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RMC No 50-2018

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QLrezon City is

May 1 1, 201 8


SLItsJECT: Clarifies cerlain provisions of Revenue Regr-rlations (RR) Nos. 8-201 8 and 1 1-2018
h'Lrplementing the Income Tax Provisions of Repubiio Act (R.A.) No. i0963,
Otirerivise itrtown as tite " fax Reform for r\ccelelation and lnciusion (TRAIN)" Act

TO : All lntemal Revenue Oificers and Others Concerned

Hereunder are the mosi frequently asked questions on income and rvithholding tax provisions of
RR Nos.8-2018 and i1-2018. as amendedbyRRNos. 15-2018 and 14-2018,respectively. The
stated RRs were isstied to implement the TRAIN law's income tax orovisions including its
consequent u,ithholding tax.

o1 Are the personal exemption and additional exemption still the same under the
TRAIN law?
A1 The personal and additionai exemptions previousll, providid under Section 35 of
the 1997 Tax Code, as amencied, have been removed under the TRAfl.l Law.
Starting .lanuar"y' 1.2.{t18. said exemptions of indi.ricual tarpayers were repiaced
u,itir the first P250,000 of taxable incorne wiricir is no'w subject to zero percent (0%)
rate of income tax, practicaliy exempting such income from income tax.

l',. 1,.-'1. . Tn f N I^,, i,. r1-,,.^,"^ ^l^^-,. i,, rl.. J^.1 ,,^.;^-- .,,,1, -- C(iC
1 lt\lL, ilt! ^ y Iu\!^
j l'..',-;. .,. r.lLr! ,l(, !llLl:ll-'- lll l,lL -^,..i.,r^..,
.rljllrl!ltU..\ iii(lLlLll\,!1.1 .ltlLllj:..).).).

iririlirraiih" I'ii3.-iirit. clc. ilciir {}r'i;:;s iionrl,,cn:;lriiorr oi'.:iii,1o\cc:"r? i}1ca:;e i:iai'iir.

is r-ro chau-ise in ilie manoaioiv deductions iicxl gt'c,:s conlp.insation ot'
en'rployees. i-he allowed deductions are the employee's shate in the SSS, GSIS,
Philirealth and Pag-ibig ccntributions (iimiteci to compulsory contributions) as weli
as the union dues. They are deductible to arrive at the taxable compensation income.

a)1 Tc fhar.p q
u ^l.qnoa
in flrr.

A3 No. there is no ohange in the tax treatment for "de minimis" benefits. It is stil1
considered as compensation not subject to income tax and conseqtiently, not subject
to rvithholding tax. and neither to fringe benefit tax.

01 \\'hat are tl-ie benefits c1:issified/considered as "de minimis"? Are there an:', updates
in the ariouni ,lf "cie minirnis" benefits?
,,\ 4 As of .lan,.i.ar1, 1.2{)18. the ioliou,ing are the "c1e iriinimis" benefits:

a. Mor-retized unused vacation leave credits of private ernployees not exceeding
ten ( 1 0) days during the year;
b. Mouetized vaiue o1' vacation and sick leave credits paid to goverrunent
offi cials and empioyees;
0. Medical casii ailowance tc dependents of employees not exceeding
P 1,500.00 per employee per semester ot P250.00 per month;
d. Rice subsidy of P2.000.t)0 or one (1) sack of 50 kg. rioe per monttt
anrounting to not more than P2,000.00;
e. Unilorm and clothing allowance not exceeding P6, 000.00 per annum;
f. Actual medical assistance, e.g., medical allowance to cover medical and
healtircare neecls. amual meriica1/exeoutive c}reck-up. maternity assistance,
ancl roritine consultations. not exceeding P10.000.00 per annum;
b' Lar"rndry allor,vance not exceeding I'}300.0C per rnonth;
h. Employees achievement awards, e.g., for length of sen'ice or sat'ety
achievement, which must be in the form of a tangible personal property other
tl-ran cash or gift ceftificate, with an annual monetary value not exceeding
P10,000.00 received by the employee under an established written plan
rvhich cioes not discriminate in favor of highly paid employees;
Gifts given during Christrnas and major anniversary celebrations not
exceeding P5.000.00 per employee per anntlrll
t- Dai11, meal allorvance fbr overtime u'oili ancl night/grave,vard shift not
exceeding iwenty-five percent (25%) ol the basic minimum wage on a per
region basis; and
k. Benefrts received by an employee by viitue of a collective bargaining
agreement (CBA) and productivit-v incentive sciremes provided that the total
annual monetary vaiue ieceived from both CBA and productivity incentive
schemes o,:mbinecl do rrci exccsd ieir tiiousaild iresos fPi 0.0C0.t)0) pei
employee per taxable 1'ear.

Al1 otfier benefits gi',ren b1,' employers lnhich are not included in the above
ennmeration shall not be considered as "de minin-iis'' benefits. and hence, shall be
:;it1.;irc; iir ii-i:ttt:.i', i;r-'.:i:t',\i.r1t il-:,,;iiiihl,lji;rl ll::

oi V,/hat sirall be the 1ax treair-irent o1'the "cie miriimis'' benefits given to emplo-vees
u,hich are beyond t1're presoribed amcunr of 'oenefits?
A5 The benefits given in excess of the maximum amount allowed as "de minimis"
benefits shall be included as part of "other benefits" which is subject to the
P90.000.00 ceiling. Ariy :imount irr excess of the P90,080 sha11 be subject to income
tax. and corisequentll'. to the withholciing tax on ccmpensation.
E::ctmple;Ms. A received annual clothing allo'uvetnce amounting to P10.000. Her
i jtit montit pay is PBu"0u0. l.io other benefjrs were t'eoelvecj ior thc cnttre vear. irt
this case" since the prescribed maximuii'r amount for ciothing allowance is oni-v
P6.000 tire excess of P4.000 shail be added io the l3th riionth pa-r', therebv ihe entire
benefits received amounteci to P84.000. In tliis scenario. tlie same shali still be
exenlpr fiom inoome tax since the cciiing amount lor these other benefrts is
i'i i i -I r{ r,v n f ;t_n f-i';

l:tt' ,{'./4. i4ll ll ;;
I llri ll
ll t., tt:i
/-tr'tut-q.1 ltrl'i

I I\ l,r l{ \i7 -IZI .-Tilt

t .-1.) '

I RECC.TFILIS i,,irjt. t)i\1iSl!r,

a6 ,/lre incentives given to ernployees also taxable? If yes. hov,'mueh is taxable?
AO In general" any incentives given to ernplol'ees shall ibrm parl of the conrpensation
sLrb.]ect to income tax. unless specifically exempted nnder a speciai law or incentives
are in the nature of the previousiy enumerated ''de minimis" benefits.

o7 What is the tt'eatment lor the Premium on Flealth Card paid b;; the employer for the
"rank and fiie" empioyees. as well as for those empiol,ees holciing "managerial or
sr-tpervi scr1,'- firttction?
A1 Premir-rm e'n l lealth Carci paid b,v the emplol,er tbr ail empioyees, r.r,hether ranl.l and
file or nranagerial/supeu'isory, uncler a group insurance shall be included as parl of
other benefits of these employees r.,hich are subjecl iii the P90,000.00 threshoki.
Fiorvever. indiviriual preniiums (not parl oi' group insurance) paid lor selected
et:rp1o1'ees holcling nianagerial cr supervisLrr), iitltelions are considerecl "fringe
benefits" sub-iect ro flinge benelits tax.

as What r,voulci be tire treatment of'the aciditional iircome as a resuit of the brenefits
provided under the Attdtion L,aw.v,4rerein empioyees r.r,ho are performing ra,ell .rvill
receive rewariis?
.\{) ()
The saicl additional rncome/benefits. whetirer in the tbrrn ol cash or reward in l<inC,
shaii fcrrn part i-rf rire ccmpensalion inccn:ie sr-rbiect tc i,r,ithholdrng tax on
compensation, The lait nrarker value cf the re..,,'arC in hind shali ce incluoed in the
taxable compensaii or-r.

ae What rvould be the treatment of the commission given to an employee in addition

to the regular oompensation roceived from tire same erapioyer (income
payor/withholding ageilt)? Is the rerrritiange of the witliholding tax ou cornmission
separale irom the tax wiiifielci orr corrpensatiol'l
A9 The commission reoeived from the same employer shall be considered as
sr-rpplen.ientarl, income. It shall be added to the reguiar conipensation subject to
it.tcorre tax and consequentiy to witidroiding tax using the ''rithholding tax tabie on
compeusaiion. The ta:<-uvitirheid shail be fi1ed mouthlr'' and i:emitteci ilsirrs BIR Foirn
t'.,.:), i il'.; i -:..

