Thomas Traficante Criminal Complaint
Thomas Traficante Criminal Complaint
Thomas Traficante Criminal Complaint
v. ,r-
case No.
I, BARRY W. COUCH, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief that in the Western District of New York, the defendant violated offenses described as follows:
Beginning in or about October 20L7 thtou;gh December 2017, in the Westem District of New York
and elsewhere, the defendant, THOMAS TRAFICANTE, did knowingly with the intent to kdl, injure,
harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another
person, used the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or elecffonic
communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to
erlgage in a course of conduct thatplaced that person in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury or
caused, attempted to cause, or would be reasonably expected to have caused substantial emotional distress
to a person, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2261(A); did knowingly transmit in
interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to injure the person of another, in
violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 875(c); and did possess with intent to distribute and
distributed cocaine, a Schedule II controlled substance in violation of Title 21, United States Code, Section
couNTY oF MONROE ) ss:
I, Barry W. Couch, having been first duly swom, do hereby depose and state as
1. I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and have been
cause to believe that THOMAS TRAFICANTE, born xxlxx /1994, did knowingly with the
intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure,
harass, or intimidate another person, used the mail, any interactive computer service or
conduct that placed that person in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury or
emotional disffess to a person, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2261(A);
any tkxeat to injure the person of another, in violation of Title 18, United States Code,
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Section 875(c); and did possess with intent to distribute and distributed cocaine, a Schedule
knowledge and observation, my training and experience, conversations with other law
enforcement officers and wiuresses, and the review of documents and records. Because this
affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of securing a criminal complaint, I have
not included every fact known to me concerning this investigation. I have set forth only the
facts that I believe are necessary to establish probable cause *rat THOMAS TRAFICANTE
did knowingly violate Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2261(A) and 875(c).
received an anonymous complaint from someone using the email account "anonymous
student (VICTIM) at the university was purchasing illegal drugs believed to be cocaine
through the internet and having them shipped soon to the VICTIM to the VICTIM's
university mail box. The university was on alert for a possible shipment of illegal drugs to
the VICTIM's mail box. On November 2, 2017, university staff observed a package
delivered to the VICTIM's mail box and alerted the university police. University police and
the local County Sheriffs Office inspected the package, delivered through *re United States
Postal Service, and determined it contained 1.4 grams of cocaine. University police
interviewed the VICTIM and she denied knowledge of the cocaine being mailed. With
consent from the VICTIM, university police searched the VICTIM's residential room and
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stated she had recently broken up with her boyfriend, THOMAS TRAFICANTE, and the
break-up was not amicable. The VICTIM stated TRAFICANTE had hacked her social
media accounts in the past and was controlling. The VICTIM said she had changed all her
passwords to her online accounts because of fear of retribution from TRAFICANTE. The
VICTIM stated TRAFICANTE was the only person other than her family members that
knew what her university mailing address was, as he had sent her multiple boxes of flowers
5. The VICTIM explained how she had met TRAFICANTE on an online dating
application in May of 20L7. She said TRAFICANTE lived in Seaford, New York, which is
close to the town the VICTIM resides at with her family when not attending the university.
The VICTIM dated TRAFICANTE throughout the Summer months, and stated in July he
took her to a shootingrange, as he has a rifle. The VICTIM said that TRAFICANTE had
shared with her that he had done some bad things in order to get even with people. The
while they were dattng where TRAFICANTE confided in the VICTIM and said he had
posted someone's information on a prostitution site andthat person received many phone
calls and texts from random males looking for a "hooker". TRAFICANTE follows up in the
texting conversation with "Welllllll it won't happen UNLESS you do some shit that I
strongly disagree with And you'd probably be harder to manipulate than most people but it
probably wouldn't be TOO difficult.", soon followed by, "Well you wouldn'tbe able to tell
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if I was manipulating you That's the point of manipulation It's secretly getting someone to
confiding to the VICTIM he had used drugs stating, "To me, acid helped pull me out of the
worst time of my like emotionally. After it helped, I kept doing it and it started doing bad
things to me. So I stopped. It can be good, it can bebad life* Yeah I'm way different after
doing different psychedelic drugs.", soon followed by, "I explored many different drugs,
mostly in search of happiness. Didn't find it anywhere. Got myself to the edge of being
addicted to cocaine. Definitely don't wanna go back and do that Cocaine "hangovers"
(AKA withdrawals) come with the WORST depression you've ever felt in your entire life".
7 . The VICTIM stated that at the end of July 2017 , she noticed her Snapchat
(Intemet based application) was being logged out. She said Snapchat only works on one
device at a time, so if someone logs into her account on another phone, it logs out the
account on her phone. The VICTIM said at the beginning of August 2017, she was texting
TRAFICANTE and he was "rarrting" to her about his ideas and opinions of birth control.
The VICTIM said she did not agree with what he was saying, screenshoffed some of his text
messages, and sent them to her four best friends on GroupMe (an intemet based phone
application allowing messaging to a group). Later that evening, TRAFICANTE texted her,
"(VICTIM's name) ya know I've been thinking, and don't take this the wrong way: based on
how I know you are so far, I have an unbelievably strong feeling that you were either talking
behind my back or sending screenshots (or both) to your friends during our discussion
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yesterday. I'm concluding this based off of the fact that you've done this to other people
(sending screenshots to me), and the fact that you were clearly bothered by me yesterday."
The VICTIM stated that near the end of August 2017, she got a message on her phone
saying there was suspicious activity from Los Angeles. She said she took a screen shot of the
message, sent it to TRAFICANTE, and asked him if he knew anything about it. The
VICTIM provided the text messages where she told TRAFICANTE someone ffied signing
into one of her accounts from Los Angeles. TRAFICANTE responded, "Hahahahaha
GOOD! Remember when you said you wanted me to test you and try to hack into your
account? Like in early July!?* I didn't forget So I figured I have exffa time rn, might as well
test her You passed!" The VICTIM responded, "You're not in Los Angeles", to which
TRAFICANTE responded, "I used a VPN". The VICTIM said at the beginning of
Septernber 2017, she had notes on her cell phone that listed guys she had kissed. In a phone
conversation with TRAFICANTE, he brought the list up to the VICTIM and told her some
of the guys on the list, saying he guessed them. The VICTIM provided text messages from
convince her to give him her email account password, and other messages about stalking her
and gatherrng data on her. TRAFICANTE states, "So I assume you'd be upset if I happened
to gain access to somethingthatbelongs to you, correct? Lmao". The VICTIM soon states,
"I'm not giving you my passwords". TRAFICANTE responds, "I would be able to get in
without, but youd very clearly know that I got in", soon followed by, "I just obsess over
things that I get stuck in my head. I get anxious over it ya know?", and then, "Alright
pulling the trigger on this", and then, "Pulling the trigger on something means you'te going
to go through with it". The VICTIM responds, "What are you going through wi11".
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TRAFICANTE responds, "The severe stalking Or really not stalkingbttya know But it was
a joke obviously", soon followed by, "It's not actually stalking, it'dbe 10 min of gathering
simple data..stalking was the wrong word to use. And it's not that I want to do it, it's the
only way I know of to settle my mind so I know firsthand what is and is not the ffuth."
TRAITICANITE soon states that when he is not able to prove something it causes "friction"
in his brarn. TRAFICANTE then states, "When I get this "friction" the only way to fix it,
realTy, is to be able to prove or disprove whatever it is", soon followed by, "Basically, not
supe( hard,I could prob get into your email without knowing your password (but you'd
have to change it afterwards bc it requires me to change it in the first place). Then, all I'd
have to look for are emails from like venom or like WhatsApp or groupme or Facebook or
literally anything that would prove or disprove my theory. Within 10 min max my mind
would be settled 1o1. However, I understand why that is a no-no and why you wouldn't want
me to do that. It's an invasion of privacy and it is what it is". The VICTIM said in October
2017, TRAFICANTE admitted to hacking in the past where he states in a text message she
provided, "Maybe I shouldn't have told you that I used to hack and still have some
knowledge on it...I did it for money (and a few favors *rat I can recall) ." Later in October,
the VICTIM said TRAFICANTE screenshot her physical location, sent it to her, and
questioned where she was.
8. The VICTIM stated that on October 26, 2017, she broke up with
TRAFICANTE, and on Octobe r 30, 2017, TRAFICANTE tried to get back together with
the VICTIM but she refused. The VICTIM provided copies of the text messages between
herself and TRAFICANTE that reflect this. At one point, TRAFICANTE states, "if you
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wind up dropping out, changing to an easier major that you can deal with, or ffansferring
somewhere closer-would you consider?" The VICTIM responds, "Yes sure But I'm not
doing *rat But sure". TRAFICANTE responds with, "You wouldn't? What happens if you
have no choice?"
