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Msme e PN 2018 19

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Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises Department

Policy Note
Demand No.44

2018 - 2019

Minister for Rural Industries

Government of Tamil Nadu

S.No. Description Page

1. Introduction 1

2. Commissionerate of 9
Industries and Commerce

Tamil Nadu Small Industries

3. 47
Development Corporation

4. Tamil Nadu Small Industries 75

Corporation (TANSI)

5. Development & Innovation 80
Institute – Tamil Nadu

Policy Note 2018-19

1. Introduction
Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) plays
an important and strategic role in the economic growth
and equitable development of a country. Worldwide, the
Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have been
accepted as prime drivers for employment generation
and growth of GDP, besides contributing to the
balanced regional development. MSMEs are in a
unique position to become global players attracting
partners with technology and funds. These enterprises
impart the resilience to withstand economic upheavals
and maintain a reasonable growth rate since being
indigenous is the key to sustainability and self

1.1 Role of MSME Sector in Indian Economy

The MSME sector is an important, highly vibrant

and dynamic sector of Indian economy as it has
contributed greatly to the growth of the Indian economy
over the years. The MSMEs manufacture more than
6000 products, contributing about 45% to
manufacturing and about 40% to exports. With its agility
and dynamism, the sector has shown an admirable
innovativeness and adaptability to survive the recent
economic scenario. Moreover, it is the MSME sector
which can help realize the target of the National
Manufacturing Policy of raising the share of
manufacturing sector in GDP from 16% at present to
25% by the end of 2022.

1.2 MSMEs in Tamil Nadu

There has been a phenomenal growth of MSMEs

in Tamil Nadu. MSMEs produce a wide variety of
products in almost all sectors. The prominent among
them are textile, garments, engineering products, auto
ancillaries, leather products, plastics, etc.


Around 17.79 lakh entrepreneurs have filed the

EM Acknowledgement Part-II & UAM, providing
employment opportunities to about 113.57 lakh persons
with total investment of Rs.1,93,704.90 crore.

Consequent to the introduction of the Udyog

Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) by the Ministry of Micro
Small & Medium Enterprises of Government of India,
Tamil Nadu started the UAM implementation w.e.f
21.1.2016. As on 31.03.2018, a total of 5,26,947 UAMs
have been filed in Tamil Nadu, comprising 4,63,836
Micro enterprises, 61,613 Small Enterprises and 1,498
Medium Enterprises.

Trend in the Growth of MSMEs in Tamil Nadu

Number of Employ-
Investment Production
Year Registered ment
(Rs. crore.) (Rs. crore.)
units (Numbers)

2007-08 27,209 2,547.14 8,739.95 2,42,855

2008-09 32,049 3,557.89 13,354.86 2,94,255

2009-10 41,799 3,214.22 10,880.01 1,51,743

2010-11 57,902 5,872.37 12,500.86 4,05,233

2011-12 70,758 7,429.59 15,496.00 5,02,381


2012-13 83,348 8,751.54 17,503.08 5,83,436

2013-14 1,16,393 18,939.87 16,832.25 4,94,990

2014-15 1,43,104 24349.65 59,789.70 6,51,180

2015-16 1,42,136 34,411.90 59,332.19 8,15,315

(up to

UAM * 41,656 6,218.69 - 2,96,687

(as on

2016-17 2,67,310 36,221.78 - 18,97,619

2017-18 2,17,981 25,373.12 - 13,78,544

1.3 New Initiatives to Reinvigorate MSMEs in

Tamil Nadu

1.3.1 Single Window Clearance Committee for


Tamil Nadu Government supports the

entrepreneurs who come forward to set up an
enterprise. The entrepreneurs can get various
licenses/approvals from various departments under the
existing Single Window Clearance Committee. During


2017-18, out of 403 applications received, 371

applications have been disposed.

The Government of Tamil Nadu takes

cognizance of the need for continuously improving the
ease of doing business in the State. In order to
demonstrate the State’s interest in creating an investor
friendly climate, conducive to the domestic and global
business community, one of the key technology
interventions taken by the Government is
implementation of the online Single Window Portal to
deliver requisite services to the investors in a time-
bound and transparent manner through online
mechanism from 11 Departments such as Directorate of
Town and Country Planning (DTCP), Tamil Nadu
Pollution Control Board (TNPCB), Fire, Directorate of
Industrial Safety and Health (DISH), etc during the pre-
establishment stage, pre-operation stage, and renewal
stage and also it has been facilitated in such a way to
utilize the services of the above 11 departments.


The Single Window Portal for MSME

(https://www.easybusiness.tn.gov.in/msme) was launched
on 4.5.2018 and is in operation.

1.3.2 Business Facilitation Act/Rules 2018

An Act, namely Tamil Nadu Business Facilitation

Act 2018 was enacted in the Assembly recently to
ensure single point receipt of applications for securing
clearances that are required to establish or expand an
enterprise and for clearances required during normal
course of business including renewals in a time-bound
manner. The Act also provides for effective grievance
redressal mechanism and fine in case of failure of
Competent Authorities to act within a time limit and for
matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

The Act covers 54 clearances which include pre-

establishment, pre-operation, renewals, incentives etc.,
District Industries Centre and Guidance Bureau are
designated as Nodal Agency for MSMEs and large
industries respectively for operating the single window


The Act provides for a 3 tier institutional structure

1. District MSME Single Window Committee,

2. State MSME Single Window Committee and

3. MSME Investment Promotion and Monitoring

Board to monitor and review the progress of
single window mechanism.

1.4 Definition of MSMEs

The classification of Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises is defined under the MSMED Act, 2006.
Based on the investment in plant and equipment
(excluding land and building), the enterprises are
classified as Manufacturing and Service enterprises as
given below.
Category Enterprises
Investment Level
Investment Level
Micro Upto Rs.25 lakh Upto Rs.10 lakh
Small Above Rs.25 lakh Above Rs.10 lakh
to upto Rs.5 crore to upto Rs.2 crore
Medium Above Rs.5 crore Above Rs.2 crore
to upto Rs.10 to upto Rs.5 crore


1.5 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

This Department has the following major
organizations under its ambit:

a. The Commissionerate of Industries and

b. The Tamil Nadu Small Industries
Development Corporation Limited

c. The Tamil Nadu Small Industries

Corporation Limited (TANSI)
d. Entrepreneurship Development and
Innovation Institute – Tamil Nadu(EDII-TN)
e. Co-operative Sector Institutions like
Tamil Nadu Industrial Co-operative Bank
(TAICO Bank) / Indcoserve / Sagoserve


2. The Commissionerate of Industries and


The Commissionerate of Industries and

Commerce governs the development of industries in
general and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in
particular. The District Industries Centres (DICs) in the
32 Districts come under the control of this
Commissionerate. District Industries Centre offices in
districts provide support facilities for starting and
sustaining Industrial Enterprises by providing a variety
of services to the entrepreneurs like identification of
viable activities, preparation of project profiles,
obtaining financial assistance from various
banks/financial institutions and statutory clearances
from Government Departments, sanction and
disbursement of eligible subsidies.

2.1 Filing of Udyog Aadhaar Memorandam

In order to achieve the objective of Ease of Doing

Business, GOI introduced the filing of Udyog Aadhaar


Memorandum (UAM) registration process. The

Government of India specified that every Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprise shall file Udyog Aadhaar in the
form appended to the notification dated 18.09.2015 and
follow the procedure for filing the UAM. There shall be
no fee for filing of the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum.
The Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum(UAM) can be filed
online at the URL http://udyogaadhaar.gov.in in the
Udyog Aadhaar Portal maintained by the Ministry of
MSME, by every MSME, but in exceptional cases,
where online filing is not possible a hard copy can be
submitted, to the concerned DIC, which shall file the
UAM Online for such enterprise on their behalf. The
UAM Number so generated will be mailed to the
enterprise at the address provided in the UAM.

Existing enterprises, who have filed EM Part-II or

the holders of SSI registration prior to the MSMED Act
2006, shall not be required to file UAM. But, if they so
desire, they may also file the Udyog Aadhaar


Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum

UAM Investment in plant &

Enterprises Type
Category machinery/equipment
Micro A Manufacturing Does not exceed R s . 25 lakh
D Service Does not exceed R s . 10 lakh
Small B Manufacturing More than Rs.25 lakh but does not
Enterprises exceed Rs.5 crore
E Service More than Rs.10 lakh but does not
exceed Rs. 2 crore
C Manufacturing More than Rs. 5 crore but does not
Medium exceed R s . 10 crore
F Service More than Rs.2 crore but does not
exceed Rs.5 crore

2.2 MSME Subsidy Schemes

The Government is providing following

incentives to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in
the State:

2.2.1 Capital Subsidy

 25% capital subsidy on the value of eligible

plant and machinery, subject to a maximum of
Rs.30 lakh.
 Additional capital subsidy for enterprises set
up by Women / Scheduled Caste / Scheduled


Tribe / Differently abled and Transgender

Entrepreneurs at the rate of 5% on the value
of eligible plant and machinery, subject to a
maximum of Rs.2 lakh.
 Additional capital subsidy for promotion of
cleaner and environment friendly technologies
at the rate of 25% on the value of eligible
plant and machinery/ equipment meant for
environment improvement or sustenance
subject to a maximum of Rs.3 lakh.
 Employment Intensive Subsidy at the rate of
5% on the value of eligible plant and
machinery, subject to a maximum of
Rs.5 lakh.

Eligibility Criteria

 All new Micro manufacturing enterprises

established anywhere in the State

 All new Small and Medium enterprises under

following 13 thrust sectors established
anywhere in the State excluding additional


capital subsidy and employment generation


 Electrical and Electronic Industry

 Leather and Leather goods
 Auto parts and components
 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
 Solar Energy Equipment
 Gold and Diamond Jewellery for exports
 Pollution Control equipments
 Sports Goods and Accessories
 Cost effective building material
 Readymade Garments
 Food Processing
 Plastic
 Rubber Products

 All new Small and Medium manufacturing

enterprises established in all the 251 industrially
backward blocks.
 All New Agro based Small and Medium
manufacturing enterprises established in all the
385 blocks of the State.


 Existing Manufacturing Enterprises of the above

categories which have taken up substantial
expansion / diversification of the existing activities.
 Capital Subsidy of Rs.57,000.00 lakh has been
disbursed to 10,504 beneficiaries between 2011-
12 to 2017-18. During 2017-18 an amount of
Rs.16,000.00 lakh has been disbursed to 2102
beneficiaries (Annexure 2.1 )

2.2.2 Low Tension Power Tariff Subsidy

20% subsidy on low tension power tariff is

provided to the MSME Units for 36 months from the
date of commencement of production or from the date
of power connection obtained whichever is later.

Eligibility Criteria

 All New Micro manufacturing enterprises

established anywhere in the State
 All New Agro based Micro, Small and Medium
manufacturing enterprises established in all the
385 blocks of the State.


 All New Small and Medium manufacturing

enterprises established in the 251 industrially
backward blocks.
 Existing Manufacturing Enterprises of the above
categories which have taken up substantial
expansion / diversification of the existing activities.
 An amount of Rs.4,264.16 lakh was disbursed
as LTPT Subsidy to 7,308 beneficiaries between
2011-12 to 2017-18. During 2017-18, an
amount of Rs.600 lakh was disbursed to 671
beneficiaries. (Annexure 2.2)

2.2.3 Generator Subsidy

Micro, Small and Medium manufacturing

enterprises established anywhere in the State are
eligible for a subsidy of 25% on the cost of Generator
set purchased (upto 320 KVA capacity), subject to a
maximum of Rs.5 lakh.

An amount of Rs.9,948.09 lakh was disbursed

as Generator Subsidy to 8,583 beneficiaries between
2011-12 to 2017-18. The achievement during


2017-18 was Rs.200 lakh benefitting 161 beneficiaries.

(Annexure 2.3)

2.2.4 Back-ended Interest Subsidy

Back-ended interest subsidy at the rate of 3%

subject to a maximum of Rs.10 lakh for a period of 5
years is being provided to Micro, Small and Medium
Manufacturing Enterprises for term loans up to Rs.1
crore obtained for Technology up-gradation /
modernization and Credit Guarantee Fund Trust
Scheme (CGFTS).

Micro and Small Enterprises who have availed

term loan under technology upgradation are also
eligible for 3 % Back Ended Interest Subsidy (BEIS).