Q 1r) iior,v do r,'e deierrnine if a governmeni emplo,vee is considered a Minirnum Viage

Earner (MWE)?
A 10 The government entity/employer must be aware of the Statutory Minimum Wage
(Slv{W) prescribed for a particular geographical regiorr by the National Wages and
Prodr.rctivity Couimission (1rl\fuPC) o1'ti-re Departmenl of Labor and Employment
(DOLE). The copy c;itire wage matri:< thelr pror,;de lhe flureau is circuiarized every
time there are chatrges in Lhe SMW. 1{'tire r,i,age of tiie emplcyee is equal or below
rhe sairj -Di'escri'oecl Stl4W lbr a paniculat'iegion. i"heri thc empioirse y,zsyf,jng rvlihtn
iire sanre region is c,onsidererci a l"4WE.

f r I I
ls tire h,iWE ereml;t lroci income iax?
,t) il The h4 v\iE is excmDr i}oin income tax on his bas;ic STd1,4/^ D.../errim{j (CT) p3;,.
hoiiciar -0a1" riiuhl:-hit" clifi'ereriiiai ti.ilii:';pa:'arcilfizatorta\. Hc..r,evei. inci:rne
oiirer tlrair those rrrentjoncci are subiect tu iilcome tax.

fll Bl:.s
('-) ! r What if the MVr/E receii,es service charge which is not inclucied in the enumerated
exenptions sltch as lioiiday pa1,,, oveftilne pay, etc.. wiil he still be exempt fiom
income tax? if not. how will his income tax be computed?
A12 The NzIWE r.r,ill sti1l be exempt fi'om income tax on his SMW inch-rding the other
income earnecl specificalil' enumerated as exempt turder the la-w,. I-iowever, income
other than il-rose in the enuiaeraticn shall alreaciy tre taxable. The taxable income
shall be eo;:rputeci b5' cled,.icting the ncn-taxabie/exempt portion and other'
deducrio;-rs iroir-r the gross crlllpe;rsa'rion income. Then. the resr,rlling taxable
income shall be niultiplieci to the applicabie incon:e tax iate using the prescribed tax
tabie to get tire amolinl ,:f inocme tax due.

(l 13 iror those whose basic pav is mole than the SMW bui does not exceed P250.000,
are otirer income iike hoiida.v pay. C].liDP. hazard pay (q others also tax exem,,rt?
A IJ 1'he empio-v--ee is no lrinsei ceinsidered an lvi\A/Fr since iris basic pa,v is more than the
Slr4W. Thus" the amount oj"basic 1tay, LIT pay', irolida),pay, NDP pa-v aird hazard
pay-shall tre sub.iect tc income iax, and consequentl,v. to the r.vithholding tax on

414 do the en-rplovers present corntrensation exempl from tax under the TRAIN
iaw in BIR For:m No. 1601C (monthil,remittanee of r.;ithholding tax)? Will it be
sesregated tiom tire sciredule cl MWFs?
A14 Compensation exempt frorn tax shali be inoluded as part of those non-taxable
compensation and there is no need io seeregate the same fi'om the schedule of
MWEs since their compensation is aiso non-taxab1e.

a 15 Do ihe einplo;;ees need tc update their tax status and subrnit documents thereon to
Dr l\.
A15 Emplol'ees are n01 required to upciate their tax statu:; anci submil documents thereon
to the IliR.

(.')15 : Who r\Te tloicllalit)ec 1o aviril r:'i't1ie 8Yt !.icoir-re Ta>; iaie?
r, I r-, l-i t,,' il:1i,.,"', l:r:.' ;i:ii i' !'::i.,,1:, ii:'f'tli-ri qu:riiii.-:L: tr. ,,lr'.i:i ,.t'-;i1,,' il(1 ,:, lit::..,r.it-' l:.tr- t'; .i:i'
.i) l' i.l i t r', i L) jl r i-) I ; -, :i i j : i i i l'. i; tll r: ::: li'll :':l
r r E-: :

b) VA-f -r'e gisr"-leii taxpa,r'ers. re !.afdie:;s i-,i ihe a1l1ou111 ol gioss saiesirectipis in')ri
otirer nori-opera;.ing inccine :
c) Non-\,'AT' taxpa.vers r,virose gross salesireceipts anrJ other non-operating
i rr ccirnr,:::1, c. r: ile d the F3.000. 000. [)0 V threshol d:Al
d] Ta;<pa,vers rvl"io ari: sr-rbir.:c'i tc Other iie lceiltage i'a-x-es u:ider l-itle V of the Tax
'-ocic. as; am';liei. e:icep1 thosc uiiCel"Scclion 116 oirhe same titte;
r') Parl.ner:; o1- er Generail lirof'essionai ir'a.rtne;:slirp (Gfil); sii-ice t1-reir disi:'ibritive
share ;ionr ihe Gi'i'is aireail,nef cli'cosis anci expeiises; anci
lndivicluals enjovinu income tax exemplior-r sucir as those registered urrder the
Bai'anga., rdicio Business Enterprises (illi4BEs). etc.. siirce iaxpat'ers are iiot
a1lov;ecl 1o avail oi'ciouble or mr.rltipie 'Lax exemptions r-rnder difJ'erent 1aws.
luirless specificall-v provicied b,v la-u'.

!AUOF ill {t I Fll/F.',,

rN 6 1_r:-, \J
tI0 -11.1-f r ll
1t-- a) 7 A4'lt ii
n lqa
L.l L<)

Ii (i il
II t
lilt r
a 17 \\/hat are incluclecl in tire "Otirer }iercentage Taxes" rinder Title V of the Tax Code"
as amencled?
A 17 Othertharr Sec. 116. the follorving sections are inciuded r-rnderthe said Titie V:

Sec. I i7 - Percentage iax (PT) on doilestic carriers and keepers of garages

Sec. i 18 I,'f on iuiernational cariers
- 'fax
Sec. I l9 - on Francirises
Sec. 120 - Tax on overseas riispatch, rnessage or conversation originating from
the Phiiippines
Sec. 121 - Tnx cu banlis ancl non-bank financial intermediaries perlonning quasi
-iraniiing 1r:nctions
Sec. i22 -'llax on other uon-bauk fi.nanciai intei:lediaries
Sec. 12i - Tax on life insurance premiums
Sec. i24 -'Tax on agents of foieign insurance companies
Sec. 125 - Arnusement taxes
Sec. 126 - Tax on wiruiings
Sec. 127 - Tax on sale, barter or exchange of shares of stock listed and traded
through the local stock exchange or through initial public offering

on 18 What are tire salient featu;:es cf both the graduated and the lioh income tax rates'J
1Q The features oi'(iladuated l:-rccn-re I'ax (1T') rates anil 89/o I'i rate are as iollou,s:

Fnrticruiars Gracluated {? Rates 8'X, iT'E{ates

Applicability ln general, appiicabie availei b.v qualifierl individuais

fuia-v be
to al1 indi'',,idua1 engaged in businessipractice of
taxpal/ers profession'rvhose gross salestreceipts ancl
otirer non-operating income did nor
exceeci P3.000.000.00

