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Humanity in The Digital Age

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Humanity in the Digital Age: Cognitive, Social, Emotional, and

Ethical Implications

Junko Yamamoto
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, United States

Simeon Ananou
Salisbury University, United States

Even though technology has brought great benefits to current society, there are also indications that
the manner in which people use technology has undermined their humanity in some respects. In this
article the authors frame human nature in terms of four dimensions: cognition, social interaction,
emotion, and ethics. We argue that while basic human nature remains constant, the four dimensions
are molded to some extent by interaction with our environment, particularly through the use of
technology. As a powerful factor, we need to use technology in a way that human cognition, social
interaction, emotion, and ethics are supported and not seriously disturbed by digital devices.
Education can be a means of helping learners use technology in a positive way, minimizing its negative
potential. This paper shows how people’s choice and level of interaction with technology can allow
them to live in harmony with technology. It also points to possible directions to teach healthy co-
existence with technology. The suggestions include applying decision-making theory, increasing self-
awareness, teaching academic honesty, and responding to problems with technology addiction
through impulse control training and other programs.

Keywords: Digital age; Humanity; Cognition; Social interaction; Ethics; Digital citizenship


E-book sales are booming. Young people can download e-books to kindle, iPad, or a phone and
read them on the go, and the convenience makes e-books popular (Springen, 2012). Family and
friends can catch up with inexpensive means of communication such as Skype, text message, and
social media. There is no doubt that technology has become a big part of our lives. For example,
the average time that North American children use technology for non-school related purpose is 8
hours per day (Rowan, 2010). It is not only the children of the United States that rely heavily on
electronic devices: dependency on the Internet is a worldwide epidemic (Jiang & Leung, 2012;
Young, 2011; Young, Yue, & Ying, 2011).

Naturally, a question arises: are we forming technology or is it forming us? Deragon (2011)
examined the ways that technology influences humanity by addressing cognitive, social, and
emotional implications. Those who spend long time on the Internet tend to be preoccupied with


thoughts of online activities when they are offline (Caplan & High, 2006). Technology “addicts”
have difficulty limiting an online activity even when it interferes with work, study, financial well-
being, or social functions (Turel, Serenko, & Bontis, 2011; Turel, Serenko, & Giles, 2011).

The correlation found in those studies, however, may not imply a causation. Buckner, Castille, and
Sheets (2012) argue that those who tend to procrastinate and underperform at work may drive
themselves to excessive Internet use and text messaging in order to cope with stress. In addition,
those who have anxiety about face-to-face social interaction prefer online interaction because
they feel that they are in better control of the exchange (Caplan, 2007).

While some perceive technology as the cause of the problem, others believe that technology only
shows the problematic dispositions that people already possess. Some people allow technology to
interfere with their lives, while others know when to turn a device off and get back to our social,
family, academic, or economic activities. Some individuals take offense when witnessing a person
checking Facebook or text messaging at the dinner table; others do not view such behavior as
abnormal. In other words, not all respond to the technology environment in the same way.

Rosen (2012) suggests that those who are addicted to social networking may have a predisposition
to be narcissistic, and social networking can escalate this tendency. Likewise, those who cannot
have technology downtime may already tend to be impulsive and sensation seeking: such
tendencies may contribute toward a dependency on technology. Children who lack self-regulation,
for example, have the propensity to lack ‘will power’ as youths (Mischel et al., 2011), and are more
likely to grow up into adults with less impulse control than children who demonstrate the self-
control (Casey et al., 2011). The lack of impulse control, therefore, may be the cause of overuse of
electronic devices.

The preceding explanation does not mean that those who have difficulty getting offline should
simply allow technology to control their lives. Since predispositions could be mediating factors,
educators can consequently take steps to help learners understand how to live in harmony with
tools in our environment. We can choose to use technology wisely and not let it destroy our social
skills, cognitive ability, emotional awareness, and ethical values. Education in our time requires the
creation and the delivery of instructional content as well as teaching and learning activities – but
not confined to the four walls of a classroom. Instead, teaching and learning occurs in an
environment for which the only conceivable boundaries are the proverbial ends of the Internet
and the World Wide Web. There is thus a need to teach our children how to live and work in a new
digital society (Ribble, 2009). Education then becomes critical even before the adoption and
the use of modern day technologies.

