features is in development. The host filesystem
Feedback is always welcome! access already allows access and creation of UND(
I directories by emulating the FileSystem II opera-
tion. The 68000 emulation is the same quality as
Daniele's emulator, therefore I expect that UQLX
62 QL loday r--
(Di-Wn Worldwide QL Internet Resoarce
http:/rlttww. d Lren. co. uk lqlihomepage. htm
Email: di-ren@d i-ren.co. uk fi&w adüess)
Amadeus Interlink
Fast, eflicient networking.
YVyndley Drive Di-Ren lnternet Web Site files now available by Email.
Sutton Coldßeld Fs information send tha following Enail liessage:
973 6EU Email to: di*en@di*n.co.uk
Great Britain ileesage to read: AUTO SENDFILE help.brt
QLlodey 63-
BEST FOtr {997!
Sunday lTth Nov. 1996 The Bristol QL User Group are pleased to
announce that arrangements are now well
10am to 4pm in hand to present the following activities at
at the above workshop:
Somerset Hall, Portishead, Nth Somerset
(off junction 19 of the M5) * Graphical and DTP software on QL, by a
w ell-known OL p ersonality
* All the rnajor QL traders present * SupeTBASIC progrünming, by our resi-
* The farnous Bristol Bring 'n Buy
* Help and Ad.vice Clinic dent expeft.
* An introductionto Machine Code pro-
* Tblks and lectures
* gramming by on experienced programmer.
Theatre style presentations * An ovemiew of the Pointer Environment
* Free parking
* Refr e s hm
and the capabilities offered, hy a well-
e nt s av ailab le
known QL expefi.
not to mention the friendly and helpful welcome
from Quanta and the Bristol QL aserc Group
An opportunity to get to all those
questions you always wanted to ask. Don't
For further information, hotel availability, miss out. Come to Portishead on Sunday 17th
directions etc. please telephone Mike November. The Bristol QL User Group and
Ashford on (01934) 4f54f6 Quanta look forward to welcoming you there.