I-iasis oi'iT gross saies/receipts and otirer non-

opt,-ating income
I .:; ,..,iiiti_ jLJj,r_,;.j.:
ritiliririll,.,-,i 11-r c gt',: :, s. r: ii1 ; i't-rr: i t.l i r ci iiiii
.'' wit i-, :r c
Optionai i.Jiandarcl income eornes pw'e11' from
I)edr-rction (O:rD) businessi'pracrice of proi"ession;
othent ise. no reductiory'ded Lrction
I I aliorved

Tas tP'l-t
j -Brisirres:, ; [)e\ rcentagc
tr T ,^'r. Ia'-
If cluaiifi=C: l\ot stib.iect ro P-I
llax rorVlr'f

t-r i i

-idUFr[AU 0F !hrf[.Fr.rl F].-,*..\i

f 1i ffl fV'Lr t] ti t, j-.1 L
iijl li J: tD P. ra, l! ll
1 ,t
t-.t .,:-'-!, .:, ., :
,!r ll
,'{' */
RtCC; *[;-: n,

f /': {i
trlarticltlars Crariueted trT Etates i
It--'--.--"*-"1 ti<'A,ITntattes -- -- l

kLeciuire,J lri t. ii'iternize<i: I ii',;ualifieri: ldo FF) recluircd I

Firianciai irt{ - iigloss is lcss

StarLenie nis ihan F31,4;
(i's) Ariclitecl IrS - ii'
grcss is rncre
thai: F-ltM
2. i1'tiSil: r"ro FS

l'UClu r leit I

(j i9 I-ir-rr,vcan inrlividuai iax-iralci's avail of ihe option oi- 8% ittcorne tax rale in lier"i of'
the gladualeti iucotne lax. rates and percentitgt: ta.r'?
A19 i'l-re taxpairers r.rhc, are ciualif,ed for rire optior to be taxed iu 87i: irrci:tne tali ilte
can avall erliire ti9,'i, i;rconre iax rate bS,signif;'iiig 1ii:; intention to avail oithe same
as soon as possitrie througli the liling of aty of the fcllora,ing:

f . i:-or Neiry l]rrsiiies;s; Registlan'i (Ir:dir,'icir-ral)

l.a- BIR iiclrm No. 19[i1 (i-'ercenlage'iax t,vpc s]iaii siiil be regisiereci but shall
bc srisperricd or entl-clateri in the LllR tax s/sieili) or
1.b- initial clriat'ieri,r' pcrcenirige o:" inlrimc iex reillrn iiiier r'lie cornmclrcemuui of
s ne$J it u:;i ne:; si prectiL:e l f' prof'es si cn.

2. For i:i>:istilg lndir,ictr:a1 Business'i-;rxpa;/ers

2.a- BiR F'orrn Ho. 1!){)5:
2.b- l" Qtrai'tcliy irercentatrie l'ar- l{eti;i'l; andior
') ,. l:'i 1\,,,.,.r.,,.i. la ,,.,s.. i -. i-i.,','-,..
l iJLruit!1..\ ,i:!\.rllrL i ira- l\!ii;lrr..

T'ite oglriult ic i:.,,liil ri tiic tl'li, ii-rcomc ta.:l rais t:lu:i be sigl:iiieli ar:r-:i.:ali,.'. ttl {)i
treiciLe lv,lai' i5. Such elcciiai'r sliali Lre in'evi;caiiic iinC ttit anieri<iment of'cipiicrr si:iilr
bc riacl* {,.rr ilr::;,;ti,:i ll:.lai:iie 1'car'" it:r1r:ss; iii.,t i:rl-s;:: sirlers/iecciltt:;;tn':l ctl:el;-.,c1-t:

irii,l,l.1...li -.1..i; --ti:L.ri:1, ',i:1.,; l;1.'',t:i'l,iii i., ,iiL .-ll.-:;;i.i.:., iil-:l;1,; ,"i' ,',.i, -

{t 1(\
\\'hat is the il'rcl;r;rc irir; r'tgiiri: cla tii:.pai'tjl'\"'itlo is r;theru.,ise riualified to al'ail cf
tire 89/o iricorle 1ax riile bui iailed to sigr:i1'y this selectioti'l
At indiviciual ia>;pa3,el who is qualiflred 1ri a-.,iiil i.r1'the 8'-l4 irrcome lax rate but lailed
1o sig;iiI'r,i.ris iutcniic.r-i to *r,ail ci''tl-ie sal-re shall be st.rl;!eci to ihe graduaied inco*e
iai{ r'ittes.

f\ nl
Ir, tirr:,:(rse o1 a f'rrr',*i) :;':ii-uliiplil,rr.'{i1l:"cits:;iottiii ittri :iirii::il lil);l)xvcl r','iii, i:iLlur-i
.['oi'tlie [i,cl6 inciti-t-ie ta:;. doc:l ]re/sire still netcl io ilic ii;:r1 pav t-he 3",'o;;tt'cetr'La*c tiir'.'
-l lrio^ he/sire is nl lerrig.ci lequi;:eri 1o filc aticl p;iy ihu'-l']',, tcicei')1.agir la;r..'lire fi)'i,
iricornr la-ri. ielis i: ir, lieu ci-iiie grircirial.eii ini:i.rttte la.i ial.'s itt;i.l thr: iiit'iti-.iliilil- lirx
rttrciei iiect i c1 j i t,' n i,.t, t::' 1' t:,:i i"j ocie.

iluPEr.u [5 1p, f[xa,rl rr r, -,*.

i), :it
r) 1't \\/hat is the base amolrl11 of the 804 income tax rate?
/\ 1') 'f
ire B% incornc tax rate shaii be based on the gross salesireceipts and other non-
operating income, net of retrLurs aild cash ciiscounts. Holtevet" if the individual
earns inconrc put'cl1,ftorl business o'practice of prof'ession. he/she is entitled to
ilre leduction olP250-000.00 before ccmputing tbr the 89/o iucome tax.

t , --r \\'ho are eniitleel tc redLlce their taxable gross saiesireceipts and oiher non-operating
ini:ome bv tlrr: amout"r'L oi'P25r,t.il{i0.00 fi;r purposes of c.-rrrrpu'ring the incorne ta:;
cluc r-riicier the ti9Z, iuclrnic ta>l rcte?
l\- '-) {-rni), itdiviclr"riLls earaitrg iiicoiae purel-r' ll'om self'-empio;'rlent arrd practice of
prolession ere cntitlcC to iile amount alit.*ed as reduciir;n oI F250.00t].00 under
Sec. i4f.^n)(:Xnt of ihe Tax Cocle^ as ainendea, 1'rrr the pitrpose oi compuiing the
81% income tax. Thus" mixr:C incoinc eal'iler:; (earning both h'orn compensation and
bLrsine:rs/praciice rii proiession) s"hall no iorrger i:e entitied to the P25C"000.00
rednction on their inconrc- 1i:om businessipraotice of prtfcssion since saii amount
has alreadl,been applie.j in cornputicg the income tax on compensa';ion.

n )!. For fiiing ior individuals earning purely l'roirr praclice of prolession
oi'q',rarter11' ITR.
r,vho opted tbr 80.,'o inccme i3a. fuc:r,v can the 11250,000.001 he dedr-rctecl. Is it gross
receipts fbr ths qrier:tei le ss, P(r2,500.C0 (250,0{tA I 4l equais taxabie income?
,1\ l+ l'here is no need ro rlivicir: tiie zimr:iu-rt of-P25{i.t)00.fiO aliowt:d as reciuction into four
qLrartersj. l-ho saici at:roiint rvas considert:d in the design uf the revisei quarterl,v
incoine talr ieturns iForm l 7C i Q) which reflect a cunirilative quarterl.v con:putation.

o.)5 \hrhat tax rates are applica"ble tbr individuals rrho aie eatting income fiam botlt
cr.rmpe;rsation anci selfTen-tplcl,tnent {b-*sitress or practite of prcfession)?
\ \,ltll rLlii(lLlUtr ltl!VlllL JllUll h- JUU-j!!l
v! '.,rh,.',.i r,t
.i' rIr,
l;!L r'r2.1;lel+i i6.,-,1nF fr\'r.rttcc,,ftdeI

Sectiorr 24{L)i}1ir) ci tire i'ax ilode. as a-mencie<t. T'he inccme f;:cm business oi
ci'aiclice oi a pro{ession shail be suhject r,c tire graciuated iticoine tax iates cr i/
tiuttliiir:r-i, ai taxpayer":; cpiioir" be suliject io the 89i, inc,iriie tax iaie baseci on lliiiss
saie st'e ccipts.