Education is intended to make us more human by stimulating our creativity, cognitive

abilities, and ethical values. Technology, however, when not always well orchestrated can
distract the process of strengthening humanity, even sometimes diminishing our
inquisitive abilities. Essentially, Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in education has
engendered a new landscape that requires teachers and learners to newly examine impacts and
strategies in each area of our lives: cognitive, emotional, social, and ethical.


This paper explores how technology, a growing feature in our environment, has the potential to
negatively influence humanity in terms of unchanging dimensions: cognitive, emotional, social and
ethical. The authors will also show the potential role of education so the negative influence will be

Influence of Technology

This section reviews the four human dimensions, briefly tracing concerns about negative impacts.
Deragon (2011) pointed out that technology influences humanity in cognitive, social and
emotional areas. The authors of this article add one more: ethics. As the authors will mention
later, these dimensions are often inseparable. However, examining one at a time makes it easier
to understand a complicated subject, such as how technology interacts with us. Also, humanity is
about our heredity, how we interact with our environment, and what we choose to do each day
makes us who we are. The authors will not venture into discussing the entire topic of humanity.
They will, instead, point out how human cognitions, socializations, emotions, and ethics are
influenced by technology.

Cognitive Implications

Communication devices of the 21st century are often revered for their ability to facilitate instant
written or oral conversations between individuals. It is not the devices, however, that provide
instant response, but the individuals using them. The rise of technology-facilitated conversation
appears to be conditioning individuals to expect instant gratification either by initiating the virtual
interaction or by responding to it. We are left to wonder whether the instant nature of virtual
interaction actually involved deep thinking or a simple reaction to the alert of the device?

While a face-to-face interaction may rely on body language tone in the delivery of a message,
electronic communication cuts out those important cures, relying instead on quick and convenient
access to news and events. Most electronic communication tools now make it even easier to offer
a reaction without necessarily formulating one’s thoughts. This is similar to face-to-face exchanges,
but without the natural constraints of facing your partner in conversation. Electronic
communication, it is impossible to take back a comment and have it erased from the person’s
memory. Electronic communication users, on the other hand, may assume it is acceptable to react
immediately and retract later, simply by clicking a few buttons. In that sense, technology can be
viewed as a powerful tool that allows people to communicate quickly, but not necessarily a tool
for thoughtful communication under all circumstances. In theory, humans have the ability to think
before sending, posting, or sharing content. Not all of us, however, choose to use the ability to
sequence thoughts before action. When we forgo critical thinking, we risk alienating ourselves
from what makes him human (Murphy & Pardeck, 1986).

In addition, multitasking has become a predominant behavior among technology users. Watching
TV and listening to music on a portable device while drafting an email and trying to respond to
occasional text messages from friends, colleagues and families members – this scenario is
becoming a common practice. Since the portable device might also be a telephone, a live call could


very well be added to the multiple tasks already underway. A person’s multitasking behavior is
almost emerging as a badge of honor, while those who concentrate on one activity at a time could
be viewed as being inefficient.

The real question about multi-taking one must ask is, “How well the human brain is able to process
and assimilate multiple unrelated information and tasks?” After all, the brain can only process
approximately seven spans of information in working memory (Miller, 1956). Rosen, Lim, Carrier,
and Cheever (2011) found that low frequency of text messaging during a college class lecture did
not have significant influence on learning, but the students who texted 16 times or more during a
30-minute video-taped lecture scored significantly lower on post-lecture test. Likewise, Kraushaar
and Novak (2010) reported inverse relationship between course grades and non-course related
multitasking during the lecture.

Polites and Karahanna (2012) argue that human behavior can be explained by individuals’ habits.
When one deviates from routine to learn something new, there is a ‘cost of thinking.’ If one is
accustomed to responding quickly using email, text messaging, or tweet, it can require some hard
work to change such habit. Nonetheless, thinking deeply while writing, or reflecting on the
potential consequences before sending an electronic message, are good habits to develop in the
digital age. However impressive the impact of ICT might appear in education, it requires a different
cognitive effort from what might be experienced in non-technology mediated instruction. The
traditional chalk and blackboard have been replaced with elaborate sets of technological solutions
(audio visual apparatus, and instructional software) that are not always intuitive to all users. In
fact, “navigating the world of information has become more complex and more difficult for adults,
adolescents, and children” (Andrews & Gann, 2011, p. 1).

The ability to adapt to socio-cultural changes such as the proliferation of ICTs for academic
purposes requires a certain cognitive development that can be associated with biological age or
with functional age. Verbal interaction with others, using universally acceptable to logics, propels
one’s cognitive ability (Piaget, 1959). This leads to a question regarding how verbal communication
represented in quick tweet or text messaging while multitasking affects the habit and the process
of formulating deep thinking.

Social Implications

Emails, video chats, and cell phones enable family and friends at a distance to communicate
instantly and at low cost. However, when someone cannot stop checking work email or text
messaging during family dinner or spends hours role-playing with an avatar in order to escape
from real relationship, the dependency on electronic devices interferes with his or her normal life
(Caplan & High, 2011; Turel, Serenko, & Bontis, 2011). The term ‘addition’ refers to this
dependency and disruption of normal life.

Turkle (2011) laments that some people prefer text messaging to a phone conversation or face-to-
face interaction. One of her research subjects provided an anecdote that, when she went to
interview a potential babysitter, her roommate texted her that she had a visitor, instead of going
up to her room to tell her. Those who feel lonely and socially anxious in real life tend to fall into


this category, because they spend more time communicating online than those who feel
connected in a face-to-face environment (Bonetti, Campbell, & Gilmore, 2010).

Becoming disconnected in a face-to-face relationship due to too much time spent online is not the
only problem. Cyber connection itself can also infringe on our social functioning. The term ‘flaming’
has been used to describe abrasive statements made in cyberspace resulting in damage to a
relationship. Negative comments can hurt others’ feelings and aggravate conflict. It is easier,
however, to heal the relationship face-to-face than online. “To work effectively on conflicts, the
intervener needs a conceptual road map or conflict map that details why a conflict is occurring,
identifies barriers to settlement, and indicate procedures to manage or resolve the dispute”
(Moore, 2003, p. 58). It is hard to identify the source of conflict when tone of voice, body language,
and facial expression are missing (Hsu, 2009; Turnage, 2008). This is often the case in text-based
communication. For example, a comment that is meant to be a joke can be misinterpreted as an
offensive remark. Moreover, email communication and text messages can be forwarded and be
shared with others. This could result in other parties taking comments out of context and being

Complaining via social media such as Facebook has the potential of having a bigger ripple effect
because it gives the sense that one is being humiliated in front of a wide audience. Whether
perceived or real, this sense of feeling disgraced in presence of a wide audience can have bigger
impact on a person’s social life than the same comments made face-to-face in front of a couple of
people. Anonymity (Albin, 2012; Englander, 2008), accompanied by the inability to see facial cues
and body language, makes cyber-bullying easier than offline bullying. The widespread occurrence
of cyber aggression among children aging from 8 to 12 is correlated with loneliness offline
(Schoffstall & Cohen, 2011). Content sharing does have its positive side, such as advocating for
social justice, community building, and professional exchange. Nonetheless, posting personal
attacks on family, friends, co-workers, or supervisors on a public content-sharing site can have
devastating impacts.

Emotional implications

Since social interaction can trigger emotional response (Hareli & Rafaeli, 2008), influence on
emotion is inevitable where there is social impact. Technology allows us to upload embarrassing
videos and pictures of others on a public platform (Englander, Mills, & McCoy, 2009) such as
YouTube, Instagram and Facebook or it can be sent to hundreds of people with a mobile device.
Moreover, such insults can remain permanent. Emotional scars from such humiliation can be
extremely severe.

It is easier to make an unkind remark in an online environment, because one cannot see the
emotional disturbance that the statement causes. People tend to care about each other’s feelings
when another person is in the same room. The digital age sometime offers a blurred sense of
reality. When one cannot see another’s facial interaction in an online environment, she may make
a rude remark, forgetting there is a real person at the receiving end.


The increased use of online social networks, text messaging, and email can collectively result in
the decreased of face-to-face interaction. This may also result in less empathy. McQuellen (2003)
argues that less time for face-to-face relationship causes the loss of interpersonal bonding.
Konrath, O’Brien, and Hsing (2011) found that college students’ ability to empathize dropped
between 1979 and 2009.

One may ask, “Why worry about emotional impact on technology?” Emotion is, indeed, associated
with better job performance. For example, preservice teachers who are better able to emotionally
connect with their learners create and adjust instructional plans according to the learners’ needs
(Smith & Place, 2011).

Ethical implications

In theory, education in the digital age can bring about a higher level of accessibility to information
and education for people with geographic and social limitations. When properly designed and
planned, blended and online education can appear as the best alternative to physical school
infrastructure that is rather costly. At its best, online learning can provide a time and space for
cross-cultural exchanges and collaborative learning in which student perspectives are accorded
equal value (Rao, Eady, & Edelen-Smith, 2011).

At the 2002 UNESCO-hosted Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for Higher Education in
Developing Countries, participants coined the term Open Educational Resources (OER), which was
subsequently defined as: the open provision of educational resources, enabled by information and
communication technologies, for consultation, use and adaptation by a community of users for
noncommercial purposes (Johnstone, 2005). The OER movement aims to break down real or
perceived barriers between the learner and the information. The OER movement also encourages
and enables the sharing of content freely through the concept of open content in the digital age
where content is not only openly available, but is also openly accessible and openly reusable.

The Internet has made great contribution to education. However, OER has added a layer of
complexity to the notion that the abundance of content on the Internet makes it easier for student
to engage in academically dishonest activities such as plagiarism. As a matter of principle, OER is
contrary to “full-right reserve copyright, where reuse is always close to users, unless they seek and
obtain permission and rights holders normally restrict the content’s availability and accessibility in
many different ways to avoid illegal use of material” (Lane, 2008, p. 158). Figure 1 illustrates the
sources of plagiarized content in the digital age.


Figure 1. Percentage of plagiarism sources

(Adapted from “The new face of cheating,” 2011, p.14)

Abundant information from the Internet makes plagiarism easy. While only a small portion of
students admit giving into the temptation to copy others’ work and submit it as their own, a large
majority of students perceive cyber-plagiarism as a practice that is prevalent among their peers
(Ananou, 2014). The degree of separation between perception and reality in cyber-plagiarism
exposes the ethical gap that exists in academic honesty in the digital age.

Framework for Humanity in the Digital Age

Education is intended to make us more human by stimulating our creativity, cognitive

abilities, and ethical values. Technology, however, when not always well orchestrated can
distract the process of strengthening humanity, even sometimes diminishing our
inquisitive abilities. The authors suggest the four elements of humanity: cognitive, ethical, social
and emotional. These four components are closely related and they inter-act with another. They
are inseparable, and they act as one. These elements of humanity have not changed; human
nature has remained substantially the same throughout the ages. However, human development
is influenced by environment. This section layers pre-technology elements, human nature, with
the contemporary factor in the environment, digital devices. Figure 2 shows that one part is
connected to other three parts.


Figure 2. Framework for Humanity in the Digital Age

Humans develop emotion and learn values in a social context. For example, children learn
emotional regulation strategies from parents (Bariola, Hughes, & Gullone, 2011). Humans learn
behaviors and values by observation. We adapt our behavior by imitating others, and what we do
becomes part of our identification. We first pay attention to modeling, retain it, reproduce the
behavior being observed, and then become motivated for another action (Bandura, 1986). If there
is someone modeling an aggression, witnesses are more likely to mimic the behavior than those
who do not watch the aggression (Bandura, 1973).

Emotional-social interaction can be observed in YouTube videos that teenagers post. Typing ‘mean
teachers’ in the search box makes it evident that some teenagers utilize smart phones or other
small video devices to capture angry teachers in their classrooms. They post the videos to YouTube,
and get feedback. The videos can function as a trophy for getting attention from their peers.
Classic operant conditioning experiments show that if people become motivated to behave in a
certain way the behavior simply results in a reward. It appears that in some cases that all students
in the classroom are aware that there is a hidden camera, and as a ‘community,’ they instigate a
teacher until she becomes upset. When a group of students decide that this is a great
entertainment, then they perceive it as positive. On the other hand, when an intervention occurs
and they look at the same incident from the other person’s perspective, a student may not
participate in such inappropriate activity. Furthermore, if the students grow up in a home where
compassions for others are taught, they may be less likely to find such videotaping entertaining.


