Cost of Doing Business in Zambia - 2013
Cost of Doing Business in Zambia - 2013
Cost of Doing Business in Zambia - 2013
3rd Edition
January 2013
4.0. UTILITIES.................................................................................................................................... 6
The costs provided in this document are indicated in Zambian Kwacha (ZMK) and US Dollar (US$).
The conversion of Zambian Kwacha (ZMK) to US Dollar (US $). The conversion rate is based on an exchange
rate of Kr5.3 to US $1, the average ruling exchange rate for the month of January 2013.
The Company’s Act Cap 388 governs the registration of companies in Zambia. Registration is done at the Patents
and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA). Any two or more persons whether local nationals or foreign
nationals can incorporate a company under the Company’s Act, and register the company with the Registrar of
Companies within 28 days of setting up or acquiring an established place of business.
The Ministry of Finance and National Planning is responsible for the formulation of tax policy in Zambia and the
implementing agency is the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA). The legislative framework relating to the regulation
and administration of the taxation is provided for in the Income Tax Act 1966, as amended. The source of income
and residence are the basis for liability to tax under the Zambian tax regime.
2.1. Company Tax
Individuals and businesses receiving consultancy services are expected to withhold tax (WHT) for remittance to the
Zambia Revenue Authority, as required by law under Section 82 A of the Income Tax Act. Withholding Tax is not
a final tax, and the amount paid will be considered as a tax prepayment. The final tax is arrived at after assessment
of the end of year tax return submitted by the individual / business. The WHT tax rates are;
Category: Rate %
Dividends for individual and companies (final Tax) 0
Dividends for companies carrying on mining operations 0
Interest on Government bonds (final Tax for Individuals & Exempt Organizations 15
Interest for individuals (from banks, building societies savings and deposit accounts) (final Tax) 15
Interest on Treasury Bills (final Tax for Exempt Organization) 15
Other Interest 15
Royalties, Management and Consultancy Fees 20
Rents 15
Commissions 15
Public Entertainment Fees for Non Residents (final Tax) 15
Non Residents Contractors 20
Customs Duty - levy on imported goods, charged on CIF (cost, insurance and freight value) Range - 0
to 25
Excise Duty - A levy on particular goods or products usually of a luxurious nature whether
imported or produced domestically, imposed at any stage of production or distribution, by
reference to weight, strength or quantity of the goods or products, or by reference to their value.
The applicable Excise duty rates for targeted products are:
· Airtime (Talk time), Purified water, Carbonate-aerated drinks, Plastic Bags 10
· Fuel oils, Natural gases 15
· Motor Vehicles at importation, Cosmetics e.g. Soaps, Body lotion, Deodorant, perfumes 20
· Spirits 30
· Clear beer 40
· Wines, spirits, Ciders and other fermented beverages 125
· Cigarettes 145
Companies who invest not less than US$ 500,000 in a priority sector qualify for tax investments in accordance with
the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) Act. The general tax incentives are;
· Zero percent tax on profits for 5 years from the first year of profits. For year 6 to 8, only 50 percent of
profits are taxable and from years 9 and 10, only 75 percent of profits are taxable.
· Zero percent import duty rate on raw materials, capital goods, machinery including trucks and specialized
motor vehicles for five years.
· Zero percent tax rate on dividends for 5 years from year of first declaration of dividends.
