NCCC Sample
NCCC Sample
NCCC Sample
52 Questions
& Answers
for Our Hearts
& Minds
Volume 1—Leader’s Guide
Questions 1–20
A very warm welcome to The New City Catechism Curriculum! Our prayer is that this
curriculum will serve to equip the children entrusted into your care to be theologically robust,
confident, virtuous, and courageous followers of Christ. The curriculum consists of fifty-two
lessons, and each lesson corresponds to one of the questions in The New City Catechism. The
curriculum is aimed at children ages eight through eleven, and is designed to be used in a
wide variety of contexts—Sunday school, home school, Christian school, or after-school
clubs. The catechism will be most effective if it is concurrently taught in the local church and
in the context of the family.
What Is a Catechism?
Catechize Children
Children are constantly learning. Their inquiring minds soak up information at a spectacular
rate. They are trying to make sense of a complex and ever-changing world, seeking to acquire
the skills to survive—and even thrive—in life. As they learn, a framework of understanding
is established in their minds. This is called a worldview. All children and adults observe
and interact with the world through their personal worldview. It is a thrilling and great
responsibility to raise children and shape their understanding of the world, how it works,
and their unique purpose in it. To catechize children is to give them a coherent and extensive
system of thought that equips them to confidently interpret the world and their experiences
in the world through a biblical framework. It also nurtures in children a love for and
understanding of the essential doctrines for the Christian faith. To catechize children is to lay
deep and strong biblical foundations for a lifetime of faith.
Develop Virtue
The New City Catechism Curriculum is designed to help children not only learn sound
doctrine but also to learn how to respond to it and live it out in their lives. Each lesson in The
New City Catechism has a Virtue Vision covering one of ten Christian virtues that connects in
some way with the catechism question. The virtues are Awe, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Honesty,
Hope, Humility, Joy, Love, Perseverance, and Trust.
The emphasis and intention of The New City Catechism Curriculum is to shape and affect
the hearts of the children who engage with each lesson, with the hope that the catechism
will contribute greatly to the nurture of godly, mature, and virtuous young men and women.
This is definitely not about behavior modification, but rather helping children to respond
with keen heart awareness to God’s Word as they encounter it in and through the catechism
and curriculum. The curriculum seeks to develop in children a mature Christian character,
shaped by Scripture, that will be countercultural and striking in our world. By cultivating
the capacities for character in both the heart and mind, this curriculum prepares children to
love God and others. (For more information and research on faith and virtue development in
children, visit
The curriculum is divided into three sections and published in three corresponding books.
Each lesson is intended to be flexible in length to suit a variety of contexts. You’ll find three
sample lesson outlines on page 12. The sample lesson outlines vary in length, highlighting how
the curriculum can be tailored appropriately to serve the needs of a particular classroom. The
most essential elements have been included in the shortest outlines. If you have more time,
other activities that reinforce the essential components may be chosen from the longer outlines.
Each component has a time allocated to it; this is meant to be only a rough guide. The length
of time a component will take depends on a variety of factors, such as the number of children
in the class, the age of the children, and the number of teachers. Carefully consider how much
time each component may require in your particular context. You may want to go over the
allotted time if an activity is going well, or cut it short when it seems wise to you.
Please do not feel obliged to do exactly as the lesson plan prescribes! If you find that your
class loves a particular form of catechism recap, then feel free to use that more often than the
lesson plans dictate. Similarly, if certain memorization methods work better for your class
than others, use the successful methods more.
Some classes will have children who love to work quietly at crafts; others will need more
physical activity. The more you seek to illustrate and apply the lessons in a way that
specifically works for your class, the more successful you will be at discipling the children
through The New City Catechism Curriculum.
The Catechism Recap section sometimes requires questions and answers to be printed out in
different sizes for different activities. When you see the abbreviation “DL,” it means you can
download a pdf prepared for this activity at
Many lessons include visual resources that can be found in the Resource Book (RB). These
resources may be photocopied from the book or downloaded at
/resourcebook. Some resources are worksheets that accompany the activities, and you will
need one per child. Others are visual aids for classroom discussion. It would be helpful to
enlarge these photos and illustrations before you print or as you photocopy them.
How to Pray
The best way to grow to love the children in your class is to pray diligently for them. Divide
the class up into seven groups, and pray for some of the children each day of the week.
Before each class, come together as a group of teachers and pray that God would be at work
in the heart and mind of each child that will come into the classroom.
Begin your planning by praying that God would help you to teach the lesson in a way that is
faithful and engaging for the children in your care. (Each lesson includes a Leader’s Prayer.)
Take some time to read through the curriculum material and carefully consider which
components you will use to build your lesson plan. Do pay attention to timings, particularly
making sure you leave plenty of time to teach the Bible passage well.
Once you have decided which components will be included in your lesson plan, consult the
Leader’s Tool Kit list and determine what resources you need for the lesson. It’s important to
check this list in plenty of time in case you need to buy supplies. Most supplies listed can be
found at any craft store.
Finally, read through the Bible passage and Teaching Outline multiple times. The Teaching
Outline should be only a guide for you. You should expand or amend it to suit your own
children and context. Write out the talk in your own words, and include illustrations and
applications that you know will connect with the children in your class.
A Discussion and Question Time outline is included in each lesson. These are not meant
to be questions leaders ask the children; rather, they are meant to help leaders prepare for
the sorts of questions children might ask them. The children in your class may have entirely
different questions. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you answer well and in accordance
with God’s Word.
