Tunneling in Swelling Ground
Tunneling in Swelling Ground
Tunneling in Swelling Ground
Politecnico di Torino
Politecnico di Milano
Università degli Studi di Genova
Università degli Studi di Padova
Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Geotecnica (XII ciclo)
Politecnico di Torino
Politecnico di Milano
Università degli Studi di Genova
Università degli Studi di Padova
November 1999
Marco Barla
Prof. Renato Lancellotta
Head of the Ph.D. Programme in Geotechnical Engineering
“Peace cannot be kept by force,
it can only be achieved by understanding.”
Albert Einstein
The present thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the swelling behaviour of tunnels
with a major interest being placed on the stress and deformation response in the near vicinity
of the advancing face, i.e. in three dimensional conditions.
Following the introduction of the most recent developments, mostly based on contributions of
the International Society for Rock Mechanics, the research examines the stress distribution
around a circular tunnel by means of numerical methods. According to different stress
conditions and stress-strain laws for the ground, the stress history of typical points around the
tunnel (sidewalls, crown and invert) is described with the stress path method (Lambe 1967).
This allows one to evidence how the three dimensional analyses results are necessary to
describe the ground behaviour. In particular, it can be observed that the excavation is
accompanied by a continuous variation of the mean normal stress even for an isotropic initial
state of stress. This behaviour cannot be identified by the corresponding two dimensional
With the stress paths computed, the thesis deals with the design, construction and calibration
of a new triaxial apparatus developed with the intent to allow one to reproduce the proposed
stress paths. This part of the thesis is intended to allow one to underline some peculiar aspects
of the experimental programme: measurements of local deformations, ability to impose on the
specimen the desired stress history, capability to assess different experimental quantities versus
The thesis continues with the characterisation of the swelling soil used for the testing
programme. This soil is a stiff clay (Caneva clay) with samples retrieved by means of a triple
tube sampler and also by a cubic sample. Geotechnical characterisation is given in terms of
deformability and strength as well as swelling properties by means of the Huder & Amberg
oedometer test.
Then the interest is moved to the innovative testing programme undertaken with the new
triaxial apparatus and another triaxial cell having similar features. Specimens preparation and
testing procedures are described in details. The specimens are submitted to the stress paths
computed by numerical analyses with the intent to simulate, “at laboratory scale”, the ground
behaviour around the tunnel during face advancement.
The “undrained phase” is initially considered with “compression” (to simulate the sidewall
behaviour) and “extension” tests (to simulate the crown/invert behaviour). Then the “drained
phase” is reproduced with the intent to study the time dependent response, when the
excavation is completed (the head of the tunnel is far away from the section under study) or
during a standstill.
The experimental testing allows one to draw some important conclusions on the excess pore
pressure induced in the specimen. It has been shown how negative excess pore pressure can
develop due to the “compression” stress paths and positive excess pore pressure due to the
“extension” stress paths, for the stiff clay under study. This aspect is of a great importance
from the engineering point of view, when the analysis is extended to simulate the
swelling/consolidation phenomenon induced in the ground after tunnel excavation.
The above observations were compared with similar experiments undertaken at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology on an anisotropic shale. It has been possible to verify
the non unique response around the tunnel, with the necessity to undertake additional tests of
the same kind as those described above, prior to deriving any conclusions on the design
analysis methodology to be adopted.
Some further recommendations are given at the end on the continuation of the research work
undertaken with the present thesis. Considering the number of underground infrastructures in
difficult conditions, that are nowadays at the design stage or under construction in Italy and
around Europe, this continuation is highly desirable.
So mma rio
La Tesi affronta un importante problema, di interesse applicativo nel settore dello scavo di
gallerie, ricorrendo a metodi teorici e sperimentali propri dell’Ingegneria Geotecnica. Si tratta
dell’analisi del comportamento di gallerie in terreni rigonfianti, durante lo scavo e nel lungo
termine, ad opera ormai completata.
Dopo un primo inquadramento del problema, alla luce delle conoscenze disponibili e dei più
recenti sviluppi sul tema, soprattutto a cura della International Society for Rock Mechanics, lo
studio esamina per via teorica (mediante metodi numerici della meccanica del continuo) la
distribuzione dello stato di sforzo nell’intorno di una galleria circolare.
Per diverse condizioni tensionali originarie e leggi sforzo-deformazione del terreno in cui
avviene lo scavo, lo sviluppo dello stato di sforzo in punti caratteristici nell’immediato intorno
della galleria (calotta, piedritti ed arco rovescio) viene rappresentato con il metodo dello stress
path (Lambe 1967).
Questa procedura consente di evidenziare come i risultati delle analisi numeriche
tridimensionali siano indispensabili al fine di descrivere congiuntamente l’evoluzione delle
componenti di sforzo durante l’avanzamento del fronte di scavo. Si osserva come, anche nelle
condizioni di stato tensionale originario di tipo isotropo, lo scavo sia accompagnato da una
variazione continua del primo invariante degli sforzi, durante l’avanzamento del fronte, in
contrasto con quanto consentono di prevedere le corrispondenti soluzioni bidimensionali. In
particolare il primo invariante degli sforzi aumenta mentre il fronte della galleria si avvicina alla
sezione di studio e subisce una consistente diminuzione subito dopo il suo passaggio, per poi
aumentare nuovamente ritornando al valore iniziale.
Nella condizione di stato tensionale iniziale non isotropo (Ko = 2), per ciò che concerne la
simulazione del comportamento dell’elemento sul piedritto, si osserva una diminuzione del
primo invariante delle tensioni. In corrispondenza invece dell’arco rovescio si ha un aumento.
In entrambi i casi, i percorsi di sollecitazione derivanti da un’analisi bidimensionale sono lineari
mentre i risultati delle analisi tridimensionali descrivono andamenti diversi.
Introducendo nei modelli una legge di comportamento di tipo elasto-plastico rammollente, i
percorsi di sollecitazione risultano più complessi e di difficile interpretazione. In entrambi i casi
di condizione tensionale iniziale (Ko = 1 o Ko = 2), e per entrambe le situazioni (piedritto e
arco rovescio) il valore del primo invariante delle tensioni diminuisce durante lo scavo, per
effetto della plasticizzazione che si sviluppa sul contorno della galleria.
Stabilite in tal modo le condizioni di base per il successivo sviluppo della ricerca, la tesi affronta
la progettazione, costruzione e taratura di una nuova apparecchiatura triassiale, con la quale
riprodurre sperimentalmente gli stress path precedentemente calcolati. Si tratta di una parte
molto importante del lavoro, che consente di porre in luce alcuni aspetti rilevanti dell’attività
sperimentale svolta: la misura delle deformazioni locali; la capacità di imporre al provino, in
modo attento e rigoroso, la storia tensionale scelta; la possibilità di controllo preciso delle
diverse grandezze sperimentali nel tempo. La nuova attrezzatura triassiale consente di
raggiungere pressioni in cella di 2 MPa e carichi verticali di 50 kN. Può ospitare campioni di 50
e 70 mm di diametro. Il piedistallo su cui poggia il campione è costituito da un meccanismo di
scivolamento che ne permette il libero movimento, virtualmente senza attrito, su di un piano
orizzontale e si presta ad evitare gli effetti negativi dovuti alle bande di taglio durante la rottura.
La cella è dotata di trasduttori di pressione per la misura delle pressioni interstiziali alla base e
confinamento, di LVDT per la misura dello
spostamento assiale esterno, di una cella di carico interna, di misuratori di deformazione locale
assiale e radiale.
La tesi prosegue quindi con la caratterizzazione del terreno rigonfiante preso a riferimento per
l’esecuzione delle prove in condizioni di stress path controllato. Si tratta di un’argilla consistente
(argilla di Caneva), i cui campioni sono stati prelevati sia a mezzo di sondaggi stratigrafico-
geotecnici accurati che con campione cubico in galleria. Oltre alla caratterizzazione geotecnica
dello stesso materiale, in termini di deformabilità e resistenza, sono presentati i risultati di
prove di rigonfiamento (in particolare, la prova di Huder & Amberg).
Si passa quindi alla parte preponderante della ricerca che presenta un articolato ed innovativo
programma di prove, condotto ricorrendo alla nuova cella triassiale messa a punto e ad un’altra
attrezzatura di caratteristiche analoghe. Sono descritti nel dettaglio la preparazione dei provini e
la metodologia di prova attuata, che consiste nel sottoporre il terreno agli stress path prima
sviluppati per via teorica. L’intento è quello di simulare, in cella triassiale, il comportamento di
zone particolari situate in adiacenza al cavo, durante l’avanzamento del fronte. I percorsi di
sollecitazione simulati sono quelli corrispondenti al caso elastico Ko = 1, sia per ragioni di
semplicità che per l’impossibilità di confrontare i risultati con precedenti esperienze per prove
che simulassero percorsi di sollecitazione diversi.
È dapprima considerata la cosiddetta “fase non drenata” in cui vengono eseguite prove di
“compressione” (atte a simulare il comportamento del terreno in corrispondenza delle pareti
della galleria) e prove in “estensione” (atte a simulare il comportamento del terreno in
corrispondenza della volta e dell’arco rovescio), partendo da uno stato di sforzo iniziale
isotropo; segue la “fase drenata”, volta a simulare invece le conseguenti risposte del terreno nel
tempo, quando il fronte di scavo è fermo o si è nella fase di avanzamento, con lo stesso fronte
di scavo che si allontana gradualmente dalla sezione di interesse a una distanza tale da non
influenzare più lo stato tensionale sul contorno nella sezione di studio.
Le prove sperimentali hanno consentito di raggiungere alcune conclusioni fondamentali sulle
pressioni neutre indotte all’interno del provino. È stato messo in luce come, nell’argilla
consistente oggetto di prova, si possano generalmente sviluppare pressioni neutre negative, a
seguito degli stress path in “compressione”, e positive, dopo quelli in “estensione”. Questo
aspetto del problema risulta di particolare interesse dal punto di vista applicativo, ove l’analisi
venga concordemente estesa alla risposta della galleria durante lo scavo, nei termini di
fenomeni di rigonfiamento e/o consolidazione indotti nel terreno.
Vale rilevare come le osservazioni conseguentemente sviluppate siano poste a confronto con i
risultati di analoghe sperimentazioni condotte presso il Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
su di un argillite a significativo comportamento anisotropo, almeno per la “fase non drenata” e
seguendo uno stress path di tipo bidimensionale. È stato così possibile verificare la non
univocità della risposta intorno al cavo, con le esigenze di condurre ulteriori sperimentazioni
dello stesso tipo di quelle proposte, prima di poter avanzare ipotesi definitive circa la
metodologia di analisi progettuale da adottare in sede applicativa.
Infine, la tesi presenta una serie di suggerimenti e raccomandazioni per l’ulteriore sviluppo
della ricerca, in un settore particolarmente importante, considerate le numerose costruzioni di
infrastrutture sotterranee in condizioni difficili, in fase di progetto o realizzazione nel nostro
Paese ed in Europa.
In allegato alla tesi sono inoltre riportati i dati relativi alle prove triassiali effettuate con la
procedura proposta, sotto forma di grafici e tabelle in modo tale da rendere possibile un
utilizzo degli stessi per successivi lavori di ricerca.
Acknowledge ments
The work described in the present thesis has been developed with the financial support of the
Ministry of University and Scientific Research (M.U.R.S.T.) of the Italian Government as part
of the Research Program ”Tunnelling in difficult conditions” (40%) co-ordinated by Prof. G.
Working at the Politecnico di Torino for three years was a great opportunity to get in contact
with many people. A number of them have been taking part to some extent in my research
work and I would like to acknowledge them.
Starting with Mr. Belloni, Carrara and Fuoco who took me to several sites, in the period when
I was looking for samples to be used in the testing programme, I would also like to thank Mrs.
Luisella Vai and Mr. Ugo Rabagliati of Geodes-Torino who introduced me to the geotechnical
data of the Caneva clay and the “secrets” of numerical modelling.
When developing the new triaxial apparatus and carrying out the subsequent work, several
italian and foreign students have been working with me in the laboratory. Above all I wish to
remeber: Mrs. Michela Enzo, Mr. Guido Piasso, Michele Scioia and Nicolas Vandenbussche. A
special thank should also be given to Mr. Adrian Grigore, a doctoral student from Roumenia
who spent a year working at the Politecnico, and performed with me a part of the calibration
testing programme on the new triaxial cell and experienced a couple of triaxial chamber
explosions (!).
A special thank is due to Mr. Giuseppe Coenda, the man who manually manufactured the
pieces of the triaxial cell in his little but very equipped workshop in Borgo San Paolo (a
working-class neighbourhood in Torino). His devotion to work and attention on little aspects
of mechanics has been very appreciated but also a great teaching.
Coming to my collegues, the doctoral students Antonella Chiappone, Sebastiano Foti, Ignazio
Puci, who started with me, and also Herbert Sarri and Guido Musso, who came later, together
with Monica Barbero and Stefania Borgna have been important in providing a friendly and
cooperating atmosphere to the research group.
I would like to acknowledge the help of the technicians of the Geotechnical Laboratory, Mr.
Roberto Maniscalco and Francesco Froio. Above all thanks are due to Renzo Pallara whose
advice and constant presence has been definitely important during the development of the new
apparatus and when performing the tests. He really spent a lot of time to introduce me to the
experimental techniques and to follow the developing of the control program.
Since for a good habit Supervisors should not be acknowledged, I would like to thank my Dad
and his friends Diego and Michele for having trusted and followed me during these three years.
Their comments in the review of this thesis were very appreciated, but especially they have
provided me with invaluable encouragement and constant source of hope. In particular a great
teaching was their will to continuously get insights into the geotechnical field that I could
always feel during our private scientific meetings but also during the Doctoral Committee
meetings. Definitely I came to the conclusion that they have a sort of research “instinct”!
And finally I must apologise to my mother and my brother Davide who have stood scientific
discussions both at lunch and dinner time until Santina decided to marry me. A special thank is
to be devoted to them for their patience and unconditional support. In particular to Santina,
who assisted me during the up and down of the research work, being involved during the night
experiments, following testing, preparing specimens during the summer holidays and, of
course, for her love.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................ VII
1.1 FRAMEWORK ..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ..........................................................................................................1
1.3 THESIS SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES ...........................................................................................2
1.4 ORGANISATION OF THESIS ...................................................................................................3
SWELLING IN TUNNELS, EXISTING APPROACHES ....................................................5
2.1 I NTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................5
2.2 SWELLING MECHANISM .........................................................................................................5
2.3 L ABORATORY TECHNIQUES..................................................................................................6
2.4 E MPIRICAL DESIGN APPROACHES ........................................................................................7
2.5 ANALYTICAL APPROACH .......................................................................................................8
2.5.1 Models based on swelling law..............................................................................................8
2.5.2 Rheological models...........................................................................................................10
2.5.3 Mechanistic models..........................................................................................................11
2.6 DETERMINATION OF STRESS PATHS ..................................................................................14
DURING FACE ADVANCEMENT...........................................................................................17
3.1 I NTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................17
3.2 I NFLUENCE OF TUNNEL CROSS SECTION..........................................................................17
3.3 THE CASE OF THE CIRCULAR TUNNEL ...............................................................................21
3.3.1 Problem under study ........................................................................................................21
3.3.2 Numerical analyses in 2D and 3D conditions ..................................................................22
3.3.3 Elastic analyses results....................................................................................................25
TRIAXIAL TESTS’ DATA........................................................................................................... 115
A.1 CONTENTS .........................................................................................................................115
Test CNV1...........................................................................................................................116
Test CNV2...........................................................................................................................120
Test CNV3...........................................................................................................................125
Test CNV4...........................................................................................................................135
Test CNV5...........................................................................................................................140
Test CNV6...........................................................................................................................144
Test CNV7...........................................................................................................................150
Test CNV8...........................................................................................................................159
Test CNV9...........................................................................................................................167
Test CNV10.........................................................................................................................172
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 1
1.1 Framework
There are no clearly defined rules for design of tunnels in swelling ground. Difficulties are
generally met for characterisation and testing of swelling soils and rocks and for prediction of
the response to excavation and support loading. This is to be recognised even if significant
efforts have been made in the recent past by many researchers, in particular by members of the
Commission on Swelling Rocks of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM 1983,
ISRM 1989, ISRM 1994a, ISRM 1994b).
Case histories have been reported where tunnels are shown to have experienced severe
problems and difficulties, all caused by swelling during and long after excavation. To remain
with important cases in Italy, relevant examples are the San Donato Tunnel, near Florence, and
the San Vitale Tunnel, near Benevento, both excavated in clay-shales. Also to be mentioned is
the recent costly reconstruction of the concrete invert in the Orte Tunnel, near Rome, which
was excavated nearly 30 years ago in stiff clays.
It is as well known that severe difficulties are being met along the new tunnels of the Bologna
to Florence high-speed railway line, where excavation takes place, at present, in the clay-shales
of the Chaotic Complex. Also, problems are anticipated in connection with the excavation of
tunnels in swelling ground along significant lengths of the Alp-Transit Project, in Switzerland,
and of the Alpetunnel Project between France and Italy.
Considering the need, as emphasised by the current tunnel projects underlined above, and that
additional development are required in the understanding of the swelling behaviour of soils
and rocks during excavation, the present thesis is to address this behaviour and the underlying
mechanisms, as they occur in argillaceous rocks in the near vicinity of the tunnel face.
immediate and (2) time dependent deformations. The immediate deformation is due to the
undrained response of the rock mass to excavation, which may result in negative excess pore
pressures both at the sidewalls and in the invert (and crown) under a given primary stress state.
The time dependent deformation occurs as the excess pore pressures are reduced leading to
consolidation/swelling and creep.
The present thesis is intended to investigate this type of behaviour in argillaceous rocks by
performing triaxial tests in which the entire stress history of a ground element located at a
known distance from the advancing face will be duplicated. Considering the importance of
three dimensional conditions at the tunnel face in determining the tunnel stability and the
deformational response, this aspect of the problem need be studied from both the short term
and long term points of view.
Chapter 3 presents the results of the numerical analyses performed with the intent to study the
problem of a circular tunnel in order to improve the understanding of the ground behaviour in
two and in three dimensions around the opening, as the tunnel face advances.
Chapter 4 is devoted to a description of the triaxial testing equipment used during this thesis.
In particular, the new triaxial apparatus developed is described taking into account its
calibration and special features.
Chapter 5 describes the geotechnical characterisation of the Caneva clay, the soil used for
The testing program itself, procedures and results obtained are illustrated in Chapter 6.
Finally some conclusions and suggestions for further work are made in Chapter 7.
Data from the triaxial testing program are listed in Appendix A.
CHAPTER 2 Swelling in tunnels, existing approaches 5
Chapter 2
Swe lling in tunnels, existing appro aches
2.1 Introduction
Following a brief review of the swelling mechanism as defined by the Commission on Swelling
Rock of the ISRM, the present chapter is to examine the existing methods for design and
analysis of tunnels in swelling ground. The main purpose is to provide a background
description for the subsequent development of this thesis, so that the results obtained can be
put in the proper perspective. Reference will be made to ISRM (1989).
The stability of both modifications depends on the temperature, on the water available and on
the applied pressure. At temperature higher than 58°C and at pressure of about 10 N/cm 2 only
anhydrite is stable while under 38°C only gypsum can exist. Between the two temperatures,
both are stable. Anhydrite can exist under 38°C but only in a metastable modification when
water necessary to its transformation into gypsum is not available.
The chemical reaction is as follows:
CaSO4+2H2 O → CaSO4·2H 2O
(46 cm 3) (36 cm 3) (74 cm 3)
If one compares the specific volumes, the cristallised gypsum shows a volume change ∆V:
74 − 46
∆V = ⋅ 100 = 61 %
which shows a higher volume with respect to the anhydritic modification. If the volume of the
two molecules of water is taken into account, then the starting volume is 10% higher than the
final one. Two cases must be distinguished:
- in a closed system, where anhydrite and water are present in quantity sufficient to the
transformation, then the final volume is 10% lower after the transformation;
- in a rock mass, the water may not be present but can be supplied from fractures when a
stress relief occurs. In this case the initial volume can increase up to 61%.
