Problems Encountered by Junior Mathematics Major in Differential Calculus AY 2017 - 2018
Problems Encountered by Junior Mathematics Major in Differential Calculus AY 2017 - 2018
Problems Encountered by Junior Mathematics Major in Differential Calculus AY 2017 - 2018
Michael M. Paguio
It has been said that Mathematics, in general, requires deductive reasoning; and passive
learners often struggle with this kind of active problem solving. Students with memory and
attention problems may also struggle since both skills are necessary for mathematical aptitude.
memorize in the earliest grades of elementary school. Recalling these facts efficiently is critical
because it allows a student to approach more advanced mathematical thinking without being
One fairly common difficulty experienced by people with math problems is the inability
to easily connect the abstract or conceptual aspects of math with reality. Understanding what
symbols represent in the physical world is important to how well and how easily a child will
remember a concept. Holding and inspecting an equilateral triangle, for example, will be much
more meaningful to a child than simply being told that the triangle is equilateral because it has
three equal sides. And yet children with this problem find connections such as these painstaking
at best.
Some students have difficulty making meaningful connections within and across
mathematical experiences. For instance, a student may not readily comprehend the relation
between numbers and the quantities they represent. If this kind of connection is not made, math
skills may be not anchored in any meaningful or relevant manner. This makes them harder to
children may also experience difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking. In math, however,
their language problem is confounded by the inherently difficult terminology, some of which
they hear nowhere outside of the math classroom. These students have difficulty understanding
written or verbal directions or explanations, and find word problems especially difficult to
A far less common problem -- and probably the most severe -- is the inability to
effectively visualize math concepts. Students who have this problem may be unable to judge
the relative size among three dissimilar objects. This disorder has obvious disadvantages, as it
requires that a student rely almost entirely on rote memorization of verbal or written
descriptions of math concepts that most people take for granted. Some mathematical problems
also require students to combine higher-order cognition with perceptual skills, for instance, to
determine what shape will result when a complex 3-D figure is rotated.
Moving down to its essential branch – calculus – some define it as “the branch of
mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or
more variables”. It is true, but seem not of that great help for beginners. It is like “Calculus
does to algebra what algebra did to arithmetic”. Arithmetic, in its most general sense, is about
division. Algebra, in a different manner, finds patterns between numbers. Then, Calculus finds
patterns between equations. Indeed, Algebra and Calculus are said to be a problem-solving duo
identifying some of the problems for students learning first year calculus and offered
instructional strategies to address these difficulties. Dias found the weak algebra skills of
calculus students to be one of the biggest problems hindering the teaching and learning of
calculus. Instructors were frustrated when students were not familiar with simple concepts such
as function notation. Dias stated, “How does one manage to teach 200 freshmen first-year
calculus, if they have difficulty with basic algebra and graphs?” (2000, p. 193). Some of the
examples Dias identified were problems with conceptual understandings of graphs, domains,
range and continuity. From Dias, one can conclude that students who lack algebraic skills will
Calculus is one field of study in mathematics that have started to be introduced in high
school. The main topics in high school calculus are basically include two things: differential
and integral calculus. The emergence of these two concepts is based on the way we used to
resolve problems that occur in everyday life. According to the Indonesian curriculum,
differential calculus topics were introduced in the second semester of grade XI, while integral
calculus topics were introduced in grade XII. The prerequisite for learning calculus includes a
good understanding on real numbers and functions. Students will have difficulties in
(Diekei and Isleten, 2004). Students’ understanding of derivative required the mastery of
previous important concepts which are interlinked, such as functions, limit, slope, continuity,
and rate of change (Bingolbali, 2008). Having lack of understanding of those concepts will
affect students who have difficulties in understanding the derivative concepts (Kultur, 2011)).
In fact, (Balci, 2008) figured out that difficulties and misconception students had in studying
calculus were more likely in derivative, limit, and relationship with rate of change.
