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PSM - I - Gu%c3%ada de Estudio SCRUM Master - Lleno

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018


1 Upon What kind of process control is SCRUM based?

b) SCRUM enterprise
d) Agile
2 lf burndown eharts are used to visualize progress, what do they traek?
a) Aceumulated eost.
b) Individual worker produetivity.
A_Accumulated business value delivered to the customer.
~ork remaining aeross time .

3 An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the terminology to fit with terminology
already used. What willlikely happen if is done?

a) Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of change, very little ehange may aetually happen.
b) Management may feelless anxious.
~The organization may not understand what had changed within Scrum and the benefits of Scrum may be lost.
~AII answers apply.

4 Who determines how work is performed during the sprint?
a) Development Tea m managers.
b) The Scrum Master.
@he Development Tea m.

d) Subject matter experts.
e) Arehitects.
S A Scrum Master is introdueing Scrum a new Development Tea m. The Development Tea m has deeided that a retrospeetive is
unnecessary. What aetion should the Scrum Master take?
a) Consul with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation.
b) Calla meeting between the Development Team and senior management.
~ein, faeilitating produetive and useful retrospectives.
d) Comply with the decision of the self-organ izing tea m.
6 The definitions of "Done" is used to: (Choose three answers)
a) Describe the purpose, objeetive, and time-box of eaeh Scrum event.
@create a shared understanding of when work is complete.

e) Guide the Development Tea m on how many Product Backlog items to select for the Sprint.
@Describe the work that must be done before the Sprint is hallowed to end .
@ncrease transpareney.
7 Choose three responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Tea m. Choose three answers.

eport dally progress to stakeholders.

o the work planned in the Sprint Backlog.
ncrease velocity.

9.L. Reorder the Product Backlog.

"il®)Pull Produet Backlog items for the Sprint.
f) Set the time for the Dally Scrum.
8 What happens if the Development Tea m cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint?
~he Sprint length holds and the Development Tea m eontinuously learns what is actually possible todo within a Sprint of

~s length. ·
b) The Sprint is extended temporarily. Lessons are taken to ensure it doesn't happen again.
e) The Sprint is extended and future Sprint use this new duration.
9 A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but 1 is growing and he/she has been able to resolve only a small
portien of the impediments. Whieh three (3) teehniques would be most helpful in this situation? Choose three answers.
@Prioritize the list and work on them in order.
@Aiert management to the impediments and their impact.
e) Arrange a triage meeting with all other project manager.
d) Discuss the absence of management support with the Development Team.
e) Tell the Product Owner that Serum isn't working.
@:onsult with the Development Tea m.

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018

10 Sprint burndown charts are an efficient tracking tool beca use they allow.
ow much effort has gane into a Sprint.
n estímate of the total work remaining for the Sprint.
ow many Product Backlog items remain.
d) How many hours have been worked by each Development Team member.
11 Which two things are appropriate for a Scrum Master to do if the Development Tea m doesn't have t he engineering tools
and infrastructure to completely finish each selected Product Backlog ítem?
a) Refocus the current Sprint on establishing the Development Team's infrastructure instead of delivering an increment.
b) Encourage the Product Owner to accept partially done increments until the situation improves.
@Have the Development Tea m establish a Definition of Done that is actually possible to achieve given current
~Declare the Development Tea m not ready for Scrum.
~oach the Development Tea m to improve its skills, tools and infrastructure over time and adjust t he Definition of Done


12 When is a Product Backlog ítem considered complete?
a) When the ítem has no work remaining in arder to be released.
b) At the end ofthe Sprint.
hen QA reports that the ítem passes all acceptance criteria .

hen all work in the Sprint Backlog related to the ítem is finished.
13 at does it mean to say that an event has a time-box?
a) The event must at least a mínimum amount of time.
b) The event must happen ata set time.

@rhe event can take no more than a maximum amount of time.
d) The event must happen by a given time.
14 The Product Backlog is ordered by:
a) Small items at the top to large items at the bottom.
b) Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom.
e) Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom.
tem ~ are randomly arranged.
igh~r priority items are at the top .
15 u m is a methodology that tells how to build software incrementally.

