Final Unit Outline S F
Final Unit Outline S F
Final Unit Outline S F
PDHPE 7-10:
Assessment 2
Assessment 2
This unit will be taught after target games and invasion games, so that
Unit Context:
students can learn the tactical awareness and game strategies needed
(Scope and Sequence for more difficult categories. Students are given the opportunity to
Information) participate in a range of modified sports such as tee-ball, cricket and
The strike and field unit allows students to build upon their
fundamental movement skills by participating in a range of fun
(The importance of activities using a game sense approach. By participating in modified
this learning)
games, all students will be engaged and given the opportunity to
develop skill outcomes as well as cognitive learning outcomes to the
best of their ability.
AC General Capabilities
Ethical Information
and Intercultural Literacy Numeracy Personal
Critical and understanding communication understanding and social
creative technology capability
thinking capability
Values and Attitudes Outcomes
Students Will:
• value health-enhancing behaviours that contribute to active, enjoyable and fulfilling lifestyles
• develop a willingness to participat
Strand 2: Movement skil and performance Students will demonstrate a range of aspects of movement participate in a variety of
movement skills in a variation of different skill development movement activities to demonstrate
contexts and environments and enhance body control, body
body control and awareness awareness, object manipulation,
anticipation and timing
object manipulation and
anticipation and timing
• influences on skill participate in movement
Assessment 2
Strand 2: Movement skil and performance development and activities that demonstrate and
Students will demonstrate a range of performance reinforce the transfer of skills
movement skills in a variation of different across different movement
contexts and environments - applying skills across contexts
- predictable and dynamic participate safely in movement
importance of practice
Strand 2: Movement skil and performance Students will demonstrate a range of contexts for specialised demonstrate movement skills
movement skills in a variation of different movement skills
through a range of experiences
contexts and environments including:
games from categories such
Skills Outcomes
Strand Outcomes Content
4.12 assesses risk and social influences and reflects Students develop the capacity to In developing decision-making
on personal experience approach decision-making in an skills students learn to:
informed and thoughtful manner, • identify choices and options
taking into account the rapidly • gather and evaluate information
changing knowledge and and reflect on prior knowledge
information relating to health and and experience
physical activity. They are • decide on and examine
considerate of others, consultative alternatives, assessing the
and collaborative in the decisions associated risks
they make. They recognise the • consider consequences
need to address key health and • decide on a course of action
physical activity issues in
• evaluate the decision.
circumstances where they have
time and space to come to
Assessment 2
Strand Outcomes Content
considered conclusions so that they
can be prepared to respond
appropriately when confronted with
decision-making situations
involving significant social
In movement settings students
learn to make decisions in
predictable environments and to
improvise in dynamic and
unpredictable situations. They
select and modify strategies and
tactics to achieve individual and
group goals.
4.14 engages successfully in a wide range of In developing movement skills
Moving Students develop the capacity to
movement situations that displays an understanding students learn to:
of how and why people move move with skill and creativity in a
wide range of movement contexts • determine the purpose of
and environments and to value movement, and their personal
movement as a source of personal needs and interests
enjoyment and satisfaction. It is • adapt and combine movements
through moving that students learn according to purpose
about the capabilities of the body in • take action to participate safely
motion. They use movement as a • communicate and collaborate to
medium for expression and achieve group goals in movement
communication, as a context for settings.
social interaction, cooperation and
teamwork, and as a source of
problem-solving and personal
4.16 clarifies the source and nature of problems and In developing problem-solving
Problem solving Students develop the capacity to
draws on personal skills and support networks to skills students learn to:
resolve them apply problem-solving strategies to
a wide range of individual and • anticipate, identify, clarify and
community health issues. They frame problems
think creatively in order to find • adapt or develop strategies to
Assessment 2
Strand Outcomes Content
effective ways of dealing with life address problems
transitions and resource • justify the choice of strategies
management issues. They work in • apply strategies
groups or teams to identify options, • evaluate the process and
strengths within the group and outcome.
solutions that satisfy shared
objectives. Students develop an
ability to manage change and
challenges, and to respond in
positive ways. They also enjoy and
derive a sense of achievement
through success in solving
problems in a range of movement
contexts and environments.
Assessment 2
Overview of learning
Duration: Knowledge & Understanding Content Teaching and Learning Strategies Assessment FOR Resources
Game 2
Game 2
Debrief Questions
different catching challenges such as how many understand game - Tennis balls,
times can you clap your hands while the ball is in strategies softballs, gator
- applying skills
across contexts the air? Throw the ball above your head and balls
participate safely in catch it with your non-dominate hand?
movement activities
- Cones/markers
- predictable and Game 1 - Cross Cricket
dynamic - Optional batting
environments tee
To set this field, place two 10m ropes across
Assessment 2
importance of each other so they form an X. This allows four
- Hoops/bases
different games to be played at once. Within
each triangle formed from the X, a batter aims to
hit the ball and run between set cones to score
points. After each hit the batter counts their
score, then rotates to field. This is an individual
game, where each player keeps count of their
own score.
