Blood Test Interpretation PDF
Blood Test Interpretation PDF
Blood Test Interpretation PDF
Laboratory tests are essential tools in evaluating your health status. Laboratory tests
can help you learn more about your body and detect potential problems in early
stages when medical treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective.
More commonly, lab test results are reported as a number that is either within or
outside the "normal or reference range." Is "out of the normal range" a cause for
concern? The brief answer is that a result out of the normal range is a signal that
further investigation – or at least an explanation – is needed.
A lab test such as cholesterol, like any medical observation, must be considered in
context. Otherwise, any observation or test result is meaningless. To understand
what is normal for you, your doctor must know your age, sex and even when you
last ate. Your results are then compared to a reference range taken from individuals
similar to you in gender and age – comparing “apples to apples,” so to speak.
Results falling outside the reference range – which may suggest better or worse than
average health – can be due to such things as diet, age, sex, pregnancy, menstrual
cycle, degree of physical activity, problems with collection and/or handling of the
specimen, non-prescription and prescription drugs, alcohol intake and a number of
non-illness-related factors. Any results not within the reference range should be
discussed with your doctor, because some deviations might be significant while
others are not. Typically, it is not possible to diagnose or treat any condition with a
single blood test only. If addition, it is wise to verify significantly abnormal test
results by repeating the test. 1 1.877.283.7882
Here are the specific steps that you should take when reviewing your lab
Step 1: Verify that that the results belong to you by checking that your name
as well as other identifying data (like your date of birth, address, phone number, etc)
are correct on the reporting form. Large national labs run thousands of tests each
day and more than one person with your name could have been tested the same
Step 3: Look for results that are positive (reactive). This often indicates that
the condition being tested for is present – for instance pregnancy. Of course, that
can be good or bad based on your specific circumstances. Likewise, if you are testing
for the presence of "hepatitis B antibody" to confirm that the vaccination that you
took worked, then "positive" for this antibody is good. If you have never had the
vaccination, then the test probably means that you have contracted hepatitis at
some point in your life – that is not so good.
Step 4: Note if results are outside the reference range. If so, you will probably
want to discuss the test results with your doctor if the cause is not apparent or
The list that follows is a brief summary of commonly ordered lab tests and is not
intended to be comprehensive or replace discussion of your results with your doctor.
• Glucose
• Glycohemoglobin
• Electrolytes
• Waste products
• Enzymes
• Proteins
• Blood fats
• Cardiac risk factors
• Minerals
• Hormones
• Complete blood count
• Urinalysis 2 1.877.283.7882
Glucose: This is a measure of the sugar (or glucose) level in your blood. High values
are associated with eating before the test, and with diabetes.
The normal range for a fasting glucose is 60 -109 mg/dl. According the 1999 ADA
criteria, diabetes is diagnosed with a fasting plasma glucose of 126 or more. A
precursor, Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG), is defined as fasting glucose levels of 110
- 125. Sometimes a glucose tolerance test, which involves giving you a sugary drink
followed by several blood glucose tests, is necessary to properly sort out normal
from IFG from diabetes.
Be aware that individual labs have varying normal reference ranges. Also, Europeans
tend to use a 2-hours-after-eating definition of diabetes rather than a fasting
glucose, which tends to increase the number of people who are classified as having
Since blood cells live about 3 months, it tells us your average glucose for the last 6-8
weeks. A high level suggests poor diabetes control. Standardization for
glycohemoglobin from lab to lab is poor, and you cannot compare tests from
different labs unless you can verify the technique for measuring glycohemoglobin is
the same. Our lab is standardized to the national DCCT referenced method. You can
ask your lab (if comparing our result to a previous test result) if they use a DCCT
referenced method.
Electrolytes: These are your potassium, sodium, chloride and CO2 levels.
Waste products:
• Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) is a waste product produced in the liver and
excreted by the kidneys. High values may mean that the kidneys are not
working as well as they should. BUN is also affected by high protein diets
and/or strenuous exercise which raise levels, and by pregnancy which lowers
it. 3 1.877.283.7882
• Creatinine is a waste product largely from muscle breakdown. High values,
especially with high BUN levels, may indicate problems with the kidneys.
• Uric Acid is normally excreted in urine. High values are associated with gout,
arthritis, kidney problems and the use of some diuretics.
AST, ALT, SGOT, SGPT, and GGT and Alkaline Phosphatase are proteins called
enzymes which help all the chemical activities within cells to take place. Injury to
cells releases these enzymes into the blood. They are found in muscles, the liver and
heart. Damage from alcohol and a number of diseases is reflected in high values.
Albumin and Globulin measure the amount and type of protein in your blood, which
is a general index of overall health and nutrition. Globulin is the "antibody" protein
important for fighting disease. A/G Ratio is the mathematical relationship between
these two proteins.
Blood Fats: 4 1.877.283.7882
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance in the blood which, if elevated, has been
associated with heart disease.
• Total Cholesterol: A high cholesterol in the blood is a major risk factor for
heart and blood vessel disease. Cholesterol in itself is not all bad; in fact, our
bodies need a certain amount to function properly. However, when the level
gets too high, it can result in vascular disease. A total cholesterol of less than
200, and an LDL Cholesterol of 100 or less is considered optimal by the
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The levels that your doctor will
recommend depend upon whether you are at high risk for cardiovascular
There are three major kinds of cholesterol: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL),
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), and Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL).
There are two ways to report LDL. The most common is simply an
estimate calculated from the Total Cholesterol, HDL, and triglycerides
results. This may say "LDL Calc." A directly measured LDL Cholesterol
is usually more accurate but more expensive, and may require that
your doctor specify the direct LDL. 5 1.877.283.7882
6. Restrict calories. The body converts carbohydrates into
triglycerides when eaten to excess.
Note that a few insurance companies refuse to pay for cardiac risk factor testing. As
of this writing (in early 2008), Aetna stands out as a company that refuses to cover
testing for homocysteine or Lp(a) on the basis that it is "experimental" or
"investigational." Private MD has requested a comprehensive review of their policy
since it deviates from the norm.
• Calcium is controlled in the blood by the parathyroid glands and the kidneys.
Calcium is found mostly in bone and is important for proper blood clotting,
nerve and cell activity. An elevated calcium can be due to medications such as
thiazide type diuretics, inherited disorders of calcium handling in the kidneys, 6 1.877.283.7882
or excess parathyroid gland activity or vitamin D. Low calcium can be due to
certain metabolic disorders such as insufficient parathyroid hormone, or drugs
like Fosamax or diuretics (furosemide type).
Calcium is bound to albumin in the blood, so a low albumin level will cause
the total calcium level in the blood to drop. You doctor can easily determine if
this is significant or not.
o Thyroxine (T4): This shows the total amount of T4. High levels may be
due to hyperthyroidism; however, technical artifact occurs when estrogen
levels are higher from pregnancy, birth control pills or estrogen
replacement therapy. A Free T4 test (see below) can avoid this
o T3 Resin Uptake or Thyroid Uptake: This is a test that confuses doctors,
nurses and patients. First, this is not a thyroid test, but a test on the
proteins that carry thyroid around in your blood stream. Not only that, a
high test number may indicate a low level of the protein. The method of
reporting varies from lab to lab. The proper use of the test is to compute
the free thyroxine index.
o Free Thyroxine Index (FTI or T7): A mathematical computation allows the
lab to estimate the free thyroxine index from the T4 and T3 Uptake tests.