Remember, however, that the children are not in school, so while clear boundaries are helpful,
the learning environment should be joyful and grace-saturated. Each teacher should strive to
clearly model Christian virtue to the children, particularly the ten virtues highlighted in The
New City Catechism Curriculum.
Mischief usually arises when children are bored or there is a hiatus in the lesson, so good
planning and preparation will help manage the classroom.
Make sure to position yourself near the chatty or disruptive children and encourage them
to pay attention and participate well. Try not to draw unnecessary attention to a child as you
help him or her focus. The less fuss the better.
Work hard to know the names of the children in the class, and call on them by name to
contribute. Nurture an active listening stance in the children by encouraging them to be
involved in an interactive way throughout the lesson.
Interact individually with children who cause serious disruption. Explain to them how
detrimental and distracting their behavior is to the rest of the class. If the disruption
continues, involve the child’s parents in the discussion.
Review is also a very helpful aid to memorization, which is why each of The New City
Catechism Curriculum lessons begins with a Catechism Recap. Regular review will
substantially increase memorization. This is one of the reasons why The New City Catechism
Curriculum will be most successful if the catechism is concurrently studied in the home as
well as the church.
So how are we going to engage children’s hearts as we teach, train, and catechize them? The
first thing to acknowledge is that it isn’t easy; it takes hard work and great determination.
It’s reasonably easy to teach the Bible well—providing head knowledge—and reasonably
difficult to apply it well to the hearts of children—growing heart knowledge.
It is important to remember that the molding and shaping of the heart is a process. It
takes time and will look different depending on the age, stage, and development (physical,
emotional, and social) of each individual child. Every child is different; there is no “one size
fits all” when it comes to spiritual development.
Try to use “heart language” with children. This will serve to instill in them an awareness that
their heart matters and that it affects how they live.
It’s much harder to do real heart application with children when leaders change every week,
causing the teachers to have underdeveloped relationships with the children. Leaders must
know the children well to apply the Word well. Engaging the hearts of children so that they
know God, as opposed to simply knowing about God, requires significant relationships.
Children need to regularly observe the lives of older Christians who are seeking to apply
God’s Word to their own hearts and are willing to live honest and transparent lives
before the children.
Remember that virtue is not just taught—it is also caught! By displaying Christian character
in our own lives as leaders, we are modeling for children how the lessons play out in the real
world today. A teacher’s authentic faith and embodiment of virtue can be inspiring and
instructive to children, so also be sure to attend to your own spiritual growth.
Clear and thoughtful illustration and application in talks is a significant way to engage
a child’s heart. This is why it’s important to work hard to personalize the teaching
outlines in The New City Catechism Curriculum in a way that resonates deeply with the
children in your class.
In order to effectively engage them we need to make every effort to know and understand
their hearts, particularly where they’re tempted to idolatry. That means we must know and
understand their world well—what they’re watching, what they’re learning, what their
friends are saying, and ultimately what worldviews they’re encountering in the world.
One-on-one engagement with a child is particularly useful when seeking to involve the
heart; this can be done in the classroom and by the parents in the home. This allows us to ask
heart-penetrating questions, and it also invites the child to question back.
We have the opportunity to teach children the art of preaching to their own hearts. This is
where a catechism is so eternally useful.
Melanie Lacy
Director of Theology for Children and Youth
Oak Hill College
Lesson Outline
75-Minute Lesson Outline
§ Catechism Recap (5 Mins)
§ Introduction to Question (5 Mins)
§ Activity (10 Mins)
§ Teaching Outline (15 Mins)
§ Activity (10 Mins)
§ Discussion and Question Time (5 Mins)
§ Virtue Vision (10 Mins)
§ Memory Activity (10 Mins)
§ Closing Prayer Time (5 Mins)
¢ Do pick the time frame that works best for your group.
¢ Don’t be afraid to mix and match the lesson components based
on what works best for the children in your group.
Leader’s Prayer
Loving God, please give me joy in the Please help the children who will hear this
knowledge that you are my hope in life lesson to understand clearly how wonderful
and death. Please make me aware of the it is to know forgiveness through the
areas in my own life where I am tempted Lord Jesus, so that they may place their
to substitute hope in created things for hope in you, both now and forever. In
hope in you, the generous Creator God. Jesus’s name. Amen
§ Markers
§ Copies of Q1 Illustrations (RB)
5 Catechism Introduction
This is an opportunity to explain to the the Christian faith. Explain to them that at
children what a catechism is. Explain different times in history, God has used this
that a catechism is simply a way to learn way of learning about him and his Word to
more about what the Bible says on many grow, strengthen, and equip his church in
different things. The way it works is by different countries around the world.
learning questions and answers. Encourage
the children by telling them that this is a Pass around copies of The New City
biblical, fun, and exciting way to grow in Catechism for Kids for the children to see.
5 Introduction to Question 1
Ask the children if they can figure out which Then ask the children what they think the
stories these sentences refer to: phrase “their only hope was” means. They
will recognize that each character was in a
? The prince’s only hope was to find situation that required some help to escape
the owner of the glass slipper. from it. Highlight for the children that
hope often involves trusting somebody or
something. Ask the children about the kinds
? The rabbit’s only hope was that of things they hope for their future.
