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A Model of Fault Gouge with Dissipative Rotational

Title Interactions

Author(s) SAKAI, Akio

Bulletin of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (1979),

Citation 29(1): 1-25

Issue Date 1979-07

URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/124882


Type Departmental Bulletin Paper

Textversion publisher

Kyoto University
Bull. Disas. Prey. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., Vol. 29, Part 1, No. 259, July, 1979 1

A Model of Fault Gouge with Dissipative

Rotational Interactions


(ManuscriptreceivedMarch31, 1979)


Gouge—microstructure near faults—theexistenceof whichis acceptedas a compromisebetween

data fromlaboratoryexperimentsand fromearthquakesis modelledunderthe followingassumptions:
An internalenergyis assumedto be a functionof strainsreferredon the particleframe and rotation
differencesbetweenrotationsreferredon the absoluteframeand oneson the particleframe. Simul-
taneously,a dissipationlaw is formulatedfromthe law of entropyproduction. From characteristic
equations,threebranchesof solutionsarederived:
(i) Non-attenuative and non-dispersive
(ii) Twotypesof transversalwaves—
A. weaklydispersiveand attenuativewaveswhichhavea limitto thoseof perfectelasticity
B. non-causaland dissipativewaveswhichhavea limit to thoseof puredissipation
Pre-seismicor post-seismictime-dependentdeformationsand coseismicquasi-elasticdeformations
are discussedfromthe proposedmodel.

1. Introduction

In the so-called crack model of seismic sources (e.g., Kostrov (1966)), the start and
stop of fracture motions are controlled by proper boundary conditions on a fracture
region, which is usually composed of one fracture plane. In order to obtain more
realistic features, the model should have a more complicated structure. For instance,
we may consider an increased number of fracture planes. These lines of complications,
however, would need the enormous memory of computers and hence there should be
alternative ways of complication, retaining high precision in numerical computations.
For this reason, models have been simplified under the assumptions that some compli-
cated structures are concentrated on one fracture plane. (e.g., Otsuka (1971), Mikumo
and Miyatake (1978))
We discuss here an extension of conventional source models (which we call "one
shed model") To overcome some difficulties and restrictions imposed by computer
capacity, we introduce a new freedom of motion into the problem. This parameter
could be an adequate representation of the nature of fault gouge material for which much
attention has been paid in laboratory experiments. (e.g., Byerlee et al. (1978))
A model of fault gouge is formulated under assumptions that the internal energy
of the system of an aggregate of deformable particles is composed of two variables, that
is, strains on a particle and rigid rotations independent of averaged movements. An

intuitive exposition of a model and the necessity of dissipative forces are discussed.
Experimental results are cited in support of these formulations. From an observational
point of view, there remains some problems to be solved, that is, pre-seismic or post-
seismic time dependent deformations and coseismic quasi-elastic deformations. The
solution of the above formulated equations gives necessary information for a possible
interpretation of these phenomena.
As will be subsequently described in a separate paper, some extension of a model
are attempted in a thermodynamical approach (Part II) and in a differential geometrical
approach (Part III). The idea of independent-rigid rotations first took rise in Cosserat
(1909) whose research had its recaptulation in Mindlin and Tiersten (1962), and
independently in Oshima (1953). Our present formulation is more elementary and as
explanatory as possible to leave out the ambiguity existing in former researches.

2. Mechanism of friction

Recently much work has been done on the problem of friction in relation to rock
mechanics such as Brace and Byerlee (1966), Brace (1972), Scholtz (1968), Brune
(1973), Johnson et al. (1975) and others. In frictional sliding experiments, there are
several controlling parameters and conditions, e.g., surface roughness, thickness of gouge
layers, confining pressure, temperature etc. Brace (1972) has shown that a transition
occurs from stick-slip to stable-sliding motions under appropriate P-T conditions.
Dieterich (1972) has also shown the time-dependent recovery of fracture strength or
static frictions after stick-slip events under some controlled normal pressures. How-
ever no complete dynamical experiments wherein the various parameters are controlled
have been performed to date, so the above results may reflect only one aspect of the facts.
There has been much discussion about the stress drops estimated from the analysis
of seismic waves ranging some ten to one hundred bars, which are one to two orders of
magnitude lower than the results from laboratory experiments. When we compare the
experimental results with the field data, we must pay attention not only to scaling effects
(e.g., Maeda (1977)) but to the effects of compound material including several weak
zones. Here we introduce gouge as a possible way of representing these effects. One
sheet model with properly controlled surface conditions may be one primitive model
along this line.
Recent development in experimental techniques has revealed the nature of gouge
in sliding on a microscopic scale. (e.g., Byerlee et al. (1978)) Although the formation
process of gouge is not yet clear at present, we have the following concept in constructing
our model. After a virgin fracturing in the earth and several repetitions of sliding on
or near the same surface, the slipped segments will have been crushed to pieces and lose
their elasticity as a whole. An influx of water from the surrounding region may pro-
mote further degradation. The region of slippage is called gouge. Although the
whole gouge has lost elastic properties, the constituents of the gouge, which we call
particles, still have elasticity as in the surrounding region. Even if gouge is substitut-
A Model of Fault Gougewith Dissipative Rotational Interactions 3

ed by different minerals due to the influx of water, it is usual that each of the particles
are still elastic. For this reason, it is now necessary not only to elucidate the nature of
friction mechanism of each contacting particle on the gouge material but to model the
aggregation of particles.

