1 Programming Model (Algorithms 1.1)
1 Programming Model (Algorithms 1.1)
1 Programming Model (Algorithms 1.1)
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CS210 Study Guide Swami Iyer
Problem 5. Write a program RandomInts.java that takes command-line arguments n, a, and b as integers and writes n random
integers (one per line) from the range [a, b]. For example
$ java RandomInts 5 100 1000
Problem 6. Write a program Stats.java that reads integers from standard input, and computes and writes their mean,
variance, and standard deviation, each up to 3 decimal places. For example
$ java Stats
< ctrl -d >
mean = 3.000 , var = 2.000 , std = 1.414
Problem 7. a. What is the command for generating 10000 random integers from the interval [1, 24] using the RandomInts
program from Problem 5?
b. What is the command for generating 10000 random integers from the interval [1, 24] and saving the output in a file called
c. What is the command for using the Stats program from Problem 6 to calculate stats for the numbers in numbers.txt?
d. What is the command to perform the last two tasks in one shot?
Solution 1.
a. The sum of squares of the integers in a.
b. 55
Solution 2.
a. An n-by-n matrix in which the elements below the main diagonal are zeros and the rest of the elements are k.
b. {{5, 5, 5, 5}, {0, 5, 5, 5}, {0, 0, 5, 5}, {0, 0, 0, 5}}
Solution 3.
a. 0
b. 30
c. 60000
d. a * b
Solution 4.
a. Reads a command-line argument r as a double, computes the circumference c and area a of a circle with radius r, and
prints the values of r, c, and a up to 2 decimal places.
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Solution 6.
# Stats . java
Solution 7.
a. java RandomInts 10000 1 24
b. java RandomInts 10000 1 24 > numbers.txt
c. java Stats < numbers.txt
Problem 1. Implement an immutable and comparable data type Card that represents a playing card. Each card is represented
using an integer rank (0 for 2, 1 for 3, . . . , 11 for King, and 12 for Ace) and an integer suit (0 for Clubs, 1 for Diamonds, 2
for Hearts, and 3 for Spades). Your data type must support the following API:
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method/class description
Card(int suit, int rank) construct a card given its suit and rank
boolean equals(Card that) is this card the same as that
String toString() a string representation of the card; for example “Ace of Hearts”
int compareTo(Card that) is this card less than† , equal to, or greater than that card
static class SuitOrder a comparator for comparing cards based on their suits
a comparator for comparing cards based on
static class ReverseRankOrder
the reverse order of their ranks
† A card c1 is less than a card c2 if either the suit of c1 is less than the suit of c2 or c1 and c2 are of the same suit and the
denomination of c1 is less than the denomination of c2 . We refer to this as the natural order.
Problem 2. Suppose deck is an array of Card (the data type from Problem 1) objects.
a. Write down a statement that uses Arrays.sort() to sort deck by the natural order.
b. Write down a statement that uses Arrays.sort() to sort deck by suit order.
c. Write down a statement that uses Arrays.sort() to sort deck by reverse rank order.
Problem 3. Complete the implementation of the iterable data type Range that allows clients to iterate over a range of integers
from the interval [lo, hi] in increments specified by step. For example, the following code
for ( int i : new Range (1 , 10 , 3)) {
StdOut . println ( i );
should output
// A range iterator .
public Iterator < Integer > iterator () {
public RangeIterator () {
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CS210 Study Guide Swami Iyer
Solution 1.
// Card . java
Solution 2.
a. Arrays . sort ( deck );
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Solution 3.
// Range . java
public RangeIterator () {
i = lo ;
a. Roughly how many comparisons are involved if one performs 106 linear search operations on a?
b. Roughly how many comparisons (sorting and searching included) are involved if one performs 106 binary search operations
on a?
Problem 2. Consider the following table, which gives the running time T (N ) in seconds for a program for various values of
the input size N :
N T (N )
100 3
200 25
400 200
800 1,599
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e. Finding the maximum key in a maximum-oriented heap-ordered binary tree with N items.
f. Inserting a new key into a heap-ordered binary tree with N items.
g. Multiplying two numbers.
a. int sum = 0;
for ( int n = N ; n > 0; n /= 2) {
for ( int i = 0; i < n ; i ++) {
sum ++;
b. int sum = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < N ; i *= 2) {
for ( int j = 0; j < i ; j ++) {
sum ++;
c. int sum = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < N ; i *= 2) {
for ( int j = 0; j < N ; j ++) {
sum ++;
Problem 5. Consider a data type Planet with the attributes String name and int moons. What is the memory footprint (in
bytes) of the array planets of Planet objects, created and initialized in the following manner?
Planet [] planets = new Planet [8];
planets [0] = new Planet (" Mercury " , 0);
planets [1] = new Planet (" Venus " , 0);
planets [2] = new Planet (" Earth " , 1);
planets [3] = new Planet (" Mars " , 2);
planets [4] = new Planet (" Jupiter " , 67);
planets [5] = new Planet (" Saturn " , 62);
planets [6] = new Planet (" Uranus " , 27);
planets [7] = new Planet (" Neptune " , 14);
Solution 1.
a. 106 · 104 = 1010
b. 106 lg 104 = 13 · 106
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Solution 2. T (N ) ∼ N 3 (cubic)
Solution 3.
a. Quadratic
b. Exponential
c. Linear
d. Cubic
e. Constant
f. Logarithmic
g. Constant
h. Linearithmic
i. Quadratic
j. Linear
Solution 4.
a. Linear
b. Linear
c. Linearithmic
Solution 5. 24 + 8 × 32 + 56 + 2 × (7 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 7) = 430 bytes
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b. What will mystery() return if the argument (a Bag object) contains the integers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 10?
Problem 3. Suppose that a minus sign in the input indicates pop the stack and write the return value to standard output,
and any other string indicates push the string onto the stack. Further suppose that following input is processed:
it was - the best - of times - - - it was - the - - worst - of times -
Problem 4. Suppose that an intermixed sequence of (stack) push and pop operations are performed. The pushes push the
integers 0 through 9 in order; the pops print out the return value. Which of the following sequence(s) could not occur?
A 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5
B 4 6 8 7 5 3 2 9 0 1
C 2 5 6 7 4 8 9 3 1 0
D 4 3 2 1 0 5 6 7 8 9
E 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 8 7 0
F 0 4 6 5 3 8 1 7 2 9
G 1 4 7 9 8 6 5 3 0 2
H 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 9 0
Problem 6. Suppose that a minus sign in the input indicates dequeue the queue and write the return value to standard
output, and any other string indicates enqueue the string onto the queue. Further suppose that following input is processed:
it was - the best - of times - - - it was - the - - worst - of times -
Problem 7. Suppose that a client performs an intermixed sequence of (queue) enqueue and dequeue operations. The enqueue
operations put the integers 0 through 9 in order onto the queue; the dequeue operations print out the return value. Which
of the following sequence(s) could not occur?
A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
B 4 6 8 7 5 3 2 9 0 1
C 2 5 6 7 4 8 9 3 1 0
D 4 3 2 1 0 5 6 7 8 9
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Solution 1.
a. Computes and returns the sum of every other integer in node, starting at the first.
b. 25
Solution 2.
a. Computes and returns the sum of the integers in bag.
b. 55
Solution 3.
a. was best times of the was the it worst times
b. of it
Solution 4. B, F, and G
Solution 5.
a. 110010
b. Prints the binary representation of n.
Solution 6.
a. it was the best of times it was the worst
b. of times
Solution 7. B, C, and D
Solution 8. Reverses the items on the queue.
Problem 1. Let’s say we are using the union-find (UF) data structure to solve the dynamic connectivity problem with 10
sites and input pairs (1, 2), (7, 8), (1, 6), (0, 5), (3, 8), (2, 3), (6, 7), (2, 7), and (4, 9), arriving in that order.
a. How many components does UF identify?
b. What are those components?
c. Will the number of components or their membership change if the input pairs arrive in a different order than above?
d. Suppose we process the pairs using QuickFindUF. What are the values in the id array after all the pairs are processed?
e. Suppose we process the pairs using QuickUnionUF. What are the values in the parent array after all the pairs are processed?
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