(a) An amount of Rs.478.35 lakh has been disbursed

as BEIS subsidy for Technology Upgradation /
Modernisation to 499 beneficiaries between
2011-12 to 2017-18. The achievement during
2017-18 was Rs.30 lakh benefitting 73
beneficiaries (Annexure 2.4 (a))


(b) BEIS subsidy amounting to Rs.79.44 lakh was

given to the loanees under Credit Guarantee Fund
Scheme covering 307 beneficiaries between
2011-12 to 2017-18 for Rs.79.44 lakh. The
achievement during 2017-18 was Rs.25 lakh
benefitting 101 beneficiaries (Annexure 2.4(b))

2.2.5 Scheme for Promotion of Energy Audit and

Conservation of Energy (PEACE)
The Government have introduced Promotion of
Energy Audit and Conservation of Energy (PEACE)
scheme for promoting Energy efficiency in MSME units.
Under this scheme, the Government will reimburse 50%
of the cost of conducting energy audit and 25% of the
cost of machinery & equipments replaced, retrofitted
and technology acquired for the purpose of improving
energy efficiency based on the recommendation of
Energy Audit.
There are four components in the scheme:

a. Conducting awareness camp

b. Conducting training programme
c. Incentive for undertaking energy audit


d. Incentive for implementing the

recommendation of energy audit

Incentive for conducting detailed energy audit

50% of the energy audit cost subject to a

maximum of Rs.75,000 per unit.

Incentive for implementing energy audit


25% of the cost of eligible components, subject

to a maximum limit of Rs.2,00,000/-.

2.3 Unemployed Youth Employment Generation

Programme (UYEGP)

With a view to create employment opportunities to

the marginalized sections of the society, the State
Government is implementing the Unemployed Youth
Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP). Under
the scheme, loan can be availed to start manufacturing
/ service / business enterprises with project cost upto
the maximum of Rs.10 lakh/ Rs.3 lakh and Rs.1 lakh
respectively. Subsidy assistance @ 25% of the project
cost subject to a maximum of Rs.1,25,000/- is provided


under this scheme. An online web portal has been

developed to file applications online. The applicants
who intend to apply under this scheme can file their
applications online at www.msmeonline.tn.gov.in/uyegp


 Minimum age limit - 18 years

 Upper age limit – 35 years for General Category

and 45 years for Special Category comprising
SC / ST / BC / MBC / Minority / Women / Ex-
Servicemen / Differently abled / Transgender.

 Pass in VIII Standard


UYEGP subsidy amounting to Rs.15,941.55 lakh

has been given to 33,582 beneficiaries between 2011-12
to 2017-18. During 2017-18, Rs.3,000 lakh has been
disbursed as Subsidy to 4,707 beneficiaries.
(Annexure 2.5)

2.4 New Entrepreneur-Cum-Enterprise Development

Scheme (NEEDS)
“New Entrepreneur–cum-Enterprise Development
Scheme (NEEDS)” has been introduced by the
Government to assist educated youth to become first


generation entrepreneurs during 2012-13. This scheme

envisages providing entrepreneurship development
training to educated first generation entrepreneurs,
assistance for entrepreneurial activity, preparation of
business plans and helping them to tie up with financial
institutions to obtain loan to set up new business
ventures, besides linking them with major industrial
clients for marketing support and mentoring.

The beneficiaries should be in the age group of

21 years to 45 years and should possess education
qualification of any Degree/Diploma / ITI / Vocational
training from a Recognised Institution.

About 1,000 beneficiaries will be selected every

year for one month EDP training conducted by
Entrepreneurship Development & Innovation Institute-
Tamil Nadu (EDII-TN), Chennai with a priority to assist
50% women to avail term loans from Banks / Tamil
Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation Limited (TIIC).
Subject to availability, they will also be provided with
reservation up to 25% for allotment of plots / sheds in


the Industrial Estates of Tamil Nadu Small Industries

Development Corporation Limited.

As per reservation policy, priority will be given to

Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Differently
abled beneficiaries.

To set up manufacturing and service projects, a

front end capital subsidy at the rate of 25% of the
project cost (not exceeding Rs.25 lakh), is being
provided along with 3% interest subvention on term
loan for the entire repayment period by the
Government. The minimum project cost should be
above Rs.10 lakh and the maximum project cost will be
upto Rs.5 crore. For projects costing more than
Rs.1 crore, subsidy component will be restricted to
Rs.25 lakh.

The Promoter has to bring 10% of the project

cost as his contribution if he belongs to general
category and 5% if he belongs to special category.

Being the implementing agency, the Industries

Commissioner and Director of Industries and


Commerce periodically reviews and monitors the

progress of the scheme at the State level.

Government have released detailed guidelines in

G.O.(Ms) No.49, MSME (D2) Department, dated
29.10.2012 for smooth implementation of the Scheme.

Since the inception of the scheme, as on

31.3.2018, a total of 2,868 beneficiaries have been
offered assistance under the scheme to implement
projects involving project cost of Rs.1,927 crore
including Government subsidy of Rs.300.04 crore. As
on 31.3.2018, an amount of Rs. 246.59 crore has been
disbursed towards individual based capital subsidy and
Rs.15.82 crore towards 3% interest subvention.
(Annexure 2.7)

2.5 Schemes for Technology Development

Government provides assistance to MSMEs for

technology development through following schemes:


 50% subsidy on the cost of filing a Patent

application subject to a maximum of Rs.2 lakh
per application.
 50% of the cost of the application for Trade
Mark Registration or Rs.25,000/- whichever is
 25% subsidy for establishment of Industrial
Clusters and Mini Tool Rooms under Public
Private Partnership subject to a maximum of
Rs.1 crore.
 Creation of a Technology Development Fund
for evolving cleaner / energy efficient / IT
enabled technologies.
 Assistance for creation of Centres of
Excellence and Technology Business
Incubators for introduction of new production
techniques and design development to the
tune of Rs.50 lakh per incubator / centre of


2.6 Prime Minister’s Employment Generation

Programme (PMEGP)
Prime Minister's Employment Generation
Programme (PMEGP), a Government of India’s
Scheme, is being implemented with effect from
2008-09. The maximum cost of the project admissible
under manufacturing sector is Rs.25 lakh and under
service sector is Rs.10 lakh.

The beneficiaries belonging to general category

have to contribute 10% of the project cost as their fund
while those belonging to Special Category (SC / ST /
OBC / Minorities / Women, Ex-servicemen, Differently
abled persons, North-Eastern Regions, Hill and Border
areas, etc.) have to contribute 5% of the project cost as
their contribution. The balance amount of total project
cost will be provided by banks as loan. Applicants, who
intend to benefit under this scheme, can file
applications online at www.kviconline.gov.in
Government of India provides subsidy to the
beneficiaries at following rates:


Categories of beneficiaries Rate of Subsidy

under PMEGP Urban  Rural 
15% of the
25% of the
General Category Project
Project Cost
25% of the
35% of the
Special Category Project
Project Cost

PMEGP Margin Money Subsidy amounting to

Rs.20,650.45 lakh has been disbursed to 9,692
beneficiaries between 2011-12 to 2017-18. During
2017-18, Rs.4,609.96 lakh have been disbursed to 2,039
beneficiaries as Margin Money Subsidy (Annexure 2.6).

2.7 Marketing Support

The following marketing support is extended by

Government to Micro and Small manufacturing

 Exemption from payment of Earnest Money

Deposit for participation in tenders


 Granting 50% of hall rent as subsidy for

participation in exhibitions within the State and
in other States by MSME Associations

 Extending support for marketing under a

common banner or brand name

 A minimum of 25% of the goods and services

procured by the Government Departments
and State Public Sector Undertakings have to
be mandatorily procured from the domestic

2.8 Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

In order to provide a simpler and faster

mechanism to address the stress in the accounts of
MSMEs and to facilitate promotion and development of
MSMEs, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises, Government of India, vide their Gazette
Notification dated 29.5.2015 have notified a
‘Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises’. Even though the
framework developed by RBI in consultation with
Ministry of MSME, for the stressed assets of MSMEs is


compatible with the existing regulatory guidelines on

“Income Recognition, Asset classification and
provisioning pertaining to Advances” issued by RBI to
the banks, the revival and rehabilitation of MSMEs
having loans upto Rs.25 crore will be in terms of the
revised framework so as to facilitate early identification
of stress by the banker and initiate remedial measures.

2.9 Credit Flow to Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises (MSME) Sector

The banks in Tamil Nadu have made a total

credit disbursement of Rs.64,740.58 crore between
April 2017 to December 2017. The share of advances
to micro enterprises upto December 2017 was 46.57%.

2.10 Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation

Councils (MSEFC)

In the MSMED Act 2006, one of the objectives is

to facilitate settlement of delayed payments to Micro
and Small Enterprises for the goods supplied by them
to major industrial undertakings.


Accordingly, the Government have constituted

four Regional Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation
Councils at Chennai, Tiruchirappalli, Madurai and

In the financial year 2017-18, 24 MSEFC sittings

were conducted and an amount of Rs.829.65 lakh has
been realised by 12 Micro and Small enterprises.
MSEFC Cases Realised
Sittings Disposed (Rs.
2011-2012 15 38 233.86
2012-2013 35 115 396.65
2013-2014 18 62 556.52
2014-2015 27 45 233.93
2015-2016 09 12 78.57
2016-2017 28 99 1,924.49
2017-2018 24 83 829.65
Total 156 454 4,253.67

2.11 Testing Services

The following testing laboratories provide various

testing services to enterprises as per their need for
testing & certification.
(i) Central Electrical Testing Laboratory,
Kakkalur, Thiruvallur District


(ii) Chemical Testing and Analytical

Laboratory, Guindy and Regional Testing
Laboratories at Madurai, Coimbatore,
Salem and Thoothukudi.

2.12 Training Institutes

The following Institutes provide Diploma Courses

for improving the technical skills in relevant field.

2.12.1 Government Technical Training Centre,

Guindy, Chennai
The Government Technical Training Centre,
was established in 1962 at Guindy, Chennai and offers
two diploma courses for three years period. (1) DME
(Tool & Die) (2) DME (Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning).

These courses are conducted with approval of

AICTE and the institution admits 144 students (120
students every year in first year (regular) + 24 students
in lateral second year) for 3 years Diploma Engineering
courses. An additional new building has been
constructed at a cost of Rs.7.02 crore as per the
announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister to fulfill


the norms of AICTE and it was inaugurated on


2.12.2 Institute of Tool Engineering, Dindigul

The Institute of Tool Engineering, Dindigul was

established in 1961 and offers 3 year Diploma courses
in Tool & Die approved by AICTE. The Institute is
giving admission for 54 students (45 students in regular
first year + 9 students in lateral second year) in Diploma
Engineering every year.

2.12.3 Institute of Ceramic Technology,


The Institute of Ceramic Technology, functioning

at Vridhachalam is offering a 3½ years Diploma Course
in Ceramic Technology. Every year 50 students with a
qualification of pass in S.S.L.C (X Std.) are admitted in
the first year and 10 students passed in +2 (XII Std) are
admitted in the second year as lateral entry. This
institute is affiliated to the Directorate of Technical
Education and approved by All India Council for
Technical Education (AICTE).


2.12.4 Government Scientific Glass Training Centre,

The Government Scientific Glass Training
Centre, Coimbatore is offering one year practical
training course and two months Skill Development
Training Course in the Fabrication of Scientific Glass
Apparatus to the 8th standard passed students.

2.13 Government Production Centre for Scientific

Glass Apparatus, Coimbatore
Government Production Centre for Scientific
Glass Apparatus, Coimbatore is functioning since 1972.
This unit is engaged in the manufacture of laboratory
glassware to cater to the needs of Agriculture,
Forensic Science Department and Health Department

2.14 Government Industrial Estates

2.14.1 Government Industrial Estate for Ceramics,

Ceramic Industrial Estate was established by
the Government at Vridhachalam exclusively for
encouraging growth of Ceramic Industries. There are


64 industrial sheds in the Industrial Estate. Ceramic

industries functioning in the Industrial Estate are
manufacturing products such as Toys, Agal Vilakku,
Industrial Refractory products, Insulators etc.

2.14.2 Electrical and Electronic Industrial Estates

Eight exclusive Industrial Estates were
developed by the State Government for Electrical and
Electronic industries consisting of 517 Developed Plots
and 140 Sheds. These industrial estates are located at
Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai District), Perungudi
(Kancheepuram District), Kakkalur (Thiruvallur
District), Kappalur (Madurai District), Suramangalam
(Salem District), Kalapatti (Coimbatore District), Hosur
(Krishnagiri District) and Thuvakudi (Tiruchirappalli

2.15 Awards for Entrepreneurs and Banks

The Government of Tamil Nadu is giving Awards
for the best efforts of the entrepreneurs at State level /
District level and also to the banks – as a motivation for
promotion of MSME sector as below:


 State Level Best Entrepreneur Award

Rs.50,000/- cash prize and Memento, worth
 State Level Best Entrepreneur Award for Agro
Based Industries Rs.50,000/- cash prize and
Memento, worth Rs.15,000/-.
 State Level Best Entrepreneur Award for Quality
and Export Rs.50,000/- cash prize and Memento,
worth Rs.15,000/-.
 State Level Best Entrepreneur Award for Best
Women Entrepreneur Rs.50,000/- cash prize and
Memento, worth Rs.15,000/-.
 District Level Award for Best Entrepreneur ; a
Memento only, worth Rs.15,000/- for each
Chief Minister’s award to Bank :
1st Prize Memento worth Rs.30,000/-
2nd Prize Memento worth Rs.20,000/-
3rd Prize Memento worth Rs.15,000/-
2.16 Global Investors Meet-2015

During the Global Investors Meet held on 9th and

10th September 2015, MoUs have been signed for an
investment of Rs.16,532.67 crore, by 10,073 MSMEs.
The Government of Tamil Nadu is committed to


facilitate the entrepreneurs who have signed MoU in

obtaining necessary financial assistance, statutory
clearances from the concerned Government
Departments, availing of eligible incentives etc., for
setting up their enterprises. Accordingly, the
Government is taking proactive steps to issue
clearances within the time lines prescribed in the Tamil
Nadu Business Facilitation Act.

