Jurnal 2
Jurnal 2
Jurnal 2
Sepsis is a common condition with a major global impact on healthcare resources and expenditure. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign has been
vigorous in promoting internationally recognised pathways to improve the management of septic patients and decrease mortality. However,
translating recommendations into practice is a challenging and complex task that requires a multi-faceted approach with sustained
engagement from local stakeholders.
Whilst working at a district general hospital in New Zealand, we were concerned by the seemingly inconsistent management of septic patients,
often leading to long delays in the initiation of life-saving measures such as antibiotic, fluid, and oxygen administration. In our hospital there
were no clear systems, protocols or guidelines in place for identifying and managing septic patients.
We therefore launched the Sepsis Six resuscitation bundle of care in our hospital in an attempt to raise awareness amongst staff and improve
the management of septic patients. We introduced a number of simple low-cost interventions that included educational sessions for junior
doctors and nursing staff, as well as posters and modifications to phlebotomy trolleys that acted as visual reminders to implement the Sepsis
Six bundle.
Overall, we found there to a be a steady improvement in the delivery of the Sepsis Six bundle in septic patients with 63% of patients receiving
appropriate care within one hour, compared to 29% prior to our interventions. However this did not translate to an improvement in patient
This project forms part of an on going process to instigate a fundamental culture change among local healthcare professionals regarding the
management of sepsis. Whilst we have demonstrated improved implementation of the Sepsis Six bundle, the key challenge remains to ensure
that momentum of this project continues and forms a platform for sustainable clinical improvement in the long term.
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up to 300 cases per 100,000 population, and rising.[6-8] Reported Reliable, timely delivery of more complex life-saving tasks, such as
in-hospital mortality for patients with severe sepsis or septic shock EGDT, demands greater awareness, faster recognition and
ranges between 20% and 50%.[7,9-12] Meanwhile, data specific for initiation of basic care, and more effective collaboration between
Australasia demonstrates 23% in-hospital mortality rates for clinicians and nurses involved in the initial assessment of the septic
patients with severe sepsis or septic shock.[10] There are few patient. As a life threatening condition associated with a high rate of
disease processes with such a high mortality, with patients admitted mortality, quality care of patients with sepsis is paramount. Due to
with severe sepsis having a 6-10 fold higher mortality risk than if concerns regarding early assessment and initiation of appropriate
they presented with an acute myocardial infarction and a 4-5 times therapy previously identified, we set about introducing the Sepsis
greater risk than if they had suffered an acute stroke.[2] Six resuscitation bundle into our hospital in an attempt to deliver
appropriate care in a timely manner to septic patients and thereby
The fundamental approach to the management of sepsis includes improve their outcomes.
early recognition, appropriate, and timely delivery of antibiotics,
controlling the source of infection and adequate resuscitation with
Baseline measurement
intravenous fluids and possibly vasoactive drugs.[10] Mortality has
been shown to increase by 7.6% for every hour of delay in starting
Data was retrospectively collected over a six-month period for all
antibiotic therapy.[13] Unfortunately however, due to a variety of
hospitalised adult (over 18-years old) patients with confirmed
reasons including indecision by junior staff, availability of senior
sepsis. Initially, case notes were obtained via the medical records
review and lack of awareness of the problem on general wards,
department, using a list of coded diagnoses that included infection,
there are frequently long delays between medical review and
sepsis, pneumonia, lower and upper respiratory infection,
antibiotic administration.[5,19] Meanwhile, whilst early goal-directed
urosepsis, urinary tract infection, pyrexia of unknown origin,
therapy (EGDT) has previously been associated with a 34% relative
meningitis, abdominal sepsis, biliary sepsis, bacteraemia,
risk reduction in mortality, and was subsequently endorsed as a key
septicaemia, endocarditis, pyelonephritis, septic arthritis, and
strategy to reduce mortality from sepsis by the Surviving Sepsis
cellulitis. 138 sets of notes were then scrutinised to identify patients
Campaign, more recent studies have not shown any benefit in
that satisfied sepsis or severe sepsis criteria as defined by the
terms of all-cause mortality in patients with early septic
international sepsis guidelines shown below.[1]
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© 2015, Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://group.bmj.com/group/rights-licensing/permissions.
