Surge Suppression Applictation Notes 2013
Surge Suppression Applictation Notes 2013
Surge Suppression Applictation Notes 2013
surge suppression
Applications notes
Description Page
(Current revision date) Purpose of standard/comments
Inputhigh energy
transient disturbance:
20,000V IEEE category C3 impulse 20,000V
Best achievable
performance with single TVSS
at main panel (800V at Stage 1)
25 uS 50
Figure 9 is a graph published by protectors at the termination of Percent of strokes in which current exceeds ordinate (%)
the IEEE Std. 1100 (the Emerald these facilities are normally not
Book) and by the ANSI/IEEE designed to withstand the full FIGURE 9. DISTRIBUTION OF LIGHTNING STROKE CURRENTS
C62.42 committee responsible crest current of direct strokes.
IEE STD. C62.42, 1992 PAR 3.1.1.
for surge protection devices.
The IEEE lightning research pro-
vides the following conclusions:
Stroke current is related to
the lightning strike (traveling
between a cloud and earth
or between clouds)
DESCRIPTION 480V (277V L-N) 208V (120V L-N) 480V (277V L-N) 208V (120V L-N)
Let-through voltages
(based IEEE test waves):
Cat. C3 (20 kV, 10 kA) >1500V >1000V 900V 470V
Cat. C1 (6 kV, 3 kA) >1200V >1000V 800V 400V
Cat. B3 (6 kV, 500A, 100 kHz) >1500V >1000V 200V <150V
Internal monitoring capabilities No No Yes (most quality devices) Yes (most quality devices)
(identify internal failure and
activate remote alarm or lights)
EMI/ RFI filtering No No Yes (most quality devices) Yes (most quality devices)
Internal fusing No No Yes (most quality devices) Yes (most quality devices)
(overcurrent protection)
Design Gapped MOV Gapped MOV MOV/filter (hybrid) MOV/filter (hybrid)
Interrupts power (crowbar) Yes (typical 1/2 cycle) Yes (typical 1/2 cycle) No No
Failure Explosive Explosive Trips breaker/fuse Trips breaker/fuse
Warranty Limited Limited 5 years or more 5 years or more
(on most quality devices) (on most quality devices)
Life expectancy Limited Limited >25 years >25 years
(throw-away devices) (throw-away devices) (if sized appropriately) (if sized appropriately)
0 10 20
No filter
Poor filter
Quality filter
Voltage (volts)
0 50 100 150
Time (microseconds)
Voltage (V)
from powerline transients. SPDs 400
tance (about 1 to 10 nanohenrys
are installed in the AC power
per inch). This inductive effect is
system at the service entrance 300
the dominating factor in overall
and panelboards, and some-
response timenot the SAD
times at the load. SPDs are also 200 Silicon avalanche diode: Note 52 SADs are
reaction time.
required on data communication equivalent surge current rating as the 1 small MOV
lines to prevent ground loops 3. Note that hybrid filters (MOVs 100 illustrated. For a complete device, a significant
and induced surges, which can combined with capacitive filter- number of SADs are required.
damage equipment. ing) react the fastest because
the capacitors activate 1 10 100 1000 10000
In AC power applications, over
instantaneously to any high
95% of SPDs use metal oxide Surge current (A)
frequency surge.
varistors because of their high-
energy capability and reliable Myth number two: MOVs
clamping performance. For degrade resulting in short life
added performance, hybrid expectancy of the SPD and MOVs are rated from 6500A to Failure mode. SAD manufactur-
designs (MOVs and capacitive unsafe failures. SADs do not 40,000A, making them more ers claim that their units do not
filter) are typically specified. degrade and are safer to use. reliable for AC power systems. degrade. Rather than degrade,
A small number of SPD manu- Life expectancy of SADs is Quality SPDs often parallel the SAD fails in a short circuit
facturers still promote the use of much lower than that of an MOVs to achieve surge current mode at much lower energy
silicon avalanche diodes for AC MOV (see Figure 13). A single ratings in excess of 250,000A levels than a MOV. A properly
applications. These companies SAD will be damaged by a surge per phase. These results can be constructed MOV suppressor
attempt to scare customers under 1000A. Given that IEEE verified through independent will not degrade, even when
into buying a premium-priced C62.41 requires SPDs to with- testing at lightning labs. At exposed to thousands of
unit by publishing misleading stand 10,000A surges, SADs these ratings, the SPD will high-energy strikes. Ask your
information about MOV surge do not have sufficient energy operate effectively for over 25 supplier to provide indepen-
components. The following sec- capabilities for service entrance years in IEEE-classified high dent testing to guarantee the
tion summarizes the marketing or branch panel applications. To exposure environments. device achieves the published
claims and technical insights hide this weakness, SAD devic- surge current ratings (and thus,
es often publish Joule ratings Paralleling SADs is more difficult the required life expectancy).
