SSN College of Engineering
SSN College of Engineering
SSN College of Engineering
Klavakkam-603 110
Classroom teaching using Black Board and Chalk Piece /OHP /LCD
Classroom teaching using Black Board and Chalk Piece /OHP /LCD
1 Pointer concept–Declaration 1
2 Accessing variable through pointe 1
3 Pointers and Functions 2
4 Pointers and Arrays 2
5 Pointers and Structures 1
6 Command line arguments 1
7 IV Dynamic memory allocation 1
8 Structures–User defined data types 1
9 Union–Nested structure 1
10 passing structures to functions 1
11 Self referential structures 1
12 File pointer 1
13 High level File operations 1
UNIT V - Linked Lists
3. Jeri R. Hanly and Elliot B. Koffman, "Problem solving and program design in
C", Fourth Edition, Pearson Education India, 2005.
Prepared by Approved by
M.Saritha HOD/CSE