Scroll Antiochus v2
Scroll Antiochus v2
Scroll Antiochus v2
מגילת אנטיוכוס TORAHLAB
Rabbi Yaacov Haber
Max Thurm
Rabbi David Sedley
Rabbi Tanchum Burton
Bayle Haber
Translated by Rayzel Broyde
Daniella Sopher
Rabbi David Sedley
First published 2007
ISBN 978-1-59826-179-0
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Published by TorahLab
Monsey – Jerusalem
Printed in Israel
FOREWORD you are the minority of the nations.” (Devarim 7:7). Our ability to
be a ‘light unto the nations’ is in direct proportion to the purity of
Like the story of Esther, The Scroll of Antiochus is a story that light.
about heroes. In it we learn of individuals who, with their
great dedication and conviction, were able to save the Jewish The scroll that we put before you in this short volume is an
community in Israel, delay the destruction of Yerushalayim ancient historical account of the Chanukah story. The Scroll of
by 200 years, and topple the powerful Greek army. The sons Antiochus was originally written in Aramaic. Rabbi Saadia Gaon
of Mattisyahu, grandsons of Yochanan the Kohein Gadol, (ninth century) claimed that the earliest written copy of this
waged war against Antiochus and his governors and eventually scroll can be traced back to the period of Bais Hillel and Bais
succeeded in toppling the Greek forces. Shamai, Talmudic scholars who lived one hundred years before
the destruction of the Second Beis HaMikdash; approximately 30
On Chanukah we celebrate the miracle of quality over BCE. However, in his opinion, the scroll originated one hundred
quantity. The Talmud (Shabbos 21b), emphasizes the miracle of years before that and was originally written by the Maccabees
the oil. After the Greek invasion and defilement of the Second themselves.
Beis HaMikdash, the victorious Maccabees discovered only a
small amount of pure olive oil, sealed with the distinctive seal of For generations it was the custom of communities in Italy
purity of the Kohein Gadol. Even though there was only enough and in Yemen to read the Scroll of Antiochus in the synagogue
oil to light the Menorah in the Beis HaMikdash for one day, the on Chanukah. (see thirteenth century Tosfos Rid; commentary
oil miraculously lasted for eight days. The codifiers of the Siddur, on Talmud Bavli, Sukkah 42) . It is printed in many Siddurim,
in the Al HaNissim prayer, emphasized the miracle of the armed including Otzar HaTefillos.
rebellion which is also the subject of Megillas Antiochus.
The Maccabees, like the oil found in the Beis HaMikdash,
The lesson of these two main stories is that a little bit of purity were a small drop of purity amongst an enormous amount of
can go a very long way. It is not the quantity of the oil that contamination.
matters; it is the quality of its purity.
We need heroes in order to survive as a people. The story of
The greatest developments in world history did not take place Chanukah is a story of pure spiritual heroism. It is our hope that
because of large armies or mega corporations. Change for the the republishing of this story with a new and modern translation
better is effected by individuals with courage and by heroes of will serve to inspire purity, integrity and the heroism which we so
faith. It is not the fire power of an army that wins the battle, but direly need.
the purity, power and conviction of its cause.
Rabbi Yaacov Haber
This is the story of the Jewish people. “Not because you are Jerusalem
larger than all the nations did God desire you and choose you, for Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5768
1 2
Antiochus IV Epiphanes (the epithet Epiphanes in Greek means “The Shining One”) (ca. 4
The name Bagris only appears in the Scroll of Antiochus. We have no other records
215–164 BCE) ruled the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire from 175 BCE until his death. of a general or a city by this name. There was a general called Bacchides (mentioned
He claimed that his dynasty was the legitimate successor to Alexander, who was king in Maccabees I 7: 8) who marched against Yerushalayim at the instruction of King
of Greece and the entire known world. However, the reality is that after Alexander’s Demetrius who ruled the Selucid empire after Antiochus. In Josephus’ War of the Jews
death the kingdom was divided into four separate kingdoms who remained at war with (chapter 1: 2) Bachides is described as the general of Antiochus.
one another for the next 200 years. Antiochus was the ruler of the Seleucid dynasty 5
This is hard to understand historically, as he only ruled for 11 years. It is most likely
which comprised the area of Mesopotamia along with the Middle East. He is called that the war against Jerusalem began after his defeat in Egypt, approximately 168 BCE.
‘Greek’ because he attempted to ‘Hellenize’ (bring Greek culture and values to) his This date is 19 years since the death of Antiochus III. Perhaps the author of this scroll
entire kingdom. thought that Antiochus III was the immediate predecessor or Antiochus IV. According to
He waged war against Egypt and almost defeated them. He also had plans to conquer Seder HaDoros he conquered the land of Israel in the year 3460, which is almost 100
Rome, though he never succeeded in doing so. He also proclaimed himself to be a god; years earlier than minted coins from Antiochus’s reign. However, Seder HaDoros also
coins minted by Antiochus Epiphanes on the reverse side read “King Antiochus…God claims that the revolt of the Chashmonaim began in 3622 (139 BCE) which is later than
made visible”. historical documentation allows.
3 4
Therefore he said to his officers, “You know that the הלא ידעתם כי יש ַעם:ויען ויאמר לשריו
Jews of Yerushalayim are in our midst. They don’t לאלהינו אינם.היהודים אשר בירושלים בינינו
offer sacrifices to our gods and they don’t follow our ודתי המלך, ודתינו אינם עושים,מקריבים
Then Yochanan was brought before Nikanor. ויען ניקנור ויאמר.ואז יוחנן הובא לפני ניקנור
Nikanor said to Yochanan, “You are one of the
אתה הוא אחד מן המורדים אשר:ליוחנן
rebels who rebelled against the king and who doesn’t
want peace in the kingdom”. Yochanan replied to ויען. ואינם רוצים לשלום מלכותו,מרדו במלך
Nikanor and said, “My master, I am he, now I have עתה, אני הוא, אדוני:יוחנן לפני ניקנור ויאמר
NIKANOR ASKS come before you. Whatever you wish I shall do.” ויען ניקנור. אשר תרצה אעשה,באתי לפניך
SALAUGHTER A PIG Nikanor answered and said to Yochanan, “If you קח, אם כרצוני אתה עושה:ויאמר ליוחנן
ON THE ALTAR. will do what I wish, take a pig and slaughter it on
YOCHAN ASKS , ותלבש בגדי מלכות,חזיר ושחטהו על הבמה
the altar. Then you may wear royal robes and ride
AUDIENCE WITH on the king’s horse and be as one of the king’s close וכאחד מאוהבי המלך,ותרכב על סוס המלך
friends.” When Yochanan heard this he answered , אדוני: וכאשר שמע יוחנן השיבו דבר.תהיה
skillfully. “My master, I am afraid that the Israelites פן ישמעו כי עשיתי,אני ירא אנוכי מבני ישראל
will hear what I have done. They will stone me with , עתה יצא כל איש מלפניך.כן וסקלוני באבנים
rocks! Please remove all the people from before you, . אז ניקנור הוציא מלפניו כל איש.פן יודיעום
lest they make it known.” So Nikanor sent out every
man from the place.
A zeres is approximately 1 foot/ 30 cm.
7 8
Then Yochanan ben Matisyahu cast his eyes to the בעת ההיא נשא יוחנן בן מתתיהו עיניו לשמים
Lord of Heaven and prayed before His G-d. He said, אלוהי ואלוהי: ויאמר,ותיקן תפלתו לפני אלוהיו
“Lord, and Lord of my fathers Avraham, Yitzchak
אל תתנני נא בידי, אברהם יצחק ויעקב,אבותי
Yochanan cried out and said, ‘My L-rd, don’t לא תשים עלי חטא, אלוהי:ענה יוחנן ויאמר
consider this as a sin even though I killed him in the עתה כן תתן את כל העמים,כי הרגתיו בקודש
sanctuary. Now also give us all his men that came
אז יצא.אשר באו עמו להצר ליהודה ולירושלים
with him to cause pain to Yehuda and Yerushalayim.’
LEADS THE JEWS Then Yochanan ben Matisyahu went out on that day וילחם בעמים,יוחנן בן מתתיהו ביום ההוא
and fought with the people and slaughtered very מספר ההרוגים אשר הרג.ויהרוג בהם הרג רב
OUS. many of them. The number of people who were (ביום ההוא שבע מאות אלף ושנים )ושבעים
killed on that day was 772,000 who were killed by בשובו בנה. אשר היו הורגים אלה לאלה,אלף
their own allies. When he returned he built a pillar
." ויקרא לו "מכבי ממית החזקים,עמוד על שמו
in his name and he was called ‘Maccabee who kills
the strong’.
When King Antiochus heard the news that Nikanor ויהי כאשר שמע אנטיוכוס המלך כי נהרג ניקנור
his commander had been killed he was very וישלח להביא לו את בגריס, צר לו מאוד,משנהו
distressed, and sent for the wicked Bagris, deceiver ויען אנטיוכוס ויאמר.הרשע המטעה את עמו
of his people. Antiochus said to Bagris, ‘you know
if you haven’t already heard what the Children of
אשר עשו לי, הלא ידעת אם לא שמעת:לבגריס
. הרגו חיילי ויבוזו מחנותי ושרי.בני ישראל
Dagon was a fish shaped god worshipped by several ancient sea-faring or shore-
dwelling nations.
According to Maccabees II (15: 25) Nikanor was killed by Judah Maccabee.
9 10
Israel have done to me; they have killed my soldiers או בתיכם לכם,עתה על ממונכם אתם בוטחים
and plundered my camps and my officers. ‘Now
בואו נעלה עליהם ונבטל מהם הברית אשר,הם
ANTIOCHUS can you still rely on your money or your homes
11 12
At that time the Children of Israel said to each other, :בזמן ההוא אמרו בני ישראל אלו לאלו
‘Let us spend the Shabbos in a cave, lest we violate פן נחלל את,בואו ונלך ונשבות במערה
Shabbos’. People betrayed them to Bagris. Then the
. וילשינו אותם לפני בגריס.יום השבת
13 14
to conquer the five sons of Matisyahu. They are מאריות הם חזקים ומנשרים הם:בני מתתיהו
stronger than lions, lighter than eagles and quicker14
עצתי, עתה המלך.קלים ומדובים הם ממהרים
than bears. Now, King, my advice, if it is good to you,
כי אם. ולא תלחם באנשים מעט,תיטב עליך
He said to them, ‘Why have you returned?’ They כאשר ראו בני מתתיהו כי,באותה שעה
replied, ‘Because Yehuda, our brother, who was ויאמר.נהרג יהודה; שבו ויבואו אל אביהם
the most important amongst us, has been killed.’ אשר: למה שבתם? ויענו ויאמרו:להם
FATHER. Matisyahu their father said to them, ‘I will go out
with you and wage war against the nations, lest
. אשר היה חשוב ככולנו,נהרג יהודה אחינו
the House of Israel is destroyed while you remain אני אצא:ויען מתתיהו אביהם ויאמר אליהם
agitated about your brother.’ , פן יאבדו בית ישראל,עמכם ואלחם בעמים
.ואתם נבהלתם על אחיכם
Bereishis 49: 9 “A lion cub is Yehuda…”
ibid. chapter 34. Yaakov’s sons Shimon and Levi killed all the townspeople in the
city of Shechem in retaliation for the rape of their sister Dina.
He was King David’s most successful general. See Shmuel 1, 14: 50, 20: 25
Shmuel 1 chapter 14
Bamidbar 25
17 18
Matisyahu went out with his sons on that day and . וילחמו בעמים,ויצא מתתיהו ביום ההוא עם בניו
fought against the nations. The Lord of Heaven ויהרגו,ואלוהי השמים נתן כל גיבורי העמים בידם
gave into their hands all the mighty soldiers of