As on 31.3.2018, a total of 5,358 enterprises,

which signed MoUs, have commenced production with
an investment of Rs.6,182.03 crore, creating
employment for 71,691 persons.

2.17 Industrial Cooperative Societies

Industrial Cooperative Societies occupy a key

position in developing small and cottage industries in
the State. These societies play an important role in
generating employment to the rural people. These
societies now mainly provide gainful employment to
rural artisans, skilled and un-skilled workers, and
labourers. They also ensure to provide remunerative
prices to the growers like small tea growers and tapioca


cultivators. These societies not only ensure getting

orders for the micro and small units but also provide
developed plots and constructed sheds along with
infrastructural facilities to the entrepreneurs by way of
organising Cooperative Industrial Estates. The most
prominent among them are Indcoserve, Sagoserve,
Teaserve etc. To provide adequate financial linkages to
this sector, TAICO Bank has been formed as an
exclusive financial institution to lend to the Industrial
Cooperative Institutions.

2.18 Indcoserve

The Tamil Nadu Small Tea Growers Industrial

Cooperative Tea Factories Federation popularly known
as Indcoserve was established in 1965 at Coonoor.
This apex organisation was established to help its
member factories by way of coordinating their activities
in all matters. This organisation provides various
services to the Industrial Cooperative Tea Factories like
warehousing facilities, supply of inputs and marketing
of their tea etc.


At present, 16 Industrial Cooperative Tea

Factories are functioning in Nilgiris District with a
membership of 26,622. The total installed annual
production capacity is 224 lakh kgs of made tea
contributing 17% of the total production of tea in the

Most of the Tea factories were established

during the period of 1950 to 1980. The latest Industrial
Cooperative Tea Factory has been established at
Nanjanadu at a total cost of Rs.5 crore by availing
NABARD assistance of Rs.2.50 crore and Government
grant of Rs.2 crore. The factory started its commercial
production on 30.12.2017.

2.19 Scheme of Price Stabilization Fund

The tea market faces high fluctuations in tea

prices as a result of which all the Industrial Cooperative
Tea Factories often incur losses which in turn affects
payment of reasonable price for green leaf supplied to
them by their member growers. In order to overcome
this, Price Stabilization Fund was created by
Government during the year 2014-15 with an initial


corpus fund of Rs.12 crore with contribution of

Rs.4 crore by Indcoserve and Government contribution
of Rs.8 crore as onetime non recurring measure. So far
Rs.20.06 crore, has been disbursed to 18,000 grower
members under the scheme.

During 2017-18, based upon the announcement

by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government have
released an amount of Rs.8 crore to provide support
price of Rs.2 per kg. For the green leaf procured form
small tea grower members of Indco Tea Factories. The
balance amount approximately amounting to Rs.4 crore
will be paid by the Indcoserve.

2.20 Teaserve

The Tea Manufacturers Service Industrial

Cooperative Society called Teaserve is the first
electronic tea auction centre established in the country
at Coonoor. It was registered in 2002 and commenced
its operation during 2003. The Industrial Cooperative
Tea Factories, Private Bought Leaf Factories & Estate
Tea Factories and Tantea are its members. The main


object of Teaserve is to provide transparency in sale of

tea at the auction centre and thereby ensuring better
prices to the tea manufacturers.

2.21 Sagoserve

The Salem Starch and Sago Manufacturers

Service Industrial Cooperative Society known as
Sagoserve was established in 1981 at Salem with the
objective of helping Sago and Starch manufacturers in
Tapioca growing districts by way of marketing their
products thereby ensuring fair and remunerative prices
for them. Before its formation, the Sago and Starch
manufacturers especially small scale units suffered in
the hands of middlemen who exploited them in the
absence of organised marketing. To ameliorate their
sufferings in marketing their products, the Sagoserve
was established. Besides marketing the products of its
members, it also arranges financial assistance and
extends warehousing facilities to them.

In order to improve its testing facility, the

Sagoserve has set up a testing laboratory as a


Common Facility Centre in the name of Sago and

Starch Industry Cluster under Micro and Small
Enterprises Cluster Development Programme
(MSE-CDP) of Govt. of India. Further, in order to widen
the growth opportunity and access to the global market
and also to conduct the auction in a transparent
manner, it has been proposed to set up e-Auction
facility at Sagoserve. The entire e-Auction proceedings
are computerized. Thereby exploitation in the hands of
middlemen will be avoided. The main objective of
e-Auction facility is to provide transparency in the sale
of Sago & Starch.

2.22 Tamil Nadu Industrial Co-operative Bank

(TAICO Bank)
In the early sixties, the Industrial Cooperative
Societies faced many hindrances in obtaining financial
assistance even for their day to day affairs. With a view
to mitigate such problems, the Tamil Nadu Industrial
Cooperative Bank popularly known as TAICO Bank
was established in 1961. Originally, it was started with
the object of providing financial assistance to Industrial


Cooperative Societies in the State. However, now the

bank is extending all types of loans to the individuals,
entrepreneurs under MSME Sector, Government
Employees and to the public thereby expanding its
banking operations. In addition to this, it also accepts
deposits from the public, operates current accounts and
savings accounts for them.

The TAICO Bank has constructed its own

building for Sattur and Ambattur Branches during the
year 2015-16 and the Branches are working in those
buildings now. Further, during the year 2017-18, 3 new
branches at Tambaram, Coimbatore and Madurai were
proposed to be established, out of which branches at
Tambaram and Coimbatore have become functional
while the branch at Madurai is almost ready for
operation and will start functioning shortly. In obedience
of RBI instruction, the TAICO Bank has successfully
implemented Core Banking Solution Scheme in all the
45 branches, by computerising operations in all the


2.23 Coir Industrial Cooperative Societies

The Coir Industry in Tamil Nadu provides gainful

employment to the people in rural areas. These
Societies are mainly engaged in activities like, fibre
extraction, spinning of coir, Mat and Matting and
production of rubberised coir mattresses. At present,
65 Coir Industrial Cooperative societies are functioning
in the State providing employment to more than 10,896
members/workers out of which 80% are women
members. In order to market their products, an apex
cooperative society, namely the Tamil Nadu State Coir
Cooperative Marketing Federation (TANCOFED) has
been established with its Headquarters at Chennai.

Further, the Market Development Assistance

(MDA) scheme has been introduced by the Coir Board
during 2000-2001 to promote sale of coir and coir
products manufactured by the coir cooperatives. The
scheme is committed to payment of minimum wages
and other obligatory benefits to coir workers thereby
encouraging sustained production and better
employment opportunities. The Market Development


Assistance is provided to the Coir Societies @ 10% of

their average sales turnover of preceding 3 years and
the assistance amount is equally shared between
Government of India and State Government. For the
year 2017-18, the State Government have released a
sum of Rs.58.22 lakh as first instalment to 64 coir

2.24 Other Cooperative Societies

In order to provide continuous employment,

many other societies have been organised by this
Department in various trades like polythene bag
making, brick manufacturing, auto services, printing
services, labour contract, handicrafts, tailoring,
engineering, etc. Through these societies, sustained
employment is provided to marginalized sector workers
in the State. With the formation of these societies, the
skilled and semi-skilled workers are not only able to get
regular and continued employment but also avail full
statutory benefits entitled to them.


2.25 Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of

Traditional Industries (SFURTI)

The Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of

Traditional Industries popularly known as SFURTI has
been formulated and approved by the Government of
India with the aim of making traditional industries
including coir more productive and competitive and to
facilitate their sustained development. The scheme
provides various facilities like replacement of
equipments, setting up of common facilities, support for
development of new products, designs, packaging,
market promotion, capacity building etc. Under XII Plan
period, the Government of India accorded final approval
for 9 coir clusters viz. Dharmapuri, Madurai, Tiruppur
(Kangeyam and Palladam), Coimbatore, Tirunelveli,
Nagercoil, Salem and Dindigul Districts under SFURTI
Scheme at a total project cost of Rs.37.79 crore.
Kangeyam & Palladam Coir clusters were inaugurated.
Remaining 6 clusters are ready for inauguration.

Further, State Government has granted approval

for formation of three coir clusters at Coimbatore,
Thanjavur and Erode districts at a total estimated cost
of Rs.22 crore under the scheme of “Developing coir


clusters in Tamil Nadu” for promoting value added coir

products. The Government has accorded sanction for
Rs.22 crore and has further sanctioned a sum of Rs.6
lakh for the preparation of Detailed Project Reports
(DPR) for the above three coir clusters.
2.26 Employment Generation in MSME Sector
during the XII Plan

During the XII Five Year Plan period (2012-2017),

a target of 15 lakh direct and indirect employment
generation was proposed. The employment generation
during the plan period is as follows:

Year Employment
2012-13 3,38,435
2013-14 3,43,665
2014-15 3,52,152
2015-16 2,32,476
2016-17 6,15,482
2017-18 4,24,887
Total 23,07,097


2.27 Amma Skill Training & Employment Scheme

Amma Skill Training and Employment Scheme

aims for the promotion of MSME sector by providing
them necessary skilled human resource. The scheme
aims to train unemployed youth in enhancing their skill
for employment with 30% reservation for women. The
MSME units providing training to the candidates
selected by them will have to pay a stipend of
Rs.5,000/- per month per candidates upto six months.
Out of this, Rs.2,000/- per month will be reimbursed by
the Government of Tamil Nadu to the MSMEs after
completion of the training programme. On successful
completion of the training programme, the trained
candidates will be issued with a certificate for the skill
acquired during the training by the Tamil Nadu Skill
Development Corporation (TNSDC).

The objective of the scheme is to fulfill the

requirement of skilled manpower in the manufacturing
sector through on job training Candidates fulfilling the
norms of NSDC / NSDA / Sector Skill Council / MES /
other agencies and possessing required educational


qualification and age limit (18 to 45 years) prescribed

for each trade shall be considered for training. During
the year 2017-18, a total of 13,365 candidates
underwent training.

Disbursement of stipend is done by TNSDC after

the receipt of joint inspection reports and other details
from the districts on completion of training.


3. Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development

Corporation Limited(SIDCO)

3.1 Mandate

The Government of Tamil Nadu established

Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation
Limited (SIDCO) in 1970 “to aid, counsel, assist,
finance, protect and promote the interests of MSMEs in
the State and to provide them with assistance of all
kinds including capital, credit, means, resources,
technical and managerial assistance for the
performance of their work and business to enable them
to develop and improve their methods of manufacture,
management and marketing and their technique of
production”. The focus of the Corporation has been
largely on developing Industrial estates for
establishment of MSME Units and providing quality
infrastructure within the estates. Besides, SIDCO also
extends Marketing Assistance and supplies Raw
Materials to MSMEs.


The Corporation has a paid-up capital of

Rs.24.70 crore. For the financial year 2017-18, it
earned a profit of Rs.8.89 crore and paid dividend of
Rs. 2.47 crore to the Government.

3.2 Industrial Infrastructure

SIDCO undertakes development and

management of Industrial Estates for the benefit of
MSME and other industries. As on 31.3.2018, SIDCO
has developed 113 Industrial Estates with 7,760
Developed Plots and 4,510 Industrial Sheds. The list of
Industrial Estates are in Annexure-3.1.

3.2.1 SIDCO managed Government Industrial


The Government of Tamil Nadu pioneered

establishment of Industrial Estates for the Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises in the State. During 1958 to
1974, 35 Industrial Estates spreading over 4,230 acres
were set up by the Director of Industries and
Commerce. The first Industrial Estate was formed at
Guindy in the year 1958 over an extent of 404.08 acres
of land. Ambattur Industrial Estate, the largest MSME


Industrial Estate spread over 1,167 acres was

established in 1963. The Government transferred all
the 35 Industrial Estates which were under the control
of Director of Industries and Commerce to SIDCO
during 1974. Since 1.6.1974, SIDCO has been
managing these Industrial Estates as an agent of the
Government. The list of SIDCO managed 35 Industrial
Estates is given in Annexure – 3.2.

