Greer Citizen E-Edition 6.27.18
Greer Citizen E-Edition 6.27.18
Greer Citizen E-Edition 6.27.18
D5 budget funds
Greer is moving forward,
following the approval of
10 requests last week.
The Greer Planning Com-
23 new positions
mission greenlighted four
annexations, four rezon-
ings and two subdivisions
last Monday night, despite
BY BILLY CANNADA increase on the general residents concerns regard-
EDITOR operating side of the bud- ing traffic and privacy.
get. The first request, locat-
The Spartanburg Dis- The board cited contin- ed at 1689 Gibbs Shoals
trict Five School Board of ued challenges due to en- Road, is to annex 10.61
Trustees unanimously ap- rollment growth as its rea- acres and to establish
proved a $85,770,474 for son for an increase in the DRD zoning to develop 39
the coming fiscal year on debt service millage this FILE PHOTO | THE GREER CITIZEN single-family units while
Monday night. year. The exact amount for the second request, locat-
The budget reflects a
5.3 percent increase over
the previous year, and will
that increase will remain
unknown until tax assess-
ments are released later
Let freedom ring ed next to the first, is to
annex 10.91 acres and to
establish DRD zoning to
mark the ninth consecu- in the fall. This increase The City of Greer’s Freedom Blast event will take place this Saturday at City Park. More develop 52 townhouses.
tive year with no millage SEE BUDGET | A5 details can be found inside this week’s Greer Citizen. SEE GPC | A3
Wellford Police
searching for
missing woman
The event is sponsored by First Baptist Church is lo- Good Shepherd Epis-
the Church of Jesus Christ cated at 202 W. Poinsett copal is holding its third
of Latter-day Saints. Street, Greer. annual Golf Tournament,
“This is our way of re- “Go For The Green,” on
membering the great HAVEN RIDGE CHURCH Friday, June 29, at Greer
country in which we live TO HAVE VBS Golf & Country Club.
HOUR OF MUSIC WELCOMES as well as honor all Haven Ridge Church is The 18-hole “Captain’s
FOURTH OF JULY those who have paved holding Vacation Bible Choice” tournament will
An hour of music and the way for us. All are School nightly from 6-8 begin with a shotgun start
messages will welcome welcome to come and p.m. until Thursday, June at 12:30 p.m.
the Fourth of July holiday. join us,” said Sal Rossano, 28. VBS is for children who A Silent Auction will run
On Wednesday, June 27, event coordinator and lo- have completed grades from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
at 7 p.m., members of the cal Church leader. K-5th, and there will be and a Golf Awards Dinner
community are invited to The event, which is free games, fun and Gos- will take place at 6 p.m.
gather for patriotic music to the public, will be held pel stories. Haven Ridge Those who are interest-
performed by members at 1031 Boiling Springs Church is located at 25 ed in the Silent Auction
of the Upstate communi- Rd., Greer. Refreshments Noble St., Greer. do not have to golf to
ty, including gospel artist will be served following participate, and memora-
Serenity of Macedonia Mis- the program. Families are MILFORD BAPTIST TO HOST bilia inside the clubhouse
sionary Baptist Church in welcome. VBS “GAME ON” includes a Dr. Billy Gra-
Spartanburg led by music Milford Baptist Church ham photo gallery as well
minister, Rossi Hames. APALACHE SENIORS will be hosting “Game On,” as dining packages from
Classical vocalist Emma TO EAT OUT JUNE 28 its yearly Vacation Bible restaurants in Greer, jew-
Brooke Alley of the Con- On June 28, the “Golden School nightly from 6:30-9 elry and more.
verse College Lawson Hearts” plan to eat out at p.m.until Friday, June 29, Prizes will be given for
Academy will perform Lake Bowen Fish Camp. at 1282 Milford Church hole-in-ones and closest to
God Bless America. Road, Greer. Classes are the pin on par threes.
Latter-day Saint Church GREER FIRST BAPTIST TO for ages two through There will also be a Put-
309 Northview Drive • Greer
Member Hannah Thomp- HOLD SHIPWRECKED VBS youth. For more informa- ting Contest and a Chip-
son who played Belle in A summer kids’ event tion, visit the Facebook ping Contest with men 848-1935
South Carolina Children’s called Shipwrecked VBS page: @MilfordBaptist- and women awards for
Theater’s 2016 production will be hosted at Greer Greer. longest drive and closest
of Beauty & The Beast will First Baptist Church night- to line.
bayberry_good life 2”x5”-a
atkins ad group
The Greer Citizen
WELLFORD: Annexing
A native of Greer, SC, a 2:45 p.m. Sunday at the
daughter of the late John church.
L. and Nancy Freeman Memorials may be
Brewton, she was a retired made to Glassy Mountain
employee of Homelite and Church of God, 390 High- FROM PAGE ONE mond Wilkins asked about
a member of Fairview Bap- way 912, Travelers Rest, funds being sent to Start-
tist Church. SC 29690. budgeted $1,273,660,” ex as the city is paying the
Surviving are one Online condolences may said Guy. “Our expenses Startex Fire District $1,850
daughter, Sonja B. Mill- be made at www.thewood- totaled $1,244,319, so we due to an annexation in
er (Butch), of Greer; two were $29,341 under bud- the early 2000s.
sons, Michael Brannon get. “That happened years
(Ruth), of Landrum, and Mary Anne Hyman “In our contingency ac- and years ago,” said Town
Patrick Brannon, of Greer; count now, we have a lit- Clerk Lynne Lingo.
13 grandchildren; 19 Mary Anne Nix Hyman, tle over $55,000. We real- At that time, Wellford
great-grandchildren; and 85, passed away on June ly, really have been doing annexed property near
seven great-great-grand- 25, 2018. good financially.” Old Spartanburg Road.
children. A native of Greer, More funds are needed Now, Spartanburg County
She was also prede- daughter of the late Craw- in the coming year, how- continues to pay Wellford,
ceased by one daughter, ford Henry and Suni Kel- ever. which sends the money to
Teresa Brannon; three ly Nix, she was a member “Fuel alone, we went the Startex Fire District,
brothers, John L. Brewton, of Double Springs Baptist from $2,000 to $3,000, since the funds are for the
Robert Brewton, and Clyde Church. now we’re up to $4,000 fire service provided to
Brewton; and six sisters, Surviving are three sons, per month just because of that property.
