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Web Application Development :

MySQL and Manipulating MySQL

with PHP
Week 4
Content of this Lecture
 Basics of databases
 Working with MySQL databases
 Managing user accounts, databases and tables
 Working with data records

 Accessing MySQL database with PHP

 Creating and deleting databases and tables
 Creating, updating, selecting and deleting records

Introduction to Databases
 A database is an ordered collection of information from which a
computer program can quickly access information
 Each row in a database table is called a record (tuple)
 A record in a database is a single complete set of related information
 Each column in a database table is called a field (attribute)
 Fields are the individual categories of information stored in a record

Employee directory database 3

Relational Databases
 A relational database consists of one or more related tables,
where relationships between tables are implemented by
primary/foreign keys
 A primary key is a field that contains a unique identifier for each
record in a primary table
 A primary key is a type of index, which identifies records in a
database to make retrievals and sorting faster
 A foreign key is a field in a related table that refers to the
primary key in a primary table

One-to-One Relationships
 A one-to-one relationship exists between two tables when a
related table contains exactly one record for each record in the
primary table
 Create one-to-one relationships to break information into multiple,
logical sets
 Information in the tables in a one-to-one relationship can be
placed within a single table
 Make the information in one of the tables confidential and
accessible only by certain individuals
 Alternatively, create a base table including all information about
an object, and then create views for different people to access

One-to-One Relationships (continued)

One-to-one relationship
One-to-Many Relationship
 A one-to-many relationship exists in a relational database when
one record in a primary table has many related records in a
related table
 Breaking tables into multiple related tables to reduce redundant
information is called normalization
 Provides a more efficient and less redundant method of storing
this information in a database

One-to-Many Relationship (continued)

Table with redundant information

One-to-Many Relationship (continued)

Many-to-Many Relationship
 A many-to-many relationship exists in a relational database
when many records in one table are related to many records in
another table
e.g. relationship between programmers and languages
 Must use a junction table which creates a one-to-many
relationship for each of the two tables in a many-to-many
 A junction table contains foreign keys from the two tables

Many-to-Many Relationship (continued)

Working with Database Management Systems
 A relational database management system (or RDBMS) is a
system that stores and manages data in a relational format
 A schema is the structure of a database including its tables,
fields, and relationships
 A query is a structured set of instructions and criteria for
retrieving, adding, modifying, and deleting database information
 Structured query language (or SQL – pronounced as sequel) is
a standard data manipulation language used among many
database management systems
 Open database connectivity (or ODBC) allows ODBC-
compliant applications to access any data source for which there
is an ODBC driver

Getting Started with MySQL
 MySQL is an open source database server, and it is fast and
 There are several ways to interface with a MySQL database
 Using MySQL Monitor, a command-line program
 Using phpMyAdmin, a web interface program
( http://mercury.ict.swin.edu.au/mysql/ )
https://feenix-mariadb-web.swin.edu.au/ - in new server
 Using PHP database functions within PHP scripts

 See: https://csg.ict.swin.edu.au/livecsg/help/Doc_databases_student_mysql

Logging in to MySQL Monitor
 We will be accessing the MySQL database server after you login
to mercury. Your account and database have been created.
 Login to the mercury.swin.edu.au server using ‘putty’ client.
 To access your MySQL (MariaDB) account, type in:
`mysql (press Enter key, then password)

Creating Users and Grant Privileges (root user)
 Use a GRANT statement to create user accounts and assign
 Privileges are the operations that a user can perform with a
 The GRANT statement creates the user account if it does not exist
and assigns the specified privileges
GRANT privilege [(column)][, privilege [(columns)]]...
ON {table | * | *.* | database.*}
TO user [IDENTIFIED BY 'password'];

 If the user account already exists, the GRANT statement just

updates the privileges

mysql> GRANT ALL ON wlai_db.* TO ‘wlai'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ‘wlai123'; 15

Common MySQL Database Privileges
-> TO 'zara'@'localhost'
-> IDENTIFIED BY 'zara123';

will add user zara with password zara123 for a particular database,
which is named as TUTORIALS.

