Getting Started With Stata: For Mac Release 14
Getting Started With Stata: For Mac Release 14
Getting Started With Stata: For Mac Release 14
Published by Stata Press, 4905 Lakeway Drive, College Station, Texas 77845
Typeset in TEX
ISBN-10: 1-59718-153-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-59718-153-2
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The automobile dataset appearing on the accompanying media is Copyright
c 1979 by Consumers Union of U.S.,
Inc., Yonkers, NY 10703-1057 and is reproduced by permission from CONSUMER REPORTS, April 1979.
Icons other than the Stata icon are licensed from the Iconfactory, Inc. They remain property of the Iconfactory, Inc.,
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For copyright information about the software, type help copyright within Stata.
Cross-referencing the documentation
When reading this manual, you will find references to other Stata manuals. For example,
[U] 26 Overview of Stata estimation commands
[R] regress
[D] reshape
The first example is a reference to chapter 26, Overview of Stata estimation commands, in the User’s
Guide; the second is a reference to the regress entry in the Base Reference Manual; and the third
is a reference to the reshape entry in the Data Management Reference Manual.
All the manuals in the Stata Documentation have a shorthand notation:
About this manual
This manual discusses Stata for Mac
. Stata for Windows
users should see Getting Started
with Stata for Windows; Stata for Unix users should see Getting Started with Stata for Unix. This
manual is intended both for people who are completely new to Stata and for experienced Stata users
new to Stata for Mac. Previous Stata users will also find it helpful as a tutorial on some new features
in Stata for Mac.
Following the numbered chapters are three appendixes with information specific to Stata for Mac.
We provide several types of technical support to registered Stata users. [GSM] 4 Getting help
describes the resources available to help you learn about Stata’s commands and features. One of these
resources is the Stata website (, where you will find answers to frequently asked
questions (FAQs) as well as other useful information. If you still have questions after looking at the
Stata website and the other resources described in [GSM] 19 Updating and extending Stata—Internet
functionality, you can contact us as described in [U] 3.8 Technical support.
Notational conventions
The preferences for Stata are located under the Application menu, as is common for applications in
Mac OS X. The name of this menu, however, depends on what flavor of Stata you have installed: it could
be Stata/MP 14.0, Stata/SE 14.0, Stata/IC 14.0, or smStata 14.0. Throughout this documentation,
we will call it Stata. Thus, we will say that Preferences can be found at Stata > Preferences, though
the exact name of the top-level menu may be slightly different.
You will see many references to right-clicking in this manual. If you have a one-button mouse,
the equivalent action is a Control+click.
1 Introducing Stata—sample session
Introducing Stata
This chapter will run through a sample work session, introducing you to a few of the basic tasks
that can be done in Stata, such as opening a dataset, investigating the contents of the dataset, using
some descriptive statistics, making some graphs, and doing a simple regression analysis. As you
would expect, we will only brush the surface of many of these topics. This approach should give you
a sample of what Stata can do and how Stata works. There will be brief explanations along the way,
with references to chapters later in this book as well as to the system help and other Stata manuals.
We will run through the session by using both menus and dialogs and Stata’s commands so that you
can become familiar with them both.If you see that your menus and dialogs are not in English, we
recommend that you (temporarily) change the locale used by Stata to English, so that you can work
along with the examples. See [P] set locale ui for how to do this.
Take a seat at your computer, put on some good music, and work along with the book.
Sample session
The dataset that we will use for this session is a set of data about vintage 1978 automobiles sold
in the United States.
To follow along by pointing and clicking, note that the menu items are given by Menu > Menu
item > Submenu item > etc. To follow along by using the Command window, type the commands
that follow a dot (.) in the boxed listings below into the small window labeled Command. When
there is something to note about the structure of a command, it will be pointed out as a “Syntax
Start by loading the auto dataset, which is included with Stata. To use the menus,
1. Select File > Example datasets....
2. Click on Example datasets installed with Stata.
3. Click on use for auto.dta.
The result of this command is fourfold:
• The following output appears in the large Results window:
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
The output consists of a command and its result. The command, sysuse auto.dta, is bold
and follows the dot (.). The result, (1978 Automobile Data), is in the standard face here
and is a brief description of the dataset.
Note: If a command intrigues you, you can type help commandname in the Command window
to find help. If you want to explore at any time, Help > Search... can be informative.
• The same command, sysuse auto.dta, appears in the tall Review window to the left. The
Review window keeps track of all commands Stata has run, successful and unsuccessful. The
commands can then easily be rerun. See [GSM] 2 The Stata user interface for more information.
• A series of variables appears in the small Variables window to the upper right.
2 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
You could have opened the dataset by typing sysuse auto in the Command window and pressing
Return. Try this now. sysuse is a command that loads (uses) example (system) datasets. As you
will see during this session, Stata commands are often simple enough that it is faster to use them
directly. This will be especially true once you become familiar with the commands you use the most
in your daily use of Stata.
Syntax note: In the above example, sysuse is the Stata command, whereas auto is the name of
a Stata data file.
The data are displayed in multiple colors—at first glance, it appears that the variables listed in black
are numeric, whereas those that are in colors are text. This is worth investigating. Click on a cell
under the make variable: the input box at the top displays the make of the car. Scroll to the right until
you see the foreign variable. Click on one of its cells. Although the cell may display “Domestic”,
the input box displays a 0. This shows that Stata can store categorical data as numbers but display
human-readable text. This is done by what Stata calls value labels. Finally, under the rep78 variable,
which looks to be numeric, there are some cells containing just a dot (.). The dots correspond to
missing values.
[ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 3
Looking at the data in this fashion, though comfortable, lends little information about the dataset.
It would be useful for us to get more details about what the data are and how the data are stored.
Close the Data Editor by clicking on its close button.
We can see the structure of the dataset by describing its contents. This can be done either by
going to Data > Describe data > Describe data in memory or in a file in the menus and clicking
on OK or by typing describe in the Command window and pressing Return. Regardless of which
method you choose, you will get the same result:
. describe
Contains data from /Applications/Stata/ado/base/a/auto.dta
obs: 74 1978 Automobile Data
vars: 12 13 Apr 2014 17:45
size: 3,182 (_dta has notes)
At the top of the listing, some information is given about the dataset, such as where it is stored on
disk, how much memory it occupies, and when the data were last saved. The bold 1978 Automobile
Data is the short description that appeared when the dataset was opened and is referred to as a data
label by Stata. The phrase _dta has notes informs us that there are notes attached to the dataset.
We can see what notes there are by typing notes in the Command window:
. notes
1. from Consumer Reports with permission
Here we see a short note about the source of the data.
Looking back at the listing from describe, we can see that Stata keeps track of more than just
the raw data. Each variable has the following:
• A variable name, which is what you call the variable when communicating with Stata. Variable
names are one type of Stata name. See [U] 11.3 Naming conventions.
• A storage type, which is the way Stata stores its data. For our purposes, it is enough to know
that types like, say, str# are string, or text, variables, whereas all others in this dataset are
4 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
numeric. While there are none in this dataset, Stata also allows arbitrarily long strings, or
strLs. strLs can even contain binary information. See [U] 12.4 Strings.
• A display format, which controls how Stata displays the data in tables. See [U] 12.5 Formats:
Controlling how data are displayed.
• A value label (possibly). This is the mechanism that allows Stata to store numerical data while
displaying text. See [GSM] 9 Labeling data and [U] 12.6.3 Value labels.
• A variable label, which is what you call the variable when communicating with other people.
Stata uses the variable label when making tables, as we will see.
A dataset is far more than simply the data it contains. It is also information that makes the data
usable by someone other than the original creator.
Although describing the data tells us something about the structure of the data, it says little about
the data themselves. The data can be summarized by clicking on Statistics > Summaries, tables, and
tests > Summary and descriptive statistics > Summary statistics and clicking on the OK button.
You could also type summarize in the Command window and press Return. The result is a table
containing summary statistics about all the variables in the dataset:
. summarize
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
make 0
price 74 6165.257 2949.496 3291 15906
mpg 74 21.2973 5.785503 12 41
rep78 69 3.405797 .9899323 1 5
headroom 74 2.993243 .8459948 1.5 5
much can be learned from this simple command. You can scroll back in the Results window to see
earlier results, if need be. We will focus on the output for make, rep78, and foreign.
To start our investigation, we would like to run the codebook command on just one variable,
say, make. We can do this, as usual, with menus or the command line. To get the codebook output
for make with the menus, start by navigating to Data > Describe data > Describe data contents
(codebook). When the dialog appears, there are multiple ways to tell Stata to consider only the make
• We could type make into the Variables field.
• The Variables field is a combo-box control that accepts variable names. Clicking on the drop
triangle to the right of the Variables field displays a list of the variables from the current dataset.
Selecting a variable from the list will, in this case, enter the variable name into the edit field.
A much easier solution is to type codebook make in the Command window and then press Return.
The result is informative:
. codebook make
. codebook foreign
. browse if missing(rep78)
From this, we see that the . entries are indeed missing values. The . is the default numerical missing
value; Stata also allows .a, . . . , .z as user missing values, but we do not have any in our dataset.
See [U] 12.2.1 Missing values. Close the Data Editor after you are satisfied with this statement.
Syntax note: Using the if qualifier above is what allowed us to look at a subset of the observations.
Looking through the data lends no clues about why these particular data are missing. We decide
to check the source of the data to see if the missing values were originally missing or if they were
omitted in error. Listing the makes of the cars whose repair records are missing will be all we need
because we saw earlier that the values of make are unique. This can be done with the menus and a
1. Select Data > Describe data > List data.
2. Click on the drop triangle to the right of the Variables field to show the variable names.
3. Click on make to enter it into the Variables field.
4. Click on the by/if/in tab in the dialog.
5. Type missing(rep78) into the If: (expression) box.
6. Click on Submit. Stata executes the proper command but the dialog remains open. Submit is
useful when experimenting, exploring, or building complex commands. We will primarily use
Submit in the examples. You may click on OK in its place if you like, and it will close the
dialog box.
The same ends could be achieved by typing list make if missing(rep78) in the Command
window. The latter is easier once you know that the command list is used for listing observations.
In any case, here is the output:
8 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
. list make if missing(rep78)
3. AMC Spirit
7. Buick Opel
45. Plym. Sapporo
51. Pont. Phoenix
64. Peugeot 604
At this point we should find the original reference to see if the data were truly missing or if they
could be resurrected. See [GSM] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax for more information
about all that can be done with the list command.
Syntax note: This command uses two new concepts for Stata commands—the if qualifier and the
missing() function. The if qualifier restricts the observations on which the command runs to only
those observations for which the expression is true. See [U] 11.1.3 if exp. The missing() function
tests each observation to see if it contains a missing value. See [FN] Programming functions.
Now that we have a good idea about the underlying dataset, we can investigate the data themselves.
Descriptive statistics
We saw above that the summarize command gave brief summary statistics about all the variables.
Suppose now that we became interested in the prices while summarizing the data because they seemed
fantastically low (it was 1978, after all). To get an in-depth look at the price variable, we can use
the menus and a dialog:
1. Select Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests > Summary and descriptive statistics >
Summary statistics.
2. Enter or select price in the Variables field.
3. Select Display additional statistics.
4. Click on Submit.
Syntax note: As can be seen from the Results window, typing summarize price, detail will get
the same result. The portion after the comma contains options for Stata commands; hence, detail
is an example of an option.
[ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 9
. summarize price, detail
Percentiles Smallest
1% 3291 3291
5% 3748 3299
10% 3895 3667 Obs 74
25% 4195 3748 Sum of Wgt. 74
50% 5006.5 Mean 6165.257
Largest Std. Dev. 2949.496
75% 6342 13466
90% 11385 13594 Variance 8699526
95% 13466 14500 Skewness 1.653434
99% 15906 15906 Kurtosis 4.819188
From the output, we can see that the median price of the cars in the dataset is only $5,006.50! We can
also see that the four most expensive cars are all priced between $13,400 and $16,000. If we wished
to browse the most expensive cars (and gain some experience with features of the Data Editor), we
could start by clicking on the Data Browser button, . Once the Data Editor is open, we can
click on the Filter observations button, , to bring up the Filter observations dialog. We can look
at the expensive cars by putting price > 13000 in the Filter by expression field:
Pressing the Apply filter button filters the data, and we can see that the expensive cars are two
Cadillacs and two Lincolns, which were not designed for gas mileage:
10 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
We now decide to turn our attention to foreign cars and repairs because as we glanced through the
data, it appeared that the foreign cars had better repair records. (We do not know exactly what the
categories 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mean, but we know the Chevy Monza was known for breaking down.)
Let’s start by looking at the proportion of foreign cars in the dataset along with the proportion of
cars with each type of repair record. We can do this with one-way tables. The table for foreign
cars can be done with menus and a dialog starting with Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests
> Frequency tables > One-way table and then choosing the variable foreign in the Categorical
variable field. Clicking on Submit yields
. tabulate foreign
Car type Freq. Percent Cum.
Total 74 100.00
We see that roughly 70% of the cars in the dataset are domestic, whereas 30% are foreign. The value
labels are used to make the table so that the output is nicely readable.
Syntax note: We also see that this one-way table could be made by using the tabulate command
together with one variable, foreign. Making a one-way table for the repair records is simple—it
will be simpler if done with the Command window. Typing tabulate rep78 yields
[ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 11
. tabulate rep78
Record 1978 Freq. Percent Cum.
