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Fundamentals of Software Engineering

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IT3203:Fundamentals of Software


Duration : 7 hours


Instructional Objectives

• State the software testing process and required documentation

• Explain the different software testing techniques and

integration strategies

• Design test cases and write test programs for a given simple
software problem

• Describe the code verification techniques

• Write codes for a simple software project using good

programming practices


Detailed Syllabus

6.1. Verification and validation

6.2. Techniques of testing

6.2.2. Black-box and White-box testing
6.2.3. Inspections

6.3. Levels of testing

6.3.1. Unit testing
6.3.2. Integration Testing
6.3.3. Interface testing
6.3.4. System testing
6.3.5. Alpha and beta testing
6.3.6. Regression testing

6.4. Design of test cases


6.1. Validation and Verification


Validation and Verification

• Validation and verification ( V & V ) is the name given to the checking and
analysis processes that ensure that software conforms to its specification and
meets the needs of the customers who are paying for the software.

• V & V is a whole life-cycle process. It starts with requirements reviews and

continues through design reviews and code inspections to product testing.There
should be V& V activities at each stage of software process.
• Validation : Are we building the right product?
• Verification : Are we building the product right?


Validation and Verification

Within the V & V process, two techniques of system checking and analysis may be
Software Inspections - Analyse and check system representations such as the
requirements documents, design diagrams and program source code. They may be
applied at all stages of the development process. Inspections may be supplemented
by some automated analysis of the source text of a system or associated documents.
Software inspections and automated analysis are static V & V techniques as they
do not require the system to be executed.
Software Testing - Involves executing an implementation of the software with test
data and examining the outputs of the software and its operational behaviour to
check that it is performing as required. Testing is a dynamic technique of V & V
because it works with an executable representation of the system.


Software Testing Procedure

• Testing procedures should be established at the start of any software project.

All testing carried out should be based on a test plan, this should detail which
tests are to be carried out. For each test, the following information should be
included in the test plan:

* the pre-requisites for the tests.

* the steps required to carry out the tests
* the expected results of the test.

The outcome of any tests should be recorded in a test results document that
include whether the test succeeded or failed and a description of the failure.
Test results for all passes through the test plan must be recorded to allow
accurate records to be kept of where problems occur and when they were
identified and corrected.


Testing Process

1. Run the tests as defined by the test plan.

Note : Testing should not stop when the first problem is encountered, unless it is so
severe that the rest of the tests would be meaningless. Rather all testing in the test
plan should be carried out and then the errors addressed.
2. Record the outcome of each test in the test report, both success and failure should be
reported. For failed tests the nature of the problem should be described in sufficient
detail to allow it to be corrected and to allow analysis of the types of errors being
3. Correct the errors that were documented from the test run.
4. Repeat the process until no errors are identified or error rate is sufficiently low. If
the error rate is low then it may be sufficient to simply re-test the failed errors. If the
error rate is high then all tests should be re-run.


Dynamic and static verification

• Dynamic verification Concerned with exercising and

observing product behaviour (testing)
– includes executing the code

• Static verification Concerned with analysis of

the static system representation to discover problems
– does not include execution


The dynamic testing process

Individual Acceptance
collections of
(sub-systems) The whole
finished system The finished
- developers system - users


Testing in the project lifecycle

Acceptance Test

Requirements System Test

Integration Test

Design Unit Test



6.2. Techniques of Testing


Black-box testing
• Approach to testing where the program is
considered as a ‘black-box’
• The program test cases are based on the system
• Inputs from test data may reveal anomalous outputs
i.e. defects
• Test planning can begin early in the software
• Main problem - selection of inputs
– equivalence partitioning

Test cases Test results



Black-box testing

Inputs causing
Input test data I behaviour


Outputs which reveal

the presence of
Output test results Oe defects



• Sometimes called Structural testing or glass box

• Derivation of test cases according to program
structure. Knowledge of the program used to
identify additional test cases
• Objective is to exercise all program statements
(not all path combinations)

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Structural testing

Test data

Tests Derives

Component Test
code outputs


Software Inspection

• Inspection techniques include,

– Program inspections
– Automated source code analysis
– Formal verification
• Can only check the correspondence between
a program and its specification (verification)
• Unable to demonstrate that the software is
operationally useful.
• Can not check non-functional requirements
(performance, reliability)


Software Inspections ctd.

• Inspections not require execution of a system so
may be used before implementation.
• They have been shown to be an effective
technique for discovering program errors.
– Many different defects may be discovered in
a single inspection. In testing, one defect
,may mask another so several executions
are required.
– The reuse domain and programming
knowledge so reviewers are likely to have
seen the types of error that commonly arise.


Program Inspections

• Formalised approach to document reviews

• Intended explicitly for defect detection (not
• Defects may be logical errors, anomalies in the
code that might indicate an erroneous condition
(e.g. an uninitialised variable) or non-compliance
with standards.