)f{e Scrum Master observes the Product Owner struggling with ordering the Product Backlog. What would you consideran

appropriate action for Scrum Master to take?
a) Suggest he Product Owner extend the Sprint, so he can have more time to arder the Product Backlog.
~ Present the Product Owner with an ordered Product Backlog to use.

(:j)Offer the Product Owner help in ordering the Product Backlog from an understanding that the goal is to maximize value.
d) Suggest that the Development Tea m does the ordering of work.
e) Encourage the Product Owner to work with the Development tea m to see which items technically are fastest are fastest

17 The purpose of a Sprint is to produce a done increment of Product.
b) False

18 Who owns the Sprint Backlog?

~he Development Tea m
'li(The Product Owner.
e) The Scrum Master.
d) The Scrum Tea m
19 When a Development Team is havingtrouble delivering a working lncrement because they don't understand a functional
requirement, what should they do?
@:ollaborate with the Product Owner to determine what is possible and acceptable.
b) Defer the work toa more appropriate Sprint.
e) Add specialist to the Development Tea m.
d) Partially complete the functionality, and discuss the remaining work at the Sprint Review.

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018

20 9) Who creates a Product Backlog item's estímate?

a) The Product Owner with input from the Development Team .
b) The Scrum Master.
@The Development Tea m after clarifying requirements with the Product Owner.
d) The Development Tea m, alone.
e) The most senior people in the organization, architects and subject matter.
21 What are two responsibilities of testers in a Development Tea m?
Choose two answers.
@scrum has no "tester" role
b) Tracking quality metrics
~Finding bugs
<:e.l)Everyone in the Development Team is responsible for quality
e) Verifying the work of programmers

22 When do Development Tea m members take ownership of a Sprint Backlog ítem?

a) Whenever a tea m member can accommodate mover work.
b) During the Daly Scrum .
@)'Jever all Sprint Backlog items are "owned" by the entire Development Tea m, even though each one way be done by an
individual Development Tea m member.

d) At the Sprint planning meeting.
23 How often should Development Team membership change?
a) Justas it Would on any development tea m, with no special allowance for changes in productivity.
b) Every Sprint to promete shared learning.

~s needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity.
dí Never, because it reduces productivity.
24 Which of the following best describes an increment of working software?
~dditional features in a useable state that complement those delivered in previous lterations.
'b)A new user interface design for functionality delivered in previous iterations.
e) An automated test suite to verify functionality in future iterations.
d) UMLpiagrams that describe how to deliver functionality in future iterations.
e) A de~omposition of all Product Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog
25 When is a Sprint over?
a) When all Product Backlog items meet their definition of "Done."

b) When the Product Owner says it is done.

e) When all the tasks are completed.
(cfl)when the time box expires.
26 'W'hich statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint Planning?

a) Every ítem has designated Owner.

b) lt is ordered by the Product Owner.
;4_Each task is estimated in hours.

~lt is a complete list of all work to be done in a Sprint.

e) lt is the Development Team' s plan for the Sprint.

27 Which three of the following are true about Scrum?

Choose three answers.

~crum ls a framework for developing and maintaining complex ·products

®scrum is based on empírica ! process control theory.
e) Scrum is a methodology, where you can pick and choose which parts of yo u think will work for yo ur environment.
d) Scrum is like traditional processes but with self- organization to place Project Managers
@):a eh component of Scrum serves a specific purpose and is essential to Scrum's success and your usage of Scrum to
develop complex products.

28 Ae purpose of a Sprint is to produce a done increment of Product.

b) False

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018

29 A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Tea m members and creating a hostile
environment. lf necessary, responsible for removing the tea m member?
a) Development Tea m is responsible, and may need help from the Scrum Master.
b) The hiring manager is responsible, because he/she hired the developer
@rhe Scrum Master is responsible, beca use he/she removes impediments.
d) The Product Owner is responsible, because he/she controls the return on investment (ROl).
30 How m ueh work must a Development Tea m doto a Product Backlog ítem it selects for a Sprint?
a) As much as it can fit into Sprint.
b) Analysis, design, programming, testing, and documentation .
The best it can do given that it usually impossible for QA to finish all of the testing that is needed t o prove shippability.
As much as it has told the product Owner will be done for every product Backlog ítem it selects in conformance with the
finition of 11 Done"

31 The product Owner must release each increment to production .
a) Whenever the product is free of defects.

b) To make su re the Development Tea mis Done every Sprint.
;.LWithout exception .
~hen it makes sense.

32 lf burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what does a trend line through a release burndown chart indicate?
a) When all work will be comp leted so the Scrum Tea m can be released for other work.
b) The evolution of the cost spent on the project.
;J.,.When the project will over if the Product Owner re moves work that is equal in effort to any new work t hat is added.
~When the work remaining will be likely completed if nothing changes on the Product Backlog or t he Development Tea m.

33 Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release?
a) The Development Tea m
b) The Scrum Master n
;.lThe Project Manager
®The Product Owner
34 During Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the Sprint Backlog?
~s soon as possible after they are identified. .
'bf When the Product Owner identifies new work.
e) When the Scrum Master has time to enter them. .
d) During then Dally Scrum after the Development Tea m approvers them .

35 A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum a new Development Tea m. The Development Tea m has decided that a retrospective is
unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take?
a) Consul with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation .
b) Calla meeting between the Development Tea m and senior management.

@Being facilitating productive and useful retrospectives .

d) Comply with the decision of the self-organizing tea m.
36 How m ueh of the Backlog must be defined during the Sprint Planning meeting?

a) Just enough to understand design and architectural implications.

b) Just enough tasks for the Scrum Master to be confident in the Development Team' s understanding of t he Sprint.
~nough so the Development Tea m can create its best forecast of what it can do, and to start several days of the Sprint.
. "df The entre sprint Backlog must be identified by the end of the Sprint Planning meeting.

37 Which two of the following are true about the Scrum Master role?
Choose two answers.
(i;brhe Scrum Master teaches t he Development Tea m to keep the Scrum meetings to their timebox.
'bí At the Sprint Review, the Scrum Master identifies what has been "done" and what has not been " done"
e) The Scrum Master assigns tasks to Development Tea m members when they need work.
;QThe Scrum Master is responsible for updating the Sprint Burnddown .
Q:DThe Scrum Master helps those outside the tea m interact with the Scrum Tea m.

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018
38 Which are properties ofthe Da ily Scrum?
Choose 2 answers.
@t is fifteen minutes or less in duration .
b) lt is facil itated by the team lead .
e) lt consists of the Scrum Mast er asking the Tea m members the three questions.
d) lt is free form and designed to promete conversation .
,A lt is held first thing in the morning
(.Q)ts location and t ime should remain constant.
39 For which is the Scrum Master responsible?
a) Keeping track of resource allocation.
b) The meetings and the objectives that a Scrum Team sets for itself.
e) Managing the performance of the Scrum Tea m.
@ The Scrum process being adopted and properly.

40 A product increment must be released to production at the end of each Sprint.

41 ~oose three responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Tea m.
Choose three answers.

eport dally progress to stakeholders.
o the work planned in the Sprint Backlog.
ncrease velocity.
d) Reorder the Product Backlog.

retfull Product Backlog items for the Sprint.
'r(set the time for the Dally Scrum .
42 When many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, should all of their in increments be integrated every Sprint?
a) No, that is for too hard and must be done in a hardening Sprint.
b) No, each Scrum Team stands alone.
(t.j'yes, but only for Scrum Teams whose work has dependencies.
'a(ves, r herwise the Product Owners (and stakeholders) may not be able to accurately inspect what is done.
43 Who determines how work is performed during the sprint?
a) Development Tea m managers.
b) The Scrum Master.
@The Development Tea m.

d) Subject matter experts.

e) Architects .
44 How much time is required after a Sprint to prepare for the next Sprint?

fJ.None a new Sprint start immediately following the end of the previous Sprint.
'o)The break between sprints is time-boxed to 1 week for 30 days Sprint, and usually less for shorte r Sprints.
e) Enough time for Development Tea m to fin ish the testing from the last Sprint

d) Enough time for the requirements for the next Sprint to be determined and documented.
e) All of the above are allowed depending on the situation .
45 Who should make su re everyone on the Development Tea m does his or her tasks for the Sprint?
(á))rhe Development Tea m.
bf The Product Owner.

e) The Scrum master.

d) The Project Manager.
e) All of the above.
® 46 Why does a Development Tea m need a Sprint Goal?
a) Sprint Goals are not valuable. Everything is known from the Product Backlog.
b) A Sprint Goal ensures that all of the product Backlog items selected for the Sprint are implemented.
;l_A Sprint Goal only gives purpose to sprint O.
~he Development Tea m is more focused with a common yet specific goal.