1 2 2.90 2.90
2 8 11.59 14.49
3 30 43.48 57.97
4 18 26.09 84.06
5 11 15.94 100.00
Total 69 100.00
We can see that most cars have repair records of 3 and above, though the lack of value labels makes us
unsure what a “3” means. Take our word for it that 1 means a poor repair record and 5 means a good
repair record. The five missing values are indirectly evident because the total number of observations
listed is 69 rather than 74.
These two one-way tables do not help us compare the repair records of foreign and domestic cars.
A two-way table would help greatly, which we can get by using the menus and a dialog:
1. Select Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests > Frequency tables > Two-way table with
measures of association.
2. Choose rep78 as the Row variable.
3. Choose foreign as the Column variable.
4. It would be nice to have the percentages within the foreign variable, so check the Within-row
relative frequencies checkbox.
5. Click on Submit.
Here is the resulting output:
12 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
. tabulate rep78 foreign, row
row percentage
Record Car type
1978 Domestic Foreign Total
1 2 0 2
100.00 0.00 100.00
2 8 0 8
100.00 0.00 100.00
3 27 3 30
90.00 10.00 100.00
4 9 9 18
50.00 50.00 100.00
5 2 9 11
18.18 81.82 100.00
Total 48 21 69
69.57 30.43 100.00
The output indicates that foreign cars are generally much better than domestic cars when it comes
to repairs. If you like, you could repeat the previous dialog and try some of the hypothesis tests
available from the dialog. We will abstain.
Syntax note: We see that typing the command tabulate rep78 foreign, row would have given
us the same table. Thus using tabulate with two variables yields a two-way table. It makes sense
that row is an option—we went out of our way to check it in the dialog. Using the row option allows
us to change the behavior of the tabulate command from its default.
Continuing our exploratory tour of the data, we would like to compare gas mileages between
foreign and domestic cars, starting by looking at the summary statistics for each group by itself. A
direct way to do this would be to use if qualifiers to summarize mpg for each of the two values of
foreign separately:
. summarize mpg if foreign==0
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Syntax note: We needed to use a double equal sign (==) for testing equality. The double equal
sign could be familiar to you if you have programmed before. If it is unfamiliar, be aware that it is a
common source of errors when initially using Stata. Thinking of equality as “exactly equal” can cut
down on typing errors.
There are two other methods that we could have used to produce these summary statistics. These
methods are worth knowing because they are less error-prone. The first method duplicates the concept
of what we just did by exploiting Stata’s ability to run a command on each of a series of nonoverlapping
subsets of the dataset. To use the menus and a dialog, do the following:
1. Select Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests > Summary and descriptive statistics >
Summary statistics and click on the Reset button, .
2. Select mpg in the Variables field.
3. Select the Standard display option (if it is not already selected).
4. Click on the by/if/in tab.
5. Check the Repeat command by groups checkbox.
6. Select or type foreign in the Variables that define groups field.
7. Submit the command.
You can see that the results match those from above. They have a better appearance than the two
commands above because the value labels Domestic and Foreign are used rather than the numerical
values. The method is more appealing because the results were produced without needing to know
the possible values of the grouping variable ahead of time.
. by foreign, sort: summarize mpg
The third method for tabulating the differences in gas mileage across the cars’ origins involves
thinking about the structure of desired output. We need a one-way table of automobile types (foreign
versus domestic) within which we see information about gas mileages. Looking through the menus
yields the menu item Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests > Other tables > Table of means,
std. dev., and frequencies. Selecting this, entering foreign for Variable 1 and mpg for the Summarize
variable, and submitting the command yields a nice table:
14 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
. tabulate foreign, summarize(mpg)
Summary of Mileage (mpg)
Car type Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
Group Obs Mean Std. Err. Std. Dev. [95% Conf. Interval]
mpg 1.0000
weight -0.8072 1.0000
The equivalent command for this is natural: correlate mpg weight. There is a negative correlation,
which is not surprising because heavier cars should be harder to push about.
We could see how the correlation compares for foreign and domestic cars by using our knowledge
of the by prefix. We can reuse the correlate dialog or use the menus as before if the dialog is closed.
Click on the by/if/in tab, check the Repeat command by groups checkbox, and enter the foreign
variable to define the groups. As done on page 13, a simple by foreign, sort: prefix in front of
our previous command would work, too:
. by foreign, sort: correlate mpg weight
mpg 1.0000
weight -0.8759 1.0000
mpg 1.0000
weight -0.6829 1.0000
We see from this that the correlation is not as strong among the foreign cars.
Syntax note: Although we used the correlate command to look at the correlation of two variables,
Stata can make correlation matrices for an arbitrary number of variables:
16 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
. correlate mpg weight length turn displacement
mpg weight length turn displa~t
mpg 1.0000
weight -0.8072 1.0000
length -0.7958 0.9460 1.0000
turn -0.7192 0.8574 0.8643 1.0000
displacement -0.7056 0.8949 0.8351 0.7768 1.0000
This can be useful, for example, when investigating collinearity among predictor variables.
Graphing data
We have found several things in our investigations so far: We know that the average MPG of
domestic and foreign cars differs. We have learned that domestic and foreign cars differ in other
ways as well, such as in frequency-of-repair record. We found a negative correlation between MPG
and weight—as we would expect—but the correlation appears stronger for domestic cars.
We would now like to examine, with an eye toward modeling, the relationship between MPG and
weight, starting with a graph. We can start with a scatterplot of mpg against weight. The command
for this is simple: scatter mpg weight. Using the menus requires a few steps because the graphs
in Stata may be customized heavily.
1. Select Graphics > Twoway graph (scatter, line, etc.).
2. Click on the Create... button.
3. Select the Basic plots radio button (if it is not already selected).
4. Select Scatter as the basic plot type (if it is not already selected).
5. Select mpg as the Y variable and weight as the X variable.
6. Click on the Submit button.
The Results window shows the command that was issued from the menu:
. twoway (scatter mpg weight)
The command issued when the dialog was submitted is a bit more complex than the command
suggested above. There is good reason for this: the more complex structure allows combining and
overlaying graphs, as we will soon see. In any case, the graph that appears is
[ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 17
40 30
Mileage (mpg)
We see the negative correlation in the graph, though the relationship appears to be nonlinear.
Note: When you draw a graph, the Graph window appears, probably covering up your Results
window. Click on the main Stata window to get the Results window back on top. Want to see the
graph again? Click on the Graph button, . See The Graph button in [GSM] 14 Graphing data for
more information about the Graph button.
We would now like to see how the different correlations for foreign and domestic cars are manifested
in scatterplots. It would be nice to see a scatterplot for each type of car, along with a scatterplot for
all the data.
Syntax note: Because we are looking at subgroups, this looks as if it is a job for the by prefix.
Let’s see if this is what we really should use.
Start as before:
1. Select Graphics > Twoway graph (scatter, line, etc.) from the menus.
2. If the sheet you used to define the scatterplot is still visible, click on the Accept button and
skip to step 4.
3. Go through the process on the previous page to create the graph.
4. Click on the By tab of the twoway - Twoway graphs dialog.
5. Check the Draw subgraphs for unique values of variables checkbox.
6. Enter foreign in the Variables field.
7. Check the Add a graph with totals checkbox.
8. Click on the Submit button.
18 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
Domestic Foreign
Mileage (mpg)
The graphs show that the relationship is nonlinear for both types of cars.
Syntax note: To make the graphs for the combined subgroups, we ended up using a by() option,
not a by prefix. If we had used a by prefix, separate graphs would have been generated instead of
the combined graph created by the by() option.
foreign is already an indicator (0/1) variable, but we need to create the weight-squared variable.
This can be done with the menus, but here using the command line is simpler. Type
. generate wtsq = weight^2
[ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 19
Now that we have all the variables we need, we can run a linear regression. We will use the menus
and see that the command is also simple. To use the menus, select Statistics > Linear models
and related > Linear regression. In the resulting dialog, choose mpg as the Dependent variable
and weight, wtsq, and foreign as the Independent variables. Submit the command. Here is the
equivalent simple regress command and the resulting analysis-of-variance table.
. regress mpg weight wtsq foreign
Source SS df MS Number of obs = 74
F(3, 70) = 52.25
Model 1689.15372 3 563.05124 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 754.30574 70 10.7757963 R-squared = 0.6913
Adj R-squared = 0.6781
Total 2443.45946 73 33.4720474 Root MSE = 3.2827
The results look encouraging, so we will plot the predicted values on top of the scatterplots for each
of the types of cars. To do this, we need the predicted, or fitted, values. This can be done with
the menus, but doing it in the Command window is simple enough. We will create a new variable,
mpghat, to hold the predicted MPG for each car. Type
. predict mpghat
(option xb assumed; fitted values)
The output from this command is simply a notification. Go over to the Variables window and scroll
to the bottom to confirm that there is now an mpghat variable. If you were to try this command
when mpghat already existed, Stata would refuse to overwrite your data:
. predict mpghat
variable mpghat already defined
The predict command, when used after a regression, is called a postestimation command. As
specified, it creates a new variable called mpghat equal to
−0.0165729 weight + 1.59 × 10−6 wtsq − 2.2035 foreign + 56.53884
For careful model fitting, there are several features available to you after estimation—one is
calculating predicted values. Be sure to read [U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands.
We can now graph the data and the predicted curve to evaluate separately the fit on the foreign
and domestic data to determine if our shift parameter is adequate. We can draw both graphs together.
Using the menus and a dialog, do the following:
1. Select Graphics > Twoway graph (scatter, line, etc.) from the menus.
2. If there are any plots listed, click on the Reset button, , to clear the dialog box.
20 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session
Domestic Foreign
Here we can see the reason for enclosing the separate scatter and line commands in parentheses:
they can thereby be overlaid by submitting them together. The fit of the plots looks good and is cause
for initial excitement. So much excitement, in fact, that we decide to print the graph and show it to
an engineering friend. We print the graph, being careful to print the graph (and not all our results),
by choosing File > Print > Graph (Graph).
When we show our graph to our engineering friend, she is concerned. “No,” she says. “It should
take twice as much energy to move 2,000 pounds 1 mile compared with moving 1,000 pounds the
same distance: therefore, it should consume twice as much gasoline. Miles per gallon is not quadratic
in weight; gallons per mile is a linear function of weight. Don’t you remember any physics?”
We try out what she says. We need to generate an energy-per-distance variable and make a
scatterplot. Here are the commands that we would need—note their similarity to commands issued
earlier in the session. There is one new command, the label variable command, which allows us
to give the gpm100m variable a variable label so that the graph is labeled nicely.
. generate gp100m = 100/mpg
. label variable gp100m "Gallons per 100 miles"
. twoway (scatter gp100m weight), by(foreign, total)
Domestic Foreign
Gallons per 100 miles
Sadly satisfied that the engineer is indeed correct, we rerun the regression:
. regress gp100m weight foreign
Source SS df MS Number of obs = 74
F(2, 71) = 113.97
Model 91.1761694 2 45.5880847 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 28.4000913 71 .400001287 R-squared = 0.7625
Adj R-squared = 0.7558
Total 119.576261 73 1.63803097 Root MSE = .63246
We find that foreign cars had better gas mileage than domestic cars in 1978 because they were so
light. According to our model, a foreign car with the same weight as a domestic car would use an
additional 5/8 gallon (or 5 pints) of gasoline per 100 miles driven. With this conclusion, we are
satisfied with our analysis.
You can learn about summarize in [R] summarize, or select Help > Stata command... and enter
summarize, or type help summarize in the Command window.
Log button, which looks like a lab notebook, . Choose a place to store your log file, and give
it a name, just as you would for any other document. The log file will save everything that appears
in the Results window from the time you start a log file to the time you close it.
This chapter introduced you to Stata’s capabilities. You should now read and work through the
rest of this manual. Once you are done here, you can read the User’s Guide.
2 The Stata user interface
The windows
This chapter introduces the core of Stata’s interface: its main windows, its toolbar, its menus, and
its dialogs.
The five main windows are the Review, Results, Command, Variables, and Properties windows.
Each window has its name in its title bar. These five windows are typically in use the whole time
Stata is open. There are other, more specialized windows such as the Viewer, Data Editor, Variables
Manager, Do-file Editor, Graph, and Graph Editor windows—these are discussed later in this manual.
To open any window or to reveal a window hidden by other windows, select the window from
the Window menu, or select the proper item from the toolbar. You can also use Mission Control to
reveal hidden windows, or use Command–` (left quote) to cycle through all open Stata windows.
Many of Stata’s windows have functionality that can be accessed by clicking on the right mouse
button (right-clicking) within the window. If your mouse has only one button, press the Control key
while pressing the mouse button to simulate a right-click. Right-clicking displays a contextual menu
that, depending on the window, allows you to copy text, set the preferences for the window, or print
the contents of the window. When you copy text or print, we recommend that you always right-click
on the window rather than use the menu bar or toolbar so that you can be sure of where and what
you are copying or printing.
[ GSM ] 2 The Stata user interface 25
The toolbar
This is the toolbar:
The toolbar contains buttons that provide quick access to Stata’s more commonly used features.
If you forget what a button does, hold the mouse pointer over the button for a moment, and a tooltip
will appear with a description of that button.
Buttons that include both an icon and an arrow display a menu if you hold down the mouse button.
