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Jubilee Release # 14

Gerardo Núñez
ACT 9534
German Release Date:
Date: June
June 22, 2012

When flamenco
flamenco guitarist Gerardo Núñez puts pen to Jazz was one of Gerardo Núñez’s early musical affections.
paper, he usually has only one thing in mind: music. He was entranced by the music of, amongst others,
However, when he started working on his newest album Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane,
“Travesía” (“Crossing”), the long-awaited follow-up to played by a US airbase radio station close to his
2004’s “Andando El Tiempo“, he wanted to tell a Andalusian home town Jerez de la Frontera. In his youth
particular story that had moved him; the story of his friends the aspiring flamenco guitarist stayed true to the tradition
Ahmed and Khaleb. of his music, while performing together with famous
singers and dancers. However, when he was together
It was a Sunday and he had planned to spend a relaxing with his friends, he was free to combine all sorts of
afternoon on the beach sunbathing and swimming with his musical inspirations. For purists this is an absolute no-go –
family. Suddenly they saw something unexpected on the they are in favour of purity in flamenco but, despite these
horizon – an overcrowded boat. As the rickety boat came traditionalists, Gerardo Núñez is nowadays considered the
nearer, everybody soon understood what they were most important virtuoso innovator of flamenco after the
dealing with. Gerardo Núñez along with his family and great Paco de Lucia.
many others on the beach looked into the gaunt faces of
African refugees. “They were people, who had left their Gerardo Núñez’s personality has been influenced by by
sub-Saharan home countries in search of happiness and a collaborations with musicians from all over the world and
better life. Europe was something like El Dorado for them,” of all imaginable genres. He has not only worked with
Gerardo Núñez says and shakes his head. “I was Placido Domingo and Julio Iglesias, but also with Eberhard
surprised how helpful my fellow Spaniards were. They Weber, Richard Galliano and Enrico Rava. Furthermore,
immediately attended to the Africans and even helped he was one of the leading figures on “Jazzpaña II”
them to hide or flee. If the police had found them, they (released in 2000 together with Michael Brecker, Chano
would have been sent back to their home countries Dominguez, Jorge Pardo, Perico Sambeat, Renaud-
without delay.” Garcia-Fons etc.).

Gerardo Núñez became friends with two men from the “Travesía” is a further proof of his border-
border-crossing musical
boat – Ahmed and Khaleb. Today, the flamenco virtuoso way of thinking. Pop, funk, jazz and Latin freshen Gerardo
even works with them; in the winter, he regularly organizes Núñez’s flamenco, which he combines with extraordinary
concerts in a Bodega in Andalusia and the two Africans technique and great passion. On this recording, his wife,
help him with the preparations. “On ‘Travesía’ I tell their the famous dancer Carmen Cortéz (for whom he has
story. Actually, their story also has something in common written some songs), and his daughter Isabel, join in with
with the history of flamenco. This Spanish musical style is their hands and feet by clapping and tapping. Also
especially popular among gitanos, the Spanish Romanies. featured are prestigious jazz musicians including the
The roots of these “wandering people” are in India and saxophonist Perico Sambeat, the pianist Albert Sanz as
from there they have moved off to all parts of the world. well as the legendary percussionists “Cepillo”, who co-
Flamenco emerged in Andalusia out of several different produced the album. Their common venture is “la
influences,” Gerardo Núñez recounts. By this he refers to travesía”, the crossing; whereas the Africans sail across
the state of Al-Andalus, in which Mauritian conquerors the Mediterranean Sea to their new home, these musicians
lived in peace with Christians and Jews over a long time are crossing borders in music.
and created a unique and flourishing culture. “There are
also parallels to jazz. Obviously jazz has different forms
than flamenco, but it also profits from various influences.”
Jubilee Release # 14

Gerardo Núñez

ACT 9534
Photo by Georg Tuskany

01 Ítaca 3:22 Gerardo Núñez / flamenco guitar

02 No ha podío ser 5:03 Ángel Sánchez González “Cepillo” / perc, palmas & voc
03 Compás interior 1:26 Carmen Cortés & Isabel Núñez Cortés / perc, palmas & voc
04 Chicken Dog 7:04 Pablo Romero / electric guitar
05 Tío Pepe 2:52 Albert Sanz & Pepe Rivero / piano
06 A rumbo 6:18 Mariano Díaz / keyboards
07 Tío Perico 1:03 Pablo Martín & Antonio Ramos “Maca” / electric bass
08 Travesía
Travesía 9:32 Perico Sambeat / saxophone
Carlota Passos-
Pereira Cortés, Carmen Cortés García,
Coral Cortés García & Mario Cortés / vocals
Music composed by Gerardo Núñez Bilal Demiryurek,
Demiryurek, Juan Luis Cano, Luky Oyegue &
except Chicken Dog by John Scofield Christians Lorys / voice

Produced by Gerardo Núñez

2nd Producer: Cepillo
Recorded by Cepillo & Basi (recording assistant) Allegro-Nail Distribution (US)
in Estudio El Gallo Azul, Madrid A&N Music (GR)
and Ramón Salazar in Estudio La Azotea, Cádiz. Andante Music (RO)
Apostrophe (RU)
Mixed by Pablo Martínez and Daniel Pradillos in Musigrama, Madrid. C&L Records (KR)
Mastering by Klaus Scheuermann. Divyd (SK)
Dukyan Meloman (BG)
Challenge Records Int. (Benelux)
DC Comp (UA)
Gerardo Núñez on ACT: edelkultur (DE & AT)
Jazzpaña II (ACT 9284-2) Egea (I)
La Nueva Escuela De La Guitarra Flamenca (ACT 9413-2) Equinox Music (TR)
Andando El Tiempo (ACT 9426-2) GIGI Distribution (PL)
Gramofon (BA)
Harmonia Mundi (FR)
ACT – The Art in Music:
Music: Harmonia Mundi (UK)
"Faust, 1975" (detail) by Eduardo Arroyo, courtesy Levy - Galerie, Hamburg Intek (SI+HR)
Jassics (ZA)
Jazzworld (HK)
JSC "Bomba" (LT)
Karonte (ES & PT)
Musikklosen (NO)
Musikvertrieb (CH)
Naxos (SE/FI)
Outside Distribution (CA)
One-Hifi (RS)
Planet MGM Distribution (AU)
Auenstraße 47, 80469 München, Germany Southbound Records (NZ)
Phone +49 89 72 94 92 0, Fax +49 89 72 94 92 11 Sundance (DK)
e-mail: info@actmusic.com Videoarts Music Inc. (JP)
2HP (CZ)
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