(root) Revoking Privileges and Deleting Users
 You must be logged in with the root account or have sufficient
privileges to revoke privileges from another user account
REVOKE privilege [(column)][, privilege [(columns)]]...
ON {table | * | *.* | database.*}
FROM user;
 The REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES statement removes all privileges
from a user account for a specified table or database
 Before deleting a user, you must first revoke all privileges assigned
to the user account for all databases
 Use the REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES statement
 View the privileges assigned to a user account with the SHOW GRANTS
FOR user statement
 To delete an existing user, use the DROP USER user
statement to delete the account from the user table in the mysql
Creating and Deleting Databases
 Use the CREATE DATABASE statement to create a new database:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE guitars;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

 To use a new database, select it by executing the use

database statement
 Before adding records to a new database, first define the tables
and fields that will store the data
 Use the DROP DATABASE statement to remove all tables from
the database and to delete the database

 You must be logged in as the root user or have privileges to

delete a database
Selecting Databases (users)
 Use the SHOW DATABASES statement to view the databases
that are available
 Use the USE DATABASE statement to select the database to
work with
 Use the SELECT DATABASE() statement to display the
name of the currently selected database
 The mysql database is installed to contain user accounts and
information that is required for installation of the MySQL
database server


After use the command:

> use wlai_db

Working with the MySQL Monitor
 At the mysql> command prompt terminate the command with a
mysql> SELECT * FROM inventory;

 Without a semicolon, the MySQL Monitor enters a multiple-line

command and changes the prompt to ->
mysql> SELECT * FROM inventory
-> WHERE make = “Toyato";

 The SQL keywords entered in the MySQL Monitor are not case
Understanding MySQL Identifiers
 Identifiers for databases, tables, fields, indexes, and aliases
 An alias is an alternate name used to refer to a table or field in
SQL statements
 The case sensitivity of database and table identifiers depends on
the operating system
 Not case sensitive on Windows platforms
 Case sensitive on UNIX/Linux systems

 MySQL stores each database in a directory of the same name as

the database identifier
 Field and index identifiers are case insensitive on all platforms

Creating and Deleting Tables
 The CREATE TABLE statement specifies the table and
column names and the data type for each column
CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name TYPE, ...);

 Execute the USE statement to select a database before

executing the CREATE TABLE statement
 The DROP TABLE statement removes all data and the table

 You must be logged in as the root user or have DROP

privileges to delete a table

Example - Creating Table
mysql> CREATE TABLE inventory (
item_number int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
make varchar(30) NOT NULL,
model varchar(30) NOT NULL,
price double NOT NULL,
quantity int NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (item_number)

AUTO_INCREMENT tells MySQL to go ahead and add the next available

number to the item_number field.
NOT NULL - we do not want this field to be NULL. So, if a user will try to
create a record with a NULL value, then MySQL will raise an error.

Adding Records
 Use the INSERT statement to add individual records to a table
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES(value1, value2, ...);

 The values entered in the VALUES list must be in the same

order in which you defined the table fields
 Specify NULL in any fields for which you do not have a value

Updating Records
 To update records in a table, use the UPDATE statement
 The syntax for the UPDATE statement is:
UPDATE table_name
SET column_name=value
WHERE condition;
 The UPDATE keyword specifies the name of the table to update
 The SET keyword specifies the value to assign to the fields in the records
that match the condition in the WHERE keyword

Deleting Records
 Use the DELETE statement to delete records in a table
 The syntax for the DELETE statement is:
DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

 The DELETE statement deletes all records that match the

 To delete all the records in a table, leave off the WHERE keyword

Retrieving Records
 Use the SELECT statement to retrieve records from a table:
mysql> SELECT model, quantity FROM inventory;

 Use the asterisk (*) wildcard with the SELECT statement to

retrieve all fields from a table
 You can also specify which records to return by using the
WHERE keyword
mysql> SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE make='Martin';