3. Models of fault gouge

Following discussions in the preceding sections, we model the source of earthquakes

as a fault including gouge sandwiched between nearly perfect elastic rocks, unlike that
of one dislocation surface. This feature of the source is in harmony with geological
field observations of active faults near the earth's surface.
Consider interacting forces between two particles in gouge. The interacting forces
between particle A and particle B act only at their contacting point, which is illustrated
in Fig. 1, if force at a distance, for instance an electrostatic force, can be neglected.
In the case of Coulomb's type of frictions, the tangential component of contacting force
is proportional to its normal component. Particle A and particle B rotate keeping in
touch with each other, when the relative velocity between the contacting points is zero,
i.e., the tangential component of the contacting force is lower than that of static friction
or the intrinsic strength. Once slip motion between the two particles initiates, the inter-
acting force will be divided into two distinguishing terms; dissipation force acting due
to mutual slippage and restoring force due to breaking of a static equilibrium. After
the relative velocity between the particles is generated, eigen rotations distributed to
the particles will become uniform or cease immediately, following fault movements.
At the initiation of relative motions, the contacting points would collapse in such a way
that the relative motion becomes dissipative in itself.
The above stated circumstances are schematically illustrated in Fig. 2, where the
stage indicated downward by an arrow is the local motion and not relevant directly to
the fault movement. If we make the size of the particles smaller and smaller, the dipole
of eigen rotations of the particles in opposite directions will not be essential and would
disappear under the assumption of finite eigen rotations. In this case the deformation
process reduces to that described by classical continuum mechanics (e.g., Love (1927)),
and hence dissipative processes become insignificant. After the initiation of rotations,
the system of particles will be placed in a neutral equilibrium. This image of the neutral
equilibrium is completed by the introduction of
sub-particles as in Fig. 3. But the condition of
of this sortis not alwayssatisfied (
in the medium composed of aggregated particles.
There could he a different case shownin

Fig. 4. At the contacting surfaces between

particles and the continuum medium, the dis- Fig. 1. Two particles which constitute
sipation due to rotations without slippage maythe part of gouge contacting
each other without mutual
be negligible, while with internal contacting local rotations.

CI ) 1, CIO

Fig. 2. The stage of motions indicated downward by an arrow is

characterized by local rotations without slippage. The stage
indicated rightward by arrows shows mutual local rotations
with slippagedue to fault movement.

points, the dissipation due to slippage is not. (We call rotations without slippage as
the motion exerted under static type of friction and rotations with slippage as the
motion exerted under dynamic type of friction.) Deformation without dissipation
cannot be realized in such a multi-particle system as in Fig. 4. This is contrary to the
case of a model of perfect elasticity or a perfect fluid without internal structures.
Since we cannot usually expect a favorable configuration of particles such as shown in
Fig. 3, we assume here the model of gouge as in Fig. 4.
When the slippage initiates after the stress exceeds the critical strength, it is to be
noted that even when the nature of contacting points that are crushed primarily deter-
mines the type of dissipation mechanism, the averaged nature of dissipation would be
somewhat different from an elementary process. For instance, in crystallography, vis-
cous medium is inserted within grain boundaries as a model of the mechanism of gliding
or attenuation of acoustic vibrations, or in other words, as a model of grain boundaries.
(Smoluchowski (1952)) Since grain boundaries should be expressed as an aggregation
of dislocation lines (e.g., Cottrell (1953)), this way of modelling has a phenomenological

Fig. 3. A multi-size particle system of which Fig. 4. A schematic exposition of a model of
motion is generated by mutual fault gouge: particles rotate in the same
rotation without slippage. direction after being triggered by fault
A Modelof Fault GougewithDissipativeRotationalInteractions 5

significance in that the mechanical behavior of the model properly approximates those
of the matter.
In this paper we adopt Smoluchowski's model of grain boundaries as a model of
dissipation for the system of particles, based on the reasoning stated above, although
our particles do not correspond to his crystallographic grains.

4. Formulation of models

We next derive the equations of motion for the system with dissipative forces. As
stated in the preceding section, we supposed that gouge is composed of particles with a
finite size. This finiteness can be put in another way; inhomogeneities of distribution
of relative rotations as modelled below. Each of the particles can deform elastically.
Motions of a particle can be decomposed into a relative rotating motion around the
center of gravity and a deformation of the system with respect to the center of gravity.
This deformation can also be decomposed into strains and rotations within linear transfor-
In the following calculations we apply Einstein's summation convention. And
the process of mixing over p indices by constructing all p isomers obtained by permuta-
tions of these indices, addition of these isomers and division of /5I is denoted by a round
bracket ( ):
/ „ , A,

A similar process with the only difference that all isomers obtained by odd permutation
get a negative sign is denoted by a square bracket [ ]. If indices have to be singled out,
the sign I I is used :
e.g., Briiiik]= (DiJk—Bhp)