sepsis. 16 out of 55 patients (29%) had appropriate management Finally, we designated a number of ‘sepsis assistants’ throughout
with antibiotics, intravenous fluids +/- oxygen commenced within 1 the general wards and ED to ensure that education regarding the
hour. Only 10 out of 55 patients (18%) had lactate measured. 18 management of sepsis was reinforced on a day-to-day basis, and
(33%) had blood cultures taken and of this group 14 (78%) were that the momentum of our project was sustained. These ‘assistants’
taken prior to antibiotic administration. 15 out of 55 patients (27%) were able to aid staff and advise on appropriate initiation and
had urine output monitoring via either an indwelling catheter or escalation of treatment, finding equipment and requesting
designated fluid input/output chart. After initial assessment by appropriate investigations.
nursing staff, the mean waiting time to clinician review was 47
minutes (range 0-270). One patient, who did not fit criteria for As noted previously, sustainability of such projects is a difficult
severe sepsis at initial assessment, died whilst in hospital (2%). challenge, often due to the high turn around of staff, especially
junior doctors who consistently rotate through different jobs in
Overall, the numbers of patients receiving the equivalent of a sepsis different hospitals.[18-19] We were especially keen to ensure that
bundle were as follows: improvements we made in our hospital were sustainable in the long
term. We therefore recruited junior doctors to the sepsis-
Six parts: 2 (4%) management quality improvement team, who we knew would be
working in the hospital for the next two years. This was to ensure
Five parts: 6 (11%) that the momentum of the project was sustained, even once some
members of the team moved on to different jobs. Recruitment of
Four parts: 11 (20%) future members of the team will follow a similar practice to ensure
that progress is continued.
Three parts: 11 (20%)
Two parts: 13 (24%)
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© 2015, Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://group.bmj.com/group/rights-licensing/permissions.
over 65% of junior doctors. We also held workshops in each of the 3 months post baseline measurement: A total of 71 patients (34
general wards, although only 30% of nurses were able to attend males, 37 females) were included in the data collection. 22 patients
due to clinical duties. We therefore designated a number of ‘sepsis met the criteria for severe sepsis. 37 out of 71 patients (52%) had
assistants’ throughout the general wards and the ED to ensure that appropriate management with antibiotics, intravenous fluids +/-
sepsis education could be continued and reinforced on a day-to-day oxygen commenced within 1 hour. Only 7 out of 71 patients (10%)
basis in a more informal environment. had lactate measured. 37 (52%) had blood cultures taken and of
this group all 37 (100%) were taken prior to antibiotic
PDSA cycle 4: Three months following implementation of these administration. 26 out of 71 patients (37%) had urine output
interventions, we conducted a re-audit. Whilst the results were monitoring via either an indwelling catheter or designated fluid
promising, further improvements could still be made. We noted that input/output chart. After initial assessment by nursing staff, the
the vast majority of patients with sepsis presented to the ED, with mean waiting time to clinician review was 48 minutes (range 0-345).
the number of ward-based patients that become septic 9 out of 71 patients (13%) died whilst in hospital, with 5 out of these
comparatively low. We therefore focussed our next set of 9 patients fitting criteria for severe sepsis at initial assessment.
interventions in the ED and sought feedback from ED staff as to
how to improve implementation of the Sepsis Six bundle. Nursing Overall, the numbers of patients receiving the equivalent of a sepsis
staff commented how they would often forget to take lactate and bundle were as follows:
blood cultures from patients who whilst tachypnoeic and
tachycardic, were afebrile during the initial assessments. We Six parts: 6 (8%)
therefore tied a laminated photo of a set of blood cultures, a lactate
tube, nasal prongs, a 500ml bag of normal saline, a catheter, and Five parts: 15 (21%)
vial of antibiotic on each phlebotomy trolley in the department.
Feedback from the nurses was extremely positive, remarking that Four parts: 14 (20%)
this photo reminded them to draw the relevant blood samples and
consider escalating management of possibly septic patients by Three parts: 17 (24%)
triaging them higher for a more urgent clinician review.
Two parts: 13 (18%)
PDSA cycle 5: We noted that there was no change in mean waiting
time to clinician review from initial nursing assessment. ED nursing One part: 6 (8%)
staff reported that even if patients were tachypnoeic, tachycardic,
and febrile, and therefore categorised as a higher triage priority, Zero parts: 0 (0%)
due to staff shortages in the ED, there were still delays in clinician
reviews. This was highlighted as a critical incident, and brought up 6 months post baseline measurement: A total of 40 patients (23
in a series of departmental meetings. As a consequence, another males, 17 females) were included in the data collection. 17 patients
full-time consultant is being recruited to the ED, to help improve met the criteria for severe sepsis. 25 out of 40 patients (63%) had
timely reviews of all patients, including those who may be septic. appropriate management with antibiotics, intravenous fluids +/-
oxygen commenced within 1 hour. Only 10 out of 40 patients (25%)
PDSA cycle 6: Following another three months, a re-audit had lactate measured. 25 (63%) had blood cultures taken and of
demonstrated further significant improvements in the this group 24 (96%) were taken prior to antibiotic administration. 17
implementation of the Sepsis Six bundle. These results are due to out of 40 patients (43%) had urine output monitoring via either an
be presented at a hospital managers meeting, to gain formal indwelling catheter or designated fluid input/output chart. After initial
approval for the integration of the Sepsis Six bundle into hospital assessment by nursing staff, the mean waiting time to clinician
guidelines. These will be placed on the trust intranet and be readily review was 44 minutes (range 0-205). 4 out of 40 patients (10%)
accessible to any healthcare professional in the hospital. died whilst in hospital, with all 4 patients fitting criteria for severe
Furthermore, we are extending the sepsis management quality sepsis at initial assessment.
improvement team to incorporate a wider range of stakeholders
including the antimicrobial pharmacist, the resident microbiologist Overall, the numbers of patients receiving the equivalent of a sepsis
and the ED clinical nurse manager. We are also working on bundle were as follows:
introducing ‘sepsis boxes’ in the general wards to centralise the
equipment needed to adequately manage septic patients. This has Six parts: 5 (13%)
previously been shown to improve implementation of the Sepsis Six
bundle.[18] Finally, we are incorporating sepsis management Five parts: 10 (25%)
education sessions into the induction programme for newly
appointed doctors. Further re-audit will be completed in three Four parts: 11 (28%)
months time to re-evaluate our practice, following which the sepsis
management quality improvement team will meet once more to Three parts: 7 (18%)
discuss the future direction of the project.
Two parts: 4 (10%)
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One part: 1 (4%) group that have not previously been considered.
Zero parts: 2 (8%) Another key limitation of this study is that it does not examine the
costs associated with managing sepsis according to the Sepsis Six
Overall, we saw a significant improvement in the implementation of bundle. Nor does it explore any savings that may occur by reducing
the Sepsis Six bundle, with 66% of patients receiving 4-6 parts the incidence of septic patients becoming more unwell. Whilst this
compared to 35% at baseline. However these improvements did not would be difficult to incorporate into the study, it will be discussed at
translate to better patient outcomes, and indeed we noted future meetings.
worsening in-hospital mortality since the start of our project, from
2% to 10%. This may reflect the fact that our re-audits were Finally, the lack of outcome measures in our data analysis is
completed during the winter when patients are generally more another limitation of this study. For example, we did not analyse
unwell. To further evaluate these trends we will need to compare ICU admission rates, use of vasoactive drugs, appropriate antibiotic
future data sets from comparable times of the year. Furthermore, stewardship, length of stay in hospital, or post-discharge morbidity
there was no significant decrease in time taken from initial nursing and mortality. By increasing the stakeholders involved in the
assessment to clinician review, and this may be partly explained by project, we hope to increase the content of the data we can collect
the fact that the new ED consultant post has not been filled as yet. which will provide us with more information to guide future practice.
Lessons and limitations As noted previously, sepsis is a serious condition with high
mortality. The international community has been vigorous in
We have learnt a number of important lessons during this project, promoting internationally recognised pathways to improve the
none more so than the importance of a multi-faceted approach to management of septic patients in an attempt to improve their
tackling an inherently complex problem. Certainly there is no magic outcomes. However, translating recommendations into practice is a
answer to improving the management of sepsis in busy clinical challenging and complex task that requires a multi-faceted
environments. It requires a co-ordinated effort from a dedicated approach with sustained engagement from local stakeholders. We
team to instigate changes, and even then, progress may prove to have implemented a number of simple, low-cost interventions that
be slow. However, small changes can lead to improvements in have improved the implementation of the Sepsis Six resuscitation
practice, and this project highlights the need for healthcare bundle in our hospital. However, this has not translated into better
professionals to be continually motivated to achieve such patient outcomes in terms of mortality. Whilst this quality
improvements. improvement project has helped instigate a fundamental culture
change among local healthcare professionals, there is more work to
Another key lesson is that a singular approach does not necessarily be done to improve the management of sepsis at our hospital. The
work in different situations or departments, and therefore flexibility key challenge remains to ensure that momentum of this project
is vital to achieving success. For example, we broached the idea of continues and forms a platform for sustainable clinical improvement
introducing a ‘sepsis box’ or ‘sepsis trolley’ into the ED. These have in the long term.
been successfully trialled in previous quality improvement
projects.[18-20] However, due to limited space, this idea was
thought to be impractical by department managers and we modified
our intervention accordingly. The original concept however, may still
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