Law of Excluded Middle - Wikipedia
Law of Excluded Middle - Wikipedia
Law of Excluded Middle - Wikipedia
Analogous laws
Some systems of logic have different but
analogous laws. For some finite n-valued
logics, there is an analogous law called
the law of excluded n+1th. If negation is
cyclic and " " is a "max operator", then
the law can be expressed in the object
language by (P ∨ ~P ∨ ~~P ∨ ... ∨
~...~P), where "~...~" represents n−1
negation signs and " ∨ ... ∨" n−1
disjunction signs. It is easy to check that
the sentence must receive at least one of
the n truth values (and not a value that is
not one of the n).
For example, if P is the proposition:
Socrates is mortal.
is rational.
and .
and .
Many modern logic systems replace the
law of excluded middle with the concept
of negation as failure. Instead of a
proposition's being either true or false, a
proposition is either true or not able to be
proved true.[9] These two dichotomies
only differ in logical systems that are not
complete. The principle of negation as
failure is used as a foundation for
autoepistemic logic, and is widely used in
logic programming. In these systems, the
programmer is free to assert the law of
excluded middle as a true fact, but it is
not built-in a priori into these systems.
See also
Brouwer–Hilbert controversy: an
account on the formalist-intuitionist
divide around the Law of the excluded
Consequentia mirabilis
Diaconescu's theorem
Intuitionistic logic
Law of bivalence
Law of excluded fourth
Law of excluded middle is untrue in
many-valued logics such as ternary
logic and fuzzy logic
Laws of thought
Liar paradox
Limited principle of omniscience
Logical graphs: a graphical syntax for
propositional logic
Peirce's law: another way of turning
intuition classical
Logical determinism: the application
excluded middle to modal propositions
Non-affirming negation in the
Prasangika school of Buddhism,
another system in which the law of
excluded middle is untrue
1. Geach p. 74
2. On Interpretation, c. 9
3. Metaphysics 2, 996b 26–30
4. Metaphysics 7, 1011b 26–27
5. Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand
Russell (1910), Principia Mathematica ,
Cambridge, p. 105
6. This well-known example of a non-
constructive proof depending on the law
of excluded middle can be found in many
places, for example: Megill, Norman.
"Metamath: A Computer Language for
Pure Mathematics, footnote on p. 17," .
and Davis 2000:220, footnote 2.
7. In a comparative analysis (pp. 43–59)
of the three "-isms" (and their foremost
spokesmen)—Logicism (Russell and
Whitehead), Intuitionism (Brouwer) and
Formalism (Hilbert)—Kleene turns his
thorough eye toward intuitionism, its
"founder" Brouwer, and the intuitionists'
complaints with respect to the law of
excluded middle as applied to arguments
over the "completed infinite".
8. The original symbol as used by
Reichenbach is an upside down V,
nowadays used for AND. The AND for
Reichenbach is the same as that used in
Principia Mathematica -- a "dot" cf p. 27
where he shows a truth table where he
defines "a.b". Reichenbach defines the
exclusive-or on p. 35 as "the negation of
the equivalence". One sign used
nowadays is a circle with a + in it, i.e. ⊕
(because in binary, a ⊕ b yields modulo-2
addition -- addition without carry). Other
signs are ≢ (not identical to), or ≠ (not
equal to).
9. Clark, Keith (1978). Logic and Data
Bases (PDF). Springer-Verlag. pp. 293–
322 (Negation as a failure).
doi:10.1007/978-1-4684-3384-5_11 .
10. "Proof and Knowledge in
Mathematics" by Michael Detlefsen
Aquinas, Thomas, "Summa
Theologica", Fathers of the English
Dominican Province (trans.), Daniel J.
Sullivan (ed.), vols. 19–20 in Robert
Maynard Hutchins (ed.), Great Books of
the Western World, Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc., Chicago, IL, 1952.
Cited as GB 19–20.
Aristotle, "Metaphysics", W.D. Ross
(trans.), vol. 8 in Robert Maynard
Hutchins (ed.), Great Books of the
Western World, Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc., Chicago, IL, 1952.
Cited as GB 8. 1st published, W.D. Ross
(trans.), The Works of Aristotle, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, UK.
Martin Davis 2000, Engines of Logic:
Mathematicians and the Origin of the
Computer", W. W. Norton & Company,
NY, ISBN 0-393-32229-7 pbk.
Dawson, J., Logical Dilemmas, The Life
and Work of Kurt Gödel, A.K. Peters,
Wellesley, MA, 1997.
van Heijenoort, J., From Frege to Gödel,
A Source Book in Mathematical Logic,
1879–1931, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1967. Reprinted with
corrections, 1977.
Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer, 1923,
On the significance of the principle of
excluded middle in mathematics,
especially in function theory [reprinted
with commentary, p. 334, van
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov, 1925,
On the principle of excluded middle,
[reprinted with commentary, p. 414,
van Heijenoort]
Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer, 1927,
On the domains of definitions of
functions,[reprinted with commentary,
p. 446, van Heijenoort] Although not
directly germane, in his (1923) Brouwer
uses certain words defined in this
Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer,
1927(2), Intuitionistic reflections on
formalism,[reprinted with commentary,
p. 490, van Heijenoort]
Stephen C. Kleene 1952 original
printing, 1971 6th printing with
corrections, 10th printing 1991,
Introduction to Metamathematics,
North-Holland Publishing Company,
Amsterdam NY, ISBN 0-7204-2103-9.
Kneale, W. and Kneale, M., The
Development of Logic, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, UK, 1962.
Reprinted with corrections, 1975.
Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand
Russell, Principia Mathematica to *56,
Cambridge at the University Press
1962 (Second Edition of 1927,
reprinted). Extremely difficult because
of arcane symbolism, but a must-have
for serious logicians.
Bertrand Russell, An Inquiry Into
Meaning and Truth. The William James
Lectures for 1940 Delivered at Harvard
Bertrand Russell, The Problems of
Philosophy, With a New Introduction by
John Perry, Oxford University Press,
New York, 1997 edition (first published
1912). Very easy to read: Russell was a
wonderful writer.
Bertrand Russell, The Art of
Philosophizing and Other Essays,
Littlefield, Adams & Co., Totowa, NJ,
1974 edition (first published 1968).
Includes a wonderful essay on "The Art
of drawing Inferences".
Hans Reichenbach, Elements of
Symbolic Logic, Dover, New York, 1947,
Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, WCB
McGraw-Hill, 1997.
Constance Reid, Hilbert, Copernicus:
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 1996,
first published 1969. Contains a wealth
of biographical information, much
derived from interviews.
Bart Kosko, Fuzzy Thinking: The New
Science of Fuzzy Logic, Hyperion, New
York, 1993. Fuzzy thinking at its finest.
But a good introduction to the
David Hume, An Inquiry Concerning
Human Understanding, reprinted in
Great Books of the Western World
Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 35,
1952, p. 449 ff. This work was
published by Hume in 1758 as his
rewrite of his "juvenile" Treatise of
Human Nature: Being An attempt to
introduce the experimental method of
Reasoning into Moral Subjects Vol. I, Of
The Understanding first published
1739, reprinted as: David Hume, A
Treatise of Human Nature, Penguin
Classics, 1985. Also see: David
Applebaum, The Vision of Hume, Vega,
London, 2001: a reprint of a portion of
An Inquiry starts on p. 94 ff
External links
"Contradiction" entry in the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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