3.2.2 SIDCO Industrial Estates

Developing Industrial Estates is the most

important function of SIDCO. The land is acquired
either through Government alienation or directly
purchased from the land owners and industrial plots are
laid out there on. SIDCO Industrial Estates established till


SIDCO of its own has established 54 Industrial

Estates till 2010 covering an extent of 2,332.67 acres.
5,207 MSMEs are functioning in these Estates giving
employment to about 90,000 people.

49 Establishment of Industrial Estates during


During 2011-18, 34 new Industrial Estates were

announced to be established. Of these, 18 Industrial
Estates have been established. The list is given in
Annexure- 3.3.

For the remaining 16 Industrial Estates, SIDCO

has already identified the land and these Industrial
Estates are in various stages of establishment. Women Industrial Parks

Out of the 78 Industrial Estates set up by

SIDCO till December 2017, 5 Industrial Estates are
Women Industrial Parks. These Women Industrial
Parks have been developed as per the Announcement
made by Hon’ble Chief Minister in 2001 for
empowerment of women. The list of 5 women Industrial
Parks is given below:


Sl. Name of the Women Year of
No Industrial Park formation
1 2001 246.07
(Thiruvallur District)
2 2002 11.48
(Kancheepuram District)
3 2003 51.70
(Trichy District)
4 2004 51.24
(Salem District)
5 2008 18.87
(Madurai District)
Total 379.36

3.2.3 Shifting of existing Industrial units to the

outskirts of town/city

Large numbers of residential houses have

developed in the vicinity of many of the industrial
estates. This has raised pollution issues as well as lack
of space for further expansion of these estates.

Realising the issue, during the year 2013-14,

Government announced special incentive for the group
of units ready to shift their units if they establish a new
industrial estate outside the town/urban areas on their
own towards creation of various infrastructure facilities


viz. roads, water, electricity, conference hall and other

common facilities. The incentive is provided at 75% of
the total cost of development of the estate excluding
land cost subject to a maximum of Rs.15 crore.

Under this scheme, approval has been given to 2

projects at a total project cost of Rs.1,817.00 lakh as
detailed below:
(Rupees in lakh)
Name of Extent cost Grant
Sl. instalme
the in consider Sanction
No nt grant
Clusters acres ed for ed
1. M/s. Tea 13.45 600.00 450.00 112.50
2. M/s. 100.46 1217.00 912.75 456.38
Total 113.91 1,817.00 1,362.75 568.88


3.2.4 Formation of Private Industrial Estate

As availability of Government land for formation

of industrial estates at vantage locations has become
difficult and it is very cumbersome to acquire private
lands, during the year 2013-14, a Special Package of
Incentives was announced by the Hon’ble Chief
Minister of Tamil Nadu under Rule 110 to provide 50%
grant with maximum grant limited to Rs.10 crore to the
association of entrepreneurs coming forward to set up
new private industrial estates at the outskirt of towns /
Under this scheme, approval has been given to 2
projects at a total project cost of Rs.3,796.66 lakh as
detailed below :
(Rupees in lakh)
1st instal
S. Exten Project cost Grant
Name of the ment
N t in considered Sanc
Clusters grant
o acres for sanction tioned
1. M/s. 54 1,364.66 682.33 341.17


2. M/s. 250 2,432.00 1,000.00 500.00

Park Ltd.,
Total 304 3,796.66 1,682.33 841.17

3.2.5 Industrial Estates through Joint Venture


Government has also announced scheme

wherein SIDCO is allowed to participate in formation of
new private industrial estates under Joint venture by
subscribing equity up to 11%.

3.2.6 Infrastructure Development under MSE-CDP

(ID) Govt. of India Scheme

Government of India provides assistance under

MSE-CDP scheme for MSME Infrastructure
Development for (i) Creation of New Industrial Estates
and (ii) Up gradation of infrastructure in existing
Industrial Estates. The grant under the scheme is
provided for formation of Road, power distribution
network, water, telecommunication, drainage and
provision of other facilities e.g. banks, raw materials
storage facility and marketing outlets for MSMEs.

54 Creation of New Industrial Estate

Under the scheme, SIDCO has already

completed creation of 16 new Industrial Estates and
now 2 projects (i) at Pidaneri (Thoothukudi District) at a
project cost of Rs. 805.00 Lakhs and ii) at Periyanasalur
(Cuddalore District) at a project cost of Rs.1250.00
Lakh are under implementation.

In the current financial year, 4 projects have

been sent to Govt. of India for approval as detailed
S. Project
Name of the Project GOI
1. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 496.00 265.00 231.00
Uthangarai, Dharmapuri
2. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 850.00 369.60 480.40
Marikundu, Theni
3. SIDCO Industrial Estate 650.00 343.20 306.80
Kurukkalpatti, Tirunelveli
4. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 350.00 177.00 173.00
Perundurai, Erode
Total 2,346.00 1,154.80 1,191.20

55 Upgradation of Existing Industrial Estates

Under the scheme, SIDCO has already

completed upgrading infrastructure in 13 existing
Industrial Estates and currently 1 project at
Thiruverumbur, (Trichy District) at a project cost of
Rs.378.50 lakh is under implementation.

In the current Financial year, the following 6

projects have been submitted to Govt. of India for
(Rupees in lakh)
Proj Benefi
S. Name of the
ect GOI GOT ciaries
No Project
Cost grant grant Contri
1. SIDCO Industrial 185 94.80 47.40 15.80
Nanjaiuthukuli in
2. Madurai Industrial 375 225.00 112.50 37.5
Estate in
Madurai District
3. Dindigul Industrial 325 195.00 97.50 32.5
Dindigul District


4. SIDCO Industrial 725 435.00 217.50 72.5

Estate, Ranipet,
Vellore District
5. SIDCO Industrial 238 142.80 71.40 23.8
Hosur (New) in
6. SIDCO Industrial 180 108.00 54.00 18.00
Nanjikottai in
Thanjavur District
Total 2,001 1,200.60 600.30 200.10

3.2.7 Japan International Cooperation Agency

(JICA) Projects

During the year 2017-18,a special project for

development of product specific integrated MSME
clusters at 4 locations namely, a textile cluster each in
Kancheepuram and Karur District, a food product
cluster in Dharmapuri District and a sea food cluster in
Ramanathapuram District was announced under the
second phase of JICA assisted Tamil Nadu Investment
Promotion Programme. The special projects in 4
locations are being developed at a total project cost of
Rs.88 crore as detailed below:


( Rs.in crore)
JICA State
Sl. Name of JICA (SIDCO)
Assis- Government Total
No. project resour-
tance Assistance

1. Integrated 13 2 10 25
Technical Textile
Park at

2. Integrated 14 2 5 21
Apparels Park at

3. Integrated Food 15 2 3 20
Park at

4. Integrated 16 2 4 22
Seafood Park at

Total Project cost 88

3.2.8 Construction of Centre of Excellence in

Women Industrial Parks

The Government vide G.O.MS.No.3 Micro, Small

and Medium Enterprises (C) Department, dated.
20.1.2015 have accorded Administrative Sanction for


an estimated amount of Rs.8.45 Crore for formation of

“Centre of Excellence” at 5 Women Industrial Parks.

In order to facilitate the women entrepreneurs in

these industrial parks to enhance their competiveness,
technology, skill and marketing abilities, the Centre of
Excellence possess a common display centre with
marketing centre, common business centre, common
conference hall, common training shed, administrative
office block, bank, creche, and dispensary. Work for
creation of above facilities in all the 5 centres has been
completed and the facilities were inaugurated by
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 13.03.2018.
The details of Centre of Excellence at 5 places are
given below: 
Name of Women Amount
Industrial Park ( Rupees in crore)
1. Thirumullaivoil 2.29
2. Thirumudivakkam 2.27
3. Karuppur 1.12
4. Valavanthankottai 1.12
5. Kappalur 1.12
Total 7.92


3.3 Allotment Policy

A transparent procedure is followed in allotting

the sheds / plots by advertising the availability of
sheds/ plots in newspapers and in the website. A
Screening Committee constituted with the officials of
SIDCO, Directorate of Industries and Commerce, TIIC,
banks and representatives of TANSTIA as members
interview the applicants and the eligible applicants are
selected on merits. Plots / Sheds are allotted by way
of lot system when there are more selected applicants
than available vacant Plots / Sheds .

SIDCO develops industrial plots of various sizes

ranging from 5 cents to 100 cents (1 acre) and above
as per the requirement of the manufacturing units in
the Industrial Estates and the industrial plots are
allotted to them on Outright Sale basis in the existing
Industrial Estates. During 2017-18, 221 plots and 6
sheds have been allotted to the entrepreneurs.


3.3.1 New Allotment Policy of SIDCO

SIDCO has been making allotments in its

Industrial Estates on Outright Sale Basis. To promote
the interests of the MSMEs, a new allotment policy has
been ordered vide G.O. (Ms). No.66, MSME (C)
Department, dated 18.11.2013, for all the new
Industrial Estates to be formed from the year 2013-14
onwards. Under this new policy, allotment will be made
on 30 years lease basis with an option to the
entrepreneurs to buy the sheds / plots on outright
purchase basis at the end of 30 years in the new
Industrial Estates.

Further, considering the representation from

various MSMEs regarding mode of allotment,
Government issued G.O.(Ms) No.40 MSME(C)
Department dated 15.12.2016 further liberalising the
policy by giving option to MSMEs to take allotment of
Industrial plots / sheds either on long term lease basis
or outright sale basis in the new Industrial Estates
formed from 2013-14 onwards. In case of allotments
on long term lease basis, the allottee has to pay only


60% of the plot cost upfront and balance 40% has to

be paid over a period of 30 years and at the end of 30
years sale deed will be issued without collecting any
additional cost.

3.3.2 Priority given to various sectors in allotment

of Plots/ Sheds

As per G.O. (Ms).No.7, Micro, Small and

Medium Enterprises Department, dated 31.1.2009,
30% of the saleable area of the Industrial Estates is
earmarked for allotment to Micro Enterprises.

Priority is given in allotment of developed plots /

sheds to the following categories:

 30% for Women Entrepreneurs.

 10% for Ex-servicemen
 20% for SC/ST and Transgender.

If sufficient numbers of applicants are not

available in these categories, these reserved
plots/sheds are taken up for allotment to other


As per G.O. (Ms).No.49 Micro, Small and

Medium Enterprises Department dated 29.10.2012;
consideration in allotment of plots/sheds is given to the
first generation entrepreneurs who have successfully
completed Entrepreneurship Development Programme
(EDP) training under NEEDs, on application, subject to

3.4 Common Facility Centres (CFCs) under the

MSE – CDP Scheme of Government of India

SIDCO is the Implementing Agency for the Micro

and Small Enterprises – Cluster Development
Programme (MSE – CDP) which aims at addressing the
needs of the industries, through formation of well-
defined clusters in specified geographical areas to
enable the Micro and Small Enterprises to have better
access to resources, linkages to credit and enhance
their marketing competitiveness.

A cluster is a group of similar and related

enterprises in a defined geographic area that share
common markets, technologies, skill needs and are
producing same/similar products.


Salient features of a cluster are as follows:

 The methods of production, quality control
and testing, energy consumption, pollution
control etc., are similar in nature.

 Technology and marketing strategies are


 Easy communication among the members of

the cluster

 Opportunities and Challenges are common.

The Government of India and the State

Government have adopted the cluster development
approach as an important tool for enhancing the
competitiveness and productivity of the Micro and Small
Enterprises. Clustering of units also enables provision
of various services to them, including banking and
credit facilities economically, thus reducing costs and
improving the availability of services for these

This scheme is being implemented to support the

sustainability and growth of Micro and Small
Enterprises by addressing common issues, building


their capacity for common supportive action through

formation of self-help groups, consortia etc. and to set
up common facility centres (for testing, training centre,
raw material depot, effluent treatment, complementing
production processes etc.,).
The funding pattern of MSE-CDP(CFC) is given

Grant from GOI 70% (maximum project cost of

Rs.15 crore)
Grant from GoTN 10% (maximum of Rs.1 crore)

SPV Contribution / 20%

Bank Loan

In total, 32 projects at a project cost of Rs.162.29

crore have been sanctioned by the Government of India
with a grant of Rs.115.99 crore. The Government of
Tamil Nadu has also sanctioned a grant of Rs.11.99
crore for these 32 projects. Out of the above 32
projects, 2 projects have been dropped by the
respective SPVs and 14 projects have already been
completed. The remaining 16 projects are under various
stages of implementation. The expected total
employment generation from these clusters will be


around 25,500 persons. The list of 30 projects

implemented under MSE-CDP(CFC) scheme is given
in Annexure – 3.4.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has

announced during the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of
the Kundah Industrial Co-operative Tea Factory that a
Tea cluster with a Common Facility Centre will be
established at Mettupalayam in Coimbatore District at
an estimated project cost of Rs.15 crore to boost the
prospects of Tea industry in Nilgiris District. The
Common Facility Centre will have the facilities for Tea
Mixing, Tea Packeting, Warehousing, Testing
Laboratory and Marketing Centre. The Hon’ble Chief
Minister laid down the foundation stone for the cluster
on 4.1.2014. Funds of Rs.6.50 crore have been
sanctioned under ASIDE Scheme through TIDCO, for
Warehousing facility. The Government has sanctioned
and released an amount of Rs.112.50 lakh to the SPV.
After completion of Warehousing facility, CFC will be
taken up under MSE-CDP.


