Americancinematographer10 1930 01
Americancinematographer10 1930 01
Americancinematographer10 1930 01
Paul VC^Kitcman
- I
A technical and educational publicatiofi, espousing progress and art in motion picture photography.
Georges Benoit, c-o Louis Verande, 12 rue d’Aguessau Paris, 8e
John Dored, Paramount News, Paramount Building, 1 Rue Meyerbeer, Paris IXe, France.
Herford Tynes Cowling, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, New York, Eastern Representative.
Chicago Office, 3668 South Michigan Ave.—Telephone: Boulevard 5444. D. J. Goff, Representative.
r his article, reprinted from the 1930 edition of the American Annual of
be printed in two installments. The next will be in the February issue. —Photography, will
Editor's Note.
ANY hundreds of color processes have been patented for illumination, a light sensitive material and a camera for record-
some few placed on market since May, 1861, ing and making it permanent. The requirements in color photo-
IlM' and
when Maxwell demonstrated
the first process of color graphy are similar with certain modifications in order that the
I •
Only three of these processes, however, have
photography. final record may be in colors. To better understand the problem,
r> test of over twenty years of continuous use,
withstood the let us examine the known facts about color in relation to light.
namely, three-color lithography, three-color carbon transfer, and Most everyone is somewhat familiar with the subject of radio
'the Autochrome screen plate process. On the other hand, during whereby sounds are changed from a frequency of vibration and
f Ithis same half century ordinary photography has become almost wave-length sensitive to the ear to a much higher frequency suit-
I indispensable as a record- able for broadcasting.
iring medium, is extensively Similarly, light may be
; used in business adver- considered to be when a
I itising, and through the ray of white light (usual-
(.-motion pictures consti- ly sunlight) is passed
;.,tutes one of our most im- through a narrow slit and
r portant forms of enter- then either through a
! Jtainment and instruction. prism or through an in-
During the years 1928- terference grating (a glass
1929 a renewed interest Right, fig, 2; left, fig. 6. surface ruled with several
developing in
•has been thousand fine lines to the
; color photography. It has found considerable use in connection inch) the light is broken up into a multicolored ribbon or brand
K.color roll film and film pack method was exploited in England of complex waves of varying frequency, violet, indigo, blue,
; during the same year and several professional photographers in green, yellow, orange, and red. The light rays producing each
various parts of the world were specializing in commercial color
'. minute portion of this band have a definite wave-length, and
prints. A staff of workers has been in the field making color therefore the color which the normal eye sees may be expressed in
rtransparencies chiefly with the Autochrome process which are terms of a wave-length of about 400 mu. (millionth of a mil-
reproduced each month in the National Geographic Magazine limeter or one-twenty-five millionths of an inch) in the violet
iiand other magazines. In view of this increased interest in the to about 700 mu. in the red (Fig. 2).
.subject this article has been prepared to give a short review of the Why Natural Objects Appear Colored
:principles underlying the processes of color photography and to Consider now, three strips of cardboard colored red, green,
’(describe those processes which have found some practical applica- and blue respectively. To the normal eye the strips will appear
tion. to be red, green, and blue when illuminated with white light
Color and Its Relation to Light because they absorb, respectively, all other colors of the light
In the making of a photograph of any subject, light is needed falling on them and reflect only these three colors. This pro-
Fig. 4. Wedge spectrum of ordinary Orthochromatic and
Top, &g. /; bottom, fig. 3; middle, fig. 5. Panchromatic films showing range of sensitivity.
. ;
the filter was used. This is because the filter transmits green and yellow spot was obtained: with red and blue, a magenta spot.l
red light, but does not pass any blue light, hence the blue strip and with green and blue, a blue-green spot. (See Fig. 5.) This;
appears black. Analogous reasoning holds for a Minus Green is called the additive method of color photography.
or Magenta filter and for a Minus Red or Blue-green filter when Maxwell also made a photograph of a colored ribbon which be:
the cards are iluminated with light through these respective filters. projected with the three lanterns. The importance of his discovery-
What an Ordinary Photograph Is and How It Is Made
can hardly be appreciated unless it is recalled that he was of ne-
Since practically every col- cessity using wet collodion
or process uses a photograph- plates. Eight years after Max-:
These tiny crystals are so Left. fig. 15: right, fig. 17. {Continued on Page 22)
January, 1930 American C namatographer
i Five
6arly History
OF IFide Films
Being a Peek into the Past that is
Both Interesting and Enlightening
T HASbeen claimed that there is only one standard of meas- Henry V, Hopwood in 1899 described more than fifty dif-
urement which is common to all nations of the earth. That ferent models of projectors made by different manufacturers and
I measurement is the width of a piece of standard theatrical gives the names of about seventy more. Curiously enough the size
size motion picture film. of film used in the various machines is mentioned only in two or
Many persons actively engaged in the industry seem to be un- three instances. It is probable that most of them used the
aware that other widths and dimensions of film were ever used Edison standard although it is obvious from the descriptions that
and some even believe that the use of wide film is a recent in- many of them used other sizes.
Iwention. Probably the first example of motion picture “film” as it is
History moves in cycles and recent events in the use of the wide photographed today was a scene taken in the Champs Elysees in
•film of various gauges show that we are in the midst of a repeti- Paris in 1886 by Dr. E. J. Matey. Although the “film” was
tion of the unstandardized efforts and struggles that marked the paper, sensitized celluloid not being available until a year or two
[.work of so many of the early pioneers of the industry. later,and cine projectors having not yet been invented; this paper
To those who have never had occasion to refer to the early negative could be printed as a positive film and run as a Fox
inistory of the motion picture it may come as a surprise that scores Grandeur film today.
of scientists, mechanics and inventors in nearly every civilized In May, 1889, William Friese-Green, 92, Piccadilly, London,
.country were working simultaneously during the “90’s” to per- made a motion picture negative of a scene on the Esplanade,
fect a system for taking and showing motion pictures and while Brighton, England, using paper film negative lYi inches wide
they were all, in the main, working along the same lines, yet each and 1 Yi inches height to each frame. Later in the same year
[adopted whatever width of film seemed to him to be best suited for he used celluloid film displacing the paper used earlier.
[ois experiments. One of the first to project successfully upon a large sized screen
Thatthe 35 mm. width of film came to be the measurement was Mr. Woodville Latham, inventor of the Latham Loop which
A'hich survived and eventually became standardized is, so far caused much patent litigation in the early days. Latham called
as the writer has been able to ascertain, a coincidence. It was not his machine the Eidoloscope and used wide film 2 inches wide
foresight that caused Mr. Edison in this country and Lumiere with frames Yu -inch high by 1 inches long.
-Yeres in France to select film widths that were so nearly the Oval holes cut through the frame line at each side alternately
lame that they were practically interchangeable. It was pure served to make electrical contact to light the arc each time the
rhance, also, that these two firms happened to be the most intermittent brought the picture to rest. This intermittent
loowerful commercially in their respective countries. lighting of the arc served in place of a shutter but was not very
Edison selected 1 ^
inches as the width of film best suited for successful as the electrical spring contacts scratched the film and
hais Kinetoscope only after a long series of experiments with films the arc responded irregularly to the quick make and break.
m cylinders, discs, and narrow ribbon form run horizontally in- In the fall of 1897 Enoch J. Rector, an inventor and pro-
I’.tead of vertically. moter, showed pictures of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons prize fight
This measurement coincides within 1/1000 of an inch with in the Academy of Music on 14th Street in New York City. His
he 35 mm. width selected by Lumiere and while Lumiere used apparatus was called the Veriscope and the same mechanism used
only one round perforation on each side of the film and Edison to show the pictures was employed in the camera with which
issed four rectangular ones it was possible by altering sprockets 1 1,000 feet of film were taken at Carson City, Nevada, March
•tr by reperforating the Lumiere film to use them interchangeably. 17, 1897. Thereafter about twenty machines for projecting
[.Lumiere later reluctantlyabandoned the two-hole perforation and this large size film were manufactured and these fight films were
iiopied the Edison standard in order to sell film to users of Edison exhibited all over the country.
lachines. In the late 90’s the motion picture was regarded as a great
An advertisement in Hopwood’s “Living Pictures" edition of novelty which would soon die out. Conditions were chaotic and
1899 offers the “Prestwich” specialties for animated photog-
“nine different models of cameras and projectors in three
everyone who went into the business worked with frantic eager-
ness to reap the rich harvest before the fickle interest of the public
[izes for Ir^-inch, 1% -inch and -inch width of film." Half a should pass on to some new fancy.
Icozen other advertisers in the Just as there was no standard
Lame book offer “cinemato- of film size, no rate of frames
|rraphs“ for sale and while the per second was established and
lustrations show machines for the taking rate varied from 8
|!lms obviously of narrow or per second to 60 per second
]fide gauge no mention is made among the different systems, each
Iff the size of the film. of which was distinguished by
During 1899 there were in some fantastic and polysyllablic
[ingland and on the Continent name. Out of the hundreds of
ilutograph films 2^
inches such coined trade names only a
[yide, Demeny Chronophoto- few are remembered today; such
^raphe 60 mm. wide, Skladow- as Kinetoscope,Vitagraph, Bio-
icy film 65 mm. wide, Prestwich graph and Mutoscope.
ride film 2% inches wide, Bir- Subjects were confined almost
11/16 inch wide, Jun-
kac films entirely to news events, prize-
Ur Prestwich Yi inch wide, be- fights, short scenic shots and
Iddes the present standard estab- theatrical or spectacular bits
lished by Paul, Edison and Lu- many of which were considered
iere. (Continued on Page 29)
Si.: American Cinamatographer January, 193'
By Hal Hall
here quite so enlightening to one in the the things he does. It seems to me that the cinematographer
T picture
is nothing
business the reaction of a stranger who has
in the midst of a production,
found himself
especially if the individual is one with a mind as astute as that
are not given sufficient prominence for the really wonderfif
work that they do in making pictures successful.
