Radionics Manual !
Radionics Manual !
Radionics Manual !
Radionics Manual
Radionics Manual
May 1, 2017 | Author: Sese Seko | Category: N/A
Short Description
A radionics manual for beginers....
Manual contents: A. Radionics history: B. What is Radionics and why does it work C. Base44 D.
Practical applications
2 A. Radionics history: a) 1920s: DR ALBERT ABRAMS Dr Abrams was the first to identify diseases
by measuring the resistance that they induce in the organism by means of the "abdominal
percussion" technique commonly used at the time: During one of his routine examinations,
Abrams noticed that for one of his patients, who had a cancerous ulcer of the lip, the abdominal
percussion of a certain area gave a dull sound only when the patient faced west. When the
patient faced any other direction, the percussion gave a hollow sound. After many more
experiments, Abrams concluded that where cancer was involved, that certain abdominal region
would give, on percussion, a dull sound when the patient faced west. This was true for all
cancers. Abrams called this discovery the Electronic Reaction of Abrams or E.R.A. In the case of
healthy patients, percussion revealed a hollow sound. Abrams believed that this reaction
resulted from a muscular contraction reflex which affected certain nervous fibres, resulting from
specific radiations emanating from atoms and molecules in the cancerous tissue. Abrams
deduced that if those radiations affect the patient's nervous fibres at a certain distance, they
would most likely have a similar effect on the nervous fibres of a healthy patient. That deduction
was the actual birth of radionics as we know it today. The ensuing experiments went on to show
that the detected radiations could be transmitted by a conducting wire to affect the nervous
system of a healthy patient at a distance, when this patient was connected to a witness taken
from a cancer patient (called surrogation). Abrams further suspected that samples of different
diseases would have the same electrical effect on different zones on the abdomen, with each
zone specific to a disease. He did, in fact, find this effect with different viruses and microbes, and
developed an entire cartography of zone reflexes of the abdomen, corresponding to a range of
diseases. He came up against a problem during this process, however, in that the zone for
syphilis coincided with that for cancer. So he had to find a way of distinguishing between the
two. He had the idea that since the radiations were electrical in origin, the simplest solution
would be to introduce a variable resistor, or rheostat into the patientexperimenter circuit. By
means of this he was able to differentiate that a resistance of 50 ohms was required in the case
of cancer, and one of 55 ohms was required when a syphilis sample was used in the circuit. That
was how the first Radionics machine was born. It consisted of an apparatus with variable
resistors to specify organs, diseases and remedies. Abrams compiled a table of resistances for
hundreds of diseases, virus and microbes. The healing electromagnetic charges received by his
patients had the effect of nullifying the radiation of the disease itself. ABRAMS’ LAWS OF
RADIONICS: i) All matter emits radiation ii) The radiation emitted by matter is a function of its
atomic and molecular composition. iii) This radiation affects the human nervous system through
which information is transported. iv) This radiation is electromagnetic by nature. v) Thought,
being magnetic in nature, creates an energetic field which influences this radiation. b) 1946;
RUTH DROWN Drown improved the instruments devised by Abrams, making them more precise
and more elaborate. She became one of the great names in Radionics. In her experimental
research on rate determination, she introduced into the instrument circuit, at the suggestion of a
colleague, a rubber diaphragm detector, which functioned as a condenser. This became known
as the "stick pad" method and she used it with great success in expanding Abrams’ rates tables
for anatomy and diseases. Additionally, Drown was the first to develop the idea of treatment at a
distance. DROWN'S LAWS OF RADIONICS i) Radionics is based on vibratory or "radio-active"
principles, which state that all things in the universe vibrate at their own individual rates – their
vibrational fingerprint. ii) One can tune into these vibrations with a radionic instrument. The
vibrations emanate from a single common source - the universal energy, which originates in the
3 iii) The vibrations of every single thing in the world are everywhere- including there where we
are. We simple have to capture them from the environing ether, and allow them to pass through
the instrument to treat a patient at a distance. These vibrations exist outside and independent of
space-time. c) 1950; GEORGE DELAWARR In his contribution, which was based on the work of
Albert Abrams and Ruth Drown, he developed and popularized the system of radionics which
became known as "Base 10 Radionics". DELAWARR LAWS OF RADIONICS i) The radiations
emitted by all forms of matter are related to specific wave lengths, and one can distinguish
between them by means of their electrical resistances. The waves are electromagnetic. ii)
Radionics is the science of the interaction between mind and matter, and of the total
interrelation between all things. d) 1975; MALCOLM RAE Rae is the father of the radionic system
known as "magneto- geometric". He found that instruments calibrated from 0 to 10 were not
accurate enough and so went on to develop an instrument which was calibrated from 0 to 44,
thereby enabling an increase in precision. RAE’S LAWS OF RADIONICS i) Thought behaves in the
same way as a field ii) A field can be measured electronically iii) The source of energy which
creates thought is one of the facets of magnetism. iv) One can express any thought whatsoever
very precisely through the intermediary of a numeric ratio or a geometric pattern. e) 1980’s;
JACO MALAN Jaco’s background is homeopathy and iridology. His teacher received the Albert
Schweitzer award in 1989 for the fact that all homeopathic remedies used in clinic were actually
radionically made MALAN’S LAWS OF RADIONICS i) Radionics works through the intent of the
practitioner to heal and not through thought itself which was the earlier belief. ii) Radionic rates
created with a radionics instrument have a definite shape and structure in the same way as a
molecule of any organ or substance does. iii) The crude radionics rate/vibration must be inverted
by 180 degrees to form a healing energy. iv) Treatment takes place within the instrument. Since
time and distance are no factor, and through the use of Ether, we are able to treat here and now.
Through the years many people have contributed to the development of Radionics. Yet today we
are still all too happy to swallow a few tablets to get rid of our problems without thinking of the
harm that we do. Radionics is a natural healing system, because it is based on energy. This
energy is the purest and most powerful natural force in the universe. B. What is Radionics and
why does it work Radionics is an extremely versatile method of hands on or distant diagnosis
and treatment utilizing specially designed instruments to determine the underlying causes of
diseases within a living system, be it human, animal, plant, or the soil itself. While Radionics is
mainly used to treat human ailments, it has also been used extensively in agriculture to increase
yields, control pests and enhance the health of livestock. Because Radionics is based on the
principle of non-locality, distant treatments are just as effective as hands-on ones. Radionics
recognizes that there are numerous finely organized fields of energy beyond those identified by
science which may be utilized for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes: Basic to Radionics is the
concept that all life forms share a common ground of being immersed in the electro-magnetic
field of the earth. We are all part of this cosmic energy soup, a huge field of waves and
vibrations, which make up
4 the Universe. Some are beneficial, others are harmful and every living thing is affected by
them. Each life form has its own electro-magnetic field, which, if sufficiently distorted, ultimately
results in disease of the organism. Radionics is based on the reception, selection and emission of
these vibrational waves for diagnostic and healing purposes. It is a healing art within which
physics and para-physics - science and religion meet and merge. 1. How does Radionics work
This knowledge applied in practice means that what differentiates us from other living and non-
living matter is the fact that everything vibrates at its own particular frequency. Each one of us
has a unique vibratory fingerprint. Each of our body parts has a standard optimum vibratory rate
too and any deviation from that signifies a degree of disease. Likewise, each disease or harmful
substance to the body, each physical, emotional and spiritual imbalance, but also each remedy
has a particular frequency or vibrational rate. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs,
diseases and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These vibrations
can be expressed in numerical values which are known as ' rates' or in the form of Geometric
Patterns. These provide the means by which the practitioner identifies and treats disease. Each
radionic rate produces a unique geometric shape in a very specific vibrational range i.e. it has a
specific shape and energy (direction) and this brings a disrupted organ or condition into balance.
This shape exists on a multi dimensional level and is inverted by 180˚ by the machine, which
means that it compliments the dysfunctional organ or imbalanced condition. Our own bad
energy, for example is being turned 180 degrees, thereby neutralized and then sent back to us.
The radionic rates are entered by means of calibrated dials on a radionic instrument. The
instrument sends the rates to the diseased organism in the form of electro-magnetic energy,
correcting the vibration of the affected area. The system works on the principle of resonance.
Much like a string played on one violin will cause the string of another in close proximity to
vibrate too, the imbalanced area of the organism will entrain its vibration to the correcting
vibration sent to it resulting in its optimum health level. During a distant treatment, a treatment
need to be given a direction, which is a witness (hair sample or photograph) is placed on the
witness plate. To give it purpose, the rates are set on the dials. The witness is used for testing
and treatment. The witness is unique to each person in the same way as our thumb imprints are.
The witness, through its holographic quality, will show the energy balance of the owner at the
time the sample is tested, even though he himself may be far away. Distant sending and
receiving is similar to the sending and receiving of radio and television waves. The radionic
practitioner, in making his analysis, uses the principle of dowsing or radiesthesia to detect the
disease in much the same way as the dowser detects the location of water, oil or mineral
deposits. By means of a series of mentally posed questions, he obtains information about the
health of his patients to which the conscious thinking mind has no direct access. 2. Radionics
Morphogenetic Theory: The next step in the evolution of radionics is morphogenetics. Radionics
thus is the way to scan and instruct morphogenetic fields. Everything in our world is surrounded
and penetrated by electromagnetic fields, whether object, plant or animal. Each field contains
complete information about its surroundings and keeps in contact with all fields of its own kind.
Electromagnetic fields are the link between all and everything. Morphogenetic fields are an
electromagnetic phenomenon and can therefore be altered by electromagnetic oscillations.
Obviously, the electric fields of direct-current altered the morphogenetic field in such a way that
the same species was still recognisable but strongly modified in its form. Electromagnetic fields
can have dramatic impact! Magnetic field therapy is also used very successfully in medicine, for
example with sports injuries this kind of therapy is appreciated because its proven effects can
also be verified in classical medicine. Radionics instruments also work with electromagnetic
fields, which can be instructed. The word "information" bares in its root the meaning that
something is in formation. In radionics, this information may be the oscillation of a homeopathic
agent, a nosode or similar, which can then be transferred to any target object. We will later on
deal with the actual how radionics really work in more detail but let us first look at a general
explanation of how radionics work.
5 More on how radionics work? The examination of magnetic fields and electric current might
best illustrate how radionics works: When there is an electric current in a cable (red line in the
diagram), a magnetic field develops automatically around the cable (blue line in the diagram). If
the electric current is intensified or lessened for example with a dimmer, the magnetic field
changes accordingly. If a measuring device for magnetic fields is put next to a cable, the exact
current can be determined without the cable touching the measuring device. When the current
is switched off, the magnetic field also disappears. If however, an artificial magnetic field is
created around the cable with a magnet, similar to when there was a current - the light bulb
glows although the light switch is off! This phenomenon is called "induction" in electronics and
describes the fact that not only electric current induces magnetic fields but also the other way
round, that magnetic fields also induce electric currents. Magnetic fields are, just like the
morphic fields, an invisible electro magnetic phenomenon. Radionics instruments are
constructed in such a way that it can analyse the morphogenetic field surrounding an object. It
identifies the deficiencies of the scanned field and then removes those with radionic impulses.
The analogy of the above described phenomenon, the induction of electric current through
magnetic fields, suggests that the "repairing process" of a morphogenetic field surrounding an
object, also affects the object according to the - now healthy - field. Just like a magnetic field can
induce electric current in a switched off circuit line, a well instructed morphogenetic field can
also induce a desired materialistic change. The morphogenic principal in radionics can thus be
seen as the transformation process that take place during a radionic treatment, or the
entrainment process of and organ structure. THE L - FIELD When we looking at our present day
morphogenetic concepts and L –Fields we could see a very strong resemblance. As professor
Harold Saxton Burr once stated, "So far as our present information goes, there is unequivocal
evidence that wherever there is life, there are electrical properties." Measurement by modern
electric instruments developed in the last few years has "revealed that man and, in fact, all life
forms - are ordered and controlled by electro-dynamic fields which can be measured and
mapped with precision." And as Burr proposed as early as 1935, in his electrodynamics theory of
life, -- that all living organisms have electric fields which govern their growth and decay. As an
example, Burr points to the human body. Its molecules and cells are always being torn apart and
rebuilt with fresh material from the food we eat. But thanks to the controlling L-Fields, the new
molecules and cells are rebuilt as before and arrange themselves as the old ones. The bodies L-
Fields "serves as a matrix or mould which preserves the 'shape' or arrangement of any material
poured into it." What we are interested in here is "How can we use the knowledge of the L-Field
to improve the quality of our lives?" I am going to discuss that here by explaining how the L-Field
can be influenced, and what that influence can 'cause' in us humans. I'm not going to go to great
lengths to 'prove' that the L-Fields exist, if you want 'proof' then read a good book on the topic.
What I am going to discuss is "Applications" and not "Descriptions". Burr proved that the L-Field
can be influenced directly by external phenomena by measuring the voltage gradients of a
number of trees over a period of 30 years. He found that the L-Fields of the Trees fluctuated with
sunlight, darkness, sunspots, magnetic storms and moon cycles. From this we can
6 extrapolate that human L-Fields are similarly affected. "Since the field of a living system is an
ordered pattern which represents the universe. It can be argued therefore, that the universe is
an electrical field and that everything that exists in it is a subsidiary or component part of the
total field." Thus it is "That we are fully justified in regarding the fields of life as the instruments
of physical evolution, of which, on this planet at least, the human nervous system is the
masterpiece." Radionics embraces some of the very same principles upon which Dr. Burr's
theory is founded. The late George De La Warr, radionics pioneer, explained that "a basic idea in
radionics is that each individual, organism, or material, radiates and absorbs energy via an
energy field peculiar unto itself. The more complex the material, the more complex the
waveform. Living things like humans emit a very complex wave spectrum of which parts are
associated with the various organs and systems of the body." Radionics uses electronic
equipment that is used by the human 'operator' to detect the particular radiation under
consideration. And in most of all the cases the radiation under consideration is the human
waveform. Radionic energies are subtle energies that the operator of the device detects by using
the nerves of their hands to detect these energies, which have been 'tuned in' by the Radionic
device. Establishing the necessary 'sensitivity' to detect these energies is a requirement to
competently use any Radionics device. Establishing 'resonance' with the radiations of the
individual, measuring their amplitude and then finding the remedy which best resonates with a
particular malady. Thus the organ or system is returned to its healthy rate of vibration. The great
benefit of Radionics is that it goes BEYOND the EFFECT and finds the CAUSE of complaints....e.g.
