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C Sharp and Java Comparative

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0 2013 : Module Table of Contents

Module Name: C # and Java comparative
Version #: Date:

Coverage of Each Module

Topic # Learning
Topic Name Learning Objective for the Topics
Objective #

1 Introduction
1 Introduction to DotNet

Evolution of .Net Framework

Common Language Runtime
2 Common Type System
Common Language Specification

Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

2 Introduction to IDE
1 Explain IDE
starting with Visual Studio
2 Creating new projects
Visual Studio Layout
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
3 Language Fundamentals and Operators

Use Primitive Data Types

Define, declare & initialize variables
1 Identify Literals.
Convert & Cast Primitives.
Use Operators in Java

Comparative syntax wise example in Java and C# for

following objectives:
2 Keywards in C# / Java
Lend a hand -Using C# / Java

Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

4 Statements

Types of statements
Selection Statement - IF statements
Selection Statement - Switch statement
Iteration statement - while statement
1 Iteration statement - do while statement
Iteration statement - For statement
Transfer, Break & Continue statement
Return statement with Lend a Hand

Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for

following objectives:
2 While statement
do..while statement
For statement
Switch statement

Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

5 Access Specifiers, Constructors and Methods

Access Modifiers
What is a method and how to declare methods
Returning values from method with Lend a Hand
Method Overloading
Static keyword and Static method
Constructors Overloading
this reference and Constructor Chaining

Comparative syntax wise example in Java and C# for

following objectives:
Access Modifiers
Method Overloading
Static keyword and Static method
Constructors Overloading
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
6 Objects as method Argument
Passing Objects as Method Argument
1 Returning Objects from the method

Lend a Hand on Objects as Method Argument (using java

and C# comparision)
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
7 Inheritance
What is Inheritance and How to perform Inheritance
Object Class, Sub Class and Super class
Super Constructor with Lend a Hand
Method Overriding
Run Time Polymorphism
Hiding Methods

Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for

following objectives:
Lend a Hand on Inheritance
Lend Hand on Method Overriding
Run Time Polymorphism with Lend a Hand

Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

8 Activity - Inheritance
1 Inheritance
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
9 Abstract Classes
Introduction to Abstract Classes
1 Abstract in Real world
When to use abstract Class
Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for
2 following objectives:
Lend a Hand on Abstract Class
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
10 Interfaces
Introduction to Interfaces
Develop an Interface
How to implement an Interface
Why do we use Interfaces
Interfaces Vs Abstract Classes
Interface Vs Class
Inheritance among Interfaces
Interface and polymorphism
IS A & HAS A Relationship
Game on IS A & HAS A Relationship

Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for

following objectives:
Lend a Hand on Interfaces
Interface as a type with Lend a Hand
Inheritance among Interfaces
Interface and polymorphism
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
11 Activity - Interfaces
1 hands on activity either using Java or C#
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
12 Object Casting
1 Implicit & Explicit Casting
Comparative syntax wise example in Java and C# for
following objectives:
2 Exceptions while Casting Objects
Instance Of Operator
Lend a Hand on Object Casting
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
13 Wrapper Classes

1 What is wrapper classes & Why do we use wrapper classes

Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for
following objectives:
Primitive to Wrapper Mapping
Wrapper Class Hierarchy
2 Converting Primitives to wrappers & vice versa
Integer Long & Float Wrapper Class with Lend a Hand
Double Wrapper Class with Lend a Hand
Byte, Short, Character & Boolean Wrapper Class with Lend a
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
14 Activity - Wrapper Classes
1 hands on activity either using C# and Java
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
15 Arrays
What is an array & Types of Array
One Dimensional array with Lend a hand
Multi Dimensional Array
Advantages & Disadvantages of arrays
Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for
following objectives:
2 One Dimensional and Multi Dimensional array with Lend a

Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

16 Exception Handling

Introduction to Exceptions
Exception Hierarchy
Exception Handling
Execution flow when Exceptions are raised
Multiple Catch Block
Nested Try block
Throws keyword & Throw keyword
Print Stack trace and How to analyze Exception stack trace
User Defined Exception
Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for
following objectives:
Introduction to Exceptions with Lend a Hand
Exception Hierarchy
Throws keyword with Lend a Hand
Throw keyword with Lend a Hand
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
17 Activity - Exception Handling
1 Hands on activity either using C# or Java
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
18 Delegates and Events
Overview of Delegates
Anonymous Methods
Lamda Expression
Action & Func Delegates
Connect Event Handler methods to Events
Raise and consume events
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
19 Collections and Generics
What are Collections
Collections Framework & its Benefits
1 What is Generics
Using Generics with Collection

Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for

following objectives:
Collection hierarchy
Collections Interfaces
Collection Framework Components
List Interface with Lend a Hand
Set Interface with Lend a Hand on Hashset
Map Interfaces with Lend a Hand on Hashmap and Treemap

Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

20 Garbage Collection
Garbage Collection basis
Garbage Collection Algorithm
1 GC Implementation
Garbage Collection Performance Optimizations
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
Partial Class,
21 Extended Methods and
Sealed class
Partial Class
Extended Methods
Sealed class
2 Named Parameters and Optional Parameters
Co-variance and Contra-variance
Generic Co-Variance and Contra - Variance
Compiling without Primary Interop Assemblies

Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

22 Threads
Process Vs Thread
Introduction to Threads
Multi tasking & Multi Threading
Application thread

Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for

following objectives:
How multiple threads run in an application
Thread Class & Steps to develop threads
Thread Life Cycle, Scheduling Threads & Threads Priority
Lend a Hand on Synchronization or Locking
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic
23 Introduction to I/O streams and its types
Introduction to I/O streams and its types
1 What is serialization?
Comparative syntax wise example in C# and Java for
following objectives:
2 Charater and Byte Stream hierarchy and lend a hand
File Stream lend a hand
Serialization lend a hand
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

LINQ Architecture
1 LINQ to Objects
LINQ Standard query Operators
Estimated Time Duration for this Topic

Reference Book Used



Prepared By (ID and Name):

Reviewed By (ID and Name):


Estimated Estimated
Duration In Duration In
Duration In Mts
Mts for Mts for
Theory Hands-on

60 60

60 60

120 0 120

60 60

60 60

120 0 120

30 30

30 30

60 0 60
60 60

60 60

120 0 120

60 60

60 60

120 0 120
30 30

30 30

60 0 60

120 120

60 60

180 0 180

60 60
0 60 60

30 30

30 30

30 30 60
120 120

60 60

180 0 180

60 60
0 60 60

30 30

30 30

60 0 60

60 60
60 60

120 0 120

60 60
0 60 60

40 40

20 20

60 0 60

120 120
60 60

180 0 180

60 60
60 0 60

180 180

180 0 180

180 180

60 60

240 0 240
120 120

120 0 120

120 120

120 0 120

60 60

60 60

120 0 120

120 120
60 60

180 0 180

240 240

240 0 240
Minutes 2880
Hours 48
Days 6

1830 0
30.5 0
CATP 4.0 2013 : Module Blueprint [Business Centric Curriculum]
Module Name:C # and Java comparative
Version #: Date :
Each Learning Block is for a duration of 2 Hr each
Block #

Coverage of Each Learning Block

Sl No Topic Learning Objective Delivery Mode

Introduction to DotNet
Evolution of .Net Framework
1 Introduction Common Language Runtime ILT
Common Type System
Common Language Specification

Explain IDE
starting with Visual Studio
2 Introduction to IDE Creating new projects ILT
Visual Studio Layout

Use Primitive Data Types

Define, declare & initialize variables
Language Fundamentals and
3 Identify Literals. ILT
Convert & Cast Primitives.
Types of statements
Use Operators in Java
Selection Statement - IF statements
Selection Statement - Switch statement
Iteration statement - while statement
4 Statements Iteration statement - do while statement ILT
Access statement - For statement
What is a Break
method& Continue
and how tostatement
declare methods
Returningstatement with Lend
values from methoda Hand
with Lend a Hand
Access Specifiers, Method Overloading
Constructors and Methods Static keyword and Static method
Constructors Overloading
this reference and Constructor Chaining
Passing Objects as Method Argument
6 Objects as method Argument Returning Objects from the method ILT

What is Inheritance and How to perform Inheritance

Object Class, Sub Class and Super class
Super Constructor with Lend a Hand
7 Inheritance ILT
Method Overriding
Run Time Polymorphism
Hiding Methods

8 Activity - Inheritance Inheritance ILT and Hands-on

Introduction to Interfaces
Introduction to Abstract Classes
Develop an Interface
9 Abstract Classes Abstract in Real world ILT
How to implement an Interface
When to use abstract Class
Why do we use Interfaces
Interfaces Vs Abstract Classes
10 Interfaces ILT
Interface Vs Class
11 Activity - Interfaces Inheritance
Interfaces among Interfaces ILT and Hands-on
Interface and polymorphism
IS A & HAS A Relationship
Game on IS A & HAS A Relationship
12 Object Casting Implicit & Explicit Casting ILT

What is wrapper classes & Why do we use wrapper

13 Wrapper Classes ILT
14 Activity - Wrapper Classes Wrapper Classes ILT and Hands-on

What is an array & Types of Array

One Dimensional array with Lend a hand
15 Arrays ILT
Multi Dimensional Array
Advantages & Disadvantages of arrays
Introduction to Exceptions
Exception Hierarchy
Exception Handling
Execution flow when Exceptions are raised
16 Exception Handling Multiple Catch Block ILT
Nested Try block
Throws keyword & Throw keyword
Print Stack trace and How to analyze Exception
stack trace
User Defined Exception

17 Activity - Exception Handling ILT and Hands-on

Overview of Delegates
Anonymous Methods
Lamda Expression
18 Delegates and Events ILT
Action & Func Delegates
Connect Event Handler methods to Events
Raise and consume events
What are Collections
Collections Framework & its Benefits
19 Collections and Generics What is Generics ILT
Using Generics with Collection
Garbage Collection basis
Garbage Collection Algorithm
20 Garbage Collection GC Implementation ILT
Garbage Collection Performance Optimizations
Date and DateFormat API
Partial Class
Extended Methods
Partial Class,
Sealed class
21 Extended Methods and ILT
Named Parameters and Optional Parameters
Sealed class
Co-variance and Contra-variance
Generic Co-Variance and Contra - Variance
Compiling without Primary Interop Assemblies

Process Vs Thread
Introduction to Threads
Multi tasking & Multi Threading
22 Threads ILT
Application thread

Introduction to I/O streams and Introduction to I/O streams and its types
23 ILT
its types What is serialization?
LINQ Architecture
LINQ to Objects
LINQ Standard query Operators
25 Video based Learnings Video based Learnings

Note: Kindly Include 1 hrs for Module Test at the End

Prepared By (ID and Name):

Reviewed By (ID and Name):


Reference Books / Web Links

ELTP 2007 : Module H/W and S/W Requirement [Business Centric Curriculum]
Module Name: <<Name of Module>>
Version #: Date :

# Details Version Details

Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
t [Business Centric Curriculum]


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