 Use the keywords AND and OR to specify more detailed

conditions about the records you want to return
mysql> SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE make='Washburn'
-> AND price<400;

Retrieving Records – Sorting
 Use the ORDER BY keyword with the SELECT statement
to perform an alphanumeric sort of the results returned from a
mysql> SELECT make, model FROM inventory
-> ORDER BY make, model;

 To perform a reverse sort, add the DESC keyword after the

name of the field by which you want to perform the sort
mysql> SELECT make, model FROM inventory
-> ORDER BY make DESC, model;

Accessing Databases from PHP
 There are three main options when considering
connecting to a MySQL database server using PHP:
 PHP's MySQL Extension
 PHP's mysqli Extension We will use mysqli
 PHP Data Objects (PDO)

 The mysqli extension features a dual interface, supporting both

procedural (functions) and object-oriented interfaces.
 These notes and examples use the procedural interface.


Connecting to MySQL
 Open a connection to a MySQL database server with the
mysqli_connect() function
 The mysqli_connect() function returns a positive integer if it
connects to the database successfully or false if it does not
 Assign the return value from the mysqli_connect() function to
a variable that you can use to access the database in your script
$connection = mysqli_connect("host"[, "user ",
"password", "database"])
 The host argument specifies the host name where your MySQL database
server is installed e.g. feenix-mariadb.swin.edu.au
 The user and password arguments specify a MySQL account name and
password e.g. s1234567 yourMySQLpassword
 The database argument specifies a database e.g. s1234567_db

Selecting a Database
 The function for selecting a database is
mysqli_select_db(connection, database)

 The function returns a value of true if it successfully selects a

database or false if it does not
 Note, the statement for selecting a database with the MySQL
Monitor, is the use database statement
 The mysqli_connect also allows one to connect and select the
database at once.
$connection = mysqli_connect( “feenix-
mariadb.swin.edu.au", "s1234567", "ddmmyy",

Handling MySQL Errors
 Reasons for not connecting to a database server include:
 The database server is not running
 Insufficient privileges to access the data source
 Invalid username and/or password

 Writing code that anticipates and handles potential problems is

often called bulletproofing. Bulletproofing techniques include:
 Validating submitted form data, e.g.
if (isset($_GET['height']) ...
 Using the error control operator (@) to suppress error messages, e.g.
$dbConnect = @mysqli_connect(...);
if (!$dbConnect) ...

Terminating Script Execution
 The die() and exit() functions terminate script execution
 The die() version is usually used when attempting to access a
data source
 Both functions accept a single string argument
 Call the die() and exit() functions as separate statements
or by appending either function to an expression with the or

Note: When script is terminated, an incomplete html page is sent

to the client. This is useful for error diagnostics, but poor in a
production application.

Handling MySQL Errors (continued)
$dbConnect = @mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "paris");
if (!$dbConnect)
die("<p>The database server is not available.</p>");
echo "<p>Successfully connected to the database server.</p>";
$dbSelect = @mysqli_select_db($dbConnect, "flightlog");
if (!$dbSelect)
die("<p>The database is not available.</p>");
echo "<p>Successfully opened the database.</p>";
// additional statements that access the database

Handling MySQL Errors(continued)
MySQL error reporting functions

Handling MySQL Errors(continued)
$user = $_GET['username'];
$password = $_GET['password'];
$dbConnect = @mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $password)
or die("<p>Unable to connect to the database server.</p>"
. "<p>Error code " . mysqli_connect_errno()
. ": " . mysqli_connect_error() . "</p>");
echo "<p>Successfully connected to the database server.</p>";
@mysqli_select_db($dbConnect, "flightlog")
or die("<p>The database is not available.</p>");
echo "<p>Successfully opened the database.</p>";
// additional statements that access the database

Handling MySQL Errors(continued)