“Getting to talkies and music, let me say that I think talkie
of Paul Whiteman, the Maestro of Jazz. will do much for music. The people of the world have bee,
Whiteman always has had unusual ideas regarding the show music hungry for years. They have flocked miles to hear banC'
business as a whole, and he does not disappoint in connection and orchestras. I have toured the entire United States an:
with his thoughts about pictures, or talkies as they are usually played in practically every town of any size and people simpb
called now. Instead of swelling up with his own importance flocked in. They want music. Why, down in Texas, it too
now that he has been made the star of a picture that will cost me six weeks before I could leave the state, and you know ho'
probably a couple of million dollars, or more, he declares scattered are the towns down there.
that he means nothing to the picture and the picture world “Abroad it is the same way. They want music. The,
unless his picture is good and the music is better. will pay a lot to hear it. Now with the motion pictun^
This Jazz King, who is starring with his band in Universal’s giving them music it will simply cultivate their taste fd(
“King of Jazz Revue,” now in production at the Universal more. But — will not be satisfied with the pictures an-
that way alone. They .will want to see th'i
studios in Hollywood, has some rather pointed remarks to make music given in
regarding pictures and picture making. bands. For that reason I say that within two years you wi
Standing out among his remarks are the following: see the bands and orchestras back in the picturehouses agaii
Talkies have removed the orchestras from the picture houses The talkies drove them out, but will make the people so musi>
but these same talkies will put the orchestras right back again loving that they will have to put the bands back.
within the next two years. —
“And I think that pictures with music will make tb:
They won’t stan:
Talkies will do much to develop the love for music among people demand big bands and good bands.
the people wherever they are exhibited, whether in the United for four and five piece affairs again. They will be educate,
States or in foreign countries. And talkies will bring about up to the big band with class. And watch big bands con-
the end of the four and five piece bands and orchestras that back to the theatres. A good band can make a house pay eve •
used to hold forth in the theatres in the past. if the picture is bad. Big theatre chains have been built u
The talkies are here to stay, but they will not eliminate by music. It will be done again.
isfied with canned music alone.
But people will not be sat
Never think that. Picturr
the spoken drama or the bands and orchestras. Rather, they
will make the people hungry for a sight of the players and are here to stay, and they will be mostly talkies, but peop-
musicians they have heard but who have been merely shadows want human beings to look at after a certain time.
flickering across a screen. “Recording is just beginning to get into its stride in thi
talkies are here to stay, there should and probably picture business. But the producers wasted the better pa:
will some great silent pictures made in the future.
be Such of two years of development by not bringing out men Ion:
men Chaplin should never make a talkie.
as He is too great experienced in recording in the big phonograph laboratorie..
a pantomimist. Why, it seems unbelieveable to me. but it is a fact. thej.
The art of the cinematographer is so amazing as to make picture people thought they did not need men who knew a.
one say it is unbelieveable that a man can do so much with about recording. The result was terrible at first. Everyor !
a camera and some lights. knows that. But. gradually the knowledge was gained at muc
The producers threw away the better part of two years expense and now there should be some good recording. I canne
development in sound recording by failing to turn immediately understand why the producers failed to bring in the record
to men versed and long experienced in recording music and voice ing men, however.
in the great phonograph laboratories. “You might not believe it. but one big producing genii
Whiteman a lot more as he talked across the lunch
said was preparing to build a couple of huge sound stages. I w?
table with writer at Universal’s studios, and while we
this talking with him and started to tell him about the experienc-
may be no judge of such things, it strikes us that some picture I had had in building a sound recording laboratory. I knev
company would be showing excellent judgment if it secured he was making a mistake. He just laughed at me and aske
this man Whiteman solely in the capacity of a “horse sense” me if I knew more than the electrical engineers who wei
adviser. laying out the place. I laughed, too. and said I didn’t. Bu
“The name of Paul Whiteman means nothing,” he declared, nearly a quarter of a million dollars was wasted in those stage;
“as far as the success of the picture is concerned -that is unless and they had to be changed. A man versed in recording couL,
the picture is a really good one itself. The idea that producers have avoided that.”
have about big names is more or less a lot of bunk. A big Whiteman laughed heartily when he recalled that experienci
name will never make a success out of a poor picture. It will And then declared that at Universal they are really doin
draw a full house the first night, yes; but if the picture is wonders in recording.
no good the world will say: “Isn’t that a terrible picture So- “They are getting results here,” he declared, “marvelou
and-So is in?” And then everyone will stay away from the results.”
picture and it will flop all over the lot. That has happened Whiteman declares that the so-called jazz of today is teall
in silent pictures and has already happened in talkies. the American music. He points out that it is America's con
“So why should either the star or the producer kid himself tribution to the field of music, and a good contribution, toe
into believing something that isn’t so. Personally, I believe The classical music, he points out. has come from Europe, bu
our picture is going to be an excellent one. The sound is America has developed the popular or jazz music which ha.
simply marvelous, the action is good. The dialogue is good. taken a firm hold in Europe. Pictures, he declares, will implan
The music reproduces magnificently. And the photography this American music more firmly in all parts of the world.
is simply gorgeous. Hal Mohr certainly knows cinematography “I think we have only begun in pictures.” he declares. “Whe-
and lighting. It is amazing the results he gets. I would not recording is improved and we really get in stride the advanc
have believed that a man with lights and a camera could do will be remarkable.” (Continued on Page 46-
"Photographic (Control in
Fariable "Density "/^cording
A Paper Included in the Technical Digest of the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences
By Wesley C. Miller
Chief Yransmission Engineer, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayec Studios
original. In between are all of the steps curves exhibit the characteristic of having
of amplification and recording, involving u a curved toe in the region of under ex-
various kinds of energy conversions. The r-V
posure, a curved shoulder at over ex-
entire philosophy of the process is based z posure, and in between a section which
1 f
upon the attempt to keep the results of *
approaches a straight line. The slope of
each step strictly proportional to the 'T A the straight portion determines gamma
In cases where this is not en- the contrast factor, which up to a
original. 1
4 i t : iz. : - -
y (log E — log i)
Center, Clyde DeVinna. chief cinematographer , with hi.s radio set. Bottom, the technical staff.
January, 1930 American Cinamatographer Nine
By William Stull, A. S. C.
next. .
the boss’s door on his
the payroll one day,
!” .
jobs,” grunted Mannie as he slammed
HE came out of it, he was on his back in bed.
Some kind soul had put him there: Mannie didn’t know
who, but then Mannie had done the same for some of
the other guys in days gone by, and one good turn deserves
!” he yelled.
clean out his desk. “Hey, Smart! ! He thumped on the floor.
“Say?” yelled Mannie. “Say? He didn’t gimme a chance From ciownstairs somewhere came a response:
to say anything. mind gettin’ Listen, I don’t fired by a regular “Yassuh, Mist’ Mannie: —
Uh huh cornin’, suh.” A minute
guy, but you know, and everybody on this lot knows, and I later, and a black head atop a white coat appeared at Mannic’s
know that Bladdich is a blankety-blank-blank .” And Man- . . . door.
nie said a lot of things that newspapers would be arrested for “Smart,” begged Mannie: “bring me a bromo and a paper
sending through the mails. and what time is it?”
“Why, tell mei’” Cedric finally managed to interpose. “Tell 'Bout ten, suh?”
Bladdie.” “What night?”
“Yeah? How?” “Tuesday maw-
Mannie wanted to nin’ an’ I’m bringin’
know. Then he got de bromo an’ de
an “All right,
idea. mawnin’ papuh.”
I will! !” he mut-! Smart vanished
tered, and
stuck a and Mannie realized
sheet of paper in his he’d been non com-
typewriter and be- pos mentis since
gan a farewell letter Saturday. He gulped
to Michael V. Blad- the bromo and cussed
dich, who had just it, most-
as usual, for
canned him. lygoing up his nose.
He began it mere- He read the paper
ly: “Bladdich:” foggily until he saw
The first para- the name of Michael
graph, then, started V. Bladdich in large
like this: letters.
“You are a . . .
It dealt largely with TIVE JAILED,”
Bladdich’s ancestry the headlines an-
and family tree and nounced. There
was ripe in miracul- were other heads
ous biological oc- about embezzlement
currences. second A and morals charges
paragraph detailed and things like that.
Mannie’s views re- There was a picture
garding Bladdich’s of Bladdich. And
level of intelligence, there was a story
compared with which Mannie man-
which the lowness of aged to decipher,
a whale’s abdomen (Continued on
was a huge elevation. Page 30)
January, 1 930 American C namatogra
i p h e r Eleven
re-built cameras are in use today
necessary with their use.”
and re-building, was successful in eliminat-
the noise in the old cameras. Dozens of these
and no booth or sound-proof-
presentation of the New Fearless Silent Camera. Mr. Fear entire time that he was re-designing and
During the re-
has put into the New Fearless Silent Camera the accumulated building these old cameras, Mr. Fear was perfecting a new
scientific and practical knowledge gained through ten years camera designed for the present day conditions.
of intimate association with the engineering phases of motion “A modern motion picture camera,” continues Mr. Fear,
pictures. ,
“should be so silent in operation that it can be used within ten
“Most of the professional motion picture cameras in common feet of the microphones while photographing sound pictures.
use today,” says Mr. Fear, “were designed a dozen or more years Provision should be made within the camera for recording sound
ago. As a matter of fact there isn’t a professional motion picture on the same film and at the same time that the image is being
camera now in common use in the Studios that was not designed photographed. It should be extremely easy to focus, retain all
prior to 1920. These cameras were not designed for silence, of the features in common use before the advent of sound, and
hence they all develop so much noise that with the advent of in addition should contain all of the modern accessories that
talking pictures it became necessary to provide some sort of have become necessary attachments with the permanent estab-
sound proofing for the cameras in order that they might be lishment of talking pictures. It should fill the every need of
used in sound productions. This has resulted in a multitudinous modern motion picture photography. Such is the 1930 Model
array of booths, blimps, bungalows, blankets, etc. in a vain Fearless Silent Camera.
effort to keep the camera noises within an enclosure so that “In addition to being so silent in its operation that the
they will not effect sound microphones may be plac-
recording. But even with ed within ten feet of the
these cumbersome devices, camera without picking
and the attendant discom- up unwanted noises, the
fort and trouble experi- Fearless Silent Camera
enced with their use the embodies many new and
noise still continues with desirable features. How-
sufficient volume to cause ever, it should be stated
great trouble in record- at this juncture that the
ing. Fearless Silent Camera
“In addition the cam- does not contain any
eras present a bewildering radical or untried features.
appearance with their ar- To the contrary, every-
ray of accessories that thing that goes into its
have become necessary construction is based on
with the advent of sound sound engineering prin-
pictures. ciples.
