Against The Dark Master
Against The Dark Master
Against The Dark Master
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Against the Darkmaster | Quickstart Rules
Quickstart Rules
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Against the Darkmaster | Quickstart Rules
Tommaso Galmacci, Nikola Segoloni
Tommaso Galmacci, Tazio Bettin
Beta Playtesters
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Against the Darkmaster | Quickstart Rules
Table of Contents
Against the Darkmaster Background, Passions & Drive Gaining Experience Points............ 59
Introduction Background Leveling Up..................................... 60
Assumptions .....................................4 Background Options .....................28
Magic & Spells
Dice & Dice Rolling Passions and Drive Spell Lores .......................................61
Type of dice ....................................... 5 Passions ...........................................30
Spell Learning Restrictions ...........61
Type of Dice Rolls.............................5 Choosing Passions .........................30
Magic Points ...................................62
Changing Passions .........................30
Casting Spells ................................. 63
CREATING A CHARACTER Drive ................................................31
Character Creation Checklist Spell Failure .................................... 66
Finishing Touches
Derived Attributes .........................33
Stats Description ..............................9 ANIMIST GRIMOIRE
Starting Equipment ........................33 Healing ............................................ 68
Generating Stats ............................... 9
Naming your Character ................34 Master of Plants ..............................70
Kin Modifiers ..................................10 PART II
Master of Animals ..........................72
Special traits ....................................11 Chanting ..........................................74
Resolving Actions
Suggested Cultures ........................11 Skill Rolls .........................................36 Movements of Nature.................... 76
Starting Wealth Level .....................11 Difficulty ..........................................36 PART IV
Background Options ......................11 WIZARD GRIMOIRE
Helping ............................................37
Eldritch Fire .................................... 79
Kins Description The Die is Cast ................................37
Dwarf ............................................... 11 Detections........................................ 81
Conflicting Actions ........................37
Halfling ............................................12 Eldritch Hand ................................. 83
Save Rolls ........................................38
Man ..................................................12 Mind Control ..................................85
Resolving Save Rolls ......................38
High Man ........................................12 Illusions ...........................................87
Dusk Elf ...........................................13 PART V
Introduction to Combat .................39
Cultures The Tactical Round ........................39 Weapons Table ................................ 90
Cultural Skill Ranks .......................14
Types of Actions .............................42 Armors Table ..................................92
Spells ................................................14
Tactical Movement .........................45 General Gear ...................................93
Outfitting......................................... 14
Range and Reloading ....................46 PART VI
Passions and Worldview ...............14
Parrying ...........................................46 APPENDIX
Starting Wealth Level ....................14 Edged Weapon Attack Table......... 99
Critical Strikes .................................47
Cultures Description......................16 Blunt Weapons Attack Table......... 99
Weapon Fumbles ............................47
Vocations Missile Weapons Attack Table ....100
Combat Conditions ........................49
Vocational Bonuses ........................20
Movement and Traveling Unarmed/Grappling Att. Tbl. ... 100
Special Ability................................. 20
Encumbrance ..................................51 Area Spells Attack Table.............. 101
Vocational Spell Lores ...................20
Travels ..............................................52 Bolt Spells Attack Table ............... 101
Development Points ......................20
Traveling Hazards ..........................53 Beasts Attack Table ...................... 103
Magic Points Gain per Level ........20
Weariness and Starvation ..............53 Impact Critical Strikes .................104
The Vocations
Wealth and Treasure Cut Critical Strikes ....................... 104
Warrior............................................. 21
Wealth Level ...................................54 Pierce Critical Strikes................... 105
Rogue ...............................................21
Buying Goods .................................54 Fire Critical Strikes....................... 105
Strider ..............................................21
Increasing Wealth ...........................55
Damage, Wounds, Health & Healing
Animist ............................................22 Hit Points .........................................56
Skills Bleeding ...........................................56
Introduction to Skills ..................... 24
Conditions .......................................57
Stat Bonus ........................................24
Injuries .............................................57
Ranks ................................................25
Character Advancement
Skills Description ...........................25 Levels and Progression ..................59
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Against the Darkmaster | Quickstart Rules
Assumptions word are entirely featured. This is because it
was first of all not possible to list all of them
at once, and second because there’s some sort
Use of masculine pronouns
of “implied” setting in VsD, reminiscent of
Throughout the text, you will find the use of central European Middle Ages - plus, of
standard masculine gender pronouns (i.e. course, dark magic, orcs and trolls!
“he”, “him”, and “his”) when referring to But again, this is a fantasy game. Fantasy is
“the player” and “the character”. This is meant for everyone.
absolutely not intended to discriminate If you want to play VsD in a setting different
anyone or imply in any way that Against the from the one implied in this book, you’re
Darkmaster is a game for guys only. This is more than encouraged to do so. You want to
because we needed a convention for introduce your own different Kins and
simplicity’s sake, and because most phrases Cultures? Let’s do it, definitely.
and examples are addressed at a generic Future VsD supplements probably will
“character” - and the word itself may be of feature more different Kins and Cultures
masculine gender. from different settings. Wait for them if you
want. Or make them out for yourself if you
Kins and Cultures prefer.
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Against the Darkmaster | Quickstart Rules
Part I
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Against the Darkmaster | Quickstart Rules
Characters in Against the Darkmaster are level. See the Magic & Spells chapter for
defined by a set of six Stats, which measure more.
their intrinsic capabilities and basic strengths
or flaws. Bearing (BEA)
Each Stat has an associated Value, which can
Is a measure of a character’s presence,
be positive or negative, and tells you how
charisma and social influence.
good a character is in a particular field.
Generating Stats
Stats Description
Players can choose their characters’ Stats by
Brawn (BRN) distributing 50 points (in slots of 5 points
each) among them as they see fit.
Measures a character’s muscular strength
No Stat may be given a starting value higher
and physical power.
than 25 or lower than 0. Some examples of
Stat Values arrays generated with this
Swiftness (SWI) method are given below:
Is the measure of a character’s dexterity, • +20, +15, +10, +5, +0, +0
speed, coordination, balance and general • +25, +20, +5, +0, +0, +0
agility. • +10, +10, +10, +10, +5, +5
You can use those standard arrays of stats as
Fortitude (FOR) well if you prefer.
Wits (WIT)
Measures a character’s reasoning, cleverness,
mnemonic ability and mental agility.
Wits value modifies the number of Magic
Points a Wizard character gains at each level.
See the Magic & Spells chapter for more.
Wisdom (WSD)
Measures a character’s empathy, intuition,
willpower, awareness and attention to detail.
Wisdom value modifies the number of Magic
Points an Animist character gains at each
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The world of Against the Darkmaster is Players must choose their Kins during
inhabited by many different Kins. Fair and character creation, right before selecting their
otherworldly elves; stocky dwarves; massive character’s Vocation.
trolls; stunted orcs; nimble halflings and,
obviously, humans coexist next to each other, Kin Modifiers
even if not necessarily in a peaceful way.
A character’s Kin determines his general Each Kin grants a series of modifiers to a
appearance; influences his Stat Values; and character’s statistics, as shown in the Kin
gives him special abilities related to his Modifier Table below.
1.1 - Kins Bonus Table
BRA, SWI, FOR, WIT, WSD, BEA: these modifiers are applied directly to the corresponding
Stat Value of the character belonging to this Kin. Players should note these on their
character’s sheet, altering their Total Stat Values accordingly.
HP: this value is added as a bonus to the character’s total starting Hit Points number.
Max HP: a character can never have more HPs than the value shown on this column for his
MP: this is the number of additional Magic Points the character gains at 1st level as on-time
bonus, because of his Kin.
TSR: this bonus is added as a bonus to the character’s Toughness Save Rolls.
WSR: this bonus is added as a bonus to the character’s Willpower Save Rolls
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Kins Description
Dwarf Special Traits
• Dark Sight: Dwarves can see up to 30m in
Legends say Dwarves were born from stone. dim light (treating the first 15m as if they
Sculpted to life from their gods at the were standing in bright light); and up to
beginning of time. Surely, Dwarves seems to 3m in total darkness.
have an affinity with stone, or to have at least • Forgekin: Dwarves get a +30 bonus to their
inherited some of its resistance and RRs and defenses against heat and cold
durability. attacks.
Dwarves are short and stout, usually just • Stoneborn: Dwarves get a +20 bonus to
around 140 to 150 cm of height, but often
their Nature and Wandering rolls while
weighing as a much higher, full grown man.
underground, but -50 to their swimming
They tend to have muscular arms, strong legs
and barrel-bellied bodies. Adult males have
• Superstitious: Dwarves can’t be Wizards or
very long, curly beards, often worn in braids.
They have incredibly long lifespans and,
while not immortal as the elven Kin, they can Suggested Cultures: Deep.
live over 300 years. This tends to influence Starting Wealth Level: 1
their worldview and temperament, which Background Options: Dwarves start with 4
members of the shorter lived Kins often find Background Points.
somber and brooding.
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Special Traits
• Keen Senses: Elves superior senses grant
them a special +10 bonus to their
Perception skill. Additionally, they can see
in moonlight or starlight as if it were day,
and up to 30m in dim light (treating the
first 15m as if they were standing in bright
• Immortal: Elves do not age, are immune to
disease, and are resistant to the effects of
natural cold (gaining a +10 bonus against
any Cold-based threat). They don’t need to
sleep, and will gain the benefits of a
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Characters coming from different ranks as they wish among the Spell Lores
environments will have different skill sets listed in the Culture’s description.
and inclinations, different outfits, and
possibly different worldviews, values and Outfitting
In Against the Darkmaster, Culture Characters will begin with a number of items
represents a character’s upbringing, and the typical of their Culture, which are added to
influence the environment he grew up in had their starting equipment. These items are
on his life. presented in the Culture’s description as a
A character’s Culture will grant him a certain series of outfitting options the players can
number of ranks in a series of Skills; pick and choose from.
determines the equipment he carries when he
begins his adventure; and influences his Passions and Worldview
starting Wealth Level. Cultures will also give
players ideas on how to roleplay their Each Culture description will also include
characters, and some suggestions about some of the beliefs, opinions and prejudices
writing their Passions. Players choose their commonly held by members of that Culture,
character’s Culture during character creation, as well as some suggestions on how they
right after selecting their Kin could influence a character’s Passions.
Obviously, these guidelines are only general
Cultural Skill Ranks assumptions made to help players bring their
characters to life, and are in no way
To represent a character’s early training and prescriptive. Players are free to interpret their
education, a Culture will grant him a characters as they wish, either playing along
predetermined number of ranks in a series of with these concepts, or creating an atypical
Skills, as shown in the Cultural Skill Ranks member of their character’s Culture.
Cultural ranks are gained as soon as the Starting Wealth Level
player selects his character’s culture, and do
not count toward the maximum number of This is the Wealth Level a character from a
developable ranks (see character Culture starts with. Add this to the
development chapter). character’s Kin’s starting Wealth Level to
determine his total WL, as described in the
Spells Wealth chapter.
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Armor 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2
Blades 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2
Ranged 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
Polearms 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
Brawl 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
Athletics 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1
Ride 1 1 5 1 2
Hunting 2 2 1 1 1 2
Nature 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2
Wandering 2 1 1 2 3 2
Acrobatics 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Stealth 3 2 2 1 1 2 1
Perception 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Deceive 1 1 2 2 1
Arcana 1 1 1 1
Charisma 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1
Cultures 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1
Healer 1 1 2
Body 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2
Spell Lores 2 1
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Spell Lores: Detections; Movements of • Swirling tattoos; ritual scars; stripe tattoos;
Nature; Illusions; Mind Control and their Kin scary tattoos.
Spell Lores. • Furs; simple tunic; loincloth.
• Short spear; bow and arrows; quarterstaff.
Woad • Bundle of healing herbs; hunting trap;
bone ornaments.
Woad characters are often seen as primitive
Starting Wealth Level: 0
or barbaric by characters coming from other
Cultures. They live deep in the wilderness,
usually as part of small nomadic or semi-
nomadic tribes or clans guided by Animists Noble characters come from a privileged
and shamans. They have a deep respect of class or caste that elevates them above
the natural environment and its inhabitants, common people, at least in terms of influence
relying almost exclusively on what they’re and power. Hailing from the landed gentry;
able to hunt and forage for survival. forgotten imperial bloodlines; or recently
Characters from the Woad Culture wear parvenu families, they’re well trained and
elaborate tattoos and ritual scars all over educated, as well as better equipped, and
their bodies, from which their Culture takes generally richer than most of the other
its name.. A Woad character could tell not characters.
only from which tribe another character hails Whatever be their origins, Nobles tend to
from, but often also his name, social give a certain importance to ancestry and
standing, and major life events, just by bloodline, to which they link one’s valor,
looking at his tattoos. honor and, ultimately, worthiness. Their
For this reason, Woad characters can be character’s family's past could inspire players
suspicious of “unpainted” individuals, who to write a Motivation about restoring its
can be seen as purposely hiding their past honor, or recovering one of its legendary
and motives. heirlooms from the clutches of the
Once in their life, usually at their coming of Darkmaster. His Noble Nature could
age, characters from the Woad Culture manifest as as an haughty attitude, or as an
undergo a special ceremony, during which inclination to defend the less fortunate. It
they’re given a portent about their future or could also mean their character is bound by
destiny. Players could write a Motivation an Allegiance to the king’s court or to a
about the fate their character was given powerful order.
during this ceremony. Their character’s Outfitting: Choose one of each:
tattoos could tell something about his
● Elaborate clothing; enameled breastplate;
Nature. Or maybe they could write about
dark-green clothes and travel-stained
their character’s Allegiance to the natural
spirits that protect his clan.
● Two-handed sword; composite bow,
Outfitting: Choose one of each:
quiver and arrows; morning star or mace
and shield; dagger.
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● Scroll, ink and quill; a horse; engraved Or it could be his Allegiance, that convinced
warhorn. him to answer the call of a friend in need.
Starting Wealth Level: 2 Outfitting: Choose one of each:
Spell Lores: Noble characters gain an • Colorful clothes; coat and waistcoat;
additional rank in one of the following Spell traveling clothes.
Lores: Detections; Healing; Cleansing; Soul • Ancient dagger; shepherd's sling; walking
Soothing or in one of their Kin Spell Lores. stick.
• Hat and pocket-handkerchief; pipe,
Pastoral tobacco and a bagful of food; a pony.
Characters belonging to the Pastoral Culture Starting Wealth Level: 1
come from rural communities, farmsteads or
small villages. They’re peaceful, simple City
people, who like to enjoy life’s small Urban environments, from high-walled,
pleasures, like a nice warm meal, a pint of ale bustling metropolises, to smaller and quieter
with friends, or sitting in their gardens and border towns, are the origin of the City
smoking their pipes on a sunny holiday. Culture.
They’re a quite conservative Culture, deeply Characters from the City often like to think
tied to their roots and customs. They tend to they’re more civilized and refined than those
be suspicious of novelties and, more than any living outside it. They tend to be friendly and
other thing, they dislike adventures. Or that’s relatively open-minded, as they’re
what they say. Many of them, are actually accustomed to dealing with strangers and
quite curious and, while they may never more exposed to different world views and
admit to it, are particularly fond of tales of ideas. However, ancient grudges and old
great heroes and legendary journeys. enmities are hard to forget, so they might
Characters from this Culture are usually hold some prejudice against the dwellers of a
uncomfortable around violence and rarely neighboring town, or foreigners from a
take up arms, save as a last resort to defend certain land.
their homes from a direct threat. They have at least some basic combat
A character belonging to the Pastoral Culture abilities, either from serving in the local
will often have his Motivation thrown upon militia, or from having to deal with life on the
him, despite his best efforts to avoid any kind streets on their own. In any case, brute force
of adventure. He could somehow find isn’t often the best solution in the City, so
himself in possession of a mysterious item, characters from this Culture usually prefer to
drawing the attention of the minions of the defuse the situation with carefully placed
Darkmaster. Or he could be almost forcibly words, or avoid confrontation altogether.
recruited by a wandering wizard for a The life of members of this Culture revolves
seemingly impossible task. around their City, so they’ll often need a
Alternatively, it could be his naturally powerful Motivation to leave it. Maybe they
inquisitive Nature, that drew him away from were wrongly accused, and forced to flee on a
his peaceful, but ultimately dull life.
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Each character in Against the Darkmaster has a
Development Points
Vocation, which represents a mix of innate
aptitude and specific, intense training. A Each Vocation gets a certain amount of
character’s Vocation describes how his Development Points for each level to
apprenticeship and natural inclination distribute between their Skills. Development
influence his starting abilities and also how Points are spent to buy Skill Ranks on a 1:1
easy (or difficult) it is for him to develop basis. A maximum of 2 Skill Ranks can be
Skills in various fields of expertise. purchased at each new level - so basically a
maximum of 2 Development Points can be
Vocational Bonuses spent on a single Skill at each new level.
Development Points can also be set apart and
Each Vocation gives a series of fixed bonuses
transferred to different Skill Categories. This
to specific Skills, called Vocational Bonuses. is made on a 2:1 basis.
They represent the edge that members of that
So for example a character has 2DPs spare
Vocation have over other characters, thanks from developing skills in various Categories,
to their focused training. and decides to transfer them to another
These bonuses are applied during character Category. He will get to spend 1 point this
creation, as soon as one’s Vocation is chosen. way in the new Category. This point can be
Please refer to the Vocation Development stacked with those he already has to spend in
Points and Professionals Bonuses Table to that Category (e.g. if he already had 3 DPs to
find out the Professional Bonuses of each spend, he will now have 4).
Magic Points Gain per Level
Special Ability
This number is the Magic Points the character
Each Vocation is also characterized by a adds to his maximum number of MPs for
unique Special Ability, which further each level to cast his Spells (see Magic &
differentiates it from other Vocations. Spells for more).
Skill Ranks from other categories can be
Vocational Spell Lores transferred here on a 3:1 basis from any other
Vocational Spell Lores are those that category. So for example a character who
characters belonging to a specific Vocation already gains 2 MPs per level can gain a one-
time additional MP if he transfers 3 DPs from
can learn and cast without restrictions, as
explained in detail the the Magic & Spells any Skill Category.
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Warriors can add the number of Ranks (not the Vocational Spell Lores: None
Ranks bonus) they have developed in their
Armor Skill to their DEF when fighting with Wizard
an Armor heavier than Soft Leather on. Wizards are adept at sorcerous skills, always
Vocational Spell Lores: None immersed in their studies of dusty tomes and
moldy scrolls, seeking enlightenment and
Rogue trying to uncover the deepest secrets and
mysteries of Magic.
The Rogue is adept at disguise, stealth, and
subterfuge. He can go unnoticed in a crowd
Arcane Power
or be silent and unseen like a deadly shadow
deep in a dark cave as well as in the back Wizards can add the number of Ranks of
alleys of the city. their Arcana skill as bonus to their CMB with
Bolt and Ball- type attack
Vocational Spell Lores
Rogues can add the number of Ranks of their 1.3 - Wizard Vocational Spell Lores
Stealth skill as a modifier to their Critical
Alchemy Eldritch Senses
Strikes rolls they deal to a foe which is not
Detections Eldritch Storm
aware of their presence - e.g. is being
ambushed. This bonus applies to both melee Earthmould Eldritch Wards
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Armor 2 1 1 0 0 1
Combat 5 3 4 0 1 2
Adventuring 4 4 5 1 2 2
Hunting +5 +5 +15 +5 +5
Wandering +5 +5 +15 +5 +5
Roguery 2 5 4 1 1 2
Acrobatics +20 +5 +5
Lore 0 1 0 5 4 3
Healer +5 +15 +5
Spells 0 0 0 5 5 3
Body 2 1 1 0 0 1
MP per Level 0 0 0 3 2 1
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Introduction to Skills 1.6 - Skill Stat Bonuses
Stat Stat
In Against the Darkmaster, Skills represent a Skill Skill
Bonus Bonus
character’s specialized capabilities developed
Armor Lore
with experience from training, while Stats
represent innate abilities and potential Armor - Arcana WIT
contains Skills that are commonly used Ranged SWI Songs & Tales BEA
during combat situations.
Polearms BRN Spells
Categories are used in game for quick
reference, and for the purpose of determining Brawl BRN Spell Lores Varies
characters’ advancement, according to their Adventuring Body
Athletics BRN Body FOR
associated, thus no Stat bonus is provided for Perception WIS Streetwise WIT
that Skill.
Deceive WIT Trickery SWI
Other Skills may accept more than one bonus
and either the character or other
circumstances decide which Stat bonus will
Find more information on Skills Stat Bonuses
summarized in the table below and further
specified in each Skill’s description.
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10 +50 26 +76
Bladed weapons are made to cut and slash
11 +52 27 +77
through the target’s flesh.
12 +54 28 +78
13 +56 29 +79
Ranged weapons encompass all weapons
14 +58 30 +80
that either shoot projectiles of some sort or
15 +60 31+ +1/rank are themselves thrown as projectiles.
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knowledge of the world around him and his This skill represent the character’s ability of
ability to use that knowledge to his casting a spell. See Magic & Spells section for
advantage. more information about Spell Lores.
Arcana Body
This skill provides a bonus whenever the This skill represents the character’s ability to
character uses his magical knowledge to endure physical punishment like wounds,
determine things such what spell is on a rune scratches, and pain. The Body value sets the
scroll and how to cast it, what sort of magic is maximum number of Hit Points (HPs) the
embedded in a magical symbols or item and character has. Please note that while taking
how to activate it. wounds and damage reduces the HPs total of
the character during game, it never reduces
Charisma the Body total bonus, which instead express
This skill is rolled when the character is the character’s maximum potential.
trying to convince others in doing something The Body skill is never rolled during the
that would benefit him or improve his game.
situation. Some effects, like some creatures Unholy
Drain ability and some spells, may reduce the
Cultures total Body bonus of the character. This will
This skill represent the general knowledge also reduce the character’s hit point
that the character has of a specific culture. maximum. If the Body value is reduced to 0,
This skill can be also used to try to establish the character dies instantly.
communication with another culture by
using specific knowledge of that culture
which includes spoken, written or signed
This skill is used when a character need to
perform medical maneuvers that will lead to
a healing of himself or others.
Spell Lores
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acts as a +1 Magical Focus; or lets you cast • Major (cost 3 BPs): you gain the benefits
a 1st Weave spell of your choosing twice a of the Minor Tier of this Option, and your
day. Give it a name, a origin, and record it training also unlocked a previously
on your character sheet. untapped reserve of magical power stored
• Major (cost 3 BPs): t you gain the benefits within you. Add 1 MP to your Base MP
of the Minor Tier of this Option, and the level gain. However, the enemies of your
item also lets you cast a spell up to the faction both fear and long for your
Third Weave twice a day, or a Fifth Weave potential, and will go to great length to
spell once a day. However, the item is win you over to their cause.
either stolen, or seek by the Darkmaster.
Geared for Adventure
Heroic Bloodline Your companions may joke about the
The blood of heroes runs strongly in your quantity of gear you manage to stuff in your
veins. Tales are sung about the mighty deeds backpack, but you know that being prepared
of your family, of your ancestors. Now these always pays well during an adventure.
tales live again, through you • Minor (cost 1 BP): you can add two items
• Minor (cost 1 BP): you can take an Half with a Fare of 2 or less (see the Equipment
Action to inspire an ally, granting him a section in the Appendix) or one Fare 3 item
special bonus of +10 to their Willpower to your starting equipment.
Save Rolls, or a special +5 bonus to his • Major (cost 2 BPs): you gain the benefits
Attack Bonus and Defense for the current of the Minor Tier of this Option, and you
round. also get a suit of armor or a riding beast of
• Major (cost 2 BPs): you gain the benefits your choice.
of the Minor Tier of this Option, and you
can also reveal your ancestry to gain a Greater Fortune
special +20 to your Charisma or Deceive You come from a wealthy family, or managed
rolls. to grow in richness and social standing with
hard work… or blind luck.
Keeper of the Hidden Lore • Minor (cost 1 BP): you can raise your
You’re an initiate of a secret magical starting Wealth Level by one, up to a
tradition, or part of an arcane organization. maximum WL of 4.
Other initiates (and, sometimes, sworn • Major (cost 3 BPs): you can raise your
enemies of your faction) could recognize you, starting Wealth Level by two, up to a
and may either aid or hinder you, depending maximum WL of 4.
on the situation.
• Minor (cost 1 BP): you gain two ranks in
one of your Kin, Vocational or Common
Spell Lores (see Magic & Spells chapter for
more information on Spell Lores).
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Finishing Touches
Derived Attributes His WSR bonus is equal to his Wisdom stat,
plus 5 times his current Level, plus his Kin
bonus and special modifiers.
Move Rate
A character’s Move Rate indicates how far he Total Hit Points
can move in a single combat round.
Each character Total Hit Points are equal to
All characters have a basic Move Rate of 15,
his Body Skill bonus. See the Skills and the
meaning that they can move up to 15 meters
Damage & Wounds, Health & Healing
at a walking pace (or up to 30 meters when
chapters for more information on Hit Points.
Sprinting) each round.
Magic Points
Magic Points (MPs) represent a reserve of
Characters can shield themselves from harm
mystical energies used by characters to cast
by wearing armor and others protections, but
magical spells.
their ability of deflecting and evading blows
A first level character starts with a number of
is represented by their Defense score (or DEF
MPs equal to the sum of his Kin MP bonus
for short).
and his Vocation’s Base MP level gain.
A character’s DEF is equal to his Swiftness
Wizards and Animists also gain one
score or zero, whichever is higher.
additional MP for each 10 full points of their
Characters can temporarily improve their
MP Stat (WIT for Wizards; WSD for Animists
DEF by wielding shields and parrying; while
and BEA) each level.
Spells, Conditions and other effects can
See the Magic & Spells chapter for more
modify it in other ways, so a character’s DEF
information about Magic Points and their
score will probably change quite often during
the game.
Starting Equipment
Save Rolls
Each character starts the game with:
Not every attack can be dodged or parried.
• a set of normal traveling clothes;
Save Rolls (SR) represent a character’s ability
• a belt with scabbards to hold his weapons;
to resist pernicious effects.
• a pouch for his coins and personal
There are two kinds of Save Rolls in Against
the Darkmaster: Toughness Save Rolls (TSR),
• a small bag or rucksack;
and Willpower Save Rolls (WSR).
• the items gained through his Background
A character’s TSR bonus is equal to his
Points and his Culture Outfitting Options.
Fortitude stat, plus 5 times his current Level,
plus his Kin bonus and special modifiers.
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Part II
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Resolving Actions
Most of the times, players only need to interesting influence on the situation at hand,
describe their characters’ actions for them to the GM must call for a Skill Roll.
automatically resolve as they want. However, The player controlling the character makes an
when a character is facing some kind of Open Ended 1d100 roll and adds his
opposition, or when failure could lead the character’s relevant Skill Bonus, plus any
game in an interesting direction, Against the possible modifier.
Darkmaster uses dice rolls to determine the The final result is then applied to the Action
outcome of an action. Resolution Table to determine the outcome of
the task.
Skill Rolls
When a character tries to accomplish a task
whose outcome has a meaningful and
2.1 - Action Resolution Table
Roll Outcome Game Effect
You don’t get what you were trying to obtain and you put yourself in danger;
4 or Critical
break a piece of equipment; take twice the time normally required; or grant your
less Failure
foes a +20 bonus to their next roll against you.
5 -75 Failure You don’t get what you were trying to obtain.
Partial You only partially accomplish what you were trying to do, or manage to do it, but
Success with a cost, complication or trouble.
You accomplish what you were trying to do,andyou get a +20 bonus to your (or
176 or Outstandin
one of your ally’s) next related roll; gain additional information; or take less time
more g Success
than normally required to complete your task.
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Very Hard -30 That’s a task challenging even for a skilled character 55 90 155
and possibly requiring some luck to be
Extremely -40 Possibly something out of reach of many characters 65 100 165
Hard except for highly trained professionals.
Heroic -50 Something really tough to accomplish even by the 75 110 175
most skilled masters without aid or greater luck.
Insane -70 You should not even think about it, just to begin 95 130 195
* This is the Skill bonus required to have a 50/50 chance of getting that result (assuming a ‘51’ roll on 1d100)
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• Any character rolling a Critical Failure The Difficulty of a Save Roll is 50 plus 5 times
fails to act and eventually suffers a the Attack Level of the effect the character is
Fumble. trying to resist or avoid.
• Any other characters rolls which did not For spells, the Attack Level is usually equal
end up in a Critical Failure are compared: to the level of the character casting the spell.
the higher result wins the Conflict. In other cases, the Attack Level is given in the
Conflicting actions can have Difficulties on description of the attack.
their own, as subject to GM’s discretion. 2.2 - Save Rolls Table
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Introduction to Combat However, to give a sense of completeness
and plausibility, we can assume that a
Combat is a serious thing in Against the standard Tactical Round lasts about five
Darkmaster. seconds of game time.
While characters are assumed to be heroic,
even the most skillful fighter must take The Tactical Round
combat seriously because of the high chance Sequence (TRS)
of being wounded or killed with a single
The Tactical Round Sequence, or TRS, is a
quick reference list used to determine what
actions should take place and when, and
The Tactical Round what characters gets to act in which order
A “Round” in game terms is a convention to during each round.
indicate a short time interval during which a The TRS is somehow fluid: not necessarily
series of tactical actions can take place, when each Phase has to take place in each round.
it’s important to determine which actions fit only the Phases in which one or more
during this time frame and whoever gets to characters actually want and get to act will be
act first. counted down and the actions resolved in the
order suggested.
During a standard game of Against the
Darkmaster, when time is not a relevant factor Additionally, the TRS is not as strict as it may
to consider, there’s no real need to take note seem. Common sense must always be used to
of single time units other than for fictional judge a situation and determine if there’s
purposes. some specific event or condition that will
eventually alter the normal flow of the
When, however, the game’s coming down to
Phases and Actions in the round.
frantic action like melee combat, missile fire,
spell casting and movement in a tactical We will discuss each of the above in depth.
situation, then it’s necessary to rule the thing For now let’s take a look at how a typical TRS
by assuming a standard, countable time unit looks like.
- and that’s the Tactical Round, or simply
Assessment Phase
Round (rnd), for brevity.
In this Phase characters gets their turn at
How long is a Round? assess the situation, and decide what they
Since when counting down rounds there’s no want to do in the following Phases and for
real need to keep count of any other time the rest of the round, thus declaring their
unit, it’s not really important how long (in actions.
game time terms) actually a Tactical Round In the Assessment Phase each character gets
is. his chance to take a Perception skill roll, if
needed, to assess the situation.
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This roll is not always necessary but only if 2.3 - The Tactical Round Sequence
the GM deems it appropriate and specifically
Assessment Phase
when a character:Has been struck by a 1
Roll Perception to Assess if needed.
Critical Strike that
Action Declaration Phase
• Stunned or knocked him down
2 Declare Actions and Targets for the current
• Has just awaken from sleep or faint in the Round.
middle of action
Move & Maneuver Phase
• Has been ambushed
3 Move up to full Move Rate, or double Move
• Has been affected by a disorienting effect, Rate if sprinting. Perform Move Skill Rolls.
such as a fall, tumble or the like.
Spell Phase A
If the Assess roll fails, the character gets not 4
Cast prepared or Instant spells.
to declare any actions in the following Action
Ranged Phase A
Declaration Phase for that round. He can still
5 Loaded missile and thrown weapons Attacks
melee in defense, Parrying with half his are resolved.
maximum CMB available.
Melee Phase
Action Declaration Phase Melee Attacks are resolved in order of weapon
After the Assessment roll (if any), each player Longest Weapons (Spears & Polearms)
gets to declare his character’s actions for the Long Weapons (Long Swords, Two Handed
Short Weapons (Maces, Hammers, Short
Swords, Hand Axes)
Move Phase
Hand Weapons (Daggers, Improvised Weapons,
During this phase characters start moving Brawling)
around and performing Maneuvers involving Ranged Phase B
movement and changing position on the 7 Other missile weapons Attacks that weren’t
battlefield (sprinting, tumbling, climbing to fired in Ranged Phase A are resolved.
higher ground, etc). Spell Phase B
In case it’s necessary to determine which Cast unprepared or Improvised spells.
character starts moving earlier (for example Other Actions Phase
in case of conflicting actions like a chase), the All other Actions take place.
character capable of moving farther in a
single round or the character with the highest Spell Phase A
Skill bonus for the involved maneuver gets to
act first. In this Phase a first volley of spells goes off.
These fall into two specific categories:
• Spells that were prepared at least during
one of the previous rounds and held until
the current round - In this case the spell
gets the bonus/penalty for preparing
spells according to the number of rounds it
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was prepared before casting, excluding the • Short: Maces, Hammers, Short Swords,
current round. Hand Axes
• Instant Spells (marked with a ✱ symbol) • Hand: Daggers, Improvised Weapons,
If it will ever be necessary to determine Brawling
which spell goes off first, it is the one cast by The longer the weapon, the first its turn to
the higher level caster. In case of a tie, look at attack.
the spell-casting higher bonus to break the In case of tie between attacker wielding
tie. weapons of the same length, the attacker
with the highest CMB goes first. In the case
Ranged Phase A of identical CMB, the attacks are considered
to occur simultaneously.
In this Phase the first volley of missile
There are a few exception to the
weapons shoot. These fall in two specific
aforementioned rules: Positional Bonuses &
Dashing Attacks.
• Loaded and aimed missile weapons:
bows & crossbows that have been Positional Bonus
reloaded for a full 1+ rounds before the
A Positional Bonus is a circumstance in
current one and are thus ready to shoot.
which one attacker has a positional
• Readied thrown weapons: a weapon the
advantage against his opponents, reflected by
character already holds in his hands and is
a CMB bonus. There are three basic
ready to be shot.
circumstances this kind of bonus:
If it will ever be necessary to determine • Attacking from higher ground (or being
which missile attack goes off first, compare horse-mounted)
their CMBs: the higher the CMB, the fastest • Flanking a foe
the arrow flies. In case of ties, consider the • Attacking from the Rear of a foe.
shots to be simultaneous.
An attacker with a Positional Bonus is
considered as wielding a weapon one step
Melee Phase
longer than its actual length. Thus, a
In this Phase, combatants that have already Longsword becomes Longest and a Hand
closed to each others and are at melee range Axe becomes Long for the purpose of
engage in combat and exchange blows. The determining who gets to attack first in a
order in which attacks are made is melee.
determined by the reach of each combatant’s
weapon or attack - or the weapon length. Dashing Attack
There are basically four different weapons A Dashing Attacks is an audacious and
lengths: daring attempt at lunging at the opponent
• Longest: Spears, Polearms trying to take him off with a single surprise
• Long: Long Swords, Two Handed blow. A dashing attack gets a special -30 OB,
Weapons but the attacker is considered as wielding a
weapon one step longer than its actual length
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Multi-Round Actions
Multi-Round Actions are - as the name may
suggest - actions that last more than a single
Multi-Round Actions and their duration are
normally adjudicated by the players and GM
by common sense. There are some particular
cases that may have a minimum duration
associated to them. If that’s the case, the
minimum duration is indicated in brackets
like “Reload (2)”.
Multi-Round Actions count to all effects as an
uninterrupted series of Full Round Actions
linked together: the character can not
interrupt the sequence without losing the full
action (i.e. he must start over again). A Multi
Round Action can not be combined with
other actions except for a Free Action in each
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the target’s armor blocking or deflecting and incur in a -25 penalty to the attacker’s
the attack’s force. total CMB.
• If the result of the modified Attack Roll is a • If the target is between two and three time
number different from “0” (for example the weapon’s Base Range, the attack is
“7”), that’s the number of Hit Points the considered to be at Long Range, and
attack inflicts to the target. This is called impose a -50 penalty to the attacker’s total
the Base Damage of the attack. Said Hit CMB.
Points must be subtracted from the target’s • Targets between three and four times a
Current HPs (see “Damage and Injuries” weapon’s Base Range are said to be at
for more). Extreme Range, and attacks against them
• If the result of the modified Attack Roll is a incur in a -75 penalty to the attacker’s total
number and an acronym, like “16 Mod” CMB.
then the result is read as follow. The • Targets beyond the Extreme Range limit
number on the left is the Base Damage of are simply too far away to be attacked.
the attack, as above mentioned. The Missile weapons must be loaded and thrown
acronym indicates that in addition to the weapons readied to be used to attack.
base damage also a Critical Strike has Reloading a missile weapon is usually a Full
been dealt to the target of the attack and Round or a Multi-Round action. The exact
indicates the severity of the Critical Strike number of rounds required to load each
inflicted to the target - read below for weapon is listed in the Weapon Table.
more. Some missile weapons, like slings or certain
bows, can also be Quick Loaded as a Half
Range and Reloading Action, permitting their wielder to attack in
Ranged Phase B of the same round with a -20
The distance from which missile and thrown
penalty to his CMB.
weapons can make an attack against a target,
Reading a thrown weapon is always a Half
is determined by their Base Range value,
shown under each weapon description in the
Weapon Table.
This value is used to determine if the ranged Parrying
attack suffers any penalty due to the target’s Parrying means sacrificing one’s offensive
distance, as explained below: capabilities during combat to protect oneself.
• Attacks made by a character against a When a character Parries, he subtracts any
target within the Base Range of his number up to his total CMB and adds this
weapon, suffer no modifier to the amount to his DEF for the current round
attacker’s total CMB. against incoming attacks.
• Attacks against a target between a weapon
There are some special rules and cases to be
Base Range and double its Base Range, are
considered when Parrying.
considered to be Medium Range attacks,
• A character wielding a two-handed
weapon (e.g. a weapon that requires both
- 46 -
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hands to be wielded in combat) can only • Superficial (or Sup) - the less damaging
use up to half his total CMB to Parry. type of Critical Strike, often associated to
• A character wielding a one-handed minor scratches and bruises.
weapon and no shield can only use up to • Light (or Lig) are still not so serious
half his total CMB to Parry a two-handed wound and are seldom instantly fatal, but
weapon attack. can still result in crippling damage, and
• An unarmed character can not Parry death may well occur if the target’s
armed attacks but can still Parry unarmed untreated. Light Critical Strikes rolls are
attacks and animal attacks. modified by +10.
• You can not Parry with a missile weapon • Moderate (or Mod) Critical Strikes are
at all! serious matter. They can easily maim, stun
• Ranged attacks from missile, thrown or inflict bleeding and put the target at a
weapons and spells can not be parried at serious disadvantage, tearing it down very
all, except if the defending character’s quickly. Moderate Critical Strikes rolls are
wielding a shield. modified by +20.
• A character can only Parry a single attack • Grievous (or Gri) Critical Strikes are less
directed at him during each combat round. than forgiving on the target. Grievous
Additionally, this attack must come from Critical Strikes rolls are modified by +30.
the same opponent the character’s facing • Lethal (or Let) are something you’d prefer
and eventually attacking back - you can to inflict on a target than suffer on you.
not Parry a foe you’re not attacking!
Lethal Critical Strikes rolls are modified
If the character’s wielding a Shield he can by +50.
Parry all attacks from multiple opponents Critical Strikes are rolled on a separate table -
coming from the same side in a single the appropriate Critical Strike Table for the
round. weapon, spell or attack. This is a D100 non-
• Stunned characters can only Parry with open ended roll, modified by the severity of
up to half their CMB, whatever the the Critical Strike inflicted and seldom by
weapon they’re using is. other modifiers.
• Incapacitated, Held or Surprised
characters, or characters suffering any Weapon Fumbles
condition negateing them to subtract their
DEF from incoming attacks can not Parry Whenever a character rolls within the
at all. ClumsyRange of his weapon or attack, the
attack automatically misses its target and the
Critical Strikes character has Fumbled his weapon or
attack.Roll another 1d100 (non open-ended)
There are five degrees of Critical Strikes of and add the Weapon Fumbles Modifiers.
increasing severity (and thus potentially
inflicting increasingly serious damage to the
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+0 Brawl, hand weapons, short impact weapons, thrown daggers. Light Crossbow.
+10 Short edged weapons, long impact weapons, handed axes, Short Bow, Sling.
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On Rear
A character who’s On Rear of another
character gets a +30 bonus to his attacks
against said target. As per the Flanking
condition, the target can not use a Shield to
defend against attacks from the rear.
Consider using the following diagram to
determine if a character’s Flanked or
attacked From Rear.
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Clothes, a belt with a scabbard and a melee weapon, a light missile weapon (short
Lightly Encumbered bow or light crossbow) or light melee backup weapon (light mace, shortsword,
dagger), light traveling gear (a small 5 kg backpack or bag).
Clothes, a belt with a pouch, a side weapon and a backup weapon, a heavy melee
Encumbered weapon (like a two-hand sword), a heavy backpack with 1-week worth of rations,
a bedroll and various traveling equipment.
Clothes, three heavy melee or missile weapons, a big and very heavy (20+ kg)
backpack with lots (2 weeks) rations, a camping tent and other encumbering
Heavily Encumbered
traveling gear, special equipment like a rope and pulley, chains, heavy treasure
(like a bag with a thousand coins).
The character is really overburdened, like dragging a sled with a big load (or
pulling or carrying the body of a wounded companion). Generally this is not how
Over Encumbered
the character runs around during adventuring but more likely a particular
condition the character can endure only for a short period
- 51 -
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Up to Lightly Encumbered 50 95 30 40 15 8
Encumbered 30 65 15 25 8 8
Heavily Encumbered 15 30 8 15 3 0
Over Encumbered 0 0 0 0 0 0
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91-00 Ancient World Perils Ancient World Perils Ancient World Perils
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Determining Starting Wealth Level WL < Fare The character can not afford that good
by his finances alone. He must have
The starting WL of a character is simply someone loan money to him or either
factored by adding together the WL bits increase is Wealth.
coming from his Kin and Culture and
eventually adding any extras coming from Modifying Fare
his Background Options. No character can
start the game with a WL higher than 4 or Sometimes, there’s need to modify the base
lesser than 0. Fare of any goods the character may want to
Remember also that Starting Equipment is purchase.
never influenced by the character’s actual WL. In these cases, refer to the Modifiers to base
You can have a WL0 but you will always own Fare table below.
at least the items listed in your Starting
Equipment list.
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Outside combat, Bleeding can be temporarily -50 threshold. Otherwise, the Dying
stopped simply by applying some bandages condition will be removed as soon as its
or a tourniquet. However, unless successfully causes are healed.
treated, Bleeding will resume as soon as they
enter combat again or perform any strenuous Weary
Weary characters move at half their normal
Speed, cannot take Half Actions, and cannot
Treating Bleeding Wounds recover HPs or heal from Bleeding and
Bleeding can be treated in a safe environment Injuries until this Condition is removed.
with a Healer skill roll. Characters suffering The Weary condition can be removed by
from Light Bleeding must also spend some resting for a least 8 hours in a safe
bandages to treat their wounds, while Severe environment.
Bleeding or Exsanguination need the use of a
Healer’s Kit. Injuries
Characters suffering from Exsanguination are
Injuries are long-lasting wounds, like broken
also automatically Weary (see the Conditions
bones or torn muscles, that severely impede a
paragraph below).
character’s activity.
Light Bleeding is healed immediately once
They’re represented by a penalty to all of the
treated, leaving the character free to continue
injured character’s actions and attacks.
his adventure. Injuries are categorized into three severities,
Severe Bleeding and Exsanguination, on the according to the penalty they impose to a
other hand, require a full day of rest to heal character.
completely. Treated bleeding wounds of these
• Injuries inflicting up to a -20 penalty are
types won’t reopen if the patient fights or
called Minor Injuries.
engages in other adventuring activities, but
• Injuries imposing a penalty from -21 to -50
won’t fully recover either, preventing him to
are considered Serious Injuries.
regain lost HPs until healed.
• All Injuries inflicting a penalty over -50 are
Conditions called Crippling Injuries.
Each Injury must be recorded and healed
There’s a number of Conditions that can separately from others eventual Injuries a
negatively affect the characters during their character is suffering from.
adventures. Injuries need time and rest to heal. Injured
characters can travel at a slow pace or engage
Dying in similarly light activities, but fighting or
A Dying character will die in a given number exerting themselves will prevent recovery.
of rounds if this Condition is not removed. Minor Injuries will heal by themselves in
A character Dying from HP loss can be saved three days of rest.
by simply bringing his Current HPs over the Other Injuries require a Healer skill roll and
the use of a Healer’s Kit to start healing.
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Once the recovery process is started, as long The CMB of this attack is equal to five times
as the patient keeps resting, Crippling and the fall length in meters (rounded up).
Serious Injuries will slowly turn into less • Falls of 5 meters or less are limited to a
severe Injuries, until they’re fully healed. maximum result of 90 on the Attack Table;
A Serious Injury will turn into a Minor Injury • Falls between 5 and 10 meters are limited
in 10 days of rest, after being treated. to a maximum result of 120 on the Attack
Crippling Injuries will become Serious after Table;
20 days if treated. • Falls between 10 and 20 meters are limited
to a maximum result of 150 on the Attack
Death and Dismemberment Table;
• Falls of more than 20 meters can reach up
A character will die if his Dying condition is
to the top of the Attack Table.
not removed in time, or if he suffers an effect
Characters cannot add their Shield bonus to
(such as a result from a critical strike) that
their DEF against this attack.
causes instant death.
Dead characters cannot be healed by normal
means, only a miracle or the strongest of
magic can bring them back into play.
Magical healing is also the only way to repair
destroyed organs or severed limbs.
Falls from dangerous heights are resolved as
an attack on the Beast Attack Table against
the falling character, inflicting Impact Critical
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Character Advancement
A character’s Level measures his power,
Gaining Experience Points
competence and experience. During their
adventures heroes will gain Experience Points Experience Points are awarded at the end of
(XPs) by visiting new places, completing each session. Each player, together with the
missions and facing challenging situations. GM and the others at the table, briefly review
By gaining enough XPs, a character will level what happened during the game. Then reads
up, developing his Skills and abilities to aloud the General Experience list and the
become a more capable adventurer. Vocation Based Experience list appropriate to
his character’s Vocation.
Levels and Progression His character gains 1XP for each point in
these lists the group agrees that happened at
Playing characters will usually start at Level
least once during the session. If agreement
1 with 10 XPs (reflecting the Experience they over some point cannot be reached, the GM
already earned from training and past
has the final say if the character gains the XP
adventures), and will progress through ten
reward or not.
Levels of experience during play.
From level 1 to 5, characters will level up
General Experience
every 10 XPs gained. Starting with level 6,
improving oneself will become slightly more • You travelled to or explored a location
challenging, and characters will need 20 XPs you’ve never seen before.
to reach a new level. • You faced dangerous foes and/or difficult
For a quick reference, you can look at the situations.
Experience Points Table, which shows the • You completed a quest or mission.
total amount of XPs needed to reach each • You suffered a grievous wound.
2.13 - Experience Points Table Vocation-Based Experience
Level XPs Level XPs Warrior
necessary necessary
• You slew a foe more powerful than you.
1 10 6 70
• Your might or bravery solved the most
2 20 7 90 critical situation in this session.
3 30 8 110
4 40 9 130
• Your cunning or dexterity opened a new
5 50 10 150 path when all seemed lost.
• You tricked an NPC more powerful than
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Armor 2 1 1 0 0 1
Combat 5 3 4 0 1 2
Adventuring 4 4 5 1 2 2
Roguery 2 5 4 1 1 2
Lore 0 1 0 5 4 3
Spells 0 0 0 5 5 3
Body 2 1 1 0 0 1
MP per level 0 0 0 3 2 1
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A character can learn and cast Spells from his Base MP level gain
Vocational Spell Lores without restrictions.
This is the number of MPs indicated in the
Kin Spell Lores are similar to Vocational, but Vocations Table on the Vocations chapter.
are tied to a character’s Kin, rather than his This is added to the Stat Bonus MP level gain
Vocation. Characters can learn and cast Spells and multiplied for the character’s current
from their Kin Spell Lores without level to determine his MPs total.
restrictions, and can develop them using DPs
from any category to buy ranks in them on a Stat Bonus MP gain
1:1 ratio. This is a bonus to the base number of MPs
gained at each level, depending on the Stat
Magic Points value of the character. The Stat involved
depends on the character Vocation. Only
In VsD, the amount of magical energy a
Wizards, Animists and Dabblers get this
character can harness and use over a given
special bonus as this is a bonus to the per-
period of time is represented by a value
level MP gain.
called Magic Points (MPs for short).
Wizards gain bonus MPs each level based on
Each character has a certain number of MPs,
their Wits Stat value; Animists based on their
determined by his level, kin and profession.
Wisdom, and Dabblers on their Bearing.
To cast a Spell, the character must spend a
The bonus equals 1 MP/level for each 10 full
number of MPs equal to the Weave of that
points of Stat values. Thus, a 10 or 15 Stat
Spell. So, a First Weave Spell costs 1 MP; a
value gives a 1 MP bonus, a 20 or 25 a 2 MPs
Second Weave Spell 2 MPs, and so on.
bonus, a 30 or 35 a 3 MPs bonus, and so on.
MPs spent are deducted from a character’s
current MPs total, down to a minimum of Kin Base MP bonus
zero. A character cannot spend more MPs This is a flat one-time bonus added to the MP
than he currently has (so, a wizard with 2 total of the character for his Kin. Check it in
remaining MPs will not usually be able to the Kins Modifiers table in the Kins chapter.
cast Third or higher Weave spells).
Recovering Magic Points
Totaling Magic Points
Magic Points are recovered by resting (or
The total number of Magic Points a character meditating, in the case of elven characters). A
has is determined by summing up the full night’s (8 hours) sleep is sufficient to
following factors: completely replenish a character’s MPs,
• Base MP level gain restoring them to their original value.
• Stat Bonus MP level gain
• Kin base MP bonus.
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Improvised Spells
While risky, it’s also possible to completely
forgo preparation, casting a Spell without
Concentrating first.
Spells cast this way are called Improvised
Spells, and impose a special penalty of -10 to
the Spell Casting Roll.
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the modifier applied to the target’s Save Roll 71-75 +5 171+ -50
against its effects.
Bolt and Area Spells The Attack Level of these SR is always equal
to the level of the character casting the Spell.
Bolt and Area Spells use the Bolt Spells
Furthermore, as explained in the Spell
Attack Table and the Area Spells Attack
Casting Roll paragraph, the target SR is
Table, instead of the Spell Casting Table.
modified by the result of the caster roll on the
These Spells are resolved as normal Attack Spell Casting Table.
Rolls, adding a character’s Spell Lore Skill
Bonus (plus modifiers) as CMB, and
Warping a Spell
subtracting the target’s Defense.
Some Spells may be Warped, which means
Spells and Unwilling Targets that a character can choose to cast them as a
higher Weave Spell, obtaining a more
Some Spells grant a Save Roll to unwilling
powerful effect.
targets to resist their effects. See the
Only Spells with Warping Options in their
description of each individual spell, to see if
it grants a Save Roll. description may be Warped. Each Warping
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Option may be selected multiple times, 2.18 - Magical Resonance Roll Modifiers
unless the spell description specifically
In a Safe Haven -20
prohibits doing so.
In a Blighted Land +20
The final Weave of a Warped Spell is equal to
the Weave of the basic form of that Spell, plus Healing Spell -20
the Weave of the Warping Option chosen, Natural or Elven Spell -10
and its MP cost changes accordingly.Magical
Attack Spell +20
The use of Magic is never completely safe. Dark Spell +30
Even the casting of the lesser of cantrips
creates a Resonance, a ripple in the fabric of
reality, which can attract the attention of
Dark Powers and Servants of the Shadows.
Each time a character rolls a double result on
the dice (i.e.: 11, 22, 33) of his Spell Casting
Roll, the GM makes a roll on the Magical
Resonance Roll Table, adding the Weave of
the Spell cast and the following modifiers.
30 or Nothing: an inquisitive shadow passes over the caster, but soon its attention is drawn somewhere
less else. The character is safe, for now...
31-60 Awareness: the dark powers are aware of the caster presence, but are unable to locate his current
position. The next spell the character cast within the next hour automatically results in a Magical
Resonance Roll.
61-80 Attention: the dark powers have located the general position of the caster, and will send agents and
spies to investigate.
81-90 Pursuit: the caster has been located and deemed worthy of the dark powers attention. A small band
of servants will be sent to kidnap or apprehend the caster and his allies.
91-100 Assault: the shadows have located the caster, and will send a band of capable servants to destroy
101 or Lieutenant: the character has been found by a overwhelmingly powerful servant of the shadows, sent
more to bring him over to the dark side or utterly destroy him.
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Animist Grimoire
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Miraculously healing wounds, clotting blood loss and mending broken bones, injured muscles and organs; restoring one’s
health and vigour.
Stat Bonus: WSD
considered to be healed, as if treated with a successful
Healer Roll.
Area of
Weave Spell Range Duration
Warping Options
1st Heal 0 (touch) 1 target P
• +1 Weave: reduce Bleeding by another 1 hp/rnd.
2nd Clotting 0 (touch) 1 wound P
7th Rejoining 0 (touch) 1 injury P Target creature immediately shakes off its Stunned
8th Heal Injuries 0 (touch) 1 injury P
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Master of Plants
Mastering all kind of plants and trees to make them grow, move, help, hinder or grapple and crush at the master’s
Stat Bonus: WSD
Master of Plants 2nd • Speak with Plants
Area of
Weave Spell Range Effect Duration Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: Caster
1st Hinder 30m 6m radius 1 rnd/lvl Duration: 1 min/lvl
Save: No
2nd Speak with Plants 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
For the duration, the caster can communicate with
3rd Herbal Remedy 0 (touch) 1 herb P normal, monstrous and awakened trees and plants.
4th Safe Passage 0 (self) 30m radius 1 hr/lvl
Warping Options
5th Locate Plant 0 (self) 1,5 km radius -
• +2 Weave: change the Duration to 10 minutes per
6th Purify Plant 3m 1 plant P level (cannot be chosen more than once).
• +5 Weave: target sentient plant chosen at the time
7th Nature's Bounty 0 (touch) 1,5 km radius 1 day of casting will also obey a single non self-harming
command by caster for the duration.
8th Miraculous Growth 0 (touch) 1 target P
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Range: 0 (touch)
Area of Effect: 1,5 km radius
Duration: 1 day
Save: No
Plants in the area of effect are blessed with an
overabundance of fruits. For the duration, Nature Skill
Rolls for foraging in the area gain a special +50 bonus,
and foraging characters in the area will gather double
the normal amount of food.
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Master of Animals
Mastering the Animals to summon them at once, driving them away, calming their instincts, speaking their tongues.
Stat Bonus: WSD
Master of Animals 3rd • Animal Companion
Area of
Weave Spell Range Effect Duration Range: 3 m
Area of Effect: 1 target
1st Animal Sleep 30m 1 animal 1 min/lvl Duration: P
Save: No
2nd Speak with Animals 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
The caster establishes a special bond with target
3rd Animal Companion 3m 1 target P friendly animal within Range, swearing a sacred pact
of mutual friendship. The animal will follow the caster
4th Summon Animals 30m 1 creature 1 min
and blindly obey his orders. Both will be able to
5th Beast Mastery 30m 1 animal C communicate with each other at a basic level
(conveying concepts such as fear, danger, hunger,
6th Hold Beasts 30m 1 animal 1 rnd/5 fail enemies, and so on).
This spell ends immediately if the caster betrays the
7th Eyes of the Forest 0 (self) caster 1 hr/lvl
animal’s trust, or if it’s cast again on another animal.
8th Nature's Friend 0 (self) 15m radius C
4th • Summon Animals
9th Animal Healing 0 (touch) 1 animal P
Range: 30 m
10th Plague of Insects 30m 6m 1 rnd/lvl
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Duration: 1 min
1st • Animal Sleep Save: No
Warping Options
• +2 Weave: change the Duration to 10 minutes per
level (cannot be chosen more than once).
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Invoking the protection of the Ancient Spirits and the Gods of Nature to protect oneself and own companions from adverse
magic, curse and misfortune.
Stat Bonus: WSD
Chanting 2nd • Endure the Elements
Area of
Weave Spell Range Effect Duration Range: 0 (touch)
Area of Effect: 1 target
1st Chant of Courage 0 (self) 3m radius C Duration: 1 min/lvl
Save: No
2nd Endure the Elements 0 (touch) 1 target 1 min/lvl
Target creature is protected from the effects of extreme
3rd Nature's Blessing 0 (touch) 1 target 1 min/lvl natural hot and cold weather. Additionally, it gains a
special +20 bonus to its Defense and Save Rolls against
4th Suppress Curse 3m 1 target 1 hr/lvl
Fire and Frost magical attacks for the duration.
5th Repel Magic 0 (self) 3m radius C
3rd • Nature’s Blessing
6th Sanctuary 0 (self) 3m radius C
Warping Options
• +3 Weave: increase radius of the Area of Effect by
• +2 Weave: increase duration to 1 round/level of the
caster (cannot be chosen more than once).
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Warping Options
• +3 Weave: increase radius of the Area of Effect by
• +2 Weave: increase duration to 1 round/level of the
caster (cannot be chosen more than once).
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Movements of Nature
Moving like the breeze through tree branches or the stream through the rock; flying like the Bird or tunneling like the
Badger or running like the Wolf.
Stat Bonus: WSD
Movements of Nature 3rd • Wolf’s Speed
Area of
Weave Spell Range Duration Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: caster
1st Wanderer's Stride 0 (self) caster 10 min/lvl Duration: 10 min/lvl
Save: No
2nd Squirrel's Step 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
The caster double his Move Rate and can Sprint
3rd Wolf's Speed 0 (self) caster 10 min/lvl without tiring for the duration.
4th Otter's Breath 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
4th • Otter’s Breath
5th Water Walk 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
Range: 0 (self)
6th Burrowing 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
Area of Effect: caster
7th Spider Climb 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl Duration: 1 min/lvl
Save: No
8th One with Nature 0 (touch) 15m radius 1 rnd/lvl
The caster can breath underwater for the duration.
9th Hawk Flight 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
Warping Options
10th Ghostwalk 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
• +4 Weave: increase duration to 5 minutes per level
of the caster (cannot be chosen more than once).
1st • Wanderer’s Stride
5th • Water Walk
Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: caster Range: 0 (self)
Duration: 10 min/lvl Area of Effect: caster
Save: No Duration: 1 min/lvl
Save: No
Natural Rough and Arduous terrain count as Normal
terrain for the caster for the duration. The caster can walk (but not Sprint) on calm water as
if it were Normal terrain. Rough waters are treated as
2nd • Squirrel’s Step treacherous terrain, and the caster can move on them
by making an Athletics Skill Roll.
Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: caster Warping Options
Duration: 1 min/lvl • +4 Weave: the caster can also Sprint for the
Save: No duration.
The caster can walk (but not Sprint) on horizontal and • +2 Weave: rough waters are treated as Normal
semi-horizontal tree branches and limbs as if they terrain and require no Skill Roll for the duration.
were Normal terrain for the duration.
6th • Burrowing
Warping Options
• +4 Weave: the caster can also Sprint for the Range: 0 (self)
duration. Area of Effect: caster
Duration: 1 min/lvl
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Save: No
The caster can burrow through soft earth at half his
normal walking Move Rate for the duration.
10th • Ghostwalk
Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: caster
Duration: 1 min/lvl
Save: No
The caster can pass through wood, earth and stone at
his normal Move Rate for the Duration. Neither the
material, nor the caster are damaged in any way by
this spell. His body simply sink inside the surface,
without leaving any trace of its passage.
If the caster is still inside the material when this spell
ends, he’s forcefully ejected from his starting point.
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Wizard Grimoire
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Eldritch Fire
Manipulating elemental Fire to create devastating scorching attacks, erect flaming barriers, and heat organic and inorganic
Stat Bonus: WIT
dealing 2 points of damage per point of Bleeding
Eldritch Fire
healed this way.
Weave Spell Range Area of Effect Duration
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9th • Immolation
Warping Options
• +2 Weave: add one target to the Area of Effect.
Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: Caster
Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
6th • Fire Bolt Save: No
Warping Options
• +2 Weave: increase severity of the additional
Critical Strike by 1 up to Lethal.
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Seeing the invisible, detecting magic and curses, reading the aura of living beings and magical places, beings and things.
Stat Bonus: WSD
languages and cannot decipher codes or secret
messages, giving only the literal meaning of any text
Area of analyzed.
Weave Spell Range Duration
Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: 15 m radius Warping Options
Duration: Concentration • +2 Weave: the spell also works on spoken languages
Save: No for the duration.
For the duration, the caster is aware of the presence of • +3 Weave: the caster gains a full understanding of
magical items or active spells in the Area of Effect. the analyzed text, as it were written in his mother
Warping Options
• +2 Weave: the caster also learn the general position 4th • Sense Invisible
of all sources of magic detected (with an
approximation of 1,5 meters). Range: 0 (self)
• +3 Weave: this spell also detects passive or dormant Area of Effect: 15 m radius
spells and magical effects. Duration: Concentration
• +2 Weave: change the Duration to 1 minute per Save: No
level (cannot be chosen more than once). For the duration, the caster is aware of the presence
and general position of any invisible creature or item
in the Area of Effect. Attacks against creatures sensed
2nd • Comprehend Languages this way suffer a special -50 penalty.
Range: 0 (self)
Area of Effect: Caster Warping Options
Duration: Concentration • +3 Weave: the caster also learn the general nature of
Save: No the curse or evil spell afflicting the target.
The caster can comprehend the basic concepts • +1 Weave: add one target.
conveyed by a written text in a foreign or unknown
language. This spell only works with non magical
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Warping Options
• +2 Weave: change the Duration to 1 minute per Warping Options
level (cannot be chosen more than once). • +2 Weave: change the Duration to 1 minute per
level (cannot be chosen more than once).
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Eldritch Hand
Moving and affecting inert matter with the sheer power of the mind.
Stat Bonus: WIT
doesn’t occupy a hand, but cannot be combined with a
Eldritch Hand
normal shield. The caster can change the side
Area of protected by this spell with a Free Action during the
Weave Spell Range Duration
Effect Assessment Phase.
1st Poltergeist 30m 1 target 1 min/lvl
3rd • Burden
2nd Magic Shield* 0 (self) caster 1 min/lvl
Range: 30 m
3rd Burden 30m 1 target 1 min/lvl
Area of Effect: 1 target
4th Telekinesis 30m 1 target C Duration: 1 min/lvl
Save: Yes
5th Deflect* 30m 1 attack -
Increase target Encumbrance Level by one, up to Over
6th True Aim* 0 (touch) 1 attack - encumbered.
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6th • True Aim* this spell, and characters wielding or bearing the
targeted item may pass a Save Roll to negate its effect.
Range: 0 (touch)
Area of Effect: 1 attack 10th • Crushing Force
Duration: -
Save: No Range: 30 m
Area of Effect: 1 target
The caster magically guides toward its target the next Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
mundane missile attack made by the touched Save: Yes
character this round, granting a special +50 bonus to
its Attack Roll. The target is crushed by an overwhelming magical
force. For the duration of the spell, the target is Held
7th • Blade Ward* and suffers a Light Impact Critical Strike at the
beginning of each round. If it’s a creature, it falls to the
ground and becomes Prone. At the end of each round,
Range: 30 m
the target may make a Save Roll to end the effects of
Area of Effect: 1 attack
this spell.
Duration: -
Save: No
The caster deflects a single melee attack that he can see
within range, imposing a special -100 penalty to its
Attack Roll.
Warping Options
• +3 Weave: add one target.
9th • Shatter
Range: 30 m
Area of Effect: 1 target
Duration: -
Save: Yes
Target inorganic, inanimate object weighing no more
than 5 kg explodes in a cloud of fragments. Its wielder
suffers a Moderate Impact Critical Strike, and any
creature within a 3 meters radius suffers a Superficial
Impact Critical Strike. Magical items are unaffected by
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Mind Control
Controlling the mind of living, sentient beings to affect them with slumber, daze and geas.
Stat Bonus: BEA
Mind Control 3rd • Fear
Area of
Weave Spell Range Effect Duration Range: 20m
Area of Effect: 1 target
1st Sleep 30m 3m radius 1 min/lvl Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
Save: Yes
2nd Charm 30m 1 target 1 hr/lvl
Target creature within Range becomes afraid of the
3rd Fear 20m 1 target 1 rnd/lvl caster for the duration. It won’t attack him for any
reason (but can still Parry his attacks) and will attempt
4th Daze 30m 1 target 1 rnd/5 fail to flee from him, if able.
5th Hostility 30m 1 target C
Warping Options
6th Suggestion 3m 1 target 1 hr/lvl
• +3 Weave: add one target.
7th Hold Kin 30m 1 target C
5th • Hostility
Warping Options
• +1 Weave: increase by one the maximum level of Range: 30 m
creatures affected. Area of Effect: 1 target
Duration: C
Save: Yes
2nd • Charm
Target creature is overwhelmed by an uncontrollable
rage and attacks the nearest living being it can see for
Range: 30m
the duration. The target engages the victim of its fury
Area of Effect: 1 target
in melee as quickly as possible if it can, otherwise it
Duration: 1 hour/lvl
will resort to ranged attacks. It will always use its best
Save: Yes
attack (i.e. the one with the highest Skill bonus) for the
Target sentient humanoid creature will recognize the situation, and won’t use any part of its CMB to Parry
caster as a long forgotten friend, and act accordingly. while under the influence of this spell.
This spell immediately ends if the caster or one of his This spell ends immediately if the target is unable to
allies attacks or harms the target. find or physically unable to attack its opponent.
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8th • Domination
Range: 20 m
Area of Effect: 1 target
Duration: 10 min/lvl
Save: Yes
Target humanoid creature within Range must obey the
caster at the best of its capabilities for the Duration.
This spell ends immediately if the caster issues an
obviously harmful command, attacks or harms the
target in any way.
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Creating fake illusory artifacts, from deceptive mirages to ghostly sounds, misleading the sight and senses of living beings
into believing their existence.
Stat Bonus: WIT
Observers won’t be able to see the target unless they’re
actively searching the area. In this case, they can make
Area of a Save Roll to resist the effects of this spell.
Weave Spell Range Duration
Effect This spell immediately ends if the target moves.
1st Phantom Sound 30m 3m radius 10 min/lvl
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Weapons Table
Weapons Table
Weapon Hands Skills CR Lenght Attack Max Prim Base Notes
Used Table Res. Crit Range
Arming Sword 1H Blades 3 Long Edged 140 Cut -
I fumbled, attacker also takes a Light
Ball & Chain 1H Blunt 8 Short Blunt 150 Impact -
Impact Critical Strike on himself
Blunt -10 CMB when used 1-Handed, +10
Battle Axe 1H 5 Long Edged 150 Cut -
Blades CMB when used 2-Handed.
Club 1H Blunt 4 Short Blunt 110 Impact -
Dagger 1H 1 Hand Edged 120 Pierce -
The maximum result on the Attack
Table depends on the size of the
Grappling 2H Brawl 5 Hand Unarm Varies Grapple -
attacker - see the Unarmed Attack Table
for details
Very heavy weapon to swing, wielder
Polearms that attacks more than once in a row
Greataxe 2H 6 Long Edged 175 Cut -
Blunt gets -10 CMB for each subsequent
Can be used to attack from 2nd line
Halberd 2H Polearm 6 Longest Edged 150 Cut -
(only Pierce Criticals) with -20 CMB.
Handaxe 1H 2 Hand Blunt 130 Cut -
Load (2), +20 CMB when attacking
targets within 15m. Bolts shot can be
Heavy Crossbow 2H Ranged 4 - Missile 175 Pierce 30 retrieved if the target's missed but
there's a 50% chance they will be
The maximum result on the Attack
Table depends on the size of the
Kick 1H Brawl 4 Hand Unarm Varies Impact -
attacker - see the Unarmed Attack Table
for details
Load (1), +10 CMB when attacking
targets within 15m. Bolts shot can be
Light Crossbow 2H Ranged 3 - Missile 150 Pierce 20 retrieved if the target's missed but
there's a 50% chance they will be
Light Mace 1H Blunt 2 Short Blunt 120 Impact -
Load (1). Arrows shot can be retrieved
Long Bow 2H Ranged 6 - Missile 175 Pierce 35 if the target's missed but there's a 50%
chance they will be ruined.
The maximum result on the Attack
Table depends on the size of the
Punch 1H Brawl 1 Hand Unarm Varies Impact -
attacker - see the Unarmed Attack Table
for details
Risk of breaking (1/3 the CMB
Quarterstaff 2H Polearm 6 Long Blunt 130 Impact - committed to parry) when parrying
edged weapons.
Load (1) or Reload (0) with -10 CMB.
Arrows shot can be retrieved if the
Short Bow 2H Ranged 4 - Missile 140 Pierce 20
target's missed but there's a 50% chance
they will be ruined.
Short Spear 1H/2H Polearm 5 Long Edged 140 Pierce - -10 CMB when used 1-Handed.
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Weapons Table
Weapon Hands Skills CR Lenght Attack Max Prim Base Notes
Used Table Res. Crit Range
Short sword 1H Blades 2 Short Edged 130 Cut -
Load (1), can be used in conjunction
Sling 1H Ranged 7 - Missile 130 Impact 15 with a shield. Can be used to throw
found rocks at a -10 CMB.
If used in melee uses the Dagger stats
with -20 CMB. Conversely, a dirk or
poniard can be thrown at a -20 CMB.
Thrown Dagger 1H Ranged 2 - Missile 110 Pierce 3
Thrown weapons that miss the target
must be found and retrieved on the
Thrown weapons that miss the target
Thrown Spear 1H Ranged 3 - Missile 130 Pierce 5 must be found and retrieved on the
Two Handed
2H Blades 6 Long Edged 175 Cut -
War Hammer 1H Blunt 4 Short Blunt 140 Impact -
Hands: Tells if the weapon can be used with a single hand (1H) or must/can be used with two hands (2). A 1H-weapon can
be usually used in conjunction with a shield, or another weapon in the free hand. A 2H-weapon generally is capable of
delivering heavier blows. Some weapons can be used either with 1H or 2H (the so-called "hand-and-a-half weapons"). In
this case often there are associated bonuses or penalties for the 1H vs 2H use. 2H weapons may not be used to parry
incoming attacks with more than 50% of total CMB available in each round.
Skill Used: The skill bonus that must be looked upon to determine the basic Combat Bonus (CMB). Some weapons may be
used with more than one skill; often there are penalties associated to the CMB when using a certain weapon with a second-
choice skill; in this case the penalty to the CMB is indicated next to the skill. For example "Blades -20" means the weapon can
be used with the Blades skill bonus at a -20 penalty to the actual CMB.
CR: Clumsy Range: the range within the attacker fumbles the weapon when attacking. If the natural d100 attack roll falls
into this range, the attack automatically misses and the attacker must roll on the Weapon Fumble table to see what else
worst may happen.
Length: The length and reach of the weapon. Lengths are used in the Tactical Round Sequence to determine which
combatant gets to act first in a melee. Generally the longer the weapon, the fastest the attacker gets to act.
Attack Table: The Attack Table that must be looked upon to determine the result of attacks with this weapon. The Weapon
Attack Tables are Edged, Blunt, Thrusting, Missile, Unarmed.
Max Res: The maximum result that the modified Attack Roll can get on the Attack Table. Higher results than this cap can't
be obtained with this weapon. Generally: the heavier the weapon, the highest resuts it can get on the Attack Table, the more
potential damage it can inflict to the target.
Primary Critical: The primary type of Critical Strike (e.g. Impact, Pierce, Cut, Grapple) dealt by the weapon. Some weapons
may deal an alternate type of Critical Strike.
Base Range: The base range in meters for the weapon to be thrown or fired. Short range is between 1 meter and the base
range and there is no CMB modification associated. Medium range is between the base range and double the base range,
and there’s a -25 CMB modification. Long range is between double the base range and triple the base range and there’s a -50
CMB modifier associated to it. Extreme range is between triple the base range and four times the base range, and there’s a
-75 CMB modification. Farther ranges are not obtainable. Missile weapons may not be used if the wielder is engaged in
Notes: Special notes on the use, effects and drawbacks of the weapon.
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Armors Table
Armors & Shields Table
Max Move Melee Missile
CMB Perc
Armor Name Armor Type Zones Protected SWI to Actions DEF DEF
Penalty Penalty
Def Penalty Bonus Bonus
Armor Type: The column on the Attack Tables to be looked up when a character wearing this type of armor is
being attacked.
Zones Protected: The body partes/zones actually protected by the armor worn. Some Critical Strikes may read
different effects if a specific body part hit is covered by an amor or not. Use this information to discern the
Max SWI do Def: Maximum Swiftness bonus applicable to Defense when wearing said armor.
Movement Penalty: Penalty to Moving Actions and some other Actions. Generally this penalty is applied to
Athletics, Acrobatics, Ride, Stealth. Can be offset partially or wholly by the Armor Skill bonus to a minimum of
0. The total penalty may be stacked: for example wearing a Chain Mail armor and holding a Wall Shield will
result in a total Movement Penalty of -65).
CMB Penalty: Penalty to the Combat Bonus (CMB) when wearing said armor. This penalty cannot be offset.
Perception Penalty: Penalty to the Perception Skill bonus when wearing said armor. This penalty cannot be
Melee Defense Bonus: Straight bonus to the Defense (DEF) against melee attacks when wearing/hilding said
piece of armor.
Missile Defense Bonus: Straight bonus to the Defense (DEF) against ranged attacks when wearing/hilding
said piece of armor.
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General Gear
General Gear
Good Fare Notes
Grappling Hook 0 Used in conjunction with a rope to climb sheer surfaces Common
Healer's Kit 2 Used to treat Injuries and Bleeding Uncommon
Healing Salve/
2 Can be used as a Bandage, or to heal 1d10 HPs Uncommon
Can be set using the Hunting Skill to inflict the Held Condition
Hunting Trap 1 Common
and a Superficial Critical
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General Gear
Good Fare Notes
Quill and Inkpot 1 Handwriting kit, enough for hundreds of pages Uncommon
Weapon, light melee 1 Side weapon like a short sword, mace, or arming sword. Common
Weapon, large melee 1 Longsword, warhammer, morningstar, etc. Common
Weapon, heavy
2 Long Bow, Heavy Crossbow Uncommon
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Good Fare Capacit Crew Notes Availability
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Crature LV 1st 2nd AT DEF TSR HP Primary Second. Special Crit Rog Adv Lor
Awakened Tree 10 18L RL 40 100 60 250 +90 LGr +90 LTr Special EB 0 90 0
Dark Orc Chieftain 7 15L CHs 30 65 30 100 +100 Wpn +75 Ran NH 10 20 0
Dark Troll
9 15L CH 40 90 35 250 +120 Wpn +80 LBr CH 0 20 0
Dire Bear 7 24L SL 40 60 35 250 +95 LGr *+100 LBi CB 10 60 0
Fire Drake 25 55F 18L PL 40 190 190 450 +175 CBi +150 HCl Fire Breath EB 120 100 90
Giant Eagle 15 60F 10L NA 40 105 105 180 +110 HCl +70 HBe CB 50 80 40
Awakened Tree 10 18L RL 40 100 60 250 +90 LGr +90 LTr Special EB 0 90 0
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Edged Weapon Attack Table Blunt Weapons Attack Table
Roll NA SL RL CH PL Roll Roll NA SL RL CH PL Roll
Up to Attack automatically misses & there's a chance of being Up to Up to Attack automatically misses & there's a chance of being Up to
10 clumsy 10 10 clumsy 10
11-35 - - - - - 11-35
11-35 - - - - - 11-35
36-40 - - - - 0 36-40
36-40 - - - - 0 36-40
41-45 - - - 0 0 41-45
41-45 - - - 1 1 41-45
46-50 - 0 0 0 1 46-50
46-50 - 2 2 2 2 46-50
51-55 0 0 0 0 1 51-55
51-55 0 3 3 3 3 51-55
56-60 0 0 0 1 2 56-60 56-60 0 4 3 4 3 56-60
61-65 0 0 0 2 2 61-65 61-65 0 5 4 5 4 61-65
66-70 0 3 2 3 3 66-70 66-70 0 6 5 6 5 66-70
71-75 0 5 3 4 3 71-75 71-75 0 7 5 7 5 71-75
76-80 7 Sup 7 5 5 4 76-80 76-80 0 8 6 8 6 76-80
81-85 9 Sup 9 6 6 5 81-85 81-85 6 9 Sup 7 9 7 81-85
86-90 10 Lig 10 Sup 7 7 5 86-90 86-90 8 10 Sup 7 Sup 10 7 86-90
91-95 11 Lig 12 Sup 9 Sup 8 6 91-95 91-95 9 Sup 11 Sup 8 Sup 11 8 91-95
96-100 13 Mod 13 Lig 10 Sup 9 6 96-100 96-100 10 Lig 12 Lig 9 Sup 12 Sup 9 96-100
101-105 15 Mod 14 Lig 11 Sup 10 Sup 7 101-105 101-105 12 Mod 13 Lig 10 Lig 13 Sup 10 101-105
106-110 17 Gri 15 Mod 12 Lig 11 Sup 8 106-110 106-110 13 Mod 14 Lig 11 Lig 14 Lig 10 Sup 106-110
111-115 19 Gri 17 Mod 13 Lig 12 Lig 8 Sup 111-115 111-115 14 Gri 15 Mod 12 Mod 15 Lig 11 Sup 111-115
116-120 20 Gri 18 Gri 15 Mod 13 Lig 9 Sup 116-120 116-120 15 Gri 16 Mod 13 Mod 16 Mod 12 Lig 116-120
121-125 21 Let 19 Gri 16 Mod 13 Mod 10 Sup 121-125 121-125 17 Gri 17 Gri 15 Mod 17 Mod 13 Lig 121-125
126-130 23 Let 20 Gri 17 Gri 14 Mod 10 Lig 126-130 126-130 18 Let 18 Gri 16 Mod 18 Gri 13 Mod 126-130
131-135 25 Let 22 Gri 18 Gri 15 Mod 10 Lig 131-135 131-135 19 Let 19 Gri 17 Gri 19 Gri 14 Mod 131-135
136-140 27 Let 23 Let 20 Gri 16 Gri 11 Mod 136-140 136-140 21 Let 20 Let 18 Gri 20 Let 15 Gri 136-140
141-145 28 Let 24 Let 21 Let 17 Gri 11 Gri 141-145 141-145 22 Let 21 Let 19 Let 21 Let 16 Gri 141-145
146-150 30 Let 25 Let 22 Let 18 Let 12 Gri 146-150 146-150 23 Let 22 Let 20 Let 22 Let 16 Let 146-150
151-155 34 Let 29 Let 26 Let 21 Let 14 Gri 151-155 151-155 26 Let 24 Let 22 Let 23 Let 17 Let 151-155
156-160 38 Let 33 Let 30 Let 24 Let 16 Let 156-160 156-160 29 Let 26 Let 24 Let 24 Let 17 Let 156-160
161-165 42 Let 37 Let 34 Let 27 Let 18 Let 161-165 161-165 32 Let 28 Let 26 Let 25 Let 18 Let 161-165
166-170 46 Let 41 Let 37 Let 30 Let 20 Let 166-170 166-170 34 Let 30 Let 28 Let 26 Let 18 Let 166-170
171-175 50 Let 43 Let 40 Let 33 Let 22 Let 171-175 171-175 36 Let 32 Let 30 Let 28 Let 19 Let 171-175
Missile Weapons Attack Table Unarmed/Grappling Attack Table
Roll NA SL RL CH PL Roll Roll NA SL RL CH PL Roll
Up to Attack automatically misses & there's a chance of being Up to Up to Attack automatically misses & there's a chance of being Up to
10 clumsy 10 10 clumsy 10
11-35 - - - - - 11-35 11-35 - - - - - 11-35
36-40 - - - - - 36-40 36-40 0 0 0 0 0 36-40
41-45 - - - - - 41-45 41-45 0 0 0 0 0 41-45
46-50 - - - - - 46-50 46-50 0 0 0 0 0 46-50
51-55 - - - - 0 51-55 51-55 1 0 0 0 0 51-55
56-60 - - - 0 0 56-60 56-60 2 0 0 0 0 56-60
61-65 - - - 0 0 61-65 61-65 3 0 0 0 0 61-65
66-70 - 0 0 0 0 66-70 66-70 4 0 0 0 0 66-70
71-75 - 0 0 0 1 71-75 71-75 5 1 0 0 0 71-75
76-80 - 4 0 2 2 76-80 76-80 6 2 1 0 0 76-80
81-85 - 6 3 4 3 81-85 81-85 7 3 2 0 0 81-85
86-90 - 8 Sup 5 6 4 86-90 86-90 8 4 3 1 0 86-90
91-95 8 Sup 10 Sup 7 Sup 7 5 91-95 91-95 9 5 4 2 0 91-95
96-100 10 Lig 12 Lig 9 Sup 8 Sup 6 96-100 96-100 10 6 5 3 1 96-100
101-105 11 Mod 13 Lig 10 Lig 10 Sup 7 101-105 101-105 10 Sup 7 Sup 6 4 2 101-105
106-110 13 Mod 14 Lig 12 Lig 13 Lig 8 Sup 106-110 106-110 11 Sup 8 Sup 7 Sup 5 3 106-110
111-115 15 Mod 16 Mod 13 Lig 14 Lig 9 Sup 111-115 111-115 12 Sup 9 Sup 8 Sup 6 4 111-115
116-120 16 Gri 17 Mod 15 Mod 16 Lig 10 Sup 116-120 116-120 13 Lig 10 Lig 9 Sup 7 Sup 5 116-120
121-125 18 Gri 19 Gri 17 Mod 17 Mod 10 Lig 121-125 121-125 14 Lig 11 Lig 10 Lig 8 Sup 6 121-125
126-130 20 Gri 20 Gri 19 Gri 19 Mod 11 Lig 126-130 126-130 15 Lig 12 Lig 11 Lig 9 Sup 7 Sup 126-130
131-135 21 Let 22 Gri 21 Gri 20 Gri 12 Mod 131-135 131-135 16 Mod 13 Mod 12 Lig 10 Lig 8 Sup 131-135
136-140 23 Let 23 Let 23 Gri 22 Gri 13 Mod 136-140 136-140 17 Mod 14 Mod 13 Mod 11 Lig 9 Sup 136-140
141-145 25 Let 25 Let 25 Let 23 Let 14 Gri 141-145 141-145 18 Mod 15 Mod 14 Mod 12 Lig 10 Lig 141-145
146-150 27 Let 26 Let 26 Let 25 Let 15 Let 146-150 146-150 19 Gri 16 Gri 15 Mod 13 Mod 11 Lig 146-150
151-155 29 Let 28 Let 28 Let 26 Let 16 Let 151-155 151-155 20 Gri 18 Gri 16 Gri 14 Mod 12 Lig 151-155
156-160 31 Let 30 Let 30 Let 27 Let 17 Let 156-160 156-160 22 Gri 20 Gri 18 Gri 15 Mod 13 Mod 156-160
161-165 33 Let 32 Let 32 Let 28 Let 18 Let 161-165 161-165 24 Let 22 Gri 20 Gri 16 Gri 14 Mod 161-165
166-170 35 Let 34 Let 33 Let 29 Let 19 Let 166-170 166-170 26 Let 24 Let 22 Let 18 Gri 15 Mod 166-170
171-175 37 Let 36 Let 34 Let 30 Let 20 Let 171-175 171-175 28 Let 26 Let 24 Let 20 Let 16 Gri 171-175
Grappling 80 120 140 150 175
Area Spells Attack Table Bolt Spells Attack Table
Roll NA SL RL CH PL Roll Roll NA SL RL CH PL Roll
Up to Attack automatically misses & there's a chance of being Up to Up to Attack automatically misses & there's a chance of being Up to
10 clumsy 10 10 clumsy 10
11-35 - - - - - 11-35
11-35 0 0 0 0 0 11-35
36-40 - - - - - 36-40
36-40 0 0 0 0 0 36-40
41-45 - - - - - 41-45
41-45 0 0 0 0 0 41-45
46-50 - - - - 0 46-50
46-50 0 0 0 0 0 46-50
51-55 - - - - 0 51-55
51-55 0 0 0 0 0 51-55
56-60 - - - 0 0 56-60
56-60 1 0 0 0 0 56-60
61-65 - - - 0 0 61-65
61-65 2 0 0 0 0 61-65
66-70 3 0 0 0 0 66-70 66-70 - 0 0 1 1 66-70
Max Res: Maximum result of the attack on the Area Spells Attack Table
Combat Bonus Mod: Bonus to the CMB of the attack with said spell against each type of armor
Critical Types: The type of Critical Strike(s) inflicted by the spell attack. If the first Critical Strike inflicted is severity Mod or higher, a secondary Critical Strike of the second type of two levels less
severity is also dealt by the attack. For example if the result of a Lighting Bolt attack is a "22 Gri", then a Gri Lightning Critical and a Lig Impact critical are inflicted.
Beasts Attack Table
Roll NA SL RL CH PL Roll
Up to Attack automatically misses & there's a chance of being Up to
10 clumsy 10
11-35 - - - - - 11-35
36-40 - - - - - 36-40
41-45 0 0 0 0 0 41-45
46-50 1 0 0 0 0 46-50 Animal Attacks Statistics Table
51-55 2 0 0 0 0 51-55 Attack 1st 2nd
56-60 4 1 0 0 1 56-60 Attack Type Small Med Larg Huge Colossal
Table Critical * Critical **
61-65 5 2 1 1 1 61-65
Beak/Pincer Beast Cut Pierce 80 110 130 150 175
66-70 6 4 2 2 2 66-70
71-75 8 5 3 3 3 71-75 Bite Beast Cut Impact 90 120 140 150 175
76-80 9 Sup 7 5 4 4 76-80
81-85 10 Sup 81-85 Claw/Talon Beast Cut Pierce 90 120 140 150 175
9 7 5 5
86-90 12 Sup 10 Sup 8 6 6 86-90 Horn/Tusk/Spike/
Beast Pierce - 80 120 140 150 175
91-95 13 Lig 11 Sup 9 Sup 7 6 91-95 Stinger
96-100 14 Lig 12 Sup 10 Sup 8 Sup 7 96-100 Grapple/Envelop/ Unarmed/
Grapple - 80 110 130 150 175
101-105 15 Lig 13 Lig 11 Sup 9 Sup 7 Sup 101-105 Swallow Grappling
Powerful blow to lower abdomen crushes a variety of innards. If the target's wearing rigid Powerful slash accross the chest. If the target is wearing metal armor: +12 Hits, Stunned,
141-146 armor: +12 Hits, Stunned, -20 Activity. If not: internal bleeding, +20 Hits, Stunned and 12 141-146 8 Bleed and -40 activity. If not: lungs destroyed & immediate heart failure - drops and
dies in 6 rounds.
Bleed, -40 Activity.
Blow to the side crushed ribcage and destroyes a variety of internal organs. Target drops Strike through the side severs target's spine. Drops immediately and is paralyzed from
147-149 147-149
unconscious and dies in 6 rounds. the chest down and at -80 all other activities.
150 Inexorable blow to the head shatters skull and destroys brain. Instant death. 150 Target is beheaded. Instant death.
Pierce Critical Strikes Fire Critical Strikes
Roll Description Roll Description
up to 5 The air around the target warms up. +0 Hits.
up to 5 Swoosh! That was close! No extra damage.
06-20 Intense heat, the target sweats heavy, but little extra effect. +3 Hits.
06-20 Graze to the shoulder. +3 Hits. 21-35 Minor superficial burns. +8 hits and 1 Bleed.
Thigh strike, +3 Hits. If the target's not wearing leg protection, the blow lunges deeper: 3 36-50 Target's blinded for 1 round by hot smokes. +12 Hits, Stunned
Bleed. Target's clothes catch fire. It takes 2 full-round actions to extinguish fire. Targets takes 8
51-65 Hits per round aflame until the fire's extinguished. After 10 rounds, all clothing's
Minor smear to the forearm: +2 Hits. If the target's unarmored on the forearm, he's also
36-50 destroyed anyway.
Target is knocked down by a roaring flame blast. Stunned and +12 Hits. Target loses any
51-65 Strike grazes target's side: 1 Bleed and target's Stunned. 66-79 organic foot and lower legs covering
Direct shot the chest. If the target's unarmored, the strike pierces deep: +8 Hits, 4 Bleed Fire engulfs target's weapon arm. +10 Hits, 4 Bleed, Stunned. Drops any item and -30
66-79 80-89
and Stunned. If the target's wearing armor: +4 Hits and 2 Bleed. activities for deep burns.
Strike to lower leg under the knee. Tendons and muscle torn. +3 Hits, Stunned and -25 Fiery blast to the chest spins target around, disarms and Stuns him and inflicts +12 Hits.
80-89 90-99
activities. Target must Assess at the beginning of next round with a special -40 penalty.
Blast to the face. If the target's wearing some sort of head protection: Stunned, Blinded for
Major abdominal wound. If the target's armored: +4 Hits, 3 Bleed. If not: +10 Hits, 6 3 rounds, +15 Hits and 3 Bleed. If not: knocked unconscious, 6 Bleed, and a horrible scar
90-99 100
Bleed, -20 activities and Stunned. (-10 BEA).
Strike to the ear. If the target's wearing a helm: +5 Hits, Stunned. If the target's Fire engulf target's back. All items or clothing carried on the back is destroyed or useless.
100 101-106
unarmored: ear and skull pierced through; target is in a coma and takes 5 Bleed. Target is knocked down and Stunned and takes +12 hits.
Burn to the upper leg. Leg useless due to deep burn and tissue loss. 15 Hits, 5 Bleed, and
Thigh strike. If the target's wearing armor: +5 Hits, 2 Bleed. If not, very deep pierce: +7 107-109
101-106 Stunned, -60 activities.
Hits, 5 Bleed, Stunned and -30 activity.
Blast to the neck. If the target is wearing protection: +12 Hits, Stunned and 4 Bleed. If not:
Strike to lower leg. If the target's armored, torn muscle: +4 hits, -20 activities. If not, 110
target unconsious and dying in 12 rounds.
severed muscle: +6 Hits, -40 activity, Stunned. Shield arm blast. Any shield destroyed along with the hand that wields it. Stunned and 3
Strike to the groin. If the target's wearing armor: +12 Hits, Stunned and -20 activities. If 111-116 Bleed, -20 activity. If no shield: arm burned to the bone and useseless, +12 Hits, Stunned
110 and 6 Bleed, -30 activity.
not: +18 Hits, 5 Bleed, -30 Activities, Stunned; the character's permanently infertile.
Target inhales scalding vapors. +12 Hits, 6 Bleed, target is Prone and incapable of taking
Piercing strike to the chest. If the target's wearing rigid armor: +5 Hits, 4 Bleed and 117-119
any action while coughing for 6 rounds, then is Stunned.
111-116 Stunned, -20 activities for a deep side cut. If not: lung pierced, +15 Hits, Stunned and -50 Strike to midsection bathes target in flames. If the target's wearing protection, he's
activity, dies in 6 hours. knocked down, Stunned, takes 8 Bleed and -60 activities for widespread burns. If not: legs
Strike through the upper weapon arm sever tendons and muscle. +4 Hits, 4 Bleed, -20 destroyed, target dies in 6 unconscious rounds.
activities, arm is useless. Powerful fiery blast. Target's knocked off his feet and sent flying through the air falling
121-126 from 3 meters high. Target is disarmed, takes +15 Hits and is Stunned; furthermore the
Strike to the neck. If the target's wearing rigid neck protection: +5 Hits, 4 Bleed, Stunned.
120 target takes a Moderate Impact Critical Strike from the fall.
If not, artery punctured: +10 Hits, 15 Bleed, target Stunned.
Fiery blaze pulverizes target's weapon arm. Arm useless, +12 hits, 8 Bleed, Stunned and
121-126 Strike to the rear punctures the glute deep. +8 Hits, Stunned and -40 activity. 127-129 -40 activity.
Strike through the armpit breaks shoulder's ligaments. +10 Hits, 6 Bleed, Stunned, -30 Fire engulfs target's head. If the target is wearing metal armor: armor fuses on the head
general activities and arm useless. and the target dies in 5 rounds. If the target's wearing non-metal armor: armor destroyed,
+12 Hits, 4 Bleed, Stunned and -20 activity. If the target's unarmored: knocked over and
Strike to the forehead. If the target's wearing helm: +8 Hits, knocked unconscious for 30
130 dies in 10 minutes due to extensive burns.
minutes. If not: skull fractured, target unconsious and dies in 10 minutes.
Target is bathed in flames. Extreme heat shock deals +50 Hits. Target falls into a 3-month
Strike to the rear of the knee tears ligaments and damages muscle. Target's prone and at 131-136
-60 activity, takes +8 Hits and 3 Bleed and is Stunned. Strike to the head. If the target's wearing helm, he's blinded for 2 weeks, +15 Hits. If not,
137-140 Strike through leg severs an artery. Target falls unconscious and Bleeds for 15 to death. dies in 6 rounds due to massive shock.
Blast to the chest. If the target's wearing chest armor: armor destroyed +12 Hits and 6
141-146 Strike through kidneys. +10 Hits. Target is knocked over and dies in 6 rounds of agony. 141-146
Bleed and target's Stunned. If not: +20 Hits, 12 Bleed, target is unconscious.
Direct shot to the heart. If the target's wearing rigid armor: +20 Hits, Stunned and 8 Bleed,
147-149 Target is totally engulfed in roaring flame. All organic material on target is destroyed, and
-30 activity for deep cut. If not, target dies instantly. 147-149
metal melts. Target dies in 6 horrible, screaming rounds.
150 Strike through the eye into the brain. Instant death. 150 All that remains of the target is a smoking pile of charred teeth and bones.
Against the Darkmaster | Quickstart Rules
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