VNX DP Upgrading Disk Firmware
VNX DP Upgrading Disk Firmware
VNX DP Upgrading Disk Firmware
Reporting Problems
December, 2016
This document describes how to run the Install Disk Firmware Online Wizard for your EMC®
VNX system. The Install Disk Firmware Online wizard is part of Unisphere™ Service Manager
Once you are logged into your system, the latest version of USM automatically scans for
and notifies you if a drive firmware update is available for the drives present in your
system. If an update is available, a popup message is displayed at the bottom of the
System page. The wizard will assign a priority rating to your drive firmware updates and
allow you to install multiple firmware updates in a sequential manner.
Topics include:
l Before you start..........................................................................................................2
l Downloading and installing the Unisphere Service Manager.......................................2
l Identifying drive firmware updates from within USM...................................................3
l Identifying drive firmware updates from within Unisphere.......................................... 3
l Upgrading drive firmware using the USM wizard.........................................................3
l Downloading drive firmware for a manual installation................................................ 4
Before you start
To install drive firmware, you need:
l A Windows host or Windows virtual machine that is:
n Running a supported operating system version. For supported versions, refer to
the product release notes, which are available on the EMC Online Support
n Connected to the Internet if you need to install USM and/or drive firmware
n Running Java Runtime Environment (JRE). For supported versions, refer to the
product release notes.
l Review Knowledgebase article 000466205 for a list of urgent firmware updates and
further requirements.
l An account on the EMC Online Support website.
If you select Yes, the USM may not work properly with a later JRE version. If you
select No, and manually remove the later version of the JRE, other applications that
require this version may not work properly.
Upgrading Drive Firmware
Upgrading Drive Firmware
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