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B2B Fleet Portal

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B2B Fleet Portal

The B2B portal provides the option for the Admin user for the complete fleet
management. The fleet management includes Dashboard, Bird’s-Eye view, tracking, trips
details, reports, route optimization, geo fence, group management, device, alerts, settings,
session info, Tips and Help.
The portal will allow the Admin, Groups, Subgroup and the drivers to view their details. It
allows the Groups and Subgroup to manage the driver details and allows to manage the
routes assigned to them by the group admin.
The portal provides the option for the Admin, Group, Sub- Group or the fleet drivers
to login to the portal. It provides the option for Sign-up for the new fleet and it provides the
option for the user to select the Language like English, Spanish or Russian.
For Fleet drivers it redirect to another page for Login. The portal for the Fleet drivers will be
similar to B2C customer portal.

When Signup option is selected it provides the user to enter the details like
1. Fleet ID
2. Email
3. Password
4. Confirm Password
5. Fleet Name
6. Phone and
7. Select Your Country
The Dashboard displays the details in a graphical representation for each device, it
provides the option for Toggle, Language, SOS, Mute, Notification and Logout option on the
The toggle option helps us to hide/unhide the category tab. Which provides the user to have
more screen space.
The Language option provides the user to select the languages like English, Spanish or
Mute option helps the user to Mute/Unmute the notification.
When SOS is selected user need to select the vehicle for SOS emergency and Stolen Vehicle
Recovery setting option.
When user click on the notification icon it display the list of new alerts like
1. Ignition On / Off
2. Idle Timing
3. Over Speeding and
4. Unusual Vibration
In the Dash Board above the Key performance Indicators it shows the number of Groups,
Subgroups, Active Devices and Drivers Login.
When Groups and Subgroups is selected it take the user to the group management where
user can manage the groups like view, create, edit, delete, disable and reset password for
the group.
When the Active device is selected it takes the user to the device management option
where user can view/edit/add the active device details.
In Dashboard it display the details like
1. Key Performance Indicator for the current Month (All Vehicle)
a. Total Distance Travelled in Miles or Kilometre based on the user settings
b. Time Spent Idling In Hours and Minutes
c. Fuel Expenditure in USD or any other currency based on the user settings
d. Total Engine Run Time in Hours and Minutes
e. Time Spent Idling Cost in USD or any other currency
f. Total Maintenance Cost in USD or any other currency
When the user select any of the key performance indicator it take the user to the Fleet
Summary under the Reports option
2. Driving Behaviour count for the current month
a. Harsh Braking
b. Speeding
c. Sudden Acceleration
d. Time Sent Idling
3. Fleet Summary for the last 10 days
a. Total Distance covered per Day in a frequency chart
b. Total numbers of trips per day in a bar chart
c. Total time spent Idling per day in a frequency chart
d. Overall Peak driving time in a pie chart
4. Vehicle report for the Last 30 days based on the Vehicle Name
a. Fuel Consumption – Top 10 Vehicles
It display the fuel expenditure for the top 10 vehicle with the
device ID for the last 30 days in a frequency chart.
Fuel Settings option above the chart takes the user to vehicle under the settings option.

b. Idling Time – Top 10 Vehicles

It display the Idling time for the top 10 vehicle in bar graph with the
device ID for the top 10 vehicles with the total time represented in Hours and Minutes.
c. Distance covered – Top 10 Vehicles
It represents the distance covered by the top 10 vehicle with the
device id in frequency polygon chart with the distance in meters

d. Speed – Top 10 Vehicles

It represents the top speed for the top 10 vehicle with the device id in
bar chart with the top speed in Miles/Hour
e. Trip Count – Top 10 Vehicles
It represents the trip count for the top 10 vehicle with the device id in
bar chart with the number of trip count

f. Driving Time – Top 10 Vehicles

It represents the driving time for the top 10 vehicle with the device id
in bar chart with the top driving time in Hours

Bird’s-Eye View
The Bird’s-Eye View will show all the device linked to that logins in a map view and
the corresponding details of the vehicle. The Bird’s-Eye view will get refreshed based on the
user specified rate of refresh of the GPS position of the vehicle. The refresh time can be
varied up to 10 minutes.
The Map view provides the option to view in satellite View
Bird’s-Eye view has the option to view the details in List. It provides the details like
1. Group Name
2. Subgroup Name
3. Vehicle Name
4. GSM Signal
5. Odometer Reading
6. Battery Level
7. Location and
8. Status
It provides the option for the user to export the details in .XLS file.