', .)_:', .i....:.:^.1.'i,.,t, ,, .,,',,..'i:.llr.il'., ,.'',..' . .'.11, . rl ir-):,; t:, ali i,..iitl' Iiili,-1.
j.iilr-r'i;i ili !.iOSi iCcuipt'
.l::i'=J;ilrllr:J ir;i'l ';i i:ii r-i -'

A, 26 ln genelai. al1 ciepc-sits rcceiveci are included in the deiinition of'Grcs:; Receipts
turcier Seciiun 2(Lr) oi- RIf 8-20iii. iic--.*ievet'. t'etnrna.bie ciepcsits or cieposits ireid iri
tnrsl zind i'ecorded as l,iability are excluded.

olJ $,/herr cloes a tax,Lraver lrsc tire graciualed i:-ilonrr: tax iates: oi 1"he option of 8o/o
income tax rale'/

y .7- \ J L:_t a> u --tL'

na:C,ri1.l r.t Gl . ) I V i S lr/lr

7 ils
,r\ 21 ApplicaL^riliti,' oilT Raies i;ei lnriivichrai l-a>rp3;,,ei's lilcciire ijlassificaticn

]I Ciasgificr:ii<.rir
- '-- i! Gr*du*ted t'f i-lates j *, i A.A 1T ltatcs
rii ] 1r i

I_ L
a.Pur"eb, Conipe:rsatroi: i

I, { I nia I Nix airoi iciitrie (n/a)
I ii
I l

b. I' u rei y ii us inessr' Plar:i ice oJ' Ili'oiess i{jn :

I i

] ir.l lf erocs sales/receipis Ll

arid othel nor.i-
^/ ;{}l{ Vri i

opcrating incon'ie d iri

riol rxceed ?3M in a --s ui;j eci to rippi icabie if riLralified, iaxabie
ta>:able -yeai' (art business tax/es tlrr gross
tarPal,er's oPtion ) saleslreceipls and
other non-operaiing
ill<;or:re in excess o{'
r'-:f ln lteu o1

r.rnciuaierl ralet; al)d

. i) i trnde;' irec. I I6

i b.2 I1- eloss sal,:sr'r'*ccip-rs I lr n/a

& ,]th*'lon-
cpei-at!ilf"I iilct;;lrr;
crceeci l-'iivi in a -suc.iect to appi icahic
t-ariable .iear birsincss las/es

c. if4ileci inconte {i-.cth coil'rr;eirs;riiori anJ businr:sl1;raciicr Cl Frolessioii.t

r-*,-------- .- ;---
I il,'-i)ilrllcrJ.rlliirll! : r,' 'll,ili t1/2i
llll! i

c,:.i, ii gi'css salcsi \/i : r!1

,v'-\rlrr.' i

o?ir:-atiri* iiie0llre diC i

nci ,;xceeci Fl'i\,i i;i a -sr: b.i eci tc appi icaliir: : -li'a,rali{led: la:;.abic
*ir-*ble r'*:ai iat br.isincs!. iar/e..;: irr-r lii(rSS: irr iierr ,;i'
:.:l\i)ii'r'jl :; {,:}r-it}li } ] e;irCuatecl rales and
P,-' rrnder. Sec. I iti

SUREAU OF ttvfExntat x1 rr--""

Classilication Graduated [T Rates or 8oA IT Rates

. if gross sales/
leceipts & other non- n/a nla
operating incorle t..

i -sublect to applicable
exceeci ?3Ni in a
tzixa'ble 'vt:al' I busincss ta.ri/es

L-i acir:r the siadLrated {Jnder the 8% 1T

iT regime: regime:
i. allowed dedr-rctiorts Tctal IT due =
are the iterniz-ed Income tax due
cleductious or the froni
OSD (40?i,) to get conrpeil strtiort
tarahle net income {using gradr.iated
2. Total IT dLre : sunr rates) pltts
of both tire taxable income tax due
income fi'om from
cornpensa-tion and business/praciice
bus iness/prc{'ess ion of profession
multipl;'bi, (8olo of gross
graduatecl I'I sales/receipts &
otirer nor'r-

a28 ls an indii,idual under a ccntract oiservice ot'iob oicier arrangement considered self-
\'-,. ^.^ i'..j:,.;-.1,,-: ,',,r1,'r c lrrrlrni.i .rl-.+r\ ir.*.rr. i^l-.\*,
rL:).dlllllh!\,Lltl.-trLlllLiC)(rli,riai.ie.ui.rai',iLau:li,u\riiiardiiLiilliUiil-LiitiJUiJiliiULr-u 1,... q.,.^t\lawtnrl.l i..,.,,..,i.]or-.i
lr Ll)
() ai) 'f.;'irat arl- the apiiirc:r-.;ie i,vitliiioiair:gl"rrres arrci cul'l'3:;jiiiildjnE late:; ibi'indir,'iCuals
irilecl r"rn,-ier a.lob Ordei' ol Conilaci ibr Sei'r,iie sciieme?
i)9 ilteii:_l_,rbil_c-..ri__:-.l,lti: j,UEg$_l::qoL_
li'ii rt';filla)iir'.t-l-li.r-\iriir.i:.lil rlliai]ir' i:I(::r-r l i l.:..''',-'l.l-ir-i-,i i-:r1iil\. ii:l]:lL i ,riiii:,;,i,-.
hoiir iriconra anii ilr; zri',ll.riicaiiie Di.isi;;c,rs Le)l,3s. ij'an-r. iitir,:,e','ei. li llie payci::i
anni-ral gross reoeipis wiil nct e,\:ceed i'250.0{10.00 {ion-r a ione ila-vor. the incoine
payme111s ma),be exempi fiom both i.vitiriroidiug tax on income upon submission
ola Srvoin Declaiation o1'Gross ii-eceiptsiSalcs atttrr:hed as'nAnnex B-2" of RR.
Nc. I l-2018. iogether rr,'itl: i.he cop3r sf the flertificaie of ltegistr:ation (COF,; or
Copl'sf the Bll{ F'orrl 1901 1iiu1;,,rei:eivecl by the concerned BiR office). and
rviti-rhoidir:g rif percentage tax. ii pa.iee signiiiecl the option Lo avzrii Lhe 89'o
iitcoiilc tir-.'r iaic rciiuic i;r iirr- s,"rulrt ,1,;ilai.:ii,.;ir.
firrcei f-v i'r-iv
lf' thc ircr;r-i'rc-pa1'orir-l'ithhoiriiirg iige;i.l i:-, a pri r,;Lte enl!1\ . it :;hrrl! i'. ilhnoii
ir-rcome ta,,l onll,' .ciiice tl:e co;'respondinu Dusir-rcss i;r,'< siraii tre iraic the pal,ee
lri:rrlirc;'seii. iii,tr t''r::-. ii' ti;t Da.,ee '.. iii.ir-riiiii gl'a-,ss leccil-r1s i,i,iil noi e .';ceicl
j'-:,'.1)0i'.1'l I iri)!i:
- irrl:i i:-:urrillL' iil.'.): iiii' i,llLrllru pa"/n-l.jltts m:l-\' Dg fl":i etTtJ] I
i ru*EHu OF rru l'ExrvaL xt'l/-,'ru e, J': B.
from u'ithhoiding tax ,ln inconte upon subrnission of a Sworn Deciaration of
Gross Receipls/Sales attacired as "Annex B-2" of RR No. 1 1-201 8 together withr
the r:op1, of the CIOII or Copy of the BIR Fonn i901 (duly received b], the
concerned RIR olfice).
The nati:re of the sen,ice rendered shall determine the applicabie witirholding tax
rates or income. For services renclered b), inclh,idr-rals lalling under Section 2.51.2
(A) of I{R No. I i -2018. the rates prescribecithereon shali be used. and a}l others not
urrder the afbresaid section. shali be subject to two percent (2%).