· Deferment of VAT on machinery and equipment including trucks and specialized motor vehicles
4.1. Electricity Tariffs
There are currently three (3) main electricity companies in Zambia namely;
1. ZESCO Limited - this is the public utility power company supplying power to most parts of the country
through the national grid
2. Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) - supplies power to the mines and transmits for the national utilities
ZESCO Limited Zambia and SNEL of Democratic Republic of Congo, through the Zambia Congo
3. Lusemfywa Electricity Company – supplies power to the Central province of Zambia
NOTE: The above tariffs are inclusive of: 3.0% Rural Electrification Levy and 16.0% Value Added Tax (VAT)
Source: Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation, 2013
4.2. Water Tariffs
Consumption Block US$ per cubic Customer Category US$ per cubic
(in cubic meters) meters meters
0 to 6 0.48 Low Cost Households 15.3
6 to 30 0.54 Medium Cost Households 29.6
30 to100 0.62 High Cost Households 66.0
100 to 170 0.76 Communal Tap 2.0
Above 170 0.96 Kiosks 0.25
5.1. Mobile Telephones Average
5.3. Internet Rates
The indicative freight charges inclusive of insurance and freight (CIF) are as follows;
6.2 Haulage by Trucks with flat trailers
6.3. Rail Transport Rates
Note: Rates depend on the volume of cargo and length of the service agreement among other things, and can be
(metric tonnes)
Copper and cobalt 38 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 120.50
Coal 33 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 110.00
Petrol and Diesel 33 Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 117.50
Fertilizer, Maize, Wheat 38 Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 110.00
Cotton lint and lint 25 Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 111.50
Tobacco 25 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 117.50
Cement clinker 38 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 110.00
Scrap metal (iron/steel) 36 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 113.00
Timber - Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 111.50
Loaded Containers: 20 and 40 foot - Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 4,500 per wagon
Empty Containers: 20 and 40 foot - Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 2,250per wagon
6.3. Air Cargo Rates
Rates to Lusaka from:
6.4. Courier Services Rates
Zones and Destinations
Zone 1 Johannesburg (South Africa - SA)
Zone 4 Netherland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rest of the UK, Switzerland, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden
Zone 5 Mexico, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, United Arad Emirates, Marshall Islands,
15.5 959.88 1,267.24 1,557. 86 1,900.92 2,279.02 2,646.83 2,817.33 2,962.30
Labour in Zambia is governed by the Minimum Wages and Conditions of Employment Act as follows;
7.1 Working Conditions There are normally two categories of employees namely the unionized and non-
unionized (management) staff. Conditions of service for non-unionized
employees are normally fixed by top management, while those for unionized
employees are negotiated through collective bargain/ agreement
7.2 Basic Salaries, Wages Allowances, which are commonly added to the basic salary, include: Housing,
and Allowances Transport, Education and Health cover, Water, Electricity, Holiday travel
(usually for senior management staff). All allowances are taxable at the same
rate as the basic salary. Other non-cash benefits may include:
· Transport to and from work
· Subsidized meals in staff canteen
· Sporting and recreation facilities
7.3 Pensions and Life Membership of a pension scheme may be a condition of employment and most
Insurance employers maintain a pension scheme for their employees with the National
Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA). Employers may establish or join other
pension schemes under the Pension Scheme Regulation Act
7.4 Medical Coverage and Grant an employee full pay should illness make the employee unable to work,
Maternity Benefits subject to production of a certificate from a registered physician. The
maximum period for which such benefit may be given is three months at full
pay, followed by three months at half pay.
7.10. Zambian Public Holidays
The figures indicated below basically give an average indication of salaries mainly in larger
organizations. Having derived the bulk of the information from recruitment agencies, these salaries vary
and are also highly negotiable in which cases could be much lower while in other cases much higher
depending on the qualification and experience of the individual being offered the position.
Salaries of Executives
7.11.2 Salaries of Non- Executives
The Employee and Employer each contribute 5 percent of the Employee’s salary towards the scheme.
Insurance costs vary according to policy undertaken. Types of insurance costs in Zambia include;
Legal Fees Varies according to number of years spent at the Bar by Legal
Practioner. Ranging from $ 50 to US$ 200 an hour
Location One bedroom Two bedroom Three bedroom House in complex with
House House House security
Lusaka 1,500 2,300 3,000 3,500 to 5,500
Kitwe 1,200 1,800 2,500 3,000 to 5,000
Ndola 1,000 1,500 2,300 3,000 to 5,000
Livingstone 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 to 5,000
10.2. Hotel Rates
Location Single (US$) per Night Double (US$ per Night)
5-Star Hotel 195 225
4-Star Hotel 160 185
3-Star Hotel 175 195
Lodge or Guest House 60 80
5-Star Hotel 250 300
4-Star Hotel 175 193
3-Star Hotel 160 180
Lodge and Guest House 50 60
3-Star Hotel 136 156
Lodge 40 50
All the above rates include 10% Service Charge and 16% VAT.