3.4.1 Micro Cluster

During the Budget Speech of the Hon’ble

Finance Minister on 13.2.2014 in the Assembly, it was
announced that the Government of Tamil Nadu will
support clusters of Micro Industries and a New Scheme
for creation of “Common Production Infrastructure”,
besides raw material bank and marketing infrastructure
was formulated.

The Government have sanctioned 4 projects

under this scheme with grant amount of Rs.896.00
Lakh. Out of this, first instalment grant of Rs.448.00
Lakh has been released to 4 projects as given below:
(Amount in Lakh)

Sl. Name of the Project Grant
No estate Cost considered
1 Setting up of 652 233 116.50
Common Facility
centre at Erode
Industrial Estate,
Erode District
2 Setting up of 464 233 116.50
Common Facility
centre at


Industrial Estate,
3 Setting up of 260 180 90.00
Common Effluent
Treatment Plant
4 Setting up of 501 250 125.00
Common Facility
Centre in
Complex at
Total 1,877 896 448.00

3.5 Export Promotion and Marketing Support

Access to Market, especially from global

perspective, and exposure to advancement in
technology and adapting to changing customer’s
demand are some of the challenges faced by the
MSMEs. Recognising the contribution of MSME sector
to employment creation, economic prosperity and


export earnings, as per the announcement made during

the 2017-18 Budget speech, the Government, for the
first time, announced a Special Scheme for Export
Promotion and Marketing Support for the MSMEs vide
G.O.Ms No. 47, MSME (G) Department, Dated
20.7.2017 at an outlay of Rs.10.00 crore to facilitate
participation of MSMEs in focused International Trade
Fairs/Exhibitions held within and outside the country, of
which Rs.5.00 crore has been earmarked to undertake
various GIM related promotional activities for generating
new investment proposals from domestic and global
investors in MSME sector.

Under the scheme, Government has, so far,

deputed four High Level official delegations along with
MSMEs for participation in

 29th International Electric, Electronic

Power and Automation Industry Trade
Show held from July 25-28, 2017 at Sao
Paulo, Brazil

 59th Edition of MSV Brno Fair held from

Oct 9-13, 2017 at Brno, Czech Republic


 17th Edition of MACTECH Expo 2017 held

from Nov 16-19, 2017 at Cairo, Egypt and
 41st Edition of MCE MONSTRA 2018
Global Exhibition held from March 13-16,
2018 at Milano, Italy

Participation of officials and MSME delegation

enabled the State to foster continuous dialogue
between the countries in promoting trade and
technology transfer besides bringing new investment
proposals from global players. Products of MSMEs
exhibited in such Trade fairs generated business over
85 crore and was useful in forging network ties with
buyers abroad.

In addition, SIDCO also facilitated participation of

MSMEs in the International Engineering Sourcing Show
(IESS-VII) held between March 8 -10, 2018 at Chennai.
70 stalls were allotted to MSMEs at subsidized cost.
MSMEs from Tamil Nadu which participated in the
IESS-VII are expected to generate business of about
100 Million US$ (Rs 650 Cr). In view of participation of
large number of global buyers and significance of the
Sourcing fair to the MSMEs in enhancing their export


potential, MOU has been signed with EEPC India for

State to Partner in the next Edition of IESS-VIII to be
held from March 14-19, 2019 in Tamil Nadu.

Facilitating participation of MSMEs in potential

business oriented International Trade fairs and
exhibitions and bringing new investment proposals will
be continued.

3.6 Distribution of Raw Material

The raw materials such as Iron & Steel, Wax,

Potassium Chlorate and TNPL paper (direct and
agency) are distributed through various depots situated
in Ambattur, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy, Sattur,
Sivakasi and from Branch Offices located at Erode,
Salem, Thanjavur and Vellore.

The details of target and achievement for the

year 2017-18 are given below:


Target for 2017-18
Name of for 2017-18
Material Qty. Rs. in Qty. Rs. in
in(MT) Lakh in(MT) Lakh
1 Iron & 60.000 20.60 - -
2 Wax 2775.00 2169.21 2001.450 1507.877
3 TNPL 145.00 98.150 143.780 100.74
4 TNPL 580.00 380.00 353.262 209.63
5 Potassium 5.50 5.320 - -
Total 3,565.50 2,673.280 2,498.492 1,818.247

3.7 Marketing Assistance Scheme

SIDCO assists the Micro and Small

Entrepreneurs through Marketing Assistance Scheme.
SIDCO approaches the Government Departments /
Undertakings / Local Bodies on behalf of these Micro
and Small units which are registered with SIDCO for


obtaining work order under this scheme. The orders so

received are distributed among Micro and Small
Enterprises and SIDCO ensures prompt execution of
these orders. Payments received from the Government
Departments / Undertakings / Local Bodies for the
supplies effected are released to the units after
deducting 3% as consultancy fees.

SIDCO has executed purchase orders worth

Rs.84.82 lakh for the year 2017-18 through Micro and
Small Industries under the Marketing Assistance

3.8 e-Governance

Computerization of activities of SIDCO with an

objective to revamp the organization has been taken up
to simplify the office procedures and formalities and to
accelerate the performance of the corporation.

In keeping pace with e-Governance initiatives

and to realize full potential of ICT in servicing MSMEs,
SIDCO has proposed to implement IT system for end to
end automation capturing the complete life cycle of


business processes for efficient and transparent

working, enhancement of ease of doing business and
improve investment climate for MSMEs by providing
online delivery of various services to Industry and all
other stake holders. SIDCO has appointed a software
consultant for supply, installation & commission of
hardware, software & implementation of various
software modules as an integrated system at a cost of
Rs.1.77 crore. The e-Governance initiative comprises
GIS linked monitoring of all business processes /
activities of SIDCO like allotment of plots/sheds and
related issues, procurement and distribution of raw
materials, tendering process, accounting, financial
management, HR Management etc. with interactive
industry & investor portal. The Implementation of e-
Governance is under progress.


4. Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

4.1 Introduction and Formation
The Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation
Limited (TANSI) was incorporated in 1965 as a
Company by taking over 64 industrial units which were
under the control of the Directorate of Industries and
Commerce and was registered under the Companies
Act, 1956. TANSI started its production in these units
from 1.12.1965.

Number of units
Based on the market requirements, TANSI has
reorganized its activities and its production units. At
present, it has 24 Production units all over Tamil Nadu
and 2 Showrooms in Namakkal and Trichy.

Engineering units - 10
Furniture units - 11
Special units - 3
Total - 24


4.2 Activities

TANSI undertakes manufacture of TNEB line

materials, wooden & steel furniture, sheet metal
fabrication works, manufacture of India Mark II hand
pumps, spirit based surgical items, paints, civil interior
works, baby weighing bar scales, etc. It has earned a
name for itself in the manufacture of quality of above
products. TANSI has been supplying various types of
classroom furniture items required for schools under the
‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’, College furniture for Higher
Education Department, steel cots required for
Government hostels, TNEB line materials to
TANGEDCO, spirit based products to Tamil Nadu
Medical Services Corporation and hand pumps required
for drinking water supply and spares for the hand
pumps etc. to Panchayats and District Collectorates.

TANSI is moving towards excellence in

manufacturing systems by implementing modern
technology and management tools. The following units
have obtained ISO-9001:2008 certification:


 Tansi Pump Unit, Ambattur

 Tansi Tool & Engineering Works, Trichy
 Tansi Fabrication Works, Palani
 Tansi Fabrication Works, Rajapalayam
 Tansi Fabrication Works, Vellore
 Tamil Nadu Paints and Allied Products
Limited, Ambattur

4.3 Categories and product lines

Category  Product Lines

(a) Structural & Light structural of various kinds needed for

Engineering factory sheds, bus stand, Metal Doors &
Windows, TANGEDCO Line materials, Pillar
Boxes, Sheet Metal Fabrication, Metal Garbage
bins etc. 

(b) Furniture        Wooden furniture, furnishing and interior

decoration, panelling etc., Steel furniture for
domestic, Office, School, College, Hostels and
Hospital uses.

(c)  Special     Deep bore well Hand Pumps, Pump spares,

Products  spirit based medicinal products, surgical spirit,
  De-natured Spirit, Tincture Cetrimide and
Povidone Iodine; Spirit based industrial products
like Gasket Shellac, French Polish, Thinner,
disinfectant solutions like Lysol, Phenyle.


4.4 Orders on hand (as on March, 2018)

Various orders worth Rs.23 crore have been

received from Government Departments, Public Sector
Undertakings, Universities etc. .

The following products have been supplied

during the year 2017-18:
 Supply of Students Learning Maths Kit (SLM
Kit) to Upper Primary Schools through Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) to the value of
Rs.7.00 crore.

 Supply of steel and wooden furniture to

Animal Husbandry Department to the value of
Rs.2.00 crore.

 Supply of furniture to various Government

Schools through the Department of School
Education to the value of Rs.1.00 crore.

 Supply of furniture to various Universities to

the value of Rs.1.00 crore.


 Supply of steel and wooden furniture to

Directorate of Employment and Training to
the value of Rs.1.00 crore.

4.5 Tamil Nadu Paints and Allied Products Limited

(TAPAP) (A Subsidiary Unit of TANSI)

This Company was started as a fully owned

subsidiary of TANSI for the manufacture and supply of
paints and allied products. Accordingly, TAPAP came
into existence on 18.11.1985 with its registered office at
Ambattur. The main objective of the Company is to
manufacture and supply red oxide paints, rubberized
paints for road marking and enamel paints to various
Government Departments and to transport undertakings


5. Entrepreneurship Development and

Innovation Institute – Tamil Nadu (EDII-TN)

5.1 Introduction

Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation

Institute (EDII) Tamil Nadu, as a not-for-profit society
was established by Government of Tamil Nadu in 2001.
EDII functions as an apex organisation in the field of
building an entrepreneurial Ecosystem from end to end
training to the existing and aspiring entrepreneurs,
supporting MSMEs in the State. In addition to facilitating
entrepreneurship development, EDII has commenced
supporting research and innovation promotion in MSME
and public sector. Till date, since inception, EDII has
trained 1.91 lakhs entrepreneurs in various fields.

Global Entrepreneurship Index 2017 has

indicated that though India has moved up by 29 ranks
to 69th position worldwide, areas like networking skills,
start-up skills, opportunity, perception, risk taking
strategy and technology adoption, etc., are areas of


With a broad-based manufacturing sector and a

leapfrogging service sector, EDII plays a key role
through effective entrepreneur competency
development, partnerships, networks, innovation
promotion and business facilitation services, leading to
job growth and ultimately economic development
contributing to the GDP of the State.
The following are the vision, mission and core
values of EDII:


An aspirational and inclusive entrepreneurship

and business innovation culture spread across Tamil
Nadu with EDII emerging as the State resource hub in
education, training, research & practice in
Entrepreneurship & Innovation


Rapid, sustainable and inclusive growth of micro,

small and medium enterprises and innovation across
Tamil Nadu through effective entrepreneur competency
development, business linkages and partnerships,
business network development, advocacy, training,


communication, innovation promotion and business

facilitation services, leading to job growth and economic

Core Values

EDII will foster Entrepreneurship, Integrity,

Objectivity, Timeliness, Teamwork, Excellence,
Leadership, Innovation and Quality Consciousness as
core values.


EDII has set upon itself the following goals and


(a) Spread an aspirational entrepreneurship &

innovation culture across Tamil Nadu

(b) Build entrepreneurial competencies of aspiring

youth and entrepreneurs, including those from
disadvantaged sections of society82

(c) Enhancement of support ecosystem for

entrepreneurs, including technology Start-ups

(d) Reduction in risk of enterprise and innovation



(e) Embedding entrepreneurship education in the

formal education system

(f) Research, surveys and publications on

entrepreneurship and innovation

(g) Vibrant partnerships with government and non-

government players in the entrepreneurship and
innovation ecosystem

(h) Policy advocacy for entrepreneurship and

innovation with Government.

5.2 Administration of EDII

EDII is presently headed by the Director currently

in the cadre of Principal Secretary to Government and
is administered by a General Council, appointed by the
Government of Tamil Nadu and consists of senior
Secretaries to Government and representatives of

5.3 Activities of EDII

EDII adopts a twin edged approach –

Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation


(a) Entrepreneurship Development

 Entrepreneurship Development Programs
 Cluster Development Program
(b) Innovation facilitation
 Tamil Nadu Manufacturing Business
Incubators Program
 Research studies
 Student based Innovation & entrepreneurship
Development Program
 Startup Mission

(c) Communication & ICT

5.3.1 Entrepreneurship Development

EDII has adopted a process-based life-cycle

oriented training, facilitation, mentoring, networking
support along with recognition, celebration and
documentation of entrepreneurship and innovation
across the State. The canvas of EDII is wide. It caters
to the Student community, aspiring entrepreneurs,
budding entrepreneurs and established ones apart from


 Entrepreneurship Development Programs -

organising entrepreneurship awareness
programs, business launch training programs for
prospective entrepreneurs for establishment of
new business ventures and existing MSMEs.
The institute offers a wide range of programs on

 Cluster Development Program

Activities during 2017-2018

The comprehensive Strategic Plan for

Entrepreneurship & Innovation for 2016-21 prepared by
EDII gave a focussed and clear direction to the
activities of EDII encompassing training, facilitation,
mentoring, networking, celebration programs and
documentation of entrepreneurship and innovation
involving various stakeholders in the entrepreneurship
and innovation ecosystem. EDII was able to bring about
a palpable Paradigm shift in its activities focused on
bringing about a fresh momentum in the
entrepreneurship ecosystem in the State. The following
is a report on the activities in 2017-2018:

85 Entrepreneurship Development Programs

The Strategic Plan 2016-2021 of EDII gave

impetus to the life-cycle based facilitation services for
entrepreneurs, focusing on precise needs of the
Entrepreneur at every stage, in the life-cycle of
enterprise development. In the year 2017-2018, a total
of 26,097 persons were trained in EDII through various
programmes covering budding and existing
entrepreneurs, mentors and clusters, across Tamil
Nadu. The entire Life-cycle is defined in four phases as

 Phase-I (ideation stage) - the activities are

initiated with an one-day entrepreneurship
awareness camp covering all the districts.
The awareness camps are planned and
conducted jointly with District MSME
associations and DICs in 61 towns across
the State in which 5,057 potential
entrepreneurs participated. These budding
entrepreneurs were introduced to the various
steps to commence a business venture,


entrepreneurial competencies to be
developed and options available under
various Government schemes.

 To assist both budding and existing

entrepreneurs a Help Desk was set at EDII
Chennai Campus on a pilot basis in 2015-16,
assisted and guided 6,210 potential

 Mentoring plays a very crucial role in shaping

up an entrepreneur and an enterprise. EDII
supports entrepreneur by mentoring through
its walk-in enterprise clinic being run in
Chennai and across Tamil Nadu every
Thursday evening since June 2016 and
4,605 prospective entrepreneurs have been
counselled till date by experts for fine tuning
their business proposals and expansion. This
program is being now in operation in 7
districts under the Business Facilitation
Services Program (BFSP) in collaboration
with MSME District Associations.


 Phase-II (business planning phase),

comprises of five-day business model and
plan preparation camps. 9 camps were
organised in which 225 persons attended.
The participants were given inputs to
corroborate their business model and
improve upon their business plans and file
applications for various loans under various
Government schemes.

 Phase-III (business launch phase), supports

entrepreneurs through training to those who
have received sanction of loans under
various Government Schemes like UYEGP,
Training programmes focus on business
launching, Go to Market, Business
compliances and operations management.
Under the Government’s flagship NEEDS
program, in 2017 -18, 722 persons, under
UYEGP 5349 entrepreneurs and in PMEGP
206 entrepreneurs have been provided


training for a period of 25 days, 7 days and

10 days respectively. A general EDP training
Program to benefit the aspiring
entrepreneurs who are not beneficiary of any
Government programme has also been
commenced and 39 people were trained
under this on a pilot basis.

 Phase-IV (for existing MSMEs), focuses on

topics of everyday significance to day to day
operations and future expansion of MSMEs.
Markets are under constant change and EDII
is highly flexible in accommodating the
training needs of existing MSMEs. The
training schedule varies from half-day to
5 days on a variety of topics. The topics
include GST and e-Way billing, Fund flow
and working capital management for
MSMEs, family business management,
digital marketing, sales & marketing strategy,
export-import procedures, Risk and


insurance management, digital payments,

etc., across the State.

 A monthly networking meet with a talk by a

successful entrepreneur is being conducted
at EDII‟s campus to facilitate entrepreneur’s
network with one another and build on each
other connections.

a) TAHDCO entrepreneurs were trained in 2

stages and EDII served as the nodal training institution
for the second consecutive year. 12,250 entrepreneurs
covering all districts across the State were trained
under the one-day awareness program. This program
concentrated on how to write a business plan and
obtain bank loans for business. The one day program is
being organised for applicants before their Loan
applications are processed. Once loans are sanctioned,
a six-day business launch training to 3,002 candidates
were given to all TAHDCO entrepreneurs prior to
disbursement of the loan. EDII has organised training
for the year.


b) Business Facilitation Services Program-

Under Business Facilitation Service Programme
(BFSP), ‘One to One’ mentorship service is provided.
Fresh entrepreneurs are attached to experienced
industry professionals and entrepreneurs to receive
mentoring support during the initial years of the
business. Business Mentors provide an active Help
desk service to Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are
assisted to grow into successful ventures. Mentors
develop business strategies by understanding macro-
economic developments. The creative and innovative
thinking of the Entrepreneurs are fostered by the
mentors to spot business opportunities, assess the
feasibility of building business utilising such

c) SC/ST hub – In order to ease the challenges

faced by the SC/ST Entrepreneurs and to enhance their
business competitiveness, EDII-TN has taken initiatives
to organise and conduct workshops on procurement
policies and schemes of State and Central Government
across the State. This initiative is to support SC-ST


enterprises in technological up-gradation and capacity

building thereby enabling them to effectively participate
in public procurement processes.

5.4 Cluster Development Program

Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation is

conducting various training workshops / seminars /
meetings for Cluster Special Purpose vehicle (SPV)
members and cluster members across the State
through its ‘Cluster Development Programs’. The
programs are conducted to help clusters in its formation
and towards reaching sustainable growth through
training / workshops.

A ‘Cluster Mapping Study’ was conducted across

the State at 6 places with the support of District
Industries Center, MSME-DI, SIDCO and other
stakeholders during this financial year. The purpose
was to gather and map information on the status of
various places / sectors where there is scope for
forming ‘New Clusters’ and also to map ‘Existing
Clusters’ based on its performance / growth.


A 5 days training program on ‘Cluster

Development Executives (CDEs)’ was conducted with
the support of Entrepreneurship Development Institute
of India (EDII, Ahmedabad) for creation of newly trained
CDEs in the State who can provide support to clusters
to prepare Detailed Project Report and in its other
activities during implementation /running.

Cluster Level Strategic Plan’ program was

conducted at 2 places with the support of Foundation
for MSME Clusters (FMC), Delhi with Cluster SPV
members in order to train them in developing their skill
in running clusters in professional manner on long term

EDII is working jointly with National Productivity

Council (NPC) in implementing ‘Lean Manufacturing
Competitiveness Scheme’ (LMCS), National Institute of
Design in implementing ‘Design Clinic Scheme (DCS)’
and Quality Council Of India, New Delhi in
implementing Zero-Effect, Zero-Defect (ZED) program
for the benefit of existing Clusters. The above programs
are forming part of National Manufacturing


Competitiveness Program (NMCP) Scheme of

Government of India, Ministry of MSME.

Programs on ‘Student Project Design’ under

DCS was conducted for the benefit of Engineering
College Students at 6 places in the State and two
special residential programs on Design Thinking was
conducted with the support of Indian Institute of
Information Design Technology and Manufacturing
(IIITD&M), Kancheepuram.

‘Amazon Trained Professionals’ Training

programs were conducted at 3 places with the support
of EDI India, Ahmedabad and YES Bank, MSME unit
holders were trained in promoting e-business marketing
activities in this program. Housewives were also trained
on how to venture into e-commerce business.

Business Membership Organisation (BMO)

Capacity Building Program was conducted with the help
of Quality Council of India, New Delhi for the benefit of
various District, Product and Industry Associations
towards preparing them to get ‘BMO Accreditation’ and


avail various special benefits given by different

Ministries of Government of India.

EDII conducted various programs on Gender

Action Plan (GAP) under Asian Development Bank at
14 places of Tranche 2 of Tourism spots in our State
where tourism related infrastructure works have been
undertaken. The programs were conducted for and on
behalf of Department of Tourism, Tamil Nadu. Street
Play on importance of Tourism Industry and Rural
Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurial Skill
Development programs were conducted as part of this
activity with an objective of forming Tourism based
Clusters in these spots.

5.5 Research and Innovation

Government has approved amendment of EDII

society Bye-laws providing for promotion of innovation
and Research in MSME and public sector. EDII will also
serve as the State nodal institution for innovation in
Tamil Nadu.


5.5.1 Innovation and Incubation

EDII facilitated research in Entrepreneurship and

Innovation (E&I) as a tool for policy making, encourage
publication of papers focused on policies and enable
evidence based policy making. EDII also organised E&I
research conference with reputed academic institutions,
research Bodies and Students. EDII supports setting up
technology incubators in Higher Education Institutions
under Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiative (TANII)

(a) Tamil Nadu Manufacturing Business

Incubators Program

EDII has initiated establishment of low cost

manufacturing incubators in various academic and
research organizations of the State for catalysing on-
going research and development activities of the
institutions into economically viable technology based
enterprises. So far 8 institutions have been
recommended for support through competitive, multi-
step technical evaluation process. These incubators are
expected to interface Science & Technology (S&T) and


enterprise development and act as a fulcrum for tech

start-ups in specific domains. Further they will serve as
a public facilitation arm for beginning new businesses
by students, faculty, scientists, unemployed youth,
women, farmers and others living in and around the

(b) Bio-Entrepreneurship

Biotechnology based entrepreneurship is one of

the thrust areas of EDII. A series of workshops on
Biotechnology based entrepreneurship were organised
specifically for agriculture and allied areas. ‘Leveraging
Herbal Research for Bio-Entrepreneurship’ was
organized at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore. The workshop brought around 200 aspiring
entrepreneurs on the opportunities in the herbal sector.
In continuation, a workshop on Horticulture Technology
was organised at Agricultural College & Research
Institute, Madurai. As a follow-up of the workshop EDII
is in the process of partnership with Flower & Fragrance
Development Organisation (FFDC), Kannauj for
establishing facilities and infra for essential oil


extraction, QC and marketing based on Jasmine and

Vetiver as a potential tech based entrepreneurial
venture. Following the overwhelming response a
second event was organized at Madurai Agri College in
January on “Leveraging Horticulture Plant Industry for
Bio-Entrepreneurship” for over 200 students including
training on micrografting.

 Tamil Nadu Bio-Economy Cluster- Beginning

2016, EDII took enormous efforts in building the
bio-technology industrial ecosystem and
entrepreneurship development in the state of
Tamil Nadu. Brainstorming sessions were
organized in the month of August 2016 with
various stakeholders and one of the key
recommendations. In December 2017, Anna
University, Chennai has initiated final steps
towards creation of the TN bio-economy cluster as
a separate legal entity and EDII would be one of
the founding organizations along with other
prestigious R&D institutes and universities of the


(c) Women Technoprenuership

A new thrust area on Women

Technoprenuership has been initiated. This is to enable
technically educated women to take-up
entrepreneurship in the areas of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM); and to provide
innovative S&T interventions sustainable enterprise
development. Towards this, the institute has signed
MoA with the Golden Jubilee Women Biotech Park on
7th Sep, 2017. Various training, research and policy
initiatives are under progress.

(d) Nodal Center for IPR

The State of Tamil Nadu is rich in creativity and

innovation. It is a leading education and cultural hub in the
country with leading universities, research institutions and
art academies. It is also a major MSME manufacturing
hub. Creation of a nodal cell for IPR will boost in
stimulating the ecosystem and in fostering knowledge
based innovative and sustainable enterprises. EDII
organized a workshop on ‘Leveraging Intellectual


Property Rights in Creative Industries’ on December 15,

2017 at its own premises. The event brought about around
70 students from creative and visual arts and promoted IP
awareness amongst them to enable globalisation of
traditional arts and crafts forms through intellectual
property awareness and management.

5.5.2 Research Studies

To promote research in the domain of MSME in the

State of Tamil Nadu, identify specific gaps hindering
MSME growth which can guide appropriate policy
decisions in all dimensions through research, to evaluate
selected training programs to improve participation and
usefulness and needs assessment studies to evaluate
selected schemes on specific areas.

