French Grammar Basics Cheat Sheet: by Via
French Grammar Basics Cheat Sheet: by Via
French Grammar Basics Cheat Sheet: by Via
Article Female Male Plural Adjective Female Male Plural Pronoun Female Male
le and la change to l' when used in front of a his/her/its sa son ses his/hers la sienne le sien
word starting with a vowel and most words our notre notre nos ours la nôtre le nôtre
starting with h
your (vous) votre votre vos yours la vôtre le vôtre
une, une, des changes to de when used in their leur leur leurs theirs la leur le leur
negative sentences use mon, ton, son with feminine singular add s to the end of the pronouns for plural form
nouns in front of vowels and h and use les instead of la, le
-el -elle
Personal Pronouns Plural nouns
-eil -eille
Singular Plural Singular Plural
-et -ette / -ète
I je / moi nous -eau -x
some common adjectives follow no pattern
you tu / te /toi vous -eu -x
when an adjective describes a masculine and he/it il ils /eux -ou -s*
feminine noun, use the masculine plural form
she/it elle elles -al -aux
Preposition (cont)
in en
after après
before avant
with avec
at chez
against contre
into dans
since depuis
behind derrière
in front of devant
until jusque
by/per par
during pendant
for pour
without sans
except sauf
under sous
on sur
towards vers
this is voici
that is voilà