Beulah B. Smith, Elmer Stephen Hyman (San- the price of the gas,” Guy “We’ve been paying that
B. Waters, Ruth B. Garri- dra Wyatt), of Cowpens, said. for years,” Lingo said.
son, Ruby Brewton, Nellie Robert Crawford (Patri- The city is paying “That’s area that Duncan
Brewton, and Margaret B. cia Egan), of Wakefield, $70,000 a year for state does not cover. It was a
Rand. Massachusetts, and Gary retirement. Startex area to begin with.”
Graveside services were Hyman (Gerri), of Simp- “That’s going to go up “They had to continue to PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN
held 11 a.m. Monday, June sonville; and five grand- every year until 2020,” cover that, and we had to
25, 2018 at the Mountain
View Cemetery, conducted
Mrs. Hyman was prede-
Guy said. “We may need to
look at the next year, rais-
pay them,” Lingo said. “It
was already a Startex dis- Monkeying around
by Dr. Wilson Nelson. ceased by one sister, Betty ing a little to offset some trict before we took it in
Visitation was held after Jane Nix Burnett. of the higher costs.” years ago.” Chase Duncan interacts with a monkey during craft time at
the service at the grave- A memorial service will “We haven’t raised it “That’s their money,” Greer First Baptist Church Vacation Bible School Monday.
side. be held 11 a.m. Thursday, since I’ve been back, these Guy said of the $1,850.
The family is at the June 28, 2018 at Double three years; I don’t know “That’s money the county
home of the daughter, Springs Baptist Church before that,” he said. pays them to cover areas.”
Sonja Miller, 611 Rayna conducted by Pastor Keith According to a letter “We’re not paying two
Dr., Greer, SC. Mincey. from the revenue and fire departments for the
Memorials may be Visitation will be held fiscal affairs office, Well- same thing,” he said. “Mu-
made to Greer Commu- 10-10:45 a.m. Thursday at ford’s population has in- nicipality districts and
nity Ministries, PO Box the church. creased 1.96 percent from fire districts may not be
1373, Greer, SC 29650 or In lieu of flowers, me- 2017, which is almost a exactly the same. The fire
Fairview Baptist Church, morials may be made to two percent increase be- district line may be differ-
Young at Heart, 1300 Lo- Double Springs Baptist fore adding the Startex an- ent from our municipality
cust Hill Road, Greer, SC Church, 3800 Locust Hill nexations. districts.”
29651. Road, Taylors, SC 29687. “Our cap would be 4.09 In other business, Well-
Online condolences may Online condolences may percent millage that we ford approved the first
be made at www.thewood- be made at www.thewood- could go up,” Guy said. reading of an Ordinance “We’ve kept taxes low.” to annex 17 more Startex
Council Member Wy- properties.
The Greer Citizen
wins run-
Staff reporter
off in a
mmigration is a tricky sub-
landslide ject.
Some who enter illegally
are allowed to stay without
consequence while others who
enter legally are prevented
Editor’s Note: Walk down from returning after visiting
memory lane with us! In up- their home country.
coming editions of The Greer Neither situation is appro-
Citizen, we will be taking a look priate.
at old newspapers and bring- Immigration laws are in place
ing you stories from the past to protect the citizens of a giv-
to commemorate our 100-year en country and to provide for a
anniversary. We hope this sec- uniform process of entry.
tion gives you a better look at Enforcing our laws brings to
the people, events and business- light which ones are good and
es that made the Greer area a which ones are bad.
great place to live for the past Recently, the national media
Century. has been voracious in its attack
against President Trump for
Thursday, June 26, 2008 GUEST EDITORIAL policies put in place before his
Small-town newspapers
“Baldwin wins landslide” Commentator Ben Shapiro
has pointed out the reactionary
Exactly 10 years ago this viewpoints.
week, Joe Baldwin defeated Some reports have miscon-
Tony Trout in a runoff to earn strued stories and photos to
he Greer Citizen accepts Let- This is a worry that animates discussion of may be “in a stronger position than their met- in part, “It is also the policy of
ters to the Editor. Letters local news in America. Circulation and ad rev- ro cousins”, according to a recent report by the this Administration to maintain
should be 125 words or less enue have been shrinking for years, as has the Tow Centre for Digital Journalism. That is cru- family unity, including by de-
and include a name and a phone number of newsroom staff. Papers have become cial. As Mr Nolan puts it, “We have to have a taining alien families together
number for verification. thinner or shut down altogether. America has free and vibrant press in America to be great in where appropriate and con-
The Greer Citizen reserves the lost a fifth of its newspapers since 2004. America.” That is as true of little towns in the sistent with law and available
right to edit any content. Media-watchers worry about “news deserts”, hills and hollows of Kentucky as it is in Wash- resources.”
Letters to the Editor can be or areas without any newspapers. The mere ington, DC. The law does not currently
mailed to 317 Trade St., Greer presence of reporters at city-council meetings allow children to be kept in
29651. can help keep them straight, says Al Cross, the This guest editorial was written and published by The Economist. custody with parents.
director of the Institute for Rural Journalism at
the University of Kentucky. | 877-2076
SAYS Bee Safe Storage to open
with celebration in Greer
BY KAELYN CASHMAN age solutions to the town The luxury wine cellars
Council honors
hobby that makes money
is called a business.
Hearing this is scary to
10 employees
have to be complicated.