 As a beginning of this initiative, a one day national

conference on ‘Leveraging Research to Promote
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tamil Nadu’ was
organized to enable small enterprises and start-ups to
push the boundaries of innovation in the
manufacturing and services sectors. The event
brought together about 250 participants to discuss


opportunities, collaborate and prepare a joint action

plan for catalyzing Tamil Nadu’s growth as a leading
global manufacturing and innovation hub. A series of
workshops in the brand name innovaTN is being
organized. The EDII has registered the conference
series with a trademark registration.

 Cluster Research Studies: This is also a pioneering

effort. RFPs were invited for conducting research
studies in 4 top manufacturing clusters of the state
and is under progress.

 A report on the Women participation in the MSME

sector in Tamil Nadu including incubators and start-
ups is under preparation.

5.5.3 Student based Innovation &

Entrepreneurship Development Program

EDII launched Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Development Program (IEDP), a comprehensive
program for entrepreneurship and innovation
development for all Colleges, Polytechnics and ITIs with
an objective to create a positive and dynamic


Entrepreneurship & Innovation ecosystem within and

around higher educational institutions, build
entrepreneurial and innovation competencies of faculty,
students and alumni and to support growth and
graduation of new high impact enterprises of students,
alumni and people.

Launched in 2016-17, with six leading academic

institutions in Chennai, Thanjavur, Madurai, Salem and
Coimbatore as regional hubs to support 25-30 colleges
in that region, today there are 9 hubs including one at
Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli and Karaikudi to support
student or alumni entrepreneurs within and around the
campus to launch businesses.

Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Development Program is supporting through training
and sensitising top-management, training faculty in
learning-by-doing methodologies and raising student
competencies in entrepreneurship and creativity
through online entrepreneurship learning courses in
education institutions in collaboration with Wadhwani
Foundation–National Entrepreneurship Network


(WF-NEN). A total of 384 colleges have enrolled. 411

top management representatives from the above
colleges, 675 faculty members and 582 student
e-Leaders from spoke colleges have been trained in the
IEDP so far and online course developed by NEN is
being launched. 18,677 students have taken this online
course. 1,783 students have cleared the first level
course WF 100.

Apart from the online course, programs on

University-Industry Collaboration were launched to
enable IEDP colleges to understand and tap such
partnerships. Programmes on bio-technology and IPR
were also launched for college students. 4 camps
introduces entrepreneurial competencies were also
conducted for school children.

5.5.4 Startup Mission

EDII is in the process of drafting a Startup and

Innovation Action Plan. EDII organised ideation
contests, Grand challenges and seed grant support for
successful Startups.


 EDII-TN sponsored the Startup Pitchfest

conducted by Anna University during Feb 8-11,
2018 as part of their student led Enantra
program and provided pre-seed to selected
teams. The event was meant for engineering
students all over Tamil Nadu.

 EDII has tied up with Forge, the incubator of

KCT, Coimbatore, to launch a three stage
student Startup activation process. Selected
teams with the best business ideas were put
through a 3-day bootcamp. Selected teams were
rewarded with financial assistance under the
EDII startup program to incubate their business.

 Three-day residential Boot Camps in rural area

and tier2/and tier3 cities / towns at Coimbatore,
Yelagiri hills, Erode, Madurai, Tiruchencode,
Trichy, Dharmapuri were conducted for 25
startups each from various categories.

 EDII also supported the startup bootcamp held at

Kongu Engineering College, Erode organised by


Young Indians, Native lead Foundation and

Kongu Engg. College and provided cash award
to the top student Startups and Startups by

5.6 Communications & ICT

EDII prepared a detailed communication plan

covering social media, electronic media and printed
media. EDII web portal (www.editn.in) is very useful for
new entrepreneurs. EDII’s facebook, twitter and
YouTube accounts are active and constantly bring to
users useful information and business tips. EDII
provides online facility to register all candidates and e-
certificates for successful participants is issued online.
Certificates issued by EDII can be verified online.

 International Team Visits

(a) KwaZulu Natal Provincial Parliamentary
Agriculture Committee from South Africa
visited to learn about role of EDII on
entrepreneurship. The members were


impressed upon the activities of EDII and

training programmes offered.

(b) A four member Team from University of

Oklahoma supported by US State department
visited EDII TN, to understand the MSME &
entrepreneurship eco system in Tamil Nadu.

 Interstate visits
(a) Coordinated by EDII the stakeholders of Ram
Nagar salt cluster of Medinipur District,
Gujarat along with officials made an interstate
cross cluster visit to Thoothukudi to explore
technology and process adopted by salt
production in Tamil Nadu.

(b) A national level field exposure visit to FFDC,

Kannauj, UP and nearby areas with 8
potential and aspiring Entrepreneurs was
successfully organised.


 MoUs executed
(a) The Deputy General (DG), NIESBUD,
New Delhi made a visit to EDII and entered
into an MoU to jointly work with the programs
organised by NIESBUD in Tamil Nadu.

(b) MOU with the Golden Jubilee Women

Biotech Park, Chennai was executed to
promote Women technopreneurs, women in
self employment, etc.,

(c) MoU with IFMR on MSME research, policy,

training and workshops was made.

(d) In order to promote aroma industries in the

state, EDII TN entered into an MoU with
FFDC ( Flower and Fragrance Development
Organisation), Government of India, Kannauj
on research and capacity building, technology
transfer, skill and entrepreneurship in the field
of Agro and Chemical technology like
essential oil, flavour and fragrance, etc.,


 For the first time EDII celebrated International

day for MSMEs-2017 and National
Entrepreneurship Week 2017 in style.
Entrepreneurs, stake holders, partnering
organizations, mentors, industrial clusters,
MSME associations etc participated. Successful
entrepreneurs, stake holders and service
providers were honoured with mementos and

 5,000 Nos. of EDII brochures both in English and

Tamil for circulation in various workshops,
trainings, Startup camps, fairs, exhibitions etc
were prepared.

 EDII participated along with Startups/Innovators

in international trade fairs held in India such as
INTEC-2017 at Coimbatore and IESS VII-2018 at
Chennai to support the innovative Startups to
commercialize their product/technology.

 Video documentation of innovative Startups (15

Nos.) about their product/technology, application,


and commercial viability was done and uploaded

in EDII web portal.

 Documentation of 50 successful entrepreneurs

trained under NEEDS, UYEGP, PMEGP and
TAHDCO have been completed. This is a
compendium of successful entrepreneurs trained
titled ‘Nimirndhu Nil - A Compendium of
Winning Streaks’ by EDII in English and same is
made available in all DICs, other stake holders.

 Promotional video on the activities of EDII

towards promotion of entrepreneurial eco
system. This is being displayed in all our training
programmes, awareness programmes /

 Mass outreach programmes

(a) AIR programmes- Broadcast of radio
programmes titled “Thozhilum Vaazhvum”
in AIR Rainbow FM is going on for which
EDII has been allotted airtime of 15 minutes
on every Wednesday between 4.45 to 5.00
pm for dissemination of information to the


general public on entrepreneurship and

available supporting services.

(b) DDK programmes - Under the mass

outreach programme, EDII is telecasting a
weekly TV programme titled ‘Nimirndhu Nil’
in DDK Podhigai channel every Saturday
between 11.30 AM to 12.00 Noon for 52
weekly episodes. Telecast of 23 episodes
have been completed.

 Monthly e-News letter of EDII activities are

regularly prepared and published through online

 Exchange visits as Startup Payanam/Ula was

organised exclusively for women Startups, a
novel and first of its kind attempt in Tamil Nadu.
The objective is to meet CEO’s of various
successful Startup companies and to explore
opportunities for funding options, mentorship and
to obtain adequate knowledge and experience
from the Startups in terms of challenges,
opportunities, marketing, communication etc.


 A workshop on Social Entrepreneurship was

organised by EDII TN at Chennai to explore the
opportunities and understand the market and
need for social entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu.

5.7 Financial Achievement

The State Government outlay for EDII for

2017-2018 was Rs.6.56 crore has been received. EDII
has incurred an expenditure of Rs.3.83 crore so far as
on 31.3.2018.

Minister for Rural Industries


Annexure 2.1

Capital Subsidy
(Rs in lakh)

No. of
Year Amount allotted Amount utilised
2011-12 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,316
2012-13 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,613
2013-14 7,000.00 7,000.00 1,541
2014-15 7,000.00 7,000.00 1,460
2015-16 8,000.00 8,000.00 1,265
2016-17 8,000.00 8,000.00 1,207

2017-18 16,000.00 16,000.00 2,102

Total 57,000.00 57,000.00 10,504


Annexure 2.2
LTPT subsidy
(Rs. in Lakh)
Amount No. of
Year Amount utilised
allotted Units
2011-12 600.00 600.00 1,371
2012-13 600.00 600.00 1,130
2013-14 600.00 600.00 1,169
2014-15 600.00 600.00 1,106
2015-16 600.00 600.00 1,004
2016-17 664.16 664.16 857

2017-18 600.00 600.00 671

Total 4,264.16 4,264.16 7,308


Annexure 2.3
Generator Subsidy
(Rs. in lakh) 
Amount  Amount 
Year  No. of Units
allotted  Utilised 
2011‐12  800.00  800.00  852 
2012‐13  2,348.09  2,348.09  1,958 
2013‐14  800.00  800.00  666 
2014‐15  800.00  800.00  734 
2015‐16  4,200.00  4,200.00  3,625 
2016‐17  800.00  800.00  587 
2017‐18  200.00  200.00  161 
Total  9,948.09  9,948.09  8,583 
Annexure 2.4
Back-ended Interest Subsidy scheme
a. Technology Upgradation/ Modernisation
(Rs. in Lakh)
Year Funds Allotted of
2011-12 303.87 303.87 172
2012-13 24.48 24.48 89
2013-14 30.00 30.00 25
2014-15 30.00 30.00 60
2015-16 30.00 30.00 37
2016-17 30.00 30.00 43
2017‐18  30.00  30.00  73 
Total  478.35  478.35  499 


b. Credit Guarantee Fund Trust Scheme

(Rs. in Lakh)
Amount allotted No. of
Year utilised
(Rs. in Lakh) Units
(Rs. in Lakh
2011-2012 4.56 4.56 9
2012-2013 10.00 9.88 22
2013-2014 10.00 10.00 27
2014-2015 10.00 10.00 53
2015-2016 10.00 10.00 51
2016-2017 10.00 10.00 44
2017-2018 25.00 25.00 101
Total 79.56 79.44 307
Annexure  2.5 
Unemployed Youth  Employment Generation Programme 

Subsidy Released
Financial Year Nos.
(Rs.in lakh)
2011-12 4,759 1,319.86
2012-13 4,804 1,466.31
2013-14 4,657 1,499.53
2014-15 3,465 1,817.67
2015-16 5,822 3,463.18
2016-17 5,368 3,375.00
2017-18 4,707 3,000.00
Total 33,582 15,941.55


Annexure 2.6
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation
Programme (PMEGP) 

Margin Money Released

Financial Year No's
(Rs.in lakh)
2011-12 1,560 2,909.03
2012-13 1,316 2,258.40
2013-14 1,036 2,366.89
2014-15 1,256 2,827.71
2015-16 1,090 2,252.66
2016-17 1,395 3,425.80
2017-18 2,039 4,609.96
Total 9,692 20,650.45


Annexure 2.7

New Entrepreneur-cum-Enterprise Development Scheme


(Rupees in lakh)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Total

No Subsi Subsid
Nos. Subsidy Nos. Nos. Subsidy Nos. Subsidy Nos. Subsidy Nos. Subsidy
s dy y

d 14045.89 7004 70415.97
55 6531. 1247 12380.7 1397 11720. 1263 13177.31 1264 12560.51 1274
9 39 0 17

Sanctions 4352 47638.98
765 8525.97 823 9915.96
30 3902. 744 7847.27 857 7681.8 856 9765.04
5 94 0

EDP Trained
610 - 3752 -
28 - 645 - 789 - 822 - 602 -

Sanctions 536 5765.33 605 7024.95 2868 30004.39
22 2504. 482 4952.01 555 5157.2 466 4600.28
4 57 5

of Subsidy 501 7072.55
21 2385. 456 4333.52 172 995.42 585 4280.52 480 5591.97 2412 24659.74
8 76


Annexure – 3.1
113 Industrial Estates currently managed by SIDCO
Sl. Govt. Total
Sl. Yr. of
No District Location or extent in
No. formation
. SIDCO acres
1 Chennai 1 Guindy Govt. 1958 404.08
2 Arumbakkam SIDCO 1979 3.92
3 Villivakkam SIDCO 1979 2.04