Here is an overview of the toolbar buttons and their functions:
Open opens a Stata dataset. Click on the button to open a dataset with the
Open dialog. Hold down the button to select a dataset from a menu of recently
opened datasets.
Print displays a list of windows. Select a window name to print its contents.
Log begins a new log or closes, suspends, or resumes the current log. See
[GSM] 16 Saving and printing results by using logs for an explanation of log
files. You can also choose a file to view in the Viewer.
Viewer opens the Viewer or brings a Viewer to the front of all other windows.
Click on the button to open a new Viewer tab. See [GSM] 3 Using the Viewer
for more information.
Graph brings the Graph window to the front of all other windows. Click on the
button to bring the topmost Graph window to the front. Click and hold to select
a graph to bring to the front. See The Graph button in [GSM] 14 Graphing
data for more information.
Do-file Editor opens the Do-file Editor or brings a Do-file Editor to the front
of all other windows. Click on the button to open a new Do-file Editor. Click
and hold to select a Do-file Editor to bring to the front. See [GSM] 13 Using
the Do-file Editor—automating Stata for more information.
Data Editor opens the Data Editor or brings the Data Editor to the front
of the other Stata windows. See [GSM] 6 Using the Data Editor for more
Data Browser opens the Data Editor in browse mode. See Browse mode in
[GSM] 6 Using the Data Editor for more information.
More tells Stata to continue when it has paused in the middle of long output.
See [GSM] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax for more information.
Break stops the current task in Stata. See [GSM] 10 Listing data and basic
command syntax for more information.
Search Help Searches for help for both official and user-written commands.
See [GSM] 4 Getting help for more information.
26 [ GSM ] 2 The Stata user interface
• Clear all clears out all the commands from the Review window, including those before and
after the commands currently displayed.
• Do selected submits all the selected commands and adds them to the bottom of the command
history. Stata will attempt to run all the selected commands, even those containing errors, and
will not stop even if a command causes an error.
• Send selected to Do-file Editor places all the selected commands into a new Do-file Editor
• Save all... brings up a Save Review Contents dialog, which allows you to save all the commands
in the Review window, including those before and after the commands currently displayed, in
a do-file. (See [GSM] 13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata for more information on
• Save selected... brings up a Save Review Contents dialog, which allows you to save the selected
commands in the Review window in a do-file.
• Preferences... allows you to edit the preferences for the Review window.
Right-clicking on a variable in the Variables window displays a menu from which you can select
• Keep only variable varname (or Keep only selected variables if multiple variables are
selected) to keep just the selected variables in the dataset in memory. You will be asked for
confirmation. This affects only the dataset in memory, not the dataset as saved on your disk.
See [GSM] 12 Deleting variables and observations for more information.
• Drop variable varname (or Drop selected variables if multiple variables are selected) to
drop, or eliminate, the selected variables from the dataset in memory. You will be asked for
confirmation. Just as above, this affects only the dataset in memory, not the dataset as saved
on your disk. See [GSM] 12 Deleting variables and observations for more information.
• Copy varlist to copy the selected variable names to the clipboard.
• Select all to select all variables in the dataset that satisfy the filter conditions. If no filter has
been specified, all variables will be selected.
• Send varlist to Command window to send all selected variables to the Command window.
• Preferences... to change the preferences for the Variables window.
Items from the contextual menu issue standard Stata commands, so working by right-clicking is just
like working directly in the Command window.
If you would like to hide the Variables window, grab the divider between the Variables window
and the Results window and drag it all the way to the right. This is like resizing the Variables window
to have zero width. Hiding the Variables window will also hide the Properties window.
To reveal a hidden Variables window, select Window > Variables.
This dialog provides access to all the functionality of Stata’s poisson command. Because the
dependent and independent variables must be numeric, you will find that the combo box will display
only numeric variables for choosing. The poisson command has many options that can be accessed
by clicking on the multiple tabs across the top of the dialog. The first time you use the dialog for a
command, it is a good idea to look at the contents of each tab so that you will know all the dialog’s
The dialogs for many commands have the by/if/in and Weights tabs. These provide access to
Stata’s commands and qualifiers for controlling the estimation sample and dealing with weighted data.
See [U] 11 Language syntax for more information on these features of Stata’s language.
30 [ GSM ] 2 The Stata user interface
The dialogs for most estimation commands have the Maximization tab for setting the maximization
options (see [R] maximize). For example, you can specify the maximum number of iterations for the
Most dialogs in Stata provide the same six buttons you see at the bottom of the poisson dialog
OK issues a Stata command based on how you have filled out the fields in
the dialog and then closes the dialog.
Cancel closes the dialog without doing anything—just as clicking on the
dialog’s red close button does.
Submit issues a command just like OK but leaves the dialog on the screen so
that you can make changes and issue another command. This feature is handy
when, for example, you are learning a new command or putting together a
complicated graph.
Help provides access to Stata’s help system. Clicking on this button will
typically take you to the help file for the Stata command associated with the
dialog. Clicking on it here would take you to the poisson help file. The help
file will have tabs above groups of options to show which dialog tab contains
which options.
Reset resets the dialog to its default state. Each time you open a dialog, it
will remember how you last filled it out. If you wish to reset its fields to their
default values at any time, simply click on this button.
Copy Command to Clipboard behaves much like the Submit button, but
rather than issuing a command, it copies the command to the Clipboard. The
command can then be pasted elsewhere (such as in the Do-file Editor).
The command issued by a dialog is submitted just as if you had typed it by hand. You can see
the command in the Results window and in the Review window after it executes. Looking carefully
at the full command will help you learn Stata’s command syntax.
In addition to being able to access the dialogs for Stata commands through Stata’s menus, you
can also invoke them by using two other methods. You may know the name of a Stata command for
which you want to see a dialog, but you might not remember how to navigate to that command in
the menu system. Simply type db commandname to launch the dialog for commandname:
. db poisson
You will also find access to the dialog for a command in that command’s help file; see [GSM] 4 Getting
help for more details.
As you read this manual, we will present examples of Stata commands. You may type those
examples as presented, but you should also experiment with submitting those commands by using
their dialogs. Use the db command described above to quickly launch the dialog for any command
that you see in this manual.
[ GSM ] 2 The Stata user interface 31
[ GSM ] 3 Using the Viewer 33
Viewer buttons
The toolbar of the Viewer has multiple buttons, a command box, and a search box.
Find opens the find bar at the bottom of the Viewer (see below).
The Find bar is used to find text within the current Viewer. To reveal the Find bar at the bottom
of the window, click on the Find button (see above):
The Find bar has its own buttons, fields, and checkboxes.
Previous Jumps to the previous instance of the search text; it
automatically wraps past the start of the Viewer document if there
are no previous instances of the search text.
Next jumps to the next instance of the search text; it automatically
wraps past the end of the Viewer document if there are no further
instances of the search text.
Find is the field for entering the search text you would like to
find. You can change the search options by clicking on the down
arrow near the magnifying glass.
Viewer’s function
The Viewer is similar to a web browser. It has links (shown in blue text) that you can click on
to see related help topics and to install and manage third-party software. When you move the mouse
pointer over a link, the status bar at the bottom of the Viewer shows the action associated with
that link. If the action of a link is help logistic, clicking on that link will show the help file
for the logistic command in the Viewer. Middle-clicking on a link in a Viewer window (if you
do not have a three-button mouse, then Shift–clicking) will open the link in a new Viewer window.
Command –clicking will open the link in a new tab in the current Viewer window.
You can open a new Viewer by selecting Window > Viewer > New Viewer or by clicking on the
Viewer button on the toolbar. Entering a help command from the Command window will also open
a new Viewer.
34 [ GSM ] 3 Using the Viewer
To bring a Viewer to the front of all other Viewers, select Window > Viewer and choose a Viewer
from the list there. Selecting Close all Viewers closes all open Viewer windows.
You may either type in the name of the file that you wish to view and click on OK, or you may
click on the Browse... button to open a standard file dialog that allows you to navigate to the file.
If you currently have a log file open, you may view the log file in the Viewer. This method has
one advantage over scrolling back in the Results window: what you view stays fixed even as output
is added to the Results window. If you wish to view a current log file, select File > Log > View...,
and the usual dialog will appear but with the path and filename of the current log already in the
field. Simply click on OK, and the log will appear in the Viewer. See [GSM] 16 Saving and printing
results by using logs for more details.
To print the contents of the Viewer, right-click on the window and select Print.... You may also
select File > Print > Viewer name or click and hold the Print toolbar button to select from a menu
of open windows to print.
[ GSM ] 3 Using the Viewer 35
System help
Stata’s help system provides a wealth of information to help you learn and use Stata. To find out
which Stata command will perform the statistical or data management task you would like to do, you
should generally follow these steps:
1. Select Help > Search..., choose Search all, and enter the topic or keywords. This search will
open a new Viewer window containing information about Stata commands, references to articles
in the Stata Journal , links to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Stata’s website, links to
videos on Stata’s YouTube channel, links to selected external websites, and links to user-written
2. Read through the results. If you find a useful command, click on the link to the appropriate
command name to open its help file.
3. Read the help file for the command you chose.
4. If you want more in-depth help, click on the link from the name of the command to the PDF
documentation, read it, then come back to Stata.
5. If the first help file you went to is not what you wanted, either click on the Also see menu
and choose a link to related help files or click on the Back button to go back to the previous
document and go from there to other help files.
6. With the help file open, click on the Command window and enter the command, or click on
the Dialog button and choose a link to open a dialog for the command.
7. If, at any time, you want to begin again with a new search, enter the new search terms in the
search box of the Viewer window.
8. If you select Search documentation and FAQs, Stata searches its keyword database for official
Stata commands, Stata Journal articles and software, FAQs, and videos. If you select Search net
resources, Stata searches for user-written commands, whether they are from the Stata Journal
or elsewhere; see [GSM] 19 Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for more
Let’s illustrate the help system with an example. You will get the most benefit from the example
if you work along at your computer.
Suppose that we have been given a dataset about antique cars and that we need to know what
it contains. Though we still have a vague notion of having seen something like this while working
through the example session in [GSM] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session, we do not remember
the proper command.
Start by typing sysuse auto, clear in the Command window to bring the dataset into memory.
(See [GSM] 5 Opening and saving Stata datasets for information on the clear option.)
Follow the above approach:
1. Select Help > Search....
2. Check that the Search all radio button is selected.
3. Type dataset contents into the search box and click on OK or press Return. Before we
press Return, the window should look like
38 [ GSM ] 4 Getting help
4. Stata will now search for “dataset contents” among the Stata commands, the reference manuals,
the Stata Journal, the FAQs on Stata’s website, and user-written commands. Here is the result:
5. Upon seeing the results of the search, we see two commands that look promising: codebook
and describe. Because we are interested in the contents of the dataset, we decide to check out
the codebook command. The [D] means that we could look up the codebook command in the
[ GSM ] 4 Getting help 39
Data Management Reference Manual. The blue codebook link in (help codebook) means
that there is a system help file for the codebook command. This is what we are interested in
right now.
6. Click on the blue codebook link. Links can take you to a variety of resources, such as help
for Stata commands, dialogs, and even webpages. Here the link goes to the help file for the
codebook command.
7. What is displayed is typical for help for a Stata command. Help files for Stata commands
contain, from top to bottom, these features:
a. The quick access toolbar with three buttons:
i. The Dialog button shows links to any dialogs associated with the command.
ii. The Also see button shows links to related PDF documentation and help files.
iii. The Jump to button shows links to other sections within the current help file.
b. The very first link in the Title section is a link to the manual entry for the command in
the PDF documentation. Clicking on the link will open your PDF viewer and show you
the complete documentation for the command—in this case, codebook.
c. The command’s syntax, that is, rules for constructing a command that Stata will correctly
interpret. The square brackets here indicate that all the arguments to codebook are optional
but that if we wanted to specify them, we could use a varlist, an if qualifier, or an in
qualifier, along with some options. (Options vary greatly from command to command.)
The options are listed directly under the command and are explained in some detail later
in the help file. You will learn more about command syntax in [GSM] 10 Listing data
and basic command syntax.
d. A description of the command. Because “codebook” is the name for big binders containing
a hard copy describing each of the elements of a dataset, the description for the codebook
command is justifiably terse.
40 [ GSM ] 4 Getting help
e. The options that can be used with this command. These are explained in much greater
detail than in the listing of the possible options after the syntax. Here, for example, we can
see that the mv option can look to see if there is a pattern in the missing values—something
important for data cleaning and imputation.
f. Examples of command usage. The codebook examples are real examples that step through
using the command on a dataset either shipped with Stata or loadable within Stata from
the Internet.
g. The information the command stores in the returned results. These results are used
primarily by programmers.
For now, either click on Jump to and choose Examples from the drop-down menu or scroll
down to the examples. It is worth going through the examples as given in the help file. Here is a
screenshot of the top of the examples:
[ GSM ] 4 Getting help 41
Searching help
Search is designed to help you find information about statistics, graphics, data management, and
programming features in Stata, either as part of the official release or as user-written commands.
When entering topics for the search, use appropriate terms from statistics, etc. For example, you could
enter Mann-Whitney. Multiple topic words are allowed, for example, regression residuals.
When you are using Search, use proper English and proper statistical terminology. If you already
know the name of the Stata command and want to go directly to its help file, select Help > Stata
command... and type the command name. You can also type the command name in the Search field
at the top of the Viewer and press Return.