Error number and message generated by

an invalid username and password

Handling MySQL Errors(continued)
... ...
@mysqli_select_db($dbConnect, "flightplan")
or die("<p>Unable to select the database.</p>"
. "<p>Error code " . mysqli_errno($dbConnect)
. ": " . mysqli_error($dbConnect) . "</p>");
echo "<p>Successfully opened the database.</p>";
// additional statements that access the database

Error code and message

generated when attempting
to select a database that
does not exist 39
Executing SQL Statements
The mysqli_query() function returns one of three values:
 For SQL statements that do not return results (CREATE
DATABASE and CREATE TABLE statements) they return a
value of true if the statement executes successfully
 For SQL statements that return results (SELECT and SHOW
statements) they return a result pointer that represents the query
 A result pointer is a special type of variable that refers to the currently
selected row in a resultset
 For SQL statements that fail, mysqli_query() function
returns a value of false, regardless of whether they return
Cleaning Up and Closing Connection
 When you are finished working with query results retrieved with
the mysqli_query() function, use the
mysqli_free_result() function to close the result set
 To close the resultset, pass to the
mysqli_free_result() function the variable containing
the result pointer from the mysqli_query() function, e.g.
 Close a connection to a MySQL database server with the
mysqli_close() function, e.g.

Accessing database with PHP
 Step 1 – Open a connection:
 Connect to the Database Server, and select the Database,

 Step 2 – Manipulate the database:

 Prepare SQL strings
 Talk to the Database and executes SQL string

 Step 3 – Close the connection:

 Clean-up, discard the “query” result objects,
or other related objects (if any)
 Close the connection to the Database
and the Database Server

Accessing database with PHP
// ## 1. open the connection
// Connect to mysql server
$conn = @mysqli_connect('sqlserver','user_name','password')

or die('Failed to connect to server');

// Use database
@mysqli_select_db($conn, 'my_database')
or die('Database not available');

// ## 2. set up SQL string and execute

// get data from user, escape it, trust no-one. :)
$pcode = mysqli_escape_string($_GET['pcode']);

$query = "SELECT * FROM postcode WHERE pcode='$pcode'";

$results = mysqli_query($conn, $query);

// … Now use data however we want …

// ## 3. close the connection


mysqli_close($conn); 43
Creating Databases
 Use the CREATE DATABASE statement with the
mysqli_query() function to create a new database

$sqlString = "CREATE DATABASE real_estate";

$queryResult = @mysqli_query($dbConnect, $sqlString)
or die("<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>"
. "<p>Error code " . mysqli_errno($dbConnect)
. ": " . mysqli_error($dbConnect)) . "</p>";
echo "<p>Successfully executed the query.</p>";

Deleting Databases
 Use the DROP DATABASE statement with the
mysqli_query() function
 Make sure the database does exist by executing the
mysqli_select_db() function
$dbName = "real_estate";
if (@!mysqli_select_db($dbConnect, $dbName))
echo "<p>The $dbName database does not exist!</p>";
else {
$sqlString = "DROP DATABASE $dbName";
$queryResult = @mysqli_query($dbConnect, $sqlString)
or die("<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>"
. "<p>Error code " . mysqli_errno($dbConnect)
. ": " . mysqli_error($dbonnect)) . "</p>";
echo "<p>Successfully deleted the database.</p>";
mysqli_close($dbConnect); 45
Creating and Deleting Tables
 To create a table, use the CREATE TABLE statement with the
mysqli_query() function
 Execute the mysqli_select_db() function before
executing the CREATE TABLE statement or the new table
might be created in the wrong database
 To delete a table, use the DROP TABLE statement
with the mysqli_query() function
 To prevent code from attempting to create a table that already
exists or to delete a table that does not exist, use a
mysqli_query() function that either attempts to SELECT
records from the table, or attempts to ‘SHOW TABLES LIKE’

Creating and Deleting Tables (continued)
$dbName = "real_estate";
$sqlString = "CREATE TABLE commercial (
city VARCHAR(25), state VARCHAR(25),
sale_or_lease VARCHAR(25),
type_of_use VARCHAR(40), Price INT, size INT)";
$queryResult = @mysqli_query($dbConnect, $sqlString)
or die("<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>"
. "<p>Error code " . mysqli_errno($dbConnect)
. ": " . mysqli_error($dbConnect)) . "</p>";
echo "<p>Successfully created the table.</p>";

