Inversion and Feedback Research On The Temperature Control and Crack Prevention For Concrete Crane Beam On Rock Wall
Inversion and Feedback Research On The Temperature Control and Crack Prevention For Concrete Crane Beam On Rock Wall
Inversion and Feedback Research On The Temperature Control and Crack Prevention For Concrete Crane Beam On Rock Wall
Sheng Qiang
College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
Abstract—Concrete crane beam on a rock wall on a new inaccurate parameter or functions may cause wrong
structure used in underground building has become more results in numerical calculation for concrete temperature
common in recent year. But the concrete beam cracking field which may induce improper construction measures
problem always perplexes scientists and engineers. In order and dangerous crack.
to solve this, the construction information inversion and
feedback analysis method is applied. A beam section was In the past years, temperature control for mass
taken as a prototype experiment. The temperature and concrete structure such as concrete dam is emphasized
construction data was collected to inverse some necessary enough [2]. In fact the common concrete structure also has
thermal parameters. According to the characteristics of the temperature stress problem which can be found from
concrete temperature field, the basic accelerating genetic the high frequent appearing of concrete cracking.
algorithm was improved. The improved accelerating genetic
algorithm has the merits of high precision and fast Concrete crane beam on rock wall is used widely in
calculation. With this algorithm, the calculation underground structure in recent years. But the crack in
temperature and measured value are very close, which concrete beam is always a problem for designer and
shows the method is efficiency. Then inversed parameters constructor. Decreasing the length of beam is an efficient
were applied in the feedback simulation. According to the way to decrease the probability of cracking. But in some
simulation results, the proper temperature control method engineering, the cracks still appear even the beam length
was suggested. By this way, the concrete temperature was is very short. In fact, thermal stress is a very important
controlled well and the beams appear no crack in recent two potential reason to the crack [3]. To research such
year. The successful application shows that the inversion problem, the factual thermal parameters are important. In
and feedback analysis of concrete temperature field can order to reflect the true temperature field and stress field
reflect the factual performance of concrete and give of concrete crane beam, it is very necessary to get the
important direction to engineering construction. accurate thermal parameters by site measuring
temperature and back analysis [4]-[5]. In the research, the
Index Terms—inversion, genetic algorithm, feedback improved accelerating genetic algorithm (GA) is applied
analysis, crane beam on rock wall, temperature field in the back analysis.
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
2 Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
The best chromosome is copied directly, the middle the spatial domain discrete and the time domain
chromosome participates the cross operation, the worst differential for (3). Then the finite element recurrence
chromosome participates the mutation operation. Then the equation of backward difference for temperature field can
quasi progeny population is generated. The point is to be obtained:
solve the problem of depositing excellent solutions and
improve the local search capability. The second point is to 1 1
introducing the niche elimination operation. It is to unite [H ] + [ R ] {Tn +1} − [ R ]{Tn } + {Fn +1} = 0 (4)
the quasi progeny population and the first NR individuals ∆ tn ∆tn
which are remembered before the classifying operation, in which, [ H ] is heat conductivity matrix; [ R] is
then the paired Hamming distance of the new population heat conductivity supplementary matrix; {Tn } and {Tn +1}
are compared. Let NT=NR+n. Define the Hamming
distance as: are node temperature array; {Fn +1} is node temperature
load array; n is time step ordinal number; ∆tn is time
sij = Vi − V j = ∑ (v
k =1
ik − v jk ) 2 step length. According to recurrence (4), the node
temperature {Tn +1} of next time step can be derived from
i = 1, 2,..., NT − 1; j = i + 1,..., NT (1)
Suppose S is the control threshold value. If Sij<S, the known current node temperature {Tn } .
compare the value of individual sufficiency between To control the temperature in concrete, pipe cooling
{Vi,Vj}. The individual of less sufficiency is given a are widely used, such as in the structure of nuclear power
greater penalty function to decrease its sufficiency plants [9]-[10], and in civil building concrete structure for
furthest. Thus the elimination rate of the punished air-conditioning or other purposes [11]-[13]. But the
individual is great in the evolution course. Then the unsteady temperature field including cooling pipe is
population variety is kept and the premature convergence always a hard problem to simulate.
is removed.
