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Physics of Cognition: Complexity and Creativity: T E P J

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Eur. Phys. J.

Special Topics 146, 205–216 (2007)

c EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag 2007 THE EUROPEAN
DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2007-00181-0 PHYSICAL JOURNAL

Physics of cognition: Complexity and creativitya

F.T. Arecchi
Physics Department, University of Florence, Italy

Abstract. A scientific problem described within a given code is mapped by a

corresponding computational problem, We call complexity (algorithmic) the bit
length of the shortest instruction that solves the problem. Deterministic chaos in
general affects a dynamical system making the corresponding problem experimen-
tally and computationally heavy, since one must reset the initial conditions at a
rate higher than that of information loss (Kolmogorov entropy). One can control
chaos by adding to the system new degrees of freedom (information swapping:
information lost by chaos is replaced by that arising from the new degrees of free-
dom). This implies a change of code, or a new augmented model.
Within a single code, changing hypotheses means fixing different sets of control
parameters, each with a different a-priori probability, to be then confirmed and
transformed into an a-posteriori probability via Bayes theorem. Sequential appli-
cation of Bayes rule is nothing else than the Darwinian strategy in evolutionary
biology. The sequence is a steepest ascent algorithm, which stops once maximum
probability has been reached. At this point the hypothesis exploration stops.
By changing code (and hence the set of relevant variables) one can start again
to formulate new classes of hypotheses. We call creativity the action of code chang-
ing, which is guided by hints not formalized within the previous code, whence not
accessible to a computer. We call semantic complexity the number of different
scientific codes, or models, that describe a situation. It is however a fuzzy con-
cept, in so far as this number changes due to interaction of the operator with the
context. These considerations are illustrated with reference to a cognitive task,
starting from synchronization of neuron arrays in a perceptual area and tracing
the putative path toward a model building.
Since this is a report on work in progress, we skip technicalities in order to stress
the gist of the question, and provide references to more detailed work.

1 Introduction: Complexity and chaos

A large amount of papers have appeared at the interface of neuroscience, computational science
and physics and many computational models of perceptual tasks have been introduced. A recent
comprehensive review has been provided by Rabinovich et al. [1].
Cognition, defined as a worldview that can be formulated in a given language and shared
with other agents, is considered as a higher level endeavour with respect to perception. A
cognitive agent is not susceptible of a closed physical description, since it changes its amount
of information by exposure to an environment; this fact has been called bio-semiosis and it
has been taken as the distinctive feature of a living system, from a single cell to humans [2,3].
For this reason, cognitive science has been considered thus far as a territory extraneous to
This contribution is a tribute to a dear friend, Cárlos Pérez Garı́a, with whom I have had long
conversations at the interface between physics and epistemology.
e-mail: tito.arecchi@inoa.it; www.inoa.it/home/arecchi
206 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

physics. Here we explore intersections of these areas of investigation with physics, having in
mind the recent progress in nonlinear dynamics and complex systems.
Since the problem area we are facing is new, it is my aim to provide a heuristic introduction
that may be instrumental for further insight. I do not pretend to offer a theory, but just
a preliminary discussion thus many statements are just qualitative hints, which should be
reconsidered in a more formal way.
In computer science, we call “complexity” C of a problem to the number of bits of the
computer program that solves the problem. In physics, the most common approach to a problem
consists of a description of the system in terms of its elementary components and their mutual
interactions (reductionistic code). In general, this entails a chaotic dynamics with a non zero
information loss rate K. Since these concepts have been circulating for quite a time, I just
summarize some qualitative points, with the help of heuristic pictures.
In figure 1 the thick line with an arrow means that, for a given dynamical law, the trajectory
emerging from a precise initial condition (the star) is unique. The space coordinates of the initial
point are in general assigned by real numbers that we truncate to a finite number of digits. Thus
the initial condition is not an Euclidean point, but a whole segment. Initial conditions to the
left or right of the ideal one converge toward the ideal trajectory or diverge away depending on
whether the transverse stability analysis yields a valley-like (left) or hill-like (right) landscape.
In the second case, we loose information of the initial preparation at a rate that depends on the
steepness of the downhill. This information loss does not require interaction with a disturbing
environment as in noise problems; it is just a sensitive dependence on the initial conditions
nowadays called deterministic chaos. K denotes the rate of information loss after Kolmogorov.