Mr. McGregor would not find Introduce Question 1: “What is our only
him in the watering can. hope in life and death?” Explain to the
children that in life people hope for many
The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Beatrix Potter)
things, but in actual fact the Bible teaches
that there is only one certain hope in life and
? The children’s only hope was Aslan.
in death, and that is that we are not our own
The Lion, The Witch and the but belong, body and soul, both in life and
Wardrobe (C. S. Lewis) death, to God and to our Savior Jesus Christ.
Notes 10 Activity
Lay out two large pieces of paper. On the top of prepared to offer some prompts, such as,
one of the papers write “My Family” and on the “Think about why Jesus died on the cross,” or
other write “God’s Family.” “What do we look forward to after death?”
Write down their answers.
Ask the children to identify and list the
things that are great about belonging to their Explain to the children that everybody is
particular family. They will perhaps mention born into a human family (it may be worth
the love of their parents, the home that they acknowledging that some of these families
live in, or the fun vacations they enjoy. Write are less than ideal), but not everybody is
down their answers. Ask the children what born into God’s family. God brings people
would happen if another child were adopted into his family and makes them his children
into their family. Would he benefit from all through adoption! Teach the children that
these great things as well because he would adoption into God’s family allows people to
now belong to their family? have certain hope and that adoption happens
after people have realized that they are sinful
Then ask them to identify and list the great and turn to Jesus to say they are sorry and ask
things about being part of God’s family. Be for his forgiveness.
15 Teaching Outline
Begin the teaching time by asking for some situations, people in God’s family will
God’s help. Ask that the lesson would be do things differently, but that the important
taught faithfully and that the children thing is that they seek to do things to bring
might listen well. praise and glory to God.
Introduce the children to Romans 14. Read Romans 14:7–12. Provide Bibles for
Explain to them that this letter is written by the children to read along with you.
Paul and that in this chapter he is trying to
sort out some disagreements among people Ask the children what they think verse 8
in the church in Rome. means. What does it mean to belong to the
Lord? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Tell the children that this was a family
squabble! The people who were arguing Help the children to recognize that most
were all people who had found forgiveness people believe that their lives are their own.
in Jesus and had been adopted into God’s However, those who have found forgiveness
family; they just couldn’t agree on how they in Jesus and have been adopted into God’s
should live. Paul explains to them that in family recognize that they have been
rescued from God’s anger and punishment. struggle to submit to the lordship of God. Notes
The Bible says that those who do not believe Ask them when they’re tempted to put
in Jesus are slaves to sin. In order for slaves themselves first.
to be freed, a price must be paid for their
release. Jesus paid the ultimate price for Explain to the children that Paul helps the
sinners by sacrificing his own life and paying Christians in Rome to focus on their own
the price for sin on the cross. The Bible lives and not to worry about how others are
says that those who are adopted into God’s living. Show the children verse 12. Explain
family have been bought at a great price, that one day, everybody will answer to God
and now their lives belong to God. Tell the for how they’ve lived their lives. Help them
children that being God’s child is the most to understand that, because of the price
wonderful way to live life—the most joyful, Jesus paid on the cross, those who’ve been
freeing, and fulfilling. Paul is helping the adopted into God’s family should long to
Romans understand that their lives are not live fully for him.
their own. Everything that they are and
Conclude by reminding the children that
have belongs to God.
being adopted into God’s family means that
we get all the great things that come with
Ask the children if they think it’s easy to
being part of the family. We trust God in life
live for God. Ask them what might stop
and death, knowing that he is with us and
them from living for God. Ask them to
that he alone is where our hope is found.
consider how remembering what Jesus did
on the cross might motivate them to live Finish the teaching time by helping the
for God. (Be prepared to prompt them in children commit Question 1 and the
their answers.) answer to memory.
Help the children consider how to live (These notes are just for guidance. Please expand
with God as Lord of their lives. Help them or amend them to suit your own children and
see how sometimes they may prefer to be context. Write out your talk in your own words,
Lord. Offer some examples from their and include illustrations and applications that
everyday experiences where they might you know will connect with your children.)
10 Activity
10 Virtue Vision
Forgiveness privileges of being in his family. While it
Remind the children of the earlier may be easy to accept forgiveness, it can
conversation about the benefits of being be hard to give forgiveness. But once we
in a family. When God adopted us into his become a part of God’s family, we should
family, we received forgiveness through want to imitate our Father. God showed
Jesus. We belong to God and enjoy all the sinners great mercy when he sent Jesus to die
on the cross. God’s children must be quick to her that he had found forgiveness in Notes
forgive because we have been forgiven. Jesus and had been adopted into God’s
family. He wanted to shake Corrie’s
Share this short testimony with the children: hand, but Corrie remembered all of
the horrible things that had happened
Corrie ten Boom was imprisoned to her and others in prison. She just
for helping Jewish people during the couldn’t bring herself to shake his hand.
Holocaust escape from the people But then she remembered who she was:
who wanted to kill them. Many years a child of God who had been forgiven.
later, after she was released, she was at As one who belonged to God, she was
a church service when she saw a man to live for him. So she prayed and asked
who had been her prison guard. Corrie God to give her the strength to forgive
had spoken all about the forgiveness this former guard and rejoice that he
that God offers through Jesus. The man was part of God’s family too. God
came up to her after she spoke and told answered Corrie’s prayer.
10 Memory Activity
Print each word of the memory verse onto its § Read the memory verse again and invite
own card; you will need two sets of cards. If you the children to join in saying it with you.
choose not to do a memory verse, this activity
§ Hand out a full set of memory verse
can be used to help the children memorize the
cards to each team; make sure the cards
catechism question and answer.
are not in order! Ask the children to
§ Divide the children into two teams. put the words in the correct order.
§ Read the memory verse Points can be given to the team that
out to the children. first arranges the cards correctly.
§ Read the memory verse, inviting the § Practice the memory verse one final time.
children to repeat each word after you.
What is God?
Memory Verse
“There is none like you among the gods, O Lord,
nor are there any works like yours. All the nations
Leader’s Prayer
O great God, thank you that you alone are prepare this lesson? Would you cause the
God. Thank you that you are knowable, children who will participate to gain a clear
and through the pages of the Bible I can understanding of who you are and what
understand more about you each day. Please, you’re like? In Jesus’s name. Amen.
would you increase my love for you as I
Quiz the students to see what they if we live, we live to the Lord, and
remember from the previous lesson. if we die, we die to the Lord. So then,
whether we live or whether we die,
§ What was Question 1?
we are the Lord’s.” (Rom. 14:7–8)
What is our only hope
§ What was the name of the lady in
in life and death?
the story about forgiveness?
§ What is the answer to Question 1?
Corrie ten Boom
That we are not our own
Commend the children for their
but belong to God.
participation and tell them that they’re ready
§ What was the memory verse? to move to Question 2!
“For none of us lives to himself,
and none of us dies to himself. For
5 Introduction to Question 2
Have some autobiographies of famous people it’s not usually easy to get to know famous
ready to show the children. They should include people, but reading an autobiography is one
people that most of the children will recognize. way to find out a little bit more about them.
10 Activity
Give each child a piece of paper and some § What great deeds have they done
markers. Have them fold the paper in half to that the world should know about?
make it look like a book.
Get them to design the front cover of their
Ask the children to consider what they
autobiography, and then challenge them to
might include in their own autobiography.
write a brief summary that might be printed
§ What would they like people to on the back cover of their autobiography.
know about who they are?
Show the children from verse 11 that David Finish the teaching time by helping the Notes
prayed that he might know God’s way and children commit Question 2 and the
live fully for God (Ps. 86:11). David has answer to memory.
understood who God is and what God is like.
David longs to follow him with an undivided (These notes are just for guidance. Please expand
heart. Tell the children that the purpose of or amend them to suit your own children and
spending time reading the Bible is to come context. Write out your talk in your own words
to know God more and to understand more and include illustrations and applications that
fully what it is to live his way. you know will connect with your children.)
10 Activity
Cut up Q2 Attributes of God (RB) so that each § Holy—God is perfect and
attribute is on one slip of paper. Wrap each piece separate from sin
of paper around a small candy bar or small toy, § Gracious—God is kind
and hide them around the classroom or building. § Infinite—God knows no bounds
§ Omniscient—God knows all things
This activity will introduce the children
§ Wise—God never makes mistakes
to even more attributes of God. Let the
§ Faithful—God always keeps his promises
children go on a treasure hunt. Tell the
§ Omnipotent—God is all powerful
children not to unwrap the items until they
§ Omnipresent—God is
return to their seats. Once the children
everywhere, all the time
are seated, invite them to open the items
§ Immutable—God never changes
and read the attributes and accompanying
§ Self-sufficient—God does not need
definitions aloud. (If you used candy
anything or anyone
bars, tell the children they must take
them home and eat them only with their § Merciful—God is compassionate
parents’ permission.) § Incomprehensible—God is too
grand to understand
§ Eternal—God has no beginning or end § Never-tiring—God never has to sleep
§ Righteous—God is right in everything he § Patient—God is slow to become angry
says, does, and thinks § Victorious—God always wins
§ Sovereign—God rules over and is in
control of all things
10 Virtue Vision
Awe Encourage them to be creative in the design
Provide each child with a piece of paper, an and layout of their letter. Ask the children to
envelope, and some markers. place their letters in the envelope and to seal
the envelope. Tell the children to write their
Explain to the children that to be filled with
name and address on their envelope.
awe is to be amazed and filled with wonder.
Ask the children to write a letter to Sometime during the week mail the letters
themselves and to describe the ways that the to the children; this will once again cause
lesson filled them with awe as they learned them to be filled with awe as they reflect on
more about who God is and what he is like. their great God.
This memory verse is longer than most, and so 3. For you are great and do wondrous
the memory activity for this lesson will not work things; you alone are God. . . .
for the catechism answer. If your class is not 4. But you, O Lord, are a God merciful
memorizing the verses, use one of the memory and gracious, slow to anger and
activities from another lesson to reinforce the abounding in steadfast love and
memorization of Question 2. faithfulness. (Ps. 86:8–10, 15)
Leader’s Prayer
Beautiful triune God, thank you for engage with this lesson a great degree of
revealing yourself in your Word as God comprehension, and help me to explain
the Father, God the Son, and God the and teach the lesson in a way that glorifies
Holy Spirit. I praise you that in learning you. I pray that the children would better
more about your triune nature, I can understand who you are and what you’re like
further understand what unity in diversity after this lesson. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
means. Please grant the children who will
10 Catechism Recap
Cover a wall well with chalkboard paper and chalkboard with as much detail as they
provide liquid chalk pens for the children to use. can remember of Questions 1 and 2 of the
catechism. Encourage them to try to recall
Divide the children into a few groups and the questions and answers. You can award
give them a designated area to design. Invite distinctions such as “most creative,” “neatest,”
the children to design and decorate their and “prettiest.”
5 Introduction to Question 3
Print out and cut up the words God the understanding. Tell the children to empty
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy the container and to try to assemble the
Spirit,—you can either cut them into letters into words or phrases.
individual letters, or if you have a small group,
words. Put all the letters/words into a container. Depending on the capabilities of the group,
you can give them some clues or help. Once
Explain to the children that today you’re the puzzle has been solved, introduce the
going to learn a really difficult concept children to today’s question: How many
about God. At this stage encourage the persons are there in God? Introduce the
children to listen carefully, but reassure them children to the concept of one God and three
that it doesn’t matter if they don’t gain full persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
10 Activity
Read the following true/false quiz aloud. 1. The word Trinity is found
Tell the children that if the statement is true, in the Bible. (False)
they should run to the right side of the room.
2. There is one God. (True)
They should run to the left side if they think
the statement is false. 3. The Father is fully God. (True)
Notes 4. God has always existed as 7. The persons of the Trinity each
three persons. (True) have distinct roles. (True)
5. God the Son only came into existence 8. God the Father died on the cross for
when Mary became pregnant. (False) our sin. (False)
6. The Son is not the Father. (True)
15 Teaching Outline
Begin the teaching time by asking for 4. Each person of the Trinity is different
God’s help. Ask that the lesson would be from the others. Because the Father
taught faithfully and that the children sent the Son into the world ( John
might listen well. 3:16), the Father cannot be the
same person as the Son. Likewise,
Ask the children if they have learned after the Son returned to the Father
who the three persons of the Trinity are. ( John 16:10), the Father and the Son
Hopefully they will say God the Father, God sent the Holy Spirit into the world
the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. ( John 14:26; Acts 2:33). Therefore,
the Holy Spirit must be distinct
Explain to the children that the word Trinity
from the Father and the Son.
means “Tri-Unity”—Tri means three, and
Unity means one. The word acknowledges 5. The three persons of the Trinity
what the Bible reveals to us about God, that relate eternally as Father,
God is three persons who all have the same Son, and Holy Spirit.
essence of God.
Read 2 Corinthians 13:5–14. Provide Bibles
Highlight for the children these key things for the children to read along with you.
they need to understand about God:
Introduce the children to the apostle
1. There is only one God. (Deut. 6:4) Paul and his second letter to the Corin-
thians. Explain that Paul is writing to
2. God is three persons. (2 Cor. 13:14)
the Corinthians in preparation for a visit
3. Each person is fully God. The Bible he is planning to make to them. Tell the
speaks of the Father as God (Phil. children that there are lots of problems
1:2), Jesus as God (Titus 2:13), in the Corinthian church that Paul wants
and the Holy Spirit as God (Acts to address and that he’s afraid that when
5:3–4). Emphasize that each person he arrives in Corinth, the Christians will
is fully God, not one-third of God. be arguing and fighting. Tell the children
that in these ten verses, Paul is really known by those who have been brought Notes
challenging the Christians in Corinth to into a relationship with him through the
live obedient lives for God’s glory. Paul ends sacrificial death of Jesus. Highlight to
this letter with a verse that has become very the children that as those who know the
well-known and is often said as a prayer great love of God as Father and those
in church: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus who are made in his image, they should be
Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship characterized by love.
of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
Finally, Paul prays that the Corinthians
Paul mentions the three persons of the would know the fellowship of God the
Trinity in this verse; there are three who’s Holy Spirit. Explain to the children that
and one what! In this prayer, Paul is trying to it is the Spirit who brings sinners into
show the Corinthians how important God friendship with God and into friendship
is for their lives and relationships with one with one another.
another. Explain to the children that in this
Finish by telling the children that the
verse we see something of the distinct roles
experience of grace, love, and friendship is
of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
the result of being in a relationship with
God. The triune God exists in three persons,
Paul first identifies Jesus, God the Son, as
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
the one who displays God’s grace clearly in
Each one demonstrates for us a certain
his life and death. Grace is kindness shown
characteristic in this verse. Jesus shows us
to someone who does not deserve it. Tell the
the grace of God. The Father shows us love.
children that when they are kind to someone
The Holy Spirit draws us into fellowship.
who has been unkind to them, they are
These three are one.
showing grace. Jesus Christ is the person of
the Trinity who reveals God’s grace to us. Conclude the teaching time by helping
Remind them that God shows sinners great the children commit Question 3 and the
grace by allowing the Lord Jesus to take the answer to memory.
punishment for sin that was due to them.
Those who’ve experienced such grace should (These notes are just for guidance. Please
show grace to others. expand or amend them to suit your own
children and context. Write out your talk in
Paul then prays that the Corinthians would your own words and include illustrations and
know the love of God the Father. Paul applications that you know will connect with
is describing the love of a Father that is your children.)
Notes 10 Activity
Reassure the children that the Trinity § Help the children think about what
is hard to understand and that many it means to be made in the image of
adults can’t fully comprehend what the God when we understand that God
Trinity is. Explain that this is because is three persons in one. Remind them
we’re not God, and he is hard for us to that God exists in perfect unity and
comprehend. Reassure the children that love. Help the children understand the
a lack of understanding does not mean implications for personal relationships
that they’re not Christians. and the necessity of community.
§ Help the children to think about what children that being different or having Notes
it looks like to have distinct roles but different roles does not mean people
to be equal in value, as God the Father, have less value.
Son, and Spirit are. Explain to the
10 Virtue Vision
Awe fall open as we are amazed at what we see.
Have large papier-mâché letters spelling Finally, the experience of sensing and feeling
AWE ready for the children to write on with awe leads us to action. For instance, awe may
permanent markers. You may need more than lead us to give praise to God who formed
one set depending on the size of your class. all of creation.
Ask the children if they remember what awe Ask the children whether knowing that God
is. To be in awe of something is to be amazed is a Trinity makes them feel awe.
and filled with wonder. We often use the
word awesome casually, but ask the children Give each group a set of letters (A,W, E).
if they think it is accurate to describe Have them write descriptive words of
something like a video game or a toy as God or how they feel toward God. For an
“awesome,” given the true definition of awe. extra challenge give the following special
instructions: When they are writing on the
Explain that awe is a “See-Feel-Do” thing.
letter A, they must use words beginning
First, we use our senses, typically sight, to with A; on letter W, they must use words
experience something vast (visiting the beginning with W; and on letter E, they must
ocean or witnessing the live performance use words beginning with E. Take time to
of a large orchestra are examples). Next, we set up a classroom display of the letters so
feel humbled or small in comparison. We the art can be a reminder for the children to
may even get goose bumps, or our jaw may experience awe in the future.
10 Memory Activity
Print each word of the memory verse or them to find the other half of their word that
catechism on a piece of paper, and then cut each is hidden somewhere in the classroom. (If
word in half. Hide one half of each word around you have a small group of children in your
your classroom. class, give each child responsibility for two
Give every child one half of a word from the words; if you have a big class, have children
memory verse or catechism answer. Instruct work in pairs). Once the children have
Notes found the other halves of their words, have through it again. Finally remove full words,
them put the sentence in the correct order. and see if the children can remember the
Read it through with the children. Then whole sentence.
remove half of some of the words and read
Bible Passage
Genesis 1:26–31
Leader’s Prayer
Creator God, thank you for the beauty and Please help the children who hear this lesson
design of your world. May my heart be filled to have confidence in you, the Creator God.
with awe and wonder each day as I consider May they trust that your design is good and
the greatness and power of your creative that your plan for creation is glorious. In
work. Thank you for creating me in your Jesus’s name. Amen.
image and likeness. May I always glorify you.
10 Catechism Recap
Print out and cut up the answers to Questions floor are the words that make up the answers
1, 2, and 3 (DL), and lay them upside down on to each question. Have the children turn over
the floor in the middle of the classroom. the words and see if they can work together
to correctly assemble the right words into
Begin the catechism recap by reading the right order to answer each question.
Questions 1, 2, and 3 aloud (don’t read out Practice saying each question and answer
the answers!). Tell the children that on the together to finish the recap.
5 Introduction to Question 4
Provide the children with paper and markers. lesson today is all about the creation of men
and women, boys and girls. They have just
Gather the children into small groups,
made an image of their friend by drawing
and ask them to pick one person from
an avatar. Highlight the fact that when God
their group to pose as a model. Then ask
created men and women, he made them in
the children to create a Minecraft avatar
his image, to be like him. Tell the children
based on the model.
that this catechism question will help them
Introduce Question 4: “How and why did to understand what that means and why
God create us?” Tell the children that the it’s important.
10 Activity
Divide the children into groups, and give each the image of God, humans are distinct from
group a copy of Q4 Human Body Outline (RB). the rest of God’s creation.
Begin the teaching time by asking for Introduce the children to the creation
God’s help. Ask that the lesson would be account in Genesis 1–2.
taught faithfully and that the children
might listen well. Explain to the children that in the ancient
Near East, a king would often set up an
Introduce the teaching by telling the image or statue of himself to show his rule
children that there are many people in over an area. The image would communicate
the world today who sadly do not believe to everyone that the king was in charge of
in God and therefore do not believe that the land. Show the children some pictorial
human beings were created but rather they examples from Q4 Illustrations of Ancient
developed or evolved accidentally over a long Near East Statues (RB).
period of time.
Genesis 1:26–27 declares that God made
Tell the children that Christians disagree human beings in his image and placed them
with this belief and confidently believe in his world to rule over all other created
that human beings were made by God, the things. Human beings are not statues, but
Creator of all things. they are made in the image and likeness of
God, to represent him and his rule on earth.
Ask the children to compare the difference Human beings were given authority by God
between growing up thinking that you’re to rule over all the earth.
alive because of a random development on
earth, and knowing that you were created So human beings were not accidents that
by a loving and good God. Ask them if just evolved on earth. They were the pinnacle
this knowledge makes a difference in of God’s creation—nothing else was created
how they view their worth and value and in God’s image! At the end of the sixth
purpose in life. day God surveyed everything and saw that
it was very good.
The Bible clearly declares that God made
human beings not because he was lonely Ask the children what they think it means
or because he needed some sort of help on to be made in God’s image. Ask them
earth, but because he is loving and relational. to think about all the differences they
God did not need people, but he decided spotted between human beings and the
to create and use people as part of his rest of creation.
plan for his world.
Explain to the children that human beings
Read Genesis 1:26–31. Provide Bibles for are made in God’s likeness. This means
the children to read along with you. that we will be like God in lots of ways—
in character rather than in appearance. We he allow people to choose their gender. Notes
are God’s representatives here on earth, He clearly created men and women and
and so we are called to reflect his image in boys and girls.
our lives. Some of the ways we might do
that are by being: Finish by explaining to the children that their
existence is about showing God’s existence
Creative: God is creative. He instructed and about giving him glory.
Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28 to use
Ask the children what they think it means
their creativity to rule over creation.
to glorify God.
Communicative: God is a God who speaks,
and so we too are made to communicate. In essence, to glorify God is to acknowledge
him as loving Creator, as all-powerful and
Relational: God is in perfect relationship as perfect, and then to live lives of praise to him.
the Trinity, and being made in his We can exalt him in the world. We can show
image means that we are relational too. the watching world what he is like. (Tell the
Ultimately we are made for relationship children that Question 6 will teach a little
with God. more about how to glorify God.)
Loving: God’s purpose in creating human
Conclude the teaching time by helping
beings was love, and so we are called
the children commit Question 4 and the
to live and rule showing God’s loving
answer to memory.
character to the world.
(These notes are just for guidance. Please expand
Help the children to see from the Bible or amend to suit your own children and context.
passage that God intentionally created Write out your talk in your own words and
men and women. Clearly explain that God include illustrations and applications that you
did not make everyone the same, nor did know will connect with your children.)
10 Activity
Help the children to create a rap or they would like to communicate and then set
hand-clapping rhyme for Question 4. Ask the words to a beat. This could be done in a
them to name some of the key things that large group or in smaller groups.
? How did God actually make people? § How will they reflect God’s
The Bible describes how Adam and Eve image in his world?
were made, and everyone else descended § Has sin affected their
from them. We know that God created ability to image God?
everything out of nothing. (This might § What happens when they decide not
be a good time to have them turn in to glorify God?
their Bibles to Hebrews 11:3 and read § How might they explain to a friend
it aloud.) After he created the earth, who thinks we are here by accident that
he created Adam from the dust of the they believe God created human beings,
earth, breathing life into his nostrils and that they have a purpose in his
(Gen. 2:7, 21–22). plan for his world?
10 Virtue Vision
Love and look like them? Or does loving the way
Remind the children that God created out of God loves mean something much more?
love, and to be his image bearers in the world
Discuss with the children what it would look
we should be loving too.
like if they were always concerned to show
God’s love to siblings and parents at home
Help the children to consider what godly
and to classmates and friends at school.
love looks like. Does it mean loving only the
people they like or who like them? Does it Ask each child to think of one person in
mean loving only people who act like them their life that they want to love well.
Divide the children into groups and ask each children say the memory verse, and then
group to create a word of the memory verse or gradually ball up the Play-Doh to remove
catechism answer in Play-Doh. words. See which of the children can
remember the whole memory verse and
Place each word of the verse or catechism recite it to the group.
answer on a long flat surface. Have the
Leader’s Prayer
Triune God, thank you for your beautiful help the children who hear this lesson to
creation. May I find joy in it each day. be thrilled with a deeper engagement with
Thank you that you are not distant now your creation story. May it increase in them
from your creation but intimately involved confidence in you. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
during every second of every day. Please
10 Catechism Recap
Set up three plastic cups on a table and give each chose. If the team can do it, they get a
team a ping-pong ball. chance to throw the ping-pong ball into a
cup to claim a prize. Write on the bottom
Divide the children into two or more
of the cups what the prizes are. Repeat
teams. Ask each team to pick a number
with as many teams as you have. Remind
between one and four. The team must then
the children of any of the catechism
try to collectively remember the catechism
questions not covered.
question and answer for the number they
5 Introduction to Question 5
Have the children stand in a circle, and Ask the children what listing some of the
starting with the letter A ask them to name amazing things that God has made makes
things alphabetically that God has made them feel. Are they amazed at the variety of
in creation. The first child says something God’s creation?
beginning with A, the second B, and so on.
Go through the alphabet as many times Introduce Question 5: “What else did
as possible. If the children can’t think of God create?” Explain to the children
something, they sit down and pass to the next that this question will be all about God’s
person until only one child is left standing. marvelous creation.
10 Activity
Print out a copy of the Animals in (or guesses), then tell them the correct
Creation Quiz (RB). answers (found on the Solutions page of the
Resource Book). The aim of the quiz should
Give children the creation quiz and ask
be to induce awe, wonder, and joy as they
them to complete it in a set amount of time.
think about God’s amazing creation.
Let the children read aloud their answers
Explain to the children that it is impossible Remind the children that it’s impossible
to make something out of nothing. Ask for us to create something out of nothing,
them to describe the process of creating but of course everything is possible for
something, such as a cake or a house. God. Genesis records that by speaking,
Highlight that in our experience everything God brought the heavens and the earth
that is created is made out of something; into creation. Point out to the children the
there are raw materials that are used for each number of times the Genesis account says
and every creation. But when we come to the “and God said.”
creation of the world, it is entirely different!!
Ask the children if they think anyone besides
Tell the children that the way the world
God the Father was involved in the creation
came into being is totally inconsistent with
of the world. Encourage them to read verse
our experience and in some ways, it’s hard to
2 again. Help them to see in Genesis 1:2
understand. But we must remember that this
that the Spirit of God was hovering over the
is God doing the creation and not us: he is all-
waters after they were created. The Spirit
powerful and all-knowing (refer to lesson 2).
of God brought life to all that God the
Of course he can do things that we can’t do.
Father created.
Read Genesis 1:1–31. Provide Bibles for the
Show the children that both God the
children to read along with you.
Father and the God the Spirit are involved
To involve the children in reading the in creation, but hint to them that there was
passage for this lesson, ask different children someone else as well. Ask them to turn to
to read out the creation account for each day. John 1:1–3 to discover who that was.
Ask the children what they think these three creative, and beautiful, and he has an Notes
verses are saying. awesome imagination.
John reveals that Jesus was with God the Creation is intended to bring God great
Father when the world was created. John glory and honor and praise. God delights in
calls Jesus “the Word,” and it was through his creation, and we are invited to delight in
God’s spoken Word that everything was it too. God has created a beautiful world for
formed. So at the beginning of the world, his children to inhabit.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the
Tell the children that since the creation of
Holy Spirit were all involved in creating.
the world, God has been intimately involved
Ask the children how God in his world; he didn’t just set it up and then
described his creation. retreat back to heaven. God is constantly
sustaining everything in his world.
God described all his creation as very good;
each and every thing on earth was made Finish the teaching time by helping the
by God. Everything that God created was children commit Question 5 and the
intended to show his glory. There are lots answer to memory.
of ways creation reveals something of the
(These notes are just for guidance. Please expand
nature and character of God.
or amend to suit your own children and context.
Ask the children if there are aspects of Write out your talk in your own words and
creation that bring them joy and cause include illustrations and applications that you
them to praise God for the beauty of the know will connect with your children.)
world. Remind them that God is powerful,
10 Activity
Borrow or buy some Legos and divide the photo of each day that the children create
children into groups that correspond to the and print out a collage of the photos to use
days of creation. Invite each group to build next week in review.
a representation of one of the days. Take a
Notes ? What about evolution? this catechism question and answer affects
them personally.
Explain to the children that some
people believe we evolved by accident, § How might they explain their belief
but that there are millions of people— in a Creator God to their friends?
even top scientists—who believe that
§ Does knowing God as Creator and
the world came into being when God
Sustainer of the world bring them joy?
purposefully spoke it into existence.
§ Are they able to reflect on all the
Also use this opportunity to help the things they have and enjoy, which
children think about their own lives and how ultimately come from God?
10 Virtue Vision
Joy write it down in one square of the grid. Then
Download and print the Q5 Joy Grid (RB), one have them move around the room and find
per child. Give each child a pen or pencil. out what parts of creation bring joy to the
other children. Tell them to fill in the grid as
Ask the children to think of something in they exchange the information about what
particular that gives them joy as they reflect in creation brings them joy. The first student
on creation. Once the children have had a to fill in her grid wins.
moment to think of something, ask them to
10 Memory Activity
Invite the children to make up some actions with all the groups joining together in saying
for the memory verse or catechism answer in the memory verse or catechism answer.
small groups. Allow each group to show their
actions to the rest of the children. Finish
Volume 4—Resource Book
Question 1 Question 17
§ Q1 Illustrations § Q17 Comic Strip Template
Question 2 § Q17 Thought Bubble
§ Q2 Attributes of God Question 20
Question 3 § Q20 Catechism Clues
§ Q3 Trinity Diagram § Q20 Opportunities for Humility
Question 4 Question 21
§ Q4 Human Body Outline § Q 21 Human and Divine
§ Q4 Illustrations of Ancient § Q21 Illustrations of World Religions
Near East Statues Question 22
Question 5 § Q22 Body Bingo
§ Q5 Animals in Creation Quiz Question 23
§ Q5 Cake Recipe § Q23 Catechism Recap Wheel
§ Q5 Days of Creation Illustration Question 24
§ Q5 Joy Grid § Q24 One-Way Maze
Question 7 § Q24 Love Letter Template
§ Q7 Tweet Template Question 26
Question 9 § Q26 Catechism Recap Memory Game
§ Q9 Images of False Gods Question 27
§ Q9 In My Heart § Q27 Illustrations A, B, and C
Question 10 Question 28
§ Q10 Code Breaker § Q28 Code Buster
Question 11 Question 29
§ Q 11 A Very Silly Story § Q29 Who Am I?
Question 31 Question 44
§ Q31 Apostles’ Creed Bookmarks § Q44 Photos
§ Q31 Creed Matchup § Q44 What Do These Signs Mean?
§ Q31 Martyr Illustrations Question 47
Question 32 § Q47 Letter from a Concerned Friend
§ Q32 Justification or Sanctification? § Q47 Mural Template
Question 33 Question 48
§ Q33 Picture of Martin Luther § Q48 Illustrations of the Church
Question 35 § Q48 Paper Chain Template
§ Q35 What We Were Word Search Question 49
Question 37 § Q49 Illustrations of Famous Homes
§ Q37 Roman Armor § Q49 Seats of Power
Question 38 Question 50
§ Q38 Question Mark § Q50 Word Search
Question 39 Question 51
§ Q39 Emoticon Template § Q51 Advocate Required
Question 40 Question 52
§ Q40 God Speaks to Me § Q52 Memory Activity
Question 41 Solutions
§ Q41 Illustrations of Learned Skills
§ Q41 Lord’s Prayer Bookmarks
Question 43
§ Q43 Picture Clues
Baal Marduk
Isis Ishtar
7. Because of its bright color, this bird was named after fire.
10. If this animal loses a body part, that part will regenerate on
its own.
Cake Recipe
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter, softened
5 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup milk
Mix sugar, butter, eggs, and vanilla in large bowl. Beat on low to mix ingredients
well. Beat on high for 5 minutes.
Day 1 Day 2
Separation of Separation of
Light and Darkness Heavens and Earth
Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6
52 Questions
& Answers
for Our Hearts
& Minds
Creation & Fall,
What is God?