430 Whl' do taxpa-yel's need to submit a cop)' of the COii. togetirer with their Sworn
DecliLlation io tireii Withholcling Agent/Payor'i
1\. -)\' The cop.,, ci1'th* COI{ is lequired for the u,iihhiilding agentipa-v-or to determine if the
pa),ee is actriaili, r'cgislered r,'ith the BiR. ancl if r,ay-ee is a non-VA'i- taxpayer rnrho
nray,be cluaiifieclto avail oi'the optioli to be ta>led at:Eota flat ii:come 1ax rate ii'gross
saleslreceiprs anil other non-operating income did nct exceed P3M {br the taxable

a 31 Are individuais under a contfact of service or job order alrangement exempt fi'om
income tax under the TRAIN iaw?
A3i No. ln general, al1 iriiiividuais rerrdeling service are sub.ject tc'r incorne tax.
Y lr lf the .loh Orcler persoirnci receivecl orri1, P6,000 or iess per rronth, do they-neeci to
execuie sworn statement under Amex B-2?
A)* {Jnder the above seenario. since the incorne strali be less than Ij250,000.00 per
annllm. the.v need to execuie the svrorn declaratioir using the tbnnat ol Annex B-2
so ihai nc income tax withirolciing shal1 be made by the lone income
payorwithholding agent on the statecl income payment.

033 In RR No. 8-20i8. seiFernployeC irrdiiiCual is definecl/classified as professional or

rron-pro1'essional lri R.R No. l l-2018. on11'prc:l'essionals have the rates of 5a/t or
1[tYi," u,hat is tire r,vithirolding iax rate frrr lhe non-professionais?
.r \- ir,l If the inclii,icir"ial's !,er'-,'icr r:; r-roi co,,,ererl b.,'tiie deiinition of a professior"ral i.rncier
i.l;'l ]tii; :i-l,.)li' :}rar ali::.':,. Iil: i:r1i ',il.ii-l.r;"'r'::iii :rtr )..:-.1 :;-,',.i :.,1- f:-i'i i.',:. ]-i:ii. e:t
itnidi-rriijrl b;.' iii I :'r-^. i i -:i-r I i-i" '.iri: ,(arlrli arl)ail bl :..,-iir]i.::1r-'Li ',(, ')''io ini{ritrr i;,i.,,

il \\,'hat is the ;.qrplicable -,r,iti-:liokiing tii:: ra'ie {irr ciirector's t'ee:r?

,A Ii the direclor receivilg tire clirecior''s fees is also an emplo;ree oi'tire same entit\',
the fers shall form par:i of' the cr',mpensa,tic;n subjecl to i.vithholCing ta,x r;n
compen-.;aiion. i-Lcr.l,ever" ii'the <iirector i:; ttol an eiripiol,ee cif the income jlalro.r
ihen the subiect laxlla.,,eir. is consjdeiecl ar prt;i-essional subjeci to the crerlitable
1..a,,a-,-\..^.,,;L.^,1 i,-,.,, ..,,i.;^^+,rlon
r--\L.rd1 lll!r-l 1--:+1-l-.-l..l:,..r
Yr irMl\,!'-!1:iX jrr,'
!ai^^: i-'r!,"rr-,11!,!-,t-t '1.'. '-r ^"^{l-^-;^-.,1
i rlir!i
^,.,1 ii? +L^
,'!-i1 ,javL Gia,ri r^ -rr!
appiicaoie bLisiness tar:, iriorecl';e;r, il-, the casc..rigo.rcruirnerrl errii-iio,vec..vJro sea.ls
irs boaicl nrerl'ber"r;iotlrer-Glrvernment Ov-,neci & Contiolled Co,'po;:ation:s (COCCs)
;rnd is receivins c1ir,:cio:'"s Jees. ironoraria anC;or other hcneflts shall be sut!ect to
creriiiahle withholcii;rg 1.t>. tti the higir*r iate foi pi:o1'essil,iial al 1li%. The :;aici
irlcnre :;iril I .bc i^eircr-ttil i,., 1i:,: ,a\,?= !:si oiLiti lnconie tr be irrciudecl as ;;ar c1'l5e
co;Illci-Isr,li-r.-;it iiic()ll.ia; i;,:rl*tii'irg ar iji.; lorll i-a.<atii iilrtij'na.'i'ilc t,-''t"lgspi;trrriiir.
u'ithirolr-iilg ia:r siuLii ir;lll r;ai-i oi'1irc ta:, clr::ils ilgalnst iii,-- ilicr-,nre tai. cLr:1.
AU Pn:Al
OF IN TL ri i


i,L,-i,t \.t ' t' i ;,,',rrriu

(ll) Is a general proiessiollal partilership (GPP) :;ubiect to the creditable expanded
ri,ithholding tax?
A35 No. a GPP is not sr"ttrject tci income tax arrcl thus. not sub.iect to tire crediiable
expancled vr,ithhoiciing tax. Ilor,vever" it is sr"rb.iect to the applicabie business terx.
Fr.rrther. the parlners of the CPP is sulrject to income tax and to the applicable
withholding ta;{.

436 Are inclividual contractors al:;o sub.iect to ttre e,r'editable expanded withholding tax?
A36 Yes. thel' are still sub.iect io the creditable expanded 'uviti-rholding tax at the same
ra,ithhoiding tax rale of 2('l'.

437 Vii11 tire withhoiding tax reltes to be used ibr doctors/consultant vrho submitted
sworn declaratlon ar"rd sigriifieci to be taxed e,, 8o/<' income, tax rate differ from those
who opted the graciuateci income tax?
No. The withholding tax iare fbr <ioctors/consr-rltants wiro submitted the sworn
cleclaration (.Armex B-2 of RPr 1l-2018) shall be 57o, regarciless of whetirer they are
availing of tire 8?6 income tax or the gra<inateri inoome tax rates. If the income
pai,ori\,vitiillolding agenl, irowever, is a government entity, it shall also withhold
business tax ilthe pa,vee selected to be taxed using tire graduated income tax rates.

438 What happens when Annex B-2 is submitted beyond the deadline of April 20,2018?
A38 If tire sworn declaration \yas onll,subrnitted b,v the income pa,yee to the payor after
the deadline of April 20.2018. the payee's excess tax withheld, if any, prior to the
approval of RR 11-2018, shal1 not be refunded by the income payor. 1-he payee's
executed sworn declar"atiorr shail oniy be applied by the rvithholding agent on all
incorne paJvments after receipt ol s'lclt deciaration.

v)a is tlie Affldavit of' Declaiaticn of Gross lncome no ionger requireri foi non-
individuals in rr:lation to ihe P720,000 threshoid?
-i\ -1!/ li is stili recluirccl uriciei'the exis'iing rLile:: and reguktions:ini was nc;t part of the
amencli-nents under the TIiAIi{ Act.

fi :\.i\ '! llali r. ;ii' '-, : I i-,'i-,

:ttr;r]l; r cr i'.'
A .10 1ln incliviclual u'ho is empioyec ir:cail;, is subjeci rci r,vithhoiciing tax usriig llic
i,r'ithirolding tax: labie oil colllpensation.