It is noted that oedometers are and have been the traditionally used equipments of swell testing
in tunnelling projects. This does not relate only to the history of soil and rock testing, but also
to the fact that the arrangement represents a small scale model of a tunnel invert. Only in
recent years, mainly with the works of Bellwald (1987) and Aristorenas (1992) at the
Massachussets Institute of Technology, the attention has been dedicated to triaxial tests.
It has been progressively realised (Steiner 1993) that, in order to get a better understanding of
the swelling mechanisms as they occur around a tunnel, it is essential to conduct triaxial tests.
In this way one can duplicate reasonably well the entire history of a ground element around a
tunnel, starting with natural state to tunnel excavation.
perfectly rigid support. One should note that both these methods provide design radial stresses
on the tunnel support which are independent of the rock properties and the tunnel
Other empirical approaches have been developed in the past few years: e.g. Brekke & Howard
(1973), Barton et al. (1974) (also see Franklin et al. 1974 and Barton 1976). Brekke & Howard
(1973) developed a functional classification of gouge materials from seams and faults and
discussed the appropriate tunnelling method in these materials. Severe swelling problems can
be encountered in tunnelling if swelling pressures are greater than 0.25 MPa. The swelling
pressure can be obtained either from a direct measurement of the swelling pressure by a
laboratory swelling pressure test, or possibly from correlation with the liquid limit test, or from
correlation with the percentage of imbibed water under 100% relative humidity. Barton et
al.(1974), in their Q-method provide direct relationship between support dimensions and rock
mass characteristics, typical of swelling rock. Description and rating with respect to swelling
can be found for the parameters J a and SRF. For swelling rock, the rating of both these
parameters increases considerably, and the parameter Q decreases accordingly. Swelling rock is
generally rated with the ”extremely poor” to ”exceptionally poor” rock mass quality parameter,
Franklin et al. (1974) developed similar methods for preliminary design of underground
openings. The proposed methods consider the swelling pressure as a parameter to determine a
ground class; they are, however, not aimed at the design of tunnel support in swelling rock.
In order to model swelling of the tunnel invert, Grob (1972) approximated field situations with
one dimensional (1D) conditions and found relationship (2.1) between the axial strain and the
axial stress based on oedometer test results, where W and K are material constants of the
swelling rock.
εa = W – K log10 σa (2.1)
σr = σ a (2.2)
1 −ν
These results are then used to determine the three dimensional state of stress around the
tunnel. The assumption of linear elasticity represents a significant simplification, given that the
stress strain relations are basically non-linear. The floor heave is evaluated following an inverse
settlement computation which relates the change in the first invariant of stress to the
volumetric swell deformation.
More recently, similar three dimensional extensions of the swelling law have been incorporated
in various methods of analysis, using the finite difference or finite element method (Wittke &
Rissler 1976, Gysel 1977, Kovari et al. 1983, Schweisig & Duddeck 1985, Barla G. et al. 1986,
Fröhlich 1986) or closed form solutions (Gysel 1987).
Wittke & Rissler (1976), have extended Grob’s swelling law to three dimensional conditions.
The relationship was found thinking that the swelling deformation can be described, at least
10 Swelling in tunnels, existing approaches CHAPTER 2
approximately, as a form of true volume change, that can be described by the first stress
The relationship derived from the three dimensional volume change caused by swelling and the
three dimensional stress state is equation (2.3):
1 1 − ν
I 1,ε = K 1 − log I 1,σ (2.3)
1−ν 1 + ν
log I 1,σ
While the 1D and 3D laws are reasonably useful to get first estimates, they are restricted in a
number of ways. Examples of restrictions which apply to some of these laws are:
- the assumption of linear elasticity;
- only the strain state corresponding to the final equilibrium can be computed;
- if the initial state of stress in the ground is isotropic, the model predicts that no swelling
- generalisation of the oedometer test results to 3D.
Clearly, an improvement is possible by determining swelling laws in triaxial tests which better
represent the actual stress conditions. Example of triaxial tests to determine the swelling
behaviour can be found in Kiehl (1990). Predictive procedures are given by using swelling laws
based on the true triaxial tests results of Pregl et al. (1980). In Kiehl’s approach, the volumetric
swelling strain is controlled by the third invariant of the total stress. Furthermore, a swelling
strain-time relationship is derived from the test results and plastic deformations at high
deviatoric stresses are introduced by relating them to the undrained shear strength of rock.
Anisotropy can also be considered in Kiehl’s approach. Although the approach is based on
swelling laws rather than mechanistic models, it appears to give results which are consistent
with the mechanistic interpretation of swelling which is associated with the dissipation of
negative pore pressures.
Panet (1979) reported the limitations of rheological models used in underground works. It has
been recognised that most of the rheological models developed until now deal only with the
deviatoric component of the total stress behaviour, implying that the volumetric component is
not taken into account. These models are adequate to describe the phenomenon of creep, but
not swelling. Swelling around tunnels is a time-dependent volume increase of the ground
produced by the adsorption of water in the zones directly adjacent to the excavation (Terzaghi
1936, Terzaghi 1946). Therefore, if one wants to be consistent, should also incorporate in
these rheological models the time-dependent volumetric contribution to tunnel deformations.
This volumetric contribution has been omitted in most of the previous studies. It has been
introduced, however, in viscoelastic models by Sakurai (1977) and Lo & Yuen (1981). A
solution for viscoplastic models has been also presented by Lombardi (1984), in which the
amount of volumetric strain due to swelling is associated to a change of the stress field which
corresponds to a final plastic state of the rock mass directly adjoining a tunnel.
A rheological model for the phenomena of swelling and creep has been developed in a
separate study by Aristorenas (1989). Swelling is introduced through a variable bulk modulus,
K, which is assumed to be finite (compressible material) and to vary over time whereas in
conventional rheological (creep) models the bulk modulus, K, is assumed to be infinite
(incompressible material). It is represented by a Burger model joined in series with an
arrangement of a Bingham model. This new model has the capability of describing three
stages, namely primary, secondary and tertiary, with both volumetric and deviatoric
components and shows that the viscoelastic range of rheologic behaviour can be modelled by
existing approaches, which do not take into account the volumetric component. This is
however no longer correct for the viscoplastic range, where the volumetric component
becomes important.
Another attempt by using rheological models has been made by incorporating laws which are
obtained through curve fitting to results from either laboratory tests or in-situ convergence
measurements. Semple et al. (1973) developed a creep equation for altered rocks, similar to
that of Singh & Mitchell (1969). These creep equations were satisfactorily compared with tests
on London clay and incorporated in a model for time-dependent behaviour of tunnels. Sulem
(1983) and Sulem at al. (1987a, 1987b) analysed measurements of tunnel convergence with
time and distance from the tunnel face and derived a time-function of tunnel convergence,
through curve fitting. Bellwald (1990) studied this expression in more detail and concluded that
the represented behaviour starts with convergence primarily due to consolidation/swelling
followed by creep.
Mechanistic models can be coupled or uncoupled. The uncoupled models were developed first
by Terzaghi (1923) in one dimension and extended to three dimensions by Rendulic (1935). In
these models, the solutions are obtained by solving the solid and matrix deformation
independently of the hydraulic diffusion. In coupled models the deformation and diffusion are
solved interactively. The simplest theory is the Biot’s poroelasticity theory. Coupled models
have been applied to tunnelling problems by Carter & Booker (1982), Detournay & Cheng
(1988) for elastic conditions, and Carter (1988) for elasto-plastic conditions.
A further step in the use of coupled models have been made by Anagnostou (1991). He
interprets the time-dependent development of swelling strain as a consequence of the
dissipation of negative pore pressure. In addition, the flow of water within the rock mass is
taken into consideration. This and the modelling of swelling rock as an anisotropic non-linear-
elastic, perfectly plastic material appear to produce realistic predictions of swelling strain,
specifically in the form of invert heave in tunnels.
Figure 2.1 Stress path during unloading and swelling of a point of the tunnel invert for
a circular tunnel with initial Ko = 1.5 (Bellwald 1987).
The latest development in the area of mechanistic modelling is the combination of mechanistic
swelling/consolidation models with creep models. Bellwald (1987) has proposed the concept
and Aristorenas (1992) has formulated such an approach. The concept simulates the
occurrence of negative excess pore pressures associated with the volume increase of the rock
CHAPTER 2 Swelling in tunnels, existing approaches 13
around a tunnel (ESP undrained in Figure 2.1) followed by a dissipation of the negative excess
pore pressure (ESP drained in Figure 2.1). As negative pore pressures dissipate, the stress state
moves closer to the failure state and creep may occur.
Figure 2.2 Stress paths during undrained compression tests (Aristorenas 1992).
Figure 2.3 Stress paths during undrained extension tests (Aristorenas 1992).
The model developed by Aristorenas is based directly on observations from laboratory triaxial
tests on shales. The triaxial undrained and drained tests were performed in a specially devised
triaxial apparatus and followed pure shear stress paths in compression and extension. In
14 Swelling in tunnels, existing approaches CHAPTER 2
Figures 2.2 and 2.3 the total and effective stress paths for compression and extension tests are
reported. In Figure 2.4 stress paths for drained tests are also illustrated. Pure shear stress
paths were followed after isotropic consolidation to reproduce the sidewall and the invert
behaviour of a circular tunnel. Samples where brought up to failure and, most of them,
exhibited a negative pore pressure during the undrained phase.
Figure 2.4 Stress paths during drained compression tests (Aristorenas 1992).
The model includes the basic behavioural characteristics of shales, such as anisotropy,
plasticity, dilatancy, creep and failure. The evolution of the material deformation is controlled
by consolidation (swelling) and creep phenomena. Volumetric strains in the form of
contraction and swelling are produced by, respectively, the increase (loading) and decrease
(unloading) of the octahedral effective stress. In addition, material expansion (dilatancy) also
occurs during shearing and is considered. The analysis indicates that inclusion of creep in the
simulation of tunnel excavation in essentially two dimensional conditions significantly increases
of stress change. With reference to tunnel excavation, as the face is advanced, the initial
stresses around the opening are progressively relieved. The state of stress at typical locations
(sidewalls, crown, invert) will change continuously until a plane strain condition is attained as
the face is at a distance of several times the radius of the tunnel past the section under
consideration. If reference is made to design analyses of tunnels, the use of the stress path tool
is limited to a number of studies which will be briefly reviewed in the following.
Figure 2.6 Stress paths for typical elements in soil due to tunnelling (Ng & Lo 1985).
Ng & Lo (1985) have studied the stress path at three typical points around a tunnel for the Ko
= 0.75 condition using an elasto-plastic finite element analysis in which the excavation process
is simulated by reducing the initial stresses. In Figure 2.6 the stress paths calculated due to
tunnelling are reported for three elements (A, B, C) around a circular tunnel.
Steiner (1992) has pointed out the behaviour at the sidewalls, crown and invert of a circular
and of a horseshoe shaped tunnel by means of two dimensional computations for a linearly
elastic isotropic medium. The stress paths were obtained for a tunnel 400 m below ground
and an overburden stress equal to 10 MPa. The horizontal stress ratio varied from Ko = 0.7
to hydrostatic (K o = 1) to Ko = 1.5. The stresses for the horseshoe shaped tunnel where
obtained employing the boundary element code Examine2D and for the circular tunnel with
the analytical solution for a hole in a plate. The results of this work are summarised in Figure
16 Swelling in tunnels, existing approaches CHAPTER 2
Figure 2.7 Stress paths for typical elements in soil due to tunnelling (Steiner 1992).
Bellwald (1990) and Aristorenas (1992) have examined the effective stress path around a tunnel
by means of theoretical considerations. In Figure 2.1, described in the previous paragraph, the
effective stress path has been drawn for the invert of a circular tunnel with Ko = 1.5 condition.
Two phases can be distinguished, the undrained phase, during tunnel excavation and the
drained phase, after excavation, when the negative excess pore pressure dissipates.
CHAPTER 3 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement 17
Chapter 3
Stress paths around a circular tunnel
during face advancement
3.1 Introduction
It has been shown that swelling of soil and rock is a complex phenomenon with a number of
important factors influencing it. One of such factors is the stress history at points in the tunnel
surround as the face advance takes place. This can be well described by the use of the stress
path representation, as proposed by Lambe (1967) for a number of applications to
Geotechnical Engineering.
Therefore, it is of interest to develop in the present chapter typical stress paths as created
during tunnel excavation, which can be adopted as appropriate input to laboratory testing in
three dimensional (3D) conditions. This line of thoughts, which agrees with work previously
performed by Ng & Lo (1985), Steiner (1992), Bellwald (1990) and Aristorenas (1992), is
appealing with reference to engineering applications in tunnels, when consideration is to be
given to 3D conditions and to the influence of the advancing face.
sidewalls and invert arch. Cross section 2 is a horseshoe shaped tunnel, however with curved
sidewalls. Cross section 3 is similar to the previous one with a flatter invert arch and with two
small arches connecting the sidewalls to the invert, in order to avoid angular points. Cross
section 4 is the circular tunnel.
The ground around the tunnel is assumed to behave according to a linearly elastic,
homogeneous and isotropic medium (ILE), with E (elastic modulus) = 400 MPa and ν
(Poisson’s ratio) = 0.3. The analyses have been performed with the Phase2 Finite Element code
(Rocscience 1999) for two different stress ratios (Ko = 1 and Ko = 2), with an initial vertical
stress of 1 MPa.
4s 3s
1,00 2s
1ia 2c 1s
t [MPa]
2ia 3c
0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10
1ia 4ia ≡ 4c
3ia 4c -1,00 3c 1c
4s -1,50
s [MPa]
Figure 3.2 Stress paths around the tunnel for the different cross sections, Ko = 1.
The stress paths for some significant points around the tunnel and for the values of Ko
considered, are illustrated in Figures 3.2 and 3.3. With the assumption that swelling will take
CHAPTER 3 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement 19
place where the first invariant of the induced state of stress is lower than the corresponding
one computed for the initial state of stress, Figures 3.4 and 3.5 show the zones where swelling
is likely to occur.
1s 1,00
4s 3s
1ia 2c 1s
2s 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00
t [MPa]
2ia 3c
3s -1,50
3ia 4c -2,00 1ia
4c ≡ 4ia
-2,50 1c
s [MPa]
Figure 3.3 Stress paths around the tunnel for the different cross sections, Ko = 2.
Figure 3.4 Swelling zones around the tunnel for the different cross sections, Ko = 1.
20 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement CHAPTER 3
Figure 3.5 Swelling zones around the tunnel for the different cross sections, Ko = 2.
In order to underline the influence of curvature at the invert, Figure 3.6 shows again the
computed swelling zones for the two typical cross sections 1 and 2, however with a change in
the invert radius.
Figure 3.6 Swelling zones around the tunnel for different curvatures of the invert arch
for cross sections 1 and 2, Ko = 1.
CHAPTER 3 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement 21
The obvious conclusion based on the above computations is that a circular tunnel is the
preferable cross section to be chosen, whenever a swelling rock condition is expected to occur
(Steiner 1992). However, it is to be remarked that the analyses performed up to now, and the
stress paths derived hold true for plane strain conditions, i.e. the influence of the advancing
face has been neglected.
Figure 3.7 Longitudinal section of the circular tunnel.
The simulation of tunnel excavation proceeds from left to right (Figure 3.7). Before
excavation, the stress state at points C and S depends on the depth of cover and the Ko
condition considered. During excavation, the tunnel face advances, passes trough the A-A
section and continues in the opposite direction. Finally, a new equilibrium condition is reached
corresponding to the excavation completed with no support installed.
22 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement CHAPTER 3
In Figure 3.9 a schematic description of the boundary conditions applied to the models is
presented. The grey box (blocky light dotted line in figure) represents the three dimensional
model with its boundary conditions and its applied forces. The model for two dimensional
analysis has been obtained with a vertical section of the first one (dark dotted black line in
figure). The mesh adopted for the analyses is plotted in Figure 3.10. For the 3D analyses it is
assumed that the excavation has reached the A-A section (where stress paths are computed),
which is located at half distance from the vertical limit faces of the model along the
longitudinal axis.
Figure 3.10 Mesh in two dimensions and in three dimensions when excavation
has reached the A-A section.
Two different stress conditions, depending on the Ko ratio, have been simulated in the models.
For each case a two dimensional and a three dimensional analysis have been performed and
the results compared with the closed form solutions available.
cp , φφp
cr , φφr
Figure 3.11 Peak and residual strength parameters c, φ versus axial strain ε.
The ground around the tunnel is assumed to behave according to a linearly elastic model (e,
ILE), with E (elastic modulus) = 400 MPa and ν (Poisson’s ratio) = 0.3, or an elasto-plastic
model with strain-softening (p, ELPLA). In the latter case (as seen in Figure 3.11) a limit value
24 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement CHAPTER 3
(ε1) for the axial strain (ε) is defined below which the peak strength parameters (cp = cohesion,
φp = friction angle) apply. Then, for values of ε greater than ε1, the strength parameters are
taken to change linearly down to the residual strength parameters (cr, φr), which hold true for ε
greater than the limit value ε2.
A summary of the analyses performed is shown in Table 3.1.
It is noted that the deformability properties assumed in the calculations are those of Bellwald
(1990) and Aristorenas (1992). For the elasto-plastic analyses (for Ko = 2), reference is made
instead to the parameters given by G.3S – Ecole Polytechnique (Bernaud et al. 1993) for the
highly fracturated and tectonised clay-shale of the Chaotic Complex, as met during the
excavation of the Raticosa tunnel in the Appennines.
The numerical results obtained in all the analyses performed are described below by depicting
the stress path during excavation, which is drawn on the t-s plane, where:
t [MPa]
σv − σh
σ + σh
s= v
s [MPa]
σv and σh are the vertical stress and the horizontal stress respectively. In case the horizontal
stress becomes larger than the vertical one this results in a negative t.
The different stress paths obtained from 2D and 3D analyses are compared in the same
picture. For purpose of comparison of the stress path computed by numerical methods, the
closed form solution for a circular hole in a linearly elastic plate, subjected to an isotropic or
CHAPTER 3 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement 25
anisotropic state of stress is considered. Also plotted are the vertical (σv) and horizontal (σh )
stresses as excavation takes place, versus the face position along the longitudinal axis of the
0.6 Analytical S
Flac 2D
t [MPa]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
The results of the elastic Ko = 2 analyses show instead a different trend of behaviour between
the sidewall and the crown (Figure 3.14). In the first case the mean normal stress decreases, in
the second it increases. The 3D behaviour is non linear also in this case.
1.6 Flac3D σ v
1.4 Examine3D
Stresses [MPa]
0.6 AA section
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the beginning of the model [m]
S E = 400 Mpa
0.5 ν = 0,3
t [MPa]
-1 Analytical ARRIVAL OF
Flac 2D
-1.5 Flac 3D C
s [MPa]
As shown in Figure 3.15 the horizontal stress at the sidewall experiences a sudden decrease
when the face of the tunnel reaches the monitored section while the vertical stress slightly
increases during all the excavation process. In Figure 3.16 the corresponding stresses at the
crown are reported. It is possible to notice that the changes are less abrupt than for the
sidewalls and that the change of s is limited to a few meters of excavation (when the face is
near to the A-A section) and probably due to mesh discretization.
2.0 Examine3D
Stresses [MPa]
1.5 σϖ
0.5 ση
0.0 AA Section
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the beginning of the model [m]
Figure 3.15 Stresses at point S (sidewall) for the 3D elastic Ko = 2 analyses.
3.5 Flac3D
Examine3D ση
Stresses [MPa]
2.5 AA Section
1.0 σϖ
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the beginning of the model [m]
The numerical results obtained allow one to notice a significant difference between the stresses
computed in three dimensional and two dimensional conditions, with a clear influence on the
28 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement CHAPTER 3
stress path experienced around the tunnel. In order to emphasise this, Figures 3.12 and 3.14
also show the typical stress path as obtained in the modified Huder & Amberg oedometer test
which is generally used to characterise the swelling ground behaviour. It is evident that the
stress history around a tunnel, in particular near the heading, can be properly described only by
simulating three dimensional conditions, which is possible in a triaxial apparatus, as will be
discussed in the following.
E = 400 Mpa
0,4 ν = 0,3
S cp = 30 kPa
φp = 25°
ε1 = 0,01%
0,1 cr = 20 kPa
t [MPa]
0 φr = 23°
1,5 ε2 = 1%
-0,1 0 0,5 1 2
-0,3 C
Flac 2D
Flac 3D
s [MPa]
Figure 3.18) gets through the A-A section, both the vertical and the horizontal stresses
decrease to small values and determine the decrease of s (Figure 3.19). The change in the state
of stress after the tunnel face crossing is small and when the face is just 2-3 m ahead the
stresses have reached a new final equilibrium.
Stresses [MPa]
1.0 AA Section
0.6 η
0.2 ϖ
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the beginning of the model [m]
In the elasto-plastic Ko = 2 analyses performed yielding takes place only at the crown/invert,
while the walls are experiencing mainly an elastic behaviour, as well shown by the stress path
which is nearly the same as for the elastic analysis (Figure 3.20).
E = 500 Mpa
S ν = 0,45
0,5 c p = 1 MPa
φp = 7°
ε1= 3,5%
t [MPa]
c r = 0,4 MPa
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0
φr = 7°
-0,5 Ko line
ε2= 6%
Flac 2D
-1,0 Flac 3D
s [MPa]
Figure 3.20 Stress paths for points S (sidewall) and C (crown/invert)
for the elasto-plastic Ko = 2 analyses.
30 Stress paths around a circular tunnel during face advancement CHAPTER 3
The plastic zone around the tunnel has the typical ear shape section as can be seen in Figure
3.21. Paying attention to point C
(crown/invert), it is possible to see that the
stress path has two changes in direction
during excavation. The first change, where
s increases, is due to the plastic zone that
intercepts the A-A section, the second one,
where s decreases is due to the crossing of
the tunnel face (Figures 3.22 and 3.23).
Also for this case the final equilibrium
stress state is reached as soon as the face
Figure 3.21 Plastic zones around the tunnel. of the excavation is only a few meters
Stresses [MPa]
2,0 σv
AA Section
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the beginning of the model [m]
Stresses [MPa]
AA Section
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the beginning of the model [m]
3.4 Conclusions
The numerical results obtained allow one to notice a significant difference between the stresses
computed in three dimensional and two dimensional conditions, with a clear influence on the
stress path experienced around the tunnel. With the 3D analyses a change of the mean normal
stress s is evidenced for all the cases under study.
For the results pertaining to the elastic Ko = 1 case, the 3D stress path for the sidewall and the
crown/invert evidences a variation in the mean normal stress during excavation, which is not
shown by the corresponding theoretical solution and 2D results. In the elastic Ko = 2 case,
both elements around the tunnel give again a change in the s value: a decrease of s for the
sidewall simulation and an increase for the crown/invert respectively.
In this case, the change is shown both by the two dimensional and the three dimensional
analyses, even though the two dimensional stress path is linear. On the basis of these results, if
the swelling behaviour of the tunnel is correlated to a decrease of the mean normal stress, this
is much more likely for Ko = 2 analyses (at the sidewalls) but it can still occur for the Ko = 1
As the simulation comes near to the most likely behaviour of ground, as represented by an
elasto-plastic constitutive law, the stress paths increase in complexity. For all the cases
considered, a decrease of the first stress invariant is evidenced.
As shown in Figures 3.12 and 3.14 the modified Huder & Amberg oedometer test, which is
generally used to characterise the swelling ground behaviour, is not able to reproduce the
correct stress history experienced by the ground in the near vicinity of the tunnel. It becomes
evident that this stress history, in particular near the face of the excavation, can be properly
described only by simulating three dimensional conditions, which is possible in a triaxial
apparatus, as will be discussed in the following.
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 33
Chapter 4
Testing equipment
4.1 Introduction
Triaxial tests were performed by means of two different apparatuses at Politecnico di Torino.
The first one (GDS) is a triaxial apparatus available in the Soil Mechanics Laboratory. The
second one (SRTA, Soft Rock Triaxial Apparatus) was designed and built in the Rock
Mechanics Laboratory as part of the present thesis. In this chapter a brief description is given
of the GDS apparatus (Puci 1993, Lo Presti et al. 1995) and a more comprehensive
presentation is reported for the SRTA.
Local axial
strain gauge
Sample (Proximity Transducer)
Internal axial
strain gauges
Load cell
Ball bearing
Low pressure
The control system comprises a personal computer with a National Instruments AT-MIO-16X
card used for data acquisition and its transformation from analogical to digital. The control
software is LabView (National Instrument 1998). A user made programme enables one to
control each phase of the test and to perform any desired stress path in very strictly controlled
4.2.3 Measurement systems adopted
An analogical digital converter and a personal computer are used for data acquisition. All data
are automatically fed into the computer hard disk. The personal computer completely controls
and drives the test (acquisition, control and loading).
In order to obtain a complete data acquisition, the GDS triaxial cell is equipped with the
following sensors:
- a pair of inductive proximity transducers (Kaman) for the measurement of the local axial
36 Testing equipment CHAPTER 4
- a pair of submergible LVDTs for the internal measurement of the axial strain;
- a pair of inductive proximity transducers (Kaman) for the local measurement of the radial
- a pair of LVDTs for the external measurement of the axial strain with target provided by
two transversal rods directly connected to the central part of the loading piston;
- a load cell (Maywood Instrument 4958-5kN) located inside the confinement cell, between
the pedestal and the iron loading rod;
- a pressure transducer to measure the pore pressure at the top of the specimen;
- a pressure transducer to measure the cell pressure;
- a volume variation indicator.
The volume change measurement is obtained with a special apparatus with a capacity
of 45 cm 3 that uses a proximity sensor and a floating target that goes up and down depending
on water entering or exiting the sample (Figure 4.4). The upper part of the tank is full of
coloured silicon oil while the lower part, which is connected to the sample drainage system, is
full of water.
Tie Rod
External Burette
Proximity Transducer
Float Bearing an
Aluminium Target
Internal Burette
To the Specimen
To a Water Reservoir
Figure 4.4 Scheme and photograph of the volume change measurement system.
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 37
6 14
5 MD2300-2S
7 2
1 MD2300-2S
9 8
CB-50 I/O SH6868
DPI 260
1. LVDT transducer for internal axial strain 8. Pore pressure transducer
2. LVDT transducer for internal axial strain 9. Confining pressure transducer
3. Proximity sensor for local axial strain 10. LVDT transducer for external axial strain
4. Proximity sensor for local axial strain 11. Volume measurement system
5. Proximity sensor for local radial strain 12. GDS digital controller 200 cm 3/2 MPa
6. Proximity sensor for local radial strain 13. GDS digital controller 1000 cm 3/2 MPa
7. Load cell 14. GDS digital controller 1000 cm 3/2 MPa
system Loading rod
Tie rod
Ball bearings housing
Top cap
Pressure cell
(perspexreinfoced Base pedestal
Lower end plate
-----^-- STOP VIEW
During shearing the axial load is applied from a digital loading machine. In this case some
components are added to the loading rod in order to obtain contrast with the fixed bar of the
loading press. For extension tests three rods are connected to the bottom plate and linked to
the digital loading machine in order to convey traction.
The top cap is directly connected to the load cell. Drainage lines are present both in the top
cap and in the base pedestal. The base pedestal is supported by a sliding mechanism which was
designed according to the suggestions given by Hayano et al. (1997). This mechanism consists
of two sets of ball bearings as shown in Figure 4.8. A screw links together the base pedestal
with the connection to the bottom plate and a spring is used to fasten this connection so that
extension tests can also be performed. Due to this mechanism, which is appropriate to mitigate
the adverse effects of shear bands, the base pedestal is unrestrained in the horizontal direction.
When the specimen is assembled in the triaxial apparatus, the base pedestal can be fixed in
order to simplify operations. The blocking mechanism is removed before closing the
confinement chamber.
Base pedestal
Drainage line
First set of ball bearing
Second set of ball bearing
Figure 4.8 Schematic drawing showing the sliding mechanism and its effects.
The cell can host samples of 50 and 70 mm diameter and 100 to 140 mm height by changing
the top and the base pedestal.
4.3.3 Actuators
The vertical load is applied by means of a double chamber air cylinder during consolidation
and when the stress control phases are undertaken. A digital loading machine is used to apply
the vertical load at a constant rate of displacement during the loading or unloading stress paths.
For confining pressure and for back pressure, air pressure is used. The air pressure is
compressed at 12 bar by a compressor and can get up to 25 bar when a pressure multiplier is
connected on the line. For back pressure an air-water interface is present. At the air-water
interface, volume variation can be measured. For confining pressure an air-oil interface is used,
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 41
directly in the cell chamber. The specimen is submerged into transparent silicon oil and air
enters from the top plate of the chamber. The control panel
The control panel has been organised in order to have an easy control of the pressure lines
(Figure 4.9). Air pressure is used for cell pressure, for the vertical load during consolidation
due to the double chamber air cylinder and for back pressure.
Due to the control panel it is possible for the user to open and close the air source and the
pressure multiplier and regulate all the pressures (top and bottom chamber pressure of the
loading piston, cell pressure, back pressure). The panel allows one to switch from automatic to
manual regulation. Manual regulation is obtained due to Fairchild pressure regulators (50 bar
maximum pressure) while automatic regulation is available for the cell pressure and one of the
two chambers of the loading piston only. The functioning of the servo-control for pressure
will be better described in the next paragraph. On the control panel a Budenberg standard test
gauge has been mounted in order to control directly the output pressure of each line (one at
the time).
output pressure, for the loading piston line, and 20 bar, for the cell pressure line. Technical
characteristics are detailed in Table 4.1. Sensors
The triaxial cell is equipped with the following sensors (Figure 4.12):
- a pair of LDTs for the local measurement of the axial strain;
- a pair of inductive proximity transducers (Kaman) for the local measurement of the radial
- a pair of LVDTs for the external measurement of the axial strain;
- a load cell located inside the confinement chamber (Maywood Instrument 4958-50 kN);
- a pair of pressure transducers to measure the pore pressure at the top and bottom of the
- a pressure transducer to measure the cell pressure;
- a volume variation indicator.
Local deformation transducers (Tatsuoka 1988, Goto et al. 1991) are stripes of phosphorus
bronze, a high elasticity material (Young’s modulus = 120,000 GPa), 90 mm long, 45 mm large
and 0.2 mm thick. Four strain gauges are glued on it, two for each size, electrically connected
as a Wheatstone bridge. The LDTs are mounted on the membrane of the sample by two glued
hinges. When the sample deforms the strips inflects and this changes the response signal of the
strain gauges.
Load cell
Proximity sensors
Figure 4.12 Schematic drawing showing the displacement transducers and the load cell.
44 Testing equipment CHAPTER 4
The radial deformation is measured by means of two submergible proximity sensors mounted
on a special apparatus at the specimen mid-height. The proximity sensors’ target consists of a
thin square of aluminium foil glued on the sample by means of grease. The horizontal position
of the sensors can be adjusted by a screw located outside the cell. This allows one to reposition
the sensors during a test. The local measurement of radial strain is very important in order to
prevent specimen swelling during flushing as it will be better explained in Chapter 6.
An Imperial College volume gauge is used to measure volumetric strains. The volume variation
is inferred from the LVDT measurement. This LVDT is mounted on the water-air interface
used to apply back pressure. The two faces are separated by a diaphragm. The multi-channel conditioning system
HBM-UPM60, a multi-point conditioning system is used for data acquisition. With the
UPM60, up to sixty channels can be examined in sequence automatically. In the configuration
of the SRTA measuring device, only eleven channels are used and a complete acquisition lasts
for 2 seconds. The channels are connected to the UPM60 via scanning modules and data are
then converted from analog to digital and transferred via HPIB connection from the
conditioning system to the personal computer.
4.3.5 Data acquisition and control-system during testing
The HP-VEE (Hewlett Packard 1995) software is used to control the whole test procedure
(data acquisition, pressure control and loading). A user made program has been developed by
the author to control the different phases.
Developing the control program has requested a great amount of time. One subroutine for
each phase of the test is present. A control panel (shown in Figure 4.13) was designed in order
to have a visual control of the situation of the test in every moment.
Figure 4.13 Screen view of the control program for the shearing phase as running on the PC.
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 45
When starting the program, the user is asked to introduce all the information regarding the
geometry of the specimen. With this information, the program will execute mathematical
operations to obtain correct stresses and strains after every acquisition.
Management of the test follows logical operations. Data are transmitted to the personal
computer, which is able to compare actual values with the values set by the operator
continuously and take decisions step by step acting on the servo-control system. Time elapsed
between each cycle (acquisition-evaluation-decision) depends on the amount of data already
recorded and can vary between 2 to 4 seconds.
In the flushing phase the program controls the height and diameter of the sample and keeps
them to the initial value (with a tolerance of ± 0.0015%) by increasing or decreasing the
applied pressures. During saturation the program is capable to perform B value check by
increasing isotropically the applied pressures and evaluate the negative pore pressure increase.
Drainage must be closed by the operator during the B check. Consolidation is governed by the
program by increasing the confinement pressure and adjusting the axial load in order to get the
desired Ko condition. During the stress path phase (i.e. shearing) the program requires
information about the desired stress path and is able to follow it in a stepwise manner. After
having completed the stress path the program can maintain the stresses constant so that creep
and swelling deformations can be measured. Additional information about the stepwise
procedure to control deformations during flushing and stress paths during shearing will be
given in Chapter 6.
Air pressure
Air pressure
Data acquisition
+ 0 , 0 0 1 0 0
- - - - - ^ - -
Figure 4.14 Schematic drawing of the data acquisition and control systems.
46 Testing equipment CHAPTER 4
Percent finer by weight [%]
10 1 0,1 0,01 0,001
Diameter [mm]
Figure 4.15 Typical grain size distribution curves of the S. Raffaele Cimena specimens.
b) The Sagamihara site is a late 1.5 million years Pleistocene geologic formation, which mainly
consists of continuous unweathered soft sedimentary mudstone (Hayano et al. 1997). The tests
were performed in the framework of a Round Robin Test program organised by TC29 of
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 47
ISSMGE which has kindly provided the specimens. The specimens were obtained from a
block sample carved at a depth of about 50 m.
c) The Giaglione site is characterised by two different structural geologic formations, the
Piedmontese zone and the Tectonic Breccia zone. The first one is composed with
interbedding calcschists and micaschists; the latter one is composed with tectonized carbonatic
breccia with inclusions of calcschists and micaschists blocks, which range from one to ten
meters in height. Tests have been performed only on the second geologic formation. The
specimens were obtained by means of a double tube sampler and were kindly provided by
The main characteristics of the tested soils are summarised in Table 4.2.
The CaCO3 content in the case of Sagamihara mudstone was determined in our laboratory.
The other data for the same Sagamihara mudstone shown in Table 4.2 are due to Hayano et al.
(1997). It should be observed that the values of the void ratio also determined by us
considering a specific gravity Gs = 2.765, were smaller than those indicated by the authors
above. However, the dry unit weight of the tested samples ranged between 15.9 and 16.5
kN/m3, in good agreement with the values reported by them.
Cylindrical triaxial specimens of S. Raffaele Cimena and Sagamihara were obtained by means
of a lathe. This was necessary to obtain specimens with a diameter of about 70 mm (S. Raffaele
Cimena) and 50 mm (Sagamihara) and a height to diameter ratio (H/D) of 2 for both rocks.
Specimens of Giaglione site were cut from samples of 57 mm diameter by a circular diamond
saw to obtain a height of about 114 mm (H = 2 D). It is worthwhile to point out that a more
precise parallelism of end faces and perpendicularity between end faces and longitudinal axis is
obtained in the case of Sagamihara and S. Raffaele Cimena specimens than for Giaglione
Four triaxial compression tests were performed on specimens taken from Sagamihara, nine on
specimens taken from S. Raffaele Cimena and two on specimens from Giaglione. Test SRC1
was carried out with a conventional triaxial apparatus equipped with LDTs. The testing
conditions are summarised in Table 4.3.
4.4.2 The dry setting
In the dry setting procedure, the specimen is positioned in the triaxial cell without getting it in
contact with water (dry porous stones). A flushing phase is then necessary to remove the air
present in the circuits as well as back pressurisation is needed in order to saturate the
Figure 4.16 Impact of dry setting on stress-strain curve (Lo Presti et al. 1999).
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 49
In Lo Presti et al. 1999, the dry setting is compared with the wet setting method for two
different Italian clays: Augusta clay and Pisa clay. These clays show that specimens that
underwent wet setting developed very large swelling strains after saturation. The influence of
dry setting on the stress-strain curve in the case of the Augusta clay is shown in Figure 4.16,
where the results from two different tests (depending on the dry or wet setting method) are
compared. The peak undrained strength of test A07-D is about 30% greater than that of test
A09-W. A similar comparison for the Pisa clay did not show important differences in the
stress-strain curves of specimens that underwent dry and wet setting. Thus, the authors stated
that the dry setting procedure resulted quite effective in preventing specimen swelling which
causes degradation of strength and large strain secant stiffness of overconsolidated clays. In the
case of lightly overconsolidated clay specimens, the swelling deformations are not very
From the tests performed on our samples with the dry setting method, the above results
appear to be confirmed and the dry setting method seems to be preferable compared with the
conventional setting method for overconsolidated clays.
4.4.3 The soil stiffness from local measurements
In many cases, an accurate assessment of soil stiffness, from very small strains to peak, is of
fundamental importance for the correct design of structure foundations. In fact, the observed
settlements under working load conditions of well designed foundations on stiff soil are,
generally, less than 0.1% (Simpson et al. 1979, Burland 1989, Tatsuoka et al. 1995a).
Conventional laboratory tests greatly underestimate the soil stiffness for strain levels of less
than 0.1%. The main consequence of such an underestimation is that the feasibility of very
important constructions is not verified (Tatsuoka et al. 1995a) and for less important
constructions the costs can greatly increase.
0,2 εac =0
S. Raffaele Cimena
0,001 0,01 0,1 1
Local axial strain at the end of cons. [%]
Figure 4.17 E max (external)/E max (local) vs. external axial strain at the end of consolidation.
50 Testing equipment CHAPTER 4
The underestimation of stiffness from laboratory triaxial tests is mainly due to two different
reasons: sample disturbance and bedding and seating errors in measuring the axial strains. The
effects of sample disturbance can be mitigated using high quality samples (i.e. block samples)
(Tatsuoka et al. 1997) and adopting appropriate reconsolidation techniques (Lo Presti 1997).
The bedding and seating errors can be mitigated using specially devised triaxial equipment with
local measurement of axial strain (Jardine et al. 1984, Symes & Burland 1984, Clayton &
Khatrush 1986, Goto et al. 1991, Lo Presti et al. 1994). The impact of bedding errors on soil
stiffness increases especially with a decrease of the axial strain experienced by the specimen
during reconsolidation in the laboratory (Tatsuoka et al. 1995b).
Secant Young's Modulus Es [MPa]
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
Axial strain [%]
Figure 4.18 Secant Young’s modulus vs. log axial strain. Test SGH1 on Sagamihara mudstone.
Secant Young's Modulus Es [MPa]
9000 SGH1
8000 SGH3
7000 SGH5
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
External axial strain [%]
Figure 4.19 Secant Young’s modulus vs. log axial strain for Sagamihara mudstone.
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 51
In the case of hard soils and soft rocks, a very large underestimation of the stiffness is
expected, because of the very small axial strains usually experienced by the specimens during
reconsolidation. Such an underestimation has been experimentally shown by Tatsuoka &
Kohata (1995) for some Japanese sedimentary soft rocks. These data suggest that the use of
specially devised triaxial equipment for hard soils and soft rocks testing is extremely important.
The data shown in Figures 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20 and 4.21 clearly confirm the importance of
local axial strain measurements. This is especially relevant at very small strains. The ratio of the
small strain Young's modulus, which was obtained from external axial strain measurements, to
that determined from local axial strain measurements E max(external)/E max(local) is plotted in
Figure 4.17 vs. the external axial strain at the end of consolidation.
The E max values plotted in Figure 4.17 are the Young's moduli which were determined for an
axial strain equal to 0.001%. It is possible to see that the underestimation of soil stiffness
increases with a decrease of the axial consolidation strain. The greatest underestimation is
observed in the case of unconfined compression with εac = 0.