Help distinguishes between topics and Stata commands because some names of Stata commands
are also general topic names. For example, logistic is a Stata command. If you choose Stata
command... and type logistic, you will go right to the help file for the command. But if you
choose Search... and type logistic, you will get search results listing the many Stata commands
that relate to logistic regression.
Remember that you can search for help from within a Viewer window by typing a command in
the command box of the Viewer or by clicking the magnifying glass button to the left of the search
box, selecting the scope of your search, typing the search criteria in the search box, and pressing
Most Stata reference manuals are each arranged alphabetically. Each Getting Started with Stata
has its own index. A combined index for all other manuals can be found in the Glossary and Index.
This combined index is a good place to start when you are looking for information about a command.
Entries have names like collapse, egen, and summarize, which are generally themselves Stata
Notations such as [R] ci, [R] regress, and [R] ttest in the Search results and help files are references
to the Base Reference Manual. You may also see things like [P] #delimit, which is a reference to the
Programming Reference Manual, and [U] 9 The Break key, which is a reference to the User’s Guide.
For a complete list of manuals and their shorthand notations, see Cross-referencing the documentation,
which immediately follows the table of contents in this manual.
For advice on how to use the reference manuals, see [GSM] 18 Learning more about Stata, or
see [U] 1.2 The User’s Guide and the Reference manuals.
Stata videos
The Stata YouTube channel is an excellent resource for learning about Stata. The brief videos
demonstrate many topics using Stata’s graphical user interface. They cover basic topics, such as
data management, graphics, summary statistics, and hypothesis testing, and advanced topics, such as
multilevel models and structural equation models.
There are also several playlists that provide a series of videos about a topic in sequence. For
example, the “Power and sample size calculations” playlist includes videos about how to calculate
power, sample size, and effect size for two independent proportions and for paired samples. The
“Survival analysis” playlist takes you through the process of setting your data up for survival analysis,
conducting basic descriptive analysis of survival data, graphing survival data, and calculating survivor
functions and life tables. The “Time series” playlist takes you through the process of setting your
data up for time-series analysis, creating time-series graphs, using time-series operators in estimation,
and fitting ARMA and ARIMA models. There is even a “Back-to-school video” playlist for students
who are using Stata for the first time or want a refresher after summer break.
See for an up-to-date list of videos organized by topic.
The playlists can be accessed directly at
SJ-14-1 refers to volume 14, number 1 of the Stata Journal. This is an example of a Stata Journal
article that describes a new user-written command. The command can be downloaded and installed
to extend the abilities of Stata. See Downloading user-written commands in [GSM] 19 Updating and
extending Stata—Internet functionality for more information.
SJ-13-3 refers to volume 13, number 3 of the Stata Journal. This is an example of a package
containing multiple user-written commands.
Clicking on an SJ link, such as SJ 13(3):451--473, will open a browser and take you to the
Stata Journal website, where you can download abstracts and articles. The Stata Journal website
allows all articles older than three years to be downloaded for free. Links to other sites where
you can freely download programs and datasets for Stata can be found on the Stata website; see See Downloading user-written commands in [GSM] 19 Updating and
extending Stata—Internet functionality for more details on how to install this software. Also see
[R] ssc for information on a convenient interface to resources available from the Statistical Software
Components (SSC) archive.
We recommend that all users subscribe to the Stata Journal. See [U] 3.4 The Stata Journal for
more information.
5 Opening and saving Stata datasets
[ GSM ] 5 Opening and saving Stata datasets 45
To save a dataset that has been changed (overwriting the original data file),
1. select File > Save;
2. click on the Save button; or
3. type save, replace in the Command window.
Once you overwrite a dataset, there is no way to recover your original dataset. With important datasets,
you may want to either keep a backup copy of your original filename.dta or save your changes to
a dataset under a new name. This is no different from working with a word-processing document,
except that recovering from an inadvertent save of a dataset is nearly impossible.
Important note: Changes you have made to a dataset are not permanent until you save them. You
work with a copy of the dataset in memory, not with the data file itself. This should not be surprising,
because it is the way that you work with almost all applications on your computer.
If you do not want to save your dataset, you can clear the dataset in memory and open a new
dataset by typing use filename, clear.
6 Using the Data Editor
Browse: Changes the Data Editor to browse mode for safely looking at data.
Filter: Filters the observations visible in the Data Editor. This button is useful for looking
at a subset of the current dataset.
Snapshots: Opens the Snapshots window. See Working with snapshots below.
[ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor 47
You can move about in the Data Editor by using the typical methods:
• To move to the right, use the Tab key or the right arrow key.
• To move to the left, use Shift–Tab or the left arrow key.
• To move down, use Return or the down arrow key.
• To move up, use Shift–Return or the up arrow key.
You can also click within a cell to select it.
Right-clicking within the Data Editor brings up a contextual menu that allows you to manipulate
the data and what you are viewing. Right-clicking on the Data Editor window displays a menu from
which you can do many common tasks:
• Copy to copy data to the Clipboard.
• Paste to paste data from the Clipboard.
• Paste special... to paste data from the Clipboard with finer control of delimiters, giving a
preview of what will be pasted.
• Select all to select all the data displayed in the Data Editor. This could be different from the
data in the dataset if the data are filtered or some variables are hidden.
• Data which opens a submenu containing
• Insert variable... to bring up a dialog for creating a new variable at the current cursor
• Add variable... to bring up a dialog for creating a new variable at the beginning or end
of a dataset.
• Replace contents of variable... to bring up a dialog for replacing the values of the
selected variable.
• Insert observations... to bring up a dialog for inserting new empty observations at the
current cursor position.
• Add observations... to bring up a dialog for adding new empty observations to the end
of the dataset.
• Sort data... to sort the dataset by the selected variable.
• Value labels to access a submenu for managing and displaying value labels.
• Keep only selected data to keep only the selected data in the dataset. All remaining
data will be dropped (removed) from the dataset. As always, this affects only the data in
memory. It will not affect any data on disk.
• Drop selected data to drop the selected data. This is only possible if the selection consists
of either entire variables (columns) or observations (rows).
• Convert variables from string to numeric... for converting string variables to numeric
variables, which is useful when the string variables contain characters for formatting
numbers instead of just numbers.
• Convert variables from numeric to string... for converting numeric variables to strings.
• Encode string variable to labeled numeric... for encoding a string-valued categorical
variable to a numeric variable while still displaying the categories in tables and graphs.
• Decode labeled numeric variable to string... for turning an encoded variable back into
a string variable.
• Hide selected variables to hide the selected variables.
• Show only selected variables to hide all but the selected variables.
• Show entire dataset to turn off all filters and unhide all variables.
• Preferences... to set the preferences for the Data Editor.
• Print... to print the data.
48 [ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor
Data entry
Entering data into the Data Editor is similar to entering data into a spreadsheet. One major difference
is that the Data Editor has the concept of observations, which makes the data entry smart. We will
illustrate this with an example. It will be useful for you to follow the example at your computer. To
work along, you will need to start with an empty dataset, so save your dataset if necessary, and then
type clear in the Command window.
Note: As a check to see if your data have changed, type describe, short (or d,s for short).
Stata will tell you if your data have changed.
Suppose that we have the following data, and we want to enter them into Stata:
We do not know MPG for the third car or the make of the sixth.
Start by opening the Data Editor in edit mode. You can do this either by clicking on the Data
Editor button, , or by typing edit in the Command window. You should be greeted by a Data
Editor with no data displayed. (If you see data, type clear in the Command window.) Stata shows
the active cell by highlighting it and displaying varname[obsnum] next to the input box in the Cursor
Location box. We will see below that we can navigate within a dataset by using this cell reference.
The Data Editor starts, by default, in the first row of the first column. Because there are no data,
there are no variable names, and so Stata shows var1[1] as the active cell.
We can enter these data either by working across the rows (observation by observation) or by
working down the columns (variable by variable). To enter the data observation by observation, press
Tab after entering each value until you have reached the end of the first row. In our case, we would
type VW Rabbit, press Tab, type 4697, press Tab, and continue entering data to complete the first
[ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor 49
After you are finished with the first observation, select the second cell in the first column, either
by clicking within it or by navigating to it. At this point, your screen should look like this:
We can now enter the data for the second observation in the same fashion as the first—with one
nice difference: after we enter the last value in the row, pressing the Tab key will bring us to the
first cell in the third row. This is possible because the number of variables is known after the first
observation has been entered, so Stata knows when it has all the data for an observation.
We can enter the rest of the data by pressing the Tab key between entries, simply skipping over
missing values by tabbing through them.
If we had wanted to enter the data variable by variable, we could have done that by pressing
Return between each make of car until all seven observations were entered, skipping past the missing
entry by pressing Return twice. Once the first variable was entered, we would select the first cell in
the second column and enter the price data. We would continue this until we were finished.
To edit the properties of another variable, either click on the variable in the Variables window or use
the navigation arrows in the Properties window until the variable’s name appears. We can name the
first variable make; the third, mpg; the fourth, weight; and the fifth, gear ratio. Just before you
rename var5 to gear ratio, your screen should look like this:
We will illustrate copying and pasting an observation by making a copy of the first observation
and pasting it at the end of the dataset.
Start by clicking on the observation number of the first observation. Doing so highlights all the
data in the row. Right-click on the same location (there is no need to move the mouse), and select
Click on the first cell in the eighth row, right-click while you are still in that cell, and choose
Paste from the resulting menu. You can see that the observation was successfully duplicated.
Changing data
As its name suggests, the Data Editor can be used to edit your dataset. As we have seen already, it
can be used to edit the data themselves as well as the description and display options for the variables.
Here is an example for making some changes to the auto dataset, which illustrates both methods
for using the Data Editor and its documentation trail. We will also keep snapshots of the dataset as
we are working so that we can revert to previous versions of the dataset in case we make a mistake.
We would like to investigate the dataset, work with value labels, delete the trunk variable, and
make a new variable showing gas consumption per 100 miles. These tasks will illustrate the basics
of working in the Data Editor.
Start by typing sysuse auto into the Command window. If you worked the previous example,
you will get an error and are told that data in memory would be lost. This is good—Stata is keeping
you from inadvertently throwing away the unsaved changes to your current data as it loads the auto
dataset. If you would like to save the dataset you have been working on, select File > Save and save
the dataset in an appropriate location. Otherwise, type clear in the Command window, and press
Return to clear out the data, and then load that auto data.
Once the auto dataset is loaded, start the Data Editor.
1. We remember that our grandfather had a Toronado, which looked sleek, but which seemed to
require a lot of fill-ups. We would like to see if this car is in the dataset. To find it, we select
Edit > Find > Find..., type Toronado, and press Return. We see that this make of car got 16
miles per gallon.
2. We would like to see which cars have the lowest and highest gas mileages. To do this, right-click
on the column heading of the mpg column. Select Data > Sort data... from the contextual
menu. A dialog will pop up asking how you want to sort, defaulting to sorting in ascending
order. Click on OK. (Stata worries about sort order because sort order can affect reproducibility
when using resampling techniques. This is a good thing.) You will see that the data have now
been sorted by mpg in ascending order. The lowest-mileage cars are at the top of the screen;
by scrolling to the bottom of the dataset, you can find the highest-mileage cars.
3. We would like to investigate repair records and hence sort by the rep78 variable. (Do this
now.) We see that the Starfire and Firebird both had poor repair records, but we would like to
see the cars with good repair records. We could scroll to the bottom of the dataset, but it will
be faster to use the Cursor Location box: type rep78 74 and press Return to make rep78[74]
the active cell. We notice that the last five entries for rep78 appear as dots. The dots mean
that these values are missing. A few items of note:
• As we can see from the result of the sort, Stata views missing values as being larger
than all numeric nonmissing values. In technical terms, this means that rep78 >= . is
equivalent to missing(rep78).
• What we do not see here is that Stata has multiple missing-value indicators: . is Stata’s
default or system missing-value indicator, and .a, .b, . . . , .z are Stata’s extended
missing values. Extended missing values are useful for indicating the reason why a value
is unknown.
• The different missing values sort among themselves: . < .a < .b < · · · < .z. See
[U] 12.2.1 Missing values for full details.
4. We would like to make the repair records readable. Click on rep78 in the Variables window.
5. Click on the Value label field in the Properties window, and then click on the ellipsis (. . . )
button that appears. This opens the Manage value labels dialog. We need to define a new value
label for the repair records.
54 [ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor
a. Click on the Create label button. You will see the Create label sheet.
b. Type a name for the label, say, repairs, in the Label name box.
c. Press the Tab key or click within the Value field.
d. Type 1 for the value, press the Tab key, and type atrocious for the label.
e. Press the Add button to create the pairing.
f. Repeat steps d and e to make all the pairings: 2 with “bad”, 3 with “OK”, 4 with “good”,
and 5 with “stupendous”.
g. Click on the OK button to finish creating the value label.
h. Click on the disclosure control, , to show the label—you should see this:
If you have something else, you can edit the label by clicking on the Edit label button.
i. Click on the Close button to close the Manage value labels dialog.
Now that the label has been created, attach it to the rep78 variable by clicking on the double
arrows in the Value label field and selecting the repairs label. You can now see the labels
displayed in place of the values.
6. Suppose that we found the original source of the data in a time capsule, so we could replace
some of the missing values for rep78. We could type the values into cells. We can also assign
the values by right-clicking within a cell with a missing value and choosing a value from Data
> Value labels > Assign value from value label ‘repairs’. This strategy can be useful when
a value label has many possible values.
7. We would now like to delete the trunk variable. We can do this by right-clicking on the trunk
variable name at the top of the column and selecting the Data > Drop selected data menu
item. Because this can lead to data loss, the Data Editor asks whether we would like to drop
the selected variable. Click on the Yes button.
8. To finish up, we would like to create a variable containing the gallons of gasoline per 100
miles driven for each of the cars.
a. Right-click within any cell, and choose the Data > Add variable... menu item to bring
up the generate dialog.
b. Type gp100m in the Variable name field.
c. Being sure that the Specify a value or an expression radio button is selected, type 100/mpg
in its field. We could have clicked on the Create... button to open the Expression builder
dialog, but this formula was simple enough to type. (You might want to explore the
Expression builder right now to see what it can do.)
[ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor 55
d. Be sure that the Add at the end of dataset item is chosen from the Position of new
variable list.
e. Click on OK. You can scroll to the right to see the newly created variable.
Throughout this data editing session, we have been using the Data Editor to manipulate the data.
If you look in the Results window, you will see the commands and their output. You can also see all
the commands generated by the Data Editor in the Review window. If you wanted to save the editing
commands to use again later, you could do the following steps:
1. Click in the Review window on the last command that came from the Data Editor.
2. Scroll up until you find the sort mpg command you ran immediately after opening the Data
Editor, and Shift-click on it.
3. Right-click on one of the highlighted commands.
4. Select Send to Do-file Editor.
This procedure will save all the commands you highlighted into the Do-file Editor. You could then
save them as a do-file, which you could run again later. We will talk more about the Do-file Editor
in [GSM] 13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata. You can find help about do-files in
[U] 16 Do-files.
If you want to save this dataset, save it under a new name by using File > Save as... to prevent
overwriting the original dataset.
We will keep using the auto dataset from above; if you are starting here, you can start fresh by
typing sysuse auto in the Command window to open the dataset. (If you get a warning about data
in memory being lost, either use clear or save your data. See [GSM] 5 Opening and saving Stata
datasets for more information.) If we open the Data Editor and click on the Snapshots button, ,
we see the following window. If you are starting afresh, you will see numbers rather than labels for
To begin with, only one button is active in the Snapshots toolbar. Click on the active button—the
Add button, . It brings up a dialog asking for a label, or name, for the snapshot. Give it an
inventive name, such as Start, and press Return. You can see that a snapshot is now listed in the
Snapshots window, and all the buttons in the toolbar are now active. The following buttons appear
in the Snapshots window:
Remove: Erase a snapshot. This action deletes the temporary snapshot file but does
not affect the data in memory.
Restore: Replace the data in memory with the data from the selected snapshot. You
will get a dialog asking you to confirm your action.
You should now try manipulating the dataset by using the tools we have seen. Once you have
done that, create another snapshot, calling it Changed. Open the Snapshots window and restore the
Start snapshot by either double-clicking it or clicking first on it and then on the Restore button to
see where you started. You can then go back to where you were working by restoring your Changed
Snapshots continue to be available either until they are deleted or until you quit Stata. You can thus
use snapshots of one dataset while working on another. You will find your own uses for snapshots—just
take care to save the datasets you want for future use because the snapshots are temporary.
[ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor 57
You can see a date variable that has January 2, 2001, as its first day, though it is being displayed
in Stata’s default format for dates.
We will start with formatting:
1. Select the date variable in the Variables window to the right of the data table.
2. In the Properties window, select the Format row and click on the ellipsis button that appears.
3. The Create format dialog tells us three pieces of information about the date format:
• These are daily dates. As you can see, Stata understands other types of dates that are
often used in financial data.
• Looking at the bottom of the dialog, you can see that Stata’s default date format is %td.
This means that the variable contains time values that are to be interpreted as daily dates.
• This default format is displayed as, for example, 07apr2009.
4. There are many premade date formats in the Samples pane at the top right of the Create format
dialog. Click on April 7, 2009. You can see how the format would be specified at the bottom
of the dialog.
5. Click on OK to close the Create format dialog. You can see that the dates are now displayed
This is a very simple way to change date formats. For complete information on dates and date formats,
see [D] datetime.
We will now change some of the dates to illustrate how this can be done simply, regardless of
the format in which the dates are displayed. If you look in the upper-right corner of the Data Editor,
you will see the date mask field, which shows DMY. This field affects how dates are entered when
editing data.
By default, the date mask is set to DMY. This means dates can be entered in many different fashions,
as long as the order of the day, month, year is day, month, year. Try the following:
1. Click in the first observation of date so that the Cursor Location shows date[1].
58 [ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor
2. Type 18jan2013 and press the Return key. Stata understands the DMY date mask and knows
enough to enter the new date in the selected cell.
3. Enter 30042014 and press Return. Stata still understands the date mask, even though there are
no separators.
4. Click within the date mask field, and choose MDY from the drop-down menu.
5. Click on any observation in the date column.
6. Type March 15, 2015 and press Return. Stata will still understand.
Working in this fashion is the fastest way to edit dates by hand. If you look in the Results window,
you will see why.
We are now finished with this dataset, so type clear and press Return.
c. Type a search criterion in the search field. Just like in the Variables window in the main
Stata window, the default is to ignore case and find any variables or variable labels
containing any of the words in the filter. Clicking on the arrow by the magnifying glass
will allow you to change this behavior. The filtering of variables in the list affects what is
displayed in the Variables window; it does not affect what variables’ data are displayed.
When you are done, delete your filter text.
2. Right-click on any variable in the Variables window, and select Select all from the contextual
3. Click on any checkbox to deselect all the variables.
4. Click on the make variable to select it, and deselect all the other variables.
5. Click on the checkbox for make.
6. Click on the checkbox for rep78.
If you look in the Command window, you can see that no commands have been issued, because
hiding the variables does not affect the dataset—it affects only what shows in the Data Editor.
We now have protected ourselves by using only those variables that we need. We should now
reduce our view to only those observations for which rep78 is missing. This is simple.
1. Click on the Filter button, , in the Data Editor’s toolbar.
2. Enter missing(rep78) in the Filter by expression field.
3. Click on the Apply filter button.
4. If you are curious, click on the ellipsis button. It opens up an Expression builder dialog. This
lists the wide variety of functions available in Stata. See the Stata Functions Reference Manual.
Now we are focused on the part of the dataset in which we would like to work, and we cannot
destroy or mistakenly alter other data by stray keystrokes in the Data Editor window.
It is worth learning how to hide variables and filter observations in the Data Editor from the
Command window. This can be quite convenient if you are going to restrict your view, as we did
above. To work from the Command window, we must use the edit command together with a varlist
(variable list) along with if and in qualifiers in the Command window. By using a varlist, we
restrict the variables we look at, whereas the if and in qualifiers restrict the observations we see.
([GSM] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax contains many examples of using a command
with a variable list and if and in.) Suppose we want to correct the missing values for rep78. The
minimum amount of data we need to expose are make and rep78. To see this minimal amount of
information and hence to minimize our exposure to making mistakes, we enter the commands
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. edit make rep78 if missing(rep78)
60 [ GSM ] 6 Using the Data Editor
Browse mode
The purpose of using the Data Editor in browse mode is to look at data without altering them by
stray keystrokes. You can start the Data Editor in browse mode by clicking on the Data Browser
button, , or by typing browse in the Command window. When you work in browse mode, all
contextual menu items that would let you alter the data, the labels, or any of the display formats
for the variables are disabled. You may view a variable’s properties with the Variable properties...
menu item, but you may not make any changes. You still can filter observations and hide variables
to get a restricted view because these actions do not change the dataset.
Note: Because you can still use Stata menus not related to the Data Editor and because you can
still type commands in the Commands window, it is possible to change the data even if the Data
Editor is in browse mode. In fact, this means you can watch how your commands affect the dataset.
You are merely restricted from using the Data Editor itself to change the data.
7 Using the Variables Manager
The Variables Manager is a tool for managing properties of variables both individually and in
groups. It can be used to create variable and value labels, rename variables, change display formats,
and manage notes. It has the ability to filter and group variables as well as to create variable lists.
Users will find these features useful for managing large datasets.
Any action you take in the Variables Manager results in a command being issued to Stata as
though you had typed it in the Command window. This means that you can keep good records and
learn commands by using the Variables Manager.
62 [ GSM ] 7 Using the Variables Manager
The sort order affects only how the data appear in the Variable Managers window—the dataset
itself stays the same.
• The order of the columns can be changed by dragging the column titles. To restore the original
column headings, right-click on the column titles and select Restore column defaults.
Managing notes
Stata allows you to attach notes to both variables and the dataset as a whole. These are simple
text notes that you can use to document whatever you like—the source of the dataset, data collection
quirks associated with a variable, what you need to investigate about a variable, or anything else.
Start by selecting a variable in the Variable pane. We will work with the price variable. Click
on the Manage... button next to the Notes field, and you will see the following dialog appear:
[ GSM ] 7 Using the Variables Manager 63
It is worth experimenting with adding, deleting, and editing notes. Notes can be an invaluable
memory aid when working on projects that last a long time. Anytime you manipulate notes in the
Notes Manager, you create Stata commands.
8 Importing data
You would like to put these data into Stata. Doing so is easier than you think:
1. Clear out your current dataset by typing clear.
2. Copy the data from the PDF documentation the way you would copy anything from any document.
(For best results, use Adobe Reader.)
3. Open the Data Editor in edit mode.
4. Select Edit > Paste special....
5. Stata sees that the column delimiters are commas and shows how the data would look.
6. Click on the OK button.
You can see that Stata has imported the data nicely.
Later in this chapter, we would like to bring these data into Stata without copying and pasting, so
we would like to save them as a text file. Go back to the main Stata window, and click on the Do-file
Editor button, , to open a new Do-file Editor window. Paste the data in the Do-file Editor, then
click on the Save button. Navigate to your working directory, and save the file as a few cars.csv.
If you do not know what your working directory is, look in the status bar at the bottom of the main
Stata window.
Be careful if you are copying data from a spreadsheet because spreadsheets can contain special
formatting that ruins its rectangular form. Be sure that your spreadsheet does not contain blank rows,
blank columns, repeated headers, or merged cells because these can cause trouble. As long as your
spreadsheet looks like a table, you will be fine.
[ GSM ] 8 Importing data 65
Stata has various commands for importing data. The three main commands for reading non–Stata
datasets in text are
• import delimited, which is made for reading text files created by spreadsheet or database
programs or, more generally, for reading text files with clearly defined column delimiters such
as commas, tabs, semicolons, or spaces;
• infile, which is made for reading simple data that are separated by spaces or rigidly formatted
data aligned in columns; and
• infix, which is made for data aligned in columns but possibly split across rows.
Stata has other commands that can read other types of files and can even get data from external
databases without the need for an interim file:
• The import excel command can read Microsoft Excel files directly, either as an .xls or as
an .xlsx file.
• The import sasxport command can read any SAS XPORT file, so data can be transferred from
SAS to Stata in this fashion.
• The odbc command can be used to pull data directly from any data sources for which you
have ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) drivers.
Each command expects the file that it is reading to be in a specific format. This chapter will
explain some of those formats and give some examples. For the full description, consult the Data
Management Reference Manual.
You can look at the data in the Data Editor, and it will look just like the earlier result from copying
and pasting. We will now list the data so that we can see them in the manual. The separator(0)
option suppresses the horizontal separator line that is drawn after every fifth observation by default.
. list, separator(0)
v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
If you want to specify better variable names, you can include the desired names in the command.
When you specify variable names, you must also use the using keyword before the file name.
. import delimited make price mpg weight gear_ratio using "a few cars.csv"
(5 vars, 7 obs)
. list, separator(0)
As a side note about displaying data, Stata listed gear ratio as gear r~o in the output from
list. gear r~o is a unique abbreviation for the variable gear ratio. Stata displays the abbreviated
variable name when variable names are longer than eight characters.
To prevent Stata from abbreviating gear ratio, you could specify the abbreviate(10) option:
. list, separator(0) abbreviate(10)
[ GSM ] 8 Importing data 67
For more information on the ~ abbreviation and on list, see [GSM] 10 Listing data and basic
command syntax.
We will use this dataset again in the next chapter, so we would like to save it. Type save afewcars,
and press Return in the Command window to save the dataset.
For this simple example, you could have copied the contents of the file and pasted it into the Data
Editor by using Paste special... and choosing comma as the delimiter.
For text files that have no nice delimiters or for which observations could be spread out across
many lines, Stata has two more commands: infile and infix. See [D] import for more information
about how to read in such files.
The data allow us to make some guesses at the values in the dataset, but, for example, we do not
know the units in which the price or weight is measured, and the term “mpg” could be confusing for
people outside the United States. Perhaps we can learn something from the description of the dataset.
Stata has the aptly named describe command for this purpose (as we saw in [GSM] 1 Introducing
Stata—sample session).
[ GSM ] 9 Labeling data 69
. describe
Contains data from afewcars.dta
obs: 7
vars: 5 3 Feb 2015 12:22
size: 238
Sorted by:
Though there is precious little information that could help us as a researcher, we can glean some
information here about how Stata thinks of the data from the first three columns of the output.
