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Adjectives Norsk

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Adjectives (all regular ones have 3 forms – the base form, the one with T, and the one

with E)
pen, pent, pene / fin, fint, fine / god, godt, gode ..

● Indefinite form
1. when the adjective is used as an attribute with the indefinite form of nouns(before the
noun – a red car – en rød bil)

2. predicatively(after the verb å være/bli – the car is red– Bilen er rød)

The base form of the adjective is used with –en and –ei nouns:

en fin dag Dagen er fin

en rød bil Bilen er rød
ei god bok Boka er god

We add T for –et nouns

et finT hus Huset er finT

et rødt skjerf Skjerfet er rødT
et godT tilbud Tilbudet er godT

We add E for plural

finE dager, finE hus Husene er finE

godE bøker Bøkene er godE
rødE biler Bilene er rødE

● Definite form ( we also add E for this form, whichever gender and for singular and plural)

(as an attribute with the definite form of nouns – in this case we also need to use the definite
article before the adjective(den / det / de):

Indefinite form Definite form

en rød bil den røde bilen
et fint hus det fine huset
røde bøker de røde bøkene

1. short adjectives that end in a vowel – get –tt

fri fritt frie (free)
ny nytt nye (new)

(some of them like blå, grå don’t get e for plural and def.form)

2. ending in double consonant – lose one when added -t

grønn grønt grønne (green)

trygg trygt trygge (safe)
sunn sunt sunne (healthy)

*but some of them keep it:

full fullt fulle (full)
viss visst visse (certain)

3. ending in –m – get another m in plural and defin.form

tom tomt tomme (empty)

dum dumt dumme (dumb)

4. adjectives that end in -en, -el, -er - lose this e when added an e to the end of the adj for plural
and definite form.

sulten sultent sultne (hungry)

gammel gammelt gamle (old)
vakker vakkert vakre (beautiful)

* also if it was a double consonant, we lose one

5. all ending in -ig, and some in -sk, -t , -d

don’t get t for neuter form

vanlig vanlige (usual)

viktig viktige (important)
norsk, norske
fantastisk, fantastiske
(all adj. with more then one syllable that end in –sk, and –sk adjectives that derive from a name of a

kort, korte (short)

glad, glade (happy)
fremmed, fremmede (foreign)
redd, redde (scared)

fersk, t, e fresh
frisk, t, e healty,fresh
falsk, t,e false
(all one syllable adjectives that don’t derive from a name of a country )

rask,raskt, raske qucik

hvit, hvitt, hvite white
søt, søtt, søte sweet

don’t change at all:

stille (quiet), moderne (all ending in e), levende, spennende (all endin in -ende), rosa, lilla, stakkars,
gratis, beige, oransje, slu(sly), sjalu(jealous), tro(true), sky(shy) ..... etc.

LITEN (irregular!)

en liten gutt den lille gutten små gutter de små guttene

ei lita jente den lille jenta små jenter de små jentene
et lite barn det lille barnet små barn de små barna

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