External axial strain measurements underestimate the stiffness also at large strains as shown in
Figure 4.18. It is possible to see that the secant Young's modulus (Es), obtained from local
axial strain measurements, is equal to about 2800 MPa at εa = 0.001% and decreases to
about 1800 MPa at peak. On the other hand, the secant Young's modulus from external axial
strain measurements decreases from 1500 MPa to 1200 MPa for the same strain interval.
Therefore, bedding and seating errors, which are more relevant at small strains, give a more or
less constant secant stiffness over a wide strain interval. In reality, the soil stress-strain
behaviour is highly non linear in this strain interval, as can be seen from the local
measurements. In Figure 4.19 the secant Young’s moduli inferred from local and external axial
strains are compared for all the tests performed on Sagamihara mudstone. In Figures 4.20 and
4.21 the highly non linear stiffness is revealed for Sagmihara mudstone and for San Raffaele
Cimena and Giaglione specimens by plotting normalised Young’s modulus versus normalised
deviator stress.
Es /Emax [-]
0.2 SGH2
0.1 SGH4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
q/q max [-]
Figure 4.20 E s/E max vs. q/qmax for Sagamihara mudstone.
52 Testing equipment CHAPTER 4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
q/q max [-]
Figure 4.21 E s/E max vs. q/qmax for San Raffaele Cimena and Giaglione specimens.
The E max values from all the tests performed are plotted vs. qmax = (σ1-σ3)max in a log-log scale
(Figure 4.22). E max values were inferred from local axial strain measurements. It is possible to
notice that the E max/qmax ratio mainly ranges from 1000 to 1500 in the case of Sagamihara
mudstone and Giaglione carbonatic breccia. In the case of S. Raffaele Cimena samples the
E max/qmax ratio ranges from 500 to 700 when qmax is greater than 3 MPa. This ratio ranges from
200 to 500 when qmax is less than 3 MPa.
q max = 3 MPa
10000 1:200
E max [MPa]
1:1500 S. Raffaele Cimena
1:1000 Sagamihara
0,1 1 10 100
qmax [MPa]
Tatsuoka & Shibuya (1992) and Tatsuoka et al. (1995b) have shown that in the case of various
sedimentary soft rocks the E max/qmax ratio is equal to about 1000. Similar results have been
reported by Fuoco et al. (1995) in the case of gneiss. Results shown by Tatsuoka & Shibuya
(1992), Tatsuoka et al. (1995b) and Fuoco et al. (1995) refer to E max values that have been
inferred from local axial strain measurements.
As a general indication, the E max/qmax ratio is equal to 1000 with the exception of specimens
which exhibit qmax of less than 3 MPa.
As the E max/qmax ratio is relatively constant, it is possible to evaluate the spatial variability of
E max from the assessment of qmax that is easily obtained in conventional equipment.
Ed, Es, E t [MPa]
4000 L O C A L
Ed - dilatometer test
Es - dilatometer test
Et - dilatometer test
Es - conventional test
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
Axial strain [%]
Figure 4.23 Young’s moduli for carbonatic breccia in laboratory triaxial tests compared
with dilatometer results at Giaglione site.
For the Giaglione site, values of the in situ deformation modulus (Ed ) could be obtained from
dilatometer tests. Moreover, the results of conventional triaxial compression tests were
available. Figure 4.23 compares the secant (Es) and tangent (Et) moduli evaluated by means of
triaxial tests, performed in a conventional apparatus and in the previously described
equipment, with the results obtained from in situ dilatometer tests.
For the tests performed with the apparatus described above, the secant Young’s modulus was
obtained from local and external axial strain measurements. Only external axial strain
measurements were available for the conventional triaxial test. Specimens were isotropically
reconsolidated in the triaxial cell at 1 MPa.
It is possible to notice that, up to large strains of about 0.5%, external or conventional
measurements largely underestimate the soil stiffness. At large strains (εa > 0.5%) the same
values of the secant modulus are obtained from conventional external and local axial strain
measurements. A reasonable agreement between the in situ E s and E t values and the
corresponding results from the conventional triaxial test for external axial strain measurement
is noted.
54 Testing equipment CHAPTER 4
Unconfined compression tests were carried out on S. Raffaele Cimena specimens (tests SRC1
to SRC3). One test (SRC1) was performed by using a conventional apparatus with a fixed base
Figure 4.25 shows the stress-strain curves for tests SRC1 and SRC3 obtained with local and
external axial strain measurements respectively. If the attention is posed on the post peak
stress-strain curve, the nearly brittle response of test SRC1 is in contrast with the softening
behaviour shown for test SRC3.
SRC3 - local SRC3 - external
6000 measurements measurements
Deviator stress q [kPa]
SRC1 - local SRC1 - external
1000 measurements measurements
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
Axial strain εεa [%]
Figure 4.25 Stress-strain curves from unconfined compression tests
on S. Raffaele Cimena specimens.
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 55
A comparison for the stress-strain curves of tests SRC1 and SRC5 is depicted in Figure 4.26.
It is noted that both the specimens were obtained from the same samples, with the test SRC5
being isotropically consolidated to 100 kPa, unlike test SRC1. Whereas the importance of using
the sliding mechanism is well reflected in the post peak stress-strain curve, due to the limited
number of tests performed so far, this is not the case for the peak strength values.
SRC5 - local
SRC1 - local
Deviator stress q [kPa]
SRC1 - external
200 measurements
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Axial strain εεa [%]
εac=0,42 %
0,15 σ'c =100 kPa
LDT 2 [mm]
ε ac=0
σ'c =0
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2
LDT 1 (mm)
Figure 4.27 Axial displacement from two independent local measurements
from S. Raffaele Cimena tests.
0,35 SGH3
εac=0,001 %
σ'c =472 kPa
LDT 2 [mm]
εac=0,012 %
0,15 σ 'c =1000 kPa
0,05 εac=0,025 %
σ'c=470 kPa
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2
LDT 1 [mm]
On the basis of the results shown it is possible to state that capping may be important in the
case of unconfined compression tests or when very small consolidation axial strains are
expected. A great effort has to be done in trying to obtain good planar surfaces for the top and
bottom end of the specimen. In tests GIA1 and GIA2 planarity was not easy to achieve and
some bedding errors are present even though rubber end capping, as described above, was
used. In this cases end capping cannot be avoided.
CHAPTER 4 Testing equipment 57
Chapter 5
Geotechnical char acterisation
of the Caneva stiff c lay
5.1 Introduction
In order to simulate the ground behaviour around the tunnel in the triaxial apparatus, under
closely controlled stress path conditions and to gain insights into the swelling phenomenon, an
Italian stiff clay (Caneva clay) was chosen for testing as described in the following Chapter 6.
The samples used are from the Caneva-Stevenà Quarry, near Pordenone, in the North-East of
As part of a geotechnical investigation on large-scale slope instabilities in the area (Barla G. et
al. 1997), the room and pillar workings underground were visited. This allowed one to observe
the exploratory adits in clays. These adits, which were excavated in 1970, have incurred in
dramatic failures of the 30 cm thick unreinforced concrete liner, as illustrated in Figure 5.1 (a)
to (d).
The observation of the swelling induced deformations and instabilities in these adits and the
easy access to the site were all considered to be favourable circumstances. At the same time,
the results of the tests previously performed by ISMES (Barla G. et al. 1997) were further
conditions to motivate the choice of the Caneva clay as representative soil for the testing
programme to be carried out in this thesis.
The present chapter is to give few introductory remarks on the Caneva-Stevenà site. The
physical and mineralogical composition of the clay under study and the results of oedometer
and conventional triaxial tests will also be presented. Moreover, in the following Chapter 6 the
attention will be posed on the triaxial tests in controlled conditions, performed with the aim to
simulate the tunnel behaviour.
60 Geotechnical characterisation of the Caneva stiff clay CHAPTER 5
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(located 340 m ahead of
FLYSCH COMPLEX the cross section shown)
Figure 5.2 Schematic illustration of a typical cross section of the Caneva-Stevenà Quarry
showing the boreholes CAEST3 and CAEST4 (not to scale).
Table 5.1 gives a list of the samples taken at various depths from the ground surface for
boreholes CAEST3 and CAEST4 respectively. In order to obtain accurate undisturbed
samples a triple-tube core barrel (NK3) was used incorporating a detachable PVC liner (length
1.50 m) so that the sample integrity could be preserved.
Also shown in Table 5.1 is a cubic sample (30 cm side) which was taken along the exploratory
adit, in a side drift where the clay appeared not to be significantly disturbed by excavation. It is
relevant to note that this sample pertains to the contact zone between the white limestone
62 Geotechnical characterisation of the Caneva stiff clay CHAPTER 5
(local name: “marmorino bianco”) above and the Flysch Complex below. In all cases this
sample was taken in the sidewall, following removal of the exposed clay.
Table 5.1 List of samples taken from the Caneva-Stevenà Quarry site.
Borehole N. Sample N. Depth Length Tests performed at
[m] [m]
CAEST 3 1 44.65 – 45.55 0.90 Politecnico
CAEST 3 2 47.60 – 48.35 0.75 Ismes
CAEST 3 3 55.35 – 55.75 0.40 Ismes
CAEST 4 1 25.52 – 25.85 0.33 Ismes
CAEST 4 2 32.48 – 33.68 1.20 Ismes
CAEST 4 3 36.58 – 37.65 1.07 Politecnico
CAEST 4 4 45.94 – 47.15 1.21 -
CAEST 4 5 51.12 – 52.50 1.38 Politecnico
CAEST 4 6 58.95 – 59.80 0.85 Politecnico
Plastic Index PI
2 1
40 1
2 3
20 6
10 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Liquid Limit LL
Grain size distributions are shown in Figure 5.4 and appear to be variable, forming in general
a poor basis for classification. The cubic sample is shown to consist of nearly 65% of particles
less than 0.074 mm, in contrast with the CAEST4-5 sample which is characterised by a high
sand content. In general, a significant heterogeneity in the size distribution is noted between
the various samples. It is of interest to observe that the cubic sample, which pertains to the
upper portion of the Tertiary Deposit, in the contact zone with the Cretaceous Limestone, has
the highest clay content.
Percent finer by weight [%]
40 CAEST3-3
30 CAEST4-2
20 CAEST4-5
10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001
Grain size [mm]
Figure 5.4 Typical particle size distribution curves of the Caneva clay.
The natural water content (wn ) of the various samples, plotted in Figure 5.5 versus depth
below the limestone-clay contact, is shown to range between 8 and 17%, except for the cubic
sample which exhibits a higher value, up to 25%. The tendency of the water content to
decrease with depth, although exhibiting a large scattering of the data, is in line with the
stratigraphic conditions of the site as shown in Figure 5.1.
Natural water content, wn [%]
0 5 10 15 20 25
Depth below contact with limestone [m]
5 CAEST3-2
10 CAEST4-2
15 CAEST4-5
Figure 5.5 Natural water content versus depth for the Caneva clay.
Given the interest on the swelling behaviour of the Caneva clay, the presence of expandable
clay minerals in the samples has been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction mineralogical
analyses. The results obtained are summarised in Tables 5.3 and 5.4, depending on the
laboratory used for the analyses.
Table 5.3 Data from mineralogical analyses performed at Ismes laboratory on the Caneva Clay.
Sample Calcite Quartz Pyrite Plagioclase Dolomite Illite Kaolinite Clorite Smectite
[%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%]
CUBIC 25 25 - - - 12.5 2.5 - 35
CAEST 3-2 20 15 - - 15 7 - 3 40
CAEST 4-1 12 20 2 1 - 11.4 - 8.1 45.5
As an attempt to gaining insights into the likely swelling behaviour of the Caneva clay, the
available data have been plotted on the diagram of Figure 5.6, which is generally used to
identify the swelling potential of soft rocks. The triangular diagram combines together the
mineralogical constituents of a rock. Each point is drawn by a definite percentage of clay
minerals, quartz and carbonate content which is defined on each side of the triangle by a
clockwise scale form 0 to 100% of the particular constituent. In order to compare the Caneva
clay with other soils which are shown to exhibit a different degree of swelling (Barla G. et al.
1990), the data from two known argillaceous soft rocks (Varicolori clay shales and the
Terraveccchia claystone) from Sicily are reported in the same diagram. Although some caution
need be used, the data points confirm that the Caneva clay exhibits a swelling potential which
is between medium and high potential.
Figure 5.6 Diagram of the swelling potential for the Caneva clay.
each load decrement is measured until no displacement can be observed for a given load
decrement. The result is a plot of the axial stress versus the axial strain.
Figure 5.8 presents the swelling curves of the Caneva clay as obtained in all the tests
performed except for the Edo1 and Edo4 tests, which are conventional loading or unloading
oedometer tests (Table 5.5). The results are plotted by giving the total axial strain versus the
applied vertical stress during the unloading stage. It is noted that the specimens taken from the
cubic sample and from the CAEST4 sample exhibit a larger axial strain at the end of unloading
down to a load corresponding to 28 kPa (complete unloading of the specimen was not carried
out, in order to avoid upward bulging which may occur producing displacements which are not
representative of swelling).
7 Edo3
Total axial strain [%]
5 Edo7
4 Edo9
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Figure 5.8 Axial strain versus vertical stress for the Caneva clay.
CHAPTER 5 Geotechnical characterisation of the Caneva stiff clay 67
4.000 Edo7
Swelling strain [%]
3.500 Edo8
3.000 Edo9
0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200
Vertical stress [MPa]
Figure 5.9 Swelling strain due to water adsorption versus vertical stress for the Caneva clay
(only the tests carried out at the Politecnico laboratory are shown).
As recommended by Madsen (1999), Figure 5.9 shows only the swelling strain caused by
adsorption of water, which has been plotted versus the axial stress. This plot, which is
presented only for the tests performed at the Politecnico laboratory, is to distinguish between
the istantaneous strain related to the axial stress decrement through the matrix deformation
and the swelling strain. The resulting curves are an indication of the swelling strains of the
Caneva clays.
As an additional point of interest, Figure 5.10 combines the data points of representative tests
by giving the total axial strain versus clay mineral content determined by the X-ray diffraction
mineralogical analyses. It is confirmed that higher total axial strains are associated with the
presence of a more significant content of expandable clay minerals.
7 Edo5
Total axial strain [%]
5 Edo8
1 16%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Clay mineral content [%]
Figure 5.10 Total axial strain versus clay mineral content.
Also given is the percentage of smectite.
68 Geotechnical characterisation of the Caneva stiff clay CHAPTER 5
Each test involved isotropic consolidation of the specimen to the desired state of stress and
shearing by compression loading in a conventional triaxial apparatus. The results obtained are
illustrated in Figure 5.11 which shows the stress state at failure. It is noted that all the tests
were performed under the same constant displacement rate (15⋅10-3 mm/min) except for the
TX11 test (2⋅10-3 mm/min).
If the data are fitted with straight lines as shown in the same Figure 5.11, the average failure
envelopes are obtained. The failure lines intercepts and slopes determine the average cohesion
c’ and friction angle φ’ respectively as shown in Table 5.8. The data given in Figure 5.11 and
Table 5.8, which are fitting well for the results of testing on the CUBIC and the CAEST4-2
samples, are quite scattered and further testing should be carried out to assess the failure
envelope for that pertaining to CAEST3-2 sample.
3000 CAEST3-2
t [kPa]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
s' [kPa]
It is shown that the shear strength parameters of the clays tested are highly different, closely
dependent on the specimens tested, and the sample location and depth. It appears in general
that the clays with higher calcium carbonate content (the CaCO3 content of the CAEST3-2
sample is more than twice that of the cubic sample) have significantly higher shear strength
70 Geotechnical characterisation of the Caneva stiff clay CHAPTER 5
It is of interest to bring the attention on the undrained shear strength (cu ) as determined by
interpreting the results of triaxial testing in terms of total stresses, as described in Table 5.9,
where the Skempton’s A parameter is also given together with the isotropic consolidation
stress (σ’c).
Table 5.9 Undrained shear strength for conventional triaxial tests performed*.
Test Sample IC A cu σ’c cu / σ’c
code [kPa] [kPa]
Tx1 CUBIC 0.78 0.76 151 800 0.189
Tx2 CUBIC 0.80 0.87 379 1920 0.197
Tx3 CUBIC 0.80 0.69 310 1400 0.221
Tx4 CUBIC 0.82 0.65 194 800 0.242
Tx5 CUBIC 0.80 0.79 282 1400 0.201
Tx6 CUBIC 0.86 0.70 310 2000 0.155
Tx7 CAEST 3-2 0.97 0.09 3096 1350 2.293
Tx8 CAEST 3-2 1.05 -0.05 3544 777 4.561
Tx9 CAEST 3-2 1.13 0.07 2569 2000 1.285
Tx10 CAEST 4-2 0.90 -0.11 646 700 0.923
Tx11 CAEST 4-2 0.97 0.05 1011 1390 0.727
Tx12 CAEST 4-2 0.97 0.15 1155 2000 0.577
* Where: IC = consistency index, A = Skempton’s parameter, cu = undrained shear strength,
σ’c = isotropic consolidation stress.
Altough a certain degree of caution need be exercised, one may notice that the computed
values of both the A parameter and the cu / σ’c ratio, as shown in the Table 5.9, would indicate
that the samples taken at depth in the drilled boreholes are typical of a clay which is from
lightly to highly over-consolidated. The geologic history of the site characterised by
erosion/unloading and tectonic movements would confirm these assumptions. The lower
values of the above parameters exhibited by the cubic sample could be due to fissures and
discontinuities caused by different degree of disturbance developed during the unloading
caused by the adit excavation or during sampling.
5.6 Conclusions
In order to provide an appropriate reference to the triaxial testing programme carried out on
the Caneva stiff clay, as presented in the following Chapter 6, the attention was devoted to the
results obtained in conventional tests. Following a list of the physical properties and of the
mineralogical composition of the reference clay, also given are the results of conventional
oedometer and triaxial tests, carried out for the purpose of geotechnical characterisation.
On the basis of the results obtained, one may draw the following conclusions.
- The Caneva clay is characterised by a significant heterogeneity of the samples tested (a
cubic sample, taken from an exploratory adit in the Caneva-Stevenà Quarry; a number of
samples taken in two boreholes, drilled to reach the Tertiary Flysch Complex, below the
CHAPTER 5 Geotechnical characterisation of the Caneva stiff clay 71
Cretaceous Limestone Formation) in terms of the physical and mechanical properties and
of the mineralogical composition.
- The identification of the swelling potential of the Caneva clay, as evaluated to different
degrees (from medium to high potential) on the basis of mineralogical composition, is
confirmed by the results of the oedometer tests carried out according to the Huder &
Amberg procedure, as modified by ISRM recommendations (Madsen 1999). It is clearly
shown that the Caneva clay exhibits a development of swelling strain as the axial stress
applied to the specimen is gradually decreased.
- The results of conventional undrained compression triaxial tests confirm a significant
degree of variability of the strength parameters (cu , c’, φ’), depending on the location and
depth of the samples tested. In general, the strength parameters appear to be greater in
terms of the calcium carbonate content; also, they are likely to be influenced by the size
distribution in terms of clay content.
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 73
Chapter 6
Si mulation of di fferent stress path
conditions by triaxial testing
6.1 Introduction
The Caneva clay has been characterised in the previous chapter by giving the physical and
swelling properties, in addition to the representative strength parameters. It is the purpose of
the present chapter to describe the results of the experimental programme carried out on the
same clay by performing a number of triaxial tests with the equipment described in Chapter 4,
including the newly developed triaxial apparatus. The main objective is to simulate the
instantaneous excavation of a circular tunnel in a medium subjected to an isotropic initial state
of stress, according to the stress path conditions presented in Chapter 3.
The study is intended to simulate, “at laboratory scale”, the stress conditions experienced by a
ground element around the tunnel as the excavation process takes place. In addition to paying
attention to the instantaneous response to excavation and the influence of face advancement,
the tests will be continued following the undrained phase, in order to gaining insights into the
behaviour in drained conditions, when the consolidation/swelling phase is to occur.
(a) (b)
(d) (e)
Figure 6.1 Specimen preparation and set-up. (a) Preparation of the lateral surfaces.
(b) Preparation of the end surfaces. (c) Specimen ready to be introduced in the triaxial cell.
(d) Membrane set-up. (e) Specimen ready, with measurement systems already positioned.