1. The variable name is the name we use to tell Stata about a variable.
2. The storage type (otherwise known as the data type) is the way in which Stata stores the data in
a variable. There are six different storage types, each having its own memory requirement:
a. For integers:
byte for integers between −127 and 100 (using 1 byte of memory per observation)
int for integers between −32,767 and 32,740 (using 2 bytes of memory per observation)
long for integers between −2,147,483,647 and 2,147,483,620 (using 4 bytes of memory
per observation)
b. For real numbers:
float for real numbers with 8.5 digits of precision (using 4 bytes of memory per
double for real numbers with 16.5 digits of precision (using 8 bytes of memory per
c. For strings (text) between 1 and 2,045 bytes (using 1 byte of memory per observation per
character for ASCII and up to 4 bytes of memory per Unicode character):
str1 for one-byte-long strings
str2 for two-byte-long strings
str3 for three-byte-long strings
str2045 for 2,045-byte-long strings
d. Stata also has a strL storage type for strings of arbitrary length up to 2,000,000,000 bytes.
strLs can also hold binary data, often referred to as BLOBs, or binary large objects, in databases.
We will not illustrate these here.
Storage types affect both the precision of computations and the size of datasets. A quick guide to
storage types is available at help data types or in [D] data types.
3. The display format controls how the variable is displayed; see [U] 12.5 Formats: Controlling
how data are displayed. By default, Stata sets it to something reasonable given the storage type.
We would like to make this dataset into something containing all the information we need.
70 [ GSM ] 9 Labeling data
To see what a well-labeled dataset looks like, we can look at a dataset stored at the Stata Press
repository. We need not load the data (and disturb what we are doing); we do not even need a copy of the
dataset on our machine. (You will learn more about Stata’s Internet capabilities in [GSM] 19 Updating
and extending Stata—Internet functionality.) All we need to do is direct describe to look at the
proper file by using the command describe using filename.
. describe using
Contains data 1978 Automobile Data
obs: 74 13 Apr 2014 17:45
vars: 12
size: 3,478
1. In the first line, 1978 Automobile Data is the data label. It gives information about the contents
of the dataset. Data can be labeled by selecting Data > Data utilities > Label utilities > Label
dataset, or by using the label data command.
2. There is a variable label attached to each variable. Variable labels are how we would refer to
the variable in normal, everyday conversation. Here they also contain information about the units
of the variables. Variables can be labeled by selecting the variable in the Variables window and
editing the Label field in the Properties window. When doing this in the main window, be sure that
the Properties window is unlocked. You can also change a variable label by using the Variables
Manager or by using the label variable command.
3. The foreign variable has an attached value label. Value labels allow numeric variables such
as foreign to have words associated with numeric codes. The describe output tells you that
the numeric variable foreign has value label origin associated with it. Although not revealed
by describe, the variable foreign takes on the values 0 and 1, and the value label origin
associates 0 with Domestic and 1 with Foreign. If you browse the data (see [GSM] 6 Using the
Data Editor), foreign appears to contain the values “Domestic” and “Foreign”. The values in a
variable are labeled in two stages. The value label must first be defined. This can be done in the
Data Editor, or in the Variables Manager, or by selecting Data > Data utilities > Label utilities
> Manage value labels or by typing the label define command. After the labels have been
defined, they must be attached to the proper variables, either by selecting Data > Data utilities
> Label utilities > Assign value label to variables or by using the label values command.
[ GSM ] 9 Labeling data 71
Note: It is not necessary for the value label to have a name different from that of the variable.
You could just as easily have used a value label named foreign.
Sorted by:
. label data "A few 1978 cars"
. label variable make "Make and Model"
. label variable price "Price (USD)"
. label variable mpg "Mileage (miles per gallon)"
. label variable weight "Vehicle weight (lbs.)"
. label variable gear_ratio "Gear Ratio"
. describe
Contains data from afewcars.dta
obs: 7 A few 1978 cars
vars: 5 3 Feb 2015 12:22
size: 238
Sorted by:
. save afewcars2
file afewcars2.dta saved
72 [ GSM ] 9 Labeling data
Warning: When you change or define labels on a dataset in memory, it is worth saving the dataset
right away. Because the actual data in the dataset did not change, Stata will not prevent you from
quitting or loading a new dataset later, and you could lose your labels.
You can create this new variable in the Data Editor if you would like to work along. (See [GSM] 6 Using
the Data Editor for help with the Data Editor.) Though the definitions of the categories “0” and “1”
are clear in this context, it still would be worthwhile to give the values explicit labels because it will
make output clear to people who are not so familiar with antique automobiles. This is done with a
value label.
We saw an example of creating and attaching a value label by using the point-and-click interface
available in the Data Editor in Changing data in [GSM] 6 Using the Data Editor. Here we will do
it directly from the Command window.
[ GSM ] 9 Labeling data 73
. label define origin 0 "domestic" 1 "foreign"
. label values foreign origin
. describe
Contains data from afewcars2.dta
obs: 7 A few 1978 cars
vars: 6 3 Feb 2015 12:22
size: 245
Sorted by:
Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
. save afewcarslab
file afewcarslab.dta saved
From this example, we can see that a value label is defined via
label define labelname # "contents" # "contents" . . .
It can then be attached to a variable via
label values variablename labelname
Once again, we need to save the dataset to be sure that we do not mistakenly lose the labels later.
We saved this under a new filename because we have cleaned it up, and we would like to use it in
the next chapter.
If you had wanted to define the value labels by using a point-and-click interface, you could do this
with the Properties window in either the Main window or the Data Editor or by using the Variables
Manager. See [GSM] 7 Using the Variables Manager for more information.
There is more to value labels than what was covered here; see [U] 12.6.3 Value labels for a
complete treatment.
You may also add notes to your data and your variables. This feature was previously discussed
in Renaming and formatting variables in [GSM] 6 Using the Data Editor and Managing notes in
[GSM] 7 Using the Variables Manager. You can learn more about notes by typing help notes, or
you can get the full story in [D] notes.
10 Listing data and basic command syntax
Command syntax
This chapter gives a basic lesson on Stata’s command syntax while showing how to control the
appearance of a data list.
As we have seen throughout this manual, you have a choice between using menus and dialogs
and using the Command window. Although many find the menus more natural and the Command
window baffling at first, some practice makes working with the Command window often much faster
than using menus and dialogs. The Command window can become a faster way of working because
of the clean and regular syntax of Stata commands. We will cover enough to get you started; help
language has more information and examples, and [U] 11 Language syntax has all the details.
The syntax for the list command can be seen by typing help list:
list varlist if in , options
Here is how to read this syntax:
• Anything inside square brackets is optional. For the list command,
a. varlist is optional. A varlist is a list of variable names.
b. if is optional. The if qualifier restricts the command to run only on those observations for
which the qualifier is true. We saw examples of this in [GSM] 6 Using the Data Editor.
c. in is optional. The in qualifier restricts the command to run on particular observation
d. , and options are optional. options are separated from the rest of the command by a
• Optional pieces do not preclude one another unless explicitly stated. For the list command,
it is possible to use a varlist with if and in.
• If a part of a word is underlined, the underlined part is the minimum abbreviation. Any
abbreviation at least this long is acceptable.
a. The l in list is underlined, so l, li, and lis are all equivalent to list.
• Anything not inside square brackets is required. For the list command, only the command
itself is required.
Keeping these rules in mind, let’s investigate how list behaves when called with different arguments.
We will be using the dataset afewcarslab.dta from the end of the previous chapter.
[ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax 75
• You can list a variable by using an abbreviation unique to that variable, as in list gear r~o.
If the abbreviation is not unique, Stata returns an error message.
. list
1. VW Rabbit 25 4697
2. Olds 98 21 8814
3. Chev. Monza . 3667
4. 22 4099
5. Datsun 510 24 5079
. list m*
make mpg
1. VW Rabbit 25
2. Olds 98 21
3. Chev. Monza .
4. 22
5. Datsun 510 24
6. Buick Regal 20
7. Datsun 810 .
. li price-weight
1. 4697 25 1930
2. 8814 21 4060
3. 3667 . 2750
4. 4099 22 2930
5. 5079 24 2280
6. 5189 20 3280
7. 8129 . 2750
76 [ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax
. list ma?e
1. VW Rabbit
2. Olds 98
3. Chev. Monza
5. Datsun 510
6. Buick Regal
7. Datsun 810
. l gear_r~o
1. 3.78
2. 2.41
3. 2.73
4. 3.58
5. 3.54
6. 2.93
7. 3.55
list with if
The if qualifier uses a logical expression to determine which observations to use. If the expression
is true, the observation is used in the command; otherwise, it is skipped. The operators whose results
are either true or false are
In the logical expressions, & is evaluated before | (similar to multiplication before addition in
arithmetic). You can use this in your expressions, but it is often better to use parentheses to ensure
that the expressions are evaluated in the proper order. See [U] 13.2 Operators for complete details.
[ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax 77
. list
. list make mpg price gear if (mpg > 22) | (price > 8000 & gear < 3.5)
make mpg
2. Olds 98 21
4. 22
In the listings above, we see more examples of Stata treating missing numerical values as large values,
as well as the care that should be taken when the if qualifier is applied to a variable with missing
values. See [GSM] 6 Using the Data Editor.
78 [ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax
. list if mpg=21
=exp not allowed
The error arises because “equal” is expressed by ==, not by =. Corrected, it becomes
. list if mpg==21
Other common errors with logic:
. list if mpg==21 if weight > 4000
invalid syntax
. list if mpg==21 and weight > 4000
invalid ’and’
Joint tests are specified with &, not with the word and or multiple ifs. The if qualifier should be
if mpg==21 & weight>4000, not if mpg==21 if weight>4000. Here is its correction:
. list if mpg==21 & weight > 4000
[ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax 79
. list if foreign=="domestic":origin
80 [ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax
list with in
The in qualifier uses a numlist to give a range of observations that should be listed. numlists
have the form of one number or first/last. Positive numbers count from the beginning of the dataset.
Negative numbers count from the end of the dataset. Here are some examples:
. list
. list in 1
. list in -1
. list in 2/4
. list in -3/-2
. sort foreign
. list ma p g f, sepby(foreign)
. list, divider
The separator() option draws a horizontal line at specified intervals. When not specified, it defaults
to a value of 5.
82 [ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax
. list, separator(3)
When you see a more prompt at the bottom of the Results window, it means that there is more
information to be displayed. This happens, for example, when you are listing many observations.
. list make mpg
make mpg
1. Linc. Continental 12
2. Linc. Mark V 12
3. Cad. Deville 14
4. Cad. Eldorado 14
5. Linc. Versailles 14
6. Merc. Cougar 14
7. Merc. XR-7 14
8. Peugeot 604 14
9. Buick Electra 15
10. Merc. Marquis 15
If you want to see the next screen of text, you have a few options: press any key, such as the Spacebar;
click on the More button, ; or click on the blue more at the bottom of the Results window.
To see just the next line of text, press Return.
[ GSM ] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax 83
If you want to interrupt a Stata command, click on the Break button, . If you see a more
prompt at the bottom of the Results window and wish to interrupt it, click on the Break button or
press q.
. list make mpg
make mpg
1. Linc. Continental 12
2. Linc. Mark V 12
3. Cad. Deville 14
4. Cad. Eldorado 14
5. Linc. Versailles 14
6. Merc. Cougar 14
7. Merc. XR-7 14
8. Peugeot 604 14
9. Buick Electra 15
10. Merc. Marquis 15
It is always safe to click on the Break button. After you click on Break, the state of the system is
the same as if you had never issued the original command.
11 Creating new variables
Arithmetic Logical (numeric and string)
+ addition ! not > greater than
- subtraction | or < less than
* multiplication & and >= > or equal
/ division <= < or equal
^ power == equal
!= not equal
+ string concatenation
Stata has many mathematical, statistical, string, date, time-series, and programming functions. See
help functions for the basics, and see the Stata Functions Reference Manual for a complete list
and full details of all the built-in functions.
You can use menus and dialogs to create new variables and modify existing variables by selecting
menu items from the Data > Create or change data menu. This feature can be handy for finding
functions quickly. However, we will use the Command window for the examples in this chapter
because we would like to illustrate simple usage and some pitfalls.
Stata has some utility commands for creating new variables:
• The egen command is useful for working across groups of variables or within groups of
observations. See [D] egen for more information.
• The encode command turns categorical string variables into encoded numeric variables, while
its counterpart decode reverses this operation. See [D] encode for more information.
• The destring command turns string variables that should be numeric, such as numbers with
currency symbols, into numbers. To go from numbers to strings, the tostring command is
useful. See [D] destring for more information.
We will focus our efforts on generate and replace.
[ GSM ] 11 Creating new variables 85
There are some details you should know about the generate command:
• The basic form of the generate command is generate newvar = exp, where newvar is a
new variable name and exp is any valid expression. You will get an error message if you try
to generate a variable that already exists.
• An algebraic calculation using a missing value yields a missing value, as does division by zero,
the square root of a negative number, or any other computation which is impossible.
• If missing values are generated, the number of missing values in newvar is always reported. If
Stata says nothing about missing values, then no missing values were generated.
• You can use generate to set the storage type of the new variable as it is generated. You might
want to create an indicator (0/1) variable as a byte, for example, because it saves 3 bytes per
observation over using the default storage type of float.