Adding Records
Note: Refer to previous notes on SQL
To Add records to a table:
 Use the INSERT and VALUES keywords with the
mysqli_query() function
 The values entered in the VALUES list must be in the same
order that defined in the table fields
 Specify NULL in any fields that do not have a value
 To Add multiple records to a table: Use the LOAD DATA
statement and the mysqli_query() function with a local
text file containing the records to be added.

Updating and Deleting Records
To Update records in a table:
 Use the UPDATE, SET, and WHERE keywords with the
mysqli_query() function
 The UPDATE keyword specifies the name of the table to update
 The SET keyword specifies the value to assign to the fields in the
records that match the condition in the WHERE keyword
To Delete records from a table:
 Use the DELETE and WHERE keywords with the
mysqli_query() function
 The WHERE keyword determines which records to delete in the table
 Be careful, if no WHERE keyword, all records are deleted !!

With queries that modify tables but do not return results (INSERT, UPDATE, and
DELETE queries), use the mysqli_affected_rows() function to
determine the number of affected rows by the query
$sqlString = "UPDATE inventory SET price=368.20
WHERE make='Fender' AND model='DG7'";
$queryResult = @mysqli_query($dbConnect, $sqlString)
or die("<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>"
. "<p>Error code " . mysqli_errno($dbConnect)
. ": " . mysqli_error($dbConnect) . "</p>");
echo "<p>Successfully updated "
. mysqli_affected_rows($dbConnect) . " record(s).</p>";
// print “Successfully updated 1 record(s)” if 1 record satisfies the condition.

Selecting Records
 Use the SELECT and WHERE keywords with the
mysqli_query() function
mysqli_query(connection, query)

 The WHERE keyword determines which records to select in the

table. If no WHERE keyword, all records are selected
Be careful when constructing query:
$make = "Holden";
$sqlString = "SELECT model, quantity FROM
$dbTable WHERE model = $make";
$sqlString = "SELECT model, quantity FROM
$dbTable WHERE model = '$make' ";

Selecting Records (continued)
Retrieving Records into an Indexed Array
$SQLstring = "select * from inventory";
$queryResult = @mysqli_query($DBConnect, $SQLstring)
 The mysqli_fetch_row($queryResult) function returns the fields in
the current row of a result set into an indexed array and moves the result pointer to the
next row
echo "<table width='100%' border='1'>";
echo "<tr><th>Make</th><th>Model</th>
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($queryResult);
while ($row) {
echo "<tr><td>{$row[1]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[2]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[3]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[4]}</td></tr>";
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($queryResult);
echo "</table>";
Note: item_number in $row[0] is not displayed
Output of the Inventory Table

https://mercury.ict.swin.edu.au/wlai/Lec4/showInventory.php 53
Selecting Records (continued)
Retrieving Records into an Associative Array
 The mysqli_fetch_assoc() function returns
the fields in the current row of a resultset into an associative
array and moves the result pointer to the next row
 The difference between mysqli_fetch_assoc() and
mysqli_fetch_row() is that instead of returning the
fields into an indexed array, mysqli_fetch_assoc()
function returns the fields into an associate array and uses each
field name as the array key

Selecting Records (continued)
Accessing Query Result Information
 The mysqli_num_rows() function returns the
number of rows in a query result
 The mysqli_num_fields() function returns the
number of fields in a query result
 Both functions accept a database result variable,
eg. a query result, as an argument