Fig. 1. Deterministic Chaos. The thick line with an arrow represents the unique trajectory emerging
as solution of the equations of motion from the initial condition denoted by a star. The transverse
stability (left) or instability (right) means that trajectories starting from nearby initial points (dotted
lines) converge to (left) or diverge from (right) the ideal trajectory. The right case is a regular motion;
the left one is chaotic, with information loss.

Newton restricted his dynamics to 2-body interactions which are regular as the in the left
figure. In 1890 Henry Poincaré showed that the gravitational problem with 3 or more interacting
bodies displays generically the transverse instability depicted on the right.
Chaos can be controlled by additional external degrees of freedom, which change the slope of
the transverse potential without perturbing the longitudinal trajectory (figure 2). Changing the
number of degrees of freedom amounts to changing the descriptive code. In the perceptual case,
we will see in section 2, that a collective neuron dynamics is in general chaotic. In presence of a
specific sensory input, different top-down perturbations due to different stored memories modify
the transverse stability by different amounts. There will be a competition among different
interpretations, that is, different perturbations of the sensorial stimulus by past memories. The
winning result is that which assures the highest stability during the perception time (usually,
a perceptual window is of the order of a few hundred milliseconds). In figure 2 we depict the
role of two different control perturbations. Thus, we anticipate already from section 2 that any
New Trends, Dynamics and Scales in Pattern Formation 207

Fig. 2. Control of Chaos: Adding new degrees of freedom in a

suitable way, the transverse instability can be reduced (right to the
arrow) or wholly eliminated (left to the arrow), while conserving the
longitudinal trajectory. The addition of extra degrees of freedom
implies a change of code, thus it can be seen as a new level of
description of the same physical system.

coherent perception is an interpretation, that is, a change of code with respect to that imposed
by the sheer sensorial stimulus.
If we do not introduce control, information on the initial setting has been lost after a time
K −1 and one must re-assign the initial condition in order to predict the future: think e.g. of
meteorological forecast. This may be very information consuming; that’s why a novel descriptive
code, which reduces K,may be more effective than the old one.
Within the reductionistic code, problems have a monotonic C-K behavior. For K = 0,we
have C = 0; thus it has been straightforward to design an algorithm, BACON [4], which infers
Kepler’s laws from the regularities of the planets motions.
For K → ∞ (Boltzmann gas) a dynamical description requires N → ∞ variables hence
C → ∞. However, for most experimental situations a thermodynamical description is sufficient,
and thermodynamics has a very low C. This means that re-coding a problem in terms of new
indicators suggested by a specific experience (semiosis) replaces the old code of the microscopic
description with a new one having lower complexity. This reduction is by no means a loss of
resolution, since the lost bits are inaccessible and hence they could not be dubbed as hidden
We generalize saying that any code transformation implying a complexity reduction – as it
occurs in most human endeavours, as e.g. translation of a text to another language – requires
a mechanism of information loss and replacement with new information not included in the
primitive code (information swapping).
On the contrary, working within a fixed code, any complexity change is due to a different
organization of the system under scrutiny, as it occurs in Renormalization Group applications
called Multi-Grid [5].
The fixed code means that the analysis can be carried by a computer; this automatic version
of complexity does not match our pre-scientific expectations. We rather call it complication,
leaving the concept of complexity to the different points of view under which we grasp the same
system under different codes (section 3).
Two different definitions of complexity-complication are compared in figure 3, namely, the
algorithmic one CA, already defined above and introduced by G. Chaitin in 1965 [6], and
the logical depth D, introduced in 1985 by C. Bennett [7] as the time necessary to execute a
program starting from the shortest instruction. For low K the two definitions are equivalent
but, while CA increases monotonically with K, D goes to zero for high K. Indeed think of a
random number: CA and K as well, will increase with the number of digits, whereas D is very
short: once the number of digits has been collected in the long instruction, then the execution
is just: “print it”.
As an example, let us consider the Ising model. It consists of a set of coupled spin 1/2 particles
in a thermostat at fixed temperature. At low temperature (left), the mutual interactions prevail
over the thermal disturbance and all spins will be aligned parallel in an ordered collective state
with low complexity. At high temperature (right), the thermal perturbation exceeds the mutual
coupling and the spins are randomly distributed, hence both CA and D will be like the right
extreme of figure 3. In the middle, at a critical temperature Tc, the two forces acting on each
spin will be comparable and the whole system organizes in large clusters of parallel spins. The
208 The European Physical Journal Special Topics


