Calypso 09 VAST
Calypso 09 VAST
Calypso 09 VAST
Option 9
VAST Navigator
Operating Instructions
Read this first! • Please read these operating instructions before starting up the
coordinate measuring machine.
• For your own safety, please keep all relevant accompanying docu-
ments always ready at hand.
All rights pertaining to changes in the CMM and its options, the pro-
gram packages and the pertaining documents reserved.
This manual must not be circulated or copied, or its contents utilized
and disseminated, without our express written permission. Persons
misusing this manual are subject to prosecution.
All rights reserved, especially in cases of granting a patent or register-
ing a utility model.
This manual is subject to modification. All rights pertaining to changes
in the CMM and its options reserved.
All product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of the cor-
responding proprietors.
Supplementary literature
Simply Measure – And what you should know to do it right,
A metrology primer
Carl Zeiss, Industrial Metrology Division,
Order No.: 612302-9002
Example Description
Features Text element of the graphics screen display.
Comment The Comment button on the screen.
<devicename> Variable text or placeholder for a name.
C:\windows\w.ini The w.ini file in the windows directory on the
C:\ drive.
For this section... A highlighted passage containing important
➤“Preface” on This is a cross reference. If you view this book
page -3 on the screen, you can jump to the specified
point by clicking the reference.
Plan → CNC-Start The CNC-Start command in the CNC-Start
→ CNC-Start submenu of the Run menu.
Ctrl-a Press the Ctrl key and the letter a simulta-
! Danger!
Special care is necessary in this case. The warning triangle warns the
user about potential danger of injury.
Failure to comply with the warning could result in injury to the user.
! Important!
This symbol calls attention to a situation that could result in incorrect
measurements, disruptions in the measurement process, collisions or
damage to the equipment and the workpiece.
1 VAST Navigator
The VAST Navigator makes recording measured values when scanning
cylindrical features (bores and shafts) much faster and more conveni-
Stylus movements and probing methods are faster and more harmo-
nious. At the same time, the interplay between sensors, control tech-
nology, processes and software ensures maximum accuracy.
The VAST Navigator includes two different expansion stages, VAST
Navigator 1 and VAST Navigator 2. Depending on the CMM firmware
version, CALYPSO automatically selects the applicable version.
Versions The VAST Navigator includes two different expansion stages, VAST
Navigator 1 and VAST Navigator 2. Depending on the CMM firmware
version, CALYPSO automatically selects the applicable version.
You can also set the VAST Navigator version to be used for the
measurement plan in the Measurement Plan Editor Features.
NOTE To use the VAST Navigator functions, you must set up the connection
to the CMM or the simulation mode (stop light available).
– Rounding-off of detour
The rounding-off of detour produces a continuous movement of
the probe, thus reducing the travel time between the features to
be measured.
NOTE You may only use the ideal scanning speed if the stylus has been qua-
lified beforehand in the Tensor mode or dynamically.
Navigator 1 Navigator 2
characteristic to be evaluated (Form, Size, Loca- characteristic to be evaluated (Form, Size, Loca-
tion) tion)
diameter of the feature diameter of the feature
weight of the stylus system weight of the stylus system
rigidity of the stylus rigidity of the stylus
type of qualification (Tensor or dynamic) type of qualification (Tensor or dynamic)
Values of the tolerances
inside or outside circle
evaluation method (Gauss, inscribed)
The VAST Navigator takes these factors into account when selecting
the speed:
– You define the diameter, characteristic, evaluation method (only
for VAST Navigator 2) and tolerances (only for VAST Navigator 2).
– The type of qualification (Tensor or dynamic) is identified automati-
– The stylus system is automatically weighed when it is picked up.
– The rigidity of the stylus is determined during stylus qualification in
the Tensor mode (see “”Qualifying the styli in the Basic Operating
– With the VAST Navigator 2, you can choose to have the tolerance
sizes taken into account, too. To do so, carry out this setting inde-
CALYPSO does not calculate and determine the optimum speed until
immediately after the start of the CNC run, because the scope of
measurement (number of characteristics to be tested) is not determi-
ned until that point.
You call the Reference dialog box by opening the strategy window in
the definition template of the feature, the definition template of the
corresponding path generation method and clicking on the Datum
Features button.
NOTE If you use the VAST Navigator 1, you require a reference sphere with
30 mm diameter for the dynamic stylus qualification. Other spheres
are only permitted when using the VAST Navigator 2.
The reference sphere must be positioned so that the stylus can scan
the entire sphere at the “equator” (the direction of the stylus determi-
nes the axis of the sphere). This means that you must use two refe-
rence spheres in different locations for two styli that point in opposite
Sphere 1 Sphere 2
Stylus 1 Stylus 2
3 Select in the Edit menu (lower right) the Copy as virtual refe-
rence sphere menu item.
4 Enter in the dialog the number of the (real) reference sphere you
want to copy as virtual reference sphere as well as the number
under which this new virtual reference sphere is to be saved.
Another reference sphere is entered in Reference Sphere
Management and Yes appears in the “virtual reference sphere”
line. Under X Offset, Y, Z, the same data as in the column for the
real reference sphere appears at first.