“Some of the older
“The Fearless Silent
camera manufacturers have
Camera is equipped with
tried, with only partial
the Fearless Simplex
success, to silence their
High-speed movement of
cameras. They have re- which there are nearly
placed the conventional
half a hundred in use,
ball bearings, which were
several having been in-
of the old bicycle type
stalled in Europe. This
and very noisy, with
is the simplest camera
plain bearings. Metalic*
movement in the world
gears have been replaced
to thread and due to pre-
with Bakelite. Movements
cision workmanship and
have been quieted to some
accuracy of design is so
extent. And one manu-
silent while in motion
facturer covers his camera
that only by placing the
with sponge rubber. None
ear against the frame of
of these expedients has
the movement can any
been entirely successful
sound be detected.
and we still find the cam-
eras in booths, or the so- “One of the outstand-
called blimps and bunga- ing factors that contri-
The New Fearless Silent Camera
lows.” bute to the almost un-
Continuing, Mr. Fear canny silence of the Fear-
says, “I approached the problem of noisy cameras from a differnt less Silent Camera,” says Mr. Fear, “is the full force oiling
angle than that followed by other engineers. I contended that the system that pumps oil under pressure to every bearing point.
scientific way to eliminate camera noise was at its source and This system of positive oiling is employed in all high grade
with this thought in view invented and developed a silent automobiles, but this is the first time it has ever been applied
camera movement which it is possible to run at high speed with- to a motion picture camera. The few gears that are used in
out noise. This movement was first placed on the market in the Fearless Silent Camera are designed for silent operation and
July 1928. It then became necessary to eliminate the balance wherever ball bearings are necessary the finest of imported
of the noise in the cameras, and after six months of intensive instrument bearings are used. (Continued on Page 29)
Twelve American C namatographer
i January, 1930
fellow humans? Most of us resolve to do this or that, or not as governs the minds of humans living elsewhere. It is for this
to do this or that —
always thinking solely of ourselves.
year let’s give the other fellow a thought.
This reason that the Hollywood mind is precisely today what it was
in 1914. It cannot change. What seems so is mechanical move-
ment caused by a series of external shocks. Oh, what a piece
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if everybody resolved
of work is this Hollywood mind! How
ant-like in reason!
to do the best work possible each day, to treat others as we
How infinite pre-established vacuity! In action, how like a
wish to be to be kind, cheerful, ambitious, helpful,
jazz band! In apprehension, how like a blotter! The Pub-
merciful, charitable! Just imagine what such a resolution would
mean —
if it were made and kept! Most of us forget the other
fellow in the mad scramble of life. We step on him when he is
licity Beauty of the world! The paragon of the tabloid bean!
And all its learning might be bounded in a peanut shell!”
Well, well. And then three bad eggs; for they would not
down; think only of self. Let’s change this year. create an odor quite so distasteful as Mr. Casseres’ remarks.
And now that we have had our little say, we wish you all Really, it is a peculiar thing how critics and authors strike
a happy and prosperous New Year! out at Hollywood and its people with all the vitriolic power
they possess. And then, isn’t it funny to watch the critics and
authors grab onto the fountain pen and sign their names to the
Glen Kershner contracts when these feeble minded persons of Hollywood some-
times offer them a piece of change for an idea! And then, oh,
he other morning we had a 7 o’clock breakfast appointment
T with Glen Kershner. the genial gentleman whose present
series of excellent drawings for this publication is attracting
attention far and near. Now. there is usually nothing very unusual
so often, it turns out that the critic or author has no ideas.
The whistle toots and the bell rings on the Santa Fc Chief and
another author or critic is headed Eastward again while one of
the ant-like Hollywood minds tries to salvage a little something
about a breakfast appointment with a cartoonist. But Kershner from the garble of words that said traveler’s typewriter has
is not the usual type of cartoonist: so there is the point that makes
turned out.
this writer burst forth with this pseudo literary effort.
It does seem peculiar how America leads the motion picture
Arriving in front of Henry’s famous restaurant, the writer world; how such pictures as “Seventh Heaven,” “Four Sons,”
thought for a moment that a nomadic gypsy must have stopped “The Big Parade” and a lot of others ever came to the screen,
there for breakfast, for a car was parked by the curb and in it However, scientists tell us
with ant-like minds behind them.
were the following: one bass violin, one artist’s easel, one set of that an ant is the strongest creature in the world, comparatively
golf clubs, one motion picture camera, one flute, a box of oil paints
and a drawing board. The drawing board was perched on the
— so perhaps Hollywood will manage to struggle along.
on the cartoon that appears on the opposite page of this magazine.
O LESS person than Jesse L. Lasky asserts that the
This man Kershner was on the way to First National Studios old time western picture will be brought back to the
where he was photographing a picture. But he had the bass fiddle screen by the advent of the talkies. Three cheers for
with him because he was going to play with some Symphony Mr. Lasky!
orchestra in Los Angeles that night. He hoped he could finish Somehow or other, there never was a picture that sent
work at the studio in time to do nine holes of golf, and in case men away from the theatre with blood tingling quite as did the
anything happened so he would have more spare time he had his westerns. Every man is still a boy at heart: and don’t you
paints along to finish a picture he had started. Meanwhile he remember the thrills you used to get from reading the old nickel
was doing the cartoon while waiting for breakfast. novels of adventure on the plains! Sure you do!
The peculiar thing about Kershner is that he does everything And now, according to Mr. Lasky, the westerns will be
And he plays the piano —
oh, well, here’s the point! Next
issue of this magazine will contain a feature story about
better than before because they will have better constructed
stories. That is also good news. More power to the pro-
Kershner, done by this writer himself —
and if Glen doesn’t give
us a drawing showing how he looks to himself, we’ll put broken
ducers who
used to be.
give us the hard riding heroes of the days that
Excuse Us, Please H eigh hoi As we were coming to the office this morning
it was so warm we had to use a lot of will power to keep
from doffing the coat and walking in our shirt sleeves. And
then we picked up the paper and saw where even the racketeers in
and then an error
creep into any publication.
are particularly pleased over the absence of them in
this publication. However, they happen.
say that we make a real one when it does take place.
But we will
Chicago had been snowed under and beautiful white drifts of snow
were some places fourteen feet deep. We threw open the win-
dows. gave some fresh water to the roses we had picked in our
back yard and decided that we could kiss the man who gave us the
So, we wish to beg the pardon of T. E. Finegan, head of the yen for California and would not be effeminate, either.
Eastman Teaching Films. Inc. In the November issue we men- And then Don Thomas of the All-Year Club of Southern
tion H. T. Cowling of the Eastman Teaching Films as head of California sent us word that 69 7,420 tourists (count them your-
the organization. Mr. Cowling wrote us about it, but his let- self) had visited California in the first eleven months of 1929.
ter came too late to stop the second error in the December issue We don’t blame them! There should have been a million, and
when we announced the addition of Mr. Cowling to the editorial all should be here for Christmas and see Hollywood Boulevard
staff of the magazine and again called him head of Eastman lighted up with decorated Christmas trees. Top coats still in the
Teaching Films. Now we wish to say that it is Dr. Finegan moth balls: sun-tanned youngsters laughingly prancing along the
who is head of this organization, and in our next issue we will street waiting for the real reindeers that nightly drew Santa and —
have a story about his work that should be of interest to all our a beautiful movie star —
down the street. We are not boasting —
readers . . . the Editor. we are just saying we are lucky to be here.
January. 1930 American C n amatog
i r a p h e r Thirteen
Fourteen American Cinamatographer January. 1930
T is
he international, educational cinemat-
ographic INSTITUTE organ of the League of Nations
planning to make a regular survey of what has been
T the acoustic quality of Western
wired houses, seventy-five theatres are now being acous-
tically analyzed every week by the acoustic department of
Electrical Research Products under the supervision of S. K.
achieved by the various Nations, with regard to the production of Wolf. In every case where the analysis shows that the theatre
educational, scholastic, documentary or purely recreative films. is in need of acoustic treatment, a specific acoustic recommenda-
tion is made for the treatment of the theatre.
To this end, it appeals to all producers and editors of such The long period of development work carried on by the
films, begging them to communicate to the International Institute acoustic department has enabled the company to make these
their own programme of production. analyses and recommendations on a strict engineering basis.
Toencourage the creation of such films and make known what The work divides itself in two parts. First a complete acoustic
survey is made in the theatre by the company’s engineers.
is being done in that line, the Institute will dedicate some pages of
Written reports of this survey are sent to the acoustic engi-
the International Review of Educational Cinematography to the
neers in the home office who analyze these reports to determine
and it is read by 52 various nations. of all surfaces in the theatre, type, thickness and amount of
are being circulated
draping and decorating material used in exact nature
In this way, a general propaganda for educational films is being of all seats and furniture, etc. It also includes a noise survey
organized by the Institute, which offers in an entirely disinterested and recommendations for eliminating all noises in the house.
way to help the producers of every country. An international So complete is this survey, the report covers five pages, and either
Catalogue will eventually be published by the Instittite of all accurate sketches or architects' drawings must be included in 1
films which are deemed to possess a real educational value and will the survey reports.
be circulated in every country.
Panchromatic ^e^ative
I^TYPE two}
J. E. Brulatour, Inc
New York Chicago Hollywood
Sixteen American C n i a m a tog r a p h e r January. 1930
enterprise of all
“most lavish screen
heralded as the
time.” will make
its world debut on
Broadway, at the George M. Cohan theatre, in March.
The Western premiere will follow shortly thereafter, and sub-
alone devoted to the aviation and zeppelin sequences. Delays,
occasioned by unfavorable weather for aerial photography, have
prolonged the production.
Also, the decision of Producer-Director Hughes several months
sequently the film will be road-showed throughout the country. igo to re-film the silent version, converting his picture into an all-
The multi-million-dollar air thriller, produced and personally talking presentation, has delayed its completion. "Hell’s Angels.”
directed by Howard Hughes, president of the Caddo Company, ariginally began as a silent picture, before the advent of “talkies.”
is finally and actually nearing completion, after approximately An ot the non-flying sequences were re-shot with conversation and
three years in the making. This information comes from the >.)i'rd
Caddo office direct. Ben Lyon and James Hall, principal players in this stupendous
The which exactly 700 ex-soldiers
last shot, a battle scene in 1 drama of air-war. are supported in the feminine department
participated, was filmed on December 7, and the picture is now by Jean Harlow, a comparatively unknown actress who appears
being cut and edited for public showing. in her first screen role in “Hell's Angels.” Miss Harlow, a
“HeU’s Angels,” promises to be one of the 1930 sensations former Chicago society beauty, replaces Greta Nissen. the Nor-
of the film industry. It will be 100 per cent sound and wegian who appeared in the silent version. She is a
talking, will have a teebni -color sequence, and is packed with natural blonde of striking beauty, and is being groomed by
air thrills. the Caddo Company for stellar roles in the future. Others
Actual filming of “HeU's Angels” began on October 31. who appear in the roster of players include John Darrow.
1927. following six months of preliminary research and Lucien Prival. Jane Winton Douglas Gilmore. Stephen Carr.
preparation. Shooting has proceeded steadily, with 18 months {Continued on Page 30)
CO., M., 1848 AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.