You can go to your bank,
and using your Social BY KAELYN CASHMAN ReWa provided (June 7), “The work will include
Security number, open a STAFF WRITER we can get all of the de- extensive pipe lining of
for service
sole proprietor checking velopments/projects that priority sewers, necessary
account. Title the account Developments are now are in a holding pattern to point repairs to facilitate
with your full name, then moving forward in Tay- move forward,” Babb said. the lining, manhole reha-
DBA — doing business as lors. ReWa released flow bilitation, repair of decep-
— and the name of your Renewable Water Re- last week after receiving tive service laterals where
business. sources (ReWa) has re- a letter from the mutual appropriate and repair of BY KAELYN CASHMAN partment, 20 years), Paul
All your art income goes leased flow contingent for engineer, Aaron Frazier, smoke leaks,” he said. STAFF WRITER Brown (Fire Department,
into that account, and the area, following discus- outlining planned sewer TV data is currently be- 20 years) and Matt Hamby
any expenses paid where sions with elected officials rehabilitation work for the ing reviewed, and final City officials recognized (25 years).
your painting is con- and the Taylors Fire and rest of 2018 and 2019. rehabilitation will be de- 10 employees last Tues- According to the ordi-
cerned comes out of that Sewer District. “This letter presents termined and issued to day night during for their nance read by Danner,
account. After the income After Taylors Fire and a brief summary of the the Contractor by August service to Greer. “These employees have
goes in, and the expenses Sewer District recent- planned sewer rehabili- 1. The entire 2019 budget Mayor Rick Danner and served in a distinguished
come out, what’s left is ly hosted two meetings tation work over the next will be spent by June 30, City Administrator Ed and professional manner,”
profit. That’s what you’ll (May 21 and June 5) with year along with projected 2019. Driggers presented certif- and the city “wishes to of-
end up paying taxes on. representatives from Re- reductions in infiltration “Pre-rehabilitation flow icates of appreciation, and ficially recognize and com-
Also, you’ll be required newable Water Resources and inflow (I/I) volume,” monitoring has already an administrative day off mend these employees for
to do quarterly estimates (ReWa) as well as a few Frazier wrote. been performed in the with pay, to each of the the distinguished and ded-
and send them to the IRS elected officials, ReWa has Rehabilitation work for FY18 and FY19 areas,” employees. icated service which they
if you make more than released flow contingent 2018 included a remain- Frazier said. “Post-reha- For five years, Katherine have performed.”
$640 in a quarter. Always on Taylors following the ing budget of $300,000 bilitation flow monitoring Gordon has served in the City officials also an-
remember to always hold plan outlined. for additional pipe lining will be performed upon Building and Development nounced the retirement of
back 25 percent for taxes, “We want to see Taylors to be performed in System completion of the work to Standards Department Carroll Reynolds, who has
too, in a separate sav- grow,” Samantha Babb, di- 6 (flow restricted area), document I/I reduction.” while Shauna Marckley spent 14 years as a judge
ings account just for this rector of sewer services, and approximately 8,000 Frazier’s letter also and Meghan Weibel have in the City of Greer.
purpose. said. “It is great econom- feet of pipe lining along projected the removal of served in the Police De- Reynolds served in
ic development and jobs with necessary point re- about 320,000 gallons of partment. Greer from 2004 to 2018
happen when you have de- pairs and manhole reha- I&I by June 30, 2019, at a Jim Ridgill has served and a total of 31 years in
Follow up velopment going on.”
ReWa has been holding
bilitation with the work
to have been issued to the
cost of $2,300,000 using
$7 per gallon of I&I re-
in Administration while
James Compton and Ro-
municipal court.
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supervisor who truly cares he said. “I would love for future advancement and ed Howell, saying, “(He is)
for his team, the Greer Po- people to attend the event competitive pay.” a person that truly exhib-
lice Department, and the and if they so desire they Sharratta followed in his its a love for the profes-
community they serve. can make donations to father’s footsteps in be- sion, and a desire to serve
This is reflected in the help support that cause.” coming a law enforcement the community. Comes to
quality of work that each Prior to coming to Greer, officer. work every day ready to APY*
member of this officer’s Sharratta served in two “My father was a police serve the citizens of Greer FOR 7 MONTHS
team completes each day other states as a law en- officer for 28 years and re- and surrounding areas,
and it is readily apparent forcement officer for an tired as a Lieutenant,” he with a smile on his face.
that he has a strong pas- additional seven years. said. “I always found what He is a tremendous asset
sion for police work.” “I was working at a po- he did interesting. to the department and the
Sharratta has served as lice department Florida “I saw that it gave me a City. Continually going be-
a patrol officer, field train- after I moved there from chance to help my commu- yond what is required of
ing officer and supervisor Pennsylvania in 2002,” nity/home town and I’m him.” APY*
with the Greer Police De- Sharratta said. “My wife, not going to lie there is ob- Carl started his career FOR 25 MONTHS
partment. Kim, who at the time viously some excitement with the City of Greer Fire
“It was a great honor to worked for Entercomm involved. I had the chance Department in 1974 as a
be recognized by the Greer Communications had a to work with my father for volunteer, and he began
Chamber of Commerce promotional opportunity almost six years.” his full-time career with
and my department,” and Greenville SC was one One of his favorite as- city in 2004 as a firefight-
Sharratta said. “The citi- of the areas she was of- pects of the job is “get- er at the age 55. In 2007,
zens of Greer have always fered to move to. ting a chance to meet and he moved to the Fire Mar-
shown great support for “We fell in love with the interact with members of shal’s Office as a Deputy
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The Greer Citizen B
National BILLY
wins Sassy
district Penny
SPORTS EDITOR omewhere between
last Wednesday and
The GBC National 8U this Wednesday, my
coaches pitch team won daughter Penny developed
the District 1 Dixie Youth sass.
Baseball tournament last Our excitable first-born
weekend in Greer. is in her ninth month
GBC National defeated of life now, and she’s
Pendleton, Belton, GBC learning everything fast.
American, Seneca and Wal- My wife and I have been
halla to claim the champi- watching and waiting for
onship. what seems like an eter-
Greer’s other team, GBC nity—hoping to see her
American, defeated Sene- do or try something new.
ca, Westminster and Wal- Now, it’s like a ball is roll-
halla in the six-day event. ing downhill. She’s doing
The GBC National team something new everyday,
joins the 6U, 10U and 12U and sometimes you can’t
All-Star teams as district keep up.
champs, and will compete We could’ve waited a
in the upcoming South little while longer on the
Carolina Dixie Youth State PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN attitude though.
Tournament. Whether its changing
The GBC National 8U coaches pitch team is sliding into the South Carolina Dixie Youth State Tournament after several her diaper, laying her | 877-2076 wins last weekend. The team defeated Pendleton, Belton, GBC American, Seneca and Walhalla to claim the district title. down in bed, putting her
in the car seat or not
sharing your food—Penny
is going to let you know
if you’re doing something
CPW invites
she doesn’t like.
Her go-to method of
accomplishing this is an
ear-piercing scream and
cry that can be heard
from anywhere in the
If that doesn’t get the
reaction she’s looking
for, she resorts quickly to
to fish free
arching her back and kick-
ing her feet rapidly.
One thing is certain, if
you don’t come up with
a peace offering (such as
BY KAELYN CASHMAN food or a toy), she’s going
STAFF WRITER ‘We hope anglers to keep at it. She’s got
an attitude and a lot of
Fishing is free for every- that may be endurance. She’ll scream
one on July 4th at Lake until you acknowledge the
Robinson and Lake Cun- unfamiliar with our hurt you’ve caused.
ningham. It was my first glimpse
The Greer Commission lakes will take an into the future.
of Public Works commis- Up until this point, hav-
sioners unanimously ap- opportunity to visit ing a girl has only meant
proved the decision at good things. She’s sweat
their June 25 meeting, Greer and see what natured, cute as can be,
PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN waiving daily fees for the funny and easy-going.
holiday. we have to offer.’ I honestly thought she
Working with a freshman quarterback, the Blue Ridge high receiving corps will compete The state allows free was going to be immune
fishing on Independence to all the drama that
at Byrnes this Friday and Saturday. Day, as well as Memorial Gene Gibson comes with raising a little
Day. Chairman, Greer CPW girl.
Gfeller earns
him. “We knew we were go- on exit. Just kind of a few erybody down here. I just
“That was it – just hop- ing to do one stop,” said things compounded there can’t thank Kroger and
ing no caution would come Pearn. “That was kind of to add up to a few things ClickList enough, and my
out,” said Truex. “You nev- our plan. We just – we that didn’t work out to win guys. The car was good.
er know how these things really needed them to pit the race today.” I don’t know if it was a
are going to go. Last year, earlier for it to work out. Harvick’s Stewart-Haas race-winning car. We need-
I felt like we had the best It was a bit of a gamble Racing teammate, Clint ed a little work on the long
car and we didn’t win and obviously, but obvious- Bowyer, claimed the third run, but it’s just all on me.
then this year I wasn’t ly it paid off and worked finishing position at Sono- I don’t know what else to
sure we could beat the 4 out great. It’s tough. Ev- ma Raceway. Aside from say. I just let everybody
(Kevin Harvick). We were erybody is so good in this, having last weekend off, down.”
real equal. He was better it sometimes takes some- Bowyer entered Sonoma Kyle Busch now leads
early in the race. I felt like thing different to mix it up Raceway coming off a vic- the Monster Energy NA-
we caught up to him a lit- to pull one out.” tory at Michigan Interna- SCAR Cup Series stand-
tle, but he was going to be Kevin Harvick was tional Speedway. Sunday’s ings by 72 points over North Greenville’s Evan 71.2 in 17, total rounds
hard to beat either way. forced to settle for sec- effort marked Bowyer’s Kevin Harvick. Gfeller capped his col- of golf before the NCAA
legiate golf career with Southeast regional tour-
an honorable mention nament. The best round
All-American nod from of his senior season came
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help wanted
Freedom Blast
The Greer Citizen C
Team Fastrax professional parachute team will perform during the City of Greer’s Freedom Blast event on June 30.
The Erica Berg Collective will perform at 7:30 and 9 p.m. during the 2018 Freedom Blast.
The Erica Berg Collective Currently, Erica is sing-
will provide musical ener- BAND MEMBERS ing with her band The Er-
tainment during the Free- ica Berg Collective – soul,
dom Blast celebrating tak- Erica Berg blues, funk and rock at
ing the stage in City Park Vocals it’s finest. Though The
at 7:30 and 9 p.m. Erica Berg Collective is
With a bluesy voice Matt Morgan primarily a private event SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 | 2:00 PM | FINDLAY RESIDENCE
that’s uniquely her own, Lead Guitar, Vocals group, they can occasion-
Erica has been singing in ally be found in Greenville
the Greenville music scene Brendan Williamson restaurants and clubs,
for close to ten years, and Piano, Organ playing at local city events
has built a steady follow- like Fall For Greenville,
ing throughout the Up- Tony Kennedy and are actively involved
state. She’s a musician Saxophone, Vocals with Euphoria Greenville.
first and vocalist second, Erica does voice-over and
beginning her music ca- Sam Kruer vocal track work at Sit-n-
reer on the saxophone at Upright and Electric Bass, Spin Recording Studios 9AM & 10:30AM
the age of twelve. Because Vocals for many clients, includ-
she spent her grammar ing fête Magazine, she is
school through college Kevin Mavis a worship leader in local
years playing her horn Drums churches, and has built
in bands and orchestras, a reputation of kindness
she didn’t know the ex- official company, Eb Music and professionalism with-
tent of her abilities as a Solutions, LLC, and soon in the Greenville music
vocalist until 2007 when quit a teaching career to community.
she began singing in a lo- pursue music full-time. Erica is a Greenville na-
cal church. At that time In 2015, when the com- tive and a 2004 honor
she put her horn down to pany had become more graduate of Erskine Col-
focus on singing, and it than she could manage lege. While at Erskine,
has been her passion ever alone, she asked her fa- she studied abroad in
since. In September 2010, ther, Victor, to join her as both Mexico and Spain
she joined her first band, a business partner. They and received a Bachelor
WineDown, which was a rebranded the company to of Arts in Spanish. Before 3390 BRUSHY CREEK ROAD . GREER, SC
staple in Upstate clubs Collective Music Solutions pursuing music full-time, PRAISECATHEDRAL.ORG | 864.879.4878
and restaurants for sever- in 2016 and they have one she worked for former
al years. goal: providing top qual- Thirteenth Circuit Solici-
In 2012, Erica began to ity bands, musicians and tor Bob Ariail and taught
offer her band for hire DJ for all types of events Spanish at Hillcrest High
at private events. A year throughout the upstate School for six years.
later she started her first and beyond.
300 Trade Street, Greer, SC 29651
Ed Driggers
Greer City Administrator
Freedom Blast celebrations will culminate with the Zambelli fireworks display at 10 p.m.