The average fees for international schools are indicated in the table below.
Other schools such as private local schools and government schools are much cheaper but syllabuses
vary from the international schools.
10.4. Health Care
Health care services costs vary. The costs indicated below are for services provided by the private
hospitals. Costs from public/government hospitals and clinics are however cheaper.
By Midwife Per Person 190
By Gynecologist Per Person 270
10.5. Passenger / Personal Transport Charges
Inter city travel by Coach (bus) from Lusaka to: Mini Bus
Kitwe US$ 14
Ndola US$ 12
Livingstone US$ 17
Taxi and Mini bus transport within town Taxi Mini Bus
Town to Airport (20 Km): US$ 60
Shortest Distance (Radius of 10 Km): US$ 4 US$ 0.8
11.0. APPENDIX 1
Forestry · Timber Species range from Kr81.00 ($15.28)-
Department Kr135.00 ($25.47) per Cubic Metre
· Poles between 14cm -30 cm butt diameter range
from Kr5.40 ($1.02)- K10.80 ($ 2.04)
· Bamboos- Kr3.60 ($0.68)
· Fees For Services-
- Site for Sawmills- Kr72.00 ($ 13.58) 400 per
hectare per year
- Timber Depots and logging Camps- Kr72.00
($13.58) per hectare per year
- K135. 00($25.47)
11.10. Banking Licence Non-refundable application fee:
Bank of Zambia · Kr 9,000.00 ($ 1,698.11) for Banks
· Kr 5,400.00 ($ 1,018.87) for Non Banking
Financial Institutions
11.11. Aircraft Licences · Kr430.00 ($ 81.13) for Air Traffic Management
Department of · K r240. 00 ($ 45.28) per year for Aerodrome
Civil Aviation · K r400.00 ($ 75.47) – Certificate Of
· K r200.00 ($37.74) – Permit to Fly
· K r150.00 ($ 28.30) per year for Radio Licences
· Kr320.00 –Kr500.00 ($ 60.38- US$94.34) per
year per pilot for Pilots’ Licences
11.12. Road Service Licence Roads Traffic Per Vehicle:
Department · Kr130.14 ($ 24.55) for Registration Book
· Kr28.08 (U$ 5.30) for Physical Examination
· Road license - depends on the weight of vehicle
· K r43.20($ 8.15) for International Driving Permit
· K r14.04($ 2.65) Transfer of Motor Vehicles
11.13. Energy License Energy · Kr 50.00 ($ 9.43) for Application Form
Regulations Board · 0.1 percent of project cost for application fees
· 0.7 percent of monthly returns for licence fees
11.14. Operating an · Kr 500.00 ($ 94.34) to register Basic School,
Educational Institution renewal is Kr 400.00 ($ 75.47) per year
· Kr 750.00 ($ 141.51) to register High School,
Ministry of renewal is Kr600.00 ($ 113.21) per year
Education · Kr 1,500.00 ($ 283.02) to register College,
renewal is Kr 1,250.00 ($ 235.85) per year
· Kr3,500.00 ( $ 660.38) to register University
Colleges, renewal is Kr2,500.00 ($ 471.70) per
· Kr5,000.00 ( $ 943.40) to register Universities,
renewal is Kr3,500.00 ($ 660.38) per year
11.15. Trading Licences · Kr 1,500.00 (US$ 283.02) -Trading Wholesale
· Kr3,000. 00 ($ 566.04) -Trading Retail, Chain
Stores and Supermarkets
· K r1,500.00 ($ 283.02) -Manufacturing
· Kr 600.00($113.21 ) - Agent ( Consumables)
Local Council · Kr 1,000.08 ($ 188.70)- Agents (Non
· Kr 2,000.00 ($ 377.36)- Filling Stations
· Kr 3,200.04 ($ 603.77)- Scrap Metal Dealers
· Kr 2,700.00 ($ 509.43) - Hospitality
· Kr 5,400.00 ($ 1018.87) -Commercial Banks
· Kr 3,600.00 ( $ 679.25) – Micro Finance and
Money lenders
11.16. Operating a Medical Registration:
Centre · Private Hospital - Kr1,095.00 ($ 206.60) for
Zambians and Kr2,140.85 ($ 403.93) for Non
· Nursing Home – Kr460.00 (US$ 86.80) for
Zambians and Kr1,070.43 (U$ 201.97) for Non