Three-dimensional (3D) finite element method is a
Otherwise, the common judge condition of the powerful measure to solve this problem, and has been
population convergence is improved. Suppose the object studied for a long time. Early studies, such as pseudo 3D
function value of the first NS individuals (usually and 3D finite element methods, were developed and used
NS=(5~10%)⋅n) after the operation of the lth and (l+1)th for a long time[14]-[15]. However, the pseudo 3D method
generation and sorted from superiority to inferiority are was converted from a simple two-dimensional (2D)
separately f1l , f2l ,..., f NS
and f1l +1 , f 2l +1 ,..., f NS
l +!
. Record analysis method and cannot correctly apply boundary
conditions for the atmosphere and cooling water
~ ~
EPS = n1 f1 + n2 f 2 (2)
Then, some calculation methods based on heat transfer
In which: by heat balance principle is developed, such as Jin Keun
(NS )
~ Kim method [16]. The water temperature distribution
f 1 = NS ⋅ f 1 l + 1 − ∑j =1
f j
l +1
⋅ f 1l +1
along the pipe can be calculated using these methods, and
the boundary conditions of the atmosphere can also be
( )
f 2 = ∑ f jl +1 − f jl f jl +1 applied. However, the temperature gradient properties are
j =1 simplified. Also based on the heat balance principle, an
n1— the control coefficient of premature convergence explicit iterative algorithm was developed solve it [17]-
index for the same generation population; [18], which will be applied in the inversion and simulation
n2— the control coefficient of evolution convergence for the crane beam.
for the different generation population. A typical concrete block section containing a cooling
pipe, as shown in figure 1, can be described by some cube
III. THE PRINCIPLE OF FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR finite elements around the pipe. Every surrounding
THREE DIMENSIONAL UNSTEADY TEMPERATURE FIELD element has a free face towards the pipe, as shown in
figure 2, which is the third boundary condition in thermal
According to the heat balance principle, at the arbitrary calculation to simulate the heat exchange between
point in the calculation area R, an unsteady temperature cooling water and concrete.
field T ( x,y ,z,t ) must satisfy the following heat
transfer equation:
∂T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂θ
= a 2 + 2 + 2 + (3)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂τ
In which, T is temperature (℃); a is temperature
conductivity coefficient (m2/h); θ is adiabatic
temperature of concrete (℃); t is time (d); τ is concrete
age (d). Figure 1. Sketch of pipe cooling in concrete
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for 3
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
4 Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
transit pipe from a pool. Figure 5 shows the form board disposed in the mesh. The pipe cooling course will be
which is named VISA mould. The mould will keep the calculated with the explicit pipe model. The bolt layout
surface of concrete smooth and compact. It can also and the pipe layout with their grid are shown in figure 7
provide some insulation effect, so it is an important and figure 8 separately. The calculation time step length
boundary condition in the numerical simulation, which is same as the interval of measuring. The air temperature,
should be inversed correctly. pipe inlet water temperature, water flux are same as the
measured value.
The sensors are set at the center section location. The
location of five sensors is shown in figure 9. The inner
sensors are N1, N2 and N3. Sensor D4 and C5 are used to
measure the temperature near concrete surface. D4 is 5cm
to the beam top and C5 is 5cm to the beam side.
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for 5
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
nlet O
tu /℃
Figure 9. Sensor location on beam section
D. Experiment and Inversion Results Analysis
The measured data is input as known condition in the
Wa 15
inversion program. After many times optimization, the
0 2 4 6 8
best parameters are gained as follows.