Fireworks highlight July 4 events A military tribute will say ‘thank you’ to those who
Freedom Blast 2018 will Celebrate Simpsonville Slater-Marietta Freedom Fest Freedom Fun Fest
currently serve or have served the country.
conclude as it does each June 30, 6 p.m. July 3, 6-10 p,m. July 4, 4-10 p.m.
Military, veterans
year with a world-class Heritage Park Amphitheatre 205 Bates Bridge Road Kroc Center, Greenville
fireworks display by Zam- Simpsonville Travelers Rest
belli Fireworks at 10 p.m. Red, White, and Boom
The displays include July 4, 6-10 p.m.
are at center
a variety of shells and All American Blast Salute to America Barnet Park, Spartanburg
high-intensity multi-shot July 1, 4-10 p.m. July 4, 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
devices that awe and in- Commerce Park, Holly Springs Fire
spire. Fountain Inn and Rescue District Clearview Fireworks
of celebration
Zambelli Fireworks is Inman Spectacular
one of the largest fire- July 4, 6:30 p.m.
works companies in the Red, White & Blue Ridge Wells Fargo Red, White and Clearview Baptist Church
world with a history dat- July 1, 6:30 p.m. Blue Festival Travelers Rest
ing back to 1893. The com- Locust Hill Baptist July 4, 5-10 p.m. Since its inception in
pany puts on more than Travelers Rest Downtown Greenville 2009, the City of Greer
1600 fireworks shows a Freedom Blast has served
year. not only a way to celebrate 6:30 p.m.: God Bless America
Other area fireworks our nation’s heritage, but performed by the Pitch
displays include: as a way to thank current Hitters
and former military mem- 6:33 p.m.: Posting of the
bers for their sacrifices Colors
to maintain the country’s 6:35 p.m.: Preston B. Johnson
freedom. Veterans Walk
Each year, the festival 6:40 p.m.: National Anthem
takes a break from the performed by the Pitch
festivities to honor their Hitters
service. 6:42 p.m.: Pledge of
at fest
and veterans are invited to performed by Art Davis
participate in the tribute. 6:56 p.m.: Three Volley Rifle
Those participating in the Salute
Food and drink will be Veterans Walk are asked 6:58 p.m.: Taps
available during Freedom to gather at the Amphithe- 7:00 p.m.: Retire Colors
Blast from 6-10:30 p.m. ater Stage by 6:30 p.m. to
Beer sales will also be line up. have their trailer on hand
available at the event from A Fallen Heroes Ceremo- with representatives to
6-10 p.m. ny at 8:35 p.m. will recog- ensure that veterans are
Vendors include: nize those who paid the made aware of and have
O'Shields Concessions ultimate sacrifice. access to available ben-
Mimi's Japanese In addition to the cere- efits and organizations
Steakhouse monies, the S.C. Army Na- that may assist them. Or-
of Greenville tional Guard will display ganizations sending repre-
Merrell's Pizza vehicles on E. Poinsett sentatives to the event in-
Kickin' Pig BBQ Street. Visitors can climb clude: The Greer Chapter
Kings Concessions into a Bradley fighting ve- of Disabled American Vet-
Sno Hut hicle, transport truck or erans, American Legion
Pink Mama's Ice Cream troop carrier. Guardsmen Post 115, AMVETS Post 75,
FILE PHOTO | THE GREER CITIZEN Pelican's Snoballs will be on hand to answer Service Dogs for Veterans,
of Greer questions. the American Red Cross
The popular Rib Eating Contest sponsored by Texas Roadhouse will take place at 7:15 A complete list of menu DAV Chapter 39, a and Foothills Chapter 301
items can be found at founding partner of Free- of the Korean War Veter-
p.m. dom Blast, will once again ans Association.
ment. “Guests often tell abled American Veterans, children 18 months to
us that they leave Greer American Legion Post 6 years old. Adults who
City Park in awe after 115, AMVETS Post 75, purchase wristbands at
our fireworks shows Service Dogs for Veterans, the same price may climb
and we’re turning up the the American Red Cross a rock wall and challenge
dial to celebrate our 10- and Foothills Chapter 301 the spinning arms of the
year anniversary. We’ve of the Korean War Veter- Meltdown attraction.
worked with Zambelli to ans Association will be on Visitors are encouraged
include special shells and hand to provide support to come hungry and pur-
displays in this year’s information for veterans. chase dinner and dessert
Woods Chapel United Methodist 2388 Brown Wood Road • Greer
879-2913 Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church Sharon United Methodist Church
BAPTIST 201 Jordan Rd., Lyman • 879-2646 1421 Reidville Sharon Rd., Greer • 879-7926
For information Abner Creek Baptist Church Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
St. Mark United Methodist Church
about advertising
2461 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 877-6604
Airport Baptist Church
776 S. Batesville Rd., Greer • 848-7850
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church HEA
1002 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer • 877-6436
911 St.G
Rd., Taylors • 848-7141
N Church
St. Paul United Open301House
McCall St. • Greer
on this page, Apalache Baptist
4899 Jordan Rd., Greer • 895-3546
Providence Baptist Church IN F 3856 Highway 101, Greer • 895-5570
Victor United Methodist Church
call 864-877-2076. 1915 Gap Creek Rd., Greer • 877-6012
Bible Baptist Church
6645 Mountain View Rd., Taylors • 895-7003
2020 Gibbs Shoals Rd., Greer • 877-3483
Rebirth Missionary Baptist Church
2375 Racing Road, Greer • 877-0449
417 S. Buncombe Rd.
1 Wilson Ave., Greer • 877-5520
Woods Chapel United Methodist Church
Suite 7C
2388 Brown Wood Rd., Greer • 879-4475
Blue Ridge Baptist Church Riverside Baptist Church Zoar United Methodist Church Greer, SC 29650
3950 Pennington Rd., Greer • 895-5787 1249 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 879-4400 1005 Highway 357, Greer • 877-0758
BridgePointe Southside Baptist Church
600 Bridge Rd., Taylors • 244-2774
Burnsview Baptist Church
410 S. Main St., Greer • 421-5686
St. John’s Baptist Church
Blue Ridge Presbyterian Church
9690 Reidville Rd., Greer • 879-4006 2 Groveland Rd., Taylors • 879-2904 Sessions at 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 2HEARING
2094 Highway 101 North, Greer • 483-2140
Calvary Baptist
101 Calvary St., Greer • 877-9759
Suber Road Baptist Church Devenger Road Presbyterian Church SOLUTIONS
Calvary Baptist
445 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 801-0181 Come, Bring Your Rd.,
1200 Devenger Questions and Get Straight Unbiased
Greer • 268-7652 The Plaza Answers
Taylors First Baptist Church Fellowship Presbyterian Church
108 Forest St., Greer • 968-0092 417 S. Buncombe Road
200 W. Main St., Taylors • 244-3535 Try the New
SIQ Series
Creek Rd.,Rd., Greer • 877-3267 Jim Swiger H.I.S.