regarding SADs suppressors.
or wattage instead of publishing than with MOVs. Suppressors Degradation problems do exist
surge current capacity per phase using parallel SADs require a sig- with the very inexpensive surge
Three SAD myths and reality nificant amount of components,
(a more reflective performance bars. These devices are usu-
Myth number one: SADs have criteria). which reduce the overall ally manufactured offshore and
a faster response time (e.g., 5 device reliability. are poorly constructed utilizing
picosecond compared to 1 nano- Note: IEEE and NEMA do not underrated MOVs. These low-
recommend the use of Joule Given the limited energy ratings
second for MOVs). The faster of SADs, these devices are not quality devices should not be
SAD response time results in ratings for SPD comparison. compared to the SPDs typically
recommended for panelboard
improved SPD performance. or switchboard applications. used at panelboards or service
1. NEMA LS-1 and IEEE commit- Similarly, hybrid designs using entrance locations.
tees do not mention the use of MOVs and SADs do not achieve
response time as an SPD speci- component synergies. In
fication. All SPDs have sufficient high-energy applications,
response time to turn on and for example, the SADs are
shunt surges. The response the weak link because the
time of an MOV is 1000 times SADs and MOVs cannot be
faster than the time it takes for coordinated to work together.
a surge to reach full current (i.e.,
8 microseconds). Response time
is not an appropriate criteria to
use when specifying SPDs.
2. The response time for a SAD
device is equivalent to that of an
MOV device. Response time of
Metal oxide varistor (MOV) Highest energy capability, excellent reliability and consistent performance, better mechanical connectivity for
paralleling multiple components. Nonlinear clamping curve gradually degrades over repeated use (only at high
surge levels), moderate capacitance.
Silicon avalanche diode (SAD) Flatter clamping curve, excellent reliability and consistent performance. Very low energy capability, expensive.
Selenium cells Moderate to high-energy capability. Very high leakage current, high clamping voltage, bulky, expensive,
obsolete components.
Gas tubes High-energy capability, very low capacitive (requirement for data line applications). Unpredictable and unstable
repetitive behavior, crowbar to ground (unsuitable for AC systems), expensive.
Hybrid SPD MOV/filter is most common hybrid; incorporates the advantages of other components while overcoming the
problems associated with each individual component (achieves long life expectancy, faster response, better
clamping performance). Inherent problems with hybrid SPDs using MOV and SAD, or devices using selenium
cells (inability to have the various components work together).
Installation criteria order
300 of importance:
200 1. Lead length 75% reduction
2. Twisting wires 23% reduction
100 3. Large wire minimal reduction
3 ft. lead length 1 ft. lead length
Loose wiring Twisted wires twisted wires
..................................................... suppressors, because they can many modular designs.
provide misleading and 1. If one module is damaged,
..................................................... conflicting information. For all modules should be replaced
example, on a 120V system, a (undamaged modules are
..................................................... 150V or 175V MOV could be stressed and provide unbal-
used. Even though the 175V anced protection). Eaton, as well
..................................................... MOV has a higher Joule rating, as several other manufactur-
the 150V has a much lower ers, recommends a complete
..................................................... let-through voltage and offers replacement, or replacement of
better surge protection. all modules to ensure safety
..................................................... Joule ratings are a function of and reliability.
let-through voltage, surge 2. Easy to cheat on performance
..................................................... current and surge duration specifications (often suppression
(time). Each manufacturer may ratings are for an individual
..................................................... use a different standard surge module; unit ratings are
wave when publishing Joules. not published).
Given the confusion regarding
Joule ratings, the power quality 3. Modular designs utilize
FIGURE 19. INTERNALLY GENERATED RINGWAVE industry does not recommend banana pin connectors to con-
the use of Joule ratings in nect modules rather than a low
Note: Ringwaves typically resonate within a facility at frequencies impedance bolt-on connection.
performance specifications.
between 50 kHz and 250 kHz.
Response timeAll suppres-
sors have sufficient response
..................................................... time to react to surges. In fact,
..................................................... Let-through voltage
with filter
..................................................... 0
Eaton Corporation
Electrical Group
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Tel: +86 (21) 52000391 (Jack Wang) with all options installed. Although every
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