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 75
Each specimen was always finished by hand in order to obtain good planar surfaces at the top
and bottom ends and a satisfactory normality with the lateral surfaces. Final dimensions of
each specimen are 70 mm in diameter and 140 mm in height approximately. The specimen is
set-up in the triaxial cell by using the dry setting method, in order to minimise swelling, which
needs be prevented from taking place during the flushing and saturation phases. A few selected
photographs taken during specimen preparation and the set-up phase are shown in Figure 6.1.
6.2.2 The flushing phase
In order to achieve the desired saturation of the pore pressure circuits, considering that the
specimen was set-up by the dry setting method, which makes dry circuits mandatory (i.e. no
water is to be in contact with the specimen), a flushing phase was always required. Moreover,
before starting the flushing phase, the water used for back pressure was deaired. Then, a small
pressure gradient of the order of 5 kPa (≅ 50 cm water height) was applied between the bottom
and the top pore pressure circuits by leaving open the exit tap, so that a flow through the
specimen could develop.
During the flushing phase the axial and radial deformations were measured with the intent to
keep them within a target value (0±0.0015%). This could be obtained by the closed circuit
control system with the computer making the servo-valve to change the applied pressures
value, in order to keep the strains as desired. The vertical pressure was used to avoid axial
deformation, as the confining pressure was used to control the radial deformations. Both
systems act simultaneously and independently, so that if the specimen is to swell, the pressure
is increased incrementally. It is obvious to note that the flushing phase duration was not the
same for all the specimens tested, being closely dependent on permeability. Nevertheless, 24
hours flushing was always attained.
6.2.3 The saturation phase
The saturation of a specimen is achieved on the basis of the principle that air is soluble into
water. Since solubility increases as air pressure is increased, the saturation phase will be
characterised by a back pressure increase in the specimen. Considering that with the flushing
phase an effective state of stress, able to avoid swelling, has been obtained, during the
saturation phase any back pressure increase is to take place with a corresponding increase in
the total state of stress in order to maintain the achieved effective stress constant. This is done
by a stepwise procedure. The degree of saturation is controlled by means of the Skempton’s
pore pressure parameter B, which is computed for each step.
The procedure to be adopted implies that a given total isotropic stress increment ∆σ is applied
to the specimen in undrained conditions. By measuring the corresponding variation of the pore
pressure ∆u, the B value is calculated with equation (6.1).
B= (6.1)
76 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
Then, the back pressure is increased of the same increment as the drainage valve is open. This
condition is maintained for at least 10 hours, in order to allow the air to dissolve into water,
before initiating the next step.
It is noted that for the Caneva clay the saturation phase was lengthy and complete saturation
was difficult to obtain, as shown in Table 6.2, where the values of B computed in each test are
6.2.4 The consolidation phase
Following the saturation phase, each specimen is to be consolidated to the initial state of stress.
In the tests performed, considering that this state of stress is unknown, the assumption of an
isotropic state of stress was introduced for simplicity, with the vertical effective stress equal to
the corresponding gravity component in situ and the Ko ratio equal to unity.
As the state of stress resulting from the flushing and saturation phases is not necessarily
isotropic, the first step in the consolidation phase of the test is to achieve an initially isotropic
effective state of stress in the specimen. Then, this is to be increased to the consolidation state
of stress, which is to be maintained constant for the time required to attain a creep rate of
deformation lower than 0.05 %/day. In all cases, the time duration of loading was never
smaller than 24 hours.
6.2.5 The stress path - shearing phase
The stress path phase of the test is the most relevant one, in line with the objectives of the
present thesis. Given that the intention is to simulate, “at laboratory scale”, the stress
conditions in the near vicinity of the tunnel, during face advancement, each test was carried out
in undrained conditions, by imposing to the specimens the typical stress paths computed in
Chapter 3.
It is accepted that the issue of whether undrained or drained conditions are more applicable to
the tunnel problem during face advancement depends primarily on the permeabilty of the
ground, the rate of excavation and the size of the tunnel (Mair & Taylor 1997). In the present
work, where consideration is given to argillaceous rocks with permeabilty lower than 10-7 m/s,
undrained conditions are assumed to hold true at least for the time duration required
effectively for a ground element at the tunnel periphery to experience the stress paths as
described in Chapter 3.
Different stress paths were imposed to the specimens during testing in order to simulate either
the sidewalls or crown/invert behaviour. These stress paths are illustrated again for
convenience in Figures 6.2 and 6.3 respectively for the sidewalls and crown/invert, in the t-s
plane where t and s are those defined in Chapter 3. It is assumed that the initial total state of
stress is defined by σv = σh = 1 MPa.
It is noted that in two dimensional conditions (i.e. no face advancement is simulated) and for
an isotropic state of stress (Ko = 1), the stress path for a point at the sidewalls or crown/invert
of a circular tunnel is vertical (s = constant). The stress path will differ only due the fact that at
the sidewalls a “compression” condition will occur (Figure 6.2) whereas at the crown/invert
the opposite is to take place, i.e. an “extension” condition (Figure 6.3).
The corresponding stress path in three dimensional conditions (i.e. face advancement is
simulated), as illustrated in the same Figures 6.2 and 6.3, shows a continuos change in the
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 77
mean stress during excavation. These stress paths computed have been simplified for the
purpose of testing by introducing three oriented segments respectively for the 3D stress path
at the sidewalls and crown/invert. Also, each stress path has been scaled accordingly so as to
make the initial state of stress the starting point for either the “compression ” or the “
t [MPa]
0.4 CNV8-9
2D stress path
0.2 σv=1,33 σh=1,13
3D stress path
0.1 3D linearization
σv=1 σh =1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
s [MPa]
Figure 6.2 Stress paths applied during triaxial testing to simulate the state of stress
at the tunnel sidewalls. “Compression ” condition for Ko = 1.
σv=1 σh =1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
CNV6-7-10-11 σv=1,13
-0.2 σh=1,33
t [MPa]
2D stress path
-0.6 σv=0,30 σh =1,41
3D stress path
-0.7 3D linearization
σv=0,3 σh =1,69
s [MPa]
Figure 6.3 Stress paths applied during triaxial testing to simulate the state of stress
at the tunnel crown/invert. “Extension ” condition for Ko = 1.
78 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
To perform a triaxial test in controlled conditions so as to implement one of the stress paths
described above is a rather difficult task. It requires both accurate pressure control and ability
to follow continously any small stress change taking place as required. With the triaxial testing
units used during this thesis, these tasks could be performed satisfactorily and effectively given
the software programme developed and the special features of the pressure controller units
adopted. In order to activate any desired stress path, the user need to input the following data:
- consolidation total vertical stress,
- consolidation total horizontal stress,
- displacement rate (mm/min) of the loading plate,
- K constant value, defining the desired stress path direction in the t-s plane (Figure 6.4).
t -1
σh − σh , ini
σv − σv ,ini
1 1
0 -∞
Figure 6.4 K values in the t-s plane to activate different stress paths
from a starting point on the s axis.
With the appropriate input data, the computer of the control system (Figure 4.14) is to
implement the desired condition of testing. The first step of a typical testing program consists
in assigning to the loading machine the desired rate of axial displacement for either the
“compression” or “extension” test to be performed (between 0.001 and 0.004 %/min for
those described in this chapter). Then, as the axial stress applied to the specimen increases (in
either “compression” or “extension”), the desired confining stress will be automatically
computed so as to attain the chosen stress path. This value of the confining stress will be
compared with that actually applied to the specimen and read at the pressure transducer; any
difference within ± 0.4 kPa of the computed value will activate the servo-valve to change the
applied pressure and bring it to the desired value in a stepwise manner by increments or
decrements of pressure.
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 79
Tests CNV1 to CNV4 and CNV8 were performed on the specimens derived from the
CAEST4-3 sample. This group of tests was carried out on the GDS triaxial apparatus, with the
intent to reproduce the behaviour at the sidewalls of a circular tunnel during excavation. As
indicated in Figure 6.2, the s = constant “compression” stress path was imposed to tests
CNV2, CNV3 and CNV4. While the CNV2 test was carried out up to failure, the CNV3 stress
path was interrupted at a value of the mobilised deviatoric strength factor f = 0.5. At this point
80 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
the drainage valve was opened and the swelling deformations measured. The CNV4 test was
carried out up to f = 0.33 in drained conditions.
The three dimensional conditions were introduced for test CNV8 that followed the simplified
three dimensional stress path (Figure 6.2). At a value of the mobilised factor f = 0.5, in order to
compare the results with test CNV3, the stress path was interrupted and the drainage valve
To investigate the behaviour at the crown/invert of the circular tunnel during excavation, two
samples were opened: CAEST4-5 and CAEST3-1. CNV5, CNV6 and CNV7 pertain to
CAEST4-5 sample while CNV9, CNV10 pertain to CAEST3-1. These two groups of tests
were performed on the newly developed soft rock triaxial apparatus. The stress paths applied
to these tests are shown in Figure 6.3. Also in this case, when a two dimensional condition is
applied, the stress path is vertical (s = costant), however in “extension”.
All the tests of this group, except for CNV5 and CNV9, followed the s = constant “extension”
stress path in undrained conditions. For the CNV6, CNV7 and CNV10 tests the stress path
was interrupted at a value of the mobilised factor f = 0.5. At this point the drainage valve was
opened and the drained phase investigated. It is noted that the performance of the “extension”
tests, as described above, requires a pressure cell able to stand a pressure greater than applied
in the “compression” tests. This made it imperative to choose the newly developed triaxial cell
that can stand a confining pressure up to 2 MPa in safe conditions. The CNV9 test was used to
repeat the three dimensional stress path in “compression” by adopting the SRTA apparatus
and was taken up to failure. The CNV5 specimen was sheared under a conventional
compression loading stress path.
failure strength. The specimen exhibited an incipient failure plane (Figure 6.5) and a negative
excess pore pressure of about –60 kPa. After the complete dissipation of creep deformations,
the drainage valve was opened and the swelling deformations versus time measured.
Test CNV4
The CNV4 specimen was saturated at a back pressure of 320 kPa with a B value higher than
0.95. Consolidation was done at 657 kPa effective stress. After consolidation, the s = constant
stress path was followed with the drainage valve open up to 33% of the previously defined
failure stress. The specimen showed the formation of an incipient sliding plane along which
failure finally occurred during creep deformation.
Test CNV5
The CNV5 specimen, saturated at a back pressure of 400 kPa, gave a B value higher than 0.93.
The sample was consolidated isotropically at 730 kPa effective stress. A problem was
experienced at this time with the pressure chamber: a sudden leak at an o-ring during the night
time caused a fall down of the confining pressure. The o-ring was to guarantee sealing at a hole
for the electric cables on the top plate of the triaxial cell. Since the specimen at this point
experienced an unloading of the effective state of stress attained, some degree of swelling is
likely to have occurred. For this reason the test was abandoned and the specimen was sheared
in compression with 200 kPa of confining pressure and 0 kPa of back pressure. The specimen
failed by exhibiting a number of vertical failure planes.
Test CNV6
The CNV6 specimen, saturated at a back pressure of 100 kPa, gave a B value higher than 0.99.
Saturation of this sample was much easier than in other cases. This is due to a higher sand
content present in this specimen. Isotropic consolidation was done at 815 kPa effective stress.
After consolidation the extension stress path was applied in undrained conditions with the aim
to reach a mobilisation factor f = 0.5. One problem was encountered in this test and is related
to the stress path which was interrupted by the computer before reaching the final state of
stress. The stress path was then resumed, however some creep deformation could not be
avoided. The excess pore pressure during the undrained phase was positive and had a value of
160 kPa. With the drainage valve open, the specimen showed a tendency to contract.
Test CNV7
The CNV7 specimen, saturated at a back pressure of 370 kPa, gave a B value higher than 0.90.
Isotropic consolidation was done at 770 kPa effective stress. After consolidation the extension
stress path in undrained conditions was applied with the aim to reach a mobilisation factor f =
0.7. In order to be sure that the results obtained with the previous test (CNV6) were not
affected by errors due to migration of fluid from the pressure cell due to leaking of the lactic
membrane, additional measures were taken. Two membranes were mounted on the specimen
and a layer of grease with an aluminium foil were interposed between them. Even though, at
the end of consolidation, when the drainage valve was closed for a while to verify if the pore
pressure was stable, a positive excess pore pressure developed at a constant state of stress with
the tendency to stabilise. During the stress path phase, the excess pore pressure was positive
with a value of 160 kPa. When the drainage valve was opened the specimen showed a clear
contraction. This test exhibited a behaviour substantially similar to that of the previous CNV6
82 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
Test CNV8
The CNV8 specimen, saturated at a back pressure of 350 kPa, gave a B value higher than 0.90.
Isotropic consolidation was done at 635 kPa effective stress. After consolidation the three
dimensional compression stress path in undrained conditions (linearized in three different
segments) was applied with the aim to reach a mobilisation factor f = 0.5. The pore pressure
excess during the undrained phase was positive with a value of 100 kPa. Then the drainage
valve was opened and the stress path was continued up to failure. For this test, at the
consolidation stage, the increasing of pore pressure was measured to be around 5-10 kPa. Since
the confining pressure during the stress path was reduced, this problem is believed not to have
affected the results significantly.
Test CNV9
The CNV9 specimen, saturated at a back pressure of 550 kPa, gave a B value higher than 0.77.
Isotropic consolidation was done at 600 kPa effective stress. After consolidation the three
dimensional “compression” stress path in undrained conditions (linearised in three different
segments) was applied up to failure. The excess pore pressure during the undrained phase was
initially positive, then started to decrease after the changing of the stress path direction and
reached a value of -43 kPa at failure.
Test CNV10
The CNV10 specimen, saturated at a back pressure of 400 kPa, gave a B value higher than
0.88. Isotropic consolidation was done at 695 kPa effective stress. After consolidation the
“extension” stress path in undrained conditions was applied with the aim to reach a
mobilisation factor f = 0.5. The pore pressure excess which developed during the undrained
phase was positive with a value of 124 kPa. With the drainage valve opened the specimen
exhibited a contracting behaviour. It is noted that during consolidation the pore pressure was
measured versus time before initiating the stress path, as for the previous tests. An increase in
the pore pressure value, with the tendency to stabilise, was evidenced. The procedure was
repeated a few times before starting the stress path phase. This allowed one to notice that each
time the drainage valve was closed the excess pore pressure developed was smaller. As a
consequence, the stress path phase was initiated when no more pore pressure was measured
with closing of the drainage valve. This type of behaviour was interpreted as an indication that
the excess pore pressure measured in tests CNV6, CNV7 and CNV8, at the end of
consolidation, could be due to an incomplete dissipation of the excess pore pressure developed
in the consolidation stage, in the inner part of the specimen and not related to leaking of the
lactic membrane.
Figure 6.6 compares the vertical stress at the end of flushing with the data available for other
soils which exhibit a different degree of swelling potential (Barla G. et al. 1990). These data
pertain to the Varicolori clay-shales and to the Terravecchia claystone, previously mentioned in
Chapter 5. They were obtained from oedometer tests giving the vertical pressure which
prevents swelling (ISP). Even though the data cannot be directly compared, since the testing
procedures are quite different, the Caneva clay is shown to exhibit a moderate to high swelling
potential, in agreement with considerations drawn in Chapter 5.
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 85
Caneva clay
250 Varicolori clay shales
Terravecchia claystone
ISP [kPa]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Depth [m]
Figure 6.6 Swelling pressure for Caneva clay and other soils.
TX11 TX12
1000 c' = 84 kPa
φ' = 26°
t [kPa]
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
s' [kPa]
Figure 6.7 Effective stress paths for CNV1, CNV2, CNV5 and CNV9 tests and failure
envelope for CAEST4-2 sample1.
1Tests Tx10, Tx11, TX12 are conventional triaxial compression loading tests, previously described in paragraph 5.5
and performed at ISMES laboratory.
86 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
Figure 6.7 shows the stress path for tests CNV1, CNV2, CNV5 and CNV9 with specimens
taken from samples CAEST4-3, CAEST4-5 and CASET3-1. Except for the CNV5 test, which
was performed on a specimen taken from the CAEST4-5 sample, the data confirm the failure
envelope as obtained with the conventional triaxial tests TX10 to TX12. It is worthwhile to
notice that the CNV5 specimen is characterised by a slightly higher sand content than the
other specimens which could justify the larger undrained strength obtained for the specimen.
450 CAEST3-1 CNV2 S
t [kPa]
200 CNV8
150 CNV1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
s [kPa]
Figure 6.8 Total stress paths for the tests intended to simulate the behaviour
at the sidewall of a circular tunnel (point S).
In order to give a more detailed representation of the results obtained and allow a better
comparison between two dimensional and three dimensional conditions, as imposed with
different stress paths, Figures 6.9 and 6.10 give the effective stress path plot. Also shown is
the excess pore pressure at the end of each test.
The comparison of total and effective stress paths allows one to clearly appreciate the excess
pore pressure change which occurs during each test. It is noted that in two dimensional
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 87
conditions (tests CNV2 and CNV3, Figure 6.9) the excess pore pressure ∆u is almost negligible
in the first part of the test, as long as the t value remains small.
However, with t nearly equal to 200 kPa, a negative pore pressure develops, subsequently to
increase in relation to the increase of t. The decreasing rate in the pore pressure for the CNV3
specimen appears to be higher than that for the CNV2 specimen, a likely consequence of the
better saturation conditions obtained for the first specimen, confirmed by the B values given in
Table 6.2.
Some further comments are possible if a closer view is taken to the tunnel problem, with the
excavation process being simulated with the tests performed. According to the stress paths of
tests CNV2 and CNV3 a final t value equal to 695 kPa would correspond to the excavation
completed in the cross section of interest (Figure 6.2 and Chapter 3).
The CNV2 specimen is shown to have failed at t = 452 kPa, with a negative excess pore
pressure ∆u = -348 kPa (Figure 6.9). This is to say that the secondary state of stress, induced
around the tunnel with the excavation process completed, would lead to the development of a
failure zone with a negative excess pore pressure, unless a confining pressure was applied on
the tunnel contour.
The CNV3 test was interrupted before failure for a mobilisation factor f = 0.5. This signifies
that the tunnel excavation is not completed and the advancing face is at a small distance from
the cross section of interest, where the ground element undergoing the test is supposed to be
located. The same type of behaviour would be experienced by a ground element at a certain
distance from the tunnel contour, in a cross section where excavation has however been
It is noted that the results obtained in such a case are quite similar to those exhibited by the
CNV2 test with a negative excess pore pressure ∆u = -60 kPa (Figure 6.9). This would mean
that if the excavation face is further advanced with respect to the cross section of interest,
failure would occur with the development of a consistent negative excess pore pressure.
∆u = -348 kPa
400 TSP-u o
300 ∆u = -60 kPa
t [kPa]
200 CNV3
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
s' [kPa]
Figure 6.9 Effective stress paths and failure envelope for CNV2 and CNV3 tests.
88 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
400 TSP-uo
350 ∆u = -43 kPa
t [kPa]
∆u = 100 kPa
50 CNV8
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
s' [kPa]
Figure 6.10 Effective stress paths and failure envelope for CNV8 and CNV9 tests.
If the attention is now posed on the CNV8 and CNV9 tests, which were carried out
specifically to simulate three dimensional conditions during face advancement, the results
obtained for the excess pore pressure show a significantly different response. During the first
segment of the stress path both the axial and the confining pressures in the triaxial cell are
increasing. This results in a positive excess pore pressure for low t values. For the CNV8
specimen, the positive excess pore pressure is greater than that for the CNV9 specimen as
shown in Figure 6.11, where the pore pressure excess ∆u is plotted versus t.
∆u = 100 kPa
CNV9 ∆u = -43 kPa
∆u [kPa]
0 100 200 300 400 500
-100 ∆u = -348 kPa
∆u = -60 kPa
t [kPa]
Figure 6.11 Excess pore pressure versus t value for tests CNV2, CNV3 and CNV8.
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 89
It is noted that this could be due to the fact that the pore pressure value was not completely
stabilised in the inner part of the specimen, after consolidation for the CNV8 test.