NEW YORK, 11 West 42nd Street HOLLYWOOD, 6324 Santa Monica Boulevard
LONDON (B. & H. CO., LTD.) 320 Regent Street Established 1907 *
Eightwn American Cinamatographer January, 1930'
— Fig. 5
T = k E
We find that the curves of Fig. 2 plotted in this manner in Fig. 3 the reproducing apparatus. In Fig. 5 is shown the result of
are of entirely different character. Unfortunately, this is the actual measurements of this overall relation for production work
form which must interest us in recording. In this figure the full under average good conditions. Better results have been obtained
lines show the counterparts of the curves in Fig. 2, the dotted also worse. It will be seen that over the central part of the
representing the results which would be obtained if the range of negative exposures, good proportionality of positive
curve were entirely straight a practical impossibility. — transmission is obtained. As we use more of the exposure range •
The same kind of curves, of course, obtain for both negative and we begin to strike the curved section at each end. This occurs >
learn three important things from these curves. on the average from 50 to 60 per cent modulation when using
1. The record obtained from a negative is far from propor- Eastman positive stock with normal development formulae or — ;
tional to the original. about perhaps 6 db below the clash point of the light valve
2. It is necessary to counteract this distortion in making
zero exposure. Reaching these curved sections clearly produces i
and processing the positive. In other words, we must a distortion, the seriousness of which depends upon the type of f
combine two exponential curves to produce the overall sound and the quality requirements of the producer. For ease *
relation of proportionality
a straight line.
toe and shoulder sections of the curves show HUD low modulation and for complete modulation —
with the resulting
is t
up in Fig. 3 as the departures from the dotted sections. transmission variation, the loss in quality due to recording at t
It is a requirement —
expressed in terms of the curve HUD This method of expression of the photographic relations
shows clearly the inherent photographic mechanism of the light
the ex-
similarly remain off of the toe and shoulder sections of what the resulting electrical quantity
analyzed, we see directly
posure transmission curves. To keep away from the
generally involv'cs no hardship —
merely the adjustment of maxi- will be, and what departures from the original have been intro-
duced in the photographic processes. It proves the accuracy of
exposure to remain below the over-exposure point, an
get down on control the size and shape of the disturbing toes, shows us the ;
them graphically or mathematically ditions involving monthly some millions of feet of sound film i
process. We
find the result in Fig. 4, plotted between original
records, including both rushes and release prints.
negative exposure Eu and resulting positive transmission Tj,.
For the moment consider only the central portions of the curves
and the dotted extensions. If the product of our gammas ^^that
the overall gamma —
equals one we have (b), which is a
— Western Electric Circles Globe
he western electric Sound System has been in- -
dotted sections show what would happen if the toe sections did
Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland,
not exist. The complete full line curves show the actual curves
France, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain.
resulting from a commercial emulsion, the departure from the
theoretical being caused by the negative toe at low exposures Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the Balkan States, Australia, China.
high exposures. India, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Argentina, Brazil. .
positive toe sections arc detrimental to miles away from the Arctic Circle.
2. Both negative and
3. We
must keep the toes as small as possible.
Edeson Shooting Universal Feature
4. We
must limit the negative exposure to the regions inside
thetoe sections if we wish to minimize distortion.
Another point of interest, not shown by this particular figure,
A rthur edeson, A.S.C., one of Hollywood's foremost;
cinematographers, is director of photography on Universal’s''
but arising from it, is that decreasing the slope of these curves, gigantic super-production of “All Quiet On the Western Front,"
that is. decreasing positive transmission for a given negative Erich Maria Remarque’s sensational book of the war.
exposure scale decreases somewhat the detrimental effect of the Edeson has charge of the corps of cameramen who are being i
positive toe. used on the spectacular Western Front scenes of the picture, ii
In practice, the negative exposure is fixed by the scale of the Among the pictures he has photographed are “The Cock-eyed 'i
January, 1930 American Cinamatographer Nineteen
B - ^ '
Panchromatic Carbons
orange light struek from National
1925, is perhaps the most valuable since it represents a com- Examples of the former would be methods of ruling a series of
pendium of information of all phases of the subject. red, green, and blue lines on the plate surface or producing a
Classification of Processes of Color Photography mosaic of tiny red, blue, and green squares. The latter or irregu-
lar method is represented by processes whereby colored particles
It is convenient to divide processes of color photography into
one layer thick are dusted on the plate surface.
two classes, the additive and subtractive methods. In the former
In 1892 the first recorded attempt to make a screen plate of the
a colored result is produced by starting with a dark screen (one
components of white
regular type was made by J. Joly of Dublin. He obtained rather
on which no light is falling) and adding
pleasing results by ruled line methods. His line screen was on a
light until the desired color is obtained. An example of this
separate plate and after the negative had been exposed, a positive
method is Maxwell’s experiment. In the subtractive process it
was printed and placed carefully in register behind another line
can be considered that a white screen is used and that certain parts
screen. About the same time, J. W. McDonough of Chicago, 111.,
of white light are subtracted or taken away until the desired
introduced a process somewhat analogous to Joly’s method. Fig.
color is obtained.
9 is a reproduction of a slide made by the McDonough process.
The triangular diagram in Fig. 6 illustrates the principles of
As noted in the figure, when a strip of
The most successful commercial process, however, is the Auto-
the subtractive process.
chrome which was introduced by A. and L. Lumiere in France
magenta gelatin which will absorb green ight is placed over a
in 1907. This is an irregular screen process wherein minute
strip of blue-green gelatin which absorbs red light, only blue
grains of potato starch varied in form and size are dyed in sepa-
light is transmitted. Thus, a blue image may be obtained either
rate batches, blue, green, and red, with dyes especially selected
by projecting through a blue filter or through a combination of
Similarly, a red image may be
for that purpose. The dyed grains are mixed in the ration of
magenta and blue-green filters.
four green to three red to two blue, and are dusted on the surface
obtained by putting a yellow one on top of a magenta image, or
of the plate. The interstices are filled with a black powder and
a green image by putting a blue-green image on top of a yellow
the layer rolled in under pressure. The plate is then varnished
image. The art of painting makes use of a subtractive process
and coated with a panchromatic emulsion. When finished, there
since it consists in applying colored pigments to a canvas until
are over four million of these color filters per square inch (see Fig.
the resulting combination gives the desired result.
10) . Although the three colors should combine to give the effect
For purposes of presentation, the subject has been classified as of white when looking through the screen,they actually appear
follows a salmon pink. Exposure is made through the glass side so the
light will have to pass through the colored screen before reaching
I. Still Photography the emulsion. After the exposure, the plate is developed and
A. Transparencies then bleached in acid permanganate which dissolves the silver
1 Additive Processes
negative image, but does not attack the unexposed emulsion. An
(a) Three color exposure to white light now makes the remaining area develop-
(b) color Two able and after the second development a positive image is ob-
Subtractive Processes
2. tained. The process of bleaching, exposing, and redeveloping
(a) Three color is known as a reversal process because the original negative is
(b) color Two converted into a positive.
B. Prints The Agfa color plate was originally announced in 1916, but
1 Additive Processes
(a) Three color lar for several years. The color screen and the sensitive emulsion
were on separate plates thereby eliminating some of the difficulties
(b) Twocolor
of screen plate manufacture. In the event that the picture was
2. Subtractive Processes
(a) Three color
spoiled, the screen could therefore be used again. When binding
(b) Twocolor
up the transparency it was somewhat difficult to register the color
B. Prints.
screen. Although withdrawn from the market for a few years,
the plate has been introduced again under the name “Duplex
A. Color Transparencies
Numerous other screen processes have been worked out, but
1. Additive Processes very few of them compare with the Autochrome in quality and
(a) Three-color TripleExposure Methods. One of the uniformity of the product, and
fineness of the screen particles, the
earlier methods which received some commercial recognition was
the beauty of the color rendering. Even the Autochrome process
the three-color additive process of Professor Miethe of Berlin.
has certain limitations, however, for it is necessary to use a very
His camera had a repeating back or means of successively expos- thin emulsion coating and such a coating has a narrow range of
ing the three-color separation negatives through the requisite
gradation or ability to reproduce a scale of tones. The plates
filter placed in front of the plates. The positive plates printed are also very dense and require strongr illumination than ordinary
from these negatives were projected by means of a complicated
plates for projection.
triple lantern. This process, however, and a similar one designed
by F. E. Ives, another pioneer in color photography, had the Bi-pack and Tri-pack Methods. Numerous methods of ex-
objection that the pictures were not taken simultaneously and posing two or three films simultaneously have been suggested.
required an intricate lantern for projection. To overcome these The films (or plates) are arranged as a pack so that the two upper
difficulties, Ives designed a camera wherein two special mirrors split films (or interposed filters) transmit certain portions of the light
up the light entering the single lens and exposed the three plates in exposing the different layers, and a set of three-color separation
simultaneously. By a similar principle the three-color impressions negatives is obtained. The order of exposure varies with dif-
could be examined in a special viewing outfit. Ives also designed ferent processes, but the usual procedure is to place the blue
a method for making stereoscopic pairs of three-color positives sensitive film uppermost, then the green, and then the red. It
(Kromograms) which were viewed in a device called the ”Krom- is impossible to obtain critical sharpness by such a method
scop” (See Figs. 7 and 8). Cameras for making three-color although some rather pleasing results have been produced.
negatives have also been designed by Butler, White, Sanger- (Continued on Page 24)
January, I 930 American Cinamatographer Twenty-three
Built for Standard or Double Width Film. Provision made for recording
sound directly in the camera
1 — F earlessmovement
Simplex 10 Built-in red u c t
gearing for 50 cycle or
i o n
Highspeed Manufactured by
with automatic quick 60 cycle current non-
threading pin the geared motors
2 Fearless Automatic 11 Full force feed oiling
Film Tension Control system pumps oil to
3 Fearless
Circuit Breaker
Automatic Fearless Camera 12
bearings and gears
Balanced double
aperture shutter
4— gear
Built-in high
box of
Company 13 Provision
made for
colored pic-
tures by the Multi-
range 7160 Santa Monica Blvd.
color system color
5—Three-speed mechan- Hollywood, Calif. photography
14 Built for standard or
6— Simplified Fear less double width film
Focusing device Successor to the 15 Becomes a recording
7 — Built-in Speedometer
camera when equip-
Cinema Equipment Co. ped with standard
8 — Built-in Auxi Mary
light valves or the
Sound recording After January 1, 1930 Fearless Photo Re-
cording Lamp
aperture and sprock-
ets There is no change of ownership 16 All moving parts in-
closed and running in
9 — Simplified
F 0 0 w
1 1 Focus of
or policy.
oil except intermit-
design tant movement
T wcnty-four American Cinamatographer January. 1930
of a property that bichromated gelatin possesses of becoming life, or fashion scenes in which reds, greens, or orange predomi-
tanned or hardened when exposed to light. If a plate is coated nate. It is unsuitable, however, for landscape work where there
with bichromated gelatin and is placed behind a negative as in is an excess of blue, blue-green, and violet. For clinical and
Fig. 11, and then exposed to light, only those parts of the bi- photomicrography it finds useful application.
chromated plate which the light does not reach will remain B. Color Processes Yielding Prints to be Viewed by Reflected
unhardened and therefore soluble in hot water while the parts Light
exposed to the light will be insoluble in hot water. Although most of the color transparency processes are capable
Exposure usually made through the back of the film or plate
under certain conditions of yielding color prints, the majority
in order that the delicate highlights may not be washed off during
of the print processes of commercial interest have been worked out
the hot water development. After the soluble parts have been
primarily as print processes. The average individual prefers a
removed, the image remaining may be dyed up by choosing dyes photograph that can be examined in the hand or hung upon the
wall to one which must be held before an illuminator or pro-
which arc absorbed by tanned gelatin. The dyes must be comple-
mentary* to the filters through which the negative was exposed; jected upon a screen.
thus the green filter picture is dyed magenta, the blue filter picture
L Additive Print Processes
is dyed yellow, and the red filter picture is dyed blue-green.
Numerous attempts have been made to perfect an additive color
When the three positives thus obtained are cemented together in print process but none have met with any practical success.
Subtractive processes are much simpler to work and the majority
register, a transparent color reproduction of the original subject
wil be obtained. of print processes therefore have been subtractive methods.
2. Subtractive Processes
(iii) Imbibition Processes. Transparencies by the imbibition
All of the methods described previously under subtractive trans-
process consist of dye images in a single gelatin layer. When a parency processes are adaptable to making prints. The final stage
dyed relief image in gelatin is brought into intimate contact with
of the process usually consists in superimposing two or three
a plain gelatin surface, the dye tends to wander to the other sur-
color tissues or gelatin films in register or transferring the image
face or become imbibed by the gelatin. Such imbibed images are
by imbibition to a paper support.
inclined to be fuzzy and expedients are therefore taken to prevent
spreading of the dyes. Registration of such images is also very (a) Three Color Methods.
difficult, but very pleasing results have been obtained. (i.) Dye Toning Processes. More or less degradation results
(iv) . Hard and Soft Gelatin Process. A process was intro- by this method as the colors often wander and the print is usually
duced in Germany in 1906 known as the pinatype which utilized rather dark because the light has to penetrate several layers of film
the fact that certain dyes will stain soft in preference to hard and be reflected back through them. Ives’ Hichrome process is
gelatin. The process as originally introduced was tedious as it one of the best examples of this method.
required nine separate printings. Three transparencies are pre- (it). Transfer Processes. Under the general term, transfer
pared from the original three-color separation negatives and three processes, may be grouped those methbds of producing color prints
print plates on bichromated gelatin from the transparencies. The wherein bichromated tissues containing the respective color records
print plates are then dyed up with dyes which are only absorbed are transferred from their original support to a paper support.
by soft gelatin and a positive image is produced on the print plate Three color carbon prints are prepared by applying a mixture
which contains an invisible negative image of tanned gelatin. The of gelatin and pigment to a thin piece of film support, sensitizing
dye image may subsequently be transferred to another surface if the gelatin in bichromate solution, exposing under the respective
desired. color negative through the film side of the tissue, dissolving off
the soluble gelatin in hot water, and mounting gelatin side
*Complemvntary dyes are those which absorb the light which the filter dyes
down on a piece of smooth white paper. After the sheets have
transnnt. (Continued on Page 44)
January, 19 5U American Cinamatographer Twenty-five
Final Answer
to the
Color Problem”
A few of the reasons why
— made normalall shots are with
black and white lighting ... a vast saving
in time and production cost . . . effect shots
in full color for the first time.
Hal Mohr. A. S. C., Chief Cinematographer, and Roy D. and white prints . . . Multicolor prints have
Hunter, supervisor of Sound, for the great Universal run for 400 performances before replacing
Films organization, endorse the MULTICOLOR PROCESS. was necessary.
Their opinions are the result of careful investigation and have
years of thorough and successful experience as a background. —and finally . . . Multicolor offers
the cinematographer the entire color world
to shoot at anew — presenting limitless
artistic and commercial possibilities hereto-
fore denied, because of technical and me-
chanical difficulties.
H In Africa
(Continued from Page 9)
suggesting a seat. The Bell Howell and I were mounted at
this end, with the other end well across the cross-bar on the
IN YOUR INDUSTRIAL the plains. I didn’t meet any full-grown rhinoes, so I’ll
vote for the buffalo, every time. Of course we had most of
the usual adventures with lions, and that sort of thing, but
FILM PROBLEMS the nearest I came to doing a quick fade-out was near Murchi-
son’s Falls, in the Uganda, when a crocodile nearly got me.
We had corralled a bunch of the brutes in a pond where we
PLANT INSTALLATION were going to shoot some scenes they were needed in. Every-
thing would have been all right if we hadn’t had about four
FOR INDUSTRIAL FILM days of unbroken bad weather.
“The ‘crocks’ began to get restless, and tried to get back
PRODUCTION AND into the Nile, where they belonged, so we had to stand guard
around the stockade they were in, or lose our ‘crocks.’ At first,
PROCESSING burning torches were enough to make them behave, but in time
they grew used to them, and we had to pepper them with
rifles. —
Now, a .22 bullet, even a long rifle cartridge
enough to more than annoy a crocodile, but, for a while,
INDUSTRIAL, ADVERTISING we succeeded in keeping order with them. Finally one of the
brutes decided that he was going to come through the place
AND SCIENTIFIC FILMS where I was on guard — and, believe me, he came! My
didn’t faze him at all: he grabbed it right out of my hands,
PRODUCED and kept right on. Then I peppered him with my .22, but
though I emptied it down his throat, it didn’t do any good
at all. —
He kept right on coming and I didn’t have any more
weapons, nor any place to jump to, so I began to figure it
Specialist in Microscopic was ‘curtains’ for me, when one of our white hunters got near
enough to finish the brute with an elephant-gun. One more
Analysis of Motion inch, though, and it would have been my finish, instead of the
‘crock’s’. But after all, my closest shave wasn’t in Africa at
all, but in New York, where only the grace of God and a
friend’s strong arm saved me from a man-killing taxicab!
SYNCHRONIZED RECORDS FOR “To me, though, the most outstanding feature of the trip
YOUR INDUSTRIAL FILMS was the wonderful aid our radio set was. We’d found it a
great help on the last two pictures, in the South Seas, so on
this one we took a specially built outfit, designed just for
expeditionary work. As you know, we established our base
16 mm. or 35 mm. in Nairobi, including our laboratory, business office, etc., and by
means of our radio, we were able to be in constant touch
Disc Methods with affairs. Our operator at that end was an enterprising
radioamateur named Pegrume, without whose aid our trip
would have been a thousand times more difficult. As it was.
Commercial Photography and Photo- we two handled more than 25,000 words of traffic between us
without failures or error —
a really remarkable record, consider-
graphic Illustrations for ing the conditions and that we’re both amateurs.
PAUL H. ALLEN the time. That was of inestimable value to us in every way.
On one occasion, for instance, Mr. Van Dyke and I were
going into Belgian Congo, to photograph the pygmies there,
A. S. C/ ,
_ and the rest of the outfit was broken up into several parties,
to reassemble at a given location, several weeks later. But the
weather in the Congo turned out bad, with no hope of any
improvement, so Van decided to change his plans. By means
Studio and Laboratories of the radio we were able to get the others together almost at
once, saving many valuable weeks.
lllVA LILLIAN WAY “There were countless other instances like these, of course,
during the ten months we were out; but, after all, as far as
and I think the others agree with me
real high spot of the trip was seeing Hollywood Boulevard
again! You can say all you want to about Hollywood, but
it’s home to us — and there’s no place like it!”
eeltcne Pictures Cc
It Is a Licensee of the
T wcnty-eight American Cinamatographer January, 1930
was the hotel bill, with a memorandum in red ink which began:
” The other knocked Mannie so cold that it was
the clouds.
and ex-war
The pilots included practically every
ace in America. A
technical staff of
35 cinema-
4:38 that afternoon before he recovered sufficiently to take a tographers, including 26 aerial cameramen, and a of
taxi to O’Rourke’s office. It read, briefly, like this: 1 2 editors and cutters, were on the Hughes’ pay-rolls during the
“Mr. Cass Mandell, tw'o years of elapsed production.
Hotel President,
Eight separate locations were maintained for the aerjal
Hollywood, Calif. .sequences. They included the main flying base at Caddo
My Dear Mr. Mandell:
Field, Van Nuys: a training school camp at Inglewood; a
Bernice Claire
Lee Garmes, Cameraman Percy Westmore, Make-up Artist
Thirty-two American C N
I A M ATOGR A PH ER January, 1930
New Tri-Dimensional Cinematic
Process Claimed
hird dimension, or depth of perspective in
motion picture photography, is the claim advanced by
William F, Alder, Vice-President and Chief Engineer for
standard W ALTER
Strenge Heads N. Y. Union
Strenge of Pathc has been chosen as president
of the International Photographers Union, Local 644.
Other new officers are: 1st Vice-Pres., Al. Wilson; 2nd
Vice-Pres., Harry Wood; 3rd Vice-Pres., James Pergola; Treas.,
Frank Kirby; Sec,, Walter Lange; Sgt. at Arms, Emil Harris.
Three trustees were elected, as follows; William Steiner. Jr.
without the use of special cameras, film, or projection equipment, (3 yrs.), L. Fiferlik (2 yrs.), AI. Gold (1 yr.)
removing it from the class of laboratory experiments into the Appointed to the Executive Board are; Geo. Folsey, Larry y
realm of practical studio matters. Williams, Charles Downs, William Miller, Carl Gregory, Burt i
The basic patents of Adler's Tri-Dimensional process were Pike, Dan Caveli, Al. Gold. Thos. Hogan. Frank Broda. Jay -i
granted in 1915, but the mechanical apparatus has only recently Rescher, Herman Zerrener, Herman Obrock. Ray Foster, Chas. j
been refined to the point of what he claims is production prac- Gilson and Frank Zucker.
ticability. Its underlying principle is that of the motion picture
itself the illusion brought about by the persistency of vision. 700 Silent Houses
Instead of using special bi-lensed optical systems and individual
view'ing filters, Mr. Alder used standard apparatus throughout,
Cleveland—Fifty-two silent pictures have been secured by the
Standard Film Service Co. for release to 700 silent film houses
adding an attachment by visual persistence. The means used to in Ohio and Kentucky.
attain this end is merely the photographing of alternate frames
from laterally varying positions, or, rather, angles, since the
Rudolph Heads R.C.A. Publicity
optical centre of the lens is the pivotal point. The device itself
is an intricate train of gearing and compound cams built into a
. means
. .
1 The Great Technical Publication of the Motion Picture Industry I
Published By The
“What You Can’t Find Elsewhere You’ll Find in This Great Book.’’ Don’t Take
chances on failing to get your copy. Clip the coupon below and mail at once.
Name Address
City.. . . State
Thirty-four American Cinamatographer January, 1930
RECORDION engineers have per-
fected a 100% Talking and Sound
picture reproducer for you:
Just connect to any make of 16mm.
projector. Your picture and record
R. P. 0701 starts in synchronization and remains R. P. 0706
(less amplifier
at only
$175 and lubes)
0701- 400 ft., $28 with Record
R. P.
KAimU R. P. 0706 — 200 $15 with Record
Medley of Popular Hits Singing Southland Boys
Mdnii/dciiireis Licensors
R. P. 0704 — 300 ft., $21 with Record 311 S. Sarah Street Saint Louis, Missouri R. P. 0708—200 ft., $J5 with Record
Cliff Friedrickson, The Boy Accordionist Youth and Beauty on Parade
. !
By William Stull, A. S. C.
picture, to and a
one side of, ing the actors around as may be
little behind the subject, with the desired, but always keeping one
reflector taking care of the front- (or a piece of furniture) between
lighting. Altering the positions of the ‘fire’ and the lens. These
light and reflector, their heights, Shadows That Pass in the S'ight effects can be made either with
diffusion of one or the other, and Photo by Clifton L. King (Continued on Page 42)
Thirty-six American Cinamatographer January, 1930
Amateurs — Send your problems to this
department and we will solve them
HOW tively long period of exposure (about 1 /3 0 sec.) the image moves
across the film, making the blur you notice. In professional
cameras the shutter opening can be adjusted, thereby making it
to possible to reduce the exposure to a short enough period to ‘stop’
the motion. In amateur cameras this cannot be done, so the ama-
make teur must contrive to reduce the motion of the image across the
film. The simplest way to do this is to shoot from a different
PERFECT Indoor Movies angle, making the moving subject come more or less head-on into
the picture. If this is not practicable, or the scene must be shot
from the side, the further the camera is from the object, the smaller
Here is the only book of its kind ever written —
and just the book
you have been hoping some one would write. Shows by pictures and
the blurring movement will be. Alternatively, if one must be
diagrams exactly how to illuminate all kinds of interior sets and ob- close up, pamming round with the subject, keeping it as nearly
tain perfect results. Placement of lamps for as possible in the centre of the picture, will also help.
different effects —light intensity and exposure Question: How
can I prevent the reflections of my lights in
L. with respect to distance of lamp from subject
back lighting
ows — —
elimination of shad-
every phase of artificial light-
polished furniture, the nickel work of autos, etc.?
A. T. B., —
ing for amateur movies is made clear Answer: Rub the offending article over with a piece of putty
in this wonderful new book.
just before shooting. It can be easily removed afterwards.
Question: Can I get trick effects with my Victor? For
stance, pouring water or beer — —
out of a bottle into a glass, and
Dear Mr. Factor; I would appreciate your answering a
few questions which have been bothering me for some time. Is
your Masque for the eyelashes harmless? If so, why is it so pain-
ful? I am a dark brunette with brown-grey eyes. Do you think
I could wear blue eye shadow? The brown seems to have no
effect. What is the best means of removing make-up? What
cream is used by the profession?
Thanking you so very much for your attention. I am,
R. S.
ANSWER: —Max Factor's Masque is entirely harmless. It is
made on pure soap base, and any soap, regardless of how pure
it is, smarts when it gets in the eyes. I think the grey eye-shadow
would be a good color for you, as it has a bluish cast when worn.
Make-up is removed with Max Factor’s Cleansing Cream, or the
new Max Factor’s Liquid Cleansing Cream. Both these creams
are used by the profession. These reflectors have been in use in professional produc-
Dear Mr. Factor: For evening, should one wear consider-
I am
tion for the past four years.
able make-up, or is it better to have a pale apppearance? Light in Weight:
wearing my hair long, now, just knotted at the back, and parted
One man can easily carry a complete
in the midddle, and wonder if it would be better not to wear any
set of eight.
make-up. I am very dark, with a clear skin.
ANSWER: —There few skins so perfect that they are
are very
make-up. Even if you wish to appear
Fit lengthwise inside any standard
not improved by a little automobile.
pale, use Max Factor’s Society Powder. However, the use of
color in the cheeks, and lip rouge give the face a more animated Efficient:
appearance. For evening wear. Max Factor’s Liquid Whitening, Excellent reflecting surfaces in either
which comes in similar shades to the Face Powder, gives a par- silver or gold
ticularly beautiful effect. Use Raspberry rouge.
Dear Mr. Factor: Do you just use plain red rouge to give
Three Sizes:
—"Long — 36x40
the cheeks a very red. jolly look? I am a boy, 18 years old, quite
18x40 Closed open.
plump for my height and want to play a comedy part which calls
for red cheeks. Also —
how can I put white whiskers on my chin Ten
"The Medium”
and stuck
with spirit
whiskers are made from white Crepe Hair,
Ask for full directions when you
8x18 — —Two16x18 Up”
buy —
the crepe hair I have published a special chart on making
Same — prices
gold or silver finish.
whiskers, etc.
Dear Mr. Factor: —
Set Suggested
make the face look less
any way. other than diet, to
Is there
Is there any way with make-up
Two Each
—— medium
one each finish
large $40
that I can change the “fat” look about my face?
hazel eyes, and weigh about 54 to 5 feet 4 inches.
I am blonde,
Two— —
one each finish small 5
M. E.
use of dry rouge will effectively alter the ap-
Place on cheeks rather toward the ears,
pearance of a full face. Complete set of 8 shipped prepaid anywhere in U. S. A.
and down toward the jaw-bone. This will appear to throw the upon receipt of $50.00.
sides of the face in shadow. Dress the hair off the forehead, and
well down on the sides of the face.
Use Kleena-fylm Process
It deans, rejuvenates, restores and maintains pliability in old film.
non-inflammable fluid easy to apply. Clearer projection. Guaranteed.
At dealers, or postpaid, 85c
522 Fifth Ave. KLEENA-FYLM CORP. New York, N. Y. 1121 54 Lillian Way Hollywood, California
Pacific Coast Distributors Western Pacific Bldg.
Craig Movie Supply Co. Los Angeles, Calif.
a —
Thirty-eight American Cinamatographer January, 1930
Professional c^mateurs
Lon Chaney Trains His Cameras On Celebrities and
Cougars “Between Pictures”
By William Stull, A. S. C
Undoubtedly to their small and ultra-rapid movement: and, as he has
one of the most only recently completed a complete reel of nothing but these
popular an)d tiny creatures, he should know. He has also had remarkable
highly respected success in the photography of his many fishing trips, which,
of screen person- as most cameraists learn, present very considerable and unique
a 1 i t i c s, Lon problems to cine enthusiasts.
Chaney is uni- In addition to his original Filmo, Mr. Chaney also uses a
versally recog- Victor camera, whose lens-turret and tri-speed movement he has
nized as the found invaluable for his animal films. For stills he uses a
Dean of Amer- GraHex. "But then,” he says, "I don’t give the poor thing
ican actors. Liv- much of a chance. I usually carry both of my movie cameras
ing' and work- with me, and between the two of them I seldom have time to
ing as he does think of stills until it’s too late to get any!”
in a community "How did I happen to start making personal movies? Well,
where even med- you know how many world-famous visitors we have had here
iocrity must be outstanding, preeminence such as his is indeed at the studio; a few years ago I decided that since I had the
a difficult achievement. Before the camera his diverse and pow- chance. I’d like to have a real, personal record of these folks.
erful characterizations have won him international fame, while Of course movies were the logical form for the record to take
among his associates a kindly personality and a keen mind have so I bought my Filmo. Like most other amateurs I found
won unstinted affection and respect. Yet despite the success that I’d gotten into something far more interesting than I had
which has been his, and the outstanding position into which expected, so I’ve kept on. I’ve tried almost everything in the
it has thrust him, Lon Chaney has dared to remain himself. line of personal movies, but I think that I get the greatest
Despite the widespread interest which his brilliant achieve- pleasure out of my hunting films, and, of course, my animated
ments have aroused, his private life has been resolutely kept a album, to which I’m steadily adding.
closed book to all save a few intimates. Therefore it is hardly "As for saying anything in the way of advice to the ama-
known, even among his associates in the studio, that Lon teurs, why. I’m just an amateur myself: the technicians who
Chaney is privately one of the most enthusiastic of amateur write in such The American Cinematographer
magazines as
cinematographers. have certainly told them all I could, and more. One thing,
Yet such is the case. For a number of years Mr. Chaney though, my experience prompts me to say; that is, use a tripod!
has spent much of his spare time making personal movies, until My years of work in the studios before the cameras of the
he now has as large and varied an individual library as there industry’s best cinematographers have impressed me with the
is in Hollywood. In it are to be found intimate personal importance of a good, firm support for motion picture cameras.
glimpses of the many famous people Therefore, in my own filming,
who have visited the Metro-Gold- wherever I can, I, too, use a substan-
wyn-Mayer Studios, informal off- tial tripod, and I’ve found it my
the-set scenes of his studio associates, most valuable accessory. Personally,
familiar family records, and reel up- I use a big Crown still-camera tri-
on reel of animated nature-studdies pod. with one of Fred Hoefner’s pan-
painstakingly made on his many and-tilt heads on it. I’ll admit it’s
hunting and fishing trips between a big, clumsy-looking outfit, but it
pictures at the studio.
It is of these nature films that Mr.
is rock-steady —
which is more than
can be said for a lot of lighter ones.
Chaney is proudest. Essentially a One other word, too, particularly to
man’s man, he had ranged over picture people: personal movie-tak-
most of the west on hunting and ing can be the most fascinating hobby
fishing expeditions, when the acqui- in the world for us. but we can
sition of his first
Filmo — movie camera
gave a new interest to the
— easily rush it to death, too. There
is no reason on earth why we should
sport. After all, the greatest attrac- rush out and try to shoot every-
tion the sport holds for most of thing in sight the first week or so
us is the skill and patience needed to we own a camera. If we do. we’re
secure a passable ‘bag’ —
and Mr.