VICTIM provided a copy of the text message), "My mom just woke me up bc she was in my
room snooping around (bc she's concerned about me i guess) and she found my BB gun and
FLIPPED because she thought it was arcalgun and I guess thought I was gonna try to kill
10. The VICTIM said on November L,2017, she was logged out of her Snapchat
account. She asked her roommate to see where Snapchat showed her being physically
located. The roommate checked and it showed the VICTIM as being in Wantagh Long
occurence and stated the VICTIM was physically sitting next to her there at their university
residence at the time. The VICTIM said she was aware, due to them dating, of
TRAFICANTE always going to that Starbucks. The VICTIM provided the Snapchar
location screenshots. The VICTIM confronted TRAFICANTE over text messaging and told
him to stop and that she did not want to talk to him anymore. The VICTIM then rold
TRAFICANTE she was blocking him on all her accounts except text and if he continued
talking to her, she would block his number from texting too.
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suspicious looking package in the mail and notified university police. University police and
the New York State Police inspected the package and determined it contained the drug
MDMA, a methamphetamine. The VICTIM stated she was not expecting a package and
suspected TRAFICANTE of sending it, that he had sent her that message asking her if
anything happened at school that would make her come back home if she would date him
12. On November 10, 2017, the university police were noffied by several
members of the sorority the VICTIM is a member of of a suspicious text message they
received, that rcad, "its not safe out there tonight (name of sorority)". The text message
came from phone number 585-376-1093. On November 11,2017, the university police were
notified of another text message sent to the students from the same phone number thatread,
"dad you all mostly took my advice last night. but moving it forward one nlght doesn,t
make (name of sorority) or their dates any safer. i mean no harm, im not the threat, but
harm is coming." IJniversity police determined through an open intemet lookup that the
a cellular phone number but one generated by an ontine service. Several of the students
expressed being scared and afraid due to the text messages and,that it was disturbing their
daily lives and studies.
5:35 AM that morning she had received approximately sixty calls, texts and Facetime calls
from random numbers al7 wanting to have sex with her. The VICTIM believed
TRAFICANTE was responsible due to what he had told her about doing something similar
advertisement of the VICTIM that the individual posting the advertisement used the email
telephone conversation with the person who had left the threatening texts. The student said
the person seemed to be using a voice changer application. The student reported the person
said he did not necessarily want to do what he was doing, but "his brain was telling him
The student said the person told him he had been "wronged" by members in the Greek
community and that he needs revenge. The student reported the person told him he had
divorced parents, deals with anxiety, has a ffust issue, and has an ex-girlfriend in the Greek
community. The student said the person told him the person's ex-girlfriend is in the first
sorority that he threatened. The person claimed to want to inflict mental and emotional
harm. The person told the student he knew he was not acting rationally and that he was
prescribed Xanax. The student said the person talked a lot about
his brain. On November
17, 2017, another student received a text message from the same number
that read., ,,im
excited for the wedding" and "hope you don't wear anything *rat
can stain,,. On November
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17 , 2017 , another student reported communicating with the same number the messages were
coming from via text where the person threatened to do "somethin g" thatcoming Saturday,
that his plans were "years in the making" andthathe sought out help but his mindset cannot
be changed.
15. On November 18, 2017, another student had a texting conversation with the
person using the suspect phone number. The person stated, "i mentioned that a possible
outcome of my actions could be death. its in the hands of each individual really to
determine. what if that means death by cop? not follow police orders and getting shot?,,,
soon followedby, "my goal is to create the most amount of turmoil and parn within greek
life at (name of school)", then, "there are various people among different orgs who have hurt
me. my plan is to hurt them.", *ten, "the only thing that helps is revenge. or at least the
feeling of satisfaction that it brings me.", then, "but I break sometimes. this is my worst
break.", then, "i have caused properry damage. mostly that. directed atthe people who i feel
broke me", arrd then, "i certainly have feelings that make me want to cause harm to myself
or others."
