Grading: Communicative Achievement: A Good Coursebook
Grading: Communicative Achievement: A Good Coursebook
Grading: Communicative Achievement: A Good Coursebook
Use headings for each paragraph. The task will tell you some of
the content you need to include and you'll be able to use your
imagination to add some more ideas. You may be asked to
evaluate if some goal has been achieved and/or to suggest
alternative courses of action. A proposal will have more scope
for making suggestions and more need for polite persuasive
6. Grading: Organisation
Cambridge love linking words and cohesive devices. These are
bits of text like 'firstly', 'whereas', 'in addition', 'however', and so
on. Properly used, they will make your writing flow and make
your text easier to read. You can't do well in CAE without using
these phrases.
Here's a page with some ideas about cohesive devices - try to include them in
your writing. Here's another one with tips for the IELTS exam.
7. Grading: Language
Organising a text, using linking words, and getting all the
content points is a great start, but for a high grade you'll need to
use advanced vocabulary and more difficult sentence structures.
In the planning stage of the exam think about which high-level
words you know for that topic and think in which paragraph you
can use them. For example, if the topic is about transport you
might use phrases like 'mass transit system', 'to commute',
'congestion,' and 'pressed for time'.
Then you need to use a variety of structures - passives,
inversions, cleft sentences, questions, sentences with semi-
colons. The more variety the better!
Also a variety of sentence lengths. This picture explains what I