Nevertheless, when the stress path changes direction (i.e. when the tunnel passes the cross
section of interest) the confining pressure decreases rapidly with a notable effect on the pore
When t is greater than 100 kPa for the CNV8 test and 140 kPa for test CNV9, the ∆u value
starts to decrease and this behaviour is maintained up to the end of the test. For the CNV8
specimen at the end of the test the excess pore pressure is positive with a value of 100 kPa. On
the contrary, for the CNV9 specimen, which was taken up to failure, the negative excess pore
pressure is -43 kPa.
As can be seen in Figure 6.11, that compares both tests in two dimensional and in three
dimensional conditions, two different trends of behaviour are experienced. While for the two
dimensional conditions the negative excess pore pressure develops at a t value of 200 kPa,
when the influence of the advancing face is taken into account (i.e. in three dimensional
conditions) a greater value of it is necessary to induce a negative excess pore pressure. In the
latter case it is also seen that a positive excess pore pressure is developing in the first part of
the stress path, which simulates the tunnel face approaching the cross section of interest.
If the negative excess pore pressure is connected to the amount of swelling that is expected, in
the near vicinity of the sidewalls of a circular tunnel, the areas where swelling is likely to occur
would be smaller when predicted with a three dimensional analysis instead of a two
dimensional one. Moreover, at failure, for both cases, as a negative excess pore pressure
around the tunnel results in a water inflow towards it, swelling is likely to occur as an inverse
consolidation due to the interaction between water and swelling minerals when present in the
ground. To investigate this behaviour for the CNV3 and CNV8 tests, the drainage valve was
opened at the constant final state of stress. The results obtained will be discussed in the
following paragraph 6.5.5. Simulation of tunnel crown/invert behaviour
With the purpose to simulate the crown/invert behaviour of a circular tunnel three tests were
performed as shown in Figure 6.12, which gives the total stress paths holding true in two
dimensional conditions. These tests (CNV6, CNV7 and CNV10) were stopped for different
values of t and were performed in undrained conditions. The corresponding effective stress
paths are plotted in Figure 6.13, where also given is the excess pore pressure value at the end
of each test.
It is clearly shown that the excess pore pressure ∆u, negative at the sidewall of the tunnel, is
instead positive at the invert/crown. The final value of ∆u attained in each case at the end of
the test is directly related to the stress level t.
90 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
-50 CAEST3-1
-100 CNV10
t [kPa]
-200 C
-250 CNV6 CNV7
s [kPa]
Figure 6.12 Total stress paths for the tests intended to simulate the behaviour at the
crown/invert of a circular tunnel (point C and I).
-300 ∆u = 155 kPa
-350 ∆ u = 160 kPa
TSP-u o
s' [kPa]
Figure 6.13 Effective stress paths and failure envelope for CNV6, CNV7 and CNV10 tests.
Figure 6.14 compares the positive excess pore pressure directly versus t and shows a quite
similar trend of behaviour for the three specimens. As a consequence, during the drained
phase, consolidation would take place with a decrease in volume. As shown in paragraph 6.5.5,
this behaviour would occur, based upon the simulation undertaken, at the crown/invert of the
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 91
∆u [kPa]
120 CNV10
∆u = 160 kPa
∆u = 155 kPa
40 ∆u = 124 kPa
0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500
t [kPa]
Figure 6.14 Excess pore pressure versus t value for CNV6, CNV7 and CNV10 tests.
0.2 CNV8-ax(e)
εa & εr [%]
0 CNV8-ax(l)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Time [min]
Figure 6.15 Axial and radial strains for CNV3 and CNV8 tests.
92 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
0.4 CNV4-ax(l)
εa & εr [%]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
-0.8 CNV4-rad(l)
Time [min]
Figure 6.16 Axial and radial strains for test CNV4.
εa & εr [%]
Time [min]
Figure 6.17 Axial and radial strains for CNV7 and CNV11 tests.
no longer present, due to the advancing face. With a released state of stress and drainage
occurring, deformation due to water adsorption and chemical reactions with the mineralogical
constituents can take place. For this reason the axial, radial and volumetric deformations were
measured, all the other conditions holding true.
Drainage LOCAL ( εa )
Strain [%]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
LOCAL ( εr)
Figure 6.18 Axial and radial deformations for test CNV3 after drainage opening.
Time [min]
Time [min]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
0.00 0
-0.10 ∆u -10
∆u [kPa]
εvol [%]
-0.40 -30
-0.50 -40
-0.70 εvol = ε a+2*εr
Drainage -60
-0.80 opening
-0.90 -70
Figure 6.18 illustrates for the CNV3 test a plot of the axial (εa) and radial (εr) strains versus
time as derived from both local and external measurements. Figure 6.19 gives the
corresponding plot of the volumetric deformation (εvol), obtained by either direct measurement
of volume change in the specimen (i.e. volume of water entering-positive or exiting-negative
the specimen) or computation of the first invariant of strain in terms of εa and εr. Also shown
94 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
in the same Figure 6.19 is the plot of the excess pore pressure versus time. Finally, always with
reference to the sidewalls, the results of the drained phase for test CNV8 are plotted in
Figures 6.20 and 6.21; Figure 6.22 reports the axial strain rate versus time for both tests
CNV3 and CNV8.
LOCAL ( εa)
Strain [%]
LOCAL ( εr)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time [min]
Figure 6.20 Axial and radial deformations for test CNV8 after drainage opening.
0.20 120
0.18 Drainage
opening 100
0.16 εvol
∆u [kPa]
0.10 60
0.00 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time [min]
Figure 6.21 Volumetric deformation and excess pore pressure
for test CNV8 after drainage opening.
It is of interest to point out the different trends of behaviour exhibited by the CNV3 and
CNV8 specimens, depending on the excess pore pressure values attained at the end of the
undrained phase. This excess pore pressure dissipates, under a constant state of stress, in a few
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 95
hours. The CNV3 test exhibits a dilatant behaviour (swelling) at the end of shearing, while the
CNV8 test experiences a contracting behaviour (consolidation).
Axial strain rate [%/day]
1 10 100 1000 10000
Time [min]
Figure 6.22 Axial strain rate for the CNV3 and CNV8 tests.
It is also to be noted that the increase in volume shown in test CNV3 (-0.80%) is greater than
the corresponding decrease in volume (+0.13%) holding true for test CNV8. This occurs even
though the excess pore pressure to dissipate in the latter case is greater. It appears as well that
the CNV3 specimen takes a much longer time to dissipate the excess pore pressure than the
CNV8 specimen.
Another point of interest to be observed as result of testing relates to the measurements of
volume increase/decrease in each specimen. The direct measurement of volume for the two
tests gives values which are not significantly different in modulus (-0.30% for CNV3 and
+0.18% for CNV8). In contrast, the results derived by means of the local strain measurements
exhibit a remarkable difference (-0.80% for CNV3 and +0.13% for CNV8). There is also a
difference in the results of the two measurements of volumetric deformation for the same test.
These different trends of behaviour, which are well illustrated in Figures 6.19 and 6.21, are due
to the barrel shape attained by the deformed specimen, which obviously causes a difference in
the results of measurements. However, one could argue that another reason that might
enhance the differences is the swelling of the expansive minerals in the specimen.
In the case of negative excess pore pressure, the water enters the sample during the drained
phase and the water content will increase over time and swelling will occur. As the volume
measuring device measures an increase in volume due to the water flowing into the specimen,
the local measurement system will show a greater volume increase because of the chemical
reactions with the swelling minerals. The opposite phenomenon will take place when the
excess pore pressure is positive. The volume increase caused by the chemical reactions is
opposite to the volume decrease measured, due to the water flowing out of the specimen.
96 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
LOCAL ( εa)
Strain [%]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time [min]
Figure 6.23 Axial and radial strain for test CNV7 after drainage opening.
0.45 250
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time [min]
The excess pore pressure developed for both tests CNV7 and CNV10 during the stress path
phase resulted to be positive. As a consequence, during the drained phase, consolidation
occurs with a volume decrease.
0.03 opening
Strain [%]
LOCAL ( εr)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time [min]
Figure 6.25 Axial and radial strains for test CNV10 after drainage opening.
0.060 140
opening 120
0.010 ∆u
0.000 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time [min]
Figure 6.26 Volumetric deformation and pore pressure excess
for test CNV10 after drainage opening.
The CNV7 specimen, which had the highest positive excess pore pressure at the end of the
undrained phase (160 kPa), undergoes a greater volume decrease than that experienced by both
the CNV10 and CNV8 tests. The latter one pertains to the sidewall simulation. Among the
three, the CNV10 specimen has the smallest decrease in volume. In fact, the sample
98 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing CHAPTER 6
CAEST3-1, from which the CNV10 specimen is taken, is shown to exhibit the most significant
swelling behaviour, as evidenced during the flushing phase (Table 6.3).
Axial strain rate [%/day]
1 10 100 1000
Time [min]
6.6 Conclusions
The triaxial testing programme, developed with the main purpose to investigate the tunnel
behaviour during excavation in swelling ground, has been described in the present chapter by
taking an Italian stiff clay (Caneva clay) as representative material. On the basis of the work
performed so far, the following main conclusions can be drawn.
- The testing procedures adopted are shown to be very effective in simulating the soil
behaviour in the particular conditions and stress histories which are experienced by a
ground element in the near vicinity of a circular tunnel.
- The specimens of Caneva clay tested up to failure (CNV1, CNV2, CNV5 and CNV9) give
shear strength parameters in the same range as those obtained by conventional triaxial
tests for the specimens taken from the CAEST4-2 sample, with the exception of the
CNV5 test which is characterised by slightly higher strength parameters.
- From the results of the flushing phase, the Caneva clay is shown to exhibit a moderate to
high swelling potential, as expected on the basis of its mineralogical composition.
- The Caneva clay specimens, isotropically consolidated to the in situ state of stress, exhibit
a negative excess pore pressure during the undrained “compression” stress paths, typical
of the tunnel sidewall response simulation. This behaviour is shown to hold true for both
two dimensional (pure shear) and three dimensional conditions, when taking into account
the influence of the advancing face.
- It is also shown that, when three dimensional conditions are simulated in the triaxial cell, a
greater value of t is necessary to induce negative excess pore pressure in the specimen
CHAPTER 6 Simulation of different stress path conditions by triaxial testing 99
since during the first portion of the stress path (i.e. when the tunnel face is approaching
the cross section of interest) a positive excess pore pressure develops due to a stress
- When the attention is taken to the tunnel crown/invert behaviour and the tests on the
Caneva clay specimens are similarly carried out under “extension” conditions, following a
pure shear stress path, a positive excess pore pressure is shown to develop during the
undrained phase of the test.
- With the drained phase, which follows in each case a creep stage, swelling is shown to
occur for specimens simulating the tunnel sidewall behaviour, as the negative excess pore
pressure dissipates under the imposed constant state of stress. On the contrary, for
specimens simulating the tunnel crown/invert response, as a consequence of development
of positive excess pore pressure during the undrained phase, consolidation is shown to
take place when the drainage valve is opened.
CHAPTER 7 Summary and conclusions 101
Chapter 7
Su mmary and conclusions
7.1 Summary
In the present thesis the following main tasks were undertaken.
- Stress analysis were carried out with the main objective to define the stress history around
a circular tunnel during excavation and face advancement, as well represented in terms of
stress paths for both the sidewalls and crown/invert zones.
- The results obtained, by using numerical simulations in both two dimensional and in three
dimensional conditions, show a significantly different trend of behaviour for the above
two zones in the near vicinity of the tunnel periphery.
- A new triaxial apparatus, specifically devoted to soft rocks and indurated soils, under any
desired stress path conditions, was designed, constructed and calibrated. The software
needed for automated testing and data acquisition was developed. Overall the triaxial
apparatus was shown to perform very satisfactorily as desired.
- A stiff Italian clay (Caneva clay), taken as representative of a swelling indurated soil, was
sampled in situ and laboratory tests were carried out on the specimens obtained. The main
emphasis was placed on triaxial testing for a set of conditions (undrained, drained, time-
dependent), as they occur during excavation in the vicinity of the tunnel face, according to
predictions by numerical modelling. The interest was centered on the simulation of the
stress paths at the sidewalls and crown/invert around the tunnel.
7.2 Conclusions
It is the purpose of the present chapter to draw some conclusions on the work performed so
far. The following aspects will be considered:
- numerical simulation of typical stress paths for zones around a circular tunnel;
- development and calibration of a newly developed triaxial apparatus;
- laboratory simulation of the tunnel sidewalls and invert/crown behaviour;
- consequence of laboratory results on design analyses of tunnels in swelling ground.
the in situ state of stress and material behaviour. The results obtained show a significantly
different response when the attention is paid to the influence of face advancement during
If two dimensional conditions are considered for a linearly elastic, continuous and isotropic
medium, under the Ko stress ratio (horizontal to vertical in situ stress) equal to 1, the
computed stress paths for points at the sidewalls and crown/invert, in the near vicinity of the
tunnel contour, do not show any change in the mean normal stress. However, this is not the
case, if three dimensional conditions are considered, when the influence of the tunnel face
during excavation makes this stress to change significantly.
When the attention moves to the effects of the Ko ratio, and the Ko = 2 case is examined in
detail, always in three dimensional conditions and under the assumptions above for the linearly
elastic behaviour of the medium, the stress path response at the sidewalls differs quite
significantly from that at the crown/invert of the tunnel. A global decrease in the mean normal
stress is experienced in the first case, while an increase takes place for the crown/invert zones.
The corresponding stress paths are shown to increase in complexity, with a decrease in the
mean normal stress, whenever an elasto-plastic constitutive law is introduced for the medium,
for both Ko = 1 and Ko = 2 conditions and for all the positions considered around the tunnel.
From the above considerations it becomes evident that the modified Huder-Amberg
oedometer test, which is often used to characterise a swelling ground behaviour for the
purpose of design analysis, is not representative of the real history undertaken by an element of
ground surrounding a tunnel. It is therefore concluded that in order to simulate tunnel
behaviour “at laboratory scale”, it is imperative to undertake careful testing in triaxial
t at failure
t to develop negative ∆u
0 5 10 15 20
Distance from the tunnel contour [m]
One can therefore observe that a zone around the tunnel (as shown in Figure 7.1) extending at
least more than its radius, would experience a negative excess pore pressure in undrained
conditions, subsequently to be dissipated during a standstill or when the excavation is
completed, thus resulting in swelling deformations. The amount of swelling strains can be
assessed from the test at least “at laboratory scale”.
An additional point of interest can be raised on the basis of the results of testing, when the 3D
stress paths are considered. The extent of the swelling zone around the tunnel is expected to
decrease due to face effects: the shear stress t needed to induce the negative excess pore
CHAPTER 7 Summary and conclusions 105
pressure is in fact significantly greater than that required in the corresponding 2D case. If one
applies this concept further, then it would appear that any ground treatment ahead of the
heading, made to inhibit instability from developing, would be beneficial by reducing the
negative excess pore pressure in the zone behind.
-100 CNV3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 7.2 Negative pore pressure excess distribution around the tunnel.
Always keeping with the results of triaxial testing for the “compression” conditions, one would
conclude that it is of great interest to conduct a series of tests, by following a similar stress
path, to a different level of the t stress finally attained. As shown in Figure 7.2, a plot of the
negative excess pore pressure can be drawn for points away from the tunnel contour, thus
inferring a likely distribution of ∆u in its surround (Bellwald 1990).
present thesis, which exhibit a different response in the near vicinity of the tunnel with
respect to the corresponding isotropic case (Ko = 1).
- Additional triaxial tests are to be performed for different levels of the soil mobilised
strength, in order to investigate the distribution of excess pore pressure in the tunnel
surround. This is important with respect to the need, in argillaceous soils and rocks
containing expansive minerals, to better understand the stability conditions of both the
tunnel heading and of the zones behind, during and subsequent to excavation.
- With the main purpose to distinguish between mechanical and physico-chemical swelling
during testing, it is proposed to stop the test during the shearing phase when the excess
pore pressure attains a zero value. This would allow one to evaluate if any change in
volume takes place, without any water adsorption determining it.
- Further attention need be paid in low permeability soils to the difficulty of measuring the
excess pore pressure induced in the specimen as a direct result of the stress paths
simulating tunnel response during excavation. From this point of view, additional insights
into the soil behaviour are to be gained by using local measurements of excess pore
pressure within the specimen.
- In order to clarify the practical implications of the results obtained on tunnel design
methods (mainly with respect to tunnel stability, induced deformations, ground-support-
stabilisation interaction, etc.), a behavioural model need be implemented which is capable
to describe the response of a representative elementary volume as observed during triaxial
testing. Then, the same model should be applied to a tunnel problem as observed in
practice, in order to compare in a practical case, predictions and performance, for
validation purposes.
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A p p e n d ix A
A.1 Contents
The present Appendix is to collect the data of the experimental programme carried out in this
thesis and described in Chapter 6. For each test, a table is given by reporting the sample basic
data and the phases of testing. Also given are complete data sets obtained and relevant for the
stress-path phase and the swelling/consolidation. Data are organised in tables where the
deviator stress (q), the water overpressure (∆u), the local (εa,l) and external (εa,e) axial strain and
the local radial strain (εr,l) measurements are listed.
In Table A.1 a complete list of the swelling triaxial tests performed is also reported.
Test CNV1
Borehole: CAEST4-3
Depth of the sample [m]: 37.51
Type of test: CIU – Stress path at s’ = constant
Triaxial Apparatus: GDS
LL: 39 Initial height [mm]: 140.30 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 21.7
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.60 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 19.0
IC: 1.36 Initial volume [mm ]: 533784.59 eo :
3 0.47
Gs: 2.839 Total weight [g]: 1181.0 W n [%]: 14.5
CaCO3 [%]: 22.3 Dry weight [g]: 1031.5
t [kPa]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
s' [kPa]
Deviator stress [kPa]
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.2 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV1 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
External shear strain [%]
Figure A.3 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV1 test.
118 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.2 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV1.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
2.25 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
5.61 0.02 0.00042 0.00052 -0.00010
20.24 -0.61 0.00222 0.00182 0.00006
39.86 -3.28 0.00425 0.00380 0.00073
58.74 -6.92 0.00688 0.00569 0.00147
76.35 -10.86 0.00998 0.00765 0.00197
92.22 -14.86 0.01312 0.01021 0.00225
106.82 -19.08 0.01652 0.01222 0.00247
120.54 -23.32 0.01994 0.01514 0.00239
132.26 -27.29 0.02341 0.01782 0.00226
143.51 -31.27 0.02703 0.02040 0.00212
154.01 -34.96 0.03071 0.02353 0.00172
164.11 -38.37 0.03444 0.02673 0.00136
172.94 -41.82 0.03837 0.03040 0.00117
180.75 -44.93 0.04192 0.03387 0.00090
188.55 -47.99 0.04561 0.03672 0.00087
194.16 -50.73 0.04881 0.03964 0.00028
200.49 -52.77 0.05175 0.04257 -0.00026
207.16 -54.94 0.05493 0.04581 -0.00062
213.22 -57.10 0.05824 0.04867 -0.00100
218.25 -59.10 0.06149 0.05181 -0.00142
223.49 -61.06 0.06459 0.05497 -0.00185
228.47 -63.00 0.06785 0.05816 -0.00226
233.45 -64.93 0.07126 0.06129 -0.00278
239.48 -67.33 0.07576 0.06544 -0.00334
244.36 -69.29 0.07979 0.06889 -0.00399
249.09 -71.10 0.08369 0.07239 -0.00472
253.70 -73.06 0.08790 0.07618 -0.00531
257.87 -74.87 0.09172 0.07967 -0.00603
262.22 -76.67 0.09589 0.08335 -0.00684
266.38 -78.46 0.09981 0.08683 -0.00760
270.07 -80.16 0.10384 0.09031 -0.00835
274.31 -81.97 0.10802 0.09406 -0.00933
278.52 -83.65 0.11205 0.09748 -0.01030
282.17 -85.33 0.11612 0.10141 -0.01148
285.56 -86.97 0.12006 0.10481 -0.01244
289.00 -88.47 0.12384 0.10824 -0.01353
292.71 -90.02 0.12775 0.11147 -0.01446
295.79 -91.51 0.13162 0.11511 -0.01556
298.91 -92.96 0.13526 0.11877 -0.01668
301.98 -94.39 0.13902 0.12186 -0.01786
305.16 -95.81 0.14292 0.12522 -0.01892
308.25 -97.20 0.14674 0.12852 -0.02021
311.48 -98.62 0.15057 0.13201 -0.02134
314.47 -99.99 0.15443 0.13526 -0.02251
317.56 -101.33 0.15829 0.13863 -0.02397
320.60 -102.66 0.16202 0.14143 -0.02543
323.53 -103.96 0.16580 0.14488 -0.02707
325.91 -105.10 0.16949 0.14955 -0.02887
329.13 -106.38 0.17340 0.15294 -0.03051
334.13 -108.53 0.17985 0.15851 -0.03370
340.00 -111.99 0.19063 0.16799 -0.03952
377.01 -175.30 0.28995 0.20224 -0.07714
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 119
Test CNV2
Borehole: CAEST4-3
Depth of the sample [m]: 37.28
Type of test: CIU – CL(2D) - Sheared with s = const. stress paths
Triaxial Apparatus: GDS
LL: 39 Initial height [mm]: 140.50 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 22.22
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.80 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 19.61
IC: 1.42 Initial volume [mm 3]: 537622.02 eo : 0.42
Gs: 2.839 Total weight [g]: 1218.0 W n [%]: 13.36
CaCO3 [%]: 22.3 Dry weight [g]: 1074.5
10 TSP-uo ESP
t [kPa]
35 135 235 335 435 535 635 735
s' [kPa]
Figure A.4 Stress path during consolidation for CNV2 test.
Deviator stress [kPa]
0 2 4 6 8 10
Axial strain [%]
Figure A.5 Deviator stress versus axial strain for CNV2 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
External shear strain [%]
Figure A.6 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV2 test.
122 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.3 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV2.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
7,89 0,00 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000
15,09 -0,44 0,00074 0,00120 0,00017
23,62 -1,16 0,00146 0,00217 0,00018
30,60 -1,72 0,00218 0,00325 -0,00002
36,79 -2,27 0,00300 0,00433 -0,00018
42,30 -2,84 0,00378 0,00551 -0,00053
46,79 -3,14 0,00455 0,00644 -0,00083
51,47 -3,49 0,00539 0,00786 -0,00133
55,71 -3,75 0,00620 0,00877 -0,00174
59,59 -3,93 0,00696 0,01000 -0,00212
63,20 -4,05 0,00776 0,01139 -0,00262
67,21 -4,26 0,00864 0,01249 -0,00301
70,51 -4,30 0,00941 0,01354 -0,00347
74,49 -4,55 0,01031 0,01480 -0,00402
78,01 -4,77 0,01134 0,01613 -0,00457
81,08 -4,89 0,01220 0,01722 -0,00521
83,64 -4,94 0,01297 0,01821 -0,00582
88,78 -4,95 0,01479 0,02069 -0,00698
91,60 -5,01 0,01589 0,02196 -0,00758
96,38 -5,12 0,01780 0,02450 -0,00873
100,96 -5,01 0,01964 0,02714 -0,00997
103,03 -5,03 0,02054 0,02836 -0,01050
109,22 -4,97 0,02323 0,03209 -0,01212
115,07 -4,73 0,02617 0,03586 -0,01396
116,97 -4,64 0,02721 0,03725 -0,01471
122,80 -4,46 0,03034 0,04107 -0,01674
124,74 -4,43 0,03143 0,04240 -0,01749
128,38 -4,35 0,03347 0,04508 -0,01870
130,21 -4,34 0,03457 0,04636 -0,01939
133,62 -4,16 0,03675 0,04908 -0,02075
135,23 -4,15 0,03786 0,05049 -0,02144
138,14 -3,93 0,03994 0,05307 -0,02284
139,75 -3,84 0,04096 0,05461 -0,02361
142,78 -3,59 0,04313 0,05739 -0,02495
144,21 -3,45 0,04432 0,05880 -0,02569
149,32 -3,24 0,04775 0,06308 -0,02786
150,69 -3,13 0,04880 0,06449 -0,02855
154,80 -2,88 0,05196 0,06848 -0,03071
156,19 -2,86 0,05311 0,06986 -0,03153
161,44 -2,29 0,05784 0,07541 -0,03458
162,75 -2,16 0,05887 0,07679 -0,03529
166,58 -1,91 0,06219 0,08087 -0,03732
168,02 -1,81 0,06332 0,08258 -0,03814
171,95 -1,62 0,06685 0,08699 -0,04038
175,62 -1,28 0,07064 0,09129 -0,04275
187,64 -0,35 0,08236 0,10588 -0,05063
193,76 1,11 0,09439 0,12068 -0,05856
204,27 2,07 0,10639 0,13538 -0,06667
209,05 2,54 0,11257 0,14281 -0,07075
218,03 3,46 0,12462 0,15709 -0,07866
226,95 4,22 0,13674 0,17153 -0,08648
235,92 4,72 0,14868 0,18622 -0,09445
240,05 4,99 0,15515 0,19370 -0,09846
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 123
Test CNV3
Borehole: CAEST4-3
Depth of the sample [m]: 37.06
Type of test: CIU – CL(2D) – s = constant stress paths with drained phase
Triaxial Apparatus: GDS
LL: 39 Initial height [mm]: 142.2 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 21.88
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.2 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 19.63
IC: 1.53 Initial volume [mm 3]: 534812.6 eo : 0.42
Gs: 2.839 Total weight [g]: 1192.80 W n [%]: 11.47
CaCO3 [%]: 22.3 Dry weight [g]: 1070.10
t [kPa]
10 ESP
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
s' [kPa]
Deviator stress [kPa]
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.8 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV3 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
External shear strain [%]
Figure A.9 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV3 test.
128 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.4 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV3.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
-1,67 0,00 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000
-0,19 0,05 0,00020 -0,00036 0,00040
-0,21 0,06 0,00045 -0,00067 0,00027
13,85 0,14 0,00279 0,00293 -0,00048
19,88 -0,12 0,00434 0,00409 -0,00056
31,21 -0,46 0,00774 0,00661 -0,00191
51,59 -1,08 0,01352 0,01334 -0,00393
54,96 -1,16 0,01501 0,01496 -0,00495
62,28 -1,57 0,01812 0,01958 -0,00637
65,76 -1,66 0,01967 0,02057 -0,00701
107,80 -2,99 0,04881 0,05434 -0,02178
147,87 -2,32 0,09536 0,11269 -0,04763
159,25 -2,02 0,11171 0,13222 -0,05670
185,29 -0,25 0,15899 0,18858 -0,08535
193,67 0,34 0,17643 0,20925 -0,09661
206,82 1,79 0,20984 0,24724 -0,11923
229,04 4,40 0,27864 0,32514 -0,16814
233,78 5,07 0,29629 0,34439 -0,18123
241,64 6,23 0,33071 0,38312 -0,20586
245,05 6,83 0,34853 0,40249 -0,21706
254,61 8,36 0,40316 0,46116 -0,24970
257,91 8,52 0,42203 0,47988 -0,26162
267,02 9,84 0,47765 0,53949 -0,29649
275,18 10,67 0,53415 0,59764 -0,33690
278,03 10,87 0,55207 0,61756 -0,35262
282,92 11,29 0,59073 0,65490 -0,38069
285,46 11,45 0,60902 0,67416 -0,39431
291,77 11,86 0,66750 0,73193 -0,43428
298,61 11,95 0,72605 0,78837 -0,47322
300,18 12,02 0,74598 0,80917 -0,48637
305,83 12,11 0,80475 0,86617 -0,52585
308,49 12,15 0,82583 0,88486 -0,53999
311,27 12,17 0,86733 0,92494 -0,56916
318,08 12,04 0,95030 1,00158 -0,62431
320,07 12,03 0,97160 1,02101 -0,63877
322,72 12,03 1,01490 1,06105 -0,66769
328,63 11,95 1,10451 1,13742 -0,72641
330,06 12,01 1,12745 1,15776 -0,74197
333,18 11,76 1,17479 1,19729 -0,77815
338,98 11,26 1,27222 1,27425 -0,84990
340,07 11,28 1,29797 1,29426 -0,86622
342,96 10,68 1,34839 1,33274 -0,89894
348,29 10,04 1,44290 1,41262 -0,96460
349,35 9,95 1,46365 1,43169 -0,98016
351,73 9,74 1,50517 1,46973 -1,01203
356,65 8,83 1,58844 1,54703 -1,05914
357,90 8,85 1,60941 1,56608 -1,07455
360,16 8,40 1,65156 1,60574 -1,10677
364,01 7,43 1,73490 1,68227 -1,17811
366,09 7,37 1,75620 1,70151 -1,19526
368,69 6,88 1,79907 1,74197 -1,22983
372,82 5,90 1,88467 1,82109 -1,29805
373,20 5,90 1,90518 1,84035 -1,31453
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 129
Table A.5 Data for the drained phase for test CNV3.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
493,87 -59,37 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000
495,61 -51,74 0,00092 -0,00019 -0,00086
493,25 -12,58 0,00818 0,00294 -0,01420
493,45 -11,31 0,01178 0,00600 -0,01904
492,63 -10,09 0,01541 0,00881 -0,02349
492,72 -8,12 0,02942 0,01959 -0,03913
492,76 -7,81 0,03381 0,02474 -0,04490
492,49 -8,22 0,04589 0,03454 -0,05616
493,18 -8,04 0,05875 0,04687 -0,06933
492,81 -7,25 0,07268 0,05943 -0,08287
493,22 -6,75 0,07974 0,06616 -0,09024
492,65 -7,24 0,10339 0,08708 -0,11214
492,56 -7,05 0,11032 0,09390 -0,11930
492,59 -7,05 0,11857 0,10244 -0,12772
493,45 -6,88 0,14439 0,12591 -0,15002
493,87 -6,84 0,15431 0,13622 -0,15903
495,34 -6,82 0,17686 0,15547 -0,17854
496,04 -6,76 0,20365 0,17953 -0,20143
497,48 -6,74 0,23483 0,20822 -0,22672
499,40 -6,64 0,25132 0,22270 -0,24044
504,42 -7,37 0,39329 0,34241 -0,34585
504,45 -7,35 0,42138 0,36536 -0,36745
502,81 -7,32 0,44394 0,38479 -0,38587
500,56 -6,99 0,49205 0,42714 -0,42588
500,72 -6,96 0,50663 0,43943 -0,43790
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 133
Test CNV4
Borehole: CAEST4-3
Depth of the sample [m]: 36.91
Type of test: CID – CL(2D) sheared with s = constant stress path
Triaxial Apparatus: GDS
LL: 39 Initial height [mm]: 142.2 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 22.19
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 70.0 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 19.45
IC: 1.38 Initial volume [mm 3]: 547249.7 eo : 0.43
Gs: 2.839 Total weight [g]: 1238 W n [%]: 14.10
CaCO3 [%]: 22.3 Dry weight [g]: 1085
Deviator stress [kPa]
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.10 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV4 test.
G sec [MPa]
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
External shear strain [%]
Figure A.11 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV4 test.
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 137
Table A.6 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV4.
Q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
5,46 0,00 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000
12,01 0,24 0,00124 0,00124 -0,00033
19,25 0,13 0,00255 0,00259 -0,00038
45,83 -1,36 0,00847 0,00861 -0,00109
54,53 -1,92 0,01115 0,01129 -0,00191
58,64 -2,25 0,01254 0,01262 -0,00236
71,18 -3,14 0,01770 0,01814 -0,00449
74,46 -3,33 0,01909 0,01954 -0,00515
79,72 -3,77 0,02175 0,02217 -0,00617
89,26 -4,28 0,02719 0,02786 -0,00911
91,26 -4,39 0,02844 0,02943 -0,00985
93,23 -4,54 0,02978 0,03085 -0,01060
101,31 -5,01 0,03538 0,03684 -0,01353
104,68 -5,18 0,03817 0,03981 -0,01511
106,44 -5,22 0,03947 0,04113 -0,01590
113,53 -5,47 0,04525 0,04752 -0,01912
115,11 -5,55 0,04675 0,04902 -0,01998
118,53 -5,69 0,04970 0,05219 -0,02179
124,18 -5,88 0,05578 0,05848 -0,02521
125,53 -5,91 0,05722 0,06001 -0,02617
126,97 -5,92 0,05870 0,06166 -0,02704
131,92 -6,01 0,06455 0,06813 -0,03039
134,14 -6,00 0,06742 0,07118 -0,03211
135,45 -6,01 0,06892 0,07290 -0,03308
148,80 -6,10 0,08729 0,09340 -0,04380
153,27 -6,05 0,09469 0,10150 -0,04831
161,20 -5,83 0,10902 0,11798 -0,05718
173,05 -5,10 0,13732 0,15161 -0,07533
175,20 -4,89 0,14449 0,16036 -0,08006
177,02 -4,63 0,15156 0,16931 -0,08466
179,40 -4,07 0,16568 0,18750 -0,09307
182,89 -2,75 0,19166 0,22352 -0,10482
184,04 -2,44 0,19807 0,23275 -0,10698
185,06 -2,20 0,20446 0,24205 -0,10887
188,86 -1,24 0,22843 0,27747 -0,11494
191,12 -0,87 0,24068 0,29533 -0,11752
192,27 -0,71 0,24689 0,30472 -0,11878
196,24 -0,14 0,27175 0,34163 -0,12324
197,16 0,00 0,27781 0,35064 -0,12421
198,79 0,19 0,29002 0,36829 -0,12601
200,58 0,46 0,30213 0,38656 -0,12789
203,18 0,63 0,32031 0,41303 -0,13069
203,87 0,72 0,32627 0,42182 -0,13162
207,41 0,97 0,35067 0,45794 -0,13537
208,73 1,12 0,36305 0,47618 -0,13731
211,64 1,25 0,38695 0,51161 -0,14051
212,25 1,31 0,39288 0,52039 -0,14136
214,51 1,52 0,41104 0,54719 -0,14451
215,80 1,58 0,42319 0,56487 -0,14659
217,83 1,68 0,44145 0,59145 -0,14968
218,55 1,73 0,44763 0,60043 -0,15080
220,86 1,86 0,47250 0,63670 -0,15598
222,13 1,83 0,48510 0,65458 -0,15904
138 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Test CNV5
Borehole: CAEST4-5
Depth of the sample [m]: 51.19
Type of test: CIU-CL
Triaxial Apparatus: SRTA
LL: 33 Initial height [mm]: 124.5 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 21.63
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.7 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 18.93
IC: 1.56 Initial volume [mm 3]: 475034.1 eo : -
Gs: - Total weight [g]: 1047.3 W n [%]: 14.3
CaCO3 [%]: - Dry weight [g]: 916.6
Deviator stress [kPa]
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Axial strain [%]
Figure A.12 Shear strain versus deviator stress for CNV5 test.
Esec [MPa]
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Axial strain [%]
Figure A.13 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV5 test.
142 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.7 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV5.
q εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [%] [%]
-2,40 0,00000 0,00000
-2,41 -0,00422 0,00125
0,23 -0,00184 0,00014
7,03 0,01465 -0,01959
11,32 0,02190 -0,02144
29,76 0,05146 -0,01862
34,57 0,05880 -0,01734
47,42 0,07791 -0,01377
63,28 0,09985 -0,00941
74,38 0,11518 -0,00913
85,36 0,13011 -0,01070
107,79 0,16100 -0,02345
112,92 0,16849 -0,02802
134,75 0,19855 -0,04334
140,16 0,20601 -0,04756
156,99 0,22919 -0,05981
173,63 0,25284 -0,07153
185,39 0,26957 -0,07996
196,34 0,28517 -0,08781
215,28 0,31429 -0,10178
221,42 0,32193 -0,10528
243,15 0,35347 -0,12042
248,51 0,36129 -0,12446
265,08 0,38521 -0,13582
280,84 0,40880 -0,14675
291,52 0,42495 -0,15442
302,03 0,44139 -0,16242
323,44 0,47407 -0,17635
328,78 0,48226 -0,17950
349,46 0,51437 -0,19278
354,54 0,52234 -0,19632
370,28 0,54688 -0,20657
385,51 0,57117 -0,21689
395,82 0,58773 -0,22432
405,89 0,60385 -0,23064
426,19 0,63644 -0,24485
431,40 0,64472 -0,24817
451,29 0,67723 -0,26125
456,26 0,68536 -0,26460
471,25 0,71015 -0,27546
486,02 0,73458 -0,28650
496,10 0,75129 -0,29321
506,54 0,76830 -0,30082
527,54 0,80354 -0,31725
532,48 0,81182 -0,32025
552,04 0,84465 -0,33528
557,05 0,85289 -0,33853
572,65 0,87862 -0,34949
588,18 0,90450 -0,36035
598,34 0,92147 -0,36753
608,33 0,93796 -0,37439
628,57 0,97132 -0,38764
634,48 0,98081 -0,39142
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 143
Test CNV6
Borehole: CAEST4-5
Depth of the sample [m]: 51.35
Type of test: CIU – EU(2D) - s = constant stress path
Triaxial Apparatus: SRTA
LL: 33 Initial height [mm]: 133.94 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 22.15
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.77 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 19.56
IC: 1.66 Initial volume [mm 3]: 512079.8 eo : -
Gs: - Total weight [g]: 1156.0 W n [%]: 13.1
CaCO3 [%]: - Dry weight [g]: 1022.6
t [kPa]
5 TSP-Uo
0 200 ESP 400 600 800 1000
s' [kPa]
Figure A.14 Stress path during consolidation for CNV6 test.
Deviator stress [kPa]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.15 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV6 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.16 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV6 test.
146 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.8 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV6.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
0,29 0,00 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000
1,29 0,20 0,00014 0,00017 0,00000
-1,15 1,00 -0,00011 0,00025 0,00000
-4,09 1,68 -0,00034 0,00013 0,00114
-6,77 2,32 -0,00060 -0,00002 0,00161
-9,28 2,89 -0,00082 -0,00024 0,00168
-11,39 3,44 -0,00102 -0,00037 0,00211
-13,79 4,04 -0,00125 -0,00054 0,00250
-16,45 4,60 -0,00150 -0,00076 0,00282
-18,88 5,10 -0,00172 -0,00102 0,00282
-20,91 5,56 -0,00193 -0,00125 0,00296
-23,10 6,00 -0,00214 -0,00153 0,00336
-25,44 6,45 -0,00240 -0,00182 0,00353
-27,98 6,87 -0,00267 -0,00220 0,00357
-30,29 7,28 -0,00295 -0,00255 0,00371
-32,34 7,67 -0,00321 -0,00287 0,00414
-34,62 8,07 -0,00349 -0,00321 0,00436
-36,86 8,45 -0,00378 -0,00356 0,00511
-39,29 8,82 -0,00412 -0,00396 0,00496
-41,61 9,21 -0,00446 -0,00433 0,00536
-44,19 9,61 -0,00487 -0,00476 0,00528
-46,97 9,99 -0,00527 -0,00526 0,00564
-49,77 10,41 -0,00570 -0,00578 0,00596
-52,76 10,79 -0,00623 -0,00639 0,00635
-55,41 11,18 -0,00674 -0,00695 0,00657
-58,09 11,55 -0,00722 -0,00755 0,00735
-60,90 11,93 -0,00773 -0,00818 0,00771
-63,42 12,30 -0,00824 -0,00881 0,00878
-65,86 12,66 -0,00874 -0,00944 0,00971
-67,96 13,00 -0,00919 -0,01002 0,00978
-69,96 13,33 -0,00963 -0,01061 0,00975
-71,28 13,51 -0,00990 -0,01097 0,00982
-72,43 13,69 -0,01016 -0,01131 0,00978
-73,29 13,82 -0,01041 -0,01162 0,00971
-73,64 13,97 -0,01054 -0,01183 0,00968
-73,96 14,10 -0,01066 -0,01202 0,00964
-91,22 19,98 -0,01489 -0,01808 0,01203
-92,65 20,15 -0,01516 -0,01850 0,01257
-93,91 20,30 -0,01538 -0,01890 0,01375
-94,92 20,46 -0,01557 -0,01925 0,01425
-95,87 20,62 -0,01578 -0,01956 0,01460
-97,21 20,79 -0,01604 -0,01997 0,01493
-99,63 21,11 -0,01648 -0,02073 0,01578
-102,21 21,47 -0,01694 -0,02152 0,01607
-104,60 21,80 -0,01741 -0,02235 0,01610
-107,10 22,25 -0,01793 -0,02316 0,01643
-110,21 22,71 -0,01854 -0,02417 0,01753
-113,61 23,13 -0,01925 -0,02538 0,01725
-116,85 23,57 -0,01995 -0,02662 0,01807
-120,20 24,02 -0,02073 -0,02798 0,01828
-123,60 24,48 -0,02156 -0,02943 0,01975
-127,17 24,99 -0,02242 -0,03097 0,02000
-130,45 25,51 -0,02330 -0,03253 0,02007
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 147
Test CNV7
Borehole: CAEST4-5
Depth of the sample [m]: 37.51
Type of test: CIU - EU(2D) – s = constant stress path with drained phase
Triaxial Apparatus: SRTA
LL: 33 Initial height [mm]: 136.2 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 22.29
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.68 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 19.86
IC: 1.73 Initial volume [mm 3]: 519377.7 eo : -
Gs: - Total weight [g]: 1180.3 W n [%]: 12.3
CaCO3 [%]: - Dry weight [g]: 1051.2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
t [kPa]
s' [kPa]
Deviator stress [kPa]
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.18 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV7 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.19 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV7 test.