psychological conditions (Psychosomatic ills).Radionics treats the aura of man as part of his
physical body, since all the inner organs of man are affected by this L-field. It is assumed that you
understand that all matter has a rate of vibration, which is peculiar to itself. To have a rate of
vibration is to have a rhythmical pattern of recurring periods wherein the energy of the vibration
changes from one value to another. In such a situation, the frequency of a system is said to
oscillate between certain maximum values. RAPPORT In 1852 a Frenchman named M. Benoit
used snails in his experiments, as he felt that a certain form of rapport was operative in the
animal kingdom (This is a classic morphogenetic concept). First, he paired of 52 snails and
allowed them to become well acquainted by living together in separate pairs. Then on each pair,
he wrote a letter of the alphabet, two A's, two B's, and so on. One set of alphabet labeled snails
was sent to America, and the other retained in Paris. At a predetermined time, in Paris, an
electric shock was applied to a snail, say snail E. Simultaneously snail E in America reacted in
sympathy, exhibiting a kind of erratic behavior. Several snails were shocked and it was possible to
transmit a simple message by 'snail telegraph'! In 1965 George De La Warr conducted a
experiment in his laboratory in Oxford, England. But the unique feature of his endeavor was to
show that rapport exists between a physical object and a photograph of that object. A photo was
taken of a snail and sent to the town of Evesham, 40 miles away. In Oxford the animal was
placed in an apparatus whereby Histogram readings could be taken.(Histograms are basically
Amplitude/Frequency graphs of energy transmission through body tissues.) In Evesham, which
was linked to Oxford by telephone, the snails photograph was intermittently exposed to certain
light energies which were successful in producing responses registered by the Histogram in the
Oxford Laboratory. Similar experiments were carried out with human subjects and their
photographs; with several energy stimuli such as light, sound, color, ultraviolet, and infra-red
radiations, and magnetism. In each instance Histogram readings indicated that a state of rapport
existed between the subject and his photographic image. Other De La Warr research suggests
that rapport holds, over great distances, between an individual and his blood or hair specimens,
fingernails, and other bodily fluids. Dowsing (Radiesthesia) Radiesthesia is the science dealing
with the study of energy fields. Successful use of a pendulum is central to successful Radionic
testing. Here are some tips:
A pendulum can be any type of weight suspended on a string or chain. The size of the weight
depends on your personal preference. The pendulum is an extension of your hand – it never
leaves your own energy field. There is no energy transfer between patient and practitioner when
you do a diagnosis on someone. We use the pendulum to increase our sensitivity in detecting a
condition just as we would detect vibes when we step into a room at times. We actually use the
pendulum only because we are not ready to trust our intuition – our unlimited abilities. When
using a pendulum what is most important is what you are comfortable with. Have faith in your
ability to use the pendulum. Trusting the answers you get is the only rule. Sit at a table so you
can support your arm. Have a peace of paper with a circle on it in front of you. Relax and be at
ease, focus and check your mind set. It is important that you talk to your pendulum – you need
to let your higher self know what you want from it. Be careful to formulate your question
correctly. Ask your pendulum to show you its positive ‘YES’ swing. This can be one of the
following: clockwise, anti-clockwise, horizontal or vertical. Once it is established, ask for your
negative ‘NO’ swing. These will be your modus operandi from now on. If you get no response,
give your higher self a hint by deliberately swinging your pendulum in a particular way for the
YES swing and another for the NO swing. This is just to prod our brain to understand what we
want. Practice until you have established a good swing. When penduluming a witness, it may be
done with the witness on the plate over the plate or with the witness on the table next to the
machine – whichever feels right. Ask the pendulum as you slowly turn up the energy and
potency levels starting from zero. If the pendulum does not respond: • you may be tired - take a
break and try again • you may not be asking the question in the right way or you may not be
specific enough • there may be no potency for the remedy although this is highly unlikely • there
may be an energy block in the patient which is remedied by running (wiping) a magnet across
the witness several times
The essential ingredient to the success of a radionic treatment is our intent. Our intention to
heal someone is the foundation of the healing process. The radionic machine is dead without
intent. However, it has been said that Radionics is a form of telepathy. Jaco has found that we
need not connect mentally and psychically with clients beyond our intent to heal. This frees us to
have an ‘off’ day and still be able to treat clients. It is the belief of the mainstream that thought
is the medium of “broadcast” which we had disprove. Radionics is a ether instrument. Basic to
Radionics is the knowledge that Ether and thought both fills the same space and that ether has
the qualities of omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. All radionic information
transmitted by an electromagnetic field possesses these three qualities. A few thoughts on
thoughts: Thought is life, what we think, we are. Our thought creates our environment, our
thoughts constitute our world. The body is a product of the mind and under the control of the
mind and we are in control of what we put into our mind. Every thought we think, is a
boomerang. An evil thought is thrice cursed: firstly it harms the thinker by doing injury to their
mental body. Secondly, it harms the person who is the object of the thought and thirdly it harms
all mankind by vitiating the whole mental atmosphere. a) How the radionic rates are established
The traditional, Malcolm Rae way, was that a panel of 6 dowsers sat together with separate
pendulums and radionic machines with calibrated dials. They would individually determine the
rate for any substance or idea given to them by means of pendulum and machine, building it dial
by dial. The resulting rates were only accepted if they coincided – if all 6 dowsers came up with
the same rate. The rates for the Base 44 are now established through a closely guarded secret
formula based on sacred geometry, specifically the golden mean triangle structure. This secrecy
is deemed necessary because of the danger of misuse of formulas. When using Base10 radionic
machines, Jaco usually teaches people how to pendulum rates and has proven the pendulum
method to be equally successful.
8 2. Radionic testing: The scope of Radionics in theory is unlimited; in practice it is limited by the
sensitivity, knowledge and expertise of the practitioner. At one level it can be used to determine
the structural and functional integrity of the body, and to identify the causes of disease hidden
within. At another level, determining the states of the body's energy centers (chakras) provides a
picture of energy flows in the body and enables the practitioner to gain a deeper insight into the
reasons behind certain physical and psychological imbalances. To this may be added an analysis
of the qualities of energy within specific psychic structures. A synthesis of this data reveals
physical and psychological strengths, weaknesses, limitations and capacities, providing patients
with insights into the personal and spiritual aspects of their nature, which can prove most useful
during periods of crisis and stress. 3. Disclaimer: Radionics does not profess to medically
diagnose, prescribe or cure. A Radionics test or diagnosis is not a medical test or diagnosis, but a
means of identifying and assessing the underlying causes of pathological states and their
symptoms and measuring energy levels. The resultant analysis may differ from current medical
opinion because the practitioner's approach is along para-physical lines. For a medical opinion or
diagnosis of your health, you must consult with a qualified medical doctor.Radionics treats the
etheric template - the vibrational counterpart of the physical body- its perfect energetic replica,
thereby supporting and augmenting any conventional medical treatment aimed at the physical
body. It is safe and highly beneficial to treat women during pregnancy. Treatments will ease the
birth process and greatly enhance the child’s development. 4. Conclusion Radionics as a
treatment method is highly effective, elegantly simple, completely safe and without negative
side effects. The treatment is non-invasive and cannot do harm. It can be used to compliment
other forms of therapy, and its efficacy is such that it forms a complete system of healing on its
own right. Additionally, as we are working purely with the energy field, we can detect not only
current imbalances, but also future and potential problem fields. Therefore, long before a
problem will manifest as a physical symptom, it will show up on a Radionic test as an energy
imbalance. Radionics is such a versatile system that lends itself to any healing modality. Areas in
which we have done extensive research are: Acupuncture, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Reflexology,
Kinesiology, Spiritual healing, Colour healing, Crystal healing and the healing of sport injuries. C.
The Base 44: The Base 44 is the result of over 25 years of research into Radionics, a healing
approach in successful use since the early 1900's and the Base 44's particular use of sacred
geometry patterns makes it unique in the world. Other radionic systems are all based on
resistance like that of Abrams radionic system. In Jaco’s radionic system the rates build a
geometric 3D form which has a life of its own much like a thought form does. The 3D forms are
much purer though because they are rate built. Rates are pure while thought forms are
contaminated by interferences. The rates are sent in 3D just like minerals in periodic table have a
3D shape designated to them. All matter in the universe is made up of the elements on that
table; therefore all matter is made up of 3 D shapes. Jaco sees the 3D geometrical shape of every
rate – all 14000 of them and they are all unique. He also sees the energy inside the machine.
Except for Yvonne Coumb in France, Jaco is the only producer of the Base 44; others all still
produce the very outdated Base 10. He has seen one machine that can do all three Bases, but in
his research he has found that it is not necessary to go down to the lower bases.
a) How does the frequency sent interact with for instance a disease in the body? It matches it
through a hand- in- glove process. Just as the body addresses a virus by encapsulating and
thereby isolating it with white blood cells so it can’t do any harm and then attacking the virus,
the vibrational signature will match the virus in a 180 inversion hand – in glove way, isolating it
and then attacking it through the resonance principle. b) Machine structure
9 The frequencies it sends out are of an electromagnetic nature. The electrical input enhances
the electromagnetic field around the magnets and is also used for the activation and
disconnection of the treatments by means of the treatment switch. The machine interior
consists of one doughnut shaped magnet, whose alignment is crucial - and many wires. For
patent protect purposes, the electronic part of the interior is embedded in coloured fibreglass so
that one would need to break it open to see how it works and that process would destroy it in
such a way that one would still not be any the wiser. c) Features This standard radionic
instrument is the most comprehensive unit and includes the following features. o Treatments
may be done locally and over a distance with around 13600 rates to choose from. o Two rows of
dials allow you to set up to two different rates at the same time o A potency dial and a energy
dial enables you to calibrate the rate to its destination o A hand held probe facilitates convenient
local treatments o An auto scan and treatment system o Copying of existing energy remedies o
Making up of energy remedies using the rates. o A 'pulsate' mode allows you to treat over an
extended time period. o A copy of the rate book. o Recommended extra: An electronic rate book
featuring a rate calculator for creating complex remedies for the simultaneous treatment of
multiple imbalances. o A complete operating manual. o Input and output sockets enable you to
connect additional equipment to your unit, such as the energy screens, monochromatic light
unit or hand held probe. d) The Frequency generator The newest addition to our base 44 is a
frequency generator, the frequencies that we use tend to enhance the body natural ability to
heal it self. We also apply the frequency as an electromagnetic signature rather than the actual
frequency, this allow for a better absorption into the subtle bodies. The effect can be seen as
atom scattering it open up or spread the atoms within the subtle bodies allow for a more
powerful energy transfer. e) For Reiki practitioners: The Base 44 is also an ideal unit for use in a
Reiki practice because it includes the rates for most of the Reiki symbols. More rates will be
added as research is completed. Since Radionics is based on an energy system, it lends itself
perfectly to all such healing systems. The idea is not to change the way Reiki had been practiced
but rather to broaden the scope of the Reiki practitioner, enhancing his work. f) Workmanship 25
years of research and development has gone into the Base 44. The Base 44 is priced at a fraction
of the cost of its electric and electronic counterparts on the market, allowing Radionic therapy to
become accessible to the general public for use at home as well as in the health practice.
