Ey Private Equity Briefing Southeast Asia March 2016
Ey Private Equity Briefing Southeast Asia March 2016
Ey Private Equity Briefing Southeast Asia March 2016
Southeast Asia
March 2016
4 6 10 12 14 16 18
Our Southeast Asian issue of the EY Global Capital Confidence Barometer, which was released in December 2015,
highlights the impact of these conditions with 61% of respondents stating that the increased volatility in commodities
and currencies has been elevated on the boardroom agenda.
These economic conditions have resulted in deals being put on hold. Deal pipelines remain strong but some investors
are waiting for economies to stabilize before pressing ahead with transactions. We believe that the factors that have
caused a slowdown in PE activity could very well be the stimulant for deal activity in 2016.
Lastly, 2015 was the first in a number of years to not experience a mega deal. These deals, given their size,
disproportionately impact the overall trends experienced across the region. Far from turning their backs on such
opportunities, we have seen that the majority of the largest PE houses increased their focus on the Southeast Asian
market. As a result, we expect to see the return of large PE deals in 2016.
First, investor sentiment across the Southeast Asian region is as strong as it has ever
been. This is evidenced by fund-raising that have twice smashed the record for the
largest funds being raised by an Asian-backed PE firm in 2015 (Baring Private Equity
Asia raising US$4.0b in February 2015 only to be eclipsed by RRJ Capital raising
US$4.5b in September 2015). Although both funds have a wider focus than just the
Southeast Asian region, the levels of fund-raising in the year show the appetite for
We believe that 2016 will bring an upswing in both PE investments and exits.
Consumer and technology will continue to be the sectors where PE activity is focused,
amid growing interest in sectors such as health care and business services.
Luke Pais
Asean Leader,
M&A and Private Equity
• In 4Q15, we saw a disappointing US$263m (2014: • In 2015, there was an increase in the total number of
US$1.37b) being invested across 28 deals, the lowest deals, with 148 deals attracting PE investment of
since 1Q14. US$2.41b (2014 saw 102 deals worth US$3.54b).
The increase was due to a continued focus on the
technology sector in the region, where investments
are typically growth capital (i.e., less than US$5m) or
not disclosed.
Deal count
800 10
0 0
Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015
Source: Thomson One, Dealogic and Mergermarket Small Mid Large Deal count
Deal value (US$m)
Deal count
0 0
Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015
Source: Thomson One, Dealogic and Mergermarket Small Mid Deal count
Aug 15 GrabTaxi Holdings Pte. Ltd. Singapore Technology 350.00 China Investment Corporation; Didi-Kuaidi
Jan 15 UE E&C Ltd. Singapore Real estate Southern Capital Group Pte. Ltd.
Jun 15 MAXpower Group Pte. Ltd. Singapore Power and utilities 60.00 IL & FS Investment Managers Ltd.
Geophin George
Transaction Advisory
Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
254 US$8,403
100% size
Deal count Deal value
Other sectors
Automotive and transportation Insurance
Others capital markets
Power and utilities Power and utilities Power and
Banking and Real estate utilities
Government and public sector capital markets
Provider care
Consumer products and retail
Automotive and
Government and
and retail
public sector
Joongshik Wang
Asean Leader,
Corporate Finance
“Unsurprisingly technology has emerged as the hot sector of focus across recent
years, which has seen a large number of pure-play PEs and VCs establishing
themselves in the region. 2016 has seen this wave continue to grow and begin to
move into the next stage of development, with a number of businesses attracting
investment much more than seed capital.”
Private equity briefing: SEA 9
03 Exits
• It was another muted year for PE exiting through an Indonesia Vietnam Philippines
IPO, with no players using this method of exit in 2015,
compared to three in 2014.
• Singapore and Malaysia continued to generate the Source: Thomson One, Dealogic and Mergermarket
Deal value US$m
Deal count
0 0
Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015
Aug 15 STATS ChipPAC Limited Singapore Technology 1723.6 Temasek Holdings Trade
Consumer products
Dec 15 Golden Foods Siam Ltd. Thailand 360.0 Navis Management Sdn. Bhd. Trade
and retail
ECO Industrial
Government and
Aug 15 Environmental Singapore 183.1 Navis Capital Partners Ltd. Trade
public sector
Engineering Pte. Ltd.
Vikram Chakravarty
Asia-Pacific Leader,
Capital Transformation
• In 2015, there was a surge in both the number of • The majority of funds being raised have a sector-
funds closed and the total value of these funds agnostic focus. However, there is an increasing
compared with 2014. A total of 24 funds closed proportion of funds having a single sector focus
(2014: 13) in the year, raising US$16.529b (2014: particularly around real estate and energy.
• The record for funds being raised by an Asian-backed
PE firm was broken twice: first when Baring Private
Equity Asia raised US$4.0b in February 2015, and
when RRJ Capital raised US$4.5b in September 2015.
6,000 7
2,000 2
0 0
Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015
Funds raised Series2
Funds count
RRJ Capital Master Fund III RRJ Capital Buyout 4,500 Sep 15 Diversified
Baring Asia Private Equity Fund VI Baring Private Equity Asia Growth 3,988 Feb 15 Diversified
Bain Capital Asia III Bain Capital Buyout 3,000 Dec 15 Diversified
Energy and
Equis Asia Fund II Equis Funds Group Infrastructure 1,000 Feb 15
ADV Opportunities Fund I ADV Partners 545 Sep 15 Diversified
Pamfleet Real Estate Fund II Pamfleet Group Real estate 400 Jun 15 Property
Source: Preqin
Purandar Rao
Singapore Head,
Transaction Advisory
“2015 was a fantastic year for PE raising new funds. Although we do not expect to
see this massive level of fund-raising to be repeated in 2016, there is now
increasing pressure across all PE houses to start putting their capital to work.”
• At 14% CAGR between 2009 and 2013, health care • The growth is sustainable as it is underpinned by rising
spending has grown at a faster rate than a country’s income levels and increasing coverage.
gross domestic product (GDP). • Aging population and rise in chronic diseases
• Growing middle class and increasing affordability
• Regional push toward universal health care
• Increase in insurance coverage
Figure 7: Southeast Asian markets are at different stages of maturity, presenting varied opportunities
55% Public
38% 40% 43% 38% health
24% 25% financing
Health care system Most basic health care Wider choice of Private contributions to
largely undeveloped needs met health care services health care financing
Public expenditure All three countries are Well-developed health care A mix of private and public
covers only vaccination currently implementing infrastructure contributions
and a few public clinics universal public health care Malaysia provides direct health Government gradually
and hospitals schemes care subsidies disengages from funding,
Public expenditures on Public expenditures range Thailand public health encouraging private
health range between between US$30 and insurance system is financed by contributions
US$2 and US$17 per US$40 per capita per year payments from employers or Increasing demand for more
capita per year employees sophisticated services
• Primary care network: Fragmented market in developed and mature markets offers
opportunities for consolidation.
• Specialty clinics, particularly renal care: High rate of end-stage renal failure in
Southeast Asia. UHC has been supporting growth by making treatment more
affordable. Private chains focused on renal care are viable, because of the chronic
Roll-up opportunities nature of condition. Opportunities for organic roll-up available.
in primary, specialist • Pathology labs: Fragmented market and capex-light business model compared to
care network radiology centers, offering opportunities for consolidation in developing markets.
• Rising need for aged care: By 2025, there will be more than 20% of the population in
Singapore and Malaysia aged 65 and above, demanding for more quality housing with
excellent medical services.
• Opportunities to invest in two business models:
• Care centers or nursing homes model in Singapore: Provides medical and nursing
Aged care play to care, physical therapy and entertainment activities.
capitalize on silver • Retirement village model in Thailand and Philippines: Predominantly operated by
tsunami real estate players as part of their integrated villages with residential areas, health
and wellness centers, recreational areas, and amenities such as game rooms.
Abhay Bangi
Corporate Finance Strategy
(Health care)
Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
“The health care sector presents significant opportunities for financial investors
across the region. Growth markets remain fragmented and underpenetrated
against a backdrop of a growing middle class and increasing life expectancy.
Mature markets are seeing increasing levels of innovation and use of technology,
resulting in the emergence of new players in the industry.”
Private equity briefing: SEA 15
Q: 2015 saw a marked slowdown in private equity activity compared to 2014. How have the last 12 months
been for Navis?
2015 was a good year for Navis. We deployed some US$210m in two new investments (Bmed and Imperial
Treasure) as well as a few follow-ons. We also generated about US$730m of liquidity between last year and
February 2016, mostly by successfully selling Eco, Golden Food Siam, Hui Lau Shan and Profab.
Q: What change do you expect to see in 2016 regarding the number of transactions with private equity
Overall, we feel 2016 will be a busy year. Our deal pipeline is very full at this point in time; thus we can be picky
who we want to invest in and partner with.
Q: What do you perceive as being the biggest opportunities for private equity in 2016?
There may be a contrarian investment in the oil and gas sector. Valuations have been battered. Some of these
companies will prove to be winners when the cycle comes back and will be extremely good buys this year.
Q: What impact do you think the current volatility across the region will have on private equity?
The current volatility certainly offers buying opportunities for us. Some sellers will have more down-to-earth
valuation expectations, others can even run into distress due to the weakening of local currencies against the US
dollar and rising interest rates. We are very active on the portfolio side to ensure that our companies are best
positioned to gain a market advantage. Having a clear strategic vision, strong management teams and
supporting systems and the ability to act through low balance sheet leverage are even more important when
times are turbulent.
Q: With financial institutions withdrawing the availability of capital, will this present opportunities for private
equity investors to fill the void left?
Certainly, we represent a viable alternative source of funding, albeit not the cheapest. Entrepreneurs, especially
those in Singapore, are now well-aware of the role that private equity can be play as a funding source.
Q: Are you seeing a shift in the pricing expectations of shareholders seeking investment?
Yes, economic uncertainties, financial markets gyrations, weakening local currencies and rising US dollar interest
rates all have an impact on the psyche of shareholders. People feel a bit poorer, a bit less bullish, and it
translates into lowered valuation expectations.
Our capabilities
► Focus: Deliver value creation ► Broad functional knowledge: ► Accelerated approach: Customized
services across the PE investment Capabilities in strategy, M&A and approach that is highly responsive
life cycle all core operating functions; and provides accelerated realization
► Dedicated PE experience: experience in revenue of benefits
Dedicated team comprising former enhancement, cost reduction, ► Global capabilities: Dedicated team
PE operating partners, seasoned human capital and that has extensive cross-border
operating executives and change management experience with access to more
management consultants ► Deep sector experience: Primary than 30,000 consultants operating
focus in oil and gas, consumer, in 140 countries with deep industry
industrial, and health care; ability to and functional know-how
tap into sub-sector professionals
Consumer Products Financial Services +65 6309 8168 +65 6309 6151
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