that she has told her ex-boyfriend, TRAFICANTE, several times to not contact her
anymore, but that he has continued to text her on November 4ft, November 11fr, and
November l6h and she did not respond. The VICTIM stated she was going home to
Long Island area and she was scared TRAFICANTE would try to contact
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17. On November 20, 2017, the university police were notified of another text
message sent from the same suspect number that read, "i gave you a present tonight along
with a few others. some whose numbers i dont even have. soon will be the ones who live
closer to the school. hope you are enjoying your break as much as i am.,,
18. On November 20, 2017, university staff observed the VICTIM received
another suspicious looking package in the mail and notified university police. University
police and the New York State Police inspected the package and determined it contained
Police Department that he observed the driver's side front window of the VICTIM,s vehicle
being broken. The VICTIM's vehicle was at her parents' home because the VICTIM,s
mother had flown to see the VICTIM at the university due to the stalking activity the
VICTIM was experiencing, and the mother had chosen to drive the VICTIM's vehicle back
to their fumily residence rather than fly. The VICTIM's stepfather then observed a hole in
the front window of the family residence consistent with ttrat of being caused by a BB gun
and a small gold BB gun pellet resting on the windowsill. He had last seen his vehicle
previous evening at approximately 8:00 PM without any damage, and then
observed the
damage that moming at approximately 7:15 AM. The VICTIM's stepfather made Nassau
County Police aware of the situation occurring with the VICTIM atthe university.
that evening, the VICTIM's stepfather reported to Nassau County police
he observed video
surveillance footage from a neighbor's residence that showed a small
sedan drive by his
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residence at 3:35 AM that moming and that the vehicle fit the description of
TRAFICANTE's vehicle. Nassau County Police observed the video and did agree that the
vehicle fit the description of TRAFICANTE's vehicle, a 2016 Black Mazda 3 four-door
at his 3911 fuftur Ave N, Seaford, New York 11783 residence and he denied involvement
in the broken windows at the VICTIM's residence and the threatening messages through
any websites. TRAFICANTE shared wi*r the police he was seeing a therapist due to the
break up with the VICTIM. Nassau County police advised TRAFICANTE to not contact
reported to university police he received the following text message from the same suspect
number: "notiff who ever you need to. i am done. i took time to think about everything you
said to me. you helped. thank you. i hope you had a great thanksgiving. i am thankful for
you and your help. i am sorry to you and to every one affected. i will live with this guilt for a
while but im moving forward and bettering myself. i hope to cross paths with you at school
22. On Decembet 2, 2017, the VICTIM, and several other students, received a
text message from the same suspect number that stated, "youre al7 crazy if you think im
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stifl out there". The VICTIM received this message on a new phone of hers with a newly
by the sorority members that stated, "I'm in the house". Local police searched the sorority
members' house and reported the sorority members were extremely concemed
and scared
for their safety.
24. On December 5,2077, some of the students reported to university police they
believed they found the connection between the different members thathadreceived
the text
messages. They reported the sorority uses the "Group Me" application to ensure all
members have a safe ride home on the weekends. It was realized, that alTof the girls
that had
posted their numbers to this application had received the text messages.
They said someone
would have to be able to log in to the application account to gain access to the posted
25. On December 5, 2017, the VICTIM reported to university police she had been
experiencing suspicious activity on a website she uses to take chemistry tests. She
that qvizzes she needed to take had been submitted as completed before she had
taken them
resulting in zeros. She originally thought it was a problem with the website but then the
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Pinger regarding avarTable data on the 585-37 6-1093 number. Pinger revealed the number
was established on November 10, 20L7, from IP address pinger provided Ip
logs showing the 96.250.L6.165IP address was also uttlized by the number on November
17,2017. The IP logs also revealed the numbet vttTizedanother IP address on November 11,
Verizon revealing that IP address was assigned to 3911 Arthur Ave N
Seaford, New York 11783 on November 10, 2017, at the time the 585-376-1093 pinger
28. On December 13, 2017, the VICTIM's mother reported to the university
police that the VICTIM had received a package at their family residence. The package
contained a book titled, "I AM V/ATCHING YOU". The book apparently is a recently
released fiction novel that has stalking and the sending of threatening letters in its
The book was shipped from Amazon and was purchased through the VICTIM,s Amazon
29. On December 15, 2017, the VICTIM received a matled package at the
university containing 3.5 grams of marijuana.
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Based upon the foregoing, your affiant respectfully submits that there is probable
cause to believe that THOMAS TRAFICANTE has violated Title 18, United States Code,
Sections 2261(A) and 875(c); and ritle 2r,nnited.srates code, Secrion ga1(a).