4 Kodungaiyur SIDCO 1979 7.88

2 Tiruvallur 5 Ambattur Govt. 1963 1167.00

6 Kakkalur Govt. 1988 283.01

7 Thirumazhisai SIDCO 1988 160.85

8 Gummidipoondi SIDCO 1988 25.24
9 R.K.Pet SIDCO 1996 8.15

10 Vichoor SIDCO 1994 59.16

11 Thirumullaivoil SIDCO 2001 246.07

12 Chengarai SIDCO 2017 36.25

3 Kancheepuram 13 Kancheepuram Govt. 1968 37.95

14 Maraimalainagar SIDCO 1981 39.50

15 Alathur SIDCO 1984 150.00

16 Thirumudivakkam SIDCO 1993 201.11
17 Thirumudivakkam SIDCO 2013 5.262
18 Thirumudivakkam SIDCO 2002 11.48
19 Thirumudivakkam SIDCO 2017 22.44
20 Thandarai SIDCO 2017 44.30

4 Vellore 21 Katpadi Govt. 1968 19.48

22 Arakkonam Govt. 1968 51.74

23 Ranipet SIDCO 1972 113.44

24 Mukuntharayapuram SIDCO 1980 86.19


25 Vannivedu SIDCO 1987 16.44

26 Vinnamangalam SIDCO 2009 10.49

27 Vaniyambadi SIDCO 2013 7.08

5 Thiruvanna 28 Thiruvannamalai Govt. 1968 15.56

6 Krishnagiri 29 Krishnagiri Govt. 1965 41.86
30 Uthangarai SIDCO 1995 41.28

31 Hosur(SIPCOT) SIDCO 1976 95.15

32 Hosur(New) SIDCO 1999 18.80

33 Bargur SIDCO 1995 31.64

34 Pollupalli SIDCO 2009 60.96
7 Dharmapuri 35 Dharmapuri Govt. 1965 20.28

36 Kadagathur SIDCO 2009 7.02

37 Parvathanahalli SIDCO 2014 29.89

38 Echampadi SIDCO 2017 50.46

8 Salem 39 Salem Govt. 1967 19.55

40 Mettur Govt. 1967 184.38

41 Karuppur WIP SIDCO 2004 51.24

42 Veerapandi SIDCO 1993 9.79

43 Konamrampatti SIDCO 2017 16.61

9 Namakkal 44 Namakkal SIDCO 1977 10.09

45 Thiruchengodu SIDCO 1980 9.18

46 Vettambadi SIDCO 2014 15.34

10 Erode 47 Erode Govt. 1959 25.13
48 Nanjaiuthukuli SIDCO 1995 13.05

49 Perundurai SIDCO 2017 49.47

11 Coimbatore 50 Kurichi Govt. 1972 88.43

51 Malumichampatti SIDCO 1994 36.14


12 Tiruppur 52 Ganapathipalayam SIDCO 1993 17.10

53 Tiruppur SIDCO 1978 10.14

54 Gudimangalam SIDCO 1992 6.74

55 Rasathavalasu SIDCO 2011 51.80
13 Nilgiris 56 Ooty SIDCO 1981 10.65

14 Cuddalore 57 Cuddalore Govt. 1971 15.60

58 Vadalur Govt. 1972 26.22

59 Periyanesalur SIDCO 2015 90.80

15 Villupuram 60 Patanam SIDCO 2014 60.55

61 Asanur SIDCO 2009 212.83

62 Kattuvannanjur SIDCO 2014 42.00

63 Venmaniathur SIDCO 2011 36.82

16 Perambalur 64 Elambalur SIDCO 2009 44.48

17 Thanjavur 65 Thanjavur Govt. 1968 21.94

66 Kumbakonam Govt. 1968 32.30

67 Pillaiyarpatti SIDCO 1974 10.96

68 Nanjikkottai SIDCO 1996 26.30

69 Palayapatti SIDCO 2012 104.37

18 Nagapattinam 70 Nagapattinam Govt. 1966 20.97

71 Mayiladuthurai SIDCO 2009 12.56

19 Tiruchirapalli 72 Thuvakudi Govt. 1974 478.38

73 Thiruverambur Govt. 1974 74.50

74 Ariyamangalam Govt. 1974 17.64

75 Kumbakudy SIDCO 2009 24.46

76 Valavanthaankottai SIDCO 2003 51.70

77 Valavanthankottai SIDCO 2008 179.02


20 Karur 78 Karur (Vellalapatti) Govt. 1974 26.63

79 Karur(Athur) SIDCO 1993 36.29

80 Punjaikalakurichi SIDCO 2016 52.076

21 Pudukottai 81 Pudukottai Govt. 1974 23.18

82 Pudukottai(SIPCOT) SIDCO 1988 51.45

83 Mathur SIDCO 1975 26.00

84 Mathur (New) SIDCO 2013 19.92
22 Theni 85 Theni Govt. 1963 26.59
86 Andipatti SIDCO 1994 22.34
87 Marikundu SIDCO 2017 79.40
23 Dindigul 88 Dindigul Govt. 1965 39.90

89 Batlagundu Govt. 1965 16.26

24 Madurai 90 K.Pudur Govt. 1960 56.05

91 Kappalur Govt. 1966 534.64

92 Kappalur WIP SIDCO 2008 18.87

25 Ramnad 93 Paramakudi SIDCO 1976 10.00

94 Keelanagachi SIDCO 1993 10.00

95 Urapuli SIDCO 1993 12.14

26 Sivaganga 96 Karaikudi Govt. 1966 180.19

97 Sivaganga Govt. 1966 70.61

98 Krungakottai SIDCO 1993 21.85

99 Sakkarakottai SIDCO 2017 100.00

27 Virudhunagar 100 Virudhunagar Govt. 1958 45.65

101 Rajapalayam SIDCO 1995 41.13

102 Virudhunagar SIDCO 2013 37.54

28 Tirunelveli 103 Pettai Govt. 1959 50.55
104 Kadayanallur SIDCO 1992 10.00

105 Valliyur SIDCO 2005 39.91


106 Kurukkalpatti SIDCO 2016 68.80

29 Thoothukudi 107 Kovilpatti Govt. 1962 85.54
108 Thoothukudi SIDCO 1988 9.72
(Phase I)
109 Thoothukudi SIDCO 2003 14.46
(Phase II)
110 Pidaneri SIDCO 2016 108.23

30 Kanya- 111 Konam Govt. 1964 20.70

112 Marthandam Govt. 1964 7.50
31 Ariyalur 113 Mallur SIDCO 2014 25.34

TOTAL 7,842.138


Annexure – 3.2
Government Industrial Estates

Year of Total
Sl. Name of the Industrial
District Forma Extent in
No. Estates
tion Acres
1 Chennai 1. Guindy 1958 404.08
2 Thiruvallur 2. Ambattur 1963 1,167.00
3. Kakkalur 1988 283.01
3 Kancheepuram 4. Kancheepuram 1968 37.95
4 Vellore 5. Katpadi 1968 19.48
6. Arakkonam 1968 51.74
5 Thiruvannamalai 7. Thiruvannamalai 1968 15.56
6 Krishnagiri 8. Krishnagiri 1965 41.86
7 Dharmapuri 9. Dharmapuri 1965 20.28
8 Salem 10. Salem 1967 19.55
11. Mettur 1967 184.38
9 Erode 12. Erode 1959 25.13
10 Coimbatore 13. Kurichi 1972 88.43
11 Cuddalore 14. Cuddalore 1971 15.60
15. Vadalur 1972 26.22
12 Thanjavur 16. Thanjavur 1968 21.94
17. Kumbakonam 1968 32.30
13 Nagapattinam 18. Nagapattinam 1966 20.97
14 Tiruchirapalli 19. Thuvakudi 1974 478.38
20. Thiruverambur 1974 74.50
21. Ariyamangalam 1974 17.64
15 Karur 22. Karur(Vellalapatti) 1974 26.63
16 Pudukkottai 23. Pudukkottai 1974 23.18
17 Theni 24. Theni 1963 26.59


18 Dindigul 25. Dindigul 1965 39.90

26. Batlagundu 1965 16.26
19 Madurai 27. K.Pudur 1960 56.05
28. Kappalur 1966 534.64
20 Sivaganga 29. Sivaganga 1966 70.61
30. Karaikudi 1966 180.19
21 Virudhunagar 31. Virudhunagar 1958 45.65
22 Tirunelveli 32. Pettai 1959 50.55
23 Thoothukudi 33. Kovilpatti 1962 85.54
24 Kanyakumari 34. Konam 1964 20.70
35. Marthandam 1964 7.50
Total 4,229.99


Annexure – 3.3
Establishment of Industrial Estates during 2011-17
Year of Area
Sl. No. Name of the Industrial Estate
formation (in Acres)
1 2011 51.80
(Tiruppur District)

Mathur (New)
2 2013 19.92
(Pudukottai District)
3 2013 7.08
(Vellore District)
4 2011 36.82
(Villupuram District)
Virudhunagar (Urban)
5 2013 37.54
(Virudhunagar District)

6 Palayapatti (Thanjavur District) 2012 104.37

7 Pidaneri (Thoothukudi District) 2016 108.23

8 Pattanam (Villupuram District) 2014 60.55

9 Minnur (Vellore District) 2014 10.00
10 Kattuvannanjur (Villupuram District) 2014 42.00

11 Mallur (Ariyalur District) 2014 25.34

12 Parvathanahalli (Dharmapuri District) 2014 29.89

13 Vettampadi (Namakkal District) 2014 15.34

14 Asanur Phase-II (Villupuram District) 2015 105.55

15 Periyanesalur (Cuddalore District ) 2015 90.80

16 Punjaikalakurichi, (Karur Dist.) 2016 52.076

17 Chengarai (Thiruvallur District) 2017 36.25

18 Kornampatti (Salem District) 2017 16.61
Total 850.166


Annexure – 3.4
MSE – CDP (Common facility Centre) Scheme
Projects for which final approval obtained from Govt. of India-
implemented/under-implementation (30)
(Rupees in lakh)
Govt. of SPV Bank Present
S.No. Cluster name cost of GOI grant
TN grant contribution loan Status
1 Sago & Starch, 92.06 73.31 0.00 18.75 0.00
2 Safety Matches, 156.00 85.54 10.73 25.00 34.73
3 Safety Matches, 156.00 85.54 10.73 25.00 34.73
4 Safety Matches, 156.00 85.54 10.73 25.00 34.73
5 Safety Matches, 156.00 85.54 10.73 25.00 34.73
6 Safety Matches, 156.00 85.54 10.73 25.00 34.73
7 Safety Matches, 156.00 85.54 10.73 25.00 34.73
Kovilpatti Project
8 Printing, Krishnagiri 1172.52 964.14 100.00 108.38 0.00
9 Auto Components, 690.94 439.89 70.75 105.30 75.00
10 Wet Grinder, 288.20 99.00 16.52 172.68 0.00
11 Ceramic, 73.10 43.86 GO TN 18.45 10.79
Vridhachalam has given
2 sheds
and +
12 Coir, Sivaganga 658.90 500.01 65.89 93.00 0.00

13 Rice Mill, 690.58 466.03 69.05 145.50 10.00

14 Rice Mill, Alangulam 787.00 550.25 78.91 83.75 74.09

15 Brick, Tirunelveli 227.28 122.72 22.72 29.55 52.27

16 Engineering Ranipet, 927.08 616.39 97.21 109.35 104.13

17 Printing Sivakasi 1314.75 767.81 90.66 180.28 276.00 Project

18 Rice Mill, Thanjavur 212.06 100.23 40.43 21.40 50.00 under

19 Steel Product 1632.74 1277.71 100.00 253.03 0.00 tation
Fabrication Cluster,


Govt. of SPV Bank Present
S.No. Cluster name cost of GOI grant
TN grant contribution loan Status
20 Plastic Cluster, 1485.12 1026.96 100.00 258.16 100.00
21 Engineering, 498.89 373.80 23.34 53.75 48.00
22 Gate & Grills, 284.87 197.93 29.69 57.25 0.00
23 Garment Cluster 104.24 74.28 9.36 20.60 0.00
The project
24 Gold Jewellery, 356.46 255.80 29.14 39.92 31.60 under
Madurai implemen-
25 Power and Auto 1333.96 886.45 98.78 162.18 186.55 tation
Loom, Salem.
26 Safety Match Cluster, 346.89 204.64 36.00 42.50 63.75
O. Mettupatty
27 Stainless Steel, 126.30 98.83 7.90 19.57 0.00
28 Coir, Erode 592.51 404.44 48.65 60.00 79.42

29 Engineering 1124.42 805.33 54.44 114.65 150.00

30 Gold Jewellery, 360.30 288.24 36.03 36.03 0.00



(Rupees in Thousand)

Budget Revised Budget

Major Heads  Estimate Estimate Estimate
2017-18  2017-18  2018-19 

AND SMALL 4,68,13,76 4,63,15,36 4,30,68,07

2852-INDUSTRIES 106763 13,53,27 11,56,87

3,47,25 3,88,06 4,38,34

OUTLAY ON --  8,39 1

VILLAGE AND 50,03,04 18,01,39 94,03,01


Total 5,32,31,69 4,98,66,48 5,40,66,31



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