Furthermore, it is built to last. Some of the units were built 20 years ago and are still in perfect
working order. g) Orientation When you switch on your instrument. There is the orange that will
indicate power on, and the “mode” will display Red Led which will turn green the moment you
press start. The two rows of dials on the face plate of the machine allow you to set two different
rates at the same time- rates are set from left to right. Dials not used must be turned to zero.
This machine allow for basically four timing sequences which are; 1. A one minute time period
for general treatment or remedy make up. 2. A six minute time period mostly use for creams and
ointments. 3. A Pulse mode for long period treatment (e,g, overnight)
10 4. Scan mode which is part of the Bio Balance system, for body scanning. There are three
“outputs” on the front panel 1. Bio Balance (auto scan) which connect to the probes (see bio
balance section at end) 2. Input (Black) this allow you to attach other equipment to the machine
for example a copper plate or a larger “well”. 3. Output (Red) this allow you to connect the
output signal to things like tanks, or large copper or stainless steel plates, ideally for the
treatment of large objects. ii. Explanation of rates The radionic instrument has a number of
calibrated dials, the numbers usually running from zero to 44. As the instrument is set each dial
will read a number and the final rate will be the assemblage of the numbers from each dial. The
instrument works on the principle of collective vibration – the vibration obtained through all the
dials. Each dial a part of the total vibration, the resultant complete, whole vibration is
represented as remedies, disease, organs or commands. What is this vibration and how do we
create it? Everything consists of a vibration and a molecular structure. Everything we see around
us, living or material object consists of a definite molecular shape or structure and this structure
has its own unique vibration. We can then say that every radionic rate corresponds to a
molecular structure, created with a radionic instrument and that this structure represents the
healing vibration. The radionic instrument creates its structure in the same way that sound or
light could create a visible shape. Let us presume that the dials represent a linear line and that
there is a force of energy flowing on this linear line. Now if we cut this line at different angles to
the linear line, what we create is a completely independent structure or vibration in a definite
shape. The Rae geometric cards create the same structure or pattern as do the radionic rates. iii.
Notes on rates - When working with instruction rates, the object to be worked on is entered in
the top row (eg skin) and the instruction (eg restore) in the bottom row - the more specific the
request, the better the healing. - The universe adapts even a very wrong frequency to the right
one if the third or fourth person has had success with it. It is possible to make new rates purely
with the pendulum and if it works and works for two other practitioners too, even if doesn’t
correspond exactly to the mathematical equation, the universe has accepted it as valid and it will
work. - There are rates in the rate book to increase personal levels of vibration. They are not a
substitute for spiritual growth, but rather are to be used as a support in the conventional ways of
raising one’s vibration. - If a rate has more than 6 numbers, start on the top row and carry on in
the bottom row from the left, setting all the unused dials to zero. - Treat the environment as for
human structure. Treating a dam, for instance, Jaco treats it like a human being: the inlet is the
mouth, the outflow the anus. Use the normal organ structure. - You can treat emotional and
physical in separate rows at the same time. Energies and potencies aren’t too different for each.
- Tooth numbers are counted from centre of teeth - If something physical ie sinuses is treated,
both the physical symptom is treated and the emotional cause. - ‘Right arm’ on it’s own is ok as
rate, but it is more effective to set an instruction or more specific description of the problem
underneath eg pulled muscle. The more specific you are, the more effective the treatment - If
‘throat’ is entered in the top row and rectify all defects in the bottom row, defects in the throat
will be rectified and not all defects in the whole body because of practitioner intent, although
related organs that form part of the same body system might be treated to enable the throat
itself to normalize. - To treat animal anatomy, see it from a human perspective. A hind leg
becomes a leg, while the foreleg becomes an arm. iv. Rate abbreviations – T.C. are the original
rates in the book
11 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -
Organ names ( eg stomach, liver) with numbers next to them are the various acupuncture points
Srotas is a healing system Spectrum colour is what you physically see and wave form colour is
the vibrational version of colour Yoga and numbers are the Yoga positions Bellizal and colours,
Musculi, Septenate, Soham, Solanum, are named after creator of rate Restore cell memory
means to find root cause Pesticide and description is the antidote and not the energetic version
of the pesticide OM and number is a teacher’s organ remedies Mixture and number is a creator’s
mixture Malignant test card is to verify the benignness or malignancy of tumours JD and number
are the Meridian points Iodine and number are the forms of iodine Interleukine and number
relate to leukaemia Herbicide is the antidote to herbal pesticide effects BR are balance remedies
Difference between allergy and allergen: allergies are the old entries, allergen the newer entries
and more specific in nature TIB PSY is a healing system Acidum are the different acids L.O.C is
loss of coordination Patience dock refers to the flower patience Vaccines, Cortisone and
vitamines are anti –side effects as well as acting as an energetic vaccine
v. Best demonstration rates: – Optimize yin/yang balance – Coordinate all chakras – Circulate life
force energy – Soham: peace, love and alignment – Energize Just next to the dials on the right
hand side are two on/off switches called rate switches, which are turned to the off position
when a treatment is done without the use of rates. Just below the dials is the potency dial for
setting the potency of the rate sent. The idea of potency is based on the homeopathic principle
of dilution: the higher the potency, the more powerful the vibration. The potency must be
chosen according to the client’s need- not everybody will benefit from high potencies. An
example of this would be animals, where we normally use very low potencies (3X to 12X)
because of their lower vibrational rate. Next to the potency dial is the energy dial which is used
to adjust the amount of actual energy in your remedy. Energy (power) is different to potency in
the sense that it may be described as “wattage”. This dial must be set between 25 and 250
(Note: most homoeopathic remedies bought at a pharmacy, or made on other radionics
potentisers will rarely have a power level of more than 30. vi. Explanation of the potency and
energy dials - Potency relates to the potentization of a remedy; how dilute a substance is i.e.
how far away from the mother tincture, or how high in vibrational frequency. The higher the
potency, the higher the potentization, the lower the actual remedy content in the water and the
more it affects the subtle bodies and the less the physical body. - Energy level describes how
much there should be of it according to the recipients needs, rather like how many watts.
Compare a big with a small piece of quartz crystal. One is a tiny piece, the other a massive
chunk. The bigger piece radiates much more energy, yet both are the same type of quartz (have
the same potency). The vibrations are the same, the difference is purely quantitative. The
energy is how strongly the remedy should be broadcast; how strongly it comes through, the
amount of it at a time, how slow or fast the drip should be set It is not always best to treat with
the energy setting at its highest because too much might cause a blow out / overload and
consequential shutting down of the system ie like for a cyclist taking in some glucose will
improve his performance, but if he take in too at a time, it may cause a sugar high and then a
dump. It is better to gradually put the energy level up over a number of treatments – The
potency and energy differs slightly from treatment to treatment, but evens itself out over time.
That is why we treat the recipient with the potency and energy established at the initial
treatment unless the rates treated with change. – The potency settings are generally lower for
physical rates and higher for mental emotional rates. – There are no guidelines to general
potency and energy settings for eg o Houses, Intersections of traffic o Plants: single versus a
whole field of crops o Big animals such as horses o Medium animals such as big dogs o Small
animals such as birds o Insects Animals generally have a lower vibration and therefore lower
potency than humans but there is no difference between big or small animals. Plants vibrate at a
rate in between humans and animals. Anything organic treat at a potency of around 50M and
anything emotional and mental at higher than that. For an overnight treatment on pulsate,
pendulum the potency and set the energy between 75 and 125
There are three copper plates on the machine. The left one is the input plate, the middle the
witness plate and the right one the output plate. vii. Explanation of witness plate When a
witness is placed on the witness plate, the vibration of the witness goes along the wire to the
dials where the collective vibration or rate is added to the vibration of the witness. The total
vibration is then put into the ether. Ether is in everything and everybody in the universe even
when two people are thousands of kilometers apart and is the carrier wave of all energy.
Although we say that we broadcast or transmit, we must understand that the healing takes place
within the ether inside the radionic instrument. We as souls are all one… one with the Universal
energies which has no boundaries. This vibration will then find the owner of the witness and will
enter their aura. This happens instantaneously as time is not a factor. When we put a witness on
the witness plate, we give the vibration on our dials a direction and purpose without which it
would merely dissipate into the ether. It is important to realize that all conditions are energy
related and can therefore be corrected.
Photos as witness Any picture may be used as long as the negative has not been destroyed, or, in
the case of digital images, a backup copy of it has been kept either on pc or another storage
device. The silicone contains the essence of the energy form of the picture. Silica, being quartz,
stores the vibration. If the original is in colour, a black and white copy of it may be used to
minimize printing costs. Printing the picture off the PC is fine. The picture need not be recent.
Even a picture taken as a baby will do as long as the original is still in existence. A picture can
never be too small for witness purposes because even the tiniest part of the whole contains all
of the whole. If there are other people in the background, your intent will
13 ensure that the treatment will go to the client and not the others eg as in the case of Cam
holding his snake.
When a whole house is to be treated, a picture of part of it will do as long as the intent is to treat
the whole Hair or other as witness Hair locks are taken and may be stored in little plastic bags. It
does not matter if the bags are close together. The witnesses will not ‘contaminate’ each other.
Plant samples taken fresh will eventually dry out in the bags. They lose some of their energetic
essence, but their signature is still strong enough for witness purposes. Press the timer and
anything that you will have placed in the input plate or on the dials (rates) will now be
potentised with the vibrations of whatever you placed in the input plate or on the dials. The
buzzer button not only acts as timer, but also connects and disconnects the treatment to
safeguard against accidental over treatment.
If there is nothing on the plate and the machine is switched on, then there is no direction (no
witness) nor purpose (no rates set) for the energy. You have the ability to either treat someone
for the standard treatment time one minute or to use the pulsate facility when longer treatment
periods are called for as in for instance over-night treatments. The setting for this is the
pulse/treatment toggle next to the treatment switch. The square time button activates the
treatment. If the treatment/pulsate toggle is set to treatment, a buzzer will sound after one
minute and the treatment will automatically be de-activated. If the pulsate option is chosen, the
treatment will continue until manually de-activated. viii. Treatment time Initially Jaco used a two
minute treatment duration because it takes 2 minutes and 18 seconds to complete one positive
astrological cycle. However, the international trend is to treat for one minute rather than two.
Jaco has set his new machines to 1 minute. Actually, only 10 to 30 seconds are necessary. ix.
Treatment frequency and duration Seen in terms of a sine curve, the treatment spikes
immediately, then continues at that level and starts dissipating at 3.75 days. Maximum space
between treatments should therefore not exceed 3 days. After each treatment, an increasingly
higher residue is left so that after a period of about 6 weeks, treatments every 3 days should no
longer be necessary and the client should be put on a maintenance treatment program of more
widely spaced treatments. The more often the treatments occur, the better because the residue
builds up more quickly. The client is also kept more stable this way – he is in a ‘DC current’, less
of an up and down than the ‘AC current’. However, the client does not necessarily get better
more quickly with more frequent treatments. x. Over-treating and treating for the wrong thing –
The machine can do no harm. Over-treating on some rates will simply cause a detox or slight
temporary organ discomfort, but no serious effects. The body won’t take more of a remedy than
it needs. A full glass cannot be filled up more. – The wrong rate will dissipate into the ether. The
energy sent will just go through the recipient because there is not need for it; it finds nothing to
resonate with. – There are no diseases that you should be careful of treating. To be able to treat
someone, you need to know what you want to treat him for. Thus an analysis is very important
and it is something that you will have to be able to do. xi. Normal treatment: Assuming that you
know what you want to treat and that you have found the rates you want to
14 use: a. power on b. set the rates starting at the first dial (top left) adjusting each dial to the
appropriate digit, zeroing the dials not in use c. rate switches on d. pendulum energy and
potency and select accordingly e. select treatment or pulsate f. plug the probe into the out
socket of the machine and hand it to the recipient to hold. g. activate the treatment by pressing
the time button xii. Treating by means of a witness a. power on b. witness onto copper circle c.
select the rates d. rate switches on e. pendulum potency an energy over witness and select
accordingly f. select treatment or pulsate g. activate treatment o
Notes on distant treatments It is good ethical practice to ask permission from someone before
treating them. We do not have the right to infringe on someone else’s life path.
D. Practical uses: xiii. Making a remedy o Making a remedy from a rate, using the dials only: a.
add 10 drops of alcohol (cane) or water (distilled) to a glass or plastic container and place into
the output plate. b. set the rates c. rate switches on d. set the potency to 100 and energy to 30
just so that some goes in e. select treatment f. activate the treatment. o a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.
Making a remedy from a sample of any substance: power on place the sample into a container
into the input plate place the medium to be potentised (distilled water, moistened sac lac or
aqueous cream) into a container into the output plate rate switches off set the potency and
energy select treatment activate treatment remove the potentised medium from the output
plate. remove the sample from the input plate.
crush the herb slightly, cover it with alcohol and let it stand for half a day power on place the
herb covered in alcohol on the input plate place a half full bottle of alcohol on the output plate
rate switches off set the potency at between 100 to 200 which is considered to be
homeopathically safe, pharmaceutically manufactured remedies only go up to a potency of 30.
set the energy at 75
15 h. i. j.
select treatment activate treatment the bottle in the out well is the resultant remedy also
referred to as stock
With the machine power on place the remedy into the input plate rate switches off pendulum
potency and energy over the client and select accordingly select treatment or pulsate plug the
probe into the out socket of the machine and hand it to the recipient to hold activate the
treatment Orally as drops place 30 drops of the stock into a 30ml bottle and fill the rest of the
bottle with distilled water recipient to take the remedy 3 drops 3 times daily store the remedy
away from direct sunlight, cell phones, microwaves and magnets Orally as sac lac place 30 drops
of the stock into a bottle filled with sac lac (homeopathic sugar pills) and shake vigorously take 3
pills three times daily ( Depend on pill size normally it is 3 pills) Cream power on place a jar of
aqueous cream in the output plate place the remedy in the input plate rate switches off select
treatment activate treatment 6 consecutive times on one minute machine or 3 consecutive
times on 2 minute machines, the cream takes 6 minutes to become completely charged. Notes
on remedies A minimum of one minute is required for liquids and 6 minutes for sac lac or
aqueous cream. Time spent charging in excess of 10 minutes has no additional effect. Only if you
use alcohol for your remedy, can you use it as stock. When making copies of remedies it is very
important that you use containers made of the same substance in both wells ie both glass or
both plastic. You cannot mix the two because they do not have the same molecular structure
and that means that you will not have made the remedy properly. Flower essences and gem
elixirs can be made purely from rates The shelf life of sterilized water remedies is 2 to 3 weeks.
No preservatives are necessary because we are working with vibrations only which don’t ‘go off’.
Alcohol is its own preservative. Alcohol remedies last indefinitely. It is illegal to sell remedies
because they are not medically classified.
xiv. Energy Screens - Used on their own, the energy screens correct polarity and balance and
stimulate the body's magnetic flow as well as alleviate various emotional disorders. - Beyond
their intrinsic healing qualities, when connected to the Base 44, the energy screens become rate
conductors: Research has shown that if a “drug” or chemical substance is put into “circuit” with a
person using the screens, that person will show the same symptom as if they had taken that
substance themselves either orally or intravenously. Using the same principle, with the screens
connected to the Base 44, any condition can be corrected and
cleared. This most powerful and unique healing system was developed here in South Africa,
based on the work of LE Eeman. When “in circuit”, people experience differing reactions. Some
feel nothing for a long time, while others feel a reaction quickly. A common response is to feel
marvelously relaxed and have deep sense of tranquility and well-being. If there are any trouble
spots in the body, they may ache for a while because they are being worked on. Many people fall
asleep while ”in circuit”. The screens work very well during sleep as in this state the user is
relaxed and consequently more receptive.
Treating with the screens on their own a. Lie the recipient down with one magnet at the nape of
the neck, the other at the base of the spine and feet either crossed or magnets around the
ankles. Usually, the red probe rests in the right hand, the blue in the left. Leave the plugs
disconnected from the machine. Leave the recipient to relax in this position for 30 minutes.
Treating with the screens connected to the machine a. lie the recipient down with one magnet at
the nape of the neck, the other at the base of the spine and feet either crossed or magnets
around the ankles. Usually, the red probe rests in the right hand, the blue in the left. b. power on
c. connect the screens to the machine d. set the rates and rate switches on and/or put a remedy
into the input plate, otherwise rate switches off e. pendulum potency and energy over the
recipient’s body and select accordingly f. select treatment for a 1 min treatment or pulsate for a
longer treatment – at least 30 minutes o -
Notes on energy screens The screens are not affected by layers of cloth or pillows, so you can
put them on your mattress beneath your bedclothes and keep them there permanently - just
making sure that they are positioned correctly. Hold the red probe in your right hand and the
blue in your left or if the opposite feels comfortable for you, then do so. If you hold them the
uncomfortable way around, you create what is called a tension circuit. You will not be able to
stand it for too long. We never found anyone who could stand to remain in a tension circuit,
even on a bet! Lie completely relaxed, hands at your sides. About 30 minutes in circuit twice a
day is usually sufficient for any problem. Once a day should be enough for healthy people –
relaxation is the key.
xv. Making a complex remedy of more than two rates a. power on b. place the remedy made
from one or two rates on the input plate c. set the rates d. rate switches on e. set the potency
and energy f. select treatment g. activate treatment h. the resultant complex remedy has 3 or
four rates in it; this process may be continued to any number of rates xvi. Copying a remedy a.
power on b. remedy to be copied into the input plate c. medium to be used into the output plate
d. rate switches off
17 e. energy and potency set to desire levels f. select treatment g. activate treatment xvii.
Making a remedy from any other potency of the same substance a. power on b. remedy to be
potentized in the input plate c. medium to be used into the output plate d. rate switches off e.
set energy and potency f. select treatment g. activate treatment o
Notes on potentizing remedies The potency to be prepared may be higher or lower than that of
the original remedy. In neither case is the original remedy destroyed by the process – but it is
raised to a very high potency (above 10mm) and should not, therefore, be held in the hand for
more than a few seconds. This does not render the original remedy unsuitable for use in the
preparation of further remedies.
xviii. Master remedies – Although the conventional homeopathic maximum is 5 rates per master
remedy, there is no limit to the number of rates that can be put into a master remedy on the
machine because a new rate is created out of the combination of individual rates with every
added rate. – To understand how one combined rate can treat all the individual things for which
rates are put in, think of it in terms of a cake. You need all the ingredients for it to be a success.
One left out and it just won’t be it’s delicious self. – The more rates the better for the master
remedy because the more exact the overall imbalance picture becomes and therefore, the closer
to perfect for the recipient the geometric shape. It is not the case of ‘too many rates spoil the
programming’. – It is ok to send multiple rates for the same thing eg many rates for anti-smoking.
Treating the same thing with different rates can be explained in the following way: If a circle is
drawn and coloured in by drawing concentric circles inside it, the closer and closer the lines are
together, the more a definite circle is formed with more and more substance – the more solid it
becomes. Alternatively, if a circle is coloured in with criss cross lines, eventually the criss cross
line jumble will disappear and the circle will appear as solidly coloured in. Another helpful
analogy is that of the disordered Rubicon cube. Each of the moves becomes a rate in order to get
to the harmonic end picture of the ordered cube. The more rates are used, the better because
the more different angles are obtained on the thing to be treated. From a sacred geometry point
of view, the more angles are known, the more exactly the centre of a circle can be pinpointed.
The centre of the circle is determined by criss crossing lines until the point is found where they
all cross, which is the centre point. o
How to make a Master remedy a. power on b. place a bottle with ten drops of alcohol into the
output plate c. set the energy to 30 and potency to 100 (suggestion only) d. set the first two
rates e. rate switches on f. select treatment g. activate treatment h. take the bottle out and put it
aside i. add ten drops of alcohol to a new bottle and place into output plate j. dial the next two
rates treat and put aside k. combine the two remedies or however many are necessary into one
bottle or cream jar should a bottle become too small l. place the container with the combined
remedies into the input plate
18 m. n. o. p. q. r. s.
place a bottle 1/3 full of alcohol into the out well pendulum the witness for potency and energy
based on the master in the input plate set the potency and energy accordingly select treatment
activate treatment take the final master remedy out of the output plate label it with the clients
name as well as their energy and potency
To treat with the final master remedy a. power on b. place the final master remedy on the input
plate c. place the witness on the plate or plug in the screens d. rate switches off e. set the energy
and potency according to the label f. select treatment g. activate treatment or pulsate
To de-potentize (remove all programming) in order to re-use bottles and alcohol a. power on b.
place all alcohol used into one container in output plate – leave other bottles uncapped for
remaining alcohol to evaporate c. rate switches off d. set potency to 10MM, energy to 0 e. select
treatment f. activate treatment g. return the alcohol to the dispenser and leave container
uncapped for remaining alcohol to evaporate.
Notes on master remedies To make a copy of a master remedy – see copying a remedy Creams
and crystals may be charged with a master remedy. The rate switches may be left in the on
position while the bottles are moved in and out of wells and witnesses placed on and taken off
because the buzzer disconnects the treatment. To add a new rate to the master, combine 10
drops of the master and ten drops of the new remedy into a bottle into the input well and a
bottle of alcohol into the output well and proceed as for making normal final master. The energy
and potency mostly stays the same if only one or two new rates are added, but it is better to
make up a new master if something is added that changes the original composition drastically. It
is possible to treat the witness while energizing and potentizing the final master It is possible to
treat with a different energy and potency than stipulated on the master bottle. It will not change
the master remedy. When making a master out of two rates or less, it is not necessary to still
make a final master. The combination of the two rates may be used as final master. It is possible
to use the same master for two different recipients by merely adjusting the energy and potency
accordingly. It is possible to place a master in the in well and dial in additional rates and treat
with both master and rates at the same time. This comes in useful for treating a client for a fairly
temporary condition that is not worth adding to the master. If there are too many rates to fit in
one bottle, take an equal portion eg 10 drops of both bottles and combine that into a third and
make the final master from that. If something does not fit into the in or out wells as in for
instance the cream container, just place it on top. The energy in the in and out wells creates a
vortex, so as long as the container is on the well, it will work. Alcohol may be re-used indefinitely
It is necessary to select potency and energy for the master remedies when treating with them
19 xix. Treating using the copper plate The copper plate may be plugged into the machine at the
‘In’ or the ‘Out’ socket: o
‘In’ socket uses With a witness on the witness plate and the dials set to appropriate rates, clip a
laminated copy of the body’s muscles onto the copper plate and massage the copy with your
fingers until they run smoothly across the affected area and no longer stick, which is an
indication of energy blockage. ‘Out’ socket uses For treating a large number of witnesses
simultaneously. This is only possible when the energy and potency are the same. However, for
things like flu treatments, it is ok to treat everyone with the same energy and potency. Take care
not to let the individual witnesses touch each other. To charge a cream To de-potentize a large
quantity of alcohol To cleanse or charge big crystals ( place a cloth under the crystal to avoid
damaging the plate) To cleanse or charge a number of items simultaneously
xx. Crystal treatments - All crystals, but specifically quartz crystals, have mathematically precise
molecular lattice structures. They are therefore considered the most orderly matter in nature
and can thus be used in many different ways to process various types of energy such as
reception, reflection, refraction, magnification, transduction, amplification, focusing,
transmutation, storage, capacitance, stabilization, modulation, balancing and transmittance.
Silicone crystals, consequently, have been an integral part of modern technology for many years.
- According to Marcel Vogel, a senior scientist with IBM for 27 years, crystals ‘exhibit a state of
perfection and balance and their higher purpose is the removal of pain and suffering’. Crystals
have inherent healing qualities which are enhanced through their ability to be programmed with
balancing vibratory rates. - Although Quartz and Amethyst are the most commonly used crystals,
all material that forms a crystal can be charged including all gem stones and semi-precious
stones as well as any metal of a crystalline structure ie gold, silver, platinum, pewter. This applies
to all metal which re-crystallizes in the melting and cooling down process. Pearls are
programmable because they are formed through a process of crystallization too. - The effects
quartz crystals have on humans relate in part to a particular resonance that occurs with our own
physical and subtle body’s various quartz- like crystalline structures. - Crystals do not have to be
of a particular size or standard of perfection in order to be programmable. Small off cuts and
chips broken off may even work better than the crystal whole. A crystal chip the size of a pin
head contains the same amount of energy when programmed than does an average sized whole
crystal. It is the energy concentration of life essence – soul, that matters. Mercury is harmful in
very small quantities – in the same way a small properly charged crystal has a powerful effect.
How a crystal has been cut can be of slight advantage. o
Clearing and charging a crystal a. power on b. place the crystal on the output plate c. set the
rates for clear and cleanse respectively d. rate switch on e. set the potency to CM and the energy
to 225 f. select treatment g. activate treatment h. select the rates to charge the crystal with i.
activate treatment o Notes – The charge lasts indefinitely if the crystal is properly cared for:
20 It needs to be kept a minimum of one metre away from any electrical or electromagnetic
equipment. The distance away depends on the size of the equipment. 1m away from computers,
cells and most household appliances 100m away from high voltage cables. If the energy field of a
person is between the electrical equipment as in for instance a cell phone and the crystal, it will
absorb most of the vibrations of the equipment, so the influence is weakened. However, crystal
and cell phone should not be kept in the same handbag. Be careful no to accidentally wash the
crystal in the washing machine. Some of the charge will be lost, because the crystal will have
been on an electromagnetic motor and rotated with the magnetic earth. It will have spun at
different angles to the earth magnetic grid while on an electric motor. The combination of the
spinning and proximity to an electric motor makes it lose some of its charge. As few other
people besides the person it is meant for should handle the crystal The crystal it should be left
in sunlight regularly to cleanse. Holding it under running water for a while is a good quick-
cleanse for the in between times. – Crystals vibrate at a very high frequency, which means that
they have a high original potency and energy level. Amethyst, for instance has a potency of over
6000 units which is much higher than what the machine can produce anyway, and it is
questionable whether the potency and energy set on the machine has any effect on the crystal
itself. It does have an effect on the client though. The energy set can therefore be quite high, but
it depends on the clients’ ability to absorb high frequencies- although they sometimes need a
good kick of energy to ‘wake up’. Pendulum the client, especially for energy, the potency is not
that critical. – To charge crystals, set the potency to CM because it is higher than the organic
energy level. Potencies of 50M and lower relate to anything organic eg an organ. Set the energy
to 250 because most crystals have an energy level higher than that anyway. – It is not possible to
do damage ie shatter the crystal if the potency and energy are set too high because the machine
does not work with sound energy, but electromagnetic energy. – Quartz crystals may be charged
with any of the rates from the rate book. When using other stones, charging them in line to their
inherent healing specialities maximizes their effectiveness. – More than one item may be placed
in the out well to charge and it doesn’t matter if they touch. (Only witnesses on the witness
plate may not touch) – In setting the rate for clear and cleanse it makes no difference which of
the two is set in the top row and which in the bottom. – It is not necessary to put the crystal into
a liquid to charge it because it has a strong energy absorption ability. – For charging a crystal
with more than two rates, create a master and charge the crystal with that It is possible to treat
the witness on the plate and charge the crystal in the out well or jewellery on copper plate with
the master in the in well at the same time. xxi. Special applications Since the instrument
prepares a potency of every aspect of the contents of the input well, it is especially suitable for
the preparation of: 1. Nosodes from patients’ blood, urine, sputum etc. 2. Specialized remedies
sometimes required for treating allergies such as hair from a particular animal, pollen from a
particular variety of flower, foodstuffs, etc. 3. Potencies of gems where representation of the
therapeutic characteristic extends beyond the chemical composition. 4. Potencies of mixtures of
substances ( but not potencies of mixtures of different potencies, because the components
would all be reduced or expanded to the same potency xxii. Other uses It is also possible to use
gems, herbs or any other substance for the making of remedies. A general rule is to use a liquid
when you copy any solid substance. If you want to copy the energy of a gemstone, you can put
the stone in some distilled water, leave it for an hour or so in
21 the sun and then put the container in the input well. The same applies to herbs. It is best to
crush the herb before placing it in liquid to allow the energy to be more easily absorbed. xxiii.
The monochromatic light unit It is common knowledge that light, specifically sunlight, is essential
for all living things. Over the years the use of artificial colored light as a therapeutic aid has
proved successful, but not consistently so. The probable reason for this is that the colored lights
used actually consisted of many frequencies; for example a white incandescent bulb with a red
coating or filter over it. When this light is analyzed scientifically, many frequencies of red as well
as traces of blue, yellow, orange and green, are found. Current research shows that the most
effective light healing results are obtained with the use of a single frequency or wavelength of
light i.e. containing only one colour. This is referred to as monochromatic light. Red wave-lengths
of 630,660 and 670 nanometers have been commonly used. While good results have been
obtained using infra-red wavelengths at 880,940 and 950 nanometers, our preference is the 660
red frequency because of its visibility and its compatibility with the cells of the body. In addition,
the light needs to be focused into a narrow beam, not scattered - and bright enough to
penetrate deeply into the tissue. The brighter the light, the more biologically effective it will be.
The brightness should be between 4,000 and 6,000 milli-candles. Consequently, the light of the
monochromatic light unit is a bright, monochromatic red color of 660 nanometers focused into a
narrow beam. The unit can be set to emit either a continuous (solid) or pulse beam. The pulse
rate is set at 250 cycles per second since this is most compatible with the body's nervous system.
You will not be able to see this pulse rate because your eye can only see about 45 cycles per
second; but, if you move the light rapidly from side to side, you can distinguish the pulses, which
appear as a broken light image. The solid beam decreases pain and swelling, while the pulsating
beam increases the rate of healing of diseased or damaged tissue and treats wrinkles. The solid
beam treats the DNA which in turn instructs the cell walls to relax. As the cells relax, the tissue
made up of those cells also relaxes. This is followed by a relaxing of the muscles and the pain
subsides. In addition the light increases the blood circulation in the area that it penetrates. This
increased circulation results in a warm glowing feeling within the problem area which further
adds to the soothing effect of the painful area. When there is disease or damage, the cell walls
can be pictured as shrunken, deformed and transparent or fading. The pulsating beam provides a
stimulating, rejuvenating energy to the DNA in the cell. The DNA transmits this energy via a
protein or calcium transfer, to the cell walls and they in turn transform to healthy-looking solid
shapes as the treatment progresses. The energy supply, which had been blocked from those
cells, has been replaced with the energy of the light unit and the DNA molecule now has the
energy to fulfill its normal function. The light provides extra energy to the DNA molecules in the
cells to repair themselves. The light can be applied either directly to the affected area or to the
acupressure points related to it. It is preferable to apply the light in a darkened area. As the light
needs to have direct contact with the skin, it is necessary to uncover the area to be worked on.
Apply for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the severity of the problem. Then, wait 40 minutes. If
the pain persists, repeat the treatment as often as necessary to achieve desired result. For direct
application, hold the light probe close to or touching the skin directly over the area to be
treated. Rotate the light slowly clockwise. Applications: o Pain relief and healing o Stimulation of
reflexology and acupressure points o Balancing the body's energy, emotion and stress release o
Food allergies, building up of the blood o Facial toning (reducing wrinkles), skin conditions o
Sinus relief, headaches, arthritis o Treatment of pets (animals and birds)
22 o Insect bites and bee stings o Teeth and gums (periodontal) The solid beam for pain
reduction works especially well for headaches, ear and tooth aches, tense or pulled muscles,
sprains, cuts, burns, back pain and arthritis pain. The pulsating beam for faster healing is
especially effective for wounds, burns, psoriasis, rashes, tendonitis, herpes, torn ligaments,
arthritis, circulatory conditions, organ and tissue degeneration and sinus problems. The use of
the red light has produced no known side-effects. It does not cause any tissue damage and it
cannot be over-applied. At times, a temporary increase in discomfort occurs with chronic
conditions. This has been noted as an indicator of tissue re-activation or detoxification and
precedes improvement. The light treatment is meant as a supplement to normal medical
treatment and not to replace the latter. Pressing the light probe on the acupressure points fulfills
the dual purpose of pressure activation and light activation. The light travels along the meridian
pathways to the associated organ cells that need help. In the case of chronic conditions, deep
body pains, sinus problems and arthritis for instance, this method of treating is more effective
than treating the area directly. It is recommended to use both approaches in a treatment. Energy
peaks occur within each of the meridians and different times of the day and these are the best
times to work on these specific organs. The duration of treatments on acupressure points is
shorter than for direct application. Thirty seconds on each point is generally sufficient. As well as
applying pressure with the probe, rotate it clockwise in a tight circle. It is no necessary to treat
on exactly the correct spot, since the light will penetrate a wide area during the rotation. Hold
the light probe against your fingertip to see how deeply it penetrates and how wide it radiates.
Our lives are based on light and sunlight. We must have its energy flowing freely through our
bodies. Using light is therefore a natural way to help heal any flaws in that energy current
without negative side effects.
Treating with the monochromatic light unit a. power on b. set the rates c. rate switches on d. set
the energy and potency e. plug in the light unit into the in and out sockets - red on red and black
on black f. plug the light unit plug into a power point g. switch on the light unit power switch on
h. set the light unit toggle to either pulsate or solid i. select pulsate on the Base 44 j. activate
Please refer to the monochromatic light unit manual for more detailed treatment instructions.
THE BIO BALANCE – AUTO SCAN Every living thing has a bio-electric field which acts like a
blueprint of the physical body. At the same time it supplies us with the required life energy
rather like a battery. This force can be photographed or scanned with the appropriate
equipment. Our vitality depends on the size of this force field, and when evenly distributed
around the body, we are in good health. Any blocks or deficiencies in this field will
23 eventually manifest themselves as weakness or disease. The scanning process of the Bio
Balance is a scientific method by which these energy blocks or vacuums are located. Thereafter,
balance within the field is restored by feeding the appropriate frequencies back into it. All this is
a totally pain free and relaxing process and healing can take place astoundingly fast particularly
in acute new conditions like sports injuries – chronic diseases take a little longer. The Auto scan
is, designed to activate a self healing response within the body. The body stores all information
on a sub-cellular level: emotions, injuries, traumas, infections, pain, disease, shock, frustrations...
actually everything that ever happens to us is registered in Cellular Consciousness, stored in the
"Biological Library" of our body. If it was all on the surface, in our conscious mind - we would
become so overwhelmed with “information” that we would not be able to function at all! So the
body, in its infinite wisdom, tucks it below conscious level - to be available when needed - but
not interfering with the flow of life. This faculty of "retrievability" is often used in court, when a
witness to a criminal act is goaded into remembering a license plate number (or other pertinent
details, long forgotten) by being hypnotized into "awakened recall". This is were the Bio Balance
unit come in to play; the ability of the unit to retrieve and correct this information makes it a
wonderful healing tool. No amount of "professional guesswork" or sophisticated
instrumentation comes even near to the precise information that the body can provide directly
and immediately. The highest authority of this resource is not a notorious physician or a world-
famous professor - but you - for you is the only one living within that body 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week. In the energy healing field we know for many years now that the body have the ability to
heal it self. We also know that the body contains all the information to what is wrong with us.
The problem is that we lack the ability to utilize or retrieving that information with the Bio
Balance unit we can now overcome this very easily. The aim is to induce brain-waves of a
frequency previously described as a "window frequency into accelerated healing and learning".
By entering this frequency we harmonically resonate with the Earth’s natural pulse, the
Schumann resonance. This points to the fact that the Schumann Resonance acts as a natural
tuning fork for human health. Our biological oscillators in the brain (Zeitgebers), which regulate
the functions of our biological system, are seemingly tuned into this frequency. Unfortunately,
electromagnetic pollution can overlay and drown out this very subtle natural signal, leading to
confusion within our endocrine system and causing the throttling of important neuro hormones
like Melatonin, thereby affecting our immune response. The foundation for good health must
therefore be an ‘Optimum Biological Frequency Resonance’ (OBFR). This means that, to be
healthy, we need to be ‘in tune’ with the natural frequency of our planet, in tune with nature.
Today’s hectic lifestyle has robbed us of this healing connection Our bio-electric field shrinks
with age like a battery running down. Daily “treatments” with the Bio Balance will increase the
size of this field by THREE times, thereby slowing down the ageing process.
24 How to use your Bio Balance unit: Switch on the unit make sure that the red power LED is
burning, the unit is now active select a frequency. We suggest that you use the default setting (0)
which is the default frequency of 7.83 Hz until you become more comfortable with your Auto
Scan unit and then experiment with the other frequencies available. The scan sequence is 30
seconds thus the unit will scan the body for 30 seconds the scanner lights will go on during the
scan sequence after 30 seconds the green balance LED will come on and the body will now be
balanced. This will be repeated for as long as you want, we suggest a 15 to 30 minute session.
Please note: The Bio Balance is an energy balancing tool and not a medical device and is not a
substitute for medical treatment and under no circumstances should you consider it to be so. If
you are concerned about any condition or symptom you or any other person are experiencing,
see a licensed medical practitioner immediately.
7.83 Hz
This is the feel good frequency, it balance your body and create harmony. And is also the
Schumann frequency which is the earth frequency.
835 Hz
Stimulate / Normalize Immune System Function A healthy body is determined by the health of
each of its single cells. All disease originates at the cellular level and not at the organ or system
level. Healthy cells create healthy tissues. Healthy tissues create healthy organs like the heart
and lungs. The immune system “determine” cell health, a healthy systems make up a healthy
136.1 Hz
The Cosmic OM Frequency is tuned specially to resonate with the 'Cosmic Om' vibration. It is
wonderful in mediation, journeying, in an energy work session, or just 'tuning in' to Universal
Energies. It is relaxing, soothing, balancing and sedative. The ancient Indians were given this
tone intuitively in meditation as they opened up to the cosmos. The sitar and tambura music are
tuned to this keynote. This keynote is called "sadja" or the "father of the others", the everlasting,
never-ceasing tone. It is the frequency of the soul. It resonates to the color BlueGreen. This is
also the frequency of the Heart Chakra. This vibration is NOT based on a musical scale. The
frequency is calculated based on the rotation of the planets around the Sun. This vibration is the
EARTH YEAR. This vibration is the 32nd octave of the Earth-Year. The base of this tone is the
rotation of the Earth around the Sun, which is responsible for the changing of the seasons of
spring, summer, autumn and winter. It resonates to the time it takes the Earth to rotate around
the sun, which is one year or 365 days. Two meridians carry this frequency throughout the entire
body. They are the Ren (Central or Conception Vessel) and the Du (the Governing Vessel). Two
points on the Ren meridian carry this frequency promoting deep relaxation and sedation. They
are on the central line of the sternum between the breasts and on the central line of the
sternum just below the heart on the base of the sternum. This will also encourage the gentle
opening of the heart chakra. There are also two points on the Du Meridian which have a
soothing and pain-relieving affect on the body, as well as relaxing the buttocks. The first point is
at the bottom tip of the coccyx and the second is
3. 295.8 Hz The ultimate “fat burner” loosing weight were never easier.
UT 396 Hz
Liberating Guilt and Fear. The Original Instant and the creation of Separation as the One
subdivided to become more.
RE 417 Hz Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change. The overlay of the DNA construct
commences as sacred geometry unfolds.
MI 528 Hz
Transformation and Miracles. Stimulate the Reinforcement of DNA Integrity, DNA repair and
FA 639 Hz
SOL 741 Hz
Reconnection of the 12 strands of DNA , thus revealing the veil of false perception and
awakening to the truth of One life. Awakening Intuition
LA 852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Order. Reunion with Divine Mind and the Re-Creation.
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