Inspection Roles
Author or owner The programmer or designer responsible for
producing the program or document. Responsible
for fixing defects discovered during the inspection
Inspector Finds errors, omissions and inconsistencies in
programs and documents. May also identify
broader issues that are outside the scope of the
inspection team.
Reader Presents the code or document at an inspection
Scribe Records the results of the inspection meeting.
Chairman or moderator Manages the process and facilitates the inspection.
Reports process results to the Chief moderator.
Chief moderator Responsible for inspection process improvements,
checklist updating, standards development etc.


Inspection Pre-conditions

• A precise specification must be available.

• Team members must be familiar with the
organisation standards.
• Syntactically correct code or other system
representations must be available.
• An error checklist should be prepared.
• Management must accept that inspection will
increase costs early in the software process.
• Management should not use inspections for staff
appraisal ie finding out who makes mistakes.


The Inspection Process


Overview Follow-up


The Inspection Process

• System overview presented to inspection team.

• Code and associated documents are
distributed to inspection team in advance.
• Inspection takes place and discovered errors
are noted.
• Modifications are made to repair discovered
• Re-inspection may or may not be required.


Inspection Checks

Data faults Are all program variables initialised before their values are used?
Have all constants been named? Should the upper bound of
arrays be equal to the size of the array or Size -1?If character
strings are used, is a delimiter explicitly assigned? Is there any
possibility of buffer overflow?

Control For each conditional statement, is the condition correct? Is each

faults loop certain to terminate? Are compound statements correctly
bracketed? In case statements, are all possible cases accounted
for? If a break is required after each case in case statements,
has it been included?

Input/output Are all input variables used? Are all output variables assigned a
faults value before they are output? Can unexpected inputs cause


Inspection Checks ctd.

Interface Do all function and method calls have the correct number of
faults parameters? Do formal and actual parameter types match? Are the
parameters in the right order? If components access shared
memory, do they have the same model of the shared memory
Storage If a linked structure is modified, have all links been correctly
management reassigned? If dynamic storage is used, has space been allocated
faults correctly? Is space explicitly de-allocated after it is no longer

Exception Have all possible error conditions been taken into account?


6.3. Levels of testing

Test Phases
Test Phase Test Plan Author Technique Run by
Unit Test Code design Designer White Box, Black Programmer
Integration Functional Author of Black box, white box, Programming
Test specification specification Top-down, bottom-up team
Interface Test System Authors of the White box Programmers
Specification system
System Test Requirements Analyst Black box, stress System test team
Acceptance Requirements Analyst/custo Black box Analyst/customer
Test mer
Alpha Test No test plan Black box Selected set of
Beta Test No test plan Black box Any user

Regression Functional Analyst Black box Development

Test specification/R team, system test
equirements UCSC-2007 team

Unit Testing
Unit Testing is carried out as a part of the coding task. This phase is based on the
design of the software for a piece of code. Unit testing should prove the following
about the code
• Robust – the code should not fail under any circumstances.
• Functionally correct – the code should carry out the task defined by the code design
• Correct interface – the inputs and outputs from the code should be as defined in the

Unit Test Plan –

The unit test plan must be must be based on the design of the code and not the code itself.
Therefore, the test plan will be written after the completion of design but before the start of
the coding phase.
The test plan is the responsibility of the designer of the code. The testing is usually carried
out by the author of the code.


Integration/Sub-systems Testing

Integration Testing is carried out after the separate software modules have been unit
testing. Integration testing is based on the functional specification of the software.
Integration testing should prove the following about the software:
Integration - the modules of the system should interact as designed.
Functionally correct - the system should behave as defined in the functional

Integration test plan –

This is based on the specification of the system. The test plan is usually written by the
authors of the system specification to avoid any assumptions made during design from
being incorporated into the test plan.


Incremental Integration Testing

Initially, integrate a minimal system configuration and test the system. Then add
components to this minimal configuration and test after each added increment.

A T2
T2 B
T3 C T4
B T3
C T4
D T5

T1,T2 and T3 tests are carried out after integration of components A and B. If the tests are
successful, add C and carry out tests T1,T2,T3 and T4. If new errors introduced, that is due
to the integration of C.


Top-Down Integration Testing

In top-down integration, the high-level components of a system are integrated and tested
before design and implementation of some of the high-level components has been

Level 1 Testing Level 1


Level 2 Level 2 Level 2

Level 2

Level 3 components


Bottom-up Integration Testing

Low-level components are integrated and tested before the higher-level components have
been developed.


Level N Level N Level N Level N Level N


Level N-1 Level N-1 Level N-1


Interface Testing
• Interface testing takes place when modules or sub-
systems are integrated to create large systems.
• Each module or sub-system has a defined interface
which is called by other program components.
• Objectives are to detect faults due to interface
errors or invalid assumptions about interfaces.
• Particularly important for object-oriented
development as objects are defined by their
• Cannot be detected by testing the individual
– The errors will occur due to the interaction
between objects.


Types of Interfaces

• Parameter Interfaces- These are interfaces where the data or

sometimes function references are passed from one component to

• Shared memory Interfaces-These are interfaces where block of

memory is shared between sub-systems. Data is placed in memory
by one sub-system and retrieved from there by other sub-system.