Selecting Records (continued)
$sqlString = "SELECT * FROM inventory";
$queryResult = @mysqli_query($dbConnect, $sqlString)
or die("<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>"
. "<p>Error code " . mysqli_errno($dbConnect)
. ": " . mysqli_error($dbConnect) . "</p>");
echo "<p>Successfully executed the query.</p>";
$numRows = mysqli_num_rows($queryResult);
$numFields = mysqli_num_fields($queryResult);
if ($numRows != 0 && $numFields != 0) {
echo "<p>Your query returned " , $numRows ,
" rows and “, $numFields , " fields.</p>";
} else {
echo "<p>Your query returned no results.</p>";
// print “Your query returned 6 rows and 5 fields”
Example – Searching Skillful People

https://mercury.ict.swin.edu.au/wlai/Lec4/searchSkill.php 57
Generating User Interface
<H3>List employees who have experience in a programming language.<br/></H3>
$DBConnect = @mysqli_connect("feenix-mariadb.swin.edu.au”, "<user>",“<pwd>",
Or die ("<p>Unable to connect to the database server.</p>". "<p>Error code ".
mysqli_connect_errno().": ". mysqli_connect_error()). "</p>";
// get language names from db
$SQLstring = "select language from Languages";
$queryResult = @mysqli_query($DBConnect, $SQLstring)
Or die ("<p>Unable to query the table.</p>"."<p>Error code ".
mysqli_errno($DBConnect). ": ".mysqli_error($DBConnect)). "</p>";
echo "<form>Please select a language: <select name='language'>";
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($queryResult);
while ($row) {
echo "<option value='".$row[0]."'>".$row[0]."</option>";
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($queryResult);
echo "</select><br/>Please input the minimum year required: <input type='text'
name='year'/><input type='submit' value='Search'/></form>";
Searching and Listing the Result
If (isset($_GET['language']) && isset($_GET['year'])) {
$DBConnect = @mysqli_connect("feenix-mariadb.swin.edu.au", "<user>",“<pwd>", "<user>_db")
Or die ("<p>Unable to connect to the database server.</p>". "<p>Error code ".
mysqli_connect_errno().": ". mysqli_connect_error()). "</p>";
$SQLstring = "select e.first_name,e.last_name,l.language,x.years FROM Employees e,
Experience x,Languages l where e.employee_id=x.employee_id and x.language_id =
l.language_id and l.language='".$_GET['language']."' and x.years>=".$_GET['year'];
$queryResult = @mysqli_query($DBConnect, $SQLstring)
Or die ("<p>Unable to query the $TableName table.</p>"."<p>Error code ".
mysqli_errno($DBConnect). ": ".mysqli_error($DBConnect)). "</p>";
echo "<p>List of Employees who have at least ", $_GET['year'], " years in ", $_GET['language'], ".</p>";
echo "<table width='100%' border='1'>";
echo "<th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Language</th><th>Year</th>";
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($queryResult);
while ($row) { echo "<tr><td>{$row[0]}</td>"; echo "<td>{$row[1]}</td>"; echo "<td>{$row[2]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[3]}</td></tr>"; $row = mysqli_fetch_row($queryResult);
echo "</table>"; mysqli_close($DBConnect);
Many-to-Many Relationship (continued)

SQL query string
$SQLstring = "select e.first_name, e.last_name, l.language, x.years
FROM Employees e, Experience x,Languages l
where e.employee_id=x.employee_id and x.language_id =
l.language_id and l.language='" .$_GET['language']. "' and

SQL query string
$SQLstring = "select e.first_name, e.last_name, l.language, x.years FROM Employees e,
Experience x,Languages l where e.employee_id=x.employee_id and x.language_id =
l.language_id and l.language='".$_GET['language']."' and x.years>=".$_GET['year'];

$SQLstring = "SELECT first_name, last_name, language, years FROM Employees, Experience,
Languages where Employees.employee_id= Experience.employee_id and Experience.language_id =
Languages.language_id and Languages.language='".$_GET['language']."' and

$SQLstring = "SELECT first_name, last_name, language, years FROM Employees
INNER JOIN Experience on Employees.employee_id= Experience.employee_id
INNER JOIN Languages on Experience.language_id = Languages.language_id where
Languages.language='".$_GET['language ']." ' and Experience.years>=".$_GET['year'];


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