Here we assume that the type of interaction between particles is that described
below: Strains on an average of particles are not primary and interacting forces be-
tween the particles only act through mutual rotations. This assumption will be debated
later with a supplemented extension of a model.
First we assume that dissipative forces act on or near the surface of a particle.
Hence the equations of motion for the system of the center of gravity are expressed below,

pv. =aim; ft, (4-1)

where act is the stress tensor and f; is the dissipative force. The coordinate system is
supposed to be Cartesian hereafter.
Next, the equations of motion for the relative rotating motion of a particle around
the center of gravity are expressed in the integrated form,

2-f plo;
kidV=f ac[kGiiii]dS;±
f MaidSt (4-3)

where MI ki is the surface distribution of torque which has an arm in the k-direction and
the force exerted in the i-direction on a surface element with a normal in the 1-direction.
As stated previously, Mipi is determined by mutual rotations of neighboring particles.
I is the distribution of a moment of inertia per unit mass, which is properly transformed
into that in the principal axis, and here assumed to be isotropic for convenience's sake.
After some calculations,

f (Glki]d-pX[A61])d
If we presume that
a; J=a0 (4-5)
G[a]=F[ii] (4-6)

2'maw —pX[kVii (4-7)

The above expressions (4-7) show that the force is decomposed into the purely conserv-
ative part and the dissipative part. Usually the assumption (4-5) is identical to the
law of the conservation of angular momentum. Since we introduced the interacting
term represented by Mai, our new form of conservation of angular momentum is ful-
filled together with the assumptions (4-5) and (4-6). Especially the assumption (4-6)
comes from the fact that dissipative forces should be tangent to the surfaces of particles.
These aspects are easily confirmed by formalistic calculations. With the voluminal
distribution of torque hu and that of body force in newly introduced, the equations of
motion for inertia moment are expressed as,

If x[kpvi]e/
=f x[kG[if
+f MikidS:
+f xikg
nelV+f hodV (4-8)
and the translational part of motion is expressed as,

f xckp;
;idV=f xikal
Ad V+f x[kg
=f f Gitod
V+f xckg
ijdV (4-9)
From expressions (4-8) and (4-9), we get
A Model of Fault Gouge with Dissipative Rotational Interactions 7

f hfrid17+
f Guind
V=0 (4-10)
Hence, if Mu/=0 and hki=0, then GEkii=0 and vice versa.
The expressions (4-7) and (4-10) are identities derived from kinematical relations.
Usually since we may presume
expression (4-10) is identical to (4-7). If the discrete nature of mass distributions is
essential, such as of atoms in a crystal, plthki may have proper meaning. However,
since we assume the smoothness of mass distributions, we get the next expression.
Fcii3+,3,Atii=0 (4-7')
We must assume dynamical relations between kinematics and deformation quan-
tities — constitutive equations. The law of termodynamics — energy conservation and
entropy production — must be fulfilled. We express by iii, the eigen rotations inde-
pendent of the rotational strains referred at the particle frame. Internal energy te for
each of the particles or per unit volume is a function of strains s;j, relative rotations
Cif*approximated below and entropy S, that is,
5) (4-11)
hilt 843(065]-0O (4-12)
The khi;are defined on the absolute frame, so that aLian—oil have only approximate
meanings. Formalistic extension of expressions (4-11) and (4-12) are, of course,
conceivable. For instance, as a substitute for Cho,

may be variables of the internal energy. But since we now concentrate our discussions
on the model with inhomogeneous distributions of rotations, we do not adopt such models
These points will be discussed in Part III.
The law of energy conservation

dE=8W-1-8Q (4-13)
dE: the increment of the sum of internal energy U and kinetic energy K.
W: the work done by the exterior system.
8Q: the inflow of heat (non-mechanical external action)
The expression (4-13) is rewritten as evolutional forms.

dE dU
at dt
8 A. SellCAI

dt dt

where SIdt shows the path-dependent derivatives.

If we assume

J 1pitihaiV,
dt f(audvd-FifhpdV (4-13')

from expressions (4-1) and (4-2),


=f tiferifdSi+
f itFudS,
Here we furthermore add the effect of rotational type of interaction, that is,

The increment can be written as,

f [(ak,d-FH)auf-Ftlfki,SCif]dSk
=f (akiSaou,)+FA,856ki+Mai,a(SkCi,)-FpU,SundV
using expressions (4-1), (4-2) and (4-7'). We notice the discrepancies between (4-13')
and (4-14), which originates from newly introduced terms.
The increment of internal energy is
dU=clei•+au dCki•H-as dS (4-15)

as =T (4-16)

The law of entropy production

dS812 (4-17)

If the entropy per unit volume is s,

ds—a, (4-18)

where Qi is heat flux from a unit surface element with a normal in the 1-direction. If
we substitute (4-13), (4-14), (4-15), and (4-16) into (4-18), noting
A Model of Fault Gougewith Dissipative Rotational Interactions 9

±Fsgelkbii+Qeae 7,1 0 (4-20)

This inequality must be fulfilled for all variation of EH,Cub Oi; and (2i. Hence

ail= au (4-21)

