<< Usage >> (Each function below is assigned to each key respectively)
1. Key 'C'=C2_do note, 'V'=C2_re, 'B'=C2_mi,..., '/'=C3_do, 'Y'=C4_do.
Guide marks 'o' are displayed while keys are pressed (Note-sustained).
2. [Volume](Left/Right arrow key) Tunes volume of a Midi sound.
3. [Pitch](Up/Down arrow key) Tunes fine pitch of a Midi(default A=440Hz).
4. [Transpose]([Ins]/[Del] key) Transposition.
5. [Instrument]([Home]/[End] key) Selects a Midi sound timbre.
6. [Midi device]([PgUp]/[PgDn] key) Selects a Midi sound source.
7. [Pause] Exits from this software.
8. [F1] Shows this document.
9. [F2] Starts/Ends Recording. You can save it to a MIDI file after recording.
10. [F3] Replays recorded notes. [F2]Starts/Ends key prefers this.
11. [F4] Toggles beats on/off for M.M function.
12. [F5] M.M select. 1(Tick)-->2(Light)-->3(Both). [F6]/[F7] Tunes M.M speed(MM=30-
13. [F8] M.M-Light. Sets beats. 2-->3-->4...-->9 beats.
14. [F9] Goes to Key-assign mode. Only the key which scan code is showed on status
when key is pressed can be assigned. Press the key you want to assign in your
keyboard, then select the tone by clicking the keypad. Use ExitKeymap at popup
menu to exit from Key-assign mode. Now you can use the key assigned ^o^. You
save it to a file 'TPIANO.KBD' which is read when tpiano.exe is starting.
15. To show popup(Help, AssignKeymap, SaveKeymap, Exit) click right button of