The document presents working balance sheets and a working profit and loss statement for PT ABC for the period ending December 31, 2011. The working balance sheet shows account balances per books, adjusting journal entries, balances per audit, and comparative balances from the prior year. The working profit and loss statement similarly shows account balances rolled from per books to per audit, with comparative balances from the prior year.
The document presents working balance sheets and a working profit and loss statement for PT ABC for the period ending December 31, 2011. The working balance sheet shows account balances per books, adjusting journal entries, balances per audit, and comparative balances from the prior year. The working profit and loss statement similarly shows account balances rolled from per books to per audit, with comparative balances from the prior year.
The document presents working balance sheets and a working profit and loss statement for PT ABC for the period ending December 31, 2011. The working balance sheet shows account balances per books, adjusting journal entries, balances per audit, and comparative balances from the prior year. The working profit and loss statement similarly shows account balances rolled from per books to per audit, with comparative balances from the prior year.
The document presents working balance sheets and a working profit and loss statement for PT ABC for the period ending December 31, 2011. The working balance sheet shows account balances per books, adjusting journal entries, balances per audit, and comparative balances from the prior year. The working profit and loss statement similarly shows account balances rolled from per books to per audit, with comparative balances from the prior year.
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Exhibit 2 – 3A Contoh Working Balance Sheet
WP Ref. 12-2011 DR CR 31-12-2011 31-12-2010 HARTA LANCAR
KasdanSetaraKas C Rp 25.000.000 - Rp 25.000.000 Rp 20.000.000
Piutang E Rp 40.500.000 - Rp 3.500.000 Rp 37.000.000 Rp 55.000.000 Persediaan F Rp 65.000.000 - Rp 2.000.000 Rp 63.000.000 Rp 35.000.000 BiayaDibayarDimuka G1 Rp 3.500.000 - Rp 1.500.000 Rp 2.000.000 Rp 2.500.000 PajakDibayarDimuka G2 Rp 1.000.000 - Rp - Rp 1.000.000 Rp 750.000 JumlahHartaLancar Rp 135.000.000 - Rp 7.000.000 Rp 128.000.000 ASET TETAP
HargaPerolehan K Rp 40.000.000 - - Rp 40.000.000 Rp 40.000.000
AkumulasiPenyusutan K (Rp 20.000.000) - - (Rp 20.000.000) (Rp10.000.000) NilaiBuku Rp 20.000.000 - - Rp 20.000.000 Rp 30.000.000
HARTA LAIN-LAIN L Rp 5.000.000 - - Rp 5.000.000 Rp 6.000.000
JumlahHarta Rp 160.000.000 - Rp 7.000.000 Rp 153.000.000 Rp149.250.000 DIBUAT OLEH: DIREVIEW OLEH: CLIENT PT ABC PERIODE: INDEX:KKP:
TANGGAL: TANGGAL: SCHEDULE: Working Balance Sheet 31-12-2011 WBS 1
Exhibit 2 – 3B Contoh Working Balance Sheet
Ref. 12-2011 DR CR 31-12-2011 31-12-2010 LIABILITIES LANCAR Liabilities Dagang N1 Rp 37.500.000 Rp 8.000.000 - Rp 29.500.000 Rp 38.000.000 Biaya yang Masih Harus N2 Rp 12.500.000 - Rp 1.000.000 Rp 13.500.000 Rp 7.700.000 Dibayar Tax Liabilities N3 Rp 2.700.000 - - Rp 2.700.000 Rp 1.750.000 Kredit Modal Kerja N4 Rp 25.000.000 - - Rp 25.000.000 Rp 15.000.000 Jumlah Utang Lancar Rp 77.700.000 Rp 8.000.000 Rp 1.000.000 Rp 70.700.000 Rp 62.450.000 UTANG JANGKA PANJANG Kredit Investasi Q1 Rp 30.000.000 - - Rp 30.000.000 Rp 40.000.000 Utang Pemegang Saham Q2 Rp 7.000.000 - - Rp 7.000.000 Rp 10.000.000 Jumlah Utang Jangka Panjang K Rp 37.000.000 - - Rp 37.000.000 Rp 50.000.000 EKUITAS Modal dasar 10.000 lenbar saham, nilai nominal Rp 5.000 per saham Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh 5.000 lembar saham T Rp 25.000.000 - - Rp 25.000.000 Rp 25.000.000 Saldo laba Rp 20.300.000 - - Rp 20.300.000 Rp 11.800.000 Jumlah Ekuitas Rp 45.300.000 - - Rp 45.300.000 Rp 36.800.000
Jumlah Utang dan Ekuitas Rp 160.000.000 Rp 8.000.000 Rp 1.000.000 Rp 153.000.000 Rp 149.250.000
TANGGAL: TANGGAL: SCHEDULE: Working Balance Sheet 31-12-2011 WBS 2
Exhibit 3 – 4 Contoh Working Profit dan Loss
WP Ref. 2011 DR CR 31-12-2011 31-12-2010 PENJUALAN U1 Rp 120.000.000 Rp 120.000.000 Rp 100.000.000 HARGA POKOK PENJUALAN PersediaanAwal Rp 35.000.000 Rp 35.000.000 Rp 10.000.000 +/+ PembelianBersih U2 Rp 110.000.000 Rp 110.000.000 Rp 95.000.000 BarangTersediauntukDijual Rp 145.000.000 Rp 145.000.000 Rp 105.000.000 -/- PersediaanAkhir Rp 65.000.000 Rp 65.000.000 Rp 35.000.000 HargaPokokPenjualan Rp 80.000.000 Rp 80.000.000 Rp 70.000.000 LABA KOTOR Rp 40.000.000 Rp 40.000.000 Rp 30.000.000 BIAYA OPERASI: BiayaPenjualan U3 Rp 11.500.000 Rp 11.500.000 Rp 10.000.000 BiayaUmum + Administrasi U4 Rp 10.000.000 Rp 10.000.000 Rp 7.000.000 JumlahBiayaOperasi Rp 21.500.000 Rp 21.500.000 Rp 17.000.000 LABA OPERASI Rp 18.500.000 Rp 18.500.000 Rp 25.000.000 PENDAPATAN (BEBAN) U5 Rp (8.500.000) Rp (8.500.000) Rp (5.000.000) LAIN LABA SEBELUM PAJAK Rp 10.000.000 Rp 10.000.000 Rp 8.000.000 TAKSIRAN PAJAK Rp (1.500.000) Rp (1.500.000) Rp (1.200.000) PENGHASILAN LABA BERSIH SETELAH PAJAK Rp 8.500.000 Rp 8.500.000 Rp 6.800.000 SALDO LABA AWAL TAHUN Rp 11.800.000 Rp 11.800.000 Rp 5.000.000 LABA DITAHAN AKHIR TAHUN Rp 20.800.000 Rp 20.800.000 Rp 11.800.000 DIBUAT OLEH: DI-REVIEW CLIENT : PT ABC PERIODE: 2011 INDEX: KKP: OLEH: