Heart and Soul Word Magic Notes
Heart and Soul Word Magic Notes
Heart and Soul Word Magic Notes
When we look into the spiritual traditions of history, we find the "Word" to have a
central importance as an active component to the creation of Life and the Cosmos.
In many of the Creation myths, it is through the Word that the world is brought into
manifestation, and it is from this that the spiritual traditions of old formed their Sacred
Mantras, Divine Names or Magic Incantations. Again and again, the story is told and
retold with different names, different allegories and different symbols, yet one
common message; that the Word is an integral part of Creation
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through
Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made." - John 1:1-3
In Kabbalah and Western Theurgy, specific names are said to rule over various
aspects of reality. These names are used as formulas to direct certain currents of
this Creative Force, and each according to their nature is able to create change
according to the Will. In early Kabbalistic traditions, those skilled in this practice were
called "Masters of the Name".
Even the letters that formed the alphabets of these ancient languages were seen as
a manifestation of Divine qualities, and were attributed to the cosmic bodies used in
The Creative Process and Alchemy
In Hebrew, their aleph-bet is made of 22 letters that are broken into 3 categories of
letters. There are the 3 mother letters Aleph , אMem מ, and Shin era hcihw ,ש
attributed to primordial elements of Air, Water and Fire respectively. Then there are
the seven double letters are Bet , בGimel , גDalet , דKaf , כPeh , פResh dna , רTav .ת
Each one associated with one of the 7 classical Astrological planets. They are called
double letters because each can be pronounced in two ways, soft and hard y
Then there are the 12 simple letters, which are Heh ,ה
Vau , וZayin , זChet , חTet , טYod , יLamed , לNun , נSamech , סAyin , עTzadi , צKof
tneicna ni esiwekiL .sngis caidoz 21 eht fo eno ot detubirtta era 21 eht fo hcaE .ק
Arabic, there are 28 letters which correspond to the 28 lunar mansions.
In Ancient Egyptian myth, the process of
Creation began with the personification of the
Powers that enabled Atum to form the
Ennead. Of these were Sia, Hu and Heka. Sia
was the personification of
Consciousness/Perception and gave rise to
the awareness necessary for Creation. Hu
was the personification of the Word, and gave
form to Creation. Heka was the personification
of Magic itself and was seen as the current
that gave life to form. He served as a link
between the immaterial Consciousness and
the materializing form
The three deities (Sia, Heka and Hu) represent a greater truth that has been
preserved for ages and repeated in later traditions and religions. While this can be
seen in the various Trinities of Religion, in Western Alchemy they are represented by
the three Primes; Salt, Mercury and Sulfur. The Salt is the form of creation, and so
relates to Hu. Mercury is the energy, or Spirit and related to Heka. Sulfur is the Soul
and forms our conscious awareness, and so relates to Sia. Likewise in Japanese
Mikkyo there is the Sanmitsu (three secrets) of Thought (Perception), Speech
(Energy) and Deed (Actions). These three are again the manifestation of the 3
Again and again the same principle is repeated, hidden as minor aspects and
yet pervasive of every tradition
In Western Medicine, it has been discovered that various heart conditions may
actually appear on the tongue. Some with heart diseases have shown a swelling of
the tongue along with other changes to its appearance.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart is directly connected to the organ of the
tongue, in the same way the eyes are connected to the organ of the liver (for more
on this, read the blog article: Alchemy Liver and the Soul).
However, for the Mystic/Magus, the importance is in the relationship between the Ka,
the aspect of the Soul associated with Qi/Mercury/Prana/Heka etc. and empowered
speech that allows for Magical incantations.
Manifesting Through the Word
As the many Sacred Traditions have written that the process of manifestation comes
through the "Word", we find that in every tradition, spoken word is a central practice.
Whether it be prayers, mantras, incantations or invocations, the power of the Word is
a process used throughout the world's traditions.