• Message passing Interfaces- These are interfaces where one sub-

system request a service from another sub-system by passing a
message to it.

• Procedural Interfaces- These are interfaces where one sub-system

encapsulates a set of procedures which can be called by other sub-
system. Objects and abstract data types have this form of interface.


System Testing
System testing is carried out at the completion of the integration testing. The
purpose of system testing is to prove that the software meets the agreed user
requirements and works in the target environment. System testing covers both
functional and non-functional requirements.

System Test Plan-

The system test plan is based around the agreed requirements.Test plan covers
functional requirements and non-functional requirements such as performance.
The system test plan is written by the author of the requirements document to
avoid assumption introduced during specification. The system test plan will also
include tests to cover
• Recovery – Force the system to crash and then try to recover to a sensible state.

• Security – Attempt to access the system without the correct authority, or attempt
to carry out restricted functions.
• Stress - Attempt to break the system by overloading it.

• Performance- Ensure the system meets the performance requirements.


Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is carried out at the customers site with the

customer in attendance. The purpose of the acceptance test is to
show to the customer that the software does indeed work. These
tests are usually a sub set of the system test.

Acceptance test plan –

This should be agreed with the customer after the requirements for
the software have been agreed. Sometimes the customer will write
the test plan in which case it must be agreed with the software

Alpha, Beta and Regression Testing
Alpha Testing –
Alpha testing is the first real use of the software product. Having completed
system testing the product will be given to a small number of selected customers
or possible just distributed within the company itself. The software will be used
‘in anger’ and errors reported to the development and maintenance team.
Beta Testing –
After alpha testing has been completed and any changes made a new version of
the product will be released to much wider audience. The objective of Beta
testing is to iron out the remaining problems with the product before it is put on
the general release.
Regression Testing –
Regression testing carried out after any changes are made to a software
application. The purpose of regression test is to prove that the change has been
made correctly and that the change has not introduced any new errors.
Regression test plans are usually a sub-set of the integration or systems test
plans. It is designed to cover enough functionality to give confidence that the
change has not effected any other part of the system.

Back-to-back testing and Thread testing

Back-to-back testing
Back-to-back testing means that multiple versions of the software
are executed on the same test data. If they all agree on the answer,
it is assumed that they are all correct.

Thread testing
Based on testing an operation which involves a sequence of processing steps
which thread their way through the system
Start with single event threads then go on to multiple event threads
Suitable for real-time and object-oriented systems
Difficult to assess test adequacy, because of large number of event

Statistical Software Testing

• Statistical testing involves exercising a program

with generated random inputs, the test profile
and the number of generated inputs being
determined according to criteria based on
program structure or software functionality. In
case of complex programs, the probabilistic
generation must be based on a black box
analysis, the adopted criteria being defined from
behavior models deduced from the specification.


Object Oriented Testing

In an object oriented system, four levels of testing can be identified:

1. Testing the individual operations associated with objects – These are functions or
procedures and the black-box and white-box approaches may be used.
2. Testing individual object classes – The principle of black-box testing is unchanged
but the notion of an equivalence class must be extended to cover related operation
3. Testing clusters of objects - Strict top-down or bottom-up integration may be
inappropriate to create groups of related objects. Other approaches such as scenario
based testing should be used.
4. Testing the object oriented system - V & V against the systems requirements
specification is carried out in exactly the same way as for any other type of system.


Object Class Testing

When testing objects, complete test coverage should include:

1. the testing in isolation of all operations associated with the object;

2. the setting and interrogation of all attributes associated with the object;
3. the exercise of the object in all possible states. This means that all events
that cause a state change in the object should be simulated.


Object Integration
In object oriented systems, there is no obvious ‘top’ that provides for the
integration nor is there a clear hierarchy of objects that can be created. Clusters
therefore have to be created using knowledge of there operation and the
features of the system that are implemented by these clusters. There are three
possible approaches to integration testing that may be used:

1. Use-case or scenario- based testing – Testing can be based on the

scenario descriptions and object clusters created to support the use-cases that
relate to that mode of use.

2. Thread testing – Thread testing is based on testing the system’s response to

a particular input or set of input events.

3. Object interaction testing – An intermediate level of integration testing

can be based on identifying ‘method – message ‘ paths. These are traces
through a sequence of object interactions which stop when an object operation
does not call on the services of any other object.


Design of Test Cases

• Test case design is a part of system and

component testing.
• The objective of the test case designing process
is to develop test cases.
• These test cases are used to detect program
defects and also it detects whether the system
meets its requirements.


Design of Test Cases

• When designing a test case,

– select a particular feature of the system.
– Select set of inputs that execute that feature.
– Decide possible outputs of the test case.
– Check the difference between actual and the
expected out comes after the testing


Test case designing approaches

• Requirements-based testing-Test cases are designed to
test the system requirements. Mostly used at the system
testing stage. Test cases should be created for each
requirement to verify that the system meets

• Partition testing-Identify input and output partitions. The

system execute inputs from all partitions.

• Structural testing- Use the knowledge of program

structure to design tests that exercise all parts of the
program. When testing a program, each statement
should be execute at least once.


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