() 41 \\ihat is tlie applica-'ole u,itirhi;lding tax on income pa./ments r:rade to seif-employeci

professionais viho iaileci to subrniL their s'worn ,jeclaration to the payor?
A41 The applicilble r.,,,ithi,oiding: iax rate ibr seif-enlployed proiessionerls wtro faiiecl to
sLr"brnrit s\,voi'il declar:iiicn 1o itie pa-voi is 10921, fci inccn-ie tax. l"4oreover, if the payoi'
:- ., ..^-',--i-^^2.'1+ +1"^ !r.at q.rhiar.f
f .] a! 5t-, vr-.r lllltr-,1rt ^..+i+-' . trrr: ..,r."-
r_.rtt-!\) i-,-..-..' 6lrrnran+ i"
rr ':1..^
nriv J;Lnvva av 7-.i116'1.
16 vr!.i!i lOl.
-. , v
ilercerllage, lax oL 5'% u'iLhirr;idilg VAT^ .*hicltevei is aplilicabie.
t\ .l') Cait .vou prrividr: a g',ricie tbr individuai laxpa,r'ers on the raxability of their earued
income ft'orn busiress anci/or practice o1' prcfession, anC 1or' *'ithhclding
agcnisipai,ors on ihe treatmeni of incomc pai'menls i{' the lra.yee is under tl-re
g;':idi:ateri l'i l':ie:;; ;r;iirrtc l:, rju:lljfit.j ald i;r,-ted ic:'lii; fl''c iT;aie: jt-sLrl-,]:ci oL
11,\r r, I'i.1.,'!.li'r,' i.,r o, t'ii'-l t'
tr\.,r ({, "rl lrllr)\/lUrrrr !q,r!., r i r l.

A42 This v"ill serve as a gr-iide fbr individual taxpayers engaged in business and/or
practice o1'profession as rvell as for witirholding agents/payors on tire treatn-rent of
indii,idual income earnings/paytxents:

Sales/R.ecgipts lf Graduated trT rates If Bn/" {T rate

Gross Amt. i fux Ii f*,,tlriti?-l Wf
,1/T Tcxsbil, W'T
P250"000 I1' ffit-Tlxc,rpffi No. lcrr
and belor,r, 0'ro
0'l'^ II lrYnll\ri'r'^s en'.ire I pLrrelr
income is cierrved I business
rrlrr'lr iiorn j andror
husrncss iindi or i prot'ession:
practice oi
subject to S'tu. ii i Ycs. il'
r:rixed incorne ] mixed
earner (u ith 1 income
inconre from both I earner
and business
based on gross

sales/receipts &
other non-
| opcr{ling income I ___]
operaiin.s income

srt,"c t*.'1.
sulr.r.-.'r- rt'lN{,r;uTG;i-Il.r,
,t'll.r,,t iuUi..t lll, ---1
i i
.o',\ Lrrull-vrrL
rv enurleni ' srrbiect
II JLtu-levl I

i ipayor i i

Do-TPa.yeei Swonl i pu.,l.*'sruorirl Dilturati", *d f

^..i COF, II CL)R

ii Tio,.i.rrot
D.-ciaraLioni^- aric
f'r')ll 't if: f
_-|ECE, -]
ir-rr*;,,l" * rffi;;-j*;;; *,,,*

't,,",i:."i1:l-- :,-':'r.'il,i:.:l;i.l
"ai-\i)"1)1r(r :l-::-,ir ::1.:1., .,.,1,-., :,t..li;rllc
Ll, iLi'.i!i.;lii.aii I : ill.,J:, i i1 r'i:i; : iir:'l- lr:ri
i l--r-i.rUti"iji.,\, ii"ir!.'. ()i i ui )L I ;rrilil-l
nei i i incor:-re;
income I iiror,vever"lor
busine ss/praetic.e
- entitled to
redtiction of
T)a<r\ r.\i.\n

Pl 1
Sutrierct i'JoL sLrbject
goveillntent sub.iect
I payor"
firre : l'ir ir"s Sri ui'n j P:i,.'t':, S\\'Jrn Drtlaration ancl
I Dtliiitatjoi", anii {, iiI< \l jt'r

0F tn'rt-rr'r'|r Ft rr-\i

Sales/Receirrts If Graduated IT rates lf 8"/" IT rate
Gross Atttt. Ta-r Tu-rubilitt, WT Taxubilittt WT
Aboi,e IT I SLib.iect to Subject to Nol entitled to avail
P3.000,000 i appiicable WT
I rot.
tit iNo*
1,. Is"ir:.rt t"
srintecL l"o \hzT o1'\'A'i'.
I II ri
| \/,/\ l
I gc,rrernr,ent

I PA'or
i rravor l

; I .t.r::.r. 'l). r', t \i :tili.,i'ij'rt l:t:i: i'l i'"t.littlt::'.'i.il.. l;; l;tt.ilt:,,:. tit:

r) J.l, What shaii be the treatmerrt of'v;ithheld taxes remittecl usirrg the old lliR Forni Nos.
1601-L,. I o0i-Fr and 0605 for the firsi two (2) nionths of the quarl.er?
li 43 The payments shall be deciucled from the laxes due to be remitted for the entire

a44 Are indil'iduals vl'itl'r consectitir.,e emplo,vers qualified tc avail o1'the sLrhstituted
filing o1'anruaj lni:or-ne 'fax Fleturn (AiTI{) if the ialesi emplcvei r,vill consolidate
luci.inre c{'iire incii.,,idual tiom i;rerrious emi::io;'i:ieni tc lhs clrt.rent emplo-vment
inconre ancJ the enlire incorne is sub.iected to tire y*ar-elri adjustnent wherein the
tax clue is cornpuiecl prior to tire paymeni of ihe last compensaiion for the year?
,-\ hA llased on exis;ting polic-v. iniiivicluais r.r,ith c.:nsecuiive einployers are troi qr-ralified
^ -T
ro ar,iiil of tlie sr-rbstitulecl liiing iif AITR. Hence. they are reclnired to tiie an AiTii.

it li tiitar v:iri:h,,'idilg i.a:.:. ceriiil;atc siriili br issuecl r-r-r lliiil,iqlita.ls iitLciet iol., {)tilet"oi'
con li-ac1- ol seL..ri ce aiiilngen-iel'i?
-r\ 45 l'hr: tal lreingl rvitiihr:ld ti'rinr an in<ii-.,ii',ra1 r'rnder .iri:r or"cler or f-'ontract o1'Ser.uice
arrangeiltenl i-" a rrcCii;rbie ',r,itirhciciing, t:i;{: thus. the Ceriificaiion thar shal1 i;e
is;sr-reci l;'., the..^,iiiihr:iciing:rgent sl:all ire FJiir.- Fcirm 2?,i)7.

.t i-
;:t ;il'i L'i:ii;:i11:':ia l,iiiii ;. ]i-,ii,- JlLli)il.li(lf i',i'.itrl:':; \.:'r:'t:;ll.li ii -r-1','li;t,l-' ':1,,.--:-li,:rr;
pci.r:ion rtiiaiifled ii-rr subsiiir,lteCi fiiirig i,i thc ann,-ial incotne iax leil[rr iAil ia)'i
A lri Ye:;. liie en:pic-",ee,,n'ith a icr-le eniplc),c-r'is siiil qualiiieci to avail of'tl-re stibstitute,-j
filing of AiTR provide,--lthe itcome iax ha:i 1'reen rvirhireid correcily. The retiremeni
pcirsior-r is lot taxable.