NOTE The position to which the real reference sphere is applied is entered
hss only after probing from the shaft direction during the dynamic stylus
When using a virtual reference sphere, you must probe this manually
in the shaft direction (also in the CNC run). The position of the sphere
is then automatically determined during the qualification process.
3 Select the name of the stylus you want to qualify from the Stylus
Name / No. selection list.
The values that have already been determined for the stylus radius
and the most recent qualification date are displayed automatically.
The current number of the reference sphere is pre-assigned.
NOTE If you use the VAST Navigator 1, you require a reference sphere with
30 mm diameter for the dynamic stylus qualification. Other spheres
are only permitted when using the VAST Navigator 2.
NOTE The settings in this dialog box do not have any influence on the dyna-
mic stylus qualification.
This information is stored with the stylus data and can be viewed in
the Measurement Plan Editor Features and overwritten for indivi-
dual features.
Soft styli If the qualified stylus is too soft (rigidity < 7 N/mm), the system will
indicate this with the following message:
You are using a very soft stylus with a rigidity of XX, XX N/mm. The
automatically calculated ideal scanning speed may possibly be too
fast. For additional information, please read the operating
instructions or press the F1 key.
The dynamic correction is also enabled for measurements with this
stylus and the measuring results are more precise than without dyna-
mic correction. However, you should check this stylus.
To do so, carry out a slow (reference) and a fast scanning measure-
ment on a known diameter and check whether the result of the fast
scanning measurement corresponds to the required accuracy.
NOTE Alternatively, you can replace the stylus with a more rigid one. In this
case, the automatically calculated ideal scanning speed applies again.
Tangential probing
Tangential probing is probing without an intermediate stop. This
means that the navigation speed is reduced to the defined or calcula-
ted scanning speed just prior to probe contact. This optimizes the
approach movement and saves time by reducing the number of inter-
mediate stops.
Only for circles Tangential probing is possible only for circle measurements, and it
may be activated or deactivated as desired. Tangential probing is not
– when scanning with a rotary table
– for discrete-point measurement
Not for segments! Tangential probing must not be activated:
– for circle segments
Reason: CALYPSO automatically increases the angle range to 380° or
Path angle
Since inaccuracies are possible during approach and departure move-
ments, the VAST Navigator always scans circle paths with a certain
amount of overlap. The VAST Navigator automatically determines the
size of the overlap.
– The path angle is always 450° in the case of outside diameters
– In the case of inside diameters (bores), the path angle is variable,
ranging from 380° for large diameters up to 500° for small diame-
This ideally adapts the overlap to the inside/outside feature and redu-
ces the measuring time for large diameters.
Check of the When switching tangential probing on, CALYPSO checks the current
angle range angle range. If this value is to small, you will be asked the question:
“The angle range is too small for the Tangential probing! Do you want
to change the angle range?” Yes / No
If you answer this question with Yes, the minimum angle range will
be calculated based on the diameter of the circle and this value will be
used. If you answer this question with No, tangential probing will be
switched off again.
NOTE The value you originally entered for the value range will be retained
for subsequent measurements performed without tangential probing.
! Important!
Deliberately activate tangential probing When activating tangential
probing for a circle segment, the angle range will be set to 380° or
more without any further message.
2 Open the strategy window for path generation of the circle sec-
Conventional Helical
Single points
scanning scanning
With this method, the scanned points are much more uniformly distri-
buted in space. CALYPSO can thus very rapidly make valid statements
concerning the diameter, shape and position of the cylinder.
The other possibilities of the VAST Navigator are available here as
– You can have the ideal speed and/or increment and number of
points calculated automatically.
– You can achieve higher scanning speeds with a dynamically quali-
fied stylus.
• Number of circles
Defines the number of additional circles to be measured. This
selection has the following effect:
0: only the helix line is scanned
2: a semicircle is scanned at the top, a circle is scanned at the
bottom, and the supplementary semicircle is then scanned at
the top
4: a full circle at the starting height, helix line forward up to tar-
get height, two circles there, helix line back to starting height,
another full circle there.
NOTE Additional circles are useful especially for short cylinders – this increa-
ses the accuracy in determining the cylinder axis.
Edge deviation
You can use the VAST Navigator to activate rounding-off of corners –
for the movements when measuring a feature as well as for the
movements between features.
Rounding-off of corners is always used for the entire measurement
plan and not for individual features.
Example: You enter 500 and the shortest travel path is 20 mm. Result:
The value “5” is used for rounding-off of corners.
Imax = 50 mm
Imax = 50 mm
Intermediate point
! Important!
There is a risk of collision in case of long travel paths. Collisions can be
avoided by increasing the distance a in the clearance planes or default
for VAST 1-3 Tangential probing 1-16
Path generation Text conventions Preface-3
helix 1-19
Probing, tangential 1-16 V
VAST Navigator, functions 1-2
R VAST parameters 1-3
Reference spheres, virtual 1-10 Virtual reference spheres 1-10
Results of stylus qualification 1-14
Rounding-off of detour 1-22