Low Back Pain Di Bali Berdasarkan
Low Back Pain Di Bali Berdasarkan
Low Back Pain Di Bali Berdasarkan
Ramananda, Gede Adi, Ns. I Made Widastra, S.Kep (1), M.Pd., Ns. I Putu
Artawan, S.Kep (2)
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana
Abstract. Low Back Pain is often encountered complain in daily life. Low back
pain is pain in the back between the bottom corner of the costal (rib) to the
lumbosacral (around the tail bone). Conservative management of low back pain is
usually addressed in two ways: pharmacological and non-pharmacological. One of
non-pharmacologic therapy is a complementary therapy that dry cupping therapy.
This study aims to determine the effect of dry cupping therapy on pain intensity in
patients with low back pain (low back pain) in the Latu Usadha Private Practice
NursingAbiansemal. The method is one group pretest-posttest design without
control group , non-probability sampling technique that is incidental sampling
sampling with a sample of 23 people. Results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon
test with α = 0.05 showed that the value of significan (p) is 0.000, which means p
<0.05 with an error rate of 5%, then Ho (zero) is rejected which means that there
is the effect of the dry cupping therapy pain intensity scale in patients with low
back pain. . It can be concluded that the dry cupping therapy reduce low back pain
by 95%
Keywords : Dry Cupping Therapy, Pain Intensity, Low Back Pain