Piano Key Freq Wikipedia
Piano Key Freq Wikipedia
Piano Key Freq Wikipedia
Virtual keyboard
87 b′′′′ B7 3951.07
85 a′′′′ A7 3520.00
83 g′′′′ G7 3135.96
81 f′′′′ F7 2793.83
80 e′′′′ E7 2637.02
78 d′′′′ D7 2349.32
75 b′′′ B6 1975.53
73 a′′′ A6 1760.00
71 g′′′ G6 1567.98
69 f′′′ F6 1396.91
68 e′′′ E6 1318.51
66 d′′′ D6 1174.66
63 b′′ B5 987.767
61 a′′ A5 880.000
59 g′′ G5 783.991
57 f′′ F5 698.456
56 e′′ E5 659.255 E
54 d′′ D5 587.330
51 b′ B4 493.883
49 a′ A4 A440 440.000 A A
47 g′ G4 391.995
45 f′ F4 349.228
44 e′ E4 329.628 High E
42 d′ D4 293.665 D D
39 b B3 246.942 B
37 a A3 220.000 A
Piano key frequencies 3
35 g G3 195.998 G G G
33 f F3 174.614
32 e E3 164.814
30 d D3 146.832 D D
27 B B2 123.471
25 A A2 110.000 A
23 G G2 97.9989 G G
21 F F2 87.3071
20 E E2 82.4069 Low E
18 D D2 73.4162 D
15 B͵ B1 61.7354
13 A͵ A1 55.0000 A
11 G͵ G1 48.9994
9 F͵ F1 43.6535
8 E͵ E1 41.2034 E
6 D͵ D1 36.7081
External links
• interactive piano frequency table [1] — A php script allowing the reference pitch of A4 to be altered from 440 Hz.
• PySynth [2] — A simple Python-based software synthesizer that prints the key frequencies table and then creates a
few demo songs based on that table.
[1] http:/ / shakahara. com/ pianopitch2. php
[2] http:/ / home. arcor. de/ mdoege/ pysynth/
Article Sources and Contributors 5
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