Below are some examples of creating new variables from the afewcarslab dataset, which we
created in Labeling values of variables in [GSM] 9 Labeling data. (To work along, start by opening
the auto dataset with sysuse auto. We are using a smaller dataset to make shorter listings.) The
last example shows a way to generate an indicator variable for cars weighing more than 3,000 pounds.
Logical expressions in Stata result in 1 for “true” and 0 for “false”. The if qualifier is used to ensure
that the computations are done only for observations where weight is not missing.
86 [ GSM ] 11 Creating new variables
. use afewcarslab
(A few 1978 cars)
. list make mpg weight
1. VW Rabbit 25 1930
2. Olds 98 21 4060
3. Chev. Monza . 2750
4. 22 2930
5. Datsun 510 24 2280
[ GSM ] 11 Creating new variables 87
Whereas generate is used to create new variables, replace is the command used for existing
variables. Stata uses two different commands to prevent you from accidentally modifying your data.
The replace command cannot be abbreviated. Stata generally requires you to spell out completely
any command that can alter your existing data.
. list make weight
make weight
1. VW Rabbit 1930
2. Olds 98 4060
3. Chev. Monza 2750
4. 2930
5. Datsun 510 2280
make weight
1. VW Rabbit 1.93
2. Olds 98 4.06
3. Chev. Monza 2.75
4. 2.93
5. Datsun 510 2.28
Suppose that you want to create a new variable, predprice, which will be the predicted price of the
cars in the following year. You estimate that domestic cars will increase in price by 5% and foreign
cars, by 10%.
One way to create the variable would be to first use generate to compute the predicted domestic
car prices. Then use replace to change the missing values for the foreign cars to their proper values.
88 [ GSM ] 11 Creating new variables
. gen predprice = 1.05*price if foreign==0
(3 missing values generated)
. replace predprice = 1.10*price if foreign==1
(3 real changes made)
. list make foreign price predprice, nolabel
Of course, because foreign is an indicator variable, we could generate the predicted variable with
one command:
. gen predprice2 = (1.05 + 0.05*foreign)*price
. list make foreign price predprice predprice2, nolabel
[ GSM ] 11 Creating new variables 89
make foreign
1. VW Rabbit foreign
2. Olds 98 domestic
3. Chev. Monza domestic
4. domestic
5. Datsun 510 foreign
1. VW Rabbit foreign F
2. Olds 98 domestic D
3. Chev. Monza domestic D
4. domestic D
5. Datsun 510 foreign F
. describe where
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
Stata has some useful tools for working with string variables. Here we split the make variable into
make and model and then create a variable that has the model together with where the model was
90 [ GSM ] 11 Creating new variables
. gen model = substr(make, strpos(make," ")+1, .)
(1 missing value generated)
. gen modelwhere = model + " " + where
. list make where model modelwhere
There are a few things to note about how these commands work:
1. strpos(s1 ,s2 ) produces an integer equal to the first position in the string s1 at which the
string s2 is found or 0 if it is not found. In this example, strpos(make," ") finds the position
of the first space in each observation of make.
2. substr(s,start,len) produces a string of length len characters, beginning at character start
of string s. If c1 = ., the result is the string from character start to the end of string s.
3. Putting 1 and 2 together: substr(s,strpos(s," ")+1,.) will always give the string s with
its first word removed. Because make contains both the make and the model of each car, and
make never contains a space in this dataset, we have found each car’s model.
4. The operator “+”, when applied to string variables, will concatenate the strings (that is, join
them together). The expression "this" + "that" results in the string "thisthat". When the
variable modelwhere was generated, a space (" ") was added between the two strings.
5. The missing value for a string is nothing special—it is simply the empty string "". Thus the
value of modelwhere for the car with no make or model is " D" (note the leading space).
6. If your strings contain Unicode characters, there are some special functions and facilities you
should use. See [U] 12.4.2 Handling Unicode strings.
12 Deleting variables and observations
The drop command is used to remove variables or observations from the dataset in memory.
• If you want to drop variables, use drop varlist.
• If you want to drop observations, use drop with an if or an in qualifier or both.
92 [ GSM ] 12 Deleting variables and observations
. drop in 1/3
(3 observations deleted)
. list
. drop gear_ratio
. list
. drop m*
. list
These changes are only to the data in memory. If you want to make the changes permanent, you
need to save the dataset.
[ GSM ] 12 Deleting variables and observations 93
keep tells Stata to drop all variables except those specified explicitly or through the use of an if
or in expression. Just like drop, keep can be used with varlist or with qualifiers but not with both at
once. We use a clear command at the start of this example so that we can reload the afewcarslab
. clear
. use afewcarslab
(A few 1978 cars)
. list
. keep in 4/7
(3 observations deleted)
. list
. keep m*
. list
make mpg
1. Buick Regal 20
13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata
If you ever forget what a button does, hover the mouse pointer over a button, and a tooltip will
Open: Open a do-file from disk in a new tab in the Do-file Editor.
Execute (do): Run the commands in the do-file, showing all commands and their output.
If text is highlighted, the button becomes the Execute selection (do) button and will run
only the selected lines, showing all output. We will refer to this as the Do button.
[ GSM ] 13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata 95
You will notice that the color of the text changes as you type. The different colors are examples
of the Do-file Editor’s syntax highlighting. The colors and text properties of the syntax elements can
be changed by right-clicking in the Do-file Editor, selecting Preferences... and then clicking on the
Syntax highlighting tab in the resulting window.
Click on the Do button, , to execute the commands. Stata executes the commands in sequence,
and the results appear in the Results window:
96 [ GSM ] 13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata
. do /tmp/SD00001.000000
. * an example do-file
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. generate gp100m = 100/mpg
. label var gp100m "Gallons per 100 miles"
. regress gp100m weight foreing
variable foreing not found
end of do-file
The do "/tmp/. . . " command is how Stata executes the commands in the Do-file Editor. Stata
saves the commands to a temporary file and issues the do command to execute them. Everything
worked as planned until Stata saw the misspelled variable. The first three commands were executed,
but an error was produced on the fourth. Stata does not know of a variable named foreing. We need
to go back to the Do-file Editor and change the misspelled variable name to foreign in the last line:
We click on the Do button again. Alas, Stata now fails on the first line—it will not overwrite the
dataset in memory that we changed.
. do /tmp/SD00001.000000
. * an example do-file
. sysuse auto
no; data in memory would be lost
end of do-file
We now have a choice for what we should do:
• We can put a clear command in our do-file as the very first command. This automatically
clears out Stata’s memory before the do-file tries to load the auto dataset. This is convenient but
dangerous because it defeats Stata’s protection against throwing away changes without warning.
• We can type a clear command in the Command window to manually clear the dataset and
then process the do-file again. This process can be aggravating when building a complicated
Here is some advice: Automatically clear Stata’s memory while debugging the do-file. Once the
do-file is in its final form, decide the context in which it will be used. If it will be used in a highly
automated environment (such as when certifying), the do-file should still automatically clear Stata’s
[ GSM ] 13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata 97
memory. If it will be used rarely, do not clear Stata’s memory. This decision will save much heartache.
We will add a clear option to the sysuse command to automatically clear the dataset in Stata’s
memory before the do-file runs:
end of do-file
You might want to select File > Save as... to save this do-file while the Do-file Editor is in front.
Later, you could select File > Open... to open it and then add more commands as you move forward
with your analysis. By saving the commands of your analysis in a do-file as you go, you do not have
to worry about retyping them with each new Stata session. Think hard about removing the clear
option from the first command.
After you have saved your do-file, you can execute the commands it contains by typing do filename,
where the filename is the name of your do-file.
Finally, you can create a New > Project... to keep track of collections of files used in a project.
These can be do-files, data files, graph files, or any other files you like. For more information on the
Project Manager, see [P] Project Manager.
For advanced users managing many files as part of a project, Stata has a Project Manager that
uses the Do-file Editor. For more information on the Project Manager, see [P] Project Manager.
14 Graphing data
[ GSM ] 14 Graphing data 101
Graph window
When the Graph window comes up, it shows our graph in a window with a toolbar. The first four
buttons are familiar to us from other Stata windows: Open, Save, Print, and Copy. The next two
buttons are new:
Rename: This button allows the graph to be renamed. Why would you do this? If you
would like to have multiple graphs open at once, the graphs need to be named. So you
can click on the Rename button to give a graph a name. This graph will then remain
open when you create your next graph.
Graph Editor: Stata has a Graph Editor that allows you to manipulate and edit your
graph. This feature will be introduced in the next chapter.
We decide that we like this graph and would like to save it. We can save it either by clicking on
the Save button and choosing a name and a location or by right-clicking on the Graph window itself
and selecting Save as....
The Graph button, , is located on the main toolbar. Clicking on the button brings the topmost
Graph window to the front of all other windows. Hold down the button to select a Graph window to
bring it to the front of all other windows. If you close the Graph window, you can reopen it only by
reissuing a Stata command that draws a new graph.
15 Editing graphs
Select any of the tools along the bottom left of the Graph Editor window to edit the graph. The
Pointer (Select Tool), , is selected by default.
[ GSM ] 15 Editing graphs 103
You can change the properties of objects or drag them to new locations by using the Pointer. As
you select objects with the Pointer, a Contextual Toolbar will appear just above the graph. In the
above example, the title of the graph is selected, so the Contextual Toolbar has controls that are
relevant for editing titles. You can use any of the controls on the Contextual Toolbar to immediately
change the most important properties of the selected object. Right-click on an object to access more
properties and operations. Hold the Shift key when dragging objects to constrain the movement to
horizontal or vertical directions.
Add text, lines, or markers (with optional labels) to your graph by using the three Add... tools—
, , and . Lines can be changed to arrows by using the Contextual Toolbar. If you do
not like the default properties, simply change their settings in the Contextual Toolbar before adding
the text, line, or marker. The new settings will then be applied to all added objects, even in future
Stata sessions.
Do not be afraid to try things. If you do not like a result, change it back by using the same tool
or by clicking on the Undo button, , in the Graph Editor toolbar that runs along the bottom of
the window. Edit > Undo in the main menu does the same thing.
Remember to reselect the Pointer tool when you want to drag objects or change their properties.
You can move objects on the graph and have the rest of the objects adjust their position to
accommodate the move with the Grid Edit tool, . With this tool, you are repositioning objects
in the underlying grid that holds the objects in the graph. Some graphs, for example, by graphs, are
composed of nested grids. You can reposition objects only within the grid that contains them; they
cannot be moved to other grids.
You can also select objects in the Object Browser along the right of the graph. This window shows
a hierarchical listing of the objects in the graph. Clicking or right-clicking on an object in the Object
Browser is the same as clicking or right-clicking on the object in the graph.
The Graph Editor has the ability to record your actions and play them back on later graphs. When
you click on the Record button, , every editing action you take, including undos and redos, is
recorded. If you would like to do some editing that is not recorded, you can click on the Pause button,
. You can click on the Pause button again to resume recording. When you are done with your
recording, click on the Record button. You will be prompted to save your recording. Any recording
you save is available from the Play button, , and may be applied to future graphs. You can even
play a recording in any Stata graph command by using the play option. See Graph Recorder in
[G-1] graph editor for more information.
Stop the editor by selecting File > Stop Graph Editor from the main menu or by clicking on the
Graph Editor button. When you stop the Graph Editor, you will be prompted to save your graph if
you have made any changes. If you do not save your graph, your changes will not be lost, but you
will risk losing them if you create a new graph in the same Graph window. You must stop the Editor
if you would like to work on other tasks in Stata.
Here are a few of the things that you can do with the Editor:
• Add annotations using lines, arrows, and text.
• Add or remove grid lines or reference lines.
• Add or modify titles, captions, and notes.
• Change scatterplots to line plots, connected plots, areas, bars, spikes, or drop lines—and, of
course, vice versa.
• Change the size, color, margin, and other properties of your graph’s titles (or any other text on
the graph).
104 [ GSM ] 15 Editing graphs
• Move your legend to another side of the graph, or even place it in the plot region.
• Change the aspect ratio of your graph.
• Stack the bars on a bar graph or turn them into percentages.
• Rotate or change the angle of axis labels.
• Add custom ticks and labels to the axes.
• Change the rule for the number and spacing of ticks and labels on an axis.
• Emphasize a point on the graph, whether marker, bar, spike, or other plot, by making it a
custom color, size, or symbol.
• Change the text or properties of a marker label.
Because you can edit every property of every object on the graph, you can change almost anything
about your graph. To learn more, see [G-1] graph editor or type help graph editor.
16 Saving and printing results by using logs
Logging output
All the output that appears in the Results window can be captured in a log file. Stata can save the
file in one of two different formats. By default, Stata will save the file in its Stata Markup and Control
Language (SMCL) format, which preserves all the formatting and links from the Results window.
You can open these results in the Viewer, and they will behave as though they were in the Results
window. If you would rather have plain-text files without any formatting, you can save the file as
a plain log file. We recommend using the SMCL format because SMCL files can be translated into a
variety of formats readable by applications other than Stata with the File > Log > Translate... menu
(see [R] translate).
To start a log file, click on the Log button, . Choose Begin... from the drop-down menu to
start a new log file. Choose Append... if you want to add more Stata output to an existing log file.
Both choices open a standard file dialog that allows you to specify a directory and filename for your
log. If you do not specify a file extension, the extension .smcl will be added to the filename.
106 [ GSM ] 16 Saving and printing results by using logs
name: <unnamed>
log: /Users/mydir/Documents/base.smcl
log type: smcl
opened on: 4 Feb 2015, 23:36:17
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. by foreign, sort: summarize price mpg
price 1.0000
mpg -0.4686 1.0000
. log close
name: <unnamed>
log: /Users/mydir/Documents/base.smcl
log type: smcl
closed on: 4 Feb 2015, 23:37:41
There are a few items of interest.
• The header showing the log file’s location, type, and starting timestamp is part of the log file.
This feature helps when working with multiple log files.
• The two lines starting with asterisks (*) are comments. Stata ignores the text following the
asterisk, so you may type any comment you would like, with any special characters you would
like. Commenting is a good way to document your thought process and to mark sections of
the log for later use.
• In this example, the log file was closed by using the log close command. Doing so is not
strictly necessary because log files are automatically closed when you quit Stata.
Stata allows multiple log files to be open at once only if the log files are named. For details on
this topic, see help log.
[ GSM ] 16 Saving and printing results by using logs 107
Printing logs
To print a standard SMCL log file, you need to have the log file open in a Viewer window. Once
the log file is in the Viewer, you can click on the Print button, right-click on the Viewer window,
and select Print..., or select File > Print. If you do not see the details in the Print dialog, click the
Show Details button.
• You can fill in none of, any of, or all the items Header, User, and Project. You can check or
uncheck options to Print header and footer, Print line numbers, and Print logo. These items are
saved and will appear again in the print sheet (in this and in future Stata sessions).
• You can set the font size and color scheme the printer will use by clicking on the Stata Headers and
Footers drop-down menu and choosing Stata Fonts and Colors. Monochrome is for black-and-
white printing, Color is for default color printing, and Custom 1 and Custom 2 are for customized
color printing.
You could also use the translate command to generate a PostScript or PDF version of the log
file. See [R] translate for more information.
If your log file is a plain-text file (.log instead of .smcl), you can open it in a text editor, such as
TextEdit, in the Do-file Editor or in your favorite word processor. You can then edit the log file—add
headings, comments, etc.—format it, and print it. If you bring the log file into a word processor,
it will be displayed and printed with its default font. The log file will not be easily readable when
printed in a proportionally spaced font (for example, Times or Helvetica). It will look much better
printed in a fixed-width font (for example, Monaco or Courier New).
108 [ GSM ] 16 Saving and printing results by using logs
If you start working and then wish you had started a cmdlog file, you can save yourself heartache
by saving the contents of the Review window. The Review window stores the last 5,000 commands
you have typed. Simply right-click on the Review window and select Save all... from the menu. This
will work best if you first filter out all the commands that resulted in errors as was shown in The
Review window in [GSM] 2 The Stata user interface. If you would like to move the commands
directly to the Do-file Editor, select Select all followed by Send to Do-file Editor. You may find this
method a more convenient way to create a text file containing only the commands that you typed
during your session.
See [GSM] 13 Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata, [U] 16 Do-files, and [U] 15 Saving
and printing output—log files for more information.
17 Setting font and window preferences
Changing and saving fonts and sizes and positions of your windows
You may find that you would like to change the fonts and display style of Stata’s windows,
depending on your monitor resolution and personal preferences. At the same time, there could be
requirements for font usage, say, when you submit graphs to journals. Stata accommodates both of
these by allowing sets of preferences for how windows are displayed.
We will first cover what can be changed in each window and then talk about what you can manage
with your preferences.
Graph window
The preferences for the Graph window can be changed by right-clicking on the Graph window
and choosing Preferences... from the contextual menu. The settings can then be set for how graphs
are displayed in Stata. The settings that should be used when printing can be set under the Printer
tab. The behavior of the Clipboard is controlled under the Clipboard/PDF tab.
The Graph preferences allow different schemes that control the look of graphs. These schemes
provide a quick way to optimize graphs for printing or to display on a screen. There are even schemes
defined for The Economist and the Stata Journal so that you can get the details for these publications
right without much fuss. Changing the scheme does not change the current graph—it applies the
settings to future graphs.
110 [ GSM ] 17 Setting font and window preferences
112 [ GSM ] 18 Learning more about Stata
• Many supplementary books about Stata are available. Visit the Stata bookstore at
• Take a Stata NetCourse
. NetCourse 101 is an excellent choice for learning about Stata. See for course information and schedules.
• Attend a public training course taught by StataCorp at third-party sites. Visit for course information and schedules.
• Watch Stata videos at
Data management
[U] 6 Managing memory
[U] 21 Entering and importing data
[D] import — Overview of importing data into Stata
[D] append — Append datasets
[D] merge — Merge datasets
[D] compress — Compress data in memory
[G] Stata Graphics Reference Manual
Basic statistics
[R] anova — Analysis of variance and covariance
[R] ci — Confidence intervals for means, proportions, and counts
[R] correlate — Correlations (covariances) of variables or coefficients
[D] egen — Extensions to generate
[R] regress — Linear regression
[R] predict — Obtain predictions, residuals, etc., after estimation
[R] regress postestimation — Postestimation tools for regress
[R] test — Test linear hypotheses after estimation
[R] summarize — Summary statistics
[R] table — Flexible table of summary statistics
[R] tabulate oneway — One-way table of frequencies
[R] tabulate twoway — Two-way table of frequencies
[R] ttest — t tests (mean-comparison tests)
[U] 14 Matrix expressions
[U] 18.5 Scalars and matrices
[M] Mata Reference Manual
[U] 16 Do-files
[U] 17 Ado-files
[U] 18 Programming Stata
[R] ml — Maximum likelihood estimation
[P] Stata Programming Reference Manual
[M] Mata Reference Manual
System values
[R] set — Overview of system parameters
[P] creturn — Return c-class values
Internet resources
The Stata website ( is a good place to get more information about Stata. You
will find answers to FAQs, ways to interact with other users, official Stata updates, and other useful
information. You can also join Statalist, a forum devoted to discussion of Stata and statistics.
You will also find information on Stata NetCourses
, which are interactive courses offered over
the Internet that vary in length from a few weeks to eight weeks. Stata also offers in-person training
sessions. Visit the Stata website for more information.
At the website is the Stata Bookstore, which contains books that we feel may be of interest to
Stata users. Each book has a brief description written by a member of our technical staff explaining
why we think this book may be of interest.
We suggest that you take a quick look at the Stata website now. You can register your copy of
Stata online and request a free subscription to the Stata News.
114 [ GSM ] 18 Learning more about Stata
Sorted by:
This functionality is everywhere in Stata. Any command that reads a file with a filename in its syntax
can use a web address as easily as a file that is stored on your computer.
This example used the HTTP protocol for retrieving the file. Stata also understands the HTTPS and
FTP protocols.
116 [ GSM ] 19 Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality
The first entry points to the built-in Stata command mkspline. You investigate this command and
find it interesting. You see that the next two entries point to some built-in routines in Mata. You
follow these links because Mata is not only intriguing but also fast. You see that the next link points
to an FAQ on UCLA’s website. The next two links point to articles in the SJ. Finally, you decide to
check the second of these links. It points to an article in the SJ, volume 12, number 3 (third quarter,
2012). You should click on the sg151 2 link, because it will go to the commands associated with
this article.
[ GSM ] 19 Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality 119
You will see that the package has three help files for three new commands. Click the
sg151 2/bspline.sthlp link to see if the bspline command looks interesting. If you decide
that you would like to install the command, click the Back button and click on the link click here
to install. If you decide that you would like to use some of the ancillary files—files that typically
help explain the workings of the command, you could download those, too. You do not need to
worry—doing so will not interfere in any way with your copy of Stata. We will show you how to
safely uninstall these commands shortly.
120 [ GSM ] 19 Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality
You can keep the user-written commands you have installed up to date by using the adoupdate
command. Typing adoupdate will check for updates, while typing adoupdate, update will check
for updates and install any available updates. Now suppose that you decide that you would like to
uninstall the package. Doing so is simple enough: select Help > SJ and user-written commands,
and click on the List link. You should see the following:
[ GSM ] 19 Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality 121
If you click on the one-line description of the package, you will see the full description of what
has been installed. Here is what you would see if you scroll to the bottom, with a different install
date, of course:
You can uninstall materials by clicking on click here to uninstall when you are looking at
the package description.
For information on downloading user-written commands by using the net command, see [R] net.
A Troubleshooting Stata
A.1 If Stata does not start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A.2 Troubleshooting tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
[ GSM ] A Troubleshooting Stata 123
When you invoke Stata, the usual opening appears but with the following additional command,
which will be executed:
running ~/Library/Application Support/Stata/ ...
How does the command work? Let’s work from the inside out:
• c(current date) and c(current time) are local system macros containing the current
date and current time. See [P] creturn for more information.
• The left (‘) and right (’) quotes around the local macros expand them. See [P] macro for a
full explanation.
• The Clock() function uses the resulting date string and the date mask "DMYhms" to create a
datetime number Stata understands. See [D] datetime.
• The format %tCCCYY-NN-DD-HH-MM-SS formats this number in year-month-day-hour-minute-
second form because this will make the files sort nicely. See [D] datetime display formats for
the details.
• The odd-looking ‘: display ...’ allows the formatted date to be used directly in the command
as the file name. This is the advanced concept of an in-line expansion of an extended macro
function. You can see more in [P] macro.
• The log using command starts a log file, such as shown in [GSM] 16 Saving and printing
results by using logs.
• The name option gives the log file the internal name default log file so that it will not
likely conflict with other log files. See [R] log for details.
• Finally, the /// notations are continuation comments so that the three separate lines are
interpreted as a single command. See [P] comments for more about comments.
There are many advanced Stata programming concepts in this one single command!
[ GSM ] B Advanced Stata usage 125 is treated just as any other do-file once it is executed; results are just the same as if
you had started Stata and then typed run The only special thing about
is that Stata looks for it and runs it automatically.
System administrators might also find useful. This file is handled in the same
way as, except that Stata first looks for If that file is found, Stata
will execute any commands it contains. After that, Stata will look for and, if that file
is found, execute the commands in it.
One example of how might be useful would be when system administrators want
to change the path to one of Stata’s system directories. Here could be created to
contain the command
sysdir set SITE "/Library/Application Support/Stata"
See [U] 16 Do-files for an explanation of do-files. They are nothing more than text files containing
sequences of commands for Stata to execute.
Option Result
-b set background (batch) mode and log in plain text
-e set background (batch) mode and log in plain text without prompting
when Stata command has completed
-q suppress logo and initialization messages
-s set background (batch) mode and log in SMCL
126 [ GSM ] B Advanced Stata usage
The -q option starts Stata, but suppresses all the initialization messages, including the Stata logo.
For you to run Stata from the Terminal, you need to be sure that the shell can find Stata. To do
this, you must add the path to the Stata executable in Stata’s application bundle to your shell’s path.
Once that is done, you can invoke Stata from any directory from a shell.
For example, if Stata is installed in /Applications/Stata, then the path to the executable
for Stata/SE is /Applications/Stata/ Type StataSE to start
For Stata/MP, it is /Applications/Stata/ Type StataMP to
start Stata/MP.
For Stata/IC, it is /Applications/Stata/ Type Stata to start
For Small Stata, it is /Applications/Stata/ Type smStata
to start Small Stata.
Suppose you had a do-file named If you want to use Stata in batch mode, typing
% StataSE -b do bigjob
tells Stata to execute the commands in, suppress all screen output, and route the output
to bigjob.log in the same directory. Stata will display a dialog when the commands have finished
% StataSE -e do bigjob
tells Stata to execute the commands in, suppress all screen output, and route the output
to bigjob.log in the same directory. Stata will simply exit without displaying a dialog when the
commands have finished executing.
% StataSE -s do bigjob
tells Stata to execute the commands in, suppress all screen output, and route the output
to bigjob.smcl in the same directory.
You can also run the above examples in the background by typing
% StataSE -b do bigjob &
% StataSE -e do bigjob &
% StataSE -s do bigjob &
Note: Stata runs before doing, just as it would if you were working
To change it back to match the locale set for your operating system, type
set locale_ui default
For a complete explanation of locales and Stata, see [U] Locales in Unicode.
[ GSM ] B Advanced Stata usage 127
[ GSM ] C More on Stata for Mac 129
C.4.1 Requirements
Stata(console) is included with both Stata/SE and Stata/MP for the Mac. It runs in a Terminal
window without a graphical user interface (GUI)—there are no Data Editor, Viewer, or Graph windows.
Graphs and datasets can be saved, as usual, they simply cannot be viewed interactively. Stata(console)
is meant for running Stata remotely and for running batch jobs in the background.
You can also run background jobs by using your standard Stata installation. The command line
options are given in [GSM] B.3 Stata batch mode.
You must already have Stata/SE or Stata/MP for the Mac installed and your license initialized
before installing Stata(console). If you have a single-user license and wish to have more than one
login ID use Stata at a time, please contact our sales department to purchase an upgrade to a multiuser
license. You should have some experience in working from a shell in Unix before attempting to set
up Stata(console). You must also have administrator access to your computer to complete the setup.
With administrator access, there is always the potential damaging your computer.
In the instructions that follow, use stata-mp in place of stata-se if you are installing the console
version of Stata/MP.
If you rename Stata’s folder or move it out of the Applications folder after installing the utility,
the symbolic link to the console application will be broken. In this case, just reinstall the utility by
selecting Stata > Install Terminal Utility... again.
132 Subject index