Fig. 3. Two definitions of Complexity-Complication. Left: CA= algorithmic complexity [5]; it increases
monotonically with Kolmogorov entropy K and is maximal for a random bit sequence. Right: D = logical
depth [6], it has a maximum for intermediate K and is very small for a random sequence.

Fig. 4. C-K diagram: Comparison between the procedure

of a computer and a semiotic cognitive agent (say: a sci-
entist). The computer operates within a single code and C
increases with K. A scientist explores how adding differ-
ent degrees of freedom one can reduce the high K of the
single-code description. This is equivalent to the control
operation of figure 2; it corresponds to a new model with
reduced C and K. An example is offered by the transition
from a molecular dynamics to a thermodynamic descrip-
tion of a many body system.

clusters undergo large size fluctuations; hence Dreaches a maximum which scales with a power
z of the system size L. In 3D, z = 0.2.
Many further measures of complexity have been introduced and a list can be found included
in a review volume [8]. They have a common feature, namely, since they rely on the information
content of the problem under consideration, they can be considered as varieties of what we called
With reference to the sketch of figure 4, we call creativity any code change, which takes
place from a high C model to a lower C model. Some well-known examples are collected in the
table 1.

Table 1. Reduction of complexity by code change.

1. Electricity, Magnetism, Optics Maxwell Electromagnetic equations
2. Mendeleev Table Quantum Atom (Bohr, Pauli)
3. Zoo of more than 100 Elementary SU (3)- quarks (M.Gell Mann)
4. Scaling Laws in Phase Transitions Renormalization Group (Wilson)

The rest of this paper is organised as follows: In section 2, we apply dynamic considerations
to explain coherent perceptions, and how they are categorized as cognitions. In section 3 we
discuss the procedures whereby cognitions are organized into models and hint at how creativity
New Trends, Dynamics and Scales in Pattern Formation 209

2 Dynamics of a cognitive task

As well known, a neuron is a brain cell with mainly chemical exchange (neurotransmitters)
at both input and output. The body (soma) performs the usual cell operations, namely, cell
metabolism and processing of input signals to be coupled as output signals. However, at variance
with the other cells, the signal travels over long distances within the neuron as an electric
signal (train of stereotyped spikes, of about 70-millivolt height and 1 ms duration) through
a transmission line (axon) with a propagation speed around 1 m/sec. The input information
is coded as variable inter-spike separation (ISI) and then re-coded into an amount of output
neurotransmitter [9]. Since the axons have lengths between some micrometers in the brain
cortex and one meter in the spinal chord, only the electrical propagation assures transmission
times of a fraction of a second. The alternative would be a transport by flow as with hormones
in the blood, or by molecular diffusion between two cell membranes. The former may require
tens or hundreds of seconds; the latter is convenient only for very small separations d, since the
diffusion time T scales as T = d2 /D, where the diffusion constant D for bio-molecules in water
is around 10−6 cm2 sec−1 . Thus for d = 1 mm, T would be 104 sec (about 3 hours) against an
electric transport time d/v = 1 ms.
A neuron behaves as a threshold circuit that fires whenever the algebraic sum of the inputs
(taking as positive the excitatory signals and as negative the inhibitory ones) overcomes a given
Neural integration consists of a correlation between neurons, even far away from each other,
when their receptive fields extract different features of the same object. This correlation (feature
binding see [10–13]), is a collective state with neurons having their spikes synchronized.
Psychophysical studies have shown that the analysis of visual scenes occurs in two phases.
First, the elementary features of the objects, as color, motion, contour orientation, and are
locally detected in parallel. Next, these components are connected to provide a coherent object
representation (Gestalt).
More precisely, feature binding denotes how coupled neurons combine external signals with
internal memories into new coherent patterns of meaning. An external stimulus spreads over an
assembly of coupled neurons, building up a corresponding collective state by synchronization of
the spike trains of individual neurons. In presence of different external stimuli, different clusters
of synchronized neurons are present within the same cortical area. The microscopic dynamics
of N coupled neurons is thus replaced by the interplay of n  N clusters .The n objects are
the attractors of a chaotic dynamics.
The crucial fact has been the dissipation of information. This means that a perception
based on the n collective clusters has lost the detailed information of the N  n elementary
components. Information loss and subsequent change of relevant variables means that coding
at a higher hierarchical level is not just a computational task, but it violates the statute of a
Turing machine.
Let us explore feature binding in detail with reference to vision. In vision, each fiber con-
necting the retina with the primary visual cortex has a limited receptive field. An extended
input image is dissected over many channels, like a mosaic. A holistic perception emerges com-
bining stimuli on different receptive fields by synchronization of the corresponding spike trains.
Neural communication is based on a code whereby different regions, which must contribute to
the same perception, synchronize their spikes.
The spike emission from a nonlinear dynamical system is a matching between bottom-up
(input) stimuli and resetting of the control parameters by top-down controls. The most plausible
mechanism for it is the chaos due to a saddle focus S bifurcation (Shilnikov chaos) [14]. Let us see
how it occurs (figure 5). The trajectory in phase space is a closed one (HC = homoclinicchaos)
with a return to S through a stable manifold with contraction rate γ and escape through the
unstable manifold with expansion rate α. Chaos requires α < γ. Away from S the motion is
regular and gives rise to an identical peak P per turn. The inter-peak interval (ISI) is chaotic
due to the variable amount of time spent around S. The HC dynamics has been studied in detail
for a CO2 laser [15–17] for convenient control parameters, neuron models as Hodgkin–Huxley
or Hindmarsh–Rose present HC [18].
210 The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Fig. 5. Homoclinic chaos through a saddle

focus bifurcation (HC). The phase space trajec-
tory scapes from S through the unstable mani-
fold and returns to S through the stable one. HC
has been found in laser equations with feedback as
well as in several neuron models as e.g. Hodgkin–
Huxley and Hindmarsh–Rose.

The qualitative dynamics sketched in figure 5 shows that HC occurs under very general
assumptions; thus we set aside specific physiological mechanisms and model the individual
neuron as an HC system. The susceptibility χ (sensitivity to an external perturbation) is high
around S and low everywhere else [19]; thus the system is very resilient to uniformly distributed
noise. The high χ gallows a response correlated in time with an external perturbation. This has
been proved by synchronization to a periodic applied signal [20] or by mutual synchronization
of an array of coupled identical HC systems, modeling the neurons an interacting cortical
area [21].
In figure 6, I plot the space-time locations of spikes (each one represented as a point) in
an array of HC systems with nearest neighbor coupling. They represent a plausible model for
a set of coupled neurons. From left to right, we have different degrees of coupling. Full syn-
chronization is reached above a critical coupling strength. By synchronization we do not mean
isochronism, which would imply horizontal lines in the plot of figure 6. We have to account for
lags in the dynamical coupling; furthermore, in real neuron arrays one should also account for
delays in the axonal propagation. Thus, synchronism means that the spikes in neighboring sites
are separated by much less than the average ISI; otherwise there would be a spike missing (as

Fig. 6. Space-time representations of spike positions for different coupling strengths. Connected lines
mean that adjacent sites have spike separation much smaller than the ISI (interspike interval); discon-
nection denotes loci of local defects (one spike more or less with respect to the previous site).
New Trends, Dynamics and Scales in Pattern Formation 211

Fig. 7. Competition between synchronisation regimes imposed by two external periodic stimuli applied
respectively at the first and last site of a linear array of coupled systems, for different frequencies ω1 , ω2
of the two input signals and for different coupling strengths ε of nearest neighbour neurons. The vertical
scales in the three frames are different since we wish to select different time slots [21].

the “holes” or defects in the patterns at intermediate couplings). Of course, in a long chain the
single spike time separation between the first and the last can be much large than the average
ISI; yet the system has a coherent pattern without defects.
So far we referred to spontaneous synchronization for a sufficient mutual coupling. In the
presence of an input signal at one (or a few) neurons, the whole array can undergo synchro-
nization even for coupling below the critical one. These considerations have been developed
in [21].
In the case of two competing inputs (figure 7), the respective responses are two synchronized
clusters of different size, depending on the input feature (the frequency of a periodic signal).
It is plausible to assume that, if an equilibrium configuration is reached after a transient (fig-
ure 7(a), and (b)), then a majority rule will select the perceived pattern. If no equilibrium
is reached and strong fluctuations persist (figure 7(c)), then we are in presence of ambiguous
patterns as investigated by Gestalt psychologists.
Thus, in this dynamical model of feature binding, we take neurons as coupled HC systems;
a feature is recognized it the corresponding input induces a collective synchronized state; com-
peting features will induce different coherent domains and the winner should be the largest
coherent domain. At a higher perceptual level, a “reader” of these collective states classifies as
categories the collective states, not just the single neuron states.
Spike emission from a neuron is a matching between a bottom–up input signal arriving
from the sensory detectors (retina in the visual case) and control parameter setting due to a
top–down signal sent by the memory and corresponding to a possible categorical interpretation
of the input. The bottom-up signal arriving from the early visual stages codes an elementary
feature, e.g. a horizontal bar, independently on where it comes from (it can be a priori as-
sociated with any of different objects, say a dog and a cat, included in the visual field). The
top-down perturbation originates from an “interpretation” provided by the semantic memory,
where the categories “dog” and “cat” are stored. A focal attention mechanism keeps trying
different categories until a matching is reached.
This model has been called ART (adaptive resonance theory) by S. Grossberg [22]. It is plau-
sible to conjecture that only for resonant states (that is, those in which top-down and bottom-up
match reciprocally) awareness is reached, and this seems to require a time around 200 ms.
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Fig. 8. Successive applications of the Bayes theorem

to the experiments. The procedure is an ascent of
the Probability Mountain through a steepest gradient
line. Each point of the line carries an information
related to the local probability by Shannon formula.

ART is very successful in explaining the perception formation. There is however a strong
limitation in it, namely, since it is the basis of a computational program, the stored categories
are classified as fixed objects, whereas in cognitive science they are considered as modifiable
entities, molded by the ongoing increase of knowledge; we will return on this in the next section.

3 Two types of cognitive task: Semantic complexity

We distinguish two types of cognitive task. In type I, we work within a prefixed framework and
readjust the hypotheses at each new cognitive session, by a Bayes strategy. Bayes theorem [23]
consists of the relation:
P (h|data) = P (data|h)P (h)/P (data) (1)
That is: the probability P(h|data)of an hypothesis h, conditioned by the observed data (this
is the meaning of the bar “|” ) and called a-posteriori probability of h, is the product of the
probability P(data |h) that data is generated by an hypothesis h, times the a-priori probability
P (h) of that hypothesis (we assume to have a package of convenient hypotheses with different
probabilities) and divided the probabilty P(data) of the effectively occurred data. As shown
in figure 8, starting from an initial observation and formulating a large number of different
hypotheses, the one supported by the experiment suggests the most appropriate dynamical
explanation. Going a step forward and repeating the Bayes procedure amounts to climbing a
probability mountain along a steepest gradient line.
The evolutionary strategy postulated by Darwin, as sequences of mutations followed by
selection of that mutant which best fits the environment (that is, which maximizes the fitness)
is in fact an application of Bayes theorem, once we call fitness the probability mountain. A
computer can perform such an endeavor, since it has been performed within one code.
A complex problem is characterized by a probability landscape with many peaks (figure 9).
Jumping from a probability hill to another is a not Bayesian process, I call it type II cognition
and a deterministic computer can not do it.
In human cognition, type II is driven by hints suggested by the context (semiosis) yet not
included in the model. Type II task is a creativity act because it goes beyond it implies a
change of code, at variance with type I, which operates within a fixed code. The ascent to a
single peak can be automatized in a steepest gradient program; once the peak has been reached,
the program stops, any further step would be a downfall. A non-deterministic computer can
not perform the jumps of type II, since it intrinsically lacks semiotic abilities. In order to do
that, the computer must be assisted by a human operator. We call “meaning” the multi-peak
landscape and “semantic complexity” the number of peaks. However, this is a fuzzy concept,
which varies as our comprehension evolves.
Let us discuss in detail the difference between type I cognitive task, which implies changing
hypothesis h within a model, that is, climbing a single mountain, and type II cognitive task
which implies changing model, that is, jumping over to another mountain.
New Trends, Dynamics and Scales in Pattern Formation 213

Fig. 9. Semantic complexity – A complex system is one with a many-peak probability landscape. The
ascent to a single peak can be automatized in a steepest gradient program; to record the other peaks, and
thus continue the Bayes strategy elsewhere, is a creativity act, implying a holistic comprehension of the
surrounding world (semiosis). We call “meaning” the multi-peak landscape and “semantic complexity”
the number of peaks.

We formalize a model as a set of dynamical variables xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , N), N being the number

of degrees of freedom, with the equations of motion
ẋi = Fi (x1 , . . . , xN ; µ1 , . . . , µM ) (2)
where F i are the force laws and the M numbers µi represent the control parameters. The set
F , x , µ is the model.
Changing hypotheses within a model means varying the control parameters, as we do when
exploring the transition from regular to chaotic motion in some model dynamics.
Instead, changing code, or model, means selecting different sets of degrees of freedom, control
parameters and equations of motion as follows:
ẋi = Gi (x1 , . . . , xR ; µ1 , . . . , µL ) (3)
where Gi , R and L are different respectively from Fi , N and M . The set {G, x , µ} is the new
While changing hypotheses within a model is an a-semiotic procedure that can be autom-
atized in an computerized expert system, changing model implies catching the meaning of the
observed world, and this requires what has been called embodied cognition [24]. Embodied cog-
nition has been developed over thousands of generations of evolutionary adaptation, and we
are unable so far to formalize it as an algorithm.
This no-go statement seems to be violated by a class of complex systems, which has been
dealt with successfully by recursive algorithms. Let us consider a space lattice of spins, with
couplings that can be ferro or anti-ferromagnetic in a disordered, but frozen way (spin glass at
zero temperature, with quenched disorder). It will be impossible to find a unique ground state.
For instance having three spins A, B, and C in a triangular lattice, if all have ferromagnetic
interaction the ground state will consist of parallel spins. But if instead one (and only one) of
the mutual coupling is anti-ferromagnetic, then there will be no satisfactory spin orientation
compatible with the coupling (try with: A-up, B-up, C-up: it does not work; then try to reverse
a single spin, but it does not work either).
This model has a cognitive flavor, since a brain region can be modeled as a lattice of coupled
neurons with coupling either excitatory or inhibitory, thus resembling a spin glass [25–27]. We
have a large number of possible ground states, all including some frustration. Trying to classify
all possible configurations is a task whose computational difficulty (either, program length or
execution time) diverges exponentially with the size of the system. Sequentially related changes
of code have been successfully introduced to arrive at finite-time solutions [5,28].
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Fig. 10. Hermeneutic circle and hermeneutic spiral. In a semantic space each word A, B,. . . is assigned
different connotations or meanings, denoted by a dot. In the upper case, starting from a meaning of
A and applying grammatical operations (represented by arrowed stripes) a particular meaning of B
is reached; applying the inverse operation, one returns to the initial meaning of A. In the lower case,
if semiosis has occurred during the grammatical operation, the inverse operator leads in general to a
different meaning of A. The upper case corresponds to a dynamics without information loss (regular);
the lower case corresponds to a chaotic dynamics, that the agent has stabilized by some control (as in
figure 2) thus introducing new information in place of the lost one (information swapping).