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 153
Table A.9 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV7.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
-2.49 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
-48.76 17.62 -0.00223 -0.00858 -0.01451
-94.58 27.03 -0.00898 -0.02055 -0.01487
-108.19 28.18 -0.01266 -0.02602 -0.01462
-122.87 30.57 -0.01756 -0.03332 -0.01445
-128.44 31.64 -0.01981 -0.03671 -0.01463
-138.93 34.48 -0.02427 -0.04326 -0.01316
-146.60 36.61 -0.02776 -0.04813 -0.01267
-161.84 40.83 -0.03411 -0.05712 -0.01206
-164.92 41.58 -0.03556 -0.05902 -0.01174
-180.43 45.62 -0.04302 -0.06844 -0.00896
-185.17 46.89 -0.04535 -0.07124 -0.00688
-203.82 55.44 -0.06105 -0.08773 -0.00238
-207.10 56.31 -0.06279 -0.08962 -0.00096
-223.83 59.88 -0.07074 -0.09919 0.00204
-228.56 60.96 -0.07378 -0.10272 0.00404
-239.24 64.25 -0.08085 -0.11058 -0.00117
-241.28 65.04 -0.08231 -0.11211 0.00722
-252.46 70.47 -0.09001 -0.11982 0.01072
-260.37 73.72 -0.09520 -0.12527 0.01290
-269.96 77.17 -0.10250 -0.13289 0.01579
-274.53 78.90 -0.10597 -0.13671 0.01676
-283.27 82.32 -0.11305 -0.14425 0.01951
-289.58 84.96 -0.11831 -0.14994 0.02215
-299.48 89.12 -0.12749 -0.15928 0.02526
-301.41 89.99 -0.12937 -0.16116 0.02558
-310.93 93.65 -0.13858 -0.17059 0.02929
-316.67 95.69 -0.14411 -0.17629 0.03058
-324.09 98.13 -0.15139 -0.18387 0.03283
-327.85 99.40 -0.15509 -0.18768 0.03412
-335.12 102.13 -0.16228 -0.19512 0.03629
-340.43 103.92 -0.16793 -0.20070 0.03790
-347.57 107.13 -0.17683 -0.20942 0.04062
-348.52 107.73 -0.17853 -0.21100 0.04112
-351.02 110.58 -0.18547 -0.21738 0.04319
-351.56 111.91 -0.18881 -0.22041 0.04404
-352.31 113.51 -0.19271 -0.22407 0.04405
-353.04 114.22 -0.19436 -0.22588 0.04558
-357.00 115.54 -0.19771 -0.23000 0.04344
-361.51 116.47 -0.20095 -0.23337 0.04530
-371.19 118.30 -0.20814 -0.24020 0.05015
-373.07 118.83 -0.20980 -0.24167 0.05108
-381.52 121.10 -0.21839 -0.24948 0.05501
-386.58 122.42 -0.22385 -0.25464 0.05722
-393.10 124.30 -0.23116 -0.26197 0.06112
-396.42 125.30 -0.23495 -0.26578 0.06226
-403.30 127.31 -0.24279 -0.27382 0.06608
-408.54 128.73 -0.24878 -0.27998 0.06879
-416.96 130.98 -0.25876 -0.29014 0.07308
-418.58 131.52 -0.26067 -0.29204 0.07412
-426.29 133.57 -0.27031 -0.30163 0.07805
-430.74 134.68 -0.27596 -0.30717 0.08037
-436.54 136.03 -0.28356 -0.31463 0.08394
154 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.10 Data for the drained phase for test CNV7.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
-643.07 175.15 -0.00009 0.00074 0.00018
-644.95 154.38 -0.00029 0.00130 0.00050
-648.39 123.22 -0.00057 0.00276 0.00054
-647.39 123.19 -0.00037 0.00495 0.00039
-645.27 123.18 0.00001 0.00683 0.00018
-641.15 123.20 0.00031 0.00877 -0.00014
-638.82 123.21 0.00062 0.01024 -0.00029
-638.92 123.18 0.00096 0.01108 -0.00050
-639.07 123.12 0.00152 0.01223 -0.00061
-639.19 123.03 0.00199 0.01368 -0.00111
-639.80 122.75 0.00247 0.01548 -0.00157
-639.48 122.53 0.00288 0.01682 -0.00164
-639.22 122.45 0.00317 0.01724 -0.00175
-639.22 122.35 0.00336 0.01761 -0.00172
-639.76 122.24 0.00365 0.01787 -0.00168
-639.53 122.16 0.00388 0.01824 -0.00175
-639.08 122.08 0.00403 0.01860 -0.00182
-639.28 121.72 0.00473 0.01966 -0.00186
-639.19 120.39 0.00677 0.02287 -0.00211
-639.13 119.75 0.00771 0.02426 -0.00218
-638.94 117.77 0.01054 0.02773 -0.00182
-639.01 116.51 0.01227 0.02961 -0.00150
-638.87 114.69 0.01483 0.03213 -0.00086
-638.89 114.11 0.01565 0.03288 -0.00065
-638.78 112.45 0.01796 0.03490 0.00003
-638.78 111.45 0.01930 0.03618 0.00053
-638.93 110.03 0.02119 0.03801 0.00132
-638.99 109.58 0.02181 0.03854 0.00157
-638.99 108.32 0.02356 0.04006 0.00225
-639.00 107.53 0.02470 0.04103 0.00275
-638.85 106.26 0.02674 0.04275 0.00353
-638.80 105.47 0.02793 0.04376 0.00375
-638.73 101.71 0.03353 0.04811 0.00739
-638.70 98.56 0.03772 0.05131 0.01000
-638.81 94.22 0.04321 0.05531 0.01353
-638.68 92.87 0.04484 0.05653 0.01464
-638.59 88.97 0.04934 0.05977 0.01757
-638.64 86.47 0.05183 0.06169 0.01946
-638.61 82.87 0.05514 0.06440 0.02225
-638.61 81.69 0.05618 0.06525 0.02314
-638.59 78.44 0.05907 0.06757 0.02539
-638.67 76.53 0.06072 0.06893 0.02682
-638.59 73.96 0.06301 0.07078 0.02875
-638.60 73.17 0.06365 0.07134 0.02947
-638.65 70.91 0.06529 0.07283 0.03111
-638.54 69.50 0.06625 0.07372 0.03225
-638.32 67.58 0.06779 0.07500 0.03411
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 157
Test CNV8
Borehole: CAEST4-3
Depth of the sample [m]: 36.76
Type of test: CIU – CL(3D) with drained phase
Triaxial Apparatus: GDS
LL: 39 Initial height [mm]: 140.18 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 22.79
LP: 21 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.75 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 20.49
IC: 1.54 Initial volume [mm 3]: 535629.3 eo : 0.36
Gs: 2.839 Total weight [g]: 1244 W n [%]: 11.2
CaCO3 [%]: 22.3 Dry weight [g]: 1119
t [kPa]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
-10 TSP-Uo
s' [kPa]
Deviator stress [kPa]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.21 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV8 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.22 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV8 test.
162 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.11 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV8.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
14.03 1.26 0.00596 0.00693 -0.00314
17.23 4.09 0.00651 0.00858 -0.00288
20.37 7.00 0.00710 0.01022 -0.00100
26.52 12.99 0.00822 0.01343 0.00235
31.84 18.57 0.00922 0.01600 0.00221
34.42 21.32 0.00981 0.01754 0.00268
39.47 26.69 0.01098 0.02088 0.00386
41.84 29.36 0.01163 0.02258 0.00324
44.34 32.03 0.01217 0.02415 0.00272
51.29 39.88 0.01324 0.02916 0.00107
53.75 42.55 0.01374 0.03055 0.00061
56.16 45.15 0.01424 0.03206 0.00010
58.46 47.76 0.01481 0.03360 -0.00044
62.89 53.07 0.01591 0.03736 -0.00152
65.26 55.79 0.01647 0.03928 -0.00205
69.56 61.03 0.01741 0.04206 -0.00297
73.33 65.87 0.01983 0.04487 -0.00396
75.32 68.34 0.02199 0.04676 -0.00451
77.20 70.78 0.02317 0.04860 -0.00507
79.29 73.22 0.02404 0.05051 -0.00567
81.31 75.74 0.02486 0.05224 -0.00628
87.22 83.15 0.02716 0.05710 -0.00797
88.94 85.45 0.02794 0.05892 -0.00855
90.87 87.77 0.02873 0.06067 -0.00910
95.00 92.54 0.03011 0.06419 -0.01016
97.06 95.02 0.03075 0.06616 -0.01077
99.01 97.49 0.03138 0.06806 -0.01140
102.63 102.19 0.03280 0.07191 -0.01253
106.27 106.79 0.03421 0.07565 -0.01360
108.06 109.10 0.03497 0.07755 -0.01418
109.75 111.38 0.03567 0.07930 -0.01477
113.29 115.88 0.03717 0.08322 -0.01595
116.58 120.22 0.03865 0.08708 -0.01713
118.13 122.30 0.03938 0.08851 -0.01764
119.68 124.42 0.04014 0.09028 -0.01827
124.70 130.93 0.04253 0.09590 -0.02011
126.27 132.96 0.04333 0.09791 -0.02069
127.82 134.95 0.04413 0.09995 -0.02128
129.37 136.99 0.04481 0.10198 -0.02193
134.11 143.15 0.04714 0.10794 -0.02390
135.70 145.22 0.04795 0.10984 -0.02449
137.33 147.24 0.04878 0.11191 -0.02512
138.92 149.20 0.04960 0.11383 -0.02577
143.06 154.88 0.05203 0.11932 -0.02776
144.54 156.91 0.05358 0.12125 -0.02846
146.13 159.00 0.05595 0.12333 -0.02917
148.96 162.86 0.05931 0.12781 -0.03058
151.61 166.49 0.06149 0.13158 -0.03194
154.07 169.92 0.06339 0.13528 -0.03405
155.43 171.73 0.06431 0.13734 -0.03566
156.92 173.63 0.06522 0.13917 -0.03660
159.38 178.25 0.06841 0.14571 -0.03950
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 163
Table A.12 Data for the drained phase for test CNV8.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
485.45 100.63 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
485.30 94.31 0.00019 0.00046 -0.00001
485.39 87.04 0.00047 0.00081 -0.00001
485.44 80.06 0.00071 0.00108 0.00004
485.35 71.62 0.00093 0.00140 0.00013
485.31 65.07 0.00123 0.00201 0.00020
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 165
Test CNV9
Borehole: CAEST3-1
Depth of the sample [m]: 45.17
Type of test: CIU – CL(3D) sheared in 3D conditions
Testing apparatus: SRTA
LL: 63 Initial height [mm]: 132.10 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 22.43
LP: 23 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.80 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 20.50
IC: 1.34 Initial volume [mm 3]: 505479.5 eo : 0.29
Gs: 2.69 Total weight [g]: 1155.6 W n [%]: 9.39
CaCO3 [%]: 1.9 Dry weight [g]: 1056.4
Phase of the test: SHEARING tmax (end of stress path) [kPa]: 317
s’max (end of stress path) [kPa]: 735
∆u (end of stress path) [kPa]: -43
168 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
t [kPa]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
s' [kPa]
Deviator stress [kPa]
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.24 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV9 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
External shear strain [%]
Figure A.25 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV9 test.
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 169
Table A.13 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV9.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
-0.76 3.35 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
-0.76 3.37 0.00036 -0.00006 0.00012
-0.78 3.35 0.00015 -0.00005 0.00017
-0.92 3.40 0.00028 -0.00007 0.00023
-0.94 3.42 0.00027 -0.00006 0.00026
-0.94 3.44 0.00042 -0.00006 0.00026
-0.97 3.48 0.00051 -0.00005 0.00027
-0.89 3.50 0.00064 -0.00004 0.00025
-0.82 3.50 0.00062 -0.00004 0.00023
-0.64 3.50 0.00075 -0.00003 0.00021
-0.40 3.51 0.00071 -0.00004 0.00025
-0.11 3.52 0.00069 -0.00002 0.00029
0.20 3.54 0.00060 0.00001 0.00034
0.45 3.54 0.00056 0.00009 0.00038
0.69 3.55 0.00070 0.00018 0.00038
0.89 3.56 0.00081 0.00028 0.00038
1.05 3.58 0.00096 0.00036 0.00038
1.27 3.59 0.00097 0.00045 0.00036
1.50 3.60 0.00098 0.00053 0.00033
1.80 3.62 0.00106 0.00065 0.00029
2.07 3.64 0.00124 0.00077 0.00026
2.37 3.63 0.00118 0.00091 0.00023
2.66 3.64 0.00111 0.00103 0.00022
3.26 3.66 0.00118 0.00131 0.00021
3.64 3.81 0.00144 0.00171 0.00041
4.32 3.91 0.00145 0.00206 0.00028
4.71 4.07 0.00172 0.00234 0.00033
5.05 4.35 0.00177 0.00271 0.00058
5.79 4.54 0.00174 0.00310 0.00047
6.60 4.72 0.00187 0.00352 0.00036
7.43 4.99 0.00219 0.00404 0.00032
8.48 5.23 0.00238 0.00459 0.00011
9.66 5.52 0.00254 0.00527 0.00000
10.95 5.83 0.00259 0.00601 -0.00017
12.36 6.15 0.00288 0.00678 -0.00032
13.93 6.52 0.00288 0.00764 -0.00048
15.52 6.91 0.00292 0.00851 -0.00067
17.19 7.31 0.00341 0.00942 -0.00081
18.98 7.71 0.00364 0.01040 -0.00096
21.20 8.12 0.00363 0.01138 -0.00155
23.46 8.57 0.00370 0.01258 -0.00173
25.49 9.19 0.00351 0.01390 -0.00146
27.60 9.80 0.00351 0.01512 -0.00155
29.89 10.43 0.00402 0.01639 -0.00165
32.25 11.12 0.00472 0.01775 -0.00174
34.62 11.83 0.00504 0.01915 -0.00179
36.85 12.60 0.00537 0.02051 -0.00178
39.23 13.48 0.00570 0.02195 -0.00170
41.85 14.33 0.00615 0.02339 -0.00171
49.51 17.00 0.00845 0.02796 -0.00152
68.77 25.13 0.01426 0.04095 -0.00082
94.20 38.70 0.02472 0.06163 -0.00099
118.28 54.78 0.03931 0.08592 -0.00313
170 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Test CNV10
Borehole: CAEST3-1
Depth of the sample [m]: 44.87
Type of test: CIU – EU(2D) with drained phase
Triaxial Apparatus: SRTA
LL: 63 Initial height [mm]: 133.9 Total unit weight [kN/m3]: 20.75
LP: 23 Initial diameter [mm]: 69.7 Dry unit weight [kN/m3]: 17.22
IC: 1.06 Initial volume [mm 3]: 510900.1 eo : 0.53
Gs: 2.69 Total weight [g]: 1080.9 W n [%]: 20.52
CaCO3 [%]: 1.9 Dry weight [g]: 896.9
t [kPa]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
s' [kPa]
Deviator stress [kPa]
0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2
Shear strain [%]
Figure A.27 Deviator stress versus shear strain for CNV10 test.
Gsec [MPa]
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
External shear strain [%]
Figure A.28 Shear modulus versus external shear strain for CNV10 test.
APPENDIX A Triaxial tests’ data 175
Table A.15 Data for the shearing phase for test CNV10.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
-14.64 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
-13.13 0.07 -0.00481 0.00043 -0.00026
-3.75 0.63 -0.00456 0.00372 -0.00075
-1.20 0.73 -0.00111 0.00475 -0.00078
-1.20 0.50 0.00162 0.00516 -0.00068
-1.28 0.50 0.00075 0.00530 -0.00065
-1.41 0.68 -0.00216 0.00530 -0.00068
-1.33 0.86 -0.00153 0.00530 -0.00062
-0.80 1.32 0.00181 0.00530 -0.00049
-0.48 1.54 0.00136 0.00516 -0.00055
0.21 1.86 0.00134 0.00455 -0.00097
-0.75 1.86 0.00132 0.00365 -0.00130
-3.03 1.63 0.00014 0.00117 -0.00208
-4.52 1.68 0.00042 -0.00028 -0.00234
-5.99 2.45 0.00185 -0.00165 -0.00205
-7.08 2.86 0.00119 -0.00207 -0.00172
-9.02 3.04 -0.00193 -0.00296 -0.00153
-9.98 3.04 -0.00123 -0.00331 -0.00149
-12.32 3.27 0.00022 -0.00413 -0.00123
-13.89 3.59 0.00052 -0.00461 -0.00094
-16.71 3.91 0.00234 -0.00578 -0.00062
-17.86 3.77 0.00086 -0.00627 -0.00065
-19.96 3.54 -0.00241 -0.00709 -0.00052
-21.10 3.68 -0.00351 -0.00744 -0.00042
-23.23 4.13 -0.00178 -0.00840 -0.00020
-24.19 4.22 -0.00090 -0.00888 -0.00010
-26.35 4.27 -0.00481 -0.00971 0.00003
-27.46 4.36 -0.00516 -0.01026 0.00013
-30.05 4.72 -0.00544 -0.01116 0.00036
-31.32 4.91 -0.00443 -0.01171 0.00042
-33.69 5.22 -0.00485 -0.01288 0.00058
-34.57 5.27 -0.00373 -0.01343 0.00078
-36.51 5.50 -0.00932 -0.01398 0.00078
-37.44 5.50 -0.00882 -0.01446 0.00081
-39.33 5.59 -0.00522 -0.01556 0.00094
-40.32 5.86 -0.00632 -0.01611 0.00107
-42.39 6.36 -0.01242 -0.01735 0.00130
-43.46 6.31 -0.01431 -0.01777 0.00133
-45.08 6.27 -0.01440 -0.01866 0.00156
-45.85 6.36 -0.01269 -0.01928 0.00172
-47.37 6.50 -0.01073 -0.02045 0.00198
-48.04 6.63 -0.00937 -0.02093 0.00214
-49.47 6.86 -0.01215 -0.02190 0.00247
-50.24 6.81 -0.01394 -0.02245 0.00256
-51.84 7.00 -0.01233 -0.02362 0.00289
-52.51 7.22 -0.01028 -0.02417 0.00299
-53.78 7.50 -0.01216 -0.02520 0.00324
-54.48 7.50 -0.01384 -0.02582 0.00344
-55.70 7.50 -0.01216 -0.02693 0.00389
-56.10 7.50 -0.01383 -0.02761 0.00399
-56.87 7.50 -0.01348 -0.02906 0.00396
-57.38 7.50 -0.01506 -0.02954 0.00393
-58.79 7.68 -0.01693 -0.03058 0.00412
176 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A
Table A.16 Data for the drained phase for test CNV10.
q ∆u εa,l εa,e εr,l
[kPa] [kPa] [%] [%] [%]
-278.98 117.52 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
-280.03 116.92 0.00379 0.00000 0.00014
-280.48 116.80 0.00269 0.00000 0.00015
-281.00 116.70 0.00311 0.00021 0.00029
178 Triaxial tests’ data APPENDIX A