Game 2
Include some of the following progressions:
Debrief Questions
and get the batter out. The batter is out if the ball positions
such as striking/fielding - Cones/markers
is caught on a full or the ball hits their legs.
- Optional batting
Game 1 Hit 4 and go
A batter hits 4 consecutive balls into the field of
- Hoops/bases
play. Once the last ball has been hit, the batter
then proceeds to run in-between the set marker
cones as many times as possible before the
fielding team returns all four balls to the bucket
where the batter was originally standing.
Game 2
Assessment 2
Include some of the following progressions:
Debrief Questions
Fielding Team - How can you return all four
balls to the bucket quickly?
Bating Team – How are you going to try scatter
the balls? Why you try separate them in all
different directions? Are you going to try hit the
ball high or low?
Debrief Questions
7 practise and refine Tactical Focus: Fielding Group Work: are - Suitable playing
types of fundamental and teams working area
movement skills specialized movement together to strategies
- Bats, paddles,
skills in predictable and Warm up and win
tennis racquets
- fundamental
dynamic learning Pepper – Play in groups of 5. A batter try’s to hit
- specialized
the ball to each of the fielders and the fielders
- Tennis balls,
- locomotor and softballs, gator
practice catching the ball. Who ever fields the
non-locomotor balls
ball under arm throws back to the batter. Rotate
fielders and batters. - Cones/markers
Week 4
Game 2
Include some of the following progressions
Assessment 2
- Increase the number of fielders
- Change the equipment used to hit the
ball. Eg paddles, bats, tennis racquet
- Include another pitt in which batters can
hit over. The pitch further away can be
worth more points
- For the batting team, include a running
zone for bonus runs
Debrief Questions
8 practise and refine Tactical Focus: Running Skill Execution: are - Suitable playing
types of fundamental and students trying to area
movement skills specialized movement Warm up place the ball while
- Bats, paddles,
skills in predictable and hitting? Are they
tennis racquets
- fundamental
dynamic learning Students pick a partner and play tennis handball. able to throw the ball
- specialized
Students hit the ball over a designated line. After to the right fielders? - Tennis balls,
the ball bounces the partner can hit the ball back. Are they making softballs, gator
- locomotor and non- appropriate game balls
play situations - Cones/markers
Game 1 - Slammo
- Optional batting
Divide the class into two teams. Set up a soft ball tee
diamond with 3 tees or tall witches hat at the - Hoops/bases
home plate. The batter hits all 3 balls and runs to
as many bases as they can before the 3 balls are
returned to a buck near the home plate. Each
base the batter runs to equals one point.
Assessment 2
Game 2
Include some of the following progressions
- Fielders can start chasing the ball until
the last ball is hit
- Have a bowler bowl to the batter
- Change the equipment used to hit the
ball. Eg bats, tennis request and paddles
- Include bonus zones for the batting team
Debrief Questions
participate in a variety of
9 Tactical Focus: Fielding Teacher Observation: - Suitable playing
movement activities to
aspects of are students area
demonstrate and enhance
movement skill answering questions
body control, body - Bats, paddles,
development and discussions. Do
Week 5
Game 2
Debrief Questions
participate in a variety of
10 Teacher Observation: - Suitable playing
movement activities to Tactical Focus: Batting, Fielding and Running
aspects of are students area
demonstrate and enhance
movement skill answering questions
body control, body - Bats, paddles,
development and discussions? Do
awareness, object tennis racquets
students understand
manipulation, anticipation Warm up
body control and and timing
game strategies? - Tennis balls,
softballs, gator
Assessment 2
Throwing bean bags in hula hoops balls
object Holding forearm and throwing with the wrist, - Cones/markers
manipulation holding elbow and throwing with the arm.
and control
Kneeling and throwing with the shoulder, - Optional batting
anticipation and standing stationary and throwing, step with same tee
leg as throwing, step with opposite leg. - Hoops/bases
Discussion - Which position allowed the ball to
generate the greatest speed? Accuracy? What felt
the most comfortable? Which throw generated
the greatest force?.
Summative assessment Description (Assessment OF Learning): Outcomes Assessed:
Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes:
Year 8 Strike and Field Games Performance Assessment:
Observe students ability to field during a modifies Tee-ball Game Strand 2: Movement skill and performance (4.4): demonstrates and refines
This will be done by a tally system movement skills in a range of contexts and environments
Problem solving (4.16): clarifies the source and nature of problems and draws
on personal skills and support networks to resolve them
After the unit has been completed, both teachers and students should reflect on their experiences and what may be done in the next process to assist their
Teachers should:
- Which games were effective and which games needed further modifications
- Suggest different learning experiences to enhance learning
- Reflect what worked well in lessons and what may need changing
- Suggest additional resources that the unit may need
Assessment 2
YouTube. (2017). 2016 World Series Game 7 in 30 Minutes*. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2017].
Assessment 2
Suggested strategies
Some suggested Teaching and Learning Strategies:
Thinking Skills Co-operative Learning Graphic Organisers
Higher Order Thinking Skills Think-pair-share Mind Maps or Concept Maps
Academic Justification
The unit outline was designed for the strand 2 unit of work movement
skill and performance, specifically based on strike and field games in the
PDHPE stage 5 syllabus. The aim of the unit outline was to sequence
learning and incorporate a game sense approach to teaching, so students
learn fundamental skills by tactical awareness and game appreciation
rather then skill execution drills. The unit outline also included specific
pedagogical practices to adhere to the NSW Quality Teaching Model.
Throughout the unit outline, each lesson included a high number of game
sense activities. This was specifically integrated into each lesson to shift
the focus away from skill-based drills and introduce students with an
element of tactical focus and game appreciation activities. Applying
game sense activities in each lesson allows the opportunity for students to
develop a greater substantive understanding of critical elements of each
game played (Pearson,Webb and Mckeen, 2006). The main aim was to
allow students to develop a greater understanding of a certain tactical
focus each week that would develop their skill ability in strike and field
game play. Developing these skills students could also be transferred in
their learning throughout other sports in the year. The tactical focus was
designed to vary each week, for example each lesson would include a
game where the focus and debrief question was targeted to either striking,
fielding, running or throwing element to enhance student outcomes
deprived from the syllabus such as body control, body awareness, object
manipulation, special awareness, anticipation and timing. Participating in
the particular games chosen in this unit of work will also give each
student the opportunity to reach their strand 2 skill outcomes such as
decision making, moving and problem solving, no matter their ability.
This will also enable the lessons to adhere to the standards 1.3 and 1.4 of
the NSW Quality Teaching Model.
Assessment 2
However, important factors must be considered when using the game
sense approach such as the use of questioning and debrief questions.
Questioning can be used as an influential method to allows students to
analyse their actions and generate critical thinking about game play.
Pearson, Webb and Mckeen (2006) states that questioning can be a strong
method that encourages players to assess their performance whilst
playing, not only individually but as a whole team performance. This is
evident throughout this unit of work where the teacher has the ability to
stop the game at anytime and ask students set of questions that will
enable them to think critically about game play and the use of certain
tactics. For example if the fielding team is struggling to stop the points
being scored by the batting team, the teacher can ask a range of questions
to improve performance for the fielding team such as “why is the batting
team scoring a lot of runs?”, “Where can the fielders stand to stop the
runs being scored?” and “ how can you get the ball to reach the bases
quicker?”. The use of open-ended questions is a great tool to help direct
players if they are struggling with a particular concept of the game.
However, there may be some considerations that the teacher should
consider before determining the complexity of the questions such as age,
experience and ability level (Pill, 2014). Furthermore, Light (2016) states
that debrief questions is a powerful method to encourage players to make
better decisions about the tactical elements of game play in a realist
context. In this case, the debrief questions will allow students to develop
a greater understand of striking, throwing, fielding and running, which
also correlates to standard 1.2 of the NSW Quality Teaching Model.
Assessment 2
Lastly, several modifications were imbedded in the unit of work to be
used as differentiation techniques to cater for the needs of a range of
different abilities and to help physically or impaired students. This can be
evident throughout the unit of work by including a range of modifications
such as changing types of equipment like bats and balls, changing the
playing area, striking balls off a tee rather then hitting a ball from a
bowler, extra games, team sizes and include running zones for bonus
points. The aim of these modifications is to create a more engaging game
by increasing or decreasing the difficulty of the game depending on the
abilities of the students. This will also have a significant effect how well
students are motivated and participate in the lesson, specifically
correlation to standard 2.2 and 3.4 of the NSW Quality Teaching Model.
Pill (2014) also states that the introduction of certain rules allows players
to think critically about how they may gain a tactical advantage over the
opposing team developing their understanding of the game.
Assessment 2
Aspasia, D., Chrysoula, N., Panagiotis, S. and Georgios, L. (2017). Physical Education Teachers′
Action Research on Teaching Games for Understanding. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,
8(2), pp.68-81.
Light, R. (2016). Implementing a game sense approach in youth sport coaching: Challenges, change
and resistance. Waikato Journal of Education, 10(1), pp.54-73.
Pearson, P., Webb, P., & Mckeen, K. (2006). Linking teaching games for understandingand quality
teaching in NSW seconday schools. The Hong Kong Institute Of Education, 34-46.
Pill, S. (2014). An appreciative inquiry exploring game sense teaching in physical education. Sport,
Education and Society, 21(2), pp.279-297.