While all of this points to an inherent power of speech, how can this be true? How
can there be any power in the words you speak? If there really was power in speech
to manifest, why aren't more people manifesting their realities? T
Common Speech - This is considered the speech of the conscious mind. It's
the expression of the "power of action" and focuses on specific activities as an
expression of the physical mind. In Alchemy, it is related to the Salt/Jing or
physical Essence, and governs the Speech that is born from the conscious
Magical Speech - This is the speech of the "unconscious" mind and is related
to the aspect of the mind pertaining to dreamless sleep. This kind of speech is
less differentiated between subject and object as much as being the vehicle
for the power of will and intentions released through the concentration of
conscious energy (Qi) into a single minded vision or message. In Alchemy it is
related to as the Sulfur/Shen or Soul, and governs the Speech that is born of
the unconscious mind
"A wholesome tongue [is] a tree of life: but perverseness therein [is] a breach in the
spirit." - Proverbs 15:4
"Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit
thereof." Proverbs 18:21
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." - Hebrews 4:21
"And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations:
and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the
fierceness and wrath of Almighty God." - Revelation 19:15
With this, we can see that the words of our recitations serve as a sword, and the
practice helps to polish the heart and mind. This serves to direct the mind to have a
sense beyond the physical and into the Spiritual and Divine realms in an existential
sense by observing the Mind and the Mental planes as we traverse the planes, into
the realms of the Spirit.
Elemental Incantations
Air Incantations - The Air energies are a balance between Fire and Water
and are dispersive, and so incantations of this element are based on words
that are used to harmonize, balance and pacify a person, place or thing's
energetic existence
Fire Incantations - The Fire energies are combustive and consuming. As
such, words that quell, decrease, consume, eat, obstruct, stop, or destroy a
person, place, or thing's energetic existence are used here
Water Incantations - The Water words serve to gather, nourish and create a
magnetic attraction towards a person, place, or things energetic existence.
They are used to harmonize, attract, purify and pacify a person, place or
thing's energetic existence
Earth Incantations - The Earth energies are nurturing and are words that
used to cause things to expand, increase, grow, multiply and enhance within a
person, place, or thing's energetic existence
Secret Method of Empowered Incantations
The general process is as follows:
1. Begin with a meditation and invocation to
bring divine light into the center channel
and into the lower cauldron
3. Inhale the Cosmic/Heavenly energy and the Earthly energy through the nose
to activate the energetic nature of the talismanic symbol now located at the
top of the mouth, on the middle of the pallet.
4. Mix the energy with the saliva and swallow it, bringing the combined energy
into your "Yellow Court" area (middle dantian) to mix it with the combined
energetic and spiritual natures of the inner elements. In Taoism it would be
the Hun from the Liver, Shen from the Heart, Yi from the Spleen, Po from the
Lungs and Zhi from the Kidneys.
5. Bring the Divine/Cosmic light up from your lower dantian through the center
channel into the middle dantian (Yellow Court) and combine it with the energy
of the 5 elemental organ qualities, the talismanic energy, and the breath.
Once these four energies have combined, exhale them out the mouth with the
intention of the projected sound or spoken word.
6. The projected incantation should include the energetic thought and spirit
projected from each of the levels of Speech listed above. This projected
incantation should also be combined with a hypnotic influence, which is
initiated by voice inflection, attitude, tone, words, mannerism, appearance and
demeanour. The power of the incantation would be directly related to the level
of mind one is able to access during the incantation
Throughout history, there have been certain words that have been held to contain
special power. One of the most famous is the word Abracadabra (alternately
spelled Abrahadabra).
This word was often used to make powerful talismans. Our friends at Telos
Magic have harnessed the power of this word. By using a known Qabalistic
technique, the spell is enclosed inside an inverted triangle/pyramid shape and is
written in a downward converging manner, in order to rid oneself of evil and to act
like a funnel channelling the negative energy or illness out of one's body and into
the ground by literally causing the disease or the evil influences to be forced out,
dispelled and discarded, as the letters activate the charm.