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018

47 A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but 1 is growing and he/she has been able to resolve only a small
portien of the impediments. Which three (3) techniques would be most helpful in this situation? Choose three answers.
@>rioritize the list and work on them in order.
@Aiert management to the impediments and their impact.
e) Arrange a triage meeting with all other project manager.
d) Discuss the absence of management support with the Development Team .
~ Tell the Product Owner that Scrum isn't working.
(.,!D=onsult with the Development Tea m.
48 When is a Spring canceled?
(a)\When the Product Owner determines that it makes no sense to finish it.
'oí When sales has an important opportunity.
e) When is clear at the end of a Sprint that everything won't be finished.

d) When the Tea m feels that the work too hard
49 What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Tea m working at its highest level of productivity?

a) By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog
{b)By facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments.
'cf By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time.

d) By preventing changes to the backlogs once the Sprint begins.
50 During the Daily Scrum, the Scrum Master's role is to :
a) Make su re that all 3 questions have been answered.
b) Lead the discussions of the Development Tea m.
_.g Manage the meeting in a way that each team member has a chance to speak.

®Teach the Development Tea m to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minute timebox.
e) All of the above.
51 Which two things are appropriate for a Scrum Master todo if the Development Tea m doesn't have the engineering tools
and infrastructure to completely finish each selected Product Backlog item?
a) Refocus the current Sprint on establishing the Development Team's infrastructure instead of delivering an increment.
b) Encourage the Product Owner to accept partially done increments until the situation improves.
@Have~he Development Tea m establish a Definition of Done that is actually possible to achieve given current
d) Declare the Development Team not ready for Scrum.
@coach the Development Team to improve its skills, tools and infrastructure over time and adjust the Definition of Done

52 When maya Development Team change its engineering practices?

a) Prior to starting a new Sprint.

'c)'During the Sprint a new project.

d) Prior to starting a new project.
e) During Sprint Planning.
53 What are three benefits of self-organization?

a) lncreased accuracy of estimates

lncreased rule compliance
ncreased self-accountability
lncreased commitment

ncreased creativity
54 hich three questions are answered by all Development Tea m members at Dally Scrum?
jQHow is the Sprint proceeding?
~hat work did 1 do yesterday to help the team achieve its goal
hy were you late

i hat ~ork ~m 1 going todo today to.help the team achieve its goal
hat 1mped1ments are 1 m ay way or m the way of the tea m
f) How many hours did 1 spend on the project yesterday

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018

55 Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role?
Choose 3 answers.
ti:bThe Product Owner is one person.
{§)rhe Product Owl)er is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog.
e) The Product Owner role can be played by a committee ora tea m of people.
_;4, Multiple can share the Product Owner role on a Scrum Tea m.
(:l)The Product Owner can be influenced by a committee.
56 The timebox for a Daly Scrum is?
a) 4 hours.
b) The same time of day every day.
e) 15 minutes for a 4 week sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter.
d) Two minutes per person .

@15 minutes.
57 Which is NOTa Development Tea m responsibility?

A~esolving interna! tea m conflicts
~electing the Product Owner
e) Monitoring productivity
d) Optimizing the work required to meet Sprint Goal at least daily

e) Planning how to meet a Spring Goal
58 What happens if the Development Tea m cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint?
~The Sprint length holds and the Development Tea m continuously learns what is actually possible todo within a Sprint of
'tfíís length.

b) The Sprint is extended temporarily. Lessons are taken to ensure it doesn't happen again.
e) The Sprint is extended and future Sprint use this new duration. ·
59 A Scrum Master is working with a Development Tea m that has members in different physicallocations. The Development
Tea m meets in a variety of meeting rooms arid has much to do logistically (for example, set up conference calls) before the
Daily Scrum. What action should the Scrum Master take?
J.t Allow the Development Tea m to self-manage and determine for itself what todo.
~et up the meeting and tell the Development Tea m that is how it will be done.
e) Ask the Development Tea m members to alternate who is responsible for meeting setup.
d) lnform management and ask them to solve it.
60 When does the next Sprint Planning?
a) Next Monday

b) When the Product Owner is ready

mediately following the next Spring Planning
mediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint
61 Product Owner makes su re the tea m selects enough from the Product Backlog for a Sprint to satisfy the stakeholders.