· Consulting Room with additional services such
Medical Council as X-ray, laboratory etc - Kr380.00 (US$ 71.70)
of Zambia for Zambians and Kr728.80 ($ 137.51) for Non
· Consulting Room without additional services -
Kr330.00 ($ 62.26) for Zambians and Kr569. 38
($ 107.43) for Non Zambians
Medical Practitioners/Pharmacists/Dental
Surgeons/Bio-Medical Scientific Officers:
· Full registration - Kr45.00 ($8.49) for Zambians
and Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for Non Zambians
· Temporary registration - Kr30.00 ($ 5.66) for
Zambians and Kr150.00 ($ 28.30) for Zambians
· Provisional registration - Kr30.00 ($ 5.66) for
Zambians and Kr90.00 ($ 16.98) for Non
· Specialist registration - Kr75.00 ($ 14.15) for
Zambians and Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for Non
Paramedical Practitioners:
· Full registration – Kr30.00 ($ 5.66) for Zambians
and Kr90.00 ($ 16.98) for Non Zambians
· Temporary registration – Kr25.00 (U$ 4.72) for
Zambians and Kr70.00 ($ 13.21) for Non
· Provisional registration – Kr25.00 ($ 4.725) for
Zambians and Kr70.00 ($ 13.21) for Non
Annual Fees:
· Private Hospital – Kr575.00 ($ 108.49) for
Zambians & Kr1,050.00 ($ 198.11)
· Nursing Home – Kr300.00 ($56.60) for
Zambians and Kr750.00 ($ 141.51) for non
· Consulting Room with additional services e.g.
X-ray, laboratory etc – Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for
Zambians and Kr650.00 ($ 122.64) for Zambians
· Consulting Room without additional services –
Kr200.00 ($ 37.74) for Zambians and Kr500.00
($ 94.34) for Non Zambians
· Privilege to supervise persons on Temporary
Register – Kr100.00 ($ 18.87) for Zambians and
Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for Non Zambians
· Re-opening a closed consulting room – 25
percent of Registration Fee for Non Zambians
and Non Zambians
· Re-inspection of a private hospital/nursing
home/consulting room for registration purposes –
Kr60.00 (US$ 11.32) for Zambians and Kr150.00
(US$ 28.30) for Non Zambians
· Duplicate Certificate of Good Standing –
Kr150.00 (US$ 28.30) for Zambians and
Kr450.00 (US$ 84.91) for Non Zambians
· Duplicate Certificate of Good Standing (ten years
and above on full register(with immediate effect)
– Kr100.00 (US$ 18.87) for Zambians and
Kr300.00 (US$ 56.60) for Non Zambians
11.17 Telecommunication Licence Zambia Application fees Licence fees
· Mobile Cellular Information and Kr10,000.08($1886.79) Kr1,920,000.06($362,264.15
· International Voice Communication )
· Fixed Technology Kr10,000.08($1886.79) Kr1,679,999.94 ($316,981.11)
· Internet Authority
Kr10,000.08($1886.79) Kr480,000.06 ($90,566.04)
· Public Payphone
Kr2,700.00 ($509.43) Kr50,000.04 ($9,433.97)
· Others Kr2,700.00($509.43) Kr50,000.04 ($9,433.97)
Kr1,000.08($188.68) Kr10,000.08 ($1,886.79)
11.19. Self-Employment Permit (Costs US$ 600 per permit for a private company and $200 for an NGO or
church based organisation)
Immigration Headquarters, upon submission of the following documents, may issue the employment
· Certified copy of the applicant’s highest education status and any other additional
qualifications and certificate of employment from previous employers
· Letterhead from the prospective employer explaining steps taken to employ Zambian
citizens to fill the vacancy
1. Bank of Zambia
P.O. Box 30008, Lusaka
Phone: +260 211 228888/228903-20
Fax No:+260-211-221767
3. Immigration Office
P.O. Box 50300,
Tel : +260-211-252650
Fax :+260-211-252008/254393