041 lbint sl-ra.l1 br: iisecl b1,a;'r em1;lo;rer: v,4to is troi rlLiziliiied iol substituted fiiir:g
arid ud-lzil is tiie iespoirsibi l.iti,'ri tlie emplcl'ei''l
A,n ernplo-ve.; r.ilro i:; r-rot ciuaiiiieci ibr sub:;-utiLrcci iiiing ci inr:ome'iax itcurni ts
recli;ire;cl tc :iiher lil.rt Form lJo" I700 (lbl purci;,' oomperisalion inc.rme earnei)
or B{ii Faiii: l\o. 17i)i ii;r se11'-emplo"veci or rni>r,.C incc;nie L-a:-ilL'I ). iher
r^.::;plli:;iciiiL",'o1-.r-he erlpiol,'er i: tc 1;ior,rc1t titt: crnplovee wjlh iiiR Fornt I'io.2,li6
(f eitillcaie i-ri'i or':'rlreit:;Ll1i.i1];irrc1 Tar ,.\/iil:htli) ttiti ia't;-1" iltar .iz:-uuan'i1 a.liel tlir
;i(,j.: t,i'tir, ,;ii.-tra1a-ii , crl.i'. lUl",ieU UF tl\'i !:.Hhi&i Fi .:-,\\;:,_
Ii 3:tD
?. nt Tri:e
448 Are tite certificales of ta:: withheld fileci b,r, tl're emplo,vers and duly starnped
''received" b,v the Llureau tantamorint to the substituted trling of Annuai Incon-ie 'f ax
Returns (Al'fRl of tire emplovees?
A4E Yes. it applies to all qualjfied cmplo,vees. As discussecl under RR No. ii-2ti1B.
"'Qualilicci ernployees etie iliose *'hose incornc comeij fi'uil ri lone t:ntpits,yer anc).the
ta>; clue on tl-ie coinpens;ation iucome \4,es correctl,v u,ithneld b;; the entplover."

Linciei tite same Rid. the Cerliilcates of T'a:r \VithhelC shal1 refer to the Cerlifled List
of i}uplo1,ees Qr-lalifiecl fbr SLibstitLlteci Filing prescribeci in Annex "F" olthe RR.
vo,ith accompan,vinn soft cop;v of the correspondirrg illR Fcrm No. 2316.'fhe lisr
sha1l be stamped "ReceiveC'" b1i the But'eau. anci this stampin-t is tantamoLtnt io the
sLrbstituted liling of AIT'R of the i-roltcenrod emplovees.

a4e Crec1itabie \i'ithhoiding Tax Certiflcaie and Form irio. 1604C/F were not
inciucied in tl-re TRAIN La.,r. 1)o we :;ti11 need to fileiissue tirem?
A 4L) Yes. existitig rules shail still apilly since the TR{IN Law ciid not ilake ailendments
on these issues.

450 Can eFPS fi1ers still use the stag,gered fiiing allowecl before in filing the ereditable
arrd tlnai r^;ithholcling tax tbrnrs/i'etrirns to avoid eFir!i dorvntime?
A50 Yes. the s:rme iujes stiii appl;, r,vith regarris to cFPS frleis vvhi; can fi1e the
withholding tax forms/returns on staggered basis clependiug cn indr"rstrl, grouping.

(') i1 Is an etnployee lvho-is; ealning pur.;15,comoetsation income nct exceeding P250.000

from a loi-ie employer still neeci to file an Annuai ilcome'I'a.r F.eturn (Al'l-R)?
A 51 No. at emp1o1,sg earning 1-.ure1;' compensation inconre tliai doe-s not exceed
t+150.{}0rJ ircir :: /rr,,tr'':tirt-.lrr','ei" is n.-it t':'tli:i:'t,rl ii il:
ar: -f lT}i-. Irr tlris c3s." ihc
einplcver sirail irir:iricie ti-ie;rame o1'suoh errpioyec ii' tlie alpnalist to be:;ubnritted
to the Blli. ili-rwevel', aii emplovee is reqiiir:ed to flie an Ai'i'R fe;r conrpensatior-r
earned .r'itirii.i the- sar:ie ra:<able yrtai fiorn r:rultipic criployels. whethel successive
()r c()lciliient" regai:iliess of tiie amounl of ci''rnpensation.

],, ttl-: ij;ll1rjr': rji: i','ri..; ;';:,igir:r,: i;iiiiiC iil:-- \ riil iil,li.-l '.,;rii i;:'ij.r (-;ll: cjl-]1jl(l-. lr ic; ilrc
\ cJl i'crlull'uu tr, iltc uLt .\-i i ti'.'
A52 irio. the employee is; not reqiiired io fi1e an AI'iF. i1'there is oni;",cne ernplo.u-er dr-rring
tire 1'ear ancitire ainount cf vrrithhelcitax is equal to the incoine iax due f'or the taxable

(t 5l }.r'e l}iose '*'l-io opteci anC ale qiialified ior t[-re 8','c inqc,rne iax rate stil1 required to
aitacir the Fii-rar-rcial Siatenrent rvi:en frlingr an ,lrjlR'/
,i {--
lio. iirc Fiiiliriciei; -'l iaicnii:iii is nor iciiiiiieu i,; be aiLl'.eiieil v,'li.iil iiiirrg ur,,',iTR. i,.;r
tl:o,se vriho o*+. :Lrd cpraliii' 1br"i.iLe tiTo itrcorrie ta)i l'ate.

rt <.4
.r\ proft:s:rior.:al or scif-enlpioved ciiri nci avlril ol tirc 89b arrcl opt fii ihe gr"acluaied
tai;1e br:i e laimeii ih.; CS1,,i. c;in h; iicl: Fil suoili:;sicn','
be e.ri:mr"l
1rj i"e:.;', lalira.\,ei'\rii0 Ol-ja,. ir:i il i.- ii-Ci-l its 1-1.,7 i)17i.".;7;til:;-t ii; ar:i ,,,i::i1 tiit iii.,l:,,bic
lllr'r1llri !-1lh!-'r-l i, lire gii:airiticci ilic,rntc tir)'. i;t,ii'-, ir:

455 If a taxpayer opts to use the graduated income tax rate on income from business or
lronr practice of profession. when is the deadline for filing the 3%o percentage tax?
A55 1f a taxpa,ver opted 1cr use the graduated tax rate on professional income, he shall file
a clualterll'return of the amount of gross sales. receipts or earnings and pay the 396
pel'centage iax due thereon within trventy-five (25) days aiter the end of each taxable

Q56 \\/hat are the witirholding tax ibrms that we can use? When are the due dates for
their fiiing?
A56 The matrix beiou,shall serve as the taxparver's guide on the witirholding tax fonns
to use ancl their due dates:

lY. ,
Frequenc-v ii (}fBnSi -LrtSE &ue liates
Withirolding X,4onthlv l501c -,'1'/io"L}rb. On oi'before the 1
Tax on Remittance Return of day of the month
Compensation Income 1'axes Withheld follo,'ning the month of
on Compensation withirolciing (eFPS
filers on staggered
basis depending on

1604C - Annuai --iSl9giqs) --r

ianuarv 31 follcra.ins
Information Retums of the ciose of the taxable

Income Ta>les Withheld

cn Compensation and
Annual Alphaiist of
tt---: ^-,^^ -
lli5-5 - a;;
Pa./mentif ax W ithheiri
f-or Con-rpensation
i:.,- ,.,1,r;1, , i 1. ,r,
'r'ii1:i.,iii i li.', +j:'Litl r;ill
iior cmpic;1,ei:s;
- l,; st r:j^
'.'r:r'i ilrrr-r 0n or before frebruarl,'
Emplol,ees Quaiifiecl 28 follor.r'ing the ciose
lor Substitr-iteo- Filing ol ol the laxableI year
lTi{ u,it}i copies oi
Fonn 2i 15 iFor iarge
taxpayeis- scame:d
ccpie s ci t'orn: 23 i o on
storagr rneriia. i.e. usb.
cii.clc i

irUt'E AtJ OF rrr: 1 f xruiag r t- \,t'-1\'