Concrete adiabatic temperature: θ0 =40.00 ℃
Concrete adiabatic temperature curve:
Figure 11. Water temperature curves of cooling pipe inlet and outlet
θ = 40.00 × (1 − e−0.60τ ) ℃
Heat transfer coefficient of form board: (3) Figure 12~16 show the measured and calculated
temperature curves of different sensors. The calculated
β1 =9.18 kJ/(m2·h·℃) data is gained on the base of inversed parameter. Most of
Heat transfer coefficient of wet felt: the data fits well which reflects the inversed parameters
β 2 =22.61 kJ/(m2·h·℃) are reliable and can be applied in the future concrete
temperature forecast and control of the crane beam.
Heat transfer coefficient of pipe wall:
β3 =45.42 kJ/(m2·h·℃)
on Me
Heat transfer coefficient of uncovered concrete: 45
β 4 =32.37 kJ/(m2·h·℃) 40
20 25
19 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 2 4 6 8
Figure 10. Air temperature curve in cavern Figure 13. Measured and calculated temperature curves of sensor N2
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
6 Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
on Me
ing 20.0℃. The water cooling begins after the pouring with
the water temperature of 13.0℃ and the flux of 3.00m3/h.
0 The cooling keeps 7 days and the water direction is
5 changed every 12 hours. The mould and felt is removed
5 As for case 2, the mould and felt is removed at the age
0 of 7th day. The other calculation situation is same as case
5 1.
0 As for case 3, the mould and felt is removed at the age
0 2 4 6 8 of 30th day. The other calculation situation is same as case
/d 1.
From the calculation result of case 1, the top
Figure 14. Measured and calculated temperature curves of sensor N3 temperature of point N1, N2 and N3 is 33.47℃, 35.09℃,
36.02℃, and the occur time is the 1.75th day, the 2.00th
day, the 2.00th day separately. The temperature curve of
n Me
N3 is shown in figure 17. The internal max tension stress
never exceeds the allowable tensile strength. For example,
30 the 60th day, which is not more than the allowable tensile
figure 18 with the sign of 2.0 σa is the allowable tensile
strength curve with a safety factor of 2.0. In the next
15 stress curve figures, the sign is the same meaning. From
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 figure 18, it is obviously that the surface stress always
e/d keeps lower than the allowable tensile strength.
n Me
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for 7
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
The prototype experiment of concrete crane beam on
rock wall is carried out to get the temperature of different
points inside the beam. Then the improved accelerating
genetic algorithm and temperature field finite element
program are applied to inverse some important thermal
parameters of concrete. Comparing the measured data
with calculated data, they are very close. It shows the
Figure 22. First principle stress σ1 curves of C5 in case 2 and case 3
inversion method is effective. The inversed parameters are
applied in the feedback simulation. According to the
From the calculation result of case 2, the max internal
simulation results, the proper temperature control method
temperature and stress do not change obviously
is suggested. On the base of above research working, the
contrasting with case 1. But the surface temperature and
following conclusions are drawn.
stress change much. When the covering materials are
removed at the 7th day, surface temperature decreases (1) The prototype experiment for concrete temperature
suddenly. It changes from 22.17℃ to 18.93℃ in only 0.5d. is simple and feasible, which can be easily operated. The
After the removal, surface temperature waves apparently experiment results can satisfy the feedback analysis
with the day and night air temperature difference. The calculation and engineering construction.
surface tension stress increases suddenly form 0.63MPa at
the 7th day to 1.06MPa at the 7.5th day. The value is near (2) The back analysis and simulation in construction is
the current allowable tensile strength 1.09MPa. Then the a gradually optimizing course. It can reflect the factual
stress keeps rising as the temperature decreasing until it performance of concrete and give important direction to
reaches 1.15MPa at the 8.5th day which exceeds the engineering construction.
current allowable tensile strength 1.12MPa. After the top
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
8 Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
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Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9
Inversion and Feedback Research on the Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for 9
Concrete Crane Beam on Rock Wall
Copyright © 2011 MECS I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2011, 1, 1-9