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2017, 8 (6)
Research Article
Bernard B Benjamin 1, Prakruti P Patel 2*, Geetha S Iyer 3, Anuradha Gandhi 2, R K Dikshit 4
Lead - Medical Reviewer Aggregate Reports, Cognizant Technology Solution, Mumbai, India
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, B J Medical College, Ahmedabad, India
Doctoral Student, Population Health Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Professor, Department of Pharmacology, GCS Medical College, Ahmedabad, India
*Corresponding Author Email: prakrutiparth@yahoo.co.in
DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.08693
Diabetes mellitus is a prominent healthcare problem in India. Emphasis on self management and active participation of the patients can help reduce its
complications. This baseline study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice about diabetes and its treatment among patients. A
validated self-administered questionnaire was administered to diabetic patients attending the specialty OPD at a tertiary care, teaching hospital. The
questions assessed the knowledge, attitude and views about diabetes, its complications and regarding prevention and treatment. Scoring of questions
regarding knowledge was done (range 0 to 33). Latest fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels and HbA1C level were also recorded. The data was
recorded in a Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet and statistical analysis was done using Graph Pad InStat version 3.06. The study enrolled 200 patients
(151 males and 49 females). About 75% patients knew the normal blood sugar levels, symptoms and complications of diabetes. Heart disease was
considered to be a major complication and around 70% believed that these complications could be prevented. The mean knowledge score was
12.8±3.3 out of 33. The level of knowledge was better with greater age and duration of diabetes. The attitude of the patients was favourable with
majority realizing the importance of lifestyle modifications, uninterrupted treatment and regular follow up. However, few patients actually partook in
the lifestyle changes. Attitude of the patients was encouraging but the knowledge and practice was generally lacking among the patients. Motivation
and importance of self management patient education regarding drugs, diet and regular exercise is important for decreasing mortality and morbidity
due to diabetes.
Bernard B Benjamin et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (6)
regarding their disease status. Of the remaining 19, 11 questions Younger patients with shorter duration of DM were significantly
pertained to the knowledge (2 of which were specific to patients more likely to exercise regularly (p<0.001). Modification of
prescribed insulin) and, 1and 7 were regarding their attitude and their diet as per the physician’s advice was done by 13.5%
practice respectively. The last known results of fasting and post patients (more than 5 times a week) while 6% did not modify
prandial blood sugar and HbA1C level were also recorded. The their diet at all. Older patients with longer duration of DM were
questionnaire was first administered to 10 patients to assess its more likely to follow the physician’s advice regarding dietary
suitability and comprehension which was then appropriately modifications (p<0.01). Patients who agreed that dietary control
modified in consultation with experts. The knowledge of the and regular exercise is important for control of DM were
patients about the disease etiology, symptoms, complications, significantly more likely to follow dietary recommendations and
treatment options, symptoms of hypoglycemia and dosage exercise regularly (p<0.001). Blood sugar monitoring in the
schedule of insulin (if prescribed) was recorded. More than one preceding month was done by 87.5% patients. Patients who felt
option could be chosen. With the exception of the questions that blood sugar monitoring was important for control of
regarding insulin, each correct response for the remaining 9 diabetes were significantly more likely to get their blood sugar
questions was assigned one point and each incorrect response tested every month (p<0.001). Around 30% of the patients did
was assigned zero. The maximum attainable score for not take their medications regularly, forgetfulness and side
knowledge was 33 and the minimum was 0. The data was effects cited as reasons. Older age and long duration of DM
recorded in a Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Statistical were predictors of the patient taking his/her medications
analysis was done using Graph Pad InStat version 3.06. regularly (p<0.001). The attitude of patients who were adherent
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to establish relation to treatment was significantly more positive towards regular
between two variables. Chi-square test was used to compare blood sugar monitoring, physician visits and continuing
categorical data and ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis test with post medication even after DM is controlled (p<0.05). When asked if
hoc tests were used to assess the difference between the means they fasted regularly, 27.5% patients replied in the positive but
of two population. P value of less than 0.05 was considered to they decreased the dose of their medication in consultation with
be statistically significant. the physicians. Herbal remedies for control of diabetes were
consumed by 79% of the patients, of which bitter gourd juice
RESULTS and fenugreek (karela and methi in vernacular respectively)
were frequently used.
A total of 200 diabetic patients (type 1 and 2) were enrolled for
the study, of which 151 were males and 49 were females (ratio The mean knowledge score of the patients was 12.8 ± 3.3 (out of
3:1). Mean age of the patients was 54.28 ± 8.2 years (range36 to 33) which is around 38.8% of the maximum. No patient scored
72 years). Majority of the patients (74%) had completed at least more than 20 out of 33 (60.6%). The level of knowledge was not
their graduation but 12.5% were illiterate. More than half the associated with gender, family history of DM, education,
patients (52%) had a sedentary occupation and around 60% had occupation or history of complications. The older the age of the
positive family history of diabetes. patients and the duration of diabetes mellitus, better was the
level of knowledge (p<0.001). The practice of patients,
Around three fourth (72.5%) of the patients were diagnosed with especially with regard to diet modification as per physician’s
diabetes more than 5 years ago. The last known HbA1C level advice and compliance of the anti-diabetic medication was also
was noted in 124 out of 200 patients and the average was significantly better in those with higher knowledge score
6.12±0.77%. Forty patients (20%) had developed at least one of (p<0.001). The attitude of the patients with respect to regular
the complications, the most common being leg-ulcers and eye blood sugar monitoring, physician visits, importance of lifestyle
problems. Almost half of the patients (47.5%) felt that the modifications and adherence to the treatment in spite of good
disease had restricted their life either physically, mentally, in blood sugar was significantly better in those with a higher
their work or diet. The responses to questions regarding knowledge score (p<0.01).
knowledge are given in Table 1.
Normal blood sugar level was correctly identified by
149(74.5%) patients. More than half the patients (56.5%) Diabetes mellitus is a disease of enormous importance not only
believed heredity to be the major cause of developing diabetes. in terms of the vast population it affects but also because of the
Frequent thirst (50%) followed by frequent urination (38%) quality of life in those who suffer from it. The disease effects the
were named as the most common symptoms. Only 54(27%) economic productivity negatively (more sick days, morbidity,
patients knew about glucometer, of which 20(37%) had disabilities) and it is expected to increase as the affected
previously used it. Insulin was prescribed in 27(13.5%) of the population gets younger.13 Achieving and maintaining glycemic
total recruited patients, all of whom knew the correct dosage control is the ultimate goal but it continues to be highly elusive.
schedule and site of injection. Empowering the patients with knowledge regarding self
management of diabetes is the best weapon in our arsenal. The
More than 90% of the patients believed that diabetes mellitus is American Diabetic Association has paved the way and come up
a lifelong disease wherein the treatment is to be continued even with Diabetes Self Management Education, an intervention
after the blood sugar has been controlled. Regular follow up delivered to the patient by a multidisciplinary team of at least a
with the physician for better control of the disease was deemed trained nurse and dietician. 14 The patients are educated
important by 91% patients. Around 70% of the patients felt that regarding the disease, its treatment options, nutritional
periodic blood sugar monitoring and lifestyle modifications can management, preventing and detecting complications and
help control diabetes. Homemade and herbal remedies were integrating psychosocial adjustment with daily care. Such an
considered better than allopathic medications by only 3% intervention is yet to be introduced in India, where poor
patients while 76% patients disagreed with it. knowledge of the disease and its treatment is well
documented.15-17 Hence, this study was done to analyze the
When the practice of the patients was assessed, it was found that knowledge, attitude and practice of the diabetic patients in our
only 10.5% undertook a physical exercise for more than 5 times set up which can then become the basis of suitable educational
a week while 16.5% never partook in any such exercise. interventions.
Bernard B Benjamin et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (6)
The demographics of our patients were same as observed before relieve the hypoglycemic symptoms using common glucose
in a nationwide study to determine the prevalence of supplements. All patients who were prescribed insulin were also
DM.18Majority of the respondents belonged to the age group of aware about its exact dosage schedule which is reassuring.
40-60 years and were males. Around 60% patients had family
members suffering from DM confirming that hereditary is an The attitude of our patients was generally favourable. Most of
important risk factor of developing DM.18 The average HbA1C our patients felt that that diabetes was a lifelong disease which
level was 6.12±0.77% showing that most of the patients were required regular follow up and that the medication should not be
well controlled, which is understandable as majority of they stopped even when the glycemic control is achieved. Regular
were diagnosed with the disease more than 5 years ago. The blood sugar monitoring was also recognized to be important for
questionnaire was designed specifically to extract their a better control of DM. Surprisingly, the role of dietary control
knowledge regarding etiology, symptoms, complications and and regular exercise in control of diabetes was also realised by
treatment options. The average score of knowledge was 12.8 ± most of the patients. However, majority of the patients did not
3.3 (out of 33) which meant that only 40% of the maximum practice the lifestyle changes as suggested. This shows that the
score was achievable. It also means that the knowledge of the patients look upon these modifications not as a part of the
patients was grossly inadequate. treatment but as an adjunct to drug therapy. It needs to be
impressed that these changes are paramount in the quest for
Normal blood sugar levels, heredity as a possible etiology, glycemic control. As far as compliance is concerned, around
classical symptoms of disease (polydipsia, polyuria and 70% of the patients took the medication regularly (missing less
polyphagia), heart disease followed by ophthalmic and kidney than 3 doses in a month) similar to seen in studies conducted in
disorders being the complications were some commonly Bijapur and Kolkata.16,19 Age and duration of diabetes were
identified facts by respondents in our study as has also been found to be predictors of practice. Dietary modifications and
observed elsewhere in India and abroad19, 20, 21 Almost all of the adherence to drug therapy were less likely to be followed by
patients said that oral antidiabetic drugs and insulin form an younger and recently diagnosed patients while regular exercise
important part of the treatment of diabetes. However, healthy was less likely to be followed by older patients with longer
diet, regular exercise and weight control were recognized as duration of diabetes. It shows that the practice about those items
possible treatment options by only 40% of the patients. This is where doctors come into play is good (e. g. regular
worrying as it has been proven convincingly that not only do investigations) but where the patients need to exercise their own
these lifestyle changes improve glycemic control significantly will (e.g. diet control, exercise and drug compliance) the
but if instituted early, they prevent the progression of pre- application is lacking.
diabetic stage to full blown diabetes. 9, 22 Our study showed that
monitoring of blood glucose at home using glucometer was also As observed in various studies, the knowledge of the patients in
very low due to the lack of awareness and knowledge as seen our study could be positively correlated with their age and
similarly by others also.15,19While a regular self monitoring of duration of diabetes.23, 24 The patients with better knowledge
blood glucose has been recommended, glucometers (and test scores were more likely to have a favourable attitude towards
strips) are relatively expensive and laboratory estimation of the disease and good practice with respect to self management
blood glucose is done free of cost in our set up. Also, the strategies. These results reaffirm our belief that when the patient
method of using the glucometer and interpretation of its results is empowered with knowledge, they are more likely to make the
may need a proper training. A positive finding in our study was right choices which will enable them to control the disease.
that majority of the patients (72.5%) knew about hypoglycemic
symptoms that may be seen during treatment with anti-diabetic Much of the focus in the treatment of DM has been given to the
agents. Majority of the patients also (83.8%) knew how to drugs, rightly so. But somewhere, the importance of simple
Bernard B Benjamin et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (6)
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