Mkii= au
Fj;=2rl(j;)E.+k (4-23)

Qs= —Koir>2.+1 (4-24)

The first relation (4-21) is anextended form of Hooke's law. The relation (4-22) is a
dynamical relation betweenany and Mai which is defined in this way. The relation
(4-24),when is a well-known heat conduction law. The relation (4-23)is a possible
form of friction or dissipation law due to the condition of the coexistence with the law of
(4-24)and we call n angular viscosity of (2n-F1)-th order, tentatively. If we set integer
n to be zero, (4-23)is analogious to Newtonian type of viscosity.
When u is positive definite quadratic form of Eij and Cluj, and the material is
assumed to be isotropic, then
Afkii=C651 (4-26)
where Aand p. are elastic moduli and C is a newly introduced material constant.
From these expressions,

-Fir4ai(anik)-Endui=-2naiii2"±ld-pu- (4-27)

.,2"±I=C4(54ii—a[jUi]) (4-28)
The duality between the image of an aggregation of particles with a finite size and
that of properly smoothed but inhomogeneous distributions of relative rotations will
not be rectified, but be used accordingly.

5. Estimations of the order of magnitude

The difference in the time derivative with respect to the moving frame (Lagrangean
description) and to the absolute frame (Eulerian description) will be negligible when
the spatial variations of the physical quantities are small, or when the initial field small.

With sufficientcorrectnesswe sometimesidentifytwo typesof descriptionof time history.

We evaluatethe significanceof each term of the systemof equationsin the case of
n=0, by estimatingthe order of their magnitudes(dimensionalanalysis). If we set
particlesizeor the extentof an approximatelyhomogeneousregionas L, and the relaxa-
tion time or period as T,thenfor (4-27),
piipII\ 2 (5-1)
laLlua\T )
and for (4-28),
u 2'7 La (5-2)
under the approximation
Fromthese estimates
pAu . -
T u p 12 (5-4)
2nak 27?L
For the estimate of(5-1), we can generally assume

VPp (55)
Here we define A=1=12. c If AC tends to zero as L approaches zero. In
this case the system of equations cannot be reduced to that for perfect elasticity as long
as friction terms have not been left out. >1=0 should be substituted for expressions
(4-27)and (4-28), if we want to eliminate the effects of friction alone. Then the equations
of motion for perfect and isotropic elasticity are derived. In addition, it is necessary
that d[pco-¢;1 are harmonics. Since this part if the equations is time-independent,
c6ig=eciuz)should be kept. if held at an initial time.
There are two possibilities; (i) C tends to zero or (ii) L tends to infinity, if A tends
to infinity. In case (ii), as the size of particles increases, we describe a one-particle
approximation, that is, on the earth we may let a maximum value of it be a plate size.
Of course, this is not directly applicable to the plate motions, because of the assumption
(5-3). Under the assumption Ppazni<10;;), by similar reasoning, we get

A_ 2p-Tu_a 2 L2 u
1? L IS C LO
While in the case of Idpufil= kind, we have

p2qTu L I ck-nu

Hence we can determine the law of similarity of the system of equations (4-27) and (4-28)
by parameters;

L )2 ofFault Gouge
Interactions (5-6)11
p. \T-11
277/2 (5-7)
L2 (=A) (5-8)

From the inequality(5-5),

T)2 z
Consider,forinstance,the differenceschemeof equation(4-28)and we get the dissipation
conditionfor qSas
2n T2 4 (5-9)

In orderto give an assuranceof terminal stability,wepresumethis inequality. Similar

discussionsfor the condition(5-5)can be performedas in Courantet al. (1928). However
forthe quantity of (5-8),we cannot assume definiteinequalities. In the caseof A<1,
weget from expression(4-27)
27,4, = puTi (5-10)
as a limitedform, and expression(4-28)doesnot change at all. The relation (5-10)is

FfidS1)1 (5-10')
The left hand side of (5-10') is the time derivative of the linear momentum and the right
hand side is that of the purely dissipative forces acting on the surface of particles.
Then acted forces are purely dissipative. If A<1, there are two possibilities; (i) C tends
to infinity or (ii) L tends to zero. In the case (ii) for which the particle size gets smaller
and smaller, particle motions reduce to that of microscopic scales, i.e., random motions
by thermal agitations. If L tends to zero under the condition of C, p, p, and n fixed,
similarity of motions will not be maintained due to expressions (5-6) and (5-7) so far as
T is fixed. As previously stated, to determine similarity relations, parameter A is
directly relevant. Here is given some expositions. If L and C simultaneously tend to
zero; for expression (5-7),

owing to the conditions of diffusivity and for expression (5-6), the same inequality as
(5-5) is maintained owing to the conditions of stability of hyperbolic type of equations
and for expression (5-8),

Table 1. Relation between particle size or the extent of approximately homogeneous

region (L) and newly introduced material constant C. A is defined by the
ratio of the terms of restoring forces and the terms of dissipative forces.
The state of fault gouge is characterized between two extreme values of A.

A 0 1 00

C (°'j)Fault 0
G one-particle

L2=' OW,

then we have A =0(p).