).35 t'6

ntCORDS I'4G f. Dl\/iSlUN

5!l ithhoitli;t<'
tr*,1ug* itrr
Frequenery i Forms/i,ist Sue Bates
Erpancled Vf"rtt t;--t-UOri19E - Remittance of
L)n or bcfore thc i0t
-.^-t^l- (i" trvo Creditablc income T'a>les day loliowing the
Tax montirs ol vVithheld (Expan<ied) ciose of the month
the i rel't's tjlers on
quarter) staggered basis
depending on

Quarterl,v i60iEQ - Quanerly' On or before the end

Rernitttrnce Return of of'tire month
Creditabie: lncome "1'axes f6li6w'ing the close of
rVithhelC and Qr-rarterl;7 the quarter
Aipha list of Payees

F'orni 2307-Cerlifi cate of -'b"i"* tii" rOil'

Credirable Tax Withlielci day after the close of
rit Source (for payees) the cluarter or upon
demand of the payee
Annua11r, 604E- Annnai
1 \4arch 1 follo.,ving the
lnformation Return of close of the taxable
i.'rsciirakrle lncornc 'i a>.-es
\Vithhelc (E.'rpanded ;
/lneome Payments
Exeiirpt fron:
Witliiroic'liag Tax ancl
A:inual Alohalist cf
t,,=,..^., rl
I inal Monthiv iiSl9I' -- Ivlontirl-v - -l Or or bel'ore ilrc l0ttil
\liithholdir-ig ( i t' i-.1,o l(crrinancc I orrr of Ii dar lbliowinc llre
--- ----- ---='---
T;ir months of Final incorne Taxes ' .irr. ol-the nronth I

rJ,jill,irei,l i ieitj-S fi1ers ol

-[ tr,otrO- - ('il,a,1"it, On or before tlie end
I{"emittance Itetuur of of the month
Finai income Tiixes fblio-wing the close of
\:rritlr he c1.
Qr:arterl 1,
1 the cluarter
rilphal isi <-i i' Payees

Cn r;r beicire t.i-,e 2

rinal l'ax ithhel,J ai da-v after c1i;sc of the
S oiirce (.li,.r' pa;,,ers ) qLiarler or LI-101r
f i ciemanci o['par'*e

*trJ i5
Wittihotdin F requency F 0rnqs/Lisi Due Dates
Annuallv 1604F - Annrnl .ianuary 31 fbllowing
Vi ithhoiding lnformation Return on the ciose of the
'['ax Final Income Taxes taxable year
Withheld and Amual
Aiphalist of Payees
Finai WT on Quarterh, 1602Q - Quarterly On or beibre the end
interest paid Remiltance Return of of the month
on deposit. Final Income l'axes fbllowing the close of
etc. Withheld on inierest ilaici the quarler

QLiarteril' On or before the end

Remittance Reriirn of of tire mont}r
Benefits Final Income Taxes fbllor.ving ihe close of
Wiihheld on Fringe the quarler
Benefits Pairi to
Employees Other Than
Rank and File: Annual
Aiphaiist of Ernplo,vees
ir.,i'ih lrringe Beqe:its
(ior ernnient , \lonthi) I60ri * Monthly
A ,11
On or before the i [']
Mone1, Remittance Return of day ibllowing the
Pa,l,6aa,ts Value-A<lded Tax and close of the month
Other Percentage Taxes
i lrrarftFl'l\/ Fa.m a1i'iJ-r^orr iil,'oro ni' On or bei'cre the f 0ti'
CreCitable Tax Witirhel<l day after the close of
31 !r;Lri'cc {ior p:1 ees ) the quarter or Lioon
demand of the payee
Certificaie Cn or beirrre the 201h
-,;,1,t-,id;"it :,]i , li
(rL:\ !l-t-, ul\ ,. ' - !

I,;.ti'tlil:;_i cLrerter ot' tlootl

demand of-payee

() i7 For nerv fbrnis iihe 1501IQl fur quai'teri,v remittance returns of creditabie
ra>1. wiii thele iie an antorrraiic r,ryciates on eFPS of the revised and nevv
A <7 Yes.'r1ie r"evised a;id ne*'ftirms w,ill alsr; be a.,'ailable it: the eFPS. Kind11, rvait lor
the a.J-,'isor1,' of iis :rvailabilitv eilher il harcl :cpr,. in elriF-For:rs an.J filallr, in eIrPS.
Therre ivili lie woikaiouird proceilui'es in i:asc oi'si.sterl downtime.

a -58 Are the pariners of the geneiai prof'essional partnershiir (GPP) required to register
as prolessir;nais? f.-lan thei' opi tc chocse tirc 8%,.) ig tliere ar-n' special regisl"ration
re q uirei'l?

17 iis
A58 Yes. the,r, are i"ecluii'ecl to regisler as prcfessionais, Florvever, there is no option tc;
:n'ai1 the 8?/o iircome tari rii.te since their ciistriburive sirare in the tret income of the
GPft is aireaclt'net oi.cosr and cxpenses. No special regislration is reciuired.

a5e F'or the creclrtable expancleci v.,,ithholding tax. are we stili reclr-rired to submit the
Monthll, Alphali st ( MAP)'/
A59 No. 'fhe requiremenl is to subrnit a Quarterly Alphalist (QAP) as an attaohment to
the quar1erl1, cieditabier'expancle<i vuiihholciing. tax rr:turns L1brm 150lEQ).

e60 {in thc electro;'iit: slr'bmissioi: of Aipii:r List, are tlici'e changes in the fotnatiing'.'
r\ 60 1'cs. there are:ei,isiorr:;in th': iir-rrtalring.;I'tire quarteril as well as the arutral hlpha
L.ist. I'he Bureau shall ir;suc an advisor), or: ihe a-r,ailabiiit], o{'tilese tbrmats arrei :r
:rrcn-rorancluni circular fbl'ihe procedures on i"s use.

fl 6i What is the reiention 6relicd o{'our books of aecounts uncierthe TRAIN lan'?
A6l The T]1Ailr i-avu did riot anieirci the retentior-i perioC prescribecl b.v Secticn 203 oi
tl.re Tax cocle. as arnenderi. and irnpiementecl bv RR No. 17-2l.i13.

062 For recoicl keeping, can \4/e scan the docnments for the years 20i 7 and earlier to
comply rvith the tsIR regulation of 10 years' record keeping?
A 62. llncler Itit lrlo. 5-2014" within the first 5 yea.rs reckoned fi'om the da.v f'oilor,ving the
cleadline in fiiing a Leturn or if filed after the eicaclline. f'om the date of the fi1ing of
tl..e retum. the taxpa,vei si;ail reiain hardci;pies of the books of accounts, incluriing
subsidiarv iroc;ks arici other acr:ounting recorCs. Thereafter. ta::payer may rerain
onl''i an eleetronic ccp)' in an elestronic stoi'agc :r)'siem rvliieh ccmplies w'ith the
req,.tilemcnls riricier ihe sairi RR. Fa-ilure tc nieet ihe lequireillenis of,the iiR. 1.ire
r'.r!''1r'Fr' .'hrll p,1iai:tir, F'rri rrr',:qal'.r.'n ilir oi"ioinal iuri'rir:ot-.\' lil'thc :;ai{i hr.ri..s irl
acccLrnts aircl oihei' ac,'-:ountiris recorcis ibr lri vears.

l"1i iiriernal rcvenue r,iflciills. eiriplo',,ee: arci otl:er l:c;:cerncd ?"r'r ilerelr-r,enir;inerj ir, givc
liril i- il'r:Ltial a:, r;'lcje a t:ill.,1icii,' :i:; ir:-):i:jji-jit.

:AU LxnrnL xt
li J|,-€-{.t-^dt-:4€'1
CAi,S:'rFl R. ii E-itr,AY
I {,onrinissionei of Internal Ficvenue
I 017443
REC0RDS lvl(3 I. Dl VlSlOtv

1 i _r': ;i

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