One of the reasons for the difficulties encountered in teaching and learning calculus in
secondary schools is that it is generally perceived to be abstract and involving complex ideas
(Zachiarides, Pamfilos, Christou, Maleev, & Jones, 2007); moreover, leaners do not
comprehend the key concepts of calculus (Artique, Batanero, & Kent, 2007)
As much as the student-researcher would want to include recent studies about the
difficulties faced by undergraduate students in college in the local setting –that is in the
Philippines – there has not been much research about it. With that said, it is hoped that this
study will serve as a pioneer whose aim is to delve into the problems encountered by junior
The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the difficulties encountered by junior
Mathematics Majors will be picked through purposive sampling for the student-researcher
think they will be able to give him enough information and data to address the difficulties they
The result of this study will hopefully give an insight to the instructors as to how
calculus should be taught; as to what approaches should be capitalized on, that will facilitate
the learning for students of calculus which is one of the ultimate goals of education after all.
For the teacher in the classroom, it can provide opportunities for reflection and improvement,
a testing ground for enhancing the teachers' practice. Implemented in this way, this study is
Last Semester (A.Y. 2017-2018) Junior students majoring in Mathematics have faced
various difficulties in dealing with their differential calculus course. Despite the effort that the
professors in the academe are making to somehow alleviate the quality of education, it seems
that something still needs to be improved. The fact that students are having hard time to grasp
the concept of the lesson being tackled can be a great manifestation of the assumption stated
above. The major problem is caused primarily by students' lack of algebraic skills. If the
students do not have a good working knowledge of algebra, they will not be able to manipulate
and ultimately understand the lesson of calculus. A student with good algebra skills has good
mathematical understanding and will have a greater potential to learn calculus. Employment of
graphic calculator as one of the instructional materials to be utilized inside the classroom during
the course of teaching and learning differential calculus is highly encouraged since almost
calculus problem require the learner to sketch the graph of the functions or relations.
Significance of the Study
The fruit of this study will hopefully accrue to not-so- many literatures about
differential calculus. This study will specifically benefit those students whose curricula entail
use calculus themes. It is said that superficial knowledge of calculus concept will affect the
understanding of a vast number of mathematics and science disciplines. With those numerous
applications of calculus in real-world it is apparently logical for it to demand for more effectual
and operative teaching modalities. By so doing, academic institutions that take into account the
upshot of this study and the suggested approaches as to how teaching and learning of calculus
should be undertaken will be able to train the students better. In the same manner, the findings
will provide administrative council several reasons for particular actions: feedbacking,
evaluating, and monitoring scheme of the status quo of the mathematics courses that will
eventually serve as the basis for possible college program and project development.
Consequently, through this investigation future researchers will provide them related and
relevant information that they can employ in their conduct of their own study; the findings will
push them as well to pull off researches inclined to their own field of specialization.
Scope and Delimitations of the Study
The findings of this study are limited to its particular setting. The qualitative study will
only explore the difficulties encountered by Junior Mathematics major at Bataan Peninsula
State University - AY 2017-2018. The student-researcher will utilize purposive samplig, that
is, only those students who have significant contribution and can provide important information
and data in the study will be included as respondents. As the student-researcher try to look for
recent literatures and studies about the subject under investigation, it seems that there has not
been much research about it. The findings of this study will serve as source of new information
as availability of recent literatures and studies are scarse and limited; thus, they can be used by
other researchers who will have the same methodology and objectivity. It is indispensable when
interpreting the data to consider that teachers have different teaching methods and styles to
which every student respsonds differently. Also, being the researcher and student may have
A. Learning of Calculus
The learning of mathematics is a constructive process. Dewey and Piaget have researched
on this idea. Dewey pointed out that new objects and events should be related intellectually to
related knowledge which the learner already has. Piaget described two aspects of thinking that
are different but complementary which are figurative aspect and operative aspect. The
operative thought allows the learner to see what next in relation to what has taken place and
this involves intellectual aspect. The figurative aspect involves imitations, perceptions and
mental imagery. Piaget made distinction to these two aspects in order to contrast the sensory
motor stage and the concrete operational stage. Thompson (1985) found it useful to generalize
this to any level of thought as follows: when a person `s actions of thought remain
predominantly within schemata associated with a given level then the action is figurative in
relation to that level. When actions of thought move to the level of controlling the schemata
then its operative. The thinking of college maths students in an advanced calculus is operative.
i.e. learners are given definitions and then asked to apply them.
which students may construct mathematical knowledge and that it is a sequence of activities,
The cognitivists seem to point out that the learning of mathematical concepts is from the
known to the unknown and when the application of a theorem or definition is needed then we
are being required to recall a known result and then apply it to a new situation. The basic themes
in a calculus course are functions and limits of functions. Most key concepts may require the
The studies conducted by Dewey, Piaget, and Thompson provided a framework for this
study in the sense that, in general, it is undeniably true that the dependence of other
mathematical disciplines on Calculus shows that students can construct knowledge from other
mathematical disciplines using it. At this point we would like to indicate that a good knowledge
Calculus concepts. It is therefore the role of the mathematics educator to provide links between
Heid (1988) investigated that the college students’ difficulties on understanding the
subject of derivation, the mistakes made by students and effects of computer usage on this
subject. In addition to this subject, to simplify understanding the derivation conceptually, Heid
Raman (1998) looked at the concept of continuity and the differences in teaching methodology
between textbooks for high school pre-calculus and university calculus. Her analysis brings to light
some of the reasons students have difficulties with the transition from high school mathematics to
university mathematics. Raman found the high school textbook to be too informal, and too often gave
mathematics explanations too specific to answer a certain type of task. One of the concepts studied by
Raman (1998) was the difference in the ways definitions were presented. High school textbooks often
gave an incomplete definition of a concept in order to prepare students to answer a single type of task.
This teaching to a type of task limits the scope and breadth in which students connect and learn to
understand definitions. In calculus textbooks, the definitions in a diverse number of situations. Raman
stated, “In Pre-calculus the graph of the function was used to determine the continuity of the function.
In calculus… the graph is related to, but not an essential part of the reasoning” (p. 12). Raman revealed
the gap between the methodology of high school mathematics and university calculus. High schools
should look more to building mathematic understanding for future use. One of Raman’s concluding
comments was, “we should think about how to build on students’ understanding to help them acquire
While many researchers refer to lack of algebraic competence in general, only a few
provide specific illustrations. For example, Kajander and Lovric (2005) searched for some of
the specific mistakes made by students in calculus. One of their findings was the common
surveys, which measured each student’s ability with specific prerequisite skills. In analyzing
responses from student surveys on prerequisite skills, Kajander and Lovric found that many
Barry and Davis (2006) from the University of New South Wales studied ways to
identify students who lacked the appropriate prerequisite skills (algebra). Once identified, these
students were given supplemental instruction on prerequisite algebra to alleviate the some of
the associated problems with learning calculus. Their study identified the frustration calculus
instructors have with weak algebra skills, “… endless hours have been spent discussing the
perceived decline in our student’s basic skills. In particular, the mathematical preparedness of
Axtell (2006) agrees, concluding that the calculus curriculum needs to be improved by
dynamic process. Therefore, teachers teach with the aim of delivering contextual learning such
that students understand the concepts and principles on what they have been taught and why
Coe (2007) and Ubuz (2007) researched learners’ fundamental ideas of rate of change
in learning calculus and concluded that learners lack the understanding of fundamental ideas
of change and rate, which in calculus provide an important underpinning of the derivatives.
out mainly focusing on the relationship between the chain rule and function composition where
he claimed that chain rule is one of the hardest ideas to convey to students in calculus due to
the difficultness in expressing the symbols and in representing the ideas into words. Therefore,
students have difficulties in remembering it and hence, they are unable to apply (Gordon, 2005
as cited in Horvath, 2008). His finding showed that even though students have written down
the correct answer, they may not be thinking of the right answers and there may still be subtle
According to Chan (2009), calculus is one of the most difficult topics in Paper 3 (Pure)
Mathematics for teachers to teach and for students to learn. This had been researched by Tall
(1992) in which he claimed that whichever way calculus is approached; there were difficult
concepts which seemed to cause problems no matter how they are taught. Chan (2009) further
elaborated that the concepts were causing cognitive difficulties not only to students but also
deficiency in the teacher’s content knowledge of the subject (Lam, 2009). Lam studied the
dealing with images and definitions of various calculus concepts. The results revealed a lack
of knowledge of various differential calculus concepts; furthermore, the teachers tended to
Herbert (2011) researched first-year tertiary students taking introductory calculus, rate
and hence the derivative of functions. She used two-sample t-tests to measure the examination
results of the introductory calculus limits. The results revealed that the first-year students
that students lacked knowledge of rate in calculus as compared with area and integration.
Herbert suggests that when teaching introductory calculus, the teacher should start with area
and integration, rather than rate and derivative, which is inconsistent with secondary school
calculus. The integration of calculus is not part of many secondary school mathematics syllabi.
It is important to take note that students’ difficulties in the learning of derivation are
undergraduate student calculus by administering two exercises on Calculus 1 and 2. The results
revealed that most of the students’ errors were caused by knowledge gaps in basic algebra.
Furthermore, Muzangwa and Chifamba showed that errors and misconceptions possessed by
students were generated by lack of advanced mathematics thinking, which could have been
caused by lecturers during teaching and learning of calculus. Muzangwa and Chifamba (2012)
argue that the lack of conceptual understanding in calculus limits its usefulness in related
science applications. Axtell (2006) agrees, concluding that the calculus curriculum needs to be
a consecutive discipline abided to basic principles and concepts. When the basic concepts of
analysis of derivation have not been understood by students thoroughly, the students will be
ignorant of applications, formulas and their meanings. Thus, learning abided memorization of
rule and definition gets difficult and doesn’t contain real life applications (Orhun, 2012).
The related literatures and studies presented here were selected on the basis of their
significance in promoting direction for this present study in the sense that they also try to
address the different problems encountered by the students studying diffirential calculus. The
majority of the research shows that the better a student leaves high school knowing their
algebra, the better he/she will perform in university calculus. The investigators explain this
need for strong algebraic skills as follows; algebra is the working environment in which
calculus is taught. In relation to the main study, students in Bataan Peninsula State University
C. Teaching of Calculus
The teaching strategies in calculus have become merely list of procedures to follow
and results only in practicing usual routine in algebraic manipulations. Weaker students get
frustrated easily over the manipulations required in calculus (Tucker & Leitzel 1995)
teaching. Some of the approaches used in classroom teaching enable learners to be proficient
Findell (2001), who identified five strands of mathematical proficiencies, which are not
independent but represent different aspects of a whole. The five strands are: conceptual
disposition. They provide a framework for discussing the knowledge, skills, abilities, and
Kilpatrick et al. (2001) mathematical proficiency, for the purpose of this study conceptual
understanding and procedural fluency are used to underpin the study. Conceptual
understanding is when a learner is able to comprehend mathematical concepts, operations,
procedures: knowledge of how and when to use them appropriately, and the skills in
performing them flexibly, accurately, and efficiently (Kilpatrick et al., 2001). The two
strands should work hand in hand. Grade 12 learners should be in a position to know the
procedures of finding the derivative of functions using first principles and rules of
differentiation. However, the challenge may not be the procedures used by learners. These
types of task require higher-order thinking skills; they need conceptual knowledge and
Alkhateeb and Wampler (2002) found that students who used the calculator performed
better in achievement tests compared to those who did not in the understanding of derivatives.
Moreover, Gordon (2004) suggested that students choose the right tools such as the
graphing calculators to assist in learning calculus and apply the balanced approach in solving
Graphics calculators are hand‐held, battery powered devices equipped with functions
to “plot graphs, give numerical solutions to equations, and perform statistical calculations,
operation on matrices and to perform more advanced mathematical functions such as algebra,
geometry and advanced statistics” (Kor & Lim, 2004, p. 69). More specifically, the use of
thinking ability’ and ‘understanding of connections among graphical, tabular, numerical and
Also, Jones(2005) reported that the graphing technology provides students with
support them to obtain the solutions. Indeed, this encourages students’ confidence in exploring
more challenging calculus problems and applying various problem solving techniques.
According to Axtell (2006), teaching calculus using the traditional approach fails to
help students understand the basic concepts of calculus. Axtell (2006) concluded that the
calculus in particular, balanced with the use of graphical, numerical, algebraic and verbal
In teaching calculus, teachers focus more on the procedures rather than understanding
of the underlying concepts (Zachariades et al., 2007). Zachariades et al. (2007) reported that
graphing calculator is a useful tool in teaching calculus as it integrates the graphical, numerical
and symbolic functions. In addition, the findings of Tiwari (2007) indicated a better
connection between algebraic representation and graphical representation when using the
calculator. Tiwari (2007) also found that students using graphing calculator were more likely
to achieve conceptual understanding and enhance their problem solving abilities in learning
calculus. This is due to the positive effect of the numerical and graphical functions in the
& Heckler, 2009) so new learning technologies such as the graphing calculator have gained
acceptance in the mathematics education field. Technology can help develop understanding of
abstract mathematical concepts through visualization and graphic representation. This will
of mathematics.
The studies and literatures included here are especially relevant to the present study
undertaken by the student-researcher since they suggest ways on what teaching strategies and
teaching modalities should be utilized to help pin point and then improve the learning difficulty
Kyvatinsky T. & Even R (2002). Framework for teacher knowledge and understanding
about probability. CUST S6.
Heid, K.M. (1988), Resequencing Skills and Concepts in Applied Calculus Using the
Computer as a Tool, J.for Research in Mathematics Education, 19 (1) 3-25.
Kajander, A. & Lovric, M., (2005). Transition from secondary to tertiary mathematic:
McMaster University experience. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science
and Technology, 36(2-3), 149-160.
Barry, S. & Davis, S. (2006). Essential mathematical skills for undergraduate students
(in applied mathematics, science and engineering). International Journal of Mathematics
Education in Science and Technology, 30(4), 499-512.
Ubuz, B. (2007). Interpreting a graph and constructing its derivative graph: Stability
and change in students' conceptions. International Journal of Mathematical Education in
Science and Technology, 38(5), 609-637.
Tall, D. (2011). Looking for the Bigger Picture. For the Learning of Mathematics. 31
(2): 17-18.
Muzangwa, J., & Chifamba, P. (2012). Analysis of errors and misconceptions in the
learning of calculus by undergraduate students. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 5(2), 1-10.
Kilpatrick, J., Swafford, J., & Findell, B. (2001). Adding it up: Helping children learn
mathematics. Washington: National Academy Press.
Kor, L. K., & Lim, C. S. (2004). Learning Statistics with Graphics Calculator: Students’
viewpoints. Integrating Technology in the Mathematical Sciences.USM Proceeding Series (pp.
69-78). Pulau Pinang, Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Zachariades, T., Pamfilos, P., Christou, C., Maleev, R., & Jones, K. (2007). Teaching
introductory calculus: Approaching key ideas with dynamic software. Paper presented at
CETL-MSOR Conference on Excellence in the Teaching and Learning, Stats & OP, University
of Birmingham, 10-11 September 2007.