Emotion is closely related to cognition (Greenberg & Safran, 1987). For example, emotion can
influence attention to the task that is required. Positive emotions such as satisfaction, enthusiasm,
and happiness, broadens the attention, but negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, disgust, guilt,
and fear causes distraction (Lazar, Kaplan, Sternberg, & Lubow, 2012). Complex thinking is done in
neocortex, the newest part of the cerebral cortex of the brain. When a person faces anger or fear,
amygdala, which is located in the limbic system, takes over the brain. Hence, it slows or
incapacitates the activity of the thinking brain (Willis, 2007). Cognitive function is negatively
correlated with amygdala activation (Okada et al., 2011). When one is under the influence of text
messages, instant messaging, social media, or emails that make him or her upset, it is possible that
that the ability to think rationally is undermined. If the individual responds while she is upset, it is
possible that she sends a digital message that she would later regret sending.

On the other hand, cognition can influence emotional maturity. For example, suppose a boy has a
tendency of sending out angry emails or text messages. If he recognizes that he has trouble
controlling his emotion, and knows that it is hard to take back words that he puts in writing, he
may be less likely to send electronic messages when he is angry. In order for such behavior
management to occur, one must be ready to recognize her weaknesses or shortcomings. Humility,
therefore, is a key ingredient for cognition-emotion link.

Upon being targeted to unfavorable comment, one can analyze how she is feeling. If she is upset,
it is better not to respond. She can also refer to the other party’s state of mind. If the other party’s
is normally a reasonable person, and the comment seems out of character, it is possible that the
statements are jokes, or written under stress, or temporary anger. As the notion of amygdala
sabotage shows, the other person is not likely to respond reasonably while he or she is under the
influence of negative emotion. This means that she may say things that she will later wish to take
back. In that case, determine if it is best to reply, ignore, wait, call, or talk face-to-face.

Chambers and Davis (2012) claim that the more easily a person can put himself in other person’s
shoes, the more empathetic he or she is. Therefore, one has to have the ability to see other’s
perspective in order to be empathetic. Empathy also involves self-knowledge. Those who lack
humility, for example, may hurt other’s feelings, recognize the emotional disturbance, but may
also refuse to apologize. In a case presented in Lee’s (2005) study, one participant in a flaming
apologized. This not only caused another participant to apologize, but also reflect on his or her
feelings, and potential behavioral modification that he or she would take more time to post in the

Self-knowledge, especially efficacy development, is also important so a person will not have to
create avatars or fake identity to escape from self or to deceive others. There is ‘real’ person on
ground. However, some individuals are obsessed with updating their profile in a cyber space to
make it look more attractive, thinner, and smarter. Some spend hours interacting with others
online with avatars (Turkle, 2011). Naturally, it is legitimate to ask, “Who really are we in a cyber
space?” (Jones, 1997). Immordino-Yang (2011b) argues that self-awareness about affective change
in a social context becomes the base for one’s morality. In addition, social norms play a role in
forming values (Immordino-Yang, 2011a).


Teaching Humanity in the Digital Age

A few years ago, it was enough that educators monitor and facilitate the use of desktop
technology located at a place at a given time. Mobilization of technology combined with increased
use of technology has altered this norm. In fact, the ubiquitous access to technology is creating a
sense of anxiety for parents who may be wondering how their children are using their mobile
devices when unsupervised.

Education then becomes critical even before the adoption and the use of modern day technologies.
Consequently, in addition to teaching their individual subject matter, educators are now expected
to teach acceptable and responsible use of technology. Hence the authors recommend designing a
framework of education in a manner capable of infusing humanity into the digital age.

How do we realize this framework within education? To assist educators, this section explores a
few key ways these values can be further, through decision-making theory, technology addiction
treatments, impulse control education, and teaching academic honesty.

Decision Making Theory

We all make choices. Good decision makers are not blindly manipulated with factors in
environment (Berson et al., 2008). For example, upon hearing a notification sound for text
messaging during a family dinner, one can decide to stop the conversation with the family to check
the text message, or to check it later. A college student who is checking a social network site can
choose to read selective messages from family and friends and then get back to his academic work.
On the other hand, one who lacks the ability to prioritize what is more important in life can be
absorbed into stimuli coming from an electronic device. The result would be constant disruption
from their off-line life.

Parenting and social norm can influence decision-making regarding cyber ethics (DeWitt-Haffner &
Oxenford, 2001). Edwards (1954) argues that people make choices based on expected economic
outcome. For example, students in teacher education programs may compare the pleasure of
uploading and writing anything they want in a social networking site at the cost of lost
employment opportunities when their online behaviors are viewed as inappropriate (Yamamoto,

“Post- millennial generations are very much given to entering into connections that are disclosing,
spontaneous, multi-dimensional and reciprocal. They have very little interest in, or genuine
commitment to, academic "objectivity" and the presumption that evaluative criteria or outcomes
can be value free.” (Gross, 2011, p 439). Olsen, Clough, & Penning (2009) indicates that 56% of
elementary education majors in a Midwestern university had inappropriate content including
excess drinking, vulgar language, and too much skin showing. Consequences of posting such
material online, such as expulsion from student teaching or dismissal from a job, can be a part of
career education.


Increasing Self-knowledge

Self-reflection about how much time is being wasted in social media can lead a person to ‘detoxify’
from technology addiction. Radziwill (2010) kept her paper journal when she gave up social media.
In her journal, she reflected that it was disappointing that she could not Tweet or Facebook to let
all of her ‘friends’ know about her son’s fifth birthday. However, she also pointed out that most of
her connection in social media cares about her son’s birthday: people who care would call.

In addition, technology users can recognize their power to make ethical decisions. Sometimes
there is an ethical conflict that one needs to weigh pros and cons for each action. Regardless of
which decision we make, we all need to live with our choices. Hill (2004) presented a case in which
a person had to weigh consequences of an ethical dilemma and suggested the application of the
decision-making model comprised of:
 Recognition - defining the problem
 Data gathering – identifying concepts and ideas
 Performing relevant tests – weighing and determining right vs. wrong
 Developing test prototypes – applying unitarian, deontological, justice-based, or
virtue-based decision logics
 Producing solution – evaluating and reflecting on the outcome

Recognizing and celebrating personal integrity during the reflection phase can lead to more ethical
choices in the future. Ethical choices eventually become a habit, and the habit can lead to the
formation of personality.

Steps to Recover from Technology Addiction

Psychologists explored treatments for cases that one cannot stop overuse of the Internet or excess
gaming, even when it destroys close relationship, career, or academic achievement (Young, Yue, &
Ling, 2011). Unfortunately, there are limited studies done for the cure for the Internet or video
game addictions (Karim & Chaudhri, 2012) because Internet addiction is still being explored (Turel,
Serenko, & Giles, 2011) since it was first researched and presented in 1996 (Young, Yue, and Ying,

Nonetheless, suggested treatments for technology addictions points to possible directions and
further research. Rosen (2012) suggests that an addict can undergo planned breaks from
technology. Perhaps planned breaks, paired with reflections, can be used to assist students who
are suffering academically due to overuse of technology.

The first treatment model suggested for Internet addiction is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Young (2011) argues that abstinence from the Internet is not realistic because our way of life
depends heavily on the Internet. For instance, “a lawyer addicted to Internet pornography would
need to learn to abstain from adult Web sites while still being able to access the Internet to
conduct legal research and to e-mail clients” (p.305).


The client who undergo CBT keep the daily Internet log including date and time, event, online
activity, duration, and outcome. Once the problematic use is identified, the client may remove
favorite bookmarks such as gaming sites, online porn, or gambling. In the next phase, the client
work on his or her self-image. This is to assist the client with low self-esteem offline. During the
next phase, Harm Reduction Therapy (HRT) is used to identify the factors that lead to Internet
Addiction. It can be a relationship problem or a work-related stress. This therapy is used based on
the belief that the addicts depend on the Internet to avoid coping with these issues.

Educators do not have the qualification to administer an addiction therapy. However,

psychologists’ works may be woven into an educational process to raise awareness and to prevent
an addiction. Moreover, when college instructors become aware of a sign of Internet addiction,
they can recommend on-campus counseling.

Impulse Control Education

Whether it is a flashing computer screen, the iPad notification sound for a new email, or a bell
notifying the arrival of new text messaging, sometimes it takes a self-conscious effort not to react
to it, and focus on something more important. Orienting one’s mind to greater future gain can
effectively reduce impulse (Cheng, Shein, & Chiou, 2012). Educational implication can be creating a
focus on delayed gratification, or what a learner can gain from resisting an urge to respond

Intervention in elementary school may be effective because children’s executive functioning, that
regulates cognitive and emotional development, may be related to frontal lobe development
(Bernier, Carlson, and Whipple, 2010). Although children’s home environment has a huge impact
on their impulse control (Sharkey, Tirado-Strayer, Papachristos, and Raver, 2012), schools can also
teach children self-regulation. For example, Hart et al. (2009) developed the curriculum targeted
for increasing cognitive awareness in social and emotional skills. They implemented the unit for
impulse control and problem solving with children in grades 3 and 4, and found that the treatment
group’s increase in knowledge of social and emotional skills are higher than the increase of
knowledge in the control group. There is a missing link: there is no guarantee that children who
are taught self-regulation at school will grow up to become adolescents and adults who can
demonstrate self-regulation (e.g. refrain from text-messaging during a college class, limit personal
use of the Internet while at work). The authors suggest a longitudinal study to find if there is a

Teaching Academic Honesty

Plagiarism can be prevented through proper education. One of the authors teaches a college-level
instructional technology course. Digital ethics such as copyright, fair use, and plagiarism, are
embedded in the course content. The university’s academic integrity policy is included in the
course syllabus and students verbalize what the policy means at the beginning of the semester.
Students are reminded that if they use others’ work, whether it is in text, image, audio, or video,
they must create proper citation: using others’ work without a proper citation, as a part of a class


work would result in automatic failing grade for the assignment. The instructor also demonstrates
how easy it is to catch plagiarism: a simple Google search can reveal the sources in seconds.

Students also practice how to cite different forms of media. For example, when the students
create a Glog, an online poster, they create citations for pictures used on the Glog. Likewise, they
make references to sound effects and images used in a digital movie in the form of ‘credits’ at the
end of their production. Teaching about ethics, accompanied by the support to practice academic
integrity, seem to be helpful.

In a recent study on academic honesty in the digital age, the other author suggested that
universities should consider integrating cyber-plagiarism detection tools into the curriculum very
early one. The study concluded that, “by making these technologies available to students not as a
punitive measure, universities could be targeting the need for students to become both
responsible digital citizens and digital scholars” (Ananou, 2014, p. 142).


There is no doubt that technology has impacted our lives in many ways. However, we can all
choose to let it control us or to be in charge of our own behavior. While some of us become
addicted to various behavior patterns such as social media, text messaging, gaming, or online
bidding, others do not allow technology to take over our lives. Also, educators can teach students
about the consequences for academic dishonesty and help form the habit for properly citing their
sources. Pre-disposition to become a technology-addict have been discussed in this paper. In
addition, decision-making theory, technology addiction treatment, impulse control education, and
education for academic honesty were mentioned as references for educators to teach how to lead
a healthy life surrounded by technology.

The ethical and social elements make up two of the four components of the recommended
framework. These components are already converted into educational materials by Ribble (2011)
with the term “digital citizenship.” His instructional plans and assessments to teach young adults
on topics such as communication, etiquette, and rights and responsibilities using digital media may
easily be adapted and implemented in a classroom.

Likewise, Common Sense Media (https://www.commonsensemedia.org/) has developed a wide

range of resources for educators and parents. Educators can download videos and the
corresponding lesson plans that are interesting to young adults. The authors recommend that
educators use these resources. Additionally, educators and administrators alike should consider
the development of relevant frameworks in the future promote a responsible use of technology.


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Correspondence: Junko Yamamoto, Associate Professor, Department of Secondary Education/

Foundations of Education, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, Slippery Rock, PA, United


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