Can we say that the mentioned solutions realize the reductionistic dream of finding a suitable
computer program that not only climbs the single probability peak, but also is able to chose the
highest peak? If so, the optimization problem would correspond to understanding the meaning
of the object under scrutiny.
We should realize however that spin glasses are frozen objects, given once for ever. A clever
search of symmetries has produced a spin glass theory [28] that, like the Renormalization
Group (RG) for critical phenomena discovers a recursive procedure for changing codes in an
optimized way [29]. Even though the problem has a large number of potential minima, and
hence of probability peaks, a suitable insight in the topology of the abstract space embedding
the dynamical system has led to an optimized trajectory across the peaks. In other words, the
correlated clusters can be ordered in a hierarchical way and formalism analogous to RG applied.
It must be stressed that this has been possible because the system under scrutiny has a
structure assigned once for ever. In everyday tasks, we face a system embedded in an environ-
ment, which induces a-priori unpredictable changes in course of time. This rules out the nice
symmetries of hierarchical approaches, and rather requires an adaptive approach. Furthermore,
a real life context sensitive system has to be understood within a reasonably short time, in
order to take vital decisions about it.
We symbolize the computer–human comparison by introducing the hermeneutic circle and
the hermeneutic spiral (figure 10). Consider a semantic space, where each point represents a
meaning. Assume that each word A, B, is assigned a finite number of different meanings, or
connotations. Once chosen a connotation A1 for A, linguistic connectors map it to B1 in B. In
case of no-information loss, as one expects in a regular dynamics, the inverse operation takes
back to A1, hence the definition of hermeneutic circle.
If the meaning set is not frozen once for ever, but evolves in the interaction of the cognitive
agent with the context, then the inverse mapping leads in general to A2 different from A1,
since in between the two linguistic mappings the agent has evolved under the influence of the
context. We can model the process as a chaotic dynamics stabilized by semiosis, that replaces
the lost information by new one. The meaning set is no longer finite, but it evolves in time, and
the sequence of cognitive acts in semantic space is called a hermeneutic spiral.
From the point of view of experimental neuroscience, repeated odor exposures of a locust
probed by electrodes put in the olfactory neurons yield identical spike trains [30]. Thus the
locust acts as a computer, since its previous learning holds un-modified in course of time. On
the contrary, in a rabbit exposed to the same odor at different times, the neural patterns of
electrical activity display modifications, even though the rabbit reacts in the same way [31].
New Trends, Dynamics and Scales in Pattern Formation 215

The second time the rabbit does not just feel the sensory input, but it combines the sensorial
stimulus with the memory of a past experience, in a bottom–up/top–down interplay; we may
dare to say that the rabbit has a creative knowledge.

4 Conclusion
Recently, I have discussed the time code in neural information processing [19]. If we further
inquire on the intrinsically human semiotic ability, a peculiar feature emerges. In fact, concepts
are not static representations that can be stored in a memory (either, human or computer) but
they are continuously molded by interaction between mental states and context.
With reference to figure 9, we can conclude that the algorithmic procedure within a specific
formalized model (we say: within a single code) is the ascent of a single probability mountain,
that is, an a-semiotic task that can be carried on by a computer.
The ability to “read” the signs of the environment in which the cognitive agent is embedded
(semiosis) stimulates tentative jumps to other models. The tentative explanation here presented
in terms of nonlinear dynamics is the following: the extra degrees of freedom introduced by
the environment would induce deterministic chaos; the cognitive agent tends to stabilize its
worldview (figure 2) by a suitable mechanism of chaos control based upon its available resources
(previous memories). The combination of the inner resources and of the novel elements provided
by the environment implies a new dynamical model (a different mountain in the picture of
figure 9). Creativity is such a model change, which is not arbitrary, whimsical, but is guided
by the requirement of a small K(maximal stability, or reliability of the new model).
To refer to the current debate among epistemologists, the model building here presented is
neither solipsistic (in fact, it includes information from the environment) nor passive (in fact,
the chaos control is done by the agent).

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