The trips will display the trip details made for the selected device with in a period of
time. It displays the trip details in Map view, List view and it provides the option to add the
route classification like Home/Office.
When the trip is selected it provides the option for the user to playback the routes travelled
by the vehicle.
It displays the
1. Date
2. Time start and end of the trip
3. Distance
4. Top Speed
5. Fuel Expenditure
6. Idling Time
7. Mileage
8. Time
9. Cost per Mile
10. Idling time cost
11. Odometer Start and
12. Odometer End
13. Number of Speeding
14. Number of Harsh Brakes
15. Number of sudden acceleration
It provides the user to export the trip details in .XLS or .PDF file. The other options provided
are Explore Trip and Classify the trip. Explore Trip provides the details like Normal Route
point, Deviation from expected route and Idling point. The classify trip provides the option
for the user to classify the selected trip based on the classification created in Classifications
under Trips.
The List displays the list of trips made by the selected device. It displays the distance
travelled, Fuel expenditure, Driving Time, Driving Behaviour, Cost per mile, Top Speed, Idle
Time, Idle Time cost and Mileage.
When the trip is selected it take the user to the Map/Satellite view for the selected trip. It
provides the option to view the playback details, Export, Explore and classify the trip as
mentioned above in the timeline.
Classification provides the option to create the different route classification to classify the
routes travelled in the Timeline. It provides the option for the user to edit or delete the

The Tracking option provides the user to view the live tracking, Vehicles nearby,
Breadcrumb tracking and Location tracking for the selected device.
Go To option above the Map will provide the user transition to trip, tracking, reports, alerts
and settings for the selected device. Explore Trip Helps the user to Breadcrumb a "Live" trip
into individual information data packets and highlights normal route points, route deviation
points and idling points.
Road speed limit helps the user to identify the speed limit of the road on which the vehicle
is travelling
Move around Map Helps the user to explore the map in detail irrespective of the vehicle
Live tracking displays the current odometer, battery level and the fuel level for the selected
Battery level above the odometer displays the current battery level of the device for the
selected vehicle.
The vehicles nearby option will allows the user to search the vehicles by the location for the
selected radius within 1/5/10/50/100/300/500/1000 Kms. It also allows the user to search
various location as per their needs.

The Breadcrumb Tracking allows the user to search the activity of the device for a selected
period of time in a map view.
Explore trips helps the user to Breadcrumb the vehicle trip on which the selected
information data packets in the breadcrumb feature is located. This highlights normal route
points, route deviation points and idling points the trips is displayed only till the selected
point of interest from the start point of the trip.
The reports option provides different reports for the fleet management. The report
available in the portal are
1. Fleet Summary
2. Vehicle Summary
3. Comparison
4. Highlights
5. Exception
6. Maintenance
The Fleet Summary will display different Analytics reports by Group/Subgroup/All Devices
for the selected time period. It provides the option for the user to export the details as
Image, PDF and XLS file. The reports are
1. Total Runtime vs Total Idling Time
2. Peak Running time
3. Distance
4. Daily Fuel Expenditure
5. Daily Trip Count
6. Driving Behaviour
It provides the user to export the details in
1. Image
2. PDF
3. XLS

Total Running Time vs Total Idling Time

It displays the pie chart representation for the total running time vs total idling time for the
complete fleet for the selected period of time.
Peak Running Time
It displays the peak driving time from 00:00 to 06:00 Hours, 06:00 to 12:00 hours, 12:00 to
18:00 hours, and 18:00 to 24:00 with the numbers of trips for each driving time for the
selected fleet for the time period selected.

It shows the pie chart representation of the distance travelled in Meters on each day for the
selected fleet for the time period selected.
Daily fuel Expenditure
It display the daily fuel expenditure in respective currency as per the settings on each day
for the selected fleet for the time period selected.

Daily Trip Count

It display the daily trip count that is the number of trip count on each day for the selected
fleet for the time period selected.

Driving Behaviour
It display the daily number of incidence like Harsh Braking, Sudden Acceleration, and
Speeding on each day for the selected fleet for the time period selected.
The Highlighted Trips display the summary of the Top 5 trips of the selected device. It
display the details of the trip like
1. Distance
2. Top Speed
3. Fuel Expenditure
4. Idling Time
5. Mileage
6. Time
7. Cost per KM
8. Idling Time Cost

The vehicle summary display the details that is available in the dashboard for a selected
vehicle for a selected period of time. It display the details like
1. Key Performance Indicator for the current Month (All Vehicle)
a. Total Distance Travelled in Miles or Kilometre based on the user settings
b. Time Spent Idling In Hours and Minutes
c. Fuel Expenditure in USD or any other currency based on the user settings
d. Total Engine Run Time in Hours and Minutes
e. Time Spent Idling Cost in USD or any other currency based on the user
f. Total Maintenance Cost in USD or any other currency based on the user
2. Driving Behaviour count for the current month
a. Harsh Braking
b. Speeding
c. Sudden Acceleration
d. Time Sent Idling

The Comparison Analytics report provides the details of a selected vehicle for the selected
period of time. It can identify which are the vehicles need more attention which leads to
increased efficiency of the fleet. It provides the user to export the details in Image, PDF and
Excel File. It provides the details like
1. Driving Time
2. Distance
3. Trip Count
4. Idling Time
5. Top Speed
6. Top Fuel Expenditure

Driving Time
It display the driving time of the fleet in a pie chart representation. It displays the complete
fleet driving time for the selected time frame.
It display the distance for the selected vehicle in a pie chart representation. It displays the
complete fleet distance travelled for the selected time frame.

Trip Count
It display the total trip count for the selected vehicle in pie chart. It displays the Trip count
for the selected time frame.
Idling Time
It display the idling time of the fleet in a pie chart representation. It displays the complete
fleets idling time for the selected time frame.

Top Speed
It display the top speed recorded in the device for the fleet in a chart representation with
the cost and the device ID.
Top Fuel Expenditure
It display the top fuel expenditure of the device in the fleet in a chart representation with
the cost and the device ID.

The Comparison Trip report provides the top 5 longest trip for the selected vehicles in the
fleet for the selected time frame.

The Highlights reports provides the High level details of the vehicle and the option to export
in different file format and the details that displayed are
1. Average Daily Fuel Expenditure
2. Highest Fuel Spending on a Day
3. Average Monthly Fuel Expenditure
4. All-Time Top Speed
5. Longest Distance Travelled in a Day
6. Average Daily Distance Travelled
7. Total Distance Travelled
8. Longest Distance Travelled in a Month
9. Longest Driving Time in a Day
10. Average Idling Time per Day
11. Overall Time Spent behind the Wheel
12. Average Driving Time per Day
13. Average Driving Time per Month
14. Month with Longest Total Driving Time

The Exception reports provides information for the selected sub group with the combination
of one or more criteria like Total Idling Time, Total Driving Time, Speed, Number of Sudden
Acceleration and Number of Harsh Braking for the selected period of interval.
The Maintenance report provides the maintenance Cost per km / Cost per month / Cost per
year incurred for a selected device/vehicle or the complete maintenance cost for a selected
period of time.
It displays the cost
1. Per Kilometre
2. Per Month
3. Per Year

Route Optimization
Route optimization allows the Admin to Create/ Mange the route for the location
Manage route provides the option to displays the list of generated routes which can
then be managed with the sub features like
1. Assign
2. Un Assign
3. Edit
4. Delete