The results tell us how much thyroid hormone is free in the blood stream
to work on the body. Unlike the T4 alone, it is not affected by estrogen
o Free T4: This test directly measures the free T4 in the blood rather than
estimating it like the FTI. While it is a more reliable test, it is also a little
more expensive. Some labs now do the Free T4 routinely rather than the
Total T4.
o Total T3: This is usually not ordered as a screening test, but rather when
thyroid disease is being evaluated. T3 is the more potent and shorter lived
version of thyroid hormone. Some people with high thyroid levels secrete 7 1.877.283.7882
more T3 than T4. In these (overactive) hyperthyroid cases, the T4 can be
normal, the T3 high, and the TSH low. The Total T3 reports the total
amount of T3 in the bloodstream, including T3 bound to carrier proteins
plus freely circulating T3.
o Free T3: This test measures only the portion of thyroid hormone T3 that is
"free," that is, not bound to carrier proteins.
Insulin levels vary widely from person to person, depending upon an individual’s
insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance. Insulin levels also vary widely according to
your most recent meal.
The CBC typically has several parameters that are created from an automated cell
counter. These are the most relevant: 8 1.877.283.7882
• White Blood Count (WBC) is the number of white cells. High WBC can be a
sign of infection, or certain types of leukemia. Low white counts can be a sign
of bone marrow diseases or an enlarged spleen and, in some cases, is also
found in HIV infection. (Note: The vast majority of low WBC counts in our
population is NOT HIV-related.)
• Hemoglobin (Hgb) and Hematocrit (Hct) : The hemoglobin is the amount of
oxygen-carrying protein contained within the red blood cells. The hematocrit
is the percentage of the blood volume occupied by red blood cells. In most
labs, the Hgb is actually measured, while the Hct is computed using the RBC
measurement and the MCV measurement. Thus the Hgb measurement is
generally more reliable. Low Hgb or Hct suggest an anemia, which can be due
to nutritional deficiencies, blood loss, destruction of blood cells internally, or
failure to produce blood in the bone marrow. High Hgb can occur due to lung
disease, living at high altitude, or excessive bone marrow production of blood
• Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV): This helps diagnose the cause of an
anemia. Low values suggest iron deficiency; high values suggest either
deficiencies of B12 or Folate, ineffective production in the bone marrow, or
recent blood loss with replacement by newer (and larger) cells from the bone
• Platelet Count (PLT): This is the number of cells that plug up holes in your
blood vessels and prevent bleeding. High values can occur with bleeding,
cigarette smoking or excess production by the bone marrow. Low values can
occur from premature destruction states such as Immune Thrombocytopenia
(ITP), acute blood loss, drug effects (such as heparin), infections with sepsis,
entrapment of platelets in an enlarged spleen, or bone marrow failure from
diseases such as myelofibrosis or leukemia. Low platelets also can occur from
clumping of the platelets in a lavender-colored tube. In that case, you may
need to repeat the test using a green-top tube.
Urine tests are typically evaluated with a reagent strip that is briefly dipped into your
urine sample. The technician reads the colors of each test and compares them with a
reference chart. These tests are semi-quantitative; there can be some variation from
one sample to another on how the tests are scored. 9 1.877.283.7882
microalbumin test, which screens for early damage to the kidneys from
diabetes, for instance.
• Blood: Normally there is no blood in the urine. Blood can indicate an infection,
kidney stones, trauma, or bleeding from a bladder or kidney tumor. The
technician may indicate whether it is hemolyzed (dissolved blood) or non-
hemolyzed (intact red blood cells). Rarely, muscle injury can cause myoglobin
to appear in the urine, which also causes the reagent pad to falsely indicate
• Bilirubin: Normally there is no bilirubin or urobilinogen in the urine, because
these pigments are cleared by the liver. Their presence can indicate liver or
gallbladder disease.
• Nitrate: Normally negative, this usually indicates a urinary tract infection.
• Leukocyte esterase: Normally negative. Leukocytes are the white blood cells
(or pus cells). This looks for white blood cells by reacting with an enzyme in
the white cells. White blood cells in the urine suggests a urinary tract
• Sediment: Here the lab tech looks under a microscope at a portion of your
urine that has been spun in a centrifuge. Items such as mucous and
squamous cells are commonly seen. Abnormal findings would include more
than 0-2 red blood cells, more than 0-2 white blood cells, crystals, casts,
renal tubular cells or bacteria (if there was contamination at the time of
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