Calvary Hill Baptist United Family Ministries
First Presbyterian
Schedule your
• 877-8090 HEARING Greer, SC 29650
100 Edward Rd., Lyman
Calvary Road Baptist Church
13465 E. Wade Hampton Blvd., Greer • 877-3235 100 School St., Greer • 877-3612 AID Jim SCSwiger DHEC #412
Victor Baptist FREE HEARING TEST Church
Fulton Presbyterian Blue Cross Blue
821 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 879-3190 REPAIR
Licensed Hearing Aid Specialist
108 Bright Rd., Greer • 593-2643 121 New Woodruff Rd., Greer • 877-9686 Shield
SC DHEC #412
Camp Creek Baptist Church Washington Baptist Church Blue Cross Blue&Shield
1100 Camp Creek Rd., Taylors
ALL MAKES & Humana
250 Hannon Rd., Inman • 877-6765 Point of Life Church
Greer Locust Hill Baptist Church METHODIST
Wade Hampton Blvd. • Duncan • 426-4933
Bethel United Methodist Church
5534 Locust Hill Rd., Travelers Rest • 895-1771 Shekhinah Kind Glory Church
Maple Creek Baptist Church 105 E. Arlington Ave., Greer • 879-2066 4389 Wade
information 609 S. Main St., Greer • 877-1791 Covenant United Methodist Church
600 N. Main St., Greer • 655-4545
Springwell Church
about advertising Memorial Drive Baptist Church
570 Memorial Drive Ext., Greer • 877-7061
1310 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer • 244-3162
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
4369 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 268-2299
St. Andrews Anglican Church
awn Taylors
THE been
something that has been percolating in theCOMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL
14372E.E. WadeHampton
background in my heart and COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL
in my mind for two years.’ PO
PO Box
Box 101
Greer, SC
SC 29652
Company issues
SALES AND LEASE F:F: 864-877-0286
14372 E. Wade Hampton Blvd. W:
Jason Farr PO Box 101
Greer, SC 29652
Associate Pastor, Locust Hill Baptist Church
sss Climate
at 864-879-2117.
sss Year
Round 24/7
24/7 Service
Climate and Non-Climate
Representative Rita Allison
Dear Editor, will help the pet associate Climate and
Controlled Non-Climate
Year Round 24/7 Service
s Outside Parking Units
14372 E. Wade REMINDER
14372 E. Wade HamptonorBlvd.
Marty Satterfield,
Billy McCulloughthe area with other good
s Affordable Rates
s 101 sss Affordable
14373 E. Wade Hampton Blvd. • PO Box Rates
s Outside Parking Units
s Gated Storage with 24 Hour
Climate and Non-Climate Year Round 24/7 Service
s Gated Storage with 24 Hour
s and
With the Fourth of July PO Box
Box 101
101 at 864-879-2117. things. Rental Moving Van Surveillance Daily Access
Lrapidly Greer, SC 29652 Rental Moving
s Rental You
Moving Van
Are Why IJonathan
Surveillance and
Surveillance and Daily
Daily Access
Greer, SC
not SC 29652
29652 Formore
moreinformation,Controlled Units
Billy Outside Parking Units
s McCullough
and customers that some people and animals, pets are fireworks
14372 E.
PO Box
eld or Billy McCullough at 864-879-2117.
E. Blvd.
SC 29652 used. s
s Rental Moving Van
PO Box 101 Greer, SCFax:
29652 s Surveillance and Daily Access
14372 E. Wade Hampton Blvd.
Fax: 864-877-0286
pets adversely react to the not permitted at public events. You WadeFax:might consider
F: 864-877-0286
Billy McCullough or Marty Satterfield at 864-879-2117.
Controlled Units • Rental Moving Van • Outside
PO Box 101 Greer, SC 29652 14372 E.answered the
Wade Hampton Blvd. call in
*Must be 21 years of age.
Vice President,s s
Certain rules apply.
As members of the community,
we want what’s best for our hometown.
Brandi Presnell Diana Zapata Javier Espinosa Cynthia Lopata Julian Cabra Amanda Willis Yazmin Trejo Terra McKenzie Janice Berrios • 757-5555
Living Here
The Greer Citizen D
The Greer Police Department recently received a $1,000 donation from Pelican’s SnoBalls to help with community outreach efforts. The donation was made in Pelican Bucks.
Greenville will
install new
Taraji P.
Henson in
Riley sculpture
To honor voted to amend the South
Carolina Constitution to
allow Riley to serve a sec-
Greenville treasure. We are olina Hall of Fame.
“The Endless” (NR) SWANNANOA CHAMBER ‘The Tin Woman’ enthusiastic about the op- The sculpture commit-
-- Two brothers who MUSIC FEST SET FOR JULY June 19-30 portunity to have a sculp- tee is in the process of
To Do
escaped the clutches of The Swannanoa Cham- Centre Stage ture in the city’s center raising funds to pay for
a cult wilderness society ber Music Festival, now that will honor for all time the sculpture. Tax-deduct-
end up back at the com- in its 48th year, will cel- 233-6733 Dick Riley’s dedication to ible donations may be sent
pound 10 years later after ebrate its fourth year in public service, including to the Community Foun-
receiving a cryptic video Greenville with concerts Greer Cultural Arts quality education for all dation of Greenville, Riley
message from one of its
members. Their investiga- NEW LISTINGS | every Monday in July at
7:30 p.m. in the new Car-
Camp Ark 2018
Fairy Tale Art-Venture
Riley is the only Green-
Sculpture Fund, at 630
East Washington Street,
tion, driven by a need for olina Music Museum on July 9-13 villian to serve both as Greenville S.C., 29601, or
closure and some account MOONLIGHT MOVIES TO Heritage Green in down- Musical Theatre Camp South Carolina Governor made online at https://
of the supernatural events SHOW THE EMOJI MOVIE town Greenville. July 16-27 and as a member of a Pres-
surrounding the group’s The City of Greer will Three award-winning Tryon Recreation Center ident’s Cabinet. He was nate.php. Online donors
mission, uncovers strange continue its Moonlight quartets, two premiers South Carolina’s first two- should use the pull down
and unexplainable phe- Movies series on Thurs- and five musical programs 848-5383 term Governor in modern menu to designate the Ri-
nomenon: middle-aged day, June 28, with The are spotlighted, includ- times, the Legislature and ley Sculpture Fund.