Route Compliance provides the option for the user to check the vehicle deviation from the
trip route. The user can choose maximum 3 different trips as a route compliance.
Geo Fence
The Geo Fence allows the admin user to create/manage and assign the fence for the
selected vehicle. The user can create a circular/polygon fences with different radius.
It also provides the user to create multiple Geo fence.
The polygon fence provides the user to draw and create a fence of their desire.
Group Management
Group Management allows the Admin user to Create / manage the group created
and the option to manage multi user and their roles.It displays
1. Group Name
2. Group Username with the option to edit the Username
3. Group Email
4. Subgroup
5. Date Created
6. Actions
When Subgroup is selected it provides the option to edit or delete the Sub group details.
It displays the details like
1. Username
2. User Email
3. Number of Devices
4. Devices Name
5. Time Created
6. Action

The action provides the user to edit the User name and Permission Type.

The Delete user option provide the user to delete the group and it will restrict the user to
delete if any device is linked to that user
It provides the user to reset the password for the selected user.
When the edit option is selected from the “Selected Subgroup” it provides the option to edit
the below details.
1. Subgroup Name
2. Subgroup Email
3. Permission Type

When delete option is selected it prompts the user to remove before deleting the
The Edit option provided under the Subgroup Username. It allows the user to edit the
username of the subgroup.

It provides the user to create new user and manage multi user.
When the user select the option “Create a New User”, it provides the user to create new
user with the details like
1. User Name
2. User Email
3. User Password
4. Permission Type
When manage multiuser is selected it display the
1. Admin User
2. Group User
3. Subgroup User

Under Admin Multiuser it provides the option to edit

1. Login Username
2. User Type
3. Group
4. Multi User Email
5. Permission Type and
6. Phone Number
It provide the user to delete, disable and reset the password for the selected user
Driver Management
Driver Management provides the Admin user to Create / Mange the drivers. It
mostly involves the Admin user to
1. Add
2. Edit
3. Delete
4. Enable
5. Disable
6. RFID Mapping
It allows the admin user to assign the driver for a selected vehicle, Manage schedule for the
selected vehicle or Drivers
It provide the report like
1. Summary Report
2. Time Sheet Report
3. Trips Report
It helps the user to manage the RFID by Driver or by RFID
The below screen provides the option for the user to assign the drivers from the drivers list
to the vehicle from the vehicle list

Vehicles under Manage schedule provides the detail of the driver info with the driver ID,
Driver Info, Vehicle Name, Start Time and End Time for the vehicle for the selected period of
Drivers in the Manage schedule provides the schedule for all the driver for the selected
period of time. It provides the option to filter the details based on the driver name.

Summary reports under Driver Managements-> Reports provides the summary report for
the driver for a selected period of time. It provides the detail like
1. Driver Name
2. Total Driving Time
3. Total Idle Time
4. Top Speed
5. Total Distance
6. Sudden Acceleration
7. Harsh Braking
8. Speeding
It provides the option for the user to export the details in .XLS file
The time sheet report provides the details for the selected time period. It provides the
details like
1. Driver ID
2. Driver Info
3. Vehicle Name
4. Vehicle Plate No
5. Start Time
6. End Time

The Trip report provides the information like

1. Driver ID
2. Driver Name
3. Vehicle Name
4. Distance in (Miles/Kilometre)
5. Top Speed in (Miles/Kilometre per Hour)
6. Trip Start Point
7. Trip End Point
8. Start Time
9. End Time
10. Action
The action provide the option to view the trip detail and the option for the play back/ Export
Trip / Explore Trip / Classify the Trips

Manage RFID provides the option for the user to Manage the RFID by Driver or by RFID. It
displays the details like
1. Device ID
2. Device Type
3. Device ID
4. Device Token
5. Status
6. Drivers Name
Manage RFID by Driver provides the option to search the details based on the Driver Name.
Manage RFID by RFID provides the same list of details as displayed by Manage RFID by
Driver and it provides the option to search the details based on Device ID.

The device management allows the admin user to manage the device connected to
the vehicle/ Group/ Subgroup. It allows the user to deactivate the device, assign the device
to another group.
The user can view the list of Active, Deactivated the device and the option to upload single/
Bulk devices for the selected Group/ Subgroup/ User. The user can download the data
uploaded on different dates.
The Active Device displays the details as below
1. Device ID / IMEI
2. Vehicle Name
3. Vehicle Plate Number
4. Group/Subgroup
5. User Email
6. Actions
The Actions provides the user to deactivate device, Move the device to another group and
device settings.
Once Deactivate option is selected a pop up with the option to confirm the deactivation
with the password with the option to proceed with the deactivation or to cancel the
deactivation process.

When move the device to another group is selected it provides the option to move or to
cancel the process.
When the user proceed with the process it provides the option to select the new Group,
Subgroup and User Name.

The Deactivated device list the details of the devices that are deactivated. It displays the
Device ID, IMEI and the option to active the same in the actions.
The Upload history provides the details like
1. Uploaded ID
2. Uploaded Date
3. Action
Action provides the option to download the details uploaded

Device subscription option allows the Admin user to view the subscription for devices linked
and allows to renew the subscription for the selected device.

The Alert provides the Admin user to view the different alerts of the vehicle. The
different alerts available are
1. SOS
2. Ignition ON/OFF
3. Geo Fence IN/OUT
4. Speeding
5. Fatigue
6. Tow
7. Telecut
8. Low Battery
9. Power cut
10. Vibration
11. Idling Time
12. Start/Stop
13. Reminder
14. Collision
15. Route Deviation
16. Out Of Hours
17. Harsh Cornering
18. Door Open/Close
Alerts settings provides the option for the user to enable or disable the different
alerts for the selected vehicle.

The settings option allows the admin user to manage different settings like
1. Profile
a. Change Password
b. Units
c. Manage Alerts
d. Language
e. Privacy Settings
2. Vehicle
a. Vehicle Info
b. Safety
c. Odometer
d. Fuel
e. Service Reminder
3. Expense Log
a. Fuel Log
b. Service Log
4. Vehicle Documents
a. Driver’s License
b. Insurance
5. Amber Shield Subscription for the selected device
In the change password option provided under Settings-> Profile. It allows the user to
update the password by entering the old password with the new password with the
confirmation of the new password.

Manage alerts provides the option for the user to manage the alerts like
1. Engine Alert
2. Driving behaviour Alert
3. Ignition Alert
4. Voice Notification
5. Offers and Deals
6. Monthly Report
7. Email Alert
8. Fleet Summary Report
It provides the option for the user to update the preferred language from the options
provided. The options provided are English, Spanish or Russian.

Privacy settings display the updated terms and privacy policy of Amber connect
The vehicle option under the settings provides the user to update the vehicle Information.
The vehicle information are
1. Vehicle Name
2. Brand
3. Year of Make
4. Model
5. Vehicle VIN Number
6. Vehicle Plate Number
7. Fuel Type
8. Seating Capacity
9. Vehicle Type and
10. Vehicle Image and the option to upload the vehicle Image.
In the Safety option provided under Settings -> Vehicle, It provides the option for the user to
1. Add Emergency Contact
2. Set Speed Limit
3. Set Idle Time Threshold
4. Set Driving Fatigue Threshold
5. Set Vibration Alert
6. Set Up Route Compliance
7. Set Out of Hours

In the Odometer option provided under the Settings-> Vehicle it provides the option to
update the odometer reading with the option to update the Average Mileage.
The Fuel option under the Settings-> Vehicle provides the user to enter the details
1. Fuel Tank Capacity (Gallon)
2. Current Fuel Level (Gallon)
3. Fuel Price / Gallon (USD)
4. Average Mileage (Mi/G)
After entering the details it display the Range

The Service reminder option under the Settings-> Vehicle provides the user to create service

The different service reminder that can be created are

1. Oil Change
2. Tyre Change
3. Service
4. Oil Filter Change
5. Battery Change
6. Tyre Rotation
7. Wheel Alignment
8. Air Filter
9. Inspection
10. Spark Plug
11. Timing Belt Change
12. Brake Pad Change
13. Coolant Change and
14. Others
After selecting the Reminder Type the user is required to enter the Odometer reading and
the reminder date in which the user needs to be notified.
Under the Active option it display the details of the Active service for the selected device.
Under the Complete/Delete option it displays the details of the service that is
It provides the option for the user to export the details in .XLS file

The Fuel Log option under the settings-> Expense log it provides the option for the user to
select the device and add/view the fuel expense for the selected device.
For Adding the Expense user is required to enter the
1. Date
2. Amount Spent
3. Volume
4. Odometer Reading
5. Receipt Image
The Expense can be filtered based on the dates. It provides the option to export the details
in .XLS file. It display the details like
1. Date
2. Amount
3. Odometer Reading
4. Volume
5. Receipt
6. Action
Under Receipt it provides the option to view the receipts attached for that particular log.
Action provides the user to delete that particular record

The Service Log option under the settings-> Expense log it provides the option for the user
to select the device and add/view the service expense for the selected device.
For Adding the Expense user is required to enter the
1. Date
2. Amount Spent
3. Odometer Reading
4. Comments and
5. Receipt Image

The Expense can be filtered based on the dates. It provides the option to export the details
in .XLS file. It display the details like
1. Date
2. Amount
3. Odometer Reading
4. Description
5. Receipt
6. Action
Under Receipt it provides the option to view the receipts attached for that particular log.
Action provides the user to delete that particular record

Driver’s License under Setting-> Vehicle Documents provides the option for the user to
View/update the Driver’s Name with Image, License Number with Image and Expiry Date
Insurance under Setting-> Vehicle Documents provides the option for the user to
View/update the Insurance Provider, Insurance Number, Expiry Date and Insurance Image

Registration under Setting-> Vehicle Documents provides the option for the user to
View/update the Registration Number, Issue Date, Expiry Date and Registration Image
Fitness under Setting-> Vehicle Documents provides the option for the user to View/update
the Fitness Certificate Number, Issue Date, Expiry Date and Certificate Image

The Amber Shield option provided under the Settings option to activate/de-activate the
Sentry, Parking Shield and Night Guard with Start Time and End Time.
Sentry mode when enabled will sound a distinctive alert on your app, if your vehicle
registers activity such as ignition is turned on, towed, device is tampered or a significant
vibration occurs.
Parking shield when enabled will sound a distinctive alert on your app and perform engine
shut down if any activity is registered.
Night Guard when enabled if any activity is registered by the device within the set hours it
will automatically disable the engine while sounding an alert.
The reset option resets the amber shield to disable and also reset the time periods entered
by the user.
Session Info
Session Info provides the details of the user login information live session info and its
It displays the details like
1. User Name
2. User Type
3. Group/Sub Group Name
4. Ip Address
5. Location
6. Last Active Date Time
7. Login Time
8. Access Type
9. Status and
10. Action
Live displays the clear data with the following stat for the Live Session Info - User Name,
User Type, Group / Sub Group Name, Ip Address, Location, Last Active Date Time, Login
Time, Access Type, Status, Action(Terminate)and provides the option for the user to
terminate selected Logins. This is additional security feature that helps the user to force
logout of all active sessions following which he/she can change the password.
History displays the same data as live but it provides the option to filter based on Date, User
type, session type.

The Tips displays a whole Step by Step Guide for the Fleet Portal access as follows –
Step 1: Signup your Fleet
Step 2: Login
Step 3: Dashboard View
Step 4: Group Management
Step 5: Subgroup Management
Step 6: Device Management
Step 7: Birds Eye View
Step 8: View Trip History
Step 9: Trips List
Step 10: Trips Details
Step 11: Live Tracking Vehicles
Step 12: Individual Report
Step 13: Comparison Report
Step 14: Comparison Report
Step 15: Notification Details
Step 16: Safety
Step 17: Profile
Step 18: Measurement Unit
Step 19: SOS
Step 20: Overall Notifications.

Help option will re-direct to a new page where the customer can chat will the Amber
connect team for their query.

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