In case (i), from the analogy with the treatment of rigid matter in the class of elastic
matter, reii=3Lizzo,i.e., the freedom of rotational motion is degenerated. Mirk and
.F1; are consequently indefinite so that the relation (5-10') is only an example aptly
We summarize the results from the above stated discussions in Table 1. Remem-
bering that parameter A is the ratio of the restoring forces to the dissipative forces, we
propose to use critical A for describing the state of fault gouge. For instance, the
cluster size may get smaller as fracturings proceed, as far as L alone is concerned.
However, another parameter C controls the formation of fracturing simultaneously.
Then ,how can we observe and determine these parameters?

6. Determination of some types of solution and their characteristic

Particle size L may be determined by means of field observations. We can deter-

mine the remaining parameters, after solving equations (4-27) and (4-28) in the case of
For simplicity, we consider plane waves as,
ter= ue(x, t) and Ou=-00(x, t) (6-1)

As stated above, physical parameters A, n and C are assumed to be homogeneous.

Here if we define
Oi=fijkOjk,C6i -(0.7OYchz) (6-2)
14;=(u, v, w)
where sip, is Eddington's symbol, then

(A4-2p) ax, =pu, ax, Os (6-3)

32v aav
2n9C2=c- ax +Os) (6-4)
A Model of Fault Gouge with Di SSi',Wive Rotational Interactions 13

ax ax 24.-6ax.1ax
32/3 +0Y) (6-5)
The first part of (6-3) shows plane P-wave propagation. This P-wave is charac-
terized by non-dispersive and non-attenuative nature. If we give an initial condition
for the second part

then we have

0,(x,0= 1r exp It
) (6-6)
This equation has the same form as that for heat conduction and diffusion equation.
If we assume

—ft)) (6-7)

P-h I

rt -
i 1.0E7 .•

_, at ) •'''



Q0/ 01
.400 1
Fig. 5 (1). Relation between f and imaginary parts of wave number divided

by j ()WRYf)—first branch of solutions, under 71=25 and C varied.

o C

It is easily shown that equations (6-4) and (6-5) have the same type of solutions. If we
assume for (6-4) that
v=vo•exp {i(kx—ft)} and cd,=0.°•exp (i(kx—ft)) (6-8)
then we have the next characteristic equation.
pf2—µk2 —nfk =0 (6-9)
—iCk3 2ifn—C42
Dispersion and attenuation relations derived from this equation are shown in Fig. 5.
The abscissa of the figures gives the angular frequency (f), and the ordinate gives the
magnitude of the real and imaginary parts of the wave number (4) divided by f with
parameters C and a varied. The density p and rigidity p are assumed to be unity for
simplicity. It is seen from this figure that two branches of solution exist, one or both
of which have the properties of a velocity higher than that of S waves. One of the two
bracnhes can be properly approximated by the (6-7) in a wide range of combinations
of parameters C and ,j.
There appears a maximum in each of the Im(k)11 vs. f curves within the frequency
range 0.001 to 10.0 rad/sec, as 12increases. In the case when C is relatively larger and
n is smaller, the value off at which each of the Im(k)If curves of the non-purely dissi-

- 5




0001 001 01
Fig. 5(2). Relation between J and /m(k)/f-second branch of solutions, under
q=25 and C varied. For higher values of C (104 and 107), Re(k)/f
is nearly equal to Im(4)11

A Modelof Fault Gougewith DissipativeRotationalInteractions 15

pative branch of the solutions takes a maximum is roughly proportional to lin. (e.g.,
c=107, 7i=102/4, j= 0.069; C=105, n=10/4, f=0.7 ; C=106, -9=1/4, f=6.9; C=104,
n=1/4 f =7.0 ; C=103, 77=1/4, 1=6.9) If the condition C27? is satisfied, one of the two
branches of solutions shows a close agreement between Re(k) and Im(k). Comparative-
ly speaking under such combinations of C and n as C<7, there appear discrepancies
between Re(k) and Im(k). For both circumstances, the velocity necessarily becomes
lower than that of S waves at lower frequencies.
As C becomeslarger with?) left fixed, the velocityof the dissipative branch generally
becomes higher, and the motion gradually gains non-attenuative properties. The
higher velocityis mainly due to the dissipative forces and results in rigidly coupled motion
of the medium. In field observations, we might not detect this type of motion directly
through the determination of local distribution of higher propagation velocities, but
moderately averaged motions through several instrumental distortions and filtrations.
It may be appropriate for models with a sudden start of fracturing in the case of strong
interaction between particles. Conversely, as C becomes smaller with n left fixed, lower
velocities and highly attenuative branches become predominant, that is, in the case of
weak interaction between particles.
Next we consider some special configuration of equations (9-27) and (4-28), that is,




_0.1 - 1.0E .4

0.1 1 10
Fig. 5(3). Relation betweenf and real parts of wave number divided by j
(Re(k)/f)-first branch of solutions,under n=25 and C varied.

u=u(x, y, t), v=v(x, y, t), zef=0 and 0, y, t), 1Si 53. These equations are
reduced to
24.= cdox (6-10)
274:=C(tlikz—a,Av±a„Au) (6-11)
(Ä+143.,(8.u+a,o+taite-94,---pie (6-12)
0+14ar(aru+3,0+144v+-04.--pi; (6-13)
Forthe conditionforinitialvalues,wegetfromequation(6-10)and theequationforw,





a 1 10
Fig.5(4). Relation
j andRe(k)/I-second
undern=25andC varied.
A Modelof Fault GougewithDissipativeRotationalInteractions 17

Cdox4y—aoz>=0 (6-14)
ax0y=ask. (6-14')
is fulfilled at infinity or at initial time, then azor=a06, is identically realized at any time.
We tentatively call this time-independent identity for 0; the compatibility condition of
itn. Then and 0„ field is expressed as a gradient field like 4's=axx and 021-aa.
From the expression (6-10), x field is purely dissipative. Here if we introduce new
functions W and 0 for the sake of convenience,

as u=aro-kayw
+400 (6-16)
(A+4)40 p0 (6-17)
=Pql (6-18)
If Ctendsto infinitywithn keptfinite,expressions
(6-16)and (6-18)aretransformed
PAW-HA qfr-PP (6-19)
Then the fields0 and Ware decoupledintoexpression(6-17)and expression(6-19).
The fieldOs,is constrainedby the fieldV' in the sameformas conventional
44.= axv—apt,
Theequationsystemof (6-17)and (6-19)are a specialtypeof Voigtsolid(Voigt(1892),
Sezawa(1927),etc) In theschemeof Table1,weshouldadd theabovetypeof medium.
As in the caseof planewaves,P wavesare non-dispersive and non-attenuative.
It is easilyseenthat monochromatic
P=W0•exp {i(kx+ly—ft)}
95.=the •exp {i(kx+ly—ft))(6-20)
satisfythe characteristic
442+19—pf2 (6-21)
C(k2+/2)2 c(k2+12)-21-v
Thisrelationis similarto that of (6-9)if k2is substitutedfork2+12.
Secondly in the caseof a=0, v=0, w--w(x,y, t) and#i---44(x, y, t), 1Si53, then
we have,

27284.=0, 2,10,s/C.=0, (6-22)

pAw+n(-8.4C+aycs.)=p; (6-23)
214:=C(—aAw+40x) (6-24)
274,,=coxilw+400 (6-25)
If we put
71=0 (6-26)
equation (6-22) reduces to

Cdch =0 (6-27)
and from the remaining equations we obtain

C(-3,42v-i-Asbo=0 (6-28)
The relations (6-27) and (6-28) can be summarized using vector notation as
Cd(rot U-0)=0 (6-29)
As discussed in §. 5, 0—rot U are harmonics and

0=rot U (6-30)
holds if initially holds. Then in this case the system of equations can be reduced to
those for perfect and isotropic elasticity.
0 (6-31)
in theequation(6-22)shouldhavea form
sit=s1r(t) (6-32)
and simultaneously
fromthe equations(6-22)we have
(42=0 (6-33)
The remaining equations are

2.74x=C(-8,4.,4—drk.) (6-34)
It is easily seen that monochromatic 2-dimensional waves

w =w0- exp {i(kx+ ly —fl))

9x=95zo•exp 11(kx+Ij —ft)] (6-35)
exp (i(kx —11+ft))

A Modelof Fault Gougewith DissiOalive
RotationalInteractions 19

satisfy the characteristic equation

f —C(k2+ 12) 0 —2.0(k2+ 12)

0 i27if—C(k2+ 12) iCk(k2+ 12) (6-36)
—nif pf2—p(k2+ 12)

and that this equation is factorized into a purely dissipative term

2inf = C(k2+ 12) (6-37)

and a coupled term as (6-21).

If C tends to infinity with 77kept finite, not only the same type of equation as (6-19)
is realized, but the same conclusion as the former case under this special condition is
easily gained.
If we adopt the conditions that u,=u,(xt, 1) and that the surface element on
which a proper boundary condition is assigned is perpendicular to the 3-direction, then
displacements, stresses, torques and dissipative forces are decomposed explicitly as
(i) 112,01, Os,
cra2=tzasuz (6-38)
M 312=4C v3(ite2 —03)
M323= =2G3(031/2+100

F32==2 18103(0i/is
—03)-822141-822(asus+01)) (6-40)

(ii) ui, us, 02,

M 331=-2Vn3Wn3141-80,3-02)
Cf (6-42)

Fat=—C—312(aatit-a,u3-02)+82202 —493203/11
—alma—001 (6-43)