residents with no evi- Emoji Movie. ing the premier of Alyssa ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ the state’s citizens having
dence of aging, multiple Movies are shown on Weinberg’s Clarinet Quin- Upstate Shakespeare
visible celestial bodies Thursdays in June and tet, with Benjamin Mitchell Festival
and an apparent portal in July in Greer City Park. playing the clarinet with Thursdays-Sundays,
the sky, for starters. It’s Free pre-show fun with in- the Enso quartet. July 5-29
written, directed, styled flatables, crafts, raffle and The lineup includes: Falls Park, Greenville
and starring cult film- dancing begins at 6 p.m. July 2: Nicholas Tamag-
makers Justin Benson and each evening. Movies be- na, countertenor; Jasper Liberty Bridge Jump-Off
Aaron Moorhead, of the gin at dusk. Quartet American Track League
socio-sci-horror “Spring,” For the safety of all at- July 9: Alyssa Weinberg’s July 27, 7-9 p.m.
and the hype is absolutely tending the movies, chil- Clarinet Quintet; Benjamin
warranted, with stirring dren 16 and under must Mitchell, clarinet, with the
visuals and impeccable be accompanied by an Enso quartet ‘I’m Every Woman:
pacing. adult at all times. Smoking July 16: Rosamunde A Celebration of Diva Hits’
and pets are not allowed. quartet; C Major String July 31, 7 p.m.
“In Darkness” (NR) For more information, Quintet Centre Stage
-- Natalie Dormer plays visit July 23: Tesla String
blind pianist Sofia, res- or call 968-7008. quartet 233-6733
ident of an apartment July 30: Alexander
building with beautiful LYMAN TO HOLD FAMILY Velinzon, violin; Elisa Bar-
and mysterious upstairs MOVIE NIGHTS ston, violin; Tatjana Mead-
neighbor Veronique (Em- The Town of Lyman will Chamis, viola; Mikhail
ily Ratajkowski). Vero- hold Family Movie Nights Istomin, cello; Joe McFad- Jessica Lane
nique takes a tumble off on Thursdays through the den, bass; Inessa Zaretsky, Through June 30
her balcony, and a tight- summer. piano Artists Guild Gallery
lipped Sofia is questioned: The next showing is For more information, of Greenville
Does the lack of sight scheduled for Thursday, visit www.scm-festival. artistsguildgallery
heighten her other senses, June 28, in the town am- com or call 828-771-3050.
and could she have been phitheater.
an aural witness to mur- Popcorn and drinks will ‘Passing Time’
der? Jan Bijvoet supports be available. Zane Logan
as Veronique’s father, Patrick Owens
Milos Radic, a Serbian Through July 1
businessman and war ‘Bloody Bloody RIVERWORKS Gallery
criminal whose fate is en- Andrew Jackson’
twined with Sofia’s. Does Through June 30
the “darkness” of the title Warehouse Theatre ‘Ruination’
refer to Sofia’s lack of 235-6948 Caren Stansell
sight, or the murkiness of Through Aug. 29
her situation? Artist talk: Aug. 9, 6 p.m.
Tall Tale Tuesdays Crutchfield Gallery
NEW TV RELEASES Tuesdays through July 24 Spartanburg County
“Black Lightning” Sea- 7-8 p.m. Headquarters Library
son 1 Greer Heritage Museum
“The Mick” Complete
Second Season
Genetic screening
may be helpful to some
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am do so much of the ener-
a 62-year-old female who TO YOUR gy consumption, muscles
weighs 97 pounds and is are most affected. These
4 feet, 10 inches tall. I’m a GOOD HEALTH disorders used to be con-
non-smoker, non-drinker. sidered rare, but it is now
I’m a mother of three, take thought that 1 in 10,000
no medications and have KEITH people may have one of
no medical issues except ROACH, M.D. these disorders (which
acid reflux. makes it uncommon, but
My brother died of Ewing syndrome, such as Ewing not rare). Mitochondria
sarcoma at 6. My 10-year- sarcoma, a primary bone come almost completely
old sister died of dysger- cancer, and dysgermino- from the mother, and as
minoma. Mom was diag- ma, a rare type of ovarian a result, a family histo-
nosed with colon cancer cancer. It’s possible that ry of muscle problems in
at 47 and died at 52. Dad your family has just been the maternal line suggests
died of pancreatic cancer very unfortunate. Still, I this diagnosis.
at 81 after being in remis- would recommend getting Mitochondrial myopa-
sion from prostate cancer more knowledge about thies range dramatically
for five years. On Mom’s any genetic risk you may in severity. They are di-
side, her sister and aunt have. agnosed with a combina-
also had colon cancer. With this information, tion of blood testing, EKG
What screenings do I you can learn the right (since some can affect
need? What screenings are screening strategies for heart muscle), EMG (a test
needed for my two daugh- yourself, as well as obtain of the electrical activity
ters, ages 41 and 43? My information that could of muscle), muscle biopsy
daughters’ paternal grand- potentially be valuable to and genetic tests of the
mother died of breast your siblings and children. mitochondria.
cancer at 72. My other sib- Unfortunately, I can’t
lings, a 56-year-old broth- *** give you any details at all
er and 68-year-old sister, about prognosis or treat-
are healthy. -- G.T. DEAR DR. ROACH: At ment, which require a
first the doctors thought specific diagnosis. Most
ANSWER: With so many my wife had myasthenia of these have no specific
cancers in your family, I gravis. After a series of treatment, though L-car-
would strongly suggest a tests, it was determined nitine, coenzyme Q10 and
visit with a genetic coun- that she did not have that creatine often are tried.
selor. The combination disease. However, the neu- Your wife’s neurologists
of colon, pancreatic and rologists now think she will give you more infor-
prostate cancer suggests has mitochondrial myopa- mation.
a genetic syndrome, such thy. Can you tell us a little
as Lynch syndrome and more about this disease, Dr. Roach regrets that
BRCA 1 or 2, although please? -- R.R. he is unable to answer in-
your history isn’t classic dividual letters, but will
for either of these. There ANSWER: Mitochon- incorporate them in the
are many less-common drial myopathies are a column whenever possi-
familial syndromes that group of disorders of the ble. Readers may email
increase the risk for var- mitochondria, which are questions to ToYourGood-
ious cancers, and we are responsible for the pro-
gradually increasing our duction of energy inside To view and order health
knowledge of them. the cell. Almost all cells pamphlets, visit www.rb-
Some of the cancers contain mitochondria,, or write to
you mention are not as- but muscle cells are load- Good Health, 628 Virginia
sociated with any known ed with them. Since they Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Soap Updates
BY DANA BLOCK received a stern warning.
Chase gave in. Drew went
THE BOLD AND all out for Oscar. Sonny’s
THE BEAUTIFUL plans were interrupted.
Eric urged Hope to of- Carly’s curiosity got the
fer Sally a job on her better of her. Ava consid-
campaign. Thorne told a ered the alternatives. Alex-
disheartened Katie that is felt grateful. Kiki re-
Wyatt had already moved fused to back down. Chase
on with Sally. Incredulous made a promise. Jordan
that Eric hired Sally, Ridge learned the truth. Scott
reminded his father of all got an offer he couldn’t re-
of her past transgressions fuse. Lulu received a sec-
against Forrester Cre- ond chance. Drew paid Liz
ations. Meanwhile, Hope CBS | ED MCGOWAN a visit. Sam helped Jason.
cautioned her staff to be Lucy worried about Kevin.
vigilant in protecting their Joshua Morrow stars as Jason and Spinelli caught
designs and to keep an eye ‘Nick’ on ‘The Young and a break. Wait to See: Mi-
on Sally and Emma. Sally chael surprises Nelle.
opened up to Ridge about
The Restless’
all that she had been THE YOUNG AND
through these past few Stefan and warned him to THE RESTLESS
months. Charlie watched stay away from his wife. Summer continued to
Emma taking inventory Hope had a stunning re- annoy Kyle at work by up-
and suspected that she alization regarding Ciara. staging his presentation. THE SPATS by Jeff Pickering
also was taking photos of Ben and Ciara grew closer. Despite his initial anger,
the clothing. Emma was Abigail confided in Gabi Kyle soon realized that
forced to defend herself to that she was pregnant but Summer actually helped
Maya about her motives. uncertain of the father. him save face. The two
Liam previewed the new Kayla gave Steve some renewed their friendship,
Hope for the Future web- good news, but had to lie but Summer was surprised
site to Thorne. Wait to See: to him. A desperate Leo to find herself jealous
A blackmailer has an un- sought out Sonny. Hope when Kyle started dating
expected and unexplained told Rafe that she believed another girl. Despite his
change of heart. her daughter was with family’s suggestion that
Ben. Stefan put the screws he back down, Jack wasn’t
DAYS OF OUR LIVES to Kate. Wait to See: Gabi is ready to give up on the
Abigail feared she might intrigued when she spies search for his birth father.
be pregnant, but kept it Kate and Stefan together. Charlie and Shauna made
from Chad. Will admitted their relationship official. RFD by Mike Marland
to Paul that he had a mem- Hilary and Devon declared
ory about Sonny. Kayla GENERAL HOSPITAL their love for one anoth-
told Stefan her theory Jason became unnerved, er. Nick warned his father
about Kate, but he wanted while Nina was livid. Valen- that he would get what
proof. Abigail was about tin continued his efforts. was coming to him. The
to take a pregnancy test Sam had to think fast on Newman hacker stepped
when she ran into Gabi. her feet. Maxie turned to up his game. Wait to See:
Sonny tried to get Leo to Jordan for advice. Josslyn Cane defends the Chancel-
confess. Chad confronted told a white lie. Michael lor legacy.
Boys and Girls State 2018.
Palmetto Girls State stu- CHARLESTON SOUTHERN
Makenna Adkins Several area students
Mary-Clark Cavendish have been named to the
Catherine Jumper Dean’s List for the spring
Eryn Boone (alternate) 2018 semester at Charles-
Hannah Crowe (alter- ton Southern University.
AREA STUDENTS GRADUATE nate) They include:
FROM GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL Anna-Kate McAlister (al- Duncan
Seven Greenville County ternate) Mackenzie Marie Lappin
students have graduated Palmetto Boys State stu- Ethan Christopher
from the SC Governor’s dents include: Hooper
School for Science and Will Brooks Greer
Mathematics (GSSM) in Clayton Crile Isaac Benjamin Schrader
Hartsville recently. Harrison Homan Jordan Noel Metz
They included: Chase Robbins Jennifer Ashley Nagy
Jay Medina, child of Luz Conner Calsing (alter- Lauren Ashley Willard
Celis and Jesus Medina, of nate) Nicholas Aaron Sands
Greer, will attend the Col- Alex Jensen (alternate) Anna Ruth Brandt
lege of Charleston. Preston Slate (alternate) Madison Caroline
Shawn Michael Potter, DeMars
child of Kelly and Ben Reel,
of Greer, and Lisa and Mi- HIGHER EDUCATION | Inman
Cheryl Elizabeth Blaxton
PHOTO | SUBMITTED chael Potter, of Greenville, Annika Verena Wagner
and Maddie Tedrick, child SMITH NAMED TO CCU Logan E Schuff
Clemson students winning at the Collegiate Dairy Products Evaluation Contest are from of Renee and Michael Ted- PRESIDENT’S LIST Kinsley Marie Allaire
left: Madeline Waskiewicz, Kay Senn, Matthew Baxley and Jonathan Dillard. rick, of Greenville, will Tori Smith, of Lyman, Lyman
both attend Furman Uni- is among the nearly 750 Michaela Gabrielle
Christina BuChheit
Product Website: