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Cost of Doing Business in Zambia - 2013

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3rd Edition
January 2013

1.0. STARTING A BUSINESS ............................................................................................................ 3

2.0. TAXATION .................................................................................................................................. 3

3.0. LAND AND BUILDINGS COSTS ............................................................................................... 6

4.0. UTILITIES.................................................................................................................................... 6

5.0. TELECOMMUNICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 8

6.0. FREIGHT AND COURIER CHARGES ..................................................................................... 15

7.0. LABOUR .................................................................................................................................... 18

8.0. INSURANCE .............................................................................................................................. 18

9.0. OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES…………………………………………………………...18

10.0. LIVING IN ZAMBIA……………………………………………………………………………..18

11.0 APPENDIX 1…………………………………………...................................................................22


The costs provided in this document are indicated in Zambian Kwacha (ZMK) and US Dollar (US$).
The conversion of Zambian Kwacha (ZMK) to US Dollar (US $). The conversion rate is based on an exchange
rate of Kr5.3 to US $1, the average ruling exchange rate for the month of January 2013.


1.1. Company Registration

The Company’s Act Cap 388 governs the registration of companies in Zambia. Registration is done at the Patents
and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA). Any two or more persons whether local nationals or foreign
nationals can incorporate a company under the Company’s Act, and register the company with the Registrar of
Companies within 28 days of setting up or acquiring an established place of business.

The fees for Company Registration are as follows:

Registration of a Company Kr (US$)

Private Company with Minimum Nominal Capital of Kr5,000
Registration Fee (2.5 percent of Minimum Nominal Capital) 125 23.58
Certificate of Incorporation 30 5.66
Certificate of Share Capital 30 5.66
Certificate of Mininum Capital 30 5.66
Purchase of Forms 20 3.77
Company Seal 10 1.89
245 46.22

Public Company with Minimum Nominal Capital of Kr50,000

Registration Fee (2.5 percent of Minimum Nominal Capital) 1,250 235.85
Certificate of Incorporation 30 5.66
Certificate of Share Capital 30 5.66
Certificate of Minimum Capital 30 5.66
Purchase of Forms 20 3.77
Company Seal 10 1.89
1,370 258.49
Source: Patents and Companies Registration Office (2013)

The Ministry of Finance and National Planning is responsible for the formulation of tax policy in Zambia and the
implementing agency is the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA). The legislative framework relating to the regulation
and administration of the taxation is provided for in the Income Tax Act 1966, as amended. The source of income
and residence are the basis for liability to tax under the Zambian tax regime.

2.1. Company Tax

2.1.1. Tax Rates

Source of Taxable Income Rate %

· Local 10
· Export of cotton 35
Companies listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange:
· Existing 33
· New (only for the first year) 34.3
· New, with more than 33% shares by Zambians (only for first year) 32.5
· Fertilizers 15
· Other manufacturing 35
Banks and other Financial Institutions:
· Income up to Kr 250,000 35
· Income in excess of Kr 250,000 40
Mobile Telephone Companies:
· Income up to Kr 250,000 35
· Income in Excess of Kr 250,000 40
· Successor companies to ZCCM 30
· Other mining companies, including those producing copper and cobalt 30
· Taxable income above 8% of gross income 15
· Mineral royalty 3
Companies with turnover of Kr200,000 and below (tax is charged on the turnover) 3
Income from Non- Traditional Exports 15
Income from Business for Charitable Organization 15
Income from Trusts, Deceased or Bankrupt Estates 35

2.1.2. Capital allowances

General: Classification: Rate %

Furniture & Fittings, Computers 25
Motor Vehicles Commercial 25
Non commercial vehicles 20
Plant, Machinery & Equipment 25
Buildings Industrial 5
Commercial 2
Investment in industrial buildings 10
Manufacturing, Tourism Motor vehicles 50
Plant, Machinery, Equipment 50
Farming Plant, Machinery, Equipment 50
Motor vehicles 50
Farm improvements 100
Mining Buildings, implements, machinery 100

2.2 Personal Income Tax

Employers are required to register and operate a Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) scheme under which they are required
to deduct the appropriate tax from the emoluments of liable employees and remit the tax to the Zambia Revenue
Authority. The following are the applicable personal income tax rates under the Zambian Tax regime.

Monthly Income Bands: Tax Rates (%)

Kr0 to Kr2,200 (US$ 0 to US$ 415.09) 0
Kr2,201 to Kr3,000 (US$ 415.28 to US$ 566.04) 25
Kr3,001 to Kr5,900 (US$ 566.23 to US$ 1113.21) 30
Above Kr5,901 (Above US$ 1113.40) 35

2.3 Withholding Tax Rates

Individuals and businesses receiving consultancy services are expected to withhold tax (WHT) for remittance to the
Zambia Revenue Authority, as required by law under Section 82 A of the Income Tax Act. Withholding Tax is not
a final tax, and the amount paid will be considered as a tax prepayment. The final tax is arrived at after assessment
of the end of year tax return submitted by the individual / business. The WHT tax rates are;

Category: Rate %
Dividends for individual and companies (final Tax) 0
Dividends for companies carrying on mining operations 0
Interest on Government bonds (final Tax for Individuals & Exempt Organizations 15
Interest for individuals (from banks, building societies savings and deposit accounts) (final Tax) 15
Interest on Treasury Bills (final Tax for Exempt Organization) 15
Other Interest 15
Royalties, Management and Consultancy Fees 20
Rents 15
Commissions 15
Public Entertainment Fees for Non Residents (final Tax) 15
Non Residents Contractors 20

2.4 Other Taxes

Tax type: Rates %

Value Added Tax (VAT) - on taxable goods and services and imports 16

Customs Duty - levy on imported goods, charged on CIF (cost, insurance and freight value) Range - 0
to 25
Excise Duty - A levy on particular goods or products usually of a luxurious nature whether
imported or produced domestically, imposed at any stage of production or distribution, by
reference to weight, strength or quantity of the goods or products, or by reference to their value.
The applicable Excise duty rates for targeted products are:
· Airtime (Talk time), Purified water, Carbonate-aerated drinks, Plastic Bags 10
· Fuel oils, Natural gases 15
· Motor Vehicles at importation, Cosmetics e.g. Soaps, Body lotion, Deodorant, perfumes 20
· Spirits 30
· Clear beer 40
· Wines, spirits, Ciders and other fermented beverages 125
· Cigarettes 145

2.8. General Tax Incentives

Companies who invest not less than US$ 500,000 in a priority sector qualify for tax investments in accordance with
the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) Act. The general tax incentives are;

· Zero percent tax on profits for 5 years from the first year of profits. For year 6 to 8, only 50 percent of
profits are taxable and from years 9 and 10, only 75 percent of profits are taxable.
· Zero percent import duty rate on raw materials, capital goods, machinery including trucks and specialized
motor vehicles for five years.
· Zero percent tax rate on dividends for 5 years from year of first declaration of dividends.
· Deferment of VAT on machinery and equipment including trucks and specialized motor vehicles


3.1. Average Cost of buying bare land Costs in US$ per m2
Commercial Residential
Location Industrial Zones Other Areas
Lusaka 40 20 12
Kitwe 20 15 7
Ndola 20 15 7
Livingstone 12 10 5

3.2. Cost of Renting Empty Factory Costs in US$ per m2

Location Industrial Zones Other Areas
Lusaka 8 to 15 8 to 10
Kitwe 4 to 6 3 to5
Ndola 3 to 5 2 to 4
Livingstone 5 to 8 4 to 6

3.3. Annual Ground Rates Annual Rates (%) of property value

Location Commercial Residential
Prime Areas( e.g Lusaka) 0.4 0.2

3.4. Land Rentals Monthly Rental Rates in US$ per m2

Location Prime Office Factory
Lusaka 16 3.0
Kitwe 10 2.0
Ndola 9 2.0
Livingstone 9 2.0

3.5 Average Construction Costs of Factory Building US$ per m2

Factory with reinforced concrete structure 390 to 450
Steel portal frame on reinforced concrete 390 to 450
Factory with clean room facilities 400 to 500

4.1. Electricity Tariffs
There are currently three (3) main electricity companies in Zambia namely;
1. ZESCO Limited - this is the public utility power company supplying power to most parts of the country
through the national grid
2. Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) - supplies power to the mines and transmits for the national utilities
ZESCO Limited Zambia and SNEL of Democratic Republic of Congo, through the Zambia Congo
3. Lusemfywa Electricity Company – supplies power to the Central province of Zambia


R1 - Consumption up to 100 kWh Energy charge / kWh 0.15 0.03

R2 - Consumption 101 to 400 kWh Energy charge / kWh 0.25 0.05
R3 - Consumption above 401 kWh Energy charge / kWh 0.41 0.08
Fixed monthly charge 14.6 2.75
Pre-paid Energy charge / kWh 0.28 0.05


C1 – Consumption up to 700kWh Energy charge / kWh 0.27 0.05

Fixed monthly charge / kWh 47.75 9.01


Water pumping, Street Lightening Fixed Monthly Charge 41.52 7.83
Schools, Hospitals, Churches, Orphanages Energy Charge/kWh 0.24 0.05



Maximum Demand Charge /kVA/Month 11.69 2.21
Energy Charge/kWh 0.17 0.03
Fixed Monthly Charge 114.50 21.60

(II) MD2 - CAPACITY BETWEEN 301 – 2,000kVA

Maximum Demand Charge/kVA/Month 21.87 4.13
Energy Charge/kWh 0.14 0.03
Fixed Monthly Charge 228.99 43.21


Maximum Demand Charge/kVA/Month 39.72 7.49
Energy Charge/kWh 0.13 0.02
Fixed Monthly Charge 551.56 104.10


Maximum Demand Charge/kVA/Month 39.94 7.54
Energy Charge/kWh 0.11 0.02
Fixed Monthly Charge 1,103.13 208.14

NOTE: The above tariffs are inclusive of: 3.0% Rural Electrification Levy and 16.0% Value Added Tax (VAT)
Source: Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation, 2013

4.2. Water Tariffs


Consumption Block US$ per cubic Customer Category US$ per cubic
(in cubic meters) meters meters
0 to 6 0.48 Low Cost Households 15.3
6 to 30 0.54 Medium Cost Households 29.6
30 to100 0.62 High Cost Households 66.0
100 to 170 0.76 Communal Tap 2.0
Above 170 0.96 Kiosks 0.25


Consumption Block US$ per cubic meters

0 to 30 0.76
30 to170 1.04
Above 170 1.20

Source: Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (2013)

4.3. Petroleum Products Costs

Commodity Price (Kr) Price (US$)

Petrol- Unleaded 8.16 per litre 1.54 per litre
Diesel 7.6 per litre 1.43per litre
Engine Oil (500ml) 20 per 500mls 3.77 per 500mls
Jet A-1 4,800 per cubic meter 905.66 per metric tonne
Heavy Fuel Oils 2,400 per metric tonne 452.83 per metric tonne
Kerosene 5.15 per litre 0.97 per litre

5.1. Mobile Telephones Average

Service Details Kr (US$)

Local call charges per second – across networks 0.02 0.004
International call charges per second 3 to 11 0.57 to 2.08

5.2. Land Telephones Average Rates

Service Details Kr US$

Connection fees 250 47.17
Monthly service charge for postpaid accounts 20 3.77
Local call charges per minute 0.20 0.04
International call charges per minute 0.40 0.08

5.3. Internet Rates

Service Details Charges

a. Dial-up Accounts: Kr US$
Connection Fee 70.41 13.28
Monthly Subscription 149.43 28.19
Additional Mailbox (per month) 16.00 3.02
b. Web Hosting: Kr US$
Setup Fee 191.90 36.21
Monthly Subscription 160.26 30.24
Extra space 11.99 2.26
c. Wireless Accounts:
Type of Account Monthly subscription
Kr US$
64 kbps up/ 365 kbps down 1 2,881.42 543.66
128 kbps up/ 256kbps down 1 4,792.27 904.20
256 kbps up/ 256kbps down 1 10,482.43 1,977.82

d. Data Bundles (Internet Modems): Kr US$

250 Mega Bytes modem 90.00 16.98
500 Mega Bytes modem 115.00 21.70
1 Giga Bytes modem 130.00 24.53
1.5 Giga Bytes modem 175.00 33.02
2 Giga Bytes modem 200.00 37.74

All rates are inclusive of VAT@ 16%

Sources: Zamnet Communications Systems Limited, Airtel Zambia,

( 2013)


Zambia is linked by trunk roads to major ports in Southern and Eastern Africa including Beira (Mozambique),
Durban (South Africa) and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Import and exports are transported by trucks on container
and flat trailer as well as by rail from and to these ports. Zambia is also linked with major international airports
serviced by international airlines. Packages and parcels of different sizes are transported into and from the country
as air cargo by air travel.

The indicative freight charges inclusive of insurance and freight (CIF) are as follows;

6.1. Container Inland Haulage by Road

6.1.1. Imports from Beira (Mozambique)

Rates in US$ per Container Size(CIF)

To: 20 Foot (Light) 20 Foot (Heavy) 40 Foot
Lusaka 3,500 5,200 5,600
Ndola 5,100 6,150 6,500
Kitwe 5,200 6,350 6,750
Chingola 5,300 6,550 6,950
Blantyre 2,050 3,200 3,650
Lilongwe 2,150 3,400 3,500
6.1.2. Exports to Beira (Mozambique)

Rates in US$ per Container Size(CIF)

From: 20 Foot (Light) 20 Foot (Heavy) 40 Foot
Lusaka 2,600 2,600 2,800
Ndola 3,200 3,200 3,550
Kitwe 3,200 3,200 3,550
Chingola 3,200 3,200 3,550
Blantyre 1,100 1,500 1,750
Lilongwe 1,300 1,700 2,000

6.1.3. Imports from Durban (South Africa)

Rates in US$ per Container Size(CIF)

To: 20 Foot (Light) 20 Foot (Heavy) 40 Foot
Lusaka 5,000 8,200 8,800
Ndola 5,400 9,000 9,800
Kitwe 5,400 9,000 9,800
Chingola 5,400 9,000 9,800

6.1.4. Exports to Durban (South Africa)

Rates in US$ per Container Size(CIF)

From: 20 Foot (Light) 20 Foot (Heavy) 40 Foot
Lusaka 2,800 4,700 4,900
Ndola 3,000 5,000 5,200
Kitwe 3,000 5,000 5,200
Chingola 3,000 5,000 5,200

6.1.5 Imports from Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)

Rates in US$ per Container Size(CIF)

To: 20 Foot (Light) 20 Foot (Heavy) 40 Foot
Lusaka 3,500 5,800 6,000
Ndola 3,500 5,800 6,000
Kitwe 3,500 5,800 6,000
Chingola 3,500 5,800 6,000

6.1.6 Exports to Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)

Rates in US$ per Container Size(CIF)

To: 20 Foot (Light) 20 Foot (Heavy) 40 Foot
Lusaka 2,000 2,700 3,000
Ndola 2,000 2,700 3,000
Kitwe 2,000 2,700 3,000
Chingola 2,000 2,700 3,000

6.2 Haulage by Trucks with flat trailers

6.2.1. Imports to Beira (Mozambique)

To: Rates per tonne (CIF)

Lusaka US$ 180
Ndola US$ 200
Kitwe US$ 200
Chingola US$ 200

6.2.2 Exports to Beira (Mozambique)

From: Rates per tonne (CIF)

Lusaka US$ 120
Ndola US$ 150
Kitwe US$ 150
Chingola US$ 150

6.2.3 Imports from Durban (South Africa)

To: Rates per tonne (CIF)

Lusaka US$ 200
Ndola US$ 250
Kitwe US$ 250
Chingola US$ 250

6.2.4 Exports to Durban (South Africa)

From: Rates per tonne (CIF)

Lusaka US$ 170
Ndola US$ 185
Kitwe US$ 185
Chingola US$ 185

6.2.5 Imports from Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)

To: Rates per tonne (CIF)

Lusaka US$ 160
Ndola US$ 190
Kitwe US$ 190
Chingola US$ 190

6.2.6 Exports to Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)

To: Rates per tonne (CIF)

Lusaka US$ 150
Ndola US$ 160
Kitwe US$ 160
Chingola US$ 160

Note: CIF means Costs Inclusive of Insurance and Freight

Source: Manica Zambia Ltd

6.3. Rail Transport Rates

6.3.1. Railway Systems of Zambia


(US $)
Ores and Minerals Copper belt Victoria Falls bridge 41.50 per tonne
Coal Victoria Copper belt 92.50 per tonne
Falls bridge
Coal Victoria Lusaka 77.00 per tonne
Falls bridge

General Goods Victoria Lusaka 43.00 per tonne

Falls bridge

General Goods Lusaka Victoria Falls bridge 38.00 per tonne

General Goods Victoria Copper belt 75.50 per tonne

Falls bridge

Diesel Victoria Kitwe 92.50 per tonne

Falls bridge

Loaded Container Lusaka Victoria Falls bridge 1,200 per wagon

Loaded Container Lusaka Kapiri 700 per wagon

Empty Container Lusaka Victoria Falls bridge 800 per wagon

Note: Rates depend on the volume of cargo and length of the service agreement among other things, and can be

6.3.2. Tanzania - Zambia Railway (TAZARA)

(metric tonnes)
Copper and cobalt 38 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 120.50
Coal 33 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 110.00
Petrol and Diesel 33 Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 117.50
Fertilizer, Maize, Wheat 38 Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 110.00
Cotton lint and lint 25 Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 111.50
Tobacco 25 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 117.50
Cement clinker 38 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 110.00
Scrap metal (iron/steel) 36 Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 113.00
Timber - Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 111.50
Loaded Containers: 20 and 40 foot - Dar-es-salaam Kapiri Mposhi 4,500 per wagon
Empty Containers: 20 and 40 foot - Kapiri Mposhi Dar-es-salaam 2,250per wagon

6.3. Air Cargo Rates
Rates to Lusaka from:

Destination Parcel / Package Size Rates in US$ per Kg

Addis Ababa -45 Kg 3.09

+45 Kg 2.32
+100 Kg 1.13
Beijing -45 Kg 7.42
+45 Kg 6.47
+100 Kg 5.53
Brazil: -45 Kg 7.89
+45 Kg 6.68
+100 Kg 5.68
Dubai -45 Kg 6.47
+45 Kg 5.53
100 Kg 4.68
Johannesburg: -100 Kg 1.60
+100 Kg 1.10
+300 Kg 0.90
+500 Kg 0.75
+1,000 Kg 0.65
London: -100 Kg 5.06
+100 Kg 2.50
+500 Kg 2.20
+1,000 Kg 1.60
Malaysia: -45 Kg 7.42
+45 Kg 6.47
+100 Kg 5.53
Nairobi -45 Kg 4.00
+45 Kg 4.00
+100 Kg 2.29
New Delhi: -45 Kg 6.84
+45 Kg 6.53
+100 Kg 5.63
New York: -45 Kg 5.27
+45 Kg 5.27
+100 Kg 4.06
Tokyo: -45 Kg 7.42
+45 Kg 6.47
+100 Kg 5.53
Source: Zambia Exporters Growers Association (ZEGA) Limited, 2013
(British and South African Airlines)

6.4. Courier Services Rates
Zones and Destinations

Zone 1 Johannesburg (South Africa - SA)

Zone 2 Other parts of SA, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi

Zone 3 Mauritius, Kenya, London

Zone 4 Netherland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rest of the UK, Switzerland, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden

Zone 5 Mexico, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, United Arad Emirates, Marshall Islands,

Zone 6 Rest of USA and Singapore

Zone 7 Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria,

Islands of Reunion, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, Tunisia, Togo, Swaziland,
Sudan, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Seychelles

Zone 8 Libya, Macedonia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Serbia,

Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, British Virgin Islands, Vietnam, Maldives

6.4.1 Express Worldwide Rates (Documents)

Weight in kg Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
0.5 126,128 164,710 181,880 192,501 223,971 259,039 278,459 318,317
1.0 186,145 256,635 283,058 302,549 359,642 403,907 432,635 472,493
1.5 238,458 320,995 360,728 396,719 476,040 522,288 537,842 606,849
2.0 290,772 385,355 438,399 490,889 592,439 640,668 643,050 741,206
2.5 343,085 449,714 516,069 585,059 708,837 759,049 748,257 875,562
3.0 385,900 511,144 588,777 668,498 809,468 870,191 861,261 994,479
3.5 428,714 572,573 661,485 751,937 910,098 981,334 974,265 1,113,396
4.0 471,529 634,003 734,193 835,376 1,010,729 1, 092,476 1,087,269 1,232,313
4.5 514,343 695,432 806,901 918,815 1,111,359 1,203,619 1,200,273 1,351,230
5.0 547,631 737,042 858,366 977,726 1,188,666 1,284,649 1,284,917 1,439,597
Available up to 300 kg shipment weight

6.4.2 Express Worldwide Rates (Non- Documents)

Weight in kg Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
10.0 752.70 1,040.80 1,253.12 1,502.23 1,728.57 2,048.20 2,147. 62 2,257.67
10.5 771.54 1,061.40 1,280.82 1,538.48 1,778.61 2,102.62 2,208.51 2,321.73
11.0 790.37 1,081.97 1,308.53 1,574.72 1,828.65 2,157.04 2,269.39 2,385.79
11.5 809.21 1,102.56 1,336.23 1,610.96 1,878.69 2,211.46 2,330.27 2,449.84
12.0 828.04 1,123.14 1,363.93 1,647.21 1,928.73 2,265.88 2,391.15 2,513.90
12.5 846.87 1,143.73 1,391.64 1,683.45 1,978.78 2,320.31 2,452.03 2,577.96
13.0 865.71 1,164.31 1,419.34 1,719. 70 2,028.82 2,374.73 2,512.92 2,642.02
13.5 884.54 1,184.90 1,447.04 1,755.94 2,078.86 2,429.15 2,573.80 2,706.07
14.0 903.38 1,205.49 1,474.75 1,792.19 2,128.90 2,483.57 2,634.68 2,770.13
14.5 922.21 1,226.07 1,502.45 1,828.43 2,178.94 2,537.99 2,695.56 2,834.19
15.0 941.04 1,246.66 1,530.15 1,864.68 2,228.98 2,592.41 2,756.44 2,898.25

15.5 959.88 1,267.24 1,557. 86 1,900.92 2,279.02 2,646.83 2,817.33 2,962.30

Labour in Zambia is governed by the Minimum Wages and Conditions of Employment Act as follows;

7.1 Working Conditions There are normally two categories of employees namely the unionized and non-
unionized (management) staff. Conditions of service for non-unionized
employees are normally fixed by top management, while those for unionized
employees are negotiated through collective bargain/ agreement

7.2 Basic Salaries, Wages Allowances, which are commonly added to the basic salary, include: Housing,
and Allowances Transport, Education and Health cover, Water, Electricity, Holiday travel
(usually for senior management staff). All allowances are taxable at the same
rate as the basic salary. Other non-cash benefits may include:
· Transport to and from work
· Subsidized meals in staff canteen
· Sporting and recreation facilities

7.3 Pensions and Life Membership of a pension scheme may be a condition of employment and most
Insurance employers maintain a pension scheme for their employees with the National
Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA). Employers may establish or join other
pension schemes under the Pension Scheme Regulation Act

7.4 Medical Coverage and Grant an employee full pay should illness make the employee unable to work,
Maternity Benefits subject to production of a certificate from a registered physician. The
maximum period for which such benefit may be given is three months at full
pay, followed by three months at half pay.

Some employers provide health and medical coverage through membership to

private clinics to which the employee and employer contribute equally. The
Act also requires that maternity leave, for female employees, be paid up to 90
days provided such female employees have worked for a minimum of twenty-
four months with their employers.
7.5 Housing The Employment Act requires employers to provide to one of the following:
· Housing or housing allowance in lieu thereof
· House loan or advance towards purchase or construction of house
· Guarantee facility for a mortgage
7.6 Working Hours The normal working hours is 40 hours per week for office workers and 45
hours per week for factory workers. Overtime work should be paid at one and
half times the normal rate and twice the normal rate on weekends and public
7.7 Paid Holidays Grant paid leave of absence of not less than 24 days annually. It is, however, a
normal practice for employers to provide employees with more leave days than
that prescribed in the Act depending on the rank and nature of the job.
7.8 Special Leave Employee is entitled to7 days paid leave on the death of an employee’s spouse,
child, mother or father. The Act also obliges the employer to provide for a
funeral grant for a standard coffin, cash and food in the event of death of an
employee, spouse registered child or dependant of the employee.
7.9 Termination of A contract of employment may be terminated under the Zambian law through:
Employment Resignation or Dismissal, Normal retirement or medical discharge, Expiry of
contract, Redundancy, Death.

7.10. Zambian Public Holidays

12th March Youth Day

Easter Good Friday
Easter Easter Monday
1st May Labour Day 25th December Christmas Day
25th May Africa Freedom Day
1st Monday in July Heroes Day
1st Tuesday in July Unity Day
1st Monday in August Farmers Day
24th October Independence Day

7.11Indicative Monthly Salaries

7.11.1 Salaries of Executives

The figures indicated below basically give an average indication of salaries mainly in larger
organizations. Having derived the bulk of the information from recruitment agencies, these salaries vary
and are also highly negotiable in which cases could be much lower while in other cases much higher
depending on the qualification and experience of the individual being offered the position.

Salaries of Executives


Kr US$ Kr US$
General Manager 20,000 3,773.58 50,000 9,433.96
Plant/Factory Manager 20,000 3,773.58 35,000 6,603.77
Company Secretary 15,000 2830.19 30,000 5,660.38
Financial Controller 20,000 3,773.58 30,000 5,660.38
Operations Manager 15,000 2,830.19 25,000 4,716.98
Human resource Manager 15,000 2,830.19 25,000 4,716.98
Quality Assurance/Control Manager 15,000 2,830.19 25,000 4,716.98
Business Development/ Manager 10,000 1,886.79 15,000 2,830.19
Purchasing Manager 10,000 1,886.79 15,000 2,830.19
Production/Manufacturing Manager 15,000 2,830.19 25,000 4,716.98
Admin/HR/Finance Manager 20,000 3,773.58 30,000 5,660.38
Training Manager 10,000 1,886.79 15,000 2,830.19
Marketing Manager 10,000 1,886.79 15,000 2,830.19
Systems Analyst/Programmer 10,000 1,886.79 15,000 2,830.19
Finance/Accounts Manager 10,000 1,886.79 15,000 2,830.19
Mechanical Engineer 10,000 1,886.79 20,000 3,773.58
Exec. Secretary/P.A 5,000 943.40 8,000 1,509.43
Electrical/Electronic Engineer 15,000 2,830.19 20,000 3,773.58
Marketing Executive 8,000 1,509.43 12,000 2,264.15
Quality Assurance/Control Executive 8,000 1,509.43 12,000 2,264.15
IT Executive 5,000 943.40 10,000 1,886.79

7.11.2 Salaries of Non- Executives


Kr US$ Kr US$
Secretary 3,500 660.38 5,000 943.40
IT Supervisor 5,000 943.40 10,000 1,886.79
Production Supervisor 8,000 1,509.43 12,000 2,264.15
Foreman 6,000 1,132.08 8,000 1,509.43
Service/Maintenance Technician 4,000 754.72 8,000 1,509.43
Quality Control/Assurance Supervisor 5,000 943.40 10,000 1,886.79
Storekeeper/Warehousemen 3,500 660.38 6,000 1,132.08
Electrician 3,500 660.38 6,000 1,132.08
Operator(Semi-Skilled) 2,500 471.70 3,500 660.38
Wireman/Welder 2,500 471.70 3,500 660.38
Accounts Clerk 3,500 660.38 4,000 754.72
General Clerk 1,500 283.02 2,000 377.36
Receptionist/Telephone Operator 1,500 283.02 2,500 471.70
Laboratory Assistant/Technician 3,500 660.38 5,000 943.40
Computer Operator/Data Entry Clerk 2,000 377.36 3,000 566.04
Lorry/Truck/Van Driver 1,500 283.02 2,500 471.70
Security Guard 1,000 188.68 1,500 283.02
Production Operator(Unskilled) 1,500 283.02 2,000 377.36

7.11.3 National Pension Scheme Authority Rates

Employee’s Total Employee’s Share of Employer’s Share of Total

Monthly Earnings Contribution (5%) Contribution (5%) Contribution
Kr US$ Kr US$ Kr US$ Kr US$
100.00 18.87 5.00 0.94 5.00 0.94 10.00 1.88
1,250.00 235.85 62.50 11.79 62.50 11.79 125.00 23.58
2,515.00 474.53 125.75 23.73 125.75 23.73 251.50 47.46
5,097.00 961.70 254.90 48.09 254.90 48.09 509.79 96.18
8,800.00 1,660.38 440.00 83.02 440.00 83.02 880.00 166.04
9,829.64 1,854.65 491.48 93.86 494.48 93.86 982.98 187.72
10,000.00 1,886.79 500.00 94.34 500.00 94.34 1,000.00 188.68
10,672.45 2,013.67 533.62 100.68 533.62 100.68 1,067.24 201.36
and above

The Employee and Employer each contribute 5 percent of the Employee’s salary towards the scheme.

Insurance costs vary according to policy undertaken. Types of insurance costs in Zambia include;

Type of Insurance Rates

Health 20 % management fee of insured premium
Travel 20 % to 30% management fee of insured premium
General Domestic: 2 % to 7 % of insured value of asset,
Commercial: 5 % to 12% of insured value of asset


Type of Service Rates

Legal Fees Varies according to number of years spent at the Bar by Legal
Practioner. Ranging from $ 50 to US$ 200 an hour

Audit Fees Varies according to size and toe of business audited.

For example for a large multinational manufacturing company

with multiple product lines and a network of branch offices is
between the fee range is US$ 30,000 to US$ 50,000


Hotel accommodation is readily available in Zambia at different rates depending on location and room
specifications. Furthermore furnished as well as unfurnished apartments are avaibale for short or long term lease
in all major cities and towns in the country. Health services, international and local schools, transport serivices
by road and air, and dometsic workers are also readily avaibale in Zambia.

10.1. Rental Rates for Furnished Apartments (US$)

Location One bedroom Two bedroom Three bedroom House in complex with
House House House security
Lusaka 1,500 2,300 3,000 3,500 to 5,500
Kitwe 1,200 1,800 2,500 3,000 to 5,000
Ndola 1,000 1,500 2,300 3,000 to 5,000
Livingstone 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 to 5,000

10.2. Hotel Rates
Location Single (US$) per Night Double (US$ per Night)
5-Star Hotel 195 225
4-Star Hotel 160 185
3-Star Hotel 175 195
Lodge or Guest House 60 80

5-Star Hotel 250 300
4-Star Hotel 175 193
3-Star Hotel 160 180
Lodge and Guest House 50 60

3-Star Hotel 136 156
Lodge 40 50

All the above rates include 10% Service Charge and 16% VAT.

10.3. International School Fees

The average fees for international schools are indicated in the table below.

Other schools such as private local schools and government schools are much cheaper but syllabuses
vary from the international schools.

School Section Details US$ per

Infant and Toddler Registration(one off payment, non-refundable) 200
(1 year old) Tuition Per Term 500
Early Learning Centre Registration (one off payment, non-refundable) 200
(Minimum Age 2) Enrolment(one off payment, non-refundable) 500
Tuition Per Term 1,200
Reception Admission Assessment (one off payment) 50
(Minimum Age 4) Registration(one off payment, non-refundable) 200
Enrolment(one off payment, non-refundable) 500
Book Deposit(refunded on departure) 500
Tuition Per Term 2,200
Primary School (Year 1 Admission Assessment (one off payment) 50
to Year 6) Registration(one off payment, non-refundable) 200
(Minimum Age 5-10) Enrolment (one off payment, non-refundable) 1,750
Book Deposit(refunded on departure) 500
Tuition Per Term 2,900
Secondary School (Year Admission Assessment (one off payment) 50
7 to 11) Registration(one off payment, non-refundable) 200
(Minimum Age 11-15) Enrolment(one off payment, non-refundable) 1,750
Book Deposit(refunded on departure) 500
Tuition Per Term 3,100

10.4. Health Care

Health care services costs vary. The costs indicated below are for services provided by the private
hospitals. Costs from public/government hospitals and clinics are however cheaper.

Details Unit Price (US$)

General Consultation Per Visit 20
Specialist Consultation Per Visit 30

Emergency Specialist Consultation

Admission Per Day 200
Nursing Care Per Shift 6
Doctor’s Round Per Shift 10
Under 5 Clinic Per Visit 6
First Ante-Natal 28
Ante-Natal Per Visit 9
Postnatal Per Visit 9
Physiotherapy Per Session 20
Dressing Per Visit 6
Stitch Removal 6
Oxygen Per Hour 10
ECG Per Person 16
Ultrasound Per Person 16
Emergency Ultrasound Per Person 30
Emergency Echo-Cardiograph Per Person 50
CT Scan Per Person 350
MRI Per Person 600
X-ray Per Person 13
Cost of Ambulances Services:
Road Ambulances Per Hour 100
Traveling, Insurance, Pre Employment Per Person 60
Food Handlers Per Person 18

By Midwife Per Person 190
By Gynecologist Per Person 270

10.5. Passenger / Personal Transport Charges

Car rental charges – per day Local Inter city

With driver US$ 50 US$ 80
Self drive US$ 100 US$ 150

Inter city travel by Coach (bus) from Lusaka to: Mini Bus
Kitwe US$ 14
Ndola US$ 12
Livingstone US$ 17

Taxi and Mini bus transport within town Taxi Mini Bus
Town to Airport (20 Km): US$ 60
Shortest Distance (Radius of 10 Km): US$ 4 US$ 0.8

10.6 Domestic Airfares

Route via Lusaka to: (Return) US$
Livingstone 490
Ndola 360
Solwezi 580

10.7. Domestic Helpers’ Wages

Category Per Month

Minimum (US$) Maximum (US$)
Servant, Maid (Full Time) 70 200
Driver 100 400

11.0. APPENDIX 1


11.1. Investment Licence Zambia · Kr1,280 ($ 241.51) plus VAT for licence
Development processing)
Agency (ZDA) · Kr7,670 ($ 1,447.17) plus VAT for the
11.2. Environmental Impact Kr 7,800 ($ 1,471.70) for Review of Project Brief
Assessment Environmental Impact Statement Reveiew fees are
related to project costs as follows;
· Kr 7,800 ($ 1,471.70) for projects costing less
Environmental than $ 100,000
Council of Zambia · Kr 39,000 ($ 7,358.50) for projects costing
between $ 100,000 to $ 500,000
· Kr97,500.00 ($ 18,396.23) for projects costing $
500,000 to $ 1 million
· Kr195,000 ($36,792.45) for projects costing $ 1
million to $ 10 million
· Kr390,000 ($ 73,584.91) for projects costing $
10 million to $50 million
· Kr585,000 (US$110,377.35) for projects costing
$ 50 million and above
11.3. Tourism Enterprise · Kr900 ( $ 169.81)
11.4 Tourism Enterprise Licence · Kr540 ($ 101.89) for Café
· Kr180 ($ 33.96) for Restaurants offering
basic foods (less than % menus)
· Kr180 ($ 33.96) for Community Camps
Ministry of · Kr1,800 ($339.62) for Tour Operators,
Foreign Affairs Amusement and Theme Parks, Travel
and Tourism Agencies, Car Hire, Safari Outfitters, Boat
11.5. Hotel and Accomodation · Kr 21.60 ($ 4.08) per bed for 5 Star
Establishment Licence · Kr 19.80 ($ 3.74) per bed for 4 Star
· Kr 18.00 ($ 3.40) per bed for 3 Star
· Kr 16.20 ($ 3.06) per bed for 2 Star
· Kr 14.40 ($ 2.72) per bed for 1 Star
· Kr12.60 ($ 2.38) per bed for ungraded
11.6. Hotel and Accomodation · Kr450.00 ($84. 90) for 5 Star
Establishment Managers · Kr405.00 ($ 76.42) for 4 Star
Certificate · Kr360.00 ($ 67.92) for 3 Star
· Kr315.00 ($ 59.43) for 2 Star
· Kr270.00 ($ 50.94) for 1 Star
· Kr225.00 ($ 42.45) For Ungraded
11.7. Forest Concession Licence · Kr500.00 ($94.34) - Commitment Fee upon
Licence approval

Forestry · Timber Species range from Kr81.00 ($15.28)-
Department Kr135.00 ($25.47) per Cubic Metre
· Poles between 14cm -30 cm butt diameter range
from Kr5.40 ($1.02)- K10.80 ($ 2.04)
· Bamboos- Kr3.60 ($0.68)
· Fees For Services-
- Site for Sawmills- Kr72.00 ($ 13.58) 400 per
hectare per year
- Timber Depots and logging Camps- Kr72.00
($13.58) per hectare per year

11.8. Title Deed Lands Dept · Kr150.00 (US$ 28.30)

11.9. Mining Licences / Application Licence

· Large Scale Mining licence Kr360.00 Kr1,800.00 ($339.62)
· Prospecting Licence ($67.92)
· Large Scale Gemstone Licence Kr360.00 Kr1,800.00 ($339.62)
· Small Scale Mining licence ($67.92)
· Small Scale Gemstone Licence Kr360.00 Kr1,800.00 ($339.62)
· Prospecting Permit ($67.92)
· Artisan Mining Right Kr90.00 ($16.98) Kr360.00 ($67.92)
Kr90.00 ($16.98) Kr360.00 ($67.92)
Other Categories(Non Mining Kr90.00 ($16.98) Kr360.00 ($67.92)
Ministry of Mines Kr45.00 ($8.49) Kr90.00 ($16.98)
· Mineral processing Licence
· Annual operating Permit Application Certificate
(Large scale)
· Annual operating Permit Kr360.00 Kr1,800.00 ($339.62)
(Small scale) ($67.92)
· Gemstones Sales Certificate
· Mineral Import Permit Kr90.00 ($16.98) Kr900.00($169.81)
· Mineral Export Permit
· Replacement of Licence Kr45.00 ($8.49) Kr270.00($50.94)
Permit or Certificate Kr45.00 ($8.49) Kr180.00($33.96)
Kr90.00 ($16.98) Kr540.00($101.89)
Kr45.00 ($9) Kr90.00($16.98)

- K135. 00($25.47)
11.10. Banking Licence Non-refundable application fee:
Bank of Zambia · Kr 9,000.00 ($ 1,698.11) for Banks
· Kr 5,400.00 ($ 1,018.87) for Non Banking
Financial Institutions
11.11. Aircraft Licences · Kr430.00 ($ 81.13) for Air Traffic Management
Department of · K r240. 00 ($ 45.28) per year for Aerodrome
Civil Aviation · K r400.00 ($ 75.47) – Certificate Of
· K r200.00 ($37.74) – Permit to Fly
· K r150.00 ($ 28.30) per year for Radio Licences
· Kr320.00 –Kr500.00 ($ 60.38- US$94.34) per
year per pilot for Pilots’ Licences
11.12. Road Service Licence Roads Traffic Per Vehicle:
Department · Kr130.14 ($ 24.55) for Registration Book
· Kr28.08 (U$ 5.30) for Physical Examination
· Road license - depends on the weight of vehicle
· K r43.20($ 8.15) for International Driving Permit
· K r14.04($ 2.65) Transfer of Motor Vehicles
11.13. Energy License Energy · Kr 50.00 ($ 9.43) for Application Form
Regulations Board · 0.1 percent of project cost for application fees
· 0.7 percent of monthly returns for licence fees
11.14. Operating an · Kr 500.00 ($ 94.34) to register Basic School,
Educational Institution renewal is Kr 400.00 ($ 75.47) per year
· Kr 750.00 ($ 141.51) to register High School,
Ministry of renewal is Kr600.00 ($ 113.21) per year
Education · Kr 1,500.00 ($ 283.02) to register College,
renewal is Kr 1,250.00 ($ 235.85) per year
· Kr3,500.00 ( $ 660.38) to register University
Colleges, renewal is Kr2,500.00 ($ 471.70) per
· Kr5,000.00 ( $ 943.40) to register Universities,
renewal is Kr3,500.00 ($ 660.38) per year
11.15. Trading Licences · Kr 1,500.00 (US$ 283.02) -Trading Wholesale
· Kr3,000. 00 ($ 566.04) -Trading Retail, Chain
Stores and Supermarkets
· K r1,500.00 ($ 283.02) -Manufacturing
· Kr 600.00($113.21 ) - Agent ( Consumables)
Local Council · Kr 1,000.08 ($ 188.70)- Agents (Non
· Kr 2,000.00 ($ 377.36)- Filling Stations
· Kr 3,200.04 ($ 603.77)- Scrap Metal Dealers
· Kr 2,700.00 ($ 509.43) - Hospitality
· Kr 5,400.00 ($ 1018.87) -Commercial Banks
· Kr 3,600.00 ( $ 679.25) – Micro Finance and
Money lenders
11.16. Operating a Medical Registration:
Centre · Private Hospital - Kr1,095.00 ($ 206.60) for
Zambians and Kr2,140.85 ($ 403.93) for Non
· Nursing Home – Kr460.00 (US$ 86.80) for
Zambians and Kr1,070.43 (U$ 201.97) for Non
· Consulting Room with additional services such
Medical Council as X-ray, laboratory etc - Kr380.00 (US$ 71.70)
of Zambia for Zambians and Kr728.80 ($ 137.51) for Non
· Consulting Room without additional services -
Kr330.00 ($ 62.26) for Zambians and Kr569. 38
($ 107.43) for Non Zambians

Medical Practitioners/Pharmacists/Dental
Surgeons/Bio-Medical Scientific Officers:
· Full registration - Kr45.00 ($8.49) for Zambians
and Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for Non Zambians
· Temporary registration - Kr30.00 ($ 5.66) for
Zambians and Kr150.00 ($ 28.30) for Zambians
· Provisional registration - Kr30.00 ($ 5.66) for
Zambians and Kr90.00 ($ 16.98) for Non
· Specialist registration - Kr75.00 ($ 14.15) for
Zambians and Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for Non

Paramedical Practitioners:
· Full registration – Kr30.00 ($ 5.66) for Zambians
and Kr90.00 ($ 16.98) for Non Zambians
· Temporary registration – Kr25.00 (U$ 4.72) for
Zambians and Kr70.00 ($ 13.21) for Non
· Provisional registration – Kr25.00 ($ 4.725) for
Zambians and Kr70.00 ($ 13.21) for Non

Annual Fees:
· Private Hospital – Kr575.00 ($ 108.49) for
Zambians & Kr1,050.00 ($ 198.11)
· Nursing Home – Kr300.00 ($56.60) for
Zambians and Kr750.00 ($ 141.51) for non
· Consulting Room with additional services e.g.
X-ray, laboratory etc – Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for
Zambians and Kr650.00 ($ 122.64) for Zambians
· Consulting Room without additional services –
Kr200.00 ($ 37.74) for Zambians and Kr500.00
($ 94.34) for Non Zambians

Medical Personnel Annual Fees:

· Specialists – Kr75.00 ($ 14.15) for Zambians and
Kr300.00 ($ 56.60) for Non Zambians
· Medical Practitioners/Pharmacists/Dentists/Bio
Medical Scientific Officers – Kr45.00 ($ 8.49)
for Zambians and Kr150.00 ($ 28.30) for Non
· Paramedical Practitioners – Kr15.00 ($ 2.83) for
Zambians and Kr70.00 ($ 13.21) for Non
· Training Institutions - Kr 575.00 (US$ 108.49)
for Zambians, and Kr1,000.00 ($ 188.68) for Non

· Privilege to supervise persons on Temporary
Register – Kr100.00 ($ 18.87) for Zambians and
Kr250.00 ($ 47.17) for Non Zambians
· Re-opening a closed consulting room – 25
percent of Registration Fee for Non Zambians
and Non Zambians
· Re-inspection of a private hospital/nursing
home/consulting room for registration purposes –
Kr60.00 (US$ 11.32) for Zambians and Kr150.00
(US$ 28.30) for Non Zambians
· Duplicate Certificate of Good Standing –
Kr150.00 (US$ 28.30) for Zambians and
Kr450.00 (US$ 84.91) for Non Zambians
· Duplicate Certificate of Good Standing (ten years
and above on full register(with immediate effect)
– Kr100.00 (US$ 18.87) for Zambians and
Kr300.00 (US$ 56.60) for Non Zambians
11.17 Telecommunication Licence Zambia Application fees Licence fees
· Mobile Cellular Information and Kr10,000.08($1886.79) Kr1,920,000.06($362,264.15
· International Voice Communication )
· Fixed Technology Kr10,000.08($1886.79) Kr1,679,999.94 ($316,981.11)
· Internet Authority
Kr10,000.08($1886.79) Kr480,000.06 ($90,566.04)
· Public Payphone
Kr2,700.00 ($509.43) Kr50,000.04 ($9,433.97)
· Others Kr2,700.00($509.43) Kr50,000.04 ($9,433.97)
Kr1,000.08($188.68) Kr10,000.08 ($1,886.79)

11.18 Radio Spectrum Licence Fees

Spectrum band Band limits Fee Structure

Fee mode Unit fee
Application - Per Application Kr40.00($7.55)
Processing Fee
Duplicate licence - Per issue Kr40.00($7.55)
Licence to posses - Per licence Kr40.00($7.55)
Standard Frequency - Per transmitter (station) Kr40.00($7.55)
Class Licences
Radio location - Per transmitter (station) Kr50.00($9.43)
Citizen Band 27MHz Per transmitter (station) Kr29.88 ($5.64)
Cordless Telephone - Per telephone Kr37.44($7.06)
up to 200MTS
Radio Model licence - Per transmitter (station) Kr40.00($7.55)
Aeronautical All Per channel per Kr1,000.08 ($188.70)
Commercial Licence Aeronautical broadcasting area
Aeronautical Non- All Per channel per Kr500. 04 ($94.35)
commercial Licence Aeronautical broadcasting area
Aircraft licence All Per Aircraft Kr250.02 ($47.17)
Amateur licence All Amateur Per certificate Kr62. 46 ($11.74)
FM/SW/MW Sound 87.5 to Per transmitter (station) Lusaka, Copperbelt and
Broadcasting 108MHz Livingstone broadcasting areas:
Kr3, 000. 06 ($566.05)
Others: Kr1, 000. 08 ($188.69)
TV Broadcasting - 174 to Per transmitter (station) Lusaka, Copperbelt and
Terrestrial 238MHz Livingstone broadcasting areas:
246 to Kr6, 000. 00($1132.08)
254MHz Others: Kr2, 500.02 ($471.70)
470 to
2-Way Radios
Land Mobile bands 0.009 to Per channel per · Standard HF shared
30MHz broadcasting area channel: Kr500.
04($94.35) per channel.
· Standard HF exclusive
channel: Kr1, 000. 08
($188.68) per channel.
· Special channels
(Emergency channel,
common use channels):

Land Mobile bands 138 to Per channel per · Standard (simplex)

174MHz broadcasting area channel: Kr500.04
230 to ($94.35) per channel per
235MHz broadcasting area.
335.4 to
399MHz · Special channels
406 to (Emergency channel,
430MHz common use farmers
440 to channels): Free.
Maritime bands All maritime Per channel per · Standard (simplex)
bands broadcasting area channel: Kr500. 04
($94.35) per channel per
broadcasting area.
· Special channels
(Emergency channel,
common use maritime
channel): Free.
Cross Border Cross-border Per licence Kr1,000.08 ($188.68)
Commercial - Per licence Kr2,500.02 ($471.70)
Paging Commercial - Per licence Kr10,000.08 ($1886.81)
Paging bands 138 to Per channel per · Standard (simplex)
174MHz broadcasting area channel: Kr500. 04
230 to ($94.35) per channel per
235MHz broadcasting area.
335.4 to
399MHz · Special channels (e.g.
406 to Emergency channel): Free.
440 to
National Cellular
Mobile/Broadband 806 to Per 200KHz Kr28,000.08 ($5283.02)
Systems 880MHz
GSM Bands 880 to Per 200KHz Kr28,000. 08 ($5,283.02)
1710 to
2.1GHz band 1900 to Per 200KHz Kr28,000.08 ($5,283.02)
(3G Spectrum) 2200MHz
Note: This fee shall
not apply to initial
3G spectrum
licences but to
annual licence
renewal fees
3G initial spectrum 1900 to Per licence Kr2,160,000.00($407,547.16)
licence fee 2200Mhz
2.3GHz band 2500 to Spectrum Fee Formula Kr2, 500.02 ($471.70)
2690MHz (i.e. Per 1MHz per
2.5GHz band 2500 to Spectrum Fee Formula Kr2, 500. 02 ($471.70)
2690MHz (i.e. Per 1MHz per
3.3GHz band 3400 to Spectrum Fee Formula Kr2, 500. 02 ($471.70)
3600MHz (i.e. Per 1MHz per
3.5GHz band 3400 to Spectrum Fee Formula Kr2, 500. 02 ($471.70)
3600MHz (i.e. Per 1MHz per
5.4GHz band 5470 to Spectrum Fee Formula Kr2, 500.02 ($471.70)
5720MHz (i.e. Per 1MHz per
10.5GHz band 10.15 to Spectrum Fee Formula Kr2, 500. 02 ($471.70)
10.65GHz (i.e. Per 1MHz per
Transmission links
Microwave link 1.350 to Per transmitter Kr500. 04($94.35)
bands 1.400GHz
5.925 to
10.70 to
12.75 to
14.50 to
17.30 to
22.00 to
ISM bands
Common bands 2.400 to Per transmitter Free
(mainly for Wireless 2.500GHz
networks) 5.725 to
Satellite (VSAT)
All Satellite bands Per transmitter Cross Border: Kr23, 400.
(dependant on the station 00($4415.09)
type) Domestic Urban: Kr2,500. 02
Domestic rural: Kr1, 000.
Radio Determination: Free
Satellite based devices: Kr250. 02
Satellite News Gathering: Kr250.
- Per site inspection Kr250. 02 ($47.17)
Equipment repairs - Per site inspection Kr250. 02 ($47.17)
Installations and - Per site inspection Kr250. 02 ($47.17)
Equipment repairs
Installations and - Per site Kr250. 02 ($47.17)
Repairs licence
Radio Telephone - Per certificate Kr40. 00($7.55)
Operators Restricted
Radio Telephone - Per certificate Kr40. 00($7.55)
Operators Restricted
Source: Zambia Information and Communications Technology( SI 34 of 2010)

11.19. Self-Employment Permit (Costs US$ 600 per permit for a private company and $200 for an NGO or
church based organisation)

Prerequisites for the permit are:

· Proof of finance not less than US$ 250,000 is required
· Two passport-sized photos
· Bank statement
· Valid copy of the Company’s certificate of incorporation
· Copy of the Investment Certificate issued by the Zambia Development Agency

11.20 Employment permit – (Costs US$ 600 per permit)

Immigration Headquarters, upon submission of the following documents, may issue the employment
· Certified copy of the applicant’s highest education status and any other additional
qualifications and certificate of employment from previous employers
· Letterhead from the prospective employer explaining steps taken to employ Zambian
citizens to fill the vacancy



1. Bank of Zambia
P.O. Box 30008, Lusaka
Phone: +260 211 228888/228903-20
Fax No:+260-211-221767
Email: pr@boz.zm

2. Environmental Council of Zambia

P.O. Box 35131, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 254130/1
Fax: +260-211-254164
Email: ecz@necz.org.zm ; Website: www.necz.org.zm

3. Immigration Office
P.O. Box 50300,
Tel : +260-211-252650
Fax :+260-211-252008/254393

4. Lusaka Stock Exchange

P.O. Box 34523 Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 228537/ 228391
Fax: +260 211-225969
E-mail: luse@zamnet.zm

5. Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry

P.O. Box 31968, Lusaka
Phone: +260 211 228301-9
Fax: +260 211 226984
Email: mcti@gov.co.zm ; Website: www.mcti.gov.co.zm

6. Patents and Companies Registration Agency

P.O. Box 32020, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211255127/255127
Fax: +260 211 255426
Email: pacro@zamnet.zm ; Website: http://www.pacro.org.zm

7. Zambia Development Agency

P O Box 30819 Lusaka
Tel: +260 211220177/223859
Fax: +260 211 225270
E-mail: zda@zda.org.zm Website: www.zda.org.zm

8. Zambia National Tourist Board

P.O. Box 30017 Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 222714, Fax: +260 211 225174
E-mail: zntb@zamnet.zm ; Website: www.zambiatourism.com

9. Zambia Revenue Authority

P.O. Box 35710, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 223754/ 229214-8
Email: advice@zra.org.zm ; Website: www.zra.org.zm



1. Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce & Industry

P.O. Box 30844, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 252369, Fax: +260 211 252483
E-mail: zacci@zamnet.zm

2. Zambia Association of Manufacturers

P.O. Box 31992, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 229364/ 222709
Fax: +260 211 229371
E-mail: shyams@zamnet.zm

3. Zambia Business Forum

Plot 4 United Nations Ave. Long Acres, P.O. Box 37202, Fax: +260-211-257167

4. Zambia Export Growers Association

P.O. Box 31705, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 221895, Fax: +260 211 221895
E-mail: zega@zamnet.zm

5. Zambia Federation of Employers

P.O. Box 31941, Lusaka
Phone: +260 211 295541/82,
Fax: +260 211 295582
Email: zfe@zamnet.zm

6. Zambia National Farmers Union

P.O. Box 30395 Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 223222, Fax: +260 211 222736
E-mail: znfu@zamnet.zm


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