The above decomposition has essentially the same nature as the previous one derived
by a rather heuristic manner. Using this 2-dimensional type decomposition, we can
determine not only the wave number vs. frequency relation, but the absolute amplitudes
of displacement and eigen rotation due to the applied external forces. However, the
latter approach is not performed in this paper partly because there have not been much
data for the estimate of boundary conditions both in the field and in the laboratory
except for seismic moment calculated from far field seismograms.
The main reason is that, if a step-wise propagation after the drop of moment is
included in calculations, the totality of the nature of the fracturing process would be


obscured by the combination of several parameters and would not be obtained from a
rather simplified analytic consideration. Our simplified model has two characteristics :
relaxation of initial moment distribution can be realized, and delay or deceleration
effects which are inherent from the existence of strength are not taken into consideration
It is easily inferred from the preceding discussions that type (i) corresponds to an
extention of SH-type deformation, and that type (ii) corresponds to that of P and S V-
type deformation in conventional continua. The motion of type (ii) can be illustrated
as Fig. 4, which is composed of aggregates of cylinders.
Here we notice the coventional definition of the dislocation field. The right
hand side of expression (6-39), as an instance, can be transformed as,

f as(3,u2-1,3)dx3A
—f stsdxt (6-44)
The first term of the right hand side of expression (6-44) corresponds to a non-integra-
bility effect (screw-type dislocation) and the second term corresponds to the Volterra
type of dislocation. From the relation

M312 =M3[12] (6-45)

and expression (6-44), it is shown that the well-known equivalency between the exertion
of double-couples and the occurrence of an infinitestimal dislocation loop in elasticity
theory (e.g. Maruyama (1963)) is valid in an extended form.
Generally it cannot be expected that the total rotational field disappears in the
medium composed of aggregations of coarse particles. The interaction we have adopted
in this paper is decomposed into such translational and rotational terms as in expression
(6-44). Especially, according to the independence of displacements and eigen rotations,
we have formulated dissipative rotational interactions among neighbouring particles
with the expression (4-7') utilized as an intermediary relation.
What differs from other models with porous media (e.g., Biot (1941)) is the assump-
tion that there is no macroscopic flow in a viscous liquid and that the liquid is incom-
pressible. Following this assumption, the propagation of P waves is characteristic
of nondispersion as well as non-attenuation. The macroscopic flow of liquid becomes
important in lower frequencies namely, beyond which the assumption of local relaxation
breaks down. (O'Connell and Budianski (1977)) Of cource there remains an upper
bound for the frequency, at which the wavelength becomes the size of a pore. As stated
previously, it is assumed to be of no consequence that there might exist micro-fluctu-
ations of density distribution, e.g., mixture of bulk water and particles. Hence the
effect of the configuration or shape of pore and matrix is replaced only with the distri-
bution of one parameter C. This assumption is a simplification for complicated rock
structure. Although the influence of the existence of a thin liquid layer between the
particles can be partly evaluated by the effect of dissipation in our formulation, there are
no effects on the P wave propagation from neglecting the effects of compressibility and
draining of water.
A Model of Fault Gougewith Dissipative Rotational Interactions 21

7. Discussions

The synthesis of seismograms in the regions located near or far from the seismic
source has been successfully performed by one sheet model of dislocation. (e.g., Aki
(1968)) Furthermore, the synthetic seismograms in the near-field have been constructed
not only for direct body waves (e.g., Kanamori (1973)), but for surface waves, surface-
associated waves such as SP phase and reflected waves at the Moho-discontinuity.
(Kawasaki et al. (1972)) If we make use of inversion techniques, the distribution of
dislocation could be determined within a statistical allowance. (e.g., Matsu'ura (1977))
Some questions arise here as to what the distribution of dislocations tectonically
means and how the movement of faults is developed, if these are controlled by some
physical parameters. Some calculations concerning these questions have been
performed under approximations by 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional motions of a discrete
system composed of spring-mass. (Burridge and Knopoff (1967), Yamashita (1977))
Yamashita (1977) successfully showed the effects of inhomogeneous distribution of the
initial stress on the fracture patterns. For the initial stress with spatially linear and
quadratic functions, the fracture is more localized in the latter distribution than the
former, in the case of uniform distribution of the fracture strength. Such localization
of the fracture nucleation for a quadratic distribution will be discussed in Part H,
from a somewhat different standpoint.
Tiltmeters and strainmeters have been installed in regions usually far from faults
except in the case of the San Andreas Fault, the Yamasaki Fault in Japan etc., where a
dense array of these instruments is operated along these faults. (Savage et al. (1976),
Oike (1977)) For instance, residual tilts associated with teleseismic earthquakes have
been reported by Nishimura (1953) and others, although the elastic strain energy change
required to produce the observed tilts is impossibly high. (e.g., Press (1965)) The
instruments must be examined for mechanical instability accompanied by ground shak-
ing due to seismic waves such as large-amplitude Rayleigh waves. Even if these instru-
mental problems remained to be solved, it is not regarded to be unreasonable to assume
one sheet model for an earthquake source, especially for shallow earthquakes, as a whole.
Probably, it is no exaggeration to say that all facts are hidden in the darkness except
these coseismic dynamics which are considered as rather convincing among the observed
earthquake phenomena.
It is also an important problem whether laboratory experiments could properly
simulate or reproduce earthquake phenomena or not. Some laboratory experiments of
fracture—A. E., Kaiser effects etc.—as well as frictional sliding, have been performed
with recent advancements in electronics, i.e., extension of frequency band, which will
elucidate the problem of dilatancy and some related phenomena. Concerning frictional
sliding experiments, it is pointed out that stick-slip motions accompany inhomogeneous
distribution of strains and local rotations whithin the gouge and that except in these
narrow regions the material does not deform too much. (e.g., Byerlee et al. (1978))
These experiments are considered to give support to our model.
It must be pointed out that no reliable interpretations have been offered particularly

with respect to long-period and transient parts of coseismic and associated movements,
that is,
( i ) aseimic creep motions along faults
( ii) tilt and strain steps
Although concerning (ii), it seems that some consensus, as stated previously, exists under
one sheet model, there remains many problems to be solved. It may be said that residual
tilts and strains could be investigated more thoroughly by using faster recording speed
of signals. Since residual tilts independent of elastic strain change have an important
meaning in our model, dynamic behaviors of the model are directly reflected in obser-
vation of dynamic behaviors of immediate neighboring regions of faults. It is to be
reckoned in our model that the condition under which the fault movement occurs is
identicalto the conditionthat 44,,*0.
It might be assumed here that there exists a threshold of torque similar to the
strength in the case of a discrete system of a mass-spring. The value of matter constant
C determines the roughness of an aggregation of particles. If we neglect the deceler-
ation effect due to the threshold of torque at each point, the fracture pattern will be
mainly determined by the distribution of matter constants C and 71. The above simplified
assumption will make the analysis of an initial value problem easier. The assumption
will be satisfied in case (i). Then the nucleation or initiation of fracture is characterized
by the existence of matter constant C. The derived equations are of a non-causal type
due to rigid rotation and dissipation. By means of numerical procedures, we get two
branches of solutions of the characteristic equation, i.e., almost purely dissipative
motions and coupled motions with a velocity higher than S waves. If the branch of
(6-6)or (6-7) is applied to case (i) as

where v: the expanding rate of fracture region
L: the magnitude of fractured region,
it follows that f For estimates of v=1 to 10 km/day for propagating creep
velocity obtained for the San Andreas Fault (Nason (1969)), we get Ch-107 cm2/sec.
It is to be noted that similar results can be obtained, except for extreme cases of C<'j,
by means of the quasi-decoupled branch of solutions as well as the dissipative branch.
From observations of the decay of strain and tilt step amplitudes, one sheet model
is a good approximation of the far field data. (e.g., Takemoto (1972)) It may be
considered that the propagation velocity of the main part of tilt step movements along
faults is of the order of S wave velocities. The nature of propagation for (ii) cannot
be regarded as purely dissipative as in the case of (i). Another branch of solution pro-
vides the properties of propagation, as
R >1 (7-3)
A Modelof Fault Gougewith DissipativeRotationalInteractions 23

where the velocity of S waves is assumed to be unity for the convenience of numerical
calculations. It can be understood that the attenuation effectshows a strict dependence
on frequency as in the type of Voigt model within the above frequency range considered.
In the frequency range f>1/11, fm(k)-- const. A Maxwell type of liquid possesses such
an attenuation property. Our model possesses two extreme states in respect to attenu-
ation: At higher frequencies it behaves like a liquid, on the other hand, at lower
frequencies it behaves like a solid. The weak dispersion of coupled type waves may he
non-detectable and negligible at lower frequencies.

8. Conclusions

We propose a model for gouge which corresponds to microstructures near a fault

plane. The existence of gouge may be accepted as an assumption which could reduce
the difference in the stress drop by one or two orders of magnitude between laboratory
experiments and data from seismic waves. It is frequently observed that clay-like
materials are sandwiched between fault surfaces.
There can be two viewpoints for constructing the model of gouge. One is that of
compaction and drainage of an ensemble of particles and liquid, of which many examples
can be found in soil mechanics. The other is that, as described in our model, which
stresses the importance of mutual rigid rotations of interstitial particles and does not
emphasize that of pure deformation—strains—of an ensemble of particles. The latter
is a possible assumption for simplicity. The role of liquid in this model is considered
as a mechanism of local dissipations in contrast with the flows responding to the distri-
bution or gradient of pressures in the former model.
The rotation of interstitial particles is often observed in laboratory experiments—
brittle fractures of intact rocks, stick-slip on frictional sliding surfaces and so on.
Following the introduction of mutual rotations, we assume a newly defined internal
energy and physical constants. From some combination of the physical constants and a
degree of inhomogeneity or particle-size, we classify various stages of deformation. The
formation process of faults is considered to be that of degradation of a particle (a giant
particle i.e., a plate). This process would have properties of high non-linearity. In
our linearized formulation, the property is expressed only in the form of a division of
contributions to the equations of motion--inertial terms, deformations and dissipations
—and in the form of combined ratios.
The propagation velocity and attenuation coefficients are also calculated. Because
of neglecting macro-strains, longitudinal-type waves are non-attenuative and non-
dispersive. Transversal-type waves have two branches of solutions, i.e., weakly disper-
sive type and non-causal dissipative type. We can apply these results to a unified
understanding of creep phenomena—e.g., along the San Andreas Fault—and coseismic
strain and tilt steps observed close to several faults.


The autor expresses his sincere thanks to Professor Takeshi Mikumo, Disaster
Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, who encouraged him to complete
the work, made valuable suggestions and critically read the manuscript. The author
is also grateful to Dr. Takuo Maruyama for helpful suggestions concerning many
aspects of this work.


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