Chaney after his first few experiments
likely to forget it entirely the third
or fourth week. Taken intelligently
with a camera found that the skill and conservatively, though, there is
required to bag an animal with a gun no more instructive nor more enjoy-
was as nothing compared to the skill able sport forany of us than amateur
needed to bag him with a camera. movie-making.”
Therefore he bent his energies to
Still another feature of Mr.
the problem of mastering this diffi-
Chaney’s amateur activities, but one
<ult field of cinematography, to
which he modestly forbears from
such good purposes that he has today
mentioning, is his success as a mis-
what is probably the finest collec-
sionary of the amateur film move-
tion of wild-life films in Holly-
wood. It includes excellent shots
ment. As his Filmo outfit was one
of practically every important West- of the first to appear among the film
ern species from Mountain Lions to colony, it would be difficult to even
Humming-birds. According to him, hazard a guess at the number of
though Humming-birds sound rather famous film people whom he has
tame as a film subject when com- either directly or indirectly interested
pared to Cougars, they take quite Chaney in action as an Amateur Cinematographer, with his in his hobby, but even his reticence
as much skill to film successfully, due Filmo alongside Henry Sharp. A. S. C. cannot conceal the fact that he has
January, 1930 AMERICAN C IN AM ATOGR APHER Thirty-nine
riC. I. FIG. 2 .
Trade is
characteristic of cellulose nitrates little referred to
capacity to acquire static charges through friction, yet
very apparent when one runs the hand through a mass
full description of what you in contact with the air, it promptly combines with oxygen from
have for appraisal. Write Bass the latter to form NO2 gas which is brownish-red in color. It
with the oxygen of the air they encounter, other oxides, such as
NoO.i and N2O5, are also formed in varying proportions. Further,
CA3IEBA the NO2 reacts with oxygen and water present in the air, or that
produced in the burning, and the N 2O 2 and N 20 react also
Company r.
State 7410
water, and since NO
readily forms NO2 on contact with air, it
is a simple matter to remove “nitrous fumes” from the atmos-
phere by spraying the atmosphere with water. Furthermore,
a proper supply of water will quench fires in nitrocellulose films.
January, 1930 American C n a m a t og r a p h e r
i Forty-one
The Kinamo S.IO is equipped with a Carl Zeiss 2.7 Tessar equal tension on all
i I lens. The camera is small enough to be held easily in one hand movements and beingr un-
. and, with the eye applied to the internal view finder, may be affected by temperature.
! satisfactorily braced in this way. Threading is quickly and ef-
I fectively accomplished with the aid of a special container which
the correct position and eliminates
simplifies placing the film in
I threading the take-up reel. Feed and take-up sprocket are
. arranged in remarkably compact form. A special feature is the
movable feed sprocket by means of which the size of the loops
may be changed after threading. The film magazines are fur-
I nished loaded with 3 3 feet 1 0 meters) of 1 6 mm. Eastman Kodak
Model B
The Model B is for Bell
& Howell and Mitchell
I Cameras and their re-
spective tripods.
The handle is tele-
scopic and adjustable to
any angle.
Ml using all of the film and thereby getting quick developing service,
5319 SANTA
After the film is exposed it is automatically wound in the light-
j' 1
GLadstone 0243 LOS ANGELES. CALIF.
'jitight container ready for shipment to the nearest Eastman Kodak
processing station.
novel and useful inaicator shows at a
’[(glance just how far the spring motor has run down and when
i |iit is necessary to rewind. By using this device, the operator may
_ appear in the picture for a given length ®f time, after which the
7i< camera will stop automatically. One full winding of the spring-
I feet of film. The design of the Kinamo S.IO
motor exposes 13
I such that it is exceptionally easy to keep the gate free from
jithe emulsion deposits. All working parts are enclosed in a dust-
f' (proof housing and no need exists for cleaning the mechanism.
\\ RCA in Alaska
(1 With presentation of talking pictures at the Liberiy, Ketchikan,
1:1 the first of seven RCA installations for Alaska has been made, it
I is announced by RCA Photophone. Inc.
Editorial Board Named for Cinematographic Annual
PRESIDENT JOHN F. SEITZ, of the American Society of
i Cinematographers, has announced the following as the mem-
Ibers of the editorial board of the Cinematographic Annual: Paul
Allen, John Arnold, Herford T. Cowling, Emery Huse, Victor
M Milner, William Stull and Ned Van Buren.
This board will assist Mr. Seitz and Hal Hall, editor, in the
U work of editing and compiling the Annual, which it is expected
will be the most important technical book that has been published
Ij in connection with the motion picture industry. One of the
imost outstanding and representative groups of authorities in their
various lines is preparing the editorial content for this book. In
;! (this group are the most noted men of the industry.
1Fires actively under way in compressed military guncotton even
lhave been extinguished with water applied to them.
A set of regulations governing the storage of nitrocellulose
t: Ifilms has been drafted by the National Fire Protection Associa-
t ition. Central Street, Boston, Mass.
Forty-two American C namatograph
i e r January, 1 930
Night Sports
IF YOU HAVE NOT aid of those handy torches? With only a few flares, the amateur r
camerist can do quite as well, himself. Place one, for instance, on
a toboggan coming down a sporty course where the camera is able
ORDERED YOUR COPY to follow for some distance, around curves, through trees, and so
on, or place both flare and camera on the toboggan, with perhaps r
Annual Now
that super-speed lenses are becoming so much a part of
amateur’s equipment, artificial lighting equipment for
Do Not Delay Longer kindly furnished by the municipality and the local merchants.
Street scenes by the ordinary street-lights are now familiar r
of relatively slow lens equipment can benefit, for the fresh snow
is an excellent reflector, and between it and the half-speed move-
Gentlemen: Enclosed please find check (or synchronized equipment field with a new sound-on-film
money order) for Five Dollars ($5.00) for apparatus intended to serve the needs of exhibitors who desire a 1
which please send me, postage prepaid, one copy low-priced equipment. Kinoplay, according to its manufactur-
ers. will reproduce film recorded through either variable or fixed
of your Cinematographic Annual as soon as it is
off the press, which date will be April, 1930.
densities. Another feature claimed for the apparatus is that, in
running silent pictures, the film does not have to be threaded en-
tirely through the sound-on-film mechanism. The film passes
Name into the lower magazine on a sliding roller without additional
sprocket wear.
City State
Nice —The Casino
picture house.
de Paris here has been opened as a talking
January, 1 930 American Cinamatographer Forty-three
Of Interest To Amateurs
Mother's Day
Modern Ages
'The Universal Motion Picture club of Paterson, N. J., is
Interior Shots
that winter has brought its long evenings to home
movie makers in most of the United States and snow is
Lighting Book
F you haven’t written to Westphalen of Chicago for his free
I book on interior lighting, we’d advise that you do it now.
There is much you will learn in the little book prepared by this
expert on amateur lighting.
English firm of Ilford. Ltd., have placed upon the market what
is undoubtedly the most amazing of all their celebrated creations
in ultra-fast plates. 1 he astonishing speed of 1400 H. and D. is
their claim for theirnew Golden Iso-Zenith emulsion, which de-
Reproduced from 8x10 photo
spite its extreme speed is reputed to be remarkably fine-grained Photo by Chicago Architecturat Photographing Co.
and acceptably isochromatic. Since the speed of the average ama- MADE THIS PICTURE FROM THE
teur film is between 300 and 400 H. and D., the terrific speed of
the new emulsion is almost inconceivable.
Most Difficult work, made
New Dallmeyer Lens EASY WORK
W E LEARN from
one-inch cine lens working at the amazing aperture of F:0.99, Compact: Light Weight.
which, they point out. is twelve times as fast as the familiar f :3.5
Sturdy construction.
fitted to most amateur cameras'. The lens is now regularly on the
British market, being supplied in standard mounts fitting Filmo, Used by the leading commercial
Victor and Ensign cameras, at the comparatively reasonable price and view photographers of
of 20 pounds sterling. At the present time, it is probably not yet this country.
available in America, but no doubt it soon will be.
{Continued from Page 24)
remained in contact a short time, the film
support is stripped off,
the operation usually being carried out under water. The yellow
tissue is ordinarily mounted first, then the blue-green, and then
the magenta. Some of the finest examples of this process produced
Goerz Cine Lenses are being' used all over the
in America are those of J. W. Allison of New York.
In the original Raylo process introduced in 1923, three ex-
posures were made successively and automatically on one plate
World because they are of through the three primary filters, yielding a negative. The
method of printing gave any number of 5 by 7 inch pictures on
Superior Quality paper and is a novel application of the carbon process. A
sheet of
film base coated with three patches of pigmented gelatin was
^Ve manufacture in our New York factory the stretched in a frame, exposed to the enlarged images of the nega-
Kino—Hypar F. 2.7 and F. a tive as shown in Fig. 12, and then developed in the usual way in
in focal lengths from 1-inch hot water. By means of a special registering device, the final
to 4-inch
superimposition of the three tissues was claimed to be accomplished
*Iso have an imported, superspeed series
with ease. More recently the inventor of the Raylo process, Mr.
Cinegop F. 2 and F. 2.5 H. C. J. Deeks, has supplied prepared pigmented aceto-cellulose
sheets in three colors for printing from any set of three-color
in focal lengths from 1 %
-inch to 4-inch negatives. Each sheet is coated with a light sensitive silver halide
and the telephoto series
emulsion containing the pigment. After exposure and develop-
Telestar F. 4.5 ment in a tanning developer, the relief image is washed off in hot
water and the silver image is removed by bleaching and fixing.
in focal lengths from 4 H -inch to
inch The prints on these pigmented tissues are then transferred to a
for long distance
shots and close-ups
paper support.
We make kinds of trick devices, precision
In the Ozobrome method, bromide prints made from the orig-
focusing mounts, focusing microscopes and special inal three-color negatives are brought in contact with the respective
camera fittings.
color tissues soaked a short time previously in a bichromate-
We undertake the development of your own ferricyanide-bromide bath, and the bromide print stripped off
ideas along optical lines. Write us. new cata- A the tissue which now bears the image of the print. The tissues
logue, listing the complete line of Goerz Lenses and
arc then developed, fastened to a temporary support, brought into
accessories, will be mailed on request.
register, and finally transferred to a permanent paper support.
(Hi). Imbibition Processes. Color prints by the imbibition
C. P. Goerz American Optical Co. process are made by starting with a blank sheet of gelatin coated
317 E. 34th St. New York, N. Y. paper and causing the coating to take up successively or "imbibe”
dyes from color images from the "print plate” covered with
unhardened gelatin. Any number of prints may be made from
one group of print plates. The dyes used in this process will
only stain soft gelatin. In another imbibition process, the Sangcr-
Shepherd, the reverse is true since it depends on dyes which will
stain hardened gelatin. Very pleasing results may be obtained
Keep Step with the Professionals by Reading The
with both two and three-color imbibition processes.
(tv). Relief Processes.
The Direct method avoids the making of the first negative and
the transparency since the three screen negatives are made by direct
photography of the colored subject. For each separate screen nega-
tive, the red, blue, and green, the screen is rotated making each pat-
tern at an angle of 22^2 degrees to 30 degrees from the others. You Can ‘‘Double In”
When the lines of the screen cross at smaller angles, a disagreeable
pattern or moire is produced in the final printing. Engraved cop-
per color plates are prepared from each color separation negative
and printed by inking up with suitable greasy ink pigments. Outdoor Shots on
(b) TwoColor Subtractive Processes. Several two-color
processes for preparing color prints have been worked out using
most of the methods described under three-color processes. Very
pleasing results have been produced with two-color imbibition and Indoor Sound Stages
by carbon transfer methods.
(To be Continued Next Month)
Non-Stop Projector
T^LANGFILM in association with A. E. G., powerful German
soon will introduce to the trade in Germany
electrical trust,
a new non-stop projector, designed to solve the problem of in-
termittent projections which causes the damage of sprocket holes,
according to a report to the M. P. Division of the Department of Mitchell and Bell ^3 Howell Cameras
Commerce, at Washington.
The A. E. G. projector makes use of a series of mirrors, in
which, it is claimed, 100 percent of the light is transmitted, none
being wasted by the interception of a shutter. Each of the mir- J. R. "Loctiwood
rors turn on its axis as the film travels through the camera so as Camera rentals and sales
to keep the image of each picture reflected in the center of the
All Mitchell cjmcras supplied with two 1000 ft. magazines if
mirror, which moves into place one after the other.
desired at regular camera rental
The projector already has been installed in several theatres
for experimental purposes and an attempt now is being made to 1108 Lillian Way
market them on a wholesale basis.
Hollywood, California
Berlin — Two
animal pictures, "A Day With an Indian Ele- Phone
GRanite 3177
Cable Address
“Lockcamera” Hollywood
phant,” and “From Gnat to Elephant,” have been completed by
UFA for educational purposes.
Forty-iix American C namatogra
i p h e r January, 1930
Aerial Photography Since 1918
Photographic Laboratory
New Hollywood Lab.
Leonard Pool and Bud Hooper, of San Francisco, have estab-
Oxford 1908 HEmpstead 1128 lished anew film laboratory in the building recently vacated by
Smith and Aller, distributors for du Pont film.
being operated as the Afient Laboratories, catering to gen-
It is
eral production work.
S. M. Eisenstein, the Russian director, has concluded a course
of lectures on the technique of motion pictures given under the.
Plans for the production of three talking pictures are an-
nounced by Mme. Marie Louise
PROTECT YOUR IDEA! Daughters" will be the first.
Iribe. "Father Lancelot’s Three
are people like Chaplin who should stick to silent drama. I hate
to think of Chaplin turning to talkies. He is so magnificent
E. E. Vrooman & Co. in pantomime: a master at it; and I think sound would spoil
a lot of the wonderful charm of his work."
201 Atlas Building, Washington, D. C. Again he referred to cinematography with more boosts for
the cameraman and their work. "Marvelous, simply marve-
Mention American Cinematographer when writing.
lous,” he declared. "What they can’t do with a camera cannot
be done.”
January. 1930 American Cinamatographer Forty-seven
equipment. Write with full particulars and lowest price. Movie Camera
Co.. Lamington Road, Bombay *. India.
Two sightly used .Mtchell .Matt boxes at S4U.00 per
Chas. Glouner at Univ'-rsal Studios. HEmpstead 3 13 1.
set. Call
FOR SALE — Akeley Camera, 2. 6, 12 inch lenses and finders to match, four
F /2.3 lenses, 1000 ft. magazines for B. £3 H. Also Cinemotor and friction
h-ad for Akeley work. Frank Cotner, 6273 Selma Ave., HOlly 5046.
magazines, carrying cases, Mitchell quick-release legs. Camera has been
overhauled and is in good mechanical condition. Price $700.00. E. G.
Dyer. A. S. C.. or 951 No. Spaulding Ave., Hollywood. California. FOR RENT —
Two Mitchell Speed Cameras, with Astro Lenses: extra Mitchell
miqaz'nes. M’tch-11 h'vh speed year box and cable. C.all Pliny Horne
or write Dan
— First
B. Clark, A. S. C.
Class Akeley Outfit complete.
Phone GR-4274. 1318 N. Stanley Ave. HOlly wood 76 82 or WEstmore 1271.
BELL HOWELL. 170, with 30. 40. 50 and 75 lens equipment. Baby tripod.
— Bell S3
Howell Camera.
four magazines,
170 degree:
steel cases.
2 5,
Also B. £3 H. Cine motor. Charles Stumar. GRanite 9845. 7501 Lexing-
ton Ave..
Western Ave. GRanite 1185.
FOR SALE —New170-degree Bell S3 Howell Camera. Choice of four focal length
— Mitchell Speed Camera, equipped for Sound. Phone Don B. Keyes,
lenses. 4-inch Iris and Matte box, 4 Magazines, metal carrying cases,
light tripod. A. B. Smith. 124 So. Flower St., Los Angeles.
FOR SALE — Bell S3 Howell camera completely equipped with B. S3 H. tripod with
Mitchell legs. 4 mags., matte box. Mitchell finder, gauzes, lenses, etc. Ex-
cellent condition. $600 complete. 7160 Santa Monica Blvd. GRanite FOR RENT
Park J.
Bell £3 Howell Cinemotors, with
N. Western Ave. GR-1185.
counters and batteries.
John Arnold Alfred Gilks Harry Perry
John W. Boyle Fred Jackman Sol Polito
Daniel B. Clark Victor Milner John F. Seitz
Chas. G. Clarke Hal Mohr Ned Van Buren
Ross Fisher Arthur Miller Oliver Marsh
Philip E. Rosen W. Jackman
Fred Gaetano Gaudio
Homer Scott James Van Trees Daniel B. Clark
John W. Boyle
Arthur Webb, General Counsel
Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J. George Eastman. Rochester, N. Y.
Albert S. Howell, Chicago
— —
August, Joe Fox. Fildew, William- Germany.
Abel, David — Marsh. Oliver Bombay.
Pathe. Flora. Rolla Fox. Stinzenich, Harold
Arnold, John —
M-G-M. Fryer. Elmer Miller, Arthur Pathe. Sharp, Henry United Artists,
Archer, Fred
Boyle, John W. —
Fetters. C. Curtis — Fox. Mohr. Hal Universal.
McDonell, Claude rLondon, — Doug. Fairbanks.
Gilks, Alfred —-Paramount. England.
Schneiderman, Geo.
BeBnoit, Georges —
Paris. England.
Studios, Milner, Victor
Marta, Jack A. —Paramount.
Edward J. Metro-
Binger, R. O.-
Bell, Chas. E. Ray-Bell Films,
Good. Frank B.
Gaudio. Gaetano
Bros.Warner Nogle, George G. —M-G-M. Shearer, Douglas G.-
St. Paul.
Bauder, Steve L. ——M-G-M. Greene, A1
Greenhalgh, Jack
M. —
— O’Connell, L. Wm. — Fox.
Smith, Jack —Bangkok,
— Siam
Smith. Jean C.
Borradaile, O. H.
Carter, Claude C. —
Hallenberger, Harry
Parrish. Fred — Colorado Tolhurst,
Louis H.
— Springs, Colo.
—— Ted —
Tappenbeck, Hatto Fox.
Clark, Daniel B.
— New
Fox. Hilburn, Percy M-G-M. York.
Pahle, Pathe,
Corner, Frank M. Hyer, Wm. C.
Clarke, Chas. G. —
—Eastman Kodak Fox. Horne, Pliny
Educational. Palmer, Ernest
Powers, Len
Fox. Van
— — Ned —Eastman
Enger, Chas. J. Fox.
Cowling. H. T. Haller, Ernest First National. Perry, Paul P. United Artists. Van
Co., Rochester,
Chaney, George — N. Y.
United Artists.
Harten, Chas. New York.
Herbert, Chas. W.
Fox Movie- — Perry, Harry
——Caddo Prod. Kodak
Co., Hollywood.
Polito, Sol First National. Van Rossem, Walter J.
Davis, Chas. ——Fox
J. Movietone.
tone. New York. Pometoy, Roy
Wagner, —
Sidney C. Fox.
DeVinna. Clyde
Dored. John
—Paramount News,
Jackman. Floyd
Jackman, Fred — Technical
Roos, Len H. —
Sound Dept.,
Cinema Equipment' Co.
Walker, Joseph—
Paris. France. Walker, L.
Dubray, A.
Jos. — U
Bell June, —Warner
United Artists.
Rose, Jackson
Rosher. Chas.
J. Tiffany.
Howell. Chicago.
Dupar. E. B. —
Warners’ Vita- Kershner, — —Warner
Glen First National. England.
Elstree Studios. Wriglcy,
Wyckoff, Alvin—
— United
Artists. J
Ries, Park J.
Wells. Conrad Fox.
phone. Koenekamp, H. F.
Dupont, Max — Bros. Ritchie, Eugene Robt. Lasky. Wenstrom, Harold
Norman — R-K-O.
Kurrle, Robt. —— E. Tec-Art. Rees, Wm. A.
Bros. Whitman,
Phil H.
Dyer, Elmer G.
Dyer, Edwin
Free lance.
L.- —Orleans
M. P. A.
Keyes, Donald
B. United Wilky, L.
Warrenton, Gilbert—— Universal.
Schoenbaum, Chas.—Techni- Williams, Frank D.
Waler —
Studios, New
Lundin, Harold Lloyd. color. Fred— —United
Edeson, Arthur —Fox Metropolitan.
Lockwood, J. R.
Stengler, Mack
Stevens, George
F. B. O.
Har Roach.
Jack R.——M-G-M.
Folsey, Geo. J.. Jr. —New
Max — M-G-M.
York. Lang. Chas. B. ——M-G-M. Paramount. —
Struss, Karl- United Artists.
— Zucker, Frank C. Photophone,
True paiicliromatic l)alance ....