Quantify and Analyze The Pollution Load
Quantify and Analyze The Pollution Load
Quantify and Analyze The Pollution Load
L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5
Course Objectives:
To understand the important issues and their abatement principles of industrial pollution.
Air Pollution: Classification of air pollutants, Nature and characteristics of gaseous and
particulate pollutants, Analysis of different air pollutants, Description of stack monitoring kit
and high volume sampler, Atmospheric dispersion of air pollutants, Gaussian model for
prediction of concentration of pollutant down wind direction, Plume and its behavior,
Operating principles and simple design calculations of particulate control devices, Brief
concepts of control of gaseous emissions by absorption, adsorption, chemical transformation
and combustion.
Solid Wastes: Analysis and quantification of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, Treatment
and disposal of solid wastes, Land filling, Leachate treatment, Incineration.
Text Books:
91st Senate approved Courses Scheme & Syllabus for B.E. Chemical Engg. (2016)
1. Peavy, H.S., Rowe, D.R., and Tchobanoglous, G. Environmental Engineering, McGraw
Hill International (1985).
2. Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited
Reference Books:
1. Masters, G.M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Prentice Hall off
India, (2008).
2. Rao, C.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, Wiley Eastern (2010).
3. De Nevers, N., Air Pollution Control Engineering, McGraw-Hill (2000).
Evaluation Scheme:
91st Senate approved Courses Scheme & Syllabus for B.E. Chemical Engg. (2016)