62 What is the purpose of a Sprint Review?

To take time to judge then validity of the project
ifo inspect the product increment with stakeholders and collect feedback on next steps
To review the Scrum Team's activities and processes during the Sprint

d) To build team Sprint

63 What does it mean for a Development Tea m to be cross-functional?
a) The Development Tea m is a virtually tea m drawing from separate teams of business analyst, developers and testers.
b) The Development Team includes not only developers but also business analyst, architects, developers and testers.
@The Development Tea m includes cross-skilled individuals who are able to contribute to do what is necessary to deliver an
mcrement of software.
d) Developers on the Development Tea m work closely with business analysts, architects, developers and testers who are not
the tea m.
64 What is time-box for the Sprint Review?
a) 1 day
b) As long as needed
e) 2 hours for a monthly Sprint

d) 4 hours and longer as needed
hours for a monthly Sprint

Formación Profesional 7
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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018

65 Which technique is the least productive way the Scrum Master can ensure that the Development Tea m commun icates
effectively with the Product Owner?
a) Teach the Development Tea m total k in terms of business needs and objectives.
b) Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the Sprints.
Monitor communications between and facilitate direct collaboration.
Actas a go-between for them.
66 hich of the following might the Scrum Tea m discuss during a Sprint Retrospective?
a) The way the Scrum Team does Sprint Planning.
b) Skills needed to improve the Development Team's ability to deliver.
e) Methods of communication.
ts Definition of u done"
11 of the above.
67 eh of the following are roles on Scrum Tea m?

Choose all that apply.

@oevelopment Tea m
®scrum Master
e) Users
d) Customers

~Product Owner
68 'vfhich two things should the Development Tea m do during the first Sprint?
Choose 2 answers.
@reate an increment of potentially releasable software.

b) Analyze, describe, and document the requirements for the subsequent Sprints.
e) Make up a plan for the rest of the project.
_,;Q Analyze, design, and describe the complete architecture and infrastructure.
(:l,Pevelop at least one piece of functionality.
69 Which two activities will a product Owner engage in during a Sprint?
Choose 2 answers.
a) Priortze the Development Team's work on the Sprint Backlog.
b) Run Lhe Dally Scrum .
Update the Sprint burndown chart.
Work with the stakeholders.
Answer questions from the Development Tea m about items in the current Sprint.

70 What does it mean to say that an event has a time-box?

a) The event must at least a minimum amount oftime.
b) The event must happen ata set time.
@rhe event can take no more than a maximum amount of time.

d) The event must happen by a given time.

71 What are two responsibilities of testers in a Development Tea m?
Choose two answers.

@scrum has no "tester" role

b) Tracking quality metrics
inding bugs
veryone in the Development Tea m is responsible for quality

Verifying the work of programmers

72 Ahat is the purpose of a Sprint Review?
~To inspect the product increment with the stakeholders and collect feedback on next steps.
b) To build team spirit
e) To review the Scrum Team's activities and processes during the Sprint
d) To take time to judge the validity of the project.
73 How often should Development Team membership change?
a) Justas it would on any development tea m, with no special allowance for changes in productivity.
very Sprint to promote shared learning.
s needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity.
) Never, because it reduces productivity.

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PSM I - Guía de Estudio 10/Feb/2018

74 Which of the following best describes an increment of working software?

@xdditional features in a useable state that complement those delivered in previous lterations.
b) A new user interface design for functionality delivered in previous iterations.
e) An automated test suite to verify functionality in future iterations.
d) UML diagrams that describe how to deliver functionality in future iterations.
e) A decomposition of al l Product Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog items into tasks for f uture Sprint Backlog
75 A Scrum Team is only allowed to meet with stakeholders during Sprint Review.

76 ~~:~pose of' Spciot ;, to pmduoe' done ;nocement of Produot.

77 Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders?

a) The business analyst
b) The Development Team
(c"r¡The product Owner
'ciíThe project manager

e) The tea m manager
78 When can a Development Tea m cancel a Sprint?
a) Functional expectations are not well understood .
The forecast for the Sprint becomes un-achievable.

t can't. Only Product Owners can cancel Sprint.
A technical dependency cannot be resolved.
e) The Product Owner is absent too often.
f) Answers A or D.
79 Who must do all the work to make su re Product Backlog items conform to the definition of "Done?"
he Scrum Team
he ~roduct Owner
he Development Tea m
d) QA Specialists
e) The Scrum Master
80 Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same project must have the same Sprint start date.

b) False
81 The product Owner must release each increment to production.
a) Whenever the product is free of defécts.

b) To make sure the Development Tea mis Done every Sprint.

ithout exception.
hen it makes sense.

82 t is the time-box the Sprint Planning meeting?

a) Monthly
~. 4 Hours for a monthly Sprint
(:})8 Hours for a monthly Sprint

d) Whenever it is done
83 A product increment must be released to production at the end of each Sprint.
a) True
84 'What is the maximum length of a Sprint?
a) No more than one ca lendar month.
b) Not so long that the risk is unacceptable to the Product Owner.
Not so long that other business event can't be readily synchronized with the development work.
All of these answers are correct.
85 hen many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, should all of their in increments be integrated every Sprint?
a) No, that is for too hard and must be done in a hardening Sprint.
b) No, each Scrum Tea m stands alone.
p.;:es, but only for Scrum Teams whose work has dependencies.
' ~es, otherwise the Product Owners (and stakeholders) may not be able to accurately inspect wha t is done.

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86 Whieh three of the following are feedbaeks loops in Serum?

Choose three answers.
(;ñDally Serum
'oíRefinement Meeting
elease Planning
Sprint Retrospeetive
print Review
87 ieh outeome is expeeted as Serum Teams mature?
(aifhey will improve their definition of "Done" to include more stringent eriteria.
A Serum Master is no longer needed sinee they are a mature team now.
e) Sprint Reviews will no longer be needed .
d) There is no deed for a time-boxed Sprint sinee time-boxes are only for new Serum Tea m.
e) The Sprint Retrospeetives will grow to longer than 4 hours.

88 During a Sprint, when is new work or further deeomposition of work added to the Sprint Baeklog?

filiAs soon as possible after they are identified.
'15{ When the Produet Owner identifies new work.
e) When the Serum Master has time to enter them.
d) During then Dally Serum after the Development Tea m approvers them.

89 When multiple teams are working together on the same produet, eaeh tea m should maintain a separate Produet Baeklog.

90 ~hieh are NOT appropriate topies for diseussion in a Sprint Retrospeetive? (Choose 2 answers)

Choose 2 answers.
a) Definition of "Done"
b) Team relations
ow the tea m does next Sprint n
print Baeklog for the next Sprint
he val ue of work eurrently in the Produet Baeklog
91 Why dc¡es a Development Tea m need a Sprint Goal?
a) SpriMs Goals are not valuable. Everything is known from the Produet Baeklog.
b) A Sprint Goal ensures that all of the Produet Baeklog items seleeted for the Sprint are implemented.
e) A Sprint Goal only gives purpose to Sprint O. .
@The Development Tea m is more foeused with a eommon yet specifie goal.

92 When is a Sprint over?

a) When all Produet Baeklog items meet their definition of "Done."
b) When the Produet Owner says it is done.
When all the tasks are eompleted.

When the time box expires.

93 hen maya Development Tea m ehange its engineering praetiees?
_){Prior to starting a new Sprint.

~henever needed.
e) During the Sprint a new projeet.
d) Prior to starting a new projeet.
e) During Sprint Planning.

94 A Serum Team is only allowed to meet with stakeholders during Sprint Review.

95 ~;::t:f the follow;ng ;, not ' t;me-box ;n Som m7

@elease Testing
b) Sprint Retrospeetive
print O
elease Retrospeetive
aily Serum
f) Sprint Planning Meeting
@sprint Testing

Formación Profesional 10
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