• DES is broken
• Triple-DES is secure
• Key management vulnerability
• How Triple-DES can be attacked
• The Atalla Key Block
• Conclusion
For the last two decades, cryptographic protection of keys and data in financial
networks has been provided by the Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption
algorithm. Single-length DES has been shown to be vulnerable to an exhaustive key
search attack in as little as 22 hours. The finance industry is moving to the Triple-DES
algorithm for its presumed increased security. The DES algorithm itself remains secure,
but requires the longer key length of Triple-DES to adequately secure banking assets.
The security of the DES environment is compounded by legacy single-length DES
systems coexisting with Triple-DES implementations.
In order to realize the increased security potential of Triple-DES, key management will
need to assume primary importance. Standards-based Triple-DES key storage and key
exchange are being implemented insecurely today. Perhaps surprising to many, such
implementations are only slightly more secure than single-length DES. HP’s Atalla
Security Products Group has documented several attacks that revealed stored Triple-DES
keys with significantly less effort than informed customers find acceptable.
In response, the Atalla Security Products Group has defined the new Atalla Key Block,
which is designed to maximize security in a Triple-DES environment.
The Atalla Key Block from HP is flexible and extensible to enable the secure
management, storage, and control of all keys used with Atalla banking products. The
new Atalla Key Block is both simple and easy to implement, and the Atalla Security
Products Group also provides tools for customers to migrate easily to the secure Atalla
Key Block.
Atalla Security Products Group recommends that customers consider all facets of
implementing Triple-DES security: operational usage, key management, key storage,
and key exchange. The Atalla Key Block provides true Triple-DES–strength security in all
cases. But Triple-DES is not the last new algorithm in sight. The Atalla Key Block
provides ease of use and extensibility for future needs such as the Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES). Atalla Security Products Group recommends that customers start
planning migration to the Atalla Key Block to accrue the benefits of full Triple-DES
DES is broken
Figure 1. Single-length DES.
triple-DES is secure
Figure 2. Triple-DES.
Figure 3. Secure key management is achieved by the host application and HSM working together.
In any case, Triple-DES keys outside an HSM are considered to be in a “hostile”
environment and must be managed securely. If Triple-DES key management is
implemented suboptimally, then Triple-DES is not substantially more secure than single-
length DES.
Where should keys be stored? It may appear most safe to store keys in a physically
secure HSM, but this is not practical. An HSM will never have enough key storage
capacity for today’s needs. In practical terms, key storage is managed by a host
application and the HSM working together (see figure 3). As shown in the figure, keys
within the host domain (shown in green) are secure, while those outside the host
domain (shown in red), though encrypted, may be less secure in enabling
interoperability with other systems. Cryptographic systems store thousands of
cryptographic keys for use in a wide variety of algorithms that are applied
simultaneously for many different purposes. For example, a typical HSM may
simultaneously support RSA signature generation, PIN processing, digital enveloping,
and data encryption using DES, Triple-DES, RC4, and many other algorithms.
Cryptographic keys must be protected throughout the cryptographic life of the data or
process being protected. This life span of the data or process may be many years in the
case of PIN protection in a consumer banking environment.
Within the ANSI X9.24 standard, the guideline for key protection is to encrypt the keys
when they are in a hostile environment. However, this guideline is inadequate. ANSI
X9.24 specifies that Triple-DES keys be encrypted under a Triple-DES key and stored as
two DES keys (KL and KR), which are stored independently, side by side, in a
database. Simply encrypting keys is not sufficient for the control, confidentiality, and
integrity of underlying keys. With certain information and casual access to the HSM, an
adversary can break up the Triple-DES key block and attack each stored 56-bit DES key
independently (see figure 4).
In addition, keys must be shared among HSMs at a host site and transmitted to other
systems. Secure key exchange, the transmission of cryptographic keys between
disparate systems, has garnered even less attention by standards bodies. One
applicable standard, ISO-8583, is really just a messaging standard, not a security
standard. Even if they are suboptimal in a security sense, Atalla Security Products
Group products must adhere to current interoperability standards. At the same time,
Atalla Security Products Group must also provide customers with the ability to secure
key management in the domain that they control.
Figure 4. Triple-DES keys stored as independent 56-bit key components can be broken as readily
as DES keys.
Note: EMFK.V1 (KL) = left half of key encrypted under master file key with variant 1; EMFK.V2 (KR) = right half of key encrypted under
master file key with variant 2.
how triple-DES can be attacked
a generic example
The banking environment is becoming more and more complex. Banks are asking for
better efficiencies, new capabilities, and new algorithms, such as RSA public key
cryptography. NIST has chosen an AES to replace DES. But even though single-length
DES has been shown to be vulnerable, it is still the most widely used cipher today. As
financial institutions migrate to Triple-DES, they create networks in which single-length
DES and Triple-DES must coexist in the same system. Mixing different key lengths, key
types, and algorithms creates the opportunity for new kinds of attacks.
It is commonly understood that internal attacks account for upwards of 80 percent of all
bank fraud today. Disgruntled employees, contractors, and vendors may all have the
necessary inside information and access to attack stored Triple-DES keys. As we’ve
learned, an adversary will not attack Triple-DES in operation, but rather will modify and
manipulate the encrypted 56-bit key components stored outside the HSM.
Figure 5 provides an example of an attack on Triple-DES keys. Let’s assume the
adversary targets the Triple-DES key, K1, which consists of two single-length DES keys,
K1L and K1R. K1L and K1R are encrypted under Triple-DES and stored on the host
database as C1 and C2, so together they are C1C2. A second stored Triple-DES key is
In an attack, the adversary gets the hardware security module to use part of a Triple-
DES key, C1, as a single-length DES key to obtain a plain text/cipher text pair. The
person now goes offline to their own facility and performs a 256 search (in just 22
hours) to uncover the key, K1L.
Armed with knowledge of K1L, the adversary attacks another key, K2, by substituting
C1, the cryptogram of this known K1L, into the C3 portion of the cryptogram for K2 to
create a modified key, C1C4.
The adversary then gets the hardware security module to encrypt some plain text with
this modified key. This plain text/cipher text pair, P/C, is then taken offline, and the
adversary mounts an exhaustive attack against the key, K. This is only a 256 search to
uncover K2R because the adversary already knows K1L.
The work factor to uncover the two parts of a Triple-DES key is thus two times 256.
Another measure of Triple-DES security is 2 x 22 hours, or only 44 hours. In security
terms, this reflects a negligible increase in security from single-length DES to Triple-DES.
On a larger scale, the adversary can continue breaking keys to create a working but
illegitimate database of bad keys. The result is that all sensitive information in the host
database can be successfully accessed or corrupted. Does this mean that Triple-DES
should not be used?
Figure 5. An attack on Triple-DES keys.
The basic structure that an HSM uses to achieve secure key management is the key
block. A key block is a data structure used to store or exchange cryptographic keys
within hostile environments. A bad key block design will leak key information and
provides an attractive point of attack for knowledgeable adversaries. However, a good
key block design has the following attributes:
• Keys are encrypted using a secure algorithm with an appropriate key size
• Control information allows hardware security modules to determine correct key
• A secure mechanism is provided to detect any modification or manipulation of the
control information and encrypted keys
Today’s single-length DES keys are stored in a database using a Triple-DES key
protection key called the master file key (MFK). Similarly, the key that protects keys
during transmission is a key exchange key (KEK). A variant mechanism provides control
information that determines and enforces correct key usage. Thus, only the first two of
the three prime attributes of a secure key block design are met with today’s systems.
The example of an attack on Triple-DES keys demonstrates that encrypting keys is a
necessary but not altogether sufficient step in protecting stored keys in a changing
banking environment. In response, Atalla Security Products Group has defined a key
block structure that was designed to maximize security in a Triple-DES environment.
The Atalla Key Block structure is defined to support single-, double-, and triple-length
DES keys; public keys; AES keys; and others (see figure 6). The figure depicts an Atalla
Key Block consisting of three parts:
• 8-byte clear header containing attributes of the key
• 48-byte key field containing the Triple-DES cipher block chaining (CBC) mode cipher
text of the key (the encrypted key field)
• 16-byte Triple-DES message authentication code (MAC) over header and cipher text
Key attributes such as algorithm and key usage are stored in the clear header. Before a
key in the Atalla Key Block format is used in an Atalla HSM, the content of the header
block is validated to ensure that the correct usage is enforced. Clear attributes are
stored in byte values in fixed positions that allow for easy problem determination.
The key field contains the key data and is Triple-DES encrypted with a specific variant
of the master key to protect the key values. A DES key can be generated with a length
of 8 bytes, 16 bytes, or 24 bytes. Regardless of the actual key, the encrypted key field
is padded to 48 bytes to disguise the existence of weaker, single-length DES keys.
The MAC across both header and key field cryptographically binds them together to
prevent any alteration.
The Atalla Key Block structure results in several security benefits, and prevents an
attacker from
• Changing any attribute of any key
• Changing any bits of any key
• Using part of a key as an entire key
• Rearranging any part of a key
• Substituting parts of a key into another key
• Identifying weaker keys
These benefits accrue to the use of other algorithms as well as to DES and Triple-DES.
• The documented attacks apply to all modes of Triple-DES key blocks:
electronic code book (ECB),CBC, and output feedback (OFB).
• In ECB mode: Different variants on the key encrypting the left and right
halves of a Triple-DES key do not prevent attacks.
• In CBC